TIIW OMAHA DAILY 1U-2JK : ' tfH rilSDAY , RIQl'TJifttinSlt. . 2 , 1H ! > 7. CWISItRClAL AND FINANCIAL lorei n Bujlng Eond * Short * to Cover ftwl Wheat OHmbs UpwarJ , DECEMBER GAINS THREE AND A HALF Corn IZoi'H ti ! | On ( , llt'liioit liy Hail Crop. lU'peirt * from lima . . . OIIN ( ninl II-IM Ixliinn CHICAGO , Sept. 1. All grain niul provision - vision innrkelH were stroiiK toilny after nn eipenltin which ruthcr Indicated nn opposite condition. A tuncwnl of foreign buying iiml iiwixy elenianccs started shorts In wheat to rovrrliiK In the old fninlllar way eitnl resulted In an advance. ' of 3'4c ' In De cember. All this other uinrkcts were carried nlontf , cum hitvltiK the additional help of pome decidedly sensational crop reports from Iowa. Corn advanced 1 cent , onts He and provisions VdWjP. For a inoinent at the opening wheat wnw below thfj prlre It closed at yesterday. It noon recovcri'd , however , and for an hour afterward tuli-d linn with a gradual Im- provenipnt In price until It had turned a ' > , n decline at the Mart Into an advance of Use. The llrst truilcft In December were at from .si' : o to SOHc , and before 10,0 : o'clock It had rlfon to 'JO-He. In leas than half nn hour later the price was 91e. An limie'ooimtable weakness overtook tin1 crowd on the i-uib after the clone of the market yestenhty ami a little of that found expres sion in the sl.irt today. There wa * numlng of n wc.ikenliiK or dl. roiirnBliit ; huruetor In the early new. . Liverpool was quoted IM ! lower , Ita \ true , but Nw York rt-iui led inrelRii buying ordetH and acceptances of offers made last night by cable both to the Tnlted Kingdom and thu continent. De- Hverli'H ill Cub' " ] ! " on Si pleinlicr contracts did no. exceed Ifi.iX ) hu. , although Liverpool was .1 simile lower , l-.irls was the equiva lent of lie prr bu. ; hlguer and second cables Hhowt'il a markeil change lor the better at the KtiKlMi mniket. It was to the renewal of forfiKH buyltiK , however , that the mar ket owes Its ptronitli , as It Miowod the ilepundeiiee of Km op : upon this country for Hiipplles until next spring at leant. He- uclpls here were -IIS C.UT , 21 of which were contract. Minneapolis ami Duluth received 331 carloads , ntriiliuu UI5 the correspomllni ; day of ( he year before. Tlie Atlantic port clearances are attain close to the l.ooo.txtl bu , mark , the actual quantity In wheat and Hour holiiK li'WWK ' ) bu. , which will make the 11 Vi ruge f.xportH I.OW.IOO bu. a day for three consecutive days , for the equivalent of which lefi-ivnce has to KO back to the year of the Ilti'slaii famine. That xave a fresh Impetus to thu upward trend of price * , December brliiKliiR ' .C'ie about 11:15 : o'clock , ( 'losln ; ; cables were of a mixed character. 1'arls was W ( .eiillmcs. Antwerp 1 franc , or D'.ic ' per bu. lower , Liverpool closed at an advance of from \M \ for December to Id higher for September. . Heavy shorts In this market saw Kood reasons for getting olt that side ami contributed to the advance which kept KalnliiK till within a minute or two of the r < loitc ! , December rose to ttlc , but lind reacted to Wic at the close. There wna an enormous trade In corn , with the west doing the most buying anil with crop dainngi * claims the factor. There was Homo illsposltlon to sell at the opening on iiredlcted rains In the corn belt , but tnat changed quli kly wnen wheat whoits started for cover. December started at from Ml i to 32'ie. ' most of the trading at the higher figure , which was about where It closed yesterday. The price Rained steadily until n few minute's from the close It ro.ieheil Xl'.lc , and It wound up at XH&ftXIUeSotm heavj short lines x\ere covered and helped materially In causing the advance. lown adv'ceH were to the elTect that the season' ? yield In that state would be only half a crop ItccclptH were l.GSO cars ; charters were foi 673,000 bushels. Thu session In oats was not attendee with any noticeable activity , business beint : principally local. The market was Jlrn throughout , principally through sympathy with wheat and corn , llecelpts were : ; 5 : cars. Visible Increase , 70S COO bushels. He ccinbpr opened unohnnptd at 20'ie ' , and gradually advanced to 20'ic , where It closed 1'rovlslons were moderately active. Tin market opened easy under the Inllueiices o fairly liberal deliveries , but the imirke turned strong when wheat and corn com menced to climb. Armour and Cudaiiy wen both said to he heavy buyers. At the closi December pork was lOK-c higher at J907H December lard , 2V f5c higher at fl.K'AQw.W and December ribs unchanged at $ . " , .10. Kstltnated receipts Thursday : Wheat , IS' cars ; corn , 1,123 cars ; oats , 4UO cars ; hoes 30.000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : AHlcleH.I Low. | Clom. " | Yosfd'y " Wheat- ' HO " 3H R ! ) Di'C..l ! Hi ) ' . , t)4 ) Sill 4 May. . . DON ; UtH ' .Corn AUK. . . . 3(1 ( Sept. . : nu ill ) Dec. . . . H1JJ May. . . 35 ! f SOW Oath Sept. . . IKK 1DX 18' , Dec. . . . ! ( ) " May. . . US" rork- S-'t-lit. . . fi 8 ( ) R I ) " , 8 75 S tS ) R K.r Oct. . . . ( I 05 H Sr > II II-JL , 8 ! ) ( ) D c. . . . 0 (10 ( t ) I''J. . 8 87 ! j ! ) 07H 8 1 > S Laid Sept. . . 4 fl'J4 4 1)3 ) 4 821 * 4 00 4 S.- Cct. . . . -I Hfi B neB 4 UL'M 4 1)5 ) 4 H7j Doc. . . 4 112 ! B li ) ! } 4 II''H n uo 4 1(5 ( Ch'tUlbH . { rpt. . B 70 5 FO B ( ITif C U5 C 115 B ( ) r. r.7 . No. 2. e'ash riui'lallons were ns follows : I'lXJfll-Htcadler. WHEAT-No. 2 nprlnK. MQ9Cc ; No. 3 iiprlnK , Ktt'Mc ; No. 2 red , 'J58'JCV4c. COHN-No. I , 3Hic. OATS No. 2. ISUillO'ic. ' f. o. b. ; No. 2 whit" , 2Ki2lc ; Nn. 2 while , 20Utf22c. ItVE-No. 2 , ; 7iic. IIAItLEV No. z , numlnal ; No. 3 , JOJI5c ; No 4 Z70'3c. KLAXHEED-No. 1 , Jl.01lifil.04. TIMOTHY SEED-I'rlme. : .77ii. I'llOVlSIONP-l'ork. mP'is. per bbl. . } fi.DOfJS.93 IJird. pi-r 100 llm. . JI.S7V4 t4.9 . Khort rllw sldei ( lii p ) , l.'i.G'iffii.ii.'i. Dry salted shoiibb-rs ( boxed ) , HittS'ir ; short clear sides ( hnxcd ) , CUiff' c. WHISKY Distillers' finished j-i > odn , per KI : | . HTOAH-Cilt loaf , IS.BI ; Kroiiulutixl , J3.S1. Articles. Flour , bbls ' ' Wheat , bu. . . . . . . . . . Corn , bu Out * , tin Kye.bu. . . Harley. bu On the I'rodiicp exchanup tmtiiv the , , „ , , , . , inaikel wan ulnady ; croiinerlen ; , Wf8e | ; d.ilrles efflDc. Chee e. Hle.idy al S iSl3'4c. EKKH , steady fresh. IS'.ic. Live poultry , steady ; lurkevs H lOo ; chickens , " ( JT c ; sprlnus , 8c ; diickH , SfiS'.ic NI3W YORK ( liintnlliiiiN of ( bo ll 4JI-II1TII Cumiiinillll NUW YOllK. Kept. l.-l''IX3fIl-IuII ; reeelpln J4f.67 bbls. ; c purU. 9,704 bbl ; BtroiiB nnd heli IdKher In th rife In wheat. Mlnnenota patents J5.4CJr5.sS ; Minnesota bakeiV , J4.4ifl4.70 ; white patentn. J5.K4J5.C3 ; inter low Kr.uleii , > 3.30j .M , llyc Hour , ilrm ; faiu-y. } 3.4ilf3.fO. I'OUN JtiAI .KIrm ; yellow \\estern , 70a ; city 7 c , It VI ! Klrni ; No. ! weelern , Me. HAHI.MY-rirnier nl 3lc. ] IAHI.iv MAI.T-riim : western , MflUr. WHKAT ItecelptH. 76.0.0 bu , exports , J03 83 1)U , Biol | , HIIIIIIK ; No. ! li'il , J1.02i/lCt5S , Uli lions oienul | Hini nnd advanced actively al day on a i-lrons pilvale i-ahli' , foreign buying Jieavy covet IIIIT , renewed export dcmaml and bai crop nr fitiin the northwest and Kurupu rloued Htrong at 3f/'lc net advance ; No. 2 red Heptembcr. ! > tf 3-lMi l.OHi ; clunril. Jl.OOU ; Itn.-em ber , 9IH fiiic ! ! | ; cli pil , life. rOUN-Hecelptg , 'A ; .COO liu. ; expoiti . 8.9M bn Bpot. Blrong ; No. 2 , 37\c- . Oitloini | iipeiif. ueak < r under free deliveries , but tinned utroncei nnd udvaiicud all day un bail crop newt nn < covering chifcd lUdl'ic net blKher ; SiepU-mlwr S5f37Ui' | : cloned , Slide ; December , 37 ! < .g3S 11-1C- closed , JS c. OATS-lleceliitH. SOS MVl bu. ; export" . 141 Mil bu Hliot , PIIIUIK ; No. Z , 23'tUSU1. Optlonn , quiet bu ntltjiiiier. doling flu net higher ; SeptemU-i cloned at 24o ; Drcrmber cloHed nt IJljo HAY--\\Vnk ; shipping , | lt ) M.M ; BOIH ! I choice. JJ. ( )05M. HOI'.s-cjuli't ; IMS crop. 3 T4o ; jsati crop. cflSc 1'aclllc coimi. IhVJ cr p. 304r ; l&ifi crop , efiVc UlDIM-rilendy : Oalveslon. l.WICo , Hunii A > T- , 'iliy. iao ; TfxnH , dry , I'sfll3o ! ; CnllfDrnla l"c , KiATIIl'it-Culet : ; hemlock sole , Huenoa Ayrm light In hwivy welghtH. Ijfi20o. lltrmit-lecelplii. : ! 1.311 | .ki : . ; imsettle. ! ivculrin cifamery , ISfflS'ic ; Klglnn , ll'ic ; fac tory. 80lie , L'llKIISK-Ilecpliits , 10:74 pkK . ; Ulilet ; Inrgi' white , Mic ; < inall , white , 9ic ; lurgo , colored M c ; unall , unloied , l c ; part kmi | , SliH6tc ! full rklmN. 34c. UdllM-llmvlpiii. 7.S19 pkg .i quiet ; tate nnc ] Vnn lvnnla IIHl'Jo ; ueotern , IG'ie. I'ltOVIrtlONH-lleef , Ilrm : packelH. J8.50C } DO Oul mi-nlii. ( Inn ; pickled IHIIe , TUOSlfo. I.nnl flipli urKtern uleain , J3.31) ; rellned , ulronir. 1'oik , nrm. Tallow , quiet. HICi ; I'lfm ; fair lo extra , 4V.OCUC ; Japan , 4'i C4 < < e , Mpl.AS.SIW-Finn : New Orlcani , open kettle , SMd t-i choice , tifl3lc. MKTAIJJ-l'lu Iron , warrant ! iteaijy nt J6.CSJ ] * - > . .TJlV , r.ny ut > .4VH/U. S. Hpelter , lead > 4.S.1 klr. d' 'tr ° nei chan - ' 'S2 . . l . ; I3.t OIUH I'olr'oleum , itfndy ; United rimed 7Zc Md. I'enruylvanlu crude , no murkel. nominally h ffH. . " ' * ln' 'li dy ; Flralned. common to good\ \ ' II.4501.W. Turpcntlut , Orm .l D5 ( > WUc. Caltun' KI- I mc < ng r.t.il n.il' t'tlmf rruili * . Dnmlnul , prlmr umm r > HI < IT. TJStTW' . "W iiimmer yel low. s ] ? o. l.uilrr trrrdeii. 32)31c ) , prime mim- mr while , JJtfTOHo , rtlmfl ummcr yellow , 33'iif 3C. ( OMAHA ( JIJ.M'.ltAI , .MAHICiriS , Cnnilllliin nf Trnilihml ( ) unlnllnnn nn Stniilr nnil l 'nticx I'milin-o , oiKl Mc k. 13 . HL'TTKIt Common to fnlr. CHf 7c ; choice to funcy , IWUo ; tepnrntar crMmerj18c ; snlli- ered crenmci-y , HfliSc. VUAI/-'hok fat. M ) lo HO Ibs. , quoted nt 80 ! Urge nnd cotinr , < fl5c. l.IVIJ r'OL'l/ritV--IIfn . l < * U c ; cockf. aeiri - rirliiK ehleknn , p r Ib. . "litJSc ; ducki , 6c ; turkejK , nei c. I'lliKONH-I.lvc 7J4We ; dead pigeon * not n&nled. HAY 1'pland , J < ! ; mldlnnd , $1.10 ; lowland. 14.SO ; ryi > lr w , J4 : color maken the price nn Imy ; light bales tell Ihe but , only top grndci brlnic top prices. IHtOOMCOItN i : tri > mely flow alf new crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green net working carpet , per Ib. , { f2Hei choice grten , running lo hurl. fCTjUf ; rnnimnn. lUc. vnanTAiiuis. < -ANTAIjOITK8-l'r doz. , 330500. TO.MATOKS1'cr half till , basket , 40flMc. ONIONS- Per bu. , SWilKc. LIMA Iir\NH | > er Ib. . 3c. IliANS-llnnd-pckcd : | navy , per bu. , Jl SO. < 'AllllAJK-IIome ( grown , Ic. TOMATiHJS-l'er bu. , choice , Mo. WATKUM nUjNS-Crate.1. per doz. , J1.3jffl.M. PHUITS. AIM'I.KS1'er Mil. . | 1.BO'I1.M. NATIVK I'I.f.MS-1'er Imfket. 5003DC. fJItAI-nS-rallfornla , JI.2 : , 1.M. HnfTHKMN I'i\riIis-IVr U bu. . MflCOc. CAMKOIINIA I'CAi'lIKS-rer cafe , Crnwford.s 60li ! < - ; clings. 70yrc. ; 'At.IKOHNIA ri\llH llnrtlett , per cne , H.T5 { fl.90 ; lluerrc Hardy , 11.50. r.M.inillNIA I'Ui'N IVr cnte. It.VUll 33. IIUMIJ UIlOWN OIIAl'liS-rerla kM , Kc. OllANClEK-Medlterrancaii sweets , M. LEMONS McH-lnas. t4.COQ3.00 ; choice. Califor nia , 14 KM V > . HANANAS Choice large stock , per bdnch. 12.0002.23 ; medlum-fl7ed bunebps. $1.5032.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Almonds , CalKuima. per Ib. , large Uc. ISc ; lirazlls , per Ib. , lUo ; EnKlls.i walnut * , per Ib. , fanny , toft shell , KfiKu ; standards. 10 ® lie ; Illl'crts ' , per In. , idc ; pecans , polished large , ! > 1ICe ? ; Jumbo. llfnie ; largo lucKury nuts , I1.Z5 per hu. ; cocoamils. 4Vic men. KIH8 Importel fancy 4 crown. CC-lb. boxes , Itc ; 5 crown , r,0-lb. boxes , 13fJ14c. HONEY-Cholce. 13315C. CIDEIt-Cl.iilllcd Juice , per half bbl. . $2.33 ; pel bbl. . $4.00r4.23. MAPLE .SVIH'P-Flvc-Bal. cans , each. $ Z.23. sal. cans , puie , per dnz. , J12.00 ; half-gal , cans , ; 6J3 ; quart cans. J3.M ; I-HESII MEATS. DIIEKSED UEEF Uood native steers. 400 trj COO Ibs. . "c ; good folciuarters | , steers , C'jc ; good hlndiiuarteis , Mic ; western bteers. us ; fancy heifers. Ciie ; good heifers , iUc ; good foiecpmncrj , heifers , Gc ; Rood hlndiiuarleni , heifers , Sc ; goou . : ows. Co * fair co\\s , CV c ; commun cows , DC ; cow forequai terp. 4Hc ; cow hindquarters. 7Hc. HREF CUTS-Temlerlolri . l c ; boneless stllps , 9o ; strip loins , 7c ; tolls , Mtc ; sirloin butts , S'ic ; shoulder clods , l.c ; rump butts. rc ; fleer chucks , fie ; cow chucks. 4'ie ' ; boneless chucks. I'.c ' ; cow plates , 3e ; Ftccr plates , 3'ic ' ; Mink steak , die ; loins No. 1 , He ; loins No. 2 , lO'.fcp , loins , No. S. &Hc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , nc , rllNo. . 1 , He ; libs. No. 2 , BVjc ; ribs , No. 3 , GVic ; Fleer rounds. 7c ; cow rounds , G'.fcc ; cow rounds , shank off , J'ic ; cow rounds , shank nnd lump off , Sc ; trimming. 4c ; beef , shanks , 24e ! ; brains , per doz. , 33c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , lOo ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. . 40c ; kidneys , per dcz. , 3 , " > c ; ox lulls , eaca , 3c ; livers , per Ih. . 2c ; hearts , per Ib. , 2c ; tongues , per Ib. . lie. MUTTON I-ambs , S'ic ; fhpcp. 714e ; market racks ( lone ) . 5c. hotel rack * ( shorl ) . 12c ; less and saddles , Re ; lamb legs , ' . " _ , breasts and stews , 3c ; tonRiies , each , 3c. I'OIIK Dressed pigs , 6'Ac ; dressed hogs , Be tenderloins , 12. * . ; loins. 6c ; spare libs , 4c ; hem sausnge , butts , Gc ; shoulders , rough , 5c , shoulders , skinned , 6lie ; trimmings , 3V-ic ; lent lard , not rendeicd , DC ; houils. cleaned , 3c ; snout and ears. 3c backbones. Hie ; cheek meats. 3c ; neck bones. 2c ; pigs' tails , 2c ; plucks , each , Sc ; chitterlings , Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , pet doz. , 23c ; stomachs , each , So ; tongues , each , "c ; Kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c. pigs' feet , per doz. . S5c ; livers , each. 3c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green bides. Co ; No. 2 , green hides , Site ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc ; No. 2 n-reen salted hldou. : t ; No. 1 veal calf. S to K Ibs S'ic ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. , Sc ; No. \ dry Hint hides. 10tfl2c ; No. 2 dry Dint hides , 90 lOc ; No. 1 dry Baited hides , OtflOc ; part cured hides , He per In. less than fully cured. SHEEP I'ELTS Oreen salted , each. 23IfCOc green raited , shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each. 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1. each , EC ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . ac tual weight , 45c : dry Mint , Kensas and Ne braska , murrain wool pelts , per. Ib. , actual welKht , 3B4c ; dry flint Coloradif butcher woo ! pelts , per Ib. , actual we.le.1t , 4f5c | ; diy flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual wclRht , "iNc | ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. COTTOX Volume of Trndlnur ami Scope f FlilctillltloilN Alike IlNiipioliilnK. NEW YOHK. Sept. l.-Startlns steady at an advance of 2ff3 points Hie cotton market fuitber ulvnnce-d 284 points. English cutton cables showIng - Ing up In better shape than expected , while crop accounts were not uniformly favorable. After showing a net gain of 5fiO points the mar ket eatcd off 2S3 points and was finally steady at n net advance of 47 | polnti , except August , which closed unchanged. The character of the market was n disappointment , both ns to the volume- trading and the scope of Humiliations , the naiiowness of the latter resulting from an almost entire lack of outside speculative Intcr- i-st. A few orders weic Ihe proportionately full demand from Llveipool , with private cublep suiting that English sentiment was being : In- llucnced by the weekly crop report of yesterdliy , which received n bullish Interpretation nnd was believed to forecast an unfavorable bu'eau re port September 10. Futuies closed steady ; Jan uary. JCS7. February , 56.9(1 ( ; March , $0.94 ; April. JC.97 ; May , $7 ; September , $7.19 ; October , $0.94 ; November. J9.S1 ; Decunhi-r JO I'I Spot , quiet ami unchanged ; mlld.Ung uplands , Sc ; middling gulf , S'.Jc ' ; middling , 7 3-lCc net receipts , none , gnss. 5,239 bales ; forwarded , 2,40 , " bales ; sales. 2M bales , all splnne's ; stock , I'J,2 S bales. Total today : Net receipts , 0,125 bales ; stock. 80.327 balcH. Consolidated : Net receipts , 30,887 bales ; exports to Oreat Ilrltaln , 4Ml bales ; lo France. 1,444 bales ; tn the continent , 1,923 bales. Total since September 1 : Net receipts , ( > ,223 halts. In yesterdaj's report of total receipts of cotton since September 1 , ISt'C. should have read 6,743,251 hairs , Instead of 7,743.231 bales , nnd ex ports to France 702.033 bales. InMcnd of 702.f,17. LIYEIH'OOL. Kept. 1. ' OTTON Sp < . moder ate business ; prices i-tcadler ; Ainerknn middling. | iid. Tlie sales of t.ie day were 10.000 bal"s , ot which 1.000 bales were for fpeciilntloti nnd ex pert , mil Included 8 to ) bale H A-nirlcm. Ilece.pts unlit' . Futures opened quiet , with a moderate , demand and closed very fte.uly ; American mid- dllnu. L.M. C. . 4d , bu > iTs ; Keptember and Oc tober. 3 57-C4d. sellem : October nnd November , 3 41i c4iI3 M-C4d , buyers ; November nnd Deccm b-r. 3 4C-if3 ! ( 47-64d. buyers ; Dee-ember and Jan. uary , 3 4r-Clft3 4C-C4d , buyers ; January and Feb ruary , 3 45-C4u"3 4C-C4d , ecllers ; February und March. 3 4ft-C4d , Fellers ; Man-li and April , 3 4G-64it 3 17-Cld ; April and May , 3 47-CIQ3 4S-G4d. buyers May and June , 3 -f4ff3 4-4d ! , buyers ; June ami Inly , 3 -Clii3 ! > f,0-C4.1 , . , buyers. NEW OULEANM , fi-pt. 1. COTTON' Quint ; Mill4T.O bales ; onllnary. C 1-lCc ; good oidlniry , fi 7in.low : middling. C'ic ; middling. 7 7-lfc ; g.oi . mlddllni- K-lCe ; middlingfair. . 7 9-lCc ; l.-ceimn 94 bales ; stock , 4,31 * , halo1 * Futuici. ipilet ; snlip 8.200 bali-u ; September , tn.i&iT'i.Vl ; October. JO.MW U.r , : , ; Nomber , lG.S.r,7C.EiO | ; DFceinber , $ B SIEttt. , .lanuary. $ c.57fifl.C9 : February , tO.COQC.C2 ; March Ji.iUiC.i ; ; : ; April. S.K'uG.ffl. MEMI'IIIS , Sept. l.-tOTTON-FIrm ; middling , , 11-lCc : recflpts. " 0 l > ale.t ; shlpmentH , noni- ; slock. 2.fJ l balen ; snleH. 2.V ) bales. KT. I/IMH ) , Hept. ) . COTTON Steady ! lo l-16c lower ; saleH , 40 U-Ues ; middling , 7c ; rre-i-lpls , HI bates ; shipments. 132 hnblm ; stock , 7,006 bales , Culfi-c AliifUelit. NEW YOHK. Sept. 1.-COFFEE Options op.'iu'd steady. MJ10 points lower ; ruleil ipilet. with an easy undertone following heavy Hrazll- lan n-celpls. slack FMU | demand and European niHrkcts cautlniiH owing to fstlmated heavy Increase - crease In wild's visible sii | > ply. Closed barely steady at 10 1S points net decline : cales , 1C.COO II.IKH. Including Keptember , JUStfC 21 ; December JCf.OfiO.fu. . Spot coffee , Hlo , ijulet ; No. 7 , In voice , $0.67i ! ; Jobbing.$7.37il. . Mild , quiet Cor dova , UO.r.MilC.f'O. Total waiehoiiKp dellverleg from the tinlted Stales. 4,770 bags. Including 13- B20 bags from New York ; New York stock today. 4C4.47J bags ; United Suites stock. Ml.Old ) , agn : all'iat for the I'nlted Slates. 300.000 bags ; total vMhli' for the United States , f07.CIO bags , ncalnit 4'.iliM3 bags last year and M3.MS bjua In Ul)5. ) SANTOS , Sept. l.-COFFEE-Dull : good aver age Santos , 8.000 rels ; receipts , t3,000 bags ; clock , k < ul IHH ) bugs. HAVItE. Sept. l.-COFFEE-Opened quiet , i 6f'if ' ) lower ; at noon closed ' .if lower , half boll- day. day.HIO DE JANEIHO , Sept. 1.-COFFEE Weak : No. 7 Hlo , 8,700 rels ; exchange. 87-IG.I ; receipt * . 7.0,0 bigs : cleared for thu United States , 17000 Imgi ; rtock. 4.VOeiO ) baits. HAMHUItll. St-pt. l.-XFFEE-Jpened \ lower : closed with a net loss ot UW7il'R ' ; sales , 1C.OOO bags. KIIIINIIM t'.lty > lnrkflH. KANSAS CITY. Bept. 1. WHEAT-Falrly ne. tlvn higher ; No. 2 haul , UiiWVic ; No. 3 , KO ji > Mc ; No. 4. i7fik'ic ' ; No. 2 snfl , KlirtO'ic ; No. 3 , WiaSSc ; No. 4. kSflSiic ; No. 2 spring 7Sfll'Oo : No. 3. 7t > e. tXHN Falrlv active , fractionally higher ; No. 2 mixed , i'f2Cc. OATH Aliout steady ; No. 2 white. ISfllOc. HYE Weflk : No. 2. 47c. HAY Dull , weak ; clioke timothy , J7.W ; choice pmllle. J'i.3. HflTEH-FIrm ; creamery , HSICc ; dairy , 10 ISc. I-X1OH Htronir : Mlssnurl and Kansas , He. HECEII'TS Wheat , 204.fO ) bu. ; corn. 22,100 bu. ; o.iIn. 13.000 bu. SIIU'MI-INTS-Wbe-at. 2M.COC bu ; corn , 25:00 bu. , exiU , 5,000 bu. X n- York Dry ( Juoilx tlnrUct. NEW YOUK , Sept. 1. In today's market staple cottons are Inactive , Drown good * Imvo worked Ihemsflves Into shape llh a steady demand registered from day to day , Esport ijocnU are 6(111 quiet. Wide sheetings are firm and In ittady demand. Illeachcd cottonu are active , and In many cases sellers hava no dlniculty In ejb- talnlns ; goods at advanced prices. Coarse colored collnnii are qultt nnd In otendy dtmnnil Print cloths ore very firm , Hnlrn of utmut 11 0 > pin-en f trn fpota l JHf wer * rpoftn1 nt Knil l\\\rt \ \ yfMeriliiy. After rellinr Ihes * . m nufnctur rK re fused In cntrrlMln bld for nor KOO.IS nt Hi * same figure. Odil ( tool. . ri > Klo firm nnd In n'tt > \ domnnd. Halts thin week hnve been fnlrly henvy nnd bid fnlr to chow KDO , ! condltlnnA nt the weck'n r\ntr. \ Irlnl nre In iictlv * r | uest In nil linn. I'rlc * " nre very firm. Woolen goods show tielter eruditions , the i-nrly trnde beinff nfnrly eoinpleteJ , S ( . tiiinld ft fin- nil KT. IOt'18 , Pept. 1. KUL'HQuiet ; p tnt . JS.OOflS.10 ; stralghtn , $ t.GAf4.0 ; clear , $1.001/4.20 ; medium , t3.Mfi3.73. WHEAT Higher ; rioting with Rfptember nt 3MUUc : Decimber , 3'ifl3 ' c. nnd May. 3 ! c nboye yeslerday'i ! close ; December upened ) tc lower , advanced 4S 4'.4jc ' , clodnc Ilrm with buyern ' 40 lulow the top. Spot , higher : No. 2 red , cash , tlevntor , Me , bid ; trnck , 9747S8c ; No. 2 hard , cnsh , ! c , nominal ; September , MSfl96i,4c ; December. 9C 41Ciic ; May , 9'ic. COHN Futures openedn y , advanced nnd rltwcd nt Ihe top wits buyer * HiWl'ic for May nbove yesterday. Spot , nrm ; No. 2 cash. 27Hir 28c ; Hepttmlicr. 27 iu. bid ; December , 30 > c , bid ; May. 33Uc , bid , OATH Futures strong and higher , but quiet , the advance being due to the boom In wheat nnd the upturn In corn. Spot. Ilrm ; No. 2 cn h , ele vator , I94c , bid ; track. IS'iHSrtc ; No. 2 white , 22 22 < 4c ; September. ! ! > ic , bid ; December , 20\c bid ; May. 23'4c. bid. HYE-lllgher nt 97c. COHNMIvAL-lllKhtr nt $1.70511.73 , I1HAN Firm nn > l higher ; racked , past track , MIC , for sacked at country points. 4Sc bid nnd re fused ; nt mill , KofUJc ; rhlpr $2.G5. FI.AXHEED-Hlgher nt 97c. TIMOTHY SEEM rime , enfler al $2.f.8. HAY-Steady ; prairie , $ S.CO 6.5n ; timothy , JVOO W9.00. HUTTEH-Qiilet ; creamery , 15pl9',4c ; dairy , 10 WIGc. I'OUI.THY-Chlckens linn ; old hens , Co ; springs Sc ; ducks , fprlncf , J'.tc ; geese , springs , Gc ; turkeys , springs , " JSc. KflllH Market lower nt 10'ic. ' WHISKY-l.2l. COTTON TIES Unchanged. H.UirilNO-Unclianged. METAW-Lcad , Him nt $ ( bid. Spelur. lower nt $10.50. I'HOVISJONS Pork , higher ; standard m ( < B. Jobbing , new , $ U.3 ; old , JS.20. I ird , higher ; prime steam. $4.75 ; choice , Jl'i. ' . Itacon ( boxed Ints ) , extra shnrt clcnr nnd rlb < . 55.73 ; nliorts. $7. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders , $5.50 ; extra. short clear ribs. $ ( , .23 ; flinrti , $ G.37',4. HECEIIT.S Flour. 4 OH > bblr. ; wheat , SI.COO Im. ; rorn , Si7.000 bu. ; oats , 40.0CO bu. SHIl'Mr.NT.S Flour. 4000 bbls. ; wheat , 42,000 bu. ; corn , 67.000 bu. ; oats. 3,000 bu. lliiltlniiiff AlnrUvtH. HALTIMOHE , Sept. l.-FLOUH-FIrm , quiet and unchanged ; lecclpls , 16,215 bbls. ; exports , 10.33U hbls. WHEAT Stronu nnd hlK'ier. Spot. 9Si'miS ) ic , OctubiT , 97'4c ' , bid ; December , 97c , bid ; McamT , No. 2 reil , lUUfi14Sc ! , ; rtcelpm. 154,584 bu. ; ex- pnrts , 313,013 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample , 111 iil9lic : southern wheat , on grade , SUW-iSlic. COHN Strong nnd higher. Spot. 3SiiT35Sc ! , October , 35l48-357ic | ; rteamer mixed , 33V4ii331Xie ( , receipts , 150.423 bu. ; exports. 90,201 bu. ; southern white and yellow corn , 37ffi38c. OATK Steady ; No. 2 while , 24c ; receipts , 2S.3IS bu. ; exports , W.OCO bu. HYE Firmer ; No. 2 western. TOHc ; no pales , receipts. 12.315 bu. ; exports , 17,143 bu. HAY Steady ; clmlcp timothy. $13.IOT13 CO , new. UIIA1N FKiiailTS Quiet ; steam lo Liverpool. per bu. , 3Vid. September ; Cork , for orders , per quarter , 3s Gil , September. 1IUTTKH Klrm nnd unchanged. EOOS Firm nnd unchanged. CHUEriE Firm nnd unchanged. III - Si NEW YOHK. Sept. -Special cable and tele graphic dispatches to llnidstroefs covering the principal points of accumulation Indicate thp fell - l mint , ' changes In lunllable supplleH last Satur day as compared with the previous Saturday : Wheat , United HtnU'B anil Cnnnda , east of the Hockles. decrease. l.SOG.OOO bushels : nfloat for and In Europe , Increase. 3,101.000 bushels ; world's supply , net Increase , l,205.0i bushels. Corn United Slates nnd Canada , east of the Heckles , Increase , 5,103 000 bushels. Onts United Slatw and Canada , cast of the Hockles. Increase , 7C9.'WO ' bushels. Wheat Increases not In olllclal visible supply Htiitftiirnt Include 19,000 bushels In northwest In- tcrlnr elevators , nnd 113 , 0 0 bushels at New Or leans. Wheat decrease. SCO 000 bushels In Man itoba. and at I'.wt William , Ont. , 17S.OOO bushels In Chicago private elevators , 173,000 bushels nt Newport News and 171,000 bushels nt liobton. CliK'liiluitl CINCINNATI , Sept. 1. FIXHIH-Steady. WHEAT h'trongi-r ; No. 2 red. 93'ic. COHN-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed , 20Jj20ic. ! HYE No. 2. fXc. I'HOVISIONS Lard , quiet nt $4.73. Bacon , steady at $7.10. i WlllSICY-QuIet nt $1.21. llUTTKn-QlllPt. SUC AH Steady. KHOS Easy ; lower nt lie. CHEESE Firm. _ I'fiirlii MurkrfH. 1'EOHIA , Sept. 1. COHN Market firm ; -No. 2 , 2DV4c. OATS Market firm ; No. 2 white , 22ic. ! WHISKY Market firm at $1.21. HECEII'TS Corn , 60,300 bu. ; oats , 30.COO bu. ; whUky and wheat , none. SHII'MENTS Corn , 4.200 hu. : oats. 47.500 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , SIO bbls. ; wheat , 1,600 bu. MnrkciN. NEW YORK. Sept. 1. SUOAlt Haw. nnn. Heflnod , firm ; mold A , C'.So ; standard A , 47 < , c ; confoctloners' A , 4c ; cut loaf , 5Hc ; cnished , 551c : powdereil. 6ic ! ; granulated , 5c ; cubes , 5V4c. NEW OKL.EANK. Sept. 1. SLHiAH Open ket tle , quiet nt 2iJJ3c : centrifugal , Rtrong ; gran ulated. 4V4G4 9 16c ; whltee , 3 13-1G04 1-lGo ; yel lows. Spiffs 15-lGc ; neconds , 2 < i/3'.ic. ' 4)11 InrkvlH. OIL CITY , 1'a. , Sept. 1. Credit balances. 71c ; certificates , cash offered , 72s ; shipments , 101,473 bbl ? . ; runs , 142.HG6 bbls. LONDON , Sept. 1. OILS Calcutta linseed , spot , 34s 44il ; Calcutta linseed , near at hand delivery , 34s 4V d. Linseed oil , IGs IVid. Tur pentine spirits , 21s Cd. Cnllliiriila Drloil KnillN. NEW YOHK , Sept. l.-CALIFOHNIA DHIED ii"HUlTS Quiet , but steady ; evaporated apples , prime wire tray , Gc ; wood dried prime , 6c ; choice. ; ' , ; c : funcy. ? ic ; prunes , SHIfi'ic ' , as to tdze and ituallty ; nprlcots , Hoyal , 7ffic ; Moor I'alk , tffloc , lieaches. unjieeled , GU8c ; peeled , llffHc. rhlliiili-liililii I'roiliKM' Market. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 1. HUTTEH-Steady ; fair demand ; fancy western creamery , 1'ennsyl- , -anln Hiid weslein prints , 17e. EGOH Firm ; frem , neaiby and western , 15c. \Voul Mnrkt-lN. NEW YOHK , Sept. 1. WOOL Klrm. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 1. WOOI HIghcr ; medium , I5'4c ; light line , lllllac ; heavy fine , U4il2o ; tub washed , 19fl28c. 1'rU't'M lf 1'1'IMHT. I/3NDON. Sept. l.-1'El'l'EU-Falr ; Singapore , while , 5-Hir. _ _ STOCKS AMI nn.vns. SciiNiitlonal AtlviiiU't'N In Inill vlilinil SIiarvH Due ( o SiM-culalliiii. NEW YOHK , Sept. 1. The Indications from to day's market were that prices generally would have suffered a mitcrlal reaction had It not been for thu sensational advances shown by In dividual stocks. Iluyers were evidently pos- tessed by a furore of speculation and the dif ficulty of moving the prleen of most of the lead ing railroad thares led to those pecurltles being comparatively neglected. Stinks , concerning whlc'.i some favorable proipect was frpjrtcd , bui without ik'Ilnltc details and not backed by author ity , werf chon'11 as the favoiltes In the specula tion. The ecntatlun of the day was the jump In I ii ! price of Oniuliu , the Mock touching KVt In the llnal transactions. The extreme rise wah 10 % per cent , and the net gain u point le s. The stock was not exempt from depression , which weighed on the Kiangers. ami In fact , on moht of the list durlne the early part of the day , nnd It told down n half from last night's clou , ; . Hy 1 o'clock It had recovered Ihe loss and gained over 2 points addition. Hut In UUIe more than an hour of the latter part of the day the price mounted several polntH , and was In full1 tide of advance w.ien Hading ceased , The trading was attended by great excitement , and the pituea In the- advance wcie only momentary and ct wide , ranges. The rise was due to n belief that the stock will shortly b placed on u regular dividend basis , the xlze of the proposed dividend forming the subject of the excited speculation NorthweHern , which Is In the relation of parent property to Omaha , Imprmed In sympathy , hut reacted partially , while Omalm was Mill ttrongly advanced. Sugar also continued to bu an excit ing center of speculation In the moinlnit ami advanced 3 points on minors of a distribution of mrplus and of advance * to accrue frum ex clusion of Dutch lellned ktiicur. Tobacco nlro opened nearly 2 points higher , but this was also the hlghcbt of the day. The clocks fluctuated In a very erratic manner all day. but cloued with n nut gain of T4 per cent for Suear and % per cent for Tobacco. Mlnourl I'jclllc touched 40 In the opening transactions , but fell off durlns the day to below last nlght'H close. The coal- em made some dlvpbiy of ctrengla during Ihe day , especially Heading stocks , but they tiic- cumbed to depre > lon lai r. Hock Iflund ad vanced at one time over a point above the low est , as did Ixiulsvllle & Na h\llle. but the latter declined below yetterdny'd price and the fu.imr hcorrd only a fractional net gain. With the o KtockH the list wa almost wholly given o\er to tindepretklun. . The changes nre small , but the majoilly of active Issues shown losses extending to ? 4 In Northern 1'nclfic preferred on Its poor show of earnlng , Hallroad stocks showing sharp gains were Chicago & Eaulein Illinois nnd Great Northern piferr < il. Ijike Erin & Western , Mobile * 1 Ohio. SI. Jo > eph & ( Irand Island first preferred and St. IVul & Dululh. The InduMrlals as n rule fchowed gains , notably In tin * Cotton Oil stocks , Sugar preferred , local gan stock * , General Electric , Metropolitan Trac tion. National Ix-ad , National Starch , leather pieferred , Oregon Navigation and Laclede Oas lost in t-r a point und Detroit Gas. 3 polntH. The bond market showed tome falling off In activity , the par value of bonan sold nmountliiK to $3,30i.i > 00. 1'rlces were generally higher. United States 4s regUleird Hold at lt < J ! , the highest price refolded. The 5 voupons told at 1W.1H' Total ak , $110,000. The Evening l'o t' Loniion financial cable gram Bays : "Theery bad weather of today dampened all the stock markets , which doted dull on the withdrawal of a large amount of gold for Austria or Huenla. Tlie Indian government has ( topped the talc of connol drafts for ten week * on account of the state of their balances In India. Thin means a higher exchange rate , with. poMlblc gold eiporti when txchtDgs touches led TbMP two fMritt ( imy i-ann" d rl P > In the bunk MIPS tomorrow , Tmt 1 will not e-tr-reM A ftronit orlnli n nn'tht ' * Vntll the Hold with- drnwnlit wtr known IV- market had anllclpMp-,1 no tl p In thp twtnrt rule. Now II Is nn even chancp , tmt I shenild 'csy ' n rite * nf 4d would hnve no Imd effect rttl the market , and n rite eif I per cent vpry IKtlh- American * clotM - * le-r with nothlnir dolnri The Paris bourse dull much1 of thp day , but pinned better. No dlillcul- tl < tn fnr hntp npnMiifd In the settlement. The Herlln market wn - quiet. " Thp following w rc | ne clotlng quotations on the leading docks of , thc New York exchange todays dopfd . dopfd St. 1'nnl . . . . . . . P4J llHlllmore.V Ohio. . .lo pfd 144 Canada Pnclfle . . . .4 71)j ) st 1 * ' V Oni ' Canada Southern . AOU . . . . . ; . ; . . . St. P.M. AM 122 Che-o. A. Ohio 'SilU ' So. Pacific 21J4" ChlcicoAAlton..lsn | So. Hallway 11H O..I1.AQ U7H lo Pfd ? } . , I.AK. 1 411 .Texas . * Pncino. . . . ' .C. C. A St. L . . . . H7'i ' Union Pacific dopfd Hll IT. P. 1) . * O. IM. Si Hudson 1111 ilo pfd ' " " Den'.VlUo O" Wheel. * L. ilo pM , * 47 * 1 L. " " Krionpw ( ) . ; nj ! i Ail * iiTK\L- " " iiil * Erie 1st pfd 4l ! American Ex llfift FI. Wnyno 170 Unltiil Slates Ex. . . 4-IH ( treat Northern pfd. 1S4 Wells Fnro K1..10H. , Hocklmr Valley. . . fi ; < A. Cot. Oil. do 711 LakeKrloA W. Silt Am'ii Splrltn HV ( llOPfll 7(1 < 4 ilo pfd 33M LnkpSlioro 170 Am. Tobacco l'l4 ' ; Louisville JtNnih. cm do pfd Ill Manhattan L Chlc.ipo elan HCI4 Met. Traction 12.li , Cons. Ons K'HU ' Michigan Central..11)7 Com. Cable Co 170 Minn , k SI. L -3 Col. F. A Iron ant dolBlpfd 8H do nfil HO Mo. Paclllc SB-IJ Orn. Electric n U Mnblh'AOhlo : n < i llllnolHStoeltSl'j Mo. 1C. A T 1 4 LaClo.Ju Oan 4S do pfd ; iilu Lead ! 174 : NcwAlb. A Chi. . . . 1SM ! , do pfd 103 do pfd ; i7l ? Nat. Liu. Oil 21 > 4 N..I. Central li.'Aj Pacific Mall N. Y.Central los ? < Pullman Pnl N. Y. Chi. A St. L . . lo't Silver Ccrtlllcales. . SI do 1st pM 7(1 ( Stand. Itopn AT. . . . SI7HS do'Jilpfd ill ) Sugar inii ! Norfolk A Weslcrn 11 do pfd HOW No. Amor. Co . "H T. C. A Iron ; VJIJ No. Paclllc 17M U. S. Ix-athcr HIde ilo pfd ' ' ' ' " ' do pfd 71 OntarloA \ \ ' . . . . . . . 17U U. S. ItnbbiT 1MS t > rc. H. A Nav ; n do pfd Ot ( Ire. Short Line 82 Union H4' ' < Plllsburg ll'tlVf ' Chi. Ol. WcHlern. 17H Uoadlng . ' - ( ( , NorthwuBlcrn . . . . Hock Island. _ uiu dopfd SI. LoulH.t S. F (1 ( Totnl ynlrn uf Mock * loilny. rr,742 ! Fhairs. la- chiilliiK. AH-lilm.n . preferred , 11,571 ; ClicsnpcnUe & Ohio. 22.130 ; rhlrARO , llnrlltiBlon .t IMIncy. 18W ( , ; LnulHVlllo & Xnshvllle. 1 < ! .3I3 Mlpfiuirl Piiclllo , 21,910 ; Missouri. Uiini ii * TCXHB t > re- fprieil , 5.n50j Now Albany CIJcuKii , 4 MO ; Northern 1'ncltlc proftited. fi.SrO ; Nortlinrtvrii. 7.470 ; Hendlnir , 8,310 ; Hock iKliiinl , 50,12 : , ; St. P.iul , 27,410 ; Omnlin , sr , : : ,0 Southern Ilnllwny , . " , , HiO ; Houthetn Hallway preferred , fi.0,0 ; Tpxns I'RClaV , 3.310 ; WnbiiFh piofrrn-J. 12. ! > r'0 ; Ameri can t'ottnn Oil , 7 , lj ) American Splilts , 7.7S5 ; American Tobacco. 4US ! , ; liny Htntc On * , r.,200 ; fhlrnRii Cns , 11.270 Oenenil Klpctrlc. lfi'JO , ; I.nr. lode Oiii. 3.1ir > ; l eail , 11,920 : I'lielllc Mall. 10.720 ; SURttr , 32,170 ; SuRnr urcfcrreil , 3.835 ; Ti'imessec Coal nnd Iron , 17,840 ; fnlteil States leather , gM ; fulled HlnteH Leather pieferrcil. 20.000 ; Western Union , 10,700 ; ChlcaRO tJreat Western , 13.C13. \ < -iv York Money .MurkH. NEW YOUIC , Sept. 1. MONEY ON CAl.t > - Kn y at lfl'4 per cent ; last loan , Hi per cent ; doted , I'.KTIH per cent. I"UME MtitCANTlI.E : PArEn-Sliffl'J pel cent. HTEIU.INO EXClIANOE-KIrm , with actual bi'slnerH In hnnkcin' bills at ? 4.5for doiiiunfl ami J4.S3iiirr4.S3 ? ; for sixty days ; posted rates. I4.f4'i 4. ' . > ' unit J4.KV4Sf4.S7 ; commercial bills , J4.S2"i " T4.82',4. SILVER rEUTlPlCATKS-SIC. I1A11 SILVER BlUc. MEXICAN DOLLARS 41c. GOVERNMENT IIONDS Htroiiff. STATE IIONOH Dull. RAILROAD HONU.S-t-l-asler. : Closing tiuotatlons on boiuls were as follows ; Stork ( liiiilnlloiiM. HOSTON , Sepl. 1. Call loans , 203U per cent ; time loans , 2i4 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds nnil mining flocks : A.T.AS. F W. Kloo Sr ! American Stijrar. . \V. Elea. ufd 05 ' ' ' ' Ed. Kloj. Ill lfl-1 Uav'stnte Oas. ! . . . .7 II- ( Jon. Elca. ) ) fd HI Ucl ! Tolcphona. . . 14S ! Atchtson pfd. : ) ; ! ! Boston &Alb.iiy. : AtchlHon "a R6i * liostoii A Malno. . . 1H4 Wls. Cent Is 37e C. . II. A Q H Allouez Mlnlu ? OD OSty , Pitchbunc Atlantic lfi ! General Klnotrla. . Uosiou A Montil'll 144 Illinois Steel mmoA llostcn. . . . ' 'OH Mexican Centr.il. . C.ilumclA lleali. . 4'J4 N. Y. A N. E 8IJ Centennial 10) ) ( Old Colony 18S Fr.mklln 10' ' $ 0.9. t , Kcai-a.irec 21 Uubber inu4ccoiu : 37H San Dlezo it : > iQulnc.y ! 118 Union Pacltio 17H > Tnmaracn lao Went End USJil Wolverine 14 West End otd 100 Sun P'riiiii'lsco lliilniQiiotatlniin. : . SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 1. The olllclal closing Quotations for mlnlne stocks today were as fol lows : Silvur b r . SH u : Moxicin dollars.I' ' ( lraHb.bU-.it , nj ; driln. tili.-r.ipi , 71-ii XI-TV Viirk .tlliiliiK S ockn. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 1. The followlne arc the closing minlni ; guolntlona ; Choll-ir. 7-1 Onuno jr > n Crowil'olnt 30 Onnir. 70 CPII.UU ) . & Vu. . . . l n Plymouth 1'2 Deadwood 100 QiiicUsllv.-r 100 OoulUJL Curry SO Oulc'KHilvur nfd..lOlU ) llalu&Nororoii. . 83 Slorr.i .Nov.iji. . . . . Hfl Hoinuilaku ii'JDt ) Htanflarvt Kir IronHtlvur -3 Union Cun 40 Mexican 50 Yellow Jacket . . . . 3'J I.oiuloii Stock ( I.OXDON , Kept. ! . - p. in , closing : HAH BlI < ViilQult : at 23d per ounce. MONKV Hi per cent. Thu ruin of illkcouut In the. open murlet : for short lillla In S poll cent. AiniTli'nii ( 'jt-i'iirldi-M In I.oiiiliin. IONOON , Kepto'J.'Mnie maiket for American eecurltli'H vnrled but' little nil day , owing to the Inactivity of operucorn. The tone wan barely eteady und the Jomund generally Unlit. IIICIH-IK. Hepts K lOkchaiiKe on I imlon , SO marks 3U'i ' pff- fur cfivcka. 1/JNOON , Hept.l-TJm amount of bullion tam-n out nf thn Hank of ICnuland on h.ihuicu today wan 3:3,000. - - - l'AUI8 , Sept. J'.ilThrfe per cent rentes , 10 < f 45c for the ucroiint ; "exflinnee on London , iif 19o for checks. ' ' _ _ Klillinillilnliti , NKW OHI.HANS , Sept. I. CleailnK * , IH9.387. HOSTON. Sepl , 1 CkarlnsH , | 15H8S07 ; bal- uni-w. J1.C03.H7C. IIAI.TIMOHK. Sept. 1. ClearliiBS , | : .937OC3 ; ImlanceD , )1'J,9CO. ) NB\V YOHK. Kept. l.-Clenrlngu , 1117.710,1(91 ( ; talancen. J7H 3.715. I > HU.AIiiI'IIIA. : Bept. l.-Clearlng > . JI3.028 , . 077 ; balance * , J-,0 .2,003. CINCINNATI. Bft. | 1. Clearing" . 12.119.700. Money. ! 4 < jii I'd' cent ; New York exchange , IOC dlrcount- JllIMI'IIIH. Bept. 1. dealing * . II7Z.J17 b-jl. ance , JI9.707. New York exchniiKe , telling at 11.10 premium , ST. I.OUI8 , Pent. 1-Olearlngf , , < a3.M7 ; bal. nnce , JGS0.778 , Money , Wit per tent. New York exchange , l0o discount bid ; 70c dlecounl neked. ( IIH'AOO , Btpt. 1. Clearing ! , IIS. 113,425 ; New York exchang * . &o discount ; iterllne cxchangr , poned retea , | 4. H and J4.M14. itock , active and strong ; ] < ake. btreet Klevated , a feature ; cloie ; Diamond Match , 1W ; MelropollUn U 7 ' ,4 ; Houlh Side IH * 5 ; Lake Btreet. 16h , Gas t , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Month Bogiiu with n Record Breaking Cnttlo Supply. NO CHOICE NATIVES OFFERED FOR SALE Hare IKlip IMIIIoiilty In TnU. liiK "ft nt Xciit Slier C'onipetl- tlon Ivcopn ( lie Price * Well V | > . SOL'TII OMAHA , Sept. l.-llccclpta lor the days Indicated were : Ca'.tlt ! . HOBS. Sheep. Horses. September J 5,2)1 C.223 4,4 135 August 31 4.5S1 7.050 402 August 30 3,4"J ! 2.411 200 2 AUMlst 2S Z.vCS fi.812 Sol August 27 2t'i f.,421 1.4iO IS August 26 3,723 6,417 1,449 13 August. 2o 3.42S M55 612 27 August 21 2,463 6.SI2 401 August 23 3Cl ( l.WJ 2,873 August 21 1,515 i.VJ'J 1,402 123 August 20 2,712 4,370 330 3 AURUSt 19 2,370 4HSl August IS 3,612 6,772 2,392 110 Tiio olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs , Sh'p. H'scs. C1. , M. & St. P. Uy. . . . 1 1 U. & St. 1 , . Uy 1 Total iccclpts 203 S 13 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as fo'.lows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Iluycrs. Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Omaha Packing Company . . . 4lfi . . . . The H. H. Hammond Co. 351 1,031 IMS Swift and Company 3SS 1,201 f > SI Thu Cudahy Packing Co. 757 1,011 l.fill U. Decker and Dcgnn. . . . IIU . . . . . . . . Vansant & Co : 1 .1. I * Carey 6IS Iohmati & Rothschilds. . . . 4 < j3 \V. I. Stephens Hi ! Hill & Lewis Co CO llenton & Underwood 332 Huston & Co 61 Krublm & Co ! K ) I . vingxton & Shaller Idj . . . . - . . . . Swift , country 71 S < iulres SO . . . . Slurry & Itarnes 1SI . . . . Klngan & Co Ml Nelson Morris , Chicago 210 . . . . Planklnton Co. Milwaukee . . . 1&3 Union Mt Co V-'IS Hamilton SOU Other buyers 696 . . . . 1,770 Left over 200 Totals ' 1,747 6.1S6 4,763 CATTLE Receipts , 203 cars , 5,201 cattle , were the largest of the year , but there were few natives and nothing choice , the bulk of the supply coming from the range and being largely on thu feeder order , with a good many conimonlsh caltlo Included. \Vlth the natural tendency toward lower prices which a big run Involves , the trade was a little dull , but a good llnal clearance wan had. Dressed beef men found only n moderate supply of fed stock on sale and the general quality rather ordinary , just the kinds of cattle that ha've sold lower for several days at other mantels , and proceeded to tak off 5Q10c as a. rule , except where offerings Just tilled a niche In their order. Sellers were slow to make the concession , but , with such a large supply of western cattle here , the killers had more chance thnn usual to get among the grassers and bought quite a few ; these were also SlfilOc lower. The general trade was at no time brisk , but sellers kept cutting loose until all of the desirable cattle ut least were dis posed of. A good many cows were Included In the receipts and buyers took advantage of the opportunity to reduce values SQlOc , except for the few peed to choice dry-lot grades which were scattered through the supply. Like the steer trade , the market lacked the life of the recent past , but In the end prac tically everything changed hand ? . .Hulls were steady to a shade oa er and veals Fold about as well ns ever. The moit decided weakness was In the feeder market. Supplies were the largest of the season and Included more roufth and common cattle. While the better grades were not more than ClilOc lower , buyers sorted up closer than usual and under grades were hard to move at a 10ffl5c decline. While business was slow , a large amount was done for both speculative and country account. Representative sales : NATIVES 13E131' ' STERRS. Co. 2a steerH 1210 375 27 fleers 1230 400 00 feeders..1211 390 1' , Mullln. 2 feeders..1093 4 21 11 feeders. . . . 972 4 S ) E. W. Whltcomb. 33 feeders..1163 4 00 J. L. Jordan. 21 steers 1273 4 35 V. M. Sheik. j hull H30 275 43 feeders..1212 430 23 helfcr 910 3 40 Kent & Hlrw-ll Cattle Co. i | ecr fW 323 134 feeders..1118 380 1 steer 1100 323 II. K. Olover. U cows 1015 360 IT feeders..HOC 385 Western Union lleef Co , 35 steers 1281 3W John H , Ilarron , r , rows * 20 5-10 3 steerit 1IW 3 1 cow 970 3 10 19 frfilcr . . . .10i3 ( 4 00 jcows 914 310 13 feedeiH..10)J ) 410 SOUTH DAKOTA. J.is. Halley. j bull 1350 275 SOcowh 904 323 13 C'OWH 933 2 ! Ki I feeder M 4 S3 1 bull 1220 300 SOfcedciH. , . . 721 423 Weare Live Slock Co. 2 tailings. . . .1S15 273 61 nleer 1070 3 W ) | sti"ni. 1320 333 18 feeders..1241 3 U5 M. Johnson. 1 , tag 1203 323 14 feedc/H..H43 3/3 ! / Western Ranches , 21 steers 1330 3 C3 C3 feeders..1146 380 142 steers 1345 3 Ci C7 ftfJera..ll53 3 fcO 32 fcedern..H48 3 70 Cobb & Slieeler. 1 hull 1430 275" 3 feeders..1210 373 1 bull 1270 273 1 fet-der t20 3 76 u cgws 1014 300 2a ff-e . < n > . . . .1002 403 COIJOIIAPO. CSfeedvra. . . . 7SC 3M M fcede.rf..l02l 410 NEVADA. Tli . Hunter. ' 1 cows Ml 3 21 HOOB There were ninety-eight loads , about 6,300 hogs , a full 1.000 more than last Wednesday and an Increase of about 1,500 for the 11 ret half of the week over last , There was a tomewhat larger ihowlng of tb lighter weights than utual , with HIP Kmtrftl Quality A rhn.ta bMlfr t' ' , n > r t rday ! < lil | . | < rrit wre nomeiou nnd Incimb d a buyer from I'uHlnnd , Otf. tlood hot for their n p rnld rtronir on the eMly mnrkrt nnd pAcklnn grndeli wfr * In KPI ! demand nt ymtnlay * I'lBurrn. Th < ewndlllon * lanled until two thirds of lh < bogs wrrn sold , when the tfport of loner price * In the cn t for nil but light IIOK * cnurnl n rather slow nnd wenK rlnt on bfiny brg here , although nlmut tverjthing was cleaned up during the monilnR tpwlon. OulMJe prices wrre JJ.WfT4.10 nnil Ih * bulk of thp rnlpa. like yesterday , were nt $ S. 6f4.M. with but few heavy IIOKK nliov * $100. A week ngti sales we < p nt $ S.70 3.W , with the bulk nl $3 Soft 3 > f > . HepicsentHtlvp fnlos : No. Av. Sh. IV. No. Av. Sh. IV. ? J SKI M'$3 ' W M 238 . . . $ IPO us sis to ) s M j rrs 49 4 M 2SS 120 3 ! M 284 . . . 4 W ) 5 2SS 40 3M W : s HO 4 CO 41 401 3 K 61 SJ . . . 4(10 ( t 9 3f2 40 395 RO 27S . . . 4 CO S3 30 ? . . . 3M ( ,0 3 * 1W 400 71 303 IM 3 M C SCO Jfl 4 TO 67 275 2(0 ( 3 M 49 2S7 M 40) 52 2SO 100 393 24 SIT SO 4 W f.3 327 120 395 81 279 W 4 W ) M 2C1 200 3 I > 5 61 273 120 40) 55 210 ICO 395 82 273 SO 400 f.2 . 334 M ) 393 03 308 JO 4 W 63 291 . . . 39i I 127 20T , KM 400 57 321 120 393 f3 3SI fO 4 M 58 271 150 395 f,0 217 ICO 4M 45 2M M 395 t6 3D2 . . . 4 W fd 291 40 395 3(1 ( 291 . . . 400 41 276 200 3 95 76 23S SO 400 M 2fi6 lOfl 3 ! > 3 M 2C ( SO 400 Ct 2S7 320 395 17 214 120 4 W r.r , 33C SO 3 ! > 5 M. . 313 120 400 11 202 . . . 3C ! , fC , 291 40 4M M 29'J 120 393 72 252 SO 4 00 t.G 294 IM 3 K 67 207 ICO 400 63 316 SO 3 97H CS 2S4 200 400 . ' , 304 SO 3 9714 OS 2M. 120 400 C6 2C5 120 3 97H CT 2 7 200 4 ( V ) f.2 316 ! ,0 3 97li C2 213 fO 4 O2'.i ' 11 279 . . . 397'4 130 2IS 120 405 290 SO 3 97'i 73 331 SO 405 S2 239 . . . 3 97',4 SO HO 40 403 t,3 307 ICO .1 7'4 ' C2 275 40 4 l > 5 f.0 306 40 39714 C7 251 . . . 4 01 C7 2IS 210 3 97H CS 218 . . . 405 ill 323 ICO 100 61 213 200 403 T,0 , 32H . . . I W 71 236 ED 405 73 234 SO 400 78 231 . . . 403 f.S 237 S9 I W S4 1"7 . . . 4 05 13D. . 236 2SO 4 W 77 2W 40 403 f.l 262 ICO 400 CS 251 ICO 403 73 276 ICO 400 . 76 23.1 . . . 4 ( I7'4 M ! $ , < ! 40 4M 72 22S SO 4 07 < 4 CI 26S 120 4 CO , C4 212 ICO 4 07 < 4 r,0 , 27' ! . . . 4 0.1 7C 192 . . . 4 in no 2ss is * 4 o si ro ? 120 410 7J 2C9 1W IM SS 220 . . . 410 I'laS-ODDS AND ENDH. 1.- . 410 . . . 2 tO R 278 . . . 3 SI 1 37 , ) . . . 2 C3 3 . . .2SO . . . 3 9'1 1 450 . . . 3 SO 7 33S . . . 3 92 > 4 1 120 . . . 3 ro ( S 332 . . . 3924 r,2 03 . . . 325 4 2S7 . . . 385 2 333 . . . 375 4 315 SO 395 3 410 $0 3 f.2'4 ' 4 202 . . . 3 93 0 37t : . . . 3 S5 1 2 > 0 . . . 4 ( < ) 4 29SO S S5 2 250 . . . 400 4 293 . . . 3 S3 C 220 . . . 4 TO 4 317 . . . 3 S3 7 233 . . . 400 2 310 . . . 3 S3 5 205 . . . 400 9 20' , . . . 3 S3 5 250 . . . 4 ( ) J 203 . . . 3 ! K > ' 6 181 . . . 400 0 33' ' ) . . . 390 SHEEP Hecelpts were large nnd nil weic gr.iFser.i , with quite n spilnkllng of feeding stock Included. The market was nctlve for muttons , with pilces ruling Him to strong , nnd there was good Inquiry for feeders ut late prcxailing Ikmvs. Heprcbentatlvc sales : No. Av. 1'r. 20 western wethers 91 $300 143 westein wethers 911 325 K.i ) westein wcthein 102 325 f,2l western wethers 92 3 40 COO westein wethers 90 3 40 633 western wethers 94 3 40 444 western lambs 36 4 10 CHlO.UiO I.1VU STOCIC MAIIKKT. CatdeVnk on Ili-avy llocrlpln HIIKN l.iMVt-r SluM-p Illnhrr. CHICAGO , Sept. 1. The supply of entile was again excessive today and choice droves were the only ones that showed strength , otU'-rs Helling sluwly at weak to lOo lower prices. NMIvn bc-ef HteorM told at from $3.S5 to $1 for the pooit'M nnd from those figures up to J5.25 and $5.50 for pilim- to extra shipping beeves , with Hales laigely at from $4.70 to $5.23. The stocker and feeder tinde wan active with pales largely at from $2.73 to $1.50 , a few being wanti-d at fnun Sl.d tu $ I.G3. Kat bulcheilng natives suld all rlKlit , but cun ning stuff suld badly. Oil\cs cuno higher and choice lot brought fr-m $ "i.'iO to J3.73. Texas cattle sold chiefly at from $2.5t > to $2.i,3 f ir bulls nnd cows , nt fioni $3.25 to $3.SD for HI-OIK , a few choice fleers being wanted around $4 and $4.0. Western langc cattle wrte In only fnlr deinnnd nt from $3.M to V4.50 for stockers nnd ut from $3. > to $4.20 for COV\H nnd hellersitn \\tMi.-in feeders Helling actively nt from $ .1.05 t- > $4.4"i. Until western and Tcxnns were largfly lOc lower with slow sales. Trading In hogs was fairly active , but yes terday's advance was lost , declining about 3c. Hogs Fold nt from $3.30 to $3.55 for the poorest to the best , chlelly nt from $4.10 to $4.30 ; pigs fi'tchlnB from $3.f,0 to $4.50. Heavy loU me numerous , and there are n great many common to medium grarcy hogs. HuyerB discriminated nRalnst half fat lots , nnd they sell at finm 23e to 40c below good cornfed lots of the burnt weight. 1'rlces for sheep nnd lambs arc advancing under the Influence of an active demand fr m slaughterers nnd feedois. western range she-op EcllliiK today nt from $3.40 to $3 S3. with feedeiH In demand at from $3.40 to $3.CO. Choice natives were scarce and a few Mild around $4 and * 4.23. while poor to fnlr loin hi ought from $2.25 to $3.33. Lambs advanced to from $3.70 to J5.C3 for poor to prime flocks , only n few getting above HECEII'TS Cattle , 18,000 bead ; bogs , 3J.003 head ; sheep. IC.OtO head. Xe - York I.Ivo Stuck. NEW YORK , Sept. 1. IIEEVES Hecelpts. Mi head ; quiet ; generally steady : native steeiH , 54 4i C75.32" , ; stags and oxen. $2. H (4.C3 ( ; biillF. $2.rdi 310 ; dry cowfl , $1.75S3.f,0 ; Euiopean cables quote. American steers nt Wl fllJc ; iefrheintor bief at fcti T9c ; exports , 5,440 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts , 2.03S head ; Hctlvf ; RPticrnl advance , Uc ; veals , $5.00J7.50 ; grassers and but termilks. $3.MS4.23 ; westerns , $5.10. RHEE1' AND LAM11S Hccelpls , S.O.'S bead ; ne-- tlve ; sheep , firm ; lambs. UUUc higher ; fheep. J2 (004.00 ; lambs , $4.2.rRC. < ' 0. lions Receipts , 6,578 bend ; market higher at $4.50fl.90. KIUINIIH City I.lviSlock 1liu-li < - ( . KANSAS CITY. . Sept. ] . CATTLE lltwlptn. 13,000 head ; market weak to lOc lower. IV.xas steers , $3.WW4 2) ; Texas cows , $2.SJfi3.23 ; native steers , $3.0043.2fl ; native cows nnd hHfcm , $1.75 4.25 ; stockcrs and feeders , $ J.SOJj4.C-j bulls , $2.30 T4.00. HOUS Receipts , 9,000 head : market opened steady , closed weak ; bulk of sales $4 12 ! 5i4 17's. ' heavies , $4.10j4.17',4 ; packi-rs. $4.00ij4.15 ; mixed , H00tt4.0 , RIII"1 ! 1trrlptrV SW , ( > lirfvi inatktt flritii Mini * . $ etotfS.W. mutton * . ( X > ffJ.40. .it. Imil * 1,1 v * Slork. T t/lt'lfl. t ept. 1. CATTLK ItecHpU , 4W btnd , hlpmrnt . lOiX ) head ; mtk t * temiy fji tmilvM ; T > x nn n rhndp lower ; nullvp ihlpplnit ntpptT , fiilr to fancy grndi-o , HlMifiM , bulk t't ' ip/vi in * ' " * ' " ' ' ' " * * " ' l'v. ' nn' ' ' bntpher ttpr , J A. / , , j .trt'Jk ' of MIP , $ I7 I.H , Meers , tititlfr i'V. " ' * W4. ; Mockers and feedm , $2 l > 0it 440 ; cow * nnd heifer * . ISCOfllSO ; Texa and In. dlan teer . $ l.7 ff4.3S ; cowo nnd belffru , $2 Wn 3. ofl , lions-ltpcplptyt , .MO hr , l ; shipments. bond ; tnatket , steady on ! < ! hogs , > hnde | . wr SHEEPHecelpts. . 3,000 bond , thlpmrnlii 1000 tatkl > 1' " " " 'I * ' ' " strong : natlvp imittuns. olmkers. $2.2Mf3.00 , nut II u ( Tn In l.lyc Slock. I"'II-'AI- ; * Wt. l.-CATTLE Slimlv \orkers , gi .d to rhoh-p. $ | ( V , f4 7i ) ' SHEEIAN'D tAMIlS-l/imb . Rood I" PXIMX rliolco. $5.5ofrs.75 ; ctilli to fnlr , $3Vttfi40 Sh"rp. choice to selected Wcthcm , $ l.3Mrl..V > ; cutU und eommon , Stock In Slubl. HPOOI-I ! of receipts of llvp stock nt thi > four principal markets for September 1- , . . nte. Hogs Ktifpp , Omaha . rsm 6.300 4 fi , hlcngo . iS.iHil 3J01 , ) ifio kntiuit City . u , PM n. ( > i ,10,0 , 81. I-OWI9 . 4 , I'M 6.0)0 30M Totals . 4ir > l M.POi > i ) ! < X ) Liverpool ( irnlii ninl Pt-ovUloit * . I.IVEHI'OOL Sept. 1 WHEATI'tilun s quiet "fcWIil higher ; September. 7s 04 , ! ; Octoberd , December , 7s 4N d , COUN Anicilmn mixed. ? pot. new sti-a-lv 2t 4'iil ; Sepetmber , Rteady , 3s 4UdI'd dier , teady , 3s 4V1. Win-fit nl Out for n "Dlvlnillcnlcr. . CMIOAOO. Sept. l.-Thc man i-i\lllnK bun. iplf FrnnrlK fVlitnlt.-r , who 1ms bcon wn- iltiplliiK a "illvltiilipiiiinK" rump at Man hattan beai'li Hlllco Smiitny. lias bcon serve-d with n siiniiiinim to inmuor tlu clmtKo r pi-art Iclllif inoilloliiilthoul a lloensiHe will bo pros-ecu te'il by the State Itonr.l of lie-tilth of Illinois anil If . nnvlclPil IB liable tn n line of Jltvi for the ibi i offcnsr in. , I J"io In audition If his iKitlcntx raic tei trouble tiini flirtlii'r. Hi,1. . A. KKSIII. sorri'tiirx . .f . the slate biatil , liiHtltiit.il the Irnil pioorr lln.\lim | p Klccfrlcnl IMiuili. MILWAVKKK , S , pt. I. In riiMnPi of a Hchcmo which the \Vostln liou- < , ' trio company of 1'lltsburK ami the HuMwIu locomotive Weiiki ( eiinii.iny of riilniil ipbla plnnnpil a yoir 111:0 : tn alisoib all of the inoro Important lmlcpi.inU.nl mtiiiufiic'orloa of clectrliilynninoH uinl incitorx , tinc.iii - hlnatlon , uintcr Mir nmnn of the \\VatliiK- liouso Uli-ctrtc ami .M'lnufm-uirlm : comiMiiy. has bout-ht out the Intfrosls of thr tibb3 ! Kloetrlc company of MllwauUeo. The in - klilerntlon IH salO to bo ? 5lW. ( The "Illojcll.'fs Host Krien. : " is a fninll at twine for DoWUfs Wltrh Hnzol Salvo , Q | . wnyu ready for emergencies. Whllp : i apn- Plllc for plica , It also Inotantly pl-'vew | and cures cuts , bruizes. K.ilt rheum , eczema niul all affections of the skin. It never failti. Hml I.lvcil In Clilciiuo Sunn'I'linc. . CHIOACJO. Sepl. l.-lt wa loarin-ii t..luy that thu youiiK woman \\lio c-ommltti'il mil- olelc at the Victoria lio'e-i yoclonlay after iPKlstorliiR us IllniuhoVlhon Hvcl fur live months at " 014 Dearborn street , whore nlie wns known as Hancho ! llorb rt. From wliui ll'tle she tnlkeil of her past life while there It Is bellevcil srho Is a Kfiituoky jtlrl ami that lit'i- mother Is living In I.uulsvlllo. Min-ilori-il liy 'I'l-ainpi. JMIOEN1X. ArlK. Sept. l.-\Vortl w IH rc- i'1-ivcil toilny by the HhorllT from Cilia Ht-nil that tramps inbbeil the ilriiK ntoro nf .lohn I'ratt last nlulit niul siabboil t'.ie ' proprK-tur lo death. There 1 no clew to the mur- ilcrers. Arnnhl's llroir.u Celery cures hcailaihea 10 , 3 ami 50 cents. All ilrur-Rists. Till : ItKALTV MAItKKT. IN'STIll'.MKNTS placed on record \Vi-dncg- diy : , Seiitember 1 , 1SH7 : WAKIIANTY niCIODS. t"1 O IC.11IHP and wife to M r Klodln. lot 11. ! block , I'nttor & C's addition. . ? 1 1 * W Illll to Johanna Chrlstoiisen , lot 0. block 12. 1'arit Kurem addition DOO S H Lndil , trtiHteo , to O W Smith , lot 12 , block \Varreiiton nd lltlon l.GOO Winter liylus to .Margaret Sori'iison , lotfi t ) and 10 , block S , IMnlnvlcw aJd. 2WO MaiKiiiet Huri'iiRoii and hii.sb.ind to n 1 , .Moririin , n'- ' . . lot 5. block S. same 1.7CO Albert Kopponlmvor and wife to Josephine HeynoMs. lots 12 and l : ! , block \Valieli-y addition , and part lots 7 and S , block ( j , Improvement il'-soclatlon nilitltloii 2.SOO Asa beard and wife to . .1V Minili , lot . block 33 , Kountze 1'hu-o 4r.03 A U Diifrcnn and wife to H 10 Kane , scnlli 40 fe 't lot 11 , block 7 , I'liiln- vlew adilltlon C50 II H ( .ii Illlth and wife to .1 1C Amlir on , f- nth half lot 14 , block IXS , South Omaha 2S7 QUIT CLAIM DISK OS. A M Hyatt et nl to GV Smith , lot 12 , block \Varrcnlon addition 1 S J IIIpRlns nnd wife to N I ) Apple , lot 5 , block S , Plalnview adilltlon 1 P c lli'vi-r o I. ' S'mron , lot 10 , block S , UrlRBS Place 1 Total amount of transfers $13,041 JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION- GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AXI ) : STOCKS IIOAIin OF Til ADV. . Direct wires to Chicago and New fort CorreaDonJtnta ; John A. Warren * c THE CUDAHY-HEALY YUKON-KLONDIKE MINING CO. KLONDIKE GOLD FIELDS ! THE GREATEST INVESTMENT OF THE AGE I A Chanca for All to Come In on the Ground Floor. The Cudahy-Healy Yukon-Klondike Mining Company Has boon Incorporated under tlio luws of thu State of Mimtunii , with u iviplt.nl htock of $21- OOO.OOO , In 2SO.OUO .slum's ntSIOOcai'h.nil pnlil unit iiim.issussabli' . From this lulnl of stock an amount I'liiml to 2 ( ) pi-r coin , or $3.OIO. ) ) ( ) ( ) bus heie-n tcl apait fur elavi'lopnii'iit purpeiHu" , nnil iipnn llicsu 5 ( > , ( > OO Nlmius nillvlili'iiii of n pur ce'nt up in lliu par viilmt IN tfiiar- nntocil to bo pulil out of tliu prollls of ca Ii yuur bofori ) any dividends mo pulil for I ml year upon lliu balance ) ; tlioii lilinuu ) : : lo ruejilvouty ( llrrl"ii.l up to R pur cent , anil then Urn rnm ilnliiR illvlili'inl onrncil in bo piiyiiblo on lliu whol-j $2.1 , ( ) ( ) ( ) . ( ) ( ) ( ) , anil tluisu Kiiuriinicoil shari'Miri ! now oiVoii'd'CE'IEN to HID publlu fur lininuillalo Invcslmi'iil AT TIT MTV. FIVE IOI < LiAH5ivt - ' ' - ' } PEtt i > H < i.R > i tit Miilcli piluo thu QUAIVANTE3D DIV1DENJ will bo over J4 Per CCIlt on tlio liivcstmunt. IMIOI'KUTV. I'IKISI'nCT.S. Tlio compfiny'n Renernl property There Is nmple evidence be Heavy Immigration of .loin- fore the public of thu wonderful I UK labor Int. , tin Yukon Yal * conslatB of Iambi mines . : erty , ful wealth of COLD nlc.iiK the Yukon and Klondike Implnn. ley , which l now Bulnit on , und mining * rUlpment In the | The owns InrK" num. riiinpnny Is what Is needed for the ib vnllry of the Yukon Itlvi-r nnd beiH of Kohl jilacer and ijuail'Z vel ipmenl of thin mineral claims , pi'Ucled by Its experts on Its tributary Minims In out of many hundred * duilni ; wealth. Work will bCKln next ( Ivi- years of patient ppixpc-t HIHIIIK on as many of tha Alnrkn nnd the Ilrlilsh North- In- ; . Claim No. 3 on Miller went Territory. The mineral Clerk , fnun which over ( ICO.OJO phii'erH a H p' slble. At all beds owned Include Guld , In \VIIH taken latt year. Is now ( hi'ifu polntH In thu near vlcln * placer and ijunrlz claims , Sil rmnpany a pall of and HIH properly IH In opi-ratlon of this ; Uy of th claims , aru titorts ver , Copper and I'oal , their COI'I'Ell proi-pectH lire on Ihe and tindliiK pmtnof thu North chief locations behik' un Hie Tananah Hlver and are very American Tram-purlatlon anil . Hitch rich. Tia.lliiK < 'omp.iny. Our ulllcerti Tnn.innh Illver , Miller. , rich.Very exlemlvo and rich Forty-Mil , ! nnd HlvlMlle COAL beds nc.ir Cudahy. l.oni ) nnd dlreclois aru also Inter , Cieeks , Klondike ) Illver , Too to'ies In area , are to be opened mlrd In the inanaKi'inent nt Much Ould Cieel , , Iluiitinza , at tmic. The contract has al- thin fimptiny , InnuiliiK beaily iradv been let fur DO.OX ) lena Iloulder and Kldorado Crril.s. of Ibis coal at $10) per Ion. This Company does nof have io Prospect for property- It already owns if , Some of its mines are now in operation. Ollicers of the Cudaliy-llrnl > kon-KVu loadiko Mlnlnq Co. JOHN Cl'DAHV , Chlcaco , III , ELI A OA 5E. ChlcJiK , III. , I'reMldenl and Vuknn llnur. Alatku , CATALN JOHN J HEALV. HIM leiary. Yukon Illver , Alatkn. und WILLIAM W. WEAHE , Clll- The Cudahy-Healy Yuknn- Dawdon , N. W. T. , Manager catto. III. , Trcanurer. Klondlku Mining Company ha no occasion whan-vvr lo color or cxuKKtrate ' UK ad- CAI'ALV JOHN J. HEALY. CHAltLEH WEAItE , Ci dar vuntaies. ; C'uptaln John J. Yukon ICIvcr and I > awi > on , Hiphbi. la. Ilealy of Dawxon Clly North- N. W. T. ELY E. WEAItE. Haw son , N. wt-st errltory , bin had forty JOHN CI'DAHY. Chlcaiso. III. W. T. . I'ort. Cudaby , N.V. . yearn experience In prospect- BKNATOIl T. C. J'OWEIIH , . T. Inn und mining In Idaho , Helena. Mont. WILLIAM W. WEAHE , Chi- Montana. Illack Hills nnd Hie CHAHLKS A. WEAItE , Chi- CIIKO , II ) . Ilocky Mountalim and e-very CilK" . HI. HIINHY O. WEAItE. Illui-ll HtaK'rnent here Klven In 1'OUTI'H II. WEAItE , Oil- Hills , Bpe-aillnh , H. IMk strictly conwnolive. Keep CKKU , 111- JOHN WEAHE. Chicago , III. your e > ti on our treasure leniiicfB " 1'ortland" and Ilankei-H-COIIN EXCIIANOE HANK , ChlcaKo , III. . IH. . A. "Cleveland , " whlci > uru HANK 01' ' MONTHEAL , Clili-ajjo. . III. , U. H. A brliiKliiK In the b'olJ ein every Suh'H rlptloan for stock received In person or by Idler 1 ot trip. H'ji'in ' SW ( ) | i | Colony HulldliiK , OilciiKO. , III. , and yj'i I rodufo Kxchunue , New York City. nt once. If yon haves not J35.00 club with your friends. Hhurua will umloubtedly xiou Oils Increase } In value. Tills company bun many Buy times superior opix > rtunltles to make money thuit any ether company possibly can lmv .