n 1 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JULY 13 , 1S9T , SHERIFF HCBERLE'S ' FEE BILL Elnto Hoiro Offloials Oonaitlorably Worked Up Over Charges Against the State. COLLECTS FOH CONSTRUCTIVE MILEAGE IViinlfti l.rlilluli 'InlKsiif Pi- tinOl e < otuit > OIIU-liils for Ovi-ri'linrKliitt for llrliiKliift I" Co n id-in ii fil Prlsoiicrs. l.WPOLX July 12 ( Special ) Sheriff lliiberlo of O\oo county brought a prisoner to the penitentiary todav , and bis expense hill has caused a mild sensation at the state liotiRp The bill as made out and evxorn to by Mr llubtrlc calls for $1 75 railroad fare for prisoner and Jfi for lib ) own fare Kor hark faro at Nebraska City $1 Is charged , and $2 for the name Item at Lincoln \\hcn thn bill was prpsinted nt the auditor's olllce Mr. Hnhirlc was naked xxhat road ho came In on , and replied that ho eiime on the MlMtourl Pacific The warrant xvns Issued for the amount claimed , and the- sheriff teok It nnd left. In the meantime Warden Lci | > igh < > f the penitentiary xxns at Nebraska City this forenoon , and calling to see Sheriff Huherle was told that that olllcl.il hail left fur Lincoln over the I ) A : M. Leldlgh came back on the Missouri Patlllc train and went down to the pt iiitontlary , vxhere he learned from his clerk that UnliPrle had come In on the D St. M. with the prisoner , and the train having stopped near the pen. the Bherlff had xxalke-tl up , obtained his receipt for the prisoner and departed for the Htate house Lddlgh came to the Htite house , und learning what sort of a bill the sheillT had presented , he tried to stop the issuance or payment of the warrant , hutva too late Iho warden was xery angry oxei the matter and says he will consult the attm- ney gpucral and bring an net ion against tlm sheriff for making out a false bill He nays the padding out of the Hherlff'N bills la of siith frequent occurrence that nn ox- nmplo must be. made out of some one to put a stop to It , BH the money thus obtained from the state run Into a large amount during the yeai. The warden hays that when shorifTs come out on the street cur they always charge for hack hire and that the sheriff of Lincnstur county makes the BHino charge when he tikes a pilsouer to the penitentiary In his own buggy. KXPOSJTIOX DIUIICrOHS. Commissions were made out today for the following dinctors of the Transmlssli-slppl and International Hxpoiiltlnn First district , Harry M Doydston demoiiat , Nebiaska City , Third district , W A Poyntei , popu list , Albion , Fourth dlstrltt , C I ) Casper , democrat David City , Fifth distilct..W M Diitton. republican Hustings. Sixth "dis trict , William Neville , populist North Platte. Martin Dunhams name was on the list as the member from the Second dlsttlct , but the goxernor Instructed the commission clerk to ' not make out Mr Dunham's roimnlutlon right away , " as ho desired to fnrtht r conaldei the mnttei Lite this evenIng - Ing a commission was issued to C A Whlt- fortl of Arlington as HIP member of the board from the Second district 1 lie dlieetors will r.elect a sn-retary and an accountant. Sena tor DearliK of Cnss la HIP piom- lucnt candidate foi soeietary , nnd Dan Athen of Ileatrice would like to be the accountant The meeting of the directors Is called for tomorrow , at the Lincoln hotel Major Fechet received a letter from Lieutenant James A Mo today s lying that the compiny of soldiciH xxhieh Is mnk- Ing the expeilmcntal bicycle tilp Horn Fort MlBhOiila , Mont. , to St Louis , expects to leach Lincoln tomorrow and camp hero oxer night The letter xxas dated at Ilioken How , the company having reached there Fitday evening 'I lie march to that point , a tlls- tanco of 1.100 milcH hid been made In twenty-five days , nnd It was deemed advis able to allow the men one day lest. The expectation was to leaxe llroken lloxv at 5 o'clock yesterday morning The Icttei Htiites that the trip across western Nebiaska vxa a haid one on aciount of the sand and that the holdlers xvere compelled to walk a considerable portion of the way The company consists of twenty-three men , and Is under command of Lieutenant Jamts A Moss of the Twenty-fifth infantry. U S. A. The following notaries public were com missioned today lloheit A Smith , Omalm , A. H. Murdock , K W Hunt , South Omaha , George W Davenport , J II Faivxell , Lin coln ; Gottlclb A Lulkhait , W. K Ilmasch , Norfolk , J M Day , Aurora , Charles A Spclee , Columbus , L 12 llentoii. Mllford , Arthur C Ciossimn , Atkinson ; James W Shearer , Went Point , D C Cole , Peru. Txvo articles of Inciiiporatlon fiom Ord xvere flleil with the spcretaiy of state to day. One was the Mjllory \ Perry Grain company , with a capital stock of $15,000 , the Incorporators being Frink Mallory , John W. Perry nnd John H Carson The other was the Ord Grain company xxith a c.aplnl of J10.000 John W Perry , I2dson N Mitch- oil and John II Hughes are the Incoipor- ntois of the latter Land Commissioner Wolfe Is In D.avv'2s county attending a soldiers' reunion Han John C Sprpcher of Schuylcr was at the Htate house today He left on an evening train for Utah to attend the Trans mlsslsslppl congress , to vxhbh ho is a dele gate. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTI2S. The vesper services at the Congregational church Saturday night vxuro cjpeclilly in teresting , lion G , M Lambeitson dellverel an excellent address on "Faith In Hum n- Ity " Musical nuiiibi rs were furnished by Mrs P V. .M Uaymond and Mrs. Mark Woods. Kay. O II Whltmore begun the campilgn of the antlsaloon league lu Lltitoln yester day by holding a meeting at lied Ulbbon hall In the nfttrnnou and another ono at Grace Methodist c'uireli in thn evening The new Swc'dlnh Congregational church dedicated at this place yestfiday Is the Hist of that denomination in NYlunHkn The building Is a hiimll one , tostlng about $2.000 , hut was d dltateil xxitherx little debt hang ing over It and the mi'irbers are proud of their new home Omaha people at the hotelsAt the Lin- dell-ltpx J F Kirk. Jr C P L. Iloullln , J F DiptAt the Lint olnJ A Palntei. Henry X O-rter Martin Dunham , J H Tcmpklns William Dellnmy llrim niilhllr I'lslilim : In the Pliille. YIITAN , Neb , July 12 - ( Special ) A young Geiman employed by H J Miller as a farm hand was droixned yesterday while fish ing In the Plutte rlxei near here 'Ihreo other men who xxeic xvlth him ittcmpted to cave his life and also got entangled In the net Thev xxero taken out unconscious The name of the ) young man who xxas dioxxne-d Is not known Ills body luis not been rucox- cicd. Orilereil In Pin Seven Per C'enl. DAKOTA Cl'lY. Neb July U ( Special. ) llrcclvcr W H Hynn of thn defunct Citi zens' State bank of South Sioux City has boon ordered by Dlstrle t Judge I2vans to pay 7 per cent of the claims reported by the le- iH'lxcr as just and alloxxid by the court , ex cept the- claim of the loxva Stnte National Beauty's bane is1 the fading or falling of the hair. Luxuriant tresses are far more to the matron than to the maid v , hose casket of charms is yet minfled by tune. Beautiful \ voinetiwill be glad to be reminded that falling or fading hnir U unknown to those who use Ayer's Hair Vigor- bink. of Sioux City , la , for $5.000. which \n \ bcltl In abeyance awaiting a decision of the courts , for which he was to retain 7 per cent. The Cltlrens " tate bank failed on August 5 1S05 , and this M the first payment to claim holders and as the resources are nearly exhausted , but little more Is to be realised. Aiti2 Mini nit riiu 'iiir. HVIV Criilni mill 1'iitnlin-M fume Out In I'lnc Sim pi- . WINS1DI7 Neb , July 12 ( Special ) The recent rain has greatly Improved the crops In this section. Corn Is doing well though there Is a poor stand In pome fields Small grain Is looking fine It was feared that oats xxould bo too short to cut with ordi nary binders , but In the past fpxx days the nl raw linn lengthened perceptibly. With every reason to hope for a bountiful crop of \arlous kinds of grain , business prospects are brightening and some property Is chang ing hands I1ANCUOFT , Neb , July 12 ( Sperlil ) The crops In this locality are looklm ; ex ceedingly line A heavy shower a few evenings ago moistened the soil to a consid erable depth The potato crop , although affCPted slightly with rust will be a large- one There Bpems to be no complaint from the effects of potato hugs this seacon , wlileh In a singular fact , ns farmers heretofore have experienced considerable dllllculty In keeping their potato plants free from the pe'st. _ TI'.KMII MISINP.SS MP.N OHM.I3. . CoiiiiniTi-lnl Clnli \ \ lllrpiuiKe for nn I2ilill > ll ill tin- i\lio-illlnn. : TI2KAMAH , Neb. July 12 ( Special ) The Teknmah Commercial club has been formed with a prcwpetttvo membership of .tbout fifty live business men and lunl owners of this vicinity W. M. Nesbit has been elected president , U A Smith , vice president. J H Suthciland , secretary : C C Denny , treasurer The executive committee xxlll not be announced until the next meet ing. The ( irst act of the club will be to seek a live grain men haul who has cnnltnl enough to make a grain market here \nother object of the club will be to assist In making a creditable exhibit of Hurt toiinty itsourccs at the Transmlsslsslppl 12 < posltlon. win : iii'.i't si- , -to V. > l. \\lncliieniii-t , \irrxlfil for llelil- Inu n MopiliniKliter , IINinliseil. 11CATIUCI2 , Neb. July 12 ( Special ) A M Wine hi c liner , nnested upon a clmigc of child-beating and given a coat of tar and feathers Saturday night , was arraigned before Justice I2nlow today , but his wife refusing to prosecute lie xxas dismissed Mis Wlnebremier admits that her husband xxhlpped Ills step-daughter In a biutal man ner , ns he has also done bis own ehlldien but docs not think he meilted the punish ment meted out to him She is sex ere lu her deminelatlpii of the authoiities for failing to pioteet Wluebionner from his midnight visitors. IIAIN IMSI is TIIIJ ron > CHOP. iiieiiiiriiKlni ; ltei | rt CIIIIH-S fi mil MIIIIKIbe lliirlliiKtiin I.IIK-N. LINCOLN , Neb , July U Itepotts re ceived at the ollices of the Chicago , Hurllng- ton .t ( Julncy railroad today from all point ? In the tctrltoiy adjacent to the company's Hues in Nebraska , low i and Missouri hhow a geneial rainfall since Saturday HUlliclent to practically iiisuie the succc * . ? of the crop Although some anxiety x.i" felt on account of the very high tt mpurature , no damage from hot winds occurred SnlMitlmi Vrnij \\cililliiK : nt York. YORK , Neb , July 12 ( Special ) \ ui.ltiuo wedding took place hero last Situr- day oxenlng to which the public was gen erally invited and an admission fee of 10 cents xxas chaiged Captain Johepli M Hand- ley and MUa Maud Mayo , botfi of the Sal- xation army , were the principals The cere mony was conducted according to the anny ritual and was performed by I2nsign Cartel York people , to the number of about 300 , atttnded the wedding , vxlileh hud been exten sively adxertlsed In the nexvspapeis and by meaiM of lingo bulletins drawn around the .stieets The affair was quite a financial success IHIIIi'iiltlrn In ( lie of Punlon. GUANO JSL\ND , Neb , July 1. ( Special ) The democrat ! ! and populists had a Joint meeting In this city Satunlay , at which plans for fusion for the county ofllcca were discussed , but no conclusion xxao m rived at The coininlttecs adjourned to meet again in three weeks The [ imposition of the demo crats vxas to give the populists the treasurer's and supeiinleudent's ollices , the democrats to take the sheilfTV' and clerk's oulces ri.tl Iho free silver republicans to have the ollices of Judge and coioner Hut the populists seem to wont more , and a few of them arc talking middle-of-the-road. H IK not likely , however , that their sentiment will prevail linliei'lle lloViiinlerN from Home. GUANO ISL\ND. Neb , July U ( Special ) Cedar Greene , a lad 11 years of age , has waudeied axvay from his homo , four miles noitlivvcst of this city , the last seen of him being in the early part of lant week. He Is the son of Mr. N Greene The boy Is not sane. Ho attempted to commit suicide the week before. Mrs Greene , who made Intpilrleti at the sheriff's ofllce , statea that she has been told that hu was seen at the Union Paclflo depot Tuesday , and that ho stated to houio one ) that he wan going to Denxer. Ho Is light cumplceted , has blue uye.s , and has lost hit , light hand. l.lrl Drouuril % < 'nr llnnellx. HO\V12LLS Neb. , July 12 ( Special ) \ daughter of James SIndclui , a xx ell-to-do farmei , living three mlle southeast of here , was found dead In Mnplo creek , Satmduy mot nlng She had left her home the prevlou- evenlng , and the parents had been search ing foi hei all night 'Ihe creek was about half a mile from hei home , and the was found lying In about fourteen Inches of w iter The coroner's Jury returned a ver diet of neddental drowning It Is not known why shn left the house and went to the crecdi at Hint time of night , j Iliiili-il In a Illii of Corn. PAIUPI12LD , Neb. July 12 ( Special Tele gram ) P I ) . PrtifHcr , a young man em ployed In the fi eight depot of the St Joseph & Grand Island railroad , was sniothcied to death In a bin of corn in a grain elcxatoi horti this iflu'iioon As soon as dlscuxcicd nveiy effoit was mulct to icjcue- and resusci tate him , li r xxli.itml avail. Thl Is the third ton of the f line family to die by uc- cidcnl within a f w years , the two older boys being killed while ) eifoimliiK their du tics a.i .la'nmen Summer lli'Mint at ork , , Neb , July U ( Special ) -A new pleaauro le.-iirt has Just been opened at Wright's lake by Gene Wright A tluo ba.h house and a foity-foot toboggan sll le have been put In A convenient boat landing has lit en irrangcd and amusement lovers are rti- Jolflng In the1 service of hefxcn or eight ex cellent boats which havn been placed at the dlspival of the public Trees have been del out on the banks of the hike * and York will tome day have a park suitable to all de mands. \\illlrll l.niiKilliue of Hie Omnium. MANCUOrr. Neb . July 12 ( Special ) Judge Hiram Chase of Thurslon county Is thn author of a prlmei of the Omaha Indian language which ia snpptvsed ta bo the first of Its kind ever published Judge Chase belr. c nieMiiber of tin" Omaha tribe. Is thor- njghly idiiversant vxlth the Imllin language and bellexes that the primer may bu the iliscovery of ptlnclplcs xxhcreby thu Indian tnliea cxorywhrre may adopt a written Ian- of their own InilliiiDi Get % o Xhl l.y. nANCUOFT. Neb . July -Special ( ) The absence of drunken -id 1 Ian a lu llancroft sliiL-o July 1 Is quite i.otlcrahle. The laxv making It a penitentiary Ptfeuso to svll Hmioi to Indians , together with the arrest of a band of bootleggers a bunt that time , tui hid the dc.Tlr d effrct Hurt lij n Dime Hull. W1NSID12. Nub July -Special ( i J R Hayirs , formerly inoprletoi of the Commer cial housn of thin place , suftcred a painful accident ytste.rJay afttrnojn vxhllo tM < nteJ ; In plfl > IHK ' * . ; lull. The lull iliuc Ulriy on the end of his right thumb and dislocated the first joint i-oiMi A imir/rM.i.ic i.i\nrn. MnUotn Coinil * * ll > rrll < " Plan for lilt * Full CnnitinlKti. DAKOTA CITY Neb , July 12 ( Special ) Pursuant to the published call the hi- mctallists of this county met In the court house at this place last evening and organ ised a blmctnllla union with Samuel A. Stlnson an president nnd Paul I'l/oy secre tary Speeches wore made on county poli tics by 12 D Wilbur. D C Heffernan and Thomas Sullivan Jr. advocating the nom- Inailpn of a free silver county ticket The promoteta of this movement In Dakota county are nearly all former democratic olllppholdprs After appointing committees the nipptlng adjourned until July 31 , xxhen a free silver democratic ticket will be put In the Held The republican county central committee met here yesterday mid decided to hold a delegate county convention nt South Sioux City at a date to be fixed by the chairman and secretary , late enough , hoxxexer , so that the entire fall's business can bo trans acted at ono meeting. On Saturday of this vxcck "the cltlrene" met t In ma R convention at this place to nominate a county ticket. \\ti.t , nt 1 1. D \ iK.vix vin : ni'icit Hurt CUMULI neeldri lo Improve Hie Itltcr Hollom * . TI2KAMAH , Neb , July 12 ( Special ) The plan for a large drainage ditch , to be cniMtructed through the Missouri river hot- ton" across Hurt county , to be twenty-six miles In lingth , has been agreed to by the county fliiperxlsors by a xote of I to 3 A day xx a spent In hearing arguments of land owners In favor of and against the ditch It xxlll ba a great Imptovement for this pan of the county. .11 in FINDS OM.OOI ) M > I * C.I II.'l'Y Yeiillct IM Itcnili . il Vfl.-r u llnlf HonrN Del I liern I ton. PAWNI2I2 CITY , Neb. July 12 ( Special lelegiam ) The Osgood tilal came to an end soon after 5 o'clock this evening. The verdict was not guilty The Jury was absent from the loom for about thirty minutes Six hours was taken to argue the case to the jury by Mr Adams of Lincoln for the state and General Colby and Ml Chapman for the defense. Judge Letton presided Hull IM \ \ llltiMVItslK-il. T12KAMAH. Neb , July 12 ( Special ) The populists of Decatur picclnct presented thu county supervise ! s with n petition pio- testiug against the finding of the board In the matter of the ehaigcs against T 12 Hall inhlch Hall was charged with charg ing and iccelvlng Illegal mileage The board whitewashed Hall and tabled the pe tition Hall Is a populist and the whole tiouble is the result of a political family quarrel. mir.i/.i : > risovi NOU'I IIIUN : i , vicns. Omaha \\lll HP lli'ltrrsrn fnl nt ( In- I ii \\IIITIIU I'liiec. LAK12 OKOI1OJI. la , July 12. ( Special ) Omaha Is quite no xxell leprcsented at the- soxoral summei results heieabouts as foi a number of seasons past Ihere xxcre a fexx hero at the opening of the summer piopcr last month , and their number has been greatly Increased during the xxarm weather of the past ten davs All of the many "beaches. " PS the xarlouo strips of land pre empted by cottagers are denominated , are xxell occupied by the pleasuie seekers Sev eral new cottages that are tenanted this year for the Hist time are noted , and on Dixon's beach there la In course of con stitution a tine hotel Although this will not be completed until next season , some of the rooms have already been fitted up and are occupied There Is a big cluster of Inxxnnn along DCS Molnes beach xxliile Manhattan beach and Arnold's point are scarcely less populai Sam Jones , the onlx , xxith all his old time southern fire , Is hold ing forth at Chautaun.ua , and draxxlng big ciowds axxay from the other points Spirit lake Is juot as populai as ever , and the maangemcnt of the Hmllngton , Cedai Ilapida & . Noithern lallway is not overlook ing any opportunity to boom it A number of Omahniis have visited here during the past foitnight and mote aie on the list for the tcmalnder of the nion'h There is veiy likely to be a vxaim time at the Hotci Oilcans one xxeek from next Saturday night July 21 The management has bookel the Cherry slt3rs foi that occasion The pci- forinaiice is to take place in the dining room of the hotel , and it h's been given out that every bit of furniture In the room will be fastened securely before the shoxv begins Thla cautious measure indicates a dtslre upon the part of the management to pioteet the alleged pel formers , even though they do their worst The Cherry slners hall from Cedar Uaplils , , and as there are a number of their toxvnsfolk here who have not seen them , ranch less heard them since their eastern trip a xxarm x. elcome is assured So great is the interest among Cedar Ilaplds folks oxer the coming event that a special train has been arranged ft.r the occasion from there here and return. Hrro are some of the people from Omaha and vicinity who are enjoying the sailing , fishing and bathing Mr anil Mrs John I lie lick They Inxe been at the Orleans , Spirit Lake , for a week and expect to re main about a fortnight longer The Cur tis cottige Is about a halt mlle beloxv Ar- nold'iT point , and Is t > opular with tlu Omahans and the young men from Dc Molnes. Mlfs Carlta Curtis Is entertaining txvo young women cousins from Noxv York City who will visit In Om.aha before re turning home Tom Shepard Karnsxv orth of Council Illuffs came up yesterday and Joined his sisters , who are over at Man hattan bfach He Is hero fci a txxo-weeks' stay The Misses Grace and Josephine Christen of Omaha are considered among the best voung women bailers here , and haxo entered In a vacht race for this week Mrs Cotton and Miss Cotton are hero for a sojourn and the latter has been voted the merit popular voung woman of several parties Peter Whltiuy toxvnsite agent of the I2lkhorn , has a cottage delightfully situated on a high bank where ho entei- taltis n any Omahans Kdward Damn has his family up here , and inns up ahout once a week Miss Wllhrlnilna Loxve Is at Spirit Lake and will ivmaln another month Miss Kahl la at Arnold's point for a fort night Assistant General Passenger Agent J W Mimn of the Klkhorn and li ax cling Paasengei Agent Dennett of the Northwest ern spent Suin'ay here \MVIIIIII : MTTI.I : cooi , roit .iri.v. Ill 11 * Northerly Hrec/p CIIIIHCM u Drop In ' | 'I > IIIIPIIIIII | < > , Hour. Itt-K. Hour. Ileir. " . < " . ! > " 1 p. in . , . . . , - . - , < l "i . ns Up in . Tit 7 n . ( II : t n , m . 7 < l S II. in . Ill I p. in . 77 II II , in . 117 .I p. in . , 77 IO n , in . 71 it p , , „ . 7u II n. in . 7- 7 p. n . 7r I" in , . , . . , , . . 71 S p in , , . , , , 71i ! ) | . ( Ill Yesteidny vxas another charming day , so far as humanity was concerned , but un doubtedly u little- cool for this time of the year. However , It will not continue BO long The temperature was 92 and 96 nt two points , In Montani which reported to the ollleo hero last night. It W..B clear yester day all day , xxith a light northerly wind prexalling Late in the afternoon this wind became brisk , ami Its effect U shown In the drop of six degrees between 7 and 9 o'clock. Omaha people who went out la t night wore theli light wrajt , The prediction for today U > for waruiei .vcatbcr. Hun DIMVII li > n Icorpln-r. As Mr Knrlght , llxing at 1511 Cuming street , was ci casing sihtrman ave-iiue near Orate stre-c-t last night a scorcher ran Into and knocked her dirwn Pilends of the woman took her homo and a physician vvas c'alled Owing to the ago of the woman it Is thought that the shod , may prove tvrl- pus fahe was In a crllipal condition last night The pollco linxe a description of the wlu'flman und will place him under arrest today noNS-John at 11 30 p 111 July 12. at the residence of his son , II M lions. No 1115 South 12lcvpnth atre'ot. at the are uf SI year * Jntermtiu at 1'UtUniouth , Neb. , July li. FINANCES , OF UNION PACIFIC ui * h Eeport for May the Best Issued by Any Lino. EARNINGS EXCEED THOSE OF LAST YEAR lliiihii'ti oT tinI'll * ! ri o Month * MIOXVII to'1 He Miirh Ili-lti-r 'I linn i Iliil 'of Last \ cur. I ' The steady Improvement In western railway click's Is as.aln Illustrated liy the monthly earnings of the Union Pacific sys tem. The report of the earnings and ex penses of the railway tor May , ISO" , and for May. isac , has Just been tailed by the receivers and shoxxs cniltc1 an encour aging condition of affairs. U Is enc of the best monthly rcvorts that has recently been Issued by any xxestcrn line. Thu gross earnings of the entire Union I'eiclflc syBtein for May , 1SU7 , vxere > $1,155- 135.76 ; for May , 1S9G , $1 257,978.92 , an In- I crease tor May of this year of $197,160.SI rho expenses , excluding taxes. fpr Maj , I 1S97. were $1,013.1117 61 , for May , 189 r$875.- l O."l 03. an Increase of $13S.S88 5S. The sur- I plug of eainlugs over expenses InI.av , 1S97 , amounted to $4I12.2.15 ! : tor May. ISOti , $182,14' ) S9 , all Increase In the surplus of $5S,27.i 26 In the comparison of the tvxo I months. I Toi the fixe months of thh year , compared I xxith the th'c months of last ye\tr , a much ! better shnvvlng Is nmde Last year the Hist live months shoxxcvl gross earnings I ainmintliiK to $3831.12014 This yen the i giM'a iMinlngs for tile- first five months amounted to $6.51561169. a gain of $711- " 321 2. > The expenses for the llrst five months of last yeircro $1 STI.C.ll JO , thU year they xxeie gieater by $ .16121106 , or $4,31)4 ) 2J5 20 The sutplus of earnings oxei exppii iM for the llrst fixe months of last year amounted to $1,801376,11) , for the nr = t llxe > months of this yento $ J,15t,40l 19 , tin Iiicioa'o In tlm surplus of $348,01.11' ' ) PCIIMM for .May 1V)7 ) amounted to $103,233 Ml against a surplus nf - n- J1S-,7US ) a } tjr n 0 an Increase of $13 4)1 ! ) 71) ) On the Cintral branch leaded and op erate 1 by the .Missouri Pacific the giots eaitiinps for Ma1S')7 ) , amounted to $11- JHGl. against $ J'l - , ( , _ S4 foi May , 1SUO , an Increase of $1 t.l.SS 77 flic e\pi n en In cluding taxes foi Miy , 1S97 , were $ J170 > U , against $ JO 070 42 a year .igo an increase of $ lOJJtc ; 'Ihe MirphH or earnings oxer e\- pensts last Miy nirutinted to $ ' ) .1S ! lu Dni- Ini ; this May the mirpltls rolled up to .he sum of $19.5.9 53 , an liuie.iie of $1001011 or considerably more than 100 pel rent There Is a deficit In the it-port of the Atcli'con. ' Colorado & I'arlllc rallioad and the Atrhls n.'Jewefl Coun'x X. Western i.ul- toad linelintoil to the Cential Hianch but It Is a notPHoUhy fact that the ilellilt la smaller by 71 pc'r < cnt than It xxas In the icport of May' 1S % The coinings of thcno small Ilnej for Maj 1S')7 ) amniinted to ? ! V 14'nC The OxpenslM excluding taxes , xxcro $ ' 7,1 Jo " 7 , le-ulng d deficit of $1 97R21 i , s May the earnings amounted to * _ ' ! , ' ! ' ) s 17 , and the cxperaes to $ Jl,7i.2 OS , leaving a de ficit or $ S,303ui The deflc ! ' 'or the month of Miy 1S97 is saiallei by $ fi 3 7 10 than that of Miy. ISSfi The earnings increased $1175059 , and thOj eipeiiica im leaded ? ' - 3C3 49 A more reunrltahle hho iiig l made by the compailsoiiB of the cainliiK- , and ex penses of thc"f llneh for the first Ihe months of 1890 and 1S97 lau yiar 111- earning of the llrst IHc niotitl'ii ! shoxxed a deficit of J19 - ri38 70 from tha expense-1 Ill's year then Is n surplus of ? 18 07J.71 In the ftawluga of the first IHe months oxei the expejifc.s for the lame period , an Incicase of $37)10ll ' ) , or nearly 20J per cent oxer a year ago fnlilvvi'II < : < > < < l < > Trlsco. CHICAnO. July 12 Chaliman Caldwell of the Western 1'ateengei association left tonight for San Krancls.cn foi the purpose of taking chaige of the enbtbound Clnlstian Undeuoi buslncfs for all the loads of the association A meeting of the association xxas laid today and after the situation hiul been thoionghly discussed it vva& decided that the best thing was for the chairman to go to San Francisco In person and wee that the rates and arrangements foi the convention aiu carried out Mr Caldwell Ins the most ample power , and no matter xvhat action he may decide upon after reachIng - Ing San Francifeco , the roads of his nbsuci- atlon x,111 back him up to the fullest extent Clinnui-N In the l.i-hl li Dlri-rloi-j. I'HILVDKL.PHIA July 12 The regular monthly meeting of the board of director of the I ehlgh Valley rallioad will h. > held In this city tomorrow. The meeting Is creat Ing more than the usual Interest became of the rnnio ed rcslcnation of President Wll bur It In said that Mr Wilbur's resigna tion Is In compliance xvith the understanding xvlth the Drexel-Morgin syndicate at tie time the company xxas financially as'dtcd ' by this firm of bankera a fexxr monttis ao It Is also expected that several numhero of the present board of directors will ictire to make room for representatixta of the Drexc- Morgan Intercuts I IINdlOllllll S | | | | | | | | | > | ltN , CHICAGO , July 12 Ristbourul ahlpmenta last week were 54.9C1 tons against II " 92 tons the i > recedlng week and 01,810 for the corresponding week of last year The lends c.uried tonnage ah follows Michigan Cen tral. 2,170 , Wabash , II.SUO. I.il.e Shore , S.330 , Toil Wayne. SOIO , I'anlundle. S.OO'I ; Daltlmoru & . Ohio , 2.91J , aiaml Iiu.ik , S.OC3 , Xltktl I'latt 9,009 , Hrle , C201 , Dig Tour , 1.2'J ' ) Shipments xxi-ro made iii ] of the following artklcB In trns Flout and iiilll.stufTs , " 751. grain. ISOfirt , cured miati lanl etc. 13,07 ; drefwcd beef , 10,900 , III'B- ' celluneous , 9.087 , I'nsl Time on Onll'lil 1'iirlllc. S\N FHA.N'CISCO , July 12 In a llylrt ; trip from Ogdcn to the bedside of hU htrlr-Krn hnther at San MTtco , W. II CroeKer heat the record cstablisheil hexeral years ago by the famous Vlllaid special tiain The distance from Ogden to thin city Is 811 mllrs Mr. Crotker covered It In txventy-tliree hoirra and twenty-two minutes Ills time from Sueiamcmo to thla city x\a.s also rui'rtikaljto , being one hour ami flfty- three mlnutfa , . tliji dlalanco being eighty-six miles mill I'ei siiiiiilN , N K Urlgjis ! aCiorney foi the II , t M at Mncoln , was In the city yesterday. J A MCI rill V the guest of hU biothor , Ovorgo W. Merrill , ' of the Hock Island of fice 11 i CJcneral Agent ; Frawley of the Union IM- cific s passenger department la in toxxn from Kansas City Geni'ral CoppIhfiM and stuff x/pnt xvest on the Union I'aUllo" from Grand Island to Uenxer ycsterflky. Thn party haw betii out on a tour of iliisjmcr | i slncu July i , anJ eaiuo oxer froyi ia line of the Klkhor.i to that of thu Ujilpi J'aclrto Sunday. , 11 Tt IHlllOII 'I'niMKT ' | | | Oltlllllll. Ulshop 11 TXTalnUT of Kansas City , Knn . xxho Is on n vUU.U the \arloiis imrlshes In his illfclrlcl , dellxcied a short uddre-sj at the Afiican Mi'thoillPt church , curnei St-Mii- tetnth an I Webster M HI IP , hat p\cnlni : An addrii" ! f welcome \xas clxen In liulialf of the churrh by Sllss Jesslu McrrUm mid spuelill muhleul pnigiarn WUH remlnrtil by Hie choir Mbliup T.inner Belictcd as his toj > Ic "Tin4te \ \ and Aehii vt-inentH of 1'n.J llnuj- las" " Tne Hpe.iKt-r dlhen Hnl the < olored man's abilities us an oritoi. his moral < har- acterlstk- and Jils attitude toxxanl the cl.unh The address loniluded with an uut- llno uf the work bulng aecom. llshed by the African church In Amerlia . tliinwri-r Sllll III. Judge MuiiKcr Is still eonllned to his riom at the Mlllurd hotel , but U conslicr.ill | > I in proxed His most serious aliment Just noxx la xxeaknei . However , he txiH' < l to In. alilo to KO to bM home at i'remont on Wedntsilay. rifiim-il lli riiaiiHrc lii Diitc. At yesterday's meeting of the Om ihn Heal Hatate exchange notice vxas recelxt-d from the Detp Water ajiOtlatlon that the convention , xxhlch wno to hnvo been held last month nt Oile ton \oulil bo lield oni October S The exchange decided that thlil date \x a'perfectly agreeable to It" mpmberi and o notified the as oclntlon There foi- loxxed an Inrormnl dl on snn | of the l > r > rm to Omaha real e : t He Interexts bx the rstab * llshment of Armour s nex\ packing hoii e South Omaha Ne > vs Tluse candidates \xere elected teachers to flll the fourteen existing \irnnclnt ln tex t ox piling by the llonrd of IMucatlon Miss C M Johnson , Miss M 11 Graham , Miss Myrtle De Graf , Miss I.uella Matthexxs , Miss Lllllo Martin. Miss Pearl Matthexxs , Ml s June Slocuin. Miss Kngenle Chapman. Miss Mary lilgin Ml s Anna Hunter , Miss Mar garet Onlbralth , Miss Cora Cook , Miss Teresa O'Toole Miss Mae I.ee and Mies Elizabeth llayrs. The Uaohcrs xxero elected from a list of ellglblcs of xxhom twenty-six were lecom- mended by the committee on teachers , and the name of Miss Teresa O'Toole , last yeira tiaeher was added after a sharp eontro xersy by suspension of the rnUs Miss hula Hell xxas elected principal of the Lincoln school upon recommendation of Superintendent Munro 'Ihe Smith heat retainer and \ontlli\lnr , ! which has been tested at the l.oxxell school , UI'.H adopted mid will be placid in all four rooms at a ccwt of $ M ) , anil a xentllating pipe xx111 be plated In the hall at an addi tional cost of $1i > The boird meets again Thursday night. \ \ llleeil n Nexx * > ' \ er. I'nulnerm In charge of Armour A Co's work here haxe not as xct had time to figure on a ritiltnty sexxer for the big plant , but haxe announced that In theli opinion It will ho recfs ary to construct a large hilck rower fiom the plant to the ilxer At the present time there Is a twenty-four Inch sanitary sewer running from the s'nck xtrds to a p Int on the rlxir near Vista Springs , hut thlii Is not largp enough to accommodate the lacking hntiEe" noxx In operation here Fro'n the fact that the city round ! ! > ? considering what Is best to be done to abate the Mud creek nuisance It Is exidoiil that another picking house I xuiuld not be allowed to empty xxaflhlngi Into the i reek The matter of n new --ewer has been been Hiked exei inform illy be tween the packers and the olllchU of the s'ockardM conipiuy and It has he'cn about decided to erect a four-foot hi Icli nexxer Till" xx 111 not be any too lame to carry off the washings fiom the packing hoii'pis and the stock x aids Snch a fif-wet would cost In the neighhoilio d of $75(100 ( Whether the line of the present canitarsexxei xxould be followed In building the ne one has not been decided on It Is safe to sm that a iiexx sexxer will hixe to be built and that It will be done as 'oon as airaugemeius can lie made > la fhaiiKr Hit * l.i\ > , The city council 1 billed to meet tonight and If HUMP anything in stieit minors It will be a llxely s "slon It xx.is ippirtnil xe terdiy that an attempt would be made to change thelexx agieed upon at the "a t mret- Ingccridini ; to the lexx pioxlslim w is made frr painting the \iaducta This xxnrk will co&t in the lit'inhboihood of $ JOOi , ) and the law pi Unix saxi tint rnch expenditures miMt be ananged for at tha time the annual lexx is mule It Is nndcistood that " -onie of the count ilmcn object to thli and hence th < > ittempt to baxe this Item of expense wiped out Councllmeii Mort and Caldwell will take a whirl at the street cm compiny bx introducing a irsnlutlon Instrurtlng the cleik to notify the olll ills of the compiny to sub stitute lion pole5" foi the wooden ones now In u * e In c'se the viaduct matter l-t not knocked out the cleik is to be dliee'ed to adxprnsg for bids fe.i painting the two big blld'jes Mori- ItmmiMciilfil n < tin- i\elinne. A ii'ietlng of the directors of the1 Union Stock Yaids company Is to be held v Ithln a fexx daxs for the purpose of ronsid ° ring the nopp"dtfor mor" room at the exchange 1)iiildlng lv A Valentine , tl-e xlce pmsl- dent of the company , his b"en ill but as sojn as hi arrixcs the meeting xxlll be held Moio room Is needed at the e\phang build ing and also bx the stock aids fompany's odt'cs The Stick Yaids bank i' onxlnus for moie comii'odlous nuarters and it has been suggnstpd thit an addition be built on the not th of th pinent ofllce and bank building If this Is done room will IIP male for ollices for commission ( Inns and the pre's- ent exchange building will not be changed MiTflmntNlio I ( InShloniilk. . Visitors In the city are hoard to complain of the amount of merchandise the city au thorities alloxx merchants to pll" out on the sidewalk Chlckan coopi diy goods boxes , wooden Indians bcci kegs fruit stands , milk cars , balci of barbed wire , etc , are dally dlsplaxed on the bldexxalks In front of stoics In many Instances the shopkprpet occupies nearly th ° entire -sidewalk with Ms goods baxing scarcely loom enough foi ppdcstiiain to pass Ilinliiess men all oxer the city , but especially thos > p on N strort abuse this pilxilc e The law allows them four feet next their building for display purposes and no more | IM > Otilllllllire Will lli > iuf . oil. Max or in or said yisteiday afternoon that Cioahy & Ilich refused to meet him and dis cuss a propCHltlon toxxard a fitfttlement of the Ice ordinance matter and he had ordeied City Attorney Montgomery and Inspeetm Carroll t go ahead and enforce the ordi nance \ wariant will be Issued fiom the police court for Messrs Crosby and Hlch on a charge of x Mating ths ordinance pertain ing to tins selling of ice below a certain fitamlaid The wiiole matter will thus be gone ovei again In the couita. HillllllllK IlliIliilinil House. Today work will bo commenced on the new round house for the Union Sto < k Yards com pany The housn Is to he erected between the Union Pacific and licit Line tracks In the xiclnitj of D stre"t The plans call for a flxo-stall l'ou-o with a tuintable It Is e'Jtlmited that tie cost will lie about $7500 Mrs Sago has gone to Illinois to vl it rela tives HexVr Tnrrlngton his letnrned from a western trip Ir nimond has none to Itandolpli ffli a few daxs' visit 12 S I'parholl of York Is liere an the guest of Frank Taylor A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs Otto Maurer John Heed and family leave Wednetdny for Mxerpool I'nu A \4 Sntton Is home from Wyoming , where lin spent a week I' O Neunn Wakefleld , spent yesterday In the elty with frlincjH Harry Carpenter bus gone west to spend a couple of xvc cks' vacation Two ears of eattlo from California were tin the market hero yesterday. James H VanDuscn Is going to the lllg Horn luil" on a hunting trip A Nr Young , Denxer , Cole , was a busi ness xisltoi In the elty ycBtef ( y. Another big Chicago llxo mock commis sion linn Is going to locate here. Iho Sons of Veterans meet tonight at the Grand Army of the itrpuhllc hall Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings , Twenty -fifth and I streets , < on , W II Vaughn has moxed into hid n w honso at Twenty-sixth and 11 slice's The Knights of the Ma-Mlices v ' 11 ixe a smoker Wednesday excnlng at M isou'c ' hallTho The I'reshyteiians xxlll give a laxxn social at the home of Mro It II Montgomery this .1 W llarher and family hae lotum-d from Aniclopt' . Neb . xvhcro Ihey spent a ueek nshlng The Slatei property at Txxonty-aixn nd 13 streets has been nold JJr lilat. i will in ox ( to Omaha. II J Wallle ban taken out a permit to build an addition to Ills residence at Thirty- third and II streets Isaac Thompson of Hlalr has accepted the position ( if Miperltitenduit of the Drovera Journal printing establishment. Mrs Mclxnr. mother of John an 1 Chancs Mclxor. Is seriously III at the lumU'iue of Charlef" Thirty-first and Friucls stilts The police spent yekterday looking up W H Jackson xxho U reports I missing from his homeneui la I'lattc Jaekson xxus In the city Saturday afternoon , but bus not been seen here since The chief of Rives It RS his opinion that Jackson has skipped out. The woman's auxiliary of Hie Young Men's Christian association i.ipjts this afternoon with Mrs X Jl Mead , Txx utv-seoond Mid N streets Mr John r. Schultz , Thirtieth and K streets , has returned from Washington county , xx here she \lslted friends for a couple of weeks Grorgp liaxxorth applied to the police yes- trrdny for a xxarnnt for an X street saloon keeper , who he alleged , hod assaulter ! hint ludge Chrlstmann Inxestlgated and refusevl to Isaue the xx arrant \ \ \ appears that Kaxxorth xxent Into a number of alop.ns and asked to SCP the goxernment llniior license The saloon kcx iers say that liaxxorth repre sented that he xxas a goxeminent delectlxe employed to look after thp llcensps Chief Hrennan says tint Havxorlh Is an Imposter , hence the refusal to Isoue the xxnrruit askel for. i'iuso\ : . i-vii vcitIMIM. . R W Talmage goes east tonight 11 H Harbin of Chicago Is nl the Mlllird. J J. Sclher of llaltlmore Is at the Mltlinl. C U Peck of Plpcstone , Minn. , Is a Darker guest Frank Docinan of Kearney Is \lfltor In Omaha. J S Williamson of St. Louis Is at thp Mltlard H S Johnson of I.ar.imle Is stopping at the Mlllard. A O Hedstrom of Waukesha , WIs , Is st the Mlllard C 12 Wllklns of Philadelphia la rc-slstcroil a' tlm Darker. Jehu C Watson and wife of Xebraska City are In Omaha. Otorge A MeXtltt of Kansas Cl'y Is n guest a' the Mlllurd W. F AMcn returned last exenlng fiom an extended xxcstein trip. Willmi ! Parkinson and xxlfe of Madison ale \Isltors In the city A A Hall mil wife of Atlantic , Ja , ere stopping ut the Marker. I W llrown and xxlfe of Xew Yoik ate stopping it the Mlllard It W Gliiln and W H Ooweti of Xoith l.oun are at the Daiker Mr and Mrs Oswald are reglsterel at the Mlllard from Salt I.ike City T S Mnnay , mayor of Donxcr , and fot- merlx of this elty , is In toxui. P S I.xtle. H H Ilauser and W. 11 HlllT- man of Nellnh are 111 the elty. A. F. Abbott and F. T Darroxv aie l.ln- eolnltes stopping at the llaiker ( lOtiltl Dletz has i < tiiined home from a hunting trip to Dome Lake. Wyo .1 F Dietof Anrori Is In the clly on a short \lslt with the family of C X. Dclts- It C Honlahan of Stamfmd xxus In Omaha ycsterdiy while en mute to Toronto , Out Charles II Mai lex left for a three weeks' xacation with friends near Helen i , Moiu to lav n Gillette of Sheridan. Wyo , Is In the elty foi a shmt period , while on his xxay to Xew Yoik Cltx. Miss Dlaiuhe Jo-'elyn left last night fet Ililflalo. .V Y , xxheie slit1 will spend the summer with fi lends Captain H De Moiainille of Chicago chief cngineei for Annum iX Co , is In ( lie < lty and stopping at the Mllljid. Miss l.eonoia Set ton of the Union Pacific lu.idiiu.il ter i staitid last evening for a two weiks' trip to Chattanooga and Nashville Ml-s AgliCH Cluk left for a xlslt with fiUnils in I' , item and among re'lallves In Xoxa See U la t evening. She will retuin Xox ember 1 John W llieldentli.il of lopcka , one of the leading populist politicians of Kansas .iiid a state bulk esaminei tlieie , Is in Onnii i , i ml stopping nt the Mill.ml Geneial and Mis Mandcr < nn. apconipanlcd bx Mrs Dike of New YoiK. left for St Paul last evening They will cnjox i mouth's mp visiting St Pat-1 , Duliith , lluffalo and New York City U D Duncan returned last night from Lincoln xx lu ie he had been nndei treil'ii'M foi several \\ieks Mr Duncan is much im proved In heilth , and bis friends have hopes of his speedy ictoverx Miss Genie Ilryre of the Shaw nee govern ment school Oklahoma , n delegate1 to the Indlin tcMthcis' convention , is spending a fexx wicks with hci gi.indmothei , Mrs J S Seaton nt 201' ) llarney street I T Miichand of Washington , D C' special agent foi the Inli'istate Cnninieic * cnminloslon and assistant Unitid Slates at torney In the praetlte for the commission , Is In the city on business in connection xvlth his oflleial position Xebraskans at the hotels P A Hansh IJeavei City , J J. Uxeiett Sihuyler. M. D Ilcmis , Springfield , John Wilson. Kearney , George 12 Kxerett , Grand Island , M V Nicholson , Valentine Herbeit W Ilexan , Freii'ont. I liaiiy , Kiner-on , W. H Penn Dnnbar , T J Ollxer , Lincoln. I.OCM. IIHIJVI riis. : i : ia Diaimrd , the 17-year-old daughter of Mrs May Hr.aluaid foim rly of this city died ! n Denver Sunday Detectlxe John F'lxage , who xxaa prtw- trated by lirat list xxeok , hna sr > fai le'cov- ered tint l.e has reported foi duty Latt Saturday night a buggy was stolen from thr piumlses of 12 P Ixlns 2fi12 Vort'i Xlnetienth avenue Suspected parties aio being vx.itcheil by the police Xext Sunday tlie srrxlce of Iho First Christian church xxlll bo held In Mercei s park , Txxcnty-nlnth and Cuming atieets Theio xxlll bo pleaching at 1030 a m and 3 p m. Parties attending xvill lunch upon tlu > grounds The only saloon keeper xxhom the police detected in felling liquor Sundiy , Inly 4 , xxas Pi .ink ICetihmaik , whose pi ice is near the old fort Kttthmark xxas arrested ycb- teiday on Iho charge oflolaiing the Slo- cum laxv. He pleided not guilty In police tonrt When Mis MiiBkln ? of Cleveland , xxho Is visiting Mrs Xcwman of l.42'i' ' South Thlitcenth stic'ft , ai lived at the union depot yir'terday fche inl'cil a $ JOO dii- monil breastpin Sin1 believes that It WOK fttolcn on the t * . tin at pome point ca.'it of Omaha. J. L Good , who ay that he Is a card dlstiibutei foi a local dentist , was yoalur- day .sentenced to ten diys on the street gang on the charge of xagrancy It XS.IH alleged that he tnod last Saturday to entlcii txxo little gills , the daughters of Joseph Xer/.an of 1115 South Twelfth s'rcet , Into a neighboring brick y ird Yesterday a xxaruiit , dunging obtain ing pioperty under false pretense * , was filed In police court ngainvt J Itiuynalian xxho is slid to liu a gni'st ( it the Menir hotel It Is ° aid that Moynahnn lilted a ilg from Jim Slephenson yenlprday mil re- tuniPtl It without paying I lie diaigttt It Is charged that ho rtpiestntpd that hoTIS one of HIM employee of the hotel. Le wls MtGInn of Twelfth and Dodge streets has reportetl to the polite that while ho was intoxicated lust Satiiidny night a coiiplo of men took him to some XX MH About two blocks away and deposited him there Latei be > ay that < mo of the men ifturni'il und lolibnl him uf i small Hum of money A nc-gio Frank Fryson , has been < irr. steil on suxpldon of l.iixlng hud a haul In the deal He has been chirgid xvlth larceny from tlm pcrsun l.iiis o.i flro v ith torturlii ) ; , Iti l.mj bun mp , blcml " t aiyai Ijnul'ly iiiori , iiiiuiilly rtl.c LI ! liy a warm lath wi h C i in i IIA him1 , aun.r'f ' appi < alum of wiCt ilecuv ' ' illicit i , tl o grcut l. in cure , ctujccf ( IIILIUA lll.sULXl.Nr l a'lli ' > ruuhouithc orll roTim I ) H i nj IVutu , Hilton M How la' urn jortullujf lluniun / eiiiict i FOREIGN COLONY IN DANGER Lives of Ohristinns Are in Jeopardy i\\ \ Tien Tsin , PLOT HATCHED BY CHINESE AGITATORS Stir 1'p Prejtiillei * In Tlm 'l ln tij Clrenlnllnu lleport * of ( lie Klilnnplnur ofntle Cliflilmi. S\N PIIANC1SCO. July 12 Th * "eimr-r Doric has arrived from China and ! i | > iu twei days ahead of schedule UIIIP It hi UR'I' Yokohama advices to June 29 The lipvu-so Mall glxow a summary of HIP mfifiMW' ptico from Tien Tslti , which sbow ihnt the iitflto of the fotelgn eolony in Hut ity U .alarming Thrro ChriatliUm we e lui .vi n tin hit davs of May on the e Inn KIM H it they had stolen nallvu chlldtcn in irl -r tint they might serve as offprlngH to in mire HID safetv of tlie > found.atlntui o' Pie nexv Prench Catholic c.athcdml to be ded cnted Juno 21. A Tien Tsin correspondent says It Is reported that u conspiracy has bun ' .1 nrl to attack the fciplgn settlement on tune 21 , anil to burn the Uoninn Catlndi. i athe- dral The tonsuls of the varlnui n it m nlltles have dpeiniHl It pindrnt M ul. cnph the facts to thulr governmeiiti mil to ask for the protection of tnen-of war Hi. me leading from the foielgn scttleuuir li the Clilnovi tiuartcr Is tlo pd excix niglit it 11 o'clock lha Japanese gunboat \ku is noxx1 at Taku In nspon e to appi ii fi .m tlm , llMUc | p innsiil Clnnr p ttnlli is ue tiuiiteie'd In xailous parts of the , nx for tlm express puipo p of ehepklng i lottrs " * Itonil Pomcr t'li'ints l.iilll } . nitlI\N\ ) .lulx 12 / T I , xx I II'P fainoiii liond feumi ppul | l gullix inliv and vxas m nti nn d to eight vuiiu in tin 11 - Itentlirv lilt tinnlul , irt nu niii , t , MI iHimN me uild I i liixi aiiiouiit. l up to } > b < 0 ( K 0 It takes nerve to face nn enr igi.il bull and flaunt in his f ice the cnlot 111 it he h lies It is a foolish mil reckless thing fur any nun to do , but thousand upon tlinu- . mils of me n anel NXOIIKII aie tlaily ficiuv ; i peiil belnu * which the bull lighter's ilani > er full nit 3 insignifieMiice The bull fighter r. ainxil , trained , and fully pnpmil fur lu balll The tbous mils xxho st mil ficc to flee with that elrcad anil tnsiiltniii foe cnnsninpti n , are but illy ctiuippeil for the stnigeli 1'ho man eirxviiuunxxhoxxoiilil sin.eessfitllv with stand the into tils of the deadly gtims uf consumption iiiedstolnvt atleiics bmintl- lilt : with the rich roil , life giving blond of health _ Dr I'leroi 's ( , olden W die il Discovery is without an equal as a blood maker and flesh builder II cli.mses anil sticiiRthcns the luntfi and cuuso-S per cent of all cases of consumption Mi's I.ucy Klocftler , of Aimada Mich wrll i- " \Vlicn I was about titht y irol njjt I li ul in flammation nT the * IIMIKS nnd from tliil tun u\i \ I xx is sick in itly ill tbc tune and b id n > r nentlv nil tin * tune I wonl 1 tnkpcoUl ic i tu it would KO riR'it ' to my limns At tin.ig. . ol miif teen I was very 1ml tlirrcnaipiin in mv lim.s. tickling in niv thro U und my thnnt w is Mini 1 d with ulcers tlicrr w is bo ir-iiiLssnnd ! p irti it sup pression of voice nn 1 difficulty of brenlliiti I doctored witli one of our brst pby ici ins and be said be contil not belp me and jnt presci ilird ted liver oil and told my mother I could not hxi lonifer tb in three months I kept grttliueaUcr i xcry day \vbcn .it last n friend nsked me xvby 1 did n it try Ii 1'ieree f ol Jen Mtdicil llisiineix I thought theiu vvas no IKF no more belp foi in as consumption xvns in our family My titlirr and aNo niv sister died with it , but nfler Inking the brst liottle I se me'd to leel better My nppttitc was better and I kept ruht ; on l.aV.mg it xxilli i bottle of Hie ' I'cllels once ill n xvlnle , until I felt real well Fleforc t.ikini ? it I weighed OIK hun dred nnd ten pounds liter I iktniit one- bun Ired ami thirty 1 have not had i COUKII this winter " DELEGATES , Von lim.'ii'l ( Innlo K-III ! now. lint jon olll iinol ( o ii'inl nil nhonl till' fOIIVCIltloil Illll-ll VIMI Kft llOlllf. Vour frli'iiils neil HIP frli'inls of Ilir liiillnn i\ fry ix lien * mini lo Know nl oul H , too U IM not IHIVI- \ll. Till : tlll'll'.s of 'i IIP. OMVIIV \uv iui : _ 'I lie Kiflit 'Hl dnllj of Hie XVCM ! . CoiilHliiliiu lull repoi Is of Hie pi o- iM-pillnuH ot HIP IMIIIV i-nllon iiliNli ni'li of all HIP pupei N Spnt In linj nililriMN In I InI I nlliil Sliiti-N or I'nniiilii , jioslimiil , fur U5 penlN , lipnvt * oiilerN ill Tin * llpp HiiNliii'HH Oilier , llee Mill III I UK , m our i epre- MPiilnHvp In I i-oiiTi-nHon linll. DELEGATES. mi siui ; > i s ' " " " " ' The Croighton "l' m TODAY | TONIGHT 2:30 | 8 : 5 i in : u ( Hiivv viti ) i in : vi i u ( o. "i MI : ( .1 n v IMIIII n v ( .1111. " I HI I.Mi VX I hi I n i II I vcij i il mum HUH \ \ < h J it I 11 I i - > t MuilU lull.i - HOTii.h , Ainiileut pluii t- ill pi i d ir iii I m | i > an p nn { I on p r duy up J. U. XIVHUU , A SON. ' . ] . " BARKER HOTEL. IIUUJJ.IMU ; VM > .IDM : s'lui-i.'is 14j fooni 1 atn tuuui livut UJH ! u" i > Jtin bitvLtilenucn Uatt II 6y ami K W i r it/ j'jlu ut rict'lt ' l hhfLUl low luit * tt > r'kuiil Mflsr DICK HMMI ! MH uktr Pozzoni's ComploKion i prodULi-a a kolt anil beautiful uk * , t i , It eoinbliieu uvcry clement of buuuty * wu ! i purity