Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    ri ATTA n \ IT.-V UTT ? . I.MJTPIAV .TTrr.V p
E. ijitor. :
Dally H ( Without Sun.Uy ) . One Ye r..J M |
Dally ! ! < nnd Seimliy , One \cnr . W
Mix Mcnth . J J i
Ihrf * Monlhi .
Kunday lire , Oni \ > r . J
Hatunlaj- One ca . *
Wttkly lie * On * *
Omnlm The lite llull.lln * . . ,
Bjutlt Omr.lia Sinner Itlk. , Cor N nd 21th HI * .
Council IlluffK 10 I'e-nrl Street l
ClikaKu Ollkci 317 ( hnmbtr of CotT.mcie * i
New York llooms 13 nml H. Tribune Uldc.
Vn ilngtc.n Ml Fourteenth Street.
All communlcntlonii relnllnt to newf " " ' ' J' ' '
tonal matter nhoeill be niiilrcunod- the l.clltor
libsiNttim MTTIUS.
All t ii lnc ii letters and remittance houlil b
'MrrMieil tr Tht lite I'ublUhlnit CMiumiiJ.
Omnhn Drift * , chfckn , express nnd P"1' ' " "
money orders to be made tin > nble to the triier
Bl ( ct Nebraska DouRlnB e-uniy , t
de-orcc 11 Tuciuck. Sitn-Ciery of 'llic H'c 1'uli-
lllilng comtmio , I.HIIK . ilul > nnorn. > IbntK \ *
actual nmnhT of full nml lompMe ni | l * uf Tlio
Dully Morning , i\pnliiB nn 1 Suinlay life prlnle I
elurlnc hp month of May , 1MJ. was as 'oll ° j0"jM
2 1 204:0 1 " " . ' " ! . ' ! ! ! ! ' . ' S" 'M
.1 J0.1IR n " ' so ) ! t
4 JtO' > 2 0 " . S' ' 0"1 "
. . 20030 ? , . . . 20 112
C 20 032
7 2010 ?
9 , SO 110
10 20 2W 20208
32 11 20,089 20.120 j , ; ; ; ; . . 2021 ;
14 , 20 2M so.
14y 31
1C l'J ' , CJ
Totnl Ml TOT
I. deduction ? for un-olil nnd re-
turned copies OMI
Tntnl net talcs . ] S
r ? l dillj n\orncc . ; - . , , ; , .
01:01101 : : 11 T7. rnrcu
Hnnrn to bcforn me nml FUli-rrlboil In m >
rerewf thin 1st du > of Juno , U97
/Sent ) Ml * 1MT .
Notnry Public
run nun > i u VINS.
All rnllriinil ni > nilio > ii nrf
Hll | > | illfil Midi riiniiKli llrrx
< < iiciMiitiiiinilnlo t-M'T ) put-
Ht'iiKiT lu > limits ti > mill n
IILMINIHIIII'I- . IllJ-lst 11)1011 ) llll\-
liur Tlic lice. If 3011 oiiiinot
net it Hi . n n I nil n ft om the
ir N inn-ill , iilrnm * report
tinfnit , Htnthmr UKIrnlii mill
rnlli-oiiil. ( o tinClrciilillloii
Di-liiirliiii-nl of Tinlloi' . The
liftIN lor Millon nil I in lux.
INSIS \VIM : TIII : nnn.
ib i.niMi rou1111 :
rnrlli'fi li-inlnn the < ! ! > for
UKIIIIIIIIHT cnli lill\o The
Ilco Ni-nt ( n Uii-iii i cKiilnrly
li.i iiiillf.i IIIKT Tin * Ili-e linsl-
IION olllit * In | iir4iiii or l 3
mull. ' 1 IninlilicNs ulll lie
c-linnucil us nflcn UK ilosli i-il.
lii-iv tin tlic Ohio iKiiiilNls | HIIIII * In' '
Tlioiisccins ID Id- : i pi > cl.i | tilllnlly bo-
t\\L'cii till' i.iih\i : > ncclili-nt .nut lliu e.\
The \viy ; to Inspire contltlonco in
Olllilllil Is tl ) .Sll\\ ( I.V \MiiUs ( Jnri
L'OlltllllMIL'O III It ull.
'I'hnt CII\MI of thoiiis. mil t-nis
jil.i l.uNin ( iu ) it to Inpti'tty nu.ul.\
\voin otil by this tlmi1.
serins In bi n jiood tli'iiiiu'iMlIc
only In thosistnlcs wlictitin1
populists b.ivo KMMtL'i slien tli tli.m HP
( li'
'Msi'd collodions aiv con
clnsho pionl of ImpniNcil lin.iiK lil : cnn
< Illoii- ! ; . r.nt tlic . \
lio\vlcr Is still ; ilioiil In Ihe html.
For I'inn Hi tif July IhvuniKs Kocp
your eye on the iiu > i > tiiii ; ol tin- middle
of-tllO-lOilll pOIMlIKts ill XilsllMlll' . If
.spu-Ks : don't lly the p.irlicip.ints will be
A reduction In that 10 cent .sheet lail-
\vay late between Oinaha and Council
Itlnlls i.s another lliin- the people " 1
the twin cities will li.ive to o alter be-
foie the imposition opens.
Mayor Moot us has pitidently notified
yniin Aineilca lie can make ; is
lunch noise In celebi.ilion ol the ronith
as he wishes , but that he must be eaie
fill to bum nothing inure than his I'm
Woul eMUiii' fiom U'Msliln ion Ne
hriisKn c-nnnot i > \t | ) > i't moie1 two
inoie1 e-onsular uiMiliiiiiii'iii- | | , iimlcr tin
pii.-M'iit nilnilnlsli.iilDii It this I.- . > o
tlio littio ill' Hi to 1 will not In- : i ni.uKoi
to the * ratio of ; i | > i > lit-inN : lo johi.
Tilt' month of .Mine1 , 1SII7. will lie' It1-
iiii > inlou ) > ( I us one iiio t inniiltlou-i
for Onitiliii. A ( lo/i'ii fjiiMt IS'.IS n.i-
tlolllll C'OIIVI'lltlolls , sUl ) > lllllli.ll | llXM ) < h
on tlu < ( > \pisltlon nnd tlio loi-atlon ol
tlu > niiimiiiotli Ainiotir uu-.U lurking
lilant niiilu' an alti.u'thc icH-oid.
1C anything wen > requited to empha-
fil/.ii the fact that new Omaha depot
can not be completed too soon , the piti
ful Hpcclaclc of the thoiHands of Chris
tiau Ilnde.uor esctirslonisls swelleilii
liutweeii tialns on the inipiotecled plat
form inl.simmcd a depot .should Milllcc.
Oeneml A. J. Warner of Mlinetallli
league notoilety was amoiin the le
ceptlve candidates fet the deinoiialle n
luiiiiatorlal noinlnatloii in Ohio. Sooner
or later It de\ clops thai the si > lf saci Hie
ing eiitlin.slasin of the ieptesi'iuatl's of
tin ) sll\er biilllonalies is an ciilhiinlasm
for ollico or rev cniie.
No police depiulment can attain a
Kiade of elllelency while It is In constant 1
micci lalnty as to linpeiidlii changes in i
the olllcctse.sted with its direction and I
ooiitinl Some delinllo jmlicy caitled out 1
by n head who Know.s and appicclate.s
his re.sponslbllltj is absolutely nccess.uj
to the .iccoiiiplLshiaeiit ot icMills. The
nay to icorpuil/.e l tu icoi
ludleatlons ant that Omaha will have
plenty of competition in Us ell oil to
bcdire the National Republican league
meeting for INIS. The cities bi-sldes
Omaha thattiio extfiulliiK Invitations to
the convention are Hallimote , Dallas ,
San Kianclsco , Pai o and Indianapolis.
Omaha , however , luiti special attiactlons
and liidiieenidil.s to otlVr , and tht'ie IK
no ICIIMIII wlo' It should not with proj ei
rupiet.fin.ulou oeuuru the
Tin. ; .M ii'itoiirr ; > ; , < MIS.I\
The rccipioi'llj ect.on of ti. . tailtll HI
IIS II pnssed tllC llr.ll-ie.1 ( losKnitted till'
nrltoll's on vvlikh n reduction nf duties
should bo nmle In til'1 event nf t'n ' n -
Kotlallon of ( "iinuioiol il iisicemcntsvvllh
the countries cxpnitlii ! ! ucli aitleles in
llio 1'nltid ' Slnle.s In wlilili loelptor-nl
nml equivalent tonr ' < liis ( winsoiiired
In invoi of the piodnc-ts and mnnulnib.
tines of ( life country. Included In thr
list of tlii-M ! at tides More n nnmlici
Unit mo piodticcd In thr- United Slate'- ,
Thnl section also piovlili'd tlint the pit's-1
idulit inklil linpo-e duties on article * In
the fti'O ll t Inipoiled fimn conn tries
which lmpoed duties or other o\acil"iis
upon piodttcts- this country deeincd
to be reclptocally nneiiial | ami
able , the articles de > ljniileil liolns ; colVee ,
tea and hides Tin iv was no liinll us
to tlu > time within which leclptoclty
could be ni'uMilated. nor was
theie . to the duration of tbo let UN
of stich
The recliroellj | ppn l.slon pioposcd by
the .senate llnaiice committee Is alto
gether dllVcient Mom that ol Die home
bill. It Is made applicable only to
comnieielal a i cements \vlileh may IIP
ell'ccted within two yeais after the pas-
-.iijt of the act , the ptnpoveof
to hasien such aarei meats as
as possible. It piovldes that
lutles on ai tides embtacetl In a icel-
iitoclly a reeineni shall be reduced not
moie than -0 per cent , such i eduction
not to continue longer than live jenrs ;
lint articles the natural pioditcts ol
oiintiii > s ctitciini ; Into lecipioclty and
ml piodnced In the I'lilted State-i , which
lie dutiable under the ait , shall be
ttansleiicd to the lice list and aitlcles
the flee list which . designated
n commeicial aiicemeiils sh ill be 10-
tallied In such list lor a pi'tlod not ex
ceeding the . \eai-s.
I'lidt-r the opeiallon of this pinvlslon
icclpiocity aKieemeat.-j inldit be made
with eveiy country In the wet Id that
\potts pioducts ( o the I'nlted Slates
The countries piodttce sitjar , wool
mil neatly e\c'yhina ' ( else In the lailll
ehednh > s could sei me a teduction of ( )
[ icr cent in the duties on stich niodurli
if able to make iceipiocal ionce- . ion >
to the products of the I'ldlcd Slates.
An inducement Is thus held out to
lonniiies which now disiiim
intie amilnst our amieulluial pindticts
to negotiate icdpioelly tigieemiMits. the
inly ( ine.slioii belim vvhelliei the ImliiiT
incut is stillle-ieiit. It Is molt' Illieial.
liovvt > ver. than was oflored in the icil-
Iiot-it.v ) section ot the house bill .mil in
this it'spoci at least N an iiiipiovi'inent.
II Is juolnlily also judicious to piovido
that It shall nppl.x only to au'i ivineiit
tionoliiited vvitliin two yc.iis at lei the
; : o of the .id , Unit belni ; ample
time leu any e-oniiti.v to i-niisitlei auel
ih'dili as to the expedient ) el )
ill ; ; a tle-.ll.v. while the | nnpn-a ] to liilid
the jjovi-rnnienl fora pel hid ol ll\e jeiu >
to Ihe ob-oi v.uic'e ol Mich tte.itli's eill ht
to lie t-atist.ietoiy to .tnv nation that el'-
sites to have ( loser coiumeieial relations
with Iho rnllL'd St.ites
rhe matter of lei ninl.itiiif , ' .1 iviioioc-
il.v piov Nlon , without uhlrli no le'puli taiilT law will heu-.UIor lt ) > com-
plelc , has lii'on a lather pi'iplexln : ; t.isU
It a coiupai.itivelv e.t-v iii.tltei
when free sn .u was the l > , isU ol ie > > I-
lint we'hall piolialily nevei li.isK nK.iin. 'I hi1 lecipioc'it.v
policy will , howe-vei , lie adheied to l y
theii'piililiean paily and If the-
piopo-ed shall not inlotiiid lo vvotK as
well as hoped lor a wa.\ will lie iotiiid
to make the pollc.v siie-e-e s-llll.
nr ( iib < , lth-S.
Mr. Spolfotd , who his ln-e-n lliu ai Ian
of e-oii 'ii'-s lor a j-'ie-al and
lias made a woild-w iile1 ie > pntatiun lor
e\e-eptloual aliilit.v 111 thai position. K to
lt ) ) stKeiM-di'il liy Mi. John Uiisell
YOIIIIK. wliOM' iioiiiliiiition vvas sent to
the senate h.v the piosldi'ilt on Wednes
ela.v. The. ollle-i' is an I'MCL'dlnxly l"
porlant one1 and Its duties have liec-ome
too millions and exacting for the pie > s'iit
iiic-iiiuhenl , whkh is dottlitless the only
explanation of his letlicmenl. for hh
tMiiipnii'ni | as a lilnaiian Is piohahl.v not
sin passed by any m.iii Ilvlnj ; .
.lolm Ku.-sell Yciunv is hi i known as
a joiiiiialist , belnu now tuijjaned In that
liiolessioii. hut he Ills bei-n niiiiistc1 ! lo
( liin.i anil lias otheivvNoerve > d lliu KOV
eniiinnl In his joiiinallstlc i-an-er Mr
YIIIIIIK lias , been llniiuinaKhii ; e-ditor o |
the I'hll.idelphl.i 1'iesand the New
Yoik Tl Hume and lias IH-OII roimivtod
witli other papei- lie uijo.veel the
file-iiiNhip ol ( Cianl. who he ae
comi anied on Id- tiip atonnd the woild
In l.STT and \\iolo a liook the-
jottiiiey. Mi. Youii Is a man ol lln >
atlaliiiiie-nts and of -npiiior litoiai.v
alilllly anil while not spe , lull ) oipiippod
for the duties of the position lo whkh
he has been nominated tin-ie can be no
doubt thai he will be loniid a vvotth.v
Micivsoiof the veteran liluailaii who
has lor so inan.v je.n-s had chaigi' ol the
congtessloiial llbiar.v nnd whose ae < unit.
knowledge of th it gieal ( olleitlon has
ii'.ide him Invaluable , If not Indispensa
ble , to meinbeis of < oiigics.
nii'itu'i.i'A.n \ /
Thi ) nioveiiient tor icpaving itpppt
rainani sited piomlses to inateilall/e
at an caily dav. , The impassable ( on
dltlon of the sliei > l has loiccd Hie piop-
eil.v ovviii'is to sign tlii' petitions ic
ipilicd In older to enable the tonnci ! and
Itoatd of Public \Yolks to lake slejis lei
letting the contracls , n is to b , . H. .
gielled that the grades which were tn'gl-
nilly recommended lor Ilia ) lhoioujrh-
laie are not lo be adopted b'l'oie Hi1
new pavement is laid. Some day thl ,
change will have to bu made at an eiioi-
moils cost.
While the piospect of putting uppi'i
Painani sticet in tlisi condition foi
tl.tvel Is piollllsini , ' the xi.lllile pivemellt
on lovvei Kamam uMiiaiiiM an ol > siac-le to
eir..v transit. Theie > is no dotiht that the
Minting of the iciail ttade fiom what
ten jcius IIKO vvas tlu > piliie-lpal telnll 1
street of the city I * largely duo to tlu
smoother and moie ea-lly liavcled iih
phalt piveiiient.s on other
htle-ets. If it weie possible to substi
tute asphalt lor the granite blocks on
r.iinam Mioet betvvien Ninth and Klf-
teenth without Kt-eat e.xjH'iihe to llio
ovvne is of nbiittliiK piupiniy It would Iu
well to inaKu Hie change this .season.
The Kicater nnnihur of all the visitors
to Omaha dmln tliu cxpo.sion ( | jear
munt pa-a up and down \innim l auoet
in solUL. to and from their hotels , and
It is di sliaUo that 'lie' ' sin 11 h > > In c in-
dllion I'm pi-elcsti ans as-well ns blo.vrlos
nnd vehle-h-s of cvciy description
[ Vanoiis prepositions litive been made
, fiom time lo time by usihalt ] eontiactoi.s
! ' for ( t-oveilni ! the nianlto blocks with
[ I iispliull , but we doubt the feasibility or
| ni of using granite blotks us u
baie. . It would be much better to like
tip the granite blocks and ciedlt Hie
properly owueis and Hie clt.\ with Up
value of the niittdhll. The gntulte
| blocks ran be used to advaittage lor
gtilteiing and on street.s of heavy t.filllc
or high giade.
If anj thing Is to he done In this dlicc-
Hon d.nlng the present season Hie pre
llinlnary steps should not be delayed.
in rn t. % I.XIWTI n
The iKiistir.v s'ltlniiient for .lime m k M
a very much ln-tiir showing than had
been expected In the mutter of revenue' ,
the ii-celpts exceeding the expendlttil'-s
to the amount of more- than Sl.'
Such llgmes take the mind back to
former times , when there was u .steady
sin phis ot levemio and there wasno
thought of po-slble danger to the troa.s-
tny gold ti'si'i-ve and no apprehen-loii
that tin'govcinmont might ln > compelled
to boriovv to meet Its obligations , in
those times , on the contiaiy , the tpios-
lion vvas as to how much of the .surplus
revenue the ttcasiny should tist > In pay-
lug oil the public debt. In those times ,
also , the c.ecss of revenue' e'aiiie It mi
a notmal development ol trade. vvhcio.H
In the present e-.ise It icpri'si'iits an ox-
tiaoidinaiy Inlliix ol rnrclun m 'ivlinn-
dlso In anllciiiatioii of tai changes and
not to meet tin1 Immediate demands of
the conntiy. Thru- have been pllln- , '
up lor the last thioo or lour moiillH
enoimoils- stocks of wool and linden
goods to lie maikctcd hdoaflcr , thdeby i
tit -once lessening I mure iiupoi latimn
ami ii'strlciiiig home i lodnclion. Tlio
conntiy Is not. theiefore , to lie c.iiigialn
1.1 ted Iliioit the .llllle surplus , silKe 11
iiuan.s a ceiiidition tint as-mos a di'lieit
tor months to ( ome ami a chock lo ill
iccovery ot liidtistilal tic-tivllv In those
lines witli which the Imported mi'iehan-
dlse ( ouics into compi-lllloii.
The dotieit lor Iho llstal .vear is slated
lo be a little over SIS.OUO.O'M ) , which
makes the total lot1 ( he hist tour yeans
about SI.VT.OOODIM ) , vvlihh lepie-scnts a
pail eit the loss to the countiy lioin the
demoeiatic taiilT law. It was e-hlelly il
not wholly in e-oilsoiplenco of lids th il
the government w-is ( onipelleil te ) In-
ci".iso the public debt .sJiiJ.OOO.t 00. Itni
b.v lar the icaler lo-s fsom tint logl la
lion waMIIICM oil b.v the capital am !
label ol the eoimtiy III the ! ! encial pins
tratlon ol Imlutilcsami the lo-ultani
di'inession ol business. Nices-aill.v the interest al-o stilleied so
vc'tcl.v lioin the1 gioal lalling eill in cua-
sitmiitioii.'o \ shall soon have it- now
taiill law , li.iiih'il witli the elonllo inn
po-e ol icve'iiiio anil pintccllon. bill mi
I'oitmrik'ly it cannot immediately give
full icllel fiom the balelnl efloets of the
law it will loplaeo.
The AVoild Herald I.s .stilliieiit as to
thu chaixo that II has been solving us
tlio political IciKilor all the defaulting
ti.asiuois , jmblic thieves and boodllux
ollli lals. It not yet explained the
jVioscmo of the liii'iiioiandlim slip loiind
in tile eil.v's c-.lsh eliawer to leptesent
, teihin moiio.v loam-el its ownei b.v llenrji
Holln. It has not .vet explained Iho
loan ejf stale moiie.v onlojod b.v il b.v
Uai tlo.v'.s lav or thionxh an uiiantlioi
l/e1 ! ! depiisit of public Ini'dIn an Omaha
I ) ink. It has not .vet explained the sin
icptllloiis coiisultalioiis hi twe-oii ItsdI
tois and ovvncisand Itaitley dining Hie
I tail ley tilal. The iiason whv the
Woildireiald his not explained its
complicity l with the ciooks is clear. II
cannot , explain.
The popnciatlc New Yoik
characleil/es as a gloat mistake the
sllcmc of the Iowa democialic plalfoim
'about tl e piohih.llon law lia.s mad
low.i a state of surieptitloiis saloons
and excise sphv , . " The Jouinal ought
lo wak ( > up and Inloi in itself of the I KM
that the piohililtioii law was supplanted
by a local option license s.vslem b.v a
n pi'blican legistMine sonic lime ago and
that the icstihtiiH1 on the maniitacture
of Intoxitalmg liitiois | In Iowa has aNo
been icniovoil by icpnhUc.uis. The
di'inociats ot Iowa evidently knew whin
they weie doing when they weie silent
on the piohibltion iiiostioi | ! . because Hu-
iicdit lot the new stale of alfalls be
longs to the n publicans.
\\'o have- hail Indian oiitbu-aks iliuto
vaiioiis causes , tiom the disti ibuiiuii ol
shin I weight i.ilioiis by gov 01 nnioiit
agents to the cr.iz.v e.xhoilatloas ol anibl-
lions medicine men. It , as Is Intimated ,
lhi > alleged Indian double In W.voinlng
Is indhd b.v uindids who want lo s
Iholr hay at good pth-os to Iced IJniicd
States cavab.v hoisc.s soul out with
to u-stoie uider , wu have1 a new
addition to the list ol things Hut c.iusi
The -muling M ( , | | | | i- , | | , ( „ ] „ , j , , ; |
tntcd Just now over a pio-.p-ctlve piui
ll.sthtollis.on biiwoin a champion
hiiiiM'i ami an champion hi nisei ,
vvllii'll the police of til cuter New Yoik
thioaltii to prevent. If ihoo llstii
arllMs had to do all Iholr lUlitinx wiili
out hope eil pcciinl iry pioilt iiom pn M ,
IKIand pile - it \\inilil \ not b
lollX beloie- they e eased to Inlllot tlloiil-
su\ ! > - IIM | ) | | the public.
The Itiyan IHneiai.N given out for
publication utko.s up his time lo the lat
ter p.ut ol .Mu'iist , when w aie told In
hopes to icttiin home and parildp.ilo In
the denioeiatic slate ( onvdition. Tin
democialic state conveniioii ha.s not .vet
broil ( ailed , but we have no doubt Mi
UriUll'.s wishes will be Hie delerillinllij
factor with those who IK Hie date.
llllllllllN III ClIIIIII ,
I'uc-lo .Saiu lit ho rich that 100 persons.
noiMiiK three * inoiiilia , are iiiulrc < ! to ciiinil
the ) c-.ibli In tht > trensuiy uvvry tlniu It U
tiuiie-il ovc-r tn a
now rustoillau What n
romance'umli ] bo iinibenileii hi such a Hlali ,
mint if It nmilo -
were n-lnttvu to huniu an
clBlit Mug.
. \mrrle-im lii-ri- ( l ) , rirxl.
ejlubt-lH-iiKx rnt.
In the framing of tariff hllUi tliu natloim
of the uorhl are apt to think of their own
' nrfrt , anil to fee-l very little concern
Iu the liaoreptg of other countrltn. This
tht ) caw v\lti ) rranco. ( Jfiiiiany , Ital ) ami
every other couutry which oUcr.eo the jiro
prin ip in t.h > priK Its tnr.ffa The
t n i 1 s t is | H'i ' } J' ' " bl i 1 tf > i f Hews
| thl * iiHtoiu Vl'riVia s from the outside
wo-M therefoie altnt till * or tha' elulj In
tl'v till m f not llkMj to Innnoneo
tli course of i ingro s Iu thenllKht"st lie
Sice ' ) a
" ( ) . ? \ ) IM cil-ln-llic-XVonl. "
l.uli > \ II It.1'1 > urleiIiiiirnnl
Thp true drmornN of Krn'uik > nre oltig
tr hold ft eonVnn ( | lit Lotil ville July 14
fc Mill be a coin -lit I n It ulll lie nn olil-
fashioned , ( Urd ln-the-vvool , stire-cnouRh
tlemocruie ooiucijUnn There' will lie no
impulials nroniiel I here will be no flee
silver iciulllt1i\ii"arotind | \ TUP popocrjtlc
traitors who soM * thelt ilcmonntlp birthright
for a inrtH of ( U'lltvi ; ? they did not Ret will
be conspicuous b ) their ab'vncp Hut there
will democrat-i nough present to tinhe
It n plenty for pot-wollopeia an el tlmo-serv-
'loin ' VVnt- > ii IIH u I'nrlt.
Ni-iv lrk Still
The Hon Thoniaa l : U'ataon of Thornton ,
On. , v\ln U alpppltiK to the helm of. thliiBs-
ones tnctc vvltlinul an > very prtiisltiR Invl-
tntlon from an > liody but lilinrclf ,
with cotivie'lon tint ftee sllvtr Is
| |
too small an l * ui < on which to appeal to the
people | > " Cnntk-iinenil ) he Is about to offer
liln-Kir n an I'atip of the rlsht s\z \ ? nml to
mil-round lilnunslf with the Inl'lathe and let-
trcniltim and other new and attiaillve goede
Mr.V ton tniikes a vi > rv comfortable1 party
hlni'clf , but when he wraia himself up In
the initiative und refrrendutu and lots his
bright brons-e hair nhlnt' like a beacon upon
the inlldle-of-he-road , ho becomes not
m-vjly nn oinnment. but a Impplnti ! * Ills
convention or cptiferonce nt Nashville next
week will bc > waMicil with Jealous e > ea by
hl9 lnnnnieralle rl.als , vvliithor they belong
to the middle or sl.Ie of the load or lo the
ditch. ' '
nii-e-ct \\IM ( lu-'lrni- \\iij.
llufinln i\pn CK
John Sliutiiiin vvlselj sajs that tlin trust
question Is. thu most linportnut question for
se ttlinirnt Iu this couiiti } mil he Is rl lit
nlso wh-n he points tint that the illrect wa >
Is the prcpctvav In which to elcal vvltli
ti ( tats
It Is liiqh time' tiuMs ceased to be ,1 pre
test for the' pic-pu atlon of all manner of
ISIIIH Tlio trust ery was the' chief stork
In Hade of the fre-e trailers In IS J The
sc'coiiil election of President Clcvcl.iud mi )
voiv justlv be attrlbute-il to the iilnnu of
lie1 ' people1 nt thr growth of combln.Uloiii
in the icfitinlnt of trnilenml the promises ,
> f his patllsans tint null ( nniliiiuulons
would bj In old n up b > removing thet.uiff
inrrle-ia to Itnpoi t.itlons Hvi'iits piove-d
low littleliemini ; the tut Iff hud on the
trust imcstltm and how little Hiuciiltv tlitre Iu tht' picifcsglo'iB of lirstllitj to tiusth
) > the fle-e 11.ulo politic Inns
So In l 'lfi , It was the trust oiltciv on
which the sllverltes place 1 their e-hlef ie-
Innee Tl.iv we-ie ROIIIK * to Hitiash the
titisiB bj chinsius thn money standard
\nd it masafoh be1 predicted BO IOIIB
ns the- turn qih.htlon mnitilalus UK pH'.se.U
stamlliig ove-rj ctuelc-lualncd theorist v\lth
i scheme to trj will the oulttoi.iliou
of tiusts as Ihe Kieat benefit to lie deiive-d
"lorn It Trusts me not to bo de-alt with
iiicce sfullj in an } suc-h matiaei 1 he soonei
the trust , enicsalon Is sepiraled fiom the ibins
) f lefornurs. the iuoner it will be
settled ilciht
TIM : r
Ill lniln . ( lit * l'ro.l iiciinml Coiisiinicr
S "i-i * 'I'liKi-l ln-r.
1 liJI i l. . | | > hi i Uuotil
Secretar > Wilson uf tliu Uepai tment of \B-
ricnluiro. vvhdo hopeful .13 to the KCIUT il
business [ tituitv savs ranneis , who
? iali3 for pal" at IJOR distiiuos fiom the HCI-
bean ] ate not 'pn bpurous 'llit-v ipijtilre .1
m their nieihiuls tnvv inl iliu prolno
tlon of hiirliui | ii ill iiroiluctn , v\ Is the
enl > w i > b > w'nclj proaperit > tan K to
them Hut < m thu otliui Iminl It In LOIII-
plalned tliat tubtutnfaimeis cannot compete
with tie vves * | stuplc ncps .md \Lopt In
.1 few favored loLdJities that they cannot
profltablj KO lnto , ti.iiLk fat mini ;
'I ho ieuc-tu > h i tailed ) for tbo west of dl-
veisideil croja , .1. int | new and does not tir
idnni in tbo agricultural brtast AH d
fm thuutnin f.irineis' lib it IH siii-
in auiHluir ( iiuitei that American i.ill-
might iiiodtably imitate the cntBipiUc
of iM'itain railw i > a CL-nUiln In London
v hkli talio on f.i t piisseriger traln.s proilULt *
lm\ev > wc'lKhlni ? not iiiire than sixty pounds
an 1 deliver iliem at the bu > ur't3 house in
London \ < thu rate of H < ent.s for t\\ent >
pounds ( d.ui 2 cunts for uxtij Jive
Thu plan is to biliiB the farmer and the
consumer dlrcctlj tCKethpf 1'iobably the
coiiaiimer wouldn't object to this , but the
fjiiuora hive been slou to lespoml to
the t suggestion , and wnllo at Ili t crlaneo it
ma ) uc'ein to offer economic aihantHKe , Itn
tionoinli ; value after all U open to question
\\nllt- it is undt iiblfdly wise1 rt.Jlioiillng tea
ii sibt the ilcvtlopnu .t of local ficlKht trade
iit it i Is doubtful whether in the IOUR inn either
the fanner or thu i.illi.iad wonU pioilt b > an >
departnro o-i the part of the- latter fiom its
pilmaiy function of common carrier Lu-
dojljtcdlj fanucra both e.ust and vvc t aie
as well off as 'he masa of their countrymen ,
but it is oiiully | true- that their condition
nee-da betteiment. Hut that will tunu to
them , .u it will come to other people , enl >
li > the old-fabliiomd paths of 10 rcnehmcnt ,
thrift and honeta inlo in the count ) , the
state and tha Keneral sovernments.
illre-loilM I'l-IIHl l I'olllll-lll SjMlIlN II
( . .rinliriiv \ oi-K.
Ntw ork bun
During the Ilrsl six monthb of the ofllclal
teniiie of the Hist majiir of the enliiged '
Now YoiK , to beeleitcil un Nove-iubei L1 ,
llo will haviL'niisiL > jiov er of . .ijipolat-
moat and ot sinmnai } removal.
Ho will have tinapjio.iitmcnt of n col
poi.uluii I counsel , who will lece-lvo a < .il.uv
Il It of $11 000 ( the lire-heat Is $12,000) ) , ahim -
birlaln l who vUll receiveU,000 ( the | .ec-
cnt r.'to Is ? . ' 5ouu out ol which 'n | ia > s
the I p\i > en > : h of the ollico ) , a presl le'iit of
the ' Homl of I'nhllu Inii lovenu-'it , at the
same sal u.v , $ -10111 , as is now pill the-
commlssloiiei , of jinbllo weuKs , fem | ol'ee
at $ > ,000 , the pies"iit into ,
one Ilro commimloner at S7.MO ( there
au > iin ( > thioo nt S&.OOO e.ieh ) , tlueo eom-
mUslonors nf limits at a talu > of f * > 000
racli , three commlFcjIonc-rs of char-
Itle-i I , ono coiumUMomr of corie-e-
( { ion at the uimc b.-.laiy , $7.500 , ari IH
now paid , three lieilth coniiiils&'oiii ' rs , .it
Jip.OOO each ( the juebident of the- bond will
rocelvo $1SOU In addition ) , three dock e-om
mlbo'onera ' , at f5)00 ( ) ( the prc-hldent of ( hi-
hoaid will rociivi' $1,000 In additlo-i ) ; a
pit-illout of llio bo.ud of taxi-H and ns-
Hojsinent < j , at $ s,000 , and four eommHdloiu-iM
of taxib .nid uh&esameatii , at | li , WO , two
( omnilsston rsjf , , accountn , nno
ttlJll.lJt jiiioia 1uuc , rommlbsioner of stivut
i leanliiK. at $7jir)0 ) ( the jnibe-nt M. ) } is
$ iiOoO ) , tl'no roiiuulssloneib' of bull lines
( two to loccivo J7 r CO und ono $ JjOO ! ) , sit
to'iimlsslom-rs rf ) , siatlntics , thrio 'onimi'-
slone-rB of civil bijvleoj sl\ty-lhrcc ojtj
maishals. sellers "of vselhts ( ; and miM uu > s ,
the niimbir not 'SJIPC Hied , and theMIowiiiK
additional olllclal.s A commlbsloiiei of
vsaler oupjily at J'/tOO , -onimlsHloner of
bridges al * 7 r.OOi a' eommhsloner of high
ways at il nee n comnjlnslnner ! of public
bullillugd at 17'SOOl 'and ' a commlsialonor of
bowin. at ? 7.50ft n
There aie also Win * appointed rcven J'ides '
of the mnali-l < / ! ' Htirti es'-Mi-ho if
present elt > of iiU.\w 'oik , ttvfiitv-una mem-
liiTb of thu Il"uni of ICilii' allen in thU citv ,
fort > -livei In llroold > n and clKh'tun In Itlili-
mend and ( Jueiii * Mibjet1. all of tin-in , to
the reurktion. | , ( ) | ( ( in the charter ,
which pie-eludes from biiinmary removal dur-
liiK the ) first lx inohth < i of the uuyor'a tcr-n J
'iiH'inbcr.s of the llourel of IMucatlon and '
bclioul hoards und Judicial olllecrj for who. s
removal other provision Is made * by thu con-
. , ill Ion " f
'lliu maor of the enlursel New York will '
have appointment practically , biibject to
the rejirlctlon of lemoval already referred '
to , of 250 candidate ) to otllce , of whom 125 .
are to b appointed liy him > ubect ] to hln r -
iniival duriiiK tlie > llrnt nit month. ) of hlj
( mure , ami of wh nil US will ht > In what mil )
bo callr d 'protected plactw " No previous
ma ) 01 of the city of New York has hud it
lib dli > peal an amount of patronam > ta largo
or uearl ) s large as Hint tlio next maor will
luvo 'I'll In Is bi < aiii the miijorho will
enter In ollleu on Jnniury 1 next will t > uc-
cited to thu dutlis of the ollico of mayor of
IrooKIii ) as well aa thcsso of the iiia > or of
New York , and will perform man ) of the ) &
ottle-lal functloi'fl now tlevolvliiR upon local
authorities iu Qucona and Ulchiuoiid tcui-
tory ,
.11 I. A \JA/.IM.S. .
SrHhupr'g for Tul > Ii a Ji < iff tliplnl-lal number -
ber of Its twrntv sn m d volume with n breezy
and | rulortftlnlni ; dmerlptlon of ' t'luler-
Krteluati * Mfo nt Yale' , " b ) Ilonry 12 lion-
land The erlos of articles on "The Con
duct of ( Uoat lUlslncg-'es" IB c-nutlntle-d by Miuolu Steffcns , who treats of "The Mod-
nru Itualncss HnlldliiK " Ihe AlanntU of
DiUTorln I lis.i a paper on John ( \ilmt. and
Walter ( 'ran ? do crlbi-s thp poet , Wlllliiu
Morris , as a de-contlvo dP lRiicr. The fiction
liiclndm an Installment of IlowrU'a serial ,
"Tho Story e < f a I'la.v , " and ' \ llcjectod
lltliti " bv Hobcrt Horrid ; A fniture ol the
number h C'astnlmip'B iidmlrablo diawtnK
which furnishes the frontispiece , lllujtratlUK
the Amphitheater trtno llli I'ckiKH and
riilLuniiiuii , from KlngslcjV Myp.uin '
Harper's Monthlv for Julv contains the eon-
cluMon of u Maurler's "The Martians. "
with several uulliilsheil drawings l > > llio
nutlior Octiernl ( ieorgo A. Kor vtli con
tributes .1 stirring elesrrlptlon nf "Shorldan s
Hide ' Thr > second paper by T 1' . O'Connor
on ' The felebrltlcB of tilellouso of Com-
mom Is e ( ] tial to lla pri'dcec-'Hord in m-
terest. W I ) HowplU dlseourscs In hU
usual e'litcrt iluliiK mannt'r of Ihe Modem
Aincrhnu Mood , ' and Poullncj HiRolow's
"Whlto Mans Afilc.i" Is eiirled IhroiiKh lla
ninth put. Stockton's sorltl tory , "Tlio
(3re'at Stone of Sardl'i " Is continued , nnd a
new novel , "The Kpiilncklans , " b ) John Kov
] r , Is be-Ktin Theio Is a notable paper on
I IIP Centurv's I'loKr i In His sic. " by
llonrv Sml h Williams , M I ) , nnd the num
ber Is unusually 1 1ch In Rood liort slorlrs
I'rof Wondrow Wilsons admirable cs t )
on "Iho JHklUK of the Nation" lltlliiRh
he-ads the tiblo of tontpntn of the Julvt
latitlc , nml Mr dodkln's | iappr on "lln
Dpclluo of LpKMaturoi" Is linind to Intel-
est even those who do not entirely aRicp
with the atillioi'd eoncluslons Other fe-atmes
are "Tho Putin e of Kural Ve\s Uncland
by Alvan P Stnborn , n tolleciion of hlthoito
unpnbllshi'd letters which p scd between
Ralph Waldo imei : on anil the KiiRllsh iio t ,
John SterlbiR "Ilurko. a CeutPiiary I'eispoc-
tlve. " bv Kate llolladav ClaKhoin , " and an
appic lathe artlelo on Hie master of
Itilliol bv \ \ J Abide ) Charlis PKbpi I
CiaddoekH stor ) , ' "Iho JiiRnler ' teaches Its
twclfh clnplei and Kate Chopin , Ulleii
Mncktibln ami Ullen Oluey Kirk contrlbntp
short stoilc.s of vaihiK leiiRth.
A prcmincnt feature of the luh
polll.m Is n selection from a new lomUrln ; ;
ot the "Itubihat" li ) Hichaid Lo Oal
llrnno , IteRlndd do Koven de-scribes "The
Oinrad of a Comic Opua " and momoi lei
of the Mldwa ) ale lovlewcd bj He rRt'
I'niiRalo'n stoi ) of "How tlio SticeU of
Calio Came to the Woilds Pair. " Julian
Hawthorne , who \\-\a \ cnt as a commls
'loner to Indli btlio Cosniopnlltnn to re
port his Impressions of the pi iqiio d stilct
tdl3 of the hoirlble eondltlon of the sulTei-
om In and about llombiv II 0 \\ills
weltd story 'The War of the Woilda. " Is
continued with IncreabhiK Into ml
The midsummer Crntuiy Is e\spu-i ill )
notable for the h'.cli ; "landing of it con-
tillnitoii . tlio I'f-t ' indndliiK I'inf John Can
. \an , Dvlce S \\elr Mitt boll , the IVnnelh
Orneral Hoi aie Potter. 'Ihonuis W Hl iin ;
son Marv Haituoll Catlicrwood. Mis Si-huv
ler Van Hc-ns = olaer LouiseClnndlei Moid
ton , Man Ice I Iminpson , OIOIRC II Wood
boirj T T MuiiRoi and man ) otheiii
II W. Soton-Kur anil William Willaid
Ilowaid dusctlbp advcntuies , In hunt Ins ? blr
same in Afilca India and Vone/uela The
Mile * ? of e &avh on the "Old KiiKltah
M"ntei " Is continued with a pnpcr b > Prof
Vin IIko on Colo't5 new sc-ilea of
of I ngirth
The f'trand foi Julv , like several of the
oilier Knpllsh llhi'trate-d maRt/ln s Hive--
Iho pl-icp of honor to matleiv ,
. \ith the- queen , the article b ) Willl im ( '
Plt/goi dd trrathiK tpeeidl ) of o\istliiL
le-llcs of brr Infiiiev cliildhood nnd e-irlv
maturity Dr 'Doyle's ' htiirin to ' lln
Piagedy of the Koronko , " Is continued mil
the poitralts of celebrities , lucluilo likenesses
of Stanhope A Porhex the artist the inn
sleijii. August .Manns , and the King ami
qm en of DenmirK. Short stoilcs .end lilts
ti.itid speelal aitlclcb make up an Inteiebt
ing number.
llio Pall Mall MiRayino takes advantaRi
of the present annheisai ) season to publl-li
in the Julv nu.nbei -iiKKentive aitkhbv
I Holt bchoollng entitled " 1 hen and Now '
showing the Riowth of the Ililtish dimin
IOIIB In extent ind ptotperttv In tin- period
between 1S7 ! in ! 1")7 ! ) A piper whlih will
be of spci ill MI ie t to Ameilcin readers I
tint on 'Lee nf Virginia" which in espt-
elnllj devoted to Hobcil i : of that mine
Stevenson's pewthuinons stoi ) , ' St Ivos
Is ill a.ltiR to a clo e and there are seve al
S od sliort torlrs Lord Lorne'ii poem "Flic
Pali ) Itlacksmltb " bcslm the niunbei
Cassell's for Inly also reviews at con-
sidi-iablo length the past Mxty jcnrh in thr
llfiht nf the qucen'H Jubilee- celebration Sit
\\onics Held , under the title of " .Some. Club
Glioits , " dihcnursrH cntei tainiiiKly on romi-
nisconee.s of Lord I'almi rston Cobdcn John
Ullnht W r. Poistei , 'llnckera ) , Itoberl
Lowe. Charles Macka ) and other old habltncb
of the Itoform club The llction of this
number Is of a particularly luild tpe
Ontdoois Is the title of a new bidder foi
place nmoiiR the masalnedevoted to the
sporla of forest , Held and .stream , which It
published b ) the Outdooi Publishing com
pan ) 1370 Itroaelwa ) , N Y
The Homo Magazine for July publishes In
full the Declaiation of Independence , illns-
tiated with cuts of the liberty bell the
Philadelphia j , state house nnd Thomas Jpfloi
bon There Ib an Inteie-htliiR pipci on 'Old
Claj Pipes" nnd another on Hie "Kail )
Life 1 of James 0 111 line
In fodc ! > 'b Magi/line for Jill ) , vvlileh with
this ( issue intcib upon Its hi\l-olKhth jeai
ol continuous publication. Itnpe-it
iilbeh the Chicago musleal eolon > Olhci
Inteiehtlng und sngE' * > tivo articles are thobi
on "Iho Culmeil Woman of Todij" and
"Some Women Wi Hers of Cnnad i "
Wllllim I 111 > an cimtilhntcR to n hjmpo-
shim on ' Hoi.est Mime > ' in the July Aria
among n niimhei of wiltem lim wldelv
known , but -ippiirently equill ) well Infoimed
on the faiihjei I undrr dl.sciibslou Ilenr )
Clews and John Clark Hidpith discourse of
Wall \ hticet from varying Maiidpolots , nnU
the t ung.ulno Is devoted as usual to the
exploitation tt of us in i. n > wild ami vUionao
tluorlc.s 11 h can be collected In any single
month I .
. The complete novel In the July Issue of
Mpplmntt'a ' is "A Mountain .Moloch" ,1
IlaggaidcHqiio tale of adventnio Iu the noulti
em I'aelllc 'Ihe other fiction of the mini
her Is by Louise Ilojnton and W C Moirow ,
aiithor of "Iho \pe , the Idiot ami Other
People. " and thepoolij by Clinton Scollard ,
.Mrity I ] KllcKney and Caino Illuke.Morgan
'Ihfre IB a papei b > lr l-'iancl K nark
of ChiiHtlan Cudeavor fame , on thu plague
in India , and another on ' Iho 1'antahtlc 'Ier
rors of Childhood" by Annie Sieger Wlnbtiui
An Important lil.stoileal paper Is "Ilrroc.s
of the Neutial Ciround , " whlih opens an
atda'tlve July iinmher of 1'iank l.e.slle a
.Mon.Ill } It Is by John P. Hitter , and lira In
of i evolutionary times In central Now Ymkj
Interesting nailing IM albO furnished by an
article nn Sy rue line university , by Jennlo .M
llinghum , by H paper on banana KIowing by
A Jamch .Miller and by a quantity of llction
and descriptive writing. .
Clark Kusft'll IH exceptionally fitted to ele-
Tibe the life and times of Lonl N'elbon
and his article on that subject in the Now
Illustrated Magazine for July would alone
make the number a valuable one Heckles
Wlllson w i lies entertainingly of the Can
adian premier. Wilfrid l.aiiner , J ( ic-nnadiiis
has a short paper on lly i on and the Giceku
nml William .Simpson tells nf llfo within '
Sohastopol diirlnu the nlegc I.oulso Imogen
Oulnu ) has a pretty poem , "lly the Trundle
lied , " d ww serial , "Kate , the Queou , " by
Archibald K > re , IB auaplc-loualy begun anil
thcro are a number of readable ) short stories
Other magazine s received are Theosophy ,
The Thoosophlcal Pnblltihliig Company New
York Political .Science ( Juurterly , ( Jinn & .
Co , lloston , Municipal Aff.iI/n He form Club
New York , The Bookman Dodd , Mead k
Co , New York , Ladies' Homo Journal
Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia ,
Woman's Homo Companion , Must , CroHvll
. Kirkpatrlck. Springfield , 0 : Current
Literature , Current Literature Publishing
Company , Now York ; Short Stories , Current
Literature 1'ubllnhloe Company- , Now York , : i u.vMiri uiIN i w % .
DCS Mo nc-s I.eade-i An order tins bcpti
plnrcd by n firm nf London mere-haul i for
the cntlic butter produt of the town A ; rl
cultural college- amounting to vou pounds
dnllv Iowa butter Is nt Inut coming Into
Its kingdom
Davenport He-putilli-nii The lies Molne-w
platfonu and thtllnidstrei t s and Dun i
agencies do not tell the came story tu regard
to the return of pioiperlly. The1 latter have-
the' reputation uf telling the eirl trii'h
oven when the eold fnets nro
to calamity howlers.
Sioux City Tluiis A slow but steady
In btislne-ss with nu ndvaneo in prlrrs ,
an Im re-aso In the number nf hands em-
plovcd and Riowih of now oidort and nu In-
cipnso iu the amount of work done are
pointed out by Dim's Itovlpw In Its last
Issue flu a reneweit ovblPiico that business
Is ' Impiovlng A studv of the upWRpaper
M-iitlmcnt of the counlrv ns ptpn-swl in
the publications of nil sentiments shows n
cniicuirpiirp In the belief thus oxpresse-d
that Iheio Is n marked and general Im
provement In the business- situation
. Odnr It.iplds Hepublle.iti The Ctlnton
ARC ve-sloldav lontnlm l a coiiRialulalorv
c-dltorlal. ! based on the fact tint the Chli-nito
Milwaukee. * ! St Paul H.illwa.v compaiiv has
ie > ppnll ) Issued oide-rs ti ( have the- ear shops
of that corpointlon put on full lime and
with u full fono of men It savs that HIP
times are Impiovlng pvprj day and If the
count ! ) has , \ fnlih IOIIR strttdi of reid
alu-ul of It inlineumbcicel b ) polities. It
ought to tinlu nond time nloiiR it and
) ot at the of the eobimn which canlos
this edlteulil Is the Po-callod elpinoetatlc
ticket luade-d b ) IVed White , which stands
foi nothing \eppl n sweeping declaration
that thp country Is BOltJK to the devil as
fust us it can
Dnbuqno Times At Milwaukee thp Chicago
cage Milwaukee & Si Paul rallrnid put nn
full foieo on fii'l ' time nnd otlipr in.lnsttles .
are ipviving 'Iho platform makeis ate tie-
lormliipil lo howl calamltv though llio facto
do not Justlh It Cnlntnltv Is thplr onlv
Inttlo erv. If the ) would admit that tli re
I.s no loason for thU constant howling their
whole cane woulel be thiovvn over Iho
calamltx howleif If thev hid ordlnarv com
mon sense , would Know Hut the ) were In-
JnrhiR theli own cause , for with MI man )
evidences of udv inclng preispcrltv i rp.ictlon
Is bound to come. Define ( ho firsls of No
vember thiRo the leivea of the tiees there
will bo such a complete leMoratlon of pros
perity as will plnino the howlers Into silence'
le\s \liln Iteglstpr Ono of the pi ink ?
In the democi Hie platform , one of thMu
ihawn up b ) riencial Weavei. as wo iniriVr-
uland , loidrtas follows " '
"I'rospelilt\ not
) et niidii ith appeii nice , the mills mil nlu > ps
are ( Vising down , thp irmv of une-mpUneid
is growing laigor in I the fanmrs of Iiwn
< hue his election aio miikeing tlu-lr
pioiliuts at le s prleo thin ovei before" Of
i-onrse the man who wrote tint Knew he
wa , lhiR Hie mills and HIP shops aio not
elosliiR down Ordpts have just ircentl ) been
made addlnc : 2n 000 men to the number em
plood in western Pcnnsvhanln We get llgureh from i domrpintlc paie-r | , the
Now Yoik Wnn 'Ihe armv of the unem-
plo > ( . < Is not mnwlni , liigei In nnilliigloii
and rii-slon Iho ( hiciRo , Hnrllngton , < :
( Jnlmv laiboad which Ins been a hlnck
bc'.ij't to pome of thtpilltlciins In Dos
Monies Wednesdi ) , has rostcired I 000 mer
to full emplcnmcnt Thoseaie facts tint
are known tu all men Why should the plat
form makers lie Mi11
oTinn\visr .
The illtritoiv popnlntion of C'dcago is
plaetil at 1 SJS 000 a Riln of 7li,000 IP ,1 > cir
It Is to bo hoped that Ha ) will not fnI !
Into the 1-abit which he depiecatcs I i Little
Fit PCI lies " and spend most of his time "hnf1'
In' around the thione "
Ite.irdmiial Mitthcw > who succeoils UIMI
\dmlial llrown , while lecognbed aa o-io of
the mo t able- seam MI ind o\e-cnti\o ullleirs
In tlio ben Ice , also has tinrep'italio'i of
being probabl ) the best Intorimd gunner )
\peit in the nnv )
'Iho dental nbsoelatlon of Indljni Iu ( nn
v put ion assembled. riMilvcd that 'a levi ; pull
stiong | u.l and a pu 1 all to ctl ci ' is necrs
MM to lid the stito of hobo teeth juKiih
'I bat o thestuft If the hoboes lelme to
\ ic iti- pinch em in the jaw
Ani'ihn prophet has ailsuu He anriniirrs
tint Manhattan Island I.s to sink out of slghi
within the next the years Tho-o N HOIIU
found itlim foi the prophet v Vast iiumtl
tiii ot watei lias been sqiieirocl out ol tl-e
Island In the lust live yeaii Pos-nhly then
iall t I llOllgll left to llOU It
Iheinsuianeo iomnil . * lonei of the ite of
lvan-ti ! , who shut out of the state * evcial
companies because they cc nu-tiod
claims has foe < Mi nllid down by the
ledeiil couit and Dimly but politely notilUil
that foiciiu the collection of doubtful claims
I" not a put of his Imsine.s ?
The highway uu n who i.ildcd the Illicit
Hillbiuk .ind eapttiied only $71 ilinion-
siinttcl the deg"neiaiy of the profrij-Iou In
da1 s foni bv the veteians of the lend wriild
have btilppcd the mfo and kidnapped the
hinkeii ' If they kicked lint the velciaiiH
h-ivo lefoimed becau o they aie deid.
'Ihe New Yeuk World publishes tha pictim
of a. claiming young woman who linn jiut
been apiiolnted tUptily sheriff foi Salt I.-ilci
county I tali It Is claimed hi r nppjiir
ment will operate as a detriment of eilni-
The contiary Is moro probable Theio
lots of men who would abandon the path
of rectlti do foi the privilege of hUi.g
taken In by the new deputy
Jt Is asucited by piomoteru of exclusions
and iinmnici le'-orl lamllon ! , that \acatlun
Is valuable because It affoids a umiplule
change of scene and relixition for the
\s u hit of nliuty-degiee fiction the ililin
m quite diverting especially when rela\a
tlou of body and coolness of wplrlt nuy be
had without e\eiilon by .simply concen'iatlns
the infill j ] appaiatni un .the report * di -
Mirlptive of the blockade of icebcig-i off ihe
New Knglaml cnaM Apait fiom Itaiefres'i- '
Ing plcliiieksqm ness , thcro U In It afis'ii nice
of , i cinp of cool waves latei on ,
Colorado , ( he pillar of the hllver move
ment , docs noi Intend to join llio calimity
ehonw and fcpnni good times for three ycais
In fact , ( he triumph of Minnd money and no-
cmlty for investment li.irt alieady woiked a
gratifying lefoimatiun in Ihe Imslimis of the
state * Comeining the Impioved conditions
Iho Dtnver Hipuhliean M'We eongraln
lite tlio | ieo | le uf.Coluiado upon the It j , ' od
foi dine Thcro la not a btnto In the union
which ( an iomp.uo with this la icspt-it to
Industrial activity Iu propoitlon lo popnla
I'll Denver , lee Is ono of the most fortunate
ami proi-pcnniri towns In the I'liHc-d Sljteu
liijiiiu'Sh IH good litre and vsill rapidly be
better ( \\lilehevei way wo turn It Is peen
that t the .situation Is exceptionally biiglu and
the ( futmo full of imoiiragome nt "
TiMii\ii VIIMM ; iM > isTitns : ; ,
nno Tnl. en I.IH ; ( V't-iin f i inn
Mllllll-'n Vlllll-llll SIIII-I-IIIIIINI- .
bl I.iiilN e.l , ln llrino , nil
Ono of the beat indications that the fntnic-
mom , I.s well amuml Is found In thestailntlc.s
of mine-nil | iroliictlon for iho ) ear IVJfi 'lhal
period wa.s not ono that would ho looked teas
as an average In promise , and yet the ex
hibit U veiy favorable Activity Iu mining
carries with It a large volume of othei bus
iness iind the figure s of list year are a Mib-
ject for longratiilatiou 'Iho total value of
Iho metal and mineral production of the yiit
In tliu United Slate.s I.s placed at } 7ril 7"7SJ
an Ineuutio aver \M"i \ of $ U,7'JI.'il Thu In.
crcMto ! largely In fold and silver In gold
the aggicgato for IMM , ra-in to J5SiiCO ( .S7 or
JI1.SJO.U7 moio than In Uin preceding ye-ar
It us rather siirprUing that out output of gold
should increase 20 per cent In a tunglo yoir
The fact nuggets great pjosihilltiea Our ini-
porta of gold last year exceeded the oxportu
by $ IG,0 < JOOOO , so that wo began the prcxoni
year wiih 1101 000.000 more of geM tlun wo
held twelve monthi before
Our copper yield In Dv'Jii wa.s 107 SI'.1 UT.'I
pounds , or M MO OiK ) pounds moro than -in
IVj5 The demand for thU metal In Iho elec-
trlt-al field IB rapidly lncrea lng Coal proiliu-
tlon fell off 1 per cent In IS'JG though the
total readied 187 173.477 tons An a measure
of business dcpre&iloii that small decrease In
In itself an encouragement , and an n < wuramo
that the worst Is over , ta well aa that gen
01 al Industry has not w Ufa-red as much ae has
been supKhed The production of pig Iron year waa 8,623,127 long tons , or b.'l sol
less than In 1&U5 This vvas a moro Bi-noua
decline , yet It mutt ho borne iu mind that the
American production of pig Iron Imn doubled
In fifteen years , ami that It in certain lo re-
nnio Its rapid upward march. Last year the
cro | < i wcro oxcullent and the mining Indus
tries certainly maintained thembelves well under -
dor adversB conditloius.
4'ho ylblJ ot sliver decrve j ueparatu iiieu-
tlon on HC.onnt of tup c < ucptlon l rlrtiun-
I Klat > > rs sinrouii luig Hi tm ml n IS Ml U
lm lirtn Ht-irlpl tint silvir r till n it
ntnnd Ilkp ( hp ntlior uiela's on HIP biM of
tnaikil tnli * nml that HIP failure of 'no
co I mi MI- would mean ( he mil of tbo c vcr
ImliMir ) In thin cnnntrv It is i plinnro tei
ni > that the UKUIIH do not sustain ibis view
More silver wes mined last vtnr than dur.
Ing HIP > par IK fore Iu ISir , iho < ir
liroiluct wan $7i. nifj.JUfi and In 1st i
$72 0"i I Ono though Hie price bus ! > i n im' '
IIIR downward Last > pnr'n prolu n > n "f
fillvor was onlv { DflOO.OOO lo s than in1 > f
IS92. wlu-n Pllve-r was worth 22 u i o > < i
ah otincp Pree1 eoltiaRp would im m an ref
of 100 per ( Pill lo tlip producers < r 'iiM > r
bullion and a corresponding 1\ to al >
pcllpd Id accept n debased dollar Pr vly
our gold production this > cir will l < > n\
as largo as In 1S12. an I HIP < ihor M. n w d
not fall off much Silver In do i i v \ >
well on Id IUP Its as a uiplal im > ' r
nu tala , ami lho ( > who drslre to n i
rpprisent n nctlon will injure rith.i inau
aid ltn future
ji St.'ito.-'miiii She -\Vhnt N vIn
Oornmii *
Prnnkfurtpr , 1
Itiillnnapollfi Journnl "I npvpr un t i n
with morn wiippib s ( > lf.po Bc jiloi ihu i
oral ItpL'iuorino.
"Ne > the ti in nil l ticV'of pnibiiM i \ .
re'pt llnnitclnllv "
rim-lnmtl 1-lnn.uirpr "tlni
. niRin n \ y
IKHU ii-lullve ' " "
' llo eleio n't know HP ln't ( lei 1 j
tnillnnnpoll1 * .Irnirn el \Vntl" M t
loul About Ibi--- ! ' Knf < e.i tin ) "to i it
vvpRlti-il | n pound nfiloi-i '
Potts- Hut e-vir.vlmd.v tttiiw , \
little tiling n pound of Ice lit
Pui-k Cobble Sadie Bltmon Is |
Isn't Nile)1'
StoneHi.vv so *
Colilib-- 1 M'nlffht \ I nulled In t i i
the blK ehnlr ntul she nld "Aft i v
rie-vdiuvl Vnlii IL ilor " 1 HIM I
Mipe ! n < loiy vvhoro the plrl vv.i i i
n a bop poll' nnd the IIPIO 'n c i i\\i \ s
n jilnc .oipllng ' '
' Tlmt suit etf storv sl.ould be p i 1 ' "
riiicig-o itee'nril. "Invalids nro ilith i 'o
dpnl with "
"Iu vv hat vvav " "
"If ) ou n k tliiMU bovv thev anth tt
mail and If > ou don t nsk tlie-m h u t- y
nro the ) got mm ] "
ludcprn * ttpton-llovv few ( .IrH i.
bitliliiR lii-n > tills < vi--on'
Dlllbub Y n ho QinudRtnnd I i li
thebithluir lii'iich bpn vvnalu I iw n
Uii"bliiKtnn Stni " \lius trv lit n le r
ISM ! Impii "ln-i , " snlil Pilcle PI n I it
ilnn' bine mi inufli ilnl vob gv\lnt i I r
iumplpln dlHiiup Intment wliptioh n
tu "bow whut ) oil's le'lj able tt l d >
rhli ign I1 s | Slip bud IIPCII to t' '
° lioi < - iii-d vi" ilioplv InteiPslcil In ui M t
PPI tMlni-d to It
"Pld vou iver se > p n liiuU' * " * dn i I- I
" \\oll , 1 shiiul 1 . \ \ "ei" IIP mi'W 11 I I
bought n hous - nnd luL of one on , i n i , o
Inst.illme-nt plan "
1'iirk"Ol coiu-e" said (111 i/l el mm
P.tslin "Am lint Oiieip producul - . m i -
nmikiblp n'lioinls , Mllltade" * , l.m li ,
Alf-x.itldri "
' ( Til , p b'iu' " InlPiiuptPd the - uli in Ini-
pitlputh , "how cm we te > ll vvlnl 1
b.ive hiiipi-iir-il | to them If the ) hi I lull up-
agnlnst me ? "
run C.IPT enini.nNP s
I'lilinK i Iti iniil
Oh , tikii i ( In oil when vou cnn
Don't v\ ill In MI ' 'J mount iln * IM I si
Tltp' | " bolliliv lit foi a mini
WlioievcM IliPie' skv nnd .1 bin i
Iu ' the op ii HP hPilliiK nnd icst
'I'll ink IHMMH foi o lavish M p ! N'ltiin ( .IvtsovPi bei best
So ink" i 11 ioff v\lifn .vou r-in
\ Iti It M , IIIVI. .
"Wb ) "lioiill Ihe Fiililt of mortal Im
OrP' . the enl with pcispirbiB cuo" \w ir
with them and hip thfo to the M- pie te > I
vales ami niialUlas part r.i ) pel bv i N.--
biaska poote' * " Ll t to the lute-
Tluilpvv - In fn rli--tPii ,
Moinlpfr wlmN INten ,
To Die brt-nlh oft Inboi' o'er lilll and lei" .
S ( ? thp Mid" singing ,
Hiimmv ! N In inking-
I e ice nnd plent ) to mountain mil v il" .
Tbo bav iiPid * mow lug- ,
Thp < o\\- IIP ln 'UK '
c.iliul ) w uilnur tin out : b stieambt mil nil.
l"ie IIHMS uniu lulling
Pi-sli for theb.nin , ' ,
The vIn lit l-i ilpi-nlng for the mill
The milking- ovi r ,
e'ow > . .inIn e levi l
lus\ ! urn ili > e l iee with the sun ,
HlpssM In tintolllm ; .
Ni-'ei 0111 "wmLs solllrij ,
Swe-ct lost ful liimbei vvlu > n Hlmi s lone.
Si : POLL i'
That we have justyour
si/52 in a light terge c > r cheviot
suit. If you are the one man
in a thousand whom we can
not fit on sight , we are very
glad to make Such alterations
as may be necessary , or to
make you a suit to order at a
cost that is hardly more thin
half what the merchant tai or
would charge ,
And your perfect satis
faction with wlntever you buy
here is guaranteed by our
promise to refund the purchase
price without a word if you
do not find the goods precisely
as they are represented to be.
Our satisfaction is in
suiting you.
St *