Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    OMAHA DATLT BEE : TIiriiSDAY , AVCM'ST 12 , 18JI7 ,
tl\tm MHNTION ,
Mn E IL Ree fe T5Hltor. reattrt-i h
4 r- . i , Vt.
T J FoJer < dMshJer. Hrtww are
lie .n rijc B .
Mr J J Murith t-f saitrr C r wIts
Itsv T ttr4 y.
MM'itUoa KVaratrtCfi si tbe
E -S C ! r Ke * U * 4r ) . ! ' } > IIF Sit.
Tie State trr ps btr.k ht * tMT ( 3 a
4j Pfj 3 - t. next te Sargeftfi h * riwe.
M > Mary Shrere a a RnmA < o , Benale
t ' enus * t ) . h re > * io Tint rri Utt *
frJ ti RocVpon III. . * ol ilctultj- .
W W L * RW left Tffterflay fw n ex-
U * > i tnp IB KMS * * . Wrwminp nd C h > -
ra VjMBt tmtil about September 1.
J C BlxUj- . with fort * of men. b i
E re to Sidney. ! * litre lie b . a eo -
tri t ftT pkdnc a JjfMlap : jrtint In * tw
Kb- 1 buildinp.
nc < .an > i > nj it N i. L'nten Vcterati Lpten.
pr J tonUht. A fall attendance It < Se-
.rtl Ladk * , ' auxiliary. No 17. will meet
al 'he f.arac tiro-
The ladl < - * . HM-I ) . eo'y * " prals-e of. ear
wrk on s-blrt walrt * 4 J < V VrU , ll en MrtU
a J a 1 tuch eptctalrt : V. Bslf L Bndry ,
7.4 B jTfJl ibose H7.
G J pe Kt olof. lirid by JntUc Barke Ic
th prand 3IT 3 a a cbirpr ot i > * alllnt
Atii 'Vrn'-ia. ' * rrteaied on bail yttter.
( ' Ills bard rat fixed at W *
Trsvf in p AudltBr O. E. Woorc ot On
O.-i * & . SL Ixmit. Ralltrar MHBPWIT Itavci
this rn rnlnc for Qytnry. I1L. * * * * - ? be Ui
s pt nion - Hb the Omaha. Ksnsac , City t
T.\ Urn TUJway company which rwenll :
IJ a cfi the Otnaba ASL Louis liue-
Mc-rlwre of lie Ccmacll DloHs Hoadetei
e' b ar Jarited to attend the openitm mail-
Tiff ft the Omaha Exposition DrlviiJC clol
en bavurday altcrnoon. Aut tt.t 14 On P B-
ca'Ji'lDn ot thMj ratnibenhip cardi. at th !
{ -ate lupinbert ol the Conneil Bluffs Roadfte :
eluh will l > f admitted without charge-
L j. * , l oekhcft ftartled bit Jrlenas 01
Tutf'ay nicbt by blddirur theni an aSectJon
at ! a3i a * d lnorrnicc thcai coolly tha
fcc w'j ct'lBK to commit sutclde. In ITU *
tt > l t detprroiuiUon he exhibited a b tl
cf ' arballe add Itwas nut tlir\pd tb <
jnan had any terlons Intentions upon hV
1 fe but the fact that he wai tnlwed froc
liis arcaitomcd b < iunt yc tt'da > excite
SDDf apprehtnslon. Hit friends oeat
t ae trouble before they Micceeded In find
leg him.
S'tl-an Brothers hire been given the con
tract f r la > Ing 2.009 feet ol Ivn lacl
uater uhifhBill take the piece ol th
-qiartet-lnch ; pipe new In ore fror
Graham aicnup tbieugh the motw cut Jn :
Falrmount park. The old pipe Is M > ladl
C3rodt < l that It Is practically' useless , an
the park commlwlonere tboueht It but t
make the change trhlle other Improvement
* re brine made , KO that when the work ]
til completed the park can be cleared t
til ariKlpbtljobstacles. .
The Board of Connty Supervisors bee It
Ti'ed the members of the city council t
ttl.e a ride over the ne ly constructed roai
that ha\e been made under the direction t
the board lth the new machlnerj ri
t-ently purchared by the county Nearly
dozen miles of ncdway has been flnislie
dor ng the f < * eon. and the members of tL
l-ojj-d are very proud -ol the work that hi
been done. The roadway that ivas finibt'
early In June , when there was enmcier
moisture In the earth to permit the bl
roller to pack It thoroughly has tttod th
teascn's wear rnt t admlribl1ii3e a
ot the other country roadf have been roi
* red with fathomless dust during the h <
dry weather of the last few -week * , th :
rcadwor hae remained smooth and hard an
almost wholly free from duet- The beav
lams that have fallen since the work TU
finltbed have had practically no eZect upa
the surface , while the roads TPI cried In tl
ordinary way have been badly cut up. Ti
county supervisors are anxiaus for the clt
authorities to Inspect this work , hence tl
c B-Vlati Co. . female reaesy : consaltstio
. 12 and J to Z. Healt
* I fn-e. Office hours. , 9 to
| j book Juratehed. 5I6-E:7-3S Mtrriara block.
X. Y Pluroblnc ctraptny. Tel. ISO.
Eilver tearpooDE go wltn Dom'-stlc soap.
The Women's Christian association hoi
plUl work is moving steadily onward. In
provemenu and better facilities at tines ai
deemed judicious economy , although EE a
established principle the women areloth 1
Incur tbe lem financial obligation until tl
first mortgage of M.O&O IE liquidated. Du :
Ing this year J1.200 has bfen paid on th
mortgage. The number of patients admlttE
In July K as fifteen ; number riisshcrged. nln
tten : clarity , one ; number of outside cas <
under Women's Christian association stipe ;
vision , four. The coth statement tliowi
Credits from hospital patients fOGS-itO. Se
end Presbyterian church , fl * ; refund c
dry goods. 19 45 ; life membership ;
Women's Christian association , * 25 ; balani
on hand , July 1. A3J.SS ; total. J729.19. Di
bursccjenU were fTSi.CJ , leaving a balaai
Aucutt 1 of 55 cents.
The commvssry department was nnder i !
rupervls'on of Mrs. D. RWitter. . Tl
consignors were Mrs J. D. Eflnjunso :
Mrs. A JL Hu ! < hlnson. Mrs , J. HoIle itSc'
Mra. M. L. 'Everett , Mrs. O. AI Bror- .
Mrs. W. H. M , Purey. Mrs. John Kelle
< Mr , C M. Bennet , Mis B.-M. Earpen
Mrs. Strah M. Cacy. Mrs. B , M. Wyma
Mrs. M F. Huber Mrs. R. H. Nichol
Mrs. DP Create Mr * . McCune-Mrs. S. f
Kte * . Mi * W S. Cooper. Mrs. A. J ManJe
rDa M-K. Charles Parmalee Mr * . J. ]
Croclw < l ! . Mrs. F. O. GlczBoo , Mrs. B G. 1
Erown. Mrs. AU Wymin. Mrs J.
Stewart Mrs. C A. Brebe. Mrs. W. H R&
lncn. Mrs. Mary Robertson. Mrs. Cbarl
Wcodbary. M-i. James Keith , Mrs. W. 1
Evans Mrfc. A Mitchell. Mre. A. R Walk *
Mrs. M H Wind Mrs. E. J Prouty. Mr
ti Roi-enSeld. the Bartel & Miller Grotej
coinpiny tlie Emll Rosch Birth tt Groce ;
croipzny Donations consisted of berrlf
cierrJcs. plums , Hsmnc. clam bouilllr
itfiftiblcs of all Vinds in the marLet , ] el )
vinepar wtttrmelons , crackers , bread , a
jilt * , egg * , milt cream flowers , crg ;
lines , rorrpaprrs sU sliver dettrt tpoca
Mrde. sik of magnesia , table cloths , frui
of all It in is.
Illili-r * fur lltr On I Club Meet.
The tnplet amateur team that -will t ;
dcavor to break some of tbe etate. re con
et the bicycle meet on Saturday did ton
practicing ; < rday oa tbe track at Cnli
park The rteult uta very caoouragjg
the you OR men and they feel confident
their ability to do tome work that will e :
title them to more than local rc-ccgoUlo
Tbe learn is * cmpof. J of Sen Blue. Gi
t.sule and William Johneoa. The trlpl
ujll be US.NJ In piciog all races and son
time during the interim nbe-n the boys g
thoroughly warmed up they will go alt
tt state re-eordfi. *
Manager Harry Smltu was In high feath
jeaurtay over the outlook for some fii
rpcrt oa Saturday All of tbe tpeody ride
vho bold Xebrrtka records ill be here ai
tbtre will be a croud of local flyers. T ,
OnrahaBbeelmec are taking a detp in'ert
in tLe cieat and bate selected a aurnt > tr
the first prizes nrbieh they propose to ta'
cvay ui'h them. II E. FredricVsoo w
IT t after the Iowa etete mile record , pac
Ic I 07 uhlch U now held by Floyd MrCj
of Orr.iti. The Iowa qaartrr mile , ( .tandli
n rt xiapiM d , now beid by Hattechauer
ills city will aUo be attacked by t
Omalia nJert. and wUl be botly defesd
by Ha'teahaver Tbce coatesU will be
Addition to tbe regular program of eler
The prltei to be awarded were placed i
< ihibltio ? in the ( bow wiodowc of Deei
Wrtls & Co. ytsjrdky A the me-et is u
drr the rule * of the League of Araerks
Whctlmtn co each prize * ran be awsrdt
The each value of the prizce , bow ever a
gttgale over fSW. and embrace articles
luautcal vtluo to whctlmto
Puc.1 E i-e a pcnuatr for tbf tftt-
ruiT * imlnTui mbUrB xmtntzic tin kci j
tanlij < Vr * ifar iit > r oat of ourtu bed bucku
It * the rmlrrt comfort < Slkoot try of ibt- * |
Alltn > FIU nukrj Uttit fiuloe or i
i ioo J < * 1 It If cvrtkln curr fur rmei
tnc c Hou knd bo : . UrrA , kcJanf JM-L To
( uUj &cJ4 Wr all drucctM > anil Uit * un
tly mall tit tic In Hnai-i. Trial rirkvo FUE
AUua K , QlaMjU , L * Sjtf , K. Z.
M L&js Oat
Wiat it WH ! De.
Prt-1l nnarlr | ArrnnKril KO tlinl
Ac-Ill < Mu > r irnt > l j lire ! " u
eon no tlitr I'rrnintifnl OrKBO-
Ir-allon Hao tlrrn Uflrrlril.
The CMBattt * ? of ten appsinted at the
l M aKttlBg < ri the eBtlve ctweaHtee of
the OMtbcil Ola 3 * Trttrtmtw' fippi
tioe to cMtder can4idatec for the
ot the new or sanitation , men IB the cSice e !
Dr. Clrater jetterday joomlng a d per-
farmed the dmt a .Hfn 3 it. Th Gtct
regvlar toeetlag dl the PotumltH-e will ocrar
at tb eM ; balldlBg this evening ao4 the
caadMatcv t-electe for pi ( eldest , vke presl-
deet and tre * vrt > r will l-t rrtT-eniri and tie
! bed men t - ! < x-tcd A great deal depibfi ;
9 } > B peitl&snorVlag rSlcerb as wel ! us t
I working fiec-otive ooaaitttt } fitly and it
j was for this rostra that k ; > ortkin ol tht
I work ot M-Vertinc them wkt delecated to a
j sjie-rtal cctmnKtt * seJi-ctt for ; he pvros * .
, ' Seicrftary Jodsue hae receite-d rer < Jhs fron :
1 a.11 of the membfit ol the comzcittee It
1 nhoio he aeMfsfred bl * > lette : % notilyin ;
j tbcni of their election to the e > cntive oom-
I mlttec ka4 roqufsting ir , aii&wtto tht
querj whc her or not thej would accept the
office and work on the committee. Tiere
have been eeAtre ! dccllnstiotit , aad the
vacaucieip uiii be filled at the n > e > eung thh
evening. Tie ifiea hit been gtnerail ) pi omul
gated that the tennmmee o ! Slty is to be I
working oictnisatioo acfl that there will l > <
no figure beads or droae * in it. This com
mitten will be divided up Into seitn t , = beom'
mittcta of > tven a-eaiberfc each , who ! !
be ele > cte J with repaid to tseir tpeclal fit'
ness for the work that will bt tssjgned them
Itwill be perceived that a gieat deal o :
care and good judgment w-ill be necessar :
in making op these committees The com
mhteer and their woik will be as lollows :
Tmns ; > ortatou To fc-uit ttie be"-l trans
poitauon lacJUifct to and from thefij.js !
Uon { rrouixlE. anfl loither , to provide fo :
mont&ly txrur ions ol ejiporitlon visi ors ti
Councl l > iurtf ,
Exhibits To determine upon a list of th <
article * and product ? to be ej.hibitMj bj th' '
pt-ojile of Council BlulTf and 1'ott tvi attaml
Uterature To present in pamphlets , olrcu
Isrs. etc. . thechaiacttr-Ftlc leatnre * of Conn
cil Bluffs , her bfautllul parts and likes he
li/xtly homes and glens , her matchless rai
walatilltit - * and w sat hlie oT ; r ! tb Ir.
Solicitation To bring before the variou
national and Ftbte atsocibtion = the claim
of Ct/unrfl BluH' nf a convention city , an <
further , to put thems-tUfs. In tuuci wit ;
mauuIac-tuiitiR tihibitors at the eiTio > it-or
with a view to securing factories lit thi
i-'jnarjce To iev : e way ? tnd means fo
pro\ilnK thf tund = necessan- prorcut
tne work of the association.
Printing To provide al circulars- and othe
pruning matter ordered by the executiv
committee , teQuinng bld for the ram
whtnever in their Judcroent thf ma nlmfi
of tnt- order Ju--tlfle such t < ld
Lwlatioa To secure Itirlslstion deslpne
to promote the interest of the Tran = tnlFri
sippl and International Exposition , of Cyan
Wl Bluff .s at Poitawauarole counti and c
the Ftate.
It i& expected that there committees trill b
at least partially selected at the meeting o
the committee tonight , and itmill be wel
for the memoirs to familiarize themselve
with tha work that is ahejid of them.
Cltlvrni > InKr J-JifTKrMloD' . to th
Cltj Connell Aboat tileHonil. .
The members of the city council nei
caJltd together last night as a committee c
the whole for the purpose of 1-Mealsg t
eorne suggestions by the citizens concerris
the fifty-year Iraathise of the motor con
pany. The propositions formulated by th
citizens' committee s.nd published bj Th
Bee two day * aga htd not been presente
to all ot the members of the council and ti
comm ttee requested the mayor to call tl
council together last night as a commute
of the whole for the purpose. The mt rntej
of the citizens' commute ? present wci
Jacib Sims , Leonard Everett , Coiorel Bake
Spencer Smith. J. C. De-Haitn and Hug
Cole , with tiisugh Interested cltiZEns to maV
up an audience of twenty-five Alderme
Brough and Shubm IT ere absent.
Mr. Elms -wts epc-kesraan for the citlzei
and west over the grounds that have alrrad
been pretty -well worn before he pr-sente
the suggestion * thst were approved S
called atuntisn again to the great 'mpor '
acce of the ordinance , and complaine-d thi
it was not known that the rsotor compar
w-as cvea contemplating the submission <
a proposition to the couzcil for an exit ]
sion of Its charter , and thst the fl-st int
aatlan that was given was when the new
pipers announced the Tiatsage of the ord
nance. He called attention to the feet thi
the Couctul Bluffs line was the setond tie
trie road that had been built in the Unite
States , and that only a few jear * ago n
oae of ut tven dared to dream of ele-ctr
propulsion for cars , tnd today , after tl
lapae of only ten years , it had been d
vtloped and manage-d into one of the finci
aad bett equipped lines In the world
such progress can be made in soaaj
t time how do we ktow what the future wi
produce , or if it will net make it re > e < aui
for a complete change of our prfstnt znrt !
odi > of dealing with the transportation pro !
lemtIn vie" of the pe sjLiliiHt be coi
tended that we had no right to tie the ham
of the future. He presented tie ccndl'lci
utdtr which the committee of citizens wou
be milling to gract an exte&Hon cf the pre
nt charter for a period of twenty-five year
TS preiiously published , aad earnestly adv
rated e-ach cf the proposition
George P Wright replied to the length
argune-nt. and again explained to the men
bers of the council the financial nece sl :
that made It newssary for the motor coi
t ny to cak for the extendcm of its chartc
li fcaid the gentlemen who wereprotestis
fgaltust the ordinance were either laboriz
under B misapprehension or had reached
jioint where they erased to care what tl
corte guenccs would t > e , cod that the wrecl
Ins ot the road was an object to be soagl
rather than to be avoided for tht gener
good of the city. He decltrod there we ;
only two courses left for the company '
pursue , to let the road po Into bankrupt *
or come before the council and ask lor tl
ocly means of salvation that exit ed , T !
bondholders hsd said that rather than lal
the rord and operate it they would refn :
the bonde U an extension of the chart !
could be fcecurcd that would give a su
ficient time to pnnide lor their paymen
Thl profiotition to the fompan > to arrant
for tee issue cf lose time bonds wcs tl
cnly course left to escape ruin The fcttt
mints published wire true az > d showed t !
absolute condition of the road ,
J A Pattozi cashier el the Hret N
tiara ) bank , offere-d to take the road en * t !
hands of the company and raise
In Council BuC In a week so J-
ff the indebtedness. ti)3 incited Mr. V'ng
< o meet him with a renewal of tht prcpa
lion that bad been made to tfce council.
In thtoure &f hit argument \
Wright explained that the company w
ai > ligtid to f y the Omaha , Street HaUwn
company IC.Oite a jew for tLe tr.v ege
its t ains around toe loop
end If ibt cofflpiny de ird to
i.uld under tht eoB tlJaiM o. 1:1 chart *
run Its traiuc ocly to tse f dt cf Dwr !
* treet He explained tiiat tke ooccpasy h
triri the . .itsfnt Kie l ebildrefi aehei
in lk l. eod had tp i&iD * B it oo t.oceu
cf the keri.ui itapofciliaui by the jfj&v
zet bold or tht ticLeU. He declared U
he had elway U-e-n in favor o ! piuaticg
4ti lEht Incest Cfmnuitctiao tltket to t
working zee : ere tbe bridee liar but
was only * c of six direeum a
had been outvoted. He U-Uti
that if a meeting of the
are wu tailed and the matter
they might get to tzunkmg u he had alua
thoucht. RegirdiEg the proposition * co
ulBfd U the tufEtitlona ct the
cozstoUtM t * coitciiid Qt ttt
state laws aad city ordinance * felly r vtr(4
tbett. 1i t the rtly had ab lalr coutrsi
evtr tbe aotor. a d that MI claaw In th *
ebarter criaiiac a4dltl tal ceetrtrt w M
ad asylblsc te tbla p wer la aecn-er t a
< 3cr > be 4ec4kre4l that the only diri4ead
tbtccapaty had rver declared wts tk e
ei < IHT tf-at in lf > . azwvMlBf ; te J4 . < - ( > S.
for th-e jrajmtBt t which tbe mosey had
b * borrow ed
Sb rt fpeecbtc wrre mafle by Mr Everett
a 4 oth c. a&d Spfbttr Smi'h took advaat-
are f tbt oppcrtHrity to eipltln a remirk
( bit hid btn ettrlbnted tc bits as baring
be < a > 4 at the court bwsse aeetlag rtv-
< ral alcbu aco. which wat tQrpo e4 to bave
beea ttetit a a ; t3 < cttoa tp n tbe cotja-
til He 4 < nifd that he tppHed tbe phrase ,
"tkioaing # k aki , " to the members.
Tbe metliag adporae4 without further
u \I.IM\IN is TO A AMI : HIM.
Mon < > l'rc rnt KllrUlncrr'ii Cnndl-
ilnp > lint firm Urcrldnl On.
I : hti be-en definitely settled that Hon
Joke X. Baldwin will present tbe natnf
of A. T. nickitigtr to the republican sitate
octiVMitten , which me ets at Cedar Rapids
next Wednesday. Mr. Baldwin was not in
the city when the republican county conven
tion was held , and bis name was not suz-
gestwJ ts caof the Cedar RapWs delegates ,
bet since hi * return be has been over
whelmed with offers of proxies , and has an
nounced his williagntss to accept one of thrm
! cud become an acthe worker in the conven
tion for Mr. Flickincer. Mr Baldwin will
be made chairman of the delegation.
Mr 1'lickinper's candidacy bat grown Into
proj > orflont that have compelie-d It to receive
rojudtration from the T'Olitlclaus all over
[ the state. He is acknowledged to stand next
I to I'arrott and Funk. They have both been
in politic * for nearly a generation , and thest
i facts are what the friends of Mr. Fliekinger
argue will tell most against them , for there
is a tery etrong inclination all over the state
to . .at loose from the domination of the poli-
ticlnns. This will b the animating spirit of
the convention and It will give Mr Flick-
Inger a force that no other candidate can
command All sorts of storiei are being clr-
nlaliJ to draw awaj thi * strength. It It
being UKerted that he was brought out solely
for the purpose of defeating Speaker Byere.
No candidate that ever appeared in tbe state
is so fie-e from beinc a creation of the poll-
ticitrs as Mr Flickincer. He was urged
to beome a candidate not by the politicians ,
even of his own town , but by the best ele
ment of the republican , party in the western
portion of the state , who realize that the
time is auspicious for western Iowa to name
the next ror-nor He is western Iowa' !
candidate and Is not out to defeat or inter
fere with the candidacy of any other in tbt
Srfd , From assurance ? pouring In from all
portions of the state the outlook Is now vtry
favorable that be will receive the nomlnatloc
after the figh. of the politicians' candidates
U through with , which will require about a
dozen ballots.
The genuine Domestic soap is the firsl
grade The imitation Is a cheap grade.
* m Itrlininn Bonrlier Hurt.
Hiram E. Boucher , a switchman en *
ployed by the Union Pacific Railway com
pany , yesterday morning lost a leg and sus
talned other Injuries that may prove fatal
He wi * engaged In making a coupling , anc
while running alongside of the track fell
and -was d-awn under the wheels. He war
taken in charge by the other trainmen anc
conveyed to tie yard offices. The company * *
physician WEE summoned and tfter an ei <
aminatlon it was thought advisable to sent
him to one of the Omaha hospitals.
At the times of the accident Mrs Bouchei
wjxfc at Lake Manawa preparing for the Mac
Cibe * ' plcxiic. She was advised of the acci
dent and reached her husband's bedside a ;
quickly as possible.
Mr. Boucher is one of the olde t switch
men in the employ of the company and haj
held his present position for more than ;
dozen years. He has been of the mos
careful and cautious employes in the yards
His home is at 1&02 Xlnth avenue.
With tic Cliffords and the Tyrollaas a
the Grand Plaza next Sunday there tbouli
be at least C.OOB people at the Plaza. Th
Cliffords alone are considered ei : a ful
show themselves and a good one at that.
The genuine Domestic soap wrappers ET <
red. Beware of imitatlonc.
j Heal Ki-tiuc Transfer * .
Tie following transfers were reported yes
J lerday from the 5itle aad loan office of J. W
I Squire 101 Pearl ireef
Cas a Addison to Edward Dewev , lot
4. block 2G. Bajllss i Palmer's add.
w. d S. j :
Ann E Whlttflker et at to Xaoml
1 Dew ( > - , jw * * , swi , 1S-TC-41 , q c. d . af
.John H. Glover and wife * to Lewis Lev ,
w is FW H. T-TC-42. w. d : ,
j Frank Peterson and wife to Anna C.
1 Larsen. tot 3. block & , Park add ! , w. d.
J T Abts and wife to Ernma F. Ma-
j loner , lot C. block 10. Wright' " add.
w. d a
1 Anna C. Larten and hupfaand to Frajik
1 Peterson H lot i block li. Hall's.
! add , w. d
, Mary E. Burrie-y and hufband to Lydia
A. Webs ter Iot5 3 an3 C , bleU 11 ,
Pierce's subdiv. w. d
Seven transfers ; total f fc , : <
40 Domestic toap wrippere are good fc
li sllier teaspoons.
Gold Driuorrnt * Will Mnkr Tlil
I'ovrc-r Frll in Io vn Tlilx 1 cnr.
DES MOINES. Aug. 1L { Special Tfle
gram. ) The state committee of the gel
democracy mtt here today and dlscnte-
plans for jhe campcign. Every district bi
' i one was represented and most of tbe card
' 1 dates were present. t H w-j * reported thz
I contributions from gold democrats in tl
. ' elite have been received In su :
| < ficknt amount to assure an activ
I ) campaign It will be opened i
Davenport September 1. with a speech b
Judge Cllggett , candidate for governor. Cai
lltle , Wattersan , John P Irish , F W , Lei
' i raann. W D. Bynum and other national lead
, ers of the party will take ; jan in the low-
campaign The ftate will be organized b
' 1 cc-untits at once , headquarters being opene
in this city today In charge of Chalrma
' Mull In. Tie commltteemen agree that tbe
; will have a vote of 40.0W to Mt,0iO ! this jew
; claiming that democrat * who for fear e
free silver voted for McKlnley last year wj :
be trith the national democracy this yetr.
Ilriiorlril to I r Lr i. Cunfidrnl Tim
Formrrl > of I'lllinntr Ht-rott-r ) .
DES M07NES , Aug. XL < Special Tell
gram , ) Governor F. M Drake It et Excelsii
Springs , Mo , where he was taken for h :
health. Reports are conflicting as to h !
condition , but tbe impression here and al hi
Ccnterville home is that he is a very sic
man. He has not entirely recoiered fro ]
the effe-ctr of his rtcent fall on the caplti
steps , where be inlured an old war uouni
He Is able to walk only a little way an
with crutches. His diabetes , with which i
has been afflicted for jeir , it much worti
and it 1 * this which gives his friends moi
concern. Further , it it reported that be
le-ff confident than formerly of bis ultima !
Iorn'i > Hnrtrkt of Cirnlu * .
RED OAK la , . Aug. 11 < Hpfcial. ) R. j
SUienc. an extensive grain dealer of Re
Oik. uy tbe new crop of mill grain , whi
moving Quite actively. Is below the
! is we gin J-ad quantity per sere , wheat rui
Di aiDR ten to twenty bcsitU aad cati t ei
j to Ihlny butht'f per tere Oli coin U DO'
" j .sg pretty lively. Tbe protpectt tie tb ;
J" the - crop will n t far exceed a M pi
aj ccat jield
l"rrntiirr > iKrnil } fur llu lncih .
SHE.VAXDOAH. la. AUE u. iSpeoiai v
1 The creamery stockholders have ceceptad U
plant from the coetractors ube plac d tl
ma.hiner } aad active operations Kill cos
d jatnct at oace Farmers tnticipite t ne
iur of in ome from the venture
Suit on Ljun C-ount > Ilondk.
SIOL'X CITY. Aug. 11 { Special T 4
cram ) Suit we * commenced in tbe ft-der
eaurt bere toiay bj tbe Kt-ent Five-Ce
Strlati UcV ol Ktest. K. U. , to
on botidi irree-J tf Lyoa couaty.
It a. several yearti tra TbJ I * a cw .
suit IB tbe fatnMje Lyon bnaiy bo&d can * .
wktch b ve beea In the ooarta m r yearr.
and tbe r tt It b'oagbt brcav * * ot a de- !
rfeton f Jodgf Siilra last , cprlcc IndlcJt-
lap tint thla particular lsio ef bstrdt wat
good Tbe cwiDty bad , re edteted the
boedr. ctalnalng tbat they Vet * \ttvei \ whra
tbe * county wac already b r d tbe limit of
Wnmltnrn Picnic nt Mlif-nnndonh.
SHEXANfOAH. la. A p 11 < f-clat )
Tie city presents a pala ijpj iraate tolay
and beadredt et people are opining la tram
every direction A Weogaen picnic it la
progress at tbe fair grwHSdil aad camps ot
WoodnH * and Royal Neighbor * canse trrcn
Clarinet. Et"i. . Xorthboro. Bradiyvfllf . Far-
rajmt. Cola aod other points. An extensive
program te bflag carried cmt
RED OAK , la. . Ang. 1L ( Special > The
five tramps arrested here yesterday not
supposed to be the rate who robbed the
Avtry depot Saturday night wee set at llb-
trty til * morning , persons trom Avery fall-
Ing"to identify them. They were tongh
lot and the plinder they had wta varied and
valuable _
South Omaha News
The fight over the settling ot the garbage
claims is about to be brought to the atten
tion of the district court. This rooming an
application will be made to Judge Scott tor
an order restraining the city treasurer from
paying the warrants , amounting to J700 ,
which were issued to Garbage Master
Ltnagh at the meetinc of tbe city council
Monday .nichu At the Instance ot Allen R.
Kelly a petition In equity for an injunction
was driwn up lart evening by Attorney W.
C Lambert and will be filed this forenoon ,
The plaintiff in this petition informs the
court that on August S the city council
had presented to It for allowance aad paj-
ment a claim of JK'O ' by the garbace master.
which claim was for the aggregate of the
eiarges for the alleged removal ot garbage
from vaults and buildlncs. Further the pe
titioner allege-s that thes-e items of charge
constituted the aggregate that had bten. Just
prior to the meeting on August S. presented
to tbe council for the purpote ol having
the same equalized , adjusted and finally ae -
sessed against the property of persons
against whom the charges were made. Sit
ting as a board of equalization , the council
took no action on these claims on account
of an opinion given by the city attorney
to the effect that the charges for removal
of garbage could not be legally assessed
acalnjt the property
In his petition Kelly goes on to allege
that four city warrants have been Issued
in favor of Garbace Master Lenagh. three
for J00 each and one for JH'O. These war
rants , the plaintiff asserts , were disposed of
bj Lenagh Immediately afttr his receipt of
them , and are now being held by unknown
partits ,
Continuing the plaintiff informs the court
that the whole proceeding was Illegal and
without warrant of law , in that no appro
priation can be legally ma3e or fund created
for the purpose of paying charges for the re
moval of garbage from vnults. ao no provis
ion was made in the anneal appropriation
bill for such expenditures
The tatyor and council , the petition al
leges is without power tb appropriate. Issue
or draw anv order or warrant for money
unless the same be appropriated by or
Further than this , the plaintiff asserts
that the council attempted to justify its ac
tion by later on passing a motion instruct
ing the city attorney to commence legal
proceedings to collect garbage lew from
owners of lots and lands specified In garbage
ordinance Xo. 115.
On these grounds the court Is asked to
issue a permanent injunction against the
payment of this sum of money to the gar
bage master.
Cannriliunn Mori Hn n Sell em c.
Councilman Mort has a scheme for regu
lating the garbage matter which he thinks
will dispose of the perplExlng question to
the satisfaction o ! the taxpayers. He pro
poses that garbage wagons be licensed the
same cs drays and express wagons , and that
[ he council by ordinance fix the maximum
rate to be charged for the removal of gar
bage and nlgit soil In this way there will
t > e competition and the haulers of garbage
will be paid for the removal ol the stuff at
the time the work is performed. A license
of about KJ a year is suggested for eacl
wagon. Further than this the council would
designate the style of the -wagon to be used
In order that there would be no complaint !
about hiuling refuse through the s treetp is
open vehicles. The cltj would then be com
pelled to provide a dump and see to It thai
all such matter was dumped at the polnl
The general cleaning up of the city could
be the same as now In case It was neces
sary to serve notices to clean up or have
garbige removed the sanitary inspectoi
would do his part of the work , and in cas
his orders were not obeyed the offendlnf
parties could lie arrtsted and brought btfori
the police Judge for trial.
Mr. Mort favors this plan above the on <
suggested which provides for the creating o :
a garbage fund. In tbe plan be propose th <
persons creating tbe garbage would be thi
ones to pay for Its removal , and not thi
owner of vaunt lots.
$ trt ( Jrndliijr Problem.
Feeling in regard to the grading o
Twenty-sixth street from A to F ap
pears to be divided. Some of the propert :
owneis insist that the street be gradeJ thi
full width as set out In the petition whlcl
was presented to the council. Others wan :
the street graded only to the curb lines I :
order that trees growing between the cur !
tnd the sidewalk may b * allowed to stand
The matter is now in the hands of tbe coun
cil committee on streets and allejs and a re
port \f expected at the next meeting
According to tbe city engineer the .strfe
can be narrow ed to forty feel and thus leavi
the trees standing. This will necessitate ai
additional expense- for crosiwalks as slepi
will be needed at each crosswalk , whlcl
would not be the case If the street wai
graded to the full width of forty-eight feet
Eight steps would bs needed at each Inter
section These steps would In a measure de.
tract from the looks of tbe itree-t and wouli
not suit some ol the property owners It li
understood that the wlshfe of a majoritj
of tbe property owners will be considered an <
There hts been considerable delay In tbi ;
matter already and now the question of m-
cr no trees has sprung up it Is hard to sa ;
when work can commence. It was expectei
that tbe grading would be done this year
but unless the property ownfres agree too :
it will oe too late.
Too Much IlroU > l' < ; ln .
Complaints are made aluratt daily abou
the amount of glass taf < be pavement !
Along Twenty-fourth eui , even up In tb
residence district , the ptvemtnt Is llttcre
with piles of groken flat * nd no effw
seems to be made towirdlcpa.tinE tbe nul.
ance or enforcing the ordinance governln
this matter. Some time * Aia petition wa
c'rcu'ated by memberi fit thfr Young Men'
Christian association , urgljrg.the council t
enforce this ordinance , but , nothing tame t
U and the petition was ne. T p'eteoted J
tbe city fathers fw coijsMyration , without-
it wai elgsed by a large'iMmber of wbeei
mm Bicyclists comjilrin every day obot
caving tires ruined by runAWs into piles t
Broken glaie. ' "J
Irr Cnur for lift
Tbe Crosby & Rich it * t&ttt will come u
far bearing in tbe district c&urt Saturdaj
tnd tbt attorcejs for that firm are preparic
additional fcQdaviu pertaining to the ccs
Cbcm'tt D'urnmer ol Osiaha has furmtbt
affidavits t-rtting forth the findings of tea :
made by him dcring tbe last week of t :
ice 6 > ld by tbe company. In couuerti ;
with this matter Che-mUt Drummer ij
that the ordinance- unfair in that in it
standard prescribed cot enough free &B
mot-tx it allowed , and ice much albuzoc
B permitted. Other Izttereft-ng facts i
tonmrtion with the Ice gueatlan ere to i
bra-giit up at tbe bearing.
Mre.V. . C. Simment has gone to Colorad
en A vlt it-
Mrs C Haanon U la South Dakota , vltil
'eg friends.
Tonight -the BaptUt young people will sir
& hayrttk jr y to RJvtrritw j > trk. Tb
Ft art will be aaSe from the church t t
& clock.
A flaachif-r bt been bura to Mr. and Mr *
Mote Redmao.
John RHey , Tweaty-fiflh &d J * treett , U
iascervBily ill.
J hn r. Sanvete. Deeatar. 111. , 1 * here , the
City Trt s rer BroaelwHI tew rki c a
hit annual repert.
Dr M. W. Dav1 ot Mo. , It
here rteltlng relatives.
George Pa l has about recovered tra a
severe attack of fever.
A permanent cMewalk is betas 1141 la
front f JIM X street
A tf-eclal zsertiBc f the Bear ! ot K4 ei-
tton will 1 * beld this eventsg.
MSllva of Sbotbooe. I4ab . brcncbt tit
car * of cattle to this market yetrriav
ABgufi Meyer. Vail. la. was here j * ter-
day and bnwght two carloadi I fe + trs.
The women ef the First Pretbylenan
church will give a trolley party tr < nlght
At tbe time ef buslaetf July tl tbere wa
a balance * I JCJ.UT In the city treasury
Cathler Bostwick ot the &cmta Omsha Xa-
lio&al bank sat returned from Cheyenne
Mis * Nellie Hank ot PlaUsraonth Is here.
the puett ot her sister. Mrs , James Cobrty.
The emr4oye < s ef the Drcrrrs * Joatn l will
hold their fourth annual picnic next Satur
Carl Xelson has taken oat a permit for
a IC08 cottage at Tw exity-eeveath ana 0
The Home Circle cteb. rw in camp et
eyrac-or park , will return to the city next
Mr i. George Daaehue. w a tad daughter.
have gone to Yankton. S. Dfor a two
ve.tks' IsIL
Samuel Mathews of Shelton. Xeb. . Is her *
arranging for 56.0t sheep , which he Intends
e-eding at hie ranch.
Dan Montecue leases next week fw Xew
Mexico us the rtrreseotath e ef the Trans-
ml'elstlppl Exposition.
Rev. Georce VanWInkle has acccptca the
call of the First Baptist church , anfl will
commence his labors here September 1.
Alvln Seitz. manager of the Sheidley Gat-
le company , with headquarters at Kans
City , was In the tlty yesterday tbe guett o !
officials ot the stock yatdf company.
co > mo AFTKU 01 n H\I > ciioi * .
r c oi
today My * "The large ft fleet of vessrfi
that ever left England in ballast has tailed
within the latt we-ek fo- the Df law ere break
water end Hampton Roads lor orders. Thci :
owners have found it more profitable to ten ;
them without carco than to have them ws >
tor one. The machinery of some of them i
rather antiquated , but the demand for ttean
tonnage has induced tbt.r owners to civi
them another trial in competing with th
more modern craft Several Tes'els arrive !
at the Delaware breakwater yesterday fron
Europe In search of business. Large pur
chares of grain have bein made In tbi
country by Italy. Austria. France and Egypt
countiies which rarely before have purchase !
cereals In tbe United State * . Several charter
ve been effected at this port to carry grol :
to Marseilles Genoa. Trieste and Alexhndri :
end other Mediterranean
Bl r Drive of liei > Oirrlnncl.
KAXSAS CITT. Aug. 1L Mr A. J. Knol
lln. a live .stock commission merchant o
this city has bought in Oregon SO Ot 0 ebe-ep
which are now being driven overland to Kan
sas. where they -will be fed next winter am
marketed the following spring This im
mense herd has been divided Into twelv
bands each of which is driven by eight men
The sheep are allowed to graze along th
roadside. The drivers are furnished witl
hordes and camping outfit and while th
sheep rest at night the shepherds s-leep ii
tents. The bands are driven about twelv
miles apart tad Mr Krollm expects to read
Kansas with the sheep by October By dnv
ing the eheep overland Instead of thippln ;
them by rail the commission merchant wl !
save perhapr , 160,000. as tbe transportatio :
charge * from Oregon to Kansas amount t
II a bead ,
Open * It * Door * to \ \ nmrn.
CHICAGO. Aug 11- The College of Phy
slcians and Surgeons Is to throw : open It
doors for the admission of women This ha
been decided upon by the trustees of th. .
University of Illinois after a bitter fish
against lie Innovation on tbe part of th
authorities of the medical school. Itwa
made a department of the State cnUer tj
TnVInK Silver to Europe.
XEW YORK , Aug. 10 The steamer Si
Louis , sailing for Europe tomorrow , will tak
CSLOOO ounces of pilver
> lan nil Wife Murderrtl.
Dfcjlch and wife -were found murdered i
Xo potash no mineral no dancei
in S. S. S. This means a tjresl
deal to all vrbo know the disastrous
effects of these dru s. It is th ;
only blooa remedy guaranteed
Purely Vegetable.
S. S. S. force1 ? tbe disease ou1
through the skin does not dry ui
tbe poison to decay tbe bones , like
mercurial mixtures do.
I was almost a physical Treck , the rcsnlt o
mercurial treatment
for blood pols-on ; fc.SS.
ii a real blooj remedy ,
for It cured n > e j > er-
manently " Henry
Roth. 1MB South Xintb
Street , St. Louie. Mo.
Book * free : address Swift Specific Co , Atlanu
& Searla ;
Cured tur We ttiJ lot pbiuA UjuruacU >
ii-um u.r untffi-
cjrnnttuntfa. tx-mio&J WtrtkOtri ,
Luod , Nlcm lau&iic t , Dtcu.jt-0 J'iculUtt. 1'
IQI < WftLt-tj-i nc a til CUbr4 r < P
rtlitr tu MX pcujuvtij cum. i'lUi
FieTfLA ioa KCCTAU LWilllS HrjJjt.
CEI-ES AND VAmcoCEU. jwmannitly ti
fu"jcurta UtUiO" n
Stricture and Gleet < ti ,
IT new rarUibd without pita cr octtisc "i
'n or ojdrt-r * vlUi itarap ,
fr ) airlK A-
ui. jj4ni a
_ . . . Dr < S fit ,
CONsI L.T4T10A I'HL'li
. _ . .cUUrti in treatment tj
Cbronic , Serrons and I'riTzte ' Disease
, and all UBAtvM. < > UTU
] and imOHUlZHS of HlUfl
UAD11TS rtten ctrtlul u > d tpocial
( t4j t tir m n > ailcuti u.
VI'HILIS If juur rjinj'UJi i fcrf tint ulrufcl. muooui ju.utt-4 In moul
ta la I > OCM k&j > < uni . toir It
) &U tJtl t ; too lltuc to
nk ) . e tjr lee i
Uc > & la lnilne i or nuti , Mterc nitctal itn
cr crlef. EEXTAL. EXCESSES in mill01- lilt
iTttn tiit tSfCU ( rf : fp-jltfbl fbUllt. Call
thrir ietn * toJar thr * * m11r * ath - < f the
cJtr Thflr boo h J
or TOI A\S
t'nlr anil AVnrmrr , Tilth Vxrlnlilr
Wind * tor > rlir * kn.
WAPH1NOTOX , A K Il.-Tlie forprast ict
low r 'r. n arm'r.
For Smth D kx > ta Fair xn4 im.raier , .
J ir t
l * r Wj-omlnc Onxrallr f ( r , erthsrt t
Lorn I Hreortl.
OMAHA. A R 31.-Om h * record of r > lrir ll
Inc day of tht i > ft three yvrt.
iw ; it * i sc JVM
M&xlrmim jFint'fmtorf . 1C M ! O f
Minimum trjwiwratar-e . . ! * CB 2
Avt-race ter j > T ti re . . CT Tf Ti > S
Rainfall . . ' . C" . ( M (0 (
K or ( ! f Jemi > Tatgre and r > r 1pltatk'n
at Om ha for this da- and Mnce Mnrcb 1 , ,
i : .
Nortn l for thf day . TS '
Deficiency for th * d j . v
Accumulated * > xc - ; H Cf March 1 . IT ,
Xnrmal rainfall for the day . 11 inch 1
Dtficifno fer the day . 11 inc-h
Total rainfall Mnt * Mai h 3 . II < M Inches
l > efl er > cj ( Jnce March 1 . T TJ Inrhtu
Exee for or j > rlod. 1S * . . I (6 Inches
DeSdeno for cer } > ertod. IMS * . . . f > .lslnch ( *
Hci > orl from Mn lon nt " | > , in. ,
Srrjjitj .Jiftt a > riMU.t > ttcae. j
| 't t t *
North n t1i. t r . | K M w
Slt L Ve d
Oltj. eJt-nr . | M W. <
Huroa. * ir . i X It mi
Cbtraco. l' ' n riomjj . . . j f * TT t
VVIUlMan , clour . | K < w
St. IxatK rk r . i 74 K %
su r * L t * r . : r VK o ,
Diti-niwn. cf r . . ' 74 7f < *
Hrltna. dftr . , K > 4 Dt.
Kana Cltr. eh-sr . ; TC 7f I *
H iTe. fituT . M "f if
clear . S H W
. \ H h' tt >
L A. TV'ni ll , Ix6l ron kit
Etprt n > it , ji.ttj.Jr * , tlfc.
oUr. Qjtij l ndrjthin , UK ] ft .ur but. Ittlb.
Its ctjci.ptfc yfc-U nltk j l w rra 1 lkt
wilt OTTKTIH Soir , aad pmll * ass-lBtjiiF *
wrtl Ornnia ittdmnirct * the pr t Ua cor * .
JtK > 1dtlt rrbratBi Trt4. PC nil Dtre i
Otir Min ! VM tiiolM
W Uf U WoCim Soft. TOih. HttiO In * .
cnirtt-i HLK
ram BANK
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL. - . . S100 , < K > 5 >
o > u of THI : OLUUST UAMCS t > IOWA.
\s\ss * > sr\\s *
for Infants and Ohitdren.
The Pac-simile Signatoe of
Appears on Every Wrapper.
ill oSuiult I
Owl Club , Council Bluffs
: :
MATCH RACE One Mi e County
Cnampionship Colored
A beaut ful silk banner given io club bavin" largest attend
ance at the races.
Grand stand Iree. Children under 12 years 15 cents.
For entry blank ? , address
HARRY K. SMITH. Secy and Mgr.
IOOO Main Street , Council Bluffs * Telephone fOO.
DR. H. A. After July istmy faOier. Dr.
Votaiur , , / ,
A.DENTIST. EI < } % chaneo
DENTIST. tbe plate work in mj offle and 1 will
pive ray entire attention t > Oparallvo
DentUlry , Crown and Bridge Work.
No. 30 Pearl St. ,
Next to Grand Hotel. H. A. WOODBURY , D.D. S