1 1 T1I13 ( VMA1TA DAILY H1215MOXDAV. . JITI.V 10 is < )7. ) country Inrrp.iacr ! Its Inrlimtrlpn It had been at lhr > KOino llmo reducing Its tariff. Oaptaln J. Cordera da Oraca , engineer and naval officer it lira * ) ! , madp another free irndn argument , characterizing the prpsrnt tariff bill as n mon tro lty. Oilier addrp Ms of a more general char acter weremad' by Alcjindro Cnrland of llma. PTII , llfnry S. Price of Columbia , nnd Antonio K. Dolflno of Caracas , Vene zuela Aflpr the general discussion which follow - low il HIP parly went to Willow Grove , where dlnnet was wrvnd. Tomorrow there will IIP nnnther meeting at Mm museum and thf-n HIP drli'paKs will dtapeitw. Many will go to Kurnpp. others will rpmnln In this ooun'ry to erntlnuo their Mndlra of Its * III- dii'trles and some will rpturn directly honiP. Those who will remain are soliciting addi tional Information from the merchants and inmiufai'tiirir of the I'nltpd States and will reciprocate with all the data required per taining to their countrbs. \PTIST tOI.M ! I'lIOIM.IJ'S I MOV. Si-rvliM-t of l'rnl-41' mill roiiHi riinrfln'i. III lhi > rlinllniiiiiiun CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , July 18. Karly In the morning devotional services were held In all the churches of the city today In con nection wlth.thn convention of tha Haplist Young People's union of America. At U o'clock tlm pulpits of Ihe city were tilled by thn visiting ministers. At the First church , the leading Haptlst churcn of the city , Ilev. J. W. Conley , D. U. . of St. Paul , Minn. , pi i-ached. John II. Chapman of Chicago , pr.'sldent of the Haptlst Young People's union , de livered a discourse at the First Congrega tional church , colored. Other ministers weto assigned as follows : Central llnptlst , Rev. AV. W. Weeks Ontario ; Second Haptlot , Rev. W. L. Van Horn , North Dakota ; llci-ch Street Ilaptlsl , Rev. S. J. Miner , Kansas ; Hill City llaptlst , Rev. W. T. lluntley , Flor ida ; First Methodist. Kev. J. W. Ford , Troy , N. Y. ; Centenary Mithodlat Kplsropal Church South , Rev. D. D. MacLaurln , De troit ; First Presbyterian , Rev. W. II. C.els- wcll , Illinois ; Second Prtsbyterlan , Rev. A. K. Wallle , Auburn. N. Y. This afternoon at the Flr.it Haptlst church Ilev. Robert F. Y. Pierce of Philadelphia. the famous "chalk talk" artist , " gave a demonstration of his work. Ilev. J. II. Hawthorn , the distinguished llaptlst divine of Nashville , preached the convention si rmon at the Auditorium this afternoon to 5,000 people. Ills subject was "Tho Ideal Christian Man " The evening was given up to a dedication service of un usual Interest. The meeting opined with a general devotional and praise service. A consecration address was then delivered by Rev. C. K. Wolflm * of Hrooklyn. N. Y. The consecration service lasttd from 8 to 10 o'clock and was conducted by General Scc- nitnry K. H. Olivers. D. D. , of Chicago. A roll of the states wan called and the repre sentatives of the union thereupon arose and formally consecrated the onion of his state to the service and work as outlined by this convention. Sectional lines were wlpetl out , the north , the south , thu east and the west vlelng with each other as to which nhflilld show the most ardent devotion to the com mon cause. Six hundred dollars were sub scribed and paid to send Dr. Frank Harper of Detroit , who on Friday at the praise eervleu on Lookout mountain volunteered to devote himself to foreign mission work , abroad. Resolutions were adopted express ing thanks that the debt of $ ISi,000 ! on the American llaptlst Foreign Mission society had been raised nnd expressing the gratifica tion of all llaptlsls that the dcnomlnitlun In the United Statts was united through the Young People's union. Tonight's servli'ts close the regular con vention proceedings , though several rallies will he held tomorrow , but service will be heltl nt Snodgra. s hill , In the National park , and lutrlntlc mldiistics and songs will be mingled with the religious exercises. KAIUIU KM , l\lMi.S : AT 'I OUO.VI'O. Ki'tvnrt li IttMiKUiTS Tiil. ' Solemn Vntv.s to Hi'iniilii Stcinl f list. TORONTO , Ont. , July 18. Five monster farewell rallies tonight cliseil the greatest convention the Epuorth league has ever had. All five .ir.oetlnp * were maiked by great outbursts of religions fervor ami the delegates separated with many solemn vows to remain steadfast an.l devote their lives to the service of Clirnt. ! At Maafey Music hall thu greatest meeting was held , the building belng'crowdeil to Itj fullest capacity by over 5,000 persons. Addresses were de livered by Dr. John. I'lckliu of liMtou , Rev. G. P. Rosa of Montreal , and Hev. J. II. Holllngsworth of GrceiicciUlo , Ind. At the Metropolitan church the speakers were Rev. G. M. Campbell of Charlottetown. P. K. I. ; Rev. R. 11. Ramsay of Memphis , Tenn. ; llcv. JIanley S. Head of Kingston , Pa. At Cooke's church Rev. G.V. . llrown of North Adams , .Ma.m. , and Rev. \ \ * . II. Ihimner of < Mcmphls , TeniK , were the cpeakeiB. At the pavilion the speakus weie Rev. Edwin II. llughrs of Maiden , Ma.-u. ; Rev. W. B. Plner of Howling Green , Ky. , and Rev. M. S. Wagner of Cincinnati. At Ilroidway taber nacle Rev. T. S. Scott of ' t. Thomas , Out. ; Rev. J. M. Tliobiirn of Detroit , ami Rev. A. H. Ralton of Kalamazeo , .Mich. , made ad- ihessea. * Kin I\VOUKS wn.i. in : A IT.ATIIUI : . Mit I'j riili'i'hnli' Mlsplny on I lir I'l-oKriini for l.iiiviin liy. CHICAGO , July IS. One of the moat elab orate features of Logan day will be the mag. nltlccnt pyrotechnic display and reception at the Coliseum gardens and Colheum proper In the evening following the unveiling of the great statue of General Logan on the lake front. Chairman Harper of the- com mittee of ariamfeiui'iiU has sent invitations to Governor Tanner of Illinois and General Brooke , U. S. A. , commanding In Chicago , csklng them to co-operate In making tlie Coliseum portion of the exereliieM a fitting close to the great day , and It haa been ar ranged for a grand public reception , follow ing the fireworks display , when the hundred ) and tliousamln of old woM.o will be given an opportunity to pay their respects to Presi dent McKlnley. If he can come , Mrs. Logan and other mcmhprs of the tlistlngul'htd party of guestj. _ Dent Knot * . Mrs , llfinls. JOHNSTOWN , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) The Sunday lice of July 11 cent lined two paragraphs repiesoiillng that a Mrs. Ilatlie N. llemU of Arabia a.s about to establish a colony of widows on land owned by her , supplying them with nil nec-dcd until they could raise a crop , tie. ThenIs no such person as Hattlo N. Ilcmls living In Arabia , or Us vicinity , nor has such a person been heard of. _ Klllll'l-l ,1. SllllNOII VlT.V 1,01V , KUKMONT. Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) Hon. Robert J. Stlnson , city attorney of this city Is very low at his residence on North t , street. Ills condition in considered viry * precarious. _ i.onl nt Mnuriirii | . ' | | . NIAGARA FALLS , N. V. . July IS.John I , . llrown. I'j ynrt > old , u men-hunt and as- Blstant postmaster of Sweet Water Tenn rftVvOVVlt > l1 "l " " ' ( ' , "v" of llu > Wind * last iTlday afternoon. .Mr. llrown came here last Krltlay morning with a targe party of Kpwortli leaguers. HIM futher. josi.pU K Uniwii , wan with him. llrown , in with a puny , vlult , . , ! ( ) „ . Cave of con . ' any He utlt on u rubtn-r mill , und. ile' ' Arrt'ili-il fur . % AHIIIIIIU | | | n ( ! lrl Pete lldlels was umsie.i last nieut fur an utU'iniitetl erlnilnal . . ns .iult on u L.I named Kulschul , who lives with Frank Walker ut SSID Frederick streeL v&yy r } Purgatorial Pills. | | The drugji3t ; would hardly smile if you asked for " purga torial { tills. " There are nuiuy of them. Hut he would prob ably recommend a pill that did not gripe ; a sugar-coated pill , gentle iu notion , and sure in effect. What ore they called ? | Jyer's Cathartic Pill- ' tiTii i IP TitMiPiMiip P * ti't TI' WILLIE JiliRCIiRS SAD h\Th \ Son of Fraraont's ' Fira Ohiof Killed in a Runaway Accitbnt , MOTHER SEES HER SON RIDE TO DZATH iiKlit-Vi-nr-l > lil llol.ift In Clinrui * II .Silrllil | llnrxi- > - tin * Ciller * A. * < - < l * > lmil , tt Illi I'ntnl lll-IHll * . I-'llEMO.VT , Nub. , July IS. ( Special. ) \Vllllo Mercer , the R-yoar-old son of W. C. Mercer , chief of the Fremont lire dopsri- mciit , wan hilled In a runaway accident here this morning. Chief Mircer drove to the Klkliort , dppot with Ills horse und buggy to take tliu train for Ccresen with the chemical engine com pany , which hail been called out to assist the people there , and requested I'ollcenun Ly- dick nnd Jacob ItoRcra , his assistant chief , to taku his team back to his house. When within two blocko of the house the boy not Into the buggy und aalccd to bu allowed to drlvo home. As the horse appeared to bo a quiet one , the men got out and the boy took the llnis. A few seconds after MM. Mercur was horrified to see the team rush- Ins past the liousu on the run and the boy clinRiliR to the lines. She called to him to Jump and he answered : " 1 can't , mamma. " The her e then ran mirth to Third street , turned west on Third anil north on Main ut the Men-hauls' hotel corner. As the hontn turned the corner onto the pavement the boy was thrown out over the dashboard , llo fell between the thills und the front wheel and was dragged a distance of two blocks , the horse still going at the top of his speed. The boy was taken to Fulkerson'ti drug store and Dr. Cr.ibbs summoned. Ills In juries were such that nothing could be done and hu died In a few minutes. The back of his brad was oiushed , one arm was broken and thire was a deep KJtsli ou 'lls ' right check. Mm Mercer arrived at the drug store just after llu > boy died and was pros trated with grief. Chief Mercer knew noth ing of the sad alTalr nntll Informed of It Just as the special which brought the lire company back from Cercsco was Hearing Kremout. llo was so overcome that he had to bu assisted Into a hack at the depot. A buggy was otamllng near Mercer's house and It Is thought Uiat the horse took fright at that. Though a high-spirited animal , he was ordinarily quiet and gentle. \Vllllo was the oldest son of Chief Mercer. Ho was a very bright , active , manly Jlitle fellow ami a great favorite among his play mates and older children. The people hert wen- shocked at the terrible affair. CIIAIWON , Neb. . July IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) While Kn-nk llla/ek and Casper Kiirnt were out hunting today a dog , which was rldli'g In the buggy with them jumpid against a loaded shotgun , causing It to go elf , the i mire charge going through lila/.ek's right arm , rendering amputation necessary. Illazek ! a a laboring man in very poor cir cumstances , ar.d lus a wife and .several children. 11UUON , S. D. , July 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) hast night \V. Olenn , director of the government weather bureau here , was thrown from hm carriage and seriously hurt. Two ribs wore broken and ho received In ternal Injuries. NKnUASKA CITV , July IS. Special. ) Frank Carson , a freight conductor on the Durlip.gton , was Injured yesterday at Lancaster - caster by falling from hl.x train upon the track. He suffered a broken rib and a badly lacpintcd ear. ARCADIA , Neb. , July 18. ( Special. ) Yesterday while driving a spike the ham mer which Jesse ( Inward was using flew from the handle and. changing the course of the blow his hand came In contact with .uvither spike , driving It nearly two Inches through the llesliy part of the thumb on the Inside of the left hand. While .Mrs. O. ilienschoter anil two chil dren and Mit-.s Carrie Hnlcoiub of I.onp City were drhlng from that place to Arcadia yislerday one of tin- horses kicked at a lly. getting It.s leg over the buggy tongue , which frlghlPiiiMl the tram and resulted in a rum way. The team ran through three barb wlro fences , the buggy was upset and Miss Holconib was badly bruised from being thiown under the buggy. The team was somewhat cut up by the wire . CITI/.I-\S IX ACTIVlT POLITICS. > lovmiiit III Ilnlcofn County Is Ilcnrl- ll.v Knilorsi-il. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) That tlie sturdy and representative citi zens of Dakota county recognize true worth In county ofilchls was evidenced yesterday by the large gathering which assembled here in answer to the call for a citizens' conven tion , for the second time , to place In nomina tion a citizens' county ticket. The free sll- verltes , populists , republicans , democrats and prohibitionists were all there and tended to niako the largest political convention ever assembled in Dakota county. Two years ago the cltUena met In mass conven tion and as an experiment nominated a county ticket , with a view of retrenchment In county affairs and purer politics. IJvery candidate on the citizens' ticket was elected and how well they have fulfilled the trust reposed In them and their campaign prom ises nan shown by their unanimous rcnom- Inatlon yenierday afternoon , when all the priweut nlllcerii , except tln > county superin tendent , wpro again the choice of the pee ple. The nomlnriH are : Treasurer , Jacob I- ' . Learner ; clerk , fieorge C. Hills ; wlicrilT , Charles M. Ilorowslcy ; judge , William II. llyan ; Riiperlnttndent , ! " . M. Harding ; R'lr- ' veyor. I , . Hates ; coroner , C' . S. .Murray ; clerk of courts , ticorgeV. . Mclleath. The convention was called to order by D. C. Dibble , who road the published call , after which William Halsworth was elected ch'ilr- man and John T. Spencer secretary. Ilev. II. .1. llapeman , Lutheran preacher , then iwked Divine blessing on the work about to bo undertaken , when the permanent or ganization wa effected , with the Kamiof - Hours. Speeches on tin1 political situation locally were undo by D. C. Dibble , William I' . Warner. Major S. It. Cowles , Hen llrlilen- baugli and Judge Thomas J. King. A spirit of harmony prevailed throughout und the only couticiversy was over the county miper- Intend.'my , K. M. Harding defeating the present Incumbent , J. 0. llaupt. The at tendance was estimated at00. ! . The nom inees and their supporters feel conlldent of In November. Slpiimsliiirir SlffliiHTi. STIlOMSIiniO. Neb. . July lS.-SpcclaI. ( ) Tiie .Modern Woodmen camp of thlH place l making extensive arrangements for a fraturnal picnic July is. All fiaternal onlcni In I'olk and York counties will join. Several bands have been engaged , ami a prominent fpeaker from Lincoln will give the oration. Plenty of money has been r.i' cd In order to make over } thing a complete mimes. Threshing in In , full blast around hero on fall grain. It Is Ihe beat yield and quality that hjs been for years. Kail wheat yields from twenty-llvo to forty-live bushels per aero. Flvo thi-islilng outfits have- been tioM hero this muiith. Harvesting oata has commenced and It Is the beat crop for years. The berry IH well tilled and straw In excellent condition. Corn IH growing nicely , but noPdH rain. A delightful luncheon was given by Mra N. S. Clark and Mrs. A. Scott ut tlui home of the latter yesterday evening. The guests were Mrs. Hulyoko of Omaha and the Woman s club of Stromsburg. Everybody reported a lovely time. I'liiiiM for I'liiiirri' ! . ' I'lrnlc , (1HAND ISLAND , Neb. , July ! S.-SpC- ( clal. ) It Is the Intention of the city au thorities , who went after the Union I'aclilo I'loncerM ahsoclatlon picnic , und bccured the name for this city to turn the reception of the vlsltorn over to the railway men. The latter will have the backing of the city authurltlcb and citizens , and will no doubt provide a pleasant time for the guests. llann'H park , which has been secured for the association , Is located only live blocks from thr depot. It hail a band Bland and dancing Door , indoors und out. A largo hall la also provided , with a stage , and there arn about llfii'i-n acres of fine grove. Immedi ately at the n-ar of the grove , but all on lu aami ! ground , there Is a bliyclo track and the best base ball dljmond In this part I of the state. Overlooking ihu diamond and ( lie tracH there la a large ainplihi-aler , which will -.cat about SOO people. The viattore ! ri i ' will II.IVP the free and pjccluslvp use 'of ' the grounds and will have dip privilege of cloa- Ing the gates upon whomsoever they de sire. MAICIS : A ( xion ir.\iL . .vrLI.I \\ci : . Shunter llnlrx In Srvernl Iliinilrrd Dollar * unit Skill * , Al.UAXPK , Neb. . July IS. ( Special. ) A niari who pretended to be selllM < groceries for a Chicago homo worked the people of tills community for scvor.il hundred dollars. Ho represented himself as thp agent of the "Chicago Co-Operntlve Supply company. " HP propppdpd to dlr.trlbuto a liberal supply of literature and vlait topeelally among the rallrnnd men. He had printed a price llttl of groi-prlps , on which goods were quoted at pxtremply low prlcu. and Informed each pprson upni whom ho called that payment of a membership fee of $ in would entitle the holder of a certificate to purchase goods nt the low price quoted , and It Is ratlinnlril that he jeeurcd thirty or forty signers , each with a ten-dollar bill. Several offered to dPpo'lt the membership price with one of the banks , but this made thp gPntleman very angry , to think that bin honerty and that of the llrm he represented nhould be questioned. Hl bluff of this nature worked with some , and with nome It did not. Sat urday night ho had madp an many collec tions as appeared safe , and aa Inqulrlm about him and his house were becoming pretty numeroiH he boarded the train at a point about a thousand feet east of the de pot , because the marshal was > waiting to nab him at the depot. The nsult of thla Is that the fellow carried Honipwlicre be tween $ ,100 and $100 out of town. ILP.V.\TOH : i.'inr. AT ruunhco. ItolirrlsPlnnl > \lli ( It * Store ( if ( irnlu Mntlri-l.v lli- t rii } cil. rilKSCO Neb. , July 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) A disastrous tire broke out here about 9.1D : this moinlng , which burned llnb- efts' grain elevator , the oilice , coal shot's ' i > nd contents and a large quantity of corn In the crib. The origin of the lire Is not definitely known , but It Is thought to have caught from spontaneous combustion In the dust In the elevator story on the top of the fihelf. The building was well filled with grain and with the limited facilities at hand for fighting the fire It soon gained tremendous headway , and the citizens fearIng - Ing that it would spread to the town , wired to Fremont for help. Chief Mercer and the chemical fire company , with their engine , were brought over on a flat car , arriving hero about 10:50. : The elevator , coal sheds adjoining and olllce building were then nearly destroyed , und the fire was burning In the corn cribs. With the assistance from Fiemoiit the lire was soon under control and prevented from spreading further. The elevator and contents will be a total loss. The damage Is reported nt upwards of $12- 000. Tlie property all belonged to II. Rob erts of Arlington , and Is said to have been Insured. THAINS Hix ; KllM ) Till' : 'MIAMI'S. Ci'lli-rllim of IlolMir * nl UcriiuiM lln.v- ( nlti-il liy tht > Curs. HERMAN. Neb. , July IS. ( Special. ) Herman has for the past week been the dumping ground for tratn | going up the Omaha line. At the present limp there are over forty lying around the railroad yards. Last evening train No. IS , due hero at f > : lS , ran by the depot at full ppeeil and let the pa.-sengcrs off at the crossing a half mile north of town , so as to keep the tramps from capturing the train. Thin morning train No. fi , dun hero at 11:37 : , left its out Ire train , with the exception of the combination car , a mile north of town. After dellveilng the paHscn.gens and mall , they backed up and coupled onto the rcut of the train and went through town under a full head of steam. The tourists arr still here awaiting for a chance to get out. From appearances thp railroad company lutcmta to keep them here. ! li'M\ > llaiii nt Sidney. SIDNRY , Neb. , July IS. ( Special Tele gram. ) The heaviest rain that has visited this section In liftion years began hero at 1 o'clock this afternoon and at 11 p. in. it is still falling and .he wind blowing a per fect gale. Most of the cellars in the town arc deluged and at 10 o'clock the Methodist parsonage collipsed , thu oecupantri finding rcfugo in the church. The Union Pacific railroad traelcK both east and west are badly washed out. Passenger train No. ! Is held a mile west of town and No. 1 is at Lodge Pole. Superintendents Nichols and Park and Hoadmastcrs Conncrs and John I.ank- trco are lit re working to repair the breaks. From prr-sent indications' no trains will run until morning. The rain Is pretty geneial throughout the country. The big wagon bridge crossing nt Lodge Pole creek south of this city was washed out tonight. Fears are entertained that nearly all the dams in the irrigated district will suffer consid erably. The streeto hero are perfect rivers and boats are at a premium. A largo num ber of famillis had to move out of their houses to protect themselves from the rav ages of the storm. TII liioorimrnti' K rt Crook. FORT CUOOK. Neb. . July IS. ( Special. ) The citizens of Fort Crook City met at the Sim olllce last night for the purpree of In corporating. T. A. Miller called the meeting to order. William Patterson was chosen chairman and T. A. Miller secretary. A committee of three , consisting of T. A. Miller. I ) . Ilutterneld ami J. Kuchor. watj appointed to take the census and locate the boundary , same to be submitted to the next meeting. Tuesday night , for approval. Con siderable Interest wau manifested , without the least opprriltlon. Will Mfd In Omaha. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. . July IS. ( Spe cial. ) At a special meeting of the directors of the Western Travelers' Accident association held In this city last night the Invitation of the Umulia members to hold the ilfth annual meeting of the association In Omaha was accepted and the Murray hotel chosen aa liiMdqiurtprH. The meeting will be held during the state fair week , thp Imalm-si meeting on September L''i. The Omaha mem bers guarantee cultablo entertainment for tliu visiting mrmbera during the week. llri'i'iilloi ) I'or HIT Coii ln. ARCADIA , Neb. . July IS. ( Special. ) MU Nina L-indcrs gave a party at the homo of her parents lawt night In honor of her coii&ln. Miss Ora Thompson , who ha ? bcon visiting hero for the pant ncven wpok . Mif * Thompson leaves Monday for her homo at Ularlnda , la. Another Dally for Urn ml iNliuul. ORAND ISLAND , Neb. , July 18. ( Spe cial. ) Yesterday's IFSUO of the weekly Cen tral Nebraska Republican announced that beginning with next Monday , the Iflth , that paper would appear as a dally , thus nuking two tlalllea for ( Jraiul Island. lln n I. Siit-N KM I'rcxlilcnt. NHHRASKA CITY , July IS. ( Special. ) Suit was commenced In the district court yesterday against (1. ( R. Vosa by the Dunbar Slate bank to recover Jii.Glfi.r.s , which It al leges is due on a proml-SBory note. VOSH is president of the bank. SliliiliiK | | liny from llrrmnn. HERMAN , Neb. , July 18 , ( Special. ) R. W. Hurdle whipped two cars of hogs to the South Omaha market thla evening , mak ing a total of eleven cars shipped from thin point dtirlns the lat week. > nti-N from .NYlirnxLn I'nrniN. Illackbcrrles are tilling for1 centtj a quart at Crete. A creamery lus Just been completed and put In operation at Randolph. A stock company I-HS been , formed at Kmerlck for thu purpmo of putting In a largo creamery at that place. Competent Judges etitlmate that the aver age yield of wheat In. ( larflcld county will not be lt > s than twelve bushels per acre. The winter wheat that has been threshed In the vicinity of Sutton shows a yield of from thirty to thirty-live busheln per aere. If nothing happens * to the Logan county wheat crop the next few day : ) , taking the county over. It will average twenty bushels to Ihe acre. John Dlerkii of ( ho southern part of Holt County IIEM lost 237 head of cattle from blackleg , a dlheaso that la creating coiiBld- crablo havoc among herds In that part of the uti' The excisslvo hot weather caused consid erable li < * s of utock among fanners near JDubols. Henry 'ilt'lcr ' Jot one of his licet h'irses hy hejOK .ov.-rcome . by the heat. John Ststiffcr rcptjrtsj the 1it .i of two , nnd II i report I'd thai 'oin' farmer , wh. t name WP did not lf-arn. but nvp horsis at one time I while attached to n binder. j i Ono of the natural curiosities In Holt ' county nt the1Tiirilseiit ! lime Is an apple Iree { , on Ihe farm oJT.ll. Fullerton , living a few 1 mlled nerlh of Atkinson , lhal Is In full bloom. | ' Sixty-nine tnta of butter were shipped from the IIJirfliiRlnn creamery Thursday | I morning. Next Tuesday Is payday , when I the patrons will receive over $2,000 for the I last mouth's \UIIH. \ j | ' W. W. Mitchell' , ( he grain , dealer of Wood I Ulver , has im/hand 12,000 bushels of 1S05 i oats and ea , - ho knows of 1R.OOO bushel- ) ' more In iho bins of the farmew living In his vicinity. These oats average thirty- eight pounds per bushel. John ( } . Jackson of Pumas county has completed tin * work of harvesting Ills Hold of 1S-.S ncr ( of wheat. Three binders were employed to do the work. Mr. Jackson estimates the yield nt twenty bushel * ) per aero. A little prcHpcrlty ! coming to Hamilton county right away through Its crop of winter wheat. It Is turning out fine ami Is of No. 1 quality. Lafe Isamali had thirty-four ncrr which yielded twenty-live bushels to the aero. He tlircshed It Mcnday an 1 loadctl It on trut-k Thursday and sold It. It will net him at least 1(1 ( cents per bushel. N L. Tltman had a piece about the same eilzo Hint went thirty-four bushels per acre , lie threshed Tuesday. Since the first of January of this year 1i > 5 car loado of young cattle have been shipped to the Wayne Htntton , forty-three of which were tdilpped In during the month of June , with an average of forty head to the car. making a grand total of li.SDO head. With the beginning of the year there were nt least that mar.y . more he.id which had been whipped In. Taken altogether with Ihe na- llvo cattle there will be shipped from the county not lets than HOO earn of cattle within the next nine months. \ < -lii-n > . .KiiIMS .Noli-M. A new hank la to be ( started at Lyons. The Pierce county fair will be held Sep tember 13 , 14 and 15. The annual picnic of Hoono county Wood men will bo held at St. Edward on August 13. lab Palmer of Nlobrara divided an artery of liU hand while opening a can of corned beef. beef.Tht Tht > citizens of McCook have donated lo the county a block of ground on which to build a court house. \ \ ' , A. Stewart's house and ponti'tits at Klk Creek were totally consumed by lire laiit weel : . Estimated loss. $1.000. ' at Crawford have Two IL'-yuar-old boys been caught breaking Into a cold storage warehouse and stealing beer. A meeting of the old settlers of Ked Wil low county was held In Indianola and an ' offec-ted. old settlers' organization was T. J. Pugh of Albion WPS seriously Injured by an Infuriated bull out ; day List week. A.-.sl.'tance came in lime to save his life. Tlie Elk Creek Herald sny.s the total valua tion of .lohnhon county U $2,001.KOO.nT ! and that this amount , will afford ? S0.05l in ti.xesi. Republican City , Neb. , haj a reunion of the old soldiers Austin 10 to 21. Inclusive. They prc-mlise a good program and a good camping location. The third annual convention of the West Nebraska Conference Epworth league will be In sisslon in North Platte from July SU to August 1. About fort } ' feet of the stone riprap at Ihe Hills creek bridge near Dine Springs was forced out bythe , fettling of the dirt during the heavy rain last week. The Norfolk district camp meeting of the Methodist Episcopal church will be held on thu new camp grounds , one and one-half miles south of Norfolk , August fl to 15. A line yearling colt , belonging to Fred Atilt of Him * Springs wrus hilled in a pasture hy the careless bhooUng of a hunter. Fred its now vigorously hunting for the hunter. While feeding a thrpshlng machine at Wit her , Joe K' varlk fairished the back of his hand with tlu < br.n'l cutter so badly that It look four stltchM to put It together again. ritiy Morehmisb a'nd ' Jack McCJrly or Cedar llluft's have started down tin ? Platte river in a boat. They Intend to go on down the Missouri and possibly the Mississippi before they return. Through the energy of Ilev. Mr. McFar- laml ami the gcntroulty of the people of Tllden , Madison county , the entire debt hitherto hanging over the lUptlrit church has been wiped out. The town council of Hnvelock rejected the offer of J. J. Imholt of Lincoln to sell the bonds Issued for construction of water works on the ground that the commission asked was too high. Dlxon people are malting the usual elab orate preparations to celebrate the birthday of their town , August 15. As the 15th come on Siindiy. the blowout will probably be held this year on the Mth , Saturday. Thomas Carlson of O'Neill , while assist ing In the transportation of a yearling bull last Monday , south of Atklction , sustained Injuries that tesulted in the amputation of his right foot just above the ankle. The I'latto river annual conference and campmt'Ctlng of the Frco Methodist church will be held in Mr. Huxford's grove , three miles west of Central City , commencing Au gust 4. to hold over two Sabbaths or until after August 15. Dining the month of May the county com- mitisloncro paid'off II.BCiO of Wayne county debt , leaving a lul.inco of $9.000. and it ! n expected that with the tax levy th'u year and the amount on hand , the entire debt will bo paid during the year. The Calamus Irrigating ditch In Oarfiuld county U Hearing completion. Work on It has been suspended temporarily on account of the fanners hi-Ing htwy now attending to crop * . This ditch is being constructed by the farmers thi-inselvc'j. No bonds have i been voted nor debt * Incurred. H has taken j ' armiu HUle llmo In the con.itructlon , but when everything Is considered the work him progressed rapidly. An epidemic of diphtheria has been ragIng - Ing In the llohemlau neighborhood a few miles northwest of Hex Hutte. The three youngest children of John Unity are dead from that dread dlscanc. Klve of the chll- | dri'ii of Joseph Jackout are sick , and one of these was thought dead for a time. Two of Mrs Pelana's children are sick and It is believed that one will die. One of the Lamplot girls Is sick with the same malady. Wayne la anxious to luvo a new court hoti-'o and Is agitating the question of vot- Inc hi nils for the purpose of building one. Thu county already owns an excellent brick court hou-e at the deserted precinct of La Porte , but it couldn't he moved when the county left there for Wayne ami n great deal of money wan , thereby lest. What was the town of Ll roW Is now only occupied by , farina and the larse bilcls c.url houfr.e. whoso j long desuetude hut'ihrought ' considerable dl- j lapldatlon and'decay. ' l Mrs. FerrlHSton , ! near Meadow Orovc. Madison county , w.ui burned to death last week. She win building a lire of corn husks , when her eli'thlng took lire. Her sister - j ter hearing the mrcainu. rushed Into the , room to smother'the ' lUmiv. hut Mrs. F < r- j rlngton , being i craned with agony , fought , her off. and thoH run to where her baby was sleeping and unkiiiwlngly tut the bedding afire , which wow quickly put out by the fits- tor. Meanwhile ; Mr. Ferrliigton , who was Iu a nearby lleld..peeing the trouble , came and removed tha. burning clothing , but It waa too late. .Thii' ' woman died shortly after in terrible agimjv Ilrm * Alioiit Jii'lirnhUii The Wakefleld J Republican was Ilftccn years old last weej < ( John J Faulkner has assumed editorial j control of ( ho llumboldt Standard. The Fullcrton News commenced the fifth i i year of Its earthly pilgrimage last week. Harry Mathews will soon establish a re publican paper "ai 8p n cr , IJoyd county. The Ilralnard Clipper , published by W. H. McOrlllln , Jr. , Is a new candidate for public favor. Clarence Selah la soliciting business for a populist paper which he says ho will start in O'Neill about August 1. Last week the Randolph Times began the tenth year of Its existence. The sheet flMt appeared as a five column folio , later as a seven column folio ami In 18S9 was changed to a six column quarto , In which form It has ben printed since. Hon. Charles Wonster. who suspended the publication of the Silver Crick Times when ho went to tha legislature last winter. ha resumed. The only change noted IH tlu < ( he names of his daughters appear at the bead of the columns as publishers. ' COLTS STEP DP ONE iNOTCII Pass Brooklyn in thn Eaco for tbo SjconP Division Lead. BALTIMORE LOS S THE LAST GAME lTt'r'xVllilinii unit ClnrUS I'.rror I'roM * I'noimh tci Turn Victor1 Over to tin' AiiMinlle Louisville. 10 ; St. KotiN , S. rincintinti , 4 ; WnininBtoti , 3 ; 10 Innings. ChlenKO , U ; Diiltlmore , 3. I'li-velnnd , S ; Hrooklyn , 1. Columbus , , " > ; Minneapolis. 3. Kuimis I'lty , u-lj ! Urnml llnpld * . S-12. Or fruit , 15 ; St. Paul , 11 ; 10 lnnlnn . Milwaukee , 4 ; liulltumiiolii ) 3 ; IS Innings. CHICAGO , July IS. The Colts took the last game of the seiles by belter hitting , lloffcr's wildncfs and Ualtlmcre's only error , a wide throw by Clark. Grllllth pitched a steady game , but was oh In fielding , mulling a thrown lull and making a low throw that nrttpd three bnst\s. Connor's batting was n feature. Attendance , 11SOO. Store : fltli'AlK ) . IIAl.TIMiiHi : . ii.ii.n.A.K. i u.ii.O.A.I : . I'lvplltt , 31) . . 0 .McCIraw , III V 0 0 I 0 .MT'nn'U. ss l 1 3 r. o Kcvlrr. rf. . o 2310 I.aciK'1. cf. . . 0 0 1 1 o JvtftngR , KM I 0 1 I u Anr.m. Hi. . . 1 1 S 2 U Kellpy , If. . . 0 S 1 0 0 Uyan , rf. . . . 2240 0 Stonzel , rf. . I'l-fkcr. ir. . 0 1 0 t 0 nuyle , tu..O t Hi I 0 foniK'f. ' 2b. . 0 3 2 4 0 Uullz. ! ) > . . . . tlrltlllli , p. . . 0 0 0 1 2CI rk. c UuiiuliilL' , u. 0 0 5 0 OIlulTer , p. . . . 0 0 0 1 0 " Tntuli . . . . 2 , Totals . . . .3 7 SI H I t'lilcngo 0 0 0 S 0 1 2 0 * -5 Il.iltlniore l 1 0 0 t 0 0 0 0i ; i Katneil runn : ChlcaRu , 1 ; Iliiltlintire , 1. Lrft on liilM'n : ihleiiH < > , S ; llulilinorp. 3. Twn-lmiip hit : U.'llcy. Tlircp-l > a B hit : I'linU. Sioldi liiincn : .Mci'ornilch , llyan , l i'llo > . Hit-msol , Iti'lli : . 1'uulilitilayri : Jlvrormlrk to Uvi'iolt t" lUlla In Doyle , Jrnnlngii to I'.i-lln t D..vlc. . ' StitU'lt uut : Hy tlilllllli , 3 : l > y llnrTer. 2. Ililws in | KIH | | : off lliTi'r ( , .1. 111 ! with bill : r.'iumr. Tline : Two huurs nnd live inlnulcd. IJinpliv : .MoDnn.ll > ! . LOI'ISVILLIC 10 ; ST. L'M'IS , T. LOI'ISVILLK , July IS.-The lirowns pUypil good ball liiciny and were m the It'iul until the ilurith. when the Culonels found Ixin.i- hue's delivery for live hits und as many iuni > , all i-r wblcb weiv earned , llallmun liad nn aigumi'til with t'mplre Hurst In the Ilfth und was put uut of the game. Attendance , 1,200. Score : LOflRVILLK. I ST. LOflS It.II O.A.K ll.H.n.A.K. finilie. If. . . I 3 2 0 0 Douglas , lli. I 3 12 10 JfCri'ory , if 0 0 3 0 o'llnMpy. ' ft. . I'li'U'liK. cf. 0 I 10 5 lliirtimm , 31) 2 4 1 2 1 SlnlTiiril. n. . 1 1 1 3 1 irrnrn. if-21 \V r lfn , Hi. 1 1 S 0 oll.illy. If. . . . c. . . 0 Hullman. 2li 0 0020 Johnson. 2h. Hart , if Cllimin n , 3li 3 2 2 3 0 flDHH , ax. . . . 0 1 T. 5 0 P 1 003 Murphy , c. . 1 1 .0 1 0 I lunnhut' , p. 0 1 150 Totals . . . .10 11 27 11 2 Tnt.iU . . . . 7 13 21 1 < 1 00230005 ' -10 St. U > uls . 0 7 lOaint'il runs : Loulsvllli > . T ; St. Lotitu , 3. First liniie un crroia : l.nuisvllli ? , ! ; Hi. l.oul , 2. Left un liuefs : L'lUtxx Illi3 : St. l..uls. 7. Klrst liiife on lialls : O1T ftiiililnKhnni. .3 ; ntf Uonatuii. , 2. Slriiek out : ily lUinnhmhntii , I. lloint' run : Clnrki" . Three-liimt' ) IH : i 'lineman , llftitiTKin. Tw-l ( > u. o lilts : clarUi' . Lilly. Siio- rllk" ? lilts : Mrt'ri'ury.Vllynn , I'linnlnK.ian , . lilt by iill.-hivl ball : Clnikc. WIM pltrh : nmiii- IHIP. Time : t > ne lioiir nnil fifty llva minutes. t'lnplr : llnist. CINCINNATI. 4 ; WASHINGTON. 3. CINCINNATI. July IS. H took ten innlngn to ilci-lile the garni- between the Senator * and H > > < ls today , wlilch was one of the most exciting seen hero this season. It wan a plteher'H battle throughout. In the tenth Inning Kmpiro U'D.iy ordeied Captain llrown off the lleld for questioning' a. deelslon at llr.st biso. : Attendunce , S.t")1) ) ) . Score : CINI-'IN'NATI. i WASI1LNV.TON' . It.ll.O A 11 II. II. O. A K Iturko. If. . . . 0140 O.Ilrown , cf. . . 10000 linlliiiay i-r nst.ijacii. | | if. , l o 4 o o Ci.ivfir.in. 2b 0 2 2 C \Vrlsli-y , rf. .twill. 31) ) . . . lli'lnont , . 0 0 3 3 0 MIMiT , if . . . .1 1200 l'nrn'11. c. . . VauKliini , Ib 0 313 0 0 Turker. lb. . 0 OHIO Itltchcy. H . 1 It 1 4 0 Iti-llly , : ll > . . . I oil/ , c . 1 0 4 1 OO'llrlun 2b. . 0 Ur'n'ft'n , p. 0 2 0 3 OJIeicer , i . - l MiOnlie , . 000 TotnlR . . . . I II ZO IS 0 ! - Totals . . . . 3 C'2S 10 1 'linttcil for llinnn In tenth. Uno out wlun winning ; run was soorcil. I'lnclnnntl . 1 I WaahliiKtnn . u ; i iarn l ninn : rindiiimll. 2 ; U'lishlnKton , 1. Two-bii-e : lilts : Miller. Vnuxlm. Karri-il. I.HH un IJIII-CH : I'lnclnnntl , 7 ; WnhhliiHtnn. 7. 1'lrtt liapo on lialla : OIT llrpltenrleln 3. Htnick out : lly IMeltiMistfln. : by Murer , 1. 'riitiH : Two liuura mill llflfi-n minutes. I'mplio : O'llay. CLKVKLAN15 S ; HROOKLVN , 1. CLHVKI.ANI ) , O. . .Iul > IS. Hark clouds and lliuinli'r which threatened ruin through out the afternoon Itijit the atlendanre at llio fiecoiiil Sunday gnnif dmwi to S.COO. PoAcll'n gre.it pltchliiK won easily for Clfveland , while tne brilliant Ili-ldlng of bjtb Mldes was another feature Score OLIJVKI.AND. imOOKLY.V. K.ii.o. 0i i ; . . . . Ilurlcott. If. . 2 1 3 0 Orlllln , cf. . . 0 1 3 0 0 2b. . . 0 1 ! > 1 u Jones. rf..O I I 1 o McK'oun. ss. 1 1 1 5 0 If 0 1 3 1 o Wtill.ii.-c. 31) . 00220 Shliiille , 3b. . O'l'onlliir , rf 1 1000 l.ic. ! ' , lb. 1 1 Hi 0 0 X.IIIIIIIIMc. . . 2 3 4 1 0 - liocli , 2 ! ) . . Tebi'iiu. II ) . . , EH. . . 0 0 0 S u .M'Alli.fr. if 1 2 4 0 0 c 1'owcll. p. . . . 0 0 1 2 i Uuiiii , p 0 'l 0 3 0 TutulH . . . . S 10 27 11 0 Tulala . . . . 1 5 27 17 0 Cli-vi'lnnil 0 3 llruuklyn o l Hut-noil runs : Cli > v.-laii.l , I. l.cfl nn linn's : f'lfvc Imi.l. 3 ; Itionklyii , 5. Kirat bui-e on balls : Off r.Mi.-ll. 1 ; nft Dunn. 3. Tliiri'-l.u ) > u hlta : M.'K.-an , Xiniim-r , l i-linncc. Two-bane tilt : KliumiT. Hiiriltli'ihits : riill.ls . , 1'nwpll. KtuU-n UIN-H : Ti'licuo. Istcmincu (2) ) , Si-hm-li. Double play : Anili-rt-on to l iehiinci * . Uniiln-.s | : SH-I | I- i .Ian ini'l ' Knialle. Tlinu : One liuur ami toity- llvu niliiuli-s. Atten.l.mro . , S.Oi'n. ' STAND1NC. OK THE THA-MS. 1'layod. Won. L-.st. I' . C. lioston OS 4X 31 7o r Cincinnati t'fi 11 H. ' . ' Haltimon- C7 -II : ! . ! (11.7 ( New York US 10 2S TiS S " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Philadelphia" . . . . . . . . 7:1 : 31 M 4 ij PIltrtlitirK C < .11 117 4B.IJ ( 'hii-apa 71 ! .U IU II.I Hriioklvn 70 ill fj II : \ \ Uiiilsvllle 711 HU 10 12.il , Waslilm.t' ' < n Ii7 35 -II IIS 'it. Louis 70 15 5. L'l.l. ! i'.iiiiii" > today : 1'hlhidHlpiiia at chleavo ; Xt-w Vork at St. Louis ; Washington at Loiilsvllln ; llo.ston nl Cincinnati ; Ilalllinore at Cleveland ; IliooUlyn at I'lttHburg. ( ; A-\IIS : in. * TIIH i.ivci.vti.'i'nriis. . . loiiltoi-k on TlM'lr Miisi-li- . The .Monitors " " anil "Poverty Knobs" played ball at Thirty-seventh and l-'ort streetye.stenliiy aftirnoon , anil Hie way the Monitors got nfter the ball , from ttnrt to llnlsh dlscour.igetl ihc friends , nf the "I'ovcrtys , " who were of tin1 opinion thai thnlr team could play ball. ( Iniy was kimc-kpil out of Ihe box In Hie sixth innlngl and Ji-n en wax Hiilistituu-ii , Iiuldlng tin- : visitors down to six hii . The fe-atiiros ofj tin- game wi > n > tln > pltelilns of Hurry UliiKti * of tlm .Mniillorn and the goti'l ' work of I'.irrlH i of , Hie .Monitors at short. Score : j Monltor ; < 7 3 S 1 2 S ( I ( t -in "Poverty" ' Kiiah.-i. . . I ICarned runs : Monltor , 12 ; "I'oveity" ICnoli" , 1. Mane hits : Monitor.- * , Ill : "Pov erty" Knoli.s , ii. Home inns : .Monitors , I. Itat-pH un balls : Munltom , 2 ; "Poverly" Knob * . 1. .Struck out : lly IIIiiKlc. 11 ; by Ni-IT , 1 ; by ( iiay. 2 ; by Jens-n , 1. Hutli-rli-- : "I'ovprty" Knolm , ( Iray , Jeii-rn ami ll.nlln ; Monitors , Hlnzle , Nelf ami Pi-asliiKi-r. Tlrnu of came : Threw hours' . Umpire ; .Mr. i'ur- ton. Sliiunrni'KH IONI * nf IMK'liom , HLKHOIIN , Neb. , July lS.-.Spe-'lal Ti'lo- grnm. ) The moat Interesting game of the Hcation on the local ( 'rounds was plnyed to day between Klkliorn anil thu Shamrocks of Omaha. Itoth batteries did good work , and while their suppnrt at times wan ratin-r ragged. It afl'onled a large Held of "ruotcru" tlm opportunity of being very much In the game. Score : Klkhnrn 1 0 1 S 0 0 1 2 4-17 ShaniKCks 1 2 1 0 2 0 G 0 2 II Itaso hllKlkhorn : , It ; Shamrocks. Hi. Twu-l < a.sihit : Jeffrie * . Tln 't-basf bit : Knott. liases on balls : Off McCormlek. li ; t-lTllybirg , I. Struct ; out : Ily .McCormlck. 10 ; by ISyberg , 12. Hit by pltrlu-d ball ; Ho- : llsier , Wurrun. liatterles : KlUhorn , Alt'- Cormb'k and Warren ; Sliamrix'kn. Ityberg and Kail. Time of Kami- : Two hours ; and len minutes. Umpire : .Mr. Hubert Hull. \Vl-Hf I'lllllt \ \ I 111 II * I Nlllll. WKST POINT , Neb. , July U.Kpmlal ( Telegram. ) 'Hie game hire today bulwi-ea l-Veinont ami West Point reunited in a vi < - - tory for Won Point Tlu > fruturc of the RHIIIO was the lioiivy hilling ofVent Paint , AlahuiTcy ainl I itfey lendliiK. * ' - ' > h et > ltln two doubles antl a fclnsle. Schoomni-k pilchptl a good game fur Fri-inont , and < li > - * f-rve i bftlt r support. This In West P.iliit's upvi'iilh strjiglit victory. Si-ore : Wt'BI Point . . . . 0 1 r. 0 2 3 0 2 13 Kivrnunt - Uasi bits. W.l Point , 15 , Frt-moill , 8 lUine run. liru.n. Thrcu-batii ; hit. Hard- lnlirn. < k Tw.vl.n'p \ \ \ \ * : Mnhntfey ( ! > . Lai-ey dl , Kerl , Kvnn * . Slruek out : Ity ScliDoinnck , 4 ; by MalmfTi-y. S 1'rrors West Point 3 ; Kremont. X Huitprlpt : West Point , Mnlinffpy and Laccy ; I'remunt , Sebooiniiok and Krwln. t'inilti | < ; Undplineh Time of Kame : One hour and llfly mltiuies. McU r.l.iWill Until Thp Mptz llnthprs dpfrntoil the North Omaha I'lpmnfo club tp m yestprd.iy morn ing nt the Kort on 'ia ' Rround * In n very IntprefllliK game. It was a itltchrrs' bat- tip , In which Connor * of thp Met * Hrot1ior ' team had fhp brut of HIP nrRHinpiil. Thp aftprnoon Kanip with Kort rr HiX was not so lnl 'rp tltip. as thp scorp will show : Score , tnol-nlns gamp : Metj ! Hrolhprs . 01 1 n 0. 1 1- I N. O. T. C . . . 0 0 ( I 0 I 11-3 Hatlcrlpn : MPIJS Hrothprs. Connor * * and Sage ; N. o. P. tIruntUui and Shannon. Score , nftp'-noon unrnp : MplZ HrolhrM . 3 5 3 4 0 0 1 I - ! Port ( Took . 0 5 llnltpries : Mntz Hmthers. Sjffeldcr nnd Snje ; Kurt I'rook , ftiltzr.mn und Cl'lintl Nliiiiil'i StMli Wi GIIAN1) IPLANM , Neb. . July -iSptnl ! Tppitrnm.--Urnnd | If > .nnd won easily ttxliy : fiotn its opponpnt , ihp I'olumbiiR team SOIIIP rank llehllmvns donp on both HI.IP * . lllndpM' delivery for the lorn Is. bowpver , win lee much for Inn I'lottf county fellow s , th.'y hclii unable to do anything with II , b.ir- rlni ; oliti Inning. Thp scorrrntt 22 to S. The sumo leanirt play tomorrow. Today1 * victory tnnkr * thp sixth sucee'slvp one , and the boys have not been defeated this sc-i- 011. scour.s iii < * TIII : \ \ i > 'nn\ ii\i t ; " ( ' . ! > llriK'i'o I'll l.onu I'nnimli In \ \ In n I'll I r. KANSAS CITY , July ISThe ItliiP * took both Kames. The firm wan holly contested , Itpvls keciiltiB HIP hit. ) well McnltPivd. Whltpd wu * knockeil out nf tlie box In the III rt InnltiK of tile s > eeond KUIIIC. The homo team won on live bits and t\\o errors In the ninth , when llrady rellrpil from tin * Imx and \\IIH Rlieceedctl by Scott. Score , llrst rame : .Kail.M.lH C'lly . 0 0020 4030- ! ) Orand Iliiiild. * . 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 y 1s 1 li.t.sp bits : Kan n City , 12 ; Grand Itaplds , 11. Hrrors ; Kan as city , 0 ; CSrainl Uaiililn . " > . llatti'rlp * : K > ini > : m City. Jli'vlH and HUK- dulp ; ( Ir.iml llntilds , Scot I and Twlnelrim. Sc-ore , second iame : Kaunas City . 0000 1020 fl-K. liralid Itapltl * . C 1 0 U Ti Q 1 0 0 12 Hase hlta ; Kaim-is City , lt : ; Grand KipldM. Hi. Krrors : Knnsas City , 2 ; Grand Itunids , . - ) . llatterle.s : KutiHii'i ( 'lly , Whitcd , AlPiip- fei. and n > ailili > ; Grand I'aplds , llrady , Soott and TwIitPham. M1NNHAPOIJS. .Inly -Thrpp errors. wbli'li wen * re-ponstblp for three l ims , irave Cnliinilius tlie second Kame with the Allllers. Score : Minneapolis . 0 00 1 20000-3 ColiimbUH . 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0"i liiisp bllM Minn > > apol ! . 10 ; Polunibin , S. ICrrors : Minneapolis1. I ; Colnmbim , < ) . Itat- tptrles : Minneapolis , Phillip * und Itoylc ; Coliimluis. ItPtlKer and l > 'l. her. ST. PAUL , July IS.-Tlie St. Paul ami IV- Irolt teams played a three-hour , ten-lnnltiR k'iliiH' this al'ternoDii , the visitors winning Score : HI. Tuiil . - Detroit . 02 2 IS Hase bits : St. Paul , ITi ; Uetrolt. in. Kr- rnr : St. Paul. S ; Ittroll , fi. Matterlps : St. Paul , I'hylt.Miillitne anil Spies ; Detroit , Wnilswoith , Tro t and .McCauloy. .MILWAl'lCKK. July I * . . It took ( Iftppii In- nlntrs to tlt-oltle today's colite t between 111.- Hr-wers nnd Uie lloohtPn * . A throw to ttie plate by Weaver and tin1 HeldliiK of Ualy ant ! I.eweo were tne fonlnres. Score : Milwaukee . 00100000100100 1 4 Indlannp-lls . 20000000000100 0-3 P.II---P bitMlluniikop. : . IH ; IndlannpollM. 12 ICrrors : .Mllwaiikfi * . 3 ; Intlianapolis , 2. lial- terles : .Milwui'kpp , Teuy and Speur ; In- dlutapnllii , l'"iif-.man and Kahoe. STANDING OK TI1K T1SA.MS. Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C. Indianapolis . 73 4'J 21 07.1 Columbus . 73 IS 2H fir.S , St. Paul . S'O 51 29 Crj.S Milwaukee . 77 4S 2LI (12. ( 11 Detroit . 71 38 i 51.1 Grantl H.ipltls . 7 , ' ) 23 50 33. 3 Mllinenpolls . 7S 21 31 "O.S KIUI.-IIS i-lly . 7 ! ) si M 20.1 Games today : Grand Hapids at Kansas City. Indianapolis at Milwauk.-e. Detroit at St. Paul , Columbus at .Minm-a palls. \Vi-Klf-rii Assorln f lee MMM-I-N. la. , July IS Score : Dubmjue 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 St. Joseph 0 L' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Hase hits : Dubinin ? . 7 : St. Joseph. 5. Erroi-s ; Pubunne , 5. Ht. Joseph , 5. Bnt- Itrles : Duhiinu. . . Smith ami .Sullivan ; SI. Joseph , Itlsloy and Collins. CUPAIl IIAPIDS. la. , July K-Score : Ceilar Hapids 0-S Des Molnop 02000000 0-1 Ha-t- lilts : Cf-dar llapl.l" . , 7 : Pea 7. Kmrrs : Cellar llaplds , 1 ; Pel Molnen , t. Uittc-ries : Cedar llaplds. Maholfey und Fuller ; PP Muinps , Miiiiek and Lohman. PKOIHA , III. , July IS. Score : lVrla 0-1 Durliiigton 01 100000 0-2 Hase hits : 1'eorla. 7 ; Hurllngton , 7. Kr- rora : I'eorln. 1 ; Ilurlliigton. 2. Uat lories : IVorla , Talbot and Quinn ; Ilurllngton , Kit- son nnd Itiifferl. UOCKFOIIU , III. , July IS.Score : Unckford 0 .1 0 ; i 2 0 0 1 C'uliify 32000000 1-C Hasia hits : llockford. 11 ; ( julncy. 10. rors : Itockford , S ; Qulni-y , I. liatterles : Uuckfonl , Anilpi-son nnd Huff ; Quincy , Single and Ferguson. MoriCrlikil Tniliiy. ( L'opyrlRht. UU7 , by Pros I'lilillxbliiK1 Company l HATH , ICng. , July IS. f.N'f-w York World Cablegram Spoclnl TeleKiiim ) The Ameri can cr'ckL-t ' tenm arrived n.-r. * today and have pul up nt tinHoyal h ' ' " " ' " at Lords on Thursday. Thin will probably prove a hard game and should draw out a hire11 altcnduiici' , for the gamt at Hi- Oval un Hit- last three duyn ( if the work Is a minor t'ontej.t bi-twi-t'.i . tlie Huney Bt-fuml tltven and Ilt-rtforil--hln > . Ciiiiiii ! Si-nils n lti.ii- | < --.c-iiiitl ( vt- . TOItONTO. July IS.-Chnrlcfi Itlctiardfin left last night fir Hcotlnnd lo ronrt-si'iit C'anada In tin world's rhmnpl'iii'hlp bli'j.'b' r.icis next month. ! linrdsnu sroes as I In * rciire cnliitlvi. of the Canadian Wheclinen'H usMH'ialliin. U'lll HIII-I * for TlilrljIliiri * DIIJ-N. KANSAS CITV. July IS.-Tho mwly oi-Kan- Ixed Kansasi City Fair nnd Ilnt-lm ? ayn-la- lion has ili-rldfd to cuntlmie the pn-iu-nt nit1- Ing j iiii-eMng for another thirty days until AMU lo IliiviThilr I'liy Ilt-Mtorvil TIIKNTON. N. J. , July IS. It d"v loped hero 1 toilay that the working potters uf thlh city , had a conference last week with the manufacturing , potiera wlih a view of MM-III- Ing a return of the 12 > ,4 per cint n-din in n In I wagitt wl < in the Wilson bill was in effiI . I No ; definite ) concluwliiiH weru n-acln-.l. . b.n . the i men feel coiiflilent that the maniifaptiir- er , will return to the ucnlo. T'ori-Nf nnil l-'ii-lil I'lri--- . SAN FKANCIHCO , July IK. l-ori > st aii'l ' llcl.l . llri-H are doing miK'h duuingi- v.irn'ii- ' . parts of thlH stute. Near the town of l ( > .1 ISIuff about a d.jzt-ii renld'-iici > .s liavi- l I-M burned , r it tie rangcH di.stv. y.-.l and -i.in in i : i-roM aif Ihrt-iiii-iH-.l . , Thi' ! < I" n.r i'l ' > . .V.T $ UKiU./iJ. Thbillrt ni'iir tlir Inun "t Kcnwoo'l ' anIn ll.iiii'-s . nii'l ' many farms tin- In dniiffi.-r. In the vlrlnlly of .Mount Dl.ibl.i . llnIs laying waste Hie lli-l.lH and Hi. mountain IIUUSUH are tlireatt-ni" ! . &iwM&m ! Hmi I N ate/t % / H IT TT. I 'if--1 I'lmplcf , lilotcbf * . t acUhi'ailj r-il , rjuali , oliy , rnolliy nUIn , lirliiut' . i" " ' > ' 'p ' , 'I' ' ) . Hi" ' , m.d falling lialr , nnd luhy l"iin.l.n ' | IU\IIHM | liy CUTICUIU ttr tlio muili-ii" > nu Lm | iunfy. Ing and U utifingiuai | In tl.o w ild a * rll ti > purc/t and iwi oUt for twlut , I alt ) , und nurei ry i - > ' , e werM. l'oir..u I ) . | i * * . " . .c fr . ) , . lcx iej 'M30loD u'.lf/IlltSt ' r"flH UllUnnO 6' UVUll HUmUIiO MI.TIN oitnr.nr.n TO < i IIMIT. \niliniiMiliir * ] Ht-Jt-ff Hit * 1'riintliT * -i-luMiif l'riiini | < < il li > ' 1'iM'llU 1'iiilin. CONSTANTINOIM.K , July IS U Sumr- day's slitliiR of the peace rtuiferenre Tewnk I'asha. Ihe Turkish mlnlAtrr of 'forrlun af fairs. arrived late. He suhmlttrd to the conference a new fttintler jchcmo , whiih wn unacceptable to the powers , and ihe ' > " > - b.iMAdora thereupon Informed TewllK dial the conference would adjourn mml ho hrouRht a written nrreplance hy hii K , < \--I' ' inent of tin * frontier ( raced hy' the mtlil.ry ilttache. ? . CONSTANTINOl'I.t : , July 1S li n n- raiiKcd flint the Turkish ili.ir\ | | MMIUH. slon aliculd inert the Kuropiati miluan lilehfs at 9 o'clock yesterday moiuiiti ; at Toplmup , hut the Turks failed to k. , | > c appointment. Tm > aml.iM.idnm iu > . 'iM. ! nt 10 o'clofU , hut ( I'-dlUK that Tttik I , i > n did not come , adjourned lo the \t , - , ni i emhasay. where Tcwllk I'ashi p'-vu hlnsPlf : at noon with Ihe rvmsr IIT | sultnn had detnlned him and iho rn coiiiinlii liiii nt the Ylldlz Kli-k r , maintained that the sultan h.id aiu. . . , l Marshals ekkl 1'asha and s.nd. , | Pasha as new military doleuntrs M n Mate peace. The ambassadors wiai- -n. . , , 'V ' aril pailtlM-ly declined to dlscii- tli - , pi , > t OIIH with anybody except wlih Tewlllc 1 asih.i. AlthoiiKh the orders rwcntly ls ii -l , lei-n eounlernmnded , ir..noo troops an- held In readiness lo mart for the iM.ind of l rete at the shortest nollco. | > J-.nl I'aK whom the sultan ordered to prom , l t.i . n , < o as a Turkish emissary , lais nnw I . , - oft-d In pnstpnm- his departure It m n , ilerstood that tin * powem throatcned to re- slst his landlns hy force. nunTIN ( ! H.IISID : " ( N MMI\ cilllll-t- 'lls-.i-Mil..H in s , , , Ml , | Inu I'liii. . . ( U.-rp , , , , , . , . ( i , , . | > , , | | , . , . . ( JltKHNOl'K. July . IS.-A - rurbnn s.-enn occurivt ] ti lay at lluneen , a walennc pla t * wven mid a half mhos frcm th . , , ; Oreat exi'lten.ent . h.in ptevallrd Mn-i i .r . boveral weeks bccaiine the . authnrltn j of th. < boiough refiie.rd to allow passenger- | i land there on Sin day. 'l\iday a ideasure stianu-r arrived and found the pier oord | ( ' , ntl a aril of police Htatloned at the K.HI'rtm whole ( o\\n turned out to watch tii , pro- rrr-dliiRS , It havlMK been nilliouneed tli.it .t landltiK oiild hi * cuYcled drapite 1)11 ) l ro- hlbltlnn of the authorities. The PI-- , I.I < - i lani'isl. headed by a popular Si-mli > ui- tater named Hunter , amid tin * eheerM nl ho pnpiilu-e. Hunter demanded that ihiuit.d . be npened. aiul cainpll.iiico with Hi" d'-mn I lnu refi'f-ed by the pulli'i * the piK.scnc'vrj : made a cliai'Kt and nltlmitely i-miMlU'il the Kntm ami entered tln > town. Tiniol , were roimhly handled by the Htoaiiicr'o pa - Cunnol I'll ; III n lili'iiii-iiniil. LONDON , July 19. TinDiily M ill's Paris correspondent says : Prliii-e llrnry of Orleans dcvlluei to lliht a duel wn'i ' 1,1 , -i- tenant Plnea , one of HIP Itallim i. . "Iy Ilix'iMted from caflvlly | ) in Aliys-inia , win was diMiniMted by tlie drawing of lo hlh comr.ulps to liRiit a dupl. Prln - however , is wIllliiK to aet-ept a i from an Italian elll'-er o a rank IM. re--.m . l- Im ; tu Ms own. liiillnii ltii | l.onii Nniioiiniiil. . CALCUTTA. July IS. Ttlc IMMIInl i ti.-w 3-4 JUT i-ent In.iu of "CO laklis of n.in- . , . 1-4 announced. it Aitni > 'rrn. I'llllllill-llillln IlillltiSilllills Uolililn ; ? NliW YDItK. July IS. William A. llill- wood , dealer In antique books and rvn jrwclry In I'lilbdelphia. Is und r .n. < , charged with having swln lied Marc'i. ' V ' . , jewelers of this city , out of jewelrv vnlti..t . at monv tlionsnnd dollars. In a n.du . . ' . i today the prisoner was lerr.on.l" . ' ! i > -i custody of HIP Central ot'ice ' .let. etm * Hellwoud Is a Frenchman , litInmn ' 3 dealings with Marcus .t Co. vln.iit a - ar ago. Recently Marcus f : Co. lenin-d i. t Ilollwood wiw seen freiiiently | at tin- iu tracks , where he w.is icported to I--IM- ' < i a heavy lo er. Ixist Friday Mi-Hun ! , | > Deared at the store of Marcus .V ' . 'i 1 called for a diamond necklice. Hi * k' ' ' . 'I rut' valued nt J7.400 and left , lie n.io > ! lowed , and wu- > seen ti > go Into a llnn.ry . pawnslicp. Next day he wa.s . tnkcn in . > . tody on Ilroadway. On Ills person a.- foil ml the costly ncckliice , together with a bunU - of pawn tickets , on which he had r. . . ol > i"l ? l.1'io. ! ' ; Dcllwood admitted hln guilt as f.ir n the jewelry ho hail received from Mar' ' > i.s & Co. was concerned , and bald his downfall was duo to gambling on the race traks , IM-\II\.S MOAT iti\iv ) TIIIP. Iliinilfi-il * . of I'-opli * Vlill tli < > V < - * < rl \honl fo Sail fur I InN.irlb. . BOSTON , July IS. The work of lo.iilniK the balance of the llnpe'H cargo was nt- mimed today and Lieutenant Peary will sail an early Monday morning as the Job mom - pletrd and the water will allow. The party l all on board and eager to be off on the long journey. The ship was open to v t-itorn all day and hill.dredn bwarmed over her Mile.s and about the deck. All ovenhiK and far Into the night they stood In giouiis looking at the boat and making commeni.s. * > II.1H IIIlltlH K lion II IlllTIllCI - Vl-lll-1. PI5NVI-JH , July IS. A. II. Olni-y of t'orn- Ing , Sleubcn county. N. Y. , has arrlv < d m Denvrr , lint Indinli'H tlm ri-purl ih.it Un < Mniu lo marry MIH. Jane A. Hill li ) > caii > " ) .shu I ; ' tliu owiii'r of $ IOii ) | ) ami that ) n > ln- ( ' . uin ! iiciiialnteil | Hltli lu-r througii a pattnt meilli-lnc- advi-rilsi-iiH-nt In wlilt-li bis | n. lin-o was uji-.l. . Mr. Olnt-y SIIJH be Ivimwlin - pi r- s.mx . wbo slarlnl tbrsjiin liiuimi"i > , n tl lu > will settle acc-niints will ) tin-in "ii l > * r - turn to I'omlnn. litKiyM be b. . - , im. ' n. - niiainted will ) .Mis. Hill tliri'Lye.UN aito in Aniiany , N. V. PERFECT w flbi JIN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY , U.m-il } > y pcojilo of ivl'moim-nfc fdf ir.'i-f n iiitrtci' | ! nf : i i" iilni'y DUFFY'S PUfiE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. .MI The Ci-eignton TODAY TONIGHT 2:30 8 : : 5 TIIIoonu : MM * TIII.\'I ! KK en , THE PRIVATE SECRETARY TinKilnTill - : I.\U VMII'S ( I.CIIIv. i ii s.ili > > "i' Kvt-iy pi-rfiirinnnci Hut IT | > "The liuv- . " Slrimt , out 'M. i' N IM U.I.Y l. n'\r.-i : ) Ann rlcan pluii. i. ' > pi-r il.'iy up. I. in. , | -.in . jiuiii , tl.lllj | i.p il iy up .1. K , U.VIIKKI , .V. . * > ( > % . I'riiiiM , BARKER HOTEL. uut II.IN ; m AMIniMis .s'nni.r.i : , ] | j ( oui7 > . batiid. feieuui livdt uit.i all 11 , iit-ra -untfLlrnuek. H.iitII Ji mid ti.w jpr < J./ > lv ui r icLlli 1 Sji.-t'UI law mica tu ivgulai > ! . IlCK KMI1 II Ma. , i ; i-r Complexion have u vulgar flare , hut I'OIZO.YI'H ta ) vruo I n IIOHC fllft-ta urn Itutint ; n