T1IJ8 OMATTA "DA1TA" AITUTST J50 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES i rlUvincnlH for ( lime cnluinn * Mill InIn km iinlll rj in ( or the rvculiiK nnii iinlll 8 p. in for tlie iniiniliiK mill Siinilnr Ailirllnrrn , l > ) ' -iiicK ( I nif n mini- lirml Hirrlti run linvr nii < nvprN nil * ilrunnril to n numbered li-llrr In cnrr iif TlitHIT. . Annulno nililr < ; moil ivlll lie ilcllvrrcil on iironciilntliiii of tin * rln-t'U onlj- . llfilci * me n iToril flrM Innrrlloni In n oril tlu-rrnf IIT. > ollilnit Inkeii , for ! * limn STii for Iliillrnt limrr- tlnii. Tin-up mlviTllniMiientii in tint li run ronii'ciitlvrly. ' MALI : HUM1. CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS ; NEW LINE of work , no henvy Roods to carry tnl.iry or commuslun C. F. Mums Co. . 121 So Kth St. flALKPMKN KOH ClOAr.3. J12 $ A MONTH AND eipeiufn. cM nrm : expetlenc * unnecessary : In- duermpnti to customers. C. C. Hltliop & Co. , St. Lmils. R-.M1H WANTni > - MEN AND WOMEN SOLICITOUS /or the National Reserve ns clfttlon ; the I"- * ' , safest nnd soundest fraternal order In the fli-M tr Iay. Addrrn P. A. ' . Sl-vens , No. _ , T ) Cumin * St. . Id. 1353. Omahn. Neb. H-9M WANTED. AOINTS IN EVERY COUNTY ; Vwl P1V wrrklr to rlKlit party. Hawk , Niir- scry Oi Milwaukee. Wts. H-.MI02 S21 WANTIr > "T AVBMNO SALESMAN FOR AD. vrrMslnt ; calendars , exclusively nr an Mile line. Addrcrs with rrfen > nc s , nlfn stating business experience. AIIR. Cant Rank Note & J.ltho. Co. . St I.ouls. Mo. 1I-MM8-31 WANTED. MEN TO t.nAUN THE RARlir.R trail * , only elKht weeks required ; cnn tnnt rracMw rtpcrt Instructions wnK"S Saturdays In shnps : many openings for graduates : tllim. Irnlrf ! putaU.ROp mailed frre. Moor's Karber School , Clark ami Van lluren Sts. . " HALESMEN. THREW EXPERIENCED. ONE for my ami two for road ; must be men of nlililty Rood nddref nnd nlilito make big money : none other ne.-d npply ; i.i-rrnanont IKM-I- tlon for two. Call today. W. M. 'II'IIJ.ISA ' cer hi.tcl. R-M3 m _ fSAI.ESMEN THREE TO INTERVIEW FOR A leading dally ; mint hav tact and need Judc. m"nl jM-rniRni-nt position. Address H M. Omaha lco. ! R-MM1 SO l-'HMAI.i : I11SM1. 100 OIRI.S FOIl AM. K1NH3 WORK ; TO J7 week. Canadian Oflle. . 1522 Douglas. C * WANTED. AT "DIM HOUSE. " MITCHELL S. I ) Roml female crmk. Iftun try nnd table Kins ; plonsnnt hnnir , steady cmploymi-nt : Kooil w g promptly paid. C-M2M 30 * WANTED , A NEAT GERMAN GIRL FOR general housewirk ; must tie n guoil cook ; no wushtnu ; r.fii a week ; only thr.-e Imvlw ; the very best nf refiTcncc n * od npply. Mrs. .1. H. Evan . 3322 FarnDin st. C M2C2 WANTED-OIIIL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSB- work. 2200 Spencer St. , Kountze Place.C C 273 WANTED. A REfOND Ollll.VITIt nKI-'KR- cnc''M. Mrs. T. J. RiiKci" . 112i > I'.uk Ax < \ V ANTK1) . OIRL 'Oll HOUSEWORK , TALL W' fnllfrirnln 8L C-M 2'i 30 w A N-rrnx srno.N'o. PAP A TILE .o i R i. TO conii iiml lauml'T In Rtnall private fnmlly ; inUHt l.rlnc rrfiT.'nres ; K' " t home nml con'l WUB - - 5B1S St. Miry's nvcmtp. C M370 50 FOIl HK.NT IIOI.'SKS. HO' = r..S IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O F Hnvlq evmpruiy , 1S03 Farnntn. 1) S)3 ! ) HOl'SKS ; nENCWA & CO. . 103 N. l.r.TII ST. D-4CO MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. ? 25 N. Y. Life. 0-40J HOfSES. WALLACE. DROWN IirJCK. ICTH nml DoiiBla . D < 03 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER i > -8 city. J" to $ M. FMollty. 1702 Farnam St. D 402 HOfSKS. rOTTAOES & STORES , ALL PARTS 01 cltj. Hrcnnan , Love Co. , 430 I'njUon block. D-401 LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE. 15TII AND DODGE. D-401) HOUSES. FLATS. GAHVIN BROS. . 1C13 FARN'M J > -407 HOUSES FOR RENT. DKMIS , PAXTON IJL1C. D-40S HOUSES. J. II. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. Life. D-409 FOR RENT. ELEVEN ROOM IJIIICK RESI- clence , mnilcrn In every lesper-t. Steant heat , rlcctrlc llclit. Locnteil nt the ! > oiittiwrst corner 17th nml Douglas Sts. Apply to R.V. . lUkcr , Superintendent Hec bide. D C32 FOR RENT. MODERN FLAT , REST IN THE city. In new imvMse UullJInc. oppamo city hall ; also Booil store In snine IjiilMlnR. John W. rtobblns , ugcnt , lS02-Fariium street. D-157 STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES , G ROOMS , S. W. cor. 13th nml Vlnton. finest location In city for buslnexs men of Omahn anil South Omaha ; rents moderate. 204 Dee UulMlnK. B-M2U 6-ROOM C01TAGE. ALL MODERN , LAWN ami slinili1. 2121 Miami nt. D 731 1-OR RENT. CHOICE TWELVE ROOM DE- toched modern house. Inquire CCrlS Capitol Ave. D 9U > .N ELEGANT , MODERN. 13-ROOSI 13RICK ilwpllliiK , I3'l ' per month : No. 2414 Cn n. 7-room.i nimlern lint nt J17.00 : No. 70) ) S3. I6th st. W. II. Mcllile , lat Nnl'l Hnnk Rlil . D 954 (2 ( ROOM "STONE RESIDENCE. HOT WATER hont , nimlern In every re pw-'t. 41 $ North Bth St II T. ClnrU. D 187 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN ; NICE Bhndo ; InrKC l"t nml bnin , on 21.st street , b - twri-ii 1-nke nnd Spruce. Garvln llrni. . 1613 Vnrniun. I-M230 SO MOVING iiousEiior.n GOODS AND PIANOS. Om.Vun A Hliirae * Co. , 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 15M. D 405 A PLEASANT TEN-ROOM HOUSE AND YARD nt llelli-vue , two minutes * walk from depot , live mlnutfH' walk from collCKi1 nml Krndeil iidiool. U. Menken , llvlluvue ; H. T. Cluike. Omahn. D 2Ci > S3 FOR RENT , 1IANSCOM 1'LAPE HOME OF 6 rooms nml bnth loom ; cheap to rlKht parties ; must Rlvo Kooil referencrs. M. J. Kennurd & Son. 310 und Sll Drown block. D-345 FOR RENT. S-ROOM HOUSE. OOOD 1/1CA- tlon. modem , low rrntnl. Inquire of E. E. Klmim-nnim , deputy county clerk. D 311 7 ROOM COTTAGE AND RATH ROOM. EX- Cfllcnt condition , nrwlv papered nnd pnlnthd , rnniL-r Charles and Ninth 25th. Inaiilrn W. If. Orldlth. Kurtiiii-li IlnlH. I > ilJSS S0 10'ROOM HOUSi : , A1 > O MEDIUM SIZED brick hmmr , nil nunli'in Improvements. 2-0 | > lliirney St. D-M3T2 SI * KOIL HUXT FUItXISIII'.n ROOMS. NEWLY FUIINISIIKD , STEAM HEATED \tlth ur wlllinut bonrd. 'Ml S. itli St. E-957-S W i Ft'RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOL'SEICEEIMNO for mnn nml wlfo. Hont taken In board. 319 N. Uth. E-174 NU'ELY FfRNISIIED SOUTHEAST FRONT riHim , in < uli > rn conv nbncea , pilvatu family. 70Z S. SOth St. E-IC7 30- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR OENTLE.MEN AND IlKht hmia-kcvplnir. 2CC3 DcilKe ntrvrt. E-M353 S0 ROOMS , 1M(1 ( CAI'ITOL AVE. E-M3C9 84' WANTED. A ROOMMATE. IIAVB A OOOD lofini , nil innJern convvnlfiicen : Htenm lirnt , ci-ntrully located ! rmt ll.W per week. Aildre 8 W. llc . E-.M3r8 Sl Fl It.MSIIICK HOOAIS AMI HOARD. FIRST-CL.XSS 1JOARD AND ROOMS ; HOT water , bent ; best location In city. ! t : 8. Z5th Bt. F-784 THE ALIIANY , ROOMS FUR. OR UNF13R. ; id lloor front and vast expuntiro ; table board ) llnu location. ! 101 Douulas. F 11263 S4 * GOOD ROOMH ; HOARD. J3.00 ; MODERN brick , central. Ell Noilh Utli. F 1W 30 * THE GEORGIA. SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. near Hunm-oni T' : rk. 101 ! S . 23th St. F 40 Sl > NICE ROOMS AND HOARD. ! . HINNEY. TWO GENTLEMEN. TWO FRONT ROOMS with laurel. i > > 'lvat family , rojkonalilv , r.13 N 3.1 , F MS-JO * 1 HAVE SEVERAL ACCOUNTS TO RE TAKEN out In board. Will tell cheap. Good Iccalltln Addrvn * S 41 , lice. F-2O MEHRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY holt ) . Kth n Stn. F-207 Sl ITLEOANT ItOOMS. STEAM HEATrI'"IRST- cUn board ; reference * . 1 3 Capitol Ave. F-M370 84' _ " DESIRAIILB LARGK ROOM WITH "l OARD Reference * . J N. Uth. P-UU ! 30 NlfELY Ft'RNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITli board. MIS Dou Ui. F--MIM , S1 run tiKXTixKru.visnun HOOMS. ItUOMfl , M SO , KTH AVE.O - rou ui\TsroiiKs AND OFFIOKS. VOU RENT-DK8K ROOM IN GROUND I'l/JOR MM-f , ISe building ; nmtir. tteurs htal , electric MKlit and Jnnltir tervlce. Apply to R.V. . linker nuperintenilenl llee ilulhllnr. 1 197 Poll RENT-TUB 4-STORY BRICK ROtLDING at 91 < Farnam St. Thl building has n nrepnxit crm'-nt Imi'mrnt , complete Bieani liratmK Hi- turm ; wutrr en nil flr < r > . eai , etc. Apply at the omr-t of The lt e. 1 W > FOIl RENT-IN Till ! RKE RUILDINO : On * lame corner room. 2nd floor , with vault nj private otllre , water , etc. One \ntgt \ front room , 2id floor , dlvldeu Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. On.- Urge corner room , 2nd lloor. with vault , wnlT , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. One cr > rn r room with vault , thlrtl floor. One larce room third floor , with partition divid ing It Into one lars * room and two emaller private rooms , tvmor , etc. Two l.irse around floor rooms with vaults. Several mnll rooms on fourth Moor , with vaults. All these rooms ore hented with stM .m , electrlo H hM. supplied with flrst cl fs Janitor service. Elevators run day and all night , llulldlnj strictly fireproof. Apply to II. W. Uakcr. Super Intcndent. Room 104. Il e Dutldlnc. 1 1" STEAM HEATED STORES AND FLATS. Howard Ranck , Auent , 16I ChlcnBo.I . I --O Mo A 0000 IIAKB OVT3N AND HASEMKNT. AT- ply B19 N. Uth St. _ i ± _ . A TINNKIl CAN 11KNT OOOD HASEMUST nhop nn.l . pay part rent In work. Am'ly " 3 N. Kin St. , or I. N. Wauin. 63 N-tYiHfc SEVERAL OOOD HAS P.MENTS StMTARt . for shO [ . Apply 615 N. l lh St. . or I. I * . Watson. 623 N Y. Life Rldn. I-M3 < 3 WAXTKn TO IlRTiT. UOUSB WITH Ai' ' ° " ° ? ' ' . "TTEIn ? m'4' , , , , near Itanscom park. Addres.1 P 15. 'jS WANTKD TO llENT-MonntlATBliY rj'H- nlBhfil lioufe of 8 or 9 roonn. linth ami modern ronvpnlcncen. In .lolrnblo Inrntlon for * ' > njfr- ( Jrm. | cure tnkcn of | ireml ps. Knqulro nt office of Western Knvelope Co. K Z" WANTED. I1Y YOfNO l.AHY. IIOAHD AND room In prlvnte family , b'-twevn locust nml AmeM K.V. , ICth nml 30th sts. S II. n' ' , H ,0 STOHAOI : . ACIKIO STORAGE AND WAHnitOUSC CO. . WS-910 Jone * . Qcnornl atorago nnd fonvnnlmB. FRANK EWERS ; rJUST BTOnAdB. ney. 1M.VAN & STOIIAOR 1511H FAIINAM. T L 1J53 AVANTEn TO HOY. ) FST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SAVINGS bank accounts at room 504 N. Y. Life IliilUllnn , ) SECOND-HAND WHEELS. S TO Omahn Dlcycle Co. . 32 ! N. ICth St. - WANTED. TO Rt'Y A TOW : STATE FULL particulars. Address. S 4ri. Dee. N 143 ! FOH SAMS HOUSES AMI WAC5OSS. 'OR SALE fiODDAnD PHAETON , HAMMOND typewriter : both coed as new. R. C. Patterson Patterson Rlock. P 521 I-'INE TWO-HORSE PLATFORM SPRING DE- Ilvery wairnn ; nisi two-horso urnln wijj ( in cheap. Cull lit lirlclcyunl. So. lil nm'y _ SECOND-HAND PHAETON AND FAMILY arrLiKc chcnp at Snldor's. llth an < l,2l'n ' * FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST P.ULK OR SACKED CRIDDING nnd hoc fence. C. 11. Lee , 901 Douglas. FOR SALE. SPRING LAKE AND RESER- volr Ire. Gilbert Rros. , Councl * . Dliiffs. la. CJ Mill S3 NEED MONEY ; WILT. SACRIFICE ALMOST " new hlsh-srade upright piano. 1518 North roth R Q M89j STEAM HOISTING MACHINE. CHEAP. 200 St. Mary's Avc. Q-K3 KI/DNDIKB. ALASKA. SEND Jl.OO FOR MAP of the Alaska cold nelda ; how nnd when to so what to take , cost , etc. G. W. Clinton. Wll Hams , Arizona Territory. Q M17C Sl VIOLINS , GOOD VIOLIN CHEAP FOR CASH one week only. 1116 Farnam 8tr' : * ( Mjj , 3 , FOR SALE OR TRADE , COOKING AND catlnir tents , sldewall gasoline lamps. J SleveVs , Jr. , Ames. Neb. Q-M261 31 * FINE UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP ; CASH OR Omaha. Savings bank accts. 2007 Cnss st. Q MJdO S14 ONE HIGH GRADE SINGER SEWING MA chine , cheap. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th am Homey. Q-241-2S MISCELLANEOUS. ANTI-MONOPOLY OARRAGE CO. CLEANS cescpools and privy vaults at reduced prlce- 021 N. 16t. > . Tel. 1779. .1-930-S-1S SAWED. NATURAL STONE , ARTIFICIAL , brick. Tel. 1CS9. W. I. Welshans , 209 8. 17thSt 423 MASSAGE , I1ATIIS. ETC. MADAM SMITH , 1313 TJOUGLAS , MASSAOP steam baths. T 273 4 * MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE RAT ] pnrlors , restful and curative , 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-M379 S5 MRS. ELLISON OF CLEVELAND , VAPOR baths and massage treatment. Room 12 Crounue Illk. , opposite new poslolHw. T M374 4 PEUSO.VAI , . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROURLES. 345-8 BEF HUB. ; phynl lan , consultation or health book free. U 414 J23 , RUPTURE CURED FOR 123 ; UNTIL SEP timber 1 ; no piiln ; no detention from business refer to thousands of patients cured ; call o write. O. E. Miller Co. , 932-3 N. Y. I * . Omaha U M-413 MONEY TO LO.V.V HEAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. quick money nt low rates for choice farm land In Iowa , northern Mlsourl , eastern Nebraska W 410 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV property. W. Farnarn Smith & Co. , 1320 Furnam W-417 C PER CENT MONEY ON NEI1. & IA. FAP.MH W. U , Melkle , Ut National Rank llldg. , Omaha W-41S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THL O. F. Davlr Co. , 1505 Farrnm St. W 419 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH. property Pusey & Thomau , 207 1st Nut. Ilk bide ON OMAHA. PROPERTY ; LOWEST RATES building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co.V . V 4 * MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH real e tate. Rrennan , Love Co. , Paxton Rlk W-4SO MONEY TO LOAN. I1EMIS , PAXTON W M950 CITY AND FARM LOANS. LOW RATES Gnrvln Rrns , . 1CU Farnam et. W-M5S.1 86 MO.VHi' TO LOA.\CHATTLHS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods ; strictly conndtutlal ; yo can pay the loan off nt any time or In an amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXAN CO. 306 So. 16th St. X 4J3 1IUSINESS CHA.tRES. A. H. ALPIRN. OMAHA JUNK HOUSE. PAY Ulxhent prices. 101-5-7 Siutli loth at. . Omaia. Y-M177 S23 PRODUCE. HAY AND GRAIN COMMISSION well established , 1:5. 00 cash. J. J. Gibson i4 ! First Nat'l Han't. Y MtOO SJ TO GET INOiolT OF UUSINESS GO TO J J. Gihon , Sll Flnt National bank. V M1I5 WANTED. ACTIVE MAN WITH fl.CCK ) CASI lo take ( .liarK'e Cf well r tubllkbeit bualneui J , J. Gibson. Y M331 FOIl SALE , DAIRY SELL1NG TEN CANS O milk ; nil belonging * go with tame , Addrcs a 37 , Re . Y-M377 SO- FOIl WANTED. PTOCK GROCERIES FOR CLEAR lots In Omaha und Pierre. S. I ) . Call at root 429 Paiton block from 3 to 3 o'clock p. m. Z-M214 FOR SALIJ OR EXCHANGE FOR GFNTS' HI cycle , u No. 2 Remington typewriter. In lir > condltlun. C-ll ut > U9 N. Uth t. t.5C 5C- rou LEAR IXT ) IN CREIU1ITON HKIOIITfl TO trade for uprlgut piano. Ad.lrrss S M U-e. OR KXCHANOi-8TOC-K : OF CLOTHING , infn's ftimtahn ! ; Rr ids. boots nnd sliwu. will tali < rlmr land and cnsli. Addrrm Rflx fl. Button. Neb. / M 19-4 FOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. COFNTZB PLATE RAROAINS. ! > W. J3.T50 TO JC5M ; see photos at ICth nnd Farnam. Morse Ride. J. J. Gibson , til Flnt Nat Rank Ride. RE-42S 1OUSES , I.OTS. FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , Go. P liemls Real Estate Co. , Pnxtnn Hlook. RE 124 MVB-1IOOM COTTAGE. FfLL UOT SOUTH OmaSa. . ISO' ; easy terms. R. C , Patttrsnn , Patterson 7 < lock. RE 5tO , HAS. E. WILLIAMSON , CO ! SEE ULDC5. Tel 717 RE .V850 CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS RANK AC- tounts. O. G. Wallace. 31Z Rrown blk.RE RE 199 CHEAP , NEAT COTTAGE. LOT 5SXII7H. HAST front ; must be sold nt once ; call and let me show you. James Stockdale , room 4 , l-ri-nier llloclf. -RE129 SNAP. 6 Tl4 FEET NEAR HI ) AND CLARK , I1.20J J. N. Frenirr , Opp. P. O. UE 222 TEXAS COAST COUNTRY. RICHEST fruit nnd farmlnc lands south ; cli c to Homton , the rullway center , and Oalvcston. the Rfnport. InvesllKatc now while cheap excursion rates. Write Northup & Perry Ijind Company. Houston. Tc.in . RE-.M322 3t * 20 ACRES. ROONE COUNTY. NEIL , > ACRES under cultlvutlon. nil tillable ; part In wheat ; averace 20 bus. per ncre ; price f. > .OCO ; terms easy. J. D. Stlr s. Columbus. N ° ' . . a ( . OR SALE SNAP AMONG SNAPS. 6-ROOM cottage ; corner lot nt 7.1 per cent of whnt thn lions. ) Itfelf cost. M. ,1 , Kehnard & Son. pole nKents , 310 nnd 311 Rrown block. UK SIS . ONE OF THE FINEST RESIDENCES IN the city ; fronting on Hnntcom pnrk ; ilrst-cmss In all respects ; tine yard nnd trees ; very de sirable. 2. Two brick flats , all modern , nine rooms ench ; beautiful location ; fronting on llanscom park. 3. Two frame cottnces , Nineteenth nnd CnMellnr streets ; nix nnd seven rooms ; city water ; fewer connection : partly modern ; bargain. 4. Four of the choicest lots In Dundee Place , very low. 5. Neat reven-rootn house ; flue shade trees ; mod ern , except furnace ; n great bargain. 6 Nice seven-room cottage home ; modern , ex cept furnace : full east front lot ; very desirable nnd very cheap. " . Nrnt cottage home ; shade trees , full lot. barn , sewer , gnu nnd water ; a great bargain If sold soon. 8. Se\en-room house : full enst front lot , barn ; n complete home ; will be sold very low. 9. House and lot , 2Sth near Popploton avenue ; modern hoiiFe. 10. Finest fast front lot on Georgia avenue nt n great sacrifice. \ll the above properties are nenr Hnnscom park , nnd on examination will be found great bar gains nnd very desirable. Inquire of John Dale , 209 New York Life. RE 333 SI COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA Rt'SINESS INSTITUTE , ROYD'S theater bldg. ; fall term opens Sept. 1. write catalogue. 206-S-24' SH071T1IAM ) AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA HUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUOLXS. PAWNRHOICEHS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 36 St. SIDEWALKS. SAWEO. NATURAL STONE. ARTIFICIAL brick. Tel. 1CS9. W. J. Welshnn'i. 309 S. 17lh St. 429 MATTHESS HENOVATIXG WOHIvS. MATTRESSES. COfCHES. PARI/1R FI'RNI- ture to order ; repaired U03 L"nvenw'h : Tel. 1593 IE * TYPEWRITERS. TONS OF ENERGY WOULD RE SAVED DAILY If every operator used the light running Dens more. 1C12 Farnam St. , Omaha. S52 FUHNITUHE PACKED. M. S WALKLIN , 2111 CUMINGj TEI. 1331. 430 DANCING. MORAND'S. 1510 1IARNEY ST. . PRIVATE LES sons , society or stage ; now ooen. 452 A-W STAMMERING. SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS AND STL'TTER- ers. Julia E. Vaughnn , E03 N. Y. Life bldg. Method by graded vocal exercises. Hours , 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 543 SH PATENTS. O A rPTTVTrPC pllt's * Co- . Attorneys JT A I Ijl1 O at-Law and Patent Ex- Omaha , Neb. Branch offlce nt Washington. D. C M'e make FREE EXAMINATIONS and aid Inventors In selling thcli * Inventions. Send for free Advice and Patent Rook. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha. Neb. , Aug. 27 , 1S97. Sealed pro posals , In triplicate , will be received here until 12 o'clock m. , central standard time Sept. 27 , 1SI7 , nnd then opened , for constructing a 50,000 Ration steel tank with trestle at Fort Robinson. Nob. , U. S. resorvea right to reject or accept nny or al proposal ? , or any part thereof. Plans nm specifications can be seen , and all Informa tion had hero. Envelopes containing pro posals ) to ba marked "Proposals for Steel Tank , " nnd addresiedi J. HI , MATISHALL , C. Q. II. A 2Sd 321-23 NOTIOB TO CONTRACTORS , will bo received until 3 o'clock p. m. . Wednesday , September Isr , at No. C35 Paxton - ton block , for laying water pipe , settlnR hydrants , etc. . on grounds of Transmlwls- Hlppl Exposition. Plans and specifications on flle In superintendent's olllce. R P. KIRKEN'DALL. Manager Grounds and Hulkllnu' Dept. A-26-d-6-t Bealc < l bids will bo received nt the of the Grounds and nulldlni ; Department of the TransmlsflcslppI and International Ex position until 5 o'clock p. in. Saturday , Sep tember 11 , for the construction of the Agri cultural building. Plans nnd specifications on tile In the superintendent's olllce , No. 3I I'axton block , or sets will be furnished contractors nt COM. COM.R R P. KIRKENOALL. M'g'r Grounds and Uulldlngs Ucp't. I'OSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should be rend DAILY by nil Interested as change ? may occur ut any time. ) Foreign mulls for the week ending Sep tember 1 , 1S97 , will clnso ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at tlio General Postolllce as follows PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONI HOUR EARLIER than closing tlmo shown below. TriiiiH-AtliinUo MnlU. TUESDAY At 7 n. m. for EUROPE , per s. Havel * , via Plymouth and liremen ( let ters for Ireland must be directed "per Havel" ) . WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. ( supplementary 3 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per 3. a. St. Louis * , via Southampton ( letters for Ireland musi bo directed "per 81. Louis" ) ; at 9 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 u. m. ) for EUROPE per s. * . Majestic * , via Queenstown ; ut 10 n. m. for BELGIUM direct , per ! . n Noordland , via Antwerp ( letters must -bu directed "per Noordland" ) . THURSDAY-At u. in. for EUROPE , per s. s. Columbia * , via Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. SATURDAY At 6:30 : n. m. for FRANCE SW1TX.1CRLAND. ITALY , SPAIN , POR. TUGAL. TURKEY. KClVpT and' HHIT. ISH INDIA , per s , s. La Champagne * via Havre ; at C:30 : a. m. for GERMANY per s. B. Aller * . via Bremen ( letters for other parts of Europe , via Cherbourg must be directed "per Aller" ) ; at 7:30 : n m. ( supplementary 9.10 n. m. ) for EU. ROPE , per u. e. Lucanlu * . via Queens- town ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERI ANrft direct , i > er B. 8. Rotterdam , via Rotter dam ( letters must bo directed "per Rot terdam" ) ; at 8 u , m. for GENOA , per a. s Kulfcer Wllhelm II ( letters must be di rected "per Kaiser Wllhelm II" ) ; at K a. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per H. a Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must bo dl < reeled "per Ethiopia" ) . PRINTED HATTER , ETC.-Otrman kteamer sailing oa TuexUyi takt Printed. Matter. He for Germany , and Specially AddreBx.il Prlntei Matter , etc. , for othrr parts of Europe. Amerl c n and White Slur steamers on Wednesdays German vtramtr * on Thumdays , and Cunard French and German steamerv im Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for all countries for nnlcli they are advertised to carry mall. Aftrr th closing of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Mulls named bov f additional supple ary mull * are < ij nl tin tri * piers of Iho Amtrlran KriKlnti , KrtriVa And Gorman itftin. trs , snd temaln open ' ( fMt ! within Ten Min utes of the hour of Mlllnf / > learner. MaIN fur South I niiit rrnlrnl Anu-rlcn , We t Itulirx , Etc. MONDAY-At in n. m. Wtipjilcnirnlnry It n m ) for CENTIIA'AMKR1CA texcrpt Costs Rlcn ) nnd giJITTH PACIFIC ItJRTS. p > r s. s. Fl0)\no ) > , via C'nlun ( Ift- ti r. for ( Jtintpmnm muft li directed "per FlnHtice" ) ; nt 11 n. in. fbr SANTIAGO DE Cl'llA , per . a Pnnnhih * ( letters for Vene zuela and Colombia nnwt'bo directed "l > er Pnnnnin" ) ; nt * M l > . in. , , for HEL1XE , 1MTKHTO CORTI"A 'lS GUATEMALA , per steamer from Nc w Orlennd. TUESDAY-At " 3 p. ttv fpr COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Orlenns ; nt 9 p. m. for JAMAICA , per Steamer from llos- ton. WEDNESDAY-At 1 p. in. for CUBA , per s. s. City of Washington , via Hivann. TIlUllSDAY At 2:30 : n. m. for POUT AN TONIO , per steamer from PhlladplphU. "niDAY-At 2.TO : n. m. for NEWFOUND LAND .per ? . a. Assyrian , from Philadel phia ; nt 0.TO : a. in. ( supplenu'n'nry 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CRO1X. LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per * . . , Pretoria ( letters for Grenada , Trini dad nnd Tobago must be directed "per Pretoria" ) . SATURDAY-At 6 n. m. for BRAZIL , per s. a Ilevellus , via Pernnmbuco , Bnfila and Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil nnd La Plata countries must be directed "par HeVellus" ) ; at fi a. m. for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. . Rellnura ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. tn. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA , SAVAN1LLA nnd GREYTOWN , per s. s. Alleghany ; nt 10TO : a. m. for CAMPECHE. CHIAPAS. TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per 9. s. VlRllanoln ( letters for other parts of Mexico nnd for Cub.i must be directed "per Vlicllancla" ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary ll : l a. m. ) for VENEZUELA anil CURACAO , also 8A- VANILLA and CARTHAGENA. via Cu- racno. per s. s. Caracas ; nl 12 m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and TOBAGO , per s. s. Grenada ; at 1 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. Hilary , via Para , Mar- anhnm and Cenra ; at 8:30 : p. in. for ST. TIERRK-MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland. ? > > mil to ITnllfnx. nnd thcnciby steamer , close nt this olllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mbiuclon , by mil to itos- ton and thence by steamer , clttie nt this ofTlce , dallyat S:30 : p. m. Malls for Cun.l close at this tilllcc dally at 7:00 : a. m. . for fonvardlnc by Mramers sailing ( Mondays and Thursdays ) from Port Tampa , Fin. Malls for Moxlen City , overland , unless specially nddressed for dis patch by steamer , close nt this olllce dally nt 3:30 n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. "ReRlstered mall closes at 0:00 : p. m. previous day. Triiiix-Piiflllf MiilU. Malls for China nnd Japan , per . s. Co lumbia ( from Tacomn ) , close here dally up to August * * 23 nt B:30 : p. m. Malls for Hiwnll , per s. s. Australia ( from Snn Francisco ) , close here dally up to Septem ber 1 nt 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. 9. Aor- angl ( from Vancouver ) , closp > here dally after August * * H nnd up to September 1 nt C.TO : p. m. Malls for China nnd Jn ] > an , per H. s. Aztec ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to September 5 nt G-"t ) p. m. Mails for China nnd Japan ( spe cially addressed only ) , per s. s. Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dully up to September * * C nt G:30 : p. m. MalH for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Europe , New Zealand , , Hawaii. FIJI nnd Samoan Islands , per n. .s > . Marlposa ( from San FranclRc-o ) , close bore dally up to September * * 10 at 7:30 : a. in. , 11 a. m. and G'ilO p. in. ( or on arrival nt New York nf s. s. Campania with British mulls for Australia ) . Mulls forj tho.Society Islands , per ship Tropic Blril ( from , San Fran cisco ) , oloso here dally up to September 24 at G:30 : p. m. Trans-Pacinc malls are forwarded to port of ealllnir dally nnd the Schedule of closing Is arranged on the prosumptlrin of their unin terrupted oxei land transit. ' Registered malt closes at C:00 : p. m. prevlouW day. Postollli-iv New York. N. Y. . Augu't 27 , 1S97. CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. RAILROADS. Rl'RLINGTON & MISSOURI River llallrohd "The RjrlltiK- ton Rout' " General olllces. N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket ofHcc. 1302 Fiir- nnni Strict , i Telephone , 230. Depot , Tenth und Maaon streets. Telephone , K.3. 'Arrive. Lincoln , Denver nnd west * 8:33 am 9 : > am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah , California , lilack Hills , Montana nnd Puget Sound * 4:33 : pm * 4:03 pm Lincoln Local 7:03 : pm * 7:43 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall " 2:53 : pm " 11:30 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , I1URIINCITON AND Qulncy Railroad "The RurllnR- ton Route" Ticket onice , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 230. Dfpot. Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone , 12S. - LPUVC. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. . 5:05 : pin 7:53 am 4:15 : pm 7r.S : am fi:10 pm KANSAS CITY , ST. JOSEPH Council Hluffa Railroad "The Rurilnston Route" Ticket Of fice , 15C2 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Maaon Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . . 9:0 : > am 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex. . ' 10:00 pm 6:30 : am Dally. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. IMul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 24. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Chlcnuo Limited Ex * 6:30 : pm 8:03 : nm Chicago & Sioux City Ex " 11:00 : am " 3:23 : pm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , [ > H. Depot , Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Mlwourl Valley. Sioux City , St. Paul nnd Minneapolis * 5:40 : am 10:45 pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City 7:30 : nm 0:03 : pm Denlson , Carroll , Wall Lake * -VIO : am 9:03 : pm Eastern Express. Des Molncs , Marshalllown , Cedar Ruplds , Chicago " 10:45 am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago nnd Kubt * 4i5 pm 4:10 pm Fait Mall , Chlcaco to Omaha 3:10 pm MlbFaurl Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited * 5:53 : pm 9:23 : am Qmaha-ChlcaRo Special. . 0:30 : pm S:1U : am Dally. " Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAIL- ruud "The Great Rock Inland Route" City Ticket Olllce. 1J23 Farnnru Street. Telephone , 4s. Depot , Tenth and MEHOII Streets. Tele phone , US , Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul Vestlbuled Express. . . . * 4:50pm : 1:20 : pm Lincoln , Colorado SPRS , Pueblo , Denver ami west \l -j > I'm * 4:03 : pm Chicago , Des Molnes nnd Rock Island . pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Molnea nnd eastern - " ' ern points " 7:00 am 5:33 : pm Lincoln , Falrbury and ' Rellevllle " SH ; pm " ! 0:40 : am Dally. Dally excepti uiyiay. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS AND Omaliu Railway General Olllcea. Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Ticket OHlce , 1401 Farnam Str t.n Telephone , 501. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele phone , 1453. i l eave. Arrive. Sioux City Accommodu. 8:50 : nm 8:25 pm Sioux City Accommod.i. 0M ; nm 8S3 : pra Rlalr , Emerson , Sioux . - City. I'oncu , llartlnf- , , i , ton and Rloomfleld . ,1-OOpm 11:53 : are Sioux City , Mankuto , St. Paul , Mlnneapoll 6lf pm 9:10 am Dally , " Dally except , .Sunday. Sunday only. UNION PAW/C / "THE OVERland - land Route" General OCM. ( ] | E. Corner Ninth nnd Fainum Streets. City. . Ticket OMIce. 130J Farnam Street. Telephone , 31IJ. Depot. Tenth'and Mason Streets. Telephone , 1W.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Salt Jjlce , Pacific coait , und all western points * 8:20 : am 4:45 : pm Fast Mall train for Denver , Salt I-lke , Pacific couat and all western points 1 4:05 : pm * 10M : nro Lincoln , llratrlce and Strnmiburi ; Express. . . 4:03 : pm S:50 : pm Grand Inland Express , . . 5ji ; inn J:50 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Council RlufTs I-ocal-Leaves , B4 ; a. m. ; (1:50 ( : a. in. ; 7:30 : a. m. ; 8:25 a. m. : 10:43 : u. in. ; 2:15 p. in. ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 6:53 : p. m. Arrives , 6W : a. in. ; 7:2a. : \ . in. ; S a. m. ; 9:25 : a. m. ; 11:34 : a. in. ; 8U p. m. ; 5Op. : ( m. ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 10:45 : p. m. WA1IASH RAILROAD-TICKET OFFICE. 1413 Farium Slrfet. Telephone. 323. Depot , Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. 81. LnuU "Canon Bal , " M:3 > pra < . s w VvUvx * J ' ' - ' ' O'ffrrrss-s's's'jfsrrr'r Whllo the wheeling trarlo throughout the country Is In a state of suspended ntilnntlon. duo to a threatened revolution In modolH , dealers are wheeling themselves Into the confidence of South Americans. American wheels are steadily growing In favor In the southern republics , the value of exports far exceeding the records for a corresponding period last year. Ofllclal statistics show that for April last the value of wheel exports to Mexico wns $7.6S7. against 12.712 for April. 1896. Central America took wheels ami wheel eundrlra valued at $3.417 ; Santo Domingo , $1,006 ; Argentina. $3,023 ; Ilrazll , M.l""i United States of Colombia , $1,205 , and IB other South American countries the total > for April was $7.1G3. The total exports to | thosa countries for the month were $26,370 , against $10,694 for 'April , 1S96 , A gain for the United States for ono month ot $1B.CSG. { The growth of American wheels In Kuropo and other ( orolgn countries shows on en- ' ornious Increase over the record for 1S9G. j Following lo a comparative statement of I exports for the cloven months ending May 31 , 1SOG anil 1S97 : I Country. ISM. 1S97. ! t'nlteil Kingdom H.1.212 $2.052M2 Otrmany , 113.3IS Sit.210 France M)37l ) ) 232.104 Other Kuropean countries. . 102.074 1,004 S21 ; Hrltlsh North America 417,1534 6f.S.513 China 4,47 ! ) lfiM9 llrlllsli Australasia Crt,120 Ktf.416 Atrlcu 5,157 11S.914 The total value of exports of bicycles and parts of wheels from the United States to all countries during the period of eleven . month : ) , ending on May 31 , 1SS6 , was $1,382.- 214 , while for the corresponding period In 1S97 It was $6.122,339. The Imports of , bicycles do not amount to a sum at all comparable - parable with the value ot exports. Here U a clear case of America beating thft world In a line of Industry In which the objects aimed at are strength , llghtneyn and beauty , j The whereabouts of the Nebraska conmil , League of American Wheelmen , Is not so I much of a mystery as his friends imagine , , yet It will be a relief to them to learn that he la still pumping with the multitude nnd ' occasslonally halting to cool his pedals In the surf of the Pacific Hero Is a clew to his ' present habitat : ! A cyclist named O'llrlon , went Into a store In San Francisco the other day and said : "I wanter buy a thermometer. " , The young man In charge smiled , toolt a j cheap thermometer off the wall , and sold It to O'Drien for $1. | "Where do ye put It on ? " he asked. , The Joker tied It to the crossbar , and i O'Drlen pedaled off through the park. | I "Hey , O'Brien ! " shouted a passing \ I acquaintance. "What's that you've got ou ' 1 your machine ? " i "A thermometer. " "What for ? " "To tell me when I'm scorching , " nnd O'Drieii put on a spurt and humped his back so that ho .could read the mercury rise. Kngllah bicyclists arc much taken with a foot brake Just Introduced and likely from ' , present Indications to atlaln a great sale j ; there. It Is hinged to the tube Just In front of the crank bracket by a single attachment , I and on the foot or feet being pressed upon ' the lever the spoon or block fixed at the , other end Is brought Into contact with the J tire Just behind the chain wheel. This brake ! is used In combination , with foot rests fixed i upon the tube instead of upon the fork of l the front wheel , so that when the rider is running down hill with feet on the rests the , brake is Instantly available. The method has ' various advantages ; It is of unlimited power. 1 operates on the rear wheel , Is simple and not likely to get out of order , and Is easily ' and quickly attached and detached. It Is , 1 moreover , fairly accessible when pedaling , I as the foot can bo pressed on it in a 1 moment. It will fit most machines , and its weight complete Is said to bo twenty-two ounces. Policeman England of the New York blcyclo squad , Is something of a scorcher himself. One of the hot ones tried to give him the cold shoulder , but it didn't. After a chase of several blocks the policeman fell on him and held him until help arrived , though his shoulder was dislocated and his arm sprained by the fall. The scorcher was uninjured. Senator Stewart , who has passed the al lotted threc-scoro and ten , Is riding a bicy cle. It Is silver mounted and geared con siderably higher than 1C. Harry Leo , a bicyclist of New York City , who started out from Sioux City , la. , on his wheel , on July 24 , arrived in New York on August 18. Ho said he sustained no 111 ef fects from the long ride , end all that he needed was a good rest. Leo covered the distance , which is 1,784 miles In twenty-five days and twenty-three hours , malting a new record , he claims , for the distance. The best previous record of thirty days and eight hours was held by Charles Foster. Leo Is a member of the League of American Wheel men and of the Century Road Club of America , and ho says that the ride was made under the auspices of the latter or ganization , lie rode a wheel weighing twenty-seven pounds and geared to eighty and one-half inches. Most of the way the i I roads were poor and ho encountered many hills and sandy roads. He says ho wan also greatly handicapped by wet weather , and It rained continually the last three days of his Journey. Ills longest ride on a stretch was 18S miles , which he covered In nineteen hours. At Dlxon , 111. , while riding down a | steep hill , he ran Into a farmer with , a. hay ' mower and wan unconscious for two hours , beuldra having his wheel damaged. A swarm of bees came flying down Law rence street , Denver , ono afternoon recently , apparently In search of a home. When they got to the Sixteenth street crossing the landscape suddenly seemed to strike something or other In the appearance of HAIUtO ADS. I'KUMONT. I-n.KIIOIlN & MISSOUIU VAI.M3Y Hallway Oenoral uillcen. United rilatc-H Na tional Hank IlulldlnK , Koutliweit Corner Twelfth ami Furnam Streets. Ticket OlHce , 1401 K.mium Street. Telephone , f.Cl. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Street * . Telephone , 1453. J -ave. Arrive. lllack Hills. DemUvooJ and Hot .Sprlnsa 3:00 : prn 5:00 pm Wyoming , Cutper ami DoUKlan 3 00 pm " E 00 pm Hustlnga , Yoilt , David city. Superior , Ge neva , Exeter and Sew- ord 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Went 1-olnt 7M : am 10:25 : nm und Fremont 3CO : pm 1:00 : pm Lincoln , Walioo and 7M : um * M0.2J urn Fremont * 3:00 : pm 5OU : pm Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dully. Dally cxecpt Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday , Dally except Monday. MISSOURI PACIFIC IIAIMIOAP -ieneral Olllces und Ticket Ofllue , Merchants National Hank liullillnii. 1221 Farnam Street. Telephone. 104. Depot. Fifteenth ami Webster Streets. Telephone , UM. . . . I eave. Arrive. Kansas City. St. Louis ami miulii-rn points. . . 3:03 : pm * iU pm Kansas City ixprvb3. . ' 'j:30 : | > in 0V : Onin Ft Crook fa Union LI. . : M pin 1:04 : am Dally. OMAHA. KANSAS CITY & HAHTKUN road Omuho & St. Louis Itullroad "Tli > O. K. Itoute" Ticket Olllcf. HI. ' . Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. Depot , Tenth unj Ma on Streets. Telephone. Hi. Leave. Arrive. I'attonfburi ; , Klrksvllle , Qulncy J cal ' 5:40 : nm 104S ; pm St. Louis , New York Limited > l0 : pm HM : am Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC HAILnO.\D-OKt7. era ! Offices , United States National liank Hulldlne , H.V. . Corner Twelfth and Fvrnam Streets. Ticket Oltlue. HOI Fainani Street. Telephone. 161. Depot. FKtccnlli and Webster Streets. Telephone , USS. Leave. Arrive , Slour City. MankHla , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CU : piu 1:10 : am Dally. their I fancy. Thp leader of the swarm , or the ' giildp , tttrnp < l three somersaults In thp air j and came down on thp cndsatp of an express wagon that was fltsndlng on the Lawrence j street side. Then , of a sudden , the i female scorcher discovered what the meaning ' of the admonitory shoms was. She ran J plump Into thp mldat of the swarm. The bees , finding a new and evidently more agreeable , roost offered by her back and shoulders , turned from the express wagnu and began flocking to her. Probably 400,000 bees ' wcro perched on her back by the limp she got across Sixteenth street. She | screeched n few tlmus , scorched harder ypt , and \ by the time she had crossed Sixteenth street slio had succeeded In shaking herself clear of the Impious "bugs. " To lend your wheel Is a sign you will quarrel with a friend. To read the adverttacmrntfi of newly In vented palnlesM saddles Is a sign you will die poor and dinplsctl. To be chased by a yellow dog with a head like 1 a cook ntovci nnd a mouth like a. cellar prrs ) agcs a bad fall. To puncture a tire ten miles from home Is I n sign that you will have a cspavln on your : off hind foot. To see a red-headed woman wearing green bloomers 1 la a sign your rim will split unlcsd you ; say "Kokola" and throw a bale of hay over , your left shoulder. . To fall to pay the regular weekly Inntall- mpnto ! Is an ill omen , and It means that you will meet a dark man who will afford you much trouble and Inconvenience. The question , "What becomes of the old bicycles ' ? " baa often been asked , but no satisfactory ' answer has been given. II Is said by Cycling Life that they are made Into new j machines and sold to persons who can not afford to give more than $20 or $25 for n ; wheel. The process by which this Is ac complished Includes raising the frame , en amcllng it , bending the handle bars , plating them , a new saddle , new tires , blacking the chain and gears and nickel plating the cranks ( , seat posts nnd fork ends. Uealdes , screws attended to and parts cleaned. Five or even three years ago this could not have been ] done for half whnt It ceats for n , $100 machine , and would not have paid. Accounts of stock and labor In making these \ operations tell a different story nnd show that , It does pay , and pay well , to rejuvenate ate , wheels , providing that the work U done methodically , and economically , and that modern appliances are used. The work should , be done with not less than six wheels nt , one time. They may be valued at less than i $6 each. The tires are worn out completely , pletely , the nickel parts are scratched and rusty i , spokes bent , Iron rims broken and twisted , , bars misshapen , saddle seat ripped or , gone altogether , the chain gummed and wheels hard to turn. UtlL the tubing In the frame Ls good and strong , the bearings all , right If cleaned , oiled and trued , the frame joints firm , and much else Is aervlce- able for years to come. The cost of making the bicycles over need not exceed $7 each and this Icavea a margin of $7 when the altered wheel is sold for $20. A new kind of cycle track has been put down In ono of the London riding schools. In thla track the various surfaces that the cyclist will encounter In wheeling on the roads are provided to accustom him to the actual conditions of road riding. A clr- cular ring of the school Is constructed In four sections , with surfaces of wood , as- phalt , granite cubco and macadam. The first lessons In the elementary arts of bal- auclng , steering , mounting and dlsmount- ing can bo learned on the board surface that constitutes the remainder of the floor , and then the novice can acquire the. experl- cnco necessary to tackle with success the ordinary riding conditions of the roads on the track. By diverging at one point from this track , practice can also bo obtained In hlll-cllmblng and descending on two In- cllned planes with a connecting level sur- face. face.Russia Russia permits bicycles , but under circum stances which malto It somewhat difficult for the wheelmen. To begin with , the rider must bs of a proper age , neither-too young nor too old , and must demonstrate to the authorities that , ho knows how to manage the machine. He must have a registered tag with a number , of which the government has a record. He mupt have a bell which he rings when ho approaches a foot pa-senger and a lantfjrn lighted at night. He muot learn a long and complicated collection of rules and regulations governing his con duct while on the wheel , and when several persons are riding together they must keep fourteen feet apart. When a horse take.v fright at a bicycle the wheelman must dis mount. A very slow rate of speed Is the regulation pace , and Infractions of thla o : any other rules governing wheelmen are punished by bevero penalties. Scorching means Siberia for life or It should. AMUHICAN' II1CVCLKS IN OUIMIAXY. Driving Out llclulnii , Allfltrlnn mill IlrlflHhVhrilN. . Mention was recently made of the fact that a memorial had been addressed to the Ger man government asking for an Import duty on foreign bicycles. The memorial states : "It Is well known that tliu United State , ? levies a duty of 25 per cent of the valuation , which means an average of CO marks ( $14.28) ) on a wheel ; while. In accordance with the German duty of 24 marks ( $5.71) ) on 100 kilo , grams , only from 3 to 4 marks (71 ( to 95 ccotfi ) duty fall to the foreign wheel. The consequence IK that Germany IB swamped with cheap ( sic ) American bicycles , but for her part cannot export wheels to the United States. Germany Is forced to leave her own market open to American and Urltlsh rivalry and permit the native manufacturers to be seriously depressed. The German manufac turer Is forced to send , at great expense , salesmen to foreign countries that will take his wares , In order to get amends for the losses In his own land , which he has to sur render to America and England. " Consul General Do Kay of Berlin In a re port to the State department , believes thai we could make large concessions to the Ger mans In the way of lower duties on German bicycles. The German public Is now cto well convinced of the superiority of American bicycle * , he says , that our milters hold the market. On the other hand , however. It Is not likely that Herman bicycles , no matter what the duty , would make ccrloua Inroads upon our homo trade In the United States , The cctifiitl general points nut that It Is not so much the price , but DID quality of the American wheel that the Gernuns appro- elate , and for this they are willing to pay. Ho says that good American bicycles retail In Germany for from 400 to 450 marlss ( $05.2o to $107.10) ) . A German wheel sells at from 170 to 230 marks ( $40.40 to (54.75) ( ) . He con tinues : "It Is not because they are foreign wheels that they sell rapidly at the highest prices , but because they are the strongest , llghti t. soundest and most elegant In shape. They have finite taken the field from Belgian , Austrian and British wheels. " The reply of the government to the memorialists was a refusal to grant the re lief prayed for. IIICVCLI : .SIMIII. : l'Vut of a Llnlit-\VHsrI > l Cycll.t In tli < > KiiNl. The tremendous ipeed of the little Welih wheelman. Michael , cay a the New York Tlinca , lends some confirmation to tlie theory that the combination of light weight and a strong | * ilr of legs ought to produce a fast rider. Michael weighs 100 pounds , and his leg mucclr-s are like steel. He rides easily , but his great speed Is made easier by his trick of riding clew up to the quartet that "paces" htm , A big machine with four rid ers necessarily ovrrcoraen the rcalitance of the air , and riding at their heels the little racer has combining like a vacuum In front of him * nd air In wlf | . eddying , And favora ble motion on both sldei. Hie thirty mil * * In 69:44 : l iccxid railroad epeed. while his feat of nuking thirty-two mllui , evwy on * of which was rlddcu In I\M than two mlmitps. Intvr * thp trotting Itoreo forever outclassed. The dynamics of high tprctl with the wheel are only Just coming within the comprchcn- slon of HIP tnclnK cyclists , as Is proved br the quick fhlftlng of thp honors of the rrconl mile. Two weeks ago Gardener rodp a mils In l-39-r > at Philadelphia. Mcnttine , at tlin nrlfM lilvpr truck August 14. made the mile In 1:33 : 1-5 , which was thp world's record until thp 19lh. whrn riatt-lletts rode a mlle In 1:373-3 : at thp Crystal Kilacc * track , Ixin- don. don.Alreadv Alreadv thp Licyrle mllp record U within a trtllp over twc seconds of Salvntor's , run- nlns mlle In 1:35 : < 4. That record will surclr lie bra ten , probably before the present sea son Is over. It will then bo n ilcmonstr.Xeil iiiwslblllty for man to transport lilnuelf bjr his own power faster tlhui thp swlftwt horss can carry him. \VhN | > crliiui ( , r liVliPvl. . The Florence cycle path has In en Improved during thp laat ten dav by a top layer addition of gravel rul cinders , which when rolled and thiToughly lur.kci will make It ono of the beat cycle pallia In the west. The Florence path I * only a t.utfr and It Is the Intention of thp Associate , ! Cycle Clubs to have cycling piths leading out of the city In all direction. * by the tlm the riding season of 1S3S opens. This week's percentage table of the Kan sas circuit shows Floyd McCall In thlnl place with IS points to hid credit. Wlll'n DeCardy of Chlcigo lead * with 3fi points ami Charles liefer of St. 1'aul second with 21 polcits. The circuit close * with A meet at Lawrence , Kan. , on August 31 , H. H. Mini , the St. Talil flyer who com peted In the recent six-day professional race at Charles Street park , In this city , raceJ Thtimday and Friday at Mason City , la. , where IIP won the open rncw easily from such men. as Hofer of St. 1'aul , Cummlnga , the Iowa crack , and other speedy westerners. George Mcleretcln left for Sioux Cltyi Thursday evening laat , where ho will visit his parents for a few days. He expocls to rctutci In tlmo to start upon the Nebraska state circuit. Everything Is In readiness for the opcnlnR of the second annual Nebraska state circuit which occurs at Beatrice on the coming1 Thutaday. Local racing men who Intend to follow the circuit have boon putting on the fin'hhlng touches In their training durltiR the past wesk and all declare themselves to bo In fliui condition. It Is hoped that the Nebraska percentage table will be headed by a Nebraska man Instead of an outsider , as U the cssn with the Kansas circuit. There have been three new towns added to the circuit olnco last week , and the present dates are as follows : Beatrice , September 2 ; Lincoln. September 3 ; Ashland , September B ; Mead. September S ; Omaha , Ueptombcr 11 ; Fremdnt. September 13 ; York , September 15-10 ; Graml Island. September IS ; Kearney , September 20 ; North 1'lattP , September 21. Chairman Kldrtxlpo of the State Racing board hopes to add several more towns to the circuit within the next ten days. It has developed since the state meet that Austin , the young man from Lincoln , who won the one-half-mile amateur state cham pionship , was not a member of the League ot American Whrclmen and therefore Is not entitled to the medal , having made a falro entry. This gives both amateur champion ships to Omaha , as the medal will go to Harry May , who finished a very cloao . 'eeoml to Austin In this championship race. In view of the fact that tlih > same 'thlnp : occurred at thn state meet In 1895. It look * as though the officials whoso business It Ute to pass upon the entries have been very negligent. O. O. Hayman. the Grand Islam ! racing man , was suspended for six months for this ix me thing , and that young Atul'it ' will get the panic dose Is not doubted by any. Manager Ed Morgan of Charles Strpct park has decided to take- the date upon tha state circuit offered to Omaha by Chairman Eldredgo of the State Racing board. The meet will he held upon the Charles Street eight-lap track Saturday , September 11. Thn trial heat * will be run In the afternoon and the finals In the evening. Manager Morgan has arranged a splendid program thai will surely please all the local blcyclo enthusi asts. The following Is a list of the events ) and prizes. Two mile hn'nrll-ap. nma. . 2.1.00 10.00 5.00 Two mile handicap , pro. , f.0.00 1S.OO 10,10 Chairman EIdre < lgo announced the appoint ment of John D. Uobblns of Plattsmouth as official referee for the Nebraska stale cir cuit. The rules of the League of American Wheelmen say that the referee of a race meeting must be an amateur wheelman , and It has been learned since his appointment that Mr. Hobblim Is a professional. Having competed as such In races last year , there fore It will be necessary for the board to make another appointment , J. A. Benson of this city who acted In the capacity of ref eree on the circuit last year proved hlmiclf- to be ono of the best referees1 that ever offi ciated at a meet In the west , and his ap- ereo on the circuit last year , proved himself the approval of all of the racing men n well as the meet promoters , who know him to be , fair and Impartial In all of his rulings , i Harry May , the j-oung local amateur who made such a good showing at the recent state meet , nnd who has not done any racing since , began training ngaln last week and will follow the state circuit. Illuyolc IMi-tloimry. The following timely definitions from thn dictionary of Truth will be useful to the nvheelint , ' multitude : Century The dMnncc made In one day by nn Imaginative rider when riding alone. ( See Liar and Cyclometer. ) Cranks 1. Supposedly steel rods which re fuse to move when desired , and vice ver > ? a. 2. All per on who refufe to ride wheels. Cyclometer A small Instrument opurateil by turning the machine upside down nml revolving front wheel rapidly by hand. ( See Fake. ) Dismount To Hover connection with wheel ; may be done In several ways. Kxpert Ono who Is able to Hcaro a TjeiJc'.trlun to death by coming within one- eleventh of an inch of him without hitting him. Instead of running Into him nnd kill- In him nt once. Fake An unreliable or untrue statement. ( S e Century and Cyclometer. ) Handlebars U'leces of fteel or .wood used by beginners for testing grip nml by ex perts for BhowlriB Hklll by Jutting thum. ulone. Heretic Any one who rides a different make of wheel from OIIO'H own. Liar ( See Century anil Cranks , also broken spoken are replaced with now , set Heretic. ) Pertain Two Kteel devices attached lo crunks In form of a puzzle , ths object being to keep feet on both at once. fiadrtle Something probably Invented by druggists tc boom the sale of arnica. Scorcher A hump-backed , bulging-eyed creature who says "Stcady-y ! " ami would wear Mt sweater to church If ho ever went there. Suicide The apparent object of all learners. Tandem A de-vice to enable n man to tell If his best wlrl'H back hair lit her own or not ; ti port of pleasure conveyance for Indies , Tire A rubber thing which Is the best In the market and hurftt nineteen miles from the nearest repair shop. Arnold's llromo Celery cures headaches. 10 , 2S and 50 cents. All druggUUi , Chicago Poet : The stranger looked after the man who had been pointed out to him and then ( .liook bin head. "Ho doesn't look like a epcndtbrlft or a high-roller , " ho said ut last. "Nevertheless , what I tell you IM true,1' replied the native. "Ho spent not Ires than $30,000 for wlnea and liquors In a single year. " "A regular prodigal , I oupposo , In aplto of his looks. " "No , a saloon-keeper. " Tb hs- Unlit tl putts Cf