THE 031 AHA KKK > DAY. JTLY . 1807. | A REVOLUTIONARY FOURTH | \fc \ Ben Row fin , the tio\cr of Sumter's Army. \ * ox B 1-M-sr.iT T IOMLI > SO > * c \ rleht W hj- - XI u > i , . i T.I ] 1.0111 was famn.jrl ) known as tb ) r.r-r cf Siimter * arm ) ' Tali with broad | b il u-g and d. ep cheat , he al < o boasted that l ' vas not in 'o-ith Carolina a rirbt arm 'i t own Tbe wrwtt'ng icatcLec n3 ( iti and tumble" ' In vibicb the soldiers j 0 i e revolution frequently Indulged in toe i i t of the canpi were bis delight , and d > l 'ome to PH that Ben Rowan wa < the I a ki , wMg < 3 champion Net a man could ! a l before b'nj. and on this Fourth of July | n. i g In tt 0. when Sumter's men. with t " wo nritlili priooaets , bad gone Into cjiii | by the banks of a little river , Ben bad t * lmn t tempted to try to draw tbe lank ! i ivserful Thomis Sumter himself Irto al f li > bout , for Ben well knew that the title I all , 'i the nrtltsh had bestowed upon the I l- a r the South Carolina ganiccouk. ' was w , lesTrcd And now Sumter had thrown a - his hat and co t. and. with hi ! boats f' . MV etretched upgn th ground , enjoying 1 * le and rest after the * fierce onslaught o' ' 'i" pmedlng day t " t Ben Howan , whepp face glowed with p- . l Mature far not one in all the army was | b > ' r liKe < l than he , had not felt qjlte bold i f i iqh > > - > express bis wlfih to the general , and I ho grfc-'pfl hi * ifpfirance with a shout that in r < * el the confusion of the already des perate man He gazed wildly about bint , and quickly rp , : z1 thibe in tbe midot of tbe pris oner ? , whim doubtlws Tarleton or whoever a leading the attack , hoped to release by > he < nidden onslaught It suddenly dinrtied upon him that th te meti * re not artufl Perhaps he might vet be able to force his way through thorn. A FIGHT FOR LIBERTY. In a , moment the desperate men began to strike out la every direction. He tiuag tbe men who tried to hold him aside as If they were boys He forced his way ; steadily oa. now falling and now struggling to bis feel , and once more flinging his tor mentors from his back With head fore most , he plunged Into the midst of a group that trlexl to block his pascige. a * a modern halfback forces his way through an oppos- tug eleven Sometimes he felt as If all the breath bad left his body and be never ibruld breathe again Sometime * he fell , and be thought he could never rise again , but his strong arms and lung * stood him in good stead now , and be bad almost gained the outer edge of the company There , as bo Oarted forward with r = ne td hope , two men seized him by either foot and he was thrown heavily forward upon his fa--e Almost stunned by his fall he was romd & f j ? , /i---v.- XL -i X"4s > /.i'-Wt . ' ; . - / . - HE BEGAN HIS DESPERATE RIDE. r < 4 Ii ? turncd from watching him he saw thst J > of hid companions were running to- " \v ard" the bank of the river. Hello ; what's on foot now ? " said Ben , rea1 > fir ahnos ; any enterprise. \Wre going in snimmlng , Ben. Come r 5 I. . ) ' lUt I can't twim , " replied Ben. ruefull > . f T i'U all his s'rcngth , swimming wa an been able to acquire a-t which he had never That docen't make any difference- Come arm ) in us. Its hot and you can cool oil , abe \ \ . " iN THE WATER. Ben yielded , and soon wac in the midst of thf hundred men. who had laid aside their i -bine and were dashing about In the water I k < > a company of hojs on that hot July tiiurmng. He found himielf at a disadvantage. borttiev ii'd the shouts and laughter of M fie m c were loud and long , as. taking ad- van ago of his inability to swim , some of th < ir jp " . him in tbe water and even e > re a" > to "durk" him by their combined -i-vieh. : gUd of their onmrtunit ) to settle I fcire in this foshion. Ben't laugh was atning the loudest as he rose sputtering from < he water. cnl > : o rtceivc the f esh onslaught c , t-rf "Come on. all of you' " be shouted. Iti. jour turn now , but it will be mine to-narrow. " The shouts increased as a fresh b.ul accepte-1 his challenge- and succeeded. in fpitu of tbo fact that several of their n'niber ' were thrown headlong In the at- tin pt in Torcing lien's head once more un- oe- the water. A call fipni the men In the can | i was not answered by the excited swim mers whrt we-n > about to start again for thtf l .xor . as he t > teed undaunted and waiting t. re-ieive them. Tbe call was rvj-ealed , ti 1 this time the startles ! bathers stopped a > 1 listened. Shout followed shout , and tbo tiixl of guiio broke In upon the stillness. li-i < - and there among the trees they caught b g'ULpie ' of Eearlet coats , and men who wore a rtg rag in their coats , the badge of the tnn < of South Carolina. Tai'.eton' Tarletcn' " wan the cry. and In K moment a scene of indo-cribable confusion fillowesl. Some of tbe men darted lute the fov t while those who could swim ( truck out for the farther shore with strong and lu - \ btrokec , expeotiCK evtry moment to hst > the-ir flight checked bj a bullet The if r < ir in the camp grew louder , and shouts an i c-rics and tbe sounds of guns WCTV in- fiP3pl In curb a manner a to redouble V thiconfufion of the startled swimmers Ben Ru an and his challenge wetv both for gotitn now in the excitement , and every man was intent only upon hit own escape. Poor Ben stood for a moment and gazed willly about him On every lde there was cHtfuklon , aud whire safety lay was a prob- l m bo could not wlve. H < turned and fai'eci rwlftly out with the * tream hoping that fomiJhov. h might be able to follow his I companions to the o'her shore , but whec the ' wa > r rose to hln chin , and once or twice ho a'tnoat ' loet hl footing , he knew that * afety ! cua d not be found there Death by d 4)Nn- ' i-g ws as sure gs death by the enemy's bui'e-ts Checking his flight and with dim- ' i u1 j regaining hi * , upright position heuc - e lei in making hl- way bxc-K into the fcbal- 1 I T water , and then st > iJ for i momtnt * r ng to riillect hij thoiiEh' * and decide ' AN ALMOST UNCONTROLLABLE FIT OK ] LAl'OHTBR. I ei on f > : > u- course of action The increaxing ui r ur in the camp warne4 bim that be had 10 time to a te. and turciap quickly lit ) begau to try to make bla vay tbrojg > i the < irr which now enl ) catue to hit wai l F iMifcs'uniblmi ; , etruggliug tbe desperate tn-nr made bi a ) onutrd. nd had almost K n J what he thought woivU be a rate ( K > - KI uu. wheo kUddeoly be found that tie water farther down the atream. even tear i the kBof # , was U-ond hU depth With a < ! > > prrate effort he again regained hi * foot- np and then. carc ly realizing Abut be was doing , rougbt tbe rtore and dartetl 5 fit ) up ihe bank He had hoped to And a the ter In tbe forest , but In a moment ho f md hltLJbtlf In the mid * : of a binl o ! oun. by the shouts of the prisoners , who had recovered somewhat from their fear now. and started swiftly after him , and , twisting and Kicking desperately , ho managed to free himself from the gras ; of the two men before the others could approach , and , lejp- ing once more to his feet , ran pwifily on. For Ben had caught a dimple of a group of hordes , near by and a sudden inspiration had come to him. In a moment he had gained thfm , and. roughly breaking away the rope by which one was tethered , he leapol upon his back. B-hind him cam tbe shouting mob. having no guards no * , but without waiting to re ceive them Ben struck his horse a quick bio * oahe neck and darted swiftly forward. With- ODD NEV out naddle or bridle , with no way of guiding or controlling his steed except by clapping him now on one tide of the neck and now on theoth'r. he began bis doperate ilde through thu forest Scratched b ) the low lying limbs of the tree : , unable to fully control bus norse , and yet urging him on at his utmost speed. he at last gained a plact < where tbe fhoui * benmd him became fainter and fair ter. and soon died aua ) altogether Still Ben Rowan kept on bis way HU horse teen leaped the low- fence and gained tbp road but there was no rest for him Ly4ng IDA upon hit nec'k , which he graped with one arm while with the other he continued to guide him. he rode on and on Faces from the tcatterecl cables looked out at him in astonishment , but Ben gave them no heed It was not long after this time when Oowper wrote his famous account of Johnny Gilpin's ride But litu Rowan had never heard of Cowper or Gllpin , and it waa Ben Rowan's rUe be was lner- : med in Ju l thm. For two houre hr urgo-l hit horse onward , and then realizing tbct he was not pursued , and recognizing a little house that stood back from tht > road as tbe home of a friend , be turned hit weary fteed into the lane , and from a distance called' ' aloud. In rteioose to tu summon ! a man came forth , and , gazing at htm a moment In as- tonbbinent. t > aid , ' \ \ bo are you ? What do you want * " "I'm Ben Rowan : that's who I am , and I want eome clolbfw " In a awijcat hie stury wa * told , and Ben wa tiled out to the beet of bis fr.end'n ability , but a torr ) right be < was Hu . ? a much larger than bit frl-nd that be oould fccarcely move in bia clothing. Weary a * be ! was Dee laughrd good-natured ! ) at bis own appearance , and. after taking a rope ! and ecturing hL > bo r-e in a safe place , be I rtiterKl tbe houm About three hours later ' Tarletoc'tt men went pi > t the place | "Tbey've got tht-lr o n prttaneri. but the ) i haven't any of our men. " < aid Ben. when at last tbe proc * .uoa . bad gone. "I'm going UacV. to fee what I can flad " Once more mounting hU horse this time hit-log a good bridle. Ben retraced hi * way As he came near the camp he began to ad vance more cautiously No ic-arlet coats oould bu * t > n. but euon be caught right of a baud of men whom he thought he rt-oog- nutii. tu re&poniA to hk hill , one ta n ILJ- . " c S I > Le r > a ! ar 1 BL kicaK > , ZB w.'h fr t- ' - aga \s 'te i t-j a i.e uut of the wc'ji ' he 1 Vt-d at then ) a mo ftit * if J. < iu.'l . ' tru - h sea r an h < n ' rokr it-oan a'Tie ( jn"o-i"cillal > 'f nt of laughter in whiLb the men all Jc > tnei Sum * e f them were dre cexj In piece * of cai P t through which the ) hid mt hole * for their arms Others wore d tawhile still others had garments ill-Siting and gro- tr que At Ian , whtn there came a lull o-e of th * men said "It was * thto way B All that TarlMtffl' * bard wanted was to get btrfc tblr prl oner They Scattered all of ue In abort order , and when some o. ' u * left our clothe * w the tank they gath ered them In too We had a ao-ry time of it tut the meet of ue have cot something to wear And you have too. I see " "M * * Oh. yes , I have to hang oa to my button * when I Uugh. but I don't thUil ; any of you will b * troubled that way. " and Bro begin to laugh again All n ght tbe strapper * kept coming Into camp , many of them dressed la garb * as strange as these Ben had first seen an ] each new arrival we greeted by renewed sbotitB of laughter. Oa the following day they rejoined Sumter. and a * they were ready for the march B "n Rowan said "That was the greatt-st Fourth of July yet. I think It'll stick in our minds for eomt time. " And It did. onn M\V TOP- * . Aiiin liiK To ? * that Miln > > Menuof * > prlnu mill Mrliiu . Potnp really odd and wonderful spinning tops are being used this summer. In the toy shops an < " on the sidewalks may be seen strange-looking aDairs. which , to put It broadly , do all manner of things There are tops which draw picture * ? on piper , topi which bum tunes like an aeollan harp tops shaped like ballet girls and pirouette with as much grace , tops made to spin up and dow-n a piece of wire like a tichtrope walker , tops shaped like dogs end give a shrill shriek like a Eteatn whistle when they spin. tops which spin by means of a spring when ) ou press n button , tops which are simply huge teftotutns. tops \\hich have to be roundly whipped to make them so. tops with cords attached which can be lifted from the ground and spun In the air. and tops If you will believe It. which are over three feef high and require two or three men to spin them The top xvhlch draws pictures on paper Is llt'le more than a lead pencil run through the center of a disc of lead It Is epun between the thumb and forefinger and as it whirls over a piece of white papei naturally leaves a track wherever It goes Concentric rincs , spirals. S-shaped figure. ? waving lines , there is almost no end to the ficures it will trace or the amusement It will afford By spinning It on a piece of heavy cardboard jou may pick up the latter , and by manipulating It cause the top to trace out original designs of your own. It will be quite easy to make one of these tops out o * an ol 1 medal and a lead pencil , and then all tbe fun could be had without cct. Tbo top which elngs like an aeolian harp b composed of tin and looks very much as two small belli would If their mouths were placed together Through the center is the axle or pivot on which the affair spins , and Inside of the top are several reeds such as are used in a mouth organ As the top spins air rushes In through holes In the side * and plajs on one or more of the reeds , causing it to emit a musical note By striking the apex of the top as it spins you may change the key of the rnuttc. other reeds thus beins set In motion The ballet girl top is shaped like a Ftace dancer without arms The dancer's skirts are made of iron. The lower hem of the skirt Is perforated , and through the holes therein the air plays on reeds as in the top Just described The dog tops are somewhat similar. The air enters holes in the sides , but Instead of encountering a reed It blows a wbi-tle There Is nothing verv strange about a ! huge teetotum , but the top which spins by means of a spring is more interestinc. ' This top is cut in half. The i-prlng U con cealed In the upper half A small post attached to the ! ocr t'lf fits in a hole in i tbe upper half By r .icing the two halves together and turning tbe upper part on the post vou wind up the spring Then by I pres iug on the upper end of the post you I suddenly release the spring and the lowe- half of the top is made thereby to spin for a considerable time Thti top which balances on a slack or tight wire has a groove ; n | tbo point , of course. It Is composed of an inner spinning disc and an outer non-spin ning framework The inner disc is set TOP WITH L&AD PtNGIL POINT IT n/\r\E:5 / CURIOUS HARKS ON PAPER nuns A FUNE SPUN BY PRE155IAIG TflL BUTTON ORDINARY CORD TOP TO BE WHIPPED v TOPS. spinning by means of a cord. The top Is then net up on a wire , tbe latter fitting Into I th < grooie The motion of tbe spinning j I dlfc eauMti the whole affair to balance itself and It can be made to Elide up and down by holding the wire in the direction of an , j Inclined plane j | Chinamen are greit Vito fljers and top rpinners Their mammoth tops are bollon llku a barrel and made of very light wool. ' The lower part , near the point that is. is heavy. This lowers tbe center of gravity and enhances the tplnning quality. As a matter of fact , a top could be midr > as big as a house if it WPS desirable Tbe enl ) , trouble would be the machinery required to fipin it In China it Is accomplished by means of a long cord to set it going and a bord or stick to hold it steady at the top until it is fairly in motion. Once off , however , theie Chines * ) affair * will spin for a long time and as they ore lacquered and ' painted In various colors , they present a tght which would cause something of a legation if it happened on1 this oide of the world. sit \Ki > i'iuu- II ivl : l mill Tlii-l\r mill l Vlklift ! I ' li > 'I'rav i'I T , Shakespeare s fcchool ! The worda come I upon oae with strange effect It id MJ har < J ' to realize that toe very lulls it > which the i great master of the Englwb drataa learned ' his "tmall Latin and le > t Grtc-H ' sbouU still do duty as an academy nay that tbe ver ) beuthes upon which he tnd hk c . - , matte sat should be ouup.tx ! today by boa , equally light-bfirttd and indeed differing but little , ice-null ) or phlcally f-om their j predecrt ors of Ellzab tb'ii time Shakcepeare's school eiit-te and tbrivei [ and tome two year * ttince tbe writer enJoyed - Joyed tbe privilege of visiting thus ittle known place of pilgrimage It U kmin ( as it at. kcown three hundred and odd yrare ago ) by the name of 3tratford-oa-A on grammar school Documentary evidence exUtc that tbo school was founded about UJO. and eub- lequectly added to and oodoaei ! by ploua and worthy people , until Htnry IV finally took it under bla ro > al protection and at- ilgoed to It an lacornr Another patron * Edward VI. the "boy king" The kthool ifi t quaiai old structure of ' ' thes e a1 1 w J. > , . K . 5 s o- ) > - ' Jti N.ify h gb t k rh'n.'Of and a letfl ea h cf darj n < ! , i rear "POD wvl h ike t-oyi wrr < > i d t > wl play ! o > l bs'l ' and knuckle 1 n j tnarhtn It la Vioikeve IPO small * ' - i i c'lcket. Over schwl ncd playgrounJ rent the pfareful nhadow trf tbe o'd ' gu M to < rp- of Stratford , with the.aImhcMi < fis n1 hfa 1 I master's house strte.Inn around it Not a [ ' stoae'a throw dSetirlt Is the Shakespeare 1 memorial theater , in4 Holy Trinltj church ' 1 In the la'.tcr of - bieh li'e th poet's re , mains. From the'mullianfd wlniows of the large chool nhta une can ca lly catch sight 6f the resissstft ef New plac * j Shake'peare's bouse Within tbe waintcoated wall ! , black with time and from the rftbbincs of many gen erations of boys , will rojftts a curious las- clnation for pilgrims. The furniture IB vtry . old. a good deal of I- older than the poet 1 In particular there kr a quaint oaken tulle carved erw with myriads of name * The ' , 'writer spent two full hours examining th < table and It * carvings for some trace of Shakespeare He w i at length reatrded by finding two very old marks a few imlx-s above tbe right lee ( the legs arenew. . hav ing bu added in James I's time ) , one of ! , ' which read W S " anJ the other "Phaks " i , Oae may admit that the combination of Initials hrst quoted it a common one , tut let us at lcat cling to the hope that the poet or some of his kin cut that unfinished "Shaks " It Is cas > to fancy the boy \ \ il- liata driven from his idle task by the ad vent of sotno tne > ddlc ( irno master. Rev E. J. W. Houghton. 1) D. Is now ' head master of the Stratford cram-.iar ihool. He stated that on the old whipping block which was destroyed by mistake el tut flft ea years ago the name. "W. c'ha vr " was distinctly cut From time Imranurlal it has been the custom in Unglish publi and grammar schools for darlnc boys to en grave their names on the punishment block 1 In 1VI9 say the town records , Shakespeare's father , then high bailiff of Stratford-on- i ' Avon. Invited a company of player * to tiie I ( school , and the citizens accompanied by their children , witnessed two tage plays in i the big school rooai. Perhaps this was Shakc pearo's flrst acquaintance with the drama. 1 The old school Is quite popular not only i In the town of Stratford , but throughout the surrounding county of Warwick. Both i boarder * and day boy * attend Its classes and under Dr. Houchton'n able headmastership - ship It will probablv increase in fame and numbers But as vt Shakespeare Is its only really great pupil. rot urn or . .111.THICKS. . TinVn > > > Mnl.iCr < - < > U Ilr < - nml ( MliiT liot > Ciimliiitli1iH. There are any number of tricks that may help to vary the Fourth of July program of flre-rackers and torpedoes which are home made. Interesting and Inexpensive. What i * also of great Importance , they are perfectly hirmless. although fire plave an Important part , tempered with water , however. Some of these experiments are imitations of creek Ore , whi h is de cribtd as wildfire , liquid fire , wet fire and Ere rain. To make a well of fire , for instance , to twelve ounces of nater in an earthenware basin add gradually two ounce/-f sulphuric acid , then add to this , also gradually abou- three-quarters of an ounce of granulated zinc A rapid production of bdrogen gas will Instantly take place. Then add. from time to time , a few small p.eces of pho. pborus. A multitude of gas bubbles will be produced uhic-h wilt fire on tbe surface of the effervescing liqufd The whole rurface of the liquid will become luminous , and fire balls , with Jets of flame , will dart from the bottom through tile fluid , with great raplditv and a hissing tioUe. . To illuminate tie .surface of water , wet a lump of Sne loaf sugar with phc-sphorizec ! ether , and throw Mt Into a basin ofwater Tbe surface of tbevster will become lumi nous In the darl and b ) gen'ly blowinc upon it , phosphorescent undulations will bs formed , which illuminate the air above the tluid to a considerably distance. To set a combustible bodv on fire by the contact of water , 511 a saucer with water and let fall into it a piece of potassium of the size of a peppercorn ; the potassium will in stantly burst into flame , with a slight ex- posion ! , and bjro.\iU.lly on the surface of the water , dar.iug al Ihe same nine from one t-lde of the vessel to the other , with great violence. In the form , of a beautiful redbot fireball. For the experiment called animated fire. put some small pieces of camphor In a bisin of pure water ; a very peculiar motion com mences at once , some of tbe pieces turn as if on an axis. O'bers go steadil ) round tbe vessel , some scm to be pursuing others and tbus they continue forming a curious anj pleasing appearance. But if a single drop of sulphuric acid be put into the water , the mo tion of tbe camphor stops instantly. If a piece of camphpr is lighted and then care fully placed on the water , ! burns with a bright flame moving about vith great rapiiit ) as if in search of something , but is instantly stopped by a drop of sulphuric acid. To make livid green-colored fire under water , put into a large tumbler two ounces of water and adJ final a piece of phosphorus about as bic as a pea , and 'hetoirty graitu of chlorate of potash Tnen , by means of a funnel , with a long neck , reaching to tbe bottom of the glass , add six drams of sul phuric acid. As teen a& tbe acid comes in contact with tbe other materials flashes of fire btfgin to dart from under tbe surface of the fluid When this takes place drop into the mixture a few lumps ( not powder ) of phosphuret of lime cf the size of a pea. This will icc-tantly illuminate tbe bottom of the vessel and cause a steam of fire , emerald green in color , to pazs through tbe fluid. Bv a frcvh addition of the same materials the action may be kept up w ben u begins to tub- side. side.To To change a blue liquid to a ted , pour a little of the infusion of litmus into & wine- gla 3. and add to u s. tingle drop of nit ic or sulphuric acid , and It will be changed instantly to a beautiful red color. To change red or blue- liquid to green. take a little of the liquid mentioned in the above experiment , either before or after it has been converted to red , acd add a feu drops of tbe solution of soda , and , upon stirring tt , a fine g.een color will be pro duced. To make the same liquid assume various colorb , mix some powdered manganese with a little niter , and throw the mixture Into a red hot crucible , and a compound will be obtained possewed of the singular prope-t ) of different colors , according to tbe quan tity of water that is addc-d to tt. A email quantity given a green solution ; a gieater quantity changes it to blue , more still , to a purple , and a etill larger quantity to beautiful deep purple. Tne last experiment may t > varied bv puttinc equal quantities of th's substance into separate glares , and pouring hot water on the one and a portion tion of cold water on the other ; tbe hot solution will be 0Ttc-n and the cold one deep purple. 1'iti'iri.i : inTIII : 101 \ < : vnit < , Willie Papa , whaf * a tonic ? J'a Jt'b something ) ou tal.e lo brace youup * Willie Well , what s a teutonic aotnetblng to bruce ) ou too much" * " A small boy. aflt-r critically surveying the new baby , remarked to his mother He's got no teeth and no hair Hes grandfather E little brother , aln t he. ma' "Benny , " said Mr. Bloobumper , "if George Washington is tbv first In tbe hearts of his countrymen who comet second * "I don't Know about that " n-plled Benny , "but Jn dependence da ) Lstha Fourth " The master wasjiLlnK questions Masters are apt to ark questians and sometimes , too. thean < er > are aptr This question was ai follou * 'Now bOt. how many month * Ime twenty-eight days' ' "All of them , Fir. " replied a boy in front Mother What arc you reading , Ethel * Kthel (10 ( ) ear oldh It s a lib'ftr ) book "A Summtr in Artady ' , Mother ! > id > ou like it' Pthel Ve ; there's a couple In It thai runs away an' gets married Little i-ear-old Jumie's mother had gone to church , leaving her and her baby ciet r with their grandmother After awhile grandma got weary aud put tbe baby to bed Then Jibe tugge-oted that it would be nice if Jennie also would retire ' I don't want to yet grandma. " siid tbe little girl "But tte how nicely little * U ter has gone to sleep" grandma urged "Oh. well. " re- piled MISI Jennie , ' tbe ain't old cnpugh ) el to realize that it's not dark * ' "'ii'i A rule-a salie. The b st Salre le the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers tilt rheura feier bore * , tetter. ehappr4 hands , chilblains , oorss , end all ekln eruptions , and positively cures pile * , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect i tufictlon or money refunded I'rtc. a ctnu per Ux. For eae b ) i. Co ' I ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM f it' ! 7 TTT 4 ; 7VT . T . TTTTT TTf T i T | Wi'h b 'i jt ) ' tun 1 f n T i. 'he I'.tt rr me in the \ \ a e blo-k r-s'urdt ; . n Kbtbe local 'ode ' No SSi of tj > e Benrvo'eiit , i i Protective Order of KIKS ( Iff. peop'e on earth ) bin farewell to Omiba tor * weX Nearly sm > Mroug they trill leave i a epeclal tr ln over the Rock Island Monday olcbt lot tlie grand lodge ( weting tt Minneapolis. The trip is ties taken with merely pleasure ID view , for in tb ami of cv tj- man trom the Omcha lodge U a firm termination to work for th grand lodge meeting tor this city durirg tra&smtfsiMippl year The field fats already beta well covered with tbit project it > view. Over &ow intltitiaaa bare been teeued by the committee bavin * charge of tlie work , anl thcoo have b < "n distributed b'oalcact vr th Ur.a The Itn I at on5 have a frontispiece r rr'-stitinf ; tfce gateway to the exposition 'o fther w'th ' some reading : aatter pertaining to the great show. The whole t Hi u t rated w'tb ' cuts of a lew of Omabi'e buiMlnge and , - > arks In aldltiou to this It special Invitation has been extended to all the Elk * In l"n < le Satn'a realms by his majertv Ak-Sar-Ben 111. * ltb the ro > al seal of Samton lord high chaniperlsin. ap pended thereto The Omaha lodge has i tread ) received as- fcurancts from numerous cities , where the Elk r.alk * In stately g-andeur. Of a kindly feeling towards Omaha The various lodges have pledgel t-eir ! Influence toward secur ing the boon for tb ? exposition city In 1S ! > < Following up this feeling of good fellowship i < the delegation from Text * , which will JMn f roes with the Omaha contingent at this point ind nil ! travel on the latter a special train to the convention city That the Omaha men Kill not do things by halves is attested by the elaborate prepara tions which ha\e already been made to capture the grand lodge. Chairman George T. Mil's of the commit * * ? on conce sions ha succeeded in raising a special fund of nearly JJ 2 0 to defray the expense * of the trip. Thl will pay for the eentcea of the Twenty , recond Infantry band , aud will aivo pro\lde comfort ! ! , both liquid and substantial for the Klk > and their frl nde It is proposed that the Omaha contingent "ball make a shcntng in the eran.l . pa rale , taking place Thursday July S tha , will go down , n h story es the be ? : in lt line It i estimated that 100 oirn will be placed In the parade , each neitly attired in whl'e uniforms with strict injunctions to ehvut long and loud for the exposition city. Prof. Kmil Relchardt of the Fort Crook band has augmented bis force until they number twentv ee\en They will bt attired .n full regimental uniform The Omaha band will al o take part in the contest. whih 5ccurs at Like Harriet on the afternoon of July S Passenger A cent Rutherford of the Rock Island together with W. B. Taylor of the committee on decorations , will deck tbe "peclal train which carries the Omaha con- 'ingent with Ak-Sar-Bea colors ThU will ronfist of banners bearing the legenJa Grand Lodg ? for Omaha in Is9 ' ' Omaha nd Transm s l's'ppi ' Exposition 1S9aud many others Tri-colored bunting of the de- criptlon affected at the court of Mondaruiu will be draped from window to window , and the whole will be complete with a huge ; air of antlers mounted upon the engine The train will consist of four standard Pull mans and a baggage car Prom aTounts printed in tbe papers of thu Flour Cly. a gran 3 reception is "remised the italtinc delegates All tbe nain buildings along tbe line of march of the Elks will be decorated in honor of the vent Purple , the color of the order , will prevail Everything in the line of enter- .ainmeat which can poss-bly be devised has been a'raecid. end Minneapolis will extend a royal welcome to the S.OOO Wags of the form ; who will partake of its hospitality The following is the list of events zs ar- anged for the week beginning Monday. Julv i : MONDAY Reception of lodpe . uniformed clubs and Elk vl-itcrs at depot- , and escort to hott-ls H.S ter at executive committee head- loiters. No 13 Nicolle-t House block Dis tribution of badtres. iouienirs and procrams. Reception at Elks' ha ! ' MS Kioollet avenut- , o all vMtlnff Elk and ladies' by the omen's rect-ption committee , ail day and ivi-nine Music and refreshments. Ifoa < = te a man dr ( d in a blue suit , whi'e ve t , pink shirt , black tie. wearing straw hat with a white and purple band , 'an ? hoe . lie l e'.ortr * to Minneapolis lodge N'o 44. and if he has anything > ou nant , take it away from him Ifou wish to stay witb UP longer than July 10. deposit your ticket with the Joint agent , ground floor. Guaranty Loan buiHIng. ThlrJ street between First and Second avenues , south. thu securing an extension of limit to July 31. if desired. TUESDAY Reception of lodges , uniformed clubs and Elk v.fitors at depots and e'oort to hotels. ! < 0 a. m Reception to grand iodstat West hotel. 10 a. m , Mlnneapo'if lodge , Xo 44. < ? rlll curpi and band nil ! escort the prand ex- 'Ied ruler and grand lodge from the We t bold to the Metrcnolltan theater. l'i 30 a m. Ojrtrning exercises at M tro- p'Mtan tbeatrr. under the auspices of the txe utive carr.mittte. Introduction Charles M Fete Aaul.i l ani ; Sne Dunz llllltar- Band Address- ( Minnesota ) . . . Gov D M Clouch \ oress ( Minneapolis ) Maor Robert Pratt Selection . . Ape lo Club \ . < dre > iNo. 44i . E R A M Harrison RsprjnFe G E R . Iade D Detweiler A few lines Jerome B Fisn r. G T St-lcciior. Apo'Jo Club l : n on Openinc of prand lo se Reception at Elk hall :49 Nlcoliet avenue , to all vHtinc Elks and ladies , b > ti.c woman's reception committee , al' day and evt''ng. Music and rffres'iments 2. j p m Carriage drive for visiting women , from hotels , around the city. . " Oj p m Rest and refreshments at the residence of Mra. J. H Porner TVW p in Trolle > car rid < ? from West hotel ] to Minnehaha falls fur vi-Mine women and 1 their escort * . Music and refreshments en i' r..ut Brilliant l.lumlnaUon of JvjntftKov.'s paradise 7-J-i j > in ? hrin < - meeting. "Jlera Xem and camel a milk at Masonic temple The J nanda will lif hot" AJI visiting Blks who are Shrii-ers. are cordially Invited to be pre.-nt. We have an exceptionally tine class foi' this meeti.ig who hd\e been In training f' fcr the ? vent. and there il be a "hot | tune in old town tonight" A W Paris , potentate , James Mclmosh. director. WEDNESDAY. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Reception at Elki' hall. hall.U ,10 to 1.30 p. m Band .concert at Rice park 1 3u to 2.30 p in Women's reception ( in , formal ) at Hotel Ryan 2 3u to 5.te > p m Carriage drive and visits i' to points of Interest. . J to 5 p. -brother William Hamra will ' receive. 5 P ni Old time * onthern barbecue. 7 Al to 9' ' p m Baixl concert f > p m Illumination of Como park and I fireworks on the lake Midnight at Minneapolis Grand Spc- taru ar tarnival of Antlcrcd Owls. "Guides will please report " .THfltSDAV. Reception and entertainment at Elks' ball , to viiitlrp IJUs and women , a" day and ' ekenlnff , by the Women's Reception com mittee. 1' ) a m Grand parade of uniformed club * , loilgen and vMtlne Kki ! t < p -Prize drill at Iv ke Harriet. 4 3J p. m Band contest at Lake Harriet. 6pm Through the court * y of the Minne < j U Street Rail a > t jmpaoy ' ffiv- flal and tlalrate | > rofram ha > been arranged - ranged at Lake Harriet The Marie liell I Opera corofiany ba been en ; ait l and Mill I Introduce special Elk feature * for the de- Ieut ! < n of M.ltJcg Ellin and ladiec. who wii : admitted fr = * to th - pavilion pir- quet uiion ihibiti , n of the official 1C It taJce lllumiiutliuid , bugt ridek and fire- wcrk * . > p m "Special KntKhta of P > tolas c.-jn- vent ion MinneanolU Icxlev Ni l and Hcr- mlcn lodge No. 1C will ht-p open bouse and enteruUn a 1 vigltlng roembera of the orjer His hxiuor. Mayor Itulx-rt Pratt. UI re- civ * ihe 'second. " and Mill "r ther wl h he hadn't. " A "real warm" sac-lal Beesiun will r.llow the work at I > tr.ian ball , M - eunlc tetnple. FRIDAY. 10 a. in Aw ard of prices and presentation of diploma * at .MetroK > llnn theater Tiantsponation will be fumKti l free to Elks and tbelr JaJj = , tickets 44 t * fool , tui&g nod returning , via the Minneapolis & St Louis rail a > , the Great Northern rail way , and tbe Chicago. Milwaukee & St. P tl railway. j ; i.uraioiib-ts will Ue j > ro- lided with tlcHeU at the depots , by A cutn- wJtiee of EIH4. who will Ue in attendance st every train Dixp'ay tbe Ell ; badge when applying for ticketa Uoat rldef around th * Uke. day and even ing-free to I2ks and Iadi , but wdge snu t be dlMtlayed. Sx > cial rat < * ( or lunch and dinner ar lake butrlap m OianJ ball at Loafn'te r i it l on ll > fnhine > it * and boat j 'e ' a - * . tv ' iki lil'imlrnt > n an ! p rt > "iiiit \ ; ni triln nil Im\e ' * > 'i hotfl nt | mllnlsht-return to KntTt.Mnmert nt R.ks' hull a'u d y and evening. Carriage drive * to points of lntM t. Ihfr ctlon of flow mill * ( Jmher up your souvenirs. Farewells and kisses- hope you've had a good time. "Auid i ang Svne " > lll > IIIll | . Illllllcv. During th tatter jan o ! last month A'-acia blue lodge No 3i of Seituyler celebrated the twenty-flftb annlveuary of tt birth. The event ii appropriately observed. It h been decided ; o keep in a fireproof vinlt the following relics of tbe bjdy The Ml > > wnvh WM used on the altar of Grant lodge , t * I ) . , < n September 22. 1S70 , ben Vranls E Frye. tbe first man obligated on the bible , became a master Mason , and which ba * been in constant use ever lnce on the altar of slid lodge , which after- waidii became Acacia lodge No 34 , up to and Including the llnu'of the oi.llsa.lng of Harry E Phtlpa on Ji'ne 19 , IS * * Tbi bible was pre ente4 to tbe lodge by Her , Alexander Sutherland , who was at one time inimical to tbe cause of Masonry , but upon further en lightenment , becoming reconciled thereto. In the joy of hl < < heart he presented thi picred vo'.um * which has been used so lung in tbe workings and ceremonies of tnls lodge. The first record book of A.-aiia lodge No 34. formerly Giant lodge , L" 1) , Mch c n- talns the record of the lodge down to the time of the present book Mackay manual of the lo-Jge wbli-h was first used in the lodge while it was under dispensation more than twenty-five > ears 8J. and which bs been in constant use ever since and ia u ? d the last time this evening The firs : ledger containing the accounts of the early members of this lodge. Tbe gavel fl.use ! b ) tb.s ledge. The twenty-four Inch giuge first used by the lodge The c.-.lumn ? flrst used These column * were made and presented to this lodge under dispensation by George H Wells , and were lined for many years thereafter In the regular v.o : kings of tbe lodge. Tns flrst ballot box usel In Grant lodge. V. D. The flrst officers' Jewel collirs. Duilns the last ten days the Masonic lodges throughout the state have been busy with the Installation of their npwly-eylectel officers Jn connection with the ceremonies social ente'taicments o ! various kinds have been given tml.'pc'iMlcnt Onlcr of Oilil ! Vll < i . The part ) gh en by Ivy Rebekah lodge NeSt St on the evening ot June 2o was a decided success , financially as well as 'Oclallr. There was a very larce attendance , and the evening heirs unusuall > cool the young people en- jo..t.d themselves In dancing Af'er a brief literary anl musical program the Omaha Ivj cjdeta gave a fancy military drill , which via heartily applau led and prounounced by ail as being very fine. This was their first drill given in public and they certainly made a \er ) creditable appearance , with their bright faces aud pink and green tuns , the colors of the order being chosen for tbe suits. The officers and members of 'be Omaha Ivy Cade s are N. B Hem. r Miss Ba'h. L . Weeks. E. ; Miss Parker. P ; Mis' Oral dock. S , Miss Miller. T' ; Miss Gordon M . MKses Harris , Childs , Sotllff. Schourup. Gillighan. Romlg. C. Neem ! , Rabliowit7. A Nelson. Olson. Mock. Yogt The grand march , in which fully seventy-five couples Joined , was led by Captain Helm and Lieu tenant Bath Later in tbe evening refretb ments were served by the cadets , and a very enjoyable time was had by all present. S.ate lodge No 10 will install ofScers to morrow evening at Us hall. Fourteenth and Dodre t-treets. At Broken Bow Rebekah lodge No 10 was recentl ) instituted with fifteen charter mem bers. bers.The The lodges of Council Bluffs comprising Council Bluffs. No. 49 ; Humboldt. No 174 Hawkeye No 1S4. and Park City. No C06 will install their offlcers for the term com mencing July 1 at a Joint installation cere mony on Tursday evening July s. Tbe out going and incoming officers together with the installation ptaff. will mel in the lodge roonj In Independent Order of Odd Fellow's temple today at 10 o'clock a. in , to arrange the pro gram ( Inter of the \ \ iirlil. A pleasant entertainment was given last Monday evening by members and friends al Myrtle lodge No 399 at their rooms In the Continental block The affair was a de cided novelty and included among other features a "flower party. " in which twenty four little girls participated Refre-sh- mcnts were served and the program ended with a dance. The committee of arrange ments wao composed of Sisters Rockafield Jardlne and McBrlde Begmnlnc with July , Myrtle lodge No 399 meets the first and third Friday even ings of each month in Myrtle Annex ball Continental block This arrangement will continue during the months of July , Augus' and September. | The members of Teutonla lodge No 262 have arranged a grand picnic and summer dav's outing for July 11 to be held a i Earpy Mills An excursion train w ill con l vcy the party from the union depot in this city over tie B & M road Concord ! a ledge No 345 will bold a picnic on August 1 at Hibbler's park. Forty-fourth and Leavenwortb streets District Manager Irving Ci Baright hie iust returned from a two-weeks' trlf through the cast taking in Washington Philadelphia. Baltimore New York and his old home. Pougbkeepsie N. Y. W. M Baright , district manager of Min- nesota. IF spending a few ilajs in tub ' cltv. j AVooilnifii f tinAViirlil. . The sovereign officers are undertaking a uep this week to extend the teirltory of the order On last Frlda ) Consul Commander ' Hoot left for New York where he will make arrangements during the coming wtvk for tbe instituting of campi in NewYok state Ne-w York Ins never before been canvassed I and it ia believed that it will prove a good field. j Lsst wet-k Omaha aud Loyal camps were consolidated under the name of the fo'mer Tao combined body promise * to reach the i first rank in point of membership in tbe- ' near future Tbe officers are tt followa ' W. N Uirward C C ; R L Forgan A L . | C O. Fuller. B ; J * O Bergner. CK J . Morris. E ; Tbeodo'e Sachs , W ; Cbarle-p I Csllanan. S , H B Sllllck , A. L. Brooks and H K Burkett M I Alpha tamp will enjoy a baaket picnic at j tbe old fort graundi on next Saturday. One | of tbe features of tbe affair will be a bade ! ball game between teams from Alpha and Orajhj camps. i . Hit ; ill A ri'iiiiiini , j Grand Regent Frank L. Gre&iry. Grand Secretary A P Brink and B H Perfect went to Sou b Omaha Wednesday night and had charge of the consolidation of Magic and Knoxall councils. The new- combined coun- ril adopted the old nan.e and number Knoiall , 14&I. and elected the following oft- ccrs for the ensuing term 1' R. , U. J Cambell. H Denna Allbery : V R , Herbert BroaJwell ; O. S R Coj : S. B K Wllcox C , Sam B Cbr * Ue. T , O Ibnen Jr , G J Abtroetby. C Ben S Adams , W J B Rmile > : S . N B Mead. T. W H Cre , i ) for three years W H Jones for to ) ea- > and John Flytsn for one r > ear The lodge hi * IdO members now anl four daua are lo be inma'ed at tbe next m The outtng of I'nioa Pacific < v > uncil at Lake Manawa/which WM to hive occurred e > n June 36 but which waa po/tponed on a < count of rain , wa held yetterda ) The da ) was ep nt with cports , darting and oth-r aaauseacnts. The attendance numbered cearly fX > 0. . Onl IT of II I'll Mi'M , The cororalUM on arrangement ! for tbe public raiting of chiefs of Omaha tribe No IS on July * bas about eomnle-tad It * work and U anxicwily waiting for the < veut to over The committee has felt dikcour- JKfi during the past st-Vin runs by re-ceii- 1 E speaking lav from tvt > ml yrnat chiefs announctni * their Inability to l > e pre * nt on this ( Kx'ifiloH Tbe follow IBB p-n > gr u will l > < - rendere-1 Invocation by the * prophet ratting cf .h.i-'t by great cbi f : la'"it f cs tr of > ! O . > < . Uanjo . j' - > ) i'.a v. . address of th i i i , Iili ; Chief rt itillon. Prof. Ford ; * > al Mi s c-awf .rj. rVkitatK'n. J M - K. ia ule-t'un ' I'anjo ' rlub Felon ! r < p t'i program the * lep will be spent Ia aortal time and rating Ira rre > tu P tuwattamte tribe. No SI. of Council i i iff < ru ft * during the vumraT months on b' first and thl'd Thur lay evening * of Mk.h ! 'iionth The electee otJlcer * for the term I -ommrnottig July 1 are Kdward S hey S ; Hrjau' CrocKer. S S ; Fred Spencer J 8.J A t > Van Ho'n. C irf R , T F PoOroat , K. ofV . K Ritfch. P The tribe I * gainIng - Ing in rnrmlrtnsMp perhaps for the rra ; > n that at the last , great council of the Vnltc-1 States a law was pM < d enabling them to admit mejnbvr * at the age of is rars I'nlrlnt * iif A in rr Int. Pioneer lodge No 3 af Council Uluffs will Fourth of J ly celebration atul fiknio at ralrmount park today. K. P Scarlca will be the president of the da > The frsthl- lles will open with a parade The mem bers will gather at the hull at 10 30 a : J at 11 o'clock tbe parade will start The Una of march IsFrom hall on Pearl n'Tft. &nath to Main street thence south to S x- eonth avenue , thence east to Hlg1) street. ; hrn - south to Orahatn avenue. thn. . fast o Falrmount avenue , thence north to Fair- mour.t park \Vhcu the groutuls are reached < hc plr- nick-re will partakr of n basket dinner At ! o'clock UIP tortnal program win open. This U aa follows : xlti le . ISandl Uu lf . 1'rrti l > oclHr tlon of ItuUpfiilence. . J J S'attonal Mtf . Hand Tlie Patriots of America. . . J mr A Kt ler Mu 1c . tium f irp * ration . Hon. 'VN 11 \\nro Music- . Hanil : > ratlon . J T IHrcn Music . I'rum rorp < nation . Ur J. V. ' tc.ul MusU- . llniul rntlon . \V H Pattoti Music- . Drum < 'arpa America . < liorus Vnoli'iil OritiT of t ii 11 IM | \\iirl.iin-u. On next Saturday t'nlon Pacific i . . .iceNo. . 17 trill bold it > . annual picnic at Oa'tioun. An Mtenslve program of spurt' , mu anJ. speeches has bcvu prepared for theasion. . Special txcurxion trains will carr ) the pic nickers to an I from the grounds The Heiman lodge held a Fourth of July celebration in the tlwpe of a big pi a : > cs- Social lodge No. 101. Degree of Honor , gave an entertainment last Tue cla\ night at Mjrtle hall A little dramatic effort Com mencement Day In the Country. " was much enjoyed. Refreshments were served Dane * Ing concluded tbe ctcning's plcasuie At the laat meeting of Social lodgrp 'oP < lowing offlcrrs were elected Mrs \\illam \rnold. P. C. of IU ; Mits Matiu KP ! fC. . of H . Mrs J. Coapland. L of H . M vs F'o'a , Patton C of C ; Mr R. Striugfelkw Uj Mist Louise Brirt-ion. F : Mrs Lancaster Jt i Mrs Pejmour Kelley. V ; Mra. HafT IV I J Mra D Vorrls. OV ; Mrs A. K Ulwards , T. The folloutog were elected oUici.s of the I'egtee team Mrs. C A. Wagner. C Mrs. Liu U'ixley. P. C. of H. : Mrs. C A Shcr- wcod , C of H . Mrs. Grccs. L. of H Mm , Me Mullen. C. of C. Inilt-it'fiili-tit llrili'r f Ftiri'1 i r . With the last dsy of June the contrst fofl members which had been ! , olng on f > r thirty daya under a dlsp'raatioa from the supreme * body closed This contet-t , v > hlch has been conducted In the territory covered l > > thee o der , was participated In by the local lodct'8 As a result t-everal local membeis will secure individual prizes and Court Omaha Mill get a complete set of oflic > rs" badges A considerable number of members were added to the local membership In order to cet up enthusiasm both C ourta Omabalnid Mondatnln elividrxl themselves nto two competing divisions. In the formea court the sides we'e explained by T L. Combs and C G. Brabrook. In the latter by" , H J Cbissell and M H Robbing The forces of Combs and Robblns were the wln- ners. The losers will treat them to a ban * ouet cs a reward This affair will probablj * come oK durinc the latter part of this month , pethaps on Friday. July 20. The high fitaadlng committee Is te.'eiv.ns semi-annual reports from all the subnrdinato courts. These reports ehow a decidedly good ) condition in all the .subordinate bodies Trli ! - of Ili-ii llur. A court with a membership of fiftjthree was organized at Silver Creek Wednesday night by C. F. Way of Ord and F C Cant- well of Sfotia. a'siMed by State Manager M. E Getter. The name of the new body is Silver Creek court No o. Offlcers were elected a ? follows S. F Comfort P C ; Charles Wooster. C : Miss Edith Wooster J ; Mrs Maine Kerr. T : W. i : Kcrr. S Mrs. C H. Dake. K. of T ; K. H Young C 1 MUs Maggie Paddle. G ; W. M. Miller K. of I. G , C E. Wamsley , K of O G Tbo olficere-elett will be installed next Saturday night. The new- court is reall ) a reorgan ization of one instituted several jears ago. Priitrrnul t nl on of A morlc'ii. Banner lodge will meet on the firn and , third Thursday evenings during July and August. The charter has been closed A lodge was organizc-d last Tuesday even ing at Gretna by Deputy Howard fJepuly Wilt-on organized a Iodg with thirty mem bers at Wahoo thu same evening. Lodge ! were organized last week at Des Molnea , with sevent-five members , at nminet bunr , la , with twentj-tive. and at Gracfinser , Ia. , with fony members ltd ) ill Trllir of , lc > Hiili. . South Omaha lodge No. 12 , Ho > ai Tribe of Joseph , was organized WednesOaj evening at Masonic hail. State organizer E E Mc- Mea-ham and Or M L Tboina ; had cbar 8 of the work The following officers were elected and installed H. Toinbrlnk , acting past patriarch , J. S. Gosney , worthy patri arch , J P Hajy vice patriarch. S J Corner , C ChrutiJDsen eerib" . B. E Wilcox. i treasurer ; J Westburg , escort , Andrew Gurharz , inner guard , Inaac Mluui outer guard. Sono nuil UuiiKlittTN of Prolrrtlon. Star lodge No 9 has been organized lo Greenwood , and the following oflicers have been installe-d John Mefford. prp dent Dr. W D Telcott , past pre'Ileut , W. T R plogU. vice preylde-ut. S B Bowers , -creuij. Mrs W. T. Replogle. tre-seurer , O. D. Ruu aas , marshal ; J A Stewart , Irnlcle guard , A ] U Utrdfall , outside guard. Tee lodge U rapidly Increasing in number. ! > i'irl ' iH-l.-lj Null's. A lodge of the Lojal Myitic Legion wai organized at Fairmont last wetk with a goscj charter liet. W E Cady of this t.ty made tbe addrcrc of the da > at a MoJern Wo3dmen of America Fourth of July celeb-atloa at Hildrth jester. lti-iilr ni KliiKiiitiii llnllilliiK , The < ontractor arcno * at work ; . _ ji'ins the adJIMonal fuunlationH umlr the King- man buililns t Tenth an 1 Maeiiitts. . and tlir taxk ( un l < rpinnmi ; ihe t.uui-ns has b i > jiari.i v i < irnpli-t. l l'nl-r , ht or der of tin . .ijrt tir frsimt > , > for .ho f ih- 1 . j n' w r-- ' n the ' i' ) an i it 11Hi , .1 , . , ; in - foun in i n will ! < I i iji it'll rt .r ler Aa ,11 t'itjl Krfc'ii. . .r .S . ( , , ; > - 11- it , * uii : . uf Hie i I and lt ) Lildrj ILIo. knj falling b > lr , Itch. Icjr. tcaly Aipt , alt yicid qulclif to w na b tb itb Ltrri r HA eoir , aoj jruti uoittlos tth CrncLiu ( cUiuseut/ , the gn..t ikin cure. POTTO Otto ilbClU. wi I'm * tiMion a/- * lie lo 1'rt iut t < A , WkJU ll idi"litt. ITCHING HUMORS LlIKCti KlTlM *