TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SEPTEMBER 13 , 1807. Pulse of Western Progress. SB i Charlej Poiilot , a prominent chemist snd > metallurgist ot Lyons , France. Is a guest ot the American , ys the Denver Mows. Mr. Poiilot Is In Colorado upon a peculiar mission. He I * one of the > largest smelters and dealers In rare metals of the world and the object of his trip to the Ilocky mountains Is to arrange - range with mining men of the state for the ihlpmcnt ot rare metals to Lyons , Although he has been In the state only a few days he has met with remarkable success and hit trip to Colorado will be the means of bringing many thousand * of dollars to this part of the Rloho which otherwise might have remained on the other sldo ot the Atlantic. Mr. 1'oulot Is greatly surprised , ns ho bad very little Mm of the wealth of Colorado In metals whoso Value far exceeds In the market the value of Bold. The yellow metal which IM attracting the attention ot hundreds of thousands ot eager pursuers sells at J24S a pound. The metals which the French visitor U Becking bring all the way from $400 to $10,000 a pound. The rarer Ihe metal nnd the moro difficult Its separation from grosser bodies with which U Is united the more costly Is the final out put. Mr. Poiilot has found that Colorado pro duces a greater variety ot rare metals tl.an any other urea of equal size In the world. Out of twenty rare metals Colorado ijroducca ten or cloven , and the Held Is as yet only partly explored Mr. Poulot has entered Into con- tractn with Denver parties for largo quanti ties nf uranium , which Is proluced In a mine of Gllpln county , wlicro It Is found In a vtry rich 010 ruiiiiieiK from 30 to GO per cent metal. Vanadium he will get from thu Mammoth mine , near TIICBOII , Ariz. The ere runs II per cent , and thu metal Is worth SiOO a pound. Vanadium Is also found nt Lcadvllle In mull quantities , but cannot he mlnil at a profit. Yttrium the Frenchman will get fiom it row lnliu In Park county , where it Isfound us a silicate , There Is a largo deposit ot this metal In the mine and It Is verv valuable when prepared for use. Thu yellow glaBs nnd po eel u In of commerce receives Its color from uranium. This Is the principal com mercial use of thu metal. Vanadium Is u&ud In setting the black in line fabrics nnd It also gives the gloss to. satin. Irldlnm , rhodium and palladium are found in email quantities In n phyrrutltu ore re cently found In Larimer county. Irldium Is used for tipping gold pens , and Is then called n diamond point. It Is the hardest known inotal and has never been smelted pure. It occurs In platinum nnd occasionally.In Colorado rado gold In minute specks. This metal has never been smelted and to get pieces largo enough for pen points the ore Is first dis solved in acids and then precipitated In the form of line dust , from which the larger par ticles are picked for use. The pieces are embedded by pressure Into the points of the pen without boiling the gold. The common use of palladium Is In amalgam fillings for teeth. Rhodium Is one of the most ductile nnd the toughest of inetala. It la claimed that u wire of rhodium drawn to the thick ness of a hair will sustain a weight of 100 pounds. Lauthnnum. cerium nnd dldyuilum occur In ores called tysonlte and bastnaclto found in Cheyenne canyon , aouth of Colorado Springs. Thn former ore Is named after Prof. Tyson of New York City who discov ered the deposit about ten years ago. The ere Is found nowhere else In the world. Uranium , yttrium and tungsten are found In nn ere enled ! samnrsklto in Moulder COUP- , * . . The snmnrsklte is a mixture of three metals with other material. Yttrium was sought for by Edison throughout the whole world n few years ago , as ho desired to make use of the material In incandescent lamps. Being n n B bl c. to find It in any quantity , he substituted carbon * for filaments. Colorado rado can now supply yttrium for the world. Tungsten Is used In considerable quantity In the manufacture of Wollsbach mantels or hoods for gas burners. This will now bo Hupplled In quantity from Colorado. Glucennm or boryllum Is one of the most Interesting ot the rare metals. It Is found only In- crystals of beryl or aquamarine. These occur In moderate quantity on Hear < ieok , In Jefferson county , nnd contain about 30 per cent of the metal. The metal Is silver white , much stronger , and of only h.ilf the weight of aluminum. William 13 Astor ot New York has turned the top story ot hla line residence Into n woik hop , In which Prof. Keclcy of water motor fame has been for over a year p'ist busily uiigirfe.l In con structing nn aeroplane of this precious metal. Titanium is found as titanic arid in many of the Iron ores of this Ktato. Its high price Is duo to the cost of extraction. The market price of most of the metals named above Is due not only to the scarce ness of the ores from which they arc ob tained , but also to the fact that there are only six or eight laboratories In thu world which make a business of extracting them. There is no plant In' America which can treat over three or four of them , and the Europeans who nro engaged. In the business keep their processes a profound secret. PROSPERITY OP THE DAKOTAS. Thu puoplo of this state , says the Sioux Falls Argiu-Lcader , themselves on joy Ing gnofl tlniiis , will rcjolco In the unexampled prosperity which Is coming this year to Its nlster Dakota. North Dakoti's atate com missioner of ag'lculturo lias put the value of North Dakota's farm pioducts for 1897 at the wonderful sum ot $06,0-10,000 , or $2SO for every man , wnman and child In the state. The figures given are ns folows : Forty mil lion bushels of wheat. $35,000,000 ; 4,500,000 bushels of n > x. $1,500,000 ; 0,000,000 bushels of barley , $3.000,000 ; 38,000,000 bushel ? of oats , J7fiOO.OOO ; 3.000,000 bushels ofpotatoes / , 51,500.000 ; 2,000,000 pounds of wool. $210,000 ; poultry ami eggs , $1,800,000 ; milk and milk oroducts. $2.500.000 ; live stock , $10.000,000. Someone has estimated the products of South IXikota this year at $100,000,000. The figure Is only an estimate. We are behind our sis ter Dakota this year on wheat , but ahead on corn , barley , llax , rye , potatoes , wool , milk and milk products and live ftock. If North Dakota's farm products are worth $ CC,000,001) ours are not far from $75,000,000 , which would bo $210 for every man , woman and child In the ntlite. It Is surely a great year for the nakotas. What an empire It would uavo been had the territory not been divided at statehood ! UNOLE SAM'S FORESTS. The members of the Uciltcd States Geological logical survey , who are now In the north west , are gathering Information as to the effect of the forestry reserve orders of ex-Prealdent Cleveland , which orders were suspended till next March , says thu Port land Tulegram. The geological survey , headed by Charles D. Walcott , director , has been directed to make a survey of the differ ent forest reserves , gathering data for a topographical map showing the distribution and extent ot the forests. Improvements such as townsltes , farina , mines , roads and the like will bo shown on the maps. In the furtherance of this task the Department nf the Interior has.a force of thirty men at work InY shlngton. In the forestry rc- ecrvo two parties are now engaged In Uie "Washington reserve , one near Lake Uhelan and the other near Monte Crlsto , The In formation now being gathered by Director Wai rot t find his assistants will be laid before - fore the president and the secretary ot the Interior , On this Information will bo based President McKluley's policy concerning the reserves. Under tbo law the secretary may , wltli the approval of the president , after sixty days' notice published In a newspaper of the Btate or territory Inwhich the reserve Is situated , restore to thu public domain any land that has been .found to bo better adapted to agricultural or mining purpose ? than for forest UH4K . The united States Is tbo only civilized nation that las not inaugurated a system of forest patrol for the protection of Us forests , " wya Mr. Walcott. "In setting apart largo areas of timber land as for est reserves the government has Uken mere ] ; a preliminary BI looking to the conservation of Its timer rean and natural forests , The act of Juno -4 last authorizes the secretary ofthe interior to establish such a syst'-m of forftit patrol as Is found In other countries. This is tbo only feasible way that has been promulgated thus far by which there Is uny hope of saving the for ests from destruction by flro and timber vandals. The forest reservations In the United States cover an area of CO,000 square miles In extent. Among the largest are the Washington , Mount Hauler and Olympic. In the state ot Washington. There oxlsti n great deal of misapprehension concerning the effect of the aot of congress And the setting apart by tbo government of tb ie reserves. Under the law , no ob Ucl Is raised to prevent the development of the mineral resources of thu country within the reservations or In the vicinity. Water courses may bo used for mining , Irrigating and other purposes. The settler Is protected In alt hla rights , ns Is also the prospector tor mineral and the miner The prospector Is allowed to cut such timber as U required for his use. All matured and dead tlmbe * may be u cd , a * heretofore. The only object n ( the reservation order Is to prevent the destruction of the forests by fire or the wan ton acts ot men. No agricultural land Is In cluded In the reservation , It being within the power ot tbo president to change the bound-trie * ot the reserves and to take out Hiicli It ml ai Is miKcptlble ot cultivation from the area within the reserves. " IN TUB YOSBMITB PARK. The annual report of Captain Alex Rogers of the Fourth cavalry , who IB acting as su perintendent of the Yosemlte National park , has Just been pirbllsbnd. He reports that the regular patrols have found that there Is less trcHp.iRsliiK In the park than In past yeirg. and says the depredations by sheep and their herders arc the worst they have to contend with. Cattle are now restricted to the land belonging to their owners , who are held to B strict compliance to the rules of the In terior department. Ono herd of sheep was theru during the summer-and signs were en countered of other herds Inside the park limits. The game , says Captain Rogers , seem ? to be Increasing In numbers , and the deer end other animals show less fear of human bclncs than In past years , "an Indi cation. " ho savs , "that they are not hunted tn much n thov formerly were. " This con dition of ofTalrn leads him to remark that the rigid enforcement of the rule against car rying firearms in the park ban produced good results. One hundred nnd thirty-two fire arms have been taken from persons enter ing the park during the yar. The captain S < IVH ho known of only ono person having been In the nark with firearms In his pos session. Ho cfllls attention to the fact that the Nevada Indians are In the habit of en tering the park to kill garno late In the fall after the troops leave It , and he suggests that stens be taken to stop It. Forest fires were numerous. The big-tree grove nt Mer ced had a narrow escape from-one of them. Capt. Roqers thinks ono of the fires was d- llbemtoly started. Ho recommends that the F.overnment purchase all the roads In the park and also the lands owned by Indi viduals within the park boundaries. THE DAKOTAS. Valley Springs Is to have a new bank. The Fargo National bank has been author ized to begin business. Capital , $30.000. The Dcadwood & Delaware company has paid out about $7C,000 during the last thirty days for mining property. The Northern Pacific road will build n now steel bridge across the Red river at Fargo , nnd work will bo begun at once. It will be four feet higher than the present bridge. A special train of nine cars , containing 294 head ot cattle , was shipped from Clnrk Monday night to Cherokee , la. It was the largest nnd best single consignment ever shipped from that station. Work on the now flouring mil ] at Havana is well under way and It will be ready In time for this season's crop. It has a ca pacity of seventy-five barrels , which will be Increased ns the business warrants. On Monday an aerolite fell from the sky In the shape of a ball of fire on Railroad avenue in Candor. The ball penetrated the earth for a depth of six feet or more and Bteum poured from the hole In volumes. Now that water Is scarce- the amalgamators at the Horn eg take and Star mills have de vised signals , so that they can tell how many stamps to hang up at certain times without walking to and from the mills. They desire to keep the same number of stamps dropping In each mill. County Treasurer Potterson and a number of other Yankton business men have de cided upon a unique plan for advertising the South Dakota State fair In Cedar county , Nebraska. They propose to send the Knights of Pythias band of Yankton to Hartlngton next week , at their own expense , to furnlah music for the Cedar county fair , which be gin * on Wednesday. Scotland Is making quite a record for bur glaries. In the last three months the jew elry store of DIehl & Koobs has been bur glarized twice , the hardware store of Englo & Hlrsch once and the cold storage house ot Frank Zalnowsky , saloon keeper , once. In the last case tbo burglars broke three locks nnd stole two kegs of beer. The burglaries have been generally credited to tramps. Attorney General Grlgsby has rendered a decision In which ho holds that a half breed born of a whlto man and Indian woman Is not an Indian in the sense of the law ; that ho is not a wnrd of the government. Tue decision arose over the question of Juris diction In the case of a halt breed held at Pine Ridge agency for murder. The govern ment refused to prosecute , holding that It was not within the Jurisdiction of the United States court. The state's attorney of Fall River county will now prosecute the casa. Tramps began to rob and pillage stores 3.1 Conway , a small town In western Walsh county , North Dakota , a few days ago. The city marshal and a posse captured three of the ringleaders after a hard fight and placed thorn In the city Jail. At 1 o'clock Sunday morning the Jail was discovered on fire , and before the flames could bo extinguished one of the vagrants was cremated and the other two have since died of .frightful burns. It Is supposed the men tried to burn a bole through which they could escape , and the blaze got beyond their control. WYOMING. The Waln-WHllams property nt Bull Camp will bo opened tip again in a few days. The mlno Is now 100 feet deep. The finest quality of hay raised anywhere Is dally brought to Chcyenno by ranchmen in the immediate vicinity. , A postofilco has been established at Elk , Uinta county , Wyo. , and Maggie Cunning ham commissioned postmaster. Some very rich copper float was found in the vicinity of Dull Camp during the last week , which will average 70 per cent. The preparations for Frontier day at Chey enne have so far progressed as to nssuro Its complete success , An attractive and novel program will be given. The Union Pacific shops In Cheyenne have not seen so prosperous times In years M at the present time. Commencing last week all shopmen are working six days every week , only laying off on Sunday. Last Saturday thcro were taken over the Sheridan hill 2GO cars of cattle , requiring twonty-threo engines to do the hauling. This , with the regular trains , keeps the train crows very busy and adds much to their salaries. Many Douglas ranchmen are experiment ing this year with the variety of wheat known ns "Seven Head. " The seed , which came originally from India , was brought to this section by Mr , Andrew Christian of Pleasant Ridge. It Is a wonderful producer , Samples of this wheat may be seen at this olllce , raised this year on thu La I'reblo by Mr. 1) ) . C. Vi'heolock , which show no lees than twelve distinct heads on one stalk. The kernels are large and ought to make first- class flour. Mr. Wheelock started with n single quart of seed , tiom which he has raised over 100 pounds the first year. Wyoming now has a fully equipped bicycle factory from wr.lcli the first finished machine was turned out last wck. It Is said to be "light , easy running nnd handsome , " The factory la located In Cheyenne and Is owned and operated by the Wyoming Cycle com pany , Thomas tlrundagc of Sheridan has town twenty acrcn of nlslkc for bee pasturage. Alslke Is a hybrid clover. * cross between the small white clover and the common red variety. Mr. Urundago. after having tried various plants , has concluded that'the above named Is the proper one to cultivate for bees. The Dig Ooose valley Is now ono large field of grain in the shock , and the farmers are still busy stacking and preparing to thrash. Qno machine Is now at work pounding out the grain , which will furnish the means of lifting mortgages , paying small debts and providing the comforts and luxuries of life. The Pennsylvania Oil company has now In actual Wyoming Investment $200,000 , of which Its Casper refinery represents $33,000. The refinery Itself Is soon to be enlarged by the addition ot six new ICO-barrel stills , giv ing It a capacity ot 1.100 barrels per day. making It the largest lubricating oil refinery on the continent. If not on the gtoba. COLORADO. Lnngmont business men have ( agreed to .boycott Denver banks. The grain of the Montczama valley Is the heaviest over bcforo raised. The La Junta" cannery Is now running on Full time , canning tomatoes. The Lead King Is keeping the road hot with ere shipments. Nearly one hundred jacks so out laden with ere every day. Forest fires are numerous around Aspen , believed to bo caused by campers neglect ing to put out their' tires when leaving a camp. Tin Cup. Gunnlson county , Colo. , report ? a strike of tellurium ore , carrying ninety ounces ot gold and 7,502 ounces ot silver oer ton. Aspen miners arc turning their attention to the gold leads and placers on Dl III cult creek and already some good finds are re- nortod from thcro. The contest for maid of honor at Aspen Is very heated , and It Is believed that be tween 100.000 and 200,000 votes -will bo cast before September 16. Gnmo Warden Wllcox gives notice that a hunting party will be considered as one fam ily , nnd will , therefore , only bo allowed one deer In camp at a time. Denver Is to have a bicycle path by pri vate subscription. Over $1,200 has been sub scribed to the fund. It is announced that work will begin shortly on the construction of the path. Senator Pcole of Denver has purchasi-d 2.000 acres of ground three miles below Leadvllle and will build an Immense dam and reservoir nnd furnish power for Lead- vlllo smelters and mines. The silver miners In most places are tryIng - Ing to do business , but It Is dltllcult. Nearly everywhere where silver mines can bo closed without great damage they are idle , and in other places work -Is goingon with little spirit. Klondike stocks will not be allowed to be bought or sold on the Mining Stock associa tion In this city. Such is the final decision of the governing board of the Colorado Springs Mining- Stock association of this city , the largest exchange In the country. Engineers are In the field locating depot nnd sidetrack sites for the Canon City and Cripple Creek Electric railway. Contribu tions to the citizens' fund for the. purchase ot terminal facilities and right of way through Canon City are coming In rapidly , so that no delay In this quarter Is probable. A gruesome spectacle was the procession from the morgue to the Catholic church at Qleitwood Springs Sunday. The cortege was headed by the hearse bearing the remains of .Andrew McCloud ; following this were the eleven coffins containing the Sunshine vic tims , each liornc by six pall-bearers , all miners. Over 400 ounces of gold were shipped from Breckenridgrc to the mint during the last week in August. Of this amount the Wapiti supplied the greater part. The usual grip and seamless sack shipments of gold and dry amalgam were made during the month from the placers and helped to 'swell the "Colorado unknown" output. UTAH. The sugar company nt Lehl commenced digging boots on the company's farm in the north part of the district last week. The Andrews Drldgo company has been awarded the contract for building the bridge across the Provo river at the mouth ot Provo canyon. Quartz from the Gold King group on Gold mountain Is reported by the Salt Lake Tribune to have returned an assay value of $6.000 pop ton. Eastern people are reported to have bonded the Crown Point group In the Mereur dis trict. The properties are prospects that glvo fair promise. Samples of gold quartz received from the Gold King mines nt Maryvale yielded as much as $0,000 per ton. The vein Is five feet wide , with the hlgh-graao streak running through It. Golconda mountain , nt the head of Kess- lor's canyon , In West Mountain mining dis trict , promises to furnish the scene of a gold mining excitement at an early day , and already the tide is setting that way. There will bo the usual dividend of $37,500 from the Silver King this month , this amount Increasing the total to $1,165,000 , and with ore enough In sight to Increase the dividends for an Indefinite ! period. Shipments of quicksilver are again being made by the Mereur Mining company. The metal Is naved In retorting the cyanide prod uct turned out by the mill on the company's property , the ere treated at the plant carryIng - Ing considerable of It In various forms. The Red Wing Mining company of Ulng- ham Is working three shifts In the develop ment of Its Markham gulch mine , and In this work a lower tunnel Is being run for the purpose ot cutting the ere body at a depth of 150 feet below the upper workings. The upper tunnel IB also being extended. Water for sluicing purposes is not so plenty In the Oscrola district as was at first believed It would be. In fact it Is scarcer now than It has been for several years. Tha raacon given Is that while there was an abundance of snow fall , a largo part of It was below the point where thu ditch could catch the water as the snow was melted. In 1892 the Bullion-Deck Mining company at Eureka marketed 200 or SOO tons of ere that was sold on controls showing gold values of $400 to the ton. This ere was taken .from a deposit of mineral six feet wlda In the shaft In sinking from the 650 to tie | 800-foot level , and now that silver has dropped out of sight , it Is the Intention of the company to look for this ledge. A diltt will bo run on a small vein ot quartz that L. Shoomnn has on n pair Hun an Slices from that Llg shipment , wo Imvo just rccoivuil the now fall styles In all the latest lees shnpca anil col ors with'duublo or single solo full calf or cloth lined just as you llko the bounty about the Ilanan ahoo is that It U a regular foot form shoo fits from the start nnd will outwear any ether shoo 'iiuicJo of course It's not awfully cheap priced but you got moro than your money's worth when you buy shoes here and thcro Isn't n shoo at thu prlco that will compare with the Uanaii. Drexel Shoe Co. , 1419 Fiirnum Street from $2 ( o $ t | u Rold , and Mr. Deck li confident that In'umc a continuation ot the gold ledge will \\b \ \ 'Vhcounteted ' , .1 M , Westwood ol 'fpringvlllo received a letter last week wli | hn In effect , covers a 1 proposition recently submitted to the Na tional Heet Su ar cMfetMictlon company , and affecting the construction of a factory there . which , upon the next .meeting of the loc.il organization ot the National Hcet Growers' Association , will bo Ta drable received and which approved ovoryi 'proposition ' made up to the present time. nTUls will probably re sult In the building ot a. factory In that place. ' ' City Engineer Kelsiy' of Silt Lake bas completed the drawings .and plans fer the proposed Improvement ot the I'ott Douglas waterworks system. Which Improvements , when completed , will make the system con il to the best to be found anywhere. The en gineering and olilce work on the plans w i > done on request ot tha military authorities and by authority of the city council , the fee for the se'vlce to be paid Into the city treasury. The sum of $5.000 xvlll be expended on the Improvements , and tlnce the. soldier boys will do the heavy work , the entire gov ernment appropriation will go for materials and ixij- for what skilled labor may bo rc- ( liilrcd. JDAHO. A kindergarten to bo supported by public subscription Is the latest proposition bcforo the people of Wallace. The strike of Japanese track laborers on the Oregon Short Line nt Pocntello has ended and all the strikers have returned to work. Thu annual exhibit of fruits , grains nnd vegetables raised In the vicinity ot Nnmpa la being put In the building erected for that purpose at the depot. Ore has been struck again In the Custor , near Wallace , which probably means more for the Coeur d'Alenes than any strike that has been made there for ten years. There are two bands of Indians on Lost river. One band Is In the bisln nnd the other on the north fork of Hlg Lost river. They are killing nil the game that they can scare up. The gypsies who Infested the vicinity ot South Holse have moved on to other fields that they can work to better effect. The sheriff's instructions to clear out seems to have had the desired effect. General Merrlam has Informed a delega tion headed by Mayor Alexander ot Hoist- that no moro rock can bo taken from the reservation for street paving. The matter has been referred to Washington. Only a few days more and the town ot Guffy will be moved across the river Into Owyhee county. The railroad bridge was completed several days ago , and the depot will soon bo removed to this side of the-rlver. Prof. J. D. Gibbons of San Francisco Is hi Idaho on the Snake river , w tit-re ne Has a now machine for saving fine gold. If the machine is as successful as Prof. Gibbons says It Is , placer mining will bo revolution ized and another Klondike excitement is likely to occur at home. The quarries from which noise has been obtaining rock for street paving are located In thu military reservation. After a suin- clenL amount to complete the paving had been quarried , orders were issued prohibit ing Its removal from the reservation. The mayor has appealed to. the secretary of war. The brake on the , Tiger hoist at Wallace gave way Sunday , says a Denver News spe cial , letting the cage fall. It struck on a bulkhead at the 1,200-foet level wedging It so that It stopped , saving the four men workIng - Ing In the bottom ot the shaft. Thu hoist was torn all to pieces arid the mine will bo closed a month , laying off 150 men. The Anaconda Gold Reduction nnd fievlvl- ficatlon company at" Murray has completed Its odlco building anVl Is now grading for the main building. All ores will be crushed by rolls , as It cannot bo done by stamps with out using water and wasting moro or less of rock. The rolls will be driven by steam nnd no other machlnerji-of consequence will bo needed , , as after. tUorock Is crushed it is treated chemically. A band of 120 cattle belonging to P. Mc- Monlgle , a Deer cfeek tanchcr , that were feeding on the mountains In the vicinity of Ketchum , were recently , stolen , the owner not dlscfivcrlns hiS4 loss 'until ' 'last'week. . Ho Immediately offered a reward of one-third of the stock to the parties returning part or all of his cattle. Besides , the deputy sheriff and a number of armed men , both from Halley and Ketchum , started out to try and recover thu stolen cattle. Word reached Ilalley Wednesday night that Dep uty Sheriff Liggett was on the trail of the missing cattle. The citizens of Kendrick , In Lita county , have turned out en mass to wage war against bears , which threaten an invasion of the towns and orchards. A band of bears Thins- day night entered several orchards less than a mlle from the town and almost ruined them in their efforts to secure the fruit. As I I many as fifty returned last evening ! before dark nnd were killed. Ono man left his ranch and came post haste to town , sayIng - Ing his place was full of bears of a ferocious type. Failure of the wild berry crop In the mountains Is responsible for the Invasion. At Canyon Ferry the great dani Is being rapidly pushed to completion , about 125 men being employed upon It and the excavations for power houses. The dam will be about 1.000 feet long and will raise the water In the river about forty feet. The ends are ot earth faced with abutnu..ts of granite blocks taken from the adjoining cliffs. The mlddlo portion , a space of about GOO feet. Is a net work of huge timbers , fastened together with spikes as largo as drill steel and about three feet long. The spices between the timbers are being filled with rock taken from the cliffs nearby. The power houses are to bo on. the Lewis and Clarke side of the river. Superintendent E. II. Dewey of the Florida Mountain Mining company bas received In struction from the eastern offices of the com pany to discontinue all work upon the prop erty nt IJoonvlllo , near Silver City. This ac tion Is due to the outlook for the white metal. It Is understood that the order In cluded the operation ot the Dewcy company at Willow Creek. A largo force of men have boon employed In that district by the com pany , but developments have not been suffi ciently encouraging to warrant a further ex penditure ot money In the face of the depressed - pressed silver market. So far no other of the Owyhee county mines have shown any tendency to close and from the best Informa tion obtainable there Is no irmffedlatc dan ger of It. MONTANA. Joseph P. Wenrlch , proprietor of the Dutto Sunday Mercury , a vile publication , has been arrested on a charge of criminal libel. The commlsslouera of Mlssoula county are constructing a much-needed road from Thompson Falls across the hills to the mines of Murrav , Idaho. Considerablecomfjiejjt was aroused nt Anaconda and Butteby.-iho refusal of the Anaconda company tooVisjo down and permit Its employes to celebrat < Labor day. The Northern Pacific survey from Lak > . creek north shows Sjrlxaplte to be situated on section 30. The qepViop being oven-num bered , It falls upon government land. Owing to a Bhortage , ! * 'ork on the Mon tana school of mlaesihasiceased. Dutto will probably contributeunaugh to flniflh It. Then the football teamvwlll bo revived. Under the now stato'law ' $50 In work must bo done on a claim"ttTtfiln sixty daya after posting the preliminary'fork. . Ordinarily It will bo found cheaper and easier to do the. work thnn to start making < i "test case" of Its constitutionality. The Delcher , with tn eight-foot teiliso giv ing assays all the nay from $1 to $74 In gold , will soon resume active operations , work to be continued throughout the winter. The llutte Mining and tlallwny Ilevlow says H'bout ' $42.000 has pa-wed through Hit pool boxes at the racetrack every day thl * season. This makes $1,344,000. 5 per cent of which Is $67,200. The farmers of Nevada valley. Dorr Lodge , .110 Just about through harvesting the best hay crop ever known In that section , nnd the stock Industry will In consequence thrive for the next year. President Mellon nnd Colonel Lament of the Northern Pacific are expected to visit Hutto soon. This road now bns 1,500 box cars slde-trnrkcil In Washington , for moving the 30,000,000-bushel wheat crop. While the people ot Chicago nnd the cast were sweltering In the heat last Wednesday , Unite was shivering with cold. Snow fell for several hours In the forenoon and heavy clothing nnd overcoats were. In demand. In Milking on the War Hor. o claim , on Mineral hill , to catch the lead. A two-foot stringer of copper ore was cut , which Is pronounced to be In n malachite form. The Ireton , an adjoining clnhu. has produced come fine-looking quartz , showing native copper. One Important Droadwnter Industry Is the coal mine now under course of development on Six Mile , about three miles from Toston. Superintendent Anderson hns n force of eight men at work and Is down 200 feet. The quality of the coal Is extra good and the future development of this mlno means much to the county. CALIFORNIA. Stockton's forthcoming pavilion display will Include n woolen mill end 'a pottery factory In full operation. A new "League of Good Itoads" was re cently organized by the State Hoard of Trade , fifteen counties being represented nt the meeting. Miss Margaret Craven of San Francisco , who married a St. Louis millionaire , has had property valued at $100,000 placed In her name by her husband. Freight rates on wheat nnd other prod ucts shipped cast by the Southern Pacific will bo Increiscd to GO cents a hundred pounds on and after September SO. The Christian Kndeavorers of Alameda county Ii3\-t > started a crusade against the riding of bicycles on Sunday and nro circu lating pledges throughout the country. In 1S80 the wheat acreage of San Bernardino dine county was 300 acres. It Is now 2,000 acres. lll\crslde county's wheat acreage Is now 75,000 acres , against 30,000 , acres a year ago. ago.Tho The Los Angeles Mining and Stock ex change wilt seek larger quarters. It has 100 members , and over 500,000 shares of stock changed hands on the floor last month. ' Chinese testifying to the respectability of a house occupied by a man and woman ac cused of keeping a minor Chinese girl In an immoral place was a diversion In San Francisco recently. Oil In Los Angeles sails for GO cents a barrel. KfTorts are afoot to form a pro ducers' pool to sell the large surplus In San Francisco. Storage tanks of 150,000 barrels capacity are contemplated. On Sunday Pasadena had tha first electric car funeral In her history. The casket was placed In one end of the open car , sur rounded by green boughs , the mourners oc cupying the scats. Il Is proposed to fit up a car for funeral purposes. A petition Is being circulated In the town of WashliiKton. Yolo county , asking the Hoard ot Supervisors to order a survey of the streets of that place. It Is asserted that some property owners have encroached upon the streets with their fences. United States Treasurer Berry has sent S100.000 worth of halt dollars of the old Is sue to the San Francisco mint to bo re- colned Into shining new half dollars of the new Issue. Ho sent away $50,000 to the mint for the same purpose on the day be fore. It is reported on good authority that the Indians have been slaughtering fish In Pros- scr creek lately most outrageously. The water In the creek Is low and they put In traps nnd then go up the stream and drive down every fish along the way and catch them In their traps. Los Angeles , Cat. , men are about to buy 300.000 tons of Comstock tailings lu Six Mlle canyon , which went through the Gould & Curry mill in the ' 60s. Including quicksilver. It Is figured that the deposit Is worth $2,000,000. The buyers propose building a plant that will treat 400 tons dally. Colonel Lyman Bridges , engineer of the Oak land Board of Trade , declares that San Lcan- dro harbor Is to be Improved by an Incor- porated company. Ho says It does not ask for a government appropriation , but will build a canal for the development of manu factories and the promotion of shipments. OREGON. The revenue of the city of Astoria will fall short this year on fines and forfeitures at least $7,000 , and probably more. Ontario will have six days racing this fall , beginning September 27. Purses to the amount of of $1,180 will bo offered. The woolen mill In Salem , says a local paper. Is running on full time , making goods to fill the orders continually crowding In upon the management. Sheepmen of Gllllam county say that the graSrf is drying up pretty fast in the moun tains and that the sheep will bo taken to their homo range earlier than usual this season. The first train load of fine beef cattle ever shipped from Myrtle Point was made up by Russell Dement last week. The train con sisted of seven cars and carried 127 head ot flue largo beef cattle. A placer mining company operating on the Baker county side of Powder river , one and one-half miles from Us mouth , has a floating Hume a quarter of a mlle long , three feet wldo nnd a foot deep , ana a few men thcro are getting big paying results. The cunnury at Mnrshfleld ran short on cans last week and linn to stop the receipt of fish for ono day. but. is now In operation ami Is cannlnsr all the fish received. Suoor- liitpndpiit Five savs that Uipy ara now able to take care of 2,000 chlnooks a. day. The Brownsvlllo Woolen mllla are so crowded with orders for goods thut the ma chinery is kept humming from daylight until dark , and some of U day and night , aaya the Brownsville Times. On Wednesday last the wages of employes were advanced 5 per cent. U bas been decided to bavo a training de partment In connection with the Normal school at West on , thu pupils to be taken from , tbo seventh and eighth grades of last year. Primary grades will bo added to the school only lu the event ot a. demand for them. The Vale Advocate says that In the canyon of thu Malheur there Is a small active animal unllku anything described In the natural his tories. By people living on the Malheur It Is called a "rocket cat , " although It la very unlike the common stubtall wild cat , ot which there are many In the county. Four thousand five hundred sacks of wheat were received at the Pacific Coast Klevalor company's warehouse In Mission , Umatllla county , last Wednesday. During the last week thu receipts averaged 2COO sacks a day. Nlco men are employed at the waro- / li-iuUL .1 I n ' "VVo probably frartio moro pictures tlmji all the othQivscjlf-styled picture framora In Omaha 'thero nro several reasons why we do Our prices are about half what youJinyo , [ paid for work and mouldings not so good wo have experts - ports at our Jzard street factory who frame HO much that they do it wall then wo have such a stock of mouldings from the quarter Inch to the 12-inch widths that you can bo sure of finding what you want Sam'plos and prices at the Douglas street store Pictures and frames go together wo have both , A. HOSPE. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. I house receiving the Rrnln , and Wednesday 1 availing It was found necessary to put on nlslil crew. tt may not bo Eencrally known , tint It Is ft misdemeanor to kill or trap beaver In Malhcur county , ami the disability will not bo removed tintll .ifler February 25 , tSOO. However , If the beaver Is about to Injure you or your property In Mnlheur county , you can kill It and there will be no questions nskcd. A savage boar attacked two horses pas tured on the rtcltfountaln fruit farm , In Icnlon ! county , last week , killing ona mid maiming the other. The horses belonged to men -working for the Oreon Penk Krult company - pany Later , the owner of the hog removed Its tusks nnd penned It up. When next he visited It ho found the animal dead. WASHINGTON. The citizens of Ellpnsburg arc Jut now much Interested In having Installed there a plant for evaporating vegetables. Kalamn Is showing the effects of pros- perlty. A largo amount of street work Is being done and other Improvement * arc In progress. A telephone line Is to toe erected at once from Oakesdalo to Thornton , Sutuet nnd SU John.Vork will begin ns soon as the ma terial fin be had. The I.atahWh. . . quadruplets , three little girls and a boy , all born at the same time , will probably bo ono ol the attractions at the Spokane fruit fair. The Duff shingle mill In Kclso closed Tues day for want of bolts. A Wg drlvu from Green river Is expected down In about three weeks , when work will bo resumed. Diphtheria has made Its appearaneo In Tckoa , three cases having boon reported. The cases are being closely watched , nnd thcro Is not much danger of the disease spreading , The masts are all set In the new vessel being built at Hoqulam. These four musts are each 11SV6 feet long and four more beau tiful slicks were noer put Into a vessel. They were cut on Orny's harbor. The Indians on the Yaklma reservation complain that some of the squaw men who used to bo employed In doing the thrashing ON the reservation have revenged themselves , because of the employment of a steam thrasher , by putting barb wire Into the bundles of grain , thereby wrecking the cylinder of the thrasher. The sinking fund commission of Spoknno has accepted the bid of the Spokane & Kast- ern Trust company of pnr for SfiO.OOO salary warrants , to be Issued $10.000 per month , beginning this month. The National bank made a similar offer. This will Insure the employes being paid In cash , without dis count. The waranls draw S per cent Interest. The Klondike crnzo has proved to bo the salvation of Seattle , which was rather dull before the golden boom began. Ono hard ware firm there- takes In over ? 1.000 cash every day and a leading grocer hns emplojcd forty extra clerks. All of the hotels and lodging houses are crowded. The business at the telegraph ofllceIs six times greater than It was. Eureka district continues to maintain Its exalted position 1n the Colvlllo Reserve , and over 100 men are employed In developing the mines , while the camp Is sustaining from -00 to 300 business men. teamsters and camp followers. The place has sprung up like a mushroom In the night , and Is composed principally of tents and log cabins of very hasty construction. The main tunnel being driven on the Washington-Anaconda group of copper mines on Heckler river for the purpose of cutting the Immense ledge. Is now In fifty feet , hav ing succeeded In Its purpose. The on ; Is found distributed all through the ledge and Is from a fo\v Inches to two feet In width. Al though assaying high , on the surface , It hns Improved very materially with -depth , and Is a first-class shipping proposition. NEVADA. Eastern buyers have bought upward of 3.000 head of cattle In the vicinity of Reno the past few days. A farmers' Institute will be held at Reno during fair week under the auspices and In conjunction with the State university. The farmer * of Carson valley are talking of establishing a co-oporatlvo hay and grain yard at Carson , under tholr own manage ment. The Western Union company has n force of linemen at work In EIlio wiring for u now onlce that will be established there In the near future. Golconda is having < i small Klondike boom sf Its own. A large smelter has been erected nc r the river and a spur track has been built from the main line down to the mines. Tuscarora Times-Review : Krom all ap- pcaranccs < the cattle shipments from this section will not bo heavy this season. Many cattle owntTs , In view of the large supply of hay , prefer to hold over until next season and allow their herds to Increase. C. D. Wolcott of Helena , Mont. , will ar rive in N ada on the 22d with a corps of government surveyors , to make a geograph ical and topographical survey of the entire Silver Peak district. It will require several months and be of great advantage to this district. It will cost $23,000. News comes from El Dorado canyon , Lin coln county. ' that the largest bodies of ore over found In southern Nevada luvo been opened up in the Techatlcup and Wall Street mines , owned by the Southwestern .Mining . company. One of the ledges shows a fifty- foot breast of ore that mills ? 20 per ton In gold. In another lodge an eight-foot body of ere runs over five ounces In gold to the ton. Thcro Is enough ore In sight to keep the fifteen-stamp mill busy for flvo years. News has reached Carson City of a big strike In the Dig Injun mine near Coryvllle , twelve miles from Hawthorne and on the line of .tho Carson and Colorado railroad. The mine Isf owned l > y W. D. Toby of Carson , Senator Forbes of Hawthorne and Colonel Hoyle of Gold Hill. It has not been worked In a number of years , except for a little assess ment work each fall. Last fall the mine was leased to a few Mexicans , with the object of getting annual assessment work clone . The Mexicans struck a good body of ore but preferred to spend what money they earned In having a good time at Hawthorne to taking full advantage of their luck. Their lease expired a short tlmo ago , when It was taken up by William WatHon , a well known mining man In southwestern Nevada. In ad dition to following up the rich strike unT covered by the Mexicans he ran . 400-foot tunnel In another part of the mini And struck a four-toot ledge of gold * bearing rock. The best experts of Ksmorald * eounty have examined the ledge and say 11 Is ( ho biggest thing In tho. country. Tests of low-grade ore In Consolidated Virginia , on the Comstock , give nn assay value of $ U per Ion. Standard had n sur * plus fund In the treasury , with July cx pensc.i paid , of $27,000. nndwill h&vo nsl protlls tor the current month of about | 1S , 000. Sierra Nevada , since Its Incorporation , has collected a total of Jfi.fiCfi.SlO In assess- incntn and has disbursed dividends amount * Ing In } 102r 00. The work In the inlne la confined to the Layton tunnel and 900-foot levels. In 1'otonl A smill streak of $30 ore has been struck on the 100-foot level. Starrett Hros. of llnttlc Mountain are con ducting an agricultural experiment itixtloa for the government at their farm threa miles north of illnttte Mountain , In ( ha Humboldt valley , nnd the result Is wonder ful. They haxe now growing , sn wo art Informed by Sheriff ICnston , the fliifst speeU inens of corn , potatoes , onions , beans , rtl- chokes , peas , strawberries , varieties of squash and pumpkin , barley , oils , alfalfa , carrots , beets and cticiunbcis. The exhibit la truly wonderful and demonstrates that tl > 6 Humboldt river that traverses the valley for hundreds of miles coiild bg turned Into. A paradise for raising the nbovu named articles , This experiment la worth , If profitably usefl , millions nf dollars to residents along- the Humboldt river. TO CUIM2 A COLO IN ONK DAY Take Laxative llrumo Quinine Tableta. All drtigglstH refund the money If It falls to cure. 25c. 1.4 i\ -x n Ctrl iiiul Kill * n Mini and. tin- Molt Diu-s ( lie Itril , MACON , 0.1. , Sept. 12. A murder wna committed In this city this morning and this afternoon the slayer was lynched , not for murder , however , but for the crime ot criminal assault. This morning about 8 o'clock Charlie Gib son and Jim Smith , both colored , engaged In a quarrel about the latter accusing the former with stealing 3 cents. Smith , not Inclined to fight , turned to go away , where upon Gibson drew a pistol and shot him In the back of the head , killing him In stantly. Gibson then lied. The sheriff and pos.su nore soon In pursuit and kept up the chase until 4 p. in. , occasli ually exchang ing shots with the fugitive. At 5 p , m. the murderer \\ns run to cover And surrounded by the deputies. The negro , being well armed. KU\O shot for shot until brought down by three bullets from rifles. The negro had been suspected nf having outraged u Miss Chapman a few nights ago and thla suspicion was confirmed by his c 'iifeps'on. A largo crowd soon gHhcred nt the ncena ot the shooting , but there were no threats of violence or Intimidation. Thu sheriff and deputies retmned to the city to get a vo- hlclu to coiney the wounded man to tha city , and while they were absent the negro eonfessnd to having assaulted Miss Chap man nnd committing the burglaries. Ilia crowd secured a rope nnd swung the negro from a limb. Gibson Is nn ox-convict , hav ing seived several yeirs In the chain gang , In his house were found Innumerable artl * cles stolen tram residences In this city , many of which have been Identified by own ers. In the room were clothes nnd shoos stolen from the house wheio ho outrage Miss Chapman. There have becti two cases of criminal nssault In this city within twp weeks and three attempts. People are ter rlbly excited over the horrible crimes and this summary punishment is what the pub lic reasonably expected. GISTS HKVI\I : iTIIIUU : Yin ยง . Sin-lion Dumpier Kill * Samite ) I'nrkcr. Who lliul Him Sent to .1 nil. MACON , Ga. , Sept. 12. A special to t&5 Telegraph from Valdosta , Ga. , says : Th atory of the kilting of Samuel Parker , n well known citizen ot Cecil , at Hahlra this morn * Ing by Shclton Damplcr Is to the effect thai Parker was on his way to church nnd had stopped on the street to talk to some gen tlemen. Damplcr being In the crowd. After A few minute ; ' conversation the crowd began to break up and Parker , Damplcr and th ? town marshal were left alono. Damplor drew his pistol at this Juncture and putting It against the bosom of Parker , Hied ono shot. The ball passed through Parker's heart and he sank to the ground without a word , dying Instantly. Turning to the mar shal , Dampler waved his pistol In his face and defied him , threatening to kill him It ho moved. The desperado then turned and made his escape. Every effort will be mada to capture Dampler. The cause of the .tragedy . Is told to data back three yeirs , when Dampler was prose cuted for stalling some meat from Parker. Dampler was convicted and sent to tlio chain gang Ho sworn vengeance at tha tlmo , declaring that ho would kill Parkop on sight If he was released or when till term expired. His sentence expired six or seven months ago. Today was the first tlino that ho and Parker have met since. ParkeB was known as a peaceable citizen nnd leaves a. wlfo and seven or eight children. Da nip lee was a young man ot rather unsavory repu * tatlon. Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches lOc , 25c and 50c All druggists. JAl'VX OHDICHS A XI3W IIATTI.ISSIIIft Will lie 11 SlMli-r l < > SUIUdHliImn nnd Will Hillllllt on ( lie Clyile. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 12. Japanese ad > vices were received by stcannhlp Gaelic * The Japanese government has given an onlo to Messrs. Thompson & Co. , thu Clyde shlpf builders , for another first-class battleship of 17,000 tons , a sister ship to the Sklkoslilma , It Is alno contemplating thu building of at first-class cruiser of 'J.OOO tons at Yokosntai Thu Mulucht states that the Chinese gov * ernmont Is negotiating with a foreign syndl * cato for a loan ot 100,000,000 tnclu for tha purpose of paying off the balance of In-r demnlty to Japan and It Is believed that tha matter will soon bo brought tu ,1 successful Issue. THE ONLY GENUINE IIUNYADI WATER BEST AND SAFEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER Proscribed and approved for , ' ! ! years by nil the miHllcn ! aulhorlllcH for CON * STIPATJON , DYSIMiPSlA , TOUPIDITX OK THIS L-IVKK , IIHMOItUlIOIDJt ns well us for all Ulmlreil ailments resulting from Indiscretion lu diet. / "It In rcniurliiiliiy unit uxci-iitlinuilly uniform In itx i-iiniiOMllloii. | " British Medical Journal , "Tin * pk-olnlpyo < > ( I1 Illttfr AViHem. " Lancet. VDIIHlllIlt III UUIIIIHIxltloil , " Olini.V.VUV IIOSB , 0X13 AVIXKCJI.A.SHKIM. IIKKOItK CAUTION See that the label bears the signature of the fmn Andreas Saxlehner. A'OTIUU 'I'd CO.VrilACTOHH. There nro thirteen sizes nnd styles of the Jo well Steel Hango for you to select from not un unlucky num ber in this case lor the thirteen give you a range of prices from $24 up till you reach the No , 00-20 six O-lnch holes with un even 20 by 221 by 14 inches thata a pretty good si/.cd stool range The No. 74-1(1 ( at 124 has four 7-inch holes and an oven 10 by 22 } by 14 the Jewell patented oven that never warps it's built so it can't in four sections with riveted edges in. fact the whole range is built to last. A. C. RAYMER KUILDKRS' HARDWARE HERE 1514 Farnam St.