THE OMAHA DAILY JVEE : IfKIDAY , JULY 10 , 1S07. SPECIAL NOTICES \ < lv < . ( * ' - tor tlir r < - < iluiniin \\lll ! > < tu L ' 11 until 1- in. for Ilic vt-uliiK tinil iinill H | i. in , fur the itiiirnliiK mill Minilii ) cill'lim * . Ail -rtUor , li > roiii | < - ll nu a mini * In-red rlirrk < 'ii ii lint I * tin < ! * nil * < lri. vi'il to it numbered Irlti'F III flirr it 'I InHIM - . . \it < iv i-r HO nililr < - < i < iril lll lie dellireil on pi-- eiitiitlt > n of I lit * clii-rU iinl > llnli' . . I l-'Jc n uonl Ilr-t In.c-rllnin Ir a wuril Hit-rent i-r. Nnlhllli ; liilicn fur lf MIIIII a.lifor tinllrt linor- Ilim. TlH-ii' nUcrllKciiK'iitM limit lit- run IMIIIOI < Mill vi'ly , \ \ \ vrriiMTI : VTKIV JilS | i iN liY YOI NO MAN l iKS Iti'OK- kH'I'ihK ' : m I tj | > fn riling. ! - | .ikN Ktiell ti iirnl KwMlnh.t ! of Tfff r.-n < R. < \a.lrp N 63 ll e om- A-WO-M * \VA\Tii > Ml.n IIHI.l * . HAUJfUnN Frill I'lOAUf. UK A MONTH Hfiil raprnun ; old firm , < ' * prrli-nc * unnei aryi in luonnentB l < > cu t nwri. C. C. lilnh-p & Co. . St. hum. ll-Mao JytS S Tn TAKK new I Inof work , no hc-avy RWH ! to carry ; ralarj m roinmimlon. C. K. AUm Co. . 621 go. i t h t. it-MM8 _ " MRM "TO t.KAHN tlAnilCTI THAliK : COX- itaht prartior ; R > ; p rt Initrurtton ; two montlu rwiulrml : t > rrlne and wad" In shops Satur- dnyi bfnrr romplMlng. Ionia p-wnt.-d Rrndu- tr : rataloirue mulli-d fri-e Mol-fa Harlicr fiahool. Clark and Vnn Hureti SU. , chl K WANTm MAN NOT OVBU VKAHS OI.VJ to art a * McrMnry ; rnunt b fine penman. well up in flBMr . good nrtdroM n.n.1 appi-nraii r and one hnvlne l' ' 'l InWommrn lul xi > crleiice ; civ * reference * . Adiir i N M. " * ' . .1tM ! „ WANTED. MKN TO LRAtlX O'MI ' WSIXKSS. cjp rlnce not ecc Mr > . * .iUiy i > .ii I while learnrnr ' 'nil at 1&1 liuunl.iii. Il-M"2l All Tiia tiOAnn OP KI.VCATIOS HF TIIH Aiipah-io ! " will I'unMrti'r npi'M ' atl nfui prlclpal. Tuemlny , July JT A'Urei" l "k H" ' 30S. Ampnhoo , Noli. _ II ' . ! ' > 15 WANTEP- TWO IVlYH KHOM II TO 1 YIV.Il of HBP thin hnvr Im.l t ) > eriiMi. . .1ruj."n | In ilry guojn nlnre Inquire at I ! . i"ti i" ' WANTniJ. AT ON''E. ! i HAKNKS MAKKUt nnil r. rtnck raildlv inukfm nt Th. > K' nant : Sa.MI.Ty i'o. . 5K , K und Ml K. eih t St I'aul , Minn. H sl''a ' ls \VA\TIH rmiAi.i : 111:1.1 * . 1M OIIIUS KOH Al.l. MNI" < AlM'K 1.1 Is IT week. Canadian olllce , II ! ! l > UKlaC C -MS19 \\ANTKI ) . A KADV WHO HS HAD KX perlenrp In Illllnc mall orJi rs In ilry Rood : stor ; slvu tmiiK-s of fonm-r niipl" > fr nni ttnle time i-Miilnyod. Atidrcsn N M. HeiulHer ; u \VANTKK , COMPKTUNT OIIU. I-'i HI GKN eral houwwork at Kl Nurth IStli ti ot ' ' 15 KII. AN INTHMICIKNTiiMAN < JVKI 55 ; K" " i i"i > iiiK puiit..n. . A'Mn > V Hep , Cutinctl UliifTK. . -MWO IS WANTKD. YOINO Nfnsu aim. AT u Clllv-.lKi. . bt. ( J-M''iT IS- norsKs IN AI.IJ i-AHTS or niK . ITV. THI O 1" p il l O'mpiiny.n5 \ rarn.nn. D5L'n HOl'SIW. ItKNKNSA & CO. . 10b N 1JTH ST I ' - 621 MOl'MrtN IIOL'SES. C. \ . STAHK. 92j N . T i.iri : . K--.S ! oil" ifiiiorsEs ANII roTTAony AI.K OVKI thP city , SD to J30. Fidelity. 1702 Kamam St. -I I.a _ fioTsrs. WAI.UA I : . UKOWN IIUOCK. I < : TI an 1 1' influx P 524 HOl--'KH. COTTAOKS & STOHKS Al.l. 1'AHT of city. lirinnin. Love Co. , 4M 1'axt.m l > 'ucl ' 1J 525 MOVINt'i HurSKHOM ) OUOUS AND 1'IANO : Om Van A : iJtoraK'e Co. . U13 Kama in. Tel. 155 KAHC5E LIST. JlcCAdL'U , 15TU AND IJODOI D 527 iior ns , KL\TS. GAiiviN ru' ' > s. .oisrAJ-N1 D-52S IKH'SKb KOIt HUNT. 11B.M1S , 1'AXTON UI.I U-5N C COTTAiin.S , 6 11OO.M nil modern ApplJ SOI Uee DldR. . U 530 iTocsi : . 7 TiTsiiEiavoou. 13 N. "MFI n-Mi ioltTi , rM Kl7\T. liOIIOLAS. XI.'AIt 24TI1 , MO1 crn. ntrjn l.ut. . Inquire I-.lndrtulil. 31C S. lit IJ-033 Pdll Itr.NT. TKN-JIOOM MODlil.V. 1IIUC h".i- . . . No. Sll South SOth street. D MCi > KOI i nrNin.nvKN IIOOM unir-K i ! < in r inixlr-rr in * * very rtpect. . Steam hea , . lUtit l atpd at tlir Boutliwest com 17tli .n.l ni.iiKlna ti. Appli lu H. W. Hakf Snpfilii'pniK-rt ' l < c lllilg. _ 1 > CJ3 TV i liCNT ISJt P ! ll STREHT ; NlNK-HOtl limit.- , .i'ivi-n ! ( in\enli'n < ' * : hanl wood Hour In , , i- : . -li fnim Hur.sconi par's. D M703 Km : " , r\"P ijiiop VnODM OOTTAOH. WIT in . . in n.ii'i - mnn , 54 So. 2 th A tApp - - . o-7 r-i > - - st 1-i-diM HiirSK MODUtlN : ! ti CALIKOHNJ , t it-vieit' TI.N un'iH ii i-sE , Moi-Kr.N O > NVK : i , n , - in run. Apply Hfpd Imtrt , Sou KM I' lt" > OM iiiTTAOK. 8. K OIK. 1 TII J. . . Un n-Stt-S- > i'ii > rur , IIIIU-K HOUHI rcoi PAIMTOI. AV iiorsi : . FI.NK u"Tio ; U-M9II ! C' rtut nr.vr I'm.MMinit uo < m > . l.vli-.l. -it Til I-'KOXT I'.ixiMS. WITH C I- n .tl. niiKlrin. Ji > ' . ' llarm-y lrcel Tin.i i. ; ; . I.IMS ! iursiKKiriNci : : 111 : n'T I i- : : > r ii , < j i-M'i-fvi'iiinn nuiMS WIT \TII.B p 1 , , , > > ! UK. % \lth runce. Al .t L' t'ral u T - i I i .in * ' . " " > Hillipy t i-ST4-IV : NI'T' ' Y K' ' is'isiiiu : : i : 'Sls- ? . - ' : > IHXUII- : I lllMslli : ! ) ItllllM.t .1M ) llOUtl ) . . i : i n. itooMd , IJOOU liOAItH : HATI . , - IL ,1 ir Tli Hu e. Kit lUnuy K-S SI ' ! ( 1 v ii'K. : ! ! Jl ANU fjVKKK. . 1 ' . ' FMPOI A3 TIUMT li-'iiMS I3NHUITR. KrilMPIJKII f ' fi 1 1 -i" . I Alili iHriinl. Ti.m UfiK Bot-i'i ' " > ! ( ' Ml I u.ptB. Htl U > U' ! lIMt | . -TiS-W' - - - _ ' I ' 1 ri i\MSHKD : 8OCTH1-U8T 4''ltu > I in . . -Ml 'II.U.liMKM , ( irlVlllruilllt > . K ( I M-MT" RfiOMK ANf DO A ni > . Tl Mr nu -li'llclilful nunmor irdrrt In Omal MI - * F1 1 1' ' _ _ _ jl .1'K rtOOSJH AND IIOAItH ; 13 . , ' .UN t 'l. I'-MUMU _ _ . - . i i-ui i' r < ioMn AND itnvnn 4ii . . . FM Tt ) IS > ; i Mill n KMKIIKU FltONV II'W'MSVI1 i , j..i . . ' . -i . i" . -ifi ! > . r-siMJ IT I I -it vl I.r IOr ! M8 AST > I-MUST ( M.\ I , rl : M IMh HI. F . ! OI-1\ n „ in .in si ; s stii it. F-M W j- : I'llll IIHNT-STOIIUS AMI OIM-'KIHS rIK its-- TIM : I-STOIIV uitiri ; : a. C - ' , . , M Th't ' liiill'Jlni : li. < u tlrfpr k - > MV r.t < * ' ni | l-t - l > > in hfUltllK I I ' . ! .m ull IU > ir . s to Ai-i-l. ' th " ' r ( TI * I'ff J-51 \ \ A - < S n I'M.VNNI > WII-'K W ll TO UK > to u tu'ja lK ar < 1. t > > S iiiruitH.r 1. I r-i i * > r n lattft I'M > III tvlttl lt-ove. uullld p fr i' * H'r ' bMUi , niu l IH. \ \ vlitint \ \ hl n v i- i l-i-M uf r fi-rriuTit , frtate ter HI ) ' 'i > li l > rinUr N .ji 1U- , . KMi"C a \ \ ANTKrM'OrST 1ST. IIY I.O.NO Tl ! tf < ' ' S r 9 rortn. mu-l'rn. dVla.1- * . . . ! litHI KI 1 trK-ai > i < n. barn drtlrat' ( > . u-ilte. 'tsci Ins nriwrty. to t" JW v'lty Unit. K-MS11 I PACIFK 8TOH' < ! ) ? ANO W lUKII'H'SK O Ki > tO Jonf > Gt-r. ral t'raee nn > t lurwardt M-iJ OM VAN A tiTOUAQK. 1(15 FJLf.NAU. TiU vA Tlu TO nrv. CASH PAID tXill Ol.n FKATIinn HRD3. 1M7 Nl l , ! a t. . I. O U'.up N-M 411 Jy * " \NTKI ' MOnTOAOBS , HKU > IIY TUB ' ' mi.a Savlnr * t. ink. In ammintii I * " ) in Jl.W. fr .rn pprnons dwlrlns to cancel n < l am * fur thrw years at low lntcr tt N I ! ! . .fflre. N _ I'Mli 1YH nMAHV PAVINn < s HANK tcatPi. J. J. Ultijon , HI Kirnt Nafl I'k. | | N-W'7 H WANTKIi. TO 1HJV. A BOII.8H AND ENOINK. fimah * liny I'rc * * Co offlp * . room 8" t > m lm i-i'.ik. nth and Vn..ict. st . N-MiK 1 ? \NTKIi TO irv-A ; i on : SVKIIIKIIISE : p-'W ' r in nnnl repair mn t I P cheai' f r I'arh. S A. lln.a.lwpll. S , utii ( itnaha. N MB-1 * POII i.u.ii iioiisns , WAGOAS ITC. I Poll HALK. tiXK fjtion rilAITTiiX AND FAM- lly ii.r * An ly at 311 .V.nh IMh trt--t. alter 6 p. m. i'-M : < 13 81' rou yAi.i : _ HAHUWoOU CHIIIIJINO 11OO AND CHICKEN fpnre : chciiper than "all wire. " C. II. IrfO. Ml Douglas. Q i3 ; FOU SAM : , FKBSH co\vs. JAMES WHELAN , Eth and Grace. Q-S70 All" 8AM3. 14 HEAD FIlBSIt X\VS KIIOM Io a. Call afternuun , yard , S5th and Hurt St. TWO JIHSEY rriws. itriTH KIHPH : WITH calves. Drunimnnd Carriage Co. CJ-M917 17" MIPI.ANP nm - Yvi.K rn c A EPMNO Mur. New 'Jl mrrlnK. ' . tmiKl < * 9 and tilr > rPi | HI Inw iirlrpj. Whr.cN r ntPd b > h > ur . Ilkyclc fcuujrles and rtiialnng 31" N Kth 't. KMAID rou rou SALE on rx'-n.\N < ! E , LOTS s. s. 10 < ft fr..ntajc * Mcli. block S. K V Smith's ad- dill , n ! > th * city of Omaha. cl ar till- ; will wll rh < - p on liberal terms or will tiaile tor dejIraMo equity In Wl conMn protwrty or will bull ! to ult rerponstble imrtlcs Knot Mil on ra y psymen' . W. P I'.itldock. 1'nrk St. and 7lh A p . MU auk > iWI5. . KE-M'l Jyl > pen SAI.B-MY TIEMIPKNI BT'M * s. irrt ! BT. , at bnre ln. will take a 7-r.xitn . tn 'ftn col- taee an ( .art . pay. "r half ia 1i. t > i : ner on mortgage ; imtstlgate. John H V. -httl.inn. . SAWii : > . NXTfltAL STONE. AUTIFIi'IAL brick Tel t' . . W. J. Wilsbans. 3u9S Kth t. K7 OUSES ONLY. IIOAIHJ Fn.sris. * . .ter. J ! Vi ( .er rnunth A. W. I'help & Pon. M7 N. V. Life. 427 Jyt If. M.MIOWITV5 LOANS MOVEY. 41S N. H.ST. MI : i > ic AL. THE OLP ItEI.IAi'LE PEOPLE' . ' ' D1SPEN- iu ry , 1521 lH > uila.i. Omaha , ffft t. " marveljui cures In dl'.Mre * f wmen all irrpsularitlej , no matter hat cauie , cured. Letters Mtli J cents answered. 140 TVIMWIIITKIIS. LATEST MOPEL TYPEWIUTEIIS Sfl'PLlES. Ul'ted Tjpenrlter & tiui | | > ll < ; Co. . 101. Farnam. M CJs J21- HOATINO FISHING. TENTS. BOATS. IJOAHD Adilr s t'amp Onuha. Lal-e Qulnncbaut ; . Tc- kamah. Neb. -M6l 30- Wc'vo wrliton of tlip airship And of ( iivclan imitation. \\Vvc rliynu'il aliinit the tariff 1)111 ) And tin- Cuban situation. \\Vvu tlrawn niion tlie woods and llcld ; With soiiH' imagination ; . Seine things wi ? IVlt ini lit bo Insplrctl. And some kicked inspiration. In nil this pk'tnix'tl poi--y And word manipulation , We'd never have yon overlook The I'.ee's j-'reat circulation. K. B. Wallace. \lllVOVAVr.s- . MAPAM ( ll.YMYH. ONLY GKNTINE LII-'L rf.ubr. telli iMine" . .I'UU'f ' l-n.1. ni.irn.im1. li . r unlt. ' frn-nd . f > ' . - 5iv und up. .s.itls- ' JH > tur > ruj.liiij- ; . ; ioui . lu.JH tu 7 PI1' ' I'.ir- niiiu. .11 \ ssci : . MATHS MAPAM SMITH. 1JI5 PUL'ULAS , MASSAGE , T- > ' ' -K ' stfum 1-itr.n. , MllS. PH. LEilN. ELr.CTllIC MASSAGE ISATII liarli > rs rcBtful nnd cur.itUe. 417 S. llth. , up- italrs T-S53 17- IMKSO.\\I. UATHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST. 315h S. TH. TUOl'DLEP SIC-S HEE VIAVI FOK t'TEHINE - Hide " physician , consultation cr health " IXJOK ' froe. EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS , FOU PLEAS- urt- and profit see L P. Judson a want nJj. Council Illufts page. U J40 OKK. , ciiuoxic DISEASES , itii q-1'ANPAIlP ACCIDENT INS. CO.V. . A. CAH- t-r' maimser. has moved to First Natl. lijnk K p.TfpTtfnE ct'UEP ron $25TNTIL SEP- tpiiib.'r 1 n" P"'n. ' " " defntlon from bu'lnefs ; vif n-fer to thonsrtndK of patients cured ; caller or write. ThP O. E Miller Co. . 932-3 New York Life huilJIns. Omaha. _ L MH _ .MOMV TO IOAN-.HIAI. ITATI : . AN-THONY \ > AX & Tlll'ST < 'O. . SIS N Y. L ; . - farm landc nulok money at b.w latci for ctvl.-e ? n lowu. northrrn Ml.nouri. eastern s : ' a- oCxs'oN iMpnoVK.p .v YNIMPKOVKP CITY property. W. Fauwtn Smith A ; Co. . U2i- ? * * - ' W. U. Xb'lklo .I'V NHt'l'uk. bln. ! . Omah Lsj MONI'Y TO LOAN AT I/3W HATE ! ! . THE OF Davis * . . 1505 8t. W-5U MOVEY TO 1XAN ON IMPUOVEU OMAHA ' re'ul cttnte. Uiennan , Love Co. . I'axtnn bll : . MOVI'Y TO IXlAX ON IMPHOVEP OM MIA pr..pi'ty. ! pUfso .1 Thomu . 207 1st Not'Mtk | .UIS " OS OXL ' | * : : LOWEST KATES ; buf'llna luana .ui .i Flludlly Tru t tu W 644 fi , 7',0 i r7N M'MS 'IF itOOCfl Oil MOHE F. D. Wen'l. Insuronco. 10th i : Uuuslns. ' IIH.M'.V TO I.ll.N CHATTKI. * * . MON'RY TO LOAN OX KCKXITt'HK. I'JANOS. hrrres .VMIK-nh. ft-- * t li w t rntpv iii i Ity . j iiu "t fio'df. . -til.- ! ) L.tillJt'iitial. > HI . ir. pay iho . iT .it any lime or In any dBl unl. OMAHA lliJISTC.Alii : I.'IAN ' I'D. ! M ti" . ! otli M \ Mr.ia ' " i il ! ! > LIIA ; > CIS. ilu MILMNKIIY- BALH. A CLl.'AN MIM.IN u eiy lock , and Ijuiidiu vullabur MIIUi < t v pllhvr | : llu'l loralvj nnj > ' - tubllBbed houn1 In thelt > lle t i > t I.-H > I , for erlMns WrlUAllm ft Uauii ? > . | > e.i > nry. Neb. YM - ! ' ' T ff. "pVi7i7" nut > cKini : AN'u I'-INTI ii-s : ff.K ff.n. CI.HIIIH : St. V - 'jl 11 * K ' AI.IT luLI'1 IXTtUKST IN A UODU n. tnk'on bUHtnew Adrtr n X U ) ! ! . < . YW)4 H' riiii. uTN'F : HIVIKL U-MKIUNI NIUI.A. lu. . re > p ii-lblo | iaily l > u > luinltur' ili-ap an. * b-ii * . ' h. mi"l utt' ii-"t. < 'd i ti"r- lunlty l'id liiiwn N < - . lj. 11. V Wi-l I'AIIMtf. I.AVDS Gen. I * . Hcinlii Iltul i : ti-U Ou. , laxion bloc > . Hi : i. . ' i'ti.1. . 'Tjuinr"ou nis.NT. lini sKs u-TS" ftrtis , O > tvoiu ilroM. NK4KI.Y NK'V 411V N tih n\t . uil t. ' t-kpi'vllkti ; i"undiv tfincvn tfiihler and Sprfue. ntyjti : ir\ \ : ' ' l cfllur : luriie l"l. 'jnl > IK , , e . . . f rm > * [ i I'yr.n u. llaHlli i. { b. HM it. pbutp > lit 1Mb and raruuni JIJLJ. . J. UlltM-n. ill Klitt .N t. { lank 111J : . KK - ) > o SNAP. JWO far l-nt > OM ROrgB ANDJT , e- < xl * fpft. nfwr Ih tnd flurdrlittr * l § . id j J _ N rfaoMf. opp. I' . O. HE Mill that ore kiirgdl-ii , rhdt'i | \tif \ initipr'tviiti II ! lhnv # , ' A lieu p an lot un Vlntn | > Mrirt for loV' , the i-lt > . two blfHw frt oi uiuU.r , } 4w ) lOnt- I half " < l ucu\tr \ f < tr > M'U urt ) . T-PIOUI houijtf tit r r&pu1tto4i * grounda. * iii | MV-f : Hn t-t for ! > < twivlnc inn all v"ld ' ' nia u " ' ' * rt"n n"'uur Er" % _ l' $ ! " li.c liui Ir rtwaf An'iuI'tv rxin * iuu the nr Jrjiut iti Ir-.jUirr ut enc f. > i partlf-ulam of Kflrlliy Truul Cu. , Kvt remain ktrrft ktrrftUK UK- : < - II JIST. SMALL \\IUTl- : 11OI-.K ! , HHOW > i.Kit | ; ln.l.l.r with . .intrap Upturn to 24i I'harle ? stret-t an < l re-ehe rew-.iril. i i-t-M n IT- LI 1ST i IX MnXliAY LAST. itXK HKli C\\- i fi - white -iit- , , no h..nn. . ultat.le 'ewar.1 f..i lu-r tvtiiin to A. 1' . lirain. lnU N. :4th jt. l i-t : 15 * tJJST. Nl\lt 17 AND DOIiC.n. Oi.LD . KYE Klnftes and uhaln , reward. : i2 Xnrth Kth. I ost-932-17' MIOUTIIAM ) AXIJ TVI'IJWIIITIXC. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOI. . S13 N. V. I.IFK AT OMAHA 11US. COLI.KGK. 1CTH & DOVGLAi KI : i > Aci\ii ) . iiE nni\\ mixes AXD I'ACKIXO Coiieiips and cushions , ni.utri VPS ma-V an. r-ti.-i.itol Pr'ce * v\ll please you. PecM. . S Wulkln. Illl Cumlnc ttre < l. Telephone , 1331. SUES & CO. , FATLNT SOLICI10HS ic. Omaha Neb anil I'.itent Hoac ! KKEB 1'HDl'nSAI.S FOR SriiPISTENCE STORK ( ilhf-e I'ur hii ! ne Cummlsnary c Stibl. tenrf. Om.iha , Nvb. , July K , 1SU Senleil proposals , subject lo the u"uil ; pin.I lions , will lie received at thin olllcf tint 10 o'clock a. m. . July 27 , ISiiT. nl which Urn atvi pla e Ihey will be publicly opened fu fiirnishinir subilence slures as follow ) linking pjwder , beans , sugar , llnvorlnK w tratB , canned soo'ls , etc. I'referenoe wl be Klven to articles of domestic productloi Blank proposals and speclflcatlonH can 1 : obtained at this ollice. KIIANK K. NY1 Major and Commlsfary of Sub lst.-nce Jy 16. 17 , 19 , 20 t CHIHF QITARTEUMASTRR'S OKPICr Omaha , Neb June 17. 1SS7 : Sealed pr : puailn , In triplicate , will be received her until 2 i'clock p. m. , central standari linn July 17 , 1M'7 , and ihen ojiened for con trud Ing two double sets of oitlcers' quarters a IVrt Crook Neb. ; also plumbing healin and M.IMIpltiK f jr samer. . S. reserve t.Kht to ri-ject or act-cpt any or all : or any part lh > 'r. of. i'lans and Kprrlil.Milon i .111 be " ' "i , nnd all Infoimatlon lidd lien KnxvlopecuntaliiinK proposals to 1) - markei "I'lojio al ? for ( as th.- case may bel. " an udlffssed to J. M. MARSHALL. Chief Q J. i J17 J4t Jy 15-lti The " " Creighton . f . , 51 TODAY | TONIGHT 2:30 : | 8:15 THI. v. < > ( ii > \ \ van TIII\TIII co. TIII : MIST rH IIIIM : . " St NI'AV-"Th. Pihnte Sf. nlary. " En > uiii. riii n. i Uiii . K--Kr..1 lUli n an Millie 1 ul.rr > t.iiH u > Mili lu . rt 0 t I3thaiid Z3i TiTfl "ouijun 9 H a ( DBHCa3 1J street. ' .NTU\I,1.V L IC\T.-I : ) American plat > . f J ' " p < i il ly uji. KUIOII | , M p in. fl < > p r day up .1. K. MAHKii , A ; M \ . I'roim , BARKER HOTEL. iiiiUTiivm : AM > JOMS TUIITJ : 14,1 ruoM' balilA. U u. all I fe.l u. .1- : ronv ti.Unef . laie { j. M and f. Ou p r di , i Ty' , ' * ui.-x.illij ti - > ml i.ivy idic lu rrguU j t-j.-irJ PICK SMH1I Manat-.r I . _ AMUSEMENTS. I i Dally ma : irees liave proved a decided su i ifif at thit'r .ijh' n. vvtiere the Thfa'ri ' c > niiaii | > is luw playing au e : teinltd cn UKtinitil to audiencri wbU-li li cru. . e in s / .cnightly. . "The Lu = t Paradlst uiil bv the blil for the remainder of il vvrk. . Ccunur.s for refrwliuients will ! giv r all humen and children attending th < ifur&otii'4 performaiu'e. Ki d liallen at .Molio : Pulle , are tujkinr their usual hit at will be iirxt ncek by "Thu HIJTJ wh1) v. Ill open witii a iiutlneo ntJ' Suiija wjl ? r. "Tlu1 Private' fc'sctetary" will be pr f-.l Jlii lint Hire , at low ptlcei I ) . -n III u f Ur. > lorrl , l > r. Jiiir. . . i K. Morris ill' J at liU home tin * iit > y , riiu > ufuri. . on uftet an i ot o. ' in i ' .j.s , at tru .ijc ol I * y > ar 1 . 'UVt.ii .1 w.ftand l .s o < Tto1 < 1 ci'meU wan u d.'nt t .in I nil l.ved i.i iimji il ' -i Lui > tMi4 Tne tin. era. v.11 mh - this afurn Juu frwiu the rrstdcuce. i'jti L'-ji s < rir < .t , SENATORS SfflfE THE REDS . . i . Knock Ehret , Oat of tlja' Box in the Second Inning. RHINES TAXES HS PLACf , BUT IN VAIH II. ' U I'oiinili'il All Over Ilir Lot lltul tin- > i'iinl ir ljllr''t'p ' < l\tccii Huns llii tunVliiN from Plllolillti ; . . 1 ; Cincinnati 5. Uoston , 7 ; I'tttJlmrijr , 5. New York. 10 ; lyoulsville , 0. Cliicaio. 6 ; Unltlmore , 1. ClcvelnnJ. 2 ; UrooklS'n , 1. 1'hllndplphla. 2 ; St. LouK 0. ] n.llnnnpoli ! > , 21 : Kamaa City. S. c.rand lliipiil . il ; Milwaukee , C. St. I'aul , 6 ; Columbus , 1. .Mlnnenpolis. 13 ; Detroit , S , CINCINNATI. July 16. the Senators knocked Ubret out of the box lu the tlrst Inning , llhlnjs was substituted In the sec- ouil IntilnK. but bo faroJ no better , bclnR pounded all over the lot. AUiiidance , 2,500. Score : i CINCINNATI. , WASIUNflTOX. Il.H.O.A.E.1 It II O.A.E. IturkiIf. . . . 1 1 2 1 0 llMun , cf. . 3 3 4 D o Hut. of . . . . 1 3 U I ) 1 ! > IIiajh. If. 32000 d.r'n. aM 1 541 o Alitwy , rf..I I 2 0 o Irwin. 3b. . . 0 0 ! I 0 Dffmrmt , ss. 3 5 1 00 Mlllnr. rf. . . 1 S 1 S 0 rfturell. > c. . | : . -CHM | > - . It ) . 1 ISO 0 Tucker. lb. . 1 6 13 0 0 Hurli.-y. M. 0 0 J 1 0 HHIIy. Sb. . . 0 1 2 7 I ) llnllMay. 2b 0 1 31 oo'llrlm. 2b. I 4 5 S 0 iviti. c Kind. T > . . . . 1 1 u 0 o Ehiet , p. . . 0 0100 Itlilmii. p. . o 0010 Totals , . . .16 SI : T II 0 ViiuKhn . . . 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . . . . "Ell 87 is" ! lt.ittp'1 for limn in the ninth. tndnnatl 1 S \YaslilnRtnn 3 0 0 G 5 0 2 0 0 Id Earned runs : \VashlnKlcm. 8. Two-base hits ; letnunt. Selbach , Klnc o'Urlen , Tucker. Thre < > - M.-U hits : O'llrlcn. Hoy. Left on bases : Cln- Innntl , \Vashln ; ton , 7. Stolen bases : Durke. \bbey. Itrown. IinuM ? plays : Ili'llly to O'Hilen u Tucker. Hcllly t.i . Tucker. First base on ballti iff Ehret. 1 ; otr Ilhine . 6 : off Kins. 1. Struck iut : Uy IlhltiFs , 1 ; by Klnc. S. Pusivd bulls : Karrcll , 1. Time : Two houm anJ ten minutes. Umpire : O'I > ay. HOSTON. 7 ; 1'lTTSniT.G. S. I'lTTSni'UO , .Inly IS. Uo. > ton took a blf fad In the llrst four Inninsn. seetiring font runs on seven hits nnd IMttsburg's good tin- " ill work was not nnlte peed enough It .ivo refeat. Tnnnehlll's play In center was the only feature. Attendance , 2,100. Score irna. i nosroN. Il.H.O.A.E I 11 H.O.A E. Tnn'hm. cf 0 2 7 0 0 Ham'4on. cf 1 2 - C Lyims. lb. . 0 r n 0 Tenncy. lb. 1 1 S 1 0 Davis. 3b. . 0 1 010 I/ing , ra : 2 1 3 : Smith. If. . . 2 : ! 0 0 Dulfv. If. . . . 0 1 3 0 ( Paddi-n. 2b. 0 1 IS n stnhl. rf. . . . 1 3 2 1 t ! Ki.n.Min. If 1 210 0 Collins , 3b. 1 2 4 0 ( J Kly. M 0 1 Z S 1 Lnw , . . Sb. . . . 1 1 3 4 e Suplen. c. . . Bercon. o. . . 01 4 0 f Hun ley , p. 1 10 ! 9 Nichols , p. . o 0 1 1 t Total * . . . . "E H S7 1 "Tl Totals . . . . 7 lit y in 1 I'lttMiurs 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 2 ! llusti.n S 0 S 1 0 1 0 0 0-1 Earned runs : Hnsion , 5. Two-base hits : Tan- ni-hlll. Ely. Hamilton , I > ng. Collins. Lowe. Thrcf-tiase hits : Iavis. Htolcn bases : Uonovah Hamlltnn. Tenney , Susden. Duffy. Stuhl. Doublt Plnya : Padden to Lyons , First biue on hall.v tiff Hawley. 2 ; ore Nichols. .1. Hit by pitcher hall : Nichol. " . P.1 j.e.l bull : Heritvn. L ft or liases ; 1'ltt burB. 8 ; l.aMtun. ti. First base or erruni : Pittsburg. 1. Time : Tno hours. Um plre : Emsll" . NRY011K. . 10 ; LOtMSVILI , ! ! , 0. I.uriSVn.I.R , Ky. , Julr l.V The Colonel . -mild do nbp. > lutpy | no'MlnR with Husie' : ilpllvt-ry this afternoon mid were * = hut out Mi.lfr. late of the Michigan state leapup plti'heiJ SLMK ! ball for the home learn , bu his support was awful. Atlendance , 0i Score : LOUISVILLE. XEW YOHK. Il.H.O.A.E. II H O.A.I- : r. Clark If 0 1 3 0 1 Vnill'n. cf 2 3 2 0 i y. rf 0 0 1 i ) " .TlTjian. rf. I 3 1 ruk'rinir. cf 0 1 1 1 0 .toj-c" , 3b. . . 0 ft 0 3 i sntr.inl. IN. O o l B saiitvl * . tw..2 1 3 S \\.Td-n. It. . 0 oil 1 Oiiliumm. 2b u 1 1 2 i \Vil . .n. 3I > . . rt 2 1 1 1-Wilson. C..2 2X1 Ho.k. Sb 0 1 ll 2 2V'I'ke. ( . Ih 1 2 S 1 I'.utler. c. . . 0 0 3 2 1 H lmiH. If. 1 1 3 o Miller , p. . . . 9 1 1 3 P llusi . p. . . . J Oil Totals . . . .0 62715 7 * T itiilii . . . .10132711 New Y9rk . . > ,0 II ,1 0 0 0 A , 0 0 1 I tul vlllo .if 0 , fl 0 0 .ft V0 V Uarned runj > : New York. 2. First baron tr rurc : New York , 5. Left on hates. New York "i. L'luisvllla. 4. First on ball * : Off Hus-le. S Struek. out : -illy lluile. 6 ; by Miller. 1. Two base hits : Van Iliiltn-n. l > .ivl . Stolen base ? I * . Clark , llnlmtd. Passed balls I sutler. Wilson. Time : One hour nnd tlfi ; minutes : Umpire : Lynch. CHICAGO , 5 ; HALT1MORB. 3. CHICAGO , July 15. Doctor Pond pltche In Kt-eat form today , allovvitiK only liv Mncles , but hH Rood work was offset b rasntd support , especlaUv hy JennlnK ; M Graw KOI In his regulation argumen with the umpire and was ant lo Ihe bi-nc In ihe ihlrd. Attendance , 1.200. Score : CII1CAC.O. I liALTLMOKR Il.H.O.A.B.I Il.H.O.A.E l-\eritt. Sb. 1 1 0 S fl MiKSravr. 3b 1 1 1 3 Mn'Mi'k. us 2 0 3 4 n Keelnr , rf. . 0 rt 0 0 l.ance. cf..S tl J 0 0 .lenn'nif * . hs 0 2 3 4 Anwm. lb. . . 0 213 0 n Kelley. lf-3b U 130 Ity.m. rf. . . . 0 n 1 o n CKnzel i-f..l 1 2 0 D-v-ker. If. . 0 200 "n.v'e lb. . . ( .mii'T. 2i. . 0 0 2 4 0 Reltz. 2b. . . . 0 2 2 1 ( illllth. p. . 0 0 0 2 i llark. c U 151 KlttrldKC. cO 0 5 1 0 | ' , , nd p n 0 0 0 O'Hrien. If. 0 0 1 0 Total * . . . . S 5 nil D Uoweiman 0000 Total * . . . " 921 9 Bowerman balled for Pond In Ihe ninth. Chicano 9 0008000' llaltlmnie 0 - Eanied runx : ItHltlmor , 2. I eft on Imacr Chleago. 3 ; llaltlmnre. 7. Sacrifice hlt : Orli tlth. Stolen bares : I-inire. Double pla > : Jt-r niiiits to l > nIif , lleltz to l > oybStruek out : 1 ! firlttlth. 4 : by I'ond. S PuBseil ball * : Cliirl llaso on balU : Off Orlllith. 2 : off I'ond. 3. Tlrm Two noura and ten minute * . 1'mpiie : MeDonali C'KEVBI.ANI ) , 2 ; BHOOKI.YN. 1. CMCVKUAXI ) , July li. It WHS n pitcher bailie between Youni ; and I'ayne. Honoi were about even and Younp w m for Clevi land. The Grooms scored In the fourth u Atiderwon' ? single and I.aChnnco's slush Hurkctt slncled with two out In the slxtl stole peciiml , took third on Grlm's lo throTv and scored on Chllds' hit. O'Connc noubleii In the seventh , took third In Xin mt-r'i' 'Hit. aided by K'lCham-e's hleh throv and -ored on Tebeau'H lly out. One ma not a.i far as llrst during the rest of tli same. Score ; CLEVELAND. I nnoOKLYN. ii.ii.O.A.I- : K.ii.n.A E rturk.-tt. If. 1 240 nlOrlttln , rt. . . OHIO ciilMn. 2I > . 0 1 y 1 < iJnni | > . rf. . . " McKean. m 0 1 1 5 0 Anderwm. If 1 i t i > \Valluce , 31. u 0 1 : ' Hhinill.3li. . 0 003 ii'c.'nn.r. cf 1 1 10 OILaiham-e lb IK I dimmer. r..t > 7 U O.ft.-J , . . h 8b. H Z S 3 Tetieau. Ibf. ii 114 B IR. Smith , 0 0 2 4 MiAI't.-r. rf 0 1 0 o Grim , e o 4 it Yiiunic. P-- 0004 " 'Payne ' , p. . . . 0102 " " T. . taU . . . . ll Totals . . . .1 57 13 Cl.ielaml , 0 - llrnoklyn 0 00100000- I'.irnoit nine llrooklyn. I. First ! m e by ei nr-- Cleveland , I ; ltrookl > n. 1. I ft on ba e ; Cleveland , 5 : Urunklyn , C. Firm baie on bath i iff I'uyne. 1. Struck out ; lly Young , S. L I'.one , I. Two-base bit ; O'Connor : HaerllU hiti : AmliTfon. Hhlndl" . Stolen ba f : Bui Kelt , liouble 1'lnye : Jonet lo Sch.ich , .Smith t I.n'hanee. Time : T o hour * and nv minuter I'mpiie. HIierMan. Allrn'Tan e : 1.200. l'HII.AIKl.r'HlA..J ; ST. LOl'IS. 0. ST. 1.01'IS , July 15. T < Mluys' patne h. . I oul and " "I'hlladelphia tvveen Si. * vvi played in n ilrlz7.llti ' rain. Orth wns vlnrlli1. ! kpeplngtiiP Itrown guc thr. tighout. AUendair'co. TOO. Score : ST. I/ll'I" . . it.ii. O.A.I : RH O.A ! ' > iuBla , rf. 0 0 i o ' . rf. . 1 J 5 II Itarlev. cf. . 0 I a u i f VW-.H rf . . 1 1 1 0 ll.innmn Sh 0 0 0 3 i liTii'anty. If 0 u 3 0 c.'a'ly. ' lb. 0 0 14 0 o i.-i ole lb. . 0 : 1 l.allv. If. . . . S 0 t 0 0 ijienijint" . c n ft 4 u lUlltnan. 2b 0 I J 1 " e.ilr. lib. . . . 0 > 3 s i r i" B.I. . . . 0 1 1 e * ilfcrt. K. . . o 1 l Murphy , c . 0 0 1 1 0 tKhT Sb. . . . f ) v 1 3 H m .hue. p. 0 0 0 3 7h , , P . o i i j Total * . . . . o 3H tl 1 - 7 27 10 St. If ml * O-'tfO 000000- 1'lilladeljihla 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 - i.irnrd : run : I'llllail lrhirl. i--t-rlnie bin Mi-n'tiy. Pnvrd ( Jl. Olllfe i. --oltn ( bjvet : Crue Hallman. I-'lr t liato on ball * : "iff Donahue , i.n ortb , ! . StrucK oui"Iii' : Orlh S. Tlrm unv h' > ur and twenty mlnyte I'mplre : Ilurs STAKDINO OP TH13 TKAMS. Plajvrti Won. 1.051. IM I5"jitori iW il 19 "I Cmrlnnatl d W 21 ft lialtimore frl 41 23 ti New York 61 3 S5 O Cli-V'e'and ' C7 37 30 5' I'hiladvlphia Tl 35 3) ) 4 ! Itruoklyn ( S aj 37 4 ! I'lllxburg G ? K ) & -I 4 ! Chlc tu G9 30 S3 4 ! tt'ashtmuon 01 53 33 1 < I.oul.Vllle CS Jfl 39 41 St. I/nilH C7 13 51 li Gattiei Today : Ijogton at 1'lttsburs. Ne York at l-oulsvllf | , phlliijiflpbln at f l.ouU. \V ' tirii Axx Ornt'QlJB. la. . July J5.-Si-ore : Dubuiiue 1 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 2- Ds Molms - Haix ) ' Its Dubu 'tie , S : Df M > t" * * . 0. K rorn : Utibutiuf. ; , Dm Molnes 1 Hdtte le Inil.uniiSmith and Sullivan , | ) m M 'itu c D " jn I I-oh man Hiw'KPuKli HI , July ii Stor- U i kf r 1 2 0 li ti 1 'i ' 0 Lui 1 rft.n f < 0 I J " 4 ' ' ' r.i- . ! ; - I ; Kf ri n. r \i \ " , < > > 'J F. r rt 3. Lurluigiuu , 1 U Vfirl , An'Ur ' .in anl Huff : Turlington , \Vllfon nnd lUffert cKDAfl IlAI'lliS. la. July 15. Soote : Cf'ar ' U.ipido . . 0 4 St. Jo.'iph 0 0 . ' 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 5 H so hits : Cedar llftpld * . 7 : St. Jotvph , 9. lirrors : Cedar inpldj , 1 ; St. Joseph. 2. Hat. teriet : Cedar Uatiids. Carrtsh , Muhafty and Fuller , St. J.i'eph . , Hl-iley and Collins. PKuiUA. III. . July IS.- core : 1'e.irla 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0- ' Qulncy 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 I BHJP lilts : 1'eorla. 3 : Qulncy , 4. Rrror * : ivorla 4 : yulnry. 0 Vattertcst'rorla. . Talbot bet and gulnn ; Quttiry. Slagl" and Tratlley. sennits tu' TIIIvi > Tiiti.uusti : : , JWIiniilin t'nlv orollj l'lt < 'li 'r I'rovO" n 11 Miltilni ; Mltrli. KANSAS CITY , July 15.-\Vhlled. the Uni versity at Nebraska pitcher , went Into Hit- box for the Blue * today and proved n hihing mark far the Holer . who earned twelve of their twenty-one runs. Whlted gave three bases on balls and hit two batsmen. Score : Kansas City - ! Indlanapoll ? * -21 Has ? hits : Kansas City. M ; Indianapolis 25. Urrors : Kansas City. 3 ; Indianapolis , 4 natterles" : Kansas * City.Vhlted nn < l DUB- dale ; Indianapolis , Foreman. I'hlllips nn < ! Mll\VArKBK. July 15-The Rob dinks de. feateil the Brewers In n slow and unlnterft- wg same today. The feature of the Biim < was Nichols' runnltiK catch and the playIng - Ing of Lewee nnd Daly. Score : j .Milwaukee 1013a0100-l Grand UnpMs 22000020 5-11 ntite hits : Milwaukee. 7 : nratul llaplds. 18 Krror < . Milwaukee. 1 ; Grand Hup'ds. 3 Hatterles : Milwaukee , Taylor and Spear Grand Hanld * . I'aiwalau nnd Twlnehittn. ST. PAUL. July IS.-l'hyle ; Itched n beautl , ful game. Telieau was lined and i"vortei' ' from the ground * by an otllcer for ubualvt talk to t'mplre Italy. Score : St. I'aul 221000010-4 Columbus o o o o o o o l o : Unje hits : Pt. Paul. ! > ; Columbu , r > . Kr rors : St. I'aul. 1 ; Columbus. 3. Batteries St. Paul 1'hyle ind Sple ; Columbus , Kelt cer. Welters and Klsher. MINNBAt'oUS. July 15 - HulchlFOt nt lived Invincible today. Thomas was hi ard. Score : llnn.nmlls t 0 2 S 2 0 0 1 1-1 : Jetrolt 0 1 ! Base hits : Minneapolis. 1C : Detroit. 9. Er or : Minneapolis , 1 ; Detroit , 5. Uatterles * llnnenpolly , Hutchison nnd Uoyle : Detroit "hotnns and McCauley. STANDING OlTHK TRAMS. I'lnyctl. Won. Lost. P. C ndlannpolls .0 -47 23 (57. ( t. I'aul 77 51 26 . 'olumbui 70 43 23 01. lllwaukve 75 48 23 01. eiroll 71 S3 36 49 Srnnd Itnpida 73 3 45 34 llnneapnll ? 76 25 SI S2 Can as City , 71 20 51 27. ( ' amt a today : Indianapolis' nt Kans-ns City rand Uaplds nt Milwaukee , Columbus ut St aul , Detroit at Minneapolis. ci.osiTO THIS I-MVALS ) r. > l 'lmvrll Mini Votiiii ; TI-II lljt'l U'lii Trlttl II. - illnl lli'iili-y. HKNI.IY-IN-THAMKS. : ( July i-Th epr > nd day of the ri'Katta was favoreii wit' ' leautlful weather , a llnht wind blowing u ; he course. The attendance was mnc ! "Her thnn it wan yesternny. The lliir H'tit of ihe flfciml Challenge cup conies vas won easily by Hie Leander club. v\hlc ! tad the T'rk stiitlon. boating the t'trech inlvtrslly Heat c.nli , Triton , by one an breetiarters | lenHttis. Time : 7:11. : The fourth heat for the Grand Challens up was won by New colleue , Oxford , \vhlc jc-at Trinity hall. Cambi liter. The wlnne had the Rucks stallon. New ColleKe le hroimhnut. Trinity hall spurted satnely u hi- finish , but New responded and won b half a lensth. Time : 7:02. The fifth trial heat for the Ladies' Cha ! er.jre plate was won by ISrninnnu < > I , vvhlcb bad Ihe Ilticks stallui btatini ; Christ Church collese , oxford. The sixth trial heal for the ladles' Cha enge plate was won by ; ; ton college , 1 : he Rucks stallon , beallng King's collegi . The fifth trial heat for the Thames Cha ence cup was won by the King ton Ilovvln lub beating Ihe Dclfl Students Howinn chit The winner had iho ISuclts station. Ur. McDowell , in the tiftli tral : heal for 111 ilumond sculls , defeated T. J. Hogan , Net Hess lloal club , Ireland , winning as he like n 933. The wlnn , r had ihe Rucks slutior llopan got away tlrsn nnd soon let ! by hal length McDo\vell got after him at fu 'pfied. wxin I'oi'ared him. and when the reached open water began \n pass him. The 0 everybody's HstunNnnii-nt , Ilojjun - liuv\ < ! gns of belnff winded end of losing his hem ; Ie culllded with almost everything In sigh ind was thrice mixed up with 'he pile : McDowell frlo\\ < ! up , looking complacently i 11 ! ' rival , and then proceeded loward th lini > h very quietly , as if he were out rowin for p'ensttre Indeed , lie allowed Hnsan I overtake him , and they were alnif t eve at lb'1 ftni h. The times were as follow : Quarter mile , 1:4.1 ; half mile. 3:3 : ; mile. 0r , The sixth trial heat for the diamond scul was won by H. T. lilack'laff. Vesta Howln lub , who beat A. P. O. Kvvrlll. I.omin Mowing club. The winner had the HU' I tntlon. Kspeclal Interest \va" > felt In the fourt lieat for the Grand Challenge oup , as man good jU'lgfs are contldt.-nt ilial New collef will defeat I.eander In the finals. The seventh trial heat for ihe rilam r fpulls was won by K. H. Ten ISyclc. Wacht Mtttl Hnnt club. Mnytaehu etlts. who be : J. J. HluB e of the Ie Hoop Howlng clul The winner had the Hcrks slallon. The tirsl trial heat for the Wyfold Cha ! enge cup was won by Je = us college. Can hrldKC. which Iiejt tile Thames Rowing ilu The winner had the Hucbs "tation. The third trial boat for the Stewards Cha ns ? cup was won by the Leander clu having ihe Uerks station , beating the Ioi Jon Rowing club. The second trial heat for the WyfoM Cha knge cup was won by the King-Inn Itov me club , which beat tile London Rowlr club. The wlner had the Bucks station. New College Is now the favorite for tl StevvurdV Challenge cup. although a few c the women In the gland plan ! and lawn th afternoon wore Winnipeg favors. Srntlmei and friendship are all for N w. In the heat rowed today the Winnipeg were an eighth of a length ahead at the en of TVmple Island , rowing forty stroke * to It mlnule , as against thlrly-seven for Nev The ; ' then 'Irew out and got a lead of length. Th" half-mile staxe was reach * in ihrw mlnule' und thirty-four second when liey nd Kawlr-y ourl liot c Ncv ct log" , in a f > ' ' * ' powerful firokes dtove the boat even with the Winnings. At the thm rjuarter flake , which was reached In fet mliittt. " " and lAelvp second" , ihe Winnipeg were half a length b lilnd and frmn th ! point , although they rpurted greally an decreased the lead of New three or four fee they could never catch Ine Oxonians , wli flnl"hed winners by a length In the rPcot time of seven minutes and thirtv-thn second * . The hteerlng of ine Wlnnip-gs w. decidedly belter than yesterday ami ihf were lei * exhausted than their rivals. Al the finish the Winnipegs proposed thrt cheer" for New college ; thr men in te Ne liat henrtily reipoli.led and the cht i-r vv cauffht up on ihe shuie , tiftt-r which tl \Vlnnlp-gs vvere luudly cheered In return. The -aptain on Ihe Winnipeg ald lo tl corresp indent of thf AhH.irl.ited Press uft Ihe race11 wa the best rare we ev rowed , nnd as It Is our first exix > rlen < on the Hen'ey f-ourre , w < > uuglil to 1 i-utUfled will ) having rowed equal to the o record. The only trouble was that our ilva rowed f'/ur wends belter than the reror We were beaten by n better crew. W < - trb fur best at the tlnlsh , but could n negotiate It. We were pretty well pumpi out In rur way. but we sttiyed the course In Henley regatta pairing for Duals In tl LUumond scull- . McDowell will me < t Iliac maffee and TenUycke row asitlnst Ilowell. The eighth trial heat for the dlamui scullrt was won by R. H. Ilowell , Trinl hall , Cambridge , who beat O. Mcllcnr Thames Rowing club. The winner had tl Rerka Klntlon. The fourth lieat for the Sleward * chn lenge cup wan won by New college. O for which beat \VlnnlpegRowlng club. Tl winnlni , crew hud the liu Ks stutlon In eonsMiuftiee of the wid : lv spread r jiorts that Ihe elder Ten Ryck had e deavcred to keep the practice heal * of ll younggler n fcecrt-t , public opinion him bei ruthcr cuol toward the Massachusetts oar man. In pome quartera'a vtry decided ff < ing of liostillty has been expressed Vou : Ten Kyck'B btyle does not suit the Kngll ! and they say so. Ten ftycK and Illus started evt-n. but tbe Arntrlcan prompt poked the nose of his boat In front , ni abjut half vvuy down Hit- course Hlii- Hopped , compltcly ruwed out. Ten Myi at uo Urn * exerled himself , excepi fi.r moment or KI after tbe start. His for ijuUf m-prlseil his Kngll-h rltics. Ho we ) i in a young American ntU'lvitig Cambridge. lie defi-atid Mcllenryvltb t greate l tate. The time wa * k.51 Tuo Illir IIIICK In VIi - ( . SAN FRANCISCtj. July 15.-Tom rrf ev-rlng in Mechanic * ' pavilion tbe u youngtsl und biggeet heavy weights in I pugilistic ranks will be ccen In a tvv-nt round contrwt The men rtferrrd to are J Jclfrlticf l > s AngcleH and Ou.i Ruhlln Ohio. That hijortlng men l"ok Jeftrk-n to win U evidenced by the facl th odds of 2 lo 1 urn offered against the < giant. JelTriui weigh * 212 und Ruhlm : ( KitintU. Lorllliiril'H llor c Cclx Hit * I'lnrr. UXXIiO.N. July 1J--AI tbe Ihli 1 d ) rating of the Newmirk-l t-i 'lid July ni" .t.g I'Moiy ' the Ljrillard-IS rmfur 1 lub t..i > colt KJnn ran t.jiid in the la--- f -r l 1 'ij t. in.lj iUk-a. I.ip Id dv HumIII. . - bui til > A > jli bfir.s Oral ThH rn c ! * W b > vereign * ea'-ti. M tsovert-i iiB for Z-'vet old * . There \verr eight stirter The rare .as over the last live- furlongs of the Run- bury mile. : vivrs ox Tin : HI VUMJ TRACKS. : 111 rrn Id StnKc I'nrttlvlir * n Hilt Stir * lirl t1 nt OnUlt-y. CINCINNATI , July IS-The KniettUiI takes furnished n his surprise for the ta'ent at Oakley today. Hannockburn. the favorite , vas In-alen by nearly everything In tin- race , while the prlte went to I'laudlt , a long Rhol , backed down from 20 to 1 to S to 1. .Veather . fine , track fast ; betting brl k. He- suits : First race , five furlongs : Mell a , tM ( C. tellT ) , ! > to 5 , Won ; Frogmorc , UU ( J HUD. S to 1 an 1 3 lo 1. Second ; Duchess of York , 03 ( Morrison ) . 11 to o , third. Time. l.o.U . "nba Free , crennon. Kxqulslte. Vlnetta , ilK C and ! . < > na Myers * nlso run. Second ra o , seven fur.onK : Kitty H. 11. tJ. Hill ) . 4 to 1. won ; Mndrelene. W ( T. Uttrnsl , S to 1 nnd 3 to 1 , e < oml ; what Next. 103 ( Murphy ) , 3 to v third. Time : i:2 : V I.ockhnrt , Hessle MrCVlhthtn. : Oal- ante , Mls Ilovvett , Ethellndn und Don Pttlann also ran. Third race , one mile , selling' P.-rrnno. 1" ! C. HrlfT ) . 0 lo 5. won : Kl Toro , 101 tKverclt ) . i to 1 and 3 to 2 , second ; tlld Law. 104 ( J. rllll ) , 9 to 5 , third. Time ; 1:42 : * . Indto , Ar. Imrton and I.lzzle Ixittntt nlso ran. Fourth race , the I-Jmernld slake * , five nnd > ne-half furlong * : I'lnii.llt. W ( T Hums ) . 5 to 1 , won ; Mnolvor , 11 < ( C. ru-iff ) . 2 to 1 and 3 to 5. second ; Hamp-len , 115 ( Heau- champ ) , S to 1. third. Time. ijw Frank Thomtj'on , Kd Fan-ell , Hannockburn and John Urtfiht also ran. . Fifth race. selling , six furlonrs : Old ren ter , 122 ( T. Murphy ) . 5 to 2 , won ; Meddler. 121 ( Morrison ) . 1 to 2 and out , second ; III- bernla Qtiwn , 112 ( Clerlco * . 20 to 1 , third. Time : 1 liii. . . Stnn&a , DBRO. Honor and J 1 * H nlso ran. KANSAS ? C1TV. July 13.-Wenther cool ; track fast. ISesults : Flr t r.u-e. four and one-half furlongs : Hill Powell won. William I' Se.-ond. Ullle JDIck third Time : 0.V : > V . Second race , four nnd one-half furlongs , 2-yenr-olds : Dudpe I'ettua won , Clarlnda second , tiabe third. Time : n.RO Third ! . .irone mile : Service won , Impe- tro set-end. I'nt S third Time : I:4R. : Fourth race , four nnd one-half fin longs. Hilly Hi'i'lt won , Dazlamoor second , Barney Aaron third. Time : 0T : > 7S . Fifth furlonirs : NIcU Carter won. ComPi'ond second , King H izcl thlr.i. Time : 1:18. : 1:18.ST. . I.OTIS. July 15. Two favorites won nt Ihe fair grounds"today. . Glad Byes fell III the Ihlrd race , throwlnc Combs and dls- locatlns his shoulder. Track fair ; weather cloud * . Allendance , 4..VO. llesiilts : Flr t race , celling , for two-year-old * . ? lx furlongs : St. Alfonso P 1"0 ( Ctrectie ) , r , to I and fi lo 1. won ; l.lebnise , lOfi ( Warren ) , 4 to 1 ami 3 to 2. second ; Afr.i. 10i tSievenrt. II 10 5 , third. Time : 1:17. : Kick Shoe. Clara C. Charlotte M. Hon Marchf. Howitzer , lierlhn Vtigrr The Hrewer. Montedonli o and arriso also ran. Second race , sclllm ; . one mile : I.rlan Cuckoo .ni tC. Coml s ) , even nnd out , won ; IClsle D. 102 ( J. Matthews ) . 7 to 1 an 1 5 to 2. econd ; I'ncle I'nt. 91 (1'etermnn ( ) , 12 to 1. third. T'tne ' : 1 43-V X.irlra. Helen H. Oard- tier Davizac , Cnfs snd Hrave also ran. Third race , --ollinc , a mile nnd three-six- . .enths : 1/oni ; Time. M iWh ler ) . 12 to 1 and 5 to 1. won : Tin Cu.S3 iKItley ) . b.irred. second : Black Silk , in1' ( J. Mi'theWfl , - ' ' to 1 nnd even third ; Inllammator. 91 (1'reston ( ) 10 ! to 1. fourth. Time : : 5. Uunselln , Mon- ilamln. Dniny Uolander. Donation. Xeu.l A vesta and Dick Bennn also ran. Cilad K > c fell. Fourth race. pur e , for fillies nnd mares , seven furlongs : Jane , 1M .CJariitr ) . 7 to 5 and 4 lo 5. won ; Klsle Itarnes. 92 ( ICItK-y ) . 5 to 1 nnd to 3. second : May Thompson. UK ! t\Vebst.-r ) . 7 to 1. third. Time : 1:19U. : Gladys II and Hot Stuff also ran. Fifth race , purpe , for 2-yfar-olds , five nnd one-half furonss ! : Watchmaker. 1'K ' ( W. Denn ) . 11 to 5 and 4 to .5. vvc.n ; Henfy , ! ' tWehtfr ) . 7 tu 2 nnd fi to 5. second ; Hi-lie of Memphis. 10 * ( J. Matthews ) , 5 to 1. third. Time : 1OS 4. School lilrl. Nora S. Marietta , Chiffon. Plvn , Vnlidn and Nepper nlso ran. CH1CAUO , July 15. Hardly and l-dskln wen- the favorites to win nt Harlem today. A blK crowd was out nnd the raolnj ; ol KOud quality , consideilng tne entriea lie- First race , live and one-half furlongs Hardly , ion ( Kills. ) . S to 5 , won ; Doiister - wivel. 10T , ( nozemnn ) . 7 to S , second ; Iti-llc of Cor-lm. 93 ( Horsey ) , third. Time : 1:10. : . Second race , one mile : ( ivirelhi. 109 ( Ki lls , 7 to 1. won ; Sull Uoss. 112 ( Freeman ) . ! to 5. second ; Cochina. 110 ( Kevv ) , 13 to 3 third. Time : 1:51. : Third race , one-half mile : Dauirmnr. Ill ( Caywood ) , 41 * . to 1 , won ; Shipman. 115 (1. Seotl ) , ti to 1. second ; Nathnnson. 113.tHl"3s ) 13 to 1. thlnl. Time : 0.VH. : ) Fourth race , one and one-sixteenth milis Redskin , 112 ( T. ilellugh ) , 4 tn 5 , won ; Man do'.lna. ' 104 ( Cnywood ) , 3'to 1. second Rvnnntu- ( Dor.-v.-y ) , 10 to 1 , third. Time Fifth race , three-quartfrp of a mile- Glen old , 100 ic. Clay ) , 10 to 1 , won ; Go Lightly i'3 ( Horsey ) . 11 to 5. cecond ; Tenole. 1)5 ( Don aldson ) . 12 to 1. third. Time : : ! ' ! - . . SIX'T I.N 'I'I-\MS M.NCI.I- > . City Clititpl mliipn ri'iirv ini Dnvv n TIM Only Crii'li llciniilii. The benches al the Citnaha tennis sround ) were fairly well occupied last evening wher the llrst pair of contestants. Kd Mursmnr and O. W. Gillesplc , stepped upon tht- court ; to complete their battle poslpoiv-d from tin previous cveniiiR. After each had galnei n sot Wednesday night by a score of il-l tlarknoss came on and the llnlch lni-1 to hi deferred until lasl night. They were no ions in Retlint ; down lo work , Mursmai vvlnnlnK llnely by n score of ii-1. With this match over. George IIaver-tl > l nnd Con Vounpr made their debut , qulrkb followoil by Cullinghnm and Cal-lvve ) ! Austin and Hamlllon. and the throe court ! were all goini ? ylmultaneourly. Fred Hamlllon. vvilh u hnndicap of half tifteen. vvat beaten off the reel In hrilllan slvle bv Ihe ledoubtiible Hov Au < * tln. The match betvvetn Haveratl k am Voting way an Intere.stins one owing t < the prominence of the two men In tennl1 circles. I'hiy begun with Young servlm and in his usual Imperturbable manner In won the llrst game quite handily. Haver slick put up a slow drive tame in tin ntvn'njr t > t but began to p'ny f.ister am volley more in the second , and the te ul wan his p'.iy was much strenglliened. IJti Vouug wns on his meiilo and not to bi ( lenled and ngaln he triumphed by the satin jjcore , G-l. Imerett now fooused on the two fVs- Culllngbnm nnd Caldwell nnd n H'-lnlllla ! ing encounter It proved to be. Tin.slend" ' Samuel proved a much luitdcr nut to crar-1 tlian the oleaginous Kng'iBhmnn had anticl paled. Pllll hu succeeded In pulling oui llrs besi by the lop-sldcd score of 0-1. Thi Hec-ond was of the incandeent descrlplion one player having the advantage at oni time and the other the nest. Cnldvvell hm the s-core four snmes to two nt one time and If h < > had not weakened the grncefii local champion might hnve lost the sot , I not the mutch. As It turned out Culling hn m won ' . ' -7 This evening Young pl-tys Austin , Culling ham p'aysMoriman ' and Haslfi-ll jihiy Hanclter. The llri-l of the-e conleHla Is li til" heml-llnul r'tund siMVM ) \Ni'i'iiin : n\v IN TIIr. i'iii.n I'lilliiili'liililiini \Viili-li fioiii"il 'r. Mhlri * Si.on. Ituit lliiiiill | > . ( CopyrlRht. H97. bv I'rein I'ublUhlnK Comimny. HIHST'il , . nnglnnd , July 15. ( New Yorl World CableRram Special Telemiim ) Tlv American crickelers l 'Kan the eleventl match of Ihelr English tour here today having ns opponents W. O. ( Jrai-e'a county Gl.uce lerehlre. The vl'itont loat the tos nnd had lo pui In another nfternoonV wnrl In ihe fluid , which , coming iifler ihelt duy' lleldlng ul Nottingham , vvn not at all up precland. aioucestershlre made the mosl of ihelr ad vantage of halting on n good vvlckel , UIK ran up a tolal of 33rt for nine wl'-kf W. The ; Irealel the howlinK with ull due res. e-f-t however. Tnelr ranof ncjrlni ; VVJB blow um there was little brilliant hitting Been. ' [ 'In h''im > - will be resumi i In the mornlni ; . CrlcUi-t Miili-li There will be n batlb- . viil of the crick eters out on the KUHIK I'luv ground Saturday afternoon , vvlun ib.tiiiiu K-h-cli-i by Jnhn Kram-l. at'I Hin nu pii kfil bv 1C K Hpragiiitun ngauiM . , ' > \ , in.-r I'ha this mat. h will lie oil.of ex'ta Mjnjr > in trn . t union ? the devolves of cricket H owlnir tn the fact that tni-re has been ft long-standing depute and rivalry e\l tlnjr between the e two captains n to their ability to pick the he t leant The matter culminated in a heated argument ye t < tday. The gauntlet vtas thrown down mil ac cepted , and the two tenmx picked , nnd Sat urday Mill demonstrate which of the two leadt-rs was the "vvl e RU ; ' . " The team * J. Francis Xeiile. Will V , sin ! Strrbllnt , Cumeron , Douglas * . Spraetie. Ir. . l.uti.l , Strubv. Huckltisham. 1'enfo , , ! Hal , Shields. H. K SprHKiie- George Vniichn , I IK went , Taylor. lnwrle. Itniboiir , Itrotchky. K-i'in , Hiley , Dr Young. Hcth. Pick Younsr. 1'oiter. MAIIIO.N Mll.l. > lllti\K : > V Itr.Cllltl ) . C u n > tlli * In 'Jilt lit. I Without i llrli IT nl Ili'lrnlt. PF.TKO1T , Mich. . July 13 For the llr < < t time since the Itltte Ulbbon inrrtlnK b gan the weather con.lltions were nb ve * u vl ' > n and A pleasant day brought out n crow l . > f fl.O people. It wns n great diiy for Arthur Y. Caton of Chlcnpo. who came over to sv his colt , Cnld. perform In the 4-yr-nr-old freo- for-nll trottlnR dns . Mr Cnton not only had the p casufe of s--elng Cnld win ttl straight heals , but nl o uvv reninrknbld performance by lied Seal , n colt which w m bred nt his stock farm nnd which took ; \ record ns n 3-year-old today of 2.10' , In win- nlnR n race The betting on the rn < o In whirl ! Cnld proved to be the winner VVH ill first In favor of Mat K.trot , but bcfote Ilia start Cnld became the favorite nl odds of 23 to 15 on the field. The 2:09 : pace proved n dlslstrous event fur some uf the heavy plungers. Frank ItoKiixli wns a slrong favorite en tne slreniMh . f his recent fn t performance. Thirt' WHH nlso n heavy piny on Nel le Uruce. Itumpn vvns about thlid cholcf 111 the pools , but It was evident after the llrst boat that he hail been undet rated , for he won the first In at away off In 2:07'-s : and In the second beat won eased up In " oi't. | 1- won tin1 third hent In 2OS'B : by four lengths under re straint. Thi2:17 : paring race developed a sen..ill > n In Ued Seal , who won ( he first heat linn t- ily In 2'12' nnd the recoinl In 2:10. In iho second heat Ut-d Seal 1 1 until 10) ) yards from the wlrr. whin he wemcd to ( Ire bad y an ! In n whipping tlnis-h lles'le l nli won the heat , lied Sen ! showed his gHmene * < In the fourth nnd won nfter n h.ird sirucglc. Marlon Mills gave another vvon.b rful ex hibition by p.iclng tiIutie In 2 iv | > 4. a 'i > c 'tnl faster than lirr record , made ut Koston two weeks ugo. ami by all odds the llnest IKT- formit'ce Hint has ever boi n Hindi * by ono of the o "puldelesi" wonders , itesulls- Free-for-all , four-year-olds , Hotting , purse Ctild , ' br h. , by High wood. Jam Nakltn ( Wylle ) 1 1 Margaret , ro. tn. ( Mao y ) " 1'Vllcinnn. br. m. < Wllllnm ) a Wight blk. s. tl'etlt ) 4 Time : 2-n > - . 2.1fi. 2 13. 2.0a class , p.iclug , purse JLAOi ) : Humps , b. K. by Karen Wllkes- Queen ISthel , by Strallhmore ( Wilson ) 1 Frank Hogash , br. h. ( Boga < h ) S Sphln.xHta , b. in. ( Spetrl : 9 Hail Cloud , b. s. ( II. Hu h ) 2 Sir KJvvIn Arnold ch. h. ( llurneit ) . 7 I'lanet. h. it. ( Starr ) 11 It I. D. b. h. iSiuler ) I S Choral , b. tn. ( Phelp- ) n Hrleht Light , br. m. ( Huihl ) 10 inII Herk htiv , Courli r , b. h. til Miller ) 5 d d.J Nellie llriire. b. m ( McCh-ary ) 3 dla Time : 2:07'4. : OX. 2i4. . Siu-clal purse for Marlon Mills. Fra.-tl. nal time : ( i : : n3 ; 1:01 : ; 1:52 : ; 2-17 class , pacing ; purse , fl.VO ) : Ked Sf.-il. b. h. . liy Iti-.l . Hart , dnm Alice M. by Marklb-M iKrvIn ) . . . . 1121 lUs-le Lench. br. in. , by Gambjnltn ( Htitrhlngs ) 9 313 Mabel I' , b. m. < < } ulntln ) 2243 1 Herohwooil. b. m. ( Duslin ) 7 11 .14 I Spa'.peen. ! ) . h. ( Ijipnnm ) I (1 ( (1 ( 7 1 Hilly H , b. g. ( llunler ) 6 S 7 5 I MrWIItnti , b. ( ! . ( Kelly ) S 7 S G I Prince II. b. K. ( McF.irhind ) 5 5 in dr 1 Stormcllffe b. h. ( Foxier ) fi 4 Tulr 'Pendulum ' , b. B. ( Dvvycr ) 11 9 9 Ur ' Itepllcn , c h. in. ( IVnnocki 10 10 IK Time : 2.12H ; 2lo'v : : 'J-12 : 2 124. Miiti-lii'o > liilii-r mill Miiirkry. CAltSON , Nev. , July J3. Dan Stuart writes to his Carson agent from Chicago that he haa HignfMl Shnrkey nnd Maher ami McCoy nnd Crefdon for the tl tlo carnivil in Carxon this fall nn-1 has four other tlgh'rt 111 view , wlil'-h ' , lie sn.vs , will be "corker- . " bill mentions no li.iniLx. nrunNT S-TI iviii'.s in * . Ilns nu I ii t i'i' % li * vv T\ltli nu I'lit'Ii * of llli ncli < - Liiiiiiini , SAN KIIANCISCO. July 15. Itov. HtKli ! Lament , unrli of Ulan1 lu1 Latnont. fo vrlirvo murder Theodore Durrani hati been aenteuictl to death , has vlslti-d Durrani at Sail Quentin prison. Speaking of his visit Uev. .Mr. Laniout Bald : "Judging the evidence , I believe Durrani Rtiilly , but his demeanor U that of an innocent man. I had no Intetitlnn of making public what occurred between tin , but in Justiceto tnat unhappy boy 1 have changed my mind. I visiicd Durrani at San Quentin and convoised with him In Captain Kdpar's olllce.'e greeted each other and Durraut held out his hand to me , saying : 'I fcitppcse tulfc IK Mr. Lament. You are attending. I presume , the Christian Un- deavor convention. I greatly regret my in ability to avail n'yself of tlic same ptivilegc. ' " During the convernation Kov. Lament said : "I believe In your guilt , but If you are an Innocent man I ho evidence will ho uoon forthcoming. " Durrani replied Hut ho was an innocent man and hoped that h.a in * nocencu would bo piuved before his dtath , but at any rate after ilie exrcntloti. Durrani refused to dtecufK the ( | iinlloii as lo the probable murderer , and after a little other convereatlon the interview ended. VPATt TO l-"VTIii ! < HAIKU HT'I'B. Mli'lilKiin CII.V .Niiini'il from tin. ix. jilnrcr I'rlfsl DOI-N Him Honor. MAHQUKTTK , ML ll. , July 15. Katlinr Marquctte'o namo'aki' city lielil a reat rclo. br.ttion loilay In honor of the unveiling of a broii70 muiinment of the exploi-i.-r and pi lest whone name the city btar . The weather was fine and the streetn owarmc-d with pee ple. There wore large deleg.itlona from tvtr/ town In the pcnliuitila. The revenue cutter Greaham. anchored within a few hundred yards of the statue , fired a salute of thirteen gur.ti at th' ' imvelllng whin the canvas fell , A feature of the parade was a band of tliiny Indians on homtbarl : dressed In feat IK rs a d war paint. The hand was augmented by as many more men and boy painted to ieire- ; tient Indians. The cxerrlsej were held on a platform built at the foot of the lituttie. Dti'-inx the rcadlg : : of an original ndia little g'rl ' pulled 'he cord and relej id iiio it-l | amid trennnJotiB chei-rlng. The siatue was prefcented lo the city by Hon. Peitr Willie. The common council , whldi w kit. ting on a platfo'-m. then and there passn d an ordlnanoo acccpliiiB It. Tlie nuln rpei-i h wan a hMlllant effort made by Hon. Don M. Dickinson of Dftro.t. t5. Treiitanuuilia erulptor , wa preueni and responded wlicn called for by the crowd. Cniilnri' n Mippoki'il M in ilcriT. I'O.S'i'A CITV , f'kl ' , July IV-An till lid KelFo ofVlley Ht.itinn. A'le ' lieny rupty , I'a. , fur whom I'ltKbuig dvtci-tlvtii luivi- ! < i-ti for ten ni'iiiHiH hn been earcb > ng , rdp- lurvd IHTInnd puxltlvi-ly Mentlllfd. Si-H' | m- bvr 17 last t'ie lu.y | of Henry K'-l o. a ml'ldlo UKL'd . iiiiin , was fnund heudlras at Wilfyt station itid all ciri-umstani--H pointed 1.1 hli son Ari-hlbald Ki-lco. tin tbe murden-r. Kchu dUupp < riired at tbe tune. Olil-'l'lnii' Allili'li' I'l- . NKW YoriK. July -Wl'llurn II. i Father llllll CuiilH. well lin'AMI ' UN an athleti- and , i u rt fen-e In atblcti' ' i-iiuita. wax over- c'mie with li'.il It. liU < illr . In ( Inn ciiy t < xluy Mi. Curll" is On year * , if auf nnd l | j ' ne of tin- editors of H.o Sphlt of th ( I Times. 51' 15 R . The spectre k in ka of housccleanin < needn't trouble you a moment. The jjr-rr.on that drca l.- ; houseCleaning - Cleaning knows nothing of Pec.rline of its easy work , its quickness an l comfort , its saving of paint and of rub bing. Go ovc.-r c-verything with m Pearline floor * , doors , windows i.f tu dews , woodwork , paint , jriar- at ble stone bric- I , , glass , carpets , - a-brac and you'll get through any cleaning job in the shortest time , and with the least labor and fuss. You don't need any other help. Pearline is meant to wash everything that water won't hurt , aa t.lm Tj | 1 codiers and tome unicnipulotis croceu will tell yon. m J f-CjOTTPr j f" , i " 'ms I' M C ° od is" c-r - "the tame J'tirime " IT'S . 4 ffVV C-LL FALSE Peailme if .r- > - \ r is never jcdatej your cruc yea u imiutiun. U hoteit ieJ tt ttuJL J AUKS 1'VLK , N ew ct ,