Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TUB OMAHA DAILY "BEE ; > mrintSDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1807 *
Hebraaka Exposition Commissioners Select
the Plans for Their Structure.
Slnfe llnllilltiK Seetire * nn Ailvniitn-
KIMIIIN Slti * n nil the Coniiiilnnlon IH
Allotted Ainiile Sluice fur All
The Nebraska Exposition Commlsalon held
at UB offices
a brief sesnlon yesterday morning
fices In the Mandcrson block and then went
Into executlvo session to consider the plane
for a state building , submitted by a nura-
ber of architects Tuesday.
During the open session preceding the ex
ecutive meeting , the board appointed a super
intendent of horticulture and a superintend
ent of poultry. U was agreed before these
appointments wcro made that the appointees
would not bo put on duty for the present ,
but would bo selected at this time In order
to g'lvu them authority to formulate plans
and agitate the various societies that are
expected to make exJilblts. The salary for
each position was nxeil at $ G3 per month
while employed. E. A. Pcglcr of Lincoln was
tnadu superintendent of the poultry depart
ment and Peter S. Younger of Geneva was op-
pointed superintendent ot the horticultural
A rule was adopted that all employes , In
cluding superintendents , shall be subject tc
( Htchargo at any time the hoard may see 111
to dispense with their services.
The sucolal committee appointed last nlghl
to confer with the exposition management
regarding the rate to be charged the com
mission for space , mi't Manager Bruce ot the
Department of Exhibits at the Commercial
rlub rooms at noon today for conference or
this matter. i
The afternoon session of the commlsaloi
, waj dulajcd to await the return of th
special committee- which was In canaulta
tlou with Manager Bruce regarding spac
for the. state exhibits. When the commit
tee icturned It reported that a most satb
factory session had been held with Mi
Drucc , and that mutual concessions had beoi
made until an agreement was reached tha
.WES entirely satisfactory.
The report of the committee was dls
cuiscd In detail and Its action was ap
proved. The committee niado appllcatloi
for 20,000 feet ot space In the dlfferen
buildings , < ind the state exhibits will b
arranged In the respective buildings In whlcl
each properly belongs. In addition to this
space will bo allotted the commission fo
Its state building for hcadquarteio , recep
tlon icoms , etc. H was agreed that th
plate building should bo located on th
blulT tract , near the viaduct across Sher
anan avenue from the main court. The dc
tails regarding pens for the poultry ex
Jilblt and for live stock were not agree
upon , these matters not having been full
( Ictcrmlnexl by the exposition management
The result of the committee's conferetic
( was entirely satisfactory to the conimU
elon , ami It was then decided to take u
the consideration of the plans for a stat
The hoard went Into executive session ti
decide upon a plan and It was over half at
Jiour before the doors wereopened. . It wa
announced that the contest was between th
plans submitted by Illttetihousc of Hastings
Voss of Omaha and the plan submitted b ;
'J. ' H. Craddack of Lincoln and John Me
Donald of Omaha , working Jointly. The lat
tcr plan was finally adopted.
The plan of Measra , Craddock and McDon
aid shows an attractive looking building o
the Grecian classic order of architecture
76x140 feet on the ground. The centra
portion of the building Is sixty feet square
surmounted by an octagonal dome , the to
of which Is about eighty fept above th
fround. . " Afeach corner of the central mo
live are small pavilions. Wings extend o
two sides of tljls central portion , each win
lclii [ { forty feet In length. The wings hav
a fiat looi , the cornice being about thirty
two feet from the ground and surmounte
by a balustrade with masts for pcnants.
The Interior of the building Is deslgne
( With a view of meeting the views of th
commission regarding an assembly place an
furnishing headquarters for the various sc
cletles nnd the representatives of othc
states. The prominent feature of the firs
floor Is an assembly room , GOxlOO feet , wit
large nlllrcs opening from It on all side :
The ojrond Hoer has a gallery overlookln
the- assembly room , and on the sides of th
building are fourteen largu rooms for olllccs
etc. Toilet rooms , baggage rooms , chec
roomn , telegraph and telephone rooms , an
similar accommodations are provided 111
crally ,
In addition to deciding upon a plan th
board , whllo In executive session , appolntc
George Blake of Lincoln superintendent c
the building at a salary of $3.r > 0 per da
while employed ; J. E. Knowlcs at Omah
asilstant superintendent at a salary of $2.7
per day ; E. W. Crane of North Platte time
keeper at JCQ per month ; A. J. Williams c
Irvlngton and Patrick Hinds of Hasting
giiardw nt $2 per day.
It Is the Intention of the commission t
erect the building by day's labor , buyln
tbo material and employing Its own mei
thn appointees last mentioned , to hive supei
.vision of the construction and material ,
At the meeting of the commission la :
evening It was decided to appoint a supei
Intemlent of the apiary , and L , 1) . Stltuo
of York was selected for the place at tli
tame salary allowed the other supcrli
The commission then adjourned till Ai
eust 25.
VVI1.IVOItlv KOIt Till : : U.
Y. M. C. A. I'l-oiiiiHi-H to Look After tli
Ten members of the board ot directors t
the Young Men's Christian association del
their monthly meeting Tuesday and afte
a good dinner the meeting wan called t
order by President Carpenter. The flnancl :
report for July showed the receipts froi
subscription aiul membership to bo $452.7 !
expenses , $171.62 , A statement ot receipt
mid expenses for May , June and July nhowc
a better condition by $5GO than for the mm
period In 1S9R and f 1,220 better than I
J. M. Olllan was elected director to fi
the vacancy caused by the resignation t
Charles A. GOES.
The matter of an exhibit of religious wor
ot the Transmlsiisslppl Exposition was n
ferrfd to 0 , G. Wallace , I ) . A. Foote an
1 < \ L. Willis , with instructions to bring tli
matter before the various religious organize
tloiu of the city. *
A report was received fnm the lunch rooi
committee , showing an average dally atteiv
nuct > of 12fi during the month , the recclpl
OreUlll S2 . ,
The quetlon of physical director w :
ecttled by the unanimous election of F. 1
Highest Honors World's Fair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Qripe Cream of Tartar Powder.
liar run of Chicago. Mr. Barnes I * at pres
ent physical director of the West Side de
partment , Chicago , He In 27 years of 8K
nnd tins been engaged AS physical director
for Acven years. Ho IB paid to have had
much success In gymnastics.
Secretary Willis leported a number of Im
provements , a largo number of dally visitors
and a most encouraging outlook for the com
ing year's work.
I'lnn for nn . \iplo Ciirnlvnl.
O. A , Marshall of Arlington , Neb. , presi
dent of the State Horticultural society , has
loaned a call for a meeting of the executlvo
board of that society to confer with delegates
from horticultural societies of other states ,
In this city , on Thursday , August 12 , at 1
o'clock. The object of the conference Is to
discuss ways and means for making a grand
horticultural exhibit at the TratismlssUslppl
Exposition. It Is proposed to bold the great-
cst apple carnival ever known In the west
In connection with the horticultural display ,
and arrangements for this carnival will bo
made at Thursday's meeting ,
JNnfoN Of tin * Kvpoxltlnll.
Wong Chin Pee , Chinese commissioner for
thu exposition , will bo In the city today
to consult with the officials of the exposi
tion regarding matters In Ma jurisdiction.f
The Department of Hxhlblts Is preparing
tn send an agent to the state fairs of Illi
nois , Minnesota and Iowa to wcure the
cream of the llvu stock exhibits of those
Commissioner Powell writes from Mexico
to the Department of Kxhlblts that he cnn
sccuro the attendance of the Mexican Mili
tary band at the exposition on the mast
favorable terms. The matter will be re
ferred to the Durenu of Music.
M. J. Dowllng of this city la now at St.
Joseph , Mo. , negotiating for the transfer of
the house made famous by the occupancy
of Jesse and Frank James. If successful
ho will bring it to this city for exhlbiMon
at the Transmlsslswlppl Exposition.
The Hoard of Directors of the exposition
will hold the regular monthly meeting 'Fri
day afternoon of this week at the headquar
ters In the I'ttxton block. Among the mat
ters which will probably come before the
board will be the filling of the vacancy
caused by the death of Dan Farrcll , jr.
'The Departments4 of Exhibits and
1'iibllclty and Promotion will com-
blno In a movement having for
Its object the securing of UB
many as possible of the twenty-four national
associations of breeders of live stock tc
hold their annual conventions In Omahn.
Some of these societies have fixed places
of meeting , but an effort will bo made to
Induce all of thu others to meet In Omaha
and participate In the agricultural and live
stock congresses.
II. F. Hodglns , commercial agent for Ohio ,
writes to the Department of Exhibits that
ho Is meeting with great success In his mlo-
slon of interesting Ohio manufacturers In
the exposition and In working up a senti
ment favorable to a state exhibit. Ho sent
nn application for 1,030 feet of apace by the
Halhvood Cash Register company nnd says
that within a week he will have applica
tions from nearly a score of the mosl
prominent manufacturers In central Ohio
Ho nteo reports that Interest In a state ex
hibit Is Increasing and that the state will
make an exhibit which will bo one of the
most attractive of that made by any state.
If you foci "All IMiiyiMl Out"
Take HorMfnril'M Add rhosiilinle.
It repairs broken nerve force , clears thi
brain and strengthens the stomach.
Mrs. Henry O. Illchter and family wlsl
hciewlth to express their thanks to all thel
friends and especially to the membcia o
Knights of Pythias lodge for their assist
mice and sympathy at the burial of thel
beloved husband and father.
nuuiaxoTo.v IIOUTE.
$ li.r > ( o Itufl'alo mid Itutnrn ,
August 21 and 22. Through ears for Duf
falo leave Omaha 5:00 : p. m. , August 21
See ticket agent , 1502 Farnam.
Half JlnloH ( o I.iiki * Miiiiiuluiika iim
.4 It i-turn : .
| ' On August 21 , 22 _ and" . 23 the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul'rallway will sell roum
trip tickets to Lake Mlnnctonka , Minn. , am
return at rate ot one fare for the roum
City office , 1C04 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH ,
lloaril ( if Kdiiciitloii Context Pi-oiulNi-i
til Kvtoml Through tinY -nr.
The conflict In the Board of Education ovei
the election of a president promises to a
least have the effect of cecurlng a full at
tendance of the members for some time t (
come. As the resignation of President Ed
wards leaves the board equally divided , then
can bo no election so long as all memben
, are present.
The only way that Penfold's friends cai
keep him In the chair U to have Davldsot
present at every meeting , and it Is statec
that he has agreed to conic. But If thi
train on which ho travels from St. Pan
should happen to bo late on any occasion , I
would leave the Lunt faction with a majorlt ;
of one and they would undoubtedly pro'cec !
to declare Davidson's seat vacant In orde ;
to make themselves a majority of the en
tire board , with power to elect a prcslden
and fill vacancies. The only refuge of tin
minority in this case would bo to wlthdrav
from the meeting altogether and leave thel ;
opponents without a quorum. With tbcoi
complications In prospect the fight bctweei
the two factions promises to continue durln ;
'the remainder of the year.
The Union Piu-lllu
Is running Pullman Palace Sleeping Ca
daily , Omaiiu to Colorado Springs. Col. , le.iv
Ing Omaha on fust mall 3:30 : p. m. , arrlvlnj
Colorado Springs next morning 11:10. :
For reservation' ! and full Information cal
11 City Ticket OlficplMS Farnam St.
Ci. A. II. 10llI
For rates , time cards and all Informatlot
regarding the Wabash Line from Omaha o
Chicago , call nn agent of connecting line 01
at Wabash office , 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxtoi
hotel block ) , or write
N. W. P. Agt. , Omaha , Neb.
IoiveiHnttN to tliu Rant.
Taking effect August 9th. 1837 , rate b ;
Pan Handle and Pennsylvania railroad , flit
cage to Philadelphia , Is $18.00 fiist class am
$15.50 second class. Chicago to New York
$18.00 llrtt clacs and $10.00 second elate
Tickets can bo purchased of all coupoi
ticket agents of western lines. II. II , Der
Ing , A. ti. P. A. , Chicago l : T. H. Thorp , 7
P. A. . Oniflha. Neb.
TIIK MV I.IXU Ol 13\ .
Omaha , KIIIIHIIH City RiiNteru Hull
roiul Oinulia iV St. I.niiln Ilnllroiii ] ,
The- QUINCY HOL'TK with through train !
to Trenton , Klrksvillo and Qulncy. Coiaiec
lions east and southeast. For ratcu tlim
table * and all Information , call at QUIN'CI
110UTE ofuee , U15 Fainam street ( Paxtoi
Hotel Block ) , or v/rlln ,
GEO. N. CLAYTON , Agent.
Vl < i WnlUi-r UN 11 IloiiilMiniin.
Addle Frazer nnd John Simpson , colored
chnrifod with Imvlns assisted in the robber )
of A. 11. Pinker of $ i : In South Omaha r
few Onys nso. were relennetl on bond It
the sum of JMO each , and V. . Wnlkcr
" C''lnred ' . attorney. Mmied the papers
\\iilker l not a propt-rty owner , yet In
Is frequently nllowcd to Justify In vnrlou :
amounts on the bonds of his own clients
Yesterday Simpson failed to nhow up ti
police c-iiurt am ) Judge Oordou declared tin
liond forfeited , H la now a question wh <
Is to pny tlio amount forfeited , and Cits
Prosft-ulor .Miller says he will make i
test ease of the matter.
tfii.-'S , t ii.:3 , $ ! : & , * ,
Nine dollaiH and a quarter to Chicago , vl :
"The Northwestern Lino" CorretipoudlDi
reductions to other points on various datn
In July tad August , city office , 1401 J ? rnau
tieet ,
The Only Din ) nir Citr It out e ,
It le the only direct line to San Frauclsco
nd uiakfi 12 HOURS QUICKER TIME ! tt
San Francisco than any other line , Cal
tt city ticket oElce. 1303 Farutm lU
Making a Farce of the Mayor's Order1 to
Suppress the Evil ,
Sonic of the ( InoNllotinltlr llmnrtii o (
the CltjVlil < rtl nnil five
Wo mi-n InoL-it Under
I ArrcNt. .
The Bee's exposure on last Monday of the
method In which the police department of
the city was winking at the disgraceful
orglra which are nightly going on In the
whip rooms of the city , and which would find
their fit environment In the bawdyhouses
In the burnt district was substantiated Tues
day night In a measure. Full proof could
liave been published yesterday If warning had
not In some way been given to the keepers
of the places of what was coming ,
Late Tuesday afternoon iMayor Moores ,
acting In his capacity ns chief executive of
the city , sent the following order to Acting
Chief of Police Haze :
Hunry P. Haze. Acting Chief of Police ,
City uenr Sir : Numerous complnltUH con
tinue to come to me of the existence of
wlno rooms In the city nnd of the strnndnl-
lous orgies which tnke place In them
nightly. Soon nftcr the preent Hoard of
Hro and Police CommlFSloiioi-H came Into
olflee they directed the chief of police to
close all wlno rooms In tbe cJty and to sea
to It that they were not reopened. This
older of the board hns been'Ignored by the
chltf of polleo and thu most disgusting
debauchery has contlmie.1 unmolested. Thu
Older to suppress the wine room evil Is
supported by every law-abiding and decent
citizen of the community , and It must be
enforced. You will , therefore , hnve every
wine room In the city visited frequently
by thu police- , and you will arrest all men
and women found consorting In buch places.
Uespectfully ,
In accordance with thene orde-rs Sergeants
Mitchell and Chamberlain were Tuesday nlghl
detailed to raid all the wine room , ? In the
vicinity between the bounds ot Cumlng am !
Leavenworth ami Ninth and Slxteeittl :
streets. The result ot this raid was the ar
rest ot only five women and no men.
This result Is laughed at by the saloon
keepers and the men who know what I ;
going on about the city at night. It Is con-
sldorsd highly ridiculous that In the district
named the police were able to find but fivi
women In the wlnerooms. The mystery 1.
explained , however , when It Is stated thai
a couple ot saloon keepers yeatfrdcj
boasted to some of their customers that thej
had been given a tip of what was coming
That was the reaso.i that the sergeant ;
found no women In their places.
Sergeant M'tchull ' was detailed to vlsll
all the wine room * In the territory between
Cumlng and Douglas , and Ninth and Six
teenth streets. This district Includes thi
burnt district , almost every saloon of whlcl
Is fitted up with wine roonio , which are fre
quentcd nightly by the disorderly women o
the district with escorls. Yet In all t bi
section Sargeant Mitchell was able to IIm
but two women. His report to Acting Chle
of Police Haze It ? as follows :
"In compliance with your request Officers
Hcltfeldt , McOrath and nijself went througl
all the -wine rooms In the saloons north o :
Douglas street to Cumlng street and frou
Ninth to Sixteenth streets. The wine room :
were all In good shape , that Is , there wa !
nobody In them except Ike Quill's. Then
wo found Emma Duncan , an oldtlme prostl
tute. We arrested her and eent her to thi
station. There were also two more couplci
lit another wine room that wo did not know
so we passed them by. There Is a gardei
In tha rear of Mike Mullen's across tin
street , where- there are a good many womei
of questionable character , but we did no
molerst them on account of being In tbe gar
den and not In the wine rooms. We fount
another in John Wright's , LIzzlo Malfane
colored , a prostitute , also arrested. Otlier
wloe the wine rooms were quiet and nobod ;
was In them. "
Ike Gulll's enloon Is located at Slxtcohtl
and Davenport streets. Mike Mullen's plac <
Is situated on the other corner. Wright's
saloon Is near Twelfth and Dodge streets.
Sergeant Chamberlain was ordered to taki
In all the wine rooms In the district betweei
Douglas mid Leuvcuworth , and Ninth am
Sixteenth streets. He has not yet Bent hi :
report to Acting Chief of Police Haze bu
ho found and arrested three women. Two o :
these , Bertha Golden and Fay Revere , wen
discovered In the wine rooms at Billy .Hus
ton's place at Twelfth and Farnam streets
The other was taken out of a wine room h
a saloon known as Odin's hall on lower Far
nam street.
Speaking regarding the punishment of tin
baloonkcepers In wlicse places the womei
were found , a party remarked to Acting Chle
ot Police Haze that the saloon me-n inducct
women to frequent the wine rooms by prom
Ising that they would not be molested b ;
the police. In answer to this Acting Chle
Haze said :
"There was considerable truth In that It
the past. In the future during the tw <
weeks that I am acting chiefof , police , I In
tend to follow out to tho" letter these In
structions of the mayov. "
Acting Chief ot Police Haze also statei
that he proposed to bring the facts brough
out by Tuesday night's raid to the attentloi
of the city prosecutor and ask him to prose
cute the saloon keepers In whose places tin
women were found.
Yesterday the women arrested were or
ralgned before Police Judge Gordon. Berth :
Golden pleaded guilty to the charge of bciiif
a disorderly woman and WES fined $10 am
Maud Staeey mid Ada Krnxler Unite ]
Upon Information given by Maud Staeey
arrested for stealing $130 from A. R. Parke ;
ot Toledo , O. , In South Omaha on Monda ;
night , Ada Frazler , another colored woman
was arrested Tuesday as her accomplice
The two women are charged with larcenj
from the person. John Simpson , a colorci
man who trains with the Staeey woman am
who had in hie possession when arrestei
$120 , Identified by Parker as a portion of tin
stolen money , U charged with being an ac
ccssory to the crime ,
Inasmuch as the theft was committed li
South Omaha , the parties will be tried In thi
police court of that city. The prisoners ante
to be taken there this afternoon and ar
rnlgncd In the police court. i
C iiiiiil HlonerH Enjoined from Ux <
teiidlncllllllury llonil I'uvliii ; .
William Van Dorn , William Peters , Join
Cryer , Johji McDonnell and Peter Petersoi
have secured a restraining order from Judgi
Scott , enjoining the county commlfuloncT.
from awarding any contract for the pavlni
ot Military road. The case Is set for hear
lug on Augu6t 21 at 10 o'clock a. m.
The parties Becking to prevent the pavlnt
of Military road are all residents along tin
line of the Center etreet paving , and In apply
Ing for the Injunction they allege , that tin
commissioner * ) have no authority for ex
pending the money remaining In the pavlnt
fund unless they order the Improvement !
placed upon the road in which they are In
tcrcsted. They allege that when the appor
tlonment o ! thU paving fund was made , I
was divided Into three equal parts , one par
to bo set aside for the paving of Mllltar ;
road , one lor the paving of West Dodgi
street and the third for Iho paving of tin
Center street road They al o allege tha
tbo money bet aside for paving West Dodgi
street and the Military road boa been ex
pended , as was Intended , and that the balance
anco now lit the fund , some $22,000 , belong
to the Center street road.
Keel Hint They Hnve lleen Illtreiitei
li ) lli Counell ,
Some of the property owners on Masoi
i I reel , between Twenty-eighth and Twenty
ninth , are Indignant at the action of thi
council In placing their protect against th
proposed paving of tbe district on file. Oi
Juno 29 they ecut In what purported to be i
majority protest , but as soon as the docu
ment nas examined It waVtound that a
least one of tlio ilgnatu'rea wa * not legal ,
Tne protect .wag signed & } ' An ejsect fci
the alleged owne SAirt without the required
authority and It ritrrttpcd that the owner
did not even have tu olcar title to the prop
erty. The protrflt w .lon6cqucntly turned
down and now tbq property owners have
filed A rdmocGtrancostii which they aescrt
that the oncer htuuiapproved the action of
the agent tn signing tbo protest. As It was
decided In the Sontli-Elxtccnth etreet case
that a deficient pctltldn could not be patched
up afterward , the remonstrance has also
been placed on flicnnd unless some new
action Is taken by thr- council the Board of
Public Works will-proceed to pave the
street ,
Propone \nrrotrliiK Hie Slrcel ,
Property owners nightccnth street be
tween California arid Cumlng are endeav
oring to Induce the city authorities to
change the curb line of the street before
the proposed paving Is done. They want
the street narrdwcd to forty feet In order to
reduce the cost of paving. Whether their
petition will bo granted or not Is doubt
ful , as comr members of the council are
opposed to changing the width ot a portion
of a street The effect would bo to make a
narrow street for three or four blocks whllo
on each side the street would remain at the
previous width. It Is asserted that this
would save the property owners a small
proportion of the expense at the sacrifice of
the appearance of the street.
nieetrleliiii'x Monthly He-tort.
The report ot City Electrician Schurlg
for July Indicate * that twenty-six permits
for electric wiring were granted durlivg the
month. Under these permits 923 Incandes
cent lamps , fifty-five ) arc lamps and twelve
motors wore put In. Two permits were
granted for outside construction under
which fifteen poles and twelve and one-fifth
miles of wires were put up , The arc light
system ! was In exceptionally good ( Order
luring the month , no deductions being made
for lights not burning.
( 'It.- . Hull \otew.
The contracts for feeding city prisoners
nnd furnishing the municipal supply of coal
will expire September 15. The comptroller
will probably be Instructed to advertise for
bids at the next meeting ot the council.
The Hoard of Education has been granted
a permit for the erection of the new boiler
house at the Kellom school at n cost of
$5,000. John Grant has taken out a permit
to expend $1000 In Improvements on hlo
residence at 1015 South Twenty-ninth ave
Sonx-tlitiiK 10 Ilepeiitl Oil.
Mr. James Joins , of the drug firm ot
Jones & Son , Cowden , III. , In speaking of
Dr. King's New Discovery , says that last
winter his wltc was attacked with La
Grlppo , and her case grow so serious that
physicians nt Cowden and Pana could do
nothing for her. It seemed to develop Into
Hasty Consumption. Having Dr. King's
New Dlscoverj In store , and siplllng lots of
St. he took n bottle home , and to the sur
prise of all eho began to get better from
the first doso. and half a dozen dollar bottles
currd her sound nnd well. Dr , King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and
Colds Is guaranteed to do this good work.
Try It. Free trial bottles at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug stora
I7.-IO to IndlniiMiiotlx mid Hetiirn ,
Via Hurllngton Route August 1C and 17.
Nebraska delegates to the Young People's
Christian Union Will leave Omaha 5:05 : p.
n : . , Tuesday , August 17 , on Burlington's
"Vestlbuled Flyer. "
Dccths and tickets at 1502 Farnam St.
Vlu ClileiiKO , SIUivniiKfo , t St. I'nnl
A long list of excursion points to which
round trip tickets will be sold at greatly re
duced rates. The conditions for summer
tourists were never more liberal than those
for this season. For full Information as to
routes , rates , limits , selling dates , etc. , ap
ply at the city ticket onico 1504 Farnam st.
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent.
To Colorniio , IHrh , Cnittoriitii mid All
AVextern I'oliits.
Those who have made the trip via the
Union Pacific , arauinanlmousi inisaylng that
If offers better. service than any other
For rates , time tables nnd other. Informa
tion call nt the city ticket ofiltie , 1202 Far
nam street.
To IliiuTalo vlu the IlurllnKlon.
Only ? 23.2j for the round trip August 21
nnd 22. Tlrough cars. Tickets and bertha
it 1502 Farnam.
Report on AVnterliii ; TroiiKlin.
Plumbing Inspector Claussen reports that
the public watering troughs and fountains
am in very bad condition. The Ironwork is
badly rusited and requires painting : , In ad
dition to other repairs. The ordinance provider
vider- that all rppairs shall be made by the
Inspector himself , but he contends that there
.H so much to be done that It will bo necep-
rary to have an assistant. Tne Inspector
has nlso asked the council to revise the
pr sent plumbing ordinance , that It Is In
conflict with the charter , which provide ?
hat all fee ? must bo paid in advance , and
there are various other Improvements that
ho wlrhes to suggest.
Arnold's Dromo Ceieiy lure ? aeadaci. . ' *
' 0 , 25 and 50 centu. All druggists.
$ lt.i to II u If n to nnil Itetiirn ,
August 21 to 22. Through cars for Buffalo
leave Omaha 5:00 : p. m. August 21. Sec
ticket agent , 1502 Farnam.
Jacllwlga Zgllnskl has been arrested at the
Instance of Veronek Szczclanlk on the charge
of stealing four cabbage heads ot the value
of 20 cents.
E. M. Cox of 3423 Hurt street yesterday
morning became the father of a ten-pound
boy ; Hoth child and mother are reported
to be doing well.
Yesterday the work of placing the extra
foundation under the Kingman & Co. build-
in ; ; , south of the Union depot , was com
pleted by Contractor Charles Darnum. The
work baa been In progress for over a
month , ' i
Eric Gode , night clerk at the Mercer hotel ,
was Tuesday afternoon found guilty of as
saulting Miss E. A. Davis , former house
keeper In the same hotel , and was fined $10
and costa The trouble occurred about a
week ago. The case has been appealed.
The police Tuesday night found three boys
on the streets at a late hour and arrested
them under the provisions of the curfew
ordinance. The lads gave the names of
Fred Talbot , Yano Max and Gray Yates.
Their ages are In .the neighborhood of 12
The regular meeting of the Advisory
board was adjourned yesterday to FMday
afternoon. liuildlni ? Inspector Duller and
Health Commlrslonor Spaldlng were at the
Eoldlera * reunion t 'Valley , and Comptroller
Wcstberg was detained by a prces of busi
ness In his office , ' ! leaving the board with
out a quorum.
John Fleming , who arrived In the city a
few days ago In a-'box ' car loaded with bot-
tleu ot beer and tibq Is supposed to know
something about biirglarlcs committed re
cently In the eastern pait of Iowa , U still
being held for Investigation. Ho was Tues
day afternoon sent ! tp the county Jail for
IIvo days on the charge of vagrancy.
nntlmttTpMT I t { MltTt n I I n
It Seems ns If the Men Were Just Beginning
to Know of It ,
Today Will Unit It Tlie Mure
Suit * Sold tin.More to HP Sold
the Axt ln > Kvi-rj' Suit
at CoM or ICNN.
Our sale dajs get bigger every day.
It Is tlio first time In the history ot clothIng -
Ing business In Omaha when suits were
actually and really sold at cost and ICES.
And the pcoplo are finding It out.
Where else can you buy as nobby a suit
as the one wo have cut down to $3,85.
There are $5 and $6 and $7 milts on men
In this city that ore not anybetter. _
The $5.75 suits.arc the equals of almost
any $10 , $12 or $15 suit elsewhere.
Tim $7.50 lot Included suits that never
sold for less than $1G.
Tlio $9.75 lot gives you the pick from $18
and $20 values.
$12.50 gets you a tailor made suit. They
nre going fast. Old customers know them
by the cloths In them. Last spring during
the rush of closing out our tailoring depart
ment our tailors mnda some mistakes In
measurements. In all such cases we made
up another Biilt.
These mlsrt.ts we had loft.
You can pick from them now at $12.50 and
tip. Tailors will charge you $40 $ , $50 and
$ UO for mills like them.
OJd sizes in winter overcoats , $4.05.
All winter ocrvcoats cut away below cost.
Fall overcoats at any old price.
Some for $3.Uii.
IJojs * long pant suits , $2.75.
Boys' junior etilt , $1.25.
Suspenders. Iflc.
Hats. 2Sc.
Initial handkerchiefs , 9c , and BO on. /
I'cddU-rs St-r-irc Tlu-lr lU-Iciitc from
roller Court.
S. Padolsky and L. Padolsky were ar
rested at the Instance of License Inspector
McVlttlo on the charge of peddling without
a license. They have but one license for
running a push cart. The license inspector
stated that Tuesday ho found that each
had a cart on the streets and on each cart
appeared the license number " 10 , " an ap-
paicnt Indication that they wcro running
two carta under one number. Yesterday ,
however , the Padolskys produced a wagon
license. They alleged that they wcro not
running the wagon , had transferred Its li
cence to one ot the push carls and had failed
to tear the number off one of the carts.
They maintained that they run the carts
under the same license alternately , but never
at tlio same time On this showing the
court discharged the1 two.
License Inspector McVlttle Is having con
siderable trouble over the fact that peddlers ,
have fallen line the custom of running two
or more wagons and carts under one li
HiK-Il < -ii-N Arnlcn Halve.
Tlio best salvo In the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores ,
tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , -corns , and
all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles ,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co.
Aiiprcrc-latt ! tlio JS - v Illcyc-le Path t < i
Florence .
The county has practically completed the
continuation of the bicycle path from the
city limits to Florence and wheelmen now
have a continuous path from the end of the
pavement at Fort street to Florence. It Is
exceptionally hard and smooth for a new
path and promises to approximate perfection
after It has been settled by one or two good
rains and lo rolled again. Hundreds of
wheelmen traversed the smooth surface In
the bright moonlight Tuesday and hoped
that with this as a beginning similar Im
provements would be constructed In other
suburban thoroughfares. The expense ot con
struction was comparatively slight. Com
missioner Klerstead superintended the
county's share of the work In person. The
cntlro cost of the path from the city limits
to Florence was only $140.
Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry.
Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry.
Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry.
\VorU of I'littlnur In IlcatliiKI'luiit
Will llt-Klii t Onoc.
G. W. Oby ot Canton , O. , member of the
firm having the contract for putting In the
heating plant at the new postoffice building ,
Is In the city , and Is making arrangements
to at once begin work on his contract.
The steps to the Sixteenth entrance of the
building are being removed preparatory to
being reset lower and deeper. This Is part
of the contract recently secured by B. J.
Jobst. He also expects to begin grading
the block this week.
The old brick bulldlntr on the corner of
Seventeenth street and Capitol avenue Is be
ing torn down , and Superintendent Latcnser
has taken up temporary quarters In a room
In the northwest corner of the first floor of
the new building.
Tliroe White MI-II Ilt-ld to thu United
Sluti-N Court.
Deputy Marshal Allan ha/j brought In an
other trio of men charged with selling
liquor to Indians , They are Fred Cayou ,
George Goodwin and Walter Tlndall , The
latter Is an Indian. A small squad of other
Indians was also brought down as witnesses.
The prisoners had a hearing before Commis
sioner Anderson and were bound over to the
United States court.
Captain Mercer , the new agent on the
Wlnnebago and Omaha reservations , Is mak
ing a determined effort to wipe out thu
tralfic , and many more offenders are to be
arrested ,
Ill-turn u 1'iiroli-il I'rlHoiii-r.
A Lincoln officer yesterday afternoon re
turned to Lincoln with Howard Hammond ,
a paroled prisoner from the Mate pen ) ,
tuntlury , who was arrested luxt night at
the request of the penitentiary uuUioiltle * .
Hammond failed to report to them , Hu
was arrested n few day ngo by the polluo
of this city for disturbing the peace. He
was tsentenced to the penitentiary for live
years for u burglary committed at Ululr ,
uml hay ntlll ten months to serve.
Fur Illllom mdNorvom rthordorsjsucli us Wind und I'alii In the Stomach , Hick heartache
Giddiness , Fullness and Bwelllng after meals , DIulneM and Drowsiness , Gold Chilli , FluvliliiBi
of Heat , Loss of Appetite , bhortnorii of llroath , Coitlrennss , Blotches on the Skin , Disturbed
BlecDi IfrlKhtful Dreams , unU all Norvou * and Tromblln ? Beimtlons ) , &c. , wlien thuie symp.
tarns nro causud by constipation , a * tnoU of them uro. THE WSJ DOSt WILL GIVE RtUtf II
IttlNIY MISUIES. This Is no fiction. < Bvory sulTerer Is earnestly Invlttd to try one box of tutuo
fill ! , aud tliey will be aokuowledeed to lie
BEEOHASC'3 PILYLS , taken as dlroatoJ , will quickly rostorj females to complolo
"lealth. They promptly romoreobjtructlous or Irrexulurltloa of the system. I'or o
ihev act like moiilc alow Uosoi will norlc wondew upon tha Ylt l anvui streiutheulni * the
. rcstorln ? tlielons-loitcomploxloa , Urlustni'c the Ueon edge of Apputlte.
Sid BToUsfnB with tae Ifosebuil or llealtu the whole pliytlcal eutirjjjr of the Imujua
frlfme The" * ro facts udmlttod by lieu ndg. ID ull cli. 0i ! of sactuty , and ooo of the best
' Tills U TO the Uu-fe t 8 1
rnarant ei to the Norrouii and Debllltatoa U tUat Ueectwm' *
o ? "ny I'ttteut MeUIclne lu the WoiIU.
WITHOUT A RIVAL , Annual Salea over 0,000,000 Soxes.
So at druf tor s. or will b sent by U. B. A nU. D. r. AMjEN * 90. , M
li. Kt * Torlc. postpaid , upon r cdt el erUi. fiwfc Jfts u on
Ucc , August 12 , 1S97 ,
iVV&uv $ , COY.
The Best Hats ,
The real test of goodness is wear. The hat that wears
best is best. The best hat wears best , no m xtter whose name
is inside the crown. The Nebraska hats arc celebrated fcr
their wearing qualities. Nobody was ever known to buy a
poor hat here. Even the cheapest hats we sell are made from
honest material. They arc. made up honestly. They are well
dyed. They will give honest wear. Our line of new fall hats
comprises 24 distinct styles and every hat in the lot was made
up with the view of giving the fullest satisfaction for the price
you pay. \Ve sell a good full stock Derby or Fedora for
75 cents. Even these won't sotten up or turn grey in the
rain. The hats we sell for a do'lar are made from fur felt M
exclusively and will give remarkable wear. Nexrly everybody - "
body knows about our "Nebraska Special , " the wonderful
derby we sell for a dollar and a half. It 1ms the apncarance ,
the finish , the style , the wearing quality of most hits that arc
retai'ed for three dollars , and is worn regularly every season
by some of the best people in toWn. It isn't the price that
makes any hat good or bad. It's the material it is made from ,
and the way it is made ,
Out of low n customers will get our Fall catalogue free , "
- ' "
VUulriTthopri'3-rl ! | > -
tlonof n famous Trench pliydcliui , will qulcfcljr euro you or Mil tier.
. - of the Roiu-rallte , .
% o\m or.dlsi-iuca iiraaiis HUCU 1111/ustMniilimxI.
In&miima , I'ulnslll the Jtuck.Uumllml j iul inne , Nprvnus Debility
1'lmplc's , UnOtncss to Starry , KxhnustliiR Drains , VnTlrcvilo unit
Constitution. It stops nil losses by day IT iilg'-U I'loxents quirk *
nfssof dlfchnrgp , which If not chf-rlcM trails InKporniiilorrlicpi. nnd
nrrnnr . . . nr-rrn nil thohorrorsof Impotoncy. < 'ITIII > iircIlcam ! > c.3lhoIlvcrl tht
tll-.l-UHt. AND At t bll fcidnoysa-tliPiirlnnryorKnnsoJulllunmritlcs. , ,
dJI'IUF.NK ntrenKthensnnd rcstorranninll wcnk orfnns.
The rtason Riifrorors nro not cured hj1 lioclom Is becausu ninety per ornt nro tnmble'l with
ProttnlKli. CUl'IDUNKIs tlic only known remedy tn euro wllhnuiunopi-rutlon. MKitcDilmonl.
nls. A written Bunrnnii'eRiven mid money returned II sU hnxrdnea not cllect a | ) crmuuuiitcuro.
( JLOO n bo * , six fur $ J.OJ , t > y ninll. Send fur ntKE circular nnd testimonials.
A.ddress I > A\'OK , MCDSCINK O..1 > .O. Jiox 2070. Ban Francisco , Cal. IbrSalet >
Central West.
Military Academy , MaJ.SANDFO DSELLCRS.Supt.
Tile rcmnik Is ortcn heard "I would like to
dilnk mlneinl water but It costs too mu"li. "
Now 0111 * ijuatt buttle or C'prbonaieil ( H.tH'tiUh )
wntrr Is a very fair ilally nllowance nml ccr-
tulnly tnoiiRli to In Ing marked bencllelal ip.iulli-
This amount can be obtained from us for 10c
n diiy by taking full i-asos of water ( nj other
way.l We miivnil ) In-low Hie names ofMters
whl < h we sell at lUe p > r cjuait bottle when taken
In full cases of SO bullies and empty bottles
relumed ti > us. Wnteto all In | > ilme condition.
CAHLSHAD-UI Bhulj | < > r ) ,
All nbmevateis 10 cents jier qiuu t bottlf when
taken In rull caass and empty bottles leluincd
lo us.
Sherman & fflclonneH Drug Go
j-ii : iioncit :
.1111)1) ! . I ] OF IIMICIC.
100 kinds of MINHUALVATiil33 , kinds of
Thtse ore the genuine rju-.iM.ii TANSY
' r-arls. I.mllca
U'AFEHS. Imported direct ( rout
can depend upon securing relief from und
cine of pjininl und IneKiilar periods , leg.iul-
k' H of cause. HMIillKON nilUO i-O , ,
Importers nnd Agents for the United Btutes ,
Ran Jote. Cnl.
For sale by the Economical Dr B f"222 S. ICth ,
bet. Farnam and Dounlas StK. olcaKtnU. .
Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment
ia the oriRinnl nncl only FRENCH ,
safe nntl reliable cnro on [ Jio mnr-
ket. 1'rico. $1.00 ; eont by mnil.
Genuine sold only by
M > era-Dillon Drus Co. , e. i : . Cor ICth ai.d Far-
natn StreetH , Omiiha. Neh.
Mrs. Wlnnlow'R fioothhifc- Syrup has been Uffd
for over W yeam bx millions of mothers for
their children while teeihliiB with perfect ( > uc-
cess. It soothes thn chll.l. tortens the KUII ,
allays all pain , cures wlml cullc. and l the bent
remedy for Ularrho u. Bold by diUBKl t In
every part of the world. He Hire nnd nek for
"rMs.Vln low' Boothlnp Byrup" and take no
other kind. 25 cents a bottle.
All Druggists.
CURE vounsan
UM Dig O far uunatuttl
dUciinrife * , Indtuiruutluaa.
Irriuttom or ulcerilitmi
of mnr.uat mcuibr UM.
ftlalut , ui | iioc utrln *
gtnt or poUououi.
Maid by Itraggltti ,
H troubled \vlth Itlieinnall-ni , Nourulslu. Hcla.
lira or any Nfrvout dUcane , cull HI I lip John H ,
WoodUirx Institute. W Wit < Zd t. . N. Y . for
Uc-Htincnl btutlo electricity Klun l < y phynlchm.
\.ho have meJu tht > clltmnn u uneclal study ,
Ktatlc electricity , when applied to parts urfmtU.
glv Immedlato relief , anil In time cures , Con *
pultatlim free. Cburcea moderate.
_ 1 ttu * in'rciliil Yfnr. Moht llioniui-lmniit.tMualt
Miullci. Kxrrllenc InMiiu-tnni , lii-allhlill im-Atlniii a
unlxcnlty town. A UiX ) rinnn no/inlp.1 nt .May run.
certs. Catalogue trt'c. MKIV. . T. MOOKK , 1'rc-t.
FOUNDED 1S03. Kor tinIilfclicr education or
young women. Classical nnJ Sclciitlllo course or
Bliuly. Preparatory iim ! Optlumil. Year bculna
Sept. IS , 1S)7. ! ) MISS IDA C AM.nN.
I'rln. , Urudford , Mass.
IJoaritlnK Pcliool for 'ilrls A Iwautiful biiliurb of
Chicago , a fewmllei north of thfl city. Dpllsht-
lul lioinoSfiocluilons line ! most ttiotoutti courses
or stnilv Illiistn.tcil I'.ilalOL'ilo on nppllrr.tion.
> lf , Mfti-y Kevc-n IliiliRnolt , Ki'nlhiurll III.
WOMEN 68tliYear
lMelmnu < ( r.ninislfnniCI'flenir ! ' < licol. ) Literary , ( lu.
IcAitr < mle . Ccrtlnratomlniltii i Wcllosly , Smith ,
Vas ar , lit. llolTolte.iirrcuponilfiicc nillrltri ) . For
CAtMoicmlilrrrs. n.f r.ri.LHUiA.l.frln.J.fkio , lll , lll.
lXIIII ir IMf'nu
l inlvtiu-il aihnutuici'it Tor tlic Ktmly
nrull iMHiiftit-M i > l Inclrinncnlal and
Vocal Mu lc Iliiuimin e nuip < > llmi !
( utfnnl > t'lfAlti- nil term I i'ln * lli ir * l 7 f pt. tt lllu *
trutt'lialnlouu' miillo.liliJolts .1. IliUBlAKUT Dlr.
I Otherwise Nervous Cuttirrh , Is now
| | n Benson. The moat effective trcat-
ment known for this
complaint Is K-IVOII liy IJr. Sncpard ,
Hpeclnllht In chronic dlseiiKCB.
[ examination Ib free Tne feus for
Ieminent aio low und Include all
" j 311-312-313 N. V. Life Illilif. T 'l. 11 ! , I
MADE , WE A ( VlAfr
-4 f.crtcm * tthntmKnlllntf Mem *
ory , JrnjtoterK'Ho | < | i1 * itiitMfo .cnui > ml
h > AlHifa taxi othur l'iio ntie nii < I Jml ) <
cr tlotm. 'liny tjnirMu mitt * Mrr/t/ /
rcKtmoJ/iU Vltullo In nli ) or ) oui.t * , anj
lit Hmimforvlu < l > .lm.i.iini > Her HmrrJuK * .
, , . , I'rf-rent liit-uulty nml Coiifumiitlon if
taken In time'Dielr IIKH itlioivft hnme-Hnlo Imiirovo.
ment unil r fleet M u OUHK wJioro nil others lall. Iri-
il.t neon lutvlnuMliM i/eiuilrm AJnx Tablets , Tli r
havucuretl t.oubainlimi ) < l will euro > nuP L'lre a
I-oiltiTfl wrl ( ( n uudrunite to HrYci i cum In rtich raio
or refuud tito money , 1'riru CO toniH par nuckuitf or
4li pHckni ; * " ! Ifull tie.itincut ) for S'JfHi' io tli
nliiin wriifpor. itjinti retIrt ot i rlc j , ( 'lrcujir ) frut * .
AJAX RKMKI'V T ! ' . . . ' . . .
For tale In Omaha by JaniPb Koivyth , IM N.
leth ( itrcel.
Kuhn & . Co. . 12th and lloughn Klreets.
It ran be given trillion ! ( knotvli-iliri'
nf tiltinttlrnt In rorfie. If" r uiHelen of
fooil , nlll effect a pcrniannit am ) rfieeily cure ,
whether Hie patient Iv u inoleiatb ilunkvr or uu
ulcoliollc wreck
Honk of iinrlleulum fire , to bo had of
Kuhn it ( * o , , Klh and Dounlnn , Omaha Xrb.
< ( ) ! , DIJS Sl'KCIPU ? CO , ,
Cllli-liiliiill , O ,
Writs for thi-lr "llool : on Morplilne Habit ,
malted free ,
* u > Private Diseases
JJK U..U > Mi lUU rit < r > r
* s 80 y nr Kxi rlenca.
SZ lOYoamluUmalia.
Buok Free. Contulta *
tioni'rvo. IlozTM , ot
14th and Farnun Bti ,
A Handsome Complexion
li one of tbo greatest charms a woman cto
pp c d ,
gives H.