I TI1E OMAHA DATLV 111313IMON : H AT , JULY 10. 1897. 5 _ Pulse of Western Progress. MTrana nSfS Th t la n of the l.ake noniinill"nfr an' ) I' < w - ompany which ta l > 'fK ( lire ! ml api llratlon for the ecgrfRatlon of Zf 000 h - < s "f I tali land , under the art known an ttin aceptanco of the Carey art , " Involves thi * uMlirit'on ' of naturtl advantages In the ronMnirtinii of J resorvolr sfiteni , large onotiuli In rrtunt to irrlRato a Urge domain T'II * tli oo reservoirs to bo constrticttd will he ilio larnnt In the world , the storag sjstcm In i id'iionce ( the laigpst , while the trlbii- tar > land * o be * Irrigated Ifl tha largest In extent or nny area In any single Irrigation system The lands embraced In the scheme an * cut rely In Mlllard county nnd form part of tliP virr villey A vast alluvial plain , the preh Ktnrlc liabU.ltIon of mine rate akin to tini i nrr . 'wi-Ucrf ' Judging from tin * potury a- 1 ctonc relics found The engineering work Include * the construction of a main mini nlnc-ty mllcfl In length , which will be thirty fiet wide at the bottom and ten feet < li p Tor seventeen mllm thti eanal will ! , I ii t through a mountain lanvon Hon - n In- tinnnln eanal. there will be 730 miles f' Ht is Tlie total expense will be Inv e \ -v f $2.200 MO One Item alone will Ton.h $110000 the large masonry dam nt the 1.a l if the canyon Tin ninin enterprise contemplates the lin- lioiinling of the waters of the Sevler river In IM it n servolra There will be three of tin < nx'rvolrs In the system , with a ea- PI v nsprtlvcly of 10 S9 000 000. 5 Hii.- Cum nun nn , | 17,121.000.000 cubic feet wbldi , in I'MtnhnUal language nf the engineer , RIV . ii ini ) ) 121000 and inn ooo acre-feet VA i U fill reservoirs the romplete system will vnlii water to iirlgate 775000 acres of 1ml In-o these great storage basins w II ' . . pn nid the waters of the Sevler river w i h r lininane area of fi.fiOO square miles Th. riv. has a inixlmmii volume of 2 T.O . r it.i f'ii mid an average volume of about inn f.i . nh the maximum stated A con- n \ i IM ( "Mutate "hows WO.UT enough pi sInn - Inn lietWM-n Its bunkfl eaeh > ear to Irrigate 'n i mo mres of load on the basis of one ' nl > \i'ir being there required for Irrl- ( . " iiuii In plainer language theTimti.il vol- urn ( if tlic pvler would cove1250,000 acres f 1,111 * funt deep with water This It Is In HIM-I will amply sutllce to unUe the It n h I in I < of the vsat valley to smile with tt > . Kifs cif bounteous natur" I r ihim miles the Oregon Short line r mlironirh the center of this tract of land t. 11 irrigated , and for six milts of the ( ' alcing a ieor\olr site This half OH/MI nulis of trackage will have to be re- irm > . . . | and T new route found The Short ] , lne has igned to make the chlnge iMi'imvi : Tim in\\is itivnn Tl \\nr di imminent his recommended the Impr v. incut of Lewis river. In Washington , fr .in . the Coliimhli to l.iCenter The e.tl- ii it- I rnt Is J20 | f > 0 Captiln Ilarrj Wilson , i ip | > nitcd on the project si ) lv.n running from Portland ran asopnd tin I.i".vl river and the Hast Pork a < > far n I/i ' ' nter except at low witer At low w Her i tiin fer to a smaller steamer Is mil at the fork" and at extreme low water It IK neii-carv to usp a rowboit alio\e tin * f rkMe low the folks there is only one shoal wlii n > cinv dillloulty I experienced The mi i rial funning all the biro , except the oni in the liist Fork near the iniln rivet , Is if an exceedingly light \leldlng material , Btipartntly pure pumice ensllj carried by a cnrri nt a Is shown bj the fact that the Iwi-s ire < niitinunll } changing In hape. The iiuterial funning the slirxil near the moulh ff iho Kast J'ork Is clay At the time the Hiirvnv was in ide. In .March , 1SD7. the least < leplh found In the river below the forks wan four fet-t and In the IJisl I'ork above the f irka IB two feet. Two gauges are kep' by thn Lewis Ul\er Transportation compiio one < > t Li Center and one at the forks. CallIng - Ing the s'ige of the river at the time the ni vei was made normal the iceord of the Kluges for the jear 1S96 shows that the river was above llu < normil for a putlod of 321 < la > at the forks , and at or below It for f.rt > t\\o dat , and th < it It was above the normal for _ ' 77 dajw and at or below It for 'it'H > n'tio ' davs at La Center The lowest stage rei lied dining the jear was two and one Inlf feet below the nmnml at the forks nil time oinl oiif-half belo v at La Center An inina-o of depth so that steamboats conll i i > nd to La Center the > eir round v mid le of wrv materhl beuent to the com- nn r of the river It Is believed that greit n i < f ul 1 be afToided , oven If on all-the- j < i rn in 1 navigation was no' obtained , by tlu < i ( instinctInn of training dikes at one I'id i oil the main river and at three places mi the Hist Tcyrk , and by dredging In the lli-t I'nrk near the Junction It Is pro- piwed b > these to secure a depth of six fett in the unln river nnd four feet from tin * fnks to Li Centei nt the rilage of vvater at rthlih the river was whei. the survey was ma le \i\v Min-nons IN IILACK HILLS Thiie in a great difference at the p eocnt tliy in the way low grade ores In the lllack Hills am wived and stored , It * comparison with a few jeara ago Seven > oars ago oren that ans.oel } i0 } at the llal.l . Mountain mlnoj could not be mined Micct , sfully With Its chtnimaiinn and ciniile works and the mml'er and the Incoming of the rallroa.'n and nirron gauge ioain to the mints , ore that a , sivs but $20 to the ton Is now worked at lianilbun iprollt , while even grades a& liw as $15 are liindkd by fonie mills One mill being hhort on ore purhcasrd a ( liuiij ) that wtnt as low as $ C 20 a ton an 1 madi a good pront The C'rlpplo Creek ores In Colorado run as > IOVN as J'J and are liuidkd bv the mill ! ) there at a good prolit Tluri is i onslderablo Competition between thi' fill , filiation and cyanide works and the sun-Urn th , > former chaining $1 less per ton fi tieallnK than the latter There 1 * v-is Ii t ( . wnijte nowada.vs at the mines Orci that aie of low graile aie saved and utori-d for a future Jay , when the cost ol rr In i"ii becomes lrtn INTiiTIOXAL : ! Hi.N UAXCII Anmt.1 Ha'row liflj a chicken ranch not far from N'ogalro , Ariz , on which ho has dividid in liters between conscience anil t i it nh true Yankee Ingenuity. si > the Nrw \ .rk Sun Harrow's local nlck-namt IN ( i ' Iloninty. and those who know him l.osi . iio mil he-iitati ) to clcflare that lu woiildn t take an advinUge. eien In a liir.si tiiile He Is a survival of the severe oh ! I'urltin morality which held that to take n p was , ia bad flu to take a po-kcl-bnok n ml he govern * his dally llfo b ) Itii prln- dpi Hut tint does not hinder him from being aii nnxlomi as the next man to gt ImlJ of a gonl thing So. when he Ik-tided tc start a ihlikcn ranch ntar Nogalib ho oaw at n. i- tinMg ailvatitage It would give hln. i'i g i \ > his chickens across the line In Old Mn i Hut ho wantid to Mippl ) the Arl i 'i i tilde and In pay dutlPs would eat Ui bin piollu Hut to Yankee Ingenult } the thin * ; \ai easy enough Harrow JIIHI built un itlomil In'iilmiHiAineliin MIOIU-J thai > , < 1 into .Mexican mone > means near ! ) $2 in SI while Iho cheap prlcra of labor ami pruilu.ts liurcinp the advantage of the bujcr Hit hii ihukiiH and eggn would commtmi fa > - lucl'i r prices on the Arizona slJe of tin i HP If ho iMUiRht his grain and other fte-1 fir Ins ihukens In Mex co ho would get H f' r atjuut half what It would cixH him Ir \ < /"la lUit Amasa Hairow would nol eu IKC' ihKken fted acrcws the boundar ) That w. uM be xteallng So he built a lone r . ( ' or pin half on the ArUona sMo anc ! half exit-tiding down Into Mexico Ho buw all his Mi.ppllra on the other side and fltoru them there In hheds Never a grain of Mi tint ken feed ID can led across the border \Shen ho wanta to feed his chickens hi onfim the gale between the two parts ol the pen and drives the tlock Into Mexico where the ) feed on Mexican g uln Whet : they have i-iion their fill lie thooto theii baik to the other end where , under tin fottUi o' ttuhtars and btrlprd they lay theh rggs and hitch their > oung SOMK KlOUHIi-S ON WKSTKHN OOLT ) . Tim tulal ( reduction of gold from thi mintof the world for the past 404 jdirn the perlotl eliife there has bien record o he * anukept. . U ollldall ) given at $ ! > 956. 73S 400 thU U up to 1887 The total pro tliutlon of gold el the I'lilted Stat.s since | ti lr-ov r > is plven by the same authorlt ) a JM130347Ct of which the pastern am s jtl.irn Btatwi have > leld d $ J2 MO OCM ) , Icav Ing $2 OS1 034.709 an the amount product by iho mountainous country l > ing weat o a meridian pvitdlug north nd noiilli througl Psnver or In other word * thin mountain oi'n country has produceJ In forty-olu * jean o sm P l H whin th first dist-neiv f K"ll was male he o .11 per tent > r in nmn I numbers one fourth of 'ho to'al pr > - durtlon of the gold of the whole world for 401 jeam The foregoing record Is phenome nal , and , when we consider that thte new and oartlally developed ect < nn. In Its Infancy , has ) lelded one-fourth of the production of gold ofho 'vorld. what may wo irredlst and rightfully expect for the future. WILt , IXUI AltlZONA 001WKS. I'r'sldent Hlpley of the Atchlson Topeka & Santa To railroad has let a contract for the construction of two big dams of masonry In the Arl/ona desert , a region which U visited by ralrn but once n year , SIJH the * San Kranclpco Chronicle These dams will bo at the mouths of two c.uijona or gorges , twelve or eighteen miles distant from the railroad , one of them the gorge In which the cliff dwellers of a prehistoric age lived One of the canjons 1 about COO feet wide at Its mouth nnd the other about 300 , but the walla of the latter are more precipitous they are almost perpendicular the decline from the mountain Is not RO sharp , and cons"ciucntly It will hold nearly If not quite a : much water Hach of these dams will hold So000,000 gallons of water enough for the company's use along the Arizona division for plghtccn monthr Including lohtti by evaporation and svepage The clams will be forty feet high constructed of Handstolic quarried near by and laid in I'ortlind ce ment The orter face of the mahonry will ho In the form 'f the letter S thus conform ing to the natural fall of watei from Mich a height and avoiding the wear and tear of sudden precipitation Hctwrpn the two dam < of masonry , which will be a long dis tance apait , will be constructed a smaller clam of Iron. . The cost of thin dam will bo much leas In proportion than the Htone res- ervolr-i. but It will not last nearl ) HO long , and IB to be put In as a comparative experi ment The htono n-'ervoirH will cost about $2iO,000 ! The Interest on this sum Is about 3T/i per cent of the present ct t of hauling the water to the tanks which they will sup- | d > . The water will bo piped from the rcj- ervolrs to the tankti on the line of the road. Tim enterprise has led to another expert- men. ! which may u ult In a dlscovcrj of c'ven gteater value In the vallejs nnd on the mountain sides where the dams arc to bo constructed ate deposit1" \oleatilc cin- dera , similar In color and apparent ! ) In Ingredients to the lava cinders from Mount Vtsuvlua. from which was manufactured the cement In which was laid the masonr ) of the Coliseum aqueducts and viaducts of Home , which have withstood the ravages of time , for moro than 2000 > ears. Twenty barrels of the Arizona cinders have been sent to Denmark , where the best Portland cement In the world Is made This lot will be tiled In the manufacture of cement and If It should prove valuable works will be established In Arlrona Chemists of the eompiny will alt > o experiment with ten bai- rols of the cinders at Topeka. \ heav > portion tion of the expense , on account of Ions transportation by Kt-a and rail of the con- htructmn of the ptone res-ervolrs In Arboni will be the I'ortland cement , which goes from llelglum by sea to OalvttUon , and thon.ce by rill to the place of use If equally good ccii'ent can be manufactured on the ground the expense of construction w 111 bo cheapened SO per cent or more. SAN nnoos : HIG TLUMH. The w oi Id's laigest llumo Is that at San Diego. Cal It waters a largo tetritory wluth previous to its construction was Mmplv an arid sand plain , unsuitable for cultivation and Intapible of sustaining even a small population In the course of the work there are 315 Ironies , the most notable of which Is 1.700 feet In length and eight- live ftet high , known as the Los Cochos trestle Its construction requiring 2.10,000 feel of lumber Then there Is the Sweetwater trestle. 1,200 feet long and eight > -five fcot high the main timber used In these trestles being 10\10 and SxS. put together on the ground and raibed to their position by horse power There are eight tunnela , In the course of the flume , the longtst of which is 2100 feet , the sl/e of the tunnels being G\I5 feet , with convex-shaped rooting iaih mile of the tlumo required , on an avciage , 250,000 feet of lumber for Its con- stiuctlon , and the redwood used In the box is all two Inches thick The grade of ever ) mile was engineered with such care as to Insure ) the utmwt precision in that respect , a unlformlt ) being secured of four and seven-tenths fett to the mile It Is e\- ! peeled that before long the water from this great Hume will be flowing Into the clt > of San Ditgo. Tim DAKOTAS. It Is estimated that 300.000 pounds of wool will he shipped from Hello Tourcho thU ecason. Spearflsh Is the proud posses-or of a beef and polk picking plant with a capacity of fifty beeves dally. Lead Is experiencing this summer by far the largest building boom in the residence portion that It ever had. There never has been a time In the his tory of the Hills when brick has been In such demand at it lias this M urn HUT. The Hocli Stand ird reports 1't 450 fiheep within a radius of ten miles of Hccl.i. Three ) cars ago theie were but 1,000 head In the same territory. A good body of $20-ore Ins just been dls covered on the Xlnk & Grcolleld property on the east side of the Spcardah caiion a short distance above Maurice station According to the report of the clt ) ao- ftwior of Spcirllah the merchants of that town have only $11 SM Invtiited In merchan dise The total accused valuition of ( lie town Is $170,200 , wlikh la $15,000 leas than last ) eir The milk crop it one that never falls , and South Dakota farmer arc beginning' to realise that $ J50,000 a month paid them b ) the creanuries of the state Is a sum not to be scorned 'Iho amount will be doubled another jear. 1ho agent of a "gopher killer" In at work lu the northern counties of the stito Killing off the gophers He uses a poison which In sprinkled upon bread and placed neir the gopher's hole The animal scents the fi grant stuff roumi forth and partakes , i. ul that Li all there Is of It It Is said to he a bine exterminator of the gopher pest. If W White of Yankton has received hon orable recognition for his ability ns an In- Minor I'D rc-centl ) patented what ho terms ta the bcht and mobt simple * churn dasher ever placed before the public The go\em inent board of examiners of patents hau awarded him a liandpomo gold and islhcr medal Mr While hn long worked upon dlf. feient Inventions at d l > > the patentee of at leaflt fifty useful ankles COLOIUDO Kritlt day at Coiion City will bo observed September 15 and 1C The railroad up Hook Creek U now prac tically an assured fact. ' Mountain lions urn very numerous In tht rolghlxirhood of White river Crop iirospecta of Weld county , Colorado , were never so goad as thli > ar. Mimtezumi county U to have a canning factory , to be located at MtKlmo canyon Denver'd silary list reached $50000 pel month , and the clt > propc ei to cut It down Aspen Is allllcted with hordes of worthies ! dog < 3 , ami a war of extermination U talko of Nelson Is not now eo known officially , the postolllco having been oecurid under the name of "Cothems " Ten thousand fr ) were plai-ed In the Sai Juan river above I'agosta Springs on Tues > lay. They came down from the Durangi hatchery. Mountain lions In Hub gulch , near Sa llda aie making trouble for prospector am' cattlemen , killing cattle and carrjing on * do t a ; > t.ltd do mice. The state has for Kale $200UH ) worth ol what are known an "Insurrection bonds' Issued to drfra ) the expensea of uupprtcfiing the Uadvlllo strike Twentone Denver druggists. Including eome of the Itxdlng pill dispensers of the clt ) . were arrested Tutbda > on a charge ol selling whUk ) without a llcens * . A grab sample from acrtv-s the face of a thirty bevtn foot ledge In the A J mine near \spen Cole averaged JsO oilmen ol Oliver , while defined streaks through tin ore run 1 200 ounces The director of ihe Vnltcd States mint gtvet. the production of gold of the I nltcel States for IMG at $53 0ta.0)0 and that ol Colorado at $14,911,000. or 23 per cent , oi almost thr e tnnths of all the gold of the t nite 1 Siatr * It took slxt ) four mulfg to carry 11.SCO feet of wire cable nearly two and R half miles long weighing 16000 pounds , to the Nellie tnlno on Hear creek Saturday mornIng - Ing The cahlo Ifl Intended for a tramway from the Nellie mine to the mill. WYOMING At the steam shcirlng plant at Hllll.ifrl recently , fifty men sheared 3,400 ( sheep lu one day. After the first of August dally malls will be received at Saratoga from IVt Stecle ns wull as from Hawllni" Mrs Schwclckert of Chcvcnnc has a fig tree upon which are growing two flga and n whole lot of full dr < 3 costumes of the Cvt'-Ailauilc period. The Short Line Is at present constructing n spur to the new coil camp. The line will be seven miles long and la between Dlamond- vllle and Halm's Fork. It Is not generally known that there Is a woolen mill In Wjomlnp This mill la lo cated at Afton The cloth made Is dlapceed of In the vicinity of Afton Chvley Lung , a highly tbteemcd wash artist of Chevenne. set off 10000 flrccrackeM at ono time on the night of the 6th When he asks to be admitted Into the union there won't be a kick , Harry Yount the veteran hunter and guide of the S > bllle 11 Ilia , Wjomlnu lHle < l a mensttr femile srlzzl ) beir weighing 710 pounds , and a jearllng cub Carcasses of half a do/en steers were found near them. The repoitfl from Cheenne aqene > show that State Veterlnar an Hlliott has altcad ) killed over 2,10 glandered horses on the Chey enne reservation and Is out on a llnal trip to clean up the work and that the number will reach fulh 300 before he Is through A party of emigrants with sl\ covered i wagons passed through Chevenne last week i en route from Council Hluff.s. la . to lied | Lodge , Mont The > had been seven weeks I on the road and JudglnR from the ribbed 1 apearanee of the horses thcv had not hit very good feeding grounds on their journe ) One of the most prominent mining ex perts In the world , a resident of London j silled from Liverpool on the 7th Inst for 1 America and Is going to the Hlack Hill * tci make an examination nf mining property for a stidleate of nngllsh capitalists who are contemplating Investing a very large sum of money j L Kabls and others of Cheenne closed a deal tola ) with Chicago gentlemen w herein I Ihe latter will become owners of viluable | soda wells at Gieen River The purchase price was $10000 This l legirded as the most Important deal In Womlng In mativ ) cars and means much to the people of the stite The new owners will begin the work of development at once The rremnnt. Klkhorn & Missouri Vallev railroad hn.s built three new reservoirs be tween Ca.sper a'lcl ' Milder at Dig Horn One being built at the head of Castle cieek and ono five mllcb south of Wolton. \ number of reservoirs could bo built to advantage In the country noith of Douglas , as there Is a gieat scarcity of water lu that section for a distance of nbout forty miles UTAH The Walmteh Creamery conipni ) has filed articleof Incorporation capllalirlns at $7,000 A recent saloon murder In Salt Lake Clt ) has stirred the council to activity In en forcing ordinances regulating those resorts Grand Marshal .Nat M llrlgham has ap pointed sixty aides to awiat him m mamglng the \arlous parides during Jubilee week Twcnty-tbre > e enumerators started out li-t week to take a school ceimis of all children In Salt Lake City between the ages of 6 and IS ) ears A pump Is In operation at the Star mine on Cherry creek , which is capable of raisini ; 12,000 gallons a minute , and a magnificent hoisting plant Is now being put in. The bronze statue of Hrlgham Young which has stood in the Temple grounds at Salt Lake Clt ) . was recently moved to lt- > new pedestal It will be unveiled durln. ; the Jubilee ceremonies of the present week The cltv .council of Salt Lake City has brought an action In the supreme court against the count ) commissioners to compel the restoration of large reductions in assess ment * b ) the comm'ssionei > , sitting as a board of equalization The motor In the new Peary mill was slatted last Wedntsday by power fiom the Pioneer Hlectric 1'owcr compan ) , this being the fiist ! > ewer to bo brought to the cltv for manufacturing purposes The test run of the motor was ver ) satisfactory. MONTANA The Income for mutton from the Missouri valle ) this ) ear will amount to over $100- 000 Young cattle are selling for top figures $21 being legardcd as the figures on ) ear ling ? There Is a strong probability that the pee pie of Smith Ulver valley will maikct $120.- OdO worth of beef this ) ear. Hutto claims to be the most moral town In tlia United Stales since the law agaln-n gambling went into effect. The northern round-ups were not as satis factorv this vear c.s usual , and nearl ) all the cattlemen report shortage * . Sixty-five school districts In the state have voted In favor of the free text books and eighty-five are agalust Ihe proposition. It Is announced that Ihe Northern I'aclflt will In the near future go ahead with Ha pro posed Gajlord extension In Madison county There aio nineteen wool bujeis at Giant Tails At prevent there Is about ,000,00) pounds stored at that plate , and more is tomlng. Some of Montana's progressive cltl/orn have a scheme on foot for equipping a .Mon tana juvenile bind lor the Omaha expedition next ) car. James Clark , who was the champion light weight pugilist cif the world twenty ) c.ue ago. died In an epileptic tit near I'hlll pjbu--g last week That $100000 hotel that the Yellowstone Park association decided upon last winter l < to bo built at the Upper Hasln , fifty mllfa from Mammoth Hot springs 'Ihe mill on the Hough and Heady group of mints on North Meadow creek , has be Kim dropping Is stamps. Ihe owners have a hrge body of free milling ore * lo work on and there is every Indication that the ven ture will prove successful. Checks for a 50 per cent dividend of the Northwestern National bank , up to and in cluding receiver's certificate 698 , arrived at Great Pallo labt week The amount dls- buued was a little otci { . ' 00000. The second end schedule of this dividend for about $100.- 000 moro , will be delajed by process at Washington for some das A carload of eight buffaloes passed through Missoula Monday morning The ) were from the buffalo king. Michael Pablo of Havalll , riathead county Mont , and were being chipped to New Yoik to be distributed tci zoological gardens The gentleman hab sold forty hrad , this being the first ship ment. The rest will bo bhlpped next fall. The prlco paid was $500 a head. CALIKOUNIA. The Chlno-Pomona branch of the Southern Pacific ) Is to be built Immediately. San Francisco clalirt , . with borne show of reason , to have been the coolest city In the Hxtenslvu forest firct ) occtirreel In the Huikeloy hills lost week , moro than 3.000 acrid being burned. Santa llirbara bo)3 have killed three t > ei otter near San Miguel iblaud. The skins aio valued at $100 each. The total capital invested In mined In Southern California U estimated by the Los Angelts Times at over $15.000.000 The Eighth Street bridge at Oakland has been ) > artlally rebuilt , and Is now in condi tion to utand another five-ears' travel. The Campiiila Perllfera do la Haja Cali fornia ( Lower California Peurl Pishing coin- pan ) ) has told Its concessions and other property In the Gulf of California to an KiiKlUh s > ndlcate for ilOO.OUO The natural gas strike In Sacramento U turning out an Important matter Kojr bed ! of gaa have been Etrtitk. llng in dint-rent strata and the total euppl ) frou the well is calculated at 100000 feet dally At the P"urth of Jul ) celt-brat on at Men- tore ) the > old Spanlnh capita ) of California where the stars and etripea were first ' Df James Lsc-urstw 16 , who was fl > st to read the Deceleration U Indcpenditue In the fitate ID 1141 read It aealn after ntarly a half century Dr Ord Is'hale and vigorous At the Chlno beet B Hnr1 factory In Hiver- slde county , work hat boon IK Run on what will be the largest mill In the world It will be 1 C00xinx20 feet and It will hold enough salted bed puT | > "to Mail-feed 7.000 head of cattle It * THl have the largest Bllo In the world The p tlp will be carried from the factory to the silo by a motor engine. The Wine Makers' bornoratlon controlled by large producers ami d , stlllers from the California Wine * association which Includes most of the big deili rs Is canvassing the JtHte and securing tilt * R-eater part of this season's vintage Grape prowera believe their interests nre the safeit with the wine mak er' , and are consequently signing agree ments to sell grape * onlv to them Over SO per cent of the Napa county crop has already been pledged. Gripes will bring $10 a ton , ami the wine will well at 20 cents a gilloo. OUIGON : There arc eighty cases of measles nt Chemawa. 1 Portland has decreed that the slot ma- clilncK mu.st go. The woolen mills nt Dandon received an $18000 order the other day that will be promptly filled. Heavy catches are being made by the fishermen In the Lower Columbia and the receipts of the canneries are large Iho strike of the coal miners at Newport has not been settled Miners occuplng company houses wen * notified last week to leave nnd the time given them to do so will be up todiy. A paper printed at Vale states that a short time ago Pat Paulkner. while riding over the divide between Willow and Hullv creeks found a petrified salmon The heael and nbout one foot of the body was the largest piece. Near by was the rest of the stone ttsh In lifelike perfection In Linn county there are seventv- oni church organizations , foil-live church cdlficr , with seating ca pacity of n S45. twcntv-one halls with a i-eatlng capacltv of 1.135 ; val uation of church property , $ lt7 275. num ber of communicants , or members , S , IU3 The outlook for crops generall ) through out the state seems according to reports received by local merchants never to have been mole favorable thin at present The > leld per acre of eereils Is most proinlsi'in , and In most portions of the r nte there Is good acteage In cultivation this nelson Hops are not a * , encouraging as gialn al though the piebent ptospeet Is good Some fear Is vntvrtalneil , that the hop louse will lavage the vards nnd teports from the In terior are to the effect thet the vermin has alreadv appeared In some places The fruit ciop for tlie season Is stated bv all locil dealers to be In nourishing condition vvl'h even- Indication pointing not only to a splenelld > icld but also to a superior qunl- lt ) . That poitlon of the crop that has il- reidv reached the market has been light , but the fact was- apparent to growers befoie It had ripened Strawberries were far be low the average ) leld. resulting * fiom the sevete freeze of Nove-mber Cherrk's also fell below the custom ir * . output , but the deciease was caiiscel bv the fruit dropping after It had neatl ) reached Its full size and was attributed to frost WASHINGTON The $50 000 necojsar ) for the projected cmelter at Seattle Is nearly ial ed Heports have- been received at Goldendale from all pitta of Kllckltat , and the general v PI diet is there will be an avenge ) It-Id for good farmers Tlie three Simpson camps on the Kimll- chle road In Thur&ton county , got out ( ' > ' ) . - 000000 feet of lo s fiom June , 1S96. up to June of th 15 ) ear Plckleton country wjll have an abundance of wheat. I'rom one " -tctlon In that vicinity there will bo over 100000 bushels marketed at Mabton. on the line of the Northern Pacificrallwa ) A bundle of the ballots -that were utolen in Tacoma after the city election m ) Ueri- ous'y reappeared the other da ) The bundle was found on Controller IVnham's desk , but no one ! uc vi bow It got therp It was discovered by the mall carriers of Walla Walla Prida ) that fourteen mall boxes on their route- * had hepn tampered with and opened , the loqks being twisted and rendered useless U was probabl ) the work of liobors The Mount Vernon Post which at one time was the enl > democritlc paper In Skiglt county has suupended publication IMitor Pollock conducted the paper for a number of vcars H Is Biid that Mr Pol- lotk will move h's plant to Rugosie , Ore. Judge Cirroll of the superior court for Pierce count ) has settled Ihe question of prloiltv of claims in the Tacoma Ledger re- eplvcrehlp The tax lien will be piiil first , the labor liens next , the lien for supplies furnished between July fl 1SOO , and May 15 1S97 come next , and finally the Hellnr mortgage A United States geological surve ) party under the direction of Rnglneer W T Grls- weld , was In Wcnatchee several davs In.st week The party Is to make a mlneial and boundary survey of the eastern part of the Cleveland forest reserve They brought with them a carload of Missouri mules and will begin their work In the neighborhood of Lake Chelan The Yaklma Athletic club Is leveling Itw biccle path along the entire length of Natchc/ avenue which extends , cntliel ) across North Yaklma This avenue Is 1-10 feet wide and contains four rows of mag nificent shade trees one at the edge of each sidewalk and two nt the middle of the ave nue about eighteen feet apart The since between then * two rows , of trees has been granted by the city council as n blcclo path and It promises to be o-io of the limal in the htate. Ton llci- | > fur Him , lie was i mining a lawn mower ono of the hottest ilnjs of hift week , relates tlie Chleipro Post , nnd of eour It K-K" * without S-IIIK | th.it a mini who would do that must bo IIK king In some vvn.v. Nevertheless , tin- youm : man who cnme alon thought lie would bo facetious "Hey" ' he called The ma" with the lawn mower stopped and looked at him "You oilgl t to htop that long enough to ( leun your walk , " i-ald the ) OUIIK nmn I'm tiiet.1 of vv-idlng thiough thli fcnow i very nioinlng " The mun wltb the liwn mower looked nt the loting- man In a vacant sou of vvii ) for L minute Then be walked vui to the Hide- walk and looked nt Hint. "What are > uu talking about ? " ho ic-keil In , \ grieved ton llnall ) . "Theru'n no snow Then be went Irxek to hN lawn mow PI and the young man continued on hLs v\.i ) kkk- Ing hlm-iolf. There Is a time for verythliiB : and the tlmo to attend to a cold is when It starts Don't wait till ) ou have consumption , but prevent It by UHlng Ono Minute Cough Cure , the ) great remedy foe coughs , c-oldn , croup , bronchitis and all llirojt and lung troubles Ilin C li-ellllll. Bannister , the comiMlan was presented tea a proud rolel Scotch dame "Who arn the Hanntsters' " the afkeel peevishly " 1 elo not recollect meeting with tluni before' Madame. " replied the aetor gravely , "we aio closely connected with the Stairs" "Ah1 there is a good and ancient family1" cried madame "Mr Hannl-ster , I am delighted to make ) our acquaintance' " Arnold's Ilromo Celery cures headaches 10 , 25 and 50 centa. All NEBRASKA'S ' REGAL ARRAY Magnificent Appearance Presented to the Christian End aver Excursionists. ENDLESS PANORAMA OF BOUNTEOUS CROPS Cniiilltliin of tht * Mate n lloclii- tlcin (11 t'ennlc Prom the Utist , mill ( irrnl Cciml U 111 He-suit. Among the Omaha men who have been out west with the Christian llndeavor excur sionists none have returned with more en- thu.'lasm for Nebraska than Charles I ) Thompson , the well known advertising agent of this city. Speaking of the effects of the trip on visitors , Mr. Thompson > es- tenlay slid. "Tho Christian Kndeavor excursion to San Pranclsco has given the git at state of Nebraska u splendid opportunity to refute the malicious falsehoods which have been so Industrious ! * , circulated about her In the past few je-irs. It would bo hard to con- celvo of a mnre piomlslng or pleading ag ricultural landscape than the ono which now greets the ec of the traveler over Ne braska s broad , fertile prairies from the Mis. sourl river to the foothills of the Kocky mountains. U Is an unbroken vista of thrift , beauty and promise. Prom the man } expressions of surpilso and enthuslaotle ad miration heard on all sides U Is safe to say that these good people will carr ) to their tastttn bonus a far more fa.orablo Impres sion of Nebiaska than the ) brought with them The benefits which must .accrue to this stale from this great ocular demou nt ! ation of our real merit and splendid re sources Is bcond estimation iSTiit.PP.OPLI : ; : SPIIPUISKD "Among the excursionists wen * quite a number of eastern people of tomfortable means , who have In a measure letiicd from the active duties of buMnebs and are out espeelall ) to oee this gieat irausmlbMssippI coiintiv To thtse It was a Miipilso and a revelation The ) have been accustomed lor a geneiatlon to look upon the countr ) beond the Mississippi river as being of little Importance1 and of small value from an agricultural standpoint 'Ihe ) are con servative and haul to enthuoe on any sub ject It was alniu.it laughable to hear their txpitsslons of MlrprU't and observe their almost bovish enthusiasm over the west as thev found it I had the pleasure of meetIng - Ing Major 7. K Pangboin. editor of the livening Journal of Jerse ) Cit ) , N. J This gentleman has ppent a lifetime In Journal ism and politics , Is a filend of Charles A Dana and a man of national reputation The major , although measmabl ) well ac quainted with the topographv of the Pnlted States and also lib products , expressed him self as aldolutol } astonished at the Im- mensltj of the farming operations of Ne biaska and the magnificent crop prospect which spiead before his view as he crossed our state He said such a Hate was suiel ) worth ) to be chosen as the repiesentatlve > tatti of the great tiansmlssif > slppl countiy , and when his attention was 9.1 ! I eel to the fact that Nebraska soil was not enl ) espe cially adapted to the cultivation of the or- dinar ) faun products , but that in the mat ter of sugar beets , the chicory plant and many other special crops. It was far ahead of Its sister states , his astonishment and enthtiolastlc predictions for the future o { the state were greatl ) Increased "Tlie favorable Impression alread ) made upon the excursionists was repeated when the mountain st.ito of Colorado was reached. The grand old Kockle . as they loomed up before the avtor'ohed travelers with their fiiow capped hummlts merged Into the fleecy masses of the overhanging clouds , were In pleasing contrast to the fertile meadows anil rolling uplands which had Just been criissed. I > i\ViH'S : HEARTY HKCHITION. ' The citizens of Denver and Colorado gave ampl" evidtnco that the ) appreciated the great opportunity which was theirs Hver- where the tourists wcto met b ) committees who looked after their comfort , and Incident ally the Intelecath of the state of Colorado The cit ) has been put Into Its beht clothea .and her citizens on their good behavior. Everywhere the stranger met a checiy wel come One invitttmtnt coinpan ) had chart- em ! a niinibei of electric cars and inaiigu- latexl two dail ) tiif * , over Denvei , the route covering twentfivo mllcb of Btieet car traiku , within the city of Denver , and giv ing , t thieo hours' ride for 25 cents This tar runs on a regular hehedule , and stops at all of the hotels for passengers It has a lairfo pldcarl noticeable from all parts of the cstreet which states 'Seeing Denver' llaeh tiain Is accompanied by .1 well In formed ) orng man , with a good volte , who gives a continuous lecture from one e > id of the route to the other , embracing facts about points of intercut on the route. These * trips are made .so inteiestlng that a numbei of per-ons have taken them several times over , juat for the pleasure of hearing an/d seeing what Denver re ill ) Is "Hut the tourlbts were .soon given to understand that Denver was not all of Col orado. The dlffurent lima leading to the cllffeient revolts , of the state carried them up over the famo.ua Loup to Georgetown , Silver Plume and Idaho Springs , giving them an oppoi tin It ) to see some of the grandeur of the famous Clevir Creek canon. and the great mining operations which are carrieel on in this section Then clown to Colorado Sprlngh. the city of millionaites , which iifiitle-s at the foot of the Itocky mountains light under the shadow of Pike's Peak And then to Manitou , with her life-giving Brings the cog wheel iallro.nl to the top of Plko'rt Peak , and elegant hotels , htr beauti ful eanonr anil magnificent climate , where the weary tan rtst and enjov thenthClvcB In an atif.caphero as Invigorating as he ! wateiJ , and amidst scene's of grandc-ui which few reiont , on the face of the e-aith can equal. Thiough these beiutiful scenes the great elieain of Christian P.ndeavor excur sionists flowed like a river They e-njoed thenwlvcH like children In a now play ground. The ) eliank in the mountain air. and they drank from the fountains of ioda anil lion that onto slaked the thlit.t of the du.sky red men YOUNG WOMAN'S SYMPATHY. "They climbed to the Half Way hourjp , and to the top of Plkeh Peak \ ) oung woman was hewn b ) the guide , amoi.g other at- tiactions o-i the top of Pike's Peak , the bab'b grave She was a b > mpathetlc boul , and she wept over the grave of the dear llttlo baby. Sim made ouch a demonstration that It was noticeable , ami wiino heartless wict h whispered in IIPI ear tint the bab ) wan a bab ) burro , and not to waste her lean , The Hist and enl ) bab ) bjrn on Pike's Peak Hut dctplto those disillusion. ! the trly to tha top of Plko'H Peak 'H one * never to bo forgotten , and one which Is worth the while of any person whoseph ) * - ical conditHn will permit It to be taken "Che > cine canon Is unique ill Its wa ) from the fait that the husband of the pres ent owner pre-empted all the land In thlfc iaiion lu an earl ) da ) , and has aiqulifd the entire caiion and Its environments b ) a subsequent purchase What bin original object was It U hare ! to conjee tine , but It Li mipposcd tint It was to secure the right of the magnificent water power The present owner has irado a beautiful toute up the canon and has built btalrs up the Seven \\c soil SOUK * thlhcs licsldi's pianos e'vcn If we * have iloni * notiiliiir lint talk pl.iiio lately wo havemnsiial Insim- incni.s of all Kliiilh-InMiimii-nta ! anil vooal slioi't music all tin * ) > oiiilnr ] jilt'tvi at a very popular prlfc vv o InHovevo c.irry the larjrotjt htot-k of aiUMn' ma- tciials lu the west noiliinc tliat an ama teur or professional vv.int.s but that vvu liavu It 11 it'll we're lu JHSOU | | | to fiaino all ( lit * plclurt's you ni.iUi1 a larjje Mock ami a im-at v arh-ty of moulding to Delect from our prhv.s are about half vvliat you've been ji.ij lnB' . A. HOSPE. Jr. , Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. Every butcher-shop needs Pcarlinc. Almost as r ; , much ns it needs an ice-box. Look at the general reasincss and nastiness around some butclur shops. It isn't that they're less particular there , prob ably. They're doing the best they can. Hut they don't use Pcarlinc and there arc some things that must ha\e Pcarl " inc to keep properly clean , and "among thebe things arc meat markets , butcher shops. I'all' po that the tourlM IP now enabled to fee Its beautle" from tin * lust posMblo vantage but for thN pilvilogo he luw to piv . ' 5 cents , which , c-ilculatlng upon the Immense number of people who visit this oanxoiiearly , miictlold quite a reason able Income to the present owner Thin proves that neither mlll'e nor women have a corner on wnlcrfills "Outside of the ovcur-lonM- number of.visitor * lo Manitou Is net sn great 1 am j told , an In former veais This condition the denlrens of the picturesque berg attribute to liek of prosperlt ) In the IMS ! Minltou Is not perftct but Mie H a grpit mother and mira * to the tired In bed ) and br.iln Her ] Iron , no la and Milphur spilngs aie unequalled j and hi r tllmate 18 superb Dmihi Is a gocd j patron of this resoit , but could with profit to hu cltl7t > iifl be a better one .Miss Mai ) Towne. Miss Ilib Town an 1 Miss Kilth Potter are a jell ) tiltette of Dinah i girls , j who are thoroughly enjmini ; Manitou I'p I near thp Half Wa ) house Chirles Sunnier , I the flow en famll ) and otheia have jilt- ' tunsque cottage. ' on KuMon creeK Mono ) | "pent In Coloiado resorts nui ) get back to Oinalu. but on the sea oliero never rt'imo's rot'RTH OK JTI-Y. "I'tleblo , Cole , held a rather unique cele bration on the fourth of Jul ) . This ) oung I'lttsburg of the west called upon her cltl- rens to appear on Independence * dav In a procession of slates and nationa eath Moat to repiitiH Ihe especial w.ite In the union from which the cltl/en h.illeel , the expense of each tloit being borne b ) the former citi zens of the state rcpreenttil l'rlts were offeied for the best representation thus starting a friendly emulation rhe result was very batisfactorv The elti/eiH of New York utate secured the pi be bv placing on ] the street a ver ) handsome embli matlc Moat The mining Interests of Colorado were rep resented b ) a beautiful hoise , resplendent. . In a complete coat of gold paint Taken al- togethei It was a pageant well worthy of the ) oung I'lttsburg of the wtst Ihe erowdi tlrelv too wide awake to lose an oppor- clatlve. The rallrcud geneionsly granted less thnn one faie for the lound trip from anv part of the state. * "Tho buslines men of Cnlnndo aie en tirely too wide awake 'o lose an oppor tunity such as the Tr.uuinlKolisippl i\po-l- tlon will afford them to liilng the Centen nial state to the * front Many mine owners are sorel ) disappointed tint the ne\t mlne'rcV convention did not como to Omaha next ) ear "The Clnistlan I'ndeavor exclusion to Cal ifornia Is one of tlu > most foi Innate events for advertising the great TiansmlssKslppl Imposition that coulil have occiined Thou sands of the totirlots prevlousl ) had only an Indefinite Idea of it and all expressed themselves as anxious to come. " A LOST OI'l'OUTl MTV. story of HIM * , it I'ortun * ' ( . ( it Awn > frciin n lln 11. A little group of men wi-n * talking- the other evening In the nlo-imlng time , when people .PI-HI to think more about what tliev might have been than tlie ) do at nny otliei hour of the elav , nnd the Mibject was lost oppoi tunltlei , relatm the Spokiine St-ites. man "I hate to refer to the nutter at all" lomarked tlie colonel , who foucht tbroiish llio late war at the bead nf a Mlthlgan ieml- ment , "betaui It onlv makes mileinw mv c'eiiiteiiipt for niv-elf lint I'vehad ehan os In the nnrthw > l to put mvclf In the mllllonnlro list flint nubodv but n c-on- tiimc-il van would think of IU-KII-C ting Afti-i the * v\ar I w 11 a 'l.ind-lookcr ' ns tinan i ailed and I knew the whileeoiintiv fiom Detio't ' c leun thnumli to the far c unoi nf Miiiip | otii , and light wbeio thfie an1 big hullilln , * * anil beautiful clt ) iimies todav- I could have bought Innd nt mi ) prli o I ml ht iiaim- One nun vinted me to l > u > In Dili nth , n few lots nt $ " > 0 apiece , nnd I liiiigbdl at him Tli-v are wutth $5 n i-quiii- f. ot to.la . * , and upward1' I ] ) Ii k"d up cine piece of land nt Atnto Hnrlior for i bun dled dollars and pold It for a tlinuiinl , that Is worth J' iooo now. nnd I wouldn't givea man $ .T/i fen a liaet tli it Is worth as ninny thou . in.l . this vi-iv inliiiitc "Hut tbfw aimull jiot.itoo'j nnd feIn \ \ In a lilll to the blgpost of Inst npportiinltl'-m I was c-voi irulltv of" and the c cdeinel slgbe * " ! prnfoiindlv "You know- that famous M < * abn lion mine toiinti ) , up tbe-ie , on Like * Stipeilor , wheie the-j aie taklni ; mil thousands of tons every ) enr of the * ilrliesf Iron on * on earth , .tnd ail ) ciii.intlty of men are onjonu | pilncc-ly Incomes from their ro.v'tles' > Well , before * anvbodv over lie-anl of tbo .Meoiibi Iron 010 I wns up then * riimiltu ; a line noith from the f'loqiut rlvt-r. and ono dav I In nan to luive all aorts of trouble with tnv rumpiss "Ordinal llv It was n verv indable and ii-llablc Iti'triiment , hut he n- for some rea son it noted Ftiingel\ rnthor iefii'-ed ti > not .it nil and I could liardlv get mv sen-p nut of It I Uopt i-'olng nhenl howeve-i. and for ten miles mv tioulilo eontlnueil Then It was ovei. und I inm-r wn eiulto t-o g'ael of inv thing -is when tb it ( tunpiss begun to work .lunln. and I did licit biive * to lay my enursc * bv pun "I knewlipfoio I llnlsliPd wbrit tlie inalter vt is hut .vbnt did that lion iimlt-r the t-reiiind that "Vveived mv nopdle nut nf Its < -oiirse mean to me' ' Nothing1 Thiit's nil I v\a.s n plain , e\ \-tlnv elniinp V.'lint I was nftei v\ns tlmbu nnel thetlinliir ull nlnnc Hide \VIIH not nf RUlIlolent quiilltv to lu tlfv mv frlvliifj tin * hind ii t > pinml thnimht nnd I didn't Think of It , infn anil lir > 'thren " plih 'il Iho i olone-l imaln , then- I was wiilklntr ovi-r and sluii'llm , ' nn mllllnnt nnd inllllrnx nf ilnllniK. nnd I eouli ] liav > - li.ul nil nf It I vviiutod fni the me re ll.ivl"fr Ki-Ill'0 'lienii/b tn tnke It ll | > , lllld I didn't have the ht-imo. " Tin.Iiilillii - riot Ilii' Ill-cud , l > II'H OHI- I-ITK II l'nll > I . > Naval ritllcer't on dut ) In WasblnBton nwalt with lnteie t the ic-tiirn of thiollioeiH v\bu went to the quec-n's Jubilee on the cruiser Iliuokbn. t-iys the Washington Star Al though , from miny points of view , lh.it as- slgnmi-nt wan a most deiliable ? one . It bail one greiit dlhadv.intnue In the Important matt- of piisunal expe IIPP which oaiim-d It to bo gen'-rall > shunne-d Wln-n the lliook- Ivn W'M n le ( tc < l fur tie inlni-lrjn many nf liV-r olllcors were dt-tuohc-il at thill e .vn re- ciuest nnd Ibelr places Kiipplleel bv otheis nure fond of t-oelnl dlveisions , ut the mmu time able financially to engage In them The- romse-qufiic e- was that flur < hlp was ullleeieil m.itnlv by volnntcrrH willing and ablelo itv fur the sue lal obligations Incident to the Jub'lee It win conceded that the ollloprs would be put to heavy peis'onal exn'lint-s | far l > i' > inl ihulr tnlailih In retuinlng social iuiiit < - - KI | Hbuwn tin m by the uRseniblnl r pn-- iieiii.illve-s of other natives B \ \ afis \ \ In making pcimc * show of re * ' Iproc-iillng tin- lavish bospltalltle-H of their inpllsh : biethren 'I lietilp me ant vslning' nnd illnlng galore , to icelproeato vvblcb In the > llulitest cleuree meant exiicndltuics considerably In oxees.s of the iieulir vn.iUs pild btli. . - K vern- inent IV meet this nndltlnn. i nlv i Ulora lia\lntr ntlu-i lluun. . nil nMiiUs u.ic dp- tailed to Mil the v.u nil | > 1 ii .s IIM tinnrxk - lii Most of them miwt.l ( iff In a we-rldly Ki-nsf , nnd seviril of tlu-iu UK * rUh In tbo litter cl.i > Is liiclu.lel . ComniHiieli'tHMntn IJmeiry , who acted us executive ollli > r Ho N well known \\iishlnglein ns > man of Indcpeiulent fortune , fond of sexle-tv , 11-1 I 111 ono of bis tllttids put It. "uble l. < hotel up his end in anv e 'iiipni\ , t-iiivlvlnl or otherwise " Se-voral others of the ship's compim ara slinl arlIreumxtiiiuid nnd .un . lHutid , nndere eluweii on thul nnount In onlor to lighten their llminclnl ImtdiMi' us inn h ni po llile how\er , the "ee'titniv of the tun ) nllotted Admitnl Miller , who was in eomiimnil of the e \ | > edltlon , JJuxi tivvunl meeting the expensi-s of the i-nui talnme nt-t the otllrcts Would lUdsnarllv hnvr t give In if turn for courtesies receive > ! This money was use el. of n > ui. e , o-ih for the I'lirelv foimnl film tlons , , n the > -lili > and Is pnpularlv siipio | * > id to have been m ul ) a ctlop In the biicUet nnipnted with tlie t'till expenses liu-uiixl liv the ollUeis em their liullvldu.il iKCoiints In retlpnv iltiiii ! . ul ttxle * extinelul the ) hid to iiilirtaln * * Imw of nobllllv and olbel giu-sts of ( .mill . ) ex- pen lve gastionoml. il I i tes nnd M-V.III . ! of the dlnneis given ale said to have to't the hosts u pieltt ) pi mi } IMJAMONS nut \\isriit\ : \irin\NS. : * * iir * I * . eir of the * Helu-lllnii lti-io < * iti lie-red It * theliiiiiinI llov e-i-iiiiu-nt. WASIIIM1TOX , Julv Is-iSpitliH IVn- slniis gianted , I * -ut < of .lime 1 Nebfjskii Hilkliial Wllllun Hughes , Itiownvllle , Hnirlsfin Move ) , Omaha .1 i nh Win Itislim Cltv. \\llli im l > 1. PK tm in , Piemont , John P. f lluiluirt S nth umalia. Itene-w il and IneieiiMTe. . ige Spinet * , S'-huvlei lilt-roil tHiiorlnl ( June W Jnhli II Ciioovel , Collide \levv , John J Itruner , Oinnlm Oilglnal vlleiwetc ( p e lal June a Wllhelmllie Tdilli * Klk Oi'eh Ktlssno -nilzabeth Hall Au < li\ Iowa ( lilglnil \\llllini ! . Itiikei Wall I.nko , Otoiue Tliiiinei man Pond elu I.ic ; John W McCoid M.eJrogni , John H Kuo It Ackiev , William H ddnsoil llurdette : Lewis W Wells , les .Mollies Ineie.isc Hlth'rd O V ooi lie CM , I'lilunvtlle. Henry \oas , Mlnbtiin , James A Dunlgan IKs .Mollies , Jonathan P Cox I'lilon lie Issue .1 lines Aiiiau.l . , I'hailes Cltv Helssin * anil HieicM'-e 1 me Minltt , Veinnn llilglnal widows , etc .Mlnois of Kilns Cottle , DCS Mollies , S.ll ill W Coolev , Heel Oak South Hakota (1ili--liial widows , ete Maigiuot Wllniiitb. Pesmul , Helssue Marv Jane Costlovv , M.iellson Noith Dakota llilglnal Themar O'Neal , Mottliunu Oilglnal widowetc Mary J. Cionk. I.ikota. , Montani. Oilginal Henrv Warner , Hnr- li un , IMwaid P Stone , ' Ited Hltiff , Ifiiao N Rio in. Mutler Wvomlns Origin il Adelbert A Pen , Kiindance. Coloi itlo Oilgin il Janus Smith , Denver - ver , Charles Mli'iemlorf. I.eadvlllo Issue of June 2'1 ' Nehi.i ki Origin il Simliei t Poi-g , Omaha ; Dennis Condon. Soldleis1 Home , Sevvnnlj Jacob Itrown , Mel'ook Ail lltlnnal Jo'm 13. White. Alliance. James II I'belps , IMirar ; Mieliiel Miller , Hebron Increase DoWitt C lletse Soldleis1 and Sill.ns' . home. Hall ; Svlvc-Mei Will1" Itushvllle * , Nd hoi i * Jnquot , Mtrnn , Hllsha MiCalmaiit llarilslung He- Issue lia A Tlnkhnm. llreenwood Origi nal widow , etc M u v M irget Sander ) , Ni > bi.i"ka city ; Hannah Tiowlirldge , Nullgh ; Marv A I'atmei , lieatilct- low.i. Oili.iii.ilTht'i .lore J Perkins , Ownsa , Aliel Petrow Ida Grove. William Durgins , Cedar U iilds | , Wllllun Russell , Sh.imluunli. Will Ph.ill ) HeMnlnes Ad ditional decline W Welshv HUM Mcmtroso ; Pelix N Leslie Avora. Chi MopliPi Osborn , DtM.itur. Andievv J Cook Miirslinlltown. IiH-rt-a--e-John I Piiiv .Sinboi-i , IMmond I ) Join > s , Di-s Mollies , John Josi-ph llosten. Nil hols , Thomas P M iidls. Wlnterset ; I'liiliinder K P. iil , Iowa Pill' Helssue William Muinbv , S-vmoiii John W II iwc. Orient , J.uoli Itiiiiiiiei , Pnirinont ( lilglnal widow e to M.uv A Stewart Marksbuig ; Illinois of William J Ilii-h , Ottumwa S.iith Dikota t ) iluinnl-Anthony Sunimjr , Klk I'olnt Im u list- John Olson. Sioux Palls , tJeorge I' ltobln oii , Herpsford ; Geoigp I ) Hint , Dolanil North Dikota Increase M'cliael Pairell , Wllllt-ton. Ctdor.idn Origl'ialTboinas 1 ! Olbbs , Pp'rla , William Oilllln. I'embeitoii , Otto Horenfon Monteiti , llinry llendrup , Ci ntrnl rltv , Chilsllen Tiosttl , San HPI- na'do Ii nc a-e Alle II IJuvv ns. Del Nolle Is-ne of June ' , ( ) Nebraska Original Vincent Horaek , St. hlborv , David Si oft eMiCentei . Prilirls M Dawsoil. Htotkvllle , William II Spi-le , DIekenK , Aloiiro Wellman , York , Di In rah A I'.hykeil ( iilircMneoln ) , Jnhn K Stnle-y. ( linah.i. James H Won.-11 . Kdgir , IMuanl Hrodrlck ( Jlbbon Original vvldo-vs , etc Mlnois ofllliam T Sbt-c-tH Hebron anil ( iPlieva , St i"h i Yoiini ; Piiend , Marv K. Havens , 11 n > ln t m , ( Sn | e i il , Jul ) 2) ) mlnori of CJeoiB" Pliti-lui. I'MU Iowa OilKlnal Philip Hhoades , What Cheer. Nathin'cl M Hiibliinl C clai lt-i | > - ids , lli-niv CliintOaUluul , T ionium Jones , C.rcenllcld , Philip M'Tgi'li Comii II Illilfrs ; IMwnid I M.C. nilsk , Des Moinc-n , John lle-rlist , 1,111-hwoo I , I'liHton Porter < 5rien- lle-ld , ( " | iei lal , Julv t ) William II Piy , llPd- dlng original vvll.m . , etc- Minor of Wil liam T She-its , Monti ziima , Mir ) M Alison , MniHhalltnwii , Hailni i I'ook , Littleton ; mllluis of Holielt Mite In II Monti.ise. . Pr-el- eiiki Spobn , Milaline. . M ntare-t Hum It , DI-H MoineB. Siiali M Tn ki-r , Mirjs\llli > ; ( f.ri-in | | , liil\ t | KlUibetb Mott ( mulhi-r ) , DPS Molnes. n I'-sue lane * Wi Ish New Inn S mth Dakota. OilglmilJosei b H M 1 cr , Conile Moiitnna Ailditl.iiuil fi-ped.il , July ) James Klnney Hni TIIK' ' WoinhiK Ht-ipHuc I'hniles W Turin in , Viola ( Jilglnil widows , pe ( Hptlil. July 2j-rinin N. Hlnkr fmolhei ) , hHinmli Coloiado : OilglnalCriiH I ) Wmrrn , lilnhn Sjirlngc , Hlibaid Iluiniihri ) Dilli. Original vvldowB e-tc N'anry IIP , Coloiado Sliilngs ; i els-ue , Maiy A 1'aihu. Sllvr l"Hiie of June * " 0 Nobriska Addition il Chailes A lluch , Oim ItnifualKliumil Hitu-Pi , Hid Cl mil. Iiu nTi'ii * 'I 'oiniiH I ) llurton , e' inil.rl'ln- ; Albe-it Klnmar Hoini'i Id'HIJIIIStpphi < ii H Welch , Stiattoi ) . lic-iiirfH Wan Horn , ( Jreeley Iowa Addlllonal Mini r 1'nljrn , oplwiln ; James Hlgney. K.okuk , Junuthuii C Wi st- Kate , Cainnne-he. In.-ie isi--Loie-n M Coon , ( iraliam , ( ! eorin MayvM-al' ' i > r Mlltnn Junc tion ; Mllc.H A H IIIMIIII , Detll"in ; Ailguutlis AlldreWH , Keokuk ItelKcmIvniy S Llv- rlv , Wniii-llo , William I' Vimhnll , Maienio ; ; Hi'iiry Knolki' , OllmorH Cit ) Hil'smmil Im ICMMI'.itilc k IliiKlii-M , O'Mgi , Porter Kollktln , WlnterBt-t South Dakota Additional J < ew' Oonyo , No 2 , Jtitnona C dorado Addition il Stniud Van Meter , Di'iiveiSupple meiilnl-i : Imiiml I' ItiukT , .Man I ton Kprlni,1 * HI mun I J irnlunn t ! , Dunn Lonitmont Im le-uwe Thorn in Curry , Cllpjtle Cie i k , li-"ilie of Jul ) 1 Nebrai-ku Oilulnul - ThoimiH Collins , Omaha Addltinnal ( H | > | ! , July i Juliet W l'ilrliinkH , Malik.ili. . Itene-wiil ancl In- < rtat.eIlvion I' Xuv. r filcc'eiivtMl ) , Adam . Ite-lnaue-Simuel MiC.rd , , Klgln Iowa Original Mahlon N ( Jrable , Mar- Hhalltown , ClirUtlan lilnckert , Muoeiitlnn , IntruiMo Juhn J. Chanec. Ollumwa flrlgl- nil widow- etc ( i-iietlal , July 8)-Mari O. Itandall , Sidney. Dieix I , Hhooinan f-ayt. the ili-lliiltion of shnn stem * Is a tilcniIliat liaiullcs all Uliuls nf hhocH for nil Kinds of jicojilc .mil tint In * htays liy us bi-c-aiiM * Iio Knovv.s we 1111 tlie Mil -vvu waul to talk about a man's hboe * today it's our $ i..00 box too conttroM slioe * best value over heild tliiex * soles cvi-ry one all Ir.itbor ( iod for ban ] wear solid UH a lock Junt tinslioo for tbu rallro.id iiiiin motormaii and iiii-c'baiile we don't i-.uc vvbctu you K < i , you can't i't JIH wood a sbou for double * tin * inoni-y wo aslc $ U.OO , Drexel Shoe Co. , FAKNAM STKJ'JJJ' . Send for Illustrati'd catalogue , frea.