Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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mr OMAHA n.uir.rrr MONDAY. JTLY in.
Mivnii . „ , . - , . . „ , , .
Own " Klrin. US R-w * *
i tnm-pfl in i4fi Mt > m m bit.
. . nf Wcntelrtr I * PirltliiR Iht
f. " ' ' > Mb in ( IT nf Avonii * ft ,
t , "nrrt military tmnfl nf Om h
11 ii' n. fiwkto ( WNI't. vprsen'.iijr
\ , , i -i Viiiir nt stmiirt in ti * IMWH
* i i , iiv flayn win , Ciunii f n u < t
f. j
V v iLir nfcfl MR-if l , nnav.1 Infl
1. i i lot & Vif , : with frirtirf * ID
. . : ! ! .vileiMM .1-- 0pnw OtlP
i. . i IT Tleutt : : . i.vGitham nvrtitin.
11 i -iv i r d
.1.- "ilntlvw bfrc. It ft yrtnrfl J
Jut Mo
ini > nf Camttift. la. . in U > e
! , ' ! : ihtfrii.wl of Offimr J. T ,
i l.i' lirothnr-ln-Uw.
-\nu , I'nhn left ymtrrflnj1 for At *
. ' n t'ifn nl vl u with relative *
> b > -i and In Lnvrland.
Mrpinlry Ritrkr and unn Tom
IIM in .irffnrto utartrO ( not prpnltiR
. v-rck * outlive it Spirit kakn.
MID Mrs o S. Martin ana their
Mrt , M a. I'M. and lift twn tmna
r im tf > vinrou county , Ohio , on n
> < v Mir * nf Sioux City In In tlie
ii i i iff i lull lo bnr mother. Mrs. M.
L \Yimhlngton tivcn un , ntid other
M : ! ' Hrlrti and Elht'1
' > n ( rnunty TUv-nrflfir Vf. M. Slinn-
.iM pi.mto Lagan on a wpnk'.i vtelt
i t u Harvey.
1 1 * Miipir' : ' You art qullr rl hl In
ti'iniiiir MIIII lirt ! wauts tn ttir Uncle
i.M.n i-i i , i > ini arp mil * to grt nice work.
' ) In I.I-M-I- ii. TIM Pronflway. "
Tin" v us u Innjp tmrmlnnro at all of'
tin. | i.iiiMin . riHnrta at Maiinwn yesterday.
Tin iniiii itmlih lie vlRitpd UIP Grand L' ,
Tin. , wen tn-n ifd to a romplptp now pro-
I . > ! . of i-xi-illi'tit in ii MI. and npwlaltli : .
Tin i 1 1 1 int. | iroprnm UCB tuncf tbt- beat
it. i. i. ii- I- i u R vcn thtii fi-nwon. It will HP
n < | M'jii"l i\rr > niplit this WPP ! ; .
iniiii irnni r.olumbuB. N b. . ramp Into
tin piii. IT t-tntion lost vvrninc und rrportod [
ihn In linn linfn rolihfrt of n pan.'ldprahlp
i M : of tui'i < " nncl hod followpd tbp turn |
v h ralilicd limi to tbr Rod ; Inland railway
. - ' , Mi Rf In ton hlK a hurry to Irovr
i if tinniiot tfll bis story. Olllper Claur
MJI > ( ! -i.ili'.l KI arcumpany him and hunt for
C I ! Vlavl Co. . fomnip rrtnortT ;
free nfiifp Iii.urs. 8 to 12 and 2 to 5. Hnalth
tiniii 'iiniis-lirrt nur.-S27-2R Mrrrlam block.
N Y PlumtiUiR pompany. Tel. EHO
nr.i , Minis AN AIU.IS
Mlillimil C'ollfirf I'rofi-i-mr l'rriielir
" nt M. Jolm' * Cluirt'h.
T ? -v . ' H Slouch. . Ph. n. , or Midland col-
Ic-pi Atchih.m Kan . flellverofl n very able
n iiidti nt StJohn's EnellBh Lutheran i
ttiiinh Ins : cvc-nlnR. lite trxt va. ? taUr'n ,
ft , in 1 Tlinotliv. I. 12 : "J know wham !
] him IK I lived nnd urn prrsuadpo1 that lie is
RliIin Kri'p thnl whirl ] 1 have commiUrfl
uii ' Hni , nirnitiRt that day. "
Wi in rnti 1 trust In UIP Bpt-rpt qjicstlou
ofli I ii-iinti brart. and ypt nil hunlnpm
ji : .iic-cd. tn u pnrtaln pxtpnt. throufih
oil ' | ii-np > 's. hands than nur own ; or wp
tr- : : : In-ill with our BdalrB. Thp grpat quail-
In nn us tint mu'Kp n mun worthy of truft
un 1 i impotent for IHIBIICKR IF ronsripnrp and '
nipui , : \ T'uul. thp Kppakpr of the words of
tli" 't\ l.tipw whom IIP rould trurt from
lui.wn pct'Konnl cxpprl'"ncp. His own heart
liu.l Mi C'lirlst' lic-alinK influrnrr and for-
pi > IH--B HP hod the assuranpc that Christ
wiif I I" fni-nd You and I mav harr that
camr nssnrancf Thp Christian faith Is not
cupfBt'tlniiB ' nr uimrlpntlfle. Tou may nKk
a riiriK-iuti lo rxplaln how he known IIP is
a Christian nnd hp rould not Elvp what an
imsnvpd man would call a reasonable nu-
F\vrr You could as I'nslly rxphiin to thp
blind the li-uuty of color , nr thp deal thp
hi.nmitn of pound an thp Christian could
ti-11 linw hi- knows that hlft sins arp for-
piven ThtniKnved are unatilp tn rompre-
lii : id i In nirunliiR of his words , hrcauhp he
) IBF tin perminal kiinwludpc of such fet-llnq.
Gnl : Hlmsplf known throuch uplrlt.
Thr ( .inner lucke ahlllty to sop gndly tilings ,
and of : In HP the world knows nothing ; , nor
pan Know unvthiiiB
TliMiupli faith wp know that .lunns Is
< lh Ini His life and dpedt ; arc thp outward
proof nf IIijs divinity. The present moralist
on earth knows nothinp : of tlie hlch morality
of Ph'-iKi's life The Christian brllpvcs in
Hih rtiMiiity liecausf he feels thp Christ
ttpirit in his own heart. TSie second proof
of the divine power of Christ is his ability
to forRlvt wn. The Clirlc.tliui IU'OWB as well
when the weight of sin has been lifted from
Ins heart as the lahoror knows wlir.n a
v icht hui- been lifted from his shoulders
" \Vp niiiv know that wp hnvp nternal life.
The-e are tunny thlnpr. that nrp known in
M-icnee ihrotiftb faith In ept-taln powers , and
the Christian has a like experience , but n
r.troiie-r aAsuraiicc throuch his own personal
' \ii-rienee ; TbrnuRb faith in God thp Chris
tian n-celveo his creates ! joy and power.
. .TupVH&ht clear none better. Try it
Georpr K Davis , aront. 2(10 ( Broadwaj- .
Tirth iinnual discount ralp. : n per cent to
nil cash customers. Iiurfof PurniturH Co. .
20S and " 0 Il'way
rII.HT 1MIII ll.l.UCAl ,
S | > i'cliil Drinitiro Arro-t S < - irnl
* | < -III iirlnlil i'4-iit nri-r * .
Ftate Fl l. CommisFlqnrr Delnvun Imf
dpmKtiutpd thipp men tn this vicinity to act
nc npiela ! ileiiutif * for tlie I'liforct-mi-ut of
the lnwn i : b protpctlvp lnw . For the
] i- < a ! Unfit it 1 considered to bp
jmlicx to l.ecp tht > Identity of the Ki
iilln.rt eniM-iulfd ns far no iiusuiblo. All
iif Uir rcct'lit pdortfi to enforce the laws
thnl huve been HO iiatlrfuptory und pro-
duei \ ( . of r t-ultB Imvp IKHIII due to tbPlr
niii : ! , One man it. en ollk-or lioldlnp n
jic -liiuii to which Inwan t-loctfd by tin-
jii-iij h ItKt full , unnthtir i a well known
) ii.iri ! man vhn bus hnd miine i'erienre ;
v'Ui lubiii'Helf. . and the third Ut a man
< ] intf well kiKiwn uhnut town , und now 0111-
\ ' - ut Mai-uwa
lu ( linu-tion of tliet-e men u wtmltr.nle raid
vuiiiude ( iti the illecul llblicnucn H IlMit-y
C'n-el , lul > c M-sterdu > and ubout n
rjiptuifJ Tiny v ere liEhiliR with trotllueu
iinil ttiii'w liutfr und untne of thi'tn were uxlni ;
ipitik Two < if thorn wore Omaha men who
| : UM UK nuiiut of IttiKiell and Klu-g Two
ii'bin inM' the nuinth of t.n'linun ( and
3'eiirsiin und I'nderwoud ' as ttit-ir home.
IIJMI J"nii-yth u well knuwti proftfKiona )
Jlf hi "null of Hutiev C'reel ; . nut , iilbo caucbt
Tutifiiiuuidcr were Couneil Ulufi * meii ntid
\\er > J S WulKur , Wilbur Jobnvun. Ham
Pun h liiliornt Ilurrle , Arthur Cherrew
iiti.l f'1 Mwifc
AH MI : iui , ncreed to lejiorl nt the ulIU-p
of .luni-t Vlen today , and Uu > y wert per-
jin.-iii ic ( in mi their own reiojulwiui'i'K. :
Tin : > ' v. I-M Lucknmu and 1't-ternuti. Tiiey
< ! l.Ti'iirh' to thic elty and taken btlore
J.'h'm ' Vli-n They were able after u jjiwd
diui d ! ( iittipulty to tH u e bunds fur tbi'lr
iiii | < ii'unee loduy und wwe jit-nuitted to fo
111 UK
Tl er'u-t liar Kime forth that for thp ' '
jir. M i i ut leant Illegal fihhliig in the luli
nr uMt C'ouncll Illuftti munt reat'O The
jiiuu' ' it * for the violation of the lnw ure
< \ < - > t M'v.iiThe minimum due in T"fi und
t-iiMt , uiid the itieiimiiii'iidutioiiB uf the mute
iMli riMiiinwthMiners are to inflict tlie mail-
jnuii ) in-null ) for the Miuond uCem.e , vhit-b
It fiuu und
A" tliiproity Rtrls patrtuilte O. Lwwrr ,
jr SiuiUi Muiu fitrwt He vurriet. u full
line uf cuuiilih. i-U ; rs und xuuutittr drlul.t
) - lit Omuliii.
/mliew A. IIBV.H uind 4V jtiiufc 1 suatith
I'.nd l'K ( lu > h died in I c'l-luck yntttirduy
lift , riuicr .he renclfiiw uf ht fcuv Gourde
F I aMt. No KJlf. Suliler t.ret Ouiuhu
u'li r uu llinotd of tun uioutbk uf cttuour uf i
the liver Tlitdttcpumid
itcvu * a widi > w )
Hid Hint duldrtiu Mre H A Thornbeir '
of Sk"sour'ul > ey Hint IV J' Tln ru - of [
tlili u v i.ut1 ( Jmirpr F lta\a ul Uluulit. '
Tue ri-uainit , will l > f 'tuk.wi ti > Ciueniou la j
Jpr I ; , ui wlinre thu Jutierul will lie lield '
Oil Tl" .u j' filiurt it-rvnt will i > e itrld
* t "lie boun , Ko. tUt fitUuUovL j |
i I v. a. '
! I tJannrupnleas Sharper ( to * in Hit We'ik
Itflftnd toe Bapnts ,
i Slitls rntiBij rnnglii 1 > ? onr t
tlir OlflrM r-olilhli'iir-i' Tiniiit-i-
If ) tl > p VMitilll.l t.
I William t rcm > nri nml Tilt rrmbpr Charlm ,
' from Mllln rnjinty , r mr into tnwn yratrrI
j day to look around a 1HHP and pet ttrttrt
' acquainted with thr world. Thry havr been
working MI k term wvrral inflcs from thp
I rity at S20 a month ana bnnrd. Tbt-y WPI-P
; ' Riwfl. tionnirbnr and have not had miffi-
, rtptit f xprriencp to raiwc thpw to floiiht that
1 ell mhrr Mm nrp not equally bnniwi. At
, tinoti ihpy found ihnmwlw * In the vicinity
of ( he nnck Inland city paimciiRrr utatlon.
j Therp ] they mpt a Mini * who waa anxious '
I , to hi- * men to clear rars. HP jilc.ltpd out ;
1 TVllllatn and Charlw from thp multitude of f
I lounger * an tbp turn who probably IJTIPW
i more about clemIns : cars than anybody Plsr
i In thp profession. Thry proteptpd th l thpy
1 did not know ftnj thing about car cleaning
I but nvrrrpd with nomr nbnti of prldp that ;
! thpy could ICPPP forty acres nf corn aplccp
i In peed , clean condition The nock Inland I
, m Rnnte cmfl nnttiredly told them that hp
j I linen- just what thr > could do in the car
' cleaning llnr. and wanted to put then both i
to work nt oners. Th j conpentniJ to abnti-
' don the farm and go to railroading nt J4n
a month. "William had fP. and the railroad I
, man congratulated htm upon life coed tor-
' tune In having It , for he would br rpquirod I
, to put up just that amount in advance to
j | hnv ibr hnndDomr cap and uniform that all
] ] carnleaners nrr obliged to wear. Charles
( Ha not havp that amount or any amount.
nnd hp wan roldlj Informed thnt IIP pould
not po to work until IIP could ralsp it. .Tbp
i kind-hearted railroad man saw thnt Charles'
i heart was nchlng , nnd bp quickly devised
I ' n scheme that would help the poor boy out
' of lilf trouble. Hr told him to en nnd bunt
up n man that the rnilrnnd mnn hnd cn-
cjged Saturday afternoon , and tpll him bp
nee.d not report for work , nnd while huntIng -
Ing for this mnn Charles might hunt up
something thnt hnd an pqulvalent In It of
SO ihnt could he used to brine , forth thr cap
and uniform nnd the cnr cleanInc Job on the
following day. Charles disappeared with
alacrity , and the railroad man relieved \ Vil3
Ham of bis $ ! > and sent him down to the
transfer to plcnn cars , while be went up
town and purphnned the bright blue tinl-
form with burnished buttons nnd the cnp
that has gold lace and a conspicuous , badge
| on it.
Althouch sent in opposite directions
| Charles and William pot together Hgaln dur-
i Ing the afternoon , and enme one directed
] them to the police station
The Individual who worked the bewhiBk-
rred confidence pame on thp country boys
manures to find n victim around the city
depots about every time he trlra. He lives
in Omulm. and Is wpll known to the police
bj- repeated descriptions. i
riiiu ] > ! iili > - of Cinnpcrs.
"Complaint " was made at the police station
yrstt-riloy thnt a cane of campers located
near thp wmt pnd of the East Omaha bridge
wprp guilty of misconduct that made It de
cidedly unpleasant for women to pnos in
their vicinity. They have been located
therp for several wppks apparently doltic
nothing.Vompn who hnvp had occasion to
drive along the utreet near them have been
crossly Insulted by word and actions. YCH-
tt-rday a couple of the brutes chased a 10-
yoar-old cirl. and she ran to the railway
bridge to seek thp protection of tlie watch
The police promised to Investigate the
outfit , and if it wae found that they were
camping on Iowa terrltrry to give them
some prompt and heroic attentions.
The board of cummitKioners for the insane
met yesterday to make an examination of
the nit-utnl condition of AV. T. Seaman , Jr.
The young mnn w-ns taken Into custody at
the requect of his father. W. T. Si-uinan o'
Omaha , who hat been living with his family
lu this city for nome time. Young Seaman
has t'hown signs of mental troubles 'or noaie
time. The eomtuUEloners fc.und that he was
of unsound mind and made an order trans
ferring him to the Clnriuda bcBpltal for
Itoek If-lnnil AkUn tli < - Courts to Dl < l < -
n . * ! outi-il J'olni.
OTTUAIWA. la. , July 18. ( Special. ) A
mooted point in reference to street paving
taxes , which has titver been fully passed
upon by Iowa courts and which It of great
interest to all cities in the state , in on the
road to settlement in the court here. The
railroads have always claimed that the Iowa
law docs not allow the collection of taxefi
1 for street Improvements along railroad rights
of way. The Hock Islund company owns the
right of way and runs Its tracks for several
miles parallel with Main street in tliis city ,
consequently when the council ordered this
stri ut paved and tt was completed thousands
of dollars of paving tax were assessed ngatnEt
Uit > Rock Island camjiany as an abutting
property owner The Hock Island company
decided to settle the mooted question once
fur all. They secured n temporary iujunc'-
tinn to restrain the city from coll.ctiug tnc
tax. The nttorueyB of the Jlock Island ,
headed by General Solicitor Wright o ! Chl-
cneo. were in the city yesterday , nnd with
thr city snlicitoj drew up uu agreed state
ment of facts to prison ! to the diwrlct court.
One nf the claims of the railroad company
is fouudud on a jittrnllur r.tatc of existing
circumstances. The street railway runs along
Metn street on the Hack Island side of Uu-
! street. The Hurl ; Island claims that if it
pays its ass fsincnt that the street railway
company's share ill bi Included , ns the
Rot K Island's half of Hit- street extends way
over the Ktrein railway trucks They bay it
IB manifestly unjust for them to pay the
street railway's las merely because thr city
council granted them the right to lay their
truck on tbr side uf the street instead of the
middle of the street , where it belongk.
limit IlcniliMi-iiii | . < ) | ii < ike HitC < n-
rrinirV lleiiiinilun 1 Ion.
OTTtMWA. la. , July Ik ( Special Tele
grams There win be no longer any doubt
that there IE a strong effort being made by
prominent republicans In the state to dc-
fiut tlie rcmuulNtuiini ut Governor UruUe at
Cudur ItupidB next month. It 10 i-xjiected
tlmt the noutity t-onventloiiE In this portion
of the s-.att' will LeclRrtnpalust htm and
work ie being dune to get the
for Senator Fuul : uf Siurlt Lake
or Lli'Ul 'tiaut Governor 1'arrott of Water
lee Opponents of Drake claim thai his d -
ft-at iti the oouvetitlini it usEur d The con ,
nection liKHMH'H tlir uarLers iicmust him in
this vieiuity and ( lie It-udern tif the party
" '
a loiliT thitotik uucliuitig u
! > A1 > JTA.N MiM > A 1.1. IT FAYS.
Ul-C uiikiil t.lllllirlilur Vfiitls \Vurii- -
Ini : lt > lnlil < -iii , > tt-IV liilc } .
} ' . LlUiUrHpr wliv WGF uuufcul wueral from
HUM all to Juimii during LU rt-lcn ul Kiug
Kulul.uuu. bus wntttii a Uurr to Scuutor
In which br otiyr-
KB ) ' lu butb McKiuhy and Ebiir- |
lutu ttiiit 1 Know \vbfrttil I speak v btiti 1 |
ti-ll you tlif dislpuf of Jtipaii uu Huwuli ure
< > x.auUy us mttiuttod in the t < dHuriul > of "eu
JKIHU Htiruld nutwuUsliuidme nil tUe df-
uibU tbut Yuibl Turu Butul CMU lueV-f
' Kn'r ' titii * Juiuu | L-ai'iurMl ' the L.U Kiu
ibluudt in JK7& ibr I't-f uf ciouqui-ct but * been
liuzcine ui her hrudci-ur Her mure rt-rpnt
iiuriMu In Korea uid rkluu and her ur-
sul&LUuB ot FortneM , u * Ui u llxe tubuii-
Htr ! urt 'Ipri.fted * i n\ , ii- \ i utiub our
port mmi t , ' n' jn ! i * ! inl- | -i- p- . : , : i
thrm mill -r < Spuli , ' : i-ni ti n'.l thf inrin
' ncnurnitmif nt tiprrmiart tn
J p r > lflp that Ha ii ill bt > in .
rnnqnMit than any that ti rp RJW Itpfwr , If
nbr mow * quick ! } . "
nvisu rtvit runt > \Mi A IU\ .
Ilia Vtl - * Jlfil > P Kfl-iitfi
ui , , ! ! , , , , r Hni ii.
KASHVUO.R. JnJy n niirinir ibr p t
wpf-V thp aitrnAtfcr at thp rxpnuitlon w * up
to rt > i > rJatlnn4' offclal fiinirr * for the wpi k ,
not tnrlnflinK Sutnr.laT. . hr > mtbr attind-
ktipp In litvp born ZX.4t > T Saturday's ftt-
t end in orAbout s onO , m kinR thr total
for Ih * wi ck fully Sfi.nnn But for * rver l
rain storm * it night tnr attcndnc
would bivr Pkci-pdrd thesp flgurrs.
Thl * vpr * l rxpfptpd tn b 8 wry
otif and m-itb a largp atipndance N parly
pviry day has one nr mart- special f pat ure *
' J thai will bring vinltor.i trotn fi distance.
I The military friuirra nf thp wppti w-lll be
I particularly , attractive. Tonight the Second
l battalion | Infantry mate guard * . ron t .InR
j of live companies ttndcr the command of
i j Major J. p. Flfp , arrived trom ChattanonR *
and wrtit into pamp for a week. Tbp comd
, J nany of tbr First Pnuth Carolina Infantry.
! Captain , A. J. Crawford , will also go Into
j ( camp for n wwk.
j ! Turaday will probably lip the most 1m-
pot'tin 1 ; day of the week. Tt Is Daptlut day
1 and In addition to thp Immense attendance
1 rxpectpd ] from all parts of tbr state , tberp
| ; , will bp 2 nnn of the delegate * who altpndod
' the | rtaptlKt ronvfntlon in Chananonca last
' welt. Also on Tiu-sday thp llfp Insurance
, ngenin i of the statp , who will meet In this
city J to form an association , will attend thr
1 txpnaltlnn.
On Wednesday thp WPS ) Virginia Prr , s
nsvidation ( committpr and thp State TeacA-
era' i asxociatlon will also nttpnd. In addlg
| tlon i the national spnntp of the National i
i tTnlnn 1 Fratprnal association with thr
tlonal t officers will visit tbp exposition on
Wednesday , and tbp Statr Drupgism' nsso-
elation i will help to cwcll the throng. The
Woodmpn of the World will flpdlcate thrlr
| I ' building ; Wednesday night find promise n
' large : nttrndnnce of memliprs of thr order
j i The latter days of UIP week will bp made as
[ i nttrjptlvp j Bf > the earlier pnrt of the week.
I Thp Ororgln Tress nssnrlntlon returned
home last night. An Jrish-Ampricnn Ccn-
tennlnl association has been formed nnd will
pn-pnrp for thr celebration of Irish-Ameri
can day.
MIT I'.VVOHAItl.i : TO lintiTAl.l.l 'TS. ,
> Ut ltnniil MM' No
Mlver * rtilEinciit in
XEW YORK , July IS Pprrr nplmnnt ,
who rpfurnpd from Buropp on Saturday , in
a carefully prpparpd intpn-iew which he
I gave out for publication today had this to |
F y on the roonpy question :
"In regard to the present attitude of
Europe 3 toward international bimetallism
therp I nrp ndvocntifc of it in France. England
nnd i Germany , as , were n year ago ,
but l the advocacy has not increased in vol
ume i nor Intensity. Neither France uor
Germany i will unite with us in placing gold
and , sllver on n parity unliss Cnglatid lends
the way. The continued Increase in gold
production , the surplus last year nnd this
year of British incomes over expenditures , .
i the continued supremacy of England In
commerce nnd cf London asnn international
money market have the effect of persuading
Parliament thnt the present eoinnge , cur
rency nnd financial system U good , even
though there It * distress in India. Reduction
of taxation with an enlargement of its basis
there may he granted If peace contlnuts.
but probably not a modification of coinage
or currency laws no Icng as existing British
! iudi-strial prosperity endures.
"The McKmley administration is actively
endeavoring , us the republican platform of
1S'C ! ' requires , to promote the free coinage
of silver by international agreement. Its
ambassadors and special commissioners are
working in concert under the law enacted
by the last congrcca , which Cleveland ap
proved. The question of the ratio to be
adopted is kept in abeyance. There is cverj
prospect of an international conference to
be held within n fchort time nnd probably
to assemble in Paris.
"European lilmetalliFts believe that if , in
the failure of international bimetallism , we
shall open our mints to tillvcr on the ratio
of 1C to 1 and subsequently Europe opens
hers on the ratio of I&VT to 1. then nil our
gold will leave , ab it did after 1S34 , tud only
tokyn tilver coins would remain. '
IIKAT AXIJ lion Tinin ATTonxuv.
lrl * onrs AVIn Tlu-lr Cn .f utiil Inline- '
AnollK-r Crime.
dlnli'l ? Coiunill
NEW YORK , July IS. Leon Graves and
John P. Ryan are in prison In this city
held In default of $5.000 , for trial for at-
nault and robbery of Robert S. Clark , n
Brooklyn lawyer , committed Friday night.
Graves , who is 21 years old , Is said to be
long to a peed family in T'tah. He wns re
cently charged , in conection with Barton of
Ogdcn. with stealing Jf > .2W > from the Utah
Loan and Trust Company. Graves und Bar
ton were arrested in this city , but suc
cessfully resisted extradition , because of n
technicality raised by their attorney , Rob
ert S. Clark. After their release Clark war
retained to bring null in their behalf for
damages for false imprisonment. Graves ,
it IB said , sought to induce Clark to rr1 to
his room on Eighteenth street in this city ,
but Clark was wary. On the pretense thnt
Graves landlady had a piano for sale that
would be u bargain for Clark the latter
weut to the bouse. There he wns assaulted
by Graves und Ryun , who felled him to tin
floor , rendering him. ns they supposed , un
conscious. Then they took his diamond pin
his gold watch and chain , his diamond stud ,
n4fi lu money und hit notebook. After this
they bought to pour acid into his mouth ,
hut he swallowed none of It. Suddenly hi
sprang to the window crying "police. " Help
came ut once , and Graves nnd Ryun werr
nrrrcted. All the stolen property was ie-
covered. On the prisoners were found c
Balder bar two feet long and two loaded
revolvers. Clark was uble to appear against
the men when they were arraigned in police
Addl WOMA > > > \VIMII.KI ( AT 1VOKK.
Illlfii I'ecUViinliil for Wboli-siilc
Citnllilt-iit-f ( autrfc.
NEW YORK , July IS. After eluding th
notice of the Metiojiolltau jmlice tar more
than six year * , . Ellen J't-c-k the confident
womaiu now nearly 70 years of ace , itwantri'
ecaln. 'Her vlctlmk this time art- several
residents of Brooklyn , whom she is ohargec1
with swindling out of sums aggivguiiug J1D.
oK ( ) . Mor t ppeciflcnlly , she it wanted foi
defrauding thr late Ii ) ChriEtopher Lott ul
flO.lHKi , uu amount winch itprt-tented uearl >
all of ills savlupE. and the lose of which It
believed by bin Irit-iide to hare contributed
iarctily to bis diath , which nccurrt-d on
May 10
Fur this Ellen Peck , uudrr the name o'
Mary Uaiit-t > ii. hut been Indicted for ft-lunj
by the grund Jury of Kings county. Her al
leged daughter and sou-tu-Jaw , William
Simpson , have In the same connection been
indicted for complicity , arretted und re
leafed en bund. Mrs. I't-tk tiat not been
Severe TimiKli-rMorm til I'lllxlmrir.
I'jTTSm'Ua , July U-A beavy thunder
und lightning fcturin ftrur tai i-ity at ub. > ut
G u'flcick thix t-xt-niiiK , und witbln un IK ur
u rulnfall vf " bud liwn jireclpitnted
The liRbtnlni ; wite unusually HIHTJI BIK !
uiude Htrike' within the elty. doing con * " ' "
erulile dBinngc. liut no lives were ! . .
Among tbr buildups struck Mere tbr
Tiitrty-swuna wwrd scliool JIUUK - und tbr
tiriet'ii-rtory ixiik bulldlnr. on the corner
i > f l uurtti uvrnue and BinithtlelJ rtreet. A
lai'Kf plet-t of the lornlc * WRF tnrown to the
rtrtifi und r.nm hr4 into u tbuumud jilecei- .
but un HctHiunt uf the heavy ruin the crowd
uf IHH'jile uwuully p uwiug thnt loint
under Uitttr ; uitd no one wan hurt.
Srroixl I.lriilfiiHiil t iidrr Arrrnl.
8T I'Al'L. Minn. . July Ik Swond Liru
K-tiuiit Williain H. Morfurd Third infantry
r B A . i * in ckiw urrt'Kt ut Camp
r-tnw. ntar Luke < 'lty. Minn. , where
TJ'trd infkUtry ir iqjndiu # n > sumjunr 111
, ui ) u rliurKf uf lauiJuet
lui ; uu tiud u KtilKlt-uuiii Tiif
ml iou ttr n > ytK uuliuuwu. Uut ILT *
to Uin ouuut-ctiuu witb uiuury
Murfurd eull it < 4 Uf v } > rlvnti ( i u iti Ikkli iliit-
ma iliityetiri - kulri M--
i wr * d kji * . c' < u.uuM.t.iu UK M cud lieutrXULUt
btniK Ukmri 'J u , Uif Tl.ira .r.futirv JJrt
Murfj'-a i u.n'.t jiromiLtit i. . ! ) > ir Hie
ttfcTr.f tH-muty lur Hit p f u t
It ti'.rrr.tttjj.
Or ia Antii > CtteV District is
LEAD , 8. n. . July IS fSpoclal.V-Thf dl -
povtry of rich uranium ore ta thp Anntp
Cr. * * dintnrt by Von naviw l f brn mpnr
; tinned In tbpSf dtspatcbri before. Mr. Von
f was lone of tp opinion that hi *
: o wan at tnifilclpnt value to make him In-
i a rich and his fondest hopes have
been realtn-d. Hcrmsn fteinbold , an mit
i Dent Omaha chemist , has Associated himself
I with Von Davlrr and satiaflpd that tbp
| deposit of uranium on the Utters propt
I , orty in Annie Creek Is of splendid value ,
; Thf work or dpveloplnR thp property will
begin at oner under the direction nf Mr.
Von Iiavipr. Mr. nrlnboid rxprpts to Ipavp
Immediatply for New York , wberp he will
close n pontract with thp representative nf
an Knpllsh syndicate to tarnish J2fi.00t >
| worth of uranium each year There ia much
I [ ore on this proprrty that will ylrld Jlf 0
worth nt uranium to thp ton.
I It is authorltnilvply stated that the Enc-
llsb syndicate which ban bprn nt collating tor
thi- ; purchase of the Kiysionc minp . In Key-
stom. has Instructed Its agent. Colonel Cecil
Morgan , to Immediately rlosr thp dpal. as
thp bonds havp been approved and accepted.
The work of Increasing the capacity of the
twtnty-stamp mill to 10J stamps will soon
be completed , ll Is also understood that
this company Is endeavoring , to secure the
celpbrntpd Holy Terror mine t Keystone.
A bond has bern secured on thi * minp for
tbp ptriod of sixty days. The Rnglish syn
dicate is nlso negotInline for the Keystone
Townsltp company's property , which con-
nlsts of twenty-nlnu ncrcs of mining ground
ndji Inlng tbp Holy Terror. Appearances arp
thnt thli company Is most favorably tm-
prt-ssed with the mining property in the
Keystone rpglon nnd the transactions which
thry have already made have given a grpat
Impetus I to rninteg matters in the southern
The Bear Lake region. In the Black Hills
of Wyoming , in which orp wns recently dl- >
covered , Is showing up splendidly. T. L.
McKlnnon was in from there a short time
ago and brings very favorable reports of
that region. He says tbp formation is
heavy and solid , simllnr to thp formations
In which large and rich bodies , of ore are
found. The Bear Lake country if all
staked oft , but many have located large
numbers ot claims , upon which they arc not
pursuing any dpvplopmcnt work. The fact
that thp ground Is located , howrver. makes
it impossible for others to work the prop
rrty. as. the prospectors do not relish the
idea of becoming Involved In n lawsuit with
tbe present owners of the ground. Trpd Wil
liams nnd Dan Van Meter art- working their
property , which i situated dlrpcily nrar
Pear Luke and have sunk n shaft twpnty
feet , and also run n tunnel , In which they
encountered a favorable vein of siliceous ore
running on an average of ? 1I per ton. rinnt
has been discovered on property about half
a mile from tbp lake which runs between
$100 and $200 per ton.
Thp owners of the Little Blue mine on
Yellow creek are continually shipping ore
to the D. K D. wmclter at Ppndwood.
Within the pnst month thry iiove shipped
ever f 11.000 worth of ore. The ore which is
being shipped has an average- value of TOO
pold per ton. Drifts are being extended eat
and west in the Little Blue. In the cost
drift a chute of ore is being followed , which
IB eight feet wide and six feet high and of
high grade. The Little Blue mine Is one
of the beet parlug propositions in the Black
There is great activity now In mining op
erations in the Garden City or Blacktall district
trict- All of the properties arc being ex
tensively worked and good ore is being ship
ped from all of them. The third shaft on
the Harrison pround , owned by Rebsamen
Burns & Little , has just been finnhed and
a promiEitir orp chute was discovered at a
depth of forty-five feet. The entlrp bottom
tom of the Hliaft Is in this ore and drifts
run several feet from the shaft do not en
counter i the Umltfc of the chute. This ore
has an average of J30 per ton. Any quan
tity of good ore has been exposed on the
Harrison ground , but not much f-hipplng is
going on at prisent ns the owners , are de
voting all their time to development work.
Michael McNeil and John Coleman , who
recently leaf-ed the Flora E , No. 1. at
Ragged Top , from Kilpatrick & Dacy. have
encountered a vein of ore nt n depth of
twelve feet from the surface , which assays
from JSO to J1SO per ton. The vein if. a
vertical one. as have been all the others
discovered in the vicinity of the Flora
croup of claims. The lessee * have a large
force of men at worlnnd are taking out
considerable ore from this property. It IB
a most promising discovery.
SARATOGA. Wyo. . July IK. ( Special. )
The Golden Eagle mine in the Grand En
campment district peems bound to keep up
Its reputation ns n good one In the way
of a producer of the yellow metal.
Though its already width anfl shoving o !
wealth WUB sufficient to secure to it the rep
utation of beinp the probable leader in the
production of pold in the mineral west
it showed up today in a width of vein four
feet , surpassing in richness thp most
wonderful specimens of free gold bearing
quartz ever witnessed In the most famous
camp in the Rocklefi. Every man in camp
IB delighted at the owners' luck. ShipmTbtt
from the property will begin at once.
ooon .MOMV von THI :
South DliUoln Volunteer * Tlecelip Ji
Mff llll of
PIDRRE , S. D. , July IS. ( Special. ) The
Insurance commU-Bionei has apportioned the
; per cent tax on premiums of insurance
companies to the various lire companies of
the state. The total amount sent out is
$3.hSS.SG. Tliie is distributed In the fol
lowing towns :
Abtrdt-i-n . KJ9 Mitchell . | t
Armour . 4k 1'ori.Ktua . t-1
Ilritton . 3f > J'lrrre . 103
llrtHiKlnk'B . Tli JUaild City . 1
Canton . lieOfletd . M .
t'lcur lAkt . S3 Scotland . . U I
l > eadirucid . C , " Sioux felli . "K
Kuma : . U H | arflsl . . . . TJ
Glktun . 17 Pnfltacfleja . fl
. 6J KturcU . W
Hot EjirUip * . W TyniSivll .
Howard . K Valli * Sprtncs . C
Hurun . US VeisniUon
. I *
1-mni.ix . i V.-Up . 13
Lend City . M : WutFrtdttn . JT
Madibun . 1UVliitfWfH ) . it ,
Mellrttif . " WOMikoti-et . 3
Mlllfr . n Yiuahtuu . ni
Tbe are the amounts in even dollaje ,
mrat of then , being a few .cents off one way
or ths other. The towns of' Chamberlain.
Alexandria and Webster fulled to tile the
requited reports in the comjniM'-ionrr'p ofllce
ai-d ure left out on the ipt > unionment.
A ii-qiiUiiuin wne iHUjiil l y the governor
B few d j > ago. on request of the lows
officials , for L. Ii. Nicaol : ttargeJ with
grand larceny in Lyund uuusty. Iowa , the
Ureeny convicting In the UieJt uf a bicycle
Th'e i the first record ofa tequiuuuu from
this state for bicycle tteJiKop !
Land Comwi ! ioner LAcktiurt has foot to
Deadwood. where he will' on the ° 6tb of
this tmmth offer fcr mle the projterty takin
by the mate In the Taylor bettit-mein. He
couUdeit , the property all good , and tbmkc
that it will tell fur more thsu tlit
valuktiun. Deputy Smith of Jhe
s oner'i olllcf U workinsJn the Hurou Und
dutrit-t. Jiickine up Jatifls for the ttat . IB
which the general land ottice bai cancele4
eiitrlet. and Itft the l d open for hlliurfc
lu th'b way the Mate can * cur * fcaaie BOC- :
) uud whu-h were not o | > n for forinw
IIoiiiilli > fur \Vult imill Ci > > ol < - .
CHKYBNNE Wyo. . July Ik. < Btc-ial. }
The Hate auditor til Wyoming rt-juris Uuit
during tbr past tlirte montiit tbp rum of
fS.Va lit * U + u rj.jH-udtd ty the tuir lor
bouutu * ujioo uolve and ecyWt * tt to-
Icwi On i.OU w c.iit tt 76 ceiiU fl i .
n : wohif tt M ri ; kin ot ! pupe ci
7i ct-ute TSt * Tlie Itfct It pieluiurtujpn - '
j'rtsttid jD < KK to U- czix-ndrd bourtit-i IiI I
i-I > on jiridatorr wild aolmtU acii killing i !
WyHes uifl covotta Lu becoiae rtgulw J
> , li t > ir rim , N , .
I' . . S T I , V\ I .1" I K ! ll II * , A'
i tt.i' ' * * r'fi" ' * A ; -roil * ' * . .i' * i- ' <
hi hlnc rlw l-ut hum < hi * . ' . > ' .ojotct.
They have imported wolf bnunde hich ar *
proving iwy tmpreMifnl in the
iiiniiKii nns > MIT ( Unit i\ntun.
Unllron < l rninplntn
CITY , S. IX July i , -
Att roey P. M nronn of l * < ad ha * hrra
appointed h.v thp Ptair hnnr.1 of mmmlanion.
M * to dpfrnd thr HllthoTU anJ Uic *
M. roads. Thr question of rpiJtu-inp ihr
pawrnifpr ard freight rate * on these t o
fold * is an importiint one to thr pcopir o ?
the niack Hill * . .M prrenl ihr p imrrcc'
I raiti * S pent * a milp and the frfiRht r *
, rotTppondlnply higher than on thr pnntn
1 road * . There I * no question , howpvir itin :
thcxe two road * are opt rat el under
1 rxprnsn. Tloth affirm that tbtlr total r < \
rnurn from thtlr llnrr in thin male rot ihi
paM five yrars havp not bprn sunicipnt to i a\
their opprating rx'nr , and that ihi u
taxes and intrrc-rt on bonds have 10 IK i > n i
' ft MM olhpr snumps. Thur * talpment > ' :
that ] thry havp br n doing buainer * n : .1
Ions. ( Thpy claim that If ihry arr cam , . ' ' -
, to lower their ratrs they win not in ut- -
j to operate tbrlr roads. It is an Imp : . .
, Question and will br watchrd with li'i -
Mr * . Iliirl Mnrrle >
CHimjNNK Wyo. , July IS. < Spt. ml
j Mrs. Hurt , thp divorced wlfp nf Slate < f
at . J. J. Hun of Casppr wa marricii , i
, jtsterday to Mr. Lon Shafpr. a former . -
dtnt of Carper. The couple left lnii :
ately aftrr the marrlacr ceremony for 11. .
, ' vrr. where thpy will reside. Thp dorm :
' troubles of Mr and Mrs. Hurl ocpupn l '
altpntlon of the
Wyomlns courts for M
I eral years. Two years ape Spnator Hi.
eharced a young man named Wllltsm Mii ,
I with bring criminally Inttmotp with M : '
j Hurl j and him to death in tbr sn-i :
] i of Casppr Hr wns trlrd for murder HI.
I acquitted. HP then brought suit for rf.
i vorce acainM Mrs. Hurt , who field a couMi :
KUIL Mrs. Hurt was finally given a dnun.
and { -poured a share of the senator' * ,
AVnviMnt ! . iji \\joitiliiir.
OHnTtiNNE. Wyo. . July IS. ( ? prrlal
Telegram.I I'nion
Pacific eastbound pas
senger No. 2 It tied up at Medlclnp Bow
by the washc-ul of a bridge at n srnall
elation near tbprp. Wpjtbound train No. l
wns rtopped nt Chapprll. Nrb. . by wash-
out * and will be rent via Lasalle and
Grerley , Col. , over the Henvp-r Pacific to
rpnch hcrp. Excfaslvrly heavy rains have
prevailed In southeastern Wyoming ana
western Nebraska and washouts are numer
Profelll * ( io < * 10 loivn.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , July IS. ( Spe
cial. ) Prof. G. W. Nellia. who has for many
years hern In charge of the government
Indian schools at the Lower Brule Indian
agency , has bren transferred to Toledo , In. ,
as superintendent of the government Indian
school now in process of construction nt
that place. Prof. Xellls ii onp of the best
Instructors In the Indian wrvice.
MM roll TnUi'I'lnct - of Kncn iiitmiciil.
CHEYENNE Wyo. . July IS. ( Special. )
On account of lack of necessary funds thp
proposed encampment of the Wyoming Na
tional guard and the X'nited States troops at
Latamie has hern abandoned. The regulars
instead of the encampment will take a prac
tice march frcm Fort D. A. Russell to
Wheaton and return , a distance of 1Gb miles.
it \ < -v Church.
VERMILION , S. D. , July IS. ( Special. )
A strong effort is being made to organize
a Vnitarian church here. One has been or
ganized at Yanktc-n , and Akron and Cen-
tervillc are expectpd to complete the cir
cuit Rev. Mr. Park of Akron is the or
M1W HOY A > li > < : NATION'S. ,
. ) : iinn liKv to HIIV < - n ? nj. lint Ix
Coiii | > nriitlvly Iln mi ! < * . .
A very coed friend of mine , says Robert
P. Porter in thp New York Mail and Express ,
and as > capable newspaper man ce I
met In Jtpan , Y. Takeciobe of Tokio , writes
no under date of June K , as follows :
"This March 1 and my friend , lately c
private secretary to the ex-premier of Japan ,
and a better ttaclish scholar than 1. started
an English dally , specimens of wncse weekly
editions I tent you by the last mail. We
have two English gentlemen oa our staff to
revise and correct our Engli&h , and alro to
undertake proofreading. Already our paper
bcs left behind all other English papers pub
lished either in Yokohama or Kobe. 1 should
liketo know what an experience-i Journalist
as you are have to t-ay of our niodeit paper.
Is it too much to ask your special patronsce
at your paper ? We pay greatest attention to
industrial and economic subjects. Japanese
business rotn are now very much agitated In
regard to the new tariff of your country , and
I hopi- that things will not turn out in such
n way as to try the tradU'iooal friendship
tbat binds the two countries. You will flnJ
in the Weekly Timce tbat will reach joa
with this letter particulars of the agitation. '
1 have the copies of. the Japan Times , and
must say that the paper is excellent in every
respect and deserves to outdistance all the
so-called Japanese ntw-tpapers. which are ,
with the exception of the Mail ( subsidized
by the Japanese government ) . Insignificant
sheets for the purpose of booming British
interests in Japan and to give Englishmen
an opportunity to grumblf at everything and
abuse tbc native population. T can beam ) }
commend the Japan Time. to all Americans
who wuit a weekly paper well posted aiiu
full of important Japanese statistics , and
especially of facts of commercial and inius-
trlal interest. Mr. Takenobf it most fnendlj
to American interests , ncd already he has
taken up the cry that Japan does not buy
enough of the failed States. As the Bnt-
ish organs in Japan are now competitors
of the Japan Times , it is clearly to the in
terest of Americans to support this news
paper in cny possible way. relying upon it
to give their interests a ( air ehow.
Japan business men need not worry mucb
about the American tariff. There is noth
ing in all this talk of retaliation. We have
fixed our tarlfl to Fult our own conditions
and the Japanese have a perfect rlpbt to go
and do likewise. Wbat If they do retaliate"
Kerosene , flour , raw cotton and leather are
our chief export * . Are ibcy good things on
which to Increase the tariff * The Japanrei
government knows how tbe Japanese people
would take en increase of duty on then
trticle * . Especially is thifc the case at E
time when tbe Japanese government is be-
lug asked to give large and additional sub
sidies to Japanese t-bip owntre , that these
raw materials for manufacture ko6 article *
of general consumption may be brought to
Japan at tbe loui'H rate of freight. Japan
s the "new boy" among nations , llkee to
have hittay and appear as "a devil of
fellow. " you knew , and all tbat but he 1
comparatively harmlw * . Tbe little "toot-s
tool" w-itb Secretary of State Shennnn ovei
Hawaii IE but an illustration of ibis. Then
U a growing cloud on tbe Japan Sea. in the
encro chment of Ilussia. that will keep
Jfipnu busy in a few ) eari > . A polite pro-
it tt U till we thull bear ebout our annexa
tion of the Sandwich Islands And , be ii
remembered , we did not bear this mucb
four ytarfi ago when the matter s * up. But
tbe "new boy'1 among nations was in
drentt then. That Mat before be bad bit
fiist knlckeibockeie. All cf this without
prejudice , for , in tpite of their fsultt , I love
t'nirlilnif Tramp * for lliini. i.VorU. .
Chief Clerk W. T. Treleaven of the Santa
Ft- freight ottice brings the follow lug ttory
will ! liirn from bis w ( : ern trip , saya tlit
Katifufc City Journal :
"Whe utiie train Mopped at Ltmed , Kan. .
1 board a voice my. in a tone of command ,
Coinu out of there ! ' I looked out of the car
window and &cw uu old wan holding a iraiop
wbo wet Juit crawling out fit > m tbe truck *
under a cur. J euppeted it was lti iherlK
of the ouuDty asid tbat be hud caught a
" ' ] Hunt sou , ' ald tke old iu o. ac the
traiuu tiood up on hit feet. 'I'll gut * you
J1.J.O 1 day. '
"Then it dtwcud on mr. The old man
out ctt'.cblcg farm itauilt for llie tiarvtt
A iBuweut later a JWUJRW wan ciia * up
tried tu lurt tie tiaiap. but ttt older fariiM-r
erjve lilin a aj ttylng the lru. ( < wa <
by rilu of dln-ovtry and be ] .i pjwd to
k f. liiiu or Ccbt. The < ouductor io1 ! me
jeuih occurrt-nrfe are at ir fi- '
that there are ftw catlont alec ( br line
tlie cralu lull but t&rt trvvi. vl f&ra-
, Tlie | Improved ROSE PATENT GRATE
- n j ; , , v . * p i
I i > nrs.
< ' , 11- aim iit'i. i flioionl
. ti iitr n KI < I < and will sno
\ \ MT fnf rrnilAfS drK-ril.-
. 'ii'i * fi\.nf fnilor infoitrin"
i.f :
, . . . / / / / / / )
frtfitinl , . . „ Rose Patent
* s * v v3nv i , - vVj. . ,
Orate Go
& a f ,
lOllt Avc. and 12th St ,
li , 3i % / * .i } l vttfSl sr * Council Hitt fs. la.
ffH ,
Sisal Standard Manilla.
Pioneer implement Go ,
000 .Hnin St. , Council Bluffs.
c . in' '
DR. H. A. WOODBURY , ? ? r L\t \
. . , , . ,
OCM Hi : n. > 1 utll
. . . ,
llJ . . .
to | M .1 % ntirtn. 1 n i i 1 ' < - < ntivo
,1 , , : - ' , i. w - ' ! ' I. - \\-rk
No. 30 Penr ! St. , -
NcM Ui ( ir.-uul II itc * . . a. woeBU YBn.s.
around thrm at ! r ln ti.uc. hop ic
able to catch a t'nmp ' < " the h r e t tn
It i wrrl > or Jail wUh a tramp v hn
falls into his hands "
\\ns or v roi\ . j
llu lll ll li > n Ilnrtpnilrr , Iliuiulil fur
SKKI Ii ? n NiiniKninll-l.
From being turne-il down h-r , oTfri 1
! n payment for n kettle of b tr t , . ! > , . c
purchased by a numismatist f.r , Jni" i * , n
brief the recent history ut n nn ! .t , n
found by some laborers the other na re
lates the PhilHdelphla Inquirer Tl , I'tnl'ji
between the time of the nndlnR of tli- i..n
and the disposition of It are Inti n inp : a
showing how. after chancing hnn i > \
lime ? and hlnc ; the fubjeot of proposed -
posed bargains , but not consummated , thi
ooln sprung from the depths of ignomtnx '
fjiurnod by u bartender to Its proper pinn
as a recopnlreil treasure. <
It wa. olfcrvin-fl by laborers who wri
making an excaMitlon at Virosd nnd t .itr.4-
rlne fstrect < ! . It was a (1isrepuUiM < > thl"c ( , - >
call a coin , having befn fi Innc ecu eri-.l
with flirt trmt the Iranije ami "uprr. crlp-
lion wtre not recopnlEable. The who
.licked It up looked at It doubtfully
"I don't knuw what It Is. " he said , "or
hew much It's worth , but 1 pu = > F < > it's pc-c > d
Tor a kettle of be-cr. anyway. "
And no the long buried coin starti-d on It ?
J.uirnev to prominen e. It vra t'T.iwn on
the bar of a nearby saloon. ifffnJ in r\-
change for a cold , fr.uhlnp kettlf uf . . .igi
The haru-ndcr . yed It FU plciou.-b
"No good. " was ills verdict , utttml in tli-t
cold nnd unsympathetic tone whuh "n ! > a
bartender can use , as he sie-s r.n : nnd
apologies for rolns of all forts thnnn lu-
fi tv him by thirsty mortals.
The finder of the coin was disappointed.
He wanted the beer. He began to jiqu ? the !
case and attracted the attention of another-
. nan in the saloon , who took up the i-oln I
und examined it. |
"I'll jrlvt you SO cents for It. " and thp
next moment It was tr. his pocket , the tin U ref
of the coin paid for hi ? bt-er , disappeared ,
fame back and hnd the kettle refilled , ill-1
appeared Qfiiln. and so on until the ha f ,
dollar wns gone. He and hi friends
thought it was n great pie-re of luck to rind
a coin worth half a dollar.
Thrn came a rapid chanplnfr of hands so
far as the coin wns concerm-d The man
who paid 50 cents for it fhowpd it t'a
frk-nd. who offered him n dollar for it. The
ileul wap properly closed. Then the man
who had paid the dollar found a man who
was willing to gve him to for it , and again
the coin changed owners.
But here the locust-story phase of the i
cin'ss history ceases. The next chapter wa-
one of bidding nnd the refusal of bids. Thej-
Ki man took It to a coin dealer , who offered
him $2i for it. The J5 man said he'd think
it over , and went to another dealer.
"Twenty-five dollar- " was the fisrure of
fered by dealer No. i but the K man Mill
held on to the coin. "If one man offered
J30 and you are willing to pay 111. " he said
to the coin dealer , "the next one I Ftrike
mpy make it J30
The dealer thereupon offered to lake the
v In and find a buyer at ori-e. getting thr
most he could for It and deducting a per
ent commission. The owner aj.rd and
the coin woo taken to a well known numl--
natist. who saw that It wap no e\ery-Ia >
find. It was an o'd English coin , containing
about flfi worth of gold , but valued at many
timt * that much rm > nty. because there ate.
' .t Is said , only four of the kind in existence.
The coin was * purchased for tldO. and the
buyer is not expected to lose
at that figure. Indeed , the other three c. ln
of the kind are s-aid to have * > old for as >
high as fiW apiece.
Sll iii'fl 'il n MNlnUf.
Washington Star : "Sim Wilkinfon has two
mighty emart boys , " remarked Mrs. Corn-
toreel. "One of 'em her gone to town an
learnt to paint : they fray he puts a lot cf
atmosphere in his work. '
"Mandy , ain't you thlnkin' about the
other boy 1'
"His brother ? '
"Vc . The- one thet learnt to play the
cornet. "
roURt-\ ! OK TOIJAV- \M\Tlliit.
\i-lirni-Un l I'riiiulfXMl Sunnltiln. .
llli \\linl Vi-crlntr to tli < * Nurlli.
WASHINGTON , July IS. Putt cast fcr
Monday :
For Nt-braska Showers and probably
. -noler ; variable wlndt , becoming north.
For "Wyoming Fair ; warmer ; variable
Fv r Sruth Pakota Showers In early tnorn-
nc. followed by fair ; cooler in eastern portion
tion ; northwest wind * .
For Jowa Uo al showers ; much cooler ;
. > uthta wind * , bti oralng northwt-M.
For Missouri Ix > cal showt-rs ; cooler Mnn-
duy ftftcrnot n ; fcuutheat-t winds , It--omlne
For Kansas Showers in earl ) ' morning ,
fullowed b > fair ; cooler in eastern jivriion ,
cuthc st winds , becoming north.
l.iirnl ICeton1.
ciMAHA. July U. Omaha rwo/d of rainfall
und leurperaturr compared \vitb ci > ire > ; > nu-
ng ouy of the jiast three ; -earp .
19T. ISA 1S95 HM I
Mmlrautn temperature. . . . S7 't- SC 1
Minimum temperuture. . . . < & C7 74 ' :
Average terat'erature TO T < l K8 V4 I
Uolnrall 0) .01 M eju I
Het-ord of teniiwi-atur * nnd j > nH-ipiii tic.n
utOmalm _ for thi day acd tlnce Mar en l.
1W" :
Normal for the day W
Hxct-Bs for the day 1
cumulated deficiency kince Murch 1. 31
Normal ralnUU f--r the day J5 Inch
Ueficituo' for the day 15 Inch
Ti > Ul rainfall urice Marcb 1 IJOTInchei' '
lit-ni-iency liuv March ! 5 J Inches
Kxc o s for cor [ xrlod. lti& 4b Inch
! ( ? ieniy for cor ptrit l , jtos i.ljjnc
ltfiur | from Sialieiii. ul n | i. m.
ETATE or ' 'H'I '
n : g r
imrtiy tioiiiy : r.T . . . " , H n
Nurtb I'Utte. f "l > rluudy It t ! .141
Oty. ekar..rr. ' f *
cloudy M u til
CVy. rtUiloc K U K
HuU'B. rfciaiAc ? ! M i.
< . 'iik.o , vlrar , Ti 71 u
WlllkMua. - " '
} iuil > rkMidjr ' < "
tl. t * > ui * ! * " ! > rluudy M t > . u
atJ - ul , rkr
- < * ; M M i"
! > > r.jj. n. tltaa ' M '
HrWn p rllr cloutfr K '
KMUk * ( It ) l , ril ) i-tuudf U K
H vrt vanil ! JJ ( ) . C-
Hmtvr-k tiuud ) . . . . M ' u
Ui.l n < . 'n. iJi.uJ ) _ M M J
T Uitfl'ilr. lr > - * t'f I'nv.i'.tilijfi '
L. JL. Wtl-Sli , Irtit-H Fut.Ut OCcttl.
.iV ? * ' 3 I ft * > " ' r.lrr of Mn
j S5e > \MK f S" lirntiupnt lij niHll
v < ? 3'5'-i Xi\iAuJ
> i < iiniliatliiri PriT. .
' JsA > K ? wr cvnmt tc
? Mnr *
MK'.I . - . - . I
J.TIB-- * kjri rmniiirii. K -
ma.fiitn > . iiii.1 1.11 . . . a.r u-r ps-
. . t. < i.r r n\ J > , .iUi. > * u-t , : . ' 11.KS ,
. . - ru. y M , i1 f n w an 1 fiiillrtf
Stricture and
li\ t r - w mi ili- * I w
* ' * . , * -
rn ' r IT n
111. I O.'iU. 5 c A- .
M i'm..l ' , . Neb.
i \TKIN rmi : .
ChroDicTXcrTcns and Private Diseases
limi ail \M\KM. . . r ejj
limi ni .nunin nf uSCtl
[ . .APIIpun. . , nful ar.J ! attention for
till t ti : iimr.i uiimtmt , .
Sl l > nil.llf . -'i-r niiiiiui- arc iilir.ple * on
faittun u.uui muci > u paichw In mouth ,
rhfumaitsni In . " : . nl Joints. h lr fall-
ma out ) ou haxc nu lime to uasle.
fVitallty Weak ) . tnud KJ fc > too clo f appllca.
tlon to tiuFlnci-5 or Fiudj , tevcre mental f trainer
or ; M\VAU EX KSSKS In miJdlt life or
fri.n. 'he encru ul joull.ful ( olttrs. Call ci
Thc -e the F'r. < . . .rKIIENCII TANSY
WAFERS imj. ' I , : - - fr , m l > arl LaJif *
cun 0tiiJ . . ! n f. . i irini ; rt lu-r from ana
i-ure if r.i.tfii ] an3 ! rt m'r i-er > .Jk. r < caril-
lert of inute EMEUS "V 1'Kt't } CO .
Iroporiers and Agenth fi.r ihe fnii d Simei.
San J ftt a !
M > ers-r'lllim ' r-rus Co S E Cor ICtr and Far-
nam s treeic. Sole Agent * . Omaha Ntrti.
Stand up for Nebraska !
DC it by subscribing
For The Bee
And sending it
To all your friends.
The Bee is a thorough
Nebraska Newspaper.
F'Hti Kt * trif 1- \ n.m > , i f ar.-l frert.m * th
Hr ln N'Tf Tic * > . . : , - ! MJ ! * JItn H.
XVwb'iry 12TV .i 4.1 Hi.NVw \ < Tk ia * a
lartr ' .iT i ma l * . * i. i tri.-- tr aintrnt. tter *
if ri" httk ortifr t'i' . * : ! " * in flri.l * Con-
f ultat in i fritjMn t it- f T H > ui > IV > W an 4 ( if t-ithrr \ \ Jt > ur > 1'ailal u&i > or
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
e run CI\T r iu o. > TIUU iiro ; iTU.
' . \ UTI.KM'l i K S
OMAHA , Ni-l , Ju'i. ! IV.- ; S-ali 1 Iio.
p ittt in trip ! : ai ir r , e < l ntro
ui.til 'i < i 1 ' k p rn Jui > .11 i 7nj 7 thf-n
ij-crifd fur . * . . ; oa bran. Jlav unj
Struu rnjuirei in i > , | , -iHii.nit ul tl.r I'iatto
itunne < ir < * l > e r tn-luit : June J li L' .
S ivirr\c > ristit to > - - t or 3 > - < ej > t any CT
oil pri j > o alsi. IT ati > ICere jf Jnfurmg.
nun furnifhi-j un a Ktlnn here ur to
| > ukl ur. , | dei t iJuur
plleK are needed. nnvtrluj > e funtainitiK i > ro-
iu il will be ftijt-rsed " 1'rupj'aln t r .
t . " sna ii < iar - * a j M. MAUSHAU
C Q. M. J'J } ' IMS in
* jUit-e lur IIMKIIS Commissary of
Sutfieunce. Omuha. Neb. July 1C , 1W7.
State ] jiroKMal . cubjct to th UBUI ! cvirM.
lionv. will be re'rivnl HI thin otU > until
in ; . 'rkx-k 10 , July f ! , 1B7. t wbii h tlrno
nj [ > 1 thry wl. | U * publicly ojH-iu-,1 for
furninhinK cubrirtfiirr mre * follows :
x jc.wd rr. bcviiK. UKar. fliivorir. tx-
M > lutitivl VUPJ > ] > > . fir I'ri-frrtni-i' will
gi\en tu rll. If * uf ,1unirktl pr , lui-t"ll.
nl : I'rt.jKHeiar'1 ' ! ' H * -Ht i i"r. van ta at ih > - ! fi . THANK K N'YK.
H > r ani ' irjrn.urj < f S -11. n < e
Jy ! ' ' i : in
Hii. i. KAHil ANU
; t