THE OMATTA DATLV BEE ; "WEDNESDAY. ATJdTTST 25. 1807. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Prices of Wheat nt Chicago Again Take a Big Tumble. LOSS FOR THE DAY IS OVER A NICK.L Hull Clique Thrown Over lloldliiK" of Corn mill DciniirnllifN the Jlarkct All Arolinil KvrrytliliiK l "t ItlllN ( JllVN IJllTVII. CHICAGO , Aug. 21. The bears lind nn- other Inning In wheat todny. The Septem ber option nt one time sold So below yester day's high point. December bent this by u cent und n ciuarter. The closing figures how n loss for the day of 514c In September and a'.ic ' In December. Heavy anil long con tinued liquidation was the cause of the brenk. The weakness In foreign markets and the break Ir the coarser grains were factors. The bull clique threw over their holdings In corn and oats and declines of 2c In corn nnd ' ,4ftc I" ° "tH resulted. Provisions also suffered , pork dec Inlng 17',4c ' find lard 7',4c. ' Hlbs closed practically un changed. Wheat on the curb before the regular opening started with some show of strength and with no slgni * of the excitement ruled Liter on the board. Opening nn.l . second end cables from Liverpool were rather en couraging to the hulls , 1:30 : p. m. advices from that market which were received beforu tne op nlng showing only IfllVid decline. On this account curb prices were about lie higher than yesterday's close. On the regu lar -esslon prices were very Irregular at the otnrt and It teen became clear that numbcre of people rtlll had long wheat In their possession , winch they were then con- vlnceu they ought to hnvoold the day be fore. September was bringing from Doc to M'AC simultaneously In dllft-rent parts of the pit and December from M'Ac to tij'.Sc , vesterday's closing price * being % c and fottc , respectively. The relative positions of the two lending options were quickly re- vcrrcil , for In H few minutes September was bringing BSc when December was still drag- King neg'ectfcdly around Ki',6c. The unexcep tional strength of September was due to tne taut that very few were desirous of iradlng In It , and It was easy to advance It by bid ding for what no one wanted to sell. Hut In about half an hour nil support was with drawn , and the market began to sink , slowly nt first , but ns the liquidation grew heavier , the bottom s > cmcd to fall out , nnd not until September touched U4'ic nnd December 92c was there a flop In the mad ru h. The lull was only tampornry , however. Selling soon became again and stop loss orders were reached. The price did not reach the bottom of Its severe sinking spell until September wafl down to 9Hic , anil December ! HV4e. ) The trade by that time had become very narrow and the traders tired with their previous efforts nnd Indisposed to buy or well except when tempted by nn exceptional offer or tntlclngly high bid. The Increase In weakness ns the session advanced was caused by a further break ut Liverpool , mnklng the day's decline from 4'Ad ' to 4Vfcd per cental , and an equivalent decline at 1'nrls , although private advices from Paris ? received earlier had claimed an advance. The I'arls decline was 1 franc for August nnd f,0 centime. * for November-February , or t'/ic per bushe' for the one and 2Te ( , per bushel for the other. Antwerp also sent lower quotations , but wns not fo radically weak us the others. The Chicago receipts were US I cars , only 29 of them contracted , nnd f.3,000 bushels were Inspected out of store. Minneapolis nnd Du'uth received 234 cars against 631 a year ago. The Atlantic jiort clearances were equal In wheat anil Hour to 432,000 bushels. Before the close September had sold us low us Die and Do t-ember to StOic. Closing prices were : September , lll-ie and December , 90'4c. The beginning of the end In the corn flfnl was apparently well on Its way today. Vnloadlng was started nt the opening. Kvcry one who had long corn appeared anxious to sell , and It was currently re ported that the bull crowd threw over al- moat their entire holdings. September opened at from 30'/c to SOo , n decline of iAim ' / c to Ic per bu. , and before the price reached bottom for the day It sold down lo 28Uc. The closing trades were ut I'S'jie. December started at from 33c for one Or two dives down to S" c. It went ns low as SOc and closed nt 20'i" . Heavy receipts , 1,707 cars , nnd more favorable weather helped materially In Increasing the selling fever. The business In oats wns extremely heavy and prices at one time showed a I'.ic decline. Selling was liberal , especially by the long holders. Elevator people also Hold heavily. September opened from V4c to % c lower nt from 18c to IS c , sold to MUiC. dropped back to 18c , nnd rested nt lfic bid. Hrndstrect'H report of the vis ible supply showed nn Increase of 2,531,000 liu. , which , with a small Increase In the Blocks of contract grain , was counted In with the bear features. Receipts were 715 car * . Considering the weakness of the grain ihnrkets , provisions might be called firm. Prices showed a small opening decline , < lue to lower yard quotations. The market was given fairly good support and advances ensued , but the sharp declines In wheat mil corn ultimately had their effect on provisions. Armour was a good buyer of lard. At the close September porfc was 1714C lower at JS.40 ; September lardt.c lower at J4.57V4. and September ribs un changed at $5.27 ! . Kstlmatod receipts for Wednesday : Wheat , 210 cars ; corn , 1,030 cars ; oats , 010 cars ; hogs , 23,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : ArtlcicB.1 Open. | UUh. | Low. ' ] cio'a ? . lYeail'yT Wheat- f = * pt. . . fir. ' , a < 4 ns m Dec. . . . Ilfl-Oll' ' * 1X1 li S May. . . tue ) ? < 07 ! 01H DI U7 Corn Aug. . . . 28 I5cpt. . . 2HH 31 Dec. , . . 3:1 : Ml ) May . . . 31 ! S3H Oam- 31SK Scpt. . . . 18 S3HB Dec. . . . seR 20H B SK ; _ Mny. . 23 22H-23 R 65 8 no K 40 8 574 Oct. . . H III ) 8 07W H 7M 8 45 8 ll-'H Dec. . . 8 75 8 85 H 50 8 CO U 75 liird- fccpl. . . 4 IK 4 02 H 4 35 4 574 ! 4 00 net. . . . 4 117 S 4 l7 ! 4 (10 ( 4 I ! ' . ' } , 4 70 Dee. . , . 4 75 4 77H 4 05 4 70 4 75 Sh'lIUbH Fein. . . . 5 l5 ! 5 'JO B 27H , A 23 Oft. . . . : B 22M n no 5 20 0 * J7H B 26 No. 2 , I'atdi iiiiotalloiis were as follown : 1'1/JlIlt Eatder ; prices nominally lower , WHEAT No , 2 Hi-ring. 811i4j32 > jc ; No. 3 ppr'ng ' , ISfiCfi No. 2 led. Klc. CO UN No. 2 , 28'if28c , OATH-No. 2. IShUlSVic ; No. 2 white , 23O23c ; Ho 3 white , ISViQifHic. HYE No. 2. Wo. IIAHLEY-No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 30845c ; No. 4 , 27t31c. I''I.AXSEEINo. . 1 , J1.0WI.C9. TIMOTHY HEED Prime , 2.S5. PltOVIHIONB Menu pork , per bbl , , JS.Wfi8.45 Ijiid per 100 Ibs. , J4.C7 , Short rlhuIdei * . ( leone ) , JJ.lS/r.(0. Dry Balled slumMem ( hoxi-d ) , Jj.UOj ? fi.iS. Hhort clear nl < le ( boxed ) , JJ.3Tijf5.SO. WII18ICY Distillers' flnUhrd Koods , per gal. , 11.22. BUOAn-Cut Ion * , JJ.8I ; granulated , JS.21 ; tandard "A , " J5.u . Artlch'H. Flour , bblu 15.000 1C.000 \Vhcnt.bii KiH.OOO nn .ODD Corn , uu 7t > 2,000 Oatp.bu , U 7.000 767,000 llye.bu 21,000 Hiirk'.s1 , uu DU.OOO 8,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter mar. "Ki't wnu tlim ; creamerleij , 13jlS'ic ; dairies , lOJp 15e , Cheese , llrm at 8 * > J Sc. EKKS , fresh , 13e. Live poultry , eatiy ; turkeyH , DCflocj chickens , 7Uu- prlnun , K'icj ' ducks , " " " - ' JVHW VOHIC UK.YUUAL SI A It K U jdnutnlluiiH of < lit > liny on Gcninil ConiinuilltlcN , NB\V YORK , Aug. ! 4.-KLOUR-Recelpt , S2- 01 bbl . ; exurl8. | 1,915 bbls. ; weak and un- vetlkd , wllh few buyers ; winter patents , J5.30 ® 6.CO ; winter utiiilKhtti , JI.W 3.15 ; Mlnnraofu pal. enlB , | 5.30 < r5.W ; winter extras , J3.C3if3.90 ; Mln- nesota bakeru , Jl. til.C ) ; wlnler low eradfi , I3.404/3.CO. Rye flour , linn ; suiierllnc. J2.9yj3.3. CORN MEAl Steudyj yellow westein , 70c , RYE Weaker ; No , 3 western , 64c , 1IARLEY Quiet ut 30J4c. RARLEY MALT Dull. WHEAT Receipt * ! , 383,675 bu. ; exporta , 228,110 bu. ; KiKit ni-uk ; No. S rt' < l. ll.02tiO1.0Jt4. .Op. tlmiH opened wvuk nnd buetalned a decline later , fullowliiK heavy unloading by "eleventh hour bulls" und ulher wruk cuble , light export de mand and foreign selling , cloning SJitiCo ! m'l lower ; NO. 2 rnl , AUKUIH , closed at Mite ; Sep- IcmlxT. ! )7'i/tl.OI. ) clObed at 'Jlio CORN llccelpm. 1C1.CJO bu. ; exports. 29,710 bu. ; Fiot | wvuk ; N < i , 2 , 33c , Optlonti opened weuk und declined heavily all day under weuk cable iirwu. lliiuldutlon und the ma h In wlmit , cloa- tnx i tiSUc lower ; AuRUnt closed at UKc ; B < JP- teinU-r , Hf35Sc , closed at 33ic , OAT8 Recelpm , 33 : , 4 W bu. ; exportx , 397,017 Lu. ; mtirkrt lower ; No. 2 , 23 He. Opllpns dull und v.fiU wllli corn ut Hu decline ; Hcptember closed Kt ! 3c , HIUES-l'Irin ! Oslvejlon , ISOlCc ; lluenoa Ayim. Wo ; Te u . lii.Qlloi Cnlf"rpl | i l i ; . LEATHER -rirm ; hemlock sole. Hutno * Avrt-n. light lo heavy welebtH , ISffMo. KCIGB Rt > ctlii | , lO.fss fks .i market llrm ; utate nd Penntylvanla. IBHc ; western , ISVic. Ill'TTKRIlecf lpt . 6.41 ! pkKs. ; market firm ; wrsteni creamery , ISViUlSc ; Elglns , 13o ; fuo- tery. IWIrllWo. c.lli ( k < i. ; marlttt tc djr | lnrR , while , ! Vi > m ll , while , f09 c ; l rt ) , C"l.rf ( < l 9c , fmoll. colored , JHo ; part klmii , 6Hd tv. full Mdnm. 3HQ4e. rilOVIBIONB I * f , firm ; fnmlly , J1.0MI10.W. Cut mmls , sleadyj ptcklrd bellies. $7.7S47 .Wi pickled dhnuldeni 1.0XJS,1SH ; pickled hams , . I-nrd. Octolwr. $4.95 ; renned , quiet. Pork , weaker ) old mess , JJ.OOflJ.W. Tnllow , . ILS CMtonneed , quiet ; prlm yellow , 26 2CHc. Petroleum , dull ; Pennsylvania cnide , no market , nominally V. Ilosin , n let : strnlneil , common to go l , tl.4iQI.00. Turpentine , quiet nl 2ST2SKc. RICE-Klrrn ; fair to extrn. 4ii < IUe ; Japan , 4U 4 ; c. MOLASSES-rirm : New Orleans , open kettle , g. . l to chnlcf. 23.t0c. ) . . METALS-PIg Iron , dull : southern , J9.75WH.OOi narihfrn , lo.Mf/12.00. Cn ) > per , steady ; brokers , III.J5 ; eichringe , Jl.lR ! | l.2S. I ad , slrong : br < l < frs , > J.0 ( ! ; pxchnnce. l3.97HR4.tV ) . Tin , very quiet ; Mrnlts. I13.7013.M ) ! plales , dull , Spelter , quiet nt H.KflUS. OMAHA GK.MCIIAL Condition of Trnilc niul Quotntlonii on Stntilo nnil Fnncy I'rortiicc. EOGS-Oood stock. 1213c. RUTTER-Commnn to fair. CJ6Hc : choice to fancy , 10S12e ; separator creamery , ISCUc ; gath ered creamery , HfTlSc. VEAL-Cholce fat. SO to-UO Ibs. , quoted nt SO Sc ; lane nnd cocre , 4QSc , LIVE POULTRY-Hem- : cocks , 3ft4c ; pprlng chlc ! < enB. per-lb. , 9o ; ducks , Cc ; turkeys , CWSc. PIGEONS Llvt. 75350C ; oead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , K.f.0 ; midland , J3.0J ! lowland , > 4.00 ; rye straw , M.&O ; color makf the price on h y ; light bnles tell the best , only top gradei bring trip prices. HROOMCORN Extremely flow onlos new crop , delivered on track In rountrv ; choice green self- working carpel per lb. , 2fI2'4c ; choice green , running to hurl 2" > Uf rnmmnn. IHc. VEGETARLES. CANTALOfPES-Per doz. . f.OnCOc. . CrcUMIIERS-Pcr doz. , 15020C. TOMATOES-Per half bu. basket , 75C90c. ON10NS-T > i-r bu. . 83c 1.00. LIMA DEANS-Per lb. . 3c. REANS-I land-picked navy , per bu. , 11.20. CARRAOE Home grown , HJc. POTATOES-1'Pr bu. , new , COc. WATERMELONS Crated , per doz. , $1.7302.00. FRUITS. APPLES-Per bid. , J1.C.1 ST. . NATIVE PLIT.MS-Per baskel , 25 GRAPES-fnllforlila , tl.KQl.M. Sni'THEItN PEACIins-1'er , ! , bu. . CAL1KORNIA PEACHES-1'er case , Crawford ? , . ' . JI.OO. CALIFORNIA PEARS Hartletl , per case , J2.00 ; Ilucrre Hardy. CALIFORNIA PLUMB PIT case , J1.23W1.I50. HOME GROWN GRAPES Per banket , 20J23c. { TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOES-Medltcrranean sweels , $3.M > . LEMONS-Mefslnns. J5.CO ; choice California , fi.r.o. 11ANANAS Cholco Inigc stock , per b.inch , t2.0002.23 ; medlum-slsed bunches. H.COG2.00. 2HSCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb , , largo sl7.e. 13c ; Uruzlls , per In. , luc ; Enitlls'.i walnuia , per lb. , fancy , toft shell , iii2o ; sliir.dards , 10'd > lie ; lllberls , per lo. , lUc ; pccun : , pollstied , large , 910c ; Jumbo. 1IQ120 ; large IncKory nuis , $1.2i per bu. ; cocoanuls , 4',4c cncn. FIGS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 12c ; S crown , DO-lb. boxes , 13 ? 14c. HONEY Choice. t3J15c. CIDER-CUrlfled Juice , per halt bbl. . J2.33 ; per bbl. , J4.00tf4.23. MAPLE SYRUP-Flvc-gnl. cans , each , J2.23 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12.00 ; half-gal , cans , ( C.23 ; quart cans , I3.CO : FRESH MEATS. DRESSED REEF Good nutlve slecrs. < 00 to COO Ibs. , CV4c ; good forequurlcrs , tslcers , B'4c ; good hindquarters , SVfec ; westtrn stters , Cc ; fancy heifers. GUc ; good heifers , Cc ; good forequarters , heifers , Cc ; good hlmlriuurtem , helfcra , EC ; good cows. Co- fair cows , 5lic ; common cows , 5e ; cow foreauarlers , 4',4c ; cow hindquarters , 7V4c. REEF CUTS Tenderloins. ISc ; bonele s strips , 8Hc ; strip loins , 6'.4c ; rolls. SVic ; sirloin bulls , 8c ; shoulder clods , G',4c ; lump butts , 4140 ; steer chucks , 4Hc ; cow cnucks , 4c ; boneless chucks , 4c ; cow plates , 2',4c ' ; steer plales , 3o ; flank slenk , C'/ic ; loins. No. 1 , 14c ; loins , No. 2 , lOc ; loins. No. 3 , Sc ; Flrloln ends , No. 1 , c , ribs , No. 1 , lOc ; libs. No. 2 , Re ; libs , No. 3 , Cc ; sleer rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , C' , < .c ; cow rouniU. shank oft , 7'4c ; cow rounds. shank nnd lump off , Sc ; trlmmlnnu , 4c : beef , ttlianks , 2'/4c ' ; brains , per doz. , 33c ; sxveelbreads , per lb. , 10c ; fWcelbreiuls ( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per dcz. , 35c ; ox lulls , each , 3c ; livers. per lb. , 2c ; hearts , per lb. , 2c ; tongues , per lb. . He. MUTTON Lambs , 8'4c ' ; cheep , 7V4c ; market racks ( long ) , 9c. hotel racks ( abort ) , 12c ; legs nnd cuddle ! * , Sc ; lamb legs , Uc ; Dreasts and slews. 3c ; longues , each , ; ; c. PORK Drccfcd pigs. B'AC ; dressed hogs , Do ; lenderlolns , lOc ; loins , Co ; cparr. ribs , 4e ; ham Bausage , butts , 5c ; shoulders , rough , 5c ; shoulders , skinned , 5V4c ; trimmings , 3Vic ; leaf lard , not rendered , Be ; heads , cleaned , 3e ; snout and ears , backbones , l4c ; cheek meats , 3c ; neok bcnes , 2c ; pigs' tolls , 2c ; plucks. each , 5c ; ciilllerllngs , Be ; hocks , tu ; henrls , per doz. , 23c ; stomachs , each. 3c ; tongues , each , "c : Kidneys , per doz. , lOc : brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs' feet , per doz. , 2."c ; livers , each , 3c. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides. Cc ; No. 2 , green hides , SHc ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc ; No. 2 green salted hide" , "a ; No. 1eal calf. S to 12 Ibs 8',4o ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs > . , ? c : No. I dry Hint hides. lOfelZc : No. 2 dry flint hides , 9 ® 10o ; No. 1 dry Halted hides , OJflOe ; pnrt cured hides. ' .4c per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green raited , each. 25QCOS. green raited , sheaillngs ( sheri wooled early skins ) , each. 15c ; dry fhearbngs ( short woolea early skins ) , No. 1. each. Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , ac- lual weight , 4C5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Ne braska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3fT4e ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pcltH , per lb. , actual welt-lt , 483c ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 304c ; feet cul off , as It Is useless [ o pay frelghl on Ihem. St. LoiilH ( i < * n * rnl Mnrkt'tn. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 24. FLOUR-Qulet nnd weaker , In sympathy with wheat ; patents. J5.CO © 5.20 ; straights , J4.C3(4,75j clear , $1.1304.30 ; me dium. J2.60S3.00. WHEAT Lower , closing with August C'lc , September Go , December 5ic and May G',4c under yesterday. December opened Uc higher , de clined 24c , recovered ? Jc and then declined 61,40 , later reacting % c und closing with buyers nl lhal , fie below the tup. Foreign conditions were favorable for an advance , but the drop In prices at the opening In Chicago caused the bears. whose ranks had been augmented by bulls who thought a decline was clue , to hnmmir the mar ket. Later Liverpool cables were weaker , aiding the tellers In another raid. The close showed some firmness , rallying ( somewhat on buying by shorts. Spot , lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 95c ; Irack , 99593e ; No. 2 hard , cash , 91S ( < S'/5c Irack Augusl , 94ic ; Seplember , 94ic ? ; Decem ber , Ul'-ic bid. CORN Futures weaker nnd lower on fine crop reports , largo receipts and heavy offerings from Ihe counlry , the close being Iifj2c below yes terday. Spot , lower ; No. 2 cash , 27c bid ; Sep tember. 2CVJc bid ; May. 30 ? c asked. OATS Futures declined In sympathy with wheat and corn. Spot , lower ; No. 2 ca h. eleva tor. 18',4o bid : track , We ; No. 2 white. 21U0-24c ! ; September , 18c asked ; December , 19ic asked. May , 21T4o asked , RYE-Uiw-er at 51'4c. CORN MEAL-FIrm at Jl.fi00l.63. RRAN Firm and higher ; sacked , east Irack , 49f50c : at mills , 4Sj30" ; shipments , C3e. FLAXSERI ) Ixiwer at J1.04. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , J2.75. HAY Market over vcl < i > d wllh timothy , which Is lower nl JS..Vffl .t/3 ; pialrle , nulel al SO. HUTTER Higher : creamery , 1CS1914C ; dairy , lOftlf.e. EGGS Weak al 12c. WHISKY Higher at J1.21. POULTRY Chickens , steady ; old hen" . Cc : rprlngs , Sc : duck * * , springs , Cc ; geese , springs , C'ic : turkeys. FiirlnKH. 12i * . ' 'COTTON TIES Unchanged. It * C.filNG * 'nchnnK'1d , METALS Lead , higher nt J3.fiS'4. Speller , dull " PROvVsiciillS Pork , lower ; slundard mess , Jobbing , new , ; old , IS r. . Lard , lower : prime steam , JI.40 : choice. Jl K. Huron ( box d l"ts > , extra uhorl clear nnd ribs , J6.2J ; shorts. 6.37'/4 ; Dry salt meats ( boxed ) . phoild"t ! . t > : extra short clear. J5 75 ; ribs. J5.7B : shurls. J.V8' t RECEIPTS-Flour. 7,001) bids. ; wheat. 139,0-M bu. : cum. ICfi 000 bn.j oat * , f.1.000 h'l. .SHIPMENTS-KIour. 8090 bh's. ; wheat , 9,000 bu. ; com , 83X ( > 1 bn. ; onts , 8,0 < )0 bu , STO CKS A.VH IION 1) S . MnrUft SliotvN Miirkfil SljriiH of llo- iMViilti'Mfil Activity. NEW YOUK , Aug. 24. The opening of the stock market lids morning showed a lively re awakening of oulfclde Interest. n Indicated by a largo volume of commlHulon house orders , which hud come Into broke ru * nlllces uver nlsht and which kept up dealings most of the morning , Tnere was ult-o heavy imyuiK for Individual In- leiehls und prices of some Hocka of reorganized ciimp'inU'H were quite prominent and Ihe u.'iare ' * uf KaitliweMerri toads were client ; and conllnued linn ull day. The sranKeru were leaders In polnl of activity and ttrentith , but realizing bukb were heavy at a Klen point In their ad. vance tunning u barrier. The course of t te wii"u : mailut was watched with tympnlliElIc In- lerear ti > i fur " > Us drcllao was iluc to the lefulHtloiif. cf crop damage reports It helped the s'.ock ' iLUtket. liui who , the cable brought news or a break In Eii'luiul. and u decreased demand fur \\lieul laliuaf. tlutka lesponded wllh a sympalhellc demnnd ; for Ihe fulling off of Aimr- Icunx In London was iKiiored at the upenlni ; here , partly hccanue | t was mirlbuled lo the cettlemcnt which beKlim tomorruw. Hut Inter In the day th cable reported Ion ; market heavy un the tniur of Ihe news from India , London advlcen also teporllnK that continued full In silver Is an imtettllMK Inlliifncc on Ihul market. Hllvcr to day fell lid In London to 23 ! d , which b ' .Id below the puvlous lawetit price. A mnull withdrawal of gold from the subtrrasury for Khlpmriit to Canada mlitht be counted a nllKlilly depressing Inlluenrc , The continued eacc In Iho money muiket U not Indicative of u lively demand for funds from the Interior such as Is luoke.J for In a period of business revival , und while call money at 1 per cent Is an In centive to speculation , as un Index of buslners awakening It U regarded as distinctly dlfup- polntlni' . At the tame time Icnlcra of money uru In expectation of un early demand on them fur the Interior trade needy , and there has been some uddltlonul accumulation here recrnlly on un Indication of Mich a demand , Cotton Oil preferred , on the ctlier hand , ws etronp ana Rained 2 i per cent ncl. Illinois 8t el fell off ; NBtlratil J. * d advanced Hi per cent , mostly lute In the day ; New York , Chicago & St. Loulu llret preferred fell off 2 per cent. Most of the active stocks showed fractional net declines , but there were tsulim scattered all through the list extending to u point In Chicago. Indlannpoll * * LouUvUU sitttrttt , CUvtltwd , Clocluuatl , Tolnl pales of stocks today were 142.C30 shares , Including : AtehlFon , 3.7M ; Alchlfou preferred , 32,012 Chesapeake * Ohio. 12,780 ; llurllngton , 28,420 : Cleveland , Cincinnati , ChlcnKo .fe St. Louis. 4.7r,0 ; M'ssourl ' I'aclrlc , 12 OCO ; Northern 1'oclnc , 4,133 ; Northern 1'aclllc preferred , 11 4 ! > u ; Chicago & Northwestern , 17.D6H ; Reading. 1C C20 Rock Island , 1.C49 ; St. Louis & San Francisco. 1C.490 ; Pt. Paul. 24.CCO ; Sjuthern Railway pre ferred , C.4SO ; American Cotton Oil. 4.U'0 ; Ameri can Spirits , S.210 ; American Tobacco , 7.2P3 ; Chicago cage Ons , 7,010 Pacific Mall , 3.1SO ; Sugar , 9.SSS ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 5,270 ; United States Leather. 3 , 20 ; United Stales Lent her preferred , 13,333 ; Western Union , 7.9SO ; Chicago Great West , crn , 20,903. Xew Yorlt Monry Market. NEW YORK , Aug. 21. MONEY ON CALIx- Easy nl IftlVi per ccnl ; last loan , m pjr cent , clojed at I IU per ctnt. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3K@4Vi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE \\Vnk , with actual bUFlncts In banker ! ' bills at $ l.5Ud.K > V& for de mand. nnd nl H.KHfcfH S > 3i ! for sixty days ; posted rates. Jl.f4i,4f4.-3i ! ! und J4.ECliiff4.b7 ; commercial bills , J4.E284.2'i. HI LVER CEHT1FICATES ri2I32'.4c. RAR S1LVER-5114C. MEXICAN DOLLSRS 3'Ji.c. ! GOVERNMENT HONDS-Irregular. STATE nONDS-Dull. RAILROAD HONIJi ? Strong. Cloflng quotations on bcndd were ns follows : RAR SILVER-Dull at 23TSd per cunce. MONEY ' , i per cent. The rate of discount for tliort an ! ' Hire * months bills Is 1 % per cent. Gold Is quoted at Iluenos Ayres today at 187.30 ; ut I/If bun , 47Vi ; Rome , 103.22. American eagles. 7Cs d'.id ; gold bars , 77 lid , \ < -iv Yiiflc .lllnliiK UiintatluiiH , NEW YORK. Aug. 21. The following are the closing mining quotations : Chnllnr t ) ' Onfirio 2BO Crown Point 17 Oninr. 2BOfiS Cou. Unl. .t V.i. . . . 101 Plymaiun. . I'J DO.T.IWOO 1 0-1 100 ( iould A ( Jurrv10 Uulcitsilvor DfJ. . . IOUO ali-.V Nororim. . 85 SlenM.Nnv.rU . ( IB Iloinonl.-iUu 2UOI ) HtuiJu-.l ; . lill ) liun.Silver 30 Union Con . 34 Mexican 20 Yellow Jiiaket . . . . 3D Alui'rlcim Set'iirltlrN In London , IXJNDON , Aug. 21. Th * markel for American sccurltleg opened firm and conllnued so nil day , being aided by New York buying , The close was firm and the demand fair , Financial \titiN , ROSTON , Aiiff. 24. Clearings , 115,879,527 ; bal- anceii , JlrCClS. RALTIMORE Aug. 24. Clearings , ki90,00 : ; balances , ? 5S1,129. NEW YORK Aug. ZL-ClearlnK" , JI27,374,16 < ; bnlanceH , } CC73CV. . PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 24 , Clearings , JI0.177- 931 Imlaiicce , 11,0411,209 , MEMPHIS , Aug. 24. Clearings , 1192,441 ; bal ances , t&8,232 , New York exchange , nelllne at $1.50 premium. CINCINNATI. Aug. 24. Money , 2HflC per cent. New York exchange , J3fHO per cent discount. Clearings. 11,243,000 , NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 24-ClearIngu , 11.441. . 232. New York exchange , bunk. ] 1 per 11,000 premium ; commercial , too per JI.OOO discount. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 24.-Clearings , } tMC.M ; bal- anceji , JC01.565 Money , 407 per cent , New York exchange , 75c discount bid ; 75o discount asked , CHICAGO , Aug. 24. Clearings , JIGC49t21. ; New York exchange , 70o discount. Sterling exchnnRp , potted rates. JI.SIV5 and J.t6i. ! Slocks , active and stronger , cloning prlcea : Diamond Mutch , US ; American Strawbcurd. 27i4 : Went Chicago , HO',4 : Lake Blrect , 17 % ; New York Ulecult , t2 ; Gan B , 10211 , KorolKii Klnuiiclul. PARIS , Aug. 24. Three per cent rentes , 104f 6So for the account , 11ERLIN , Aug. 14. Exchange on London , 20 murks SSV4 pfe fur checks. IX3NDON , Aug. Z4. The amount of bullion taken Into the Uank of linjlancl on balance today OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Oattlo Bccoipta .Hg t and Hogs Fairly Libernl'lti Nuraber. SHORT SUPPLIES ; ' AND STRONG PRICES llccf Slt'crw Scit + Vfl' nnd Itomnnil lr- ) Kcnt , .MnUlnK.IIttnlne" " Lively lion * Aallvr , Ixit AVenk i mill llhwcr. SOUTH OMAHA , JA"g. 21. Ilccelpts for the Unys Indicated were : Ca'.tle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. August 24 . ? ,4i33 0,747 401 . . . . August 23 . 3,051 l.Wa 2,875 August 21 . 1 < U6 4W2 ! 1,103 123 August 20 . 2,712 4,370 330 3 August 19 . 2,370 4.9SI . . . August 18 . 3,612 6,772 2,332 110 August 17. . . . 3,313 7,347 1,011 August 10 . 4C97 2.S03 6,477 August 14 . 1,611 5,113 14 August 13 . 2,091 3.1M 290 August 12 . 2,071 3,724 8,111 AtlKUSt 11 . 2.8V. ! 6 , < VJ3 1.456 AUgUSt 10 . 2,574 7,626 ' 1.321 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sli'p. C. , M. & St. P. Hy 1 Mo. Paelllc Hy . 1 4. . Union Pacific System . 2o 29 R , 1C. & M. V. 11. U..i . 24 33 S. C. & P. lly . 1C C. , St. P. . M. .t O. lly . 4 C 11. & M. H. H. U . 32 33 C. , H. & Q. Uy . 2 K. C. & St. J . B Total receipts . 82 103 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as fo'.lows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuycrs. ' Cattle , llossSlie'p. . Omaha Pnc'.clng Company . . . Iu71 . . . . The G. II. Hammond Co. 131 1,000 Swift and Company . 1C9 1,827 . . . . The Cuilnhy Packing Co. 15 ! 1,445 400 H. Hooker nnd Uogan. . . . 27 ! ) . Vaiifant & Co . 2S2 . J. L. Carey . 37 . l.obnmn & Rothschilds. . . . 345 . . . . W. 1. Stephens . 6 ! ) . Henton & Underwood . 40 ! ) . Krobbs & Co . 24 . Omaha Phs Co. , K. C. . . . 27 ay ton & Co . 101' U K. Htisz . 50 . Squires . 4C.O . . . . Cudnhy Hros . S5 . . . . North Packing Co . 72 . . . . Cudnhy P. Co. , Kansas C. 113 . Planltlnton Co. Milwaukee . . . 1SS Otior buyers . 294 . . . . 1 Left over . , . 500 . . . . Tola's . 2,430 0,812 401 CATTLE There were only ninety-two cars , 2,403 cattle , today , as against 3.313 a week ago , the two days' shortage amount- Ins to 2,500 cattle , as compared with last week. Tile range furnished nearly all of the supply , with feeders predominating .urgely , hut there were a few very good cattle among the natives' . Goad beeves were strong and In active re- nucst because of their scarcity , with the best here selling up to $1.95 , but below medium grades sellers called the market rather weak nnd slow , although everything at all useful was cleaned up In good s > eason. Thp ki'lers got n ) lmv westerns around $4.(0 W4.20. but the feeders were after the grafs- ers and got the big bulk of all that were on sale. i it only took a short' time to clean up the live or six liads of cows ? nnd heifers on the market and fully steady price ? orevalled for all grades. Hulls were txarrp. with the demand good , and vecls were free se'lcr ? . There was ju t ns vJjoroun a Demand as ever for stockers and feeders and the lioural supply seemed to have no bad effect on prices , the market being generally called llrm. nnd a large lamount of business done. Representative sajcs : - N'ATiyiCS. BEEF STKEUS. \'o. Av. Pr. No. Avl Pr. No. Av. I'r. 1. . . . So J3 00 1.J..123' ) H 43 22..11C : . $1 C3 2. . . . MO 4 CV > 1./.10CO / 4 45 12. . . .1100 4 70 SI. . . .1114 440 2. . , .1171) 4 W 30. . . .1281 493 a ) . . . .1247 445 103..Jir,8 ICO ' ' CO US. li. MO 200 S. . , . ! )52. 2 g . .HCO 3 S. . 1. , . . S.-J 23.- , 1.103 ( ) 2 S3 . . . -920 3 3l' 1..1240 235 H.IOCJ 295 1. . .1400 333 1..1110 263 1..1110 3 0) 3u' ) 1. . . . "SO 273 2. . . .10W 310 . ! )9l ) 3 SO 1..11W 2 75 9. . . . 067 3 15 1. . . 510 2 BO . . . 700 3M . "IS 3 tifl 1. . . . 740 300 . . . COS 335 .903 410 5. . . . 474 3 23 . . . 73J 3 W HULLS. 1. . . .9FO 240 . . .133) 270 1. . .1510 300 1. . . .1490 270 . . . .1210 2 SO 1. . .116) 323 CALVES. 1. . . . 170 350 . . . . 240 4M 1. . . . 100 GOO 1. . . . 210 4 CO . . . ISO G " 5 STOCKEnS AND 1. . . . 710 3 25 12. . . . 710 4 10 24. . . . 731 4 20 1. . . . 740 360 2 > . ; . .1 K > 413 19. . . . S27 423 10. . . . 7C 4 00 2..10CO 4 13 CO. . . . C27 4 33 WESTKIIN3. NHIiRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 22 feeders. . . .1074 ! ' 03 W. R Mclllck. 131 liclfet-s. . . . C2i o ; > . " Sil lutilcrB. . . . S > ) 403 73 tecders.,1170 3 7D 10) ) feeders. . . . 631 420 SOUTH DAKOTA. Scows . 1CSO 275 23 c.iws . 1033 330 1 slag . 1330 3 25 17 feeders. . . . B5S 4 20 It. Webber. 1 cow . 12CO 3 40 21 feeders. . . . 10SS 4 23 3 cows . 9S3 3 40 Western Hunches. 1 bull . HOD 30) 4 Btrs. Tex. . .10-17 3 SO 21 Cuws . 9W 300 30 talllnKS..1307 3 S3 2 tulllngs. . . .1265 325 2 feelers. . . .1210 390 CO cows . 1033 3 40 C2 feeders. . . .1196 4 00 10 tailings. . . .1201 375 4 fleers . 1405 410 WYOMING. 2 feeders. . . .1033 300 41 feeders. . . . 1172 423 1 hl-lfer . 100 3 35 Swan Lsnd nnd Cattle Co. S feeders. . . .1243 3 60 137 feeders. . . , 1201 4 15 39 feedeis..H02 3 fC 24 feeders. . . .H83 4 23 70 feeders. . . .1217 4 Ifi IfiMONTANA. MONTANA. 1 bull . 1530 235 1 feeder . 1130 360 Scows . W2 275 64 feeders. . . . 1UO 415 10 cows . 10S3 3 13 24 fec'driu..ll21 4 2u 24 heifers . S02 333 37 fcedem..lC52 4 10 WASHINGTON. 16 cows . 9S1 2 C5 28 feeders. . . .10 4 390 2C feeders. . ' . . 723 3 SO 12 ! ( efilers. . . . us 3 90 3 feeders. . . . 670 350 60 feeders. . . . 672 430 OHKGON. DnrldBon Dros. 1 bull . 1350 275 10 feelers. , . . 9EO 3 TO 1 bull . 1210 2 ! 0 17C fccJcrs. . . . iibO 4 20 IDAHO. Jclm Cartney. 'lEtafr . 1330 240 1 cow . 1120 325 cows . 10CO 2 to 1 bull . 11:0 325 16 c. & li . 923 3 (5 61 feedeiB. , . . M9 4 111 HOGS Hecelpts were practically the name ns on laat Tuesday In numbers , but the proportion of IlKlit IISKS was very small , the bulk df the ufferlngH ranging from medium to heavy. The quality was about up to the Inta average , anil better than yesterday. Hhlppcra , IIH well as nil of the local bouses , weie In the market , and the Kentral tiade was active , but with price * weak to 6c lower than yi-nlriday'H Ix-M pjlni because of similar con. ( lltion.i eltewhtre. The runKe of prices , 13.704) ) ) 3,80 , was the Nimo us yeblenlay , but the IIOKS weie belter anil there was a latter PrcentaRe of rales at the lower Jleures the bu'k ' of nil the IIOKS helllllK at i3.7593.S5 , with 53.60 the leading prlcvi , UKalnst (3.SO&3.90 for the hulk yesterday. Gb" < l butcher , as well as IlKlit WflclilH , sold up ' 16 the top , nd the hravlcs sold lareely fnm WiW' < U > wn. ICverslhln" wild out of first hands In "RiiU seafon , with , -loslnR prices a shade uniWr ithc Reneral market. A week ana the rancM was | J.CO f3.80 , with sales Inrtely at 3.70j3.70r Keurecontatlve sales : No. Av. 8h. I'r , A t No. Av. Hh. Pr. CO . 271 , . , > 3CO 94 . 193 ICO 3 SO K . 367 200 3 70l" , ii ; ( 4 . 2SO . . . 3 fifl 48 . 329 fO 370 ( , C7 2fiS 240 3 ( .0 . 71 . 233 120 S 72J r 270 160 3 t > 0 160SO CO . 2I3 ! 2SO 3 71.V , M . 260 SO 3 CO 120 37.yjf.9 , . 2 > 5 200 3 fcO C8 . 23S 210 3 , , . , ' M . 2S3 kO 3 0 62 . 328 fQ 3751 , 'C2 . 2SO 20) 3 M . . . . . . . . SO ST ! . 64 . 278 120 2 1 0 63. . . . 29 } 120 375' * 11 . 212 3 SO 20 . 252 373- ' - CS . 2 < S 3 SO 5" . 336 37J/I ( " 61 . 240 SO 3 SO d . 238 SO 3 75il : 'M ' > C1 . 2S2 3 SO f2 . 254 240 37S ail , 41 . 327 3 to 66 . 291 2SO 373 , . 23J 3 SO 02 . 29G ICO aiill' < ul-tt . 2S3 360 54 . . , . .335 SO 3 IS- ' " * 'C2 . 275 3 SO 30 . 212 40 3 7IJ"-li 1 61 . 263 380 , . . 341 3 75'l < rri67 . 317 3 SO W . 335 3 75' ' ' I' I CO . 2S2 SO 3 SO 01 , ,2CC SO 3 73 .1 18 . 266 3 SO 13 . SC9 160SO 3 24 . 262 310 63 " . . . . .316 SO 3S7& C7 . 244 3 SO JO" . .XJ2 SO S7& H3..200 3 SO K . 321 ICO 3 75 C2 . 2CO 3 SO 17 " " 150 66 . 235 3 SO M" . . .284 40 3 75 Cl . 257 3 10 H " 200 SO 3 75 68 . 305 3 SO is ' " ' . ,277 SO 3 75 69 , . . 231 380 07 . . . . . . 2CO 120 375 C6 . 246 380 69 . . . .866 375 C8 . 210 3 SO JU . . . 375 78 . U9 3 SO . .258 60 375 CO . 237 3 SO C4 292 2SO 375 70 . 261 3 SO .298 1CO.S75 Ifi . 201 3S215 . .308 120 375 65 . 242 3 S2'i ' 66 . 280 2SO 375 76 . 228 385 40 375 C2 . 2C4 3 S5 CO" ! 268 SO 377'A 64 . ZI3 3 85 li . 4 SO S 77',4 67 . . .255 3 85 5 . 2S4 40377(5 ( 75 . 229 40 3 S3 ' " 385 j tl . 258 365 61 , . . . . . . .237 3 85 68 , . . . .211 SS5 73 . 267 H . Zg . j j . . M . .t. U. . m . . . 17714. M ill M 1 I7U t m 7J4 } tl. . . . . 8 JO 3 t7 i . . . . . . . . IM J77U 49 IM . . . 3 fl'k 71 JS tSO J SO M < 72 . 3 ll'.t M. ! fO J FO 78 SH 40 3 M 79 m 1M 3 FO CO 241 . . . J W ) M .JIS KO S f0 73 ! 53 40 3 W ( ] 302 40 S80 1'KIS ODBS AND RNOS. 1 140 . , , 160 2 400 tt > 370 1 204 , . , 1 r.O 2 < S .1. 370 . . . . . . . . . . . 200 1 , I 49 3 7J 1 . . .340 . . . 2 SO 1 910 . . . 3 "S 420 . . . .100 1 260 . . . 3774 ; 1 410 . . . 825 7 1SS . . . S SO 6 302 . . . 360 3 280 . . . 3 JO 1 3SO . . . 360 2 290 . . . 3M 4 376 . . . ) ! ; 3 13S . . . 380 5 342 40 3 65 C 35G . . . 3 SO 4 370 . . . 370 SHKEP The two double deckn of Mioep mar keted were western Rrnnfera nnd Rood enough for the killers , who quickly picked them up at fully steady prices. Uerrcnentnttve sales i No. Av. Pr. 180 western wethers . . .MS J3 30 210 western wethers 118 3 45 CHICAGO MVK STOCK MAUICI2T. Improved Prlcm for Dcnlrnlilc Cattle Small 111. . in n ml fur ll < > Kx. CHICAGO. AUK. 24. In cattle them wns a demand for everything of gomt quality at prices well up to the best of the year. All clmnK" In values for smooth beef steers was toward Improvement , n load of choice 1,190-lh. steers Mllnic up to 5.25 , nnd choice 1,640-lb. natives at $5.10. No day ban there been more urgent demand or stronfier prices for Rood , thrifty feeders , cholcv lots selling Very readily around JI.60 , nnd nothing of KO < H | quality going l > elow J ) . Texas and weslrin cattle met good demand nl firmer prices. Native cows nnd mixed stock went with freedom at former prices , fancy heifers celling around $4.40 , and nn cows of very good quality below $3.20. The run ( if calves was mnalt for Tuesday and all Mondaj's big decline .TS regained , Ivst veals selling up In $7 , In hogs there was nn ninplo supply nnd a somewhat restricted demand. Most of the g od strong weight mixed hags sold at and closed around $4 , packers buying n good many ustful hogs nt J3.i5. ! Kxtra prime 340-lb. hogs sold up to J4.07'4. ' but It took fancy butchers to make $1.10. A few fancy light sorts sold up to $4.20 , but most choice light sons were tnUeu off nt $4.13. l-ate trade was sluggish at the reduced prices. Trade In sheep nnd Intnbs was fairly nctlve at nb.iut former prices. Native sheep 8'dd at from $2.50 to $3.73 nnd range Hocks weie In dc ninnil nt from $3 to $3.C"i. feeders wiling nt from $1.W ) to $3.60. The demand for ft-dom was strung nnd It promises to continue so. Isimhs sold nt from $2.73 In $3 for culls , up to from $3 tu J5.23 for the beat , cldelly nt from $3.75 to $4.5. Ileec-ipte : Cattle. BBW head ; hogs , 17,000 head ; sheep , 13,000 head. St. IDills l.ivi- > : i > ilc. ST. l.Ot'18 , Aug. 24. PATT1.E llccolpts , 4,000 liaad ; Fhlpmcnts , 400 bead ; mniket ftindy to strong ; nnthc Fhlpplng nnd expo't Kteers , $4. 0 ff..40 bulk of pales. $4 70R5.10 ; drcsred bfef nnd butcher steers. $4.2.fiu.OO ; bulk of rales , $4 r,01J > 4.75 ; llRht fleers under 1,000 pound' . $1.7594.63 ; bulk of sales. $3.9004 40 stockers and feeder. . $3.75 4.45 bulk of fales. $3.EOT4.15 ; rows and heifer. ! , $2.00r4.W ; bulk of cows. J2.503 10 : Texas nnd Indian Fleers , grassers , $3.004T4.30 ; bulk of sales , $3.30ff4.00 ; cows nnd heifers. S.fifl3.EU. ! HOGS Ilecelpts. B.OOO head ; shipments. 1 00 head ; market r.JTlOc lower ; light , $1.0304.13 ; mixed. S3.73P4 10 ; heavy. W.73WJ.15. HHUKI'-Ilecclpts , 3.0" > fl head ; phlpmcntp. 100 bend ; niaiket pteiuly on muUrns strong on lambs ; native muttons , $3.00F3.90 ; stackers. $2.65 @ 4.75 ; lambs , $3.75flo.W ) ; Texas sheep , $3.75. Kail-din City l.lvfSKieU Alarkt-l. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 21. CATTLE Receipts , 13,00 } head. Market nctlve and steady to strong ; Texas steers , $ J.fl4.05 ; Texas cows , $2.10ft3.05 ; native steers , O. lfo.U ; nallvo cows nnd heif ers. $1.7R'4.10 : stcckers nnd feeders , $2.tOfp4.00 ; bulls , $2.CSO3.60. HOGS-llecelpts , 11COO hrnJ. Market nfflOc lower ; bulk of s l s $3.9)if3.95 : heavies , } 3.k5ff 4.03 ; packers , $3.70 2.9) ; inKed , $3.3il.01 ! ; llrhts. $3.SOiT(4.00Yrrkeis ; , S3.9754St.CO ; pigs. $1.2383.75. S11REI1 Reee'pts ' , 3,00) head. Market steady ; lambs , $4.0Cf3.10 ; muttons , $3.00T3.60. Vev Vorlc Live Stni > lc MnrlcplN. NEW YOniC , Aus. II.-IJEEVES-necclptB. 3(9 ( head. Kuroi | an cables quMt- American Hteers nt lO'AIfllo ; refrigerator beef. S'.4.f9c ; ex ports. .19 beeves , 4,637 quarters of beef. t'AIA'ES Kecelpls , 4S head ; veals , $4.5007.00 ; gras.'ers and buttermilks. J3.OOiT3.30. KHEEI' AND I.AMI1S Ili-celpls. 4.C02 bead ; shFf-p. $2.00fi2.40 ; lambs , $4.00'J6.10. HOGS Ilecelpts , 1,76) heail ; steady at $4.40 ® 4.70 Stuck In Slurht. Ilceord of receipts of live stock nt the four prlncliial maikets for August 24 : Caltle. Hogs. Shoep. Omaha 2 4 3 6747 401 Chicago D.B50 17,000 130)0 Knnscu City IS.fOO 11 000 3 COj St. Louis 4.CCO 5000 3,010 i Totals . .J 24963 39,747 21 4Ui HiiNt IliilTiilo Live StouU J KAST UrFKAI.O , Aug. 24. CATTMi Slow. HOGS Yorkers , good to choice. $4.40 ; roughs , common to good , $3.DO@3.C5 ; good to choice ; J4.3S N K. SHEEP AND LAMHS Lambs , good to extra choice. $5.27C3.75 ; siicep , choice to selected weth ers , $4.23@4.3b ; culls and common , $2.DOT3.50. COTTOX MAHlCliTH. Curlier CntiNvN AiiKiiit to Advance , While Other MoiitliN Decline : NEW YOUK , Aug. 24. The cotton maikct opened steady ut an advance of 1 to 5 paints on an over-accumulation of buying orders , * ut promptly reacted without causing much surprln. to tile present local contlngenl In view cf ill- sensational advance of yesterday. There W'iS a good deal of long cotton for sale anJ 111- pressure from this source continued more or less prominent throughout the fec lon. ll.e opening prices were the best of tlu t-s lon , except fo : August , nnd wtre followed by a de < ! lh'e { 11 to 20 polnt'J on the more nctlve positions , with the market finally steady ut a i el I0i-i of y lo 4 points , cxccpl for Augusl , widen bliow.'d u net ndynnce of IS polnls. It up | < . ; .irs that lliun- Is a pretty close corner In Aus-ist conra"ts , wild a few piomlncnt parlUB fur i'.n. present In a position to dlclate lerms lo Hiehor'.t. ( . Ktiinx-s closed Eteady ; January , $7.0. > ; February , 17.11 , Maic'.i , $7.13 : April , $7.17 ; Mny , $721 , Austin , SS.13 ; September , $7.18 ; Octobtr. $7 15 ; No-nibei , $7.04 ; December , $7.04. Spot , : ! > - 1 qut | , : ! dllnj uplands. Sc ; middling julf. ; mld.l ln-5 , c ; net recclpls , none ; grois , ; ' ,523 bales ; e > p , rth In Great llrilatn , 458 bales ; -ontlncnt , 101 lulcs , forwardtd , 1.S2S bales ; tales , SI3 Kilcs ; tplnners , 43 bales ; Elock , 41,174 bales , Vjtai toJaj : Net receipts , 3,840 bales ; cxporls to 3a' Jlrlialii , 1,029 bales ; continent , 100 ulli ; ft-jck , 83.14 , bales. Consolidated : Net m.'eli.ti. IS/jii bales , exports to Great llrltaln , 2,911 iMlcs ; France , Vj lialt-j ; continent , 593 bales. Total stiice Heplenibti 1 : Net receipts , 6.C61.079 bales ; expjrls lo O.-c.-n IJrltaln , 3.010,903 bales ; France , lUl.U'J baley ; con- llnenl. 2.149.841 bals ; channel , B.lil balet. L1VUHPOOL. Aug. 24. COTTON Spot , limited demand ; prices , higher ; American middling fair , 4 21-f2d ; good middling , 4 13-32d ; middling. 4V4d ; low middling , 4V4d ; good ordinary , 4d ; ordinary , 3 I3-16d. The rules of the day were 7,000 bales , of which 600 tales were for rpeculatlon and ex port , anil Included 6,300 bales American ; rccelptn , 3.000 bak'F , Including 400 bales American. Futures opened ttrong , with a fair demand , ami closed barely steady ; American middling L. M. C. , August , 4 9-C484 10-C4 1 , buyers ; Augutt und .September. 4 6-64.1 , rellers September and Oclo. brr , 3 C3-C4d , tellfrs ; Octolier nnd November , 3 67-64d , litllers ; November and December , 3 64- 64d. fellers ; December and Januars' , 3 53-64d , sell ers ; January und Fcbruaiy , 3 62 MST3 63-641 , buy ers ; February and March , 3 53-C4lfJ 54-64J. sell ers ; March nnd April , 3SI-C41 , buyers ; April and May , 3 65-C4d , sellers ; May nnd June. 3 54-64d , io Icrs ; Heplembr , 4 6-C4J. NEW OULEANS. Aug. 24. COTTO.V-FIrm ; sales , 83 balcx ; onllnnry , 3 3-ltc ; peed oidlnarj' , C 9-16c ; low middling , CT4c ; middling , 7 3-lCcj good middling , 7 7-16c ; middling , fair , 7Tic ; ro celpis , 2,073 bales ; stock , 18,6'JO bales. Futures barely steady ; sales , 41.200 bales ; AugiiFt. nom inal ; September , $6.91f6.93 ; Ocliib-r , $675fi0.76 ; November. $6.74fi .7 < J ; Decemlwr. 6.:6r .77 ; January , J6.79G < i.Slj Fehruar ) ' . $6.S2BKi.84 ; March , Vi.KQ .SJt April , $ e.E8fi .SO. MEMPHIS , Aug. 24. COTTON Firm ; mid dling , 77-16o ; recclpls , u bales ; rhlpmenls , none ; stock , 4,2 bales ; tnlrs , & > hales. ST. 1XUIS. Aus. 21 , COTTON Firm nnd unchanged - changed , wllh no siles reparte * ! ; receipts , none ; shipments , 46 bales ; stock , t'tl bahtj. CulVr NEW YOUK. Aug. 21-COFFEE-Optlons npen'.d steady at a decline of from 6 to 15 points under disappointing cables nnd enormous receipts at Hln ami H.intos , Selling checked on feaiu of nccumulatlan of short Inleicm nnd predicted heavy nnvemen ! checked bujlng ; clohed barely steady at from ft to 10 points u t loss ; mPs | , 2".V ) Tni'S , Including September , JO. 43 ; December , I6.70J76.75. Spot coffee. Illo , iiuletj No. 7 , Invoice. 0.875fc ; No. 7 , Jobbing , $7,374. ! Mild , ( inlet ; Cordova. $10,60tJ16.60. Total ware house deliveries from Die I'nlled ' Stales , 13,418 hairs , Including 11,998 bags from New York ; New Ynrlc flock today , 41 ft. 733 bags : I'nlled Stntc stock. 407650 Imus ; afloat for the Unltt-d States , W3.OV ) tmgs ; total vlflble for the Unllwl States , 792 r.Vl bagt , nualnst 422,739 bags last year and 603.342 hags In 1H > 5 HAVIIE , Aug. 24. COFFEE Closed quiet and net unchanged ) sales , IS OM hags. HANTOS , Aug. 24. COFFKE Quiet ; good av erage Santos. 8300 rels ; recelptH , two days , 4S.f > X ) baRs ; stoek , 705.000 hairs. HAMIII'UO , Aug. 24. COFFEE-Oiiened M pfp. lower ! closed al a net Ions of U pfg , ; sales , lJB1JANE1HO Auif. 2-CO'FF.E-Ir- ] n-gular and unsettled ! lltlle doing owing to rlso In exchange ; No. 7 Hlo. 7,850 rel : eichun're. 7 15-lCd , 3-16d hlgherj receipts , two days , 67,000 bags ; cleared for the United Bt tfs. 7.i bags ; for Europe , 4OW bags ; stock , 424.000 bags. Cincinnati MnrlcelH. CINCINNATI , Aug. 24. FLOtm-Htcady and T Unsettled ; No. 2 red. nominal at > Sc. COHN Easy ; No. 2 mixed. 21c. OATS-Kanler No. 2 mixed , 1954020C. UYE Firm ; No. 2 , COc. HULK MEATH-Fltm , $5.00. Ilaeon , firm , $ j.CO , , oulet , $4.45. WHISKY Active at $1.21. IIUTTEH-FIrm and higher : foncy Elsm creamery. 20o ; Ohio. 16 18c ; dairy. lOa Sl'GAll Steady ; hard rHIncd. f4.li3UJ.liJ. EGOS Strong nnd higher at 12e. CHEl B-Flrm und higher ; eood to prime Ohio Hat , Pall Illvrp I'rlnt Clolli Market. PAIJ4 niVEU. Mans. , Aug. 24.-THO print cloth market U steady .t ZHc. WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Week Unnsually Favorable for Stack'ng , Thrashing and Haying. JUST A LITTLE TOO COOL FOR GOOD CORN Old Klnir Could Stand It Wnriiier , but linn .Mnile < ! ooil I'roKreNN ' Kvery Sei'llon if < li State. Weekly crop bulletin No. M of the No- brnska section of the climate and crop service of the weather bureau for the week ending S a , in , , Augusl 23 , says : \V' V'ScrxVt ScrxVt/ ftrcr/ Italnfall for the w : k : The past week hnH been cold , the ilnlly , Rwaji temperature being below the normal ; every day of the week , and the average de- Ilclency being S degrees. The dally nmxl- i mum temperatures were above SO degrees i on only two days of the week at most nin- i lions' . The minimum temperatures were be low KO degrees , and In many places were be tween 40 degrees nnd 45 degrees. A very light frost , doing no damage , Is reported from a few places. The rainfall wns confined to local showrr ? , and was generally very light , Tne amount of rnlnlall exceeded one Inch In Hurt nnd Lancaster counties , and exceeded half an Inch in n few small areas cuttcroJ through the southern and eiiPtcrn portions of thu state. The week has been unusnaly ! favorable for stacking , thrashing , and haying. Stacking of grain Is nearly completed. Wild hay Is being cut , nnd the crop Is generally good. The third crop of alfalfa Is being cut. Rill plowing has continued , but the ground Is getting rather dry In most sections , nnd In many places It Is too dry for the \\ork to proceed. Some winter wheat has been pown. The cool week has been rather unfavor able for corn , but It has made fair progress In nl' sections. Late corn needs more rain In many counties , and all com needs warm wonlhir. Keport by counties : SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Duller Corn Is maturing Mowly , Hie night ! ? being too cool ; llmiphlng progressing r.ipldty ; more mill needed for full plowing ; potatoes short crop. CasF Corn has madt * good proRreFp , nnd early planted Is beginning lo dent. Clay Too cool for corn lo do Us best , but good week for general farm work ; considerable wheat.In shock and being thrauhcd. Gage Oood week for thrashing and plowing : ground In fine condition : corn m.tttirlng rullier slowly ; early corn beginning to ripen. Hamilton Thrashing In progress ; iprlug wheat nnd oaln yielding well ; corn locking well , bul most too cool to malure fust. Jefferton Most corn will be fully as good as last year ; some late corn needs warm weather ; large yield of hay. Johnson Cool week , nol very good for ripening corn ; lute corn Is filling mil good , but needs dry , warm weather ; large amount of wlnler wheat will be town. Lancaster Corn crop ripening slowly Netnahn Early corn doing well ; nights too cool for late corn ; fall plowing In progress ; grapes plenty nnd coming Inlo market ; potaloes not more than half n crop. Nuckolls Favorable Wfek for corn to mature ; fall plowing pr.-tresscs ; Fomc wheat i-own. Pawnee Continued cold and damp weather keeps corn back ; light frost first of week , no damage ; fall plowing well along. Pclk Hnther cool week for corn , but It seems to be maturing well gelling lee dry for plowing. Rlchurdcon Corn doing ns well as can be ex- peclcd with the cool night ! * ; Inle corn necis three weeks of warm weather ; wild hay n good crop ; a large acreage of winter wheat will be sown. Saline Nice dry week for thrashing and plow ing , but n lltllc too cool for corn ; Inle corn Is earing well , but more warmth and moisture are needed. Saunders "Week too cool nnd dry ; corn mak ing plow progress ; pastilles suffering ; too dry lo plow. Seward Slill very dry , and corn Is not paining very much , crop Is bound to be very light ; a large ncieage of winter wheat will be put In. Tlmyer Late pieces of corn In roasting ear ; early corn getllnjr hard ; fall plowing In progress ; Ihrnshlng from shock eonllnues. York Ground ! too dry to plow well ; corn Is keeping good color , but needsi rain ; corn Is two weeks later than usual. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope Week cool nnd cloudy ; mt the best weather for maturing corn hut crop doing well ; linylng In progress ; about half the stacking of small grain done. lloyd Corn still In flallerlns condition ; some early corn lx-glnnlnr to dent ; ihrashlng In prog ress ; wheat fair yield , of excellenl uallty. Hurl Too cool for corn ; many lain xhools In all fields nnd there will be much soft corn ; full plowing1 In progress. I Cellar Corn l.ioks fine , but needs more hst wenllier ; stacking done ; millet being cut ; n large amount of fall plow'lng bHng done ; thrash ing in progress ; oats a fine crop ; wheat a , light crop. Colfax A favorable week for corn and grass. Curnlng Thrashing Is progressing slowly be cause of damp wealher : corn IK mnlurlng slowly and Is backward ; cron will be l > clew average. Dlxon Slacking nnd Ihrnshlng In progress ; corn Improving : hay crop heavy ; flax poor. Dodge Corn Is advancing favorably ; thrash ing from bhock about complelrd : grain In stack In good condition ; some fall plowing done ; pas tures fair. Douglas Corn , especially the Inti * planted , ban not made much progress dur'ng ' the week lie- cause of cool weather ; pastures continue to Improve ! some fall plowing In progress. Halt Small grain being thrashed. vlHdlng bet ter limn pxpecled ; corn doing well , bill needs warm wealher ; hay harvesl drawing It a close , Knox More hay being put up thnn usual ; sugar Iwets doing well ; e.irly potaloes fair ; thnishliiR In progress ; corn maturing well , but needs warm weather ; much will lie secure Jn Iwo weeks , Mndlson Corn Is In good condition , but wnther rather cool for rapid development of ear. Pierce Corn doing well nnd promises to be out of the way of frn"t bv September " . Platle A good week for Inlying and thrashing ; < Yirn < lolnr falriv well. Sarpv Much fall plowing being- done ; rains have helped late potaloes ; corn needs wanner wonlher , bill Is filling In snlemlld s'lflnc. Tlmriton Nights are celling cnol and corn li maturing fast : meat of the corn will be out of Ihe way of frost In two weeks. CENTRAL SECTION. Ronne Corn In ripening well : slacking nearly all done ; pastures nwdlne rain. jturfal" Corn Is Improving us n whole ; pome enrlv corn dried out and K" > m laic corn In wi'iic crndlllin ; nmnll grain yielding well ; too dry to plow ; much wlnler wheat will be put In tliu corn fields. Cnsti-r In consequence of no rain corn has made rapid prourefH IIP trl rln'nlmruin : needed for fall plowlnir and bite pastures. Dnwtv.n Rlnckln-r mostly done ; some thrash ing from nhock yet ; corn much dimi1 ex cept where Irrlgati-cl ; alfalfa R d ; pastures abort. Hull Stacking small grain about completed ; largr crop if Imv being1 rut : corn dnlnu well. Howard Corn bus made fulr progress , but ton cool for rapid progress ; much plowing and thrashing done ; many are haying. Merrlck Some hay cut ; rrip very short ; corn nillmr nicely , but would stand morn heflt und moisture ; potatoes short. , , Sl"rman Corn verv backward nnd would be benefited by rnln ; paslurfs drvlmr up : too diy for tilowlm ; ; wild grass Iblrk. but short. Valley-Cool und dry. but plenty of molslurn for corn ; thriishlnR progressing fusl ; yield good. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION Dundy Corn coming out wonderfully after Ihe heavy rains ; Ihe wi-llesl August In thirteen years ; corn will be Into In maturing. Frontier Haying In prr > ics ; thrashing mak ing rapid progress , Hnrlan Corn grnwlnir well- some are culling Ihe third frop of alfalfa ; fall plowing being pushed ; wild hay llghl ; peaches n fair crop ; pastures good , and all entile doing well. Hitchcock-Corn doing finely : ground very wel and In good condition fur fall plowing : al falfa , millet and cnne doing flm-ly. Kearney Too cool for coin to mature rapidly , plenty of moldure ami IUIKO ears forming , thrashing1 continue ! , yield brlli-r than expected. Lincoln-Corn crowing well generally ; parts of county need more rain ; potatoes and hay K < WM | . Perkins Prospect for best corn ciop ever mined In county. Red Willow Corn Is booming , and the prop ped Is for a , full crop ; grain all In ( .lack , and thrashing 1 going on , Webster Corn doing- well weather Illlle cool : ground getting rather dry : oats und wheat being thrashe * . yield and quality satisfactory. Wr-STERN AND NORTHWESTERN SECTION. Cherry-Small grain being Ihraehul , and turn ing out good yield ; lee cool for corn ; haylns progressing well. Keith flood week for making hay , crop good ; early corn malurlng ; third crop of alfalfa belnK cut. cut.Keya Palm Harvetalng finished ; thrashing be gun : most lee cool for corn. Klmball Corn doing nicely , nnd In about two week * will bo tafe , as none but early vailctlru raised ; little thrashing done yet , but prospect for good yield of small itraln , Rock Haying In progrem ; crops much belter than ufeuul , but corn late , and emu would be damaged ) by early frott , BcoltH Illuff Wheat harvest neaily completed : oats fllll belns cut ; potatoes very fine ; corn progrer lng finely ; wild hay a fair crop. Thomas-Corn best In hiutory of counly : wild hay very lartje. O. A. I/OVELAND , Section Director , Lincoln , Neb , New Vorlc Pry GonilH Slurltet. NCW YORK , AUB. It-TJio market preaents tc rc < * ly nny new fcntiirfti ( oility , Blthotttti th Mm * Mr ne lonf I * i-rc\nlfnt throu hout Th * HTonu < if the Mfrchnnt'o Aimorlitlon ncurMom npnln nilfd the jobbitig floret with bu er whd nrr making the monlh n bnnner one In iMirly nil line * . In Hrrt hnnd markets the doy In torn' imrntucly dull , at mull orders * r * not PO h KVyi ns nn Tuesday nnl > Moie trAdlng ti quite llxht nl thl time. The firm fpalurM of ( he market arc ihc slrenglh of print clottn nd * tnpl < > prlnU. the latter n more or lesi direct rejull of the former. In t ple cottonn the mittkct ! itenprally , nnn and Head1'rlnt cloths nr xery lronr. ( lllds for October ertrnn al tin * current qviotn. tloni of Jo are Hendlly refuped , Pellern beln remnrknbly ntm In thflr poidtlon. Odd K < i lra , however , are n trifle le ptronn nnd m y b boiiK-ht to betler advanlage. The PHC ! to far , while not strong , compare favorably with th early pnrt of la t week , rrlnls re guic firm. Woolen goods , linn and unchanged. COXIMTION I ) If THU WOOL MAHKKT. Driller * rind \0 DlllU-iilty In niniiox- IllU of Their Iliildlnux , 11ORTON" , Aug. 24.The wool market ber shows nn excellent demanJ In progren with th tone of values hardening. The demand l > prin cipally from manufacturers and dealer ? nre nnd- Ing no obstacles In dln > o > lng of their stocks. Territory wools continue to maintain a llrm tonn and large lines are being sold on the scouied basl * of 4c nnd 43c for fine medium and tine , while choice staple calls for 45c nnd many deal. era still apk uliove figures. The fleece woeA trade It light , but prices holding firm. Many- dealers , however , are holding their slocks f r nn advance. Australian wools continued In goo.l demand , wllh prices hardening. Following or llu * iniolnllons for the lending description" 'ii0 | und Pennsylvania fleeces , X and above , 22c XX nnd XX above , J.V ; delaine , : ( ! < : No , I combing , Hiif27c No. 2 comMng , SOc. Michigan , Wlscon- sin , < tc. : X Michigan , SOc ; No. 1 MIclilRan comb- Ing. 24U2f > c ; No. 1 Illinois cotnblng , 2ff'c ( , No. 2 Michigan combing , JUfSSc ; No. 2 Illinois comb ing. 24ii'25c. New York. New Hampshire ami Vermont : X , 19c ; No. 1 New Yor'i , New Hamp shire and Vcnnnnt. 23 24.s Mlrhlgan delaine. 24c. I'nwnshed meUum : Kentucky end Itullann , ' . -liloiil ( comMiiK , SOSfJIc ; Kfiilucky nnd Indiana , ' .k-blood combing , I'0jr2lc ; ' Mlrpourlt blmid combing , S0r21c Mlppoml H-blood combing. Vi bid ; lake nnd Oecrgla. lHf'A' ! Texa wwilsl Spilng me'llum , 12 muntlK. Ul/l..o ; pprlng me dium , t : months , KlTiHr ; ppilng line , frunrcd , 43c. Territory wools : Moiilaiia , line medium nnd line , 13fl > : Monlanti , line medium and line , mamcd. 4lric : Ptiible. 42c , I'tah , Wyoming , etc. . line medium ami line , 12fllc I'tah an\ Wyoming llm * in dluni and line , < 0Mr ; 1'lnh nnd Wyoming ilm > imdluin and tine , staple. 43dj > 4.V. Auytrallan : Scnnred bapK roinblUK. pupcr line , WfiSTc ; gond cnmlilng , fittul < ' ; c mblng iivi'tnue , 4S5f.'Oc ; IJncetLilaiid ruinbltiK , f'0i)0.1c ) NIOW YOUK. Aim. WOOL-Klim ; lleece , 20 f2Tc ; pulled. 2T HncIVat , lOiflCc. ST. l.Ot'lS Aug. :4. WOOI < llliihi > r nnd In dcmiiud ; medium , IMil 'sc llRhl line , HtTlJe ; heavy line , ! i5jllc ; lull wafhel , lH ! H27e. Iliillliuiiri * > liu'Kcl . I1ALTIMOIIM. AUR 21. Klniir. nulel and tin- chnimcd ; iccelpts , 17.S03 libls. ; exiortii | , 5 072 bills.WHEAT WHEAT Weak nnd lower ; FI | , $1.00U T1 MV ; September , ! i"tffi'H4c ! ! ; Hteniner , No. 2 rod. S > ? ' 4 < i ( > a' c ; receipts. 2TO.i'SO bu. ; exp.ulp , l3.a > 0 bu. ; Kouthein , by snmpli1 , tl.O'lff I. * : ; xoiithern wheat , on grade , vS'icirll.olVt ' , CORN Weak ; September. ElUiTIO'ic ; stenmer mixed , 31Ui3l , > 4i. ; receipts , 201 , W6J bu. ; exports , 9k.Ga ! Int. ; Mnitliern whlto coin , 3Cjf37c ; houthent yellow. 37Si3Sc. OATS Steady ; No. 2 white western , 2IIT2.V ; Ni. 2 mixed western. 21'sCf21V ; tccclptti. 34.U04 . bu. bu.RVE Uiipellli'd and easy ; No. 2 western , M JTJjo ; ri'ci'lpts. 1I.40S bu. ; exports , 8,571 bu. J stock , M,3'H bit. HAY Sleudy ; clmlci- timothy , } 13.r,0ri4.00. GRAIN FRUlGHTS-Vi-iy quiet ; stfain to Liverpool , per bu. , 3'jd nuked , September ; Cork , for onlein , per quarter , 3s. September. HUTTCR Him ; fancy creamery , ISfflfc. C1IK17SE Very llrm lind imchiinRed. ICiuiviiN City KANSAS CITY , A in ? . SI. WHEAT Hunt wheat Mild throURh n wide range of 1 rices. Hie lowest being ( Hie b lnw yeiti-rday's elusilln ; > re 3 , one car , i * . CORN Also lower ; No. 2 mixed. :3'.ic ; No. 3 white. JOc. OATS Slow nnd somewhat lower ; No. 2 mixed , 17Hc RYK No. 2 , B2c ; No. 3 , nominally , COc. HAY Fair demand ut steady prices ; cholco pinlrle , $ 'i.50 ; choice timothy , 7.SO. EGOS IJcmnnd continues good ; fresh Missouri and Kansas Bt > ck , lie. llt'TTKR HlElii-r : crcnmeiv , 16c ; dairy , 12c. RECEIPTS Wheat , lS4kro bu. ; corn. 13,000 bu. : _ 'S Wheat , 230,400 bu. ; corn , 29,90 * ' " M bil ; oa'ts , 12,000 bu. I.lvoriiool Oi ami 1'rovlxl LIVERPOOL. Aug. 21. - HACON - Short ribs , nrm , 29s ; long clear middles , light , llrm , 29s M : long clear middles , heavy , firm. 28s M ; short clear mlddlfo , heavy , llrm. 25s. Shoulder , p , square , nrm. 28s Cd. Lard , prime wcslein , Him , 24s 3d CHEESE American finest , white , firm , 43s Cd ; colored , 43s Cd. WHEAT No. 2 led , wFttern winter , firm , 8 3d ; No. 1 red , northern spring , firm. Cs Gil. CORN American mixed , ( pal , new , slrong , 33 G'.id ; September , 3 4'id ; October , 3s 4M. FLOUR SI. Louis fancy winter , firm , 10s 3d. SiiKiir lliirketM. LONDON , Aug. 2I.-REET SUaAIt-August , 88NEWll'YORK. Aug. 24-SUOAR-Raw. nrm : fair refining , 3Hc ; contrlfugiil. 90 teat , 3fte. Re- nned , nrm : mold A , 6Uc ; ntntidnrd A. 4o ; confectioners' A. 4T e ; cul loaf , f c ; crushed. Gftc : powdered. 5'ic ; granulated. Be : cub-s , 5'ic. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 24-StIOAR-Open ket tle , nuiet ! nl 2'l J3'ic ; centrifugal , steady ; urnn- nlated , 4VJfT49-lCi ! : whlti-s , 3 13-165)4 1-lGc ; yel lows , 3 % < f(3 13-lCc ; seconds , 2g3'jc. ' Tolrdo .MnrkftM. TOLEDO , Aug. 24. WHEAT Active , but lower' No. 2 cash. September nnd December. 94c. CORN Dull and weak ; No. 2 mixed , 29c ; Sep. tember. SO'.ic. OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , Is'.ic , RYE Canli. COc. CLOVERSEED Unchanged. OIL-UnchaiiKed. Cnllfiimlii Urloil Krultn. NEW YORK , Aug. 24. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS fjuiel : evnpornled applm , prime wire Irny , OHc ; wood dried , prime , IrJlc : choice , Cc : fancy 6V4c ; pnintw. SVvWT'.ic ' , us lo size and quality ; nirlfOts | , Rnyal , ISlT'ic ' ; M or Park , fci39u { peaches unpeelcd Cf/8c / ; peeled lli14c. Oil SInpl * t. OIL CITY , Aug. S4. Credit balances , 7Ic ; cer tificates , 73c ; Bhlpinents , 131,373 Mils. ; runs , 110,021 LONDON , Aug. 24.-Calcutta linseed , fpot , S5a | near ut hand , 35s. Linseed oil , His Cd. I'Tinml.-li'hla I'ro.lui'iMarket. . PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 21.-IltITTElt-Flrm and V c higher ; fancy wcdern creamery , l i(184o. KCCr'-Klrm ; fresh , neiirliy , ICu ; fresh , western , , CHbhSE Firm and higher , Snii KrniiflHi-o Wheat mill Iliirlcy. HAN KRANCISCO. Ami. S4.-WHBAT-KuBy ; December , J1.M % ; May , $1.6C4. HAKLEY Easy ; Di-cemliir , 9c. Miiirli < * N < fr Tlll < > Trnili- . MANCHKHTER. Aus. 24C cth a'id yarns llr.n , but little doing. THU HKALTY .11 Alt 1C KT. INSTIUTMRNTS placed on record Tuesday , August 24 , 1SU7 : WAItHANTY DliKDB. A C Van Camp and husband to .Marln Smith , part sw'i sw'/4 2U-16-23 . . . $ 2.CCO Mm la Smith to J. O. Vim Glider , lot 9 , block 10 , rurlcer'8 mlJlllun 2CW Ktlii Hugerman and liusbnnd to Hlch- ard Klger , lot 2. block SS , Albrlghl'H Choice , 200 1 .Al Craig nnd husband lo Ophelia C'enlans , W/4 lot C , block ( } . Lowe's 6 addition ' " " South Omaha Lani ] Co to II C ; 'Vi" I'lun- kotl , lots I. 2 nnd north f ) feet lot 3 , block 86 , South Ornahn V > iS A K Jacobs and husband to O H J'ayno , trustee , lots 1.1 nnd II , block 7 , Clovcrdalo * n J Kendall and wife lo H J Kay Mfd- l U Co. n'Xi lot 1C. block 2. Mlllard Place : lot 28 , bljck , .Mlfsotirl Ave imrk ; lots 1 , 2 and n , Cuneo's nubdlv , and various other lots and blocks 1 Mnrsnret Langito I * ' A Lnnge , n 40 feet lot 1 , block ITU , Omaha 1 QUIT CLAIM DI3BDS. James Ilemlrlckfon and wife la Maria Smith , lot 9. block 10 , 1'arker'f add. , 1 K J Martlti and husband to CV Mar tin , lot 4 , block II. 13 V Smith's add. . 1 nKKns. Master In chancery to C W "are. trustee , w W fiet of north 130 feet lot 7. block 5 , Orchard Hill 4,000 J J Ilynii. guardian , lo Annlo Corrlgan , lots 4. 5 and C , block 19 , Kfntt tul-JI- tlon to Uorrlgan 1' lice ; lot 1 , block 12 , lot 14 , block C , forrlgan Place ; lot 8 , block 23. First addition to Corrlgan Plane C85 BhL-rllf to O K Kiiigman , w'/j lot 7 , block S. LOWC'H K.rst aldltlon 305 Same to H A Chesley , lots 4 , D and C , block 3. West Curnlng addition 1.G70 Sheriff to Omaha Savings Hunk , a tract In s < ; inw',4 27-15-13 2,200 Sumo to same , lots 3 and 4 , block 1C , Highland Place , 2OM Total amount of trnnufera JZl.bOO JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Tcleplione 1030. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN ; PROVISIONS ; AND : STOCKS I HOARD 0V TRAUIC. Direct wire * to Cldcuo and New fork.