THE OMAHA DAILY BEE" : SATURDAY , AUGUST 21. 1807. MINERS ON THE ACCRtSSlTE of ( hjxsisd YYHl 8 HELD LS ST. LOUIS AUGUST 30 At that Onthfrlnr Rffnrt * Will Be 1 Brine AHoat General Strlkr Call ( or the COI.CMBC3 , O. Act. M Th titiocal tfter havt s for the vMfereftt * f wrraateeii Ulr t * b- SC Lw * A ? K 3 * . Tfce ioari re- k * prn * * ! af lit tort J r a mrfrM > ce Ifl ar trae the wage dfcrni' * * that diJtrtet , tiabaiai ; tfeat t eSs a s vn M bYj firla ] to tbt literati ofb ntefrs at larre T > e boiri tt rcaiy ts * * * * erert r = tor Jtx irfcttr t0e f tiw i-tmtf of tJxireat ttrvke tniy wh-M ti.c ifrfi-otft toot fr all the .a ' * romi-tltUTt iutricti lii Oh l 4taaa. HltaoH. West Vtrci ia aad PtiaiylraaU. Tke bo-ird hjsj a * 4 4 r t M d > t.aie frcsi th dr = rfe < 4 Jlw-y aitil tie rf - - ] - vt tb * St. Lovte c ferM > ce Is fcaews. T ? atdt lve w rk Is lie Sri * win t < cja : &e4 tot tb roru I * ; sreai tie ttrfke kEh * W t Vtrcirta district wtli &e re- jsew-d The * * or Jai1 * < * e af the * trtke hacet pos UK rtolt of tke r ferea < titt < i' fr waite ba ettei < 4 ty Sa M C xf * . pr irf it of tit American Federa- s c f Labor , aid J R. Swverriss , praral ca- wnrkmac of tie Katchts rf Lib r Tt tcaSattla tiat tbe Spfet aw b1 5 BiE'4 by ti * jB-.8r te onof romaoE ta- tct 1 ersariw-a labor timcbvBt tie < 3irTT At tie St. LemU tacit react all la'-O' crjraaiiAftooi wi. , > e at Mi te } ela U- - - w h tfceB > er Tb failure t secure a r- fralar * 9t * ia West Virjlaia tas F * tUy iaterffrri with t > f jiTttsftftt M eoc- t f * tf th * eatl poppllej froa tiat aaiS the itlafd i itrtcts J > rcwiag tie .imattd t rra-l TT > c ly h i > - - of cattlag o th ! * e - , y api-e rs to lie ' tie rtfoi.l of ec- pixs3 UNH lie ordinary ciaart * cf t-r'E fs& bn laeM to retttw to ka 4e r u * 'i wl. If th * < rtsS ct f U citf-f Be it icavnflisltd th * ttrtke fc tft-sifA to nearly every branch of ts country. PaUw Bg is th * ctll for tht C ' 3C * THE CALL. Torsrmnlirf labor. It ? various divi'lons a -tr:3-rt5ston . a 4 to an ref rra. c-ct * - " . a"os 3 aad eiotifibJ * s , wbo c n- de - rivera = jnt by te < at ctHm. aad ts * i-v tf tore * to o fri * tae p-opl * and < 3- p- . * beta T their rleits as Arseri-cta cltl- n - - = cd- for Kv n"races , A cri l la th a" , - of U e satiae has JirriTed IDsiift ti oart tip people nn t dtenalae whth * IF mia accejit 3 rosi'eat to live -osaeT t rulef an cttcarchy of wealtx t > v r toe lastinttians of fr * * poverniaeiit tt - sbl. of frf-t jp ch aad iwaceabie p b. i ae bl g < r fcre to to * ? re > erv d. pTf t * rv.5l * fca ? assum-ed a eontesi f -a- - % t prerrition of cavil lft > eriy aaJ con- frT r-iooa ] rtrin * . Th" aa-J ua- tr = r-c a injunctions of th < federal aod ! at < < ts ar * revotuuoaary , aj aiast th * firs' isr 4ps ! of fre s ? vraiaat aad ii ro-a- tcijlo tie inareni riph of the tb * p b51c pa aad < ! - rfru aad Individual Hbrtii cf 'i * poamoa peopte. TonTts > have 4 * crat * 3 the i m l * oi i * - ( e. aad sew ta d for the defiant bcl- rk of f < rdr t l capital Titir arbl- TTJrulincs have s t up one stasSard ol rx ts for tie n.-h anJ anolbr far the poor TV" ? dcr * * that capital i al-smys ncht. as labor is alwuys wrens They have made U for jitarriap worklnc people to sp- r-aanicaj treataient. preseni or propose Ju = t srxi p irabl t rm for the r\lre a of in ifferali ! * wrcn ? Ti < present inrat minrs * strtV-1 is an exp - pioB of dl iooatest tbat oriKinated ia pov T y aad starvation. It was born la ti * per r w a.a4 < 3 * titutJoa of huncry wor a asc ft .lrea ; Itwa * the U. t protest of inirx > v- * .sbfd and ejisiavfd labor acd it p-e enti t tae wo-11 a caw ? " a * richteocs axd ha- r as * as wr larpinrf th * ? ffal ol a Chri * t an p-p3 * Tie poHnnthropK hart if til- pi eat catloa has rrspoad-d ia sjapathj uitb th * mazers' app U for tieri tt to re- cejve a re-speCtsbJ * linnc- for the njo t arc - c sous a&d haiar * a la.b- in th * world Their apj sJ for a rmall share of the wealti tijcreate and for tie r-.giu ta enjoy tii Iru ts of advaacrd civtisatioa fini * a re sponsive ciwrd everrwhere In th * com 3r anaHty of niantind. aa3 if tt were a strut ; K-f between miaer ? aad nsiae operators only 1 Krtjwoold triuiapa over c ? > 3 > r * too , in . "rj ov r prewd an-d ricnt over wror : : w rhoat th necessity of t1 ? call. Xat it l c jhiac bet a tnr * sirs r ! * b * twe-J employe aad ejaployer. Tic jadsciar ; > a * * _ . utaJ the lad < .Ic5lbl claim * of tti operatorf and the trac * is brwea ty raank-al mr : aad th wbol * peep e. Ta < coa-ts alUaimz'h under oath to s-erve thi n-i aa4 paor allie have volmatere-d to d * ie = l ih * sordid lrt rest cf th * rteii ij a a ac lie God-eiven nshts of th * poor T. DOW tarsatea to tarn tb * patlicg K = H : aJ the nrtadieyteri of criminal ? and taas1 : al } wio < ire to protfes-t against ih < r-rtrainia criers. The Jaix-larj projtjtuted to th * bHMicg ef oppresivi cipi al , has pacd tie ng-its of prcprtj 1C. ti * nctets of rrsoa aad has dicriia against the many ia ti * interest o ; Taat Sin'1' ' aalaer shoalj be t Ives of drais r aaJ * tarvaU < M ! by th < a'-b rarr ruiops of th * cocrti is an Jasa ! to a b atSeat rreator. an octraire cpon fre- , porra * t aad a * 5tmc * to ti * Ctrstiaj civiliitiaa ua-J-er witciwe Bve. The re cst injeacilor.s aad U > rtr extres : * appUca t-ja * p ! at tie Uwfai rijrit.of ti * rr tv arr K aod iaoaroeraUoa of fcuodrtsii o Irfa1. . looffen. iT * p-opl * . th * cea ral ens r ytnat of armd tkvs to overawe , harms ar J i-ore * ti * ataer" , iav ? so * ia.-prate > : the p-opJ * la tocafiti * * wher * applied tha we feel tilt - e can BO loajer b * rerpoastbli for < he puiCic pe oe. And to ti * * d tiat a Just aad equitalM wtlm = t of ti * dlfftrncs twtween ena- ployrs and * tapteya may be * Setei. ti-s p atv th * Bb-rty of ti * rae * . th < IsnJrtnJons of tre * rcver = mnt prt- and th * ooarts es'opp-J from thj * perversions ol conns t : lo.-w risfct * we appeal to tiat h'sfe < r. racr < huajas * and patriotic cecrt ti * Krt plaii P * < 'ple trfeo So tiises of trtMjb * * hv ? alwav- prs > veo tb * jen arbiter * of < HfTrencli - f rn dtvrsiJid ln * ret * and cootrmiir cJer&rzt ia tb * cDVt-njnw'Bt of baraaz so. < Hty We apt il 10 ti * liberty lovi-s' * - p. * iJ iki * crJit catton ta j x i aocr 3 ' * j-at : * to ? tIA > US. ila. . where a f irifstiocKUI b * farW Mcaiay. August I- ' To * object of thb ooav atiaaaft r t W to mly pro < * * t a aia t ti * ufur- p - n ami tyraacy at th * < xmm. bat t : f rrrulate pat ! ta < x > mttl a return to UM p " Ipl * * of fr * * rove-rnms-Bt a-oJ pot salti pliu laio wvrtiol x-rmiioa. O r t tftf iasoffrd all th * evils t t re jrr T W * sd w * ar * g-iven th- Jiemativ * ot Kiimiittls : to tie of tie cotiru a 4 cuJJ } * eraU to rc ra to Uw bevels of h. rts cf AHM-rttans to C3ri-i r oor * > J reader a rerdiet ia arconteac * win f * Just < -jou ot fuffertac homcaity W ttr ? < h s tte lMt r a * * will ic pt tb * rik-t with tk t of D n VTCHFORD. Prettfcfc-at. J Ii KENKEDT. J \VESM CAHr * N. 11KNRV U STEPHEX3ON. PA.TJUCK DOC.VX. W B. PA.KMS. FI.EO DIU7HKR , ilMnUr * itcut V Board. Ualt J MteVarltr : * t Aatcrica. Ttit eajl kit beta * a4Mt 4 by C.vjttt , pr c4t ; ti * As rteac tiio of Later , aad J. R. Sarcneifa. rft .ii. KjUfkti ol UKJ tTHt GtItIJIM ; THK MIVBRS I'natilia l WrB Mevr on the 3Ion- \T. Ya , A s. 2 . The be seising a Uui * ea tie Nwfa& t VMUFH nilfMi. S t ii mUI take raji work Vktrt ta wake ap tot th * Iftitm oZft * > i at FaaibMU an-J ia tt < X rirw g tl mca vk went iack U ca&zux. E5 * ic a&c dtmettac W ti * jiusa. att tie iMtox rva rut ter co 4sr k = d liaiie M te takes CUxfcfctear brf w J li rT aial * a sore 3k9C subr.Me i by of rtaten asJ le-JeraJ w rkr IT IB mwn ta Jsta tlb "trtt * Is hrefcrl ? Vr > rt : Vabwr feiJrrs at tie latt pifp * * i a ycaftcal a4B6i > w rfMrat. . It B aa&a&rfj toiay tiat ti * aatloeU U > * r J * Jr at ih-elr ni * t3 ? bre t * Jaly. UM tie itro J K-k far a rattaaal r 41tleal t acattit Jtjmfrrtloft * Ii labor aad tiat It * > < fnt late ot rate - te ntil fairi cwccTf-Hlotil rteettaes. AB r * < Mte that The emtru i v bo t ti * ckM wrap e of the a tfttof * U th * MI.AKRS TO 5CK THK ItKTtirr. trUr Will n < - ort to fhe IJITT to flet Kv * . Aic. 2 * It M "ported ti * * trtkr * t4ay tiat fait was ta tie raais t = rs a and PUtle Th * striker * c * tMtd tiat i * tic aviiar&x ia rioites tie to tiea a&d that the matter will b * IE tie < rtA. Wba told at the repon * o ! lit isft di * yci "et' ' tto . tie * kert saJ a * ciaac * vg M be * e la iii aetiod * ivr a Tew days. Tie nnsft at ti * te a day cr t o n tie striker * tav * fxw * t * their beeex At fcrseat b * 1 ia * Biaety 4rp : > an d Bty at ti * ai es- | Ticee wQi i * kept tiere tratH ie a ted eopt of caialUsias tbe depBtte * p to thti | Attorney Kaafaaaa. reprsserttas tie X I Tori Jfc C" ! vrtaaJ eoTapiiT. f ys tfce < peas * * atvtoyter ti * tt a i that tie wrat-r of ewtn wiU be ' rtcidlr tut at oner. If th * campers to I Jeav * iir. I > * Araiitt31 petinom tie o | ta i. e * attaciaeats for coatemptTb < tit * i f. iowTr. iac * * aid tiat ie will * 6" itftrtre with th * camp. i t wffl so ? per- Bit ti * rtrikrs es 'i * ilciways. Fortyvea coal rotaj-aalrs 6f the Pttts- bwrg imnet iave * icad tie aatforaitf acra * at. Elevn otiier b 5 coarraj iav to atc u aad tieir aam < * wji i to ti * list a * w * tie director- f ti * varww Nwapiatt * a < * aad fs h th * formality of Isstractiaj tieir heads , th * prwtlente s is by a riacse of th * anlfomolty OUTWIT THE OEPCTJSS. This taonaing tie * trlkinc mlnen * a- caaped at Tartl * Crtek sta * a mirth on tb * sierttrs dpati gnirdfirc tit Oak Hill oioe. "While the depet n were waiting fe : tie detachment of campers tn appear on ti roiij leaaiac to the mines ani wooderlaj wiy they did cot coca * , the striktr * wen roikiag a Icog detoar ea u to approach tie Spaeth of ti * pit frosj tie other Me and they ncceedei ia remap there withoist be- tac eVerved. Thtir zrT&uioeens start- lic to the few iaea who war * rfady to ? o ta ork and tie depaties were hurriedly sen ! farTiil * they were rrnnt-g th * striken ! toW tb * awe thai tiere wocld be a coacer ! in tieir cirap toeich : an2 invited them : attend. "VTien a pass * of deputies rfim- aujided by Depciy iheriT David Haznj appeared , a "ropy of tie injczcticn was rcaJ to J in Lanre. the leader of the striker * , acd they lft th-e plir * Anothr party a ! strikers w * t to Mocroeville. tot so far a they cocld Iraro no cew mea were take : : Into the estnsres thr * Th * trikir eipresi tie bellf that one ol the min s t b * operated by th * mia * own ers In tiKir eCort te break the strike wffl b * tie Phirc Creek mine and that tie min ers now at work at Oak Hill and San'j Creek will he taken to Plum Crek and th < other two mines clta-ed down. 3y central- mac their force * the company woold havi ISl men. which weald b * eno'cri to operas the Pltrm Creek mine 1 = full To oSs t thi ! mev * tie strikers will > into camp al Pi-am Creek. Edwarrf McKay , who is ii chair * ef the camper at Tortl * Crk. sak today that the minrrs cad no fear of libo : beiag Imported. It wt ia b * too eipeisivi and would benefit ti * strikers more ? r th * operatc-r * . as many miifs cow workinj wonld s = ry close down. Everything was nitt abost PIcm Crl ta aomias. Tie strikers followt-3 enl th * prccrasi ostlined by Captain Belllns- haai and sect cot mea singly and In pata to patrol the roads. The deputies did aw interfere witi them. In spite of the injunc tion tie strikers iy thy hive made thlrtj cecvens by roine to tte houses of the min ers and talking tie * trik * over In a frieadlj way. Secretary Warner wju at camp last nigh ; aad notifed the miners that any man evicted from the company hocses for sink ing wecld be provided for wUi eamfortibl < ho es. food ind clothing Tse coal operatcrs are waiting for a replj from National President Ratcnford to thefc telegram atiini ; for a conference for th < purpciof settling ti * strike Sy arbitration At J o clock no word had been received fro = Mr. RatehfanS. Th * operators say they wil wait ontil Monday , aid that the conference if held , mast be far wesi-frn Pennsylvani ; ani not for th * other states. If no replj is received an3 the miners' of5cials refcsi 10 meet with tie operators new men win h Imported and preparations made to * tirt thi mines at oace. This afternoon the operators met to hen the report of th * commission appoint * . ! t < seieci the m s * to be started wiih aw men. At ti ! Chanaoci mines on tte MooccjaheJ nver. many miaera have been evicted fro : : n * compsny hocs * end others have bee : served with notice to varet * at once. Th Jtmilles are in destitate cJrccmiiaae * * an. are being fM by th * resi-ieats of C afornl and oiaer towns aiosg the river. OPERATORS IssrE A STATE3IE.VT Formnlatr- Cn e as the Mattel Appar to Them. PrTTSBURG. Acg. ± 9. Th * coal operaton ia their meeting tonight , after waiting tt vaia for aa answer from President Hatch ford to their telesnm asking for a caafer ? ne - here to arbitrate the strike qa tjos isssed th * foUo ing statement to the pobtii shonly tfter = iinl ht : Reserved. That a ootataitte * b antior Iri la caj * tie raln-er9' leaders agree u > Tifer and no satirfartcry basis can b. uETd upon in said coafe-race. to propss , tiat thr matter In dispute between thi miaers asd op-ratnrs of th * Pittsbcrs dl trict b * cctunilted to arbitration provide ? ti * miners are put to trork at onp nj iar th * decifioa of said board of arbitration Ti * operators have exhausted every effor to make asicabie sttln < * at. bet thi miners refua-e rfther to s&et in eosferecc. or artitrat * . The posSUon taken by Mr Ilat-bford octagons cn-at snrpri e to th op r tora. H * InjLo ia briafins Ia al * nj titv * rtat - < win h * kacw ti * oper ate la othr stairs under tie eir omstanc * : will &ot attegd a. } oict conference. 1 : making this demand Mr Ratciford is s * k las to delay a setifcntBt la ti * faop tia : b * may bricg to his aid all the labor onran iutie of the eiraciry aad JLasuro * sui r otitical iaduesce as will fngbtrn the poll ticteas into iatttia upon a - > nemnt o tie sinknjtbcut recarj to ti menu c , ti * case Mr Ratciford Is ust&s th * Pittsbar ) aUa r ts a eaUpw to = cratci polHica h-estaaia * C ti idi * coal uapled IB tix dmriet. H kaovs vtrj" wcU tiat dr-Lij ip f ttlorfit vill depr\e PUubur ? raicer. et ti < krk. irMci win b * doae duriaz tbi TUJI < T by aiB rs of Oaio. ladiaaa. Il'laoi aad Ia a resions. Jtr Ratchford mush ar mas * a co&fereoce at oace for SfiUir.n or arbitratijo of ti troubles ia tie PlTt bone coal district or i zaott fund i > --ti cf livcaiiwtrcr and lasiiu-ritr PTjbiu opiniofs will cvrtaialy iold htm r < rspoc ibl , fir tie destitQ'.toa which nsuet ln < vit W ; pre-raU is ti * district durioj ih * comia ; wiottr. AZCARRACA ACCEPTS OFFICE TiVes ti * Ptsitioa } l * & V aat bj ti-s ftf DlZCTlX. SPAIN'S COXSESYA'm'E CAE 1 T UNTS TTlll Contlnnp the Cnnra Alone It * llnln 1.1 nr , Rrmn J'lrra hot Prlcndli Tnnnrd the InltrJ t lr * . Te--era wtth tfce ( jw a at PiUf * Mtrarara today he Ut4 that tie ij c reseat h i < irai.j fct. twven dtJirtteiy as yrtae lai - MC ait * tbe prwtrs ef all fell < l ecaw. It is a4mo4 tire t We wS ! ito < r Ibt Bate af t > e prticy oi tW lat * prearter &t V e asd is tfre W t laJVes. an-J wfl ] de Its be i to cbtau tt * * f > fiart a ( all grtraf of Ike owH-arvatrre party. with a ! 4tttactteTw ! ( Jatee of TMiun oatwraHy rtal i UM port et minuter at foreiga iZitrj. o ly fcean e { att th * awa > * * r { tie c Wat b * w Ve t * c- qaa.lct i with svery e < ail of rJt n ? oUa- tloc with the Vr.Hr4 States a 4 H a < oaiar < 3 w h thi * > * * 4 1 piaas ot hj late ciW Ja ' tb * nutter. Oearal Arrraca a * M . tl e retas of coveran > eat wtth a ett itr-Kk * sins- yOdtr aad a 4terateti to 4 bt < hity by fats s Tere4ira aad caactry OrtaiaSy t aecv rwt eftaJile er rwpwrted aaa oooW fee foaal. Jo th * ortetoo ; t&e taafority of iis frilaw eoontrr = s 'E. for th ? ar < le i < ! tl s ihfid I am able to * ty that General Ai- rarrara has -so ill feeJlag t - tri Aa KK * . aarirc always even bf-n eo fri < a y ia J coETteoas tens * with 'Minister Taylor and is aa enlightened rSrer ! Geatril Aicarraca In hi two tone later- i fiewa with ih < > < rn a regeot ycstfiay aaJ today , discussed at lenjth th * < jaeiloo of relations ttweo the UnlSed State * and Spain , on arcount c.f th * fsrt orpraachlns iTTival of General Woedfsri woa It will be- c-case inevltaMe for : he ae governmeat rs Vet Use naUcn kn-w tae wh 4 * trath In r- rard to the * ? relations , and the pcrport of frpaeral STcodfsrJ's taKractxsoi. ThV < bis V-en th * prladpal aspect of th 1 prweat crisis dkccsed by the < raea aad , \icarraga. aad. ladeeJ. Is th fMtsre of th- i -rlsls which causes th * grave ni ty to all Spanish statesmen and censrala raaci J they wwd Hke to pieaJFe th * aeea by letting thiazs tWs daring her holdings at San terred whether Ii woo'.d b * wls ? to rntrast b'tteriy divided coaervatlv * party witi a > mVisn rrairtcc prestige and authority for ' Uj sesifaT "fulfillment on one band to tJ'-wver * IB th * task of crashing the coSosial i tos-arrectioss aad o = the other ta show a boU ' attitude tmrJ : tie United States , with a 1 view of erpMllne ; ta every pessibJ * taeaas to J rt = t = t f ortien teter'e'eace in CejaTh * ' minister of war declared hi = sif ready to I aAcMixse refporaibnities of the * S . U " tie < jBn caile-i apoa ii * patriotism and Soy- jalry. * nd stated he had reived froc : Mar- | sba ! BJnro Campo * . Lcpfi aad Daaiaisrots j cTars cf hfartv scppart aa-1 from Sa sita a j prsmise of frisndly neutrality , ad felt caa- Sieat all caa ervat2ves and * va tie anti- dynastli parties , like th * Carlists nd re- pobfitans , to a Fwocld . c& ist ti * croa and cabinet in facing the complications In tie cotoalesI mo t say raany Spaniards .ociaHy in incnilal circle" would bave pre ferred a liberal cabinet as a awe Vocical faJnticn. ARTHUR E. HOCGHTOX. AAGIOLILLO DIES CAREPEXTEVT. i to the Ln t to R-eel- Any lrlldon Co - nlstlon. VERGARA , Acs19. . ( Via Bavonne , Ang. 5fXew ) York World Cablccram Special Telcram At 11 o'clock the military Judge. secretary and other omcial-s of the prison , and Lieutenant Garrii , who had defended Xngioinis In both courts , entered tie cell and announced to him his hour had cata * He calmly rose from his bed , reeked quietly at them and siuEed along zs fast is th * manacles on his legs permitted , to the hall where the sentence was read aload. Asg'.ol- lio. with eye-glasses on ncse. was then told he must go to the chapel , where the priests would be reidy to administer to him his counsel , again earnestly entreat him to re pent and accept religious consolaticn. con fess his accomplices and make ha pace with the chcrch. Angiolfllo bstened with a acraare smil * . and raised his head deSsntly. saying "Please let me die unmolested. I wish not to go to church. I am a free thinker I will have none of yoor priests , who have wearied me for days czceasingly I beg to b allowed to die tme to ray Ideas. " The oScers were greatly perplexed , u they coald not easily infringe the rales. j they remonstrated with the convict , and 1 asked lira to sit In the chapel witi tie ' ! priests. He again refused to move. Half I an hoar passed witiout the prisoner's fiinrh- ins. and he rcfatedly declared fee was pre pared to die. bnt not repent , and no-thin ? wonld shake his resolve. Vereara a horri fied by AngiolOlos calloas conduct. The execution occurred it 11 o'clock this njoraia ? . As eiecntioner from Bourses performed th * garroting COTA > TI > OPLE BOMB THROUTVG. Further Ontbrrnk * ArrFli.prote.1 and the Pollcr 4r - atrbful. COXST.O.TINOPLE. Acs It cow ap pear , that Wednesday wes selected for th expkaioa of bombs 12 thi city b aiiie th Turlcsa cabinet had t en announced to me * : that < ! sy it the c ce of the grand vUier The- Turkish claU for * omUme past have ap eaeaJed dinsrr Immediately after th- | exsicslons. can = s of Mnsteans crowded tlw streets , ready for mischief , bet the police ' promptly ordtred them to p > back to thejs i h n5. and erea arre te-l tom * of thea 1 Presh oatbreala are apprehended. po iSrfj 1 on the carivenary of the attack en tfee Otta- niaa hank. Acgutt IS. or i the aaciversa.-j ! of the saccesrion of Abdul Hamld II to th ; * throce. Angast 31. on which day in 1SSS. ht , succeeded bis elder brother , Saltaa M = rad V , who was deposed. ' The British and Italian gmrdship * Lav i l f : their csuil aachonre ana have ctertc tae hirhor. ' Anotbrr Ej | > Io ian at Con lntlr.opl- . CO.VSTAKTINOPLS. Aag M. Tnere wi aj * tir exptosioo aere yectrriiay. It occurred 9C a hill behind tae * abor\j \ ol Bnyakdtr ? , aa is believed ta hare been cashed by a bomh Tbere wes no loss o ? life aad nobody vac ia- jnred. bet * -Terel AnaBin were ar'iate aad the police ciptareJ dociacts which ar * tjid ta be of cs laer.a sitingaatare. . j . j Plrnlr * Loot n hlp. 1 VALETTA , Iilaod of MiJta , Aug. W Is- feraatioc has Je t beea received b re to lb < eStcl tsat the ItalUn bark , Fidneia. CapuiE Ruet b. froej PiscocsiU. Jua i. for Mar- stUIeJ. wag cpoteo ac Aarav. 15 , la Utitadt . W. 4. and reported havis ; txa twar-i d oc pt a&s harea't aav tone ia iht-y stfm to W pat whether just for show tt Isn't > o with the world-famous KimbaU it's a Ix-jury to luok at for tbe Sai i i > tie ant it's a pI Hre 10 K a tt fur Uw loocfa U c li-iK and delicate white the loae U saft and sweet bat an * a ? tb * zmti fetmris ot the Kimball ( < i > Bo is the suanuttre that ? witb each aa * a factory rtunatee aad o r own ? a&nistfe aaother importast hem is the price and Lor t nus w aake if VOB wUI COM ia aad look at the Kim- boll wvll tell y a ail about it thaa if y doa't twy ii wQi be b eam e y a don't want a piano. A. HOSPE. lid ilU 1513 Douslas. IS > * * # > * f Cp Baba. > T fwnr- ifo tS * ' - * MB i : rii ee i TSTHATH ill tie -tetimc of * -r , tmt tfct n to 5oltan Krar nn uO thrr k of the it H * - tkti tVImhcf l OltMaia teck 5 > i to rrrorM * nlAMW" ) TarVVfc aa a > of tht.OrerV iadvaatty tea a * uc ; at pre eathi ? tiw tcte-rrretioa of Ckffltts capitalist ? , tat U re it JM aavrx&re tia ! Vay arraacvnevt & - R > :1 * tl * saltis. It to tceet > BT of t3 e pr * ea : i Mt als acj siiie jay \anu- } Vy tk * rwyclac re. tirtr jtfereamtt at the easteaHated rrstara- t * a . ' Tfc * ay Atf i ! O er l D * cf i break us ! > * .teadlwk , eanied by 9 refaal ? j p > a eat to Larl a tad Vote aH a ! feuta4iBaU of tie la- IT kave ' \OT o General Rlonrt MaWInc Procre * * on thr Intllnn Frontier. SIMLA. AacO * raJ Bksrf. ti ceoa- r f tke Brititk fftr j aperattee asraiMt reo : tribw OB Ow 'rwiir. has GaUcal. wih t ow JUoe. Hee - -.bat rlUsre t ! kire bree found de- * rtrt. aa4 add * thai tl Al.-fcii rUI = U ei- aiwerjtei , auJdlag twt thy kare soi taft Taimk. _ CALCCTT.V , ASc. The oSfUl Ga Hte tomorrow wm p bibi a aodf.ii'jor. re th e"ect that tfc * Tarkfeli = ew4-vtpr * Sabah aaj Milo MtaJ win hereafttr b * from carraidtioe ia InJU No Intrntlnc f Kroprnlnc Mlnt . LONDON. Aac The Pall Mall Ga- rette thi afternoon S.STI Tier * never es- iitei tfre le.u rei c for sspfwvias that th * British poveraraeot oCSciaU roetem- pJit-ri rrope tnc the ladtaa asicts. U thiBkj. however , that the i-shlllinr piece aa < l tie silver dallar airf wheat are re spectively tewer and higher thaa they shouki leriUmateiy be Armenian Annrcil l Arre trd. CONSTANTIXOPLK. An ? . Aa ace 6iy . Six Arm ciaa acarcblfts , who p rr r tei rriraiaal sleaj s ye er3y. were arr stt i aad irHl re tve trial. They Till receive exemplary rcahimeat. Cabinet Mrtn rr Majnc lcn. MADRID. Aosr. it It rumcrfi that sev eral members of the cabinet will reside wan the qneen rsjreat aad the cocrt rstam fraa Saa Seba iiac I.ecr n rot. en In nn Vrrl.lent. H. F5tr-erald. a mu'jciaa at Fort Crook. while yesterday n-ear Eleventh and Howard streets , was thrown to the pave ment bj" th o\vramms of the ric and his Iff : lei ? broken To aoriieat is said to be da * to th * car ! e hand Insr of a stream of water us * J by the street cleaalac pans. The wat r wa * thrown sudjeniy beatath the hor-e and in its fnsh : tie vehicle was test - stFStrcerali was re = 3Ted to the Presiy- ArcoH't Brnmo Onery cure aeadacbe * . 4 , 5 and M ) een > a. All LOCAL Hayien's cr taHilas 03 D'rfge. S Six teenth sireet , is an-ier root. The hish board 'feice about the new poet- omce buildiag disappeared yesttrday. So ze time Thnr day afternoon an unknown person cnlocked tie doer of the rocni of Lena Saltrman at 1SO Socth Sixteenth street acd stole Ji la aioaey- B , Feldea , S reatE-enti and "Webster A waiermelca social will b gives by Lntier lesgus cf the Grace Lntieran ci'jrci Thursday eveaing Au t iS. at the honia of MIES Cordelia. Gibscn. SIS Souti Twenty-fifth etrcet. ' The igniuoc of gasoline caused a email blare in the resJd c of Aaron Ferer. US Soath Tenth street , yesterday morning The ire did little more damage than to bcra a. hcle in the will of the building. Funeral services over the remains of Percy Starr , the 5-year-oUi son cf Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Siarr. were held from the family res- disce o = Madisoa aveaoe yesterday after noon. Interment was at Forest Lawn. The cromns at Seventeecth and Famam streets ls being raised in order that here after tie storm water pa&siag down the t orth side cf Famim , will b * thrown Into the sutter instead of 6pee-ii = g over tie sidesrilk in front of ta * New Vcvrk Life buCdtng. Tne Alaska. Gold Miniag company U the name of a company Just formed in Omaha The artictes sf inaarporatioQ have beea filed with the county clerk. Tae capital stock iJ Sxed at J5W.6CO and the incorporate are Jiff W. Bedford. G. M. Winklemaa. H. C Pieulell. Willani Loudoa and Georga N Hicks streets , who was arrested several days ago for beating his daughter , was discharged in police coort yesterday after trial. The provocation was brought by the neighbors who heard the birl screaming in the house and afserward noticed her Seeing from the place. Tsere was no evidence to 4hoa- that th * clrl had been Injured , she herself tes- Ufyizg to the contrary The park commissioners are making some extensive Improvements oa th ? north boule vard. Tne street has been resided and lev eled and the nrcch pac are being Improved with a layer of earth , covered with cinders. Comptroller Westbtrs left yesterday to spend a week or ten days JUshirg * nd hmtlag sear Piedmont Wyo. He will lecoapany a party of hit friends from Salt Lake City. Misis Mara : * Ttrier. clerk In the ofiM of secretary Gillaa of the Board of Ed action. returned Thursday from a thert vacation at Sifter's Lake , Miei. FIGHT BETWEEN THE BOSSES gU fer Vke PICKLES OSltCTS TO WTTSJOGrS CHOiCI B Prt > tr tm ln t the t of * Conn l lon tn Tlltnttnn the rw Prv tmjt trr l A c. I- Me * ! * * * f Dafcata i > auVter a ftxh ! aea ast Unite ? a t tfc * la e ap ? i at ( J * tT * > nx. S. D a jv < # * < jrtot < T < ] > Mfla. cc e4 by twenty e t ! twrciy-tw tufsAtft K lb * e M < y IB whfca It alcrd ! that the t w j tb * restilt of a . .ltl N-twe a vd j re .t r 1 uleT Eal * . , by wM < * tk * frasr ts l b * rtfUt S r fav r < 05 * Hah" whfl * terrtag a * eawiKy nrf PJfkler * baeVtag an e > M * eMtor Onver wh > < MTS , te ectttle-i to See o arraast f party s rvlc ? TJe wfll protebiy Kf * ttl4 the r t ra af Pimrth Ar * u t rastawMer Gnveral Brlv taic. w Is now away co b vaothw It is andr < . iyxl that Chairman Klttrllte V It 1 saH today that OS appVntnseat of United St t * surahal for ? < mti Dakota will be 3M4 * nrtil th * president r torn to Ws h- Inrtsc Caalraua KittrUe * hs had evral laiervlswi with Attorney Gar l MrKenas , at wWca he urged tie ijp ln'Tnest of Ed ward Kaady of Eureka Ei-CortcrA aus Fickl r has al o iad several Interviews w"h th * attorney caeral la Vb-slf af hi friead. H G Chaniberlaia af Fialktaa * * -Cer.eres- raan Gamble i-J barkiac Ellerman of Yaak- uc. aad it i uaderstol tiat Secretary El liott of ti * state d 1ttee ai o has a csa- dlJa' * The ficht btwa tie varbwis can didates aad thMr frtead rrotni es to be la- tfrp'tlae The terra of the prefect Iscutn- bent expires ro-aorrow. and f l prabibl * that all partle- will keep ptwcdiog away aa- tll an appalataint 1 < mad * . CATTLEMEN"S C SE PBXtHNO. Isdiaa Inspector McLaagMia today preen - $ en * d ta Actins Secretary Ryan of the In terior department * report oc hj investUa- tion of th ? trespassing of cattl * belcncfes to the Cattlemen's aswiatre-a alcnc th * north ern border of tha great Shrax rfervatten te Sacth D ko-a Cifl aHege-1 to be tr-spv- irg were sliil and hld by ti * IcdUns nntil the trsJpa&s charge of fl pr h i3 wa paid Salt wis also entered to recover tie amc-int of the charges of J300 In the Cnlsed States cocrts. Efforts havbeea ma l by tt * cat tlemen to hav * this Jtiit Tlthdrawa. and ar- ! cnment was madls week lo th * commis sioner of IndVsa aSilrs to havj hiai reasn- nifcd th withdrawal of thf * iraits. Inspector specter McLaczhlia who i ? familiar with the whole matter , was called uron to make a report.vhJch he ild today Both Inspector MaLanghlln and ? e-rtiry Ryan refused to make the report public , the latter saying that 1 It would be presf nted to Secretary Bliss upon i his return to Washington Xo action will b * taken on the petition to havs th * raits withdrawn until the secretary's return A postoStre has b n establish- Tnr- Kngtan. Otoe county Keb. with John T Weatherhoci ; as postmirer. SOUTH DAKOTA'S BANKS. An abstract of reports to the comptroller of carreccy of ths coadltion of the twenty- seven national banks tn South Dakota was msde public today. Tha principal items are i ? follows Loans and discounts. J.S3S.S2 , due from banks , national and state. > D.S71 reserve. J1.371.4 . of whl-h J XSIS was goJd : total resources. Jo S55 254. Liabilities Capital stock. due to banks , na tional and state $ * 12.620. surplus fuad aad uadividd proatz. J334.S3 < : deposits. S3.S2S- 1S1. The aveia ? * reserve held was S6.SS per cent. Acting Secretary of th ? Interior Ryan to day reversed the land office decision 'n the case of James J Knbal , frcni the Mitchell dctric * . Sooth Dakota. Kuaal'a amended entry for the land will beaccepted. . In the homestead contest of Joseph Brohan against Mary A. White from the Caamberlaia dis trict Uni ! oSce. the decision ia favcr of de fendant is aSmied. Rural free delivery service will be estab lished in conn ctico with th * pete ce a ! I Xew Providence. Hardis county , Ia. , on October - ' tober l , with three carriers. GRA.YT FAVOIl * TO lEXlCl.V SHIPS , to Vavlente British AVntert In Hrlli e Frc-e from Tnlln. WASHINGTON Aug. 3) ) The text of a new treaty between Great Britain and Mexico relatinz to the Mexican use of the waters of Bliiee. ths British colony of Central America , has been received here. It was concluded by Sir Henry Neville De ring aad Secor Mariseal on 'Atyrust 3. aad grants la prepetuity to the merchant vessels of Mexico absolute liberty of navigation of the waters of the British possessions ia that locality. It also sets forth the boundary be tween Yucatan aad Belizee. and to that ejrtent givs Mexico's adherence to the existing boundary. fi t tnmp Mnde In rnltcd ? In rn. WASHINGTON. Aug 29 The frovemme : ! of Pru has ordered its po tige stamps mad in the Uaited States. The arst order for 1.00.000 of 5-ceat stamps has b en given to the American Bank Note company , and anther for 2 WO ' > ) stamps or other de- nom naticnj will follow KrrI nffrt of DccllniIn Silver. WASHINGTON , Aug. X. Consul General Joseph G. Dudley , stationed at Neuva La redo , ta a communication to the Department of State , says thai aa a. result of the recent ? om- -zuarnDte- like biank papr uothins to them but teeth inserted by oer process of b-t < 5e work at our par lor * look -vrell flt well and wiar well N'o matter whether you yet briilse or crown work * t Sve Ajliars a twMli or a t of our brst tbia elastic plate twth at t < ? a doilar > you ? et a zuarantee tliat Isn't a blank ypars of dental ai4ld by ail the- modern kuowa to denti > try 2ive # us the s te coetidejKv in our own work our lady patrons will appreiHate ihe fact that tbey can always be sar * of a lady attendant here. BAILEY , THE DENTIST , 13 Year * a l Floor Paiijjn Oik. Knperlcnce. IGlh and Farnam. dad # ays if ley can it out mjanc- to keep < le fpjlen. from walkte' tlat be = esehe can fit out one apia' a feller ? mokla' way older ctettr b t fete "are c nt Stocktsr ci ar. " aaly de to- in dis m a 1 % fur yer own peed , bre U BO oW r ci-jnr r r mail-1- dat U as ? oed fur a niekle dm : is lots of tie ten ceat ctrars dat yo git ddt alu't BO belter aa * if yea want to are moner an at de A ue tia e fit lie bvni gaoke v r tuid , you woa't B * d BO into - to r.-tumii you of tie "av cent dtgar" all de dealers s ll it. 1404 DOUGLAS. , fall in tie f ft ftt Miter ihrrt h * Nf narked rt IB tb prtce of til e s rae Jites ia Mule * . TbU I * trae ttt dotoritlc prsvlTKtt , Reata r * landed la ti * m * f j rtHe ayi titrt ! a ba * for- rwpoadtac * draae * et.TUMI talari * * . Labor , he ttair * , lay aa It * Klrtr 5 > i l . CO Tntc.v n TO cotx cot.n. Rrqnrot * Tnltrd t l * Hint to Do the tVark. 1VJ.SHINCTON \ . 3 * Information ( owe * fnra Cmia FJea tiat the it * akd lie United States Miat cola WxVfM t 4o * . uo4r ti farmer S T- * raa * aC arw y ! * n -otaac * favorable to grdd tt > ! ! ! > t o * * k to ifturt cold iar * naeimt to cola aa idjftteaat 4.19 c lo > . The MOQ la * 4 traat IB 4 < ent The ratto it which lie Ccnla Rh-aa eolsarr ta aade l H to 1. a * b t"t i K H aad > ilrr Tie Baak of C&jta Rica Mid lt. * uw > iy f llvr bf re receat deellne * . and ta ! > M to iav * made c sl4rable prodt 'iereir C mml % > l n ( o Allot Imllnn tj nil . WASHINGTON. Aa . Ti * f < rile 1ni i ippotmct ( were anaoutKed * t tic hlt < j ! * t * 4ay . s.Teaa. Gri f KaMi * Oty. wtaartfcrtawr * t * I et Vtads la * * T ralty to th * litres o ( tie UaccBfkaghr * rv * rvain > a la ftah. \ < -TT for Ihr Army. WASHINGTON. Awtipe < * aJ T * f- Ltaitreaat Geerce R. far sfrrte * at ( N T SVataary aat MBHirr c * e = r L T of ahM r to Captain fre-art * F. . Plftf ith iaUntrj. bit -Seen Ncntont nt l.lbrrlj. WASHINGTON. AU ? ctsfn\ \ ias laforard GMicral U * * that tie * - < 3i J laiorRpci. CapUla G src # N fon. aa Aa * rl- Ma cttta a. has I > < * B ? l i-pj at liberty f < bavlac pr Bted hirosflf to tSi * eatamn ot First battaltaa at Caba. a * r Baraeou" WASHINGTON. AUR. ML Th f Eihin \ . HUc&rrck of Ml ir1 aa raia- istjr to Ra sla TTJIS laid * at it liwhite hoe -e toJrty The appotetasent iit fraia 10. h ritlin rtl-M PTVTI rt. N > b. Auc. M MSra Jenate Stewart , daughter of Jahs Stetrirt , a TealtSy larsaftf at tils city , aav ! Mr. Pardoa Sioi > iard. ta employe of th < B. & M. . were unUeJ la aiarrUse at tie cocatry rfaWtnce of the brkie's pireati WednosiUy erealaj by Rev Wikoa Dr-anv. A larg-e number ol trleads waj ia atteaJ- aace. OTrCMWA. Ii. . Au ? * fl ( Sp cUl Tele- trrici-J ilifa Flareac * Fultoa of this city , far several years precepre s of Epnorth semiaary. near Dab = qae Uaaa y terlay unlterS In marru e to Dr. W S. Le presUent of iCoratassUe collese at 6 City. They left Immediately for Stem which will be their home. HASTINGS. Neb. , Aus. M. < Speci l.- Mrs. R. W. Sn < * lgTa ad JJr W S. Preach were axirrieJ at S 30 lut alht at the hon of tie brWe's partsts. S73 North Llncola aveaae. 'Stnrrlace I.lcrn e . Penults to wed have beea issued to the folio-aria ? piTties by the cooaty Judge : Name and Residence. Ac * Harry PattlMjn , Omaha . ; i Hary Krenlc. Onsaha . : William H. Smith. East Omaha. Ia . a Ethel M. GreiElast Omaha , Ia . 25 PEIl > O.NU 1'ARAKUAPHs. S. II. llaatlell of New York Is at tie MH- Urd. Urd.Robert Robert Griebllas of .Milwaukee U at th MillarJ. C. E. Lowe lad * ife of Hyia = ! s are 1 : the city. D Selitrmaa of Toledo. OU stopping a : the Barker. H. W. Enderly of Geriag is reslstered a : tie Barker. C C. Gary of Kanese City Id res = * tered a : the Millard. Jerome Palmer of Louisville , Ky. , Is i Barker guest , J. H. Wheelhouse of St. Louis is a eaes ; at the MUlard. G. M. Ahrors is registered at tie Millan from New Orleans. C M. Rathburn of Atchlson. Kaa. . b stopping at the MUlard. W. D. Mars2eJ ! and wife of Colambu : ire stepping at tie Barker. James H. Collins and E. C. Haley oj Ch ! cao are stopplas at the Barker. H S. Thompson. D. B. Dodge aaJ Charles T Hasps are registered at the MUlard froi : O. H. MevU. a nerciaat al Broken Bow is -miter in Omaha , and a accompanist by Mr * Mevs. Judce A. 3L Peat ot Colsmb-i ? . ciemtwi of the Nebraska supreme court , was at tit MilLsrd yesterday. W R. Mclnnes. ceneral aent of th ( Canadian PaciSc's freight department , 5J I : town from Chicago. S. M. Goddard of the Misoonrt Paclac' : sonthera division was in the city yesterda ; en route to St. Paul. Mrs. E. B , GiCord sad Mrs. Charles Wh'eler and son of Pierre. S. D . are rcgi * tered at the BarVer H. H. Martla of Columbus. O . formerl ] maaager for the Columbus Buggy company in this city , is at the MUlard. Nebraskaaa at the hotels : E. A. Wnsht Wolbarh : A J Minor. NeUoa. Wllllani GUI dines. Wssner : C E. Hutchicsoa. Grant fcland : < Fred S. Hauler. Pawnee City ; E S South , Newman Grove. E. L. Carey. Baa croft. REVIEW OF WORLD'S CROPS OJrra Ont by ths Agncaltoad Dspattratat. POOR PROSPECT THROUGHOUT EUROfE Where TIMrt l Rood Onalltr of ! roorr n ill 1'rnlt Crop tntllitn Wheat > * ril * More Italn. WASHINGTON. Aa . : * . .Utters to th rtPrtm * t frvn yrlr t * tad > mreei n etrtn tie pre dict twos nt a eraurWeraS * * dJet ty la the EnrftptMa wbest erofi , will * rye , which ! tie fkip ! ir itl strata t eartera Europe U alto niort. Til * fact , a. * a eperial it fort cf StatMlrlaA Hyde t tie department aysw ai well as tie wheat deftetoacy. ttl t d to re- li * exportation af tae Ut'er frota Rnr * * an eeantriesi which usually a swrplws of that grate AA to aon- eonntrles other tian ti * Laited Stales , tielr apcrwrale enwtrttmtfcm to th Karrpean supply will b * > materially affected by tie fact tiat Ir > lla denaded by the fata- i . will iare praetleally tx wieat to ex pert Uaid States Coccral O'Connor al Yarmouth. Nova rotUu reports ( hat early crofM la the * tiKc lerit part of that prrl < w were asneh Injured by wvt weather dariag tie ftrit half of J ne. htch also prevented pfcaathn la * usual potato area. Ilwnw are a failure Appla * .a be a ort crop. Small fruit * liV sirawVrr'M , * re abwndunt , with -raA arrac ? Th iM berry crop fc imroeat * Un T5 ul rc- pwa from Ontario ho aa un'avcraHn chia e ! a tie fruit prospect with a prob able snail crop of ppl 5 In -a Oat - t MrJo tie trait cuthisjik ! better tH.t thera will be a pwor crap arouad Quebec orh-.e ia ' Manitoba the what area e\reed the re- ' daced acreag * of last year by pr ceat a d U 14 per rcat Kr ! er thaa the 1S3S acreage , uatil then tae yar of th * largest , EUROPEAN QRUN CROPS Gret Britain and Irelanl Rturoa froa every connty in Enslaad icd fr-ni naay dbtriets la Waks. Scotland and Irtlaad , publl h 4 by the \srieol : ral Gaift * July i St. hrficaSe th * wbMt crop wo M be eon d- ' erible. oats nd po a" e la a ls * drgrea i and barley only slightly below the avfrag * . i Hay wa larjrly. p considerably and i beacs * nmwhat above Barley hail suf fered aa BBfavorabl * change ta qual ty anj s yart of It will be anSt far IK.I ! ! ; . pur poses ta * returns , which make tt neany an avrarr crop , inutst ajiparrotiy be soaiewhat dl n ntdVhst harvest bfcaa 1esom of th * nwthera and outh cidlasd cauati a daring th week * ndd July 24. asd waa pro- grt slag favorably up to the * ad of th nienth but takiag the country as a uhole. the b lV f the cr p is harvested la August. The dilftTft : c ras were ripening cior oearly to < etii < r than UKial liac * CoEservative comB erv"lJil estl- matrs put the total wheat crop z < 3 loir aa lMvi ) CO * hectolitres , mikiii ; it about oae > seventh less thaa the hfvy crop of 1535. Reyorti up to aear th * end of July repro. seal that th * n father ua * uafavorable fop harve tiag. especially tn the north. So far aa the harvest fca * yet advanced th resulU ire said ta b * far from sati factory both aa to quantity and quality , aad do no ? tred ta encourage any expectation that the crop will * xce\l the lower . tin3ai < * s Germany As ofllcial report dated July 15. la which th * Beware " 1" denoteii superior. ; * " coed , aad "S" middling coaditioa pala winter nheat at * * . rye at 14 barley at ! 27. oats at 3 potatoes at IT and hay at " 2t Thus aoc * of the leading cereals ars ' rated "good ' According to a report from , - interfe-lns wl'Jx Hamburg raia was -adly harvretlng Birley was looking well , bnt th * w t Jreather menaced la quality Thu United States consul at Bremen reported la- dicatior that there would aot he more thaa half the usual apple , pear and plain cropa in northern Germany this year QUALITY OF WHEAT POOR Agricultural condition * ia other foreiga countries follow. Russia Advices from NUoUleff of July a retort an avstage yield of wheat bnt lb quality Is spring whfat had saSered from hot weither and cash of It would be light. Rya w.u un atis factory is quality and quan tity. Barley was satisfactory In yield , bttl its color had suffered from rains. Othef mall advices from Ruisii rpeak unfavably regarding tee wheat ind rye crops the recent treat heat having caused prraature rtpea- 1ns. Austria-Hungary Prices of wheat al Vienna are reported to be the highest in tea years and foreign wheat U being Imported. The feather U wft. Belgium Th yield of wheat is reported as eat factory. but that of rye deflflent. t Holland The weather Ui the latter part I o { Jaly was * nme bat unfavorable for har vesting 1 Denmark \dvi-cs from Copenhagen dat"d I July IT stated that rye had suffered from j stortns. bat wheat was B fair average croj and barter good. Weather unsettled Roumanw The wheat crop is described aa "very disappointing" aad parreU of neir grata received ia London are said to ehcrw irregular and very poor quality. Bulgaria According to reports for near the end of July the wheat crop had saffered seriously from heavy rams. Indie Crap prospect were improved by raias in many districts , but in Bombay and Punjab much more raia % as needed. Australia Crop prospects ia Vtetaria bad beea impioved by rain , and , according to latest nutl advices , were fairly good. Argentina Telegraphic reports to London report thaveather es being favorable for I the crops. If you have ever eea a little chM la a psroxysm of hooping cough , cr if you hava he n annoyed by a constant tickling In tha throat , you can appreciate the value of On Minute Cough Cure , which gives quick re lief. Drei L. ? hrx mnn ! s as much onnoseil to the trine room < ll > CTaee as anjono andure ! if all pa s l tht-in by as h > does there wanldn'c lie any and lots of people would have more money to buy slio-s with < > > pecially tan shoes at such prices as we are making at oor tan shoe clearance salt nch prices as thesx ; make tan fhoo buying rti.y think of our ladier.1 $4 Foster tans at ? 1.4S Indies' tan oxford.- , the $2 kind , at i'n. missc-s' $2 tan > ? 1 iVihild'52 2T tans at § 1 i" men1 * It ; Haanan tans for 5.4 * prii has been * ut on every tan shoo in the house al o on our bojV $1 . 'A bio U sh - > yon in yet \\v \ & thL < month for ? 1 in a ? _ < TJ slice regular price fl Mnow SI LO. Drexel Shoe Co. . 11-19 Farnam Street The Sunday Bee will contain a for th httle onrs a jwze for the folks the athlete the sport the UU-r- clist the | HHtilater tb buslines nxai' . and will be filled from bjriu njBir to end with inter --tin-- Feadina- for all clasMvs of man kind full As.MH'iatod I'n > ss r irts PS- el < tre New York World ouble now * , a - j t4Ml by an able corps of ip cinl eorr"- sjKtedents from all over the country make Th Bee the only newspaper pub lished in the tranamlsU.slpp ) ttatas < l > - lireritl by carrier In the city er rn daj in the wet-k for 13 cents. The W ukljr Bee from now till January first for 2. > cents s * . > nd it to your eastern friend * . The Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department (7tli ( and Farnini Bee Building