_ * " " " " " " ' < "i _ ' - - r * ' ' " ' ' /'jjiBsiWISIiiliBiitBBlililPPpiiiBIBICTlBnHPiBlilPPISW tm [ t,9itPfiiKfif' ! l ! w 'vflf ( r , TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JULY 29 , 18 ! > 7. \tt\ * < n o-incnM for llic r columns TilII In * tiilipti until t'Ji in. fur Hie itinl until M l > . in. for the linn nun ? anil ? niulnj i-illtlonit. Ailtcrllftcru , li rcqiicntlnn n nnm- lier il cluk , cnn lm\f mi Tr nil- lroH r < l to n iiiunln'rcil -Ucr In cnrc of 1 lie lice. Aii v rrx < > nililrcKsril Mill ilvlUni-il oil | irr iMilutluii of the check onlr * Itnti-K , 1 1-Uc n word Hr t limcrllnni ] r n vviiril thurrnftrr. AoihliiR tuUeii for IOKN than U. > c for the llr t liixer- tlon. 'I In-ne nil v crdnriniMHii niUHt lir run coiiHi-c-utU ! > U V.\'l ii : > S > ITI VI IONS. FACIAL , 1II.KMISHE' ? TREATED TRIE CO S2C Clumber of Commerce A M17J AJO COMPITTENT DRCSSMAKKtl WILL , MAK1I engagements In families 2011 IlanifV' ntrret A 351 2 > * \\Avni > MAM : nr.i.r. WANTKD-CANVASSEUB TO TAKE OHDEHS ; new line of work , no heav > Roods to tarry. mlary or commission. C. 1" . Adami to . se i h st TVANTED-MEN TO LKARN OfR experlrnce not nereKsary. taUry paid vvhlle leanilng Call at 15U Doujla * . _ -MMl-A _ fiAL.rawiv : ron CIOAIIS. 2i A MONTH AND - < s ry. in- -e cxp n es old nrm , experience unne ilucenenU to cuBtomers C. C , ISlshop A. Co. , St LOJH 11-M147 _ riiRi : SAMPLE OK sr.cRirr ov BEAUTY. True r526 Chamber of Comme { - M-4 AM \VANTED CANVASSERS-NO KX Eni KNCB r-cessary J J Olbson M4 First DON'T 1JE I-OOR , I WORK l"OIl N GRAY & Co . Cincinnati. O . selllnc Roynl plafrs and nliilnir knlvi , forks , tpoons etc , by dlpplns n .neVl 1 metal , qulekl ) done elegant nnU. . - made J6. In i lnav > nlale. wenr nve jearsmade monln. easy job \\rlte- for a pUce and m-ke U-M374 2f mooty. _ _ Y/ANTKD MEN TO LEARN THE HARDER trad""nlyeKlht week , r , lml vvaEe , ami rxnerlincc In cltj shopi before completing donated , steady positions RU.rantred : catalogue mailed f.ee. Moler's Ilarber School. < . Chicago ll-M3il Al 2 5o flark St. , _ GENERAL. WANTED. BLACKSMITH IXtn work , strady Job for right part } . Louis HcM. ' 11-M3.0 31' Columbus. Neb _ * - % VIJ HAVE T\\0 POSITIONS TOB MEN OT honor pi > lnc ll.ZOO jearl > ; J125 required- Address * 30 " * " omce B-M367 dress "O 41 Bee _ WTID r fee GIRLS FOR ALL IUNDS I WORK. W TO J7 week. Canadian Office. 1522 Douglas C M519 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMA- nentli. True Co , 226 Chamber of Commerce C M175 A0 fl-UL rOR GENERAL HOUbEUORK JOHN ll Hill. 2703 S 13th _ C-S39-2S- , , ANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR genertil housework , references required 124 IS . C M3a9 litth st. aim. FOR GENERAL IIOUSE- work. , If compeunt TVANTED GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUbE- work. Intiulte 1120 S 2Sth t C-M3C9 31 * VAVTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL ImusVwork at UC9 Chicago ft. C-M3S1 3f roil UK\T _ iinusns. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O P Divls Comranj. 1505 Farnam D 520 HOUSES , UENEWA At CO . 108 N. 15TH ST. D 521 MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. 925 N Y Life " _ D-S23 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the Uty J5 to 100 ridellts. 1702 I'arnam St. D 523 HOUSES WALL\CE , BROWN BLOCK. 16TH and Douglas _ D 524 HOUSES , COTTAGES & STORES ALLr PARTS of city. Brennan , Love Co , 450 Paxton blorl. . D-I25 _ _ _ _ UOVINfJ HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 1'IANOS Om Van S. Storage Co . 1415 Farnam Tel 1559 D 526 _ _ L.MIOB LIST. McCAGUE 15TH AND DODGE. D-527 _ _ HOUSES , FLATS GARVIN BROS , 1613 TADN'M D-S28 _ _ HOUSES TOR RENT. BEMIS , PAXTON ELK. D-529 _ _ _ HOUSES J. II. SHERWOOD , 423 N Y. LIPE D 531 _ 10. ROOM FLAT. DOUGLAS NEAR 24TH , MODern - ern , btciim heat Inquire U.-.dqulst , 31C S 15th D-5M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOR RENT. TEN-ROOM MODERN , BRICK house No Sit South 20th St D M606 FOR RENT. ELEVEN ROOM CRICK RESIdence - dence modern in even re-pect Steim heat electric lleht Locate 1 nt the Routhnnst corner 17th and Douplas Sts. Apply to H W Biker , Superintendent Bee Bldg D C32 GOOD S-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH MODERN IM- provemenU , 54G bo 26th Ave Apply 1323 Cass St D 742 _ I'OR RENT MODERN ri.VTS BEST IN THE cltj. In ncn Davldge bulldlns. opposite city hall leferences required John W Robblns agent , 1EO ! Fainam street. D-157 _ STAVrORD CIRCLE COTTAGES 6 ROOMS S W. cor , ISlh and Vlnton ; llnrst location in clt > for business men of Omaha and South Oniiha. rents moderate 201 Bee bullillnK. 13 M211 _ _ _ _ 10-ROOM DETACHED ALL MODERN. WALK. InK dlstnnce ; bam G04 Bee bide D M34V2S COTTOK 7 ROOMS BATH ETC COIIVER Charles nnd 25th fts Inquire W II Grif fith Karbach hotel D M3C4 20 _ DESJRMJLE C LARGE ROOM MODERN house line location S31 S 21st ft.DM3SO D-M3SO Al roit unvr ruiiMsimu HOOMS. rt'IlNlSHED ROOMS TOR HOt'SKKEEPlNo" 2623 St Mao's. U U32 > 31 * ri K\isiiii ) IIOOMS AM > HOARD. MODiit.N IJlTTcK. HOOMS AND HOARD. J3 50 week 514 N. I''th ' T M348 A2 _ ROOMS IXll LiniiT HOUSEKEEPING OR with beard mojern 25SO liariifj stK K 219 ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2J3 DODOE STREET , K-M ! > - ri'RMSHED ROOMS AND HOARD , 411 N. 191 II St T-33S Al _ NICELY rURNISHED SOUTHUAbT Tl tONT loum modern convenience * , private famll } . 702 H 29th bt 1" 3M 29' NICE COOL ROOMS , GOOD BOARD , RATES reasonable. The H se , 2v20 Harnej' . F MS34 At ? Toil IIK > TSTOHES AMJ OFriCES. FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY URICIC UU1LD1NC3 ' , 916 Farnam HI This bulldlnE has a ( Hiproof cement ba > vm nt , cumplrte steuin heatlnt ; fix. lure * , water on all tlouru , Kan , etc. Appl ) at the ofH e of The Bee 1 910 IU.NT. IN THK UEB One large co-ner room. 2nd ( luor. with > ault and | irt > Jlc ortlce , water etc One large front room Zd tloor , divided Into two rooms by partition , water , etc , One lane corner room , d Hour , with vault , On * front room divided by partition third floor. One corner room with vault. Ihliil lluor. One lam * room , third floor , with partitions dlvld. Int It Into one lanttt room and t o wnallei Pilvjte rooms , water , etc , Two laiife ground Iloor rooms with vaults. reveml > mall roomx on fourth Hour , vvltli vaults All .ihrfe rooms ale heated with Meant , elecirlt llchled supplied with llr t clan junltor service , Elrralors run day and all nlcht. Hull lint tlrlelly fir * proof Apply to R W. Baker , Superintendent , mom 104 Hee nulldlnc. 1 1M rmt IU NT DESK ItOOM IN ciuOUND rLXli oillre Bee bullrtlrr water kteani heat , electric Us it nd janitor tertlce. Apply to R , W , Piker Superintendent Ilee Ilulldlnc. 1 197 oitKNT. IMPLEMENT Ht'H.DINa. nne In town , ( lie 40x 0 ; two-story , her ! | nc < tlon In Icua. Address JUndill & otto Uolva , li. I-M371 AT ARUM'S WANTI5O , AGENTS TO TAttK ORnEH3 FOB Tru Co , 32 * Chamber of Coimn-rre. . _ J-M171 AW sronvcn. PACIFIC STORAOK AND WAr.FIIOfSK Cf ) , WS ( It Jnnrv Ofrrral itcrnc "r.J forwarding M-M4 OM.VAK 4. STO1UQ& HU FARNAM. TKiriiTS M-W \VA\TEDTO I1PY. REST PRK.E I'\ID J OR OMAHA SA VINOS bank account * at room W& N. t Life Iltilldlnt. roa SMIIOHSIJS AM > % \ . FOR SAL.fi , FINE DRIVING TEAM : \vfLL fell one or both r J Robmscn , Klmball Lauiidr } . 1SJ1 Knrnam I' 220 llon E , 111 GHY AND HARNESS. rtlBAP SSJ S uth 2Sd street. PM 78 29' 8AL.B CHEAP , GOOD HORSE HARNKS two bucKles and one FH Idler fprlne waRon ; nlfo plumbers' tools , at tstt North * Cth street. John Madison. P M376 A7 * rouT.K Mitcii.i < vMous. SAWDUST. BULK OR SACKED-CR1BH1NO and hoe fence. C. R. Lee. Wl Douglas. Q-437 FOUPALE rnE H COWS \MES \ \ HElT 'T 8th and Graie. Q-870 A ] IIALDNESS CURED TRUE CO M CIlTM- ber of romm ce Q M176 A20 I HAVE P1FTEVN' OI1ELL TYPEWRITrll" ? which I will s > 1 fcr t 00 each or one-fourth retail price Address Uox 11 AtMnron. Neh. Q-MJ52 A 4' MIJ.CP.I.IM.t S. UIDt.VNI ) BUGGY CYCLE CO . C. \ EDL1VO Mtr New 97 catrlasej bustles nn1 blc > i le nt low prlcis. Ahrels lent ) I ti ) h"jr or daj Itlcvcle repalrlrg 110 N Hth st tel 12St RM-E23 A10 FAKL1NO HAIR rfRFD IN TEN D.US True Co. . 326 Chimber of Commrrc * II Mir \M C1.AIHVOY TS. MADAM OLYMYR ONLY UENUINC LITE reader : tells names , advice , love marrlace Ian , leunltr * frlcnrls fre , ioc and up , atls- faclory readings , hours , 10X0 to 7 1 ' 9 r " - num. S-M379 S9 MVSSAGC , 1IVT1IS , KIC. MADAM SMITH , 131S DOUGLAS \PSAGE staam baths T 2M-SC * MRS DK LEOV ELECTRIC MASSAGE BTH parlors , restful and curative. 417 S 11th , up stairs T-M26C-31- 1'KIISUNAL , . RETIRING FACE CREAM REJUVENATES tha skin , making It as smooth , soft and clear as a child's ; every wrinkle , evtrj line and ever ) ' Indication of time's harsh treatment banlfhed True Co , 326 Chamber of Com merce. U M17S A'.O BATHS. MASSAGE. It ME. POST , 315S D 15TH. U-IK MMI11 TRUE 'WILL HE AT HER O1TICE overs afternoon and will gladiv give her time to those who have heretofore been unable to see her In person. 32S. Chamber of Commerce U M1C6 AM VIAVI TOR UTERINE TROUBLES 3 < S I1EE IlldB , prjslclan , consultation or health book fro ? . U 53 $ SECRET or BEAUTY ; IT is HARMLESS. IT will not Injure the mo-t delicate skin True Co 526 Chamber of Commerce U M167 AM ST\NDARD ACCIDENT INS CO AA C\R- ter manager , has moved to Tlr t Natl Hanlt nide u-M-575j > :9 HAIR ON FACE NECK AND ARMS GROVkTU deftrojed pernancntl > without Injurj to the most delicate tkln True Co , 326 Chamber of Commerce U-M1GS A20 BALDNESS. FALLING HAIR. SUPERFLUOUS hair and facial blrmlfhes cured True Co. 326 Chamber of CommercU M1C9 A20 JJ5 RUPTURE CURED FOR J2S. UNTIL SEPtember - tember 1 , no pain no detention from business we refer to thousands of patients cured caller or write The O E Miller Co. 932-3 New York Life bulldlns Omaha. U M j39 BLACKHEADS PIMPLES AND FRECKLES surce sfull > treated True Co , 328 Chamber ot Commerce. U-M170 A2t > FREE SAMPLES OF SUNBURN LOTION True Co. 326 Chamber of Commerce U MI71 A20 CALLING CARDS 50 CENTS PER 100- % CENT each Y M C A bide U-MSS2 31 * MOM3Y TO l.OVN HEVli ESTATD. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 315 N Y. L. . quick mone ) at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. \ \ 541 LOANS ON IMPROVED S. UNIMPROVED CITY propert ) W Farnam Smith & Co , 1320 Farnam. G PER CrIS'T MONEY ON NEB & IA FARMS W. B Meikle. 1st National Bank Bldff , Omaha W 543 MONEY TO LO\N AT LOW RATES. THE O F Davis Co , 1503 Farnam St. W 513 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real ebtate. Brennan , Love Co , Paxton lllk. \V 546 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property 1 ussey 4. Thomas , 207 1st Nat Bl bids W 547 ON OMAHA PROPERTY. IX5WEST RATES ; building loans wanted Fidelity Trust Co W 548 } 750 CO IN SUMS OF J1CO 00 OR MORE F D Wead , Insurance. IGth and Douglas W M5C7 Jj2 MOMJY TO LO V > _ CII MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE PIANOS horses , vvagios etc. . at lowest rates in city ; no removal of goods , strictly confidential , > ou can pay the loan on nt onj time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO SOG So ICfi St X-549 encns. . FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE FOR SALE AD. dress O 45 , Bee T WO M" RENT , 20-ROOM BOARDING HOUSE AND restaurant , furnished and with establl-hed bu-l- ness In good location W II. Russell GIG N Y Ufe Y M3CO A3 _ A GOOD CHANCE FOR SALESMAN TO HAN- die two fine office specialties ; an earnwt worker can make money H D Itielps. Ansonla Conn Y M377 Al * _ _ J1000 CASH TAKES 55RRREL ROLLER flour and feed mill , water power. If jou mean business come at once V Claiiek Dunlop , Neb Y M3G SO * rou n\cn.vvfin. : FOH TRADE CLEAR WESTERN LAND FOR Mock merchandise or for equity In eastern Kansas or Nebraska land Write W H Welle- mever Wjmore , Nib 2 349 2S * WANTED TO TRADE , GOOD LOT FOR PIANO Address O 4S , Bte. Z 36 FOH b 4.I.I : It UVL ESTATE. I.AND NEMt 80. OMAIIA- 10 acres , 11.050 , 20 acrtu , JJ.100. 10 acres , 14 000. G acre * J ! 200 1(5 acres J125 an acre. 1W ac.r < - , > 150 an eie K ) acres , K 000 an acre , 70 acies , JjCO an acre. 19 acre * . 11,800 H ) acres. 15,000 10 acrer II 250. 40 acres (6 no * . - , : acrcf , 12 000 , 43 IK res. JS.OOO , 10 acres I2.0CO , WANTED House for land near Ponca , To rrnt i4i ( house close In To lortn. liooo G per cent ( farm ) To btrrow. ll.ono , 6 per tent ( city ) . Farm for HCIRI close In Farm fcr cath and house. House fcr V. land Mtrrlck Co. 1W for cattle rancl. 3 W > farm for rath block farm cheap , part trade. To rent 1500 house. To rent JGOO bouse , C jreaw. Cheap lot Dupont and 29th. l ml for equity In 24th ct house. 14 MO place for coin. Lot fr house \\alnut Hill. is 000 place for cheaper one , 11 000 place for cheaper one. Purchaser for l * t corner In city , Trackage for Implement business. Purchaser for ( nap on Weluter st , Tenant 203 Wooloorth , J25 Hullt property fer unimproved. 10 acrex * to feed stock on. 40 or K > In Iowa , tor lash. To IXIITUM II bOO on Icwa farm. To bur low lot near depot. Lot for { l.OO osh Boulevard lot cheap for cash. Omal'K for Los Ancelei rouie. lloutr for farm near Calhoun Pt.rchi.Mr n p N J4th. t + M. California prop rt > for Iowa land Farm near Omaha fcr part t'M'pcrty , 40 tu-rvj. liate 3500 cash. Lund tcr coed hotel CTiPap Itnil for JtOO near Ciraha Hnim for M acres clear Bedford Place lot for c * h Purchaser 24lh and Q Bo Ouiah * Piirfhaiu'r M ft , lot. 150 , lloufe fir lut on 39th and Dodge Put harrr 40 acrf , (2 < MI. JJ.OOCIry goods tor caih.C C , P HAURIbON. SU N. \ Life. ron \t.nnnAi < ESTATE. ( Continual ) HOLSUS. IJ3TS. FARMS , LANDS , LOANS , Ueo P Bemls Real Bstate Co 1'aston Ulock. RE M2 KOUNT7.E PLACE I1ARGINS. . J2 V * > 13,710 TO 16 50 , see photoa at HtS and Farnsm. Mrrfe Bldg J : GIbmn. 514 First Nat. Bank 1IM ? RE Kl FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAaE.lTE\Rt.Y ] NE 4110 N 21th ve. , we t of exposition srounds between Slhler and Pprague , city water and cemented cellar , large lot enlv | 9Ji easy term- Bron R Hastings , 2W fee lth street IIE-M2J4 SPLENDID COTTAGE AND I/T NE\R"irril and Cumln , tl.M Roem I , P'tterjon Blk RE MM1 A19 I ACRES CHEAP IH MILES FROM SUGAR factor } ' Inquire R 16. Patttrt'n Blk RE-M193 Ail CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS IIAJ.'K ACcounts - counts O G. Wallace , 312 Brown Blk RI : 119 SNAP 11 1 FOR 5-ROOM HOUSE OOOD l rn. s. v c < rn r S3d Spauld'nc ' J N Fienacr. Cpp P. O RE M234 _ FOR SALE OR TR\DE-THREE CHOICE IM- p-ov ed farm and rne 1520-acrs stock ranch teedpl to tl-nfr and tlmoth > in eastern Ne b'arkn will trade separate or teef.her for general merchandise boots aiid Hiocs , hjrd- are , lmplfn nts anl furniture For partlcu lars nOJr-f Gee W Hutton , Cnlfrldee Crdar Count ) . Neb RE m291 30 IIATI'IIESS 11E.NOVVTIMJ WOllKS. MATTRES E3 COl CUES PARLOR FURNIture - ture to order , repaired. 1C03 Leavenw h , tel Urt ISi SHORTI1\\U A > D TYPEWIIITIVG. A , C VAN SANTS SCHOOL. 613 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE 16TH & DOUGLVs LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN. GRAY MARE weight 1 000 or 1100 pounds , mine cropped sore on right side neck , reward Mia. B 1' Straw n , 1107 bo (1st. Vinegar works. LOST 341 2S MHUICVL. THE OLD RELIABLE PEOPLES' DISPEN Enrj , 1522 DoiiRlas , Omaha , effects marvelous , cures in dUfans of women , all Irregularities no mutter what cause , cured Letters with t cents answered 34V- LADIES' CHIPHESTER'S ENGLISH PENN\- real Pills ( Diamond brand ) ere the beat. safe , reliable tdke no other , send 4e stamps for par ticulars "Relief for Ladles " In litter by re turn mall at drueitlsts. Chlchefter Chemical Co. Philadelphia. Pa Mention Bee BeeM375 -M375 29' SIIIEAVAI.KS. S\WED NATURAL STONE. ARTIFICIAL brick Tel 1CS9 W J. Welshans. 309 S 17th bt rtHMTUIlR 1'AClvCO. M. S WALKL1N , 2111 CUMlS'G. TEU 1331 531 COMMEIlCIAli COLLEGES. FALL TERM OM BUS COLLEGE OPENS Sept 1. Cat and Ep clmena penmanship free A 20 Hi : OUTS. BOATING FlbHING TENTS BOATS BOARD. Address Camp Omaha , Lake Quinncbnui ? Te- kamah. Neb JICS1 30 * H MAROITZ LOANS MONEY. 415 N 16 ST 38 TJ A rpTTtTVTrpO Sues & . Co , Attornejs- at-Law and Patent Ex perts. Bee Bulldlni ; Omaha , Neb Branch office nt Washington DC 'We make FREE EXAMINATIONS and aid Inventors In celling theii < inventions. Sen3 for free Advice and Patent Book. "P A TTTNTTX Procured bj C A. SNOW & . . X Ji. AOJoA XO coashlnston , D. C , FREE EXAMINATION and advice No attor- nei's fee before patent No claptrap offer of prizes or promise of sudden wealth , but stralght- forvard advice and faithful service No 4270 PROPOSALS FOF. ERECTION OF SCHOOL , BUILDINGS U. S. Indian Service. Pine UldRe , Sl'annon County , S D , July 12 1S97. Sealed proposa's , endorsed "Proposals for Erection of Bulldlnjjs" and addressed to the undersigned at Pine Ridge , Shannon County. South Dakota , -will be received at this agency until one o'clock p. m. ot Satur day. July 31. 1S37 , for furnlihinR the neces sary materials and labor required In the erection and completion on the Pine Ridge reservation , of five (5) day and industrial school buildings and five (5) ( ) cottage ? , on sites se'ected by the undersigned and In accordance with plans and specifications which ma } be examined at the Indian Office , Washington , D C. the offices of the "Journal" of Sioux City , lorn , "The Bee" of Omaha , Nebraska and at this agency Bidders will state speclncallv In tneir bids the proposed price pf each building and the length of time required to complete the nork The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids , or any part of any bid. If deemed for the be = t Interests of the service The attention of bidders Is Invited to the act of congress approved August 1. 1832 , entitled ' An act relating to the limitation of the hours of daily service of laborers and me chanics employed upon the public works of the United States and of the District ot Columbia , " al o to the act of congress ap proved August 13 , IfW , entitled "An act for the protection of persons furnishing ma terials and labor for tlie construction of public work * . " Certified Checko Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United Stntes depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of tna bidder , made pa > able to the "rder of the Commissioner of Indian AITalrfc , for at least Five Per Cent of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will lie forfeited to the United States In case an > bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fall to promptly execute a contract with gic < l and s-Timcient sureties , otnerwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied bj ca = h In lieu of a certified chfcU will not be considered. Captain W H Clapp , Acting U S Indian Agent - - - - . - - - - Jy-lp-13-lI-17.M-22-24-27-29 Sealed bids will he received at the office of the Ground ? and Buildings department , TransmlPslssippl anu International exposi tion , for the Auditorium and Mines and Mining buildings until 4 o'clock p. m , Sat urday. Augu t 7 , 1S97 Plans and speciflcatlons for both buildings on file In superintendent's office. No. 634 Paxton block or sets will be furnlPhed con tractors at cot. P P KIRKBNDAI.U Mgr. Ground * and Buildings Dept. No : CC3 Report of the Condition of THK MSIIR4SK4.VTIOAl. . I1AMC at Omaha in the State of Nebraska , at the Close of Business , July 23 , 1837. RESOURCES Loans and discounts S442.244 U Ovrrdiufts , secured and un secured . . 1.723 05 U. S. bonds to secure circu lation . . . . GQ.OOOOO U. S. Bonds to secure U 8 deposit * 100.000 00 150.000 00 Premiums on U. S bonds , 2 } 504 00 Stocks , securities , etc . . . C8.7S6 Bankln ? house , furniture and fixtures SS 000 00 Other real estate and mort- cages owned C5.030 E5 Due from national banki ( not reserve agents ) . . . . 122,53) 92 Due from state banks and bankers 6 HO 03 Due from spprnved reserve agents 397,33 S 526,193 08 Checks and other cash Item W.6CS CS Exchanges for clearing house . . . . . 50,494 n Notes ot other national banki 10,00500 Fractional paper currency , nickels and cents ill $0 f-pecle . . 1I9.7S7 15 1-eual tender notes 409(000 302.003 45 Rednnptlon fund with 7J. 8 treasurer (5 per cent of circulation , 2 2M 00 Total 1. < 70,73 ( 01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 140000000 Surplus fund. . (50000 Undivided profit * . less ex penses and tain paid , , , . 17,75 } U National bank notes out standing 45,0)0 M Due to other national banks 284 MJ J7 Due to state binks and Uinkers , , . , , . . . , . . 75,121 M Individual deposit * subject to check. , . . . , 502(013 Demand certificate * of de- jK-.lt 16.SO 41 rime certincate * of deposit. 178 S7t 30 rtlned checkn . . . . . . . . . I 071 W t ashler * * check * outstand ing 2123100 fnllrd State * deposit * 45,411 > 6 Deposit * of U. & ditbur- Inc officer M.OM 60 1 1(1 474 O Jl.C70.7Ji 1 No. J7T * Report of the Condition rt THK MERCHANTS 'SATIU.XAli HANK , At Omaha , In the St t of .N br * k . at the close of famine" , .July 23rd. 1SS7. RK = OUKCKS. Loam and discounts. . ' , $ MJ.IOl 18 Overdrafts secured > rnT unoured . . / < 11.018 9 U F bonds to secure ttr- culatlnn A / . 100 009 00 U S. lwml to sectirt * tT . . deposits . . . . V , .t V S tmmli on hand t . M COO 00 Premium * on t' S bond ? 1 * W > CO 5toc * securities. etc rf.w. D (19 M lla.ikms house , furnltnro and fixtures . . . . . Sll.WO 00 Other real e tMe and miirt- 17,013 < S Due from national bank * ' ( not re crve agents ) . < . . . a 9,726 86 Hue from Mat * banks'-anl bankers . 9 W Due from approved reserve acrntu . . 4V. (51 S ( ( K 205 10 Cliecies ami olh < r < ath Iterrg 19 , .S a ixch nces for clearing house . urcc Note * or other national bank * . 570 w Fractional paper currency. nckels nnd rent * . 270 U Lawful Mcney Reserve In ll.ink , vl * : Specie . . . J2CO 9H 2j Li ftal tender notes 10 W ) 00 J1J SH 21 " 78 ? 09 70 Redemption fund with U , S treasurer (3 ( per cent of circulation ) 4 MO 00 t Total tt 153 7M 79 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In MO.COO 00 Surplus fund 100. Of O 00 Undivided profits , less ex penses and taxe paid. . . . 3 256 79 National bank notes out- standlns 60,000 0) Due to other national bunks JKSC91SS Due to state banks and bankers 187.5S6 U IntlMdual deposits subject to check S90.7SJ 63 Demand certificate1 * of de posit . . . . 9I.K3 21 Time certificates of deposit 2C4 4" > 3 6 Oitlfled checks . . S T.3 U Cashiers checks outstanl- iiiK . J3.VS 12 United btates deposits 4S.77S 92 1.(13.512 00 Tctal J213S76S79 State of Nebraska. County of Douglnr ss. I. 1'rank Murphj. president ol the above- named bank , do solemn ! ) swear that the aboxe statement Is true to the best of m > knowledge - edge and belief mVNK MUni'HY , President Subscribed and s orn to befcre me this 27th da ) of Jul ) 1U7. CHARLES II WEKKS. ( Seal ) Notary Public. Correct Attest. S \MUEL E HOCIEIIS KllAVK T HAMILTON. LUTHER OHAKK. Directors No 2978 Report of the Condition of the t'MTBU SPATES A VTION VI. II V\K , At Omaha In thf State of Nebraska , at the close of buslne s , Jul > 2d , 1S37. RESOURCES. Loans and ill-counts t 518 443 26 Overdrafts , secured nnd un secured . . . . 1,911 87 U S bonds to secure cir culation J200COOCO U b bonds to secure U. S deposits M.OOO 60 ISO 000 00 S bonds on hand . . 50 OOJ 00 Premiums on t * S bond * . 30000 00 Stock' , securities , etc. . . , . 71.812 W Ilanklng house , furniture and fixtures . 12,592 32 Other real estate and mort gages owned . ) s. 117,472 74 Due from national banks ( not reserve agents ) . . . .T S1S 20 Due from state banks'an ' j 1 bankers . . * . . 21.677 71 Due from approved reserve' agents . . . ' . . . 117097 16 Checks and other cath Item ? . . . . r MS 70 Exchanges for clearing - house . r . ' 39.214 79 Notes of other natlbnnl' ' banks . . . . . . . . 6,000 00 Fractional paper currencj , nickels and cents 2C4 21 Lawful Monej Resene In I'.ank , viz. . . f Specie . , , . , | 1302J600 Lecal tender notes. . , , . . . . CO.OOO 00 53eC7 77 Redemption fund nltB U. S treasurer (5 per cent of circulation ) 900000 Total J. 1 Jl,020,9uO CO LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in * < . . , , J ( M.OOO 00 Earplus funJ , y. . . , . ,16 000 00 Undivided profits , le ve--n pen es and taxes pal * . t 7,060 06 National bank notes out standing - . 150,000 00 Due to other national banks . * 31,1D3 92 Due to state banks and bankers 124 871 84 Individual deposits subject to check . 54S K6 IS Demand certificates of de posit . 18 05 18 Time certificates of deposit 113r > 3 70 Certified checks . 2 032 85 Cashier's checks outstand ing 37,91 > 6 87 United States deposits DO 000 00 1 307 840 54 Total tl.020,900 GO State of Nebraska. Countj of Douglas , ss : I V n Caldwcll , cashier of the above-named bank , do solemnly swear that the above Htate- ment Is true to the l-3st of mv knowledge and belief V. B. CAL.mVEL.Ii , Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 2Sth da > of July 1S97. \V E RHOADES ( Seal ) Notarj Public. Correct Attest : M T BARLOW , II R GOULD. C. W. HAMILTON , Directors. OITICIAL II VII. WAY TIME C VRD. Leaves IBURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.IArrives Omaha ] Union Depot , 10th & . Maton Sts | Omaha . .Denver Ex-press. , . 9.21am I 3opm Illk llll'.s Mont S. 1'uset Snd Ex | i 05pm 4 2'pm Denver Express 4.Upm 05pm . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunda > ) . . . 7.43pm S5pm Lincoln Local ( ex Sunda . . 11.30ara Leaves ( CHICAGO BURLINGTON S. Q JArrUes Omaha | Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sts | Omaha 5 OJpm . .Chicago Vestibule 7:5Jain 9 48am . Chicago Express . . . . 4 llpra 7 DOpin . Chicago i. ht Louis Express 7 Wain 11 40am . Pacific Junction Local 6 lOpra Past Mall ( x. faunday ) 2.50pm Leaves ICHICAGO. MIL f. ST PAUL.'Arrives ' OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th . Mason Sts | Omaha C 30pm Chicago Limited 8 ( Sam U ( Kum .Chicago Express ( ex Sundaj ) . 2 gipm Leaves ( CHICAGO 4. NORTHS EfaTN ( Arrives Oniai ajUnlon Depot lOUi . Mason SU. | Omaha 10 4'am' Eastern Express . . . . 3 ICpm 4 15pm" . . . . VtstibuVd Limited 5:4lpn : , D Upm . . . bt. 1'aul Express 9 30am r , 40am . . St. 1'aul Limited . . . . 9.U/pm 7 30am . loux City Local 11 lopm G 30pm . OmahaPhlifcu t Peclal & Warn .Missouri v' < I'y Local. . . . 9.30am Except Sundas * Fxitt Monday- . Leaves ICHICAGO , K I i PACiriC lArrhes OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts i Omaha EAT. . 7 00am..Atlantic Express ( ex Sunday ) E.35pm 7 W > pm , . . .NlKhj Express , , . . 8 15am 4 50pm Chicago VestlMiled Limited 1 20pm 4 50pm .St Paul Vectlbuled Limited 1.20pm I.SSpm . . . . . . Mcra p jWmlte.1 i 4:0pm : j F T , & MQ. .VALLEI ( Arrives Omahaj Depot , } Stn ijWfbjter Sta | Omaha 3 00pm Fast MalunS > fxpre 5-00pm 3 Wpm ( ex hat ) Wy6 Er. lex Mon. ) 5:00pm 7.Mam.Fremont Local j undayg only ) . 7.Mam Norfolk ExpreiJ ( ex. Sun ; 10 23am C.llpm . -i bt. Paul Express . 9.10am r ' . f jr. leaves I K. C. . ST. J , & , C. It. { Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , loth K. Mason Sts | Omaha 9-U'nm Kansas Clt ) Express 6,10pm 10.00pmK. C. Nlsht tfi r. Trans , 0.30am leaves I MISSOUnitj'-'VCiria ' lArrlves Omaha ) Depot. 11 th [ "iVfbsUr Sts. | Omaha 3 05pm Nebraska 4. Umlted Kftn Kansas C press . Leaves I SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFIO. [ Arrives Omaha ) Depot , Uth \Vt-bitcr Sts. j Omaha $ .lipm St. Paul limited 9.10am Leaves I SIOUX CITV i I'ACIKIC. | Arrlves OmahaUnIon | Depot , lOtli f Makon Sts | Omaha B.40am. . . . St Paul RatMncer. ll:10j > m 7:30am : blouz City I'ansenter , V.ttpin S.Wpra bu Paul Limited : : oara leaves IVAIiASH I RAILWAY. ( Arrives OmaliaUnlou | Depot , 10th & . ilason Sts | Omaha 4:30pm. : . . , . Canon Ball llJ'Jam : ' Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. lArrivej Onx haUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. ] Omaha 8Wara . .Overland Limitedl.tSpm 2.90pm Beat'c & SlromiKc Ex ( ex Sun ) . JMpm : t.Kvm Grand Island Uxpreu ( ex Sun ) , 3:10pm : 3.31pm Fast Mall 10.31am Leaves I C. ST P. M. & O. | Arrive * Omaha ! Depot , 15th & Weboter Sts. | Omaha l.COpm. Sioux Cltr Express 'ex Sun ) H - n < t WUm . . . .Sioux Cltr Acco ( x Sun t : .pni t.ltpm bt Piul IJmlttd . t t > Acco. ( Sun. posTorncn xoncn. Slnlls for the wpek cndlntr July 31st , 1W , will clo e ( MIOMPTLY In all the jjenernl txjstofflce as follows : TrillinVtlniitlc -Mnll . At 7 a. m for BtlllOrE , per s. . Normannla * . Ma 1'1 > mouth , Chcr- bonrc ami Ilnrnburc SATt'UDAY-At 7 n. m for PRAXCK , R\MTXiHI VND ITAt.Y SPAIN I'OIl- TITC1AU TUUKEY , EGYPT and IUUT- ISH INDIA , per f Iti Tourainc" , via Havre ( letter for other part * of Kurope mu t be dlrectpil "por I.n Tournine" ) , nt S a. m. for NKTHKItLANDS direct , per s s Amsterdam , via Kotierdain ( lclter must l > c directed "per Amsterdam" ) , nt 10 a m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s Ethiopia , via Glvgovv ( letters mu t be di rected "per Ethiopia"- 12 a. m ( sup plementary 1 30 p m ) for EUKOPE , per B s Umbrla * . via Queenstown. PRINTED MVTTnn. KTC Germ n Falllni ; on Tucf < la > * take 1'rlntc.l Matter etc for Qermanx , and Specially AddregeJ Printed Matter , etc. for other part of I'urope American nml White Star stesmrrs onVedne - da > s , Gtrman steamem on Thursday nnd Cunnnl , Trench and Ocrrmn te mer ! < on Saturday - urday l l e PrlntiM Matter etc tor all coun trie * for which they are advertised to carrj mall After the rlrnlns of the Supplrmentary Tr n - Atlnntlc Mall > named above , additional nip pl nifntnr > mall are opened on the pier of the American In ll h Trench and Herman steam er * , anl remain open within Ten Minutes of the hour of xalllnc of steamer. for South nnd Central America , \Vrnt IiiiUen. KIP. THUnSDAY. At 2 . a m for POUT ANTONIO , pir - > teamer from Philadelphia ; at 1 p m. ( supplementary 1 33 p m ) for BEK.MUUA , per i Orinoco , nt 1 p m ff-upplementary 1 30 p m.l for NASSAU , N. 1' , and SANTIAGO DE CUBA , per B Nlarara rillDAY At 10 a. m ( uppletncntarv 11 n m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except. Co'ta Rica ) and SOUTH PACIPIC TOUTS , per . > . Flntnce , via Colon ( letters for Guatemala must be directed "per Finance" ) : nt 11 B m for SANTIAGO Uc CUBA , per i s Habana ( lettcre for Vene7tiela and Colombia mu l be directed "r > r Habanji" ) SATURDAY At 10 a m ( 'Upplementarj' 10.30 a ra ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and SAVANIL.LA. per s s Adirondack ( letter * for Costa Illca must be directed "per Adirondack" : at 10 n m ( "upplementnry 10 SO a m for HAITI via Port au Prince. Petit Gonve and Jeremle , nl o CARTHAGENA , per s Anrte . at 10.20 a. m for CAMPI5CHE , CHIAPAS. TAHASCO nnd YUCATAN ppr > s City of Wn hlngton ( letters for other part * of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per City 01 Washington. " Malls for Newfoundland , b } rail to Halifax and thence by steamer , cio e at tila ottice dall ) at 8 30 p m Mall for Mlquelon. bj rail to IJoston and thence by Fti-amer , clo e at this ofllce d 41y at S 30 p m Malls for Cuha close at this oJllce dall > at 7 W n m , for for apdlnp b > steamers Filllnc ( Morulajs and Tliurada > ) from Port Tampa KH Malls for Mexico City overland une < s FpcclallV addres ed for df-t atch by Fteamer close at this office dally at 2 JO a m and 2:30 p m registered mall closes at 6 00 p m previous da > TriiiiK-I'nolIlc "Mnlls. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship City of Papelti ( from San Trancl co ) , clo e here daily up to Julv 2oth at C 30 p , m Malls for China and Japan ( ptclallv addressed on ] } ) , per s s Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) . clo > e here dnllv up to July " 26th at G oO p m Malls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per < 9 China ( from San Francisco ) , close here d-Ulv up to July 30th at B 30 pm Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , par s s Mlonera ( from Van couver ) , close here daily after Julv * * 17th and up to August 1st at 30 p m Mail" for Hawaii per s s Australia ( from San FranclMjo ) close here daily up to August 4th Bt 0 CO p m Malls for China and Japan , per s s Oljmpic ( from Tacoma ) . clo = e here dalli up to August "Sth at C'30 p m. Mails for Australia ( except those for West Australia , which are for warded Ia Europe ) . New Zealand , Hawaii Fiji and Samoan Island" per s s. Alameda ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Aueust * 14lh at 7 30 a. m. , 11 a. m and 6 30 p in ( or on arrival at Jsew ; York of s s Campania-with British mails for Australia ) TranPaciflo malls are forwarded to port of sailing dall ) and the schedule of dosing Is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit * * Registered mall closes at G p m. prev lous day. Postofllce , New York , N. T. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. July 23 , 1S97. Postmaster. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT i THE ORIGINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , la Bold under positive Written Guarantee , by authorized agents Only , to care Weak Memory , Ihzzmoss.VakefulncE3 , Fits , Hysteria , QUICK- nesg , Niclit Ifcseos , Kvil Dn-nma. Lack of Conh- donce.Jvorvonsnesfl , Lassitude , all Drains , Youth ful Errors , or Excessive UFO of Tobacco.Opium , or Ljqnor , which leads to Miser } , Consumption , Insanity cud Death. At store or by mail , $1 a box ; BIX for $5 ; with written cunrnnteo to euro or refund money. Miiuiplo pacli- nco , containing fire days' treatment , vnth fall instructions , 25 cents. Ono eample only ecild to each pereon. At store or by man. CS"Rcd Label Special , Extra Strength. | For Impotcncy. Loss ot\ Power. Lost Manhood , Sterility or Barrenness , $ 1 n box ; BIX SOT Si , with ! written cuftrantee ; . _ _ _ _ tocuromS dayo. Atctorev1/ / I SSFOREorbymail. Nyrrx Dlllnii DI-UK Co. . S. K. Cornoi IGth nnd Purnuiu S ( .f ( dunlin , N > 1 . DR. McCREW IB THE ONLT SPECIALIST WflO TCEATS AlJi Private Diseases ITtftlntM tad UUerdtr f MEN ONLY SO yoaraExirience. 10 Year * in Omaha. Bonk Free Cnn olt - tion Free. Box 766 , ot 14th and Faraun Bti. O3IA1IA. NEB. ME A AJAX TABLETS POSmVFLY CUKE A LL . rrtou * / > isfaM Fail IDS Meai orjr. Iini > ottucrlSJc > 4pleit2nii.fcto .rua uU by AUn a tnd oibr fitu B ana Indi * c re tlon * T/iry tjvirktv aricf * nrcfj re torLotl ViUlitrin oM or uunBJJ < * fit & man for ktadr * bu lne * or zrarr'acft , . S3 * J'fTent Jusfliijtr nod Concurnt tion lr taken In time Their at * them * immedlnt * truprcfe msnl and ffect * a CURE where all oTbere Jail. ] e ilfct ujoa ha rinc the genulnu < Ajax Tablets Th y bare rar l thou andieud will euro yea \ \ * iri * j < uitive written euarnnte * to toffert 3 cur * in urh cae tr rafuad the maun ? Pric * 5O cenu tr Pbcfcttse , 01 -ii packu ej ( lull treatment ) for $3du Br mnil lr > inm wrapper upon nsreii t o * i ric * . 4 ireuUr frr- AJAX REA1EDY CO. , ' fc"W1 For ul In Oroab * by June * Ponytb. lil N Hlb utrert. Kutn ot Co. , Utu and Douglai Btrceti , Mntlirrnl 3IotheriI Mollicrilll Mrs. Wlnslow't Soothinf ? Sirup has been u > ed for over to 5ears b ) million of mothers for their children while Iff thine vtltli perfect * uc- reea It soothes the child , softens the eumi , allays all pain cures wind colic , and Is the Lett remedy for Dlurrlicxa Sold by druceltts In every part of the wcrtd He sure and ask for "rMs. Wlnslow'i Boothlng 8 > rnp" and take no other kinda cents it bottle. DUFFY'S Pure Malt Whiskey All Druggists. \Vnodliurvr Ferial Soap and Facial Cream , male ly t" MI > < t > < \v < t - > st < la I * n fie I let 'all ? f ' i * > > > v * i Utar fkm ( n I n , 1 r - > \iun 1li' < r" r * un srptir , 1 . i c tut i * ni 1 lor u # iu'e of e ll tr anl 1 u. m li-.uiy and treatment of the > l < | n Jr | , n | | WcKKlliury , in West d bt. , Kelt Yt-rk. GOLD RIGHT AT THEIR DOOR Idaho's Capital the Trensnro Honso of Vast Veins of the Richest Mineral. EXTENSIVE SYSTEMS OF IRRIGATION ThmtsntiilN of Arron of Trrtllp l.niul Wiitrrnl lijMauiitnln strcnin * Pronrcnx In Mliilnu Acrlcultiire and Lite Stock. InUiiRtrlra. nOISR CITY. July 23 ( Special ) citizens have unbounded faith In the future of this section. The frequent reports which spring up of the matchless gold diggings discovered eleenherc but little disturb the calm equanimity of ( lie average resident of this city. He knows that while Colorado and other statca have advertised their mines. Idaho lias directed her energies along other lines , and that U Boise City is 35 jears old , the people are beginning to realize that there arc good gold mines almost at Ihelr doom. .Already a number of good ledges have been located In the Squaw crek hills , aud one , the Libert ) , haa paid sowell as to encourage Ita owners In putting In a ten-stamp mill In the Wostvlevv district a threelootein has receiitlj been found that already pajs over $30 to the ton. In the meantime Uolse U getting ready for the dawn of a more prosperous era What Is there hero to Juatlfy the population , num bering about 8,000 souls , and dally lucrcaa- Inj , , In hoping to find In this locality the means of a happ ) and prosperous existence due to the cflorts of an Intelligent and en terprising class ot people who will make the moat of all tha advantages which Nature has liberally provided RICH GOLD DISCOVERIES The existence of gold near this city , of which previous mention baa bixin made , is not altogether a new discovery All of the territorj between liolse City and Boise basin abounds In quartz veins Mineralized por- phjrj dKes crop out frcquentlj , gravel beds are found lu many places , some of which are extensive and all iarr } gold 1'lacer mining has been going on for tlilrtv-three jears , ami considerable gold taken out , but no quartz locations appear to have been made at the head of Dr > Creek earlier than two jears ago. when some rich veins wire discovered and located One of these , I learned , belongs to Mr Hunt U Is twenty feet ivlde and he estimates the value of its ore nt J10 a ton. One of the most Impor tant discoveries made was In October last , being a vein of magnetic Iron , from 100 to 200 feet wide It ie a real mountain of Iron and lies between the heid of Dry and Clear creeks One assaj shows $3 per ton in gold In sinking a shaft on \ \ Illow Creek in the westvlew district not very long ago , Dan Lev an found ore that paid to work In a haud mortar. With his wifes assistance gold enough was taken out with a mortar and pi'stlo to defray the expense of prospecting the ledge until the first mill , n one-stamp machine , was set up near Dans claim , when bo began taking out ore Mr Lev an Is now I bo owner of a valuable property the pro duction of his own and his wife's labor with out the Investment of a dollar of other capi tal than his own earnings Hundreds of abandoned claims have been relocated within the past three jears and good wages are now being made out of the ground that for a long time was considered worthless In the faheep Mountain min ing camp situated fort > -nve miles north- vvtst of Bonanza , large quantities of high- grade ore are being taken out dally and hauled to Boise City and other points on the railroad and then shipped to Omaha or Plsevvhere for treatment. .Returns of working and essay tests of ore from the same district range from sixteen ounces of silver to $29.58 to the ton. Thirteen sacks of ore jielded J2CC.SO in silver , and an aseaj test returned $431 10 Idaho Is on the high road of prosperltj , and the outlook In every kind of business is better than it has been for the past five > pars Scarcely a week goes by but home- seekers and capitalists visit Boise , seeking places for Investment and homes. A colon } of Quakers is now looking over the ground for a location. With thtse evidences of a better condition of affairs in the near future , even the gro.vlers and croakers are not willing to sell out and leave. Through the financial conditions of the past this citj has not onlj proud ] } held Its own , but has steadily advanced , and improvements of all kinds have gone on. The growth has been a natural one , the result of location , climate and the common relations sustained to the vast mining region tributary to this city. EXTENSIVE IRRIGATING SYSTEM. There Is no need of rainmakers In Idho While the average rainfall is not so great as in the lower altitudes , the amount of water utilized during the year far exceeds In cubic Inches the total rainfall in the nPt belt , the former supply being regularly obtained by the aid of the melting snows on ( be mountain ranges Five miles above Boise City Is built the headgate of the Boise and Nampa Irrigation companj. The head- gate Is of holla masonry , with steel head- gates twelve feet high and thirtj feet wide The main canal Is flftj-two miles long and extends ten miles below Nampa , with main branches or laterals aggregating sixty-eight miles making a total of 120 miles belonging to the company , all of which is In perfect working order. The main canal covers 70- OOu acres of the choicest land of the Boise v lle } In the Nampa district three large reservoirs are located and will soon be built , covering 1,000 acres of land and with a capacity of 12,000 acres , for use as reservoirs to draw on In seasons of low water. Nampa U the Junction of the main line of the Boise railroad , a growing town of 1 000 population It Is expected In a short time to connect the mining camps of Owjhee and the mining and timber fields of the Pujctte by rail from Boise Cltj and Nampa. The fruit , grov\n In great abundance In and around Boise City , is wonderfully tempt ing , luscious and fir-fly flavored. The fruit growers around here pride theitiheirei , not only in the quantity , but more especially on the qualltv At the World's fair In 1S93 the Boisa exhibit of fruit In the Horticul tural department was conspicuously notice able on account of Its size , flavor and Cue appearance Ever since then Idaho fruit h&s become famous all over the world and com mands the highest market price Idaho people ple propoce to make a hrge and attractive exhibit at the TransmisalsslppI Exposition at Omaha In 1E9S , iu the way of fruits , cereals , minerals and other leading products. At Bolsn City , the capital of the flate , I found the people fairly aglow with zeal and enthusiasm in the matter , and the klgns indicate that the representative men of the etate who are now interested In Its behalf will not lack for ample encouragement on the part of the people In going ahead and preparing for a fine display THE PRUNE INDUSTRY , The story of ( he diversified resources of Idaho grows In Interest as time spetds on When It U considered that the United States Imports upwards of 00,000,000 pounds of pruii.a each year , and that In the arid belt there can be produced more than roough prunes to supply the demands of the entire. American people It will be readllv seen that there Is a icmarkable future In utore for Idaho In ( lie prune Industry Prune culture ID thU itate U no longer an experiment but a practical reaHtr One can buy good prune land for from $20 to JIOO per acre The tree * begin bearing in three years , averag ing from t etit-five to thirty pounds to the yield ; the fourth > ear they hear from fifty to seventr-five pounds , and after that the crop runs from 100 to 300 pounds each sea- eon. It i estimated Ihe fruit will net Iti owner at least 1V4 centi per pound A very conservative estimate placo.3 the net average product of a full bearing orchard near ( hie city at $250 per cre All < he fruits grown in Ihe temperate zone grow here In the richest profutlon In Urn way ofefetal > li the toll around Boise affords another Iif-ratlve Industry. Think ol 11 ! KIvo turUrcil but b els of onlani have irtiully been grown on a ttiuglH acre ot ground ; four hutnlre * ! hurhele of po tatoes and two ton of beet * Hops , too , are a profitable crop. One hop farm the nernnO jcar jleltleil } , & 0 pound * to the acre , and the third jetr 3000 pounds. The sugar b > ; el Industry Is rapidly being promoted on a Urge fccale , the sail and climate meeting all Ihe requirement ! essential to the lUTe&sful crowing of the sugar beet. AGIUCt'LTURE AND LIVE STOCK Agriculture In .southern Idaho U bjced on Irrigation , which causes o&sea of verdure to rprlng up In the sand districts Of f rm products orer Z.000.000 bushels of wheat and 1.500.000 of oils are grown yearly , with large crop * of barley , h y , flix , rye , * U lf\ and sugar cnc. The live stock U wtlmatM at 600,000 horsw and cat 'P incl 400,000 theep , which yesrly iheftr i * d of 2,000,000 poanda ot a clip. Boise Cllr is the largest. we Uhct ! and most attractive town in Jhe state. It Is noted for Us good school * and m ii } b autlfut homo * . The city has a population of 7,000 and U at an elevation of 2 S40 feet. The hot springs located wllhln llvr mllt of the city are the center ot much attention at present by health seekers who come- here to enjoy the hot water baths At a drpth of about 400 feet two wells each srml up n continu ous flow of 1.000.000 gallons of water dolly. The natatorlum Is uperbly fitted through * out and contains atnoni ; other conveniences a gtatid ball room , 100x50 feet In size Bolso City has a Jurist , Judge Klrhanls. formerly of the district court , who believes In dtepitchlng court business when he is on Inn bench Some time ago he retired , after clearing the calendar , the first tlrao It had been completely cleared In the court's history Having accomplished Oil * . , and be lieving the people had elected him for that purpos" , ho retired from the offlce to re sume hi * own busltiej Judge lllrhards U a republican and a free silver republican at that , and at the lute Transml'sslfBlppI con gress , held at Salt Lake , he was prc cnt a * one of Idahn'fi most prominent delegates. During the congress Idaho threw the ma jority of her ballots In favor of the Thomas silver resolution which show * , rjultn HR- nlflrantly how the feeling is In this stale In favor of the white metal. RESOLUTIONS P\VOll THE EXPOSITION. ConMclernblo enthusiasm was evidenced among the delegates from all parts ot the country when among other resolution * , read before the Salt I > nke congress was the fol low Ing bj Mrs 0 H Wnrrrn of Colorado : "Rejoicing at the oxtraordlnar } sueceM which has thus far attended the arrange ments for the TransmlMlFclppl ExpoMtlon to be held at Omaha in 1S9S. and assuring them of the br.t efforts ot the -whole trans- ml3.ls9lppl region to make the exposition a " success GeorgeW Parson * , of California , another delegate , not to bo outdone by a woman , offered the follow Ing resolution , which wai also heartily received by a general waving of banners flags and handkerchiefs fiom th * great audience- "Resolved , That we endorse the action of the states nnd territories which have sup ported the holding of the Transml'slsslppl Exposition at Omaha In 1S93 by liberal ap propriations , and recommend to the rest at the countrj- that It take steps toward being represented there " Ex-Senator J. W Shoup of this state has bec-n considerately rarrd for by hia esteemed friend , Marcus A Hanna , having recently been appointed Unltr-d States marshal for Alaska. It Is a pretty good plum to have , but the rnsny friends of the ex-senator wonder at him wanting to go to that cold , strange country. C. A R. GOT MJTIll.-VO ritOM AMH2HSOX. ii-Auill ( r Hippie Tnlkn nil 1 1111 r- 1111 Coinpmij Ilxiiinlnntloii * . HURON , S. D , July 2S ( Special. ) Whllo In the citj last evening ex-State Auditor John E. Hippie , referring to the charges made bj Commltteeman Conway of the in vestigating commission against Mr. Ander son of the insurance department of the auditor's ofllcc , said ho Knew that Anderson was examining Insurance companies but had no idea of the amount he was receiving supposed he received only a nominal sum and his expenses "In the examination ot the Northwestern I think Mr. Anderson told me he charged about $900 , this I supposed covered his expenses , clerk hire and every thing , and of course I was surprised to learn that he was paid nearly double thct amount. " Mr Hippie denies emphatically that he ever received a cent directly or In directly from Mr. Anderson , and sajs that whatever amounts were paid to Mr Ander son not a cent "ever touched him. " NO i > citK\sn IN THI : wimvr Lrtriier AornnBTC OtTHe * lir from IJrontli ami rroMt. ABERDEEN. S. D. . July 28 ( Special ) John Le Feber , a crop expert , representing the great Chicago wheat bull , Robert LlnJ- helm , has been In this vicinity several dajs. In his opinion this 3 car's wheat crop in South Dakota will onlj slightly exceed last sear's crop , in spite of the Increased acreage. Frost , drouth and Insects have damaged the crop in various localities and thus cut down the average to quite an extent. Harvest will begin in a few dajs and the indications are that wheat will be of excellent quality , the berry being well developed and full of nutri ment. Business at the United States land office has been on the Increase for some time and It Is now announced that an additional cleric has been allowed by the department at Wash ington Creamer ) I'lojc-clm 11)111(7 Fire. VERMILION , S. D. . July 28. ( Special ) The two mutual stock creameries projected In this section are still hanging flre. The one proposed to be located at Spirit Mound has jet much stock to dispose of The one projected at Vermilion is a certainty , but definite action has beeu postponed until after harvest A plan for corsolldatlon of the two plants was rejected at a meeting of tha stockholders. Recent reports from cream eries in the country arc very encouraging and prospects for getting the proposed plants started have assumed an outlook of cer tainty. "They don't make much fuss about It. " We are speaking of De Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous little pills for constipa tion , biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles Thej neyergrlpe. FOUIl MVUS LOST IN A Central Portion of MU-hlcnii CIj- ( Iiitllnnii , Iluriieil Out. CHICAGO July 28. A big fire In Michigan City , Ind , this morning was brought under control about 1pm One man lost his llfo and three were fatally burned , while eeverat are missing The killed are : JAMES BOWMAN. Fatally injured- Louis Schwartz. Fred Peteis. Herman Luckow. The central r/rtlon of the town wa * . nwpt by the blaze , which was catt3e1 by en < x- plosion of benzine In a ash and tiliml factor tor- . The damage Is ostlmatid at $100000. ur.cimn 01 * UIJVOUTIOMIIY sum. I'rexlilent 1'rcnrnteil ivltli lloxti-r tit lllh Crnnilfn tlirrV Ciiniinii | > . YORK. Pa , July 28. Through the courte-ay Of E W Spanglc-r of thin city President Me- Klnloy U now In poieefclon of the revolu tionary war record of David McKlnley , bis great grandfather. David McKlnley was a resident of this city during the revolution and served in a York county company. The rosters of the companies from tlil region ara In the pcsseeslon of MU Carrie Hay , grand daughter of Lieutenant Colonel John Hay , Through the etforts of Mr Spangler IVe.I- dent McKlnley has bepu presented with thi one containing the record ot hie ancestor. long my tliroat was filled will sores , largo lumps formed on my neck , and a liorriblo ulcer broke out on my jaw , says Mr. O. U.Elbert , who resides ntcor. 22il St. nnd Avenue K. , Galveston , Texas. lie was tforeo times pro nounced cured by prominent pliy sicinns. but tue dreadful disease al ways returned ; lie was then told that was the onlycuro Ilia hair had nil fallen out , and he wns in a sad plight , After taking one bottle of H. S , 8. lie began to improve and two dozen bottles cured Iiim completely , BO that for more thansixyearshe lias had no nign of th disease. Jioob on the dheata and Iti treatment * * . ' free by Swift , bpecldo Co. . AtUuu , Ga.