Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    THM OMAHA | ) AH/\ * HIS Hi Ht\NIAV \ , JttTjV 4 , 1807. n
, ! ) in
f - * M ffif ft * HwM [
'I'll im
> ( "f > trtP f'ffftfflliMt flf HftMlfl
Mill * ftf flf t ! > KI if ftttt ( fl
IHI > IttHlMl
't ' f III * Mitmn fur ih * ffirm1lf i
' "ti l fmtlififi ltl Mngfil tif I'Mhllr
IK * liHlMiru * IHM afti-fr-imi ifim n
'MM ' 10 itnfl Ifm mufNUPrnctil nf In *
! n > if ( M lh Mull" Hi * ( inMi-ty
MUM in ftifi the lrolldinj | * i1 fur
" ( tin Kfniiiuli lli.ll II lut * nlmiil
v.tiH Iit f0ln 'Ifir imilt-e iimpd in.
. ihflt mi awntinl at HIP < lnl ) II n t *
Milrffi plainl in its rhiifMf ilic wi
MINI rtft'i-lil l he K film | iluHili < ( t \tr \
> Hf ll'iliVirllli hnrt llfil Iflillcrtlril wltfll
i * ' > * lll I she III rcflnid lo Hit' ( HDlCRiH
til1 < ill" iliinliilMiriil | | nl Miulln Illinium
in 'i ' . ihflf nf ill" ( iitnMiilMi niii | | | I : | IIMI-
< Miii > lnn Mr liiiiiliini wit * rt ( liimlt'd !
C l II I HIP * l imlllllbMlnlllU MilllU Illllfl
iii iipiiliilmi'iil ( | in tin made Jul ) 9
Ui. Hi" Hit * H inndo public ii number
l 1 1 ' * ( i anil' iluiui tiinn Om.ilu nKnltiKl
lln ni'l'i'imiiiHit ' ' nl Mi Dunham Tlu > IIMI-
c n ifin n liy Ihc priili'flliiK dHf nation * Ii
IIH luiiilinlli l not fitvnrihly disposed to-
MIIi i iiniiiii iiiimr nti'l lit * ii'rnrd whinimin -
ni ' nf HIM Miiilp lilr In i lii'il It In el.ilmeil
| > lilt Hppiilimmiil will tin vet ) dUtnMofu
i lin li'lmr nHloni ill Oinnlm and Ilin guv-
1 1 M. , i- | a miHiil ( ; > iirKed In in il < u u different
* iii linn ( liiti'innr ' ItoliomO itdmliM In
In Ii mailer midir cuniildi ration
\ Uu'diii Hi MI nil llnny AIM ! Mnjur ! ' < ( hi I
Ii vi | ilii * iiininliig fiom Chluigo when
Ilicy luil lui'li nirmigluit fin NchtnH1. I'M
| inm in HIIninili | > ( in tln > Wet nf I lie mmilli
Hie in i iiHliin beltm llunini'lllng uf ( tic
limiimiii'iii In Inlin A Logan MIIIIIIIH wen
m 'in. I fur Ilir ijnu'iiinr iiinl liln Ht.ifl , iiutl
Inn lii'iiit ' u ix wcie ( MnhllNhiit ut tin Orc.U
N'lfilK'ii linlrl A large iiiitnliir of lht uIll-
HIM nf Mm NobiuHldi Nnllnmil ( iii.ird lia\c
I'M n InMlril to in i iininiliy | the govirnoi.
Tin' parly will leave henon ( he linth Nc-
lirtulu in Ilir 111 HI Mule to formally accept
Hit' ' Invl iillnn ( u taliu part In tliu ccremonlalH
ninl parade.
ims'itY iiuniis is PAHDONKD.
T'IO ' nonti fee of IlrntIlcorH hna been cniu-
nmliMl u ml Im will lie irlrnm'il from the
pCllltl'lllllliy tllllllirillW. IKflHM1H KLIl-
ti iinl for life Hi 1SS7 for HIP inurdpr of n
) inmiiiinaii , tlu < crime ImvliiK been com-
nilllril In lai'i'ailor ; county 1UIs a mithc
of llnliimli , nnil n.iR kci'pliiK company \\lth
n Klrl ( litre , lint on nuumnt of tlip inarrljRc
IHUH Ilipy u < io nut prrmlttod to marry at
Ihnl time nnil liotli fiunllliM t-mlKratcil Ui
HilK cniintiy nnil ultlul In l.lnroln. Tliln
\\t\n \ In iss.l Thp Kill's pnionls objected t (
n inurrliiRO tinlll HIMTH nhnulil get n iooil ;
Jolt or nidiii'tilntc ( iioiiRh money to sup
port a wlfi > TlilH ik'lnjnl tn.itterH for o\er
hvii > inri , anil lloi'in bocanip HO inooily anil
Ji nl. IIH Hut lie UIIB tlioiiKht to lie cra/.y
l''nmllv one morning lie n\lilil : the glr
ami Hhot her ileail In the trial that fullowci
In u < xuittncnl to be hangeil. A new
trial WIIH lind nnil n life HCHICIKH ie ultcil
J II Slroile wan | ironnutliiK attoiney at time ami he lins lately taken an Intel -
ml In IniNliiK the Benteiii'e cnminuteil , nnil It
In llirniiKh tile efTorts of Mr Stroile mid M
I ) \S'i leh that Ik-em \ \ 111 be d free man after
The .idjulant Keneral of the state of Ml.s-
rourl hna Iftmieil n older allowing the
Ihiirnloii ItllliH to P.IKS thioiiKh htntt
nrnied and equipped enroute to and from the
Inlet Mule ill 111 conltHt ut San Antonio , Tex
Hnei Ir.l oulem lii\u bcin Issued by Ad
jutant Oeni'ral Harry pcrmUtliiK eonipanj"
I' 8u end UKlment , Nehi.i Ka N.itlonu
Oinird lo IIMNC UH home station at I. Hi.
roln ullli JIIIIH and equipments , to take
pari In the pr.rade at Nibrasl.n Cltj .lulj C
An older II.IH UHO ! been IsMied railing the
ntlintlon of the mmril In all ptrts of tin
nri i. ibit nnilir the leKUlatlons they arc
mil nllnued In loan their eiiilpments. | This
rnnllon uan found nrei'ssary on aecouiit o !
tii ! > iiiimtniUH ruiuiNts for the luan of Unt
to pliasnre | u. rtliH
I lie Innuiaiire commKsloner has called at
tention to the fact that the Kqultttble Aid
I iiliin liiHiiniiiii' Loinpaiiv of foliimbus. 1'it
la In the liar.dH of u rcichcr. and ( hut lie
rliarler to do btiKlnces In [ Ms state It. hereb }
revnki d
In mi lnti > r\pA | regardlnK the Ilartle ,
bond today Attorney r.cnual Stinth hali
he b'-lliMd that one re.iaon foi the delaj
In Illnik the bund WIIM the Keneral knowl
iMlisi that the clerk of the Mipreme com1
x > iiiM hold the matter open to tlic closet.
Imiulrj before acn'iitliiK tin bond and thai
Hi1 iittonu1) * ere inaklng an effort to net
b Uilsinen ho would be able lo pass mus
ter \li Sim tli altat thotiKlit that tlie popu-
\pr \ belief ( bat the bond would he forfeited
l > ( is.IM > Kept some from attaching thcli
ilumituies ( o the Instrument.
The Tromont hotel has been purchasei
li > UruliiKcr Ilros. The purchase iirlee vuf
J 18 000.
The police have nucceciled in locatliiR a
fitt of the \omiK PhUkciiH stolen lately
but every nlKht adds onp or two to the Us
of mourncrx whose coops are \Mted.
UUhop Ilonacum went down to Atiburi
jeotcrdav uftprnoon for ( he purpose of plac
lilt leather IVeney In possession of tin
( hurrli properlj us parish pi lest to BIIC-
TM | Pather ntKerald rather Pceney has
birn at Auburn the last two > ears , liu
baH not had ponti'sslon ot the church
I'ntlitr PltrKPrald accepts the sentiMice Im-
t.idl but refiUH's to n'\e ' up the propertj
uii'il bis two > ears' salary Is made up
entered the hoimo of 0 r
The measure.
tnenU of death
are .1 few inches
of triual dis
orders , multi
plied by many
Feet of neglect.
If 11 man or
woman will
take care of the
little trivial
disorders , there
is no need to
fear the big
maladies , and
lonx-life and
happiness lull
be the reward.
The little dis
order s t h n t
the majority of big Mckneuc * , ure
( he trivial derangements of the digestion
that nuxt people pay no heed to. Good
digestion feeds anil buildt , up a man ; bad
digestion starves htm in every tissue ,
muscle , nerve-fiber , and brain-cell.
llad digestion lead * to consumption ,
tihxxl ami skin discuss , and nervous ex
haustion and prostration. Dr. I'ierce's
Golden Medical Discovery corrects all
disorder * of the digestion , invigorates the
liver and prevents and cmrs consump
tion , blood and skin diseases , and nerv
ous troubles. It is the great blood-maker ,
flesh-builder , and nerve tonic. Druggists
tell it and have nothing else "just as
peed "
" I htrt Utfly ( tlren lr rl rc ' Oot.lrn Mul-
Icnl IMiC'itcn tilil 'writn.MinC M M lcttc.
pi llouiton llarrl > Cu Tcm nd it h com-
plflclycurcd mroftcry tcrioui mij ob IlD lrdlv
orilrit In which the-hratt l action tr impalrcil
I took U for two wcrkt I brieati to riprrirucc
if 11 ilitcunifuit from in ) Illucii after atwut Ihc
foul til ilotr ami In four rr fitr iUy > > till l > . and
tcotal il > aftrr I a > urpri > r > t In find Ihft t
rat actually l lttr Two weeks having paucd
nut ixHfl-n hid Jnjfftjir , !
The man oroman who neglects con-
MivUt [ n la storing up in the system a
store of disorders that will culminate in
tome senou * and | * > v > il > h fatal maludv.
Dr Tierce's 1'Ieasant relicts are n safe ,
sure , Mitfwly and | > ermanent cure for con-
tlullon | One little " I'ellet" is a gentle
laxative , anil two a mild cathartic. They
tiam gtlj > , Uru itti cll them.
f I'l t1 1 A If lift
fn < ftFJi * l C ( '
hiff ( * < jind SitpMif * h * fiwn In * M
fh puff * * * fif frnitfiriifi * fof ( h *
fof ( h ( > KHif ifittlKilton * fnr llif
( | nif M fldlti I f1 ( mh 1W l 7 flm pout
dMI * tiiiif r i ( | tn mttimil bl < to tot
ffif tt * flw d iwfitiljr ni | lor Ihc yfnr' * Mifi
Pi * Htlil Ift it II MOM MH > f. | l n HIP Imnnl
* M < if lh ni'lftloii Ihul Ihe tit\rt \ tnt Ihf
} Mr ( ifiil | w no ! nuftlrlpfiHy low lo
tic an inrtu wicfit tnt n in ronimrl , ntul
( milfapfn Apffi lliwrfoff | pl for I lie ituft | < r
\i IdP pftillfMUfCliKMio ) It ( IfrRO )
aftftM Id ftitiitoli Itlrh IIHI Mo coil nl
it ti4 for HIP ifnt ciidiiiK Juno SO. 1W
mill HI I lie trulitnlrlnl mlinnl tit Urnrticy
llpnrji ( ( K l'n nliii ! | iiopori lo furnlnl
ll/lfirift police tlpflin ( nl tot Hie > Mr flt
(1 ( fid flimf l d pitiiinftln | wrrc nccpplcd
Dili pnnl In tir ilrllvcKd at cnch | n < lltiilton
( 'tintiiiiU for Hie HiinplK.R for HIP lloint
r r llit I'Vli'inllcrii ttctM tml Awiirili" ) . Pol
lowing ii tc thp ( ( inimru In
Aotllllli nl HllKtlllKi PniU'V Ctnrrtl' ! ! Ui > '
Illnll'l Illodiirx , ( dill , \ iilnlVtlltc , lion
inn ] fiiil. llnMlML'ti Mllllnu enmpilin . ilrtiRi
Mini " 11111(111 ( > , A Nl clalk. rtiiplo Mroeirlex
Iliiiiiinlid Hriitliirn , bi'Ott ninl xlior.i , Klrbv
f linv. ilnihitiK , U. I Pnlk ilcy M * * * *
Kill Inn l < , I It in k
Miilillirf II , unr. i , | Mtifonl Pont , \Vhlte
Ini'iinl Ci'ii ) ntul I.lim einni.itn | . mint
Ill-Mi v I'feirf. fnm 5 KioirtlcH , Illnchliuin
HmtliitK. xtiiiilp Riniptli"V V Otcutt
l . . Ii llnsfiatl , ( lothlni ; , Ololie Clothing
liiMiitnte fnf IV tide Minded Voulh a
HilKMii'-MiiK , C P Wilbur , bleilil , H .1
rent "nil , nllli p tnipiillcH , oiiiiilin I'llntltiv.
ei.miiinHuh | , c r. Wilbur iiuoeiiHw.ire
runue .V ( IKIIMI | , coal , Whltebteasl t'mil nm
l.lnnonip.itn ; nml , J Uuthcrfonl
fiilii \ Kti'Ci'iliVnlUlll" ' . Umieiiii , Htapli
Hi.iilhWutklllK .V. lUllieiui , dllius 1' H
Aivlum nt Norfolk Sliiple niooorlcs
ItiiMiKinil Iliollier" , llmir , HlelleiliMm
ftlliej Kioiilli-i , C I ! Shitii ! > . ( , Uce
Cleik t'onl i'iimpalieoul , Iliaa 'h , < > . Itee"
illUK1 * . Klcmin .V : OlillxlolT , eioekerv , I'linki
V. linden , illy KooJ * . .lolini < iin l > ry lioud- *
Anjlilin ul I.lneoln PIIIKH. H. O KolnKn
meat , llubliaid Itiotbcr" , dry ooils , II
ll ( I pi I- 11 linei \ I'D , eoul , l.llKulll Co. I > , conl , Wbllebreaol foal and l.lme
< nip.ii > . Hour. 'IVinpltrtuti X Cilltliiie ; xtnplc
Kti cdL'-v. Itimiinnd Hrnthc-i ' , innn n >
Krles" , Itiijimiinl lliotbois ; elothliiB , .M.ije
Hit Ibfis ami CJInbe CMothlllK eoinpiinj
UinlM ami ihiiex.Vebiler X HoKefM
Kluto > I'"aiiey iioi.eile , Hi : >
n mid Hiothux , drRooiN , Miller . Pulne
< liUK . etc , .1 II Mai Icy , leither and shoo
IniillnKl.lmoln l.ealliei eumpan.N , hard
Wan- , Undue . Morrlee Co , Htt'p'e ro
erili-H. HarKieiivpo Ilrothcrs , Horn , Temple
ton .t Ontliile , loal , Charles 1 ! . ( .Jregoiy
coKhlliK' . Ma > ei lliodief ! S < houl nt Kearney Co il , Georm.
II DowniiiK. coal oil and K-i olInc , R C d-
illiiKton .V : Sons , Hour , II Coddlneton tl Son
nuai. Mooie llio" , Hlaple ( , ioceiles , Har-
Kii'iivc * Ilios , f.nuv K'oeerks ' , Ilaymom
llios. , drv fioodi4 C ClreKK
Indtiotrinl School n ( Oenpv l Cni ] , Victor
\Vbltu , staple K'ocuiles llainreasps UIOM.
Hour , etc. Templeton & Ciitthrle , fanej uro-
ppiluii , llurBieavp * Itros ; dmt ; * , how 1
Kli'zeiiliauni. lie , K AVInht , < i Co ; meat. M
Aluxandei . dry Kondv , Solomon Ar Niitliiin
Rhoo" , etc. So onion iSL Nathan
Industrlnl Homo at M'lford Mpnt , It O
Ilowiiid ; coal , Whllebitabt Coil and Lime
eonipanj , fimcv Kroceiles. niaekbnrn Hro"
tn. le KioeeiliHV. . Y Oicutt , dr > toed1 !
\V Y Oiiiitt , shots , lll.icltburn liro"
Soldlprs * Home .it Rr.iml Island Clothlnir
\\oolstenlitilm & Seine ( , dry K ods , S N
Walb.ich , coil , \Vhltebrea t Coa' eonininv
meat , lleiuj I > fi Iff. drilKS A. W Huehhelt
fancy KrocprleM , H U Ulover & Co . shoes
S \\.ilbach. .
H < -piil-s ( of the IMnVreiil CiiiiinilttccN
mill Ninnlim tif OlllccrN.
HRATKICB , Neb , Julj A ( Special ) At 2
o'clock jefalerday the Stindty ecliool se" = sloi
was held In connection with the convention
of Churchca of Christ In Nebraska. Man >
delegates and visitors arrived on the. morning
trains and the attendance aftenicon am
uvenlin ; was. an Inn case on ( he day befoie
A I ) Pinch of Uljsses conducted the scvulon
Hev. J. JI Vaxvter of Omaha KI\C a disciio-
lon of the "Grading of the lllblc Schoolts'
.f. S McCleery of this cltj followed with a
uenslble. piaetlral discussion of "The Suc-
tchsful Tcather , " and C. K. Taylor of Omalia
with a piper on "The Successful Siiptrln-
tendent. " After a dl'cii'slon of the Sundaj
school work b ) various members ot the con
vention tin-nesbiim adjourned.
In ( ho eveniiiB a SOUK service was again
conducted by the Iteatrico choir.
A large- audience assembled to hear Hev
A McLean of Clnclnmtl , vurrespondiiiR sec
ictarj of ( he foreign Mi-dlonar > society. A
jcar ago Mr. McLean made a tour of the
world , visiting all the mission Mationt , of
the hocictj which lip represents and all the
principal stations of ( he various 1'iotCotant
li'dles. Ho gave a vivid deltneatloon of tht
llft of the various ptoples visited. Mr. Mi-
L"an tomorrow evening Mil give a stcreon-
tlcon Illustiated aihlrtfh on ' An Kvcuing wltl
Our Missionaries. "
Thh morning the C o'clock jirajer ince'lng
was well attended and was led by 1) A
Vout y At S o'clock I'rof C A Young gave
the last of his bible stmliu ; Ho Imprtnt-ed ( be
fact that there is an element In bible litera-
tnro v holly wanting in anj other literature ,
and tpoko of the deep intertht awakened in
locent jears In iinheisltj centers
At ! ) o'clock begin the must important hes-
HOII | of the tonvcntlon , the repoin ( ol
committees and the transaction of business
\ \ ' A Ilaldwln made bin Mipplenientary re
port , showing a total Income for the jcar ol
? GfiO 13. There , was a deficit all things con
sidered , of about $100 for the jear. I W
Plllott then gave his report These reports
were referred to the auditing committee
TliB committee on changes In the constitution
made Its report One effect of this report waste
to make the Nebraska organl/atlon au\illai >
to the. American Christian Missionary xoclctv ;
another was to add ( o tilt'.state board the in-
perlntcmletitfl of Christian Hndeavor work
and of Junior work The report was taken
up b ) sections and with sonic amendments
Heports of colleges were gl\en by the col
lege at Palrlitld , whlth showed an altuid-
anco of slxtyslthe past vear , and by Cot-
ner unlveiclty , showing about the hame num-
bei of students r.s before , or a total for the
jear of 184 , about forty of whom are medical
Undents Thr&e colleges have nnde gigantic
efforts vvllli grallfylng results The oimml tee
on resolulloii ! . made Its teport , which was
greeted with vigorous applause and waa
The committee on future work then made
ItB report , one feature of which wa-i the ap
peal for a larger co-operation of business men
In the church. The report was , after ton-
Udcralilu dl cii slon , adopted.
The committee on nominations reported the
following ollicers for the ensuing vear'V. . A
Ilaldwln , president , Thomas Hawlings , , vice
president , 11 J Kerfthelain faecrelary.'T 11
Wllnon , treasurer , C i : Oberllcs , superin
tendent of Christian Kndeavor work , and A
U Pinch , superintendent of Sun lay school
ciiiint ITIONS oi' TIM : pot HTEI.
Itclllllllll of Ohl SillllliTN IM llt'lil lit
NflirilKka Cll > .
NtilHASKA CITY. Jul > 3 ( Special Tclt-
gram ) One of the largest crowds ever seen
In this city ! H he e attending the reunion
of the old soldiers of eastern Nebraska Spe
cial trains were run from Lincoln. T < cum-
tfh and lied Oak Addrersr wrru made
this afteriiiiori by lion. II C Hursell. MrH
Condon , Mrs Ullworlh and others The
rain Interferol somewhat wish the evening
progiani The Nebraska City band gav n
concert at the park , aftrr which chort ad
dresses wpio made by ex Senator Manilcrt > on
ex-Secretary Morton , Captain C II Adams
and others Devotional exercises will bi
conducted at the paik tomorrow b > ralnlsterti
From the various cliurchrn of the city
PHKMONT. Neb . July 3 ( Special I Sev
eral Pourth of July pUnlci were held In
IhU vicinity today A unall delegation at
tended the Woodmen of ( he World picnic
near Morse lllurTs Tbn ciilldren of the
Ilfthel Sunday bchool In Maple township
lield a pluilc at David .Ilrown't farm on
Maple creek and the hot' weather did not
| ireu < nt thu little ones from having a good
line A pluilc and dance were plvcn at
Hoffman's ranch , tlx mile * northwest of
own which was largely attended b ) people
'rom ' the country A large number of peo-
> lorom the vicinity of Nlckerson had a
'Icnlc ' at J A fiarner's grove , near his
luuii- where a Hand was erected and flags
and bunting dltpluted Thlt was the cenT -
: < T of attractl' ' n for the popullits of ilia ;
.owmhit' and an extended program , lontlft-
ng ot addriiitei , rvcltatloai and patriotic
I , wai r ud rctl. Ttitrt will t no ccle-
lTAIIr.fl lirrp M ii Uf Th" I'Htitm Hhil t'Ufl '
hr | i m p | | | l.p ilrmMl ti > wcvtf
" ' HI S > b July ,1 ( pr , Ml l ThW
l irnp of the mr l ipilcl iUy of rflrbtn
linn of III * fVinrih Hnl Srhnylrt line
ffi * ll n n AHfmpt of any ofl Im *
ftMilp lo rrlpbrftlr A RIM ! fnilcnvof wiin
fn itpf \ Hirwp In rlmrgp nf nrrnnRPitirnl *
lo ffoHdc for i he iiMiil mirnpllrp Hilrrtnln
mfnfti of HIP dny lull HIP hot wrMtier ,
| irp * liiR work dhott HIP fdfirw or rmmtpr
ftllrnMlnm IKVP ronepltpd lo iniikp Hie ptowd
ln-t'l ' but # imll It U lee windy for HIP
bnllrtin nsrfnuinti bill HIP raft tml I gmnp
nnd tttlipr port look plncp IhM morning
PP.MrilAI , CITY Nth. July -Sprclnll (
- Thp Sunday school * of HIP enmity held 'n
plrnlp III HIP pnrk here todiy. Theip wan
Rood nllpudancp
L15K1II , Nrb. July -Sprchl ( ) Nn RPII-
prnl public pptrbrntlnn of HIP Pourth oc-
riifs hrrr Hi IK jrar. Tomorrow thp day will
br npproprlfllply oluervpd by HIP Young
1'coplt'fl Soclply of Christian Kndeavor at
HIP ConKriK.itlonal church In HIP morning
Hf * < 1 L Langp will dellvpr a special pa
triotic nddrtoR In HIP evening flip > onng
people prtsenl a program In keeping with
HIP dny
OAKLAND. Neb , July 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Oakland's celebration todav was the
brM ever lit Id hcrr About C.OOO people were
prpfeni OAkland deflated Tekamah at bane
ball by a score of 7 to
citr.Ti : cii\ir\f ( iA
llriiiiiulM In KxiM-m-nt CiMiilllliin ninl
I'riiKriiin n I'liKOne. .
CHIJTi : . Neb , July .1. ( Special ) The
second full day of the Crete Chaiitauiiua
aHiembly opened jeslenlay. Never bcfoie
have ( ho grounds lonKcd so beautiful. The
glass baa been clo'ely cropped and an
abunduico of hoiuvaticklo clover has come
up en that the whole grounds look likea
hwn. The plenteous rains of the spring
have caused ( he trees lo tend out n largo
amount of rich , green foliage. Hvcrv thing
Is fresh and green and no pains have been
spaicd in make ( he surroundings delightful
H'peclal care has been expended on the
grove b > the binkt of the Dig Illue. An
other thing along the line ot Improvement
IH the remodeling of the pavilion , that has
tendered It more comfortable and attract ? , e.
'I Im program Is fully up with the high
HlQiidari'a set by other jears. Dr Wlli.lld
Scott , superintendent ot Instruction , now of
Chicago but foimeilj pastor of the St.
Marv's Avenue Congregational church ot
Omaln , has spent much time and uiergy
the pist jear In making' up tills program.
Ilo Is a man not only ot ability , but ot
judgment , and knows jnsl how much of
good solid work In lecture courses should
bo mingled with lighter eujovment.
At a o'clock yesterday morning the- work
for the day opened. Hev. J. D. Slew art ,
who conducts the senior normal class
throughout the session , gave the second
Icctuie in his course on "Tho Church
Scattered anil Saul Commissioned. " Uy a
mistake In the program the word "Saul"
had been changed to "Soul , " and llev.
Stewart remarked that until ho taw the
program he never had realized how much
soul there was In Saul.
At the same hour Mrs. Mary P. Dijncr
of Chlcigo conducts thechlldrcn'K class in
the Congregational building. She has been
In the Sunday school work for a number of
jears. She has n winning manner and
quickly became the friend ot every child
on the grounds. Her courto on the Holy
Lands and Christ's life and works is treated
In a new and interesting way.
Tlio Ministers Institute , conducted by
Dr. Scott , met at the .Auditorium at 10
o'clock. Dr. Scott's topic was , "The Min
ister and I'rifcent Day Problems , " and he
took Prot Henry Drummoml as a concrete
example of the relation that the minister
bhould hiistuln to present day pioblems. He
gave a short sketch of I'rof. Diummondfl
life and then t > poke ot his personality an.l
chaiactoiistlcs Plot Drummond , he said.
was a double man , a man consisting of two
hemlaphcufa , but hemirphores that when put
together formed a complete and wvll-ioumled
sphere On one hand hovvan the bclentiat ,
the unlvimlty professor , on the other he
was the teacher of God nnd God's word.
Tbcso two parts , the. cbservlng scientist and
the devout and eaincst Christian combined
to make him an enviable man.
Tht lecture at 11 o'clock by Mr. J. I )
Koehno was held in the Amiitorium and
was en "The Occident The Preparation foi
Christianity Thiough Athens and the Roman
Umpire ' This wra his rccond lecture on
the great religions of the world showing
\.hat the ) were und bo\v \ the ) lire-pared foi
At L' o'clock Pranccan , the male soprano ,
.sang uBveral selections. He ha a pleasant
sopiano volco of good coiiipast , , and besides
being a novelt ) rendoii > nui"lc that Is of a
high degiee of merit Dlrectl ) after lila
recital SlajtonVi Jubllco slnser.3 cntci tallied
the audience They are as popular as laut
) car and pltaso both old and joung
On account of Importint busliiesb I'rof. W
D Mackeii7ie wca detained In Chicago no
that ho did not anive In tlmo to give the
Hist lecture In his New Testament course on
Thursday Coimuiuently he gave it ) ester-
day afternoon at 3 o'clock , the hour which
I'o will have throughout the hefaslon He
gave the lectuie that he was to havt ) given
Thursday , entitled , "The Central Afllum-
tlcm of the Christian Palth. " Hetald tint
the defeiiao of Chrlstianlt ) depuuld on the
knowlelgo that one has ot Chilbtlan beliefs
\ lI 30 the Women s Chilstlan Tempeiance
Union School of Methods met In the Con
gregational building. Parliamentary tlilll
was a part of the program. A short addrin *
was given by Mra Sophia llrurifcon of Col
lege View Jennie Williams , connected with
the sanitarium at Colltge View , gave an
exhibition of hglciiic cooking that was ot
much Interest.
Thu Doano College Cadet band gave an
other of their delightful open air concerto
at 7 o'clock. At S o'clock the jubilee sing-
ens. gave another enteitalnment At 9 ID the
lights were turned out and an exhibition o :
IMlson's amet-magniscopo was given. Ily
means cf this Instrument moving pictures
aio thrown upon the screen.
This , morning opened with auspicious
weathei and the excursion trains brought
In largo numbers , so that today has be-en
the largest dav of tlio s sslon Hev .Mr
Stewart , held his normal classes In the audi
torium at ! l o'clock His subject this morn
ing was "The Church IXablUhe 1 Among
the Gentiles. " At tlio pamo hour Mis
IlOiier conducted the chlldien'.j tlaes hi the
Congiegatlonal building At in o'clock who
gave an address in ( be auditorium on "The
Children o' the dim en A Chill .Study"
Mr J , II Koi line gave another licture at
11. Ills nubjcct tnla moinii-g was "Judaism
the Moial Preparation for Chrlstianlt )
'Ihiongh the Jewish llace. '
This afternoon tie-re waa a pto-
ludo by Pranccau at o'cn c ! , . ml then the
Slatoi * again entertained .bo large audience
for an Lour.
The gloilouo Koi.r'h will IIP rclcbinted
it the Chairau i la llil.i jeat on Mend iv , ( he
Dh. ( The Doano ' 'oilejo band will jday both
mornlni ; and ovejlnu an 1 fill tliu air with
national tunes The v % „ ! ! ' ! . mil Jubilee tlng-
tis , the most cei"biaed ! troupeuf coliud
singers In the country , will not btlnt tlium-
selves , either In tlio moinlng or afteinoon.
In their endeavors to furnUh jilcasme , iiid
imusenient. Mare , the wizard , will peif Jim
jxpcrlmtntti of magic , magiietlbin and Jug-
glery. The famous nmet-niBmiUcopp. with
Its moving pictures of comedy and tragod ) ,
will again bo he-en. On Monday p\curelon
trains will bo run from Lincoln and from
[ "alrmont. Then * will be aho return excur
sion trains to these points aftrr the evening
jntertalnment Thcro may al.-io bo a return
train to Jleatrlcc In the evening.
M \M WIKIJ llllll\V"l\ Till : III.Pi : ,
( i Out Iliillilnur Iii Hie IVI'IIIIKninl : |
I'll 11 to Ili-lurii ,
DLU1J SPHINOS , Neb , July 3 ( Special
rclegram ) Charles Seinour and his wife
if Wmore were drowned In the Illue river
ibout a tnllc north of this place laut even
ng They left home In a buggy for a bath ,
jut falling to return as expected , a tcaie'li
isaa made this afternoon and ( he horte and
JUggy found In the woods en also were the
: lothes of the couple and after wading and
Iragglng the rlve-r some time the body of Mr
if5 monr was found caught in t > omo bruth
iml a iiuarter of a mlle further down that
if the wife on the bed of the river.
Mr Seymour wan an engineer on the H
L : M road and had been married to this , bij
itcoml wife , about u jtar.
l Teiu-hcru ut S-liu > K-r.
SCHL'YLHH , Neb , July 3. ( Special )
U a meeting held ) enterday afternoon the
ichoo ) board of the district of 8chuler fln-
sla-il | tb work of hiring teachers for the
omlng ) ear. Ita principal tank being that
if hiring one to succeed SV Miller , nho
iM had the UiUtaut prtnclvalelilp during
thfio yrnr * | > n f but trim iMll Ihbi ) t > xt
IMII Ii icriAlti liMlirtipn I hi HIP t lilti-tnlly ol
Nrtir kfl Tlio MM | | II | ( ' ( 'tlhclpal tplpclril
* A \UMlm Hull lilliioli A M . lie o liimii
I * ( it Mpnilil | | < Noli Thp nrlprllon for Ilir
pMinmur ftrAdp wn Julu\l WoM of
< oln MlM IhitchhiNiii flllif'MlM ' Wort nri
both Rrndnnlcn of Ilin , tltlvprnlly of Nr
In-A'kn Per ( ho t > rltirl'M | lilp of Hip ICnsI
W rd fichool , 0 M. Sutherland of Srlitiylcr
nag plpi-ied
XtNMI II\IN VM ) CIIINfll llt'HM '
tli'litirl * iif Si'lirn lui V'lli * Arc tlii < tlt )
\ crj PHV nriilr. | |
I.KXINOTON. Neb , .July -Special ( ) -
' (
Ixical showers fell all li y'r the county last
CCNTHAI. CITY. Nrb , July -Special ( 1
Another heavy rain fell last night. Thli
makes three good rains during the p.isl
week. Partners are complaining that Hit
ground Id getting lee wet to plow. Corn
I ; dr tug well Man ) Holds are laid by
MALMO , Neb. July 3. ( Special. ) Yea.
( erda ) was one of the warmest dag of ( he
season L Isaacson , manager of the Malini
drain and Slork rowpauy , In hla conslanl
work ) i lcrday , v\as taken liomp sick Pears
were enlei ( allied that the excessive heal
would prostrate him , but today he la able
to be about again.
Wii2IUN(5 : WATKH , Ncti. . July 3. ( Spc
ehl ) Two or three das ngo the proBpecti
for a large wheat crop In Ibis vicinity were
never better , and the farmers were con-
nratnlatlng themselves on being rid ol
chinch bugs , but now some ot the fields ale
alive- with them , and they will ruin n
largo percentage before harvest
KHK.MONT. Neb. , July 3. ( Special. ) Tin
liiloime heat and wind of jiotcrday cul
initiated about 1 o'clock this morning In n
severe wind storm. The mercury was ver )
high today being P5 decrees at noon Ihi
Platte river , which had been full to tin
too of the banks in slowl ) subsiding
IMPmilAL , Neb , ' July 3 ( Special. )
While there are local show era over
the county cvciy few das , a good ,
heavy rain Is much needed at this
time. The weather le very warm
The corn cum Is doing finely now , and vvltli
llttlo rain , will make a good crop. Then
IIR.I been some apprehension from grass-
hoopers up to the last day or BO , but the )
ate now leaving , and there Ii not one when
there were hundieds a few das ago. The )
arc going to the northwest Yeslcrda )
mjrlads of ( hem could be seen fllng. The )
wcio rising ver ) high , which would Indlcatt
that their Journey WHS a long ono and the-li
destination outMdo the state.
iinvvv mciti\si :
Countlm \i-lirnxUu AlnUu an Kveel-
Init SliiMvlnn for .IIIlie.
PltmtONT , Neb. , July 3. ( Special ) The
record of mottgago Indcbtcdncts for the
month of Juno U the best hlnco the law re
quiring such a record ( o bo kept went Into
effect. The number of chattel moitgagci
given h thirty , amount ? 2lti52 ! ; rclease-d ,
twent ) , amount J35,833 ; farm mortgages
filed , nine , amount $12,057 ; released , twenty ,
amount $29,345 ; town and city mortgages
filed , nine , amount $7MO ; released , twenl-
one , amount $10,841.
OSCUOLA , Neb. , July 3. ( Special. ) The
following Is Polk count'E nortgago record for
the past month : Fifteen farm mortgages flled ,
amounting to $21,411 ; nineteen released ,
amounting to $21,783 ; chattel mortgages filed ,
155 , amounting to $ GO,227 , released , fort-
nlne , amounting to $25,151. This shows a
total reduction of Indebtedness for the month
of over $35,000.
Ktl.l.r.I ) UY TUC Ciil\ll WAIiI. .
MuHlcr ami Child lliiricil mill ( InI.H -
( l < - One ' 1'n lieII Out Deiul.
KRAHNiY , Nob. , July 3. ( Special Tele-
giam ) On acount ot the hot weather for the
past few davs , .Mrs. William Strausbaugh ,
who lives in the houtlieait part of town , hart
allowcili her children to play in the cellar
under the houre during the afteiuoon. To
day she went down with tl-em herself and
took a teat near the -wall , holding a mil sing
child in her arms and a 3-icar-old daughter
nit he-side her. Suddenly the bank gave
way. burying the lltle girl completely and
covering Mrs. Strausbaugb up nearly to her
waist and breaking her right ankle. In her
efforts to get out the broken bono was forced
thiough the flesh nearly six Inches and the
doctors had to cut It off There was no one
else In the houae at the time , and when the
little- girl was uneattlicd she was dead. The
baby was not Injured.
r MI m-iiv. nnrms nisiioi * .
I'l iiiulieN to llolil .SrrlitH Toilnj In
Spite \\nrnlimr. .
TKCUMSKir , Neb. , July 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Pather William .Murphy . received
word from Illshop Thomas Ponacum of Lin
coln ( hat the bishop deslied a conference with
him at the parlors of the Park hotel here this
morning. Pather JIurpb ) , accompanied b )
three clll/cns , called on the btMiop. The )
found that the bishop had a piicbt In his com
pany. The bishop Informed Murph ) that he
desired a private convc-rsat'on with him , but
Murphy refused Hoincum then warned Mur
phy not to hold hervlce In St Andrew's
church here tomorrow , as hewaa suspended
Murph ) assured the bishop that no deviation
from Ills time-honored rule of holding fierv-
Ices v.ould occur tomonnw anJ the confer
ence which waa of but a few momentb' dura
tion , was at an end.
Kiliiiiltrulion In IliM\K < iii ( 'iiuul > .
LEXINGTON , Nob. , July 3 ( Special. )
The county commissioners finished their pro
tracted t'cssion as an eniiall/atlon board to
day. The complaints against the Lexington
business concerns were ( 'Up sol cf by a nomi
nal lalse. The hearings tend to show the-
absmdity of the entire taxation sjstcni.
Paims , someof which hive $10,000 Improve
ments upon them , are put In at $ - per acio
and pay less ( ax than the town residences
alone , while the "curbt'tonc brokers" who
aio Known to have Investments of from $10-
000 ( o $ r.0.00rt virtually escape taxation alto
gether The assessor's books show there are
In D.iwson count ) 21,444 cattle , 31,813 hog.i
and ll.UC horses.
SrlionlIIHIIN of I'ri-niiint ,
PHRMOXT. Neb. , July 3. ( Special ) Louis
Ihui.son has rnmploted taking the hchool ecn-
oas of thih city. The total number of elill-
diui of Rclieol ago IH 23tU This incluiles
fort-two childon ! at the Oiphans' homo and
1SH at thu noimal nchool. Exclusive of nor
mal students It shows u gain of forty-three
over las' \ear. Thcso figures Indicate thut
the clt ) Ib still gaining slowly In population.
V.IHIIIU ll" > ICUI.-il li > I.lKlitnln/ ; .
KIJAItN'HY , Neb. , July ( Special Tele
gram ) Dining a thundcr&toim last night
tlio home of David Schclnhlng , a few miles
north of Un.n , was struck by lightning and
lib * llearold ton instantly klllel His
brother had hold of lilt , hand at the time
and wis ttverc-Iy fclioclied and butne-d , but
will recover. , i
Mnnj I'rlMfini-rN In , J'olU CiHinly ,
OSCHOLA , Neb , Jul ) 3 ( Special ) ' 1 ho
fcheiiff of this coiintv returned fiom Lincoln
) Citerday with two meji , whom he fciiapects
of being the men who robbed ( ho Shelby
bank and can led off $3,090. The sheriff has
moro prisoners in etxtod ) now than at any
time EJnco the county wnsnrganlzc'd ,
I'irHl In I'linr VeiirN ,
OSCHOLA. Neb , Jul ) 3. ( Special ) It. C.
MtCandllsh of Valley pieclnct has anolgned
for the benefit of his ir 4U ( > rs i\\a \ liabili
ties nro over $ S,000 and all the property In
eight amounts to lets than $5,000. This Is
thu fln > t acslgnmcnt In Polk county In four
SI-UN Out IIIn I.utv I'rai'tli-i- ,
WiST POINT. Neb , July 3 , ( Special )
Judge Jamra C. Crawford has sold out h'n '
law practice to Mebbru Andeuon and Ke-efe
two ) oung attorneys from Iowa Tbla Iran -
fer Includes the Judge's llbrar ) , which U
ono of the Ilium In the istate
II Iii' Tn r ii ii I It HrlilKilluriiiil. .
ST LOUIS , July 3 A upeclul to the Pont-
Dlspitch from Frankfort , K ) , san. The big
wnudin bridge crobslni , ' ( he Iteiisnii at
Bridgeport three inllm wi st of Krunkfoit , on
the Prunkfort und She lilllo road , w ih
liuined Ittbl nlKht Theruiid wut' bought
In by the counts latt week and the tollgateB
removtMl T elofti IB on the count ) und It
IH bring ; chiirgcd both to the raldem and to
retalbillon of thefounor Htockboldeis who
sulfirrd b ) therulds Detectives have been
[ ml to work on thu caf-e Tlie brldee wan
thu largest and moot expensive ( uniplke
- ' ' "i in the county. ,
Victory of Tin Plrtto Mem Followoil bj ft
Qrcfttor Labor Blrugclo.
Coneiillnn nt l'l liiirK
Voli-N In InniiHiiriitc Uluit
I'rillllNi-n In lie n ! ) < * -
periitc I'lulil.
July 3 Inrhlrtrlnl clrclod
were much excited today over the develop-
mint In ( he eltuatlon amour ; several Impor
tant trades. On the vrme of ( ho declara
tion of coal miners of the PlttuburK district
to take the lend In Hie Kcneril nii pcniton ! of
the coal mlnliiB lnduatr > . omne the conces
sion of the Tin Plate Manufiieturers' f o-
clntlon to the Ani.iltniimlid Aeeoclntlon of
Iron and Steel Workers
The miners' oflclnl ! here nay that Idle-
nittfl will prevail In the majority of all the
rail nnd river mines In the IMItvlmrK dlit-
trlct. They claim ( hat the slniRKlo for
hlsher wnKes will be of short du.'atlon and
that by reason of the- great demand for coal
for Hie lake trade nt this .cnson of the
) ear they will be Rranted an advance be
foie ( he operators lo o larso contracts for
the future deliver:1 of coal. Tlie miners'
olllc-lals claim that n corn-enntlvp cfrtlmato
ftxrs the number of men who will RO on a
strike In Pennsylvania. West Viiglnla. Ohio ,
Indiana and Illinois at 200,000 They hope
to Increase ( hL ? number OH ( be rtrlko senti
ment grows.
The tin plato workers are Jubilant over HIP
eonceralon nude by the manufacturers It
Is estimated that [ 1,000 skilled workmen will
resume work Tuesday morning Nearly all
the ( In plate mainifactiii ers In the I'lttaliurg
district have ordei enough to keep their
plants i tinning for the next MX montliR In
a few plants the entire output for the next
) ear has been already Fold.
The coal miners of the Pltlsburg district
In delegate- convention hero today decided
unanimously to comply vvltli the order of the
national executive board to strike , and all
of the union miners In HID district will lay
down their tools tomorrow1 morning and enter
upon a utruKgle for better WAROI , which
promises to bo ono of the longest and most
bitterly contested fights ever krown In the
labor world. The delegates to the convention
left tor their homes full of strike sentiment ,
each man promising a complete Jjimpenslon
of work in the mines bo represented.
The miners' ofllclals have completed ar
rangements for a scries ot mass meetings to
bo held throughout the entire district , and It
Is believed Hint the effect of these meetings
will be to brhiK out every digger In the dlb-
trlct , those who are under Ironclad agree
ments an well ns others , .
Skilled tin plato workers Identified with
the Amalgamated Association of Iran avid
Steel Workers scored a decisive victory to
day. They secured an advance In wages
and a protective clause that tin plate mills
will not manufacture sheet Iron. The
workers arc jubilant and look upon the-
future with hopefulness , ns It h claimed
th'it the feigning of ( ho remaining scales
of Iho association Is but a question of time.
1 ho conference between tlie swlo committee -
tee nnd a committee of manufacturers ad
journed this morning nftcr having been In
session two days. . The- workers wanted nn
advance of 15 per cent , which the manu
facturers were not inclined to give. A re
adjustment was made , which would give the
workers an average advance of about Si
per cent. After considerable dlscus&lon the
workeia agreed to the proposition , provided
the manufacturers signing the tcalo would
agtco ( o give them a protective clause guar
anteeing that the tin plato mills would
not manufacture bhcct Iron In the event
of the market for tin becoming depressed.
The preposition was agiecd to and both
sides adjourned appaiently well bitlsfled.
The settlement means much to thework -
era. It Is estimated that more than 5,000
skilled worker * are affected , and man )
plants will resume work Tuesda ) morning
A Mcady tun for tome ( line Is promised.
The settlement will havif a marked effect on
liabtcning signatures to the remaining
bcales , especially the sheet iron scale.
In case a strike among the coal miners In
the Pitt.sburg district is dcclaied at the con
vention today , 21,000 miners will be cancelned
In the result. Many of thcho , however , have
not been working regularly for some time. In
the Clearlleld district 10,000 mlneru are cni-
plojcd when the mines are i tinning nnd
President LJolan sas the whole dlttrlct will
alsogo - out. The number of me" in other
states who are concerned In tne piecent
strike , fco far an can be estimated , are as
follows- Ohio , 25,000 ; Illinois , 40.000 ,
Indiana , 00,000 , and in West Virginia about
22.000 men , a total of 142.000 all told
The miners emploed In the vicinity of
CiceiiHbuig will not join the .strike , but on
the contiary are preparing lor a rush of
work. Iho Grccnsburg , MadUon , Hemp-
fleld and Carbon Ccal companies cmplo )
ab nit 1 500 men who have never been Idenll-
licd with the miners' unions and have al
ways been paid the highest scale of wages
Tlio inauguiatlon of the general btrikc
mpins uteaily work for them anil as much
of it as ( hey can perform. During the gen
et al strike of two > e rs ago the miners and
operators of Grccnsburs literally coined
money , and their cxpeiknco at that time is
guiding tlio men now.
The resolution to strike was unanimous ! )
adopted by the miners' convention this aft
ernoon and a general suspension will be
ordered it once.
Shortly after the adjournment for lunch
President Dolnn received the following tele
gram fiom I'ic&ldent Ilatcliford :
C'OMTMUPB. O , July 3.-WO iiie out for
living wage" The Itnue- must be- met MJII nely
and ile-tcrmlntdlj and HIICCI--I will attend the-
LU-atest movement theloiintr ) bus evei
LOUISVILLE , Ky , July 3 A tpi-clal to
the Times from Washington , Iml. , tajH
Tlio order of the national board of the
United Mine Workers , commanding coal
minou to btrlke , will be disregarded heie
Cahel & Co. , miners , have been out blnco
May 1 on account of a disagreement and
Wllbon's miners will continue at woik ,
laving by consent of the state organisation
made special agreement with their employ
LOUISVILLIJ , Ky. , July 3. A special to
Hio Times fiom Mlddle : > lioroiigli , Ky , sas
Tin re will bo no slliko of coal m In era In the
Mlddlebborough dlrj'rlet The miners ge-t good
wages nnd arc satisfied and no walking dele-
gat , it is tald , ( oiild foieo them out , The )
will disregard the order tn btrlke ,
MACON , Mo , July 3 Meetings have been
held by the miners of Ilevler and Ardmore ,
Macon county , ( his week , and it wai > decided
to remain at work A committee from Iluntii-
vlllo met with the men at Ardmore for Hie
purpose of hecurlng ( heir co-operation In a
btilke , but tlio Ardmoro nie-n did not LO out
It will tnko eonbldcrablo pressure ( o force
tlio men of this conntj out , as ( heir e-xpeil-
emo In striking in ( ho past hat > been unfor
PIIILIPSIIUHO , Pa. July 3 The btrlke
called by the Pulled Mine ) Workers' olIldaLi
will not affect ( ho minors .in tlio Cinlrul
Pennslvanla coal regions , In tome ixirtlons
of which hnudnxta of miners have been on
a strike for a month , notably In Cambria
county Should the operator * . In that county
biicceed 'n ' forcing u reduction It IH belli ve-d
the reduction would become- general In the
Clearlleld and Ileucon creek rtgloim at all
mines Operators In this vicinity express
the opinion that thu gi-nerul ttrlko in the
west will not caui > o any advanceIn price.
ALTOONA , Pa , July 3 Up to the pres
ent tlmo the miners In ( lie Catnlirla and
Cliarlleld riglons have made no deeluiatlon
regarding the stilke 01 de-red by the exiv-u-
( Ivo board of ( ho Pulled Mine Workers
Thu miners he.e are working under a pool
agrteme-nt made by ( ho PcnnaylvanUi opcr-
atc-r * a ) ear ago , which lies not been broken
If tlie. miners In this region tliould utilke ,
and there. Is no Indication of Mich action
just now , It will bo merely a uiiipathctlc
SPIUNO VALLPJV , III. July 3 The 2.000
miners of Spring Vallc ) gave up ( heir plans
In the mlnm and went out on u strike today
It will not bo known until Mondu ) morning
whether the company men and cagcrc will no
out or not On account of thus nutipeiiMoii the
cuuipauy haa bccii uuablu to fctock up Us cue-
The Weak nnd Debilitated Surprised at the Promptness Wit )
Which Relief is Obtained , Energy Renewed , Vitality
Strengthened and the Whole System Touched Up ,
Tlio nccompui ) Ing enl ropioaoiitu our largo llleetio Htnllc innelilne nnd onn vv i ) ot
npplvliiK o ( x-trlcllv i < n pullint We ivl o Iwvo In our dllli-e who * connccled with two
pelt ( if d > nnmoi > . vvliloli fiirnlnli dlffrn-nt kind * of einieiit \ \ I"IIIMHiMriimpnt | * with
which theseeiirrentH me mndltlrd nnd continued nt will and mulled lo piitlcnlft accord
ing to their needs
If sou luive an iiclip or a pain that ) on would like * ( o net rid of m fiom ( we ) to 11 vo
minutes , 01 If > nu have an ) miff Joint * or iniinljreil Ilmbi , or If jeni me * vcnlc or npiv-
ons or dipondent , conic In itml got 11 dial lientmeiit fii > of i Imtnp.
SMIVIIVT 1 H lUI\MIIIKiil : SIIIMXill M'liP.U .S\\4 |
"After llvn vanm of coiitilnnl and liatd ( curt work vvllli n lienv.i tvpowrltrr 1 found
mv linndB and nrim glowing vvenk , numb and pnlnful. wllh nl Hnglliiit nellMHllon nl
thiouirh them This Kinduully liii'ieaoed from vxtik in wuk for Rovera ! inonlliH , Until I
wai hardly nble to u e Ibi-m at nit In fenr Hint I Kbould onllnl ) lone tlio ucoof my
linnilR , I went to the Hhtpud Medle-nl Inittlute. vvhero they arxtired me that thev eniilil
euro me
"I ili-clded lo try n monlh'N trenlinent The dm-lor upplli-d elpi-tilelty lo in ) nrinn
DO iklllful.y tbnt at Mm end of the month I toimd thai I lind no ( rouble whatever nnd
could do 1115 work en-dly" MAUION WIIJ.IAMS. SViM'allforiilu St
Miss \\llllnni' ! mav lie found at her hiiHV work In ( lu olllce of the I'lork of ( be Pin-
Irtcl court , ut the Court House , any dn ) , whuto hu will bo Kind tu ve-ilfy lici Blalc-
Samuc.1 Alklre , AHblnnd , Nebrii"kn , Is a
bright lid , whose ilenfncfs a nhorl time ago
lironil'ed to di-prlvo him of his education
He had to leuvc school on uce-oiint of till *
udllctlon Ills statemtnt. glve-n be-low. Is
absolutely eoncct In nil particulara and Is-
endorsed b ) bin | ) nrentn and rclatlvrK IK-
saK :
"I v\as de.if about two yonrv Bly hearing
nt llr t began to be nlovv. nnd then It got In
distinct illidl I found 1 wni renll ) deaf. A--
( hc- bearing failed I began ( o lienr buzzing
sounds through the bead. Thc-e nolsec were
Hometlnu-H loud nnd oometlmes faint Jluch
of the lime It hounded ns If 1 was ill a lily
shop where beavv innchlner.v vvas i tinning
The loailng , buzlngnnd ringing nol'-isi were
nlwnys prent Dr. Sliepnid begun mv
lie.itmint bv curingm ) catarrh M ) lon-
-lls were etil irged and spongv , mid my nive
was ncnly elioked up by "vvell-
Ings mid dNcli.iiges I began to Impiovc-
hearing almost ul onie- . and II Is now as
good as can be. 1 he-ai perfectly. "
"The New Treatment * How It Cuies. " Is
tlio tltlo of Di. Shcpnrd's book , which
IK now In ciicul.itlon It Is full of
facts of Intetesl to al Ing people and
contains line linlf-tone engravings of MM-IILS
In the extensive oillccb of the Slupitd Medi
cal ln--tltut" ThOM ! who apply In : > urson
or by letter m ly have a copy flee.
lomers to any great extent , which is decided ! )
In favor of theminers. . Tlie miners of thU
clly are not In good circumstances and nnny
of them will buffer If the hiisocislon Is pro
tracted. Tele-phono messages from Sei'on-
villc , Ladd , Marijhette and other mining
cimps in tlii.s vicinity icport that ( he miners
at tlioso places uill join llie national move
ment. Monday morning there will bo 3.COO
Idlu men within six miles of Spring Valle-j ,
exclusive of La Snlle. and Peru The men
say the ) are determined ( o remain out until
( bo price ot mining Is raised Miners have
the sympathy of hiislnc-.s m n man ) of whom
are In bad circumstances , , brought on b ) ( he
continued re-ductloiih tint have been faiccd
upon the mlnerb dining the last four ) eirs
IUIA/CIL. I ml , July 3. The coal mineni of
this district met In inavs convenflon here to
day. W. J. Knight , state- president of the
United Mine Workers' asboclitlon , addressed
Ihem. Ho described the condition of tlie
miners as pitiful and admonlt-licd tluni all to
join In the- strike The propopidon lo tus-
pend work was put and carried by an unsn
Imoiii vote. On acrount of the fact that all
the mines In the district were not reprisc-nti-1
another mass meeting will bo held tomorrow
H will doubtless concur In the action of the
meeting today.
DUI10IS , Pa , July 3 The Rochester and
Pittsbuig Coal and Iron company mlnerb
arc- working at all places today except at
Iloynoldsville , whcie they are Idle on ac
count of holiday observance The operatorb
anticipate a strlko after ( he Pourth. The
minen aio woiklng at 30 cents i cr ton , the
lowest rnto ever paid here , and aredls'atls -
fled. It Is reported that tlio Northwestern
Mining company mines nt liiockport , Cren-
Ebaw and Shawmut will iiiit | work today
At Tler the men liavo been out for ( -crvcral
das on account , of a cut from 40 to 30
cents ,
COLUMIIl'S ' , O. July 3 The General
Hocking Valley Coal company expected a
rush of ordcirf fiom the railroads ao s on as
Iho strike wau ordered , but It failed to
dcvc'lop , which would seem lo Indicate that
a gie-Jt ile-nl of coal Is In ttock There will
lie no trouble eo far s the mint-in In thk >
pool aio concerned. Kvcrjthing will bo shut
down and n friendly feeling maintained , All
Hocking talle ) operatois would be enl ) too
glad to pa ) their mlneis GO cents It 1'ltt--
burK miners can seeme ( ! ' eentH This a-
cent differential , eild an olllcial of this com
pany , must maintained There aio i-oms
twent-clx mlnch in thu General Hocking
company They are the Morrli < Coal com
pany , New Pltthhurg , Hocking Valhy , ( Ireen-
dale. Lsl Hun , M | ilo Hill and
other companies Ilorscb , nun , Im.iio-
mentfi , overthing U clobed for geol until
next January If neccicary. The strikers
luni ) the sinpath ) of tlitt-o ( ompanlts K
W. IlrooKs Is faecrclary gf of the General
Hocking Valle ) arsoclatlon. This association
deals with the miners In ill disputes. Mr
Iliookb bclle-vc-b the btrlko Is unwUeon th
part of the Ohio mlnere. He does lot be-
Ilevo the miner * can win HieHtrlkc - for CO ]
cents In this Mate. He t-alil the tight had |
better bo ccjiillned to Iho PilUhurt ; district ,
wln-ro the cut below tlio old bcalo wab made
b ) tlioso who do not wanl to pa ) the new or
projopeil ( .3-tent scale. Mr ItrooKa and all
Ohio operators are Hrm for the 0 cents differ-
ST. LOUIS. . July 3 St. Louis coal oper
ators , rnobt of whom own mines In Illinois ,
are preparing foi the Hirealc-ied strike , ami
KI ) are the consumers of the clt ) . Ordos
enough have been received during the pan
five or Hlx days to put In operation all the
mliiiH in bouthein und central Illinois The
St Louis real market was never In a moro
dem rallrrd condition than at pretint , and
some of the operators declared that the )
would welloino a btrlke an the ineaim of
leading up to an adjustment of prlrix and
placing the market on a bettci bantu 'Ilir
St Louis market drawn ino-'t of Itn blluml-
noiib coal fiom Hie central and boutlicrn
Illinois districts , and , dc-bplte the aimonnee-
men ( that Iho htrll.e will go Into t fleet to-
moirow the ope tutors do not think their
fields will be affected lor two wiekK , and
PCI haps three
It Is doubtful It the mlntm of the Hullo-
\lllo. HI , dlMrlet will quit work In a hod )
They uro poorly organised und ( here In a
luck of concert among ( hem Thty luvti
gcmo through several dlsaslrou > Urikei , each
leaving ( hum In auir e condition ( ban be
fore. They are working only about half
time * , and many of them are. not making
tiiimgh to live cm They arc. hltttrl ) discern ,
tented and their effect In thu xlrlUu U wi-ak
They ftar K they strike the btort-u will rvfuto
tiv ri\
I v < * r > * nmr llu IN Hiilijci-l d
fi-v IT iluilniiuuiiKl unit Si-plenibei
nluiiilil In-Kin < ri-ii1iiii-nl inin. Tinn -
eiirreiu'e uf thin ntitio ) IIIK nnil dlw
tri-NNliiir iiiiilnilcnii ( him lie prer
Theio IP no clmmle d'sense moro nmen.
able lo treatment nnd cute than hernia
when propetI ) liented by our new nroc-iHS
wlileh luif- now lit en in IIHC foveral yeanl
and has proven Us tuuerlorlty over nil
otln'r methods of tleallllelU.
This treiidiient Is N'DT UXPIINHIVH ,
and In view of the skill ntie-to-iiry for Biieli
work our pi lees me ildlculotislv low Hut
we make them HO In ordet to be In harmony
with ( lie liuv fees In inn olliei ilepnilmentH ,
and In teach of all
Wl'te ' or call upon UH for ri-fei elicci to
people- Lined ,
C. S. slii | > Mil ) , M. It. , Consulting
iml A BIIOH | - , I Phvslclana.
ROOMS 311. 112 .t 313 NHW YOI11C LIPI1
Olllco IIouis-9 lo 12 n. m , 2 lo C p m Dv > .
nlDgs Wednesdays ami Saturdays unl >
h m ere ill , Hi y reason Hint btnjll wage *
and credit are better than no wages and no
credit. A niefs nicotine ha- been called for
Tuisda ) at 10 a in at the We.jt Knd ball
piilc In H"llevllle , to coiitldi.r thesttmitloii
and the prolnblc cffett of tch stilke on all
biislne's Nothing definite will bo clone be
foie the meeting
In Macou county. Mifhouii , In which nro
situated the laige Ilevler nnd Ardmoio
mlnm. the miners have c-xprif-scd no
grievances , nnd the- most relhble Informa-
tl'ti obtainable from nil the- mines Hint
morning Is that they will not endorse the
strike order fctnt out from ColumbUM
PPOIIIA , 111 . July a H Is rtiild by one. of
tlio operators that the miners in this locality
liavo decided to wait and see what others do
before going out on Mrlkc-
Ah far an can bo judged from present Indl.
- ationIt docn not apjicar probable that the
coal miners In Pangamon county. Illinois ,
will join the general utrlke , or ( hat the min
ing companies will be affected In any way.
riie enl ) places In Hint srction where tlio
miners are out Is at Norden and Audubon ,
where the men have been out teveral weckn.
They struck for more wages nnd the trouble
will probably be adjusted by the State Hoard
of Arbitration
COLUM1HIS. 0 , July 3 Prraldont Hatch-
ford of the United Mine Workers bays of Iho
mlne-rs' strike
"Tho exact date of the miners' national
suspension lias been a matter of specula
tion with the newbpaper.3 of the country for
werks past. We arc very thankful to the
piess for ( bo file-ndly mention which thla
great movimuit lira receive-1 from every
quartci With Iho press end the public It
is not a iue-tlon | of should or should It not
take place , but rather a querHon of when ,
shall the movement for living wages be in-
augniated. Independence day was choien
us a day well befitting our demand It la
lh" annlvirsaiv of our political Independ
ence , let It nlso mark the beginning of EH
era of Industrial freedom , and as our revo
lutionary fathcrh freed HiemsclvcH from for
eign rule let the miners of the country frco
tliemtelves tirmi the domination of their
oppressors and wn t forever from their
limbs the fittero and the shackles of nln-
veiy Independence-day cannot celebrated
by American tlivcs In a more patriotic man
ner than to make prorlamnlioa to the world the ) bhill not longer submit to Indus
trial servitude.
"Our present BUFUMislon is not of our
choice ; H Is forced upon us by continuouu
reductions in wages until the | > olnt U
ic.-uhcl where living b ) our Imlustr ) U no
longer pihslbk Our miners cvcryvvhero
throughout the country uro read ) for It as
a last report , and tbero Is no doubt that It
will be Hie greatest movement of Its kind
( his cuuntiy hab ever teen. Kcporls from
evciy mining section indicate the temper
and determination of the- miners , and show
conclusivily that thin movement imibt con
tinue until living wages are established "
' 'I convention hi Id In Plttsburg today
will be unanimous In their support Thovo
miners who have lie en forced by poverty and
the eruellv ot unscrupulous i-mploycra of
that dlxtrtr-t to vlgn Ii one lad contracts will
throw them up UK they should do and join
th.- suspension
" 1 am not fearful that Hie miners will In
any ease violate law or order , thin will lie
a peaceful content and violence miibt not
tniir Into It Public opinion In with UH ;
telegrams and lettrrn from men In all walks
of life uie pouring In endorsing our action.
The great body of the people ; nre on our
Blile and we mean to retain thi-lr vupport
by strict udlure-nre to law and older
"The Independents proclamation of tha
United Minn Workeln of America U that
Industrial dcspotj and dcbputlvm must for
ever bo xiipprcHscd Wllli thU InucrllH-d
upon our banner , and with 300,000 men Im
bued with a purcl ) American spirit to carry
It aloft , succebij will crown our efforts"
Ciilluit MIIU Clii i- .
I \\VlliN'K. : Maw , July -Nollrra were
I > rited tn the Uverelt und Pcmberlon cotton
mllU , InformliiK the cinpluji-is that oieratlona |
would bn mupunded (111 ( Monda ) , July 12 No
reason U given far thu thutdown About 2,000
operatives will be affected
Ciiriiel VnrLx Mi ul Down.
IIOSTON , Jul > 3. The lloxbury carpel
workh were vhut down today , throwing bW
inoplo oui ol work.
It tnkrn thlrtuvcn 4prclally ronitruclcvl
ami nmlpped utt-amem to keep Ihu tiubmarlu *
lablui ul tUu world lu repair.