Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Caapi fll K t
tiiln O < ( of Itrertlnt Armor
I'lnut utid Ci. t * -
inc Ike l'l tr -
. A c t CbtrJM Craajfi B !
ti-t 1. of
K. b A'tJt
Oi. ' cbjpf ef tb * B-6 tt > Tt.ti. to
.itL-ri. ' tbe intention if tbt fttTitruaeBt In tbc
.1. cr uf jtrnrartug tnncf Iw tbe Varue
r.t pi niw > nrtlttiie. Tb rej * f
r. , t-j latft tovititte * * to mbalt
* p ; . lying pBCb Drtoor * tiit-y et 8 Inr
tie kLipt Uwj urt tnOMtse hire IH.-TB dcriayee
1 T ths abeence Irmn tb * TTntto * Stit * * Bf Mr wCraafL He bet Mt made-
tt ii wit KfjtftAf& . Aeclian M
ttp larL. Me wjtf B rt irerne birwriBT , Ui
i. . - n. nip t * rmjiply tbe HffltU t-Uty : of
, LIO RTBIOT. ewMMtttm M e } > n t clpbty
* ur acb rtiin. tt tbe actlaium ; irVtt
tto L t' con re * * JIIWi per uos it * o5w
tea h * luinc n ea nt c 4rtre IB Tirevent
a \ \f \ Ktnpp * f of - ork on tlu Mil ; *
CT ; c * n tbe tart o ! tbit particular tram * .
wi l rau l > e worLe * Into tae b H
I , r lT
c * while tb ? nrUnc wcjettry proceed- -
vr - ry tnK tb" flirerttans nf rent -ev * noD
tlr D -r 1 1 * wii bj SfrrttarjLiotic. . UDi
1 l.Uf. cmnpletefl the perwmtiel of tbe f-pi-
c.a iaat-a wlicb if to tnale : an inv fUpauon ;
f - ' tif font of < uthliisblnc a povernrofiiit
c r'j' plant. As antintinrefl ttiflay the board
v " rairt of Comim'derr HowrlU ooai- .uit of tbe L. rroe It.latiO navy yard.
< * a n MrOormtcV. ntimnianaain of tbe Nnr-
1 b navjyarfl ; Chitrf Enrtnear Perry frBm
tfcr Mnmrrey. < .arfl Enirineer Mrtit > "al. from
l.e * > .fw Tort navy jtrd Lieutenant FB
T r JUT from the torpedo nutitin , w ith Utm.
tt-t > iTiawber from tbe Mltitifnpolu ; . nt re-
< ' IT er
T1 .5 Imard vin meet MntiOsy ntxt In tbe
ori.ti.fe bureau liuie fur unfl
ti - 'me ' tbe jdun ofwerfc. . It is nm yet
err * -o l > e tMHii nrrea h lone the inquiry
v J , urbtK troru tlie mnpiltufle of tlie
tal. E-3 the probability that fliflic4iHy will
lip cunterefl ia serariBC tbe information
u 'Dhe cow f jHiinu au8 tKt tif proanr-
t.iD * wmnr ihe cnS canntrt be rearbefl very tarlier thnn tlic ii .eail)1ltii ) ; of tie nua
w.E i uf congress towhari the rfcenlt * must
be reporefl.
COSJPn : or T. % irr RATES.
r .nrJ > i l.-t. tlieVorfc
Iu-iif l HI in.
Atip. t. Tbe eonipletea
comparison of the tariff bill. propt , e3 liy
i H. Evans , the tariC < acpert , vnt
i ublic toflay. The followins are enae
cf Jie comparisnnf. in aafiitioc to those
C vt-tj lERl v l : :
Tht avrrate ; afi valorem of the Har Jute
EI.J lira : ; ) if lower in tht new law than in
U e Wilson law. That of the 'vTHjma law
w at 4C-C ! jier cent. The present lav IF 4&.1B
per cent Tbe average ad valorem of the
pp pr.per boul ; * che3uleunder tbe
rreRtnt iaw ir fin.Sl. ( T-cfler tbe "WilKon law
illR Tbe average nfl valorem of the run-
Cry wiefluleunder tbt Dincley Itvi is lUS
. cr tient under the tViteon IE-W It as H4.7 ! '
JH-T r-ent Tbfr tutiJvalue nf article * tran -
f-errM from tbe free list to the flutiable list
JF jurca at ntn.9C8.Ml.
On 3 two aruclefi were trancferrea from
tne ojal > le to tbe free list. These -were
cocoanutf in the the.13 anfl fcbeep
> r r r ir tljc Arm- .
\5HIN-GTOK. . A-np. T , ( Special Tele-
3 Lneutcnanl Jamee A. -
pram Mot-s. Twenry-
lifl infantry. IIIK l > t-ea orflerefl to return
to hcs Ktatian at Fort Mifiaocla. Mont
The order directing Surgeon Paul R.
r-own to .duty at Tort Kengh Mont. , has
"bpt-n rrvotttfi AsmKtant Stirconn "WTlliam
B. rar rifi1er bar been ordered from Fort
Crnot to Pert Ke ih Jor this fluty.
Adi r-ni-al t--rond Lieutenant Edwin H.
Stuart ias iK-en tff.ifnmd to tLe vacancy of
et and lieutenant In the Engineer corps
Major Paul K. Brows , surgeon , nar l > een
orflcrefl to his iome to a ait re-tiremenl for
Captain Nat Phj-Kter. Tlr inftntry ,
-wll be relieved from duty at Fort Lraven-
trorth ecliool. Sejttember 1 , tnfl IE ordered
to join his company.
Lieutenant Clrarles TounE. Srvcnith cav-
i ry , lias lieen detailed to attend the en-
camr-njrnt of tbe Kinth battalion. Ohio
.National Guard. AujruHt to SU.
Tlie foIlpwinR transfern are made in tbe
E.rth caialrj- First Lieutenant John M
Stots-clinri ; . from troop M to troop B ; First
Lieutenant Barrinetnn > K. "West from troop
IB to troop M-
Lea ei of absnnre Lieutenant TVilliatn C
JllTers G'i months. Lieutenant John M
St .i > cnliurp Sixth rai-alry. two mnnthj , : Col-
ntl Jnhn C. Bate * . Second infantry , twenty
Ljeu'enant George Afltlr , Fifteenth cav-
tlry tas
Kliic1 of Itrlclnm Suti rt < iry.
WASHINGTON , AUR a. No otficial notice
lias beE recehefl bere of the reported pe-
lerlon of the king of DtilRiuni az tbe urtu-
tral-ir fnr the dirpute netwu-'n Japan and
Hava : ! lint ceneraily the Belection it nishly
ccrtTner led The offiritlf i < ay tliat King Leo-
pt'.dB repntaxion for icirnesE and liberality
IB K > vill rktablifbed tiat tbnre ctnild t > r no
IIOBI "Ue ol'jecuan to the enrciw by him of
the pewer of arbitratflr jiroi-ififid a choice it
to i > e made from among European rulers
It it not Vrtlenpfl that our own government
; : ] lie caH d upon to ndvlhe ar to the ( .e-
Jiir-lnn and It i * nlghly iniprolmble that it
wl'l Interfere in the matter as long n * tbe
of Hawaii are met.
> rvr Pn -Sf > i > i\uiuliiluc-
TTV5HINGTON. Anc Ti ( SpeclU Tde-
pt-am i Toe following NebnuLa j > euelon ex-
tm EK nrpettne will be ajipointed in a
lew dav * I > rK. A. 3. L 6 and G. TV. Lam-
Sey at Lone Pine vice Urn. E. E. Dtidd and
H P McNigbt. reaneveil ; Dr. H , J. White 1
vZl 1 * retained ut b njambtsr of this board. J
Dre W & Love tnfl P , F Doonon. * t "vi'flj j
Tier nee Drs. L. J. Cruse anS Joseph' '
Lint-cuk removed.
jr ' " " W Alien. I > r H. D Chamberlain
tnfl Dr J L Hosteller were to4sj appointed
of the Hoarfl f PenEioo Eiaminlne
] < lnil I'cclllllfk t Klundjkr.
TVA5H1NGTON. Aug. L Tbe baste that
have n.ifntte4 to tbe Alaskan and Klondjke'
p-a Sei3e during tbe i afct Jew montliiwiH
n t lie whiJlywithout It' tal faciiltlee flur-
irp the -nouiing wJuter. TiierwMI In one
rsunfl trp i month U > Circle City -until July
3 of nrrt year This monthly ow-rice t > egun
u the firft it ! IEB ! inpntu. cud lifle no roatc
tf t ; > e.lii.v . dtMicuateC. tt will be Tla tbe
Cii.Laft t > ahE This tterrice carnes only le-l-
ter nik. no iirortmun bUnc made for other
ol nirttrr
Adulrcll < iu I > atu > cr Trade.
"WASHINGTON. Auc. tTnitpi State *
Cann.3 Hnurj RBbertsoR , M Hamburg , bts
urceotly resunMed Ibe State ieptrtment % o
varn Amerxutn ( .tuw-em cf irini txxir crciui
to rrfminfrom the | > r ctice they Imve of
udtLi.eraiuic the grains ttb crwuud oorn
He scj * the brigbt rnwe * f the impurunt
fade t * U'Ttu < utid by thi < jirtcU-r and
that cilTad ) tlie lirptit German i > u > nrs trr
tbont xo ctocd Jn-sry ordm tnd prtrten
-upon proof of uitauirttiBn of thr
I'roibWlioiio In UmllMJi ] Mull
WASHINGTON. Atig t John TV. HoUldty
of Ohio was tt'icy tppelntua diet cJert of
tbe railvriy intU tart-ice. au4 tuocot 4t Alex-
uider Grant of Michigan , tppoinu-i t i4fc < -
int tencrtl tuK > riiiittudent.
> .l > - .
WASHINGTON. Atp . < SpeiU T l < -
) Tne fallowuir foanh-cltsi jx.t-
Bell county , C. F , Kij-atr ;
, V'k 'Wnnr.iLfJ E H J'arttt.
ttfrtrtre. TW.K cowy
* 'T 1T15TJC *
trontli In rpitiill tion. Dr " > * t
mad l , mn * .
TVASHWC70X Ant ; fi Tie tbutrrt tf
< k * cjthH3 : tit nttttmi ] tart * MI Key
14 i ftccttspcMet > y & * t prtrjn jirrjitrrt
> rtirtlf Vy tfer coafttrrtler rf tbt cwrrtwer
etrf tfcr chief * T UKB * eM at ?
en * rfctHC"in the
f moKTet t f nmLtcrotJ > &r > fc ! > Jrooi 1M I
t * IKK. tetfttitftve. In IfsM. tic
eajirtiJ wT tie Mr btltfct amranted tc Jf-
WfifH' ; a year lutfr the a-nsnber f Vtah *
hft * lncr &f < efl te l.f.lS mrf tic capita ] t *
BML Tie r&frtUd pn. Oly lu
te SKW.NW'W * iti October H"7fc. tic
P hn i-MK-l.ffi nntfl mr. > it
to JSW ? W > ( HIT Tif tocrewif thrreI
after vtkx pruduid Hutu 3 KM wbec tie
: < otet wa * . reached , nujBrlt6 E ( W.-
t IMf.7tWlt
Ltra.nt an * fitofratMr retcied tbeir marl-
mnm bf4-weu 1KF4 * n 1W * . in 1S7K. obeE
'the ' Liwunt w * B54.70P lit * In lf D tiat
! crarant wtE erc ? flt4 by Jft.Sdli.ltMi b :
I -wttii nor exceiUis from tbtt 4ste t 3WC
j there T a * t repia Jncreni-e a fl the ilpieK
< pntst rver retrtKSner in Onobcr. ISfi.
I netu-ly ti ITIW in ( iWl IE HWS , there was t
I flrt | . to Jl.MR.WKi WM . bet a mcmery In 18W
t II OSS 4M.OMi la tb * ttll Tfi IB E thto-e
wji * a BncliiH to U BS8.80ftll *
; Tie flepwrit ! bme fioctuatet tc abmit tie
narnt extent in lonnr and ai o anu. tie mai-
' icrarn t'"inE r-t/rtM-d in 182 , vie * ti y
to n 77K3W W * . Is tbe .f rtlowitic
the I l o * ing year to I1.74S.lW.Ofi .
The nrrnlatlim ttetstandlng tn 1WC reacbi-fl
SSI * IHiO.WW anS the InpieBt Jitdnt wnt
reached ia 1R7S. tbc amount lieinc SM1.PBO -
I df'ft ' Tie m.nimtim amount outstanding it
siown to burr betTi I12I.VOB.Onfi la Ostotier.
, 18 ! < R At tbe dore vf the report Bf the year
1W-C tic ttutrant had n en to J iP.iti ! ( ( inn
j The zvercM per capitz of banking fnndt
J of an tiationEJ hunkc in tbe t3nite States
| in JEIifi IF shown to bb JS914. vtrylng from
: a minimum of f" 71 in Arkansas t a marJ-
i mutn of IHB.riH in MotisaciitiBettE. Thf fllaj
icratn * , anws the Evrrage in euch state. . Tb * ;
j dlup-Lm al 3 Rbows by state * tnfl cencrapb-
! iccl flivirtons tberapital. . fleporftr anfl loan *
I of i-ll national banks and in tidaition an illustration -
{ tration of the changes in tbf varlour rtasset
j of 3mpt-r moaej in drctilation from I'M to
chert is ieing ncnt to all national '
{ .IL.VKK rnoai
- rr l P rlrr C itt T
Iroin tlir VnnltK.
"WASHINGTON. Atip a Dnrint ; the ; > roc-
reni of tbc count tufi tbefichiaE ol tbf
Eilver in tbe voultfof the truBBurr toany
inciflent to tbe triuisler a ! the porenaient
funds tt > tbf nrw fnitpS Stater treEKurj- i
Tbomas H. Kartln ol this city , a colarcfl
labnrer enptpeiJ in liandlinc tbe bacr.
arrcEti'3 Tiptm t cbarpe of ctiFtrjipiinc i
Irom tbe racltE. A fcbortage of no "wa * i
found lav : Mondsj- tbe meipbt of one nf
tbe lia s. Another borUEP of Jlf. wiis I
founa a > 3ar , arifl as luertln W F ruKperted. a I
wttcb vtif , put npnn iUm "Rbia lie left tbp i
raults flurlnp tlie uunn rest. After Ifarltie
tbp vault Martin tnt into tbe Eub-bas nen : i
bere tbpre i $ t jrileof lire-1 I
n-onl. and Ufl the eipiitern EilreT
dollars tnicroj ; tbe Ktldni. AF soon BP be bad I
le't tbe cellar tie llsrb : ivat ; turned on and I i
the money discovered. Tbe case war put
into tbe bandj. of Cbief Hazen of tbe * e-
cret service -vrbo placed Martin under trrt-Bt
and took Mm to ill trffice. vbere be ias
made a written confe .ion. Slugc of lead
were put into the bcpt to lialauee tbe w e.icbt
of tbe coin abstracted.
Martin ha * 1 > een _ a litiper at eigbt re-
o-ciphings of tbe treahury cabh and never ,
before iat been KUKjtccted of wrong dome
Tbr wbole amount talena tt'K. of vbicb
Martin bud rp iit JS-wO. tbe remainder beins
recovered. Tbe penalty in tilt case is a
terra of Iranione to ten ; ears in tbe peni
tentiary and a fine of not -more : brn & . ( i ( > ( i or
n. cuii.H TIX
"WASHINGTON , Ang a- Consul Parker at
Birmingham bos furnished the Department
of State with a copy of c report made to
the British ambassador. Sir Jnlian Paunce-
fote. cy Hugh J Obeirne , his second secre
tary , containing a review of the growth of
the tinplate industry in the United States I
It bhow'E that the tinplate iolef. from England - I
land have JaDen off one-half since the Mr- i
Kinley toritf act -was passed and thai the
American production is steadily tncreaEint ; | i
It is Ptntefl by Mr. Obeime that the tlight |
increase of rates in the prtt-ent tariff law i
over those in the "Wilson law -will give the | I
Tnitsa Stajes manufacturers the California
markets , which were ieretofore supplied
from England Enclosted with Mr. Parker'e
report is on. editorial from tbe Daily Birm
ingham Pot.t. commenting on the rej > art and
reviewing tbe tinplate trade since the Mr-
Kinley law of IBhB. It is asserted that tbe
only market England can now obtain IE the
Tntted Strte * is by tbe flrawhackswhich
the -ctnners of export f-onSc rectave.
IjitJit for \Vt-fclrrn Ini-ruloriu
"WASHINGTON. Aug. 6 fSpecial ) Pal-
entf have beeti issned as follows.
New tEka Henry "W. Conari. "Wyraore
pneumatir grip lor lurydei ; Jam < : f H. anfl
A. "W. Crumphin , Lincoln , fruh picking mn-
Jemej L. Ptxton , South Oaitiin. .
Iowa William Goodfipeed. BloomEeld. Klldt
ralve ; Even JrnieE , Creston , sajiSiiig attach-
mejit lor JonorootireF : Jokepb D 'Lnetf
Benan washing macnatie ; Eber H. Stricklsr.
Sicnuc City , fcad iron
South Dakota Herbert H. Freeman.
Pierre. Ittcb ; Cbarlts J. LinSgulstVel rter.
fleiiorninK attachment ; "WiHtam H. "While.
Harrold. lamp burner : thread cutter and
flerice ior Bjiooliuut loslt.
\VASHINGTON. Aug. IL Tbe big battle
ship Infliana sailed away from Newport
today for Halifax , nbere itwin 1 * docked ,
rleauefl tnd painted. It is tbe first ttf the
Imttlt&blpr that nus been sent from the
Tnlled State * to a foreign Sock for lack of
ducking tftoflltles nt bome but it is probable
thtt it jurist l e. lollowed fcy its Tister tblje
Ma4 acbuh ttt tnd lowt , at it is nol EX-
pucted now that tbe New Tort dt > ck will be
rtn'atrtid in lez * than a jearV tone , and
there is o other dock on tbe AtlLUtif ccpa-
ble of r * ejving tbcm.
7'r ' nrj- Mat rnirnt.
TVASHJNGTON. Aup SToday's Ktte-
tnont < f tbe w n Uion of tbt trrawiry tbo 6 :
Available cash balance. J2 fl.CBS.ClI ) ; gold le-
Bumlnp. Itcnlng Etin oiseasei
rolievni by Be Witt's WJtL-h Htxel Stive.
unequalled" ctitE. bruifces , burn * . It
without ieavlcs a * car.
Tusdrj Tefij tbe 3 * rj rf Hit
Admit * IHKJnc ihr Drcrarrd nltb a
CJnl Certain linnir t'p to Shot
Ont the Vlri of Ont-
VERXIUON. S. CL. A p. k < Sj Ha. >
Tfet vtt3 Bf Mirtra barf AMU "Wtarfw * r
i tit kttHftc oJ Dtrnfc oraUcwk Tbe F < UM
i i rertei Ac aw ye * raT ateraJsc Tea
j I TltBf9 * t wf-re cskBhreA The ef4f > Brr
{ a r4 at to tb * l&ct nf killlnc t 4 tbc
te whlf * it war * iewnr
dtrextf. Bkrruli't iitU -i
Ima b&ck te irrat , ie i-evi'B knife
i cute wert en tbe bo r ErHlrae ?
I : on the part t eJlier 8e-
1 * tor tbe JBOH : pun drp mtt tUJ
vet UHleS by a tflnb cut a "UnUe
! , < He cionc te tbe "K'LMdpy boii * * en tke fven-
ing of May 14. A gaEirrt owTirrrt ant a
' light entree ! Tie rtrfente asserts , tint
l > trrah trteel to nw a rprnlver TTainssley
na a knife which he nix-fl fe tbe Cnbt.
Mrt , "K acU < - ; tMtifrea ihkt vaQf "MTt.ttii'
ley iitrrti vere rtrtujcliac ctii I ar-
| rail he pre t < i-i WtaiKley bueky arfi tijtou a
table and vat cbcfl. ng him. xbe strut } ;
I > arjBh Jour or C e times SJ-MJ tlie back of
the beat 1th a dub. This deled bun
! Eafl M'ainsley * c tJile to get up. a&d tool ,
I tke elnV and finished iiai Iarrah hot
i the revolver during tb * agbt.
I Riytnona Strong for tb * utatt. tt UGed
j that nhile be atifl sense compuDOw. were1
j . playinc tn neju the place be hear * a rucfcet
j at the TTaniFJey hotwe , that it cUan-a flown
, a&d lii'cac iigain ILB a ( .hot vat. ( jri > a He
. ran to the window tnfl , t Wamfiley
j THWtWIini ; a man on tbe floor. That Mrs.
j i "VTamsley pinned t.n tpj-an over tbe wiiidow
j tnfi la refij lo t traestiea ef "What's tbe
1 matter" " said "Notbini ; ' ' This Mrs.
"WaroElrr 0 < r.ies all luiowledre ol
Tbe caus-e nl the quarrej. tiie assserts , was
an intuit oEereB her by Darrth on tbe
raermnc of May 14. n ! which the had told
j : her husband The ewirt bmis > it ; mckefl
bj an attentive t3T > wd of lit.tcn rE.
Cciitilltlitn * J"a4 riil le T xrc-it in Ilic
Hull Urll.
HURON , S D. , Aug t ( Sperla.1.1 Stsm-
mcries of report. " from forty-three cuttnties
sent to tbi covcrnment iiureau hare girt the
follow ing D&nct'riiing ci .ns in South Dakota.
jn Julj ! Hi. f2 < and 3u the temperature
ranged Ti con JH > to 3 * flegrees in tiie fchaflc
trith Mittr ; oonaianrist part of the tame ,
prnatiniijc ceneentrttefl enfi narrow rain und
hull ttlts in a number of counties ana flam-
aging urid deMructive bull Mnrms. t f more
ur lees aren are rejorted Jroni ubnw a fltisen
counties. Except in tbe vicinity of tbe hall
trackiwhere tbt rain wa cem-raTly heavy
the showerj. were fair to poofl oud Ht-atterefl.
The Hofl. bovever. wtas nmply nioist cener-
airy from the ralti * of tbe prereainveet
With tbexcerrtlon teat it was a ! tle
tunwarrn for srntdl grain , causinc tbe snere
uarantfd to ripen too fast , tlieweather was
ravorable for flllinc anfl grp-wth ofwheat
and oat ! ) Consiaorabl - tniprtrvement if no-
need in late - wheatepfriiJly. . ] t appears
from reports that tiit Verry 5s pumtiin !
nicely end tlit qnalrty in most localities
will i e coid.
Barley harvest 1 * nearly completed in tit
central and Houtbem counties. Early wheai
han-eBt is lieroinitii ; gpnerul tn the samtj
fcertlonF and in tht mosn santliern cuantie-
is far advanced Barley appear ? to lie a
fiur IP peed crop of peed quality Wheat
is uneven , snmt very pr > t S , same fair and
= i3nie poor , liul there apjars tt. t * * ? a genersil
icjpressTOi : that tht quality of tht berry -win
be iroad.
Corn ha ? done -w ell E-enerallj has rntlned
mjodly on tbe season and toseelinr mid
earinc ; in tb-- central and somhem cautitlts
VnJe s frows are unusually uu-Jj , with
otherwise favorable -weather corn promises
a poofl crop Millet has moflt cond
anfl is Quite ceneraHy reiortd u
s-.und ; considerable ha . l > een cat. N
grusF has improved very much , hnying u.
bdnc puthed antl the qutlitj and yield very
c-oal. Along tit river flajs it is the itaviesn
i"r years.
Potatobave done -vre.11 ana promise a
rood to verj- peed crop
TVorli vt tW CouiiuiM-ltmero n rclurt-d
li > llie Conn 10 lie Void.
5IO1TX FA 3 AS. S. BAug. . S. ( Sj.ecial
Telegram. ) Judge Carlanfl today handed
down his decision in the big railroad case.
together with tn elaborate opinion. The
i"ect of the decision ii. while denying the
request lor .a temporary injunction , to grant
ill the railroads have bTJi working for. The
decision declares that aJwork ] done by the
railway conmufcsionerc prior to July 1 is
void that the hearings held in June were
illeptl , and that tbe schedules agreed upon
by the rnnmiSEmners cannot iie enforced
.since tbe commissioners did not lay tbe
necessary foundation required by In-n.
fndar tfr decision it will be nuesa-
sary for tie commiESionerf to becin
allover ugain , to gi\e new notice.
nold new hearings , promulgate the ratep and
then give ample notice to the railway com
panies before putting them in force Thus
tbe companies will have ample time to aua-
l3"re the raiei before they so into effect , anfl
If thy think best to begin injunction jiro-
ceedings The injunction was askud agaiziKt
tbe railroad commiEEioners bj the Chicago
Milwaukee t St. Paul , the Chicago. Burling
ton i Qulncy. the Cr cage & Northwestern.
the 'Grea : Northern , the Chicago. St. Paul.
Miuneapnlis & Omaha anfl tbe rreniont , Elk-
bom Missouri A'jdley
B lfli * r Clmrse-d illi > lenljn
MITCHB1.L. S D. . Anp. S ( SpeciiJ Telt-
gram ) Ralpa Kershew. trho har conducted
a meat market bere for a number of years ,
was arrested and had ! > ! < preliminary ci-
amlnation toiey on tbe charge of having
received stolen property Tbe crimwal '
committed last winter vben two sheep werj j j
stolen from another butcher in the citj } I
and billed to Kershaw during tbe night.
A former emploje was tbe main -wiiiKKi
and gave tbe details of the matter on the
fcttnd. The fellew vbo it li. presumed , stole
tbe sheep is implicated In mealing a cow
several vet-ki ago and is now out on bail.
Kersnaw waE held to tbe circuit t-ourt in
ITiHD bonds. '
til tb - > 4irliTr
PIERRE. S. D , Aug. D. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The state bntrd this forenoon lis
tened to arguments of the reprrsentatii et of
the Northwestern railroad in regard to taxa
tion o ! railroads , bat no further notion has
lieen taken on this elans of uropony. Tie
resn of the dtj wat put in u. a board of
The state insurtnce deptrtment UiSnj
Itcensea the North American Casualty com
pany of Minneapolis to do businttit in tnic
RiiHi In Suutli I > uVujn.
PIERRE. SD , Aug H iSperiol Tele-
general rain it fiuiing < n-er tni $ ;
Drex L. Sboomao Is ? iiis to liare a
Kale a big one te a sale f sB tie
* nminw sboes In tie bouse He ? 4ap te
lu'sin Satnrday Every tlmp we har - a
sale Us a corker Xo half way doiaps
liwtwliat tve f. y in nr cd
are polng to cet tue life * Bt
You just notice tomorrow nlgafs paj > er
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Send for HUusret&d cf.uJo rue. tree.
f ? "he ri e
intli h . TJt
Sarcrut Dnlr . Btlcc Dead.
MAOH1AS. tft A g t 3c > tre * "
ly OB ffoant cf cfttacv * emrttr to
wire. _ * rrtve iftn lam nlfbt's
nrlt fflMot here , f
-rtjTe II f-mirtl n c.
Artlnp ChK f l > f tftt J ; Hnamltig ye -
afternonn t * re t < > & cmnplaitt tt
wrt Bcttast rrs erlrl Hube. in whtcli
, be ( Ojurj-p * r wttb t o lttiBC ] > er-
Jur.rrbfti be qntltfte4 Hi tb tmm nf t3.f M >
at tb * tlttHbe fiigtHifl tVf tri > tl ) x t iqiac
Hsrry Mtteftfet - "X'afTPtifMKM. . "
t respite troaa a tbirty-ay nmnty
ittl * enteiire Jcr VRISBBCT } > e aittc a bmr-
taf f the caw hjtb * lirtrlct wrart.
. Rube slcned tbe appct ) boel it tbe tmm
HeJorr * oing * b * Bore tist e
tbe fiwacrof Muck If- ill luiur & Std-
lkm. whcb - + LS w irtb 7SK ( * over
aufl above all enciutthrhni ! * * Oo tfc ?
Ftrwirtb nf thic JtMOUeatioc kit ) > oui wae
wrejiiei Mid Mate ; WH * rtt > ea ea
Ifi tin infornittiiiE filed it btaatta thct
Rake wilfully tnd aultcimuay oommiUe4
I > er > rywhen lit H ) frr thlf Jturtticttion It
i it wn i > m tbsl tbe proj > erty it > atpt nberea
tnat It wtmU l > e precticUl.T wnrti nothing
te cbf- that * > u ] ; fcbpuii be bitnicbt to re-
rover the aoioutrt of tbe bona There are
said to be amrtcop uwoontinc to IT W ( <
tax lime of njKf > mifl t > tit r IK-Ef acainvt it
Moreover ii te charcefl tbat Rub * te on some
St.CI * iHMifl * is tbponrtf nlr * 4r. wliJeh ai-e
1 neresswily rltimi apaltim tbe property. The
i block is also said to have besa sola twice
lor taxes
1 The fllinc of this complaint it saia t be
nnt'ther isdlcLtiM of the iuUdise Wtteroest
, le : by tbe rhief of aetertlte * ana tbe priiw
, nfliriEls p er the riflirule tbe general public
| ha * fxpreseeflover their inability to tn the
least derree connect MaJoy wftli the Creicb-
| I ton noidnp zJter they had no CBufidently
i etaled at thfr ttrne of his arrest that he was.
I one or tbe roblt-re. There aie toSay on ile
i in police eoort nny nnmiicr of beuSc tbutj
1 are nt worth the puper they t.rcwritten on.
of which Hit pi > hre have taken ne teji to
jirosemie the f-csp-K.
Robe it a w ell-tnown rna ulfl German
dent of the city.
Clt ? Trrnt-nrrr Kfl rd Talt fit
IVorU InHJ OHice ,
There Jr Home dUsntif-ltttion In the city
hall with tbe action of the ominrD in re-
Jufiinc tn alien the clerk * in the city treasJ
f uiere ofl > ce ts put in eitra time on the
i delinquent tts list. Treasurer Ddtvcras1
' , MVE : "The rule will be tn expensive one ,
as 1 ana comjieaed to btve all the work
done by new men vho 4ire not familiar with
1 -lie taz booVuS. Lnst ycrr the regular
I tJcrks wort-e/3 from T. o clock through the
| evening i sd by putnni ; une of tbe reirnlar
men at work with each ttl of ertra men ,
tlie wa-k was. handlfd , more rapiQly than
is i > ssfble under tht prescni ej stem. "
' Ytsterdny Mr. Edwina * put half a
desen men at work , but ie. says that very
I little will be ticcomplishtd ftr 1 Jew days , as
tbe new S.EI muw go ibrough L course of
i trainmc l efore they can Aa the -vnrt As
Isnon 1 ' as the men -who were ' employed yes-
i terday eel tbe run < if ti'e nnnks other
I men 'will be aflded an2 active operatiDns
i on tbe tts list brgun,1 The council har
authorized iii ? employment _ cf twenty men ,
but it is asserted thar if "the experienced
men inthe office \ > eje allowed tr work
estra tims on tlf ta : ; i S ; tbe work could
be done with half that number.
Doctor * HJ > nrt tlinl Hi * Health it.
Jorfah "SVrigbl , tbernixti wiio Is eervlnc
a sentence of rv.'o yeart imprisosment for
jury bribing lius "been taken lo tbt poor
fxrm by orfler cf Judce B. S. EUier , nctics
on tie advice of County Physician Brythin
and Dr. Tilden. both nf whom ernmitied tbe
man and rejioned to Judge Baker thai
\Trichfs health was failing very rtpiffly Lnd
he must 1 * removed to a place where he
could have tit most careful medical attend
Early last June "Wright w-as fcentencod by
Judge Baler Jor attempting to bribe a juror
in the Bonify trial and has been in jail
since that time He ie over C years of age
and the close confinement , together with the
mentid strain , has told fcevertdy upon him.
He fctili pert.if.a ; in his story that be was
salicited to ! irR > e tbe jurymen tnd by n man
be ntter saw before and did not know even
bv name. It is the opinion of the phyfclcianf
wno examined "Wright "We2nebday that be
would die in a snort time if kept in lie
H. C. McNair of Si. Paul is at tie MU-
"SV. J. Ziramers of Milwaukee IE at the Mil-
H. M. CiCin of Hasan ? * is a Barker
iifc ± , t.
A , Morrison of Plttsimrs. Pa is at th.
CB Holcombe of Kansas City it , at the
A , S. Granger of Chicago isstt > pnlng at
tie Bu-ker.
Ira Mallory of Granfl Island U registered
athe Barker.
Georce O. Calfler left yesterday afternoon
Jor Meadviile. Pa.
R H. Townleywife and flacgbter of Lin
coln ore visitors in the city.
Mrs. Willoughby bas gone to Chicago to
visit friends for t fortnight.
W. R. Hed left last evening for Chicago
and eastern points to remain u week.
J. Beak S. B. Hathawtjtnd E. A. Engler
are New Torfc arnvolp at tie MiUirL
John Snllirtn and R. D Jennings are St
Louis arrivals registered at tbe Barker.
George H. Hubbard and W. W. Hubbard of
Trenton. Mo. , ire wopping at the Barker.
W. Famam Smith left lost night Ior Chicago
cage whrre he will remain for a few days.
Pat Humphreys , trsvtding passenger agent
for the Lake Shore , IP in lie city on busi
"VV. H. TTibslng. E. LPTT J-nfi S. A , Hutcn-
iuson ore Chicago trai tiling men regiEttire
at the MHlarfl.
E. P. Tinning. Euperiniepfltint of the FUE
Francisco wetti car Fytitim. r 'nt IE OmabE
yesteriEy wb.ilen route to * ew Tork Clt } .
Fred Sonnensehoin of VCc i Point. J. R.
Phfclan of Alliance tud H. Ej B j d of Falls
Cits' are NpJiraslumt tup ] > ing tt tbe ( Mil-
Nebraskans at ibe iotijt ; B. G. Pinney ,
Crawford : A W. J. Jalaiwin , Curtis , 1. E
Doty , Davlfl City : T. L. 'AsVta-man , Stanien ;
A. Morriw n. Norfcfll : ; C' L.'Rose , Hatting * :
N. A. DuC , Nebraska Cftiy. P
U > Briar ; Ew rti L &fa X&ifauJ
te TiAt Okr.
Prf ldrnt of the Orrnt MrtfaoAUt
T < - iidr < > d n lt < - < -ritlon I
7 lil . Clt } Lj > M Mcht ,
i X. NinOe. D D. U-.O-
of ti * Mrttattitot Bptonqifi ] otarcL tmt
el tkf Fu-pt MKiaftttit dmrcii IB
thk , rttr is * jpit uetar the impure * nf
the Drwn- lenirBf. o ! Omftia. fonts Qtstic
w4 OaucU Blue * . Owing u tie threat-
ins veiitltw tbc cttesdunce wns all.
2er. W. X. Dtw-hau nT tic Watovt MHI
Nina-- , who iitte : * titt be we * in
tic tty sti rtnitc frtnn hi * ionic la
Mfci , t * titteu tie XrteWLi
which op at Ltairnta todsy. He rstwrpfl
t * hit fli. : vj jt to Onoh in tie etrly flty *
t f tie city end Arrw forth aj l ttsc uy * * -
1 * that iWLt tic m-nrtttr vt tlie BpwBrth
teegnr cabinet wio mm-rf to locate tbt next
cwivcnttoB U OnMJie in 1BHS. He * ti be
w . outvtrted. imt raid InstiH ha * iopt-K
of i vliir : t a wtini : of tie lehgw IwJS Jt
Onibhii in noate rot onjear. .
The bwbop referred briefly to tbe rwel-
Ing of lit kfcgw et Toronto and tien i = 3 > rte :
of the great advances T hich bfie lieen inadi
IB lie la Kirty jeer * . He HUM hit. * w-n
siemory vj * quite ce r fiir that Iractb Bf
time taS ir rrfr-refl to tie that io
tiia.t eeriy dty tie greet benrrnlentK * whicb
arc now t.uiii t prominent part of tbc church
wrre unborn. 71ic mlynpns in Africt. tht
fflucutioaU iti ltutionf. . tbi' Frwdaen' * . Aid
* eel tk6. tic chtrUi enenrter and tbi
oticr great bearvnleiitffwere entirely uu-
j known. Tie JctBTtet centered w holly in
-j thr lociJ ciurcbei.
la this ttttnc connection tbe atehnp ri-
ferred IB Ws lirt railway jonrnrj- . taken in
1BE.M He * aifl the trip vae. token on tbe
rtfl reid Uietween Rome and ftlcc. . N. T- .
nnfl tbe train -an at the rate of twenty mile *
per hour which emed like licbtning tpeefl
\ j t liie chiifliBb mind. He compares tic won-
' ' derfui of recent years to this earl ?
lieriod , and reminded the younc people of
I tip itiBrvetou * spheres of ti fulnc * Bjwnlcc
! i before them.
J I He predicted that the church of tbe future
] [ wonlfl be founded span tbe Epworth leEErac
j and that it would be t chttrch f greet giverE
] , He dflatefl somewbal uiinn the rwpnnsJbilj-
j tes resting tipan those -whu have a store
i f worldly gtioit and tipnn tlie tise * anfl
jitiutet of wealth. Thr bifcbtTi also said that
ie bisUeveS tie citirci of thy future would
! ? a great p-tyicc church Hf iaid he wa *
, not tn sdvotztc of imjiartuntte prtyrr , but
isflvorated canttant communion wltii God cnS
' a conFtant eKire to do His will He saifi
| i if thk theary covemed the church o ! tiic
j future it w : > uM broaden out. Every meml > er
j "
j ; of the league , bp fsaifl , could be i"inissinn -
1 ary by praying for tiletsincf i n tic heEthet
miEKintiErieE He else jrreiirted that tic
chuich of tbe future -would lie a working
church -working to iittfld tip the church lor
Chi 1st.
In dosinc. tbe Wnnop referrefl iirlefly tp
the growth of the Epworth league sayini ;
thtt the .present inemtierfhip U l.COB.-OOO.
At tbe elope of Biehojt Xinde's efidresi ; a
brief recrjitioa WOE held. & ' . whict oil present
we-e invited to corns forward and * , nake
iliar-fls i witb iim.
! Birhop Nmdc vat bcm in Cortlond N T. .
in 18S2. and ic the fcon of a preacher. He
wa ecncated at the Wctleyanuniversity ,
from which instlttitlon be war grafim-led
in l 5a. Jn tie following year it Joined
the Bl&ck Rlr conference , -w-iere hi * dijled
jsevcrtl ispnrtani pulpits. In 1SG1 hr be
" came pastor of Trinity church. Cincinnati.
In 1K76 be was pastor of Central church.
Detroit , the leading Methodist church of tbe
city- Having aemonKtrated tie fart liat he
imsseswd esceptiontj ability in the educa
tional line he was elected to the chair of
practical tbeoloi in Garrett Biblical insti
tute in 1E7S. Sir years lEtcr he was made
preeident nf the r-ame institution. Bithop
Ninde a tour of Europe an3 the old
world in 15-CR-GJi and wrote a nerles ofvery
able letter * to the church papers. He re
ceived the decrees of D _ LLD. from the
W-espyan ) tiniversity. He TVOF- elected bihop
in 18S4.
* jijllnt - Court Dif.ixj.-rs of the
n < i . : < iii Capitalist.
Hon. JM. . "XVoolwonh for tit Omaha
"Water company , received word ye. terday
from St. Louis to tlje effect that a decision
in the foreclosure suit and sale of the Omaha
plant had ten handed down by Judge San-
born -of the United States court of appeals
The decision wju. rendered in connection with
the claim of C. H. Venner. ho brought suit
for f 12 ; OOP alleged to be due him The cai--
was first lirougit tip before Judge Siirus of
tie T nited States circuit court. After a
lengthy trial a decision icainst Venner'fc
claim was rendered in tie local court. Tb"
case was carried up by iim to tae court
of apjittls with a prxjer that tbe money
alleged to lie due shculd be paid out of the
money derived fjom the sale of the plant
The case eatne to a bearing last February.
Hon J M "SVnolwortb appearing for the
company , and Join L Webster lor tie plain
tiff. The dtciEion just rendered is final and
throws ou : tie claim held by Tenner.
Ofrwtor * of the Ivornl Cl'inimuj Bolil
n SI ret in sr.
There was a lengthy meetinr yesterduj
aftemtion of lie director * of the company
which 3s to build a beet sugar factory at
South Omaha in tie offices of tie South
Omaha Lend company in the rirat National
bank building The meeting war opened ti
1:30 : o'doEk. and did not ndjoum until nearly
C J M. "Woalworth , e 8. , Jireslded , and
Howard Kennedy acted iis secretary. Mr
Kblby of Cleveland n buDder of a uumner
of sugar Juctoriet throughout the country ,
was present , tnd ezplsuned to the Omanauc
iiis ideat. ttmui tie oonhtrucuoii of & plant
hnrt. The meeting was tn eiecnUie one.
and tbe crenteet necrery was. manifestec !
at > ut its tnm-EBBtJoni P. E Her announced
tt the conclusion of tie mbeune that there
was nothing for publication.
H4 > 1 AVuJttrlli - Annln.
Ter. . Atig L.- Last nipbt and
today ere liy long odds tie batten , ef tbe
The tbermorniter all lust night
touched between Wi and i decrees , with not
a fervath ol air Ftirring Todaj It is recli-
tttrinc KiC decree' , at noon , -with & little
lireese "Wowing. Tie beat is intense , but
swing te the dryness of the uir. prostrn-
Uons are v rj" few , three lielnc the tnuj for
tbe day. Busi > ie * . IKJMKWJT , i ju-toUcallv
. it is too hot far any one le
1 I u
Col I
t eu
i" f J
There te a FftaetWn altsiit tle Kits-
liuiM * Hiat mnkefc 1X ' nu > Kt ouplit
after iuFtr Bt made Some lite its
fitiibb s-osie its nctioii wbilfc btln r *
nnd tlii-j- are In tie -sreflt rnajorltr
Udat H tbe M-tt < * toned iiiiuio in ea-
Irtonc-e tliej are fill riplit It is tlie
* wftegt toaed tlie lt * n finislied liie
l > est j lanc the 3ewet priced hish grade
jiiatio the fJisiest to bay n time.
anfl Art. 1513 Douglas.
Excursni : USE OF THE V > RD * c ASTORIA , " AND
/ , DR SAMUEL PITCHER , sf Hysnnis , Mas&cintseiis ,
vss ihs originsisr cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIAT ihs s&tne
iksi hss borne snd doss now - on ever/
. bcsr ihefsc-simi/s stgnsiure of C&tyffi & 4 x wrspptr.
This is ihs origins ! " PITCHER'S CASTOR ! A" which hss b sn
yJ in ihs botnss of ihs mothers cf America for orsr ihirty
yssrs. LOOK CAREFULLY si ihs wrsppsr snd sss ihsi ii fs
iJts kind you hsrs sfwsys bought , * . - on iha
snd hss the sigmiure of
psr. A' &n $ hss svihoriiy from ms io uss my name sxcepi
he Csnisur Compsny cf which Chss. H. Fkicber ia
Do Not Be Deceived ,
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may oner you
( [ because he makes a fe\v more pennies on it ) , the in
gredients ofwhich even fie does not kno\v.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The End That Never Palled Ton ,
South Omaha News .
ColoneJ James IL P < a.toti fcUperrLteDflent
of the Tnipn Stotl ; Tardt romjuiny. returned
yesterdaj frnm c < tnp tp VuJ ) anfl Colorado ,
which was token in the intereKF of the com
pany. "Omaha is Kfirtly in it , " eaid Sir
Pa .on "khijipert. In tbe wei-t are all tall-
ing about the Omaha market , end we loot
for i big -westeri. business tLit fan Cattle
are in line condition and win sell at peed
price * -when brought tc. market. " tVhile in
I > enver Mr. Parlonntt informed tbtt eotne-
thinc liUe i'4i.bno ( f ieepRill be fed thlf fall
and winter at For.Collins. . . Calo. Most of
these shepp win be shipped to this market ,
at the ownerr hare ehijiped here before , end
* etit home crt iJy pleesed with the pncce
"While on hij trip Colonel Ptrtont \ -
tributed to fctoskmen aufl others a curd
wnich read ? aF follows-
* A few reason * , why tbe range cattle cnfl
sheep khould jro tD Oraaha thif year :
"The lirees : jiropor3cs of last year'i im
mense corn cro ; > rtm remalnE in Nebrabka.
IDWE and MiKiOuri.
"Thu. yetr'i corn crop in Nebraska alone
wall be : : Tii.iDD { ( , { > ( ii ( husheit. with a crop of
all otber feed greater than ever before.
"There are from n.dOD.dno to IIP.OHD.OOD
in the lug cattle loan companjet a-aaiung in
vestment ic feeflerc , both cattle and s n-jp
"The four largest jiackers in the "world.
Armour. Cudahy. Htmmond cad Swift , are
located at Omaha. "
More Mrt Cur
A mast meeting of the Third and iTourth
ward ttrpayerE has been called for Satur
day at the hill. Thirtieth and L btrt-ott
Ths- object of the meeting or to flisruftf the
action of tbe N f-treet merchant * in signing
a jX'Ution to the council reparding the ex
tension of the tar Itne around to Thirty-
third and i , etreeti Judging from the tail :
on the streets yesterday tbe meeting will
be an interesting one. as a large attendance
is expected. The Fourth warders think that
they have right * ae well as person > > living
in the other warfit. and they nold that tbe
protect filed with tbb council was uncalled
for. especially at. tbe coun-cil was no : pre
pared to tike uny action on tbc matter.
tbe auettlon having t > een only informally ] erf J.
On tbe other iand the N street merchants
claim that if tiiey do not look after their
own business no one elite will. They tty
that the building of & loop around Twrry-
third ttreet would mln the bUKinest , which
if now cirrled on in tbe heart of tbf city
The building of a Itop ip not the only
thing that ie worrying the N street trades
men They fear that tbe street car company
may be prevailed upon to ertend tbe Hani-
cnm park line from EbeeJey t-tation to tbe
exchange 'building. In case this is done
they t.Ey thai stockmen and other * , will
never come across the tracks at all. but
will transact their btifctnei * at tbe exchange
and lake t cor direct for Omaha. Afl-
mittjig that thie IF true the residents in
tbe Fourth ward claim tnu the biulne !
men on N Etm-t have no right to interfere
with them in their work of obtaining im-
jirovrmente It btt liMn tniggeste-fl that
the Third and Fourth wardf form an im-
prorement club similar lo tbe Eahttifle dub ,
and this may be flone at tbe meeting Satur
day night.
Mniiy Ctimillnti < i Arii-r ,
City Attornry Montgomery and others in
terested in the matter of removing tbe
buildings on N etreet near Thirteenth in
order that the county may proceed wnh
the grading and that N i.treet m y In
opened visited the locality yeKierfluy unfl
looked over tbe ground Before work can
commence it will be necessary to remove
a family named Brubaker.which oscupict a
portion of N street tt L point wbere .ome of
the grading ts to be done
County CommHAiouer Hester claims that
the ( Brubakers bcve been paid for their laud ,
which wae fondemned Mime yeart > ago Bn > -
baker inejttf that be bus never beet paid
for tbi land , although he vai kind enough j
to ttdl tht city attorney that the payment
bad bf-et ! made til right by tbe rity. but
that tbe money went to the wrong romi
The matter it lu umuig complication *
which vtct entirely unerpefted. John J
Jlj-an who ii tbi administrator of the Cor-
rigac tetate etyt that tbe ettttc hat t.
clUm fin tbe land now occupied by Bru-
| bakeanfl afrr the city nettle * with the
opi-upant tbe * iEte will come forward and
i demand a MiUetncnt.
Cltj Attorney Montgomery intend * invrstJ-
gatitig the recordt in the cane today and
hop * * to have tbe tangle etraighietied out
within a lew dcye.
Major - \ \ nm > t Jri > -litirp.K. .
Quite a numl er of projiertj owners on N
Ktree : are laying permanent RidewalkE. ir
oomr > liLnce with tbe ordnance passed *
short time tea. Ancorflmg to the ordinance
the property owner * in a district ptimprlBine
Twenty-fourth r.treet from L to N. and on
N street , from TV. enty-fourth to Twenty-
fleenthwere given thirty daj'B inwhich
to replace tbe wooden walks with permanent
oner of Kom't kind. The thity dayc will
not lie tip for a couple of veeki yet. At
the expiration of thii. time the city -will
nroreed to tear -up the old wooden -walk *
and lay j > e.-jnanent ones tnd n * , < < eBs the cost
up against tbe propert > . In tblt i-nnnftction
Maj-nr Ensor eaid jesterflay tbtt he would
not t > tand any foolishneES When the time
limit o ! tbe ordinance erpired be would
have the street commissioner prt > : eed tU
once te remove tbe old walks and the per
manent tlSewalU contractor would ie di
rected to go ahead and Icy a wnlk tt. pro
vided in the -ordinance ,
FrunU Mnrjili ; Ct It.
The South Omaha Gas Light Kimiany yes
terday filed an aKugntnent tif its franchlBB
wltb tbt city clerk The franchise IB trans
ferred to Frank Murphy of Omaha. Frank
Murphy also lil 'd a durument inwhich be
accepts tbe franphiAe granted to tbe South
Omaha companj. According to promiEun
made t tbe time tht franchise was granted
gas works vere to be ererted in tiii * . city ,
but it it not thought now that any attention
will be paid to that part of tbe agreement
by tbe purcha'er of the franchise. Some of
the councilmen who -were induced to rote
for the ordinance granting the franchise
with Ibe nnder aanding that -worke were to
be erected here at once , ire conEidiTcibly
put out at the turn of
- GO .KJI.
E. C. I > ennet t is iome from a trip t
F. M Sacketl of Albion sjient yesterday
herewith friendE.
Elmer Lenhart of Creston , IEis in tic
city for a few daj-s
Sevrnry-one cart of ffettere were Enlppefl
to the conntrjjerterflEy. .
D. Livingston. Luramir , "VTyn. , is regis
tered at one of tbe hotels.
L O. Duke. Park City. ftth. it bere look
ing after nrppem iuterestR.
Stamp sties at the pustoffice Jor the tnnnth
of July amounted to sn.KSE.iri.
Mist Nora Held of LeMart. la. . Is nere ,
the jruest of Mr. and Mre. J. Bogen.
Tie appnalt pavement on Tw enty-f ouriti
street is being repaired by tlie contractor * .
Mrs Fred Parker has pone to Indiouola ,
NebM to visit her mother , vho is dangfsrouslf
Mrs. TV. L Holland left last night for
Greenwood for a week * * visit wlti her parA -
A ynung on of C , "W. Marsh was bitten
by a dog yesterfliiy , but was not Eerinudy
Tbe work of removing the frame build
ing at Twenty-fifth and N Etretits bar been
The Eactslde Improvement club will jnest
tonight at Brtimke'f bUl , Tweuueth and Mis-
Joseph Dtitta-e of St Lnuir. who lias ! > een
riblting his brother , PollfTDUi John Beters ,
kas returned to hi * home.
Two men tried t rifle tlie n.oiiey flrawer
at Stfllmock's grocery. Thirtieth and L
jitreet * . . yewerday , but were frighttmed away.
Mrs Hammond of Cedar FUlf la. , wip
Jia * . tieen visitinr her niece Mrs MeElroy ,
Tw ent y-tbird tnd N BtreetJ ! , hat. returnsd to
ner home.
IiiiitVlnr Di-nlrr * lo li - > lrrtlnc.
NEW TORK. AngThe National
t\"htile.te ; Liguur r euler * ' uwouiullDn of
Aninrlca ha * t-nit out involutions to tlie
vhole ale wine and rjiirit 'rafie ttirductioot
the Vnltffl State * , to uttenfl tbe upoonfl a
iiuol oonvention of tbe ut-uMdction. ie l > c in
Aupum 17 tt Manhattan Bench. Tne con
tention will close on August IS , with i >
que : tt '
TTben year cenrfn twine * t * > Bee J-B-D
Us jirint d In The Bw it * tlie ume
vrlit-n j&u ? o 1 * f-He him tlifit' * why
jou fcUould linre The Bt-e foHow ji
-wht-n yon p uway jxm < & .v ,
what's ? aing OB In the world te
] iu t id ue jnnuar bow itr j-on pel away
yen'M til)3 plenty ef time t raud and
y B"H ulM * fii it fi srfcflt Hourre of toi-
jttyjnentsertoity < < ents & rncmtli U aQ
we .t lor Tbe lit * r-treiity tents. &
mouth io any aadrthg berealoutfc
changed a * often ag yon like.
The Omaha Daily Bee
Circulation Department
Uti UJL rimaffi. Bee Building