Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Central Wraknoss Follows the Government
Crop Report.
Corn Al i > Sliimn n rnltlliK 0(1 ( nnil
t'riiv IMoMN SlifTcr lladl > from a
nnil VlKociitm
Pier I'lii e.
CHICAGO. Sept. 11-)3vorythlng ) trade. ! In
on the Ho ml of Trinln ted ly was weak
with the exception ot oats , ntiel heavy
decline * reunited Stnllatlcal news In u licit
fiuoieil the bears for once , nnd they took
advantage of thru fict with a vengeance ,
pounding the price down to a point lTc
below yoaterdny'B tlosc. corn dtcllneil IVic
Tor the simo reason. Onts declined 'Jc.
1'iovhlons iiiftercd from aliolhcr large do e
of yellow fcvci soare , pork declining HOC ,
lard .100 and ribs I2',4c.
No mutter what ttio complexion of ( t
go\ernment cron nmy be , thu wheat tnnr-
kot Is almost Invariably weak titter Itn
announcement Today's market uus no ex
ception. Wheat started nt n decline ot
' .i < fia4C , and with the exception of two or
thrco short spisnis of strength , the mar
ket was decidedly oft color all day. The
ck'cllnoMIH tnoto Influenced by what was
learned ye" ttidny ot the growing weak
ness ot the most deslrnbtu shipping gtade
oflnter , the ! No 2 Kansas hnrd
nnd a decline of from Hd lo Id at Liver
pool than by government cstlmito of the
clop Thu govetnmejlt estimate , 4GI,0)0.000 ( )
VV H rather Ktnall In Itself , but the * trade
generally bcPoved In a yield ICO.OWOO bu
larger than that The * week's ele.unnces
Ttom both coasts were eeiiinl In uhe it nnd
llolii to .1.41,1 'M bu , against ( VJflx.WO bn
the corietpondlng week of 18SI5 t'hlcigo
received today "CM cars , against 1S1 a year
ngo. Only twenty cars of today's reielp's
Were eontriict , toinp.ired with seven cars
of the lepular grade In tin day's receipts
n year ago -Minneapolis anil Puluth got
T. ' ) car * against 48) ) fcamrdnv last , nnd
1,1C ( ! tat 8 u ye.ii * ago 'Je'inporaty llrm
tiriii was given to the market at about
the prleo trailing commenced nt when the
export clearance * ! begun to be made known ,
nnd It was found thu shipments of from Philadelphia weie 101000 bu
find from Nenv Orleans SIS WO bu Ko'lovv-
lliK the te'inpoi.iry encouragement , the llrst
reasons for weakness returned with to-
doubled sticngth , and a much more ma
terlil bre.ik took The lotal c
nnces of vhoat nnd Hour fiom Atlantic
polls for the day amounted to the ) llbi-ial
total of S'0,000 bu . but that did not fill
ther Interfete * vvlth the weakness with
which tin * nmrkpt had meantime become
b.idly nllllc'teel December opcne'd at fron <
07141 * down to 97'ic , and nfler lUiutuailnt ;
for a short time around the loner edge of
the opening range It gr.idu illy IncreiPcd In
lie.ivlncss unill about half an hour fiom
the end of the * session It had got down to
Me The v e ikest phase of the m irkot
was In Hi" List ten minutes of the "e aloli.
by vvlileh time the. Keneril crond hael
gained the courage of their eonvletlous and
no longer fe.ireil to Hell the wheat the * .
L-cnsldeTed much too They bitteied
thu price of Deee-mber down to ' 'Vic ' , even
to SV..C , for some of It , but not vvlsiln , .
to go home short "omc buying of Unit sol ,
caused n leictlon to 'il'dc at 'hp close
Corn was i.idleillv ue.iK , made HO In
the government crop re-port , he ivy letelptt-
nnil a ratlui pool Milpplng dem mil Then
Mas he ivy eommlsslon hout > e setlln * .
throngliout the "esslon nndlduring the later
"vveiltness ofvheit lliiuldatlon general
'Jhu m.iiket was at Its lowest .is the sis
slon was ending The government report
Indlcnted a crop of l.SiOM ( ) bu Receipts
ivere 1,129 ears Wee'klv vie i tuners vveie
heavy , 4 liraOCO bn , but bulls had In m'.nd
n large visible Increase. Monti ly , and re-
fu"o to be comforted Liverpool was ) ! ) ' ! ]
lower December opened % ' ' "no lo\er at
32'x'iiC ' ' ! ! , and declined to 317tc , where It
Taklnrt Into consideration the wen'cness bi
corn nnd wheat , oats vvns comparatively
steady , although prices nt the close vvere
Tiom lAc tosc lower. The cash clcmind
" > V.IH excellent , and held up the mirkel
surprisingly well against the Inllnences
which usually aio so.trong Uecelpts vveie
3V"i cars. Decenibcr i.inged fiom 21'ic to
207ie , closing nt 21c asked.
The yellow fevei scale struck the pro-
vlhlon market with renewed vloleic- .
livery one In the pit appeared to II.UQ prod
ucts to sell , and the pressure Increased its
the grain in irkets tumbled Huge quan
tities ot laid and libs vvere tumbled on the
market. A lot ot stuff was Iliiuldated bv
ls'C'v , York , nnd the selling nt times took-
on the uppe.irance of an organirul laid
The Cudihys did the best buying , covering
fhorts. At the close July pork wns 20c
lower at JS 27'i , July lard 30c lo.vei at $141
nnd December ribs UKc lower at J4 77V4
Estimated receipts jlond ty : Who it , 41) )
cars ; corn , l.DOO cars ; oats , 4JO cars ; hoes ,
2SOOO head.
l cadlng futures ranged as follows !
Arlfc'lcH I O.ijn | 111 th | Ljvv. | Cloia [ YeBtd'y
\ \ heat-
' 117K 0(1't ( '
Dec. . ! ! n7-n HftH
Mny. . . till WPu t)4 ) * <
Sept. . ? nvi 30Vi ) 31
Ii u 'II Ti
M ty . .IflXOII : iu
bept. . . HIM jn lllVj idis
Dec. . -MM iil
Mny. . ' "i a i -4
Oct. . . . H .11) R in 8 n * . 8 > S IL" '
' " 8 41) 8 lu 8 ID . - 8 17 *
Cel 4 (10 ( 4 174
111U. . . i us jm 4 4S
ciit. . n J1. " . 15 ! tO n e.'M
DJC . c . ' : G ID f > . ' 'H o ajM
No. 2.
fn h iiuoliitlonsseri > ni folloun :
1'1XUU Hun-ly fteady. Htmltt4 70IT4 10.
feprlnif fpLcliili , $ G 11. tpilnff patents 95JU i5CO.
ntmllH )4 Tofi" 10 , Imkcie , St WilJ SO
VMUJAT No. I ! eprlnir , acSfClT-.e ; No.
eprlne. WWWio. No J red , 97'4ii'JS1 e
CC ) I IN' No 2 30 i30'c
OA'IH No. 2 , UMl-Wc. f o ) i ; No. 2 wliltc
H'/Ki-a'je. ' N" 3 white , 2I\Q.2 > 4C
H\i-No 2 MVie
1IAHI < I'V No 2 , nominal ; Nu 3 , 32 ( < 4Ge , No
I , M'W-lic.
HIIKDH No 1 ntxiweel , )1 V-'Ql 07K I'rlmi-
tlmolliy Weil. f2 nVi Ki
1'ltOVIMO.SS-Mess pork , per litil , S > i2i | 82-
r anl , per Id ) Hi" , It 37'i Short rllm Bl.los
( loorr ) , } " ' 1041" < 0 , dry fJilled BhculiliTS HHIXLII )
t'lJW'V' ' . nhort rfoiir slilon ( lioxeil ) , SfiD\o.
WIIISUV Dlstllle's' llnlfhed KCoila , per gal
hUOAH-Pul loaf , > J 84 Brnnulnled , J1 21.
On the Produce exLhaiiKe te > H > the butter
mnrki't ua linn Crianu rles , ijll7' c. ilalrltn
( Wllo. Cheofe IIIFJ , 8V fi9 I2KK llrm , frrfli
IZ e * . l.lvo | Kiilti > , quiet turkej , D
chicken1 , Se , t-priiiRH , "c , ducks , 7U7Hc
QtieitnlloiiN of flu * Iii > oil Ciiiiirnl
NRW YOnit , Rept , 11 KLOUK-HecelptH , 23. .
740 lililn , , e'xportx , 24,155 LhU , Mlmitfola | iatenii | ,
ISM > | 010 , Mlnnenotu LaKrrB , JIM.'if)73 ' , winter
patcntii , J" * Kff J S3. wlntir ntnilhlila , | l WifS n.
winter extrae. $3MiJ3VO winter low gniUin ,
| 3Vi3CO lli > Hour dull fine ) 40fi375
C\UX MiAI-lull. ji'llmv western , lie.
Hi l' ialir : ; No . ' wmtern , 53c ,
HAltlii-Uull. : frrdliiK 31 ic.
IIAIII.KV MAl.T Nominal ,
WHI'AT Ilicelpts. IM.m Lu : expaits , M 307
tin bpot weak. Options opened wink and de
clined nllh weak cables , lliiiUallon | and pron-
Itets fur u tuav ) Inenace In the next visible ,
clored I'.io ' net loner , No. " red Jliii , I'S ' jl''J5 ' , ! ,
ilr id US c , Heiilcmber. SI 02SOJ.OJij , eloteil
It VJ\ .
C01.S-Iticelpts ( , 3CS ! i'J bu exports , 8S31 Lu
fj > 4't weak ; Nn. 3. % c , Options opened weaK
und eleillned sharpl ) under a bfurUli irop re-
Iicrt. wij | < cables and Letter crop news , eluiInK
* to net lower , Heptember clared 3ia4C , Jlecembei ,
S7ICti3S'.e ( - . closed 37HC.
OATS Uierlpls , HS.kuO bu , exports , SS.K > bu
pct dull , No . ' . 'Kc , Options dull Mini nmk ,
tfoiliiK Uc I'fl ' loner ; Keptember cloced ; . " c ,
Ue i ember elo > ej 2SUc
IIA .Mi'iil ) thUplnir , 401/llc , 1,00J tu cholco ,
(0(1 Mo.
llOI'.s hliiuly ; IS'.iJ crop , 3H4c , ISM crop , t8Si' ,
lt irop , lU13c.
HlDI.-i Hteud ) , dalx-flon. 0 to : s ILs. , ISff
ICe * . lluencM Aif < . dr ) , I'M nominal , Teias dry ,
Cl lo 3D lb , 12'itflSe ; California , 21 tu 23 ILs.
J7c.MJATIII2K Klrm hemlock ole. llue-nos
Ares , IlKht te > heavy welKhts , ISKtiiUUi.
lllTTKIt Uecelpts. 3 4UU pktfu. ; maiket Mr )
firm , wmlein dilry , liOlSo1 lilKlr * . . Ike ; fuctoi ) ,
flijIJSB Htceliiln. ! ? 9 pkgf ; dead ) , larre ,
\\liltc , l > Hc , small , tlVic. lame , colored. S. , miull ,
Vkri part kklms , 6V Ji"c , full rklimi , 3hHi' ,
Ktlllh Ueielptii. S947 | > kis. , iiulet ; mute and
J'tiiii ) l\iinlii. 17JJ1SC , vu'nlrrii , ) Cc ,
J'llOVIblONd-lleef , stead ) ; family , 1900ft
H.OU , exliii mt , KOOiiStti ; btef lum > , S27.M ,
imckiis. SSS MUfJS 60. ( lly extra. India ineis ,
S13 W' 15 M. Cut m al . tlead ) : ulcklril bellies ,
7.Wii > DO. plcklrd thoulders. S3 25 , plikled Imnn ,
) S was C2Vi. l ird. weaker ; vvettern ctcam , } 4 W ;
refined weak. 1'ork. weaker ,
TAM/JW Nominal.
O\IM-Cotlon \ e d , dull but stead ) ; prime crude ,
nominal. 1'etroleum. EMiy ; United cloteu at w Vie
MU | wfliMii Ntit V rk. IS.W. Hottn ,
rommnn to irooil. SI ISfil W.
UK r : I Inn .lui.iCMk , fair to xlrn ,
Jnpnn 4M/rHd. /
MULAHXl'S 1 Irm. New Orlennii , oifn ki-ttlf ,
( rm.,1 to choice. SiflJlc
MCTAI.S-I'lc Iron qulfti outlicrn , Jl7r.fl1)M :
inrthcrn HOOWIZOO Coptier. fidr , htokrii > >
111 ! 5 lxnd , trone r , Lrokera' , t < Tin t'l t ,
turd ) * rleady
rnnilKlnn of Irmlr nnil ( ItintnllnnR
n Slniilrnnil r ui * i rroiliici. .
inJ-- : ( liMHl Mock , weak nt 12c
Ilt'TTKIl Common to fair ' 'ififcj ' c olce to
fontWUc , rcpnralor crtumeo , ISc ; until-
erod crcamerjlUfllc. .
VlIAI ciiolcc fat , JO te > 120 ILs , quoted nt 8CJ
l r , c nml conrnf , l/jo.
I.IVi : roi'l.lllllenu , IHOfe. cock * S0 < < " .
flifjnir chickens , per III. , 61,4070 ; ducki , Co ;
tiirkjF , c&v.
I'HinONS-Mvt. 75tfWe ! ! dead plBCOra not
IIAY-fpland , tcmldlnnil. . J' tO , lowland.
II JO , r > c ulrnxv , tl , color makcn the price on
iiy ; Ili-ht Lnlcfi tell the Lett , only top cradca
LrlnK top prlcfs.
imoOMOonN-nxtremely low t-\.t * new crop ,
l on track In countr ) : choice sreen i > elf-
carpet pir lh , ISTZ'ic ' , choice green.
to hurl 5fu < * - ropi-non 1'ic-
CANTAILTisl'cr : deir . r.
TOlATOr.S1'er half hu. Laskcl. 40 Mo.
ONIONS IVi tni t soc.
J.1MA IIKAKS-Per IL. . 3c.
HKAN.H llnnil. picked nn\ > . per 1m. . SI 50.
CAIlltAOn-Hom , nrrtwn. tc.
\VATiHMii/JNS-CVnlrd. : per doi , SI 33ST1 M
Al'l'I.nS-IYr | , | , i t , fiORl S5
NATlVi : I'l.UMS-l'er Lnjket , :
01'APi--rnllfornU. : H z : l M.
Hoi'THKitN j-iArnns-rfr "i bu c
lr-V'n OIIN1A PIJACHI'S-Per case. Crowford %
O iSw. clIiiKH , 70 75c.
CAMl'OltNIA l'iAHS-n rtlett , rei cute , U 75
HI' ' ) . Hiierrc llardj , Jl 4ljil ( M
AI.II-OIINIA l'M'M . P.r cat-c , M writ i K.
U r : OIIOWN uiiAi'is < --i'ir a < kci , KC.
OIlANOUh' Mexllterruncon sweetu. ( I.
I.IIMONKMessliin * } l 50 , choice California. ,
, ' ANAN.\S-ciiolce large stock , per bunch.
- OOQ ! 25. medium-sired bunches. SI WQ2 W.
NUTS Almonds , Cnlifoiniu. per Ib , larso
lzc , 13c. Ilrazlln. per lu. , We. r-nirlln'i wilmitn
, ier IL fnncy , soft shell , I'frUu , ! a4.daids , 10Q
lie. HlLcrta. tier lu , Idii peean : , polUncd large ,
'f/lOo ' , jLiuLo , ll < yio : Iniue Ino.ury nuts. SI 2a
ii1 r bu , cncounulc , ( ijo nin.
PIGS Importel fnncy 4 ernwn , ! 0-lb boxes
tie , 6 cnittii , DO-lb unxefl , 133140.
I IONKY Choice .
IMUKlt Clarified Juice , per half bbl , S233 ; per
' 'hi , SI 00f4 S3.
SIAl'I.C BYItUr-Flvc-vnl. can' , each. S2 25
til cans , pure , per iloz. . J12CO ; balf-eal. cans ,
625 , quart cnns , } 1 ri )
nniSbiD linur Hood natUc etecr400 to
00 lh" , 7c , Rood fi renuartcra , steeii , Cc , Rood
lilml'iunrtera , 9c , WHhlern htectB rii6'4c , fancy
ulferp. To Rood helfera , G'Jc , Bi > ol fon.qiiarteri' ,
leireii1 , fo. eool liliul iiiniti'in heifers , sc , KOOU
iei ( i C'4C fnli cous i'34C , common eows , f'MCs
con forc < | uartcri , 4'5J5c ' , cow hlnJqunrters ,
' 1ii : : r Ctna-Tciiilerlnlni , Uc , bonele 3 strips
Oc ; rlilt | lolllH , 7e , loll" , lie , Klrloln LllltP , 9c ,
inoullir clods , be , lump butts Cc ; steer
liuek" . 3c. eim c melts 4Vic. bonelp i chucks ,
C c con plntos , 3c , Hecr plates , 3Hc , Mink
( leak , f4e , lolnu No 1. I4C. loins No 2 , 10'4c ,
tulnx. No 3 b'K , ulilnln ends. No 1 , 9c ;
' - No 1 lie , ribs No 2 , 8'ic ' ,
HIP No 3 , C'Jc ' i leer rounds 7I-.P , con rounds
e , eon rnundi off , S'ic , trlinmlngs , 4c , tjeef ,
hunkK , 2Vfcc , hrnlns p * r iloz . 3o < * , "neetbroaiM
IIPI Ib . 12c , swcetl ri.uls ( calves ) , per Hi . . | 0c ,
klelnp > s per elc SJo , ox twlls eaci. 5c , llMru
per Ib , 2o. heart * , per Ib , ! c ; tongues , per
h He
POHIC Krpsfed plK Cc : elrem-cd IIORS , Jic.
tenderloin" . 13e , loins , 7c spirt * ribs 4 ,
hum HIU IIKI * butts Cc , shouliler * * , roiiRh , a'fee.
shouMers sl.Intud fc trlmmlnps , 4Hc , le if
hud not ieiulere il fc , heniH clranod 1C
tnout and cnrs , 5c liacktjones , I'tc , check meat" .
2c nt'ck bone 1'i.c , plRs * tails 2e , plutKi ,
-aeh , oc c L.trrllni , tc. hock" e , heal Is , pel
Joz. , . ' " , c , KtomncltB onch Tc , tongues each 7e.
< lilnei- , pel dor , lOc. bruins , per eloi , 15c.
pigs' feet per doz 2e. Ihcrt caeh 3c.
oniiiU Cleisln-j : I'rle'cs Slion n Kiill-
tniv OIT > f 'le-n INilntH.
NiOIIK Sept. II Todjj'H eotlon mniket
wan a HlRiial dUiippolntment to the friends of
tie staple nho had < rnlldcntl ) looked for n much
hfnlthlrt timlLrtonc Ihe llrEt cull de\clopeil an
en ) undertone with prices GSjlO points loner ,
under Kent-nil lhuld itton , the illli'et remit ot
, crj ill nppolntlriR nndlt-h tnblci rollowlntr the
all tie local muiket beeaniQ bomewhat Btendlci
jp eoxerliiR L ) the more llmld aborts to secure
prollts Ilumora tint Nclll was hortly to ls ue
u erop eftlmnte of 10. WO 000 bales were clrcu-
luted lite In tin i-esslon by a ( ll kneinii com-
nil.'s'lon houpe nnd starled renew eil lliiililitlrn |
umlPihleli prices broke slnrplx The mirket
vlospil ktead ) nt u net lofs < if 1UJT12 points.
. IniliiR price * : January , $6 SO , robrunrj , JG S3 ,
Miucli } 0 87 , April , J6 'K ) ; : iay , SO 84 , Septem
ber , Si % October. $0 * .0 , No\ember , 1073 ; Ie-
cember , } f 76 bpot. quiet , middling uplands ,
7 7 ICc. mlddllnc KUlf , 7 ll-Kc. rnl lilllnc 7 7-10" .
net lecelpt1 * , none , RIO S 4372 Irakfornaidee ] ,
i300 biles , tales , \ , i bales , all fplnners , ntncUb.
147" bile-F Tolal toda > . Net receipts , 3 tiTJ
bnl s. "lock , 15S 001 biles Total -lnc ) Peptem-
bei I : Net receipts , 13J.425 bales , extiorty to
final llrlt.iln , 14.1SI bales , to I'm nee , 7,14 ( * bnlcs ,
to t ic continent , 4 2 % bales
I.lVKIiPOOU Hept 11 COTTON Spot , quiet.
prlcis unchanged , Amerlcnn mldillliiK , 4Hd. T he *
Milis of the da * , were 7H)0 ) biles , of which " 00
weiifor speculation nnd export nnd Included
C r , ' American Iteceliits. 14 OTO. nomerlcin
Puliires opened slead ) , wllh a moderalc demand
nnd eloscd quiet. American middling I * M C' . ,
St'ili imVr. 3 CJ f 4WT Kt 1 1 1 binds , beplembei
nnd Oetiilut , 3 5J CHi3 SO Old. Oct het nnd No-
\eniLvr , 1 41 Cljia 4D C4d bu ) era. Nmembei nnd
iKwinber , 3 41 Clfft < 5 f4d , l > UPtDecemlxr
nnd Inniiai ) . 3 4J-C4iff1 41 Cld buyeis , Jnnuar }
nnd februiir ) . 1 41 C4S3 44 r,4d wMleis , Kebruar >
nnd Starch , 3 44 Old , sellers. Mareb nnd April
1 44 Clfi3 41-Cd biijeis , April and Max. 3 C-C4fi
3 4C-C4d , liu > er ; Mi ) and Jum * 3 46 04 3 47 Old ,
se'llem. JUMP and Till ) . 3 47 CIIT3 48 fid Hilleis
Ni\V OHI.IJAN' ' , bept 11 COTTON nny ,
silt's V bales nrdlnar ) , 6 13 16c , ( rood oullnio
h 13-lCe . low mlddllntr. f > ' 4e . mlddllnB , C 13-lCc
Mini mlddlhiB 7 1 Cc. nilddllnv fair , 7 C-lCc , re
e-e-lplr , 4,470 Inless Flock 18 427 bales Tiilurps ,
stuid ) fiiles. 11 400 Imbs , beptemher , SC r..fiij r,7
OetiilHr. IGOIITC Co , NoMinb-r. JO 4rfl > t ) < C. I ) com
ber , | ii 470i < l 48 , Jnnuurj , JOOOIiCril. IVlrunr ) ,
} 6"tii Dr. . Mirth fl > S7ii TS. Apill fS WfiC Gl
MEMPHIS , bept 11CO rTONStead ) , mld-
illliikRT < iC , ncplpts , SS Kibs shipments , 1C3
bales , stock , 2883 hairs , .Hles 110 bales
ST IXH IS bept 11 COTTON * tDaily. no
saliM ippoitul ; nilildlllit , ' 7e in w , 7 ,0 old ; re
etlpts , -1' , bales ; shipments. Oil Inles
Coffe'i *
openel llrm & tn 10 points higher < m local co\-
erhiB nnd ome forelitn ritpport , follonlnir IP-
pertH of fulling off In Hnrlllan reevlptst in
ter months further Improved on rumors of ad-
\anee In ppot coffee Trading falrl ) aetlxe ,
closed rleady nt net Kaln of 201)2o ) polnls Hal t > ,
17,000 buis Includlnc : December f6r"fit > fO
January Sd MflO CO Pehruni ) . 6 70. March
} | I70 BSS , Ma ) . J6ftOfl < .00 ; July , > 7 Fpot
coffee Illo llrm. No 7 Imolce. } CR714 , Ji > b-
bliiK. S7 37't Mild steady. Conlmn , } 10 'OfflO CO
Siles 710 iMfis Itlo No S t Sfi f > cx-nhlp Totnl
warehoiifi * dilUeilps from United States , lit G70
ban * Incluilliij ; 18235 bans from New 'iork.
Nen York ntnck lodn ) 411 M5 bans t'nlted
Htntes slink 4i9 ! 221 lints , alloat for the Unite * )
Stales , . ' 701X10 IIIRB , total slslble for t'nlti'd
Htntts , 7CI 2.1 IUIRH , ainilnet 401 052 IKIRS I'Ht
) tar ami BO ) 437 ba s In Iffi"
SANTOS bept. 11 COPPUn Quiet , M > ivd a\er-
IIRI * Sftiitos 7,700 rt-ls , ncelpt * . 30000 liaus ,
stoik 1,1 Oflfl bajs.
HA.MHUIU ; . Sent. -COPKHH-Opened ' . pfp
hlKhei clospili04 lift ; hlithor sales GftWbiK' !
IIAVIti : , Mpt -COPPinC Opened bte > dj ,
if hlKhiT , at noon closed 2 f net higher , Miles ,
4 000 ImKs , .
'XVonl > lnrl.e'H.
Nli\V YOIIK , He-rit 11 A\OOI StronR nieor ,
20 i.7c pulled. No. 2 to extra , 27f(0e , Texan ,
I/Ol'lS , bept. It.OOI < UnchanKi'd ,
I.ONDON , Hept 11 There wtre umall trnnune-
tlciiH In HIP wool trade diiilni : the \\oek hloclis
nut * Krndjmlly dlmlnluhlntr Therp weie nn spi * .
elal fialures Hume inanufactuilng- reports are
tcoexl The drrUnln todiiy for tin * llfth FHrles
nhlch will Di'fii on the 2Slh Inst , nrv ns fullons *
Neu South Mali's 1932i Uiles , Qileenrland , 24-
9J5 bales , Vic lorla , 23 07S bales South Aus
tralia 2.409 balis West Aurtralla , d67 bales ,
Turmanla ! H8 bales ; New i'ealanl 4' I2 Labs ,
Cap < * nt nixil Hope and Nntnl 31065 balen
loial 151 44ii bales , Including 41 C0 bales for-
nardel direct The Imporlf for th * vveek aRKri-
( -ati-d 11 714 Lnles Including 6fS ball's from New
South \\ales &OS from Milboutni * . 1'8 from
Siutli AiiBtralln 1 66J from Capv of Good Hope
and Nulal 404 from Prance 7Gli fn in llus-
urah 2SJ from China 178 from New York anil
187 bales tmndrles A fali > of low wools will be
held next Tuesday and \\'pilne > da )
Coenlx UnrKi't ,
NiVOIIK : , Sipt 11 The dr ) Koods market
rhonii fair ii'mlts for the wt k In nearly nil
Krudt * ' , notwlllittnndlni ; the fact Pint the LUIIR |
has li > nil uppeariinctti bei'n much rloner than a
short time uco The * general trade ) of tin- week
would under ordinary conllllons , be aery sat-
Ufaitur ) one. Ihe joLhcr lm\e hail a thor-
ouclil ) vatUfartor ) e < 'k. which , now It la
cliifed ohowH no diminution of InUrentn. Staple
euttons are * llrm and stead ) In nearly all Kruilm.
I'llntu Hrei stroni ; and In ntlHe demand The
iimiKct for RlnKhama and napped fubrlcu Is
btriini. and considering recent ad\ancen In the
fktmer , l acthe
Tolcito llnrUffN ,
TOIii > O Fe-pl 11 WIIKAT I-owcr weak ;
cakh and Heplember. V7\c , December iiif
rOIIN-Dnll , ea Nn 2 mixed , 3.a ! ; Decem
ber , 33Ho. No. 3 jelluw , 32c.
O \TS-Dull , M * > > ; No. 3 mlxej , IS-lJc No 3 ,
1S1 , \ DietMiiber. 22u ; May. 24'ie.
ItVi : Dull Inner ; No. 2. HVvC.
CI.O\'iitSiKD Active f lead ) , prlmo cam.
Srptumber and October , S3.7J ; December , S3 M.
TKOltlA. Bept. 11-COIIN-rMarket lower ; I.'o.
2 , W , '
OATS-Market quiet. No. 2 nhlli * . tHe.
\\HUKY-Market Him ; Laih ( r flnlshej fO3He
II 21
21HiCEllT8 Corn , f 3 450 Lu , ; oat . Cl.SCO Lu. ;
ne. 600 Lu , : nldtky , none : wheat , J.GOO Lu
BlIIPMUNTti-Corn. Z4 50 Lu ; ati , Jl 700 bu. ;
rye , oenej nlUaky , Lbli ; wheat , COO bu *
Oattlo About Normal in Nnmbor and Hogs
Exceed Demands.
Duly 11 Vt'on Snip mill Trnilc n lilt *
tic lilt Sluck lltiKM Drop n
lltm * mill bull
I I Moit I ) .
SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. ll.-llccclpts for
the Jays Indicated were :
Cattle. HOBSheep. . Horses.
September 11 lr,1l G.iSO . 465 . . . .
HLileniber | 10 . . . . -I 5..J f.iM.3 . 20 . . . .
September 9 4.7TS 5.SS9 2,703 . . . .
September 8 H.ZIl 6,407
September 7 5,408 C.S3D 2.15C 1
September 0 7,073 1,483 1,378 G
September 4 & > 4b73 l.SW
September 3 4.4G4 4,757 1,479 24
September 2 5,0il C.OSt l.SSO . . . .
September 1 BZ'H ' C,2 ! 4,463 153
AUKUSt 31 4.5SI 7,050 4C2 . . . .
gust 30 8.403 2,411 200 ?
August 2S ZW 6.SI2 351 . . . .
Tito olllrlnt number of car * of
brought In todiy by c.ich reid was :
Catllc. lings Sheep.
C. . M. & St. 1Uy 1
O. & St. U lly 1 < .
Missouri IMclilc lly 17 1
Union Pnulllc system . . . . 0 23
C. & N. W Uy 1
r. , U. & Jl. V. II. 11 II 39
H. O. & I' . Hy I
U. , St. I' . , M. & O Ky. . . . ii 11
M. 11 11. II 11 28 2
O. , 11. & Q lly 1
C. . It , I. & 1' . Uy. , cnst. . . . 3
C. . 11 1. & 1 . lly.vcst. . . . . 1
Total receipts 57 101 2
The disposition of the clay's receipts was
ns follows , tmrli luijer purchasing the num
ber of ImllctUid :
Cnttla lings. Sheep
Omaha PiiekltiK Co l.uvt . . . .
G. II. Hammond Co U 710
Swift nnil Company 1W 91 > 4C3
Cudtihy I'ackliiK Co 101 3,019
11. Uccker & . Degun 2.0
J. U Carey U
Lobnimi HothsclilldH. . . G. !
Huston . Co io
Squlies 179 . . . .
Hamilton 153
Cntl.ilij , , from K. C 63
riinklngttm. Milwaukee SOS . . . .
Othei buyers 311
Left o\er 1,000 9
Total 1,749 7,214 471
CAT TLH There n as only n moderate run
of enttie , but a greit plenty for a S-Uiml.iy.
The market , as USD il on the last ilaj.1 of the
ick , was without fen tin u of Interest.
Only a few fat untile were on sale and
they brought ste.uly to svroiiK price's One
bunuh of choice 2-joai-oUls bold at $410.
The cows and helftrs sold at just about
ate idy prices , but there were not enough
hero to m ike mucii or n test of the murktt.
The stocker and feeder market , as usual
on Saturday , was slow and Indifferent.
There weio quite u good many cattle In
the hands --peculators and some In first
liunels , but the country demand was not
very Inlsk The' feeder market has been
gradually Magging undct the pressure of
large receipts and \alues are- now 15f2" e
lower th in at the opening of the neek
HOOS 'Ihc lecolplK of IIOKS teida ) wen * at
> er ) llbernl proportions 100 flesh loads belns
lepuiled In ' 1 he market , hone\er wus fur from
nib-factor ) to tlie se'lllng Interests
" \eslerda ) there was a brenk In pioilMon1 * ami
the ) weic lower nunlii toda ) , nnil there wai
nothing to pre\i nt. the hop market from follow
ing On Ins to this unfn\oiablc condition of tic
prmlxlon imiiket ll\c boss told lOo loner and
the * market was Mow nc tin * decline lh < * KICU
bulk of nil the hoj-a sold at S3 iOf.l S3 , as ngalnst
13 933 95 > etteril.i ! >
The course of the provision market the last
week was stemlll ) downwaul , undei the Influence
of the > cllow fener seme In the < "outh , nnil the
market on Ihc hogs followed UK Icid In mldl
lion to being loner , the demand \us apparently
limited and some lions were left unsold almost
C'.cr ) da ) and the market on most da > closeel
lower t ian It opened. The total decline for the
week amounted to We the market at the close ot
the week tunchlnj the lowest point since Augutt
Co. ,
bllHEP The sheep nnrkct was ftrone nnd ac
tive and the offerings were nil sold earl } .
rnic-voo i.ivn viouic \IIKCT. .
I Ions We'll Ic to n McUc'l Loner
Slioeii Uiic'luuitf oil.
CHICAGO , Pept 11 The cuttle market was
even dullei than usual for a Saturday Receipts
vveie very smill nnd quotatlrns were ulmobt en
tlielj nominal. The fevv i-nlcs vvcrc nt jetter-
daj's prices larger receipts of eattlc aic ex
pected for the remainder ot the month and Kood
f t steers ate prctt > FUIU to ell well , but n i-
tlvcn coinlnt ; Into competition with raiifem urc
likely to liuit that market.
The trade In hoH ( was not particularly lutht
and prices vvcre vvenk to 5c lower. Sales vvere
tnadii of luav > picking hugs nt from M 75 to $ .1 95
nnd choice hunk's biuught fioni { 415 to Jl'Jo.
while prime assorted lights ? old at H 35 uml
choice mixed at } 4 8Q 1 hi- greater p irt of the
hogs crossed the-Fcale1 * at from J4 to { 425 , lots
cl little pigs silling for fioni 52 SO to J3 DO The
jellow fever scare has affected the provision
mat hot unfavorablj and hogs lmc B > nipathl/.ed
calen of sheep and lambs were at unchanged
prices native sheep being steady nt from 12 CUte
to $415 and wcbttrn range ( locks at fiom iJ.40 In
$3 5 , lambs were Fulahlp at from { 3 2s * to $375
for culls up to } 5 50 and 15 75 for choice , eastern
buyers take all the western eweu at from $3 Cote
to J3 C9 they can get
IUC"iiPT3 : Cattle , 2CO head , hofcs , 11000 head ,
Rhet p. 6.000 head.
SI. I.ouln l.l\i > stock.
ST. U3UJH. Sept 11 C\ATTI..i : Kecelpln. 11-
( ) head shipments J.C'H he id , market sli ids ,
fair to fane ) shipping and export Ktnrex , $1 2.i1f
D 15 ; bulk , of 8tlc tl.758 > 5 10. elieo < ed beef and
bulchei Bteers J4 40jr > 10. hulk of sales } 4 CO- ®
4 S"i Mecrs under 1000 pounds , f3Siiri350. bulk
of sales. f40 > iiW , stock * rs nnd feeders , f 2 UOit
425 , bulk of siles , J3 W j4 00 , COVVB and heifers , I 70 , bulk of COWK , J2 2jif3 ( 0) ) canning eovvs
} I f'UIi.35. ' bullB. (200 125 , lexas and Indian
Htei > r , J2COO440. bulk of sales , J3 15Q3 6) , covvt >
and helfciH. J2 3Sfl3 25
1IOOS HrcHlptK. 3000 bend ; shipments. 3.00) )
hc.ul , .market easier < 5 cents lower ; light , J4 20
l 430 , mixed , (4 004j > 4 26 ? h < n\y. { 390
Slliir : : ItecelplB. WO head ; shipments , VH
head , market Ktendy. native muttons , 13 OOU3 S5 ,
stockeis , f200iii320. lambs , J3 75fJG K
KiuiMiiH Clt > I.lhtnfU llnrlici.
KANSAS CITV , bept. 11 CATTI.U-Hecelpts ,
2V > head , market unchanged , onlj retail tr.ide ,
Texas bteers , J2 C0ff4 20. Texas eovvs , 52 OOS2 75 ,
nntlvo steers , 53 60/35 2V , native * cows and li < Ifers
II W 71 ; Lulls , J2.GWJS CO
HOO.S Uecelpts , 3 500 head , maiket 6c lower
than jesterday , hulk of sik' , S3 .lof 1 1 W , heulfs ,
W'Olfl 10. packeis. J3 S5W4 117 % : mixed 3 liQ
4 12'jt , light , > 3 9504 10 , oikers , } 4 10 < | l 12
pigs J3 6004 00
hlllJIJI' HecLlpts , TOO held , market nrrn ,
Inmbs , 3 ijfJS 00 , muttonH (2 C5IT3 70
% < A ork IIM > Silicic.
NHW YOIIK. Sept II IIGKVUS Ilrcrlnt * I1)
113 head , no trading Uuropean cables iiuote
American steerx at ll c , refrlsirator bet f lit 9to
0'2c ; exports 2,705 beeves nnd 6 31S iimrterx |
L'AljVi : ' ? Itfcelpls , 3Si heml , quiet nnd stead > ,
vcnls , } u Wiit , 00 , grnsttn and buttermilks , (375
( It 2V
Blinni1 AND I.AMHS-IlPrelpts 31fi4luad on
tale * , 15 > i earn , active , Hitip. strong' ' r. lambs ,
Hlrnng , sheep , J3CCff4M , lambs , (4 Wftf 25
lICKlS-Hi-colpts , 1.G15 head , firm at JlCftlW
HiiNt Itiiffaln Il\i * StoiU.
HAST IH'ITAIX ) , Sept -CAT ! I.U Quiet
HOOS Yorkers , rough common to good , (3 t'iQ >
390. pigs , good to choice (4 25W4 fO
I , VMIIS Cholro to exlia , (5 W5 SO , culls un < \
common J400&300
SIIiiP : Choice to pelrrtedetlieru , )44C4.0 | ,
culls and common , ( . ' 50(137. ) .
Stlll'K III SlKht.
Hvcord of receipts of Ilvi > Hod. at tlie four
prlncljial markets for beptembei 11 :
Cultlt * Hugs Rtiei-p
Omutia . I.S34 G20 4Vi
Chleago . . , . , . 210 11 < 00 ( I u > j
Kansas City . SOO 31.00 6W
hi I iuU . 800 3(00 ( 400
Totals . : , I3t 23 70 ! 7.3C5
IlTionl ( irnln nnil i'riM
Mvnitroou Hpt II.-WIIBAT-NO 2 red ,
S 10.1 , No 1 nortlurn red , spring , dull at Bs 9'id
hpot. iiulet. ilemaud lioor
rOHN American mixed spot new , aulft at
3 4'-id , Amerliaa mUod upol , old , cjulel ul J
M , Krptimber. rjulft nt 3s 4.1 , Octnber , iiulcl lit
3 > 4V < d November , nulrt ul 3 S'i'l
l"lX > UH-Ht. Louis , fancy winter , steady at
10J M
HOI'S At JyiiKbn ( raclllo coast ) , sir uli B |
I'HOVIRIONS-llMf. extnu India men linn nt
5 , prlmo mess , 11 nn ut Us ! ) d 1'orK , prime
line western linn at fx. prime medium urnliin ,
llrm at 4 Si ] Hams , short cut. II In 16 niunds.
dull at SSw 1 la con. short rlljs , llrm nt 33s. long
diar middles , light steady at Sis Cl , long cl-nr
ni'ildlen , heavy utt.uly t 31g G | , short cli.-ir mid.
iHi-s steady , flock exhausted ; clear tieHles ,
slvad ) at 37i * . hhoulders cnuure , mead ) ut Zn )
C < l Ijrd spot , dull at 2la M
t'HKIJSB American llnest white and coloud ,
m IK ! v at 4S
TAltX\V I'rlmo cltj , , llrm nt 'le ,
OII-S l\ > Hon eeil , I.lverpmil refined item ! ) at
16 fill Turpentine- spirits , firm at 2U Gd
cxiinnijii , steady at 4d to 4'i < l
M. l.oiilN ( Join "ill MnrUiv. .
ST. I.Ot'IS Sept -riAUH Unchanceil
pulvnls (5,10 7520 ; strulthts , jnu4 M ; clear ,
II SOW 4 10 : medium , 13 50fl3 75
\V11KAT l ovver cloklng vvlth September ! c.
DeceinUer Zic nnd Mu > Zic ! utuler > vierday | ;
December ojiened > 4O' c low r anj iltKllned l c.
closlne with bujcro He above the lioitom. bpot
lower : No 2 , red cath , elevator i > 8Hc ; track ,
II OOjfWc ; No. I bard cash , UHQSO'-ic , Heptem-
ber , tiSHc ; December , 9Sho bid ; May , > SU 8ito
weak cna CtcllntO. cl Jln
| ininger &
Metcalf Co.
Agricullt * ral 1m piemen fs.
nnd Carriages. Cor. Clh and Pacific -tits.
1V Impfemenf Oo.
Wagons , Drills , Uit gics , Elc >
Ninth rti-d Pucinc atrvcts.
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wagons and Ducglcs - Cor. 9th and .Tones.
I . .
\\holcsalcDcaIurs lu
Agricultural fmplfmcnls ,
WAflONS AND nuaaius ,
llth nnd Nicholas St.
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Hacking nnd Artists'
Mntci lals
J'lllAJUbtl . ! % / > ItUQK UlMUMl ,
nicxentli nnil llonnril Sts
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Bniiigau Rubbsr Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Omiilincli. .
Boo's , Shoes and Rztbbers
Salecrooms 1102-1104-1106 Harncy Street.
ors@-Goe Shoe So
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
AT WIIOII : < --AM :
Ollkc anil Saleetoom 111D-J1-23 Howard St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Agents dooi ] > enr Glove nubbers.
lilt Harncy Street.
Owner of Chief Brand Macklntoshcr
gernis Omaha Bag
Important and Manufactureru
6f4-16-18 'South nth Street
parreil & Co
, fiornhiun , etc , Pictcncb and
Also tin can > nnJ 3r iunn d nare ,
ID lower foi De-ctihlS r and > jc lower for May. I
compared with sftcnlaj bpot lower , No. J
cauli 2k < Mil , Kenttiitfier , 8c uhkeil. Uu enilior ,
29'io ' lilil , JIa > , SJt lint
OATH Pull anil-HKUtj Hpot lower No * c > h ,
elf\ulor , 0o , track , lc ; white , 22'aii:3c' , Hep-
temhcr . 'O'ic u keJi Decemter , il'lc uuked ,
2S ? c bid
lti i : I/oner , ISVic hid. ,
CO NMiAI hlr7.iljf , 1 70 ? 1.7S
llftAN Dull , w ; ak : uck d , eaht ( rack offered
at t Oe * without Imjers , thoueh one cur cold on
ellirct crder at 53'tc '
riAXHKni-Nomlnal 13c.
Tiitoniv Hii' I'liinv. U6i.
HAl-Httad * , , llrm , prairie , IJ WHS Mj timothy ,
lll'niH-btead ' > , creamer ) , HOlS'/ic , elalry ,
SO 15e .
ioos-rirrn : , Id'ic. '
U1IJHKV (1 21
IIAKlIK - > ifr7c
MKTAI.h-Uad , lower , 14 17H aekcd Spelttr ,
nominal 14 01
1'UOVIblONB Pnik , lowers standard anfl f
Joliblnir , nen. IS'ti ; oil , 1810 Lard , lower ,
lirlint * uteain. (4 ! 5 choice , il 30. Huron , extra
short cliar anil rlbu < heixe4 lots ) , 10.75. shorm ,
JO ft'Do > alt meut > ihoulderv ( lioxvd ) . i to ,
extra thort elear and rlim , JI5S5 ; ihortv , Id.'i'i '
HEl'lJIITS Dour. 4000 blil . ulisJl. (2,000
Lu : inin , 123000 hu , oati. 4J.OOO bu
HlUI'lli.NrH-Kuur ! , 3000 bbla ; wheat , C.OOO
Lu , , com , 71bOO Lu. , outu , i.OOO Lu.
California Dried TrulU.
NEW YonK. sept , -CAuronNiA uninn
evaporated apcl , prime wire
The American
Chicory Co.
Orowern nnd manufacturer ! ! of nil forms of
Chicory Omahn-Frcmont-O'Nell
H , Bliss ,
ui It r nn it
Crockery. China > Glassware
Silver Pin ted Ware , Looking Glasses , Chnn.
dellcrs , Lamps , Chimney M , cutlery , Ktc.
MIO I\VU. > AM S ' .
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies.
Boiler's , I'nglncs , Peed Cookers , Wood Pulleys -
leys , ahnftlne , llcltltu ; , liutter Puck-
ages of nil Ulnds
M7-90n Jones St. - - - - - -
Eieridan Fuel Co.
OHlco 1605 rarnnm Street.
C N" Ilel7 , 1'rcslilciit Omilil Dletz. ' 'PC &l
J\Iannfaclui ing Confccl 'oners ,
And Jobbers of Fore Inn mid Domestic
Frulti , Nuts , Clufirs nnd Crackers.
IION-lllO lion I/JO.M
Importers ami Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Fui mshing Goods
J. C. mCHAHDSON , PreBt.
C. P. AVULLEm , V. Prcst.
E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"CJucen ncc" Sp"claltlcs.
Clsnrs , Wlne nnil llranellcs ,
Cornel 10th and Harncy Streets.
he Eiereer
M > f > * Admit ci'I'll ti'in le'iillritl I're iiti-ti-
tuiHit flint inl 1 tn iiinliir I'lrimntl to
Uitltr .SCIII//.M * CVirrf/of/n
I -iborutorv , 1112 Honnnl St , Omaha.
Electrical Supplies ,
Electric Mining Bulls timl Gas Lighting
C. W. JOIINSTOV , Pies. 1615-15 17 Howard.
1S4I Farnam St ,
Commission Merchants.
S W , Corner ith nnd Howard Stn.
Memlietu of the National League of Comml-
Elon Merchants of the frilled Mates.
jo minus
Fruit and Vegetables
fil'ECIAr.Tins-PlrawljerrlfR , Apples , Oraneei ,
L mons , CranLcrrlfB , 1'otatots. 1017 Howard St.
& Sione
Furnituie Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Htreet-
tm ) . G'.c per pound , wooil dried , prlmo d'fcc ,
cholit , ot c. func ) , "c 1'iunes , 3Vic to 71/i < % lr
piund , ( IF to Klze anil qualll ) Aprlinls , roil ,
7e lu Sc Moor park , Cc lo He IVuUiru , unps-e.eJ ,
7e lo 10c , peeled , He to 14c
KIIIIHIIN C'll > > InrUi * < H ,
KANSAS CITV bepl 11 - \ \ HUAT Market 2W
4c- loner , rather slon No. 1 hard. B'jo ' , No 2 ,
i74iStc , No , 3 , SlWkCo. Nn 4 Wtlic. No t rnl ,
MtT.Hc No. 3. bJQIiit. , No 4 , Kc. No i Hiring ,
Me , No. 3 , (3c.
CXHN Market slo , 'sCIc lontr. No 2 mixed ,
- /
OAlh Market nctho and firm ; No 2 nhlte ,
ItYl' Market weak , No 2 4iW45ir. !
HAY Market dull , choice timothy , S7 50 , choke
umlrle (5 W
IltJTn.II-Market hUh raid ud\aiclnsj cieam
cr ) lifilSljC. cluliy , ID&lJc
iCs-Murket stead ) at lOc
JIKCUIITB Wheat , 221,400 bu . corn. 4VSGO bu ,
eiats 2C > 0 Lu
8l1l | > MiNrH : Wheat , 222000 Lu , ; corn , 22,100
bu ; uats , G Owl bu. _
llultliucire * MurUetii.
11AI.T1MOHU. bepl II PljOI'H-QuIrt end
rtrady , unchanged ; recc-lptu , C,123 LLIs , eij.orln.
1,237 bhl >
WHEAT Dull , lower , spot , month and Octo-
btr. SI 0101 01U ; Dect-mbe-r , SI Ol Ol 01U ;
steamer red. Me aiked. necelpti. 118,130 Lu : ex-
ports. 230.0SI Lu , southern wheat. Ly sample ,
SC 102 fouthern , on grade. 97HcOll OlVi .
COUN Kasyj test uuil mor.tu , KU3Cc , Ko-
eyer & Raapke ,
Teas , Spleen , Tobacco nd Clsari.
1403-1107 lltrney Ssrect.
VM\ and Letivcmvorth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
tEA ASD COrriC ROSHI(3 , Etc.
paxion and
\ Batlagher Go
Telephone JS2.
J & Go.
, A. i / > / > / ; , s , i.V7) cot.r.tits
/cihfirM J' I rnlliei ; AinfiHeiliiiJinirc ( ,
Wo-ollclt jourordois 1315 llon.ird bt.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
Illcyclci nii'l bpoitlns (7ocds 1210123 Hai-
ney street.
1100 and 1111 IlouardSt.
iriroJIAJ / . / :
JI.IT.S , c.U'A , (7/.orj.s. MIITI : * *
Owners of Gite Clt > , IVcrlcsu Dnmnscus nnil
7 r insmlbsl&blppt tiianils of lints
Waiter iofse & Co
1'ioprletora of"AlimtlCAN CIQAIl AND QLASS
\VAKI : co
2H-21C bouth 14th St
| ! er's iagls Bin
East India Bitter's
Golden Slicnf Inire llye and Bourbon Whiskey.
\Vlllow Springs Dlmlllery , Her & Co. , ms
Ilarno Street.
Liquor Merchants
1001 Kurnninbtieot-
Liquors and Cigars
lllSFarnain Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
413-415 S 15th Street.
DUMBER . . .
8 14 South 14th St.
wiiousAi.n AND unrAir.
Olllce ami Yards 13th and California Bin
iicmbpr or December mH or old. SC'.o a > kpd ,
rceilpts > bu ; exp rls , 1(4 ( fill bu , toilllicni
white corn. 373So | yellow 3HJ3J
OATS Hleail ) No 2 while. 2IVi < , Nn 2 re3 ,
2.'iiJU niclpts 1C. 3 Jo Lu : experts none
HVi-l.iler , wesll-rn , 54c , reerlplti , 4 C49 bu |
exportti , 8 571 bu
HAV-hli-Jd ) . choice timothy Sli 00811.10.
UltAIN riCiiSHTb-Quli-l , little Uolnjf. un-
Chun fed f
1IHTTI3H Dull. unchoiiKe-d
ifOb Weak. unchanEfd
ClinUSi : blead ) , unchanj.1 !
CINCINNATI , Sent , -PIXlt'lt-Qulet. .
\MIIJAT-iuy. : No 2 red IC < -
COHN-Plrm. No 3 mixed. 3 *
OATS Hlreinc. No 2 mixed , i'l'iC.
HYK Plnn , Me
III'MC MiA'IH-iiip : : ) , tC. Daeon , eiiilet , JCt-0
I ird easy , J < 45
WIIIHK\- Dull SI 21.
irr > b-Duii. lie.
CHiKSi-Plnn :
I'lilliuli'llililii rrciiluc-c'
] 'iniw.niu'iiiA : , H PI ni
wei > i rn creamer ) , 17c
IMOS Htc-ady , fretli neurb ) , 17c , fresh wctl-
crn l Hc
UHK1JSU Quiet , Lut steady.
MiirUeU. '
NKW Oni.RANU Bept -Bt'OAIl Op n lift-
tie , q.ulet at 2U 3 ic ; centrifugal , muag ;
Qeo. A.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Lime , Etc *
9th tuul Douglas Sts.
HF.Oady Lumber Co
6th and Douglas Sts.
Telcphon * 391.
Paint Co.
Air Foiled t\f \ n-'ral Paint
And I'nlnts of \li 1 < I I I'utty. Kit' .
1015 nnd 1017 Jones St.
J A Moffct , 1st Vice l'rc L. J. Drake * . Ocn Jer
. . . .OJLS. . . .
Oafo.lne. Tiirpcnllni * , \ \ \ ? OreHnp Htc
Omnlm llranch ami ARfn-lcs John II Until Mfir.
101 , IIo\Minl St
Printing Paper ,
ing Paper , Stationery ,
Corner lltli and IlonarJ streets.
Co ,
wirousAin : i
Paper and S'ationcry ,
: i2 s iic\cnth st.
Woodenwars Go.
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
1107 Ilnrncy Street.
Photographic Supplies ,
Il15 Fur mini St.
"auiifncturcrt of
Sash , Doors , Bhn is , Etc ,
12th ami Iird Sts.
10I4-10IC Uoimlan Street.
Manufacturers anil Joul > crn of Steam. Gas nnit
Water Supplies of AH Kinds.
rioS- no Harnev St.
Steam Pumps , nnslnci and Hollers. Pipe.
Wind Mllli , Blcam nnd Pliiniblns
Mater'nl ' , Itelllnir , IIo e , Ktc.
H Hardy 6cCo.
. . . ' ,
* " * * * * - LJL1 * *
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
/lome PurnlehlnKH , OhIUre-n'g Carrlagei , Elo.
1319 remain Street.
real Western
Type Foundry
Bupcrlor Copper Mixed T > po U the Lent c
the market ,
1114 Ilonind Htrtet.
Telcplioijjl030.0innhni ( Neb.
Direct wire * to Chlcaio and New rork
Ct > JT i > od DU | Jvhn A.v rr a . Oo ,
Hun riincNC'iiVIcu unit | | i | . , .
HAN rV-r KKANCISCO ; IIW ! , . Mi.)1 .MifUU'A1-I ) ' < ri.ier.
IIAltLi\-iim : .
- ) DcecmLer. MSo.
Oil MiirkcU ,