TTTTC OAFATTA DATTiY' llT2iTtr Till DAY. . .TTTTYV in. 1.QI17. MATERIAL ON HIE GROUND Long Looked for Work of Erecting Bnild- iags About to Bo Realized , EXPOSITION CONSTRUCTION UNDER WAY .Work on roiiniliiMon for HieAil - iiiliilNlnilloti Iliillillnu ; \\lll lie C'liinplrlril 'I on lull I Kli | < > - dllloii .NilCM. ( The actual work of erecting the city which IB to house the great TransmlBfilSfllppl and Internalloiml Imposition ImB commenced. The pile fotmditlon for the Administration milldlng Is being put 111 and will be com pleted by tonight. HrlRga & Cusli- man the rnntraclorfi for the framework nf this building have their material on the ground , and their workshop is now being rreful. They will bo ready to begin the active work on the building an soon us the foundation Is completed. The Administration building will be com pleted within four months from this date. While the building could he constructed In 1cm than two months If there were need fi * doing so , the contractors have been Riven plenty of time , ns there Is no neces sity for haste. Thecaipenter contraclors are given Ihreo months to complete their portion of thu work anil the staff contract ors are given thirty da8 to put the stuff In place. To Meditate work the fence around the Kounl/e tract has been entirely closed , a ncciion of the fence having been constructed across Twentieth street juit south of Miinder-ion Tills part of the grounds will ! Kent closed to all except those having bual- ne * . ( therein In order to prevent delay. Ilie other portions of the exposition grounds will be left open Until It becomes necessary to close them tin account of the work. 'I lie next conlract to be let will be for thoM M nufuctuK-a and I.IIu nil Arts building , llldi for this weie to have * been opened lo- dj > but protista were tecelved from con- traitors that tin- time was too short for the-ni to prepare their lildii. and the lime wan con- eequcntly extruded for five das , and bids for the construction of tills building will be opened at 1 p m , July -l > iTIH si or TIII : I\IMISITIOV. Ill Vildllliili lo Hi. ' VV.'II. Piiniim Will lie -oil. I . The artesian well on the exposition ground IB going down toward the bow els of the earth at a rapid tale A depth of ! )00 ) feet linn been icnihrd and no delay has ensue 1 Blnce the lools wore recovered labl week. It IK anticipated tli.'H n lieavy How of waler will be hit nek within the ncxl 100 feet. \n errouioUH Impression Foonis lo prevail regarding what is expected of Uils well. Humor aboiil lovvn hah it tint the water fiupply of the cxpobltlon depends upon this hole In Ihe ground. Nothing could be fui- Ihcr fioni the fact. While the well will he of immense benefit in the way of a vvatei fiiippl } , and while other wells will piobably be sunk In the event thai n good How If secured In the lirnt one } el Ihoio uie atliir rcBouiccb vvhlrli will be called upon in tuppllng the immense iiuantllles of water which will be required It Is itulmnted lhat for tlin lagoon alone there will h- about 1,000.000 gallons of water reiUlied | even dav. No well could be e\- pcctel to hiippl } Hiib quaintly of water , and the weli row being Mink will nol be celled upon for any s-iich imp hilble Prep arations ale being made for two othoi means of upl | } . Iloth contemplate pump ing water from theMis oiirl river. lly one plan It Is proposed lo r/iin / > trucl a line of pipe , from the liver to the eael end of the lagoon and pump the- water by mean ; of centrifugal pumps into the lagoon , allovv- 11ng II to How out gradu illy thiough tin- at the west end of the main court Anrtner plan Is to pump the vvnler from the cast end cif Cut Off lake and pump It from the vvci < t end Inlo pipes which will car.'y 11 to Hie cast end of Hie lagoon Whether th a plan will be agreed to by Ihe propoity enviiPtf along Cul Off lake has1 not } cl been determln. . d. If the'y objccl the water will be taken from Ihe river. The pumps and oilier macrlii'ry nece-hary to carry thccte plans into offecl have been offeird lo the exposition maiiaKeinent free , as c\liIbilH. and either plan will entail but little expense. Tor Hre protection to protect the bulldingti of the exposition , Ihe water company's s } - tem will hn called upon. The aite.slan well will bc > utill/.cd foi display purposes and for drinking water , and fcr supplvlng the bulld- ingci if the ciuanlily If. biilllcicni. \\OUKS MOKIY : > S TIIV.V OM : . 11 u I'll Tor Oiniiliii. The Micccss of the Nebraska delegation In landing the isns meeting of the National League of He-publican Clubs was the subject of dl eu t.leini on the directs } ester- day when It became known thai Iho icconi- tnendatlon of the committee on location , endorsing Omaha , had been adopted by the convention. All icports coming ftom De troit were to the effect that excellent walk had been done by thu delegation and the inemberfa of Ihe delegation were Mghly rniium ndt'd on nil sides for the diplomacy cllspla.ved. The comments on the rebiilt of the meetIng - Ing of the national league In Omaha were along JiKst two liiirb One was purely polit ical mid Hie other wab concerning the effect up n tlio 1'Mio.sltli'ii. It was conceded that , as a political move , the meeting will be most effective nnd lt effect will be far- reaching throughout this entire hectlon. As ' to the effect upon Ihe exposition , U was agreed that the meeting will bring to this | 1 city tlioub.uulH of visitors fiom nil over tlie country , men who will patronlre the expo- Mtliii and advertlM- i'\teiihivcdy upon theli re"urn to tlulr hoinci' Among lepubllrans , especially , the feeling of H'joicttig w.ib niiiMt nolle e.tlde. Lul citi zens without legard to party adulations e\- pussed tlie guutest gratltiejti'iii lhal the long llnl of national conventions had linen Im leaded by Ihe iiddllii nof n galhi ring so large ue the imllonul leagiu' . i in : ISTIO\ : . Itlvnl t'nMiM-sxIiHiMlri'N lii * < ToKi'lli a mill settle Tlu-lr llllli > ii > ii < > i > N Pavld R Smith , assistant comml > sloncT of A the Cliinene section of the Tunainljuhalppl Kxposltlon , and Hong Sling , the c-oneesblon- aK > for the ChlniRe village , held a c-onf r- enre In thl city \Vedncsdiiy and adjuntod their rrlatlonn un an omle- nblo IIIIS'M They stated that the reports In the Chicago papers re- girding tin- trouble biineeu tin m had been greyly \.ignerateil i nnd had little foumla ( ion In fact That there had brin a slight dltllcully thrv did not donj. hut they agreed In having that nothing MTOU ! liad exlsteil I and even til had been rcwnvevl and they " .uHild not roulllct in the future Mr Smith mated that the functions of the Chinese commissioner and the concessionaire of the Phlnrap vlllago were so entire ! } dlf- frruit that t litre was iviilly no occasion for nny dltugroomcnl He t > < lcl an iinderstaiib'- Ini ; had been rebelled wh'cli ' would obvUtu ell future dllllculty. Iloth men left for the cnst yesterday , S'l'IM , TIIIJV CO > TIM I ! TO ( Ml Mi : . C'olM i-ll line tilili-i ) | o Hit * l.lht I'or % ! \i'nr. Another Important convention has been ailde-d lo the nlrctid } lung list of national IIM | | < W wlilrfi will make Omaha their iiun > : - I.TJJ pluce for U9S. The Amc-'U'an Atsocla- tlun of AK'Iriilturul Colleges and 1'xjurl- rni'D'al ' H Tit long In the lant gjii.rrlng to fu up in Oin lM an In mertlng place for next yai Th'n a ockitlon 1 row In setslon In to MiniifoeMilli and the pUee for 'he- next meet- INK wad ted cc ted ji tordaj Siiporlntend- cm l' W Taylor of tlin | ) i-paritnent of Ex liil.iifi ni the jtir ltion u in attindanio at UK. iM'rnnK , and It UBI iJi Hy through hti tff - i 4 n itrj ty the . | HT Nel > r4iika dele- Th "ci a' t'B Miee'ii.g of thin UK ( h 1 < i < vO. all of the L-int ; ! > r fe ilunal mvu , many of he them being accompanied by their wlve > 5 and fcmlllr The aesdlnns continue several days. The Duplex Typewriter company of lien Molnrci hut applied for space for an exhibit of machines. Vice President C. Harrison Parker of Louisiana writes lo the expedition manage ment that Louisiana will make an exton- slvo and creditable exhibit of agricultural and manufacturing resources and the native woods of the stale. An Kngllsh syndicate of brewers hat ) opened negotiations with the Department of Concessions for the privilege of operating ait old Kngllnh Inn , similar to the "White Hor.'o Inn , " which acquired mich popularity at the World's fair. Thu $200.000 mark In the cash payment ou exposition Block Is being rapidly ap proached. Ytslerday the total cash pay ments amounted to JlflS.lOO , or within $ l.ruO of the peal which must be reached before Urn state appropriation of $100,000 is avail able. able.The The secretary of the American Suffolk I < 'lock Hrglster association writes from At lantlc. In , to Inquire about the provlKlons to be made for the accommodation of breed- era of standard sheep. He says the members of the onclety will m.ikr a fine exhibit If BUitable arrangement ! ; arc made. Montgomery , Ward & Co of Chicago arc negotlallng with the * Department of Exhibits for space for a 1 iilldlng which Is lo ccst J.1.000 They propose to exploit their wares In a ralher novel manner by means of a magic lantetn They also ask for permission to operate a ho'KOlcm ca rhige , their si he me being to carry people about the grounds free of charge. V'asslly Kbell. the Uu'tjian coinmfcsloner of the Transmls lssippl Hxpo'ltlon has re- reived a loiter from an old schoolmate In St Petersburg , who states thai thu Intel na tional Exposition of Posters , now open In St. Petersburg un ler the 4iu plctH and pat- roi'ago of her Imperial lilglini' . , the prin cess of Oldenburg , Is particularly lacking IT Amcilcan pastels The name and ad- dre'ss of Mr. ibcU'H : friend who Is general becrctaiy nf the exposltlrti Is Pane Mar- toiau , 21) ) Hue dis ( iraniles imrlc : . Any American producer of the prster style of commercial art can thus secure attention from the public. Tno MlKlit > Coiilliu'iilM , North and Smith Amcilcn besides Citiate- mala. the West Indies. Austnlla. and even Europe , are the fields of usefulness In which Hosteller's Stomach Hitters has demon strated Its value BB an antldole to malaria , and as a reined } for dvspppsla , constlpntloii rheumatism , neuralgia , biliousness , nerv ousness and loss of appetite and sleep The Inhabitants , the medical men of the countries , have spoken in no uncertain tone- concerning the elllcacy of the great house hold remedy. _ HoiiU'Hi'cKi'rs' i\ciirsloii. On Julv0 Till : MISSOURI PACIFIC UAIhWAV will sell tickets to pointfi in the South and Southwest at one fore plus $2.00 for the round tilp. Tor iate-8 , land pamph- li'ti. etc. . write or call al cliy olllces. N. K. f.'or. 13th A : Farnam Sis , Omaha , Neb. J O PIin.MPPI , T. V. GODFREY , A. G F. it P. A. P. & T. A. c A. St. I'niil II n 11 no > . A long list of excursion points to which round trip tickets will be sold at great ! } re duced rate's The condllii ns for summer louiiHls weie never moie liberal limn lliobe for Ibis beCFon. For full infoimation as to routes , rates , limits , selling dati's. etc . np ply at the ell } tlpkcl ollice , ISO I Farnam st F. A. NASH. General Western Agent ins AVAHM.VC iii7cTivii : ) TOO I.ATI : . Irrestnl \ VlilliItiMiilliiK on Vilvli'i' to Yesterday morning when A. M. Sheets of David Clt } was at tlio postolllee , and wljle ho was in the very act of reading a communl- cation in which he was given a tip to leave the city to escape capture , he was nabbed by Detectives Savage , Dempse } and Hudson , and placed under arresl He is wanted In David City ou the chaigc of bistardy. Sheets has been i lesideiit of David City , whcro he ran a saloon. His wife left him a .vear ago last February and went to Hutle , Mont After her deparluro ho took up with a girl whnso name he sas is Kalle Sailor. About wl.x weeks npo her condition became such thai ho skipped Hie town to avoid the consequences. He came lo Ibis clly aboul Ivvo weeks ago and has been living at a Dodge slrcet holel under an assumed name. He lias been employed on Ihe e.xposilion ground : ; . The police were asked several days ago to u a tch for him. The detectives waited for him to call for ? nail at tlie postolllcu and xvere on hand when lie went there Uils morning. Ho had just received a letter mailed from Lincoln , In which ho was advised to leave or | h would bo arrested. The writer said that t I ho knew what was "going on" lu the case I The coiiiniuiilcatlon was not signed , hut as. It wan npiiaiently written on paper It l bellcvd that some attache of the police ( Icpaitinent of David City gave the tip. Arnold's Fliomo Celery cures headaches. 10 , 23 and 50 cents. All druggists. Tim UMO.t PACIFIC. The Only Dining Cur Itoiitc. OMAHA TO PACIFIC COAST. Till : UNION 1'ACIKIC , ' It Is the only direct line to San Franchco , and makes 12 HOURS QUICKRH TIME to San Krancisco than any other line. Call at cltr ticket omcc , 1302 Karnam st. . To u i-N III tin * Itoi-U } Mountain.- ! . Thn "Scenic Line of tlie World , " the Den- \CT K. Ulo Orando railroad , offers to tourists In Colorado , Utah and New Mexico the choicifit icftorls , anil to the transcontinental traveler the KrawUn bccnery. The direct line to Ciinplo Creek , the greatest camp ou ejrtli. Double dally train service with llnoiigh Pullman sleepers and lomltts' exits between Denver and San Francisco and I. < os Angeles. Write S K. Hooper , 0. P. & T. A. . Denver , Colorado for illustrated , descriptive pam- phletH. Tioriiii : roil MM. c.\itniit. I'lirc'r ( o \\lii Illicit Ills \ \ 'll'n V Ili'i'lliins C'arder yesterday complained to the police lhat Wedncfday her husband tried to cut her throat with a razor. She as that a week ago lie atsaulted her with crowbar These two cases were consldcted good giounds fora prosecution and tlietefore waiiani for Caidi-r'n arrt-n cm the charge if nKioult and buttery was Issued. Iloth parties aid colored Carder has a hard reputation. Hoa \ Rent to the penitentiary for a } e-ar foi ehlil.-en Kteallnr ; and finished his hfiitcnre some moiitlm ago .Mrs. Carder refused lo at mo with him und over Hits Hie trouble betweer tlm couple arose. Carder rented house next door to her at 1117 C'ass btuet and has been tilnR to effect a recon ciliation. He atlemplcd to uccnmplUli it with an axe tome time ago and was ane&ted , & U heal i cvciihing except a broken heart nm > bo laid of lie WlttV Witch Hazel Halve' ' I'llos and renal , cuts , burns bruises , tetter , eczeiui and all akin doubles of tiny tie cured by it quickly aim iH.r. tunienlly 'I ' lir I.iiir-Mlillniui limit , . Is the onlj line running through broad gauKtfllceperr , and chair ears between Deli ' ver and I'npulc c'-e'ck. It reach'- . all points in the Cilpplo Cieek dlstiict. LOW OM-\V.\Y ; 'KITHS ' ! .11) ) I > nlnu linn , C. Via the Durlingion route , S ( a east or an } of the abo\o Jow-r.itc days and > ou * av enough to cover all tbelii- cldental . - . - UM--IIKIJ. of travcl--brth In sice . - IIIB car. mc-altf , irainfeis. etc. . St'o lickft aKem'M' \ > Karnam st. . or write ' J I'lancis jj. l . \ , QmntUi Ncb > l.nul ) lU-turiiH In Oliin. X. While In tlu . .iij ' today , - t-n-t'Ity Council- - nmn Jol.r. i.tml > sei-ilu.l his Jl-rui-uld 0 i-nn He will Ink. him la. K lu 0il ! < und place him in UK .u. > iu | j , f friends t Cntchucton ; Lemlj and . vvif , M-paialdi L. . und > lnit it.n , MI * Umly Ims sonic married time ib'uln Lem } i fufced to tulle Inii-iiii'aa affairs. Huwncr. he Uenlcl tlmt and hud -.bltc-a Cuba , as jfad been , rciortci , . KANSAS EDITORS IN TOWN Editorial ] , ] Association Spends Half a Day Looking Over tin Oity. TAKING TRIP TO THE NORTH SIGHT SEEING Pencil I'lKliiTM from Ilic SiiHllim or Stall' llaiiiiui'lcil nnd .Muili * to t < < ! at Iliinic In tlic Porly members of the N'orth Central Kan sas IMItorlal a.voclntlon were the yuista of Omaha justerday afternoon. They arrived in thu city at 1 o'clock , anil entered \la Webster street station. They occupied a couple of cars on the Missouri 1'aclflc's c.x- Iirchs , and were met at the station by a numerous delegation from the Commercial cluli and the Transinl.sslSJlpiH 'Ihe party was escorted to Six- leiiith and WcbMci streets , where a train of gaily decorated trolley cars was In wall ing. The visitors were taken directly to the Commercial club , where there were mote Omahans waiting to extend a he-arty wcl- CIHIIO lo them. After Iho formality of Introductions , the visiting editor. ) and their nivea nnd Icrs weru hidden to an elaborate lunch. Due long table occupied the central portion of two of thu parlors , and .ilutii this were rcated thu guests and a prominent citizens. After the last course had been served and dl | tjsEil of , IMward Itnseuator arose from hlb Beat nt the head of the long table and opened the pcdt-pramHal exerclsta. He bade a hearty \velcomu to the ncwsjiaper folks from the Sunllower state and told them that thuro should bo no formality about the oc casion , adillng that It was no drct-vKUll af fair. He told the \lsltors that they were the representatives of the greatest profes sion In the world todiy , memuert > of a pro- Icv.slon that had done more than an > other uiio factor for the advancement of clvllira- tion. He ai-.sured the * visiting journalists from Kan&ati that the men and woniui en gaged in a similar line of work extended to them through him a most cordial welcome. AX OLD MAI' OK KANSAS. Mr. Hcteewater . ? aid that In his library ho had an old volume In which tlie domain of Kansas ( . ' \londe,1 from Its present south ern border to 1'ugtt .sound , and In which thu name of the .slate nas t-.pelled with the letter "t. " lie called attention to the fact that the .same act had ghcn the right of htaltbjoJ to botli the states of Kuiinau and N'ebrahka. Ho believed that thu citizens of both states were now earnestly working for one common object , namely : the up building of tlie west , 'lulb was the th-iiif ot the TratidmUtiissipi-i Imposition , which was to be held in Omaha next jear. Hefore introducing President Wattles of thu expedition director } to npeak of the i\pcfiltlon , Mr. Itosjvvater Invited the \lsi- t > .is to The llee building and expressej the hopd that Omaha would occupy a prominent place in the reminiscences of their northern trip after they had relumed to Kansas. I'rebldent Gurdon W. Wnttka ot the ex position directory then brit-io i expanded to the toast. 'The TianomUwisslppI Hxporii- lion. " Ho told the visitors that there had been groning in tli In city for .several months past an enteipilto that meant more to the u..stein coMitiy than anything tiiat hail ever happened , lit told of the origin of the exposition idea In the TransmUblsaippl con- guth , and recited Its progress since that lime. lla bald that the big &lun\ would be ot an International character , and told of the aid that had already been secured for it. Ho said it was unfortunate that ihc & . < ito of Kaiuas did not last u later make an appro priation | for an exhibit here next jear , but lie lelied confidently on the cities of the state to help out , and was certain that thu products of what was probably the greatest agricultural state in the union would be dis played to the auvantage and advertisement of the ctate. Ho looked to the editors of northern Kansas for substantial aid in ad vertising the exposition , and the applause lhat followed his remaiKs seemed to come ad a guaranty that the advertisement of the exposition in tiio press of northern Kansas would not bo lacklog. VISIT THI : iini : IIUIL.UIXG. The company dispersed and the majority took advanlago of the opportunity to visit The lice building The visitors were shown through the gjeal newspaper plant by Mr Hosewater , and returned to the Commercial club in time to meet a special train of trolley cats that was In waiting for a trip through an 1 absut the city. The start was made shortly after 3 o'clock , and the llret run was out to Haiuuom park. A s'op of a half hour was made there , during which time the visitors lat slioiled through the shaded walks and found the Inviting nooks most agieeable tetrcat.s from thu warm suntlilnc. The cars were boarded again , and the train speeded thiough the pi mcipal business portion tliA of the city up to the exposition grounds. Another stop of a half hour was made there , while President Wattles took the party through the grounds and explained the at tractions . that would be placed there ere another year should roll around. After another trip through tlie sections of the city not previously seen the visitors were taken to the Webster street station. There they entered two special cars In waiting for them , well pleated with their afternoon's pleasures In the exposition city. Tno can > occupied by the visitors wore ap- pioprlately decoiated with gieat bunches of Immense Minllowers. On each side of one car appealed a banner with this device. "Xorth Central Kansas Udltorial associa tion. " As they departed the editors gave tliico rousing cheers for Omaha , and it was patent to the most casual observer that they had had a gcod time. Their last annual exclusion was taken through the far west , Hit. longest slop being made at Salt I.aKc Cltj. Many of the delegates expressed a re gret ycsteiday that the > had delayed so long about Irf-pcctlng a city of greater attract ions MI much nearer thflr own homes. Ol'T FOIl A GOOD TI.M1J. The Xorth Central Kansas IMItorlal as- soclation Is the * oldest oiganl/atlon of Its Kind In that state. It was established In ISS4. and liaf. been doing active work ever since. The membership includfo 100 edl- torn An annual trip for the education of the members linn been a feature of the as sociation jilrice Its Inception. This year the trip It toward the north. The btait was mid6 Wednesday from Atchlson. Ycst.idaj alternoon was tvpeiit in Omaha , after the ex ercise at the Commercial club the visltorn being ( Hcortcd to the principal points of In terest of the city by a delegation of Un commercial rlub. The purty lift lieu- C Ifi o'clock In a special oar over tlio Chicago , St Paul .Minneapolis & Omaha lailroad , in charge of Traveling Passenger Agent Mniphy , for St. Paul. Tlu-ro the Kann-ia oil It 01 H will be the guests of the St. Paul Comircrcial club until Monday. AB the gues-tb of the Chicago , Milwaukee . St. Paul railroad the party will thin tulvo u trip to Milwaukee and later to Chi cago. It is expected that the entire trip will be made in tin days. All the membem the party appearetl extremely happy jca- tcrday. The } stated that they had a plensant trip bo far along the route , and anticipated a contlnuaiae of pleasure until thiy reached the end of their journey. There cun be no doubt about the state fiom which the mcmbeis hail , ILH each one wears a mammoth tiinltiiwir on the lapel of his coal or attached to her shirtwaist. The following in the pel tonne ] of the and part } C. W. Landib. president. Oyborne , tJuf Li Snyder , s > tre ary , Cawlu-r ( "I y ; M f > the W. 1 aiull' . 0 borne ; It W. Std ) r , i aw her } City , II. I. . Strother and wife , Abilene ; Peter and Kovgaurd. Gteenlcaf ; K S. Itlce , Smith Center. Hattie WlUon , Ileloll ; C II Sawer and wlte Scattpvllle , It R Vaughn and wlf > > , Mankato , Mrs. M. A. Matson , Sallna , Canie Mntajn. Sallna ; John R Lane and Ida I.ane , .Monitor ; II. C. Wilson and I.ouls city. Wilton.VatiTvllle ; Keoige I.itsinger , He- tlh | publle Cliy ; L. 0. Humbarger , Abilene ; tive George K. Wright and wife Gl fcco ; Mm C they . Knapp , Hllej ; I. W Parks and Giace Ing Park * , llelolt ; Clinton J Moore , Oketo ; J. KalrJ and wife. Cuba. Mit-e Mary HUhop , Junction Cltv , C 1) Hotnbeck Ilrookvllle ; James I'ont'us ' anl wife Wanblngton , A Miller Cll'ton ' , rharles K Stlts pas- tenser and tlr-Kct agei.t Atchteon , Hraliuid Allison. St Louis gvi.eral advi-rtulng agtiit , Walter Townsend , St. Louts , all of tht- east .Missouri 1'aclflc rulltoad , IIAII , TIIK rsoi.Dinits ritr.r. . llnllroiidx llonnt * I'tiRniiKP from Oniiilin 1 Clilc'iiuo. The Twenty-seconit. regiment of Uncle Sam's infantry , stationed at Tort Crook , will participate In the parade and exercises of the unveiling of tbi John A. Logan monument ment In Chicago on Thursday next. July 22. The precnre of the ) local tronpi In the World's Fair city on this gala occasion ban been made pot-siblcr tjy the liberality of the four Omaha-Chicago railroad lines. Tor over a montn past the committee on arrangements of thi > unveiling of the I-ogan monument has been working energetically to Bicure- the attendanto of the Twenty-second iCKliucnt there on Thursday next It was found that there wan not fiilllclcnt money In till exchequer lo pay for the tran'portatlon of the troops from here nnd Uncle Sam refused - fused to asnlM In the financial proposition. The Omaha Chicago lines we c appealed to and there wat ? a meeting of reprrseiifillves jj"e thp lines In this eitj last week. Hcprr fentatlvcs of the army were pre ent , and stated that the Twenty-second regiment would like the trip , but could lint a fiord the expetne. At this meeting It was agreed to offer a rate for the round trip of 1 cent n mile Then It was learned that the com mltteeroiild not afford that much expense There was a hazily called meeting of the railroad men in Chloago Wednesday Ilrp risentatlvts of the Itock Island , the Mil waukee , tlie Northwestern and the Din ling- ton , attended the meeting , nnd agreed to help out the affair by transporting the trivoji fiom this city to Chicago free of cha'ge That's how It happrns that the soldier lm > n from here will march in parade over In the big town ncvt Thursday LnrU rallroa 1 men state that the gift of this transportation is one of the mist magnanlni'us ad" ever per formed by ne-stern r llrnail . Ii.ich of the four lines lins agreed tn cairy not more than Kill Buldlirs. It Is expected tint there will Im | about fiOO men go over , and the numbci will be equally divided among the four roul.i. Tlio troops will le-avc hire on Wednesdiy , Jtllv 21. on tegular trains. The private" ! will be laKrn over In chair cars , while stain'ar I .sleepers may be provide ! for the ollloe s If tlili laltcr dtRlre to pay cash for the superior sleeping arrangements. The local passenger atenls of the four lines will divide the bu.d- . ne-Ei. and attend to the details of the transpoitatlnn of tinmen. . TUO stTi's AtiAfwr TIM : \VAII.\SII. llnsliiiiiil mill \ VKctMiiK for Hem j MlllMlllil'- " . Ilcnrv AH.vdei and his wife , Mrs. Hattie - tie Ilyder , lutli holng cltl/.Piis of Arizona ha hi ought suit in the district court of th county against the Wabish Hallway com piny ( for damigos alleged to have been re ceived In a wreck on that road. Separate petitions ar filed in each case , It being al leged in both that Ujder and his wife wtre passengeri ! on a Wnbash train September ISO ! ! , en route from the west to Chicago 18Ki Is alleged that when the train was neai Kingsbuty , Ind. . fl o'clock In the nlor'i- ing of tli" day mentioned , it collided will another train and both of the plaintiffs were "oveiely injured. Hder claims that he was Injtlied about the hack , side and head , anil still suffers from severe dl/y spells , which arc atlrlbiitcd to these injuries. Mnj. Hyder rlaiir.s to have bpi'ti permanent ) } Injurei about the hips , and alleges that one of Iiei legs Is shorter than the other as a lesult of her Injuries. Ryder sues for $10.000 dam ages and $1.000 for medical attendance and other expenses of himself and wife , and Mrs Hvder silts for $2.1,000. liijori-il. Cliarles Ulwards a section labortr In the employ of the Union Pacific , is al St Joseph i- hospllal , Ibis elly , with the uppei portion of his body crushed In. His breast is baill } crushed , ho Is Injtlied Internally and his condition It , legarded us critical. He was employed In a gam ; of workmen on a gravel train on-the Union Pacific. Whiles the tr.ii'i was being few itched at Silver Creek Wodn , , daj he attempted to climb up on one ot the cars Ho slipped , fell and WHS caught between the car And a stock chute. IIu was crushed and injured internally. He was brought to St. Joseph's hospital late thai afternoon. ' Colonnlit Mlillniiil XRW YORK. July 15 A meeting of the bondholders' committee of the Colorado Mid land Railroad company was held at the ollice of the Central Tniit company today lo r' Holder the adoption of the plin and agreement of reoiganizatloii. Final arlion was deferred for one week owing to the absence of several largo bondholders who are on the numbers' committee. It is con- Bldcted likely that at the next meeting the plan as formulated will be adopted. Not ln ( 'i-i'iiMl ( lii II. A. I ) , XRW YORK , July 15. C. II Kcstcr of J P. Morgan & Co. , made a statement today deiilng absolutely ths report that his firm had been negotiating with Speyer & . Co for a reorganization of the Haltlmorc & Ohio railway. Speyer & Co. , who represent the foreign holdeis of the Pltlsburg i : Crii- ; ncllsville bonds , would neither olllrm noi deny the repot t. Tlie } flmply said Ihcre was no news In connection wllh thu matter. riirlNtliiu ; \ inTriivfl. . . A well known railroader of this clly has been figuring on the number ot passengers that were given an opportunity to see Omaha's union depot during the thrte das of the westward movement of Christian Rn- deavorcrs. He has based his estimate on tlie number of cars reported for each road during that busy season by Depot Master Hancy. Ills estimate is as follows : Union Pacific , C,500 ; Hurlington , 3,800 ; Rock Island , li.OOO ; total , 12,300. To UrorKlllil/f II. .V O. riALTIMORR , July 10. It Is asserted here today that J. P. "Morgan & Conn/any and Specr & Company of Xew York are nego tiating with a view of agieejng upon a plan looking to the early icorganUatlon of the Haltlmorc & Ohio railway , sstem. ii > > < ittN mill I'fM'NoiinIN. Ailhur II. Smith ot the Hurlington has gone to Boston. Central \grnl Hall of tlio L-Jekawarina passenger department is In town from Hurrah ) J. V. Callahan , general western patoenger agent of the Xlckel Plate , Is In the city booming Ills new train service cast from Chicago. ( Jtneral Passenger Agent Iluchanan of the Rlkhoin has lelnrnid from a trlj ) to Iloi p. Sp.'ings , S 1) ) . , where lie paitlclpated in the meetings of the medical association of the lllack Hills. The olllco of General Manager Hldwell of tln > Rlhhorn ha * born transformed Into an of exhibit of Xebraako' agricultural products. The samplcii sent in from various points G. along the Rlkhorn arn sulllclent proof that tills season's cropw will be sallafactory. Wetiterii railroads have agreed on the fol lowing reduced lateu : Fare and a third for tlie round trip lo Central City. Neb. . July 2S-SO. Xehraika conference of tlio Rpworth le-ague ; one faro for the round trip from } points within 1001 mllra of Geneva , Neb August 10 , reunloni and log-rolling of the Modern Woodmen. Krr < > Alli'iiiliint' .Heri ! < < , liriinil C'iii > of trill snilloii , > IM > 1 nr I. . The B } stem of uniformed attendants , es The tablished by the /Xew York Central , at } Grand Central station , Xew York City , last here spring , lias grown as popular with the trav eling public a the "famous Rmplre State ex press It supplies a long felt want , and Is ei tally appreciated by strangers and ladles traveling alone The < orps of red-capped at tendants has u'cenlly been greatly Increased , to tliry are now found In every part of bold Grand Central station ; at tlie entrances to waiting rooms , ready to aislst you from our carriage , and thow } ou to the train , blnro at the platforms of all arriving trains , the prepared to carry jour luggage , summcn a carriageor dlrecl } 0 to the elevated or surface lined of railway that radiate from * Grand Central Flatten to all parts of ( he city . This ni-rvlco Is absolutely free. Xo bo are neceniar } The attendants are ac and Intelligent ; polite and well posted ; tlmo speak several languages , and are walk- Don't encyclopedia . lie CIT HATii ! \ la lloi'K iNlnnil lliiule. Chicago , one way } 9 25. Pcoria one way $925. low rates to all points ter of Chicago iioon City ticket ollice , 1323 Farnain etrcet. cant- HELD TO DISTRICT COURT Prisoners Oroato Soma Excitonunt in Oouit by Discharging Their Attorney , KASTNERS W.LL BE TRIED FOR MURDER t'lillor Jinlttc llrllcvr * There In S tic I flit CniiNe lo llolil II rf vn it n n I for Ihc Kllllim of 1'ollee- in a u TliMlrmiut. Yesterday Police Judge Gordon held tlio three Kastners , Joseph , the father and August and l.o u Li , the two ions , to tlie dis trict c'ouit without ball for the murder of Police Olllccr Tlc.U-inan on the morning of June 9 al llemy Ncltton's A loon , Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets. 11 was only a few mlnuic's before 12 o'clock when iho pre liminary hearing was concluded , after n ses sion lasting three duvtt. As was anticipated , the examination closed with the 1'iul of the state's cute , mi defeliee being trade. The Hiding of the hearing , however , was quite startling and e.xclMng , especially In contrast vvlih the manner In which It had dragged during the previous two das. It was marked In the discharge by the Kasiners ot ihelr allot nc } , J. W. Kller , who had been handling the case , and thu empoment ! of another lawer , A. S. Hltchlc. When Uller finished M' croco eximliutlon of the rope expert and Plate witness , Hlce , whom he had on the stand all Wednesday afternoon and \ivtci day. he announced that he wna under orders to sever tils con nection with the CROC , and therefo'e he would go no further. Incidentally saving tint he had tried tti'3 case so far accoidlng to the dictates ot his own conscience He ( Hated that he knew as much of the case at the be ginning of the preliminary hearing as at Its conclusion and that he was confl lent thai with his defense he could clear Ills clients without going to the dlstrlcl court , but that acting under o derm of bin clients he In- tcnik'd to throw up the ccue at once > . Then the new attorney fo- the defendants , A S Hltchle , arcie and .Miggi&ted that it Kller knew t-o much It mlghl IIP well for him to try to convince the court. Kller jtimpel to hia feet and excitedly cried pointing to Ritchie : COUHT TAKHS A HAND "Let this gentleman , who ' -ivelgled him self line llu' case when he Knew nothing about It. attend to It now. " "I have as much rlglil to be cmploed m a criminal case in thLs count } as } ou have " rejoined Hltchle The court Interfered before the squabble went any further , but Hllcr lefused to make any argument. Hltchle then nude ; i frw remarks to the effect tliat the evidence In the c'asc was all circumstantial and was insulnVlent to hold the deft inlun's Judge Gordon howevei , found thai there WHS piobalde cause thai the defendants wtir the guilty panic's and therefore held UKIII to the district court without bill T ic > pilsoneis were leinaiided to tlie eountv jail until Iheir Irlal ut the September leim of court. The dilllculty between tl'etwo la.vvoiiu ! 1 existed slnne the beginning of the i I'-e Hoili were retained , but llnall } Hller got the cas The KaslnccS ) became difsatislli'd h in how eve1" , especially after his le lions ora- cxamlnatlou yittcrda > afternoon Ov , tin s were agiln made to Hltchle. who had been in attendance during tlie he.irim ; On in- , advice they determined lo waive Iheir Uglit to a defeiKe. Ellcr lii = Isted lint vvitli In- , defen o he could have cleared them on the preliminary hearing. iilcr also had a row with the police } es- tcrday. lie was consulllng with the de- frndants and tried to have an outride [ ir.npnl at the conversation. The police Inte-rfeied and a spirited colloquy ensued belwecn Uiem and the attorney. Judge Goidon llnall } In- slRtrd that Hllor could only lalk with the nrlsoneis alone. The entire morning was taken up with the crocs examination of Hope Kxperl nice It had been begun Wednesda } at 2 30 o'clock and continued until adjournment at G 17 The e.xperl was required to tcsllfy regal ding each and every piece of rope in evidence The rcsull was pointless , il lie-coining evi dent Hi it the examination was for the pur- poho of delay Kller Insisted eaily in the afternoon that he otighl to have a post ponement that he might examine1 the ropes , but failed to get It. HOPI3S IN KVIDCNCK. Yesterday the attorney came armed wltl a quantlt } of lope ami a number of sai ki- I'or the pirpo = e of tenting the expeitius tlio witness , he requited him to tluse with the sacks and rcpe In erldene Klee did not get tangled , und in fa < strengthened the case of the state FI Instance , be was handed two ropes thai we < exactly alike apparently , one being li evidence and tlie other belonging In the at torney. He showed thai the material In the ropEVi were different and tint the imnu farturo was dlffe'ent. In the ca e of twi sack * , thus compared he allowed thai tlie r ? li ipes on one were woven in and Hi SD on llic oilier were stamped. It was cvldenl also from the crciis-examina lion that it was the purpose of the defen c to tthow thai dupllcitrg of the rope am ailts found In the taloan could hc > discoverci In any part of the city. lly his evidence however , Hlco completly shattered this objccl "They don't make much fu.'H about it. " Wo are' speaking of De Will's Little Han' } Klcera. the famous little pills for constipa tion , and all stomach and liver troubles. They eiever gripe. SlfillN Mil * Shlll4Kli > s. Some days ago "Sloppy" Smllli was ar rested for trying to pick pockets at Hlver- vicvv park on the Fourth of July during the celebration there. Aficr being held se-veral das ho was sentenced lo the sliect gang for thirty das. On the Hame day he wan heavily shackled und bent out. Although his chains would barely allow him lo holih ! along , he succeeded In running awa } from Overseer Gibson. Wednesdiy Gibson folinil the shackle's In a Rhed al Smllh's home , the piisonor having had them filed from Ills IrKH. Gllison IJ.IK swoin out a complaint of petty larceny against Smith , clmiglng him with stealing the slnckks. reci Vlllliltlc Cllj S | , . ( . | Hi Train .Vo. 10. leaving Chicago dally at ; i voli m. via the IPcnnsylvanla Llnra has sleepIng - aci Ing cars , Chicago to Pitiaburg and Puts- ilia huig to Atlantic City. Thai notel seashoie' ' retort Is re'ached at half past 0 the s coinl morning after leaving Chicago. Get details Thomas H. Thorp , Iraveling Tl asc-nt. Omaha , Neb. , or H. It. Dering , A plo' . P. agent , 2IS South Clark street , Chicago fun Judi .Si-rloiiN Cluirnr AKiiliiMt n llrollii'i' . i-uld JamcH M. Knapp of Hast Omahce has Ue M accused his own brother Israel M. Knapp , of by Iho i Norlh Omaha , of having commltlc'd a ami crlmlual nflKiult njion his , the former's , 1.1- liM car-old daughter , and tinlartler'ii nlycc1 , reu1 Kiniiia Knapp. A complaint WUH died jih- pi oi sum terday In police court agaliibt thu accused m n. 'Ihe name of the complaining witneti that appears on Mil * paper Is that the glrl'ii mother , the father nol wit'li- fl g lo make the- charge against lite br < tlier. re-si ' Kimppt , have lived In thlfl vicinity for atrc cai and are well known. Jaim has been by for tvvcnl-clghl and Isrjel for Ivventy- bycn sevcn } eais. ' nnd : I inov . \fl T TUO 1,011 ll'lll-H , hillIer III August. Ib'JJ. Sam Horovvlch sent his or llu brother and M Ooldstcdn to Wceplni ; Water iron dispose of n load of fruit. The fruit was for $ C5. aoldNtiin wat ; custodian of tlie fundtt and Horowlch ( tlle'Keti that he em Th ' bezzled the money. lJurlnn the two } caiH -i m Huron icli lijt- kepi hlf > c < } e open for trci luun. He met him ) iBterday at tlm bett market at Eleventh and Howard Hrccl. An of tc illlcer wan bccured and Ouldbteln wiui ur- rei retcd. The prieoncr will be held in thin UK until n complaint of grand larceny can JUKI filed In the court at Wccpinu Water. to ; i tcco : There In a time for c-verj llilnn ; and tlie to attend to a cold Is whcu It .starts. ' ualt till } ou have consumption , but irtvenl it by uising One .Minute Cough Cure , ISHC great remedy for couglis. colds , croup , let bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. lit Ju J-i lli-fiiM-M il llt'crl v rr , rut The argument * in the C'reichton thea Ml'J ) c-3be vvert e'onelude-d Wtnlnewlav ofter- > l aud Judgu Scott patted upon the Ju 11/1 cantat once , dcujiug the application fur a Hce , July 16. A Shirt and Stripes Bars In oilve , Krecn1' and .M'llonc. Cutltf to ntaicli , ni i you hur We have stirtcd fresh boom. Started nliout a up a coin- It ? motion. Struck the town real hard. Some months ago the shirt makers of the largo cities got tejrcthcr and decided that the styles lor this season were to be a decided departure something .qfood and loud. vvns Uvrythinff The drummers went out with their simples. The re lovely. tailers thought 'twas a good thing. The c orlcs held their breath' when the goods arrived and the show windows everywhere looked like a mimtrcl show The had struclaown. The public werc't comultted ( they Ftost never are ) but they caught on to the idea fast P.I ' . HIP with . thu enough and nothing prevented a regular shirt stampede price. pede , except one thing the price w A ? J igj * ' A dollar and a half and a dollar seventy five m ly be all right for novelties in Now York City and Wash It's Hut vvnitn now ington ( D'ye see ) but when it comes to Omaha it iignln. don't go worth a cent at least not here. Yesterday we opened several cases of these swell Tuxedo Shirts , fresh from the hands of our own special makers and while last have choice The rfnl ers they you can your Mot kind , dozen for instead of do- ! loo. one or a ninety cents , a - lai and a half. Get In on the stampede. Look at the Prices New Pianos in all kinds of fancy walnut , mahog-ony and oa ! : cases at $125 , $135 , $165 , $185 , $225 and $235- This line of pianos inc'udes the following ma'ces Ivers & Pond. Sterling , Emerson , Behr Bros. Vo.e & Sons , Singer and other makes , These prices will apply un til our present large stock is properly reduced. New pianos for rent. A Downfall of Piano Pi Ices Hint in.iUeCoiiipulltloii Impussiblo. VOl It OI'I'OHTI MTTO M\i : MOMl 111 SI'IIMIIM ! IT Fiom Julv 12tli lu .Mill litli we will i . .u o on alc 2 Pianos at the following un- NiW ri'l'tltiHT ' PIANOS vvoilh JI7-.IM. . il .Mug . pl Im JJM 00 NKW I'l'IdCHT I'lAN'tJH. vvoilli } Hm' i , i Ici-iiig pim1 JIliiOO NK\V ri'UKJHT PIANOS , w.nlh $ , 'i > < > , elo'-'iif ' jirin- $ IV , CO NKW fPHHiHT I'l.MOS. . worth AVi < M , clo4lii ( , ' prlee J12S 00 LAItGH CMIH'KKIilNO I'PIUOUT , Kllt-htly UH.'d 9S.WJ LAHCJi : KISC'HKIl UI'HKillT. nnk ca e $ U..W . SCJUAHK PIANOS AND OIMJANH. finin $11 M upwards. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER , 105 South Fifteenth Sti--ct A. C MITKLL K , Tunsr. Tel. HJ25 oi i osrrn POST OFFICK SCHOOLS. OLDESTLARGEST AND BEST Wentworth APPOINTED IN Military Academy , celver. Hi' held , as in the motion to ion in thu hale lhat the ale wax in I Id ami thai itc-ed anl lOiU hd il' ' ha 1 i .it iiulred | any interes' in 'hu piop it > a. d at they were nol entitled , Iherefene , tu a reiver. ( I III In nd stunUnoK \s > . ' ( s. The hr'.ilillg of tin1 proti stl Hgalri'-t lln1 'ip- jval ' of tlie .ile of the ntfc-m of tin- > l < net Midland Slate Iink < ame up h'fon duo Hcotl yebteidny. Thn us"t Is wru Id at jmbdi * Kite I'lirij this month In ( nlvel .1. W. ThoimiH. A piotevt n Mlnsi < nppioval of Ilil f.ili' VVIIH al oin Illi d tin- I bank olllclalH , tln-y nlliTliiK tbat tin loiint ii'iilUi'dtvv.iH tou Kin.ill Tiiln iun- it VV.IH suMtnliu-d by tin- mint nnd tin -4'lver was ordi-K-d to UKtt\n \ advi-nlsi tin- apctly for wile nnd to hold n public fa i < ne time pilor to Btplenilier lo Di'Ntrili'tliiu lo l'nipi'i'l > . hurh'H Ilushulin , one nf iho Ariiunluii 'IdunlH i , on South Thlrle-i nlli ( Urcc-t , VVM ested l.isl niglil on u wail-nil HWUIII nut I' . Pokorne-y. liusdmh.i miK-'l a wn.ill re from PuKuinc } , lo .ited at Tliii I' ' > nth I'lcniulriC'tB A tdiort lime , igo In ved , and In doing so Is alli-gi d t. . liivi j ashed n plate ) gluts window and to biv n un nwiilliK which WIIH ( imped In from l c'liaiged wllh iimllcloux iibtructl"ii | of ipeity. _ _ \fli-r Mr fur hiT.u'i' . 'he .SoiitiiKldc Iinpr.JVi-rnc'iil . club wl I hold nec'tlng al HH hull , Tenth und illi-k iy ' celH , Uils rvi-nlntf In Ihe Inlcrists of " , ttr < tlrec-l car facllillcH for ihu ouih end , ' town A largn delc'Kiitlon from tin- club , " rnlly ! ort'.inl/C'.l al Koiilli Omalin. l roni9 up tu join in thu dUciisHlon. ' 1'he .South | liihu railway olliclalu have bti-n InvlU'd H iilluiid and hear the ilemiirids for billet JI mmodullonu In that line , ' < mii ; . OWN Peter L. In lilH < ff < \ yc-iir , at the nldi-liui' Of hN son , WllHiiin Ih ol > town. KoII ) Norlh Tlilrt-llrst Htnel \ uly 15 Finn i a ! at rc-xldciice 3 15 p m MI llv II ) "jiifnnint Kpriny ejiuvo , I'liniii- iill , O iUIri-I { < r J.iniet K . JuW 15 1JJ7 , at l uly 1C. at 4 p in from lute rcfcl li i < Duclcc street Interment Ml llujm - rritnds t * ILLINOIS CONGE HVATORV. liv > tli trti < II M In/ill / ikj'iiit- > UI III * rf M IKl ulMulll Hl.O ArtK. f 11 ntl in. Jjini.'iifvKni' , A M Min * Jn < .Umiullli.l" To ciinlili- nil lo oliUi He niiilfrxliiiiilliii ; of ( In- li-lii of | ) | HI-IINI > I rrn I m in nliil li UN K i i-ll I III-IH- ! Irnl nil t nil IIIUI'H II ) 4 * I * nil ulliriIIMI | IOIH. | ( lllllH ilnw ulli-r In oil MIili ri'ii11 inn i u III I'll Ill * llllMT f'lllllhll' I'lll'Ollll * MllllllllIlN IL li'llil ( rriil nii'iil Ili'i' . Ki'iiii'inlii'r Unit nil nil" | | > ill IHTMIII wltl IIIM\ hit riiiillnll } n rli'iuii' * lo n I'liri'lul i A- iiiiiloiilinn , iiiltii'i * mill IrrnlUK nl upon Ilii'lr llrxl ilxll , .iln.iiloli-1) In-o ol t'lilii'KiIn' ' I'liiixiilliilloii , illliuiioxlx , Iri'll I uii'iil or iiii'illi'lni' SHI.I'AIU' MI.UIi'V.1 , INrf'liri'JK T-1 11 * s N' w \ ih l.n J < i , , . fioreDrugPrices ( foil I AHII ON'M' . tl Mi 1/l-ti rimU. . mil. , n'-j , . . . f.ij .iir Syrui of I'lgM S i u. Hiu.irt'b ! > } ip'psl i Talih-lH . „ > 'xicPvramid Pile I'm. SU- 2VC'.irtcr'H Mlllf UVIT I'lllH 120 "V' K'lrk'H Juvi iilli-HI > I lu. w 2-qt Hot W.itei Ifng XJK ] Ol Hood's Saryiiparllla Mi iw Hicarn Wine I'od l.ivvr Oil 7l K Vin Marl.inl . di. . Vi. l'cpl"Ki-nli' Milk Portder : ri < ! ( Mcdlfii'H I'o'/d ' 3'ii J'x Woudliur'H F.iilul ho.ip II 25o P.u kci'n Tal Ko.ip . . He ; Hlre-'n Kuut Ili-i r diiidy fur drlnkllM ) 10 < J Shervvln & Wllllum'b Mixed Paint. > , t { pt \lJiI < 'ATi'l : > Sui Bull irj'pminil an k 2."u llorfford'H Ai'l ) Phonpliati ) 2lu Ab > ve ure f JT umh and cash enl > 1513 Mlddlu of Jllock. iiooK about Kr .