10 TIIT3 OMAHA DAILY 111313 : SAT HI ? DAT , AUGHTST 7 , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailtorllxoiiie'iitH for ( lirnrcolumn * lie lnl.rn iinlll 11 ! in. fur tlir liiK 1" ' < I uiilll H | ii in. ( ir the liiK mill Himilny oilltlmiH. rriiuMtlilff t imtii- iTtlnor * , liy | Iicrcil ulirrlt , onn linte im nrri ml- < lrr HCl In n niiinlicrcil Ipttrr In mrr of The Ili-r. AiiNiTfru mlilrraiieil trill Inili < ll\rrril on tirrirnlittliin of tin * rliook enl ) . Uuli-M , 1141n Tioril flrdt InmTtlonj In n. iriiril ( liorontlor. totlilnK Inltoii for IOHH Ihnii U."o for tin * HrM Inm-r- tlotl. TlH'll" llllVOrllNrilieMllH IIIIINt lit- run iionniii > iill\ol ) . AA.VI ui > SITI VTIOX. I'ACIAt , HLnMIHIIlIS TRCATKD. TIUMJ CO , 524 Chamber of Commerce. A M173 AM SITUATION AH HOUSIKIIPIU : IN PHIVATIJ family , havemnll girl , Inquire Sill Jones st. A MUJ * i * w\vrr. _ M ii.ii HUM' . CANVASSKUS TO TAKK OUDIIIIS. NUW LINK of work , no hp.vy Koo.l . to cnrry nHry or commission C. K Adnins Co. , 24 So. 1ft h St. I t-- \VANTr.D-MHM TO I.r.AHN OUU UUSINKSS ; experience not nccfisnrj , ratnry pirn while leamlntf rail nt 131H Doimlfis. ll-MMl AH 8ALiSMiN : : I OH CtCUUS J123 A MONTH AND expense * , old firm , experience nnnece Firy , In- iliieemcnU to customers , C. C , Million . % * o. , St. Louis U-MH7 _ riinn SAMPLH or HICHIT OP IIHAUTV True Co , 310 Clmmljcr of Commerce. n-MK4 AM WANTHD CANVAHSnnS-NO l-XIT.Ull-Nri : nececsnry. J. J ail > on , 514 Tlrst Not'l llink. 11 M2W is A witrc : IIAHII.Y MADR our Roo'lc ; new premium plan. 312 S ICth St WANTIUl , MAN WHO UNDIinSTANOS CA11H nml ililvlnp f Imrws In private fnmll > : nl < n Kcnenl work amiiml premises. Kfxnl pl.ico for rlKlit pirly , Btnte nullifications ami experi ence. Aitilif MI 1' 12 , IJw. 11 MkW S' , ixi'iuinNcin : : Tiinn SAW.SMIN , palary and txiietiHPS. Imwls 3D per tent tvl- vnnee. 2n per cent ln\eminent leqnlretl , ex cept to Ret to "paiiR" "outliern Iowa or ulher territory , Improved outllts , si nil lecmnmcnda- lions. bpaulilInK Co , HpaulJIntr. Ill 11-M-G3 11" WANTED. AU13NTsf 20TO $25 A WK13K SUlli : to workers , no capital needeil new Kooiis ; new plan : fells nl slKht ; every family needs It II S. Co , box 421 , Clnclnnntl , Ohio It NrousiiiemiNn TOIIceo , wholesale anil retail ; 2 m "iimjvle ana1 | nr- tlculnra , 8 cents postage , liox 272 Humlllc Va. ll-MVM S WANTED , nnOI8TiiU3D I'HATIMACIST TOU Btcnily emplniment , stale stl.iry inleil must be reasonable. Aililresi P 22 tee. It MISI k * CANVA siits POU "IN itirtnsT AI.ASKV. " or the InexliniiitlM" KoM llelili of the Klon- clyke A thrlllliiR ami fasrln itlns , but truth ful slor > of the manelous illsm\erleH of t"nlil In this new ii : Domilo that outiUils the talei of theArah'an ' KnlRlitB , a. splemlld I > U In tremenilou1" demand , only J1 r > 0. : i botian/n for Rsents , blc comml "lnus , frelsht pild ; credit Klven , outfit free , write quick The Dominion Company , ilop't 3 , ChlcnRO 11 Alirt 8 * \VAvrmiiTM vin iiiii\ 100 Q1UL8 POR AM. KIN'O1 ? WORK ; ? 3 TO $7 week. Cnnndlin Olll e. 1" > 2. JJoiMlas. C M303 HATH IUMOVID PIUMA- : nently. True Co 320 ChninbT of Commerce C > I173 ASO WANTKD , WOMAN POH QllXHRVI. HOrsn- \\ork , two In famll > , uapcs $4 per ueek- Apply 1C09 California In forenoon. C 543 WANTnn A "ROOD OUST , rou housework. 124 So. 19th St. C M ! > > 8 SALESLADY WANTED 1O \NIJLE SPECLU. line : exclu lve terrltcry Blven , no cosmetics Address P 10 Ttcc ; P M343 7 WANTED coMPirlNT : ami. POK RENERAI housework , must be gooil cook and laundre s < % 7 N 24th St. C-577 7 COMPETENT OIRL POU GENERAL HOI"in work. 2S17 Poppleton nve. C M3D2 S roil uoii ! r.s. HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS OF THR CITY Tlir O r. D iIs Compnn , 1301 Parnarn D 3J3 HOUSES ; 11ENBWA CO 108 N. 11TH ST D-400 fODru HOUSES , c. A. STARR , 925 N Y , Life. D 101 _ _ CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVEI1 the city , 3 to J30. ridellty , 1703 I'arnam St D 102 HOUSES. WALL \CU , DROWN IlIXDCtv , 16TI1 and MougHs. Jionsns , roTTAOEs . "STORES , ALL PARTS of cltj. Ilrennun , Love Co , 430 Paxton block -401 HOPSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANO ? Om Van .t Storage Co . 1415 Parnam. lei. 13GJ D 103 _ LARGE LIST M'OAGUE , 1VTH AND DODC5E D 409 HOUSES PLV.T8. O VRVIN BROS. , 1C13 TARN' S _ _ D407 IIOUSIB port RENT. IIEMI-J , PAXTON ULIC D-40S _ HOUSES J. II SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y Life ' . _ D-403 10-ROOS1 PLVT , DOUOLAS NEAR 2ITII. MOD. ern , steam licit Inqulio Undqulvt , JIG S IStli , _ D 41C IfOR RENT. ELEVEN ROOM RRiriC REHI. M7Mr.Ti7"iIU : ? ery , respecthteam lleut , ? i-J ' I'"cJ.te'J ' nt le southwest corne - - , . lith and i DouRlaa St Apply to R. W linker Superintendent lleojildt.- - 32 FOR RENT. MODERN PLAT. msr : JN THp city In new DavidKe bulldlnff. opposite cits liill : refeienccB reiiuhed John W I'Lbln ! , agent , ISO" Tarnam Btreet . _ _ _ _ D-137 BTANrORD J'lRCLE rnrTAOEH. f ROOMS" B.wv cor , " " ' nni1 lnt011 " * location lil city for l > u < liiern men of Omaha and Sou Oinahi , rents moderate 204 nee DulldlnB. o LXROE ROOM hou j Him location 531 a. > lt\ \ lit D-MS7S S UOOM& JOM CAPITOL AVE E-MMT > HtiriE or 3 jtomiH. ruiiNisiinn r : 5G' ' " _ _ _ NKTLY - ' | : > JlOOM50u m jnoiilh. IM'l ' llowai.l. . ' Wl > -5'o - ' nMsmin HOOMS AND nouioT" NICE COOL itoeisf : GOOD nouTiT" rvasoiulilc , Iho 15u > e , ; o:0 Ilain" > WO 1'UONT ROOMS I'NPUItNISlIETPwir bonrjl : nlfo unfurnl.hert routn ; modern' lu Athcrlon. iili DouKlaa | utt. I573 1J roil IUNT , s modtrn , lauii , nlmde , etc. : i2 | Miami ron UK.\T .IM ) OI-'I'K'IIS. rOlt ItU.NT-lN TUB IJEU DL'tLTlINO On * large corner room , Slid Hour , vvllh vuult an prlvttto ntttce. water , etu. One IJIKU front room , 2ml tic or. dlvidrU Into tw < ropim by partition , water , ftc Onu larxo corner room 2nd lloor , ullt > vault wnter , etc One front ri oiu , ellvMed by irartltlun , third Dorr , One corner room with vault third Hour. One Uite room , thinl tlooi , with partlllon tthld lag It lnf > one large room and t j umatlci private roonuvutir , etc. Two lurev sreniml llocr icuinm nlth vaults. Ijevernl mwll luonu on fourth > ! ui. witli vault * All thru ioom am heated with ulram , clcclrli lUhu. npi > llr > l with tire I rlan Janitor ken tec Klevutors run ela > and all night llullillni ' lire-proof Apply u It W ll-iKer Suiici ' Itw.u 1W. Bee liullUInt1 .M ron uf : > rsTnnMH AMI OTFICKS. KOR RENT-DK'K ROOM IN OROtTND VtJOOtl olllre , llee bulldlnR , wntfr , Btenm hent , electric llsht nnd Jnnltor service Apply tj R , W , linker , superintendent llec Ilulldlng 1 197 i-OR RENT-IMPLL'MKNT nUILlMNO , ONLY one In town , sire , 40x 0 , two story , best locu tion In Iowa. Address Ilnndnll & Ottn , ( lalvn , U , I-M372-A7 _ _ foil RENT-THE 4-RTORY 11RICK IlUILDINO til 91i > Pamam St. This bullclltm has n fireproof reinent Imserm-ntr complete Btcam heatlnx lls- tnres , water on mil lloora , gat , etc. Apply nt the olllce of The Hqe. _ 1-310 AOUVl-S WAVI'lll ) . U\1)Y AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS TOR True Co. 320 Chamber of Commerce. J M17 ! AM RELIAIILE MAN TO HAN'ni.lJ AOENTM IVR telephone tablet nnd specialties. pa\s J000 n year Inclose stamp. Victory MfR ro . t leve- ' J-M SO . _ Innd , O _ _ _ AVTr.l ) TO HUM1. A 6 OR C-ROOM MODERN COTTAOE WITHIN ten minutes' walk of poslofflce. Addre s. P 13 , K-oC . Dec office _ WANTED , HY TAN AND WIPE , THREE on four room * with south and east cxiiosiiri- , with l throom prlvllmes. In pleasant residence piit of the city , with KT ! iHKird In < wm house nearby " " ' ' or ' . . - - - MODERN HOPSE WITH AllOtJT TEN ROOMS. near Hanscom tyik Address P 19. 1 cc nlllce. tj Iv sroitAii ; : . sTORAnn AND WAREHOUSE co , OOS-'Jll ) Jones. Henernl Btorasc and forwarding. OM VAN & STORAGE , 14fi PARNAM. TEL. 1150 i M 412 l TO 11UY. 11P.ST PRirE. lAlD POR OMAHA SAVINOS bank nccountVnt room 0fl N. Y. Life l'11'1 - rou svi.re riiHMTtiiiM. _ rimNirunE OP r ROOMS CHEAP. PARTIES leaving cltv. 2024 Grace Btreet O Mi J i * KOIl SAMl llOllSBS AM ) KOR SALE CHEAP-GOOD HORSE. HARNESS , two hURRles nnd one peddler's EprlnK vvason , also plumVers1 tools , at 322ii North SCth stnet. John Mndlfon , _ P M37C Ai POR SALH-hODDARD PHAE1ON , IIAMMONU tspewilter , bqth good 03 new. R. C. l'atter on , Pitlcrson Illock P 521 _ FOR SALE , THREE GOOD SECOND-HAND iihaetonsj call and see , one canap ) Hiirre ) . J10 , one atukivas n In running aider , cap iclty 4iX > ) pounds. Drummond Carrlaso C < 1 * M3Sj 8 THE 1IEST HAND-STITCHED SINOLR HAR- ne-s In the cttj for $12 Drummond. ISth and Hnrney. P-M.iS6 8 _ roil SALE , KINE I1RED TROTTING STALlion - lion , will exchatiRO for farm. S G Hutchln- tion , Nebraska City P M5 % 9 * roil s vLUtuscni.i.MOUS. . SAWDUST , liufllv'OR SACKED-CRHJIHNC and llOB fcn e. Cj. 11 Lee , 901 Douglus. I OR SALE-FRESH COWS. JAMES WHELAN , Sth and Grace. Q-S70 All * I1ALDNESS CURED. TRUE CJO , 32C CHAM- her of Commerce. Q-M176 A0 POR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER llrst clnss condition , will sell chenp AV. J. Hunter Grocer , 2002 N 24th St. Q 31S S- THREE : riiEStt FAMILY cous POR SALE Inciulre 3102 N. 30th St. Q 378 S * MIDLAND RUGGY CYCLE CO. , C. A EDL1NG Msr. New ' 97 carrlaKes , bURRles ind blcj ' ! at low prices Wheels rented by hour or da > Bicycle repairing. 310 N. ICth st ; tel 1203. R M S23 A 10 PALLING HAIR CURED IN TEN DAYS True Co. . 32C Chamber of Commerce.R . R M177 AM CLAIRVOYANTS. MADAM GLYMYR , ONLY GENUINE LIPJ reader ; tells names , advice , love , manlaRe law , reunites filends , fee. GOc and up , eatls factory readings ; hours , 10 30 to 7 1S19 1'ar nam S MW > " * M ASS AC ! n , 1IATIIS , MADAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS , MASSAGE steam baths T 147-6 * MRS DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE I1AT1 parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. nth. up stairs T M51C S * RETIRING PACE CREAM REJUVENATE1 the skin , making It as smooth , noft and clcai as a child's , every wrinkle , every line am ever- Indication of time's harsh treatm-Mii binlshed. True Co. , 32C Chamber of Com- merce. U M17S A 21) MME. M. TRUE WILL HE AT HER OPPICE every afternoon and will gladly Rive her tlmi to those who bi\e heretofore been unable tc Bee her In person. 320 , Chamber of Commerc" 1. U M1C5 A-20 VIAVf POR UTERINE TROUDLES , 316-8 HEr llldg. ; phjslclan. consultation or health bool < free. U 414 SECRET OP REAUTY. IT IS HARMLESS : II will not Injure the most delicate skin True Co , 326 Chamber of Commerce. U M167 A20 HAIR ON FACE , NECK AND ARMS , GROWTH destroyed permanently without Injury to tl most dellcatfc ekin. Irue Co. , 326 Chamber ol Commerce. ' > ty U M1C8 A 20 RALDNESS , ( PVILLING HAIR , SUI'ERFLUOU' hair and facial blemishes cured True Co 3-'ti Chamber'bf Commerce. U MICH A 20 HOW TO RECOME LVWPUL PHYHICIANS dentists 01 law > era. Ad lockbox ISO rhlcjBo ' UM 173 10 $25 , RUPTIJRE CURED FOR l.5 , UNTIL SEP tcmber 1 ; no pain ; no dettntlon from business refer to .thousands of patients cund ; call oi wute. O , E Miller Co. . W2-3 N. V L. Omaha U-M-413 RLACKHEADS , PIMPLES AND PRECICL.E' Buccirsfully' tieited T.Ua Co , 326Chnmberoi Commerce , U Ml TO A 20 PREB SAMPLES OK HUN1UJRN LOTION Irue Co , JJii Chanter of Comnune. U-JI171 A 20 IF THE PARTY WHO SENT US AN ADVPR tlsement from Missouri Valley , to be addresser to our oflldetnnd answus forwarded will ECIU us thch nutffi we will forward answer * , If any , U M571 7 * 5IOM3V TO l.OAV U12AL iST IT 13. ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. . 315 NYU quick money at low rates for choke farm land. . In Iowa , noithcm Jllsoml , caktern N-bras' ' > a W-41i > LOANS ON IMPROVED i UNTilp'ROVED CITS inoporty , \ \ , I'aiimm bmltl. & Co , 13:0 Karnnni ' W-417 6 PER CENT MONEY ON NED. A IA , FARMS W. II. Melklc , Vit Natlonal Hank Hlds , , Omaha W-41S MONEV TO I.OAN AT IXW RATES Till O P DuM * Co. , 1505 li-arnum St , W-119 MONEY TO LOAN ON 'IMPROVED ' OMAIL * real estate. Hieunun , Ixivu Co. . Paxtoii nils W-420 MONEV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAH/ property , Pusey ft Thomas , 201 1st Nut , itu bids W 4.'l _ _ ON OMAHA PROPERTY. IrfJWRST RATPS building- loans wanted , Fidelity Trust Co _ _ _ CITY AND PARM LOANS. LOW R.\TES ! AR > ln Rros. . 161S rarnim st. W M3S3 hO 'io I.OA.N CH MONEV 10 I/JA.vf ON PURNITURE. PIANOS boifes , wagons , * tiat lowest ratfs In city no removal a1 tools : strlUI ) conlliUntlal ; > oi can pn > the luau otr ut un > ( linn or In uuj amount 'JMAIIA MORTUAUE 1/3AN CO , J0 Ko. llilli St. X-4Z3 WANTKD. 10 LKASE , OR TR\DH , A 8MAL1 new DlocU. of dri eoodt , hhuca and notions , foi nn entablltlieil nt.vvyiapei , ui plant. ilex 1 f'Rh-Ktb. ' , _ Y-M543 S * UMIIIER J , tilluon , 3i ( First National bank. bank.YWJ9 Y-WJ9 18 roil SAL13. A CSOOD PAYING RETAILoiT bunncM , Uieuj. fur ca lu AUdr j p ji. Uv * ot. ' ! ' Y-S155T " _ _ _ _ " POH SALE A PAYINO VlCYClTi : "JUKNTAI niji'nc ) and sciural repair iihop In Iwnt town li J'.UeU IlilU Well tijulpiicd and dolns gocx l/u > ! f. < - . bnni > for Ilie rUht mun Ooinl reason. . f r nelllnjf. AUdreiui K K. RtcoiUs , I ad , 8. U VM6W 8 * lit SIM3SS CH VXCKS. ( Continued ) KOR SALE OR TRADE , ESTAIlt.tSHF.D HARIV ware business In Rood location. An excellent opportunity for a man with some Rood prop erty and a little money to go Into business. German settlement. Address I * IS , care lice , Omaha , Neb. Y M370 S CHEAP FOR IIANICAHLE NOTKS , PIXTt'RKS and stock of millinery ! dolns Rood business , III health cause of 'cHInK , easy terms , 23 miles from Omaha. Address P 14 , I1ei . Y MSM 8 * WANTED , RUSINESS WOMAN CAPAIILI ! OP infinnKlnr hotel or testaurant must have equal rapllnl and share equal pronts. Address P IS. Ree otllcc . „ Y M',94 10 * FOR SALE. S2.W > 01 STOCIC OF DRY GOODS merchandise ; two ) cash , bnjanco unod piper or unencumbered real csiatlr. 11. S PndRet. McCnok , Neb r Y M581 S * rou i\ciiANfjn. WANTED TO TRADE , GOOU LOT POR PIANO Address O 4S , llec. / SCO 2IVACIU : FARM IN SARI'Y COUNTY TO Ex change for Rood house and lot In Omaha Fi delity Trust Co , Bole nKents. Z M530 7 WANTED. TO SELL OR TRADE roil Finaller farm or stock of mdse , 'i sect In Valley Co Address I.ock Ilex 2 , OUR , Neb. X-M572 0 * KOll H VLI3 III3AL Kh HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , Geo. P. HcmH Real Estate Co. , Paxton llloclt 11E-424 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE , FULL IX3T , SOUTH Omaha , (300 , easy terms , R , C. Patterson Patterson Illock. RE-5IO SPLENDID COTTAGE AND LOT , NEAR ISTH and Cumlnc. Jl.GOO. Room 16 , Palti r-on lllk. RE-M-Wl A19 FOR 8AI.13. 5-ROOM COTTAGE , NEARLY NEW 4110 N. 2Sth nvc , west of exposition grounds , between Sihler and Sprasue , city water and cemented collar , larec lot. only J0 , ei y terniB ll > ron R. Hastlnss. ! 12 So. 14th streetREM2S4 RE-M2S4 SNAP $1,110 FOR fi-ROOM HOUSE , GOOD barn. S. W. corner S3d nnd Sauldlns J N. Fri-nzer , Opp P. O RE M231 5 ACRES CHEAP , I1 * MILKS FROM St'GAR factory , liuiulru ll , 16 , Patterson block. RE-M193 A21 CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS HANK Ac counts. G G. Wallace , 312 llrown blkRE190 RE-190 KOUNT/.I3 PLACE 11ARGAINS , J2,30fl $3 7f,0 TO $6 500 , pee p lotos nt ICth nnd Knrnam Morve DldB. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nut. Bank Itldg. RE 423 THE OLD RELIAIILE PEOPLES' DlSl'EN- sary 1322 Douglas , Omaha , effects mirvelous , cures in diseases of women , all IncKUlarltles , no matter what cause , cured. Letters with 2 cents answered 428 1'AWMIUOKCUS. II. MAROW1T2 LOANS MONEY. 41S N 1C St. SinU'VVALKS. SAWED. NATUR\L STONE. ARTIFICIAL brlcK. Tel. 1CS9. W. J. Alshan's , SOD S 17th bt 42J SIIOIITII VXD AMI TYl'mVlUTIM ! . A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , C13 N. Y. LIFE 426 AT OMAHA LJUS COLLEGE. 1CTII & . DOUGL.\S. 427 UOMMnilClAL COLLKCP.S. PALL TERM OM. RUS. COLLEGE OPENS Sept. 1. Cat. and specimens 'penmanship ' free IS6 A20 UA'ITHI3S& Un > OVATlNG AVOUIvS. MATTUESSES. COUCHES PlVIlLOK FUnNI- ture to order ; repalrel 1'03 L ° avenw'ii ; Tel 1503 ] &S ruilMTIIRC I'ACICCIJ. M. S WALKLIN , 2111 CUMING ; TEL 1331. 430 I > \ CI\o. MORAND'S , 1310 HAUNEY ST. , PRIVATE LES. sons , society or stage ; now open. 432 A-M D A Ttnvrnnc sut"1 & c ° > Attomejs r A 1 ii JN I b tw a PatntE , Otmha , Neb. Rranch ofnce at Washington , D C. We make FREE EXAMINATIONS nnd aid Inventors In selling their Inventions. SenJ for free Advice and Palcnr Hook. _ "P AT'TflT ' TCJ procured by C. A. SNOW & > . X XJJJX 1.0 covVashliiBtOT. . D. C. FREE EXAMINATION and advice. No attor ney's fee before pittrt No blnptrap offer oJ prizes or promise of sudden 'wealth , but stralght- forvanl advice and faithful service. No 4270 1'OSTOIWIUU .MTIC13. Foreign mall ? for the \veok ending Au gust 7th , 1S97 , ulll close ( PaOJIPTLY In ai ; cases ) at the general postolllce as follows : Ti-n UK-Atlantic .11 ill IN. SATUUDAY At 7 a. m for rfLVNCD , S\VITS5UnIjAND. ITAT.Y. SPAIN. POR TUGAL. , TUIIKUY , EGYPT and UUIT- ISH INDIA , per s. La Champagne * , via Havre ( tetters for other piita ot Europe must be directed "per I.H ChamnaKne' ) at S a. m. for NETHCULANDS direct , pel 9 s. Matisdam , via Kottanlnm" ( letters must he directed "per llnasdam" ) ; nt i a. m. for GKNOA , per s. s. Ems ( letters must be directed "per Ems" ) ; at 9 a. m. ( Bupplementary 10.30 a. m ) for EUROPE per s ; . Lucanla * , via Qutenstown. PRINTED MATTER , ETC.-German steamers Balling on luesdajs tnke lrlntej Matter , etc , for Germany , and Specially Adflrcssei Printed Matter , etc , for other parts of Euiope. American and White Star steamers on Wednes days , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Sat urday take Printed Mutter , etc. , for all coun tries tor which they are advertised to catry mall After the closlnff of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above , additional blip- plementur } malls are opened on the pltrs of the American , English , Fit-ncli and German steam ers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing ot sU'umei. MIIH for South n ml Central Ainerlvn , Went IiulluN. 13tc. SATURDAY At 10 n. m ( Mipplementnry 10 20 n. m. ) for KOHTUNE JSL.AN1J , JAMAICA and SA VANILLA nni ailKYTOWN , ner 8. s. AKeghany ( letters for Coata Hlca must be dliected "per Alleghany" ) , nt 10 a. in. ( Hupplementury 10 JO u m i for CAPE HAITI. GONAIVES. JAC.MEL and AUX- CAYES , per a. s. Kitty : at 1U.20 a. m. foi CAMl'UUUE. CH1AI'A& , TAUASCO and YUCATAN , per "a. s , Yucatan ( loiters foi other parts of Mexico and for Cuba mupl bo directed "per Yucatan" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m for UAITI , CUMANA and CAHUPANO , per s. s. Prlns WMcm II. ( letters for othet parts of Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , Uiltlsh ainl Dutcn utiiuna must ue di rected "per Prlni Wlllem II. " ) : at S:3t : p. in. for ST. PnermE-MIQUElIoN. pet ste.imer from North Sydney , Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and theiKH b ) steamer , dote at Uil * olllce dally at S.30 p. m. Malls for Mlquclon by rail tn Doston and thence by steamer close nt this unite dully at 8MO p. m Malls rur Cuba t'losiii nt this olllre dally at 7-00 n , m. , for forwardlnt ; b > steainera uulllni ; ( Monda > a and Thursdays ) fiom Port Tampir Kla. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unlets specially addresse.1 for despatch by steamer , close ut this utllce dally at 2,30 a in , and 2,30 p. m. Registered mall closes at 0,00 p in previous day , TriiliH-PnrlHo MllllM. Mnlla for Australia ( except West Australia ) Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s , a Mlowerc ( from Vnncouver ) , clone liere dally nftpi July * 17lh and up to August 1st at G.20 p m. Malls for Hawaii , per H s. Austral ! ; ] ( from San Krunclsco ) , close here dally ui to August 4th nt 8:30 : p. m. MalN for Chlnu nnd Jnpnn , per H. . Helglo ( from Bar rinnclHco ) . clew hero dhlly up to August Sth at C.30 p. m Mnll fqr China nml Japan , pur a a. Olympic ( from Tacomu ) , rloso hero dally up to August " th ul n:30 : p. m. Mulls for Australia ( except those fop West Australia , which are for- wauled via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawal ! FIJI and Humoiui Islands , per s. H. Alu- mrila ( from Sun Krnnclsco ) , closa here dully up to AuRust "I4th ut 7:30 : n. m. 11 a. m. and U:20 : n. in. ( or dn arrival at New YorU of H. H. Catnpunlu with Hrltlsli maiU for Austiallu ) . Malts for China and Jupai : ( specially uddreasui ) only ) , per B. e , Em- piesa of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , clous hero ilally up to August "IBth at C:30 p , in. Mulls for Society Islands , per shir Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , co < ie here dally up to August ! tti at GJQ p , in. in.ni-l'nrlit.i rnollx art forwarded to port of nailing lUIIy and Ute icbedule of clolng Is r- raiiKCd nil th presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. * Reclitrred mall cloi a nt 0 p. m piuvloun day. rostofllce , New York. N. Y. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. July 30. 1897. Postmaster. BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. An article on girls' colleges has been floating around In the papers , and the sum total of It is that girls ought not to try to work their way through college ; and thit It costs moro for n girl to go through college than It doevj for & young mnn. The state ment Is also made that girls cannot work their way because they are unfit for It , phys ically and by teippera'mcnt , and because girls are not trained.to do many things , says the Grand Rapids , Mlchfv Democrat. Rxccptlon might bo taker * to overy.ono of these state ments and auppdrted'by ' factfl. To deal with the last one llrrtl , ' thfe girl who wants to dose so cnn save moiiuy in Just ns many ways ns n boy cnn. She n , nnd somctlnips does do her own washing , 'Ironing , dre.ssmnktng , mending , carpcn'tr'\vork ' ( , to any nothing ot cooking her ovn meals. There are hun dreds of girls who Mi\e EOIIO through acad emics , nnd then through college , In just thla way. They are ( hb eteeptlon , the young man who works his tyky through la the exception , but In these sriiVdyJ1 fresh waler communi ties , where the % nliK men turn their hands to anything that" will bring In money , the girls do the enmeshing , and they don't break down under It , either , as a I tile Us to the statement that xlrM are not strong enough to do extra work , In addition to their college work there Is thla to he said The girl who works her way through college Is , perhaps , the fanner's daughter. She lovrs books bet ter than anything else In the world. She has been used to cook , wash , Iron , sow , nnd perhaps rake hay from G o'clock In the mornIng - Ing until nttcr supper , and snatch a little time out of this round ot duty for her school work , or her music , or her painting. This being BO , she will open her eycu In nraazc- mont when you suggest that she Is working too hard at college. H Is work she lovea. She stands well In her classes , too. because she knows how to save time nnd syatematlze her work. Of course , she would like to have all her time for books without in- cumbtance , but she Infinitely prefers getting an education under difficulties to dispensing with It altogether. Olrls do various thinp to help then selves at every on of the glrto' colleges , now cstabllahru This nab been true of Mount Holyoke and AVollealoy to n grentcr extent , perhaps than ot any others among the older colleges. At Mount Ilolyoke , for twenty-five or thirty years aftei Its foiipdlng , at least half the girls did their own laundiy woik , and the tuition wag brought down to n very low figure by the domestic work system , which has since been eo modified tint It is practically no tax on the girls time. It takes only Inlt or thrcc-cbartens | of an hour a day , which Is spent at nome light work , like setting tables , ducting , or washing the glass and s'lver ' , and the student la not supposed to bo learning to keep house during her coume Thh would bo impossible without a special department. The only advantages that have over oecn claimed for the domestic work system at Holyoke ami at Wellesley are that It = aves money , inculcates Ideas of order nnd system , and causes the work to bo better done than it would be by seivanta N'o gltl is ever set to a task which she dnea not already know how to do Smith college Is ald to bo the most democratic place on earth so far as caste distinctions are concerned. One of the Smith gradu ates says that a girl rray go to another to get her to clean her loom or do some mending for her , and at the same time extend an Invitation ) to a very exclusive supper ; and some of the poorest glrli there have been the most popular. This is as It should be , for it the girl who has no money Is condemned to hoclal oatracism she IOSPS half the good of hei college life Queen Vlctorli has never spent any time at Duckingnam and will not e\ep \ under the loot unless It la absolutely necessary. She prefers to drive to Paddinijton station , whicl is two miles away , and go to Windsor , whlcli U twenty-four miles by railroad , even II she has to rsturn to London the next morn ing. She like- ? Windsor , beciuse It was there that rhe spent the happiest yeara ol her life wlfh tW& p-lnce consort. She like" Osborne , which" is'a ' rmall place neai i ' 'c ' < nitracorH. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Trustees , of'tlte village of Bancroft Neb , nt the olllce of the village clerk untl 7 p m. o'clock of Tllur = d.iy. August .W , IS , ' ) " for Cut nlshlng : m.iteifals nnd laboi nece'snij to construct a > ystejn of water works. HP ( Ordiiif ? to plans nnd specifications fuinishei by 1 \ i : . Colby'which will be on file at tin office of the village . .cjlurk , in Bancioft , Neb nnd with F. C Colby , , nt Onavva , la. , on anc after August 15 , 1SOT. ' must'be 'accompanied certified Propo'-il1 * by a fied check In thbsilm of $ J"0 , nnd en.loibec "bids for erecting water works. " The board rpievves- the right to reject any nnd all bids , or ; p accept sur-h as they may deem beat for the Inlcrest of the village. F. H. 1'ARK , Chairman MACdlt J. 3 ! HEJvINS , Village Cleik Sealed bids wl ) ' be , receivee\ the ofllce of thr > Ground. ' and Building * department , Transmlcslsslppl anu Intel national I'xposl- tion , for the Auditorium nnd Mines nnd Mining bulldlnps until 4 o'c ock p m , Sat urday , AuRUSt 7 , 1S97 Plans and specllicntlons- both buildings on file In superintendent's ofllco , No. C3I Paxton block or sets -Nil ! be furnlfhod con tractors at cost. K P KIRKHNDAbL. Mir. Grounds nnd Buildings Dept OFli-ICIAI. UVI1 , WAY TMIi : CVItll. IJeaTes ( lltJRiriNG'lC5N & MO. RIViR lArrlv es OmanujUnlun LHpiit. 10th & Maton tats [ Oinah i S 33am Denver EMiress 0.33am 4.3ol > ni.Blk rill ! * , .Mont AI'uget bud n.x.4 | 05pm 4 13pm , .Denver Kiprcss 4,15pm 7 Kpni Lincoln Local ( ex. Sumlny ) . . . 7l5jim : i 53im. | . . .Ulncoln.IxicaMCT. SumlJ > ) . . . .ll.'Mim Ie.ivi.a | C.mCAC07 ! lWRI.JN < nON I Q-IArrives OmamUnlon ! | Depot , 10th & Mason SU [ Omalii 5.03pm Chicago Vestibule 7 " , am 9.4Sam ChlriiKO Express 4Mnn : 7.50pm. . . Chicago & bt. loulx i\pics8 , . . . 7 : " > Sun ll:4uam : Paolflc Junction Local fi 10pm Test Hull ( ex Siniitij ) Z.SOum Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & . ST. 1'AUL [ Arrives Omaha Union Dtpot , 10th S. Mason Hta Oin.iln S.JOpm Chicago Limited S.Ouim 11.00am..Clilciigo Uapreaa ( ex buml.iv ) . . J JSnui Leavei iCUICAelO & "NORTlfwns r'N.I Arrti es Omaha ] Union Depot , 10th & Mason Bts | Om. ln 10 45am * . , . . Pattern KxpreEs . 3 10pm 4M'ipm . . .Vi-Htllmled Llmlteil , , . 4 O'pm ES' : pm . . . -St I'JUl nxprpss . US im S 40am . St. 1'nul Limited . 9Uoprn 7JOam . lonx City Lnenl , . 10.4pm C.SOpin Omnlm-ClilcnRii Hpi-'clnl . . . , 8,10am 540am ; .Mlsbourl Vulley Loeil . . . . . . .23uin _ _ _ _ Leaves ICHICAGO. U I i PACIiqc.lArrlves OniahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sla | Omaha HAST. WJST. Urnjtert , I HvSn r i3r& HOrVALLRf ; 'Arrlvos Omaha ) Depot , )5tn ) S. Webster Sts. | Omaha S.OOpm . . .P'aKt Mall and nxprem. . . . , 5,00pm 3.00pm . ( ex. Sat ) A'yo. hx. i Won. ) . , 5,00pm 7:50am..rreinont : Local ( Sunilays only ) , . 7.M > am .NortoiK ixprc8 > - { ex. Sun.i . . . .li'25om ( 0,15pm. . . _ SI , Paul Uxprest 9.10am Ltave I 1C. C. . ST. J. & C. R. | Arrlves OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Rts. | Omaha Twain Kanaaa City Day Express 0.10pm . Ux via U , 1 , Trans , . 10.00m.IC.C.Nllht | _ _ ! 6.30am Leaves ! MISSOURI "I'ACIPJC. ( Arrives Omaha ) Depot , 15th & Webster Sts , | Omaha 3.03pm. , , . .NebraskaKannas Limited. . . .12L"pm : 9.3oiun . Kaneas Cltynxpreaa. . . . . . . e.Qam Leuves [ " "SIOUX Oil V l'ACiri"cr"A7rTve ' | Omaha | Depot , IStll & Webster Sts. | Omah 015iiin , . . . . 7r .81. Paul Llmlteil. . . . . . . . l3ave7T SIOUX CITY . 1-ACiriC. | Arrivel OmahaUnion | Depot , tvlu & Mason Sts. | Omaha 5:40am : St , l < iuiJU,1 > atseiiser ll:10pm : 7-SOam. Sioux flfy 1'aEsenser. . . S.Oopra S.Sipm . . .St. Paul Limited , UiSOiin UavTs I WAIJ ElfTHAlL\VTAY. jArrlveT OmahaUnlon | Deput , 10th i. Mason St | Omaha 4:30pm . , , . . , . . . .Canon Hall , . . . , . , . , , . . . . 11 ; 30a , > ( Arrive * OmahaUnlon | Degi t ; } tn & . Maton Sts | Omaha g Mam Overland Limited 4:43pm : 330pm.Heat'cu it Strouisb'i ; lie ( ex Sun ) . 3Wpm oKpiii..Orand : Island Kxpresa ( ex Sun ) , . S:60pra : j-scpm . . . .I'aii' Mall. lO.IUain Leaves I C. . ST. 1' . . M. & O. | Arrlve Omaha Depot , 15th S. WsbaUr Sts. | Omaha roopin..Sioux City Hxpresi ( ex. Sun ) , . . ! 8Miam..faloux City Acco ( ex. Bun. ) . , . . S.Ham e-isuin , St. J'aul Limited 9.10am D.Mam..Sioux Cltv Aeco. ISun. only ; , . , . lKpm : Co\\ee , on the Ifllo of Wlfiht acro'w from Southampton. H Is lur | i ivnto property , nnd the palace xvns plannoil and the grounds were laid out by Prlnco Albert soon after their marriage. Hut she likes Dalmo- ml , her castle In the hlglilatitli , better than nny other of the rojal revsltlences , nnd ala - a > s sppodo her summers there , nhero she Is frco Irom olllelnl cnres and cenmonies ntitl surrounded by plain Scotch people , ol \\hom she Iscry fonil. She hnincaslle In ' \Vale , ? , but seldom ROCS there Ireland Is tin only part of the United Kingdom Invhlch nhc has no residence , ami shi > never goia there , That Is one of the complaints of the Irlsli people nml the cause ot much dl * satlsfactlon , The prince of Wales has not \ lilted Ireland for many veart < , nml tli.it also la the source of much discontent mid the cause of crltl' clsm It Is said that he h afraid to go becatiro of the dynamiters , but h-3 ! son , the dulse ot York , nnd the duchess , nro Intendlnp to innke n lour of Ireland tuts Fiiiiiiiipi u ! spend several weeks at the castlen of Hie nohlllty. There Is a good deal ot excltcmenl among the IrlAh over tholr plans and the government authorities ) are taking unusual precautions to protect them. H Is risky to suggest cosmetic aids to women \vho arc Riven to ovcidoing processes which promise Improvement In looks There rcnllv. In no remedy for ugliness , which , swallowed over night , will effect a cure In n week. Ill looks nro the punishment ol neglected health , neglected , perhaps , for Rrntrntlons The precept , "obedience la better than sacilflce , " ought tn be written on every door , that It might bo heeded In Rolng out nnd coming In , both for the written law ot morale and the unwritten moralities of natural law. Obedience , day by day and hour by hour , to simple dntlrs Is more n test of sound binln and moi.il flbro thin any amount of the heroics young Central station , relate * the Portland Orc- gonlnn. The girl barber Is about- years old , entirely Belt-possessed , and nn expert with either the shears or razor. There la scarcely an Interval during the day when peo- pie looking In through the open door ot the barber ehop may not see the young woman sli.iv Ing n man or dresilng his hair. "Arc you doing this for an advertisement1 a customer nskenl ot the proprietor. "No , " said the little Herman , "but I find that the gentlemen like to have the youim lady slnvo them. You can see that she h an ndept. Hut that Isn't the point. She ' never speaks unless i > ho Is epokcn to. which i I find h n great point In her fnvor I find ,1 , that customers like to shut their eyr nnd | doze or go off Into n reverie when In the barber chair , nnd that they don't want to bo pestered with questions about polltlci or i , the wealher , or anything else. They just , want to be shaved That's the secret of my I lady assistant' success. She Just shaves and savs nothing. " "And you don't save money or wages by emplt-ylng her ? " was asked , r ! "Why , certainly not , " replied the German . | barber , In apparent surprise "I pay her the regular union wages , ? 2 a day. Slid Is JIKV' as goo ! a workman an n man , why shouldn't : I pay her Hie same ? " The barber said that he was going to get 1 another woman ( o attend to the woman cus- . tomeis. "There are lots of women who travel on the trains who are as anxious fls male trav elers to get theli hair dressed after n long I Journey , " he explained. "They can't go to i a regular barber shop when they're In a hurry * , yon know They would attrnct too i much attention , but they could and would go to a shop where there was n woman barber i and whoie they would enjoy the pprlvacy of j a regular hair dresser. 1 "I don't sec anything peculiar about my oecnpitlcn , " the woman barber said "I con- slilei It just as suitable for a woman ns tor j n man I like to be busy and I like to dress hilr and to wield the rn or. I have read that . the Harbors' union objects to admitting women to membership , but I can't stop workIng - Ing hernrno nf that I haven't asked to bo admitted to the union , and ns long as 1 gel union wages I tlon't see why the ittilon FRENCH SEASIDE COSTUME FROM HARPER'S BAZAR Our fashion Illustration this week sh ceodingly attractive design taken from H from the lining , is trimmed with entre- naiiovv black velvet ribbon The insert ! and around the front of the skirt. Ov a puff of the same outlined with the gui the back.of the- skirt and is graduated t were put straight around. A meat elabc back , and vvlda rounding revers In fro with a white ruflle , and a full vest of are of white ribbon. A Vlrot hat is wo with white tulle and a bird of patadise. ladles are fond of essaying. Hero In the heat of summer young women are using pots of extravagant cosmcttu creams in hope to secure a blameless complexion , or spreading their faces with dainty violet- glycerlno , when nature would help them quickly to clear skins and blight eyes if they would only work with her. Summer Is the time of all the jear to lay In beauty. The free perspiration , the warmth , the open air , all lead to health and physical perfection If not thwarted by slovenly neglects. A gteat change has taken place In mllady'a visiting < : ards this season. It is announced. For those who will it-main In town during the summer the amole , white parallelogram of Bristol board will be used. Hut if the lady goeM Into the country or to the sea shore , or to the mountains , anywhere , so long aa It be In her osvn country , her cards must bo thin , scarcely moio than milk-white paper and an Inch and a half long by an Inch wide. The owner's name and city resi dence must bo eet forth In steinly plain Mid very small tjpe. These cards , however , ore Intended only for country use , and should on no occasion bo it bed In the city or if their owner goes abroad. When she goes abroad or on a yachting trip that will take her Into foreign waters it Is necessary aa well as convenient that she carry a traveling card. These In point of size and thickness are Identical with her country card , but there the resemblance ends. Across the top , quite near the top of the card , Is given In script or pearl tjpo her full name. Just beneath her city and country address In America , in the right corner , the name of her banker in London or Paris , and In the left hand corner her cable address. This Is a lot of informa tion to put on one's visiting card , etfi'f'ioHy when It Is such a small affair aa fashion dictates , but one readily tecs tlielr advantage vantage- . They can be left with one's dress maker ; as well as when one ealU pn English , German , French or Russian friends , or with any pleasant and desirable actjujiuiince met with ou the tilp. It Is measure of the degree in which com petition enters * our social life that boys and girls of 10 cannot meet once a week to play euchre or ' 'authors" without a trumpery 5-cent prize for the winner. You may smile , but this btirgeols , commercial Idea of "go- Ing for what you can get" eats the life out of society and makes It little better than a minor Monte Carlo , with favors for the german and dinner bouquets or card prizes la view. Moro than this , It eats away the bloom of women by the lucea&ant emulation and Imitation It eutatla. Generous senti ments and freedom from miserable small jealousies tend as directly to beauty and lone life as fresh air and pleasant food. The sordid , unspeakable Jealousy of women , bad enough anywhere. Inevitable In or ganized clubs and societies where honors are palpable and attainable by recognized steps , undoubtedly ban as much to do with their early fading as physical causes. A neatly dr < * > aed brunette U one of the assUtanta ot n little German barber who bai a store a etoue's throw from tbe Grand 3W3 a linen gown , blue tnd while , an ex- arper's Bazar. The skirt , which H separate ileux of ecru guipure lace bordered with an Is at either side of the front breadth IT the hips are pleatlngs of sheer muslin , and uure and velvet. This trimming extends to 3 bo moio becoming to the figure than It it rate walat h is a deep sillor collar In the ut made of the lace and velvet , and cdgad Lho white. The collar and long wide "ash rn with this gown , of white btravv , tilimned should object. If t worked for less then theio might be cause for complaint , but you see 1 don't and that's all theio is to It , " GOSSI1 > A1IOUT AOTUI ) I'KOIM , ! ; . Mr. Seddon , the leader of the Now Zealand democracy , has risen from the miner's pick- to the premiers portfolio. Now in his seventh year of offleo , he Is still able to carry on the lemarkalilo progressl/e pollcj which has attracted the eyes of so many social students to New Zealand. A rhcciy , bulky , blonde nngllshman , with all his wits about him , Mr , Seddon will piob bl ) bo a force to be lecl.nned vvllh for many ytais in colonial polities , A writer In the illustrated American suju that when President Hayes nominated Fred Uouglabs for iujrhal of thu Dlstilct of Col umbia Senator -Moigaii of Alabama not only voted with the inpubllcans In favor of con firmation , but made a striking speech , which eked out to the publle In spite of tlu sup posed secrecy of an cxpcutlvo session. Aftfr louiaiklng that he was not troubled about the color of the candidate's skin , he added "I wan a candidate on the democratic electoral ticket of Alabama. I uollcltcd the votes of black men , and obtained them tn the number of 10,000 , and now when the name of the mou eminent reprebentatlvii man of this race Is presented for the shrievalty of a district five miles square shall I go back to thu colored people of Ala bama , whoso votes r ( solicited and received , and tell them 1 refused to vote for him for no reason except that ha Is a colored man ? No , sir ; I cannot perfoim such an act. " The late William S. Growbeck of Cin cinnati never look another law caao after his dufeiiso ot 1'renldt'iit Andrew Johnson , "Tho brilliant speech which won that case , " says the Cincinnati Coimiiciclal Tribune , "proved the man'a rnnarKablo will and In tellectual power3. He bad been an 111 as to bo routined to his he'd , and on the day of the trial , and while confined to bla bed , liu jotted down on a bhect of foolscap paper the main points of his ( it'feaae , lie was driven to the tribunal in n carriage , unable to walk , and spuko cxte/uporj ; for four hours and a half. At the eliWjo'ahlcloxl was voted upon and the president aujulUed without the taking up of any of ( lie other articles , Shico that 11 mo Mr , Orpe ccK hud lived a life of quint and rc'llfemfnt. In 187ha built Klmhuret , a noble llcniso of superb proportions , commanding a river view of unsurpassed beauty. " Itev. Elijah Kellogg of Harptwell , Me. , the author of many books for bo ) < > and of the two famous declamatlore , "Spjrtacus to ( hi ) Gladiators , " and "Hegulus to the f'arthaglni- anfi , " la still hale and hearty. 'Tor almost three-fccure years , " says the Kemiebec Journal , "be lies bc-rn pator of a little parish of fishermen and farmers where Hie sea runs up the Harps will Inlets. He U poor and always baa been , though his writ ings have madn thu fortune of his publish' it ; but be la rich In tbwe lhnc ! money cannot buy. tlondoln college hns KraduMed moro famous men thnn Ulljih KellORR , but not one of nobler heart and truer worth , and none who Imvo stronger hold on the under * graduate body. Almost every Sunday a group of students go to Harpsnell to hear him preach In hh qutlnt , old-fashioned church ; and when the modest old man can bo Induced to come to the college to prench all the bojs turn out to listen to eloquence such as few congregations In the country are favored with. " AUWSI- \ \/.IMS. The attraction of nn Illuminated cover Id Justified In the midsummer number ot Scrlbner's by an unusually Interesting tablet of contents. A good part of It Is fiction of a kind well calculated to mitt the varied requirements of summer renders Mr Kipling - ling hns a tnlo of a locomotive engine , which ho cudenvors to endow with human attrib ute's nfter tbei Ingenlotm method which ho cmploicd vvllh the beasts In his JuiiRlo stories. That nlvvajs dclUhttnl writer of child life , Kenneth Graham , contributes a Ktory. "ItsVnlls Were aa of .Insper" lllanche Willis Howard breaks a long silence with "Thalnttn" nnd Molly Klllott Son well tolln "Tho Tun- Story of Coninndnnt I.ltniu " 1'ranU U Stockton's quaint humor Is very much in evidence In "Tho lluller 1'odlngton Contract. " nnd there Is n milling Rood news paper yarn , "The- Stolen Story , " hv Jeoso Ujnch WllllnniM , whose volume of 'Prince ton Slorlra" was so well received last je'ar. The Kcilal by Howard Is concluded In thla number , nnd Waller A WyckoCI discribes some pfisonnl Investigations of the relation of capital and labor There Is nn nnon > mnita poem , "In Mcmurv's 01 JM , " and other VCMO by Marguerite Me'rlngton. W. J Henderson , Uosamund Mnrrlott Watson nnd Hupert Hughe's. The August Harper's contains Ulclnrd Harding D.i\la' description nt the not tno recent Innuguintlon nt Washington which gave Hint nuthnrltntlve joung writer nn opportunttv to cnntr.mt the simpllritj ot lu- publicnn methods with the pomp nnd elicutn- sttncn ot UnropiMii coionntluns. 1'oultney lllgclovv's "White Man's \file-a" anil the e-sstvs on "Tho Century's 1'togrevss In l'hv.slc.3" arc continued , and so me the ser'al Btorle-a , "The ( Jieat Stotu < nt Snrdls and "Tho KinlucKlnns. " The poetry of this num ber Is by Hlldegatde H.uvthorne , a daughter ot Julian nnd granddaughter of Xttli inlet H.-.wthoinc , by Margaret 13 SniiRster and by Charles H. Crandall llicn * are excellent , abort Htorles by HIU.1 Porrj , Owen Wlster , Frederic 1'e.nnlngton Alice Dtler , Mar > Hart- well Catherwood , Maty M. Meats and Mary Herri Chipman F. Ilopklnson Smith writes cntoitalnliigly ot "The Hungarian Mlllon- Itim " The > IMItor's Drawer coirams a blight little comedy by Albert Lee. A Kipling story Is the "feature" ot the midsummer llcllon number of McCMutc s - "Slaves of the Lamp , " Hie snmo which was lately published In the Cosmopolis on the other side of the water To most loaders Mr , Kipling Is moro acceptable when lie writes of men and \\ointn than when ho Httempti to dcscilbe to Ainot leans the feel ings and emotions ot tholi own locomotives , lames Whltcomb Itllej. Albeit illgelo\v \ I'aino nnd Cy Warman contribute verhea and the indomitable Mr. Gotland tells about things that happened In war time H. J W Dim ban an Interesting account of the manufac ture of djiiamlte nt Aulcer nnd M ultimo Hlank writes of "The 1'arli Unu.ni fheie aie good short storle.i by Conan Dnjle Ittib- cit Han John Kondrlck Hangs , UlllUni Canton and Ann Dcvnoro , and nn instalment of Stevenson & "St. Ivis" U&pceltlly attracllvc attlclew In the Au- gtibt Atlantic are thtioe which opi n the num ber. John Mulr offets an e'arneut pica Tor the preset vatlon of "Tho American Koicsts , " and George lilrkbcck Hill comments r > > i "Some Uupubl Ghcd Letters ot Dean S\vltl ' Wllllim Allen White desciibra "A Typical Kansas Community , " nnd Ah in r Sanlmn treats of "A Massachusetts Shoe Town ' Other linpottant papers ate "SttlvltiKft of the Ncgio People , " bj W n llniglnrdt Jin Hois ; "Tho I'auno lu Criticism and Attpr' by William Ilewcoo Thayer , and "The Delin quent In Art and In Literature , " by I3nrlci Pcirl. The c is fiction bj Charles Egbert Crnddock , Trances Comtonav Hajloi Guy H Scull , Harriet Lewis Uiadley and How- land t ! . Robinson , There lt > much ot the breessliiMS of liavcl about the August Century John Mnir con tributes a timely nnd interesting paper on "The Alaska T lp , " Thonm DvviKltt Goodcll tellH of "A Journey In Ihefsaly. " nnd Clar ence ? Cook dcfccrlbes " Clio Lordly Hudson , " this last being admirably Illustrated by C\is- tatgne. Java , Norway , London , the Carib bean and the Mntterhorn nro other lornlltlui which may be revisited ii tlio page * ot this number General Schnflcld fittnl hf cer tain "Unpublished Tacts Udatlng to tbn Im peachment of Picsielont Johnson" General Porter's "Campaigning with Giant" Is con tinued and Mrs Cathorvnod dlpcomne1. of "The Days of Jeanne d' Arc " St Nicholas for August opens with n putty poem by Hclie-cca Palpev Uttct "A Tour Leaved Clover. " An Intel Cfltlnp ntorv fol lows of a flieman's dog "Peter Ppots ' nnd a long I'st ' of po"me , net'i'-onoo jlntle ° de scriptive articles , slot io-t long and short and excellent Illustrations , will he found even moro than usually attractive and whole some for young reJtleie Hdsir ; Fawcett a rather tircflomo novel , "Two Daughterc of Oticline'1 " 'ak s tip two-thirds of Llpp'ticott's ' for Augu t Other and vastlv brighter matpilal Is to be found nearer the back of the niHga/Ini" Lovers of Onnr Khavvim .vho are alen admirers of the * Flt7Keialil ttansltHon of that poet are tint IlKcly to ippinvp Hin riweetly decadent eitiHtralns vvhlth Itlflianl LeGnlllenne IIIIR evolved iiom tlin cnino hotirceA second In-italmcnt of thevH > vir m appeals in the Austin fosmopnlltan I'rtwl dent Ilnlght conti Ibutt" n notable piper o.i "Modern Collect- Education " Itidicit ] ' I rr- tcr Introduces "Japan'n SIIIRH and QICJ i it Actor" to American leaders , and Fame' M. Ltidlovv writes cnlort-ilnlnglv of Goilf ev d/ lloulllon Mr Wells' wlerd fle'lcn Ti ( ) War ot the Wntlils" Is cnntlnui'd nnd Mr Chambers' whlmslcil stoiy "A Mattrr nf Interest " Is brought to a clcae Julian H.ivv- Ihotno di scribes further the siirfcilng of ilia famine stricken Inhabitants of India and th > accnmianvliiK ) lllustratloiiH flio quite nn- nccc 3iilly ghiHtly find dlsstmtlng The alvvavH welcome OntliiR IB partir-n- larly attractive In IIH mldBiimmer gulee be ing dei orated with a ( ovel KhnwiiiK a inr- Itcd golfltiK scene. Golf is ali > o pronilnentlv ticated In HIP body of the magazine nltheiii'h boallng , fishing , wheeling , camping nnd polo cnmo In for a fair share of tlie reiulii-H At tention General 0 0 , Hotvaid'a "A Ple-a for lha Army" opens the Augt.st Foi tint T.r. [ < yman Abbott trcatn of "Tho Groivthnf [ lollglouH 'InlPianoe In the I/nltod Htntefl" Two nenatou are contrlliiitora to tnti num ber , Senator Hnar cnmpailng "Stntortinanshlii In England and In the United States" nnd Senator White discussing "The Proposed An nexation of Hawaii Simon Pokagon , a full- Blooded Indian and the la t chief nf Iho i'ottavvattamle J'okaRon hand , forecasts "Tim Future ot the Hod Man " Other Important pipers nro "Political Aspects nf thn Plagua n Uombay , " by Prof , E Wahhburn Hop kins : "Tho Municipal Government of ller- lln" by Prof Frank TV Illacktnar of th [ TnlverMlty of Kansas and "Tho Farm Polo , nlcs of the Salvation Army , " by Com mander Hooth. In the Issueof the Chap-Hook bearing date August 1 IH a spirited and particularly lerlltient attack upon the method of eer- aln theatrical advance ! agents , which thosi enterprising fitnigglora ought to read and ponder. A brink controversy over tbe merlin of tha late Walt Whitman Is In progress ) 'Union Koss has a fchoit Htory and William Jantou a n'lorter poem , Headers whe ha\o ollovved Mr Jainfrt' serial to Its contlu- nlon knotv at last a much aa ho rhoc.Ka o tell them iioaulbly UK much as he > known ilmsclf of "What Malsle Knew. " Other Auguet magazines received * Thn Dookman , Hook Now , The Arena. Frank LfjslluK Popular Monthly , ( 'atsell's , Tlio Nevv Illustrated , Tlio International , Short Hlorlru , The Hlack Cat , Tlio Home Magazine Sport * Afield , Hevlew nf Reviews , InlulllKeiico , Overland Monthly , Municipal Knglnoerint' , The Open Court , The American Kitchen , PlanetH and Paople Gunton's Popular Astronomy - tron-omy Tlio Engineering Magazine Tlicin- nphj Self Culture , The Hesperian , What to Eak