Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Greater Risk is Now Attached to All
Property in the Vicinity ,
Local PI r m Src-iin-n n lnnc nnd
Ki | M n Priinip Slriiutiiri ;
Clour lo Hie .Main
' Coiirl. , l
Th < ; exposition management Is somewhat
exercised over the notlco received from In-
curnnco Inspector Martman to the effect that
the erection of a frame planing mill Just out-
lido of the main court at the northeast corner ,
end about twenty-five feet back of the Ma
chinery nnd Hlcctrlclty building will Incrclso
th , , Insurance rate which must be paid on the
buildings on the main court and on the con
tend * of all thCio buildings.
Thin planing mill was erected recently by
iVogcl brothers , the building permit being
taken out In the name of the TrntmnUMsslppl
} ' { anlng Mill company. These people had u
contract wtl | ) the Department of Httlldlngs
and nroumlfl to occupy the brick building on
( fie bluff tract , but the executive committee
rrfuhcd to approve the contract for the reason
that It would he discriminating against home
'In'Mllutlotis which had subscribed to exposi
tion stock.
When this plan failed tbo planing mill
people secured a lease of a lot which IH
nt the northeast corner of the main court ,
enclosed 'on the eat by ft portion of the
crounds which tuns up to Manderson stre- ,
and on'this they erected a .frame building ,
which Uncovered with tar paper. This build
" ' '
ing" U almo'x't In direct contact with the
fence surrounding the main court and Is
within a few feet of where the Machinery and
Klcctrlclty building will stand. To facilitate
access to the mill from the exposition
crounds a gate has been cut through thn
fence , directly back of the mill.
After the notice was tccclvcd from In-
epector Hartiuan , Secretary Wakofleld visited
the ofllce of the city building Inspector and
remonstrated with Dulldlng Inspector Duller
Tor Issuing a permit for snrh a structure In
tuch close proximity to the exposition bulM-
ings. .Mr. Duller said he hod no knowledge
of just who o the nnln buildings would be
located and had flmply Issued the permit
without tiny reference to those buildings.
The permit being Issued , IIP said the matter
had gene beyond lib power.
Inspector Hartman suggested that the fire
risk might bo reduced by erecting a'brick
wall between the planing mill and the ex
position grounds , but Chief Itedell of the
lire department said this would not lessen
the danger from lire , as the chips and shav-
lims from the mill would blow all over that
part of town anl the danger to the build
ings would ho very great.
N'o olllolal action on the matter- has yet
been taken b > the executive committee.
aio.vnv FOII Aiiisnir
I'riiiioNlllon SllliillUlfd liy an Iiivi-ll-
< < > r from Mlxsotirl.
The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition manage
ment has received another airship proposi
tion. The Inventor of the machine Is from
Jlltsourl. HP accordingly accompanies his
proposition with a cabinet photograph showIng -
Ing a small model of the machine with which
ho proposes to overcome the attraction of
giavlty to some extent and soar heavenward
as with the wings ot a hint.
A photograph shows two rectangular
frames which Intersect one another at
right angles. A small platform rents on the
point where the lower sides Intersect , and
on this Is placed the motive power , coii-
elsllng'of a small molor which'the Inventor
says may be opcraled hy'conipresscd air or
electricity. , At the extreme. outer
ends of the upper sides of the
frames arc placed wheels resembling turbine
water wheels. There are four of these and
they are constructed of steel tubing , covered
with cloth. The wheels are twenty-five feet
In diameter and aru operated by means of
shafting. Running up above the engine Is
a rod having a universal joint at Us upper
end and to this Is attached another wheel
which may b-i used as a propeller or a rud
der. This constitutes the machine , and the
Inventor says that the model from which
the photograph Is taken works successfully.
lie says that when the machine Is in mid
air and the rotation of the wheels Is stopped
they act as parachutes , and the machine
descends slowly to the earth. lie says that
the completed machine will weigh about 500
The Inventor is 0. G. Newton of Trenton ,
Mo. , and he asks the exposition people to
advance him $300 for the construction of
tho. machine , which ho proposes on
the exposition grounds.
TK.VCK.\ ; I : ox r.xrosrnox nitorxns
MlintlKi'r Iliilu'Ot-li llnx u CoiiOri'iit-o
with -MIsNi.nrl I'uclllr OlllfliilN.
The excrutlvo committee of the exposltlc i
hold a short meeting Wednesday attoi noon at
.which . the question ot railway trackage on
the exposition Kfoundb WOK discussed very
briefly. As a result of the meeting , tlm
. whole mutter was referred to Mr. Dabcock.
iilahdgcr of the Department of Transporta
tion , and ho was authorized to negotiate
with the Missouri 1'aclllc company for a
Sir. Habi-ock held a short conference with
the Missouri I'aclllc olllclalK Wednesday and
another one yesterday. Ho staled yes
terday that he bcllnved the mattei
would lie clewed up at once and thut a con
tract would be made some time thin week
for submission to the executive committee.
I IKi iONltoii. : | .
The Qciman bureau of the Department of
Publicity and Promotion has Issued a com-
] irchciibl\e pamphlet of the exposition In tht
German language. U has sixteen pages and
contains handsome cuts of bIxof the main
buildings , together with a largo amount of
Infgrmatlpn regarding the exposition In con
densed form. The title page contains a hand
eorne seal , consisting of tlio coat-of-arms o
the United States , surrounded by a scroll li
which Is Inscribed tlio title of the exposition
I'lvn thousand of those pamphlets aio be
Ing ueut ( o ( ho leading German clt
Izens and to all of the great Genual
papers In Iho United Slates. Any per
ton deMrlng to obtain those pamphlets to KOUI
to their frlrnds may obtain ( hem by ealllni ,
at ( ho headquarters of the Department o
I'ulillclty and Promotion , Itootn G01 Dee build
ing. The Oerman bureau also lias In pvop
nratlon a Kpeclal edition of a pamphlnt whlcl
will be sent to nil the German speaking coun
tries of Kurope. These will be Issued In a
short time.
\Ott'M Of lilt-
The supervising architects are preparing
sketch - ofthe Girls' and Hoys' oulldln
which will bo Issued to the public throug
lllo newspapers by tlio Department of I'nb
llclty and Promotion as soon as It la receive
from ( ho orchitocts ,
The Department of Publicity and Promo
tlon Is getting out a largo edition ot n
'llustratnd pamphlet for UH > at Iho low
ituto fair , containing full Information le
Karillng the exposition , together with point
regarding Iowa. Another edition of the larg
half-tone engraving of the Administrate
building will also bo Issued for use In low ,
llo ) first edition of 5,000 of this hange
having been exhausted within a few daj
oler ( It was Issued.
The demand -for thu exposition paniplilf
containing cult ot the main buildings was H
great that the Department of Publicity an
1'romotlon has Issued another edition of th
pamphlet , which Is now ready for dlftrlbt
tlon. The second edition has the title pax
done In two cpjors , blue and red , and fern
a most attractive pamphlet. It has blxtce
luges crammed full of cold , hard faeta re
garding the exposition , together with emu of
elx of thu main buildings. Those desiring
copies of this pamphlet can obtain thorn by
calling l tbo office of the department , room
C01. lice building.
The "Hlcycllst's IIMI Krienrt" is a familiar
name fur DoWItt' * Witch Hazel Salve , nl-
ways r ady for emergencies. While a spe
c-Ilia for pIlM. It also instantly relieve * and
curea cut * , bruizes , ealt ruquio , eczema ana
nil aaetlons of the kln , U never
nommits VISIT iifTciinu ST.VPI.HS.
I'ollrpVnlt TwHvo Hour * Hrforr
InvrfttlKiitliiir tlio Cnnr.
Dutcher Staples , whb ban a fhop , at Six
teenth acid Dorcas streets , thought a whole
lot of unutterable thing ! ) yesterday when
a policeman dropped Into his place nnd
wanted to know whether ho had been robbed
Wednesday. Hutcher Staples , not recalling
.ho proverb that all great bodies move
slowly , fondly Imagined that after he had
reported to the police Wednesday the ex-
pcrtmco ho had had with robbers , at least
n few of tne officers would be looking for
the crook * . It was no wonder , therefore ,
that the butcher's thoughts assumed a de
cidedly variegated hue when the policeman
Interviewed him yesterday. Inasmuch as the
otllcer stated that nothing bad yet been done
lo apprehend the robbers.
Hutcher Staples was sitting In a rear
room behind his shop Wednesday , when a
man entered the establishment. Staples
hecrd some one at the money drawer and ho
hastily wont Into the shop to Investigate.
He got there just In tlmo to see a man run
out of the front door and leap Into a buggy ,
In which was seated another man. The two
hurrldly drove away.
The butcher stopped only long enough to
( list-over that a $10 bill had bc3n taken out
of the drawer. Then ho rushed out of his
lop and ho noticed the buggy going at a
igh rate of speed north on Sixteenth street ,
he butcher proved that ho was something
1 a sprinter , hut he could not keep up : vltli
rapidly driven horro. Ho kept the rig In
ght. however , and was filled with hopes
mt the robbers would he caught , as he
otlcsd that they nnd a policeman were
ipldly coming together at the end of the
Ixtccnth street viaduct.
The policeman saw the rig. AH It was
olng fast , he hailed the drivers and wanted
o know whcit ! they wcro going in such a
itirry. They answered that It was none of
ils business. Then the men drove on and
le pallccmnn plodded on his way until
ulllng Hutcher Staples met him.
The butcher Info'med the officer of the
aw that the two men had robbed him. Ily
its time , however , the rig was out of sight
cross the viaduct nnd there was no chance
f getting the men. The butcher thereupon
ctalled all the circumstances of the case
nil went home In the firm belief that before
lornlng the robbers would be In Jail. When
policeman visited his shop and wanted
o know If he had been robbed Wednesday
lutchcr Staples was mad.
ow.v r mx is n.vni.v nvM.vr.nn.
iNllinnit'N I'lnoi * Us Condition
IVr CViit of lli < - Xoi-innl.
CHICAGO. Sept. 1. The Iowa crop report
ertomber 1 says : There Is a wide rang1 In the
stlmates as to the condition of the corn
rep , compared with the average of past
oars. The average condition of corn for
lie state at largo was estimated nt 74 per
out of n normal crop. Of the three south-
rn districts the average was 70 per cent
nd for the central northern districts 70 per
out. The extreme heat and the prevalence
f hot and dry wind slnco September 1 have
frosted the normal development of the corn
rep and materially reduced the possible
leld. Judging by personal observations and
ate reporls from all sections the director
oes not hesitate to say that tne condition
f corn at this date , September 10 , Us not
bove GO per cent of the normal , and that the
leld of sound , merchantable corn will not
xeeed twenty bushels per aero , or a tolal of
abnul lfiO.000,000 bushels. There will be In
cxecsa of Ihls n considerable amount of Ini-
naturc corn of variable condition and value
is forage for stock.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Sept. n.-Late corn In
his section has been seriously Injured by the
irolouged drouth and the crop will bo much
ihortor than expected. Early corn Is said to
> e out of danger , but many fields of la to corn
vill be- good only for fodder. The hot , dry
veatlier bus also Injured the fruit crop and
lasturcs are burning up , with stock water
very scarce. The drouth U the most severe
or many years.
HURON , S. D. , Sept. 9. ( Spcclal.-The )
mlletlu from the government bureau here
says :
The warm -weather - of the past week was
' .ivorable for maturing tlm earlier corn , but
ho hot winds adversely affected some of the
nte In localities , In drying the foliage and
slirlnkins the kernel.
Considerable of the early corn Is now out
of danger from frost and the later Is mntur-
HK rapidly. The matured corn Is a line
ioi > and .well cured. Krom a week to ten
lays more of Immunity from heavy frost
will piob.ibly see the bulk of the corn crop
The hot winds wcro unfavorable to upland
WISH , and , except on the low and bottom
amis , haying , except probably In the north
ern counties. Is nbout over , although u large
crop of very-good quality , hns been Korureil
The wind durliiR the wee'.c also Interfered
with stacking and threshing.
Harvesting of wheat nnd oats Is about
completed. In the northern counties -with
vlelds below expectations , but quality good.
M-111 < ! . Totally fnnlilo iir Hold Them
In Cli.-c-l.- .
BUFFALO. Wyo. , Sept. 9. The forest fire
which has bemi burning for two or three
weeks in the lilg Horn reserve continues
unabated and is spreading rapidly , fanned
by a high gale. Already about twenty miles
square arc reported covered and millions
of feet of timber destroyed. The settlers
have fought the flre constantly until forced
to give up. There Is no prospect of rain
and unless something Is done by the govern
ment there Is no limit to the loss which may
be sustained. Another fire Is reported over
the divide in Dig Horn county.
Coillpfl II S < | IIIIW < 0 ClIllfCNN.
SANTA FR. Sept.MaJor ! > Nordstrom
t'nlted States agent In charge of the Pueblo
Indians , ban been Investigating the mal
treatment of it n aged squaw by Indians at
the Instigation of the religious order known
as "Pr'.ents of the IJow. " The old woman
was suspendi-d by the wrists until Hie con
fessed that she had bewitched the nostrums
of the medleine men nnil prevented thorn
fiom effecting euros. Four troops of Unltot
Stiitos cavalry will lie concentrated at Hun
on lliti 13th lust , to arrest the ringleaders li
the aspault and It Is possible that the
Indians will light.
\VIIV MurdiTur ! ) ! < * In Jail.
MT. MOM.Y. N. .1. . Sept. 0. James Hob-
ln on. who on tlit night of August $ mur
dered his wife by euttliiK her throat , at
thi-ir home at Kleldsboro. near liordentown
died In the county jail here last night ol
tuberculosis. After murdering bis wlfi
Itublnson attempted suicideby HlashlUK Ills
throat with a luzor. Ho wan treated at the
Tivntcin hospital , hlnce wlitcn time he hni
been In the J'tll here.
\iuii-v Nnloon Slimmer f.'nrdrn.
Gr.ind opening Saturday evening at S o'clocl
Goo.l mublc and refreshments. Everybody lit
vlted. S. K. corner 16th and Davenpoit HK
f Time.
On Sunday. September 12 , the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul Uy. will make the
following changes In the train time between
Omaha and Chicago :
Train No. 4 , "Chlcagu Limited , " now
leaving Omaha at fi:35 : p. in. nnd arriving
at Chicago at ! < : " . " > a. m. , will leave Omaha
at r,1 : | p. m. and arrive at Chicago at S:1C : ,
a. m.
Train No. 3 " '
, "Omaha-Chicago Express ,
now leaving Chicago at 10:25 : p. m. and ar
riving at Omaha at ! l'.2r p. m. , will leave
Chicago at 10:00 : p. m. and arrive at Omaha
at li'.RO p. m.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Western Agent.
Omiilin , KIIIINIIN City & KiiHlrru Hull
mud -Omaha .t SI. I.oulx Itallroad.
The QUINCY ROUTE with through tralmi
to Trenton , KlrkNvlllo and Qulncy. Connec
lions east and southeast. For rate * tlm
tables aud all Information , call at QUINCE
HOt'TB office , H1G Fnrnam street ( Paxtoi
Hotel llloclO , or write ,
\ \ ' heel mil n In | | i <
Murtln Dlnuzzn , the lad who run Into
and Knocked down Alice Gregory , ono o
the Salvation Mdlcro , n fhort time 111,0
will bo a n-n It-ned In police court nhortly o
u i-harKO of assault und battery. Dlnuzza
< wan rldlnir n bicycle near 'Eleventh nnd
1-arimin Ktreeln ut the lime In question ,
and i fnlil to huve deliberately run Into
the woman. She was quite luidl ) biulscd
In the accident
No man or woman can rnjoy Ilf > > or ac
complish much In this world while Hittcrlug
from a torpid liver. DeWllfe Little E rly
Risers , the pllla tbat clcanso that orgau ,
Important Case to Pirmnolnl Coinpanio3
Dismissed by the Court of Appeals ,
Court llitldn ( lint Union I'nt'lHc Of-
HclnlN AnXot l.lnlilo for
ICrrnr Mmlr by I.nun
Ciniipaii ) ,
General Solicitor Wllllnm II. Kelly of the
Union 1'aclflc railway has Just returned from
St. 1'aul , where ho won one of the most
Important lcgr.1 victories that has come to
the Union Pacific In recent years , and
thereby terminated u cnsa that hail been In
litigation for over two years. As a result
of the decision of the circuit court of ap
peals , United States court , Judges Tliayer
and Ulner sitting , a suit of the American
Loan and Trust company of New York ,
trustees of the mortgage of the Denver ,
Lcndvillo & Ounnlson railway , against S.
II. II. Clark 'and ' the other receivers of the
Union I'acinc railway , Involving $240,001) ) ,
has been decided In favor of the receivers
of the Union Pacific.
Th5 Denver , Leatlvlllo & Gunnlson rail
way Is a part of the Union 1'aclflc , Denver
& Gulf railway .lystom. All belonged to
the Union Pacific system prior to the
receivership of the Union Pacific. The re
ceivers of the Union Pacific ofisrated the
Denver , Leadvlllo & Gunnlson railway from
October 13 , 1SS3 , to August 7 , 1S94. Tno
xpcnses of tie ! operation of the Gunnlson
allway during that period were greater than
lie receipts by ? la2,000. At the time of
ic surrender of the property to the re-
elvers there was on hand $48,000 worth of
allway material. This was turned over to the
ecolvcrs. On the settlement of the account
he court charged the Gunnlson property
vlth these two amounts , aggregating $240-
00 , as a prior lien over thu mortgages.
From this judgment the trustee ( the Amerl-
an Loan and Trust company of New York )
appealed. The trustee , however , appealed
against the receivers alone and not against
lie Denver , Leadvlllo & Gunnlson railway.
The court hold that the railway company
vas a necessary party to the appeal , but
as It had not been made a party , the court
uled that It could not Investigate the mat
er , and therefore dismissed the case.
The case was argued in St. Paul before
ludges Thayer and llltier. The American
-oin and Trust company was represented by
Utorney Sheldon and the Union Pacific by
General Solicitor Kelly. It Is mot yet known
whether the plaintiff will now take an ap
peal to the United States supreme court or
lot. The case has attracted much attention
n railway and financial circles during the
ast two years , and the decision of the court
dismissing the appeal of the trustees ! s re
garded as a notable victory for thu railway
liitnii I'liclllr iltcdiiiTH < lit > Hiilc-H to
All Xi'liniskii I'ollitx.
Thcro were two new developments In the
coal rate war In local railway circles yes
terday. The announcement in yesterday's
Issue of The Hoc that the reduced rate of
? 2 would go Into effect on Saturday of this
week , September 11 , Instead of on September
20 , was incredulously received In a number of
freight olilccs , only to be later verified. The
moving up of the date for the operation of
the new tariff by nine days caused all the
lines to hustle , and before the morning was
"ttdl along September 11 had been quite gen
erally announced as the date for the com
mencement of the $2 rate.
The roads west of the Missouri river fell
into line yesterday. The Union Pacific
jumped out ahead of Its competitors and an
nounced that on account of the reduction ol
coal rates between Chicago and Missouri river
points It would make a horizontal reduction
of $1 In its coal rates from Omaha to. all
points In Nebraska.
Asked If a corresponding reduction would be
made In other states In which the Union Pa
cific operates. Assistant General Freight
Agent Wood of that railway said : "We have
not yet decided what we shall do In Kansas ,
or any other state , except Nebraska. We have
just dccldrd to make a horizontal cut of $1
[ rom our coal rate now In effect from the Mis
souri river to all points In Nebraska. "
"When will the cut In coal rates on your
line become effective ? "
"Just as soon as we can put It In. The
law requires a five days' notice on any
reduction and a ten days' notice on any In
crease In rates. The reduction west of the
Missouri river cannot become operative as
soon as that made by the lines cast of tUr
river , where It will be effective on Septem
ber 11 , because of the necessity of giving
five days' notice. The reduction will proba
bly be effective In Nebraska on September
13 , ticxt Monday. "
Vflirnil.n KnrnuTx Mnrkrf Inu ( Jrc-a
( tnnnlltlfs of Corn.
Speaking of the movement of freight 01
the Klkhorn , General Supcrlntcndcn
Hughes said yesterday : "Our frelgh
business Is remarkably good. There Is a big
movement of Block. New wheat Is now be
ginning to move and there Is plenty of eli
corn being shipped out of the state. There
is somn corn of the crop of 1895 being movec
now and a great deal of last year's crop
The farmers held their corn last seasoi
wherever they could. Only those who were
pressed for money sold their corn , but now
they are letting go of It all along the line
The result Is a bigger freight business than
wo have handled for a long time , compelling
us to run about as many extra freight trains
as wo can conveniently handle. "
Inlon I'nrUIr DrcliIrM I'IHIII li <
COIII-MI * Hint It Will Follow.
The Union Pacific railway yesterday an
nounced that It would run no more Sunday
excursions Into Omaha , at least not just at
The Union Pacific Hallway company In
sists that It Is the duty of the Omaha Street
Hullway company to provide band music for
the parks since Its receipts are enormously
swollpn by the Increased traffic of 1.500
excursionists. Other people maintain that
any entertainment of the excursionists
should bo forthcoming from the railroad
company which brings the excursionists Into
the city. Until the mooted point Is decided ,
Ilia Union Pacific will abandon Its Sundaj
excursions from state points Into Omaha.
OMlllllK | II XlMV MlUl 10 till * ( illlf.
Frank W. McDonald , Industrial agent > )
the Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf railroad
has evolved a unique scheme for announcln
the opening of the line between Kansa
City and Port Arthur , Tex. , on Saturday o
this we < > k. In every Important city on th
line of the now north and south railroad a
brass baud Is to parade the streets for Hire
hours , from 3 until G o'clock , on Saturday
afternoon , accompanied by banners annomu :
Ing the opening of the new railroad tbroug
to the Gulf of Mexico. The Seventh War
band of this city has been engaged by Mr
McDonald and In Omaha next Saturday after
noon It will attend to the matter of celebrat
Ing thu opening of the now lino.
I'liKNcn i-r Alc-ii Mi'i'l Toilii- .
The meeting of the local paisenger atso
elation which was to have been held y < tf
tcrday afternoon to Investigate charge
against the Northwestern , was adjournec
until this afternoon as Secretary Chamber
was yesterday engaged In handling the cer
IIHead's of members of thu Merchant ! )
bureau at the Commercial club und couh
not be present to conduct the hearing.
Hi' M'lvfrVlll Hun It A while.
JJ13NVEH Sept. 9t Hcpelver iiUtluo ro
tinned from Colorado Springs , after at
lending the sale of the Colorado Mldlan
railroad , He will leave for New York o
soon an possible to meet the rcorganlzat ) }
committee to arrange the details for th
reorganization , Ho said that the proper !
would continue to bo operated by hit
awhile longer aa receiver , as U would re
oul-c some time t ich ck the accounts pre
paratory to tutr.lfiR over .the manage
ment. In regard to < the presidency of the
road , .Mr. Hlstlne declined to speak , but It
IK believed that ho ran have the office of
president If ho will 'accept. The road will
lie turned over to the new company about
October 1.
H.VXT.V I'H UOAI ) ilHAflllXn OUT.
Scheme ( or n Illr ol 1,1 m- Into Sun
JOHANNKS11UHO , Gal. . Sept. 9. U Is
stated on good authority that the railroad
teen to be built connecting this place with
Kramer will eventually pass Into the hands
of the Santa Fo company. Johannesburg Is
to be the terminus 'for the present , but
within the next few months the road will
ho continued to connect with the ' Valley
road at or near Dakorsflcld. This will give
lie Santa Fc a direct route to San Fran-
ClilfiiKii t < ! rent Wi'Htcrn Klcotlon.
CHICAGO , Sept. 9. The annual meeting
f the stockholders of the Chicago ft Great
Vrstcrn railroad was held hero today. C.
V. Ilenson , A. C. Stlckney and J.V. . LusW
vere re-elected directors , and F. Wcyur-
lauscr was elected director In place ofVI1 -
lam Uawson , resigned The earnings of the
oad during the fiscal year ended June 30
voro $4,6SOS59.6t , a decrease of $28.961.01.
t was stated , however , that the decrease
vas more than made good by the Increase
> n the month of July following the close
of the fiscal year. Operating expenses am'J
cnowals amounted to $3.427.587.86 , an In-
reuse of $117 345.15 , Kxcoss of earnings
over expenses $1,253.271.65 , a decrease of
146,300.16. The old officcra will undoubt
edly be elected at the directors' meeting
which will be held later.
i\trn Dividend on
NBW YOltK , Sept. ! ) . The directors of
he Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
ompany have decided to declare the regular
nml-annual dividend of 2 per cent and an
xtra dividend of 1 per cent. A dividend of
Vi per cent on the preferred stock was
Use declared.
Itiilliriiy XolcH mill I'r
J. F. Hartsough , traveling freight agent of
the Louisville & Nashville , Is In town.
Traveling Passenger Agent Minor of the
Mexican Ccnttul railroad Is In the city.
Gcineral Agent Kuhn of the Northwestern
eft yesterday afternoon for a trip through
J. II. McConncll , superintendent of motive
lower and machinery , Union Pacific , has
lust returred from a western trip.
The exhibit of the small grain and other
Nebraska products sent to the county fair
at CamaTgo , 111. , captured several first prizes
and did an Immense amount of advertising
'or this state.
George Crocker of the Southern Pacific
company passed through Omaha yester
day , en route from San Franclnco to New
York. Ills private car "Sacramento" was
attached to the castbound "Overland
Limited" train of the Union Pacific.
W. II. Truesdale , vice president and gen
eral manager , and II. A. Parker , assistant
to the president , both of the Chicago. Uock
Island & Pacific railway , were In the city
"Wednesday. They are taking a trip of Inspec
tion over the linn and are making all the
runs by daylight.
The Hock Island's new time table , which
Is to take effect on Sunday , September 12 , at
12 o'clock , noon , has just been Issued by
General Superintendent Ultt. The Denver
express will , on and after Sunday next ,
arrive hero from the east at 1:45 : o'clock p.
m. It will leave for the west at 1:55 : o'clock
p. m. . Instead ofat 1:25 : p. m.
Fluluy Arkert , the Walxish conductor who
was killed by being dragged off his train by
tramps , was well known In Omaha railroad
circles. Well posted railroaders say that he
was the oldest passenger conductor In the
west. Hevas over 70 years of age and had
spent the pas * half a century In the railway
service In various capacities. C. II. Ackcrt
of Chicago , general manager of the Elgin.
Jollot & Eastern railway , was-hlsjson.
' George. H. Pcsram , chief engineer of the
"Union Pacific railway , was quietly married
at Barrio , Out. , Wednesday to Miss Crawford
at St. " Louis. The bride Is the daughter of
ono of the most prominent merchants and
leading citizens of St. Louis. He recently
purchased a magnificent castle of a British
lord at Ilarrle , Out. , for a summer residence
and It was there that the marriage ceremony
took place Wednesday. George H. Pegram Is
not only well known In this city , where he-
has lived as chief engineer of the Union
Pacific for a number of years , buthe enjoys
an enviable reputation throughout railway
and engineering circles.
IIiiKli l'IUTnlil llrliiKM n UiiiiuiKC
Null AKUliiNt ( h < - City.
Hugh Fitzgerald has commenced suit
against the city of Omaha for $5,000 damages
for a broken leg. Fitzgerald alleges that he
was driving along Eleventh street , near the
Eleventh street viaduct , August 20 , last ,
with a team of mules when a gang of city
employes who were flushing the street with
a hose turned the nozzle toward him and
threw water on the mules , causing them to
run away and ho was thrown from the
wagon and his leg broken.
Three suits In attachment have been com
menced In the district court against Isaac
Drown and John Ellman. The Union Manu
facturing company of Maryland sues for
J43I.30 , C. P. Kellogg & Co. for $915.50 and
H. U. Claflin Co. of New York for $1,3C3.78.
In each case attachments are Issued against
the Omaha National bank , the First Na
tional bank , Urandels & Sons and Johnson
Uros. Transfer line , all of whom are alleged
to have in their possession money or goods
hc-Ionglng to the defendants.
Andrew Wall has applied for a divorce
ifrom Lulu Wall on the ground' of desertion.
He says they were married In'Leesburg. Va. ,
June 13 , 1S92 , and that his wife deserted
him In June , 1895.
1.1'iinll'V Document I'crliilnliiK to
Per inn lie nl SlileTViilliN.
The clerks in the city clerk's ofllco are
wrestling with the longest permanent side
walk resolution ever Introduced In the Omaha
city council. When It was transcribed In
tvnewrltten form the sheets extended nearly
the entire length of the office , or nearly a
quaMcr of A block. The tusk of transcrib
ing such resolution for committee use and
writing It In thu journal with pen and Ink
Is something tremendous , as the greatest
care must bo taken to avoid errors In the
dercrlpllon of property. Then from tlmo to
time councilman discover that various walks
mentioned In thu resolution are not ab
solutely needed just at this time and the
icsolutlon Is patehid up and amended until
It Is utmost Impossible to keep the record
straight. If the slightest error Is made at
any stage of the proceedings It ls llablo to
Invalidate the tax ami saddle the cost of the
sidewalk on the city.
Venom Inlinli'il with flic Air ,
And Imbibed with .tho water of a malarious
locality , lias still -a. certain antidote. Kx-
perlcnco sanctions 'Confidence ' In Hostetter'a
Stomach Hltteru asm prcvcntativc of this
scourgu. All over .this continent and In the
troplcH It has proved Itself a certain means
of defence , and anieradlcant of Intermittent
and remittent foveran Nor Is It less effective
for kidney troubles , constipation , rheuma
tism and nervousjirfii.
SUMM mi Kxmmsioxs.
Via ClilciiKO. Jllllwiiukre & St. I'll ill
A long I let of excuralon points to which
round trip tickets will be sold at greatly re
duced rates. The conditions for fiummei
tourists were never more liberal than those
for this season. Fur full Information as to
routea , rateu , llmltH Helling dates , etc. , ap
ply at the city ticket ofllce , 1504 Farnam m.
General Western Agent.
Dillon I'll l-1 III' .
"The Overland Limited. "
train west of Missouri Itlver.
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to Pacific Coast.
Call at Ticket Ofllce .1302 Farnam St.
One Knrc for Itiiiinil Trip ,
September 8 to 18 , via Rock Island Uoutc.
Call at city ticket office , 1323 Farnim street.
Police Judge Gordon Adheres to His Original
Decision in These Oases ,
City rroNeentor Miller Will Xot Kile
IiiforiiinlliiiM AHnltinl I'artli-n
Coniiilnliieil Of liy ( lie.
( nrltiiKeniiinler.
Garbagcmastcr MacDanald will gel no more
protection of his garbage hauling monopoly
from the police court. City Prosecutor Miller
yesterday announced that he would not file
any more Informations In police court against
parties on the charge of hauling without a
pormlt or dumping In the city limits In viola ,
tlou of MacDonald's contract until the garbage
muddle wa fettled by the council. He de
cided up on this became Police Judge Gordon
will not convict In the cases.
In the now batch of cases started by Mac-
Donald. In which the charge Is hauling with
out a pormlt. Judge- Gordon takes the same
position as heretofore. He holds that the city
charter does not authorize any department of
the city government to Issue permits for haul-
Ing. Ho docs not look upon MacDonatd as a
city official and will not recognize that ho has
power to Issue permits. Since there Is no
ono from whom permits can bo obtained ,
Judge Gordon holds therefore that a charge
of hauling without a permit cannot hold good.
The police Judge Ins objections against the
charge of dumping In the city limits.
Thu city charter provides that no garbage
or refuse shall bo deposited at any point
within thrco miles of the city limits. Hut
If the police judge should convict the men
brought before him for violating this
ordinance ho says ho would be holding the
city guilty of doing exactly the same thing.
Ho asserts that the city engineer and other
city authorities have authorized haulers to
dump hundreds of loads of refuse matter In
washouts and holes within the city limits
and consequently docs not see how he could
punish any one for something that the city
authorities Instruct him to do.
The point was raised In the case of James
llooncy , who was arrested Wednesday by
MacDonald's spcclil officers for dumping a
load of rubbish In a washout nt Thirty-fourth
street and Poppletoii avenuo. When Ilooney
was arraigned , ho showed a permit from
Street Commissioner Heverly. authorizing
him to dump a number of loads In the place
Judge Gordon Intends to make this a test
case of the ordinance . He refused to dis
miss the case , and Insisted that the street
commissioner should be subpoenaed to testify
regarding the authority he had to Issue
such permits. The trial will occur next
Saturday afternoon.
MI.SM HniiMlinr TellH of Her Mei-IInK
with Her Iover.
Miss Theresa ItouEhar , a student at the
Omaha Commercial college of this city , who
resides now at Seventeenth and California
streets , was the fiancee of Gustavo Marohn.
a farmer at Leigh who has mysteriously
disappeared and who has left missives Indi
cating that he Intended to kill himself.
.Mention of the case Is made la the tele
graphic columns.
Marohn came to Omaha last Sunday and
called at the residence of Frank Shultz , 2308
South Fifteenth street. Miss Houshar for
merly lived there. During the afternoon he
called on iMIss Houshar and then spent the
night at the Shultz house. Last Monday
noon ho called for 'Miss RouiOiar at the
college and took a walk with her. During
the walk they did not quarrel , hilt she said
something to him which she says might
have depressed him , but she had no Idea
that he had any Intention of killing him
self. Members of the Shultz family also
say that the man was In a very cheerful
frame of mind when they saw him.
Wednesday morning when the Marohns
arose at their home at Leigh they found
three letters from Gustavo , in all of which
ho intimated that ho Intended to do away
with himself on account of some great grief.
His relatives at once supposed that he had
had a quarrel with his sweetheart. They
consequently telegraphed her. asking her
about Marohn , but the young woman did
not know that her lover had disappeared.
Miss Roushar can throw no light on the
whereabouts of Marohn. When he left her
Monday afternoon he told her that ho was
going to Srhuyler , where he had pome horses
which he wanted to dispose of. She has not
heard from him since.
\ttenii < N lo llrciilc Info n Iteiuililloiiii
County ClerK Mel Redflcld , who proposes
to run independent for the same ofllco this
fall , recently began his campaign by under
taking to get back Into the Union Vet
erans' Republican club , from which he was
expelled last spring. The manner In which
this attempt was sat down upon was only
equaled by his last spring's experience with
the club.
Redfleld was dropped from the rolls be
cause he bolted the Republican ticket last
spring. About a week ago ho put In an np-
ollcatlon for reinstatement. This application
was rejected with practical unanimity , for
the votes cast In favor of the reinstatement
numbered not more than half a dozen.
The Union Veterans' Republican club Is
one of the largest Republican clubs In the
city. It Is made up not only of veterans
of the late war , but also their sons. Its
membership is In the neighborhood of 1,500.
Clialrniiui niiixinore TnlKw of the
MIlilK-niiullH MeelliiK.
J. B. DlnHinore , chairman of the Hoard of
Malingers of the Stnte fair , returned yes
terday from Minnesota , -where ho at
tended the Minnesota State fair. He Biiya
that a number of Xebraskans have exhibits
at this fair and that many of the stock ex-
blbltorn there will come to the Nebraska
State fair. I
The Nebraska Society of Sons and Daugh
ters of Vermont have Issued cards aiiununc-
IIIK Its mid-summer meptlnj ? on the State
fair grounds , September 23 at 1 o'clock p. m.
The meeting will be held In a big tent.
Colic , Cliolern nnil IJInrrlioen Itemed ) '
n IloiiHelinlil Xeeenxlty.
Dr. J. I. Terry of Trimble , Tenn. , In speak
ing of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy , says : "It hae almost be
come a necessity In this vicinity. " This Is
the best remedy In the world for colic ,
cholera morbus , dysentery and diarrhoea , and
Is recognized as a necessity wherever Its
great worth and merit become known. No
other remedy la BO prompt and effectual , erse
so pleasant to take.
Tel. 1307. Oflleo and yards llth & Nicholas ,
KrlKht CniiHi'il Her lo Kalnl.
A team belonging to Hunr Johnson , who
lives elBhte-pn miles northwest of the city ,
became frightened nt n motor car this
morning near the north terminus of the
Walnut Hill line , tuid innde n dash up to
the vldowulk. A young woman , daughter of
Mr. Johnson , wits In the buggy alone at the
time , and Hlthouiih the team was stopped
before It had made much headway anil be
fore any damage was done , xho fainted
from the. excitement. She recovered In a
few moments , however , and her fiilher
joined her nt once and drove the hordes
awuy till they ralmcil down.
Arnold's Ilromo Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 25c and 50c. All druggists.
HfimlrN nt SinIr Knlr ( ironntlH ,
The executive committee of ( lie Omaha
Fair and Speed association held a meeting
ycsterdav and arranged to make thu neres-
iury repairs at the State F.ilr ground * before -
fore bcliiK turned over I'J the Htata liourd of
Anrlculturo for State fair purposes on Sep
tember 17.
If you have ever eecn a little child In a
paroxysm of whooping cough , or If you have
been annoyed by a constant tickling in the
throat , you can appreciate the value of Ona
MInute COUBU Cure , which gives quick relief ,
Dec , Sept. 10.
Almost any shoe store will sell you School Shoes that
are good. You can also get the kinds that arc cheap.
It isn't so caRy to find those that are good and cheap
at the same time. There isn't much profit in selling a
good , honest , all leather School Shoe for a dollar but
we arc doing it forced to do it. Mothers who know
us to be low on Suits wouldn't allow us to be high on
Shoes. We don't want to be high. All we want is to
accommodate folks who buy Suits from us and to pro
tect them from Shoes that are made of inferior stuffs
poor leather old harness shavings paper machc.
Shoes of that kind are dear at any price because they
won't wear. Our prices for good Shoes are $1-00 ,
$1.25 , $1.50. Those at a dollar are as good as you get
elsewhere for a dollar and a half , Good , honest up
pers. Good , honest counters. Good , honest soles.
These are a guarantee of good , hoasst wear. If you
are tired of paying high prices or getting poor Shoes ,
or both , come and see what it means to sell School
Shoes for accommodation just as a side line for School
Suits. Our Shoes at $1.50 have quilted soles ,
A piano which steadily gains In popularity after being tested by the public for
years. The Ivors & Pond , Umcrson , Voso .t Sons I'lanos bave an establ shed renutii-
tlon. They are built out of the best material that money tan buy , sell at the
lowest prlco of . tny high grade Instrument iu the market. Don't fall to sec them
before buying.
See our list of bargains :
Large Chickering Upright only $130.00.
Fine Oak Upriaht only $125.00.
Square Pianos from $ iS. oo upwards.
Organs from $15.00 upwards
105 South Fifteenth Street A. C. .HUHLLKH. Tu.i-jr. Tel. 1023
Turkish , Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills most cllectiiil FEMALIJ
wiii KHLiuvisui : > i > Ri-ssm : > , Exei-ssivF srANi'Y on
MKNSTRUAT10N-WII1 'bri S menstru lei , st.rc . to
the day. bent by mai securely packed , $1.00 a box.
HAHN'S PJHARlVZACY.lStli und Funmm Sts , Onmlm Nub.
Pat. Nov , n , iBgo , June aj. i&ji. Trade M.irk registered Jan. 3.
SSS's ' Mn ch , Cotton or fikrnin : , , , .nj
BEAUTITUI , BowaroofwortUlcaalttilUttou. .
For Sale by no.sroyroitic , OMAHA.
. Went worth BEBT
Military AcademyHf S f /
rrrnox xox-iu-smi-vr i > ri'ii < s.
Hoard of Kdiiciillnii Ucmlterx Mnlii-
( ulii dial FrcM Should Colleeti-d. .
There Is eomc tilk among members of the
Board of Education of establishing more
rigid regulations to govern the attendance of
non-resident pupils In the Omaha schools.
The present rules provide that the annual
feu from non-resident pupils shall be $35 for
attendance at tbo High tcliool , $15 in tlio
grammar grades and $10 In the primary
grades. In nine cases out of ten the rule IB
evaded and the total receipts of tuition fees
do not average $100 a year. This Is not be-
caiue there are no non-resident pupils In the
schools , but In nearly every case the pupil
from out of town discovers that he or she has
a relative In Omaha and application Is made
for admission as a resident pupil on the
ground that ho or she is living with the
Omaha relative. As a matter of fact this Is a
mere subterfuge , as the pupil returns homo
during vacations and leaves Iho city for good
as soon as the desired cducitlonal advantage.1 :
are acquired ,
In view of the fact that the Ilonul of Educa
tion U confronted by n never ending deficit In
HH funds , It-Is urged that It Is about time that
pupils who como hero from other points are
made to pay their share of the expense of sup
porting the Echools.
In Kansas City the recolptn from nonresident
dent pupils amounted to $2,000 last year ami
It Is believed that If the rules were strictly
enforced In Omaha something approximating
that amount would bo raised here. The board
has usually granted special permits to pupllH
who live In Douglas county , outsldo the city
limits and It Is also suggested that while
tills Is a very pleasant courtciy , so far as the
country precincts are concerned , there Is no
equitable reason why people who do not pay
city taxes should bo allowed to enjoy the
benefits free of cost.
Running sore : , Indolent ulcers and similar
trouble ) , even though of many years' stand
ing , may be cured by using DeWltt'R Witch
Hazel Salve. It soothes , Ktrengtlicnt ; and
licalfi. It Is the great pile cure.
Courl ( iiiiiiulHHloncr for WliiiivluiKii
iiuil Omiilin HeNi'rviilloiii.
Judge Munger baa appointed T. L , Sloan
of I'endcr as United States court commis
sioner for that lerrtory , embracing the Win-
ncbigo and Omaha Indian reservations. Mr.
Sloin Is an educated Indian of the Omaha
trlbo and has been admitted to thu bar.
An order has been issued to draw the grand
and petit Juries for the October term of the
federal court , which will bo held at Lincoln ,
beginning October 4 , The drawing will bo
made by the clerk of the United Slate * cotirtu
In his oflleo next Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock and will bo open to Iho public.
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
drugglutH refund tbo money If 'It falls to
cure. 25c.
.llli-Ki'tl Sllli-lillr or II Home.
Yesterday momlng about 10 o'clock a
horse belonging to Fied Crosby , llvlnn near
Seventeenth and Mason HtreetM , wns turned
out In the yard to siaze. The animal hud
not been feeling well for t-ome tlmo past.
Dcwn In tJn corner of the Inclumire
IH an old c-vHVpool which hax long Hlnc-n been
abandoned , | iart "f U ImvhiK caved In. It
was supposed thut the , animal would nat-
mully ht-c-p awuy from II. People who
claim to bo cyo wltWHeoH of what followed
fas that the Invalid walked deliberately to
thu hole and lumped In. When the liorne'rt
master and frlsiulrf went to lit ) assistance
It was round that the animal's neck wan
broken and that iU-atli muH have been
nearly Instantaneous. \ \ liellier the caua IH
one of premeditated milcldo or absent'
inlndedneai will never bo known , but those
who ure well up In the ways pertaining to
dumb nature tuuirt that it vrua tbe former ,
I.ndlcN' Collt-Kc ami ( ii-rmna
t'oiiNfrvnlury , Mexico , .Mo.
era ! Water Bottles ,
We are conbtanlly making thlimicnts uf eniiitv
mineral water hotti l.u-K to in'lnV ni J
an" ll'lnd0 ' Vrov'8' ' ' u"MV"n < ! c for emiftU-H. .of
WK SUM , All , KINDS OF MlXlil
\ \TI-3ltS
We obtain our waters illrc-c-t from nnrlni ' nn.l
nw 'wVVm5'1'6"1 ' ! ' " " ' " frrlihn ' ' "ai'i * l
Tliffe arc rrnl new CHIPS :
VP "mil Sr.l.l"'H | Wnl r , MamaS - .
aS \ i'r-'ffciN-rnoli : , ! ! ± i/a
IflianrH California Water of l.lfe. '
1513 DolKe t . MMclio of niocl : .
n r.vTAHim. iiu-iudiiiK ii , , . , , „ „ , . r J
fj nnd tlironl , o.H , liuittN , „ ( „ , „ _ f = i
Dnrli , liutvt-lN nnd Kldnc-.vN. IIn- , 1 J
InnI > I.N | , Niiocliil | | | | . , , < .M of fj
| J " t % " " ' "I "omen , mil or wrl . .
pi I.IIIWNI OlIllTN It , | | lf- „ , . „ ( .
L = J lOleclrlrlly for nil forum or , | | H.
I I 1'iine. OiiiiNiillnlloii tree. Tol- I I
[ [ piliniif > Hits. f = j
SH'312-313 .v y i.fc | , | , , Tt. , , , ,3 j ,
And Surgical Institute
Mli UoilKf Hi . Omaha. Ntb.
I10.NSI l/r\-ril N KHKIJ.
. . Kl'Pclulliln In tieatincnt of
Chronic , Nervous aud I'rlvatc ' Diseases
anil alt U iAlv.Mss uril
ainl Hucce i.fiily | curtil In every ca e.
IIIXlOl ) AND HKlN-Uln iue < . Sort * Bpoti.
I' niile | . Kcrufula. Tuinnrn. Teller. Kcierna anil
Illood I'olion thoroughly cltunnPi } from tht ) yv-
NKUVO1TS Uc-Llllly , 8pt > rinalorrli u , Kcinlnul
Ixibcen , N'ljlit KinUtloriii. \ n of Vital l'ow i
prrinantiHIy and rpecdlly curcj.
wi\ic : MICX ,
( Vitality Weak . made no ty too close apull.
ration to bunluc , . , . or ftudy ; bevere mental urn In
or srlefi HBXI'AL HXCKHHK8 In inlidlt Hf2
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
lethooriKinul nnd only FI1UNCII ,
uafu und leliablo euro ua tlie war *
kut. I'rlce. $1.00 ; Bent by mail.
Uenuloo cod | only by
UyercDlllon Unit Co. , B. K. Cor Uth ana Fuy
utm Btrtetr. Omaha , tlth. '