W THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTAIJLISIIKD JUXE 11) ) , 1871. OMAHA TUESDAY MOUSING , JULY 1,5 , 181)7. ) SIXGLE COPY JLVE C13NTS. / Ti r /\YT fPI1P TITPP COAL OS flit RISL Prices for Black Diamonds Advance Ono Hundred and Fifty Per Cent. CAUSED BY THE STRIKE AMONG MINERS Btrong Indications of n Famine in the Near Future. ENOUGH ON HAND TO LAST TEN DAYS Cause of the Strikers Strengthened in the Mouoncahola Valley. IRONCLAD CONTRACTS ARF WIPED OUT I.nlior l.rmlt-rN Xrv I'ln mil ntf to Cblirtitmi \ \ < < H ( \lruliila ; ami llilnu Out tinMlni'rn lu Ilitil Mull * . 1'ITTSItri.G. Pa , Jul } 12 The miners' Btrl'iU Ls causing the price of coal lo still adxniKo and todn } It XXIIH tiling nt } 1 f > 0 , an Im rt aso of lf > 0 ) icr cent since Ihe com m < in i mi nl of the struggle. Man } of the optratois claim there Is still plont } of coal on hind but fall to state xxhy the price has IIKTI .cd more than ICO per cent since the i us | ixlon Ilofore the strike begin coal xx ns ( juot d at 10 cenls , toda } Iho highest price paid w is $1 SO This was for the boot unlit } and fri e on board riii * feature toda } In matters pertnliilng to th" strike wns Iho presence * In the cit } of the joint nrhltratlim bo ml , which Is on- doax'irlng b } exery means possible to bring a pi ad able conclusion to the strife now lu pr grcH-i The1 board hold inform il ses sions today mil In the Interxnls Interx lexxod emltt a ntimbi r of operators , the big major- It } of x.hoin nre In fnxor of arbitration pro- x I 1 d all of the opotatorc will abide b } th < lrt I * m ronlerod One of the dissenters Is V , P DcArmltt prenlhnt of the Now York and r 1. xeland Gas Coal compaii } Ho ilo- duret. In Ins nolhing to arbitrate nnd sas th Hirlko Is the result ot mnchln Uions of poll" lans I in ttriKei-f made fmtler ndxuuc" tcn'a ' } In M'tInK out piactlcnlly cxerx mirier In the dlstrht oil Ido of Do Armltt s nun xxbd dill icnmln loxnl to t'lelr emploxcis \t a MI .S nuetlig held it Went Vox- Ion to lav \ It President MtKn } of the Mlneip ns--i > i I itiou n Id ho beliextd 'he Wist Vlr- glnli- mints would bo cl"il ? down x Ithli two wield If they aie r he said the r.ail- rcind n t n xxould b ( nlleil on lo 1)11 ig xxoil , to n ftnidstlll In that state Ihe opt ators claim the railroads w i ! Fiil'd } cnrs sullielent .o carr } Do tntiie onlpit of Ihc We U Vliglnln fie JH II wns Hl-ticd this oxculng tint a number of HIP rlxcr opciatnrs who haxe no facilities for loading their streks on inIImail can nre irltitlni the advisability of placing . liol i UK mac line on the south side * of the Mtiiirngnlioln rlxor foi the purposeof ti ills fcr Ing coal Into Plttsburg S. Luke I3rlc freight ems 11 } , . , | H innthod It is expectoi to ciippl } all of the lake trade If miel a scheme XWIH carried out the } would gel th' * hlnhcht price the * } haxe In } cns Ve.arl } nil of Ihe ( oal In Ihe pools xxas stored li antblpntion of the river being declared free nnd It xxas Intended to send It to the Hout'ic-n ' markets Now thnt there Is no boiling Hinge nml the market Is open li the rail limit , the proposition Is looked on xxlth fnxor IRONCLAD CONTRACTS GO Hi j end the strengthening of the miners linen along Iho rixers there was little chingc In Ihc all Ike sltuatloh toda } The Ironclac O'litiuets which wore In force at soxernl mines In Ihe Monongahela xallfy xxoro sxxopl out of existence Inda } iiml the strike xxai imidi * generjl In the fourth pool The Clinmounl. Apollo Jack Jones and O'Noll's Pnctto C'lty mines , which had been run iiing Mill n light force of men and under IroiK lads are Idle 'llie men at the Chi- inoiinl mine wcro llie list to lay doxx-n theli toils The Illinois along the rlxer are re- job , ng oxer this xlctoi } The enl } mine re port d In operation In the * region Is the 13ciulahle ! nl Webster. It Is n stock com- jiaii } comprising nbout sex cut-llxe Htock- holdels , nml they nio mining their owi cool I lie 111 } the Coal compnii } has offered the C'J tent into to tholr men nt the K d IMn ! niliif but the olllclnls will not allow then : 10 go to xxork at present A ma"s meotlni ; xxns hi Id nt I'uotte City this afternoon to look after the strikers' lute-resin and see that no mines resume The men In the Ktlik'l llolloxv mines of thu Washlnptoi Coal compaii } also xxcnt out today , mahliij. the susicn.slon | complete In chis district , ex cept nt the mines of llio No x Yirk nm Cloxeland Gns Coal compaii } , xxhtrc nbou I 200 men are working The hotheiils aio r.ihlslnR drastic meas nr K 'lliex haxo been kept In chock so far 1ml Iherc * is no lolling when the fox or xx il break oul nnd a concerted moxe on Sand } n n 1 Plum Ciook bo made The greatest in toioi-t is no\x nianlfest"il In llio scheme l ( Ubinate Iho still.o iMimtlon. Lihor conimis tslont rb and nlllc ial arbitrators of the sexoia fi'iiles a If CM ted nie mobilizing in this cltx The state of Ohio Is the only oil" which hi' ' n regular ! * appointed hoaid of arbitral Ion It exists for Just suih emergencies ns this nn 1 is naiurill } eminent ! } will pieparod foi lh > work Most of the ollit rs Interested ari labor onimlsslonor.s and industrial stalls tliianH who are also xxell able to act In tin cap i it } of aiblli itoiti fiom Iho nature o tbdi vork lu keeping In touch xxlth tin txorl.mg classes genoiall } Tb- ' Ohio boird Is competed of Selxxxn N Oxx'ii chalrmiin of Coluiu 'is , who xxas formerly thief JiiPllco of the supreme court e/f Ohio oxttnrno ) General John Little of Ntiiln nnd Joseph lllsbop of Columbus forinnh pi i side nt of the Amalgamated nssu latlon The Indiana labor commls- sltntn here L P McCormack arc , ex-presl- ( lent of the Stale Tpoginphlcal union , and 11 1' Sell nld nf Iiidiumipolln , Jamea M Clark Industrial slatlHtlelan of Puinsxl- xanlii arrlxid from HariUhurg this morn ing The same ntllclalH of the Mate of West Vug ilia are expected to get here tomoiioxx The Illinois coiuml Hloners of labor I ) J Jve.fe J II dill nnd 1 ! R follf are on then wit } lo Pltthhurg and will meel the oilur n'Mimibblnneni In this cit } cm Wcdnos- elnx 'llin.s nil ihe stales xxtlh Iho cxcep- tloi of Kenluck } ami ronnctbiu xxhrru the Hirlko U on w 111 be r. presented In the eonft rt ntf.s xx hit h are lo lit- held hero during tlu next ft xx dus Imitations hnxe hct-n j-eni to the ml operators of the I'litsliiir tllKMlii lo mtet the arblUators Infoimall } nnd talk oxer the matter of settling the strike COAL PAMINP. IV.M1NKNT Tlure Is n HtroiiR Indication of a coal famine cui > ( ronllng the coiintr } xxlthln the * Jiox' ten < laB It is clalmtd b } eoiibcrxa tixt iptrators tliil the mirl.itahlo t > uppl } nt prtMiit xxhhh Is plated at lO.noo tioo lii.olitlH would be only able ( u meet the den ii h > of iho market for about a month under ordinurx rimdltlniib With the i-ririit ) of coal alrend ) prevailing at the Inl.t purls it Is tlalmeil ( he snppl } xxlll not la * ! oxer two week * at the * longest In nii'o ip.iuon of suih a condition Hie coal opcrfli i are mil xer ) unxlotid to till orders nnd are luoklnK out for the adxante In pi.e that It expected to rts-ult The only honr < o of titippl ) U from the rlxcr mines , nt. the railroads aie ronfUcating for theli own imo all the coal rout } for shipment nlotig their lines this order was Unue-d IBK * wiek and with the exception of peir- inui "i ; the railroad omratuis llll'nt ; orlcrs for toaling Xt > NttlH at llio lak < ports nn rral Is altowe-d to Iraxc th diifirt Will the biippl ) llinlttd tu the Monnngaiii1. ! din Irlcl the prospect of famine in declare 1 lo be a ecrlnlut } , There ban been a markvU Increase in tlu- irlce of coal within the past few das nd t IB claimed that a 10 rent rale per bushel n boat load lots will be readied within the > ni ! it week The retail dialers as well is the operators In general , concede fiat n amlne is Immlnc-nt and look for prl , cs to dxanoe licjond the limit readied during hr > previous general Htrlke of the miners In 804 CHAHGi : ONViST VIKOINH "On lo West Virginia' will lu he cr } thisxeck of nil Hit abor leaders lnlere tcd In the coal mlnern trlku During llio week the clc\eriht or an- 7tr , labor oralors and cxhortcts xxlll be at xork In the West Virginia diggings spread ng the docttlnc of Htrlke Vice I'reaiilunl 'arney of the Amalgamated association , atid lolnston Clrecn who xxcrc appolnled or galilzcit , by the t'nited Labor Lctgue last night , left for \Vewt Virginia this mornliiK and sU othimxho o namefi ha\c nut } e , ici'ti announced will follow tonight or Tiles lay 1 he I'lttsburg ( juota of strike Iraderw sill bo Joined InVc t Virginia toinor ow or the mxt day b > Ihche from oilier inrls of ho tlnltid Stnltfl There will be enough of them to coxer the entire coal regions of the stale When Ihcy have finished th'lr work the } will come to l > oiin } lvanla and tlie Jeorgo's creek dmtrlct of Mar } land The } will xvork among the miners of the New York K. Clex eland Ga iompiii } nnd the Wiri'morcland and Cleirfldd r ( glnns If llie trlke is not settled before tint time What 'Xer ' mucess tut } nil } haxi In me Went Mrglnli Mnrjlitul , Cliarllelil and \\c-tmorr land llcldH the olllrlaln of th < I nltcd Work - , accenting to present Indication" will Inve XMI k In prrsiiuling the rmplovm In the New York & Clex eland ( ns Coal company > niH to strike the otlldils are handbapped Ijy the court's Injunction rcatr lining them 'rom going on the rompiti'h propi rty. lint lliln dllllculty lb oxershtdnxcd b } the apath } of the mlniTH themsdxra A x'nlt lo Ihc mlne3 dexelnped the prtxilence of a willing nir.j lo Hlrike proxidcd the as ocl itiou guar aiilce" ? them their x\ag ( lor the time thex are out The fei'lltiR among the miners h e\cmpll Hed In the fillure to hold the much ad xcrlhed Hireling nt Iteiiilah church } ester day afternoon At the 1'luni Crcik , Sind } Creek and Turtle Crock pits none of the diggers gors knew an } tiling of the proposed meeting \Innv of the mltioia tnld thewouud not Htrlke under an } circumstances The } Imo glicMinees but Eomc of them think the } were throxxn down when the } struck tint" > oarri ago Supetlnlendcrt Thomns nhrmltt nihlscd the illffcrent poo's \c-tcnli } aid kept on tln- luokout for n meeting It xxat , frccl } statei ! tint an } mlnci caught attending a meeting 01 found t liking with any of the labo lead i ra xxould be Instantly d charged The three mines of the comp my put out 1 .100 Ions of coal per da > The coil Is shipped to I'ltto- burg and pulnls west I he compni } Is try ing to take tare of nil theordeis It cin get n'tc nptlng to bii } coil from nnlghboilng mines uhlch arc located on the caisteiii edge or outfclde of the I'ittflbu g til trlct. SKIRMISHING roil CO\Ij The Clcarllrhl hltuinl.ioiii eoal dls'rlct am ! what lit known a the mount tin coal Held along the line of the I'ennsvlx mil loid bc- txxien lohiiMoxxii and Mtoonn begin ie cclvlng orders toda } from the dealorn of the I'lttshiirg dl-trict The iition of the I'nltci Mine Workeip oflidils In deeiding to nuke Went Virginia the Inttleginund of the strike has caused alarm among the local shippers Conoc'iiuently the will plice } emergency ei ders at good round figures with the opuri- tnrrt In the C'learlleld and mountain reslons In case the striking' miners arc Miccessfit In effecting a total suspension of coal prLilue- tion In West Virginia nnd the Ocaige s creel , dtstilct of Mar } land The lattei has one ol the heixlcnt outputs of an } coal region li the United KtuttH and ( iiipiilltil the easten maikets with the bulk of their coal during the strike of 1ST ! Ill'1 small coke operators of the Connolls- \IIIe reglcn , xxho oxxn Independent plan's will. It is haid. shut down the majorltj o : their oxcns toda } and bfgln to lower the raw coal for shipment At the present p ice of bltumliiotib ccal there ' more proilt li it In the raw state th in could be nude by manufacturing It Into loko With bltunilnoi- ! , coil adxanclng .mil no much of the product on hand there prom's lo be exciting times In tht eoil market tcday U Is known that there are a numhei of coki ope atom short on Miiall orders and it It probable tint a number of the smaller deal ers xxlll unite In making one big purchase and thus protect their U idcmnen The xlslble supply of coal Is xety small TlKre aie about ton train loade , of the Pitts burg product on the sidings of the Kt Wavno railroad between this cit } and Alli ance on which the railroad company lus an 0o It was mined for the lake trade and held There are from S 000 000 to 100DOOOO biirthels on Hats and barges along the rlxer This irlght as well be in the mines as far as silKfIng the rail demand i coneeined It will ninl ne.ul } ns much to handle It as It did to dig It and If it It , put on the maikot It will be at a xer } still p'lce Theio are serious doubts howoxer of the opriatoit. beIng Ing able to put It on the market The miner * will watch the coal In the barges and If an attempt Is made to load It for the railroad trade the handle will no Induced to strike In this the miners expect to be slice c ° sfnl HI-TOUTS AT A SiiTLiMiNT. : : Slrong cflorts will Le made tbl week to Hcttler Ihc miners' htrlke bv arbitration The Higgesllo'i that a Joint confe'cnce of the Hoard of Arbitration of Ohio , the labor com mit * Ions of I idlana nnd Illinois and the HtatNtli il llureau of I'eni6lx.inla lo hi' held In I'ittsbnrg to see 11 the miners nrd opoialurt ) could not be Induced to submit thtlr dldcreuctH to an nibltratlon commis sion met with a prompt response fiom num. be s of the four conimlbblons and the con ference will be hold licit * this afternoon IlepresentatlxcH are already lure from Ohio , Indiana nnd I'eiinshanli The Illinois dele gallon Ins not } et anlxcd , but le expeclejl before the tin } Is oxer A preliminary meeting was held In this i llx at 10 o'clock this morning Those pieb- dil xxoro Solxxii N Owen , James Illshop John Little T 1' .MtCoimlck and II 1'rank Schmidt of Indhini and James M Cl irk of the lVmiR5hii.nl i llnieail of Statistics In BJI Int'TxIew thifi morning Judge Oxvon tild It was propancil to meet the mine is and op- cialors' ofllclalH nnd try to promote a spce ly seltlement "Wo are not hero In om oOlcIil c.apacll } , of course } oit understand , " slid Judge Owen , wilh a smile "The moment we ciossed lha slate line our mithoilty tuinrd to aalus We haxp flmpl } come to look oxer the ground and see what cm bo done " "We hnxe come hole more as prlxate citi zens than us olllrlnls , ' sild fitntral I.Ittlc. "Wo hnxo no jiirloellrtloii heio and tlo not wish to assume an } " ' Wo hnxo no Intention xxhatexor of ined- dlliig In an ] thing outside of our scope AVc luxe Blmpb come to examine into the mat ter and M-O what the prospects aie for set tlement " No formal orrangemcnt haxo } et been made foi the conference A toll gram was roeelxed from National 1'rcaUent M I ) Ilatdiford t\aing that the mlnci-i olllclnl will be unable to meet with the arbitrator until tomorioxx The commissioners will Ilkel } bpend nexcral da } here In Ihe'r ' in- x btlgatlon Just what their method of procedure will be the } do not themaelx.cs Know. MO CHANOi : IN SITUATION There Is but liltlo climiRO in the irltualtnn All the inlnea In the I'itti-burg ell > trlct arc closed and not a pound of c ul Is belns rained c\ee-ru at theihrre mlnrs of the New York & . Clcxel nl Oau Coal compan } Kiel- Ing < t Co ' mlncia relumed to worK at the Ji com rale hut feat a mlnei to headiiiar | teis to In.iulrc uluihei It was intended thai nilntrs should remain out xxht-io the ad- xnnc had nrin gi anted The } were told 10 Us donn their tojlt. until the alxance had been coiuulcd at ether mines and nil will ro out igaln tonight The m n r at the Stickle Iollo\x | mine ! , of \Va3liliiKtDii e'oal and Coke compin } came out toltj Ttic'-o inlnM were 'he fccciuof a riot during the strike of 1SM ! 1xhlih 1 st\ei ) rjn ware Mil * . ! l l tri t I'l.hldent I'atrlik DtHn if tl il t r atii/i i 11 i i > ii in , . ' i i ti t h > > i c i' ' t > suknt The i mpest ) 'Ltiin ! ' 'I ' ) lUrplW Of I I IIRUIn tj lilt \e < xContiuuec ] on I'Uih PRITCIIARD'S ' SUMMER WORK Senator Will Mriko nn Extended Inquiry to Support a Report. INTENDS INVESTIGATING THE CIVIL SERVICE Oi | < > rnlliin of Hit * Ilit * lit He InNprct \nrloux I'nrlN of tlu'iiuiitrj , anil at Oiuiilin In Sep. | IfllllMT. . WASHINOTON. July 12 ( Special Tele gram ) Senator 1'rllchard of the committee on clxll sorxlco and rotrcnchmctit slid leThe The lice tndnx1 tint It wns his Intention to hold an Inxestlgalloii In South Oinahn rolitlU' lo rcmoxals and reducllons In the Hurt an of Animal Indiistr } nt thnt place He said he would. In nil probability , be nc- comnanled b } Scnitors Harris of Kansaei nnd Chllton of Toxns , and would be In South Omaha some time during September It Is his Intention lo spend Hie summer through out the coutur } Inquiring In in the opera tions of the clxll borxlce law , with n xlew of miking an exhaustlxe report to congiess next xx Inter , xxllh recommendations xvhcre- cxer the * sorx Ice can bo Improxed. Should Senator Harris of Kansas attempt to foeure consideration of his resolution re garding the foroclosilie of the Union 1'aclll.c , niiv going on. It will lead to PII Intermin able low In the senate. Senators Waricn mil Clark of Woinlng will back Senator riiunton In an } legitimate effort to btaxc oft a xoto on llie ground thnt the count ! } through which the Union I'aclllc passes de sires this load taken out of goxcrnmeiit hands and rco-ganl/ed along lines that will bring n measure of good to citizens It this matter should be taken up , pending the tariff discussion It Is thought serious con siderations might arise holding congress hero Indeflnitel } Seiutor Allen said to night that he wns in fnxor of the Han Is resolution aril would assist in the genera' discussion , If precipitated The dlscusMon todn } on Ihc Liilon Pacific was Incident to the report of the flmnce committee con taining a clautc glxlng the Central and Sonihein I'aclllc a large amount for earning mail , which was opposed bx Senator Mur- r-.n In n three boms' speech IN PAVOIt OP OMAHA. C W Hlmr of Chetnne , Wo , lo In Washington , en lotile to ( ho meeting of the League of the Itepnblican clubs at Detroit. l t sild he would xote foi Omaha first , last and all the time He further said that c\- Ooxeinor Richards of the Wxomlng delega tion Is also pledged to the same oil } The Twetit--oco'id Infantr } fltatloiifd at Port Crook , xx ill be ordered to Chicago to pirtliipato In the Logan Ony paiade prox Id- Ing tint rall'oad tian&paitatlon to and from Tort Crook w 111 be borne by the Chicago committee Th s decision has been com municated tn ihe Chicago committee Ad jntant Rene al Hugglcs had no Information ra to what the Chicago authorities would do not liaxlng had a rcpl } to his telegram stating the conditions under which the order to repair to Chicago would be made Mr and .Mrs Ie\xls Decker of Omaha xxho are on their bridal tour , ar Ixcd from Portrcfas Monioe toda } A Waller of Heatrlce who has been In the clt > for c\eral das , left tonlg'it fo- NibraMn , with aFsurnnces tint he xxould bt rclrataud In hlh old position ns United States sauger In the collection district of Nebraska Major W G Dournc and A CJ. Kelm of Ilcntrlce arrlxcd in the cit } toda } I'ollowinR hnxe heen made members of pci'slou hoards In Nebraska Beatrice. Drs O O Wells J I , AVcbb and H H. Smith , Columbus Dr C. L Hmnphrc } , x ice Or I' II Metremoxed , Alliance Dr Luthci W Howman , xlce Dr II II Ucllcxxooil Iowa ners n evamlnlng surgeons appointed Dis O M London , New Hampton , R L Clea\o < nnd L M JohiiKon , Cherokee , L J. Adair J W Klrkpatrlck .and J U Gllmore. Ana mesa Thomas ( iarth , Clarion The comptroller of the currenc } lias ap- nroxed of the following rcserxe agents for national banks National Dank of Commcice St Loiiin , for Tlrst National bank of Lin coln Neb ; Amcilcan r\chaiige : Natloaal Chicago toLomars National of Lem.ars , Ja In place of -Metropolitan National Chicago cage The postoffloo at Rockwond , Sheridan oo'inty Wxo baa been discontinued Mall xxlll go to Da } ton UIM\I\S or SIN\'IOU \nnis. . Trnlil from \Vnslilimloii "Tr- rl I'M nt Nnsln IIli- . NAPHVILLH , Trim July 12 The special train conveing the remains of United Slates Senator It'ham G Harris nrrlxed from Wnsh- Ington at 7 n m. The congie.sslonal com mittee was met by officials and citl/ens nnd nt 10 o'clock ' Senator Harris' remains xxere taken from the car and icmoxed to the capItol - Itol The funcial procession formed n * llio union depot , mllltar } companies piesentlng arms ns the casket was borne to the heirse The proie-fislon wns headed by n detail of police They xxere followed bx1 the congies- slonal committee , Goxcrnor Talor and ex- Goxernor I'eler Tnrnev I'tate otllclals and man } eltl/ons The military escort consisted of four companloH of the I'ifth Infantry , U S A and thrco eompanl s of the I'lrst Reg ular National Guard state of Tennessee The procession passed to the capital , the band pinIng a dirge The casket was taken lo llie senatti thnniber A dotaclinrnt of military was detailed to act as guard of honor During the dax thousands of people x billed the tcn.ito elmmber ami looked upon the lomnins of Senator Harris The train bearing tlu bed } left thN cltx al 11 o'clock tonight nnd will anlxo In Memphis ) at 7 JO o'clock tomorrow inorniny Cilliliirf of Ili'llfffinri'lif lldliliiTH. CI'iUYHNNI } , W0 , July 12 ( Special ) - The reported capture of four members of the Hole-ln-tlic-Wnll gang has been confirmed The men eapluied are Gewgo Currlc , two Roberts brothers nnd Ilaixey Ray all 01 whom had been Implicated In the. attempted holdup of the Ilcllefoniehp bank The men were hiding in the timber near the VVV ranch In 'Ciook county The South Dakota oiflcorri under Inspector Lent , hail them surrounded and wore walling for relnforcemenls to drlxe them from coxor Two of the outlaxxh made u Ireak for the r.uuh and wo'e captuied on the way Tlu otluis then came out of Hie limber and < ; nr irndercMl Tom O'Da } , who has been In Jail In Deadwnod fiiuo h h eapiuro ut the time of ihc hold-up had upon his person Jl - teethe the proceeds of the silo of stolen cattle The 1.11 } Intended Icaxlng the country xxllh the funds xx'ileh they expected to take ) from the Ilcllefc > urchc bank IMKi'iiiinillll Alnl.e an i\lillilt. : nDGIJMONT. S I ) , Jul } 12 ( Special Tel- egiamt ) a mast" meeting hold 'lore ' Hit- GicnliiK. addressed b } Pommlsslonor J I' Ilxmor of Deadwood It war > decided that IMgo.nont shuuld Join In Ihe Iliad ; Hills ex hibit at I ho Tr.uismisslfMppl Imposition R Thorp ur-i clotted permanent ehaiimnti an ] xxlll teloct a good conn ItUe to leprtbc-nt the Mldiepubll' elt } Maor Sharroeji agr cs that the nigemoni eompaii } wlM Join the eltirens in a grand exhibit IM finoiil han a tuenu-tlxe-mlle Irrlgatlan dlleh xxatci xxoiks strln.lp'onoacior } a largo tnulier In ronriiiof erection a woolen mill mail } cum pleted The dt } xxlll b on fit front beat .a' thu exposition In the llluel ; Ullle a\- hl'.lt CuoliT XX'fii HUT for NIMX \ orl , , NI3W YOHK lul } 12-A refn.h'nv ' t'i wn- p i < I ox i r tlu 111 } at II o i lot'i t' n 4 ! t ml I xxtn I tin nn r ur > mitrlx ten I , < * i i uisip tl -l t i bu ni li x xx hi Nn 'fir ' lii xxjt. nl x. ' * > p r il T - i n t'l.M n nulnt u lit f fiill I Inhtat Ilia lh > | > op e haxe had fur ten u > ulid tin. xxeathci a } Itxill be coder. rilVIMTVM > IT OliJiM-l to H 'll ' i" IrNpnlv. > oe'e" < llle' i , Sot to MuUt * l' ii | > vrN , TORONTO. Jul } 12 There xxas the u ual attendance t the sc lens of the con ference of Charities and Corivctlonn toda } nnd sexeral xer } Instrucllvo papers xxere ' read. ' A paper on "Municipal ml State Tree n.iHilo > ment OITlres" li } Charlc * Dart-am , xxas read Heild In part The 'nboi inlon of Cincinnati. In oongre1 nssunblod , bullded xxNcinnd more fer- rf.eehlng the legl lnture to eiuicl Ihe laxx pe- llll red th * loRM.iture to cnnct the 1 ixx the } had diaftod omlmilxlliK nil theprinciple's n * thex arc now connlntil In lic Ohio Inws * ncrt lining to fn e public cniidi } mont otllcts The Ine option and Inlluinilt f.ipjwrt ha nl- XXIIH tome from tht labor inlons nnd tlu > labor people In general. They nre the one" xxho .i ked for the establishment of llf of- tlees IMI I thoxnre the ones who In m lit , to it litM-r ipir | i' thii'i mix othcrtlai' " tf people ple fiom Its xx.irklnps Without the e of- llros lu Ohio the 1 ib-iring people In the llxe RK it ( Itles of the lnti > xxou'd pix out of tlicli imid-entnod xx iges not less than $ PW - W < i i in h xear Til mar .ippenr mi o\tr x i- Minl Htatenunt but the facts xxlileh out 10- jioits shoxx ptoxe Its ronsem iblene > - In It " ' than the coxcn Nears thnt the ollloos hnxe In en In o\l l"nce in Clrctnnntl Clj\e- Intitl , Columbus Toledo nnd Hi ) ton , they baxe toporli'd to Ihe 1 ibor bureau of the vt itf 1M ! 111 iimulrntlono lilttl for -xt ik None of tlie'-e niplditltni xxould li we ! > ; n ne- ei pled In a pu olllco unlo s nccompanlod b } t i b 'lht e pax ollleps rceetxe a lirgo amount of moiie1 } from appllt'inl" , nnd a afe" lns | > - lo llguro on xxnuld be JI fiom tath iippllc nit th it re-gKltrs for \xeuk This xx tilt ! bring Ihem a total tif J.lvt > J2J fiom laboi for atceptlng their nmillcatlons , and Ibex tlo buslnt's on n s ife iiesK , .1 id the r ' re ml'H'S are hedged alnut xxllh eo'iillllons 1 IKr < units nf tlie free ollloes shoxx a total of 121 "U application" for help coming from e-nj iloxer , xxho , of eoui e If the } I , ixo. to pi } * > ome one to find t'lfni help are jmt th it n'lirh It1" " llbtrnl toxxnrd Ihye xxboni Hit } i tup ay TnklnerJi is a bts | , or in axiri e tbaigo , xxhlcb IB low for pav ninee * lo 10- eelxe from emplo } t rs , It would nuiki n total of ( klHOij xxlilfh his boon = ax > 'd uiio'n- plortl labor In the llxe eltlc This his in en doni at nn expense tint xxlll not leieh 10 per cent of tilt aboxt amonnt "uod tn the ( > xxho as a rule , could I 1 after 1 to pax mix thing Tear In mind thnt filh i > - In MI iceomplMied under adxti o eondllinns II x Ing no inonox lo adxertKe or solldl il his In en pi irlleallx Imp ssllilo f ( i Ihc olllees to Im rtss those employing laboi xxltli the working * ml bem Illv of th1 ! * FX | I m With out iiie | tlon If \xorklncs of Ihc fr > e pub. Me empoxinent olllt os xxeie as xxell known bx Hie tmploxlng public a = thex ait lix the laboring e la = s the icsults xxould be louble xx bat our roinrls STOVX 1 xxant to linptc" on tills nF ombage the feet nl"o thnt uccp < . ful free pub In t mpltix- ineiit ollh-cs can onlx be milntal'ii I xhen x'on ax iltl all nnpoirinco of and In fiet , dlxoree It entlrelx fiom clinrltx" The Amor- Iran people * pi eft i to onrn their oxxn xxalu thl * xxoild and \\ill on \ ' tnki thit which Is their light Fret public omiil > x ment olllee- conducted b } thi Mate or immlt Ipulltx m. * n * > mile h tin people safari tlie publl parks 01 anx of the public re orti or lnutltutlnns I lilx being knoxxn In ttie people the } xxll u1- ! * them xxlllliiKlx nnd freely. "n\eiihi } I'lobbms C'tiiseil bv the Dilnk n\ll in the AdmlnlMiatlon of Cb'irllles ami 1'iactlcal Methods of Dealing Therewith" was dlscus-ed b } George S Wilson , genenl secrptar } of tlis Washington. I ) C , As- Eoclaled Charities who said In part Most of tinproh'ems xxltb xvlili li \\o bixe to deal In oh irltable xxork eaii'-ed bx the drink evil me problems mining out of tin di unkennels of the husband or father .nil btead-e irner Sometime It Is drunkeiine s on Hit pirl of both fiithoi nnd motbei and oci'isloii illxIt H dninkfniH'-s on the put of llie mother eml } \\re xxlll ( .olilom be calltd to do much In cases xxhert tlitie aie no small children In such cacs It xxonld seem that ( ] runkmne > o.hou'tl hard ! } be .1 n.i-on for rellul .end If , oxxlng to the f.iult of one 01 the otlior , thi * husband nnd xxlfo are nn iljle to get aloiifr togethur they nhould l > f , idxl"etl to scinrite JUKI eacli ono lip lesponslblc foi thcmsulxep only. " * " Txxo tilings to be nvoldedjln dt-allng' xx'lth e fpi of elrunkennts * .are' jriist vi > must not .administer eliiritv lo .the fimllies of dluiiKaitls In such a xx.1 % n ) lo relit \e ueh men from ii-'pon-llillltx' of the supput of their t xx'n families Second ! } , xxe must not nlloxx the children to buftoi undiilv foi the sin * of the iiiients. The peimnneiit \\elfiro of the clillilren i * the most im- l > oi t.nit thing lo b IVP in inlhd. U the general scfhlon many Interesting pappix wore read and xxarml } dhcu ied Among them wore the following "Reports fiom Stales , " by Chairman W If Hart of. Mlnnenpoll"Tho ; Relation of tlie Public to the Insane , ' by Daniel Clark of Toronto ; " \fter Care of Recoxcrcd and Co.ixnleacent Patients' Dr R Drxxe } , WnuwalcHaVis , "The Hdiicotlon of nplloptlcs with Sjieclal Reference to the Value of InSiiBtrlnl Perms , " by DW I * Spauldlng of Seneca , N Y , "K\eidn ) Problems In the Administration of Charities Caused by the III Ink Hxil and Practical Methods of Dealing Therewith , " bx Dr Henry N Rnmond of Clex eland O , ' Ought We Not to Haxo a Mote Uniform anil Thoiougl * Shtem of Keeping the Sta tistics of the Schoola In Our Countiy " b } n Carl llank of Wnteimin Cal ; "Is a Deport ment llocoid Adxliable In Our Schools1' ' b } I W Hrown of Red Wing , Minn , "The Dtitx nf the State In. the Care of the Iii'-ane Is It linsrsl on n Sentiment or the Scientific S-ihUlon of a Problem ? " b } Dr. R M. Wifeo of Philadelphia Ofllcers of the conference for the ensuing } car arc as folloxxs President , William Stewart New York , xloo president. Prof Charles R , Henderson , Chicago ; secretaries , Thomas-P Klllflon Poll Wniio , Iml ; Isaiah Josephl New York , as - slstant .secretaries. R W Hill-bard , Alban } , N Y . C P Kollogg. Waterbur } , Conn ; J J Kolso Toronto , Mrs Prod W I ce , Doxxaglae , Mich ; W T llolph LouUxllle ; Dr I ) D AVatklns. Natche ? , Miss ; Ircas- urer Lexl Darx-er , Detroit : chairman of com mittee on organization of clinrity , Alfred 0 He } or \ \ IMIITO AVOI I\ ( iv none i'iin. 'I'roiiMi-rM t.lUilltn I lii > > \\lll lAViir nnd I'oniid Stoni' . \NSAS CITY , July 12 The police de partment of Kansas City , Kas , v ill begin tomorioxx morning xxorklng women prlsnn- ors nt breaking plono , the name as the male pilsnneifl llio jiolleo commissioners 1m Ing adopled the rule on the recommendation nf Chief Quarles , who argued Oiit xxomeii pila- oncrs kept In IdlencK ) Xxcrq not "ulllclentl } punished. "They do not object to going to Jail nt all ; In fact , they seem to like it , " the chief eald. Tim police commissioners haxe adopted regulations for the innoxatlnn. , The women xxlll wear coarne oxeralls the same as the men They \xl ( ) luxe no skirts to Impede their work , UlN \ Xlf.llotiiiyrr. . SUND.SCi : , Wyo , July' 12 ( Special ) - Daniel Stout and Wlljlanunupo of this place hid an altercation Sattinla } In which Rupo x. as stabbed txvlc'o with a pocket knife , recelxlng woundd which for n time xxc'c tlianght to be fatal Stout 'was arrested ami glxen a hearing lieforo Judge Prencman , clnrt'cd xxlth aticmiitcd murder lie showed to the court that Rupo had , been the cause of the bunking up of Inn family througii unlaxxful attentions to h'fl wife- and ut the rriinttit of the county attorney the case xxas dlsmiicicil. Illouil to rlrrcx ll.i -nillillf. ( . NUWCASTI.n W0 , . Jul } 12. ( Special ) V peculiar accident ocentiwl on Sand creek in Crook county ) eMerd ) . liy\jhlch Wil liam Sweet of South Dakota , xxell knoxxn In ncrthpatitcui Womlng , xxas blown lo pieces b } ibnumlte , and a companion , whosi * name has not been learned. le > , t one of bin hands and was othtrwlte Injured The men xxere 1'illlng fUli xxllh dynamite' A premature explosion plosion of the danKeroun stuff caused ILc icclili'iit Coroner HanhiKtou (3 ( making an nxcstlgatlon. _ _ l.luhtiililK StrllwH Mllltlu Ciiinp. NIJW YORK Tul } 12- I iRTlnlng ftiucK the Jtale militia canip at p.ekslilll thU uftci- nuon taking the- Young Men'u Chrlttlan HF- i i latlon tents a tu ui ) e' einu man XXUM killed uiul in in } other ? xxtrc badh bi.rtn iiHirt after tnt bolt d se ended Ihe ten 4 xx loxx n u id in llaine-s A "eneral uK.rn \x \undtil and tlie * gu ir li.ani'i an i .PI 1 ilj it i orps i nno nt 'ouUlfijub k Alii I xii } man xx tiu had tutu ur.-Vr the < ii.v > ' j s k. 1 In the l'Bh ulnii 'on "il J T M 1 1 iijltt of i miunj A Trtfiilj-fti ml let , n i ml Ntxx Yoilt XXHK tltad Half a dozen uf the men ( xxere ui * . UPLIFTING OF THE RED MAN Opening of the Institute for Teachers in the Indian Schools. ABOUT TWO HUr- DUD DELEGATES PRESENT ' iipfrlnlfinlfiil Iliilliiiniui ofiish - liiKltin XlnUi'M Hit. Xuiiunliltlr 'MH Inhlfh lie llcxli'xxx tin * 1'IOKII'SH Xllltlf. Ihe nntiiml lusiliiito of iho United Stales Indian school I'm Ice was opened In the as- e , mbl } loom on the fifth Moor of the elt } hall last cxciilng. The Institute xxlll con tinue till Prldii } .iftci ooii ami an InterestIng - Ing program of o sas nul discussions on Indian school methods lias been arranged for cucii da } The exerc'ses ' last exenltig woie entlrcl } of nil Introdticloi } character nml the ical business of llio lut/imitu xxlll beln | this mornliiK There xxne Upwards of MO niomberfl of the * Institute In r.llend.iuct * last night nml n number of Dinah \ people diopjicd In nml holi | ° d to nil the uicant .halts In the asacm'd ' } room The opening session wns cilled tj ori'cr ' at S 30 o clock b } ciiporln'riiil * * ! t J. i : Rots of Gcnoi , nnd pri-r w is olfoi'd b } Rex Di John Gordon of \\esliuluslor Profbx- lorlan church of this cltx' . Tlie delegates joined in slliglni ; "AinoilM , " af'ei which Su- poiliitendpiit C C. Pearsc of the Omaha s-hools formnll } xxelcomed the lust Unto to the city Ho slid tint the eltbcns of Omal a were especially pleased to haxe the Instl- lule with them This was the land ot the Onialns and the welfare nnd education of the Indian were neir to Ihe hearts of the people He rtfened 'o the fact thnt jiibt across the rlxer xxas lee Ued the "Council IllulT'- ' where the tribes used to gather In couneil before the while mnii had Inxndcd Iheli eountr } and mid tint the del gates to this Institute had done xxoll to come to th" same place to counsel with oaeh other The toaclum' Institute was of great bene- IH In oxeix case nnd espec ! > ll } so to the Indian school tcacliTs who were Isolated fiom each other and needed to get touethci to pull each othei o\lt of the ruts broaden Iheli 'dens ' and dexelop nexx methods He * commended the pollc } of making industrial training a lea ling fentuie of Indian school xxoilc and bugge-'tul that tli'lr example might prolltabl } be followed In Ihe general educational sMem of the counti } In con cli'tloii he again oxpiessed n cordl il wel come to the delegates and expressed the In pe thnt the } * would come iigiin next } cai Ma } or Mooroh wab 'o Inxo dellxered an address of xxelcome on behalf of the oil } but he had be'ti called out of ihe city and sent a note expressing his regret supiRiNrn\DiNT ROSS RESPONDS Superintendent Ross responded to the re- maiks of Superintendent Pearlle and tlnnkod him on behalf of the Institute foi his heart } w. Iconic He Mated tint tlie Indian bcliool work was progitsslng The } not onlx reached their pupils but thex were begin ning to Inlltience the older momhcis of the trlbcb iimoiig whom the } labored He ex- prcbsed Ihe * hope thnt as man } Omaha pco pie as possible xxould nttend the sessions of the institute to famllli i i/e hemselxco wil1 the xxork After a piano solo h } Miss Jccalo Toxxnc of this cit } W. N Hallmann , genoial super intendcnt of Indian schools , closed the pro- giaui rxvlth his opening nddross to the In stitute Superintendent Hnllmann expressed his pleasure at meeting the Institute for the fniuth time and expie'sed Ihe belief tint during th it period their methods had he n mater ! ill } Improxed He regarded Ihe In stltutc as one of the mo t important factoro In the dexelopmcnt of the Indian school work Without them all othei factors would lose power and dwindle Into InMgiiincincc They did not come together for the mere purpose of ilex'sing ncxv methods of Instruc lion but lo gain n clearer Inslgnt Into theli work and the bc t means to leach the on ] One effect of the Institute had been lo solid if } the.r work While their schools wcie far apart the work that wa& done on the Pacific coast xxas felt in Kansas or South Dako'a and thev had come to feel that they wore not Isolated , but a band ot workers engaged In a common cndeaxor Another result of Ihe Irstltutes xxas the ( loner organisation of the xailous factor * in the work There were still some elcmcnta thnt refused lo be organized These bclioxed lliat the } represented all that xxas Impo tanl In Indian * .Lhool xxoik and tint all others were Intruders Hut with the closer organ Ixatlon that xxas being rapidly reached these opposing elements xxould in lime be elimin ated , RCDUCCS TI1R MORTALITY Tlie Institutes xxere also Important from a sanltar } standpoint Through the discus sions of the Institutes and the determina tions resulting the mortality among Indian school pupils had been largely reduced Cleanllmasxxas largely on the lucieaso and pure air and sunlight had been Introduced Into the schools The speaker emphasised the Importance of these considerations Pu plls could not be mentally bright and healthy unless they xxere bright and healthy phslcall } Mental and moral decrepitude followc'd after phslcal wcaknoFS , and the xory first consideration should be the clean liness and health of the pupils The speaker also declared tint there xxas n grallfxlng londonc } to goxern I ) } culllx i- tlon rather Itian b } compulsion There had entered Into the wo k a greater linmanltj of discipline The cowhide no longer e\- Ifltd I'i Iho majority of Mhonls H was n sitanle Instrument and It usunllx led to satanle results As a result ummliio hat come Into Hie schools , not only Ihrough llio xxlndows hut from the hearts of Ihe pupils Theio was nlso an Incieasing mnnlfon- tlon of the tnste for Iho beautiful The dining room xxas no longer n feeding room 'Iho tables xxcio decorated xxllh flox-orn nnd the walls ornamented xxlth simple pictures The dormlloiles had ce'fioil to bo IIITO sleeping places There was an effort ( o mnko them cheerful nnd homelike Ml U'lh bid n Kilutar } Inriueiice on the pupils Routine was bt Ing drlxcu nut of the Indian school nnd shop A s'rlct ndliereiuc to thr lexl book was } leldlng to a close ob- scrxaiii'O of the nature and ptciillailtles nf Iho pupil Common KCIISO XXPS c nterlng Into the work In a larrer degiee and tliiidgory In the shop had been succeeded b } well directed Institution KKI-nCT OP MANU\L TRAINING The rapid doxelopment of the kindergarten - garton and manual training departments was alluded to with h.itltfantlon nnd the teachers were complimented on the manner lu xxhlih Ihe more mature pupils were be ing utilized In the wcrk This xxas im- pnrtjiit as Indicating that ( hose whom the ( . nx'mimont had trl'd lo eilnentp were be ginning lo educate thnr.bi lu They were beginning to deck that xxhlch had at first been forced upon tlum Superintendent llailmann'H addroFS was heard with the closest nttentlon nnd wax followed bx- heart } applause \fter n couple of autoharp solns by Prof Miller the * liiBtl- Into adjourned until toda } , when tbr"p ecEalons xxlll be held A tscrloH of iiapcrs and discussions xxill occupy the day , anil In the exenlng Superintendent I0 ( Jarielt rf SpearPsh S D xxlll dellxer an address on "Patriotism In Indian Schools " Tomorrow exe'iilng the delegates will be tendered n rece'ptlon at the Commercial club iooni8 which all public school teachers pro partlcularl } requested lo attend INSTITUTi : ORG A NIX \TION At a meeting of iho superintendents held } c.'erda } afternoon the follov * Ing oflhcrs . 'nil eommlttocs xxciu appointd ! to t-erxe during the Institute Ocneral set rotary , Superlrtondent C J Crandall , assistant fittarv laime Van Wlrt press tecreitarx' , Mrs Thaner Hlihey , assistanl press seere- UChciunce } Y Robe. rcording see re nrx K T Merthur . nOstaiit John W 'irl secrctar } of teriineates of attcnr'ance ' \ Helu rommlitre on musit Snpe-r- visor Pralrs Mrs Lomn Pilchcr Mis M R Hall , cumniittce on introduction , Super intendent 1'calrti , .Miss M K lllanchnrd. ushers Vernon Holl- dax Joseph Kslcs Mrs Dagm-ltc Albert Illshop MM.ir IN TIM : MIVSOIHI \ . r. \ . Txxo rncllotix llohl ( oiiM-utloni nl llu * * > iiiiit' 11nii- ST LOUIS Jul } 12There * w.a war at Druids' hall todn } when the state conxen- tlon of llie American Prote'ctlxe ns oclallon tiiti In annual conxoniloti rin * Sloxcns fac tion lock po feM on of the hall on the fourth lloor xxh'ch ' had been rented bx Ihe regular committee , nml held fo-th thole Ihc Stexrns faction , nntlclpning ihls mine , rented the hall Immcdlitil } hc.ow The e was a npllt nnd two conxotitlona wore held Uacli fac- HIII charged llie oilier with being bolters lrrtsular and traitors Slate President Stexe n began lo tran act bu ! ncss lu tegu lar ordcat 10 n'cUvk The niornlng set-slon was taken up with routine n ports nnd nil adjoinnnienl xxa then laketi lo 2 o'clock Upon Iho opening of the afternoon sofiilon the tieilentlils committee renortnl II turmd down the delegates from all llie sus- I rmled councllb thai had not been able * to right themselxis before the stale bed } 'Ihls produce ! a ire mcndoi s f-otisatlon 'I here was n Ptamptdo for Ihe fourth lloor nnd th' so- called Iriegular conxentlon xxeiil line f-csKlon In n hum John C Lxons acled as tlnlr- man ami Loiilt , McClure of Kansas Cltx xxns oleetod secrelarx The leporl of the Btato Jndlclar } board xxas then read It produced n greater ( ommotlon than the re pot t of llie erode nll.als committee H re- xoked the chartei of slxleen councils In Ihe Mate and expelled Inilf a dnnn Itnllxld unl mombcrt ) xxho are clnrge'd with sedlllous conduit It will be Impossible for Ihe ox- 1)1110-1 ) councils nnd inembirs to get back Into the order througii an } act of this cou- xentlon Jusl before adjourtiment for the day n tele- grnm was recoixtd ntinoniieliig Hint Su preme President John W Keholts of Wzsh- Ini'ton would nr Ixe hero this morning At the same tlmo It xxas plxcii out tint Henr } P Iloxxers. founder of the order , nnd C n grc'simn W S Llnton of Michigan would nl o be hero The clot lion of slate ollleoro was made the Rpio'al ' ordtr for 10 o'elo k Vice Prts'dent ' W J Phillips of this cllx and Ml Iln del of Kansas Cit } nre llie mil } cm Dilates men tioned for the prcsldencx Judge i'toxc K annoumed praltlxilx tint he xxould not ac cept a reiiomlnntlon un IMI roil rum 111.1 : XT IIDNOI.I 1,11. \iliiilnlNirnlloii Iot'N Nul Inli-iiil ( o Hi * CllM'tK milIt'tl Ii > .liipnu. OIIICVGO Jnl } 12 A tpeclrtl from W.a h- Ington to the Tillies Hoinld s.as The admii'lsliatlon has taken Uos | to keep its gtip on Hawaii Anx nggro'slxe * Intei- fereiRe on Ihe part of Japan will result In the landing of mailnis nnd the hoisting of the American Hag , with or without the ratlfk I'ion of the pc idlng am exntlon tit atx The admln'stiBtlmi ' , leill/lng tint some ciiils might ail-- * while the tn.it } still linngn flic- In the senate his til.cn steps to be pi up u eel for anx eniergenc } Rt ii Admlial lit irdsleo will haxo when the next steamer anlxcn In Honolulu In- s'liietittiH gixlng him power to net nt Ihe flr t sign of aggression on the pait ot Japan or trouble of ail } kind with which the loc il authority i are not able to eope Roir Ad mlral lUanMeo xxill be given sulllclent force to cirrx out the program that oxcni-i nn } force upon him H Is dellnltel } set tled tint the battleship Oregon , noxx on loute to San Pranel-co from Seattle , will bo dispatched to Hawaii as soon as It ran be prepared for the xoagc This xxlll glxc Admlial Hcnrrtslee three xc.eels the Oregon , Philadelphia ami Mailoii. Japan has at present but one xessol In the harboi nt Honolulu , the cruiser Nnniwn She his anothei cinicer at San Pi.anclsco axxaltlng onlers xxhich ma } take it to Iho Hawaiian Islands. _ \\xvr THI : KMM.m.s iXIII > OMI > . Xllnnt-NDlii Itourtl of 1'iiriloiiN CoiiNltl- frlnir Ihc ( list' ST. PAUL , Minn , July 12 The State Hoard of Paidons met this nftcinoon nml began consldciation of n largo number of applications for their oinclal clomeuc } The ono of most prominence was that of Cole and Jim Younger , xxho haxe hoixcd twcnlx- one } cars nf Iholr life sentence for complicit - plicit } lu the attempted raid of the North- fleld bank The Younger application xxas taken up nt once , and the piesentatlan of the case nnd arguments In HH support , fllli-d Iho entire afternoon being unfinished when adjoin iiment was liken for the day Much prcssuio Is being brought to heal to sicuie the pardon of the two burxlxlng Younger bob. IIrnTrnllli * oil tin' I uliiii I'liflllf. CHiYnNNI3. W0 , Julv 12 ( Special ) Owing to increasing business Ihe Union Pa cific company Is adding to Its freight train crews between this city and Lirainle , xxherc eloxcn crovxs are now emploed The rush of business Inaid lo be unusual for this time of thu jcar , commencing t-oxoral months earlier than usual It is beliexed the ro id will be taxed to Its greatest capacity to bamllo the freight and passenger traflic of the coming thrco months Clrl ' ( iilciict'il for lliu Kin i y , CHHYUNNL' , Wo , July U ( Special ) In the Lnramlo county district court } cstci- dii } I'loilo Rollman , xxho pleaded guilt } lethe the charge of burglar } , was sentenced lo Iho state penitentiary foi OIK } car She was de tected In the act of lobbing freight cars in the Union Pacific xardMabel Lee , aged li ! , xxas committed tn ( he Hous/o of tin' Good Shepherd in Donxci , her patents U.-tti- fing that she is Incorrigible. Mm si-lnifK ItiutKiiliiNt 'I I nir. HOPK SPRINGS , Wo , July U - ( Special ) George Gilbert , a Hheepman of Lainomciix .Mi adoxxs , mule a phenomenal horseback lido TueMda } A mesi-age was reeelxed by him iiotlfing him that Ills i.on xxho xxas llxlng at Illiighom , Utah , was dying Mr Gilbert role the 00 miles lo catch the westbound tialn In nine houits , changing liorsos three times on iho wa } Mr Gilbert's ROII died before ho reached homo f.olil on llnllli' Moiiiiiiiln. RAWLINS , Wo. July 12 ( Special ) - A Olxon coi respondent of the Journal xx riles that a largo body of low era do free milling ere has been found on Il.ittlo mountain near Dillon and that prospc'tuis from nil | iarlu of the surrounding counti } are taking up claims 'llu * mo bed } Is a blanket xeln and Is found In numerous pines on iho mountain The ore. runs from $10 lo $ ' ! ! a Inn In gold i : i-ilii'il | Inilliiii I'i iHont-r McillrllN , PIlJRRi : S D , Jul } -.Special ( 'lelo- gram ) Kd Hunler , one of llio Indians In the Jall-hrcaklng paily xoluntarlly returned todu } nnd re pens one of Ihc olliert ) on his wa } In None of iho whites luxe } et been captured _ lion \X in Ut-rn slun | hiSen It- . I'lTl'SIH'Itd. Inly l.-Tlie opcd.il Hleel Hchedule of Junes A. LaiiKhlln's American lion and SUM 1 plant XUIH s'gnotl today ut n ecmfereme of the xxorkmen and Him , and xxtrk will KO on as usuul lomoiioxx The xxorkmen uictptctl Ihc turns olfeidl hy the companx , xxhleh are t-ild to lie a slight di - creahu In xxagc tin the prleo pci ton. but an Inert aseIn the output xxhleh xxlll be much 1-MnUr owing to Hit linpnixod ma- clilnc-i } The lion H nlcIn tin unly olio Htlll remaining unrluntd The National rolling mill nt Ktesporl rcMiitiifil llils niiirii- IngVoik xxa-4 also it'suined In nt-arl } exe-ry dtpartnidit of the W 1) Wedei- xxoutl rul Ing m'l ) ami Indliatloni aru fur stead xxork } _ _ l.ll btiKriliilit-l h * VnlloiiiilKkiii'lllllon. . CINCINNATI Jill } IJ-Tho fourth bien nial ( MiXfiitlon of tin Lithogrnpht-iH' Inter- nntl m i Pr tc < n\v and Hi n iiclal is oe at o i u , , < -ii < il lit-re -lay xxlth foil } < l , k utf pie - cut .loseph 11 Ktor'h uf Nexx York prcxldcnt Autuft Xiinm. rniiiii of lioHt xicc pi sl'lint and J H Mulr "f Sexx "i rk HI ere t.ii > an 1 tr a ui I Tht time tuli } v. in dexoietl to welcoming addreveu unel re and to the usual reports , Everything in Rcmlincss for the Detroit Convention Toilny. LARGE ATTENDANCE ALREADY ASSURED Most of the Delegates Alrently on Unnd Waiting for the Gavel. TWO REPRESENTATIVES OF GENTLER SEX Informal Reception Occurs Attended ly Many Persons. SEVERAL CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT Kt-nlut-Kj Coiii1ilnis ix IIli Nt-liriiMUn ( a Se-tnr < - ( litI"IIS t HIM t-nlltiii for Oiiuilui Cooil slioxxlitK tit DHTROIT , 'rich . Jul } 12. All fears of light attendance nt the loiixentlou of the Nitlonal Lengue of reiubllcnn | clubs were dispelled this oxcnliig b } the nirlxal of big dilcgnllotis from nil directions An online to the registration Hit re nre nlrcnd } 1,000 delegates on hand beeildts many other xls- Itois The on ) } stalls which xxlll not bo represented nre South Cnollin , 1'Morldn , Washington , Oiegou and New Mexico All the othei tlclcgalloiis had tin Ixcd tonight saxo those * fiom New England Nexx York , Diliw.ne , Webt Vllgllila Alab mm , Missis sippi , Minnesota Missouri and North Da- koli The prellmlmr } fu.icllon of Ihe conxen- ttou took plnce In the llolel Cadillac tonight In Ihe wa } of n lecepllun 111" recelxltiG pnil } eonslslod of the president of the league1) ) D Woodmnnsce of Cincinnati , ( iCxoinSr Plngice , PieEli'ent ' 13 N Dlngley of the MUhlgan league , S ciotar } M 1C. Dow ling of the national Kague ami Colonel lit nrx M Dullleld , Colonel John Atkinson nnd James H Stone of Detioll. The dolo- gatc's passed nnd shook hands xxith the pail } to the accompaniment nf stirring mimic b } a big oieh'sti i Tne corridors \\cro filled xxlth n crush of gool-humored poli ticians and the scene xvas decided ! } ineny and infoimal I'ho enl } llrnwback to the gntherltiK np- paicntl } will bo the abs * IK-O of noted atntes- mcn noxx prominent lu puhlk life most of whom are detnined In Washington on ac count of the tariff bill sltniUitm The pres ence of Sdiatoi Haiina at leist xxas conll- di utlx .intli Ipati'd , but It Is doubtful whether ho will appear H Is piobable Hint Con- gics"min MeClt.il } of Mlnno'-otu , who Is to speik on We due" hi } xxlll be th ° only incm- bor of eongioss to addiess the conxentlon. GOOD SHOWING. The report of llio hague offlcois will ho a cause of bpeclal gratlllcallon to the con/- xmtlon It will show a surplus in the ticasuiy , ns against $14,000 iiideblodncas two } car ago be liles a $17,000 liuiiit brought agaln"t the organlxatlon by n Nexv York publishing hou e , xxhlih xxns slnte won by the league b } the decision ot the Noxx York couit of apiieals The gentlci hex will not bo totall } un- loprescnlcd In the conxertlon Two women tlelegatts haxe arrixtd MisddloL Ilnllou ol San 1'iai eisco picsido'it of the Womnn'a Stnto league of Callfoinli and Ml < s IMolIa Reel , supeill.tendent of public Instuictlon ot Womlng nnd president of the Woman a league of that s'ate The general drift of sentiment tonight scorned to bo that Iho ciiididalcs who Inxo mule Ihe most hllr foi the league olllcca haxo no cinch , and all so'U of landoni pio- dlclloiih are made abi ut more or lo s formid able daik hordes Lieutenant Goxornor Woodruff of Now Yolk IH quite faxorably talked of , although nellhci lie nor his atnlo delegation haxe } ot iiirlxed Cinwfoid of Kenlueky and Polaskl of Illinois are putting up actixo taiixniscs A M Hlgglns of In diana Is a prominent dark horse xxho Id dc- xeloping considerable stiength. and the Ponn- Slxanla delegation Is peT-Montl } pushing P. W Kleltv of Scranton foi the prialdeney. Lewis K I MI belt of Chicago has enlcrcd the rare for secretai } but Secretary Doxxllns ma } bo re clcrted The elections are hchcdiiled for Wcdnosdn } STRONG COMIHNATION. , The combination nt the Kentucky headquarters - quarters appeals to U"Cinwlord. . Chapln nnd Omnha" Cinxvford for prcohlcnt , Ora 13 Chapln of Chicago for secretary and Omaha for the next conxentlon Mr Craxvford * ins one of the nttorno } ! for Walling nnd Jnckfou , who xxcro con- xicled of the murder of Pearl Ilryan. Ho has been the icpublhan candidate for attorney - tornoy ucnoral of Kentucky and Is ono of Hie leading lnwrm of the state. About 1J" > Kentiieklans are on the field noxv nnd mill } more nro expeeted to help boom Mr. Craw fold's candidacy Among the promi nent bine grass men nlicacly hole are I ) . H Stint president of llio Kentucky state liaguo , John W Ycil.es , ii'illoml commlt- te email from Konluck } and A 13 Wilson of Loiilsxillo , priiinlnint as a candidate for United Slates senator xxlien Deboc xxas elected 'I Im candidacy nf Marcus Pollasky IH rtspcclall } populnt In Delink , much on account of his long roMdi nco In this Plato. His fill mis me claiming for him the solid Michigan delegation The piesldency and the location of the next lonxentlon nro al most entirely Hie topic of Interest dis cussed around the hotels At ml Inlght Marcus Polaskl announces liln withdrawal from the race foi picsldeiit of the league 'Ihe Michigan dclcgites haxo do. tcrmlnod lo present the name of Giant Pol- IOXXK of Adrian for HIM oIUr ( > . and Mr. I'olaxkl aH he does not ciro to outer the contest xxlthout ( lie nipi orl of Michigan. It noxx looks UK It Colonel Crawford uf Ken tucky would bo elcelid The first sidflou of the convention will bo held tomorroxv at 10 o'clock llrnilliiirx I UNIIs MlMiiilxNeil , SAN PHANCISCO. Inl } 12-When the cnce } . ' "lnst Mrw John T Iln linn y of Los An- tt lo e li irged xxltli adiillti } xxas callid In Judii Koxxe's exiit thlx moinlni ; tne ilc- feiilanl did not appi n in per1 jn Ile-r coun- f ( I explainicl that vbe 'xaK too III to attend Atloincx Swcenc } , xxho appealed on hchiilf of tin Hoc lily f ii tin pnviiitlon of I'llmo , stnltd thai xxhlb he had agr d lo Iho case against Mr * Ilni'iliiir } th paptiH had mailt HIK h ohniKtx thai ho ( lu. igtd Ills mind und xxas noxx piiiaicil to inertt I Sure tar } Kune uf the coilety 10- lltxc 1 him of a I furtlit r leMioiiHllilluy ut thl juni tun by iit'iif sting on In half of the t < o- eltty that thu ( ace In dlsinlmtil ub to Mra. Itradbnry , xxlilcb xvns done TlXO I'lTHOIIH IkrilXt Ill'll , HAGLH LAKI3. Inl Jul } 12-A Ball boat eatlliiK five } < > ung poi'Hons. was ( apsl/od thl c xcnlng in the middle of I3nglc hike Txxo of the oceupantH of thebu it i.xiro elroxxneil. The oihcrh xxeie r > - > feueil after u Htsxern Ktiugglo The- dead urr ( jeorgla Coulter , ( Jaugbtor of Prof Coulter of the UnlxcrHlty ofCbltago Iltrlha Ynrnc-ll daiiKhter of IM- xxard 1' Ynrnt-ll Port Waiu , Iii'i 'lb' ' other ineinli m of llio iiait } xxero John ( K Coulter , Miss I3unloe MIIIIHOII and \\llllam Cirey of CliUatiu Mine Coulter'B nody hen not } ct been rce.ovcrt.il ( iliixN HIiMxi-rN iiccl : Olllrem. ATLANTIC CITY , N J I "b 12 The con xentlon of the ( j\u \ i llo\M ! rs' attxoclutlon of Ihc United Stalcn and e'limda tame to a close toda } xxltli Hit i-It-t ilun of the folloxv- InB ollleerh Piesidmt 1 > XV liu } of I'hll- i'ltlibla | , xitu piet-ident Ullibun Doughty , Mlllxlllt N I Hi.ntirx \\llliun I.inter ; irta tin r Conriiil An i of Pitt IIUIK Kxetu- ix b trd i : tear Ai-uiil Hlit.itor. Ill ; ( i > jrw lit i AH Ncxxaik d ( itorKu Ilren- i M Mlllxlllt N J , c ; riobr , Hrouklin ; Juhn Itjckr , Muntic , hid.