* 3CsS2 S2o3ieSl ! < 8i PART III. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE a PAGES 17 TO ESTABLISHED JU TJ3 10 , 1871. , SUNDAY IMOttNTNG , AUGUST-8 , 185)7 ) TWENTY rA(3-13S. ifl COPY nvi3 CENTS. p Our immense new store is nearing completion jand will soon be ready for business. The west wall of the inside building adjoining will have to be torn down. The "Big Store" is to be one of the greatest and best in the world. Every department will be modified or enlarged and transferred. All the old counters , shelves and fixtures will be torn out.-.Unless present tremendous stocks are sold they would have to be packed , stored , moved and rearranged for sale. Every Article Quoted is Sold at 1-2 and in Many Cases as Low as 1-10 its Regular Value , The packing1 , reasserting , etc , would cost thousands of dollars and the moving1 , handling and taking down would damage the goods thousands of dollars worth more. The first loss is the best and we have resolved to sell every dollar's worth possible before the removal begins. Goods will be sold regardless of cost or value. This Wonderful Removal atid Tearing Down Sale Offers the Most Stupendous Bargains Ever Put on Sale in America. Removal and Tearing Down Prices on Linens , Flannels , Etc. Up against the west wall that has to be torn down the deepest cuts of all. Cc CrnBh Toweling , per yard Ic Re Heavy Cotton owcls , each 1 c 7e Outing Flannel , p r yard 85- 8c check and stt ipe Shirting , l > er yard 4 } : 15o black lawn ( slightly damaged ) per yard Ic 85u large sl/.e Spreads , each 55c tt-4 heavy muslin 2Se aOc Hath Towel.s , each 1 e , 2rC Turkey red table linen ' 12c ? 12. ' . > r > Marseille * Sperads 1.25 4-1 extra heavy unbleached muslin 2 7-8o lOe German table linen , pur yard 25c i5o ! white all wool lliunu-I , yard 12c } ? l..r 0 bleached Napkins , 'i-1 slue , per < \w. \ OSc U5o Satin Diimubk Towels , knotted and fringed , each 15c QUANTITY LIMITED. Kemov.il and Touring Down Prices on Fine Summer Suits , Men's , well made , S } light weight , at ° Men's Light Summer $2.75 Coats and Vests for Men's fine Crash Suits , the well known Alfred Benjamin make , for less than half price $1.95 and Men's Pant's , all wool , warranted not to rip , all sizes , 31 to 46 waist , on sale Men's $3.00 Cassimere and Cheviot well -j made pants for * Boys' and Children's Clothing Boys' Knee Pants Suits , sizes 3 to 15 , at this closing sa'e ' at less than cost $2.50 , $1.75 Children's Washab'e Cotlon Knee Pants for Removal and Touring Down Prices on 's and Boys1 The balance of our Straw Hats at less than one- third price. An advance shipment of fall styles in men's and boys' soft and stiff hats. These are included in the removal sale. All the new $1.50 Hats at $1.00 All the new $2.00 Hats at $1.50 All the new $3,00 Hats at $2.00 All styles , colors and shapes. We save you 50 per cent. See our 16th StreetWindow , Display. Itemoval and Tearing Down Prices on DRUGS. Bryant's Root Beer 7ic Western Root Beer , per box 7-ic Kirk's Juvenile Soap ( small s'ze ) per box. 5c Mennen's Berated Talcum Powder 12iC Lavender Salts , large sizs 21c Ed. P.noud's Quinine Hair Tonic , large. . . . 59c Same in small siza . 35c Pinaud's Violet Heliotrope , Lavender and Lilac Waters , regu'ar $1.00 goods , at , . . 53c Removal and Tearing Down Priceson WASH PRICES in this Grand Sale No Cri terion to VALUE Fast Back Sateen our regular 150 < Q1 kind Best quality heavy German Blue Calico Fast color t3 Apron Gingham Finest quality Summer Wash Goods Standard Grey and Black and O3 White Calico Genuine 32 inch Madras Shirting T Cloth , worth 200 , at * Removal oiid Tearing Down S.iie on Furnishing Goods. - 100 dozen Men's Fancy Suspenders , worth 250 pair , removal price 100 dozen Ladies' Vests , worth 15c , at i lot of Men's Band Bows , worth 250 and 350 , go at . . . 100 dozsn Men's Black and Tan Sox , worth 250 , go at Men's Handkerchiefs go at 500 dozen Men's Fancy Percale shirts , laun dered collars attached , worth 500 , 750 and" 51.00 , reduced to 100 dozen Men's Shirts and Drawers , sample goods , worth up to $1.50 each , reduced to. Removal and Tearini ; Down Prices on We are going to have another lloor for furniture. Flno large eult. 24x30 mirror , good cabinet , trt c/ work , neat design , price l J.DU Cheval suit , 18x < 0 mirror , excellent drawer . r\t\ work , good finish , neat design lO.UU 42x42 top , square extension table , II hi ted o QCi legs i O.OD Oak Chair , cane seat , lace arm 7o ( ) Hocker to match 1,25 24x24' oak Center Table , brass feet 1.50 Oak Easels 25c I'lcturea 25o 3-ehelf Oak Hook Case 1.25 4-slielr Oak Hook Case 1.05 Cots , mattrcsscfi , cribs , and all kinds ofsleeplng outnts at bottom price. Largo Baby Carriage , steel wheels , good o QCS springs , . . . O.OO Large line of Iron Beds at clooe out prices. Look us. over anyhow. Removal and Tearing Down Prices in > Hardware Department. If you are going to build this fall now is your time to buy. Wo ean cell you u nice Mortise Look in sot 1 ic ) Plain Mortibo or Rim Lock - ! ) c Can sell you a splendid Sot Inside Lock for 33c A line ( aiiy llnish ) Front D or Sot , with night latch One Butts to match 'U.xliJ , per pair 22c Cast LiuttH , lijxllj , per pair ( ic Subh Pulleys ( common sense ) , nor dozen lOo Clark Pattern Blind Ulnues , per sot Sc S print , ' Window BoltH , per dozen % Oc Sash Locks , each " 4-c NAILS ! NAILS ! 20 D Wire Nails $1.60. 10 D Wife Nails $1.65 8 D Wire Nails $1 70. " Pine Stool hammer 2 ! ) : 20-inch Hand Saw * . -.r . . . . . . - . : . . ' . , ; . . - ! > J A line Saw , equal to DUtons , 20 nch. . . _ „ . . _ 5i 14-inch Kltohun Meat Saw , 27c Asst. Copper Rlvotsi , per pound . . . , - . 20i A jjood llatchot , No. 1 lO ; Tlionsnnds of Yards to be Closed Out in our Great Removal Silk Sale. V Plain India stripes , checks and figured Silks , usual y sold at 390 , removal sale price only. 25c Skirting and Lining Silks , satin finish , very heavy and worth 750 , great removal sale price only 49c Black Taffetas an excellent quality of this desirab'e ' silk , worth $1.00 remoyal sale price only 69c Black Moire Velour Skirting Silks , 27 inch wide , latest out , worth $1.25 , removal sale price only 75c Samples of these sale silks can not be sent to out of town customers , but all open mail orders will be promptly and carefully filled , and if not satisfactory money will be refunded. 7 Removal and Tearing Down Prices on La-dies' 500 Belts ' * - ; - „ v 1Qn cut to ; . . i37v * Ladies' 500 Handbags " Removal price. . Removal Sale on Ribbons at 150. izlc , j\c , 4c and ( worth up to 400) ) ' Regu'ar 150 Dress Stays < dL reduced to . Regular 150 Dress Shields reduced to ' All Hammock's at one-fourth price. Removal and Tearing Down Prices on Tapestry Brussels , extra quality , wool surface - -face and fast coloring's Extra Super best quality Ingrain ; ; , fine de signs and colorings China Matting , fancy checks and stripes , regu lar 150 quality at , per yard llcmovnl and Tearing Down Prices on Cnrthms , Sf.oo Nottingham Curtains reduced to $2.50 Ruffled Muslin and Fish Net Curtains 1 at . $ 5/00 / Irish Point Curtains , the reliable kinds , for $9'OO Brussels Net Curtains S for * - * Prettily Embroidered Sash Muslins at 12ic. Removal and Te.irlng Down Prices on 'A , - House Furnishings. Veri' flue China Cups nnd Saucers worth 11,60 f\f\r | Tunjorrow , per set , , . , . , . Uif t > Fa .ncylDecorated China Festoon Edge I'lates worth 39e i In i Tomorrw , each 11C. Flncy Decorated China Festoon Edge Bauco Plates \ oeth 20c tomorrow , each , Fan ! : y Decorated Chlnu Cup9 and Sauceis worth 35c nnorrow , each , , . , Pati nt Stopper Root Heer Jlottlca ach , . , k Top Jelly Tumblers- dozen , . , , , 19c Ext a Heavy Wired 13rooms worth C3c OHr i Ipmorrow . . . , , ' . v C. Qra ilto Iron Tea Kettles regular price { 1 23 59c t iinorrow QraQlte Iron DUh Puns regtrur price OOc On tomorrow OirW Granlta Iron Tea or Coffet 1'ots regular prlco 90c 1O/- j , tjmiorrow , , . . Ui/w Wash . Odr. ' Tub < 5OC Wash * 7 _ , . . 'j Boards * G Clothes ' Wringcra ; , , Jl\G Watlilng . .Machines . , rpI.UO iK-t \ Removal and Tearing Down Prices on Seasonable Wool Dress Goods. Double Fold Wool Druss Goods , in chucks nntl mixtures , regu lar 15u quality , rcmoAal Sale price only 38-Inch wool Dress Hoods , in figured brocade nnd fancy weaves , in all shaded , regular liUc quality Removal Sale Price only We have over 1,000 remnants of wool dress gods of all descriptions , colors and weaves , from 2 to 8 yards in length. Wo otter you these goods at just one-half cost price an opportunity to got the children school dressed at a very small price. Removal Sale of Black Wool Dress Goods. 30-inch Blade Figured Mohair the regular 29c quality re moval sale price only per yard 38-inch Black All Wool Sorgo-Mohair finish very firm regu lar 39c quality Removal Sale Price only yard All open mailorders received will be promptly filled and money refunded in all cases where goods are not satisfactory. Removal and Tearing Down Prices in The Cloak and Suit Department. 'ChilHr ' 's .Wash Dresses , neatly made and trimmed in braid , regular $1 25 va'ue ' , sizes 4 to 11 years , at Ladies' Black Silk Capes , trimmed in rib bon and jet ; regular § 3.50 values , at. . . . 15 dozen Waists , in light and dark colors , detachable collar , sold at 75c"reduced to. 20 dozen Wrappers , in light and dark colors , warranted fast ; sizes 38 , 40 , 42 and 44 , at Sunburst and Accordeon Piea'ed Skirts.the A $7.50 quality at * TC Bluok Figured Brilliantlno Skirts , thoroughly lined , finished seams urd velvet bound regular $1.75 garments & 25 extra heavy Black Brocade Satin Skirts , regvlar $12.00 rV values ( Removal and Tearing Down Prices on The 65 pianos now on hand mus be sold before removal 21 different makes including the Big" 4- Chickering , Steinway , Knabeand Fischer. In medium grades we have the Ludwig , Smith & Barnes , Ivers & Pond , Sterling. Vose & Sons , Emer son , Lester , Chase Bros. , .and about a .dozen others. In the BIG FOUR are some instruments slightly used which we can sell as low as $275. In the medium and cheaper grades , such as Lud wig , Vose & Sons , Emerson and others will be found pianos ranging from $100.00 to $235. We will sell good second hand uprights as low as $75,00 , New uprights as low as $128. PIANOS FOR RENT. Removal and Tearing Down Prices on Hominy , nago nnd pearl tapioca. . . Co Croes & Ill.nkwcirB Jnms ( 250 elre ) I2',4o ' Conilcn ( .Hl milk "lie 10 Imrs laundry neap jig Cocoanut , lOe size package to 4 pounilK cleantil ciurunls 2Io Apple butter , 3-lb. can S'/io Mncnronl , per package So Itiook trout. t > wt put up , per can. . lOe I'etlljolin'n lj akfnt ( lakes ,10o rial can salmon oteak "V'.c 2 pkd'a lnijirovc-J Wusli 1'owJer. . . [ oWe 10-lb. fooj rice , 25o We Guarantee Your Satisfaction Tea. Co fee. Try Martlnliiue drink * , like Jnvn.:3'io Plantation Jnva , ! 7Uo Our Nrctar liruml > -3 Orlentnl No , 2. a rich lla\or. . , i 0 llruken crffee IOC Gunpowder Tea , too ( lroil whole Illo Uo A lousty Youne llywin 20 Excellent Java anil Mocha ' "Ja I'lret crop Uaeket J''lml Japan 32a Very Lett Golden illo Ma Tobacco Specials. Duke's Mlxture , 27o Jlatllo AID , too J'urjty 2lo 6 for 10 . . , , , , JSo Newelioy , , . , 3JO Knilt Juice , an eicellent chew per liatlery , , 20a ( oat 103 llorsc lioe , , , , , 37c Removal and Tearing Down- Prices Ohio fiwlts cheese : , , , 10c Cottage liamn . , , , . , . S'jo Younir Americas , , ( full cream ) , , lOc Callfcrnla hums. . , . . , . , , , , . . . , 7Hc on Kap Batna CuMur , 7140 Atlanta liarn * . , . , , , , , . , , Join Ifuuslun , , , ZJo New nneland , , , onProvisions. ' cached 1mm . . in : Provisions. - 1'lhll , Cookeil corned beef , , , . , , , . , , . . , , . lOo Imporled Norway Herring- . No. 1 bacon , . , . , . , . 7"jo " Knowwhlte Corttlil , , . , . , , , 'So Choice salt pork. , , , . , . 6V4o Klne family WhlleHil J'jo ' No. 1 tub'ar-curea bacon . ! > Hc BROTHERS Good country butler , 7c , o nnd , t. . . . . . lie Nice mackerel , , , , . , . . , , . , , . , , . , , . . , , JU : Itex Lunch Tongues , 2-iiound cans . 40o Ilex country butter. . . , . , . , . , , , , , , , , . . , , , lHc Columbia lllver Kalmon , , , . . . . kc Chlppeil dried beef . , . , . 7' ' o Fancy Cieamery. 12Mc and 14c Ixibrailor Hpllt lltrrlng To Fine corned beef . , . 314c Ulgln Beparutor Creamery Coinprened yeaet , Nice llerrlnic , 4 for , . . , 6c Tickled plR' .feet. , . , to per cake. . , , Ic Iluulan Sanllnei , S lb for " . , , , . . , , 2Sc I'kkle4 ttlpe.TT. . . , . uaatn , today only. , tCc JUJATS" 1'otted ham , per can , , , , , , , . . , . , . Pine Apple cheeie , . , . . , CSc No. 1 ham , , , , , . , , , . , , . , 9Vic Deviled ham , per can . , Removal Sale , Fancy Umt > urc r tiic UoaeUii liama. , . , . . , , . , , , , , 6Vio 3-1U pail tent lurd , any LranJ. . , , . . . . . . . 200 Tearing Down Sale ,