TTI1D OMAHA DAILY THUD AT" , .TTTl/V 2 , 181)7. ) SOME TARIFF SURPRISES Senate Committee Suffers Several Unex pected Reverses. COTTON BAGGING GOES ON FREE LIST Duly onVlillo I'lno Lumber It lit ilm-e-il from TMII Dulliirx < o Ono Dollnr I'or 'I linu- Hiiuil Keel. I WASHINGTON. July 1. The finance com- Tiilttco suffered several \incxpecled reverses during the progress * of the larlrt bill today , being defeated on three Important votes Cot ton baRKlng was placed on the frco list 30 to 25 and cotton ties also by a vote of 2D to 23. The duty on whiteilno ( lumber was reduced from $2 to $1 per thoiifiml by a vote of 32 to 31. The amendment on plno , occasioned the greatest surprise and led to I n general breaking up of party lines on both nldei of the chamber. During the early Btagca of the debate the duty on lumber \vas placed at $2 after a protracted contest. Today Mr Teller returned to the contest and moved to place white pine lumber on the free list. The amendment was defeated liy the vote of 32 to 33 , four republicans llaker , Carter , Ilansbrougli and Quay JoinIng - Ing with the democrats , while three demo crats Hacon , McKncry and Martin voted with the republicans In the negative Fol lowing ui > this close vote. Mr. Mantle , sil ver republican , movd to reduce the rate on white pine from ? . ! to ? l , and this was carried by a majority of one. Two republi cans linker and Tarter voted with the dem ocrats In the alTlrnntlvo , and throe , demo crats Ilacon , 'MeKnory ' and Martin with the republican1) In the negative. The bill Is now complete , with the excep tion * of the rcelpioclty scrtlon and some comparatively minor paragraphs. Much progrera was made today In cleanIng - Ing up detached paragraphs heretofore passed over. Only three of these coal tar , potash and tea remain , BO that these Items , the reciprocity section and International revenue and'admlnlstratlon provisions , are all that remain of the bill to bo disposed of before the final vote Is taken. Mr. Allison reported back the amendment to the coal paragraph offered by .Mr. White yesterday , allowing a dtawback of duty on coal used In American vessels engaged In foreign trade and In the trade between At lantic and 1'aclllc ports of the United Status. The original amendment was modified by the committee to omit coastwise tr.ule The amendment caused much debate and several lenators urged that It go over. ALLUN WANTS PIIKR COAL , . Mr Allen of Nebraska proposed a fur ther amendment allowing the drawback on coal not only to vcs ols , but to "Inhabitants of the United States " "Does that mean free coal ? " asked Mr. Clark of Wyoming. "Yes , free coal , " answered Mr. Allen , who nrgued that the people were as much eni titled to the benefits of free coal as wercj the owners of vessels Mr. Allen and Mr. Clark became Involved In a sharp personal colloquy concerning the former's reference to pauper labor In .the coal mines and Mr. Clark Indignantly resented the Implied In sult to the coal miners and Mr Allen dis claimed any such purpose After further debate - bate Mr. Allen's amendment was rejected and the committee arrangement to allow drawbacks was agrfed to without division Mr Spooner of Wisconsin gave notice of a comprehensive amendment provl ling for the assignment of three gcneial appraisers to make an Investigation of all questions relating to thu tariff , the condition of In- dustrlrB which are affected by the tat Iff , the condition of Industries abroad which compete with American Industries , thodlffei- oncc in labor cost bete and abroad ; also to make an analysis of the .schedules of this tariff bill , with a view , tp correcting any inequalities that may exist. The result of the Inquiry Is to be reported to the secre tary of the treasury and to congress. The amendment placing cotton bagging on the free list , as finally adopted , reads as follows : llagKlng for cotton , gunny e'otb an3 sim ilar fabilcs suitable for covering cotto'i , com. 5 > o ed of hlnglo ynrn = , maile of lute. Jute butts or hemp plain woven fabrics , baus and sicks of single jute or hemp > arris , by whatever name known , mul burlap and bifjs for grain made of burlap. The paragraph i elating to the personal ef fects of persons arriving in the United States was modified so that the effects taken abroad may be brought back without limit , while effects acquired abioad and admissible free are to bo limited to $100. At E'35 p. m. the. bill was laid aside and after an excctutlvo session the senate ad journed. ST.vrminvr OK THI : 1-1 IIMO nnirr. Uni'lp SIIIII'H OlillKiilloiiM Siniiiiiiirlzt-il for Com-i-al Iti-iulliiir. WASHINGTON , July 1 The monthly statement of the public debt tdiovvs at the close of business June 30 , the debt less cash 1n the treasury amounted to JOSG.GjG.OSG , a decrease for the month of $10,027,9Cfi , which Is accounted for by a corresponding Increase In the amount of cash on hand. The debt Independent of the cash was reduced , $4,162. The debt Is recapitulated as follows : Inlerefat beating debt , $ SI7,3G3.130 ; debt on which InleiCbl has ceased , $1.3IGSSO ; debt bearing no Intercut , $378,081,70. ! , total , $1- 226,7 )3,712. ) This amount , however , does not Include J5aO,59Sr > ! ) : i In ccttlllcates and treas ury iiotcx outstanding which aiu ofUot by an equal amount of cash In the treaMiiy The cash In the tiea.niry Is classified as follows Gold , $17S.07fi.t)5G. silver , $5 _ > 0.793- J22 ; paper , $ l ! > 3..1l ! > .S2i > Ilondb , disburnlim offlceis' balances , etc , $ IU.lGSr,3. ! Totaf. $ S71 3S,35S ! ) against which there are demand llabllltltH outstanding amounting $ ( i31- 251 732 , leaving the net cash In the treasury J21oi37G2G. ; { TRLLS KM\VLis Til Illlti : A H.ML. ' "f MiilmSpiMiltN | - | | > to tin * Smith DiiKoiim. WASHINGTON. July 1 In the house to day Mr. Knowlos , South Dakota , rn p to a fiuvbtlon of personal privilege and sent to the cleik's desk and had lead a dldpatch dated Lowlaton , Mo. , In vvhlih I'rof. L C. Halo- man charged on the alleged nuthoilty of Mr , Knowlcs that the "middle of-the road" populous had accepted $1 500 fiom the pio- cc-eeU of Mr llryan's book with the unSer- etniullng that nothing bhoiild be done to prevent - vent fusion In 1000. Mr Know led denounced Mr. Hatemau'rt Htatemont as u willful faUse- liood without a Miadow of foundation Mr Dliigley objected to the airing of pri vate grievances In the hotibe. Ho Mid the gentleman might "hire a hall" If ho de-filu-d to make a personal explanation Mr Knowji's , however , said IIP had a right to denounce a statement that was "falno as hell , " and the speaker allowed him to pro ceed Mr Knowlcs i old hturs In vindica tion of himself HoiiHt * Ailjiiiiriis I mil WASHINGTON. July 1. Thu house today adjourned until Monday after an extended at tack by Mr Settle , democrat of KentucUv on the | < owvr of the house to adjourn for thruo d.i > b ai a time. Mr. Selllo made hit , epcocli b > moving tin amendment to thu Jour nal HP atralgiit'd the lepublkans foi not acting on the banl-rupte-y and Cuban ijuoa- tlons fnill-lln Vm'i'iMMi'lilx , WASHINGTON , July 1 TIu republican senator * * held what they decided should bu their lact caucus on the tariff bill tonight The meeting continued for moro than three hours and was productive of linpoitant re- units Among the points decided WITH the following : To H'port no anti-trust amend- Beauty is your Duty Abundant , glossy hair , Is baauty'i crowning glory. To wear this ciovvn , use AVER'S HAIR VIGOR. mcnt , to withdraw the original flnanco com mitten provisions for a duty on tea and an Increase of 41 cents per barrel on , the tat on beer and to provide . tax on bond and clock transactions. 1)1)1111VI"S ) L\ST IKM'U OK rii Aiii-ii1 Pllc-il III UKI'nlliel Stat < " So jironio Court. WASHINGTON , July 1. The papers In the appeal of W. H. T. Dttr- rant , under sentence of death In San I'ranclsco for the murder of Ulaiiche la ment , were received by the clerk of the United States supreme court today. The appeal Is from the decision of the circuit court of the United States for the ninth circuit In refusing to grant Durrani's mo tion for a writ of habeas corpii" . In his petition Durrani alleges the Irregularity and Illegality of the proceedings against him In the California state courts In that the trial was "conducted upon Information not In accordance with the equal protection of the laws and not by due process of law , " and that testimony was Introduced and con viction secured without due process of law and without a trial b > an Impartial Jury and without process of law. Particularising , he says that prosecutions by Information In stead of Indictment by grand Jury , as Is provided for In section SO ! ) of the petml cede of the state under which his prowcn- tlon was conducted. Is In conflict with Ihc fifth and fojrtecnth amendments to the constllullon. Hence ho alleges that the courts in which his examination and trill were conducted were without Jurisdiction lli > contends that the refusal of Ihe lourl lo granl a change of venue amounted to refusing a fair trial. He also complains of the refusal of the court to punish for contempt the publishers of San Pranclsco newspapers In publishing accounlH dctrlmenlal lo his ( Durrani's ) Interests In having a fair trial , thereby Interfering with the procedure of the court and prejudicing the Jury ogalnsl him As Ihe supreme court will not sit again until October 12 the appeal can not be argued before that time. IIM.VNCH MIKP.T POIl Tim MONTH ItiM-rlpts Kxi-ooel i\i | | Thirteen mid n llnir Million * . WASHINGTON , July l.Tlie monthly comparative statement of the government receipts and expenditures shows that during the month of Juno Iho receipts from all sources amounted to $36,554,708 , and the ex penditures $2,934G94 , leaving a burplus for the month of $13G.0,01I. The surplus dui- Ing June , 183G. was $2,319,430. The state ment shows that the deficit for the fiscal year closed yesterday was $1S.C2.,10S ! , a re duction of $31,82l'JS3 since March 11 of the present year. The receipts from customs during last Juno aggregated $21.500,152 as compared with $11,3J1.S03 for June. IS'JG The receipts from internal rovenim BOUICC ? during the last month were $12SS7OS'j ' , a loss us compared with June , 189G , of about $500,000. SIMI OUT IT.VMOX cnitTiriRATns. IIOOII Ill-Ill I | l 111 tilt * lCMll-t- mont for 11 Month. WASHINGTON , July --For 1 more than a month all pension certificates Issued by the govuinment have been held up In the pension bureau. This terminates the operations of an order , which , taking effect on May 31 last , was designed to avoid Inct easing the existing deficiency In Ihe pension appiopi la- lions by crediting the payment which would follow the Issuance of these certificates to the new fiscal year Instead of lo the lls > cil jear ended yesterday. The deficiency Is said to bo over $300,000. Detween 12,000 and 15..000 ceillfloates baa aLcumulaled , but fiom now on the regular dally Issuance and mailing of them will be resumed. i > itisiniiNT Ai > iinovih : Tim HILT , . Pori'lf ii Lulior for ! ? \i > onlttou Pnr- ] M > ri 'H Cflll O'OIIK * 111. WASHINGTON , July 1. The president ban approved the bill providing for the admission of fotelgn labor to bo employed upon the Omaha exposition to bo held next jear. I'ONtal Coiinross Modnls. WASHINGTON , July 1. A majority of the delegates to the International Postal con- giess have icturned lo rlielr homes. The medals which \veie ordered struck In their honor at the Philadelphia mint are being sent to them. Thesu medals are a quaiter laiger and one-thitd heavier thun our silver half dollars , anil the obverse shows .a medallion bust of Geoige Washington. On the reverse Is the inscription , "Member Universal Postal Congiesi , 1S37. " There is a swivel attached to a ird , white and blue silk toul , by which these medals can bo worn by their owners , and Ihey ate pi bed highly as .souvenirs of ono of Iho most suc cessful postal congresses ever held. CoiillrninlliiiiN. WASHINGTON , July 1. The senate today confirmed the following nominations' J. F. Gowrj of Washington , to be consul general at Yokohama , Japan ; George N. West of Ols trlct of Columbia , consul at Sidney , N. S. A\ , W. J. Hoffman , Dlntrkl of Columbia , lo be consul at Mannheim. Daden ; C. L Cole of Pennsylvania , to bo consul gcneial at Dics- den , Saximj , J. 11. Thomas of Illinois , to bu United States Judge of comts of Indian teirl- loty. Colonel C Merriam , Seventh infantrj , to bo brigadier general ; J. K. llichards of Ohio , to bo hollcltor general ; S. S I. , ) on , jf New Jeisoy , to bo consul at OtaKa and Hloja , Japan ; L. A. Dent of IJlhtrict of Columbia , consul at Klngslon , Jamaica , % for llio Army. WASHINGTON. July 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) Genoial Caleb P Call ton has been placed on the lotlred list under the- forty j ears' service law. Tlu resignation of Captain Andtew G. C. Qiny of his ( oiniiil slon as ( list llouton- ant of cavalry only has been accepted by the president. Leaves of absence- Lieutenant Thomas Connell ) , Plrst Infantiy , MX months , with permission to go abioad ; Lieutenant Pied- erick S PollPlrst cavalr > , extended one month ; Captain George C. Ho > lcKirst cav alry , thico months. ProHlili-nl CUi-Nii Illiini-r. WASHINGTON , July l.-Tlie president gave an Informal dinner tonight to the mem bers of bin olllcial family and n few Invited gujhts. The guests outside the cabinet vvero Vice President Hobart , AsMstnnt Secictury Day , Secii'tar > Kooievolt , Hon. Carl Scliiu/ , who is a guest at Ihe whlto house , and Sec retary Potter. Tomorrow night the President and Mrs Melilnley and Mis Saxton leave the city for Canton to visit tlio president's mother and they will return early nc\t week. WASHINGTON , July 1. Ono of Ihe firsl acts of Sccielarj I-ong upon his return to Washington Was to recommend the approval by the president of Iho nentonco of illsmlssil Ivipusoil b > comt-murtlal In thu ease of Commiinder Dennis Mullan , accused of drunkenness on duty while In command of thu Pensacola navy jaul. JHIIN lrl > onniiy , WASHINGTON , July -The 1 sccrelaiy of state has written a letter lo the governor of California asking him to caus an Invcbtl- gatlon of the oircumbtanrca uiider tv\o Japamso BtibjictH were driven away fiom the new town of Johannesburg In that Mate. \rrny of tin'iimliirliiiiil , WASHINGTON. Jul.v L Oeneial Itosp- crans , pri ldent of the Society of the Army of Ihe Cumberland , authorl/cs the announce ment that the n\t annual reunion of the boclety will be held at Columbus , Septem ber " 3 and "I next. HooKlllll , VlllllNllT | o C IT COO , WASHINGTON , July 1U 1 Is understood that the pietldent has selected S. W. W. Hockhlll late assistant secretary of state , as Pulled Status minister lo Greece , and that the nomination Is llkel > to go to the senate tomorrow. I'imloitoil li ) Iho I'lTNjilciit. WASHINGTON. July 1Tho rutsldent has paidon-d Charlea II. nclschman , ben- tenccd in Illinois to live yearn In the Sill- vvauliee HOIISO of Correction In December last for omb. zzlliij ; the funds of the Na tional lianl ; of Jlllngls. 'I'lihiK-fu TriiMl nil lili-iul. NJW YOHK July -The Tobucto trusl dlr i-iora liavc declared ttio dividend of 2 I r -i > t j ili pieferrcd and 2 p r ceui on thu common stuck. RULES FOR FOREST RESERVE Regulations Tabuktcd by the Qcncral Land Office. PENALTIES FOR SETTING OUT FIRES \K \ of MIOI-II I'l'olilliHnl Hi-ttil- Iiillimo ( "otu-i-rnliiK ( Cutting of Tlinli.T Mllsl tietNtil In tliiSlnle. . WASHINGTON. July 1. Much altcntlon ha * been paid recently by the general land ofllce lo preparation of rules and regula tions applicable lo Iho government of all the various forest reserves of the United States , and Commissioner Hermann baa now formulated these for the approval of Ihe sec retarj of Ihp Inlerlor. Attention Is called lo Iho matter of forest fires , which annually do so much damage thiough caielcssncss. and Ihe law Is specially referred lo which Imposes a penalty for will fully selling fire to timber or carelessly suf fering fire to burn uHBtlended near any Um ber and which punishes such offense by fine- or Imprlsonmenl. The law provides that be fore breaking camp fires shall be totally cx- llngu'Hhcd. Prospecting , locating and developing the mineral resources of forest rescrvcH are permitted. Lands for school houses and churches arc provided and the use of vvalers for domestic , mining , milling and Irrigation purposes are also allowed. The construction of wagon roads Is author- bed and the right of way across the re serves for Irrigating ditches , flumes and icsei- volrs Is peimltled. The pasturing of live block on Ihe reserves Is permuted except as to sheep , which In view of tlielr Injuries to the foiest cover are prohlblled In regions where the rainfall Is limited , and the present exception In this regard Is extended only to the reserves In the states of Oregon and Washington , becaubo of the continuous molb- lure and abundant rainfall of the Cascades of the Pacific coa l ranges. lven ! this per mission will be i evoked If pastuilng extends to Hull Run reserve , to Ciater lake , or places where Injury ma > bo done. Where persons have unpeifected bona fide claims within the leserves they may lelin- qulsh llie bame , and In lieu thereof iccolvc- vacant public landb elsowheie wlthoul chaige In cases where fees pievlotisly had been pall. The mineral lands of Ihe forest reserves are subject to location and entry under thu minim ; laws In the usual manner. Owners of mining locations are authorised to fell ami remove from their mining claims ans timber growing thetcon for actual mining purposes upon thc-lt paillcular claim The fiee- use of timber Is allowed to bona fide setllers , miner * , lesldeilts and prospectors foi nilne-ialH , for firewood , fencing , buildings etc. 'Ihlb privilege Is lestiletc'd lo persons ic&tdent wlihln the forest iet > eivcb who have- not a sufficient bupply of timber on their own claims. SALfi OF TIMHKH. The sale of timber from the icserves will bo perinltlcil In limited quantities , and Ihh , is done for tha pinpo-u ot pieserving llie living and growing limber and permitting the joungur growth of timber on the receives. Dead , matured or laigcgiowiha ot tiees found upon the. reset ve.s rhall be dcslgiuted and appiaised t > o far at , , the same may not bo necessary for the forest prcnervation and water cover anil may bo told for not less lliau the appraised \alne. In Mich quantity as shall bo pi escribed to each purcha.sui and to bo Urfcd In the state or territory in vUilch the re-ervatiou may be. Sixly days' notica , published in llie county where the timber is situated , la to be given tic-fore sa.e. Pay ments aie to be made to the receiver of the local land olllccof the district wherein the timber Is bold Hcfoio sale the timber will bo examined and appraised under the direc tion of the depaitmenl. In order to avoid a monopoly , Iho department may in sales In excess of $ . " > UO make- allotments of quantlly to the several bidders , and the right Is re served to i eject any or all bids. Within thirty elajs aftet an avvaid of tlmbei to a Milder payment must bo madeIn full , and within ono > car It must bo removed Where It may be found necessary to elect temporal ) .sawmills for the- purpose ot manufacturing Iho limber purchased on Iho groumi a per mit will bo necessary All limber so cul musl bo used In Ihe state or territoiy in which the reservation I * Mlualed. Supplemental Instructions aie given to all special agents of the Interior department to especially take cognisance of unlawful cut ting of tlmbei and depredations upon the public domain , Including Ibe forc-nt n-seivci , and hereafter algilant watch will be directed toward the matter of foiest fires. The law" fiuther provides that , in Iho ca o of lands mote applicable for mining and agriculluro than for forcslry purposes , upon a proper showing madellie same may be- eliminated entirely from tinfoiebt rebc-iv.s and restoied to public domain As to the icsc-rves which have lately be'pii suspended by the leceut net of congress , tile- geological smvey Is now busily engaged In examining them and In extruding the ex terior lines propel ly embracing buch 10- se-rves In this manner largo poitlons erroneously hc-ieloforo embraced in reserv-s will be restoied to public entry and other portions which were omitted fiom the re serves will be embraced within them. The estimated area of the exlotlng forest reserves is 18,90.,2SO ! acres. The estimated area of the suspended forest reserves Is 19,95.HfiO ! acres. The aggregate are-a of Ihe existing ami suspended ieseive-3 Is I'S.OH.GIO. This lo gi eater than the aiea of any state east of the Mississippi river and of west of It. MMIIX.TIONS IIV Till : I'll CusloiMH Illtloors lor IliiI'nrl of NI-H \ orU Nninoil. WASHINGTON. July L The prchldcnt today sent the following nominations to the senate Treasury Gem-go C. Dldwoll , to bo collec tor of customs for tlio district of Now York ; Wilbur ! ' Wakoman , appraiser of mur- chandho in the dlftiict of New York .lustlto Klleiy P. ( 'loFO. attuincy of Iho United States for the northern district of Now YoiK Stale John P Mowt-y of Washington , consul at Kanagwa , lo lie consul general at Yoliohanm ; fJeoigo N West of the District of Columbia , now consul at I'trtou , to be ( onsul at .S > dno > , New South Wales. To bo consult , a > sUi ! liodwell of New York , at Kort Kile. Out. ; John C Illgglns of Dcla- waio , at Dundee , Scotland Interloi f Sanford ItiiFscll of Missouri , to bo receiver of jiubllc monejs at Iranian , Mo ; Leo Patrick of Oklahoma , to bo agent for the Indians of the Sac and Fox agvney in Oklahoma. Poitinastert , William G. Cubbcrly , C'us- ter. S. D. NO ACTION ON SCAI.'iHS' | : HILL. Poll 11 in- tloiisnroHO | LIKely lo fie O\or W \SIIINOTON. July 1 The Inteistato eommeice coirmltteo of ihn senale consldtrod the antl-fcalplng bill , but owing to the ab- snnca of several incinbcrii of the conunltten no vole was reached H Is probable that owing to tin near appioach of adjournment no further effort will bo made lo gtt the bill reported U I- also probable them will pot bu unotlifi meeting of the committed Oils session and Iho pooling bill will also go ov or. CKNSI'S or TIM : IIPSMVN IMPIIII : . C/iir Itulon Ov or Ono Iliiiulroil mul Tvv inlNlniBullion I'ooiili- . WASHINGTON , July 1.Foi the ilisl tlmo In history a general ri-nsus has been lakcn of the population of the Russian empire , which la shown to number 129,211,113. In fortj-lne jearn Urn population has doubled and during Iho last twelve jenra U has In creased 20 per cent. I nil la u St-urf KfiiKRoriilfiL WASHINGTON , July 1 The Ilanuock In dian trouble In Idaho appears lo have been great ! } oxapgeratcd by the anltlvra Dis patches received hero today Indicate thai Ihe number of Indiana off the reservation la much ICES il < an WJH slated , that there was llttlo basU for alarm here and that Hie ob ject of the JuUlaiig * lie did leave Uiu rcstr- vatlon was ( solely lo secure food luxury In the form of ci irat * root , n blup-flowcred bulb whoso mvect taster Is much covcled by the Indians. Lieutenant Irwln , the agent at the Port Hall reservallon , wired today that Iho slUtatlon was not as serious as reporled. IMIIJ vcnnii npcoMis riusov\t. . -llioitlst Mlitlttti-r Adne-U * di - llftli- otN uf eullor ( "Iniri-lios. CHIVINNIJ : , wyo. , July i. ( special > A pulpll war Is Impending In this place which promises to bH/iiip ; of a very spicy nature. It commenced S.q.tyay | when the pastor of the Presbyterian qlmrqh. devoted the Sunday evening service t/the ) rendition of a four- chapter story with Interludes of music , ml- mlllii'icp lo HIP church being by ticket. The entcrtalnmenl lial been extensively adver tised , and while II was In progress Hev. K. K. Tnrblll , superintendent of Wyoming mln- . slons of the Methodist church , who occupied I ' the Melhodlsl pulpit In Ibis city Sunday evening , said In the course of his sermon upon "Preach the Word , " Ihc following "The church Is sometimes tinned Into a playhouse1. Sunday i-venlng entertalnmenlH In the form of so-called sacred concerts , i elocutionary pedantry , theatrical perform ances , and so on , ad nauseam Such thlngu are a confession of weakness and failure on the part of the preacher A few Irreligious , people will applaud , but real Chrlsllaiis and i many other sensible people are disgusted ' and sick. Hut the plea fs made that wo v\anl to reach thp masses. The facl is lhat the masses arc alieady reached In that way. The clicus , the Iheatcr and the dive Is doing | that. If I announce such Itavcslles on tlio gospel lo take- place In my pulpit the people have a right to consider their Intelligence . and moral sei-se Insulted and they nlay away I fiom chinch llll 1 know enough to piench I thp woid of God " Mr Tarblll also paid his ' lewpe'cts to llie Conmegallonal mlnlslc-i eif this city In the following "He-hold , lhat | little gicen bpot Just out of the hot bed of the Iheologlc-al school , selling himself up as ho aii'illilltttor of Hob Ingeiboll or as the- ape of Ijymaii Abbotl Why eloe-s he waste his time on such useless subjects except to make Iho untaught think lie Is a giant of leain- Ing * Why eloes ho not pass the-bo unlm- poilaut personages by and pi each the wunl' " The sermon has created a decided sensation and It is believed will not go unanswered. vinit iriv i TKf \ m : VIM TOiovn. . einlors ( o i : to Kiirt Hull , Iilnlio , Vro < 't u n I or in 11 ml oil. CIinYHNNn , Wyo. , July 1 ( Special Tile- gram ) The orders received yesti-ielay by Iho army pack tialn at r'ort Ilussell to jo to Fort Hall , Idaho , were counterm indod today - } day , but the train will beheld In le-adlncM , to move at any lime The detachniftil of the Ninth cavalry which left Fort Hoblnson for the see-no of trouble was stopped at Orln Junction today and wnt into cam ; ) at that placeto await further in tiers It Is believed In army circles hen' tint lliere will li no .seiious trouble with the Han- nocks. itomir.ns nt\i ) roa i-o\ uiviit W.i oniliiK Miorl.V iinil POX.Isinrl In P in-Null. lU'PPALO. Wyo.r July ] ( Ppecl-il Tele gram ) Woul vva received heie that the Cnri } gang , who attempted to rob llie- Hello Kourclic bank , arc- being olrsely piiraueel , and are headel for llie Powder river counliy. A bhuiilf s | .a-u loll Immediately lo Intc-rcept and Ihem. Misifilm 11 C'onl IIIIIM m-o CIIIYINNIyo. : . . July i. In the Lairu'ilo1 cininly dlstiict court County attorney R W. Brickons tiled an Infoinu- tlon rhaiglng r Charles S. Hr.iwell of this oily vvieh iiiunki in the seeond dogieo , in having caused the death by shooting of Daniel McCrimlisk The altoineys toi l is- wcll will a 'K ' a conltnuanco to the- next teim of court and it Is believed Ihc-ii application - plication will lv ; gi anted. ci Lii : > M i > rn is AJ.IVI : . Doulils \Iioiil | n < - Iili-iitllli-iillon of lloil > Koiinel In I lie ICIvi-r. NHV. ' YORIC.'Jnly 1 Mrs Augus'a Nack , the midwife who Is under anest in connec tion with the minder of the man suppose ! to bo William Guldeiisuppe , spent the- night at pollco headquarters. She in.Msts tint Guldensuppo has not been murdered and that be will turn up beforeloni ; . Mn > . Nick slept well all night She Insld eel that the- saw Guldensuppo on Saturday afternoon , U. o hourt > after the fir t portlu.i of the- body was found. The detectives are still continuing their investigation or thu matter , and aie making a vigoious seaich for Iho man who supplanted Guldtnsuppo in Mis Nack's af fections There Is conalr/eiablo / skeptlcUm annng the police as to the murdeied man being Gultlensuppc , notwithstanding the posi tive identification of the defoimed Ilnstr by the missing man's friends Dr Corby , four attendants trnin the bath housu anil an un known man called at the morgue today and positively Identified the legs found yesterday a.i tlvhe of Guldeiisuppe. Hvery elfoit Is being made to extort an ad- mlfsion from Mrs Nick that .she has knowl edge of the minder of Gulden"iippo Sha W3 subjected lo a physical examination b } police station matrons this afternoon , after whlcli It was assorted lint her person showed marks lhat ludlcntcd that within a fev days she bad been engaged In a hard strugg.e During Iho examination Mrs Nack N slid to have been almost hvrfteilcal and to have neaily broken down -several times MOLDS THU HIOT LA\V IS I.NVAMI ) . TnlH from tin- Jury I InI'oncr lo \NH - - 4DMtnnt i-M. CLIVILAND , July i Judge Dis/eit of the comimn pleas court todaj dcciiled the Smith lynch I.TV Invalid. The lavs , more piopeily speaking , Is n ilot law , peimittlng persons injuicd In riots to re-cover fiom the- county It wont before the court in the foim of a damage ) suit brought by J W. Caldwell against the county lo recover damage fi > i Injury lecc-ivc-d at Ihe Hi own Hoisting and .Machine1 company's strike The court did not liol.l the law making countieb and municl- pallllos liable for picijierty desticied by mobs unconstitutional He held lhat Ihe Uglslalurc- had the tight to enact laws to prote-ct both peisons and property. Ho hold , however , that the conviction and punishment of offfiideis should not be a bar to the re covery of any damage Ho thouglil It moro logical to invest the commissioners with al- thoi Ity to pic-vont i lots befoio jia.sslng a law making the county liable fur Injuilos How- uvor , thu serious ilufc-c-t II In the vvoidlng of the law fixing damages absolutely at $ * 0o for Hllghl InjurliH and $1 000 for seilous In- jutle-s Inllleted by a mob The couit held lhal two or thrco pcihons may constltulo-a mob and that , Ui * > ilRw opened iii ] tlio way lo Innumeiublo ximuugo sullu against the- county Mcjieoyei , , ll placed tlio damage-H boyoml theJin l.sdlcfjon of a jury anil the amount of dumag'os ' would likely bo altogether out of proportlnh to Iho Injuries inlllctcd The law wib td'eiffino decreed Invalid and unconstitutional . i INDIVNS KiL't/ii'U / \ P\INKILIIH. DrlllKK > orjllllliir In SlKht Wlili-Ii I oilVnliiH Alrnliol , IRAINiitl ) ) , } , July 1 Klvo Indians , Including Chl fVco SUB. arc dead at Malono's Point toit Mille Lacs lake and sev eral other" are uxpouted to dlo. as the ru- sult of eliinkillg painkiller , hair oil ami other pieparatlfm's ' containing alcohol The Indian payment' ' lias been going on there anil the redskliU g'oiged ' themselves with thin sluff , which was'bought from Malono's Iradlng posl Indian rulers are scouring every pail of the rtHervalion lo bring the band together at the Point and serious trouble may result , as the rcdskln think Malone Is lo blame for the deaths Jf whisky can be Rotten there Is no telling what will happen Parties jusl homo frejin Iho Point say the excitement runs high. I.OOTINO TIM : OLD .SHIP OJIAIIV. Itolilicrx Muk < > AMID ivltli MncliliiiT ) ami Mi-lnl IMxIurm. SAN KHANCISCO. July 1 Tlie old war vi , sel Omaha , which has been condemned by Iho govcrnmenl and in al present doing duly an a quarantine hulk , haa been systemat ically looted of all the old machinery and metal fixtures One of the thieves has been captured and be has made a confession thai Ibe watchman of the old steamer was liLs confederate The * man under arreal gave Ihe name of J I ) Frlck , but baa eiuce bald tbat U l an allai- P111LBIN REFUSES THE CASH Effort Will Bo Mnda to Discourage tlie Occu pation of Spotters. INSISTS UPON PROSECUTING MR , YOUNG Trial lit 1'iilU-o Court Snlil lo lie I'lKliI lloMtconoilorn l'n < 4 > ii-ii- ue-r ViMiK-liitlon mill TIUit It seems now tint the case of A 1) ) Young , alias J H York , who was artested on the charge of obtaining fiom Ticket Dioker P H. Phllbln $263 of tallroad mileage by fal w repn entatlous , has Hlmmered down Into a determined fight between the Western Pas- pengcr association and the Ticket llrokers1 as-soclntlon. The acquittal or the eonvlcllon of Young would be a victory for ono or the o'her a" oolatlon , ralltoad turn cay , although U Is sill ! admtttml pictly generally that Young lomalns jut In the van of all Interested parties. It luifl Horn deduced that Young Is not be ing ptoseouted so much by TIcKft lltoker Phllbln as by the Ticket IlrokorV a 'Ofla- tlon of v\hlch he Is a member. This | q the opinion , because It Is believed that If Phll bln wn doing all the nro"rrulltii ( he would have been readv to quit at the moment lint he was oiTettd recompense for the amount ho allegis ho lo t through Young. A ettle- mrnt has been proposed and thnffer ha" been refused Imnudlatelv after Youngs at ton on the erlmlml charge a civil suit was biought against him In a Justice coutt for $200 Phllbln sa.vs ho lo = - ' 2C1 of mil- reid mileage , but he could sue for no moio than $ JOO before a Jusllce of the pcac ° Ynung coufci o I Jiidgniont for this amount Wednesday afternoon and turned the mnnov over to the court Then his attorney went to Phllbln and offcind him $ t1. ! the dirtct- tnco Thl-s Phllbln tifiu-cd OPINIONS OP \ILttO\D MKN Railroad men do not bellino that the ticket btokrt would lofuso this amount of mnn > unU'EH he was to bo loeompetiped In some othet wa > That otliet way. the > say , co'iua through the Ticket Hrokois' a--so- clTtion This bed > , ihej say. Is undoubtedly Inierr.tted In rubbing U Into the Western Passenger association spotters hard , becaime blich a spotter Is the ticket broker's natural enemy It Is a fact lhat Young la not In the direct employ of the Western Pa-wngor associa tion Indiieetly ho Is , however The West ern Passtnger association and Caldwell do not employ spottorw dlieetl.v. but Ihoy have a onnti.icl with ti detective agenc > to fm.iish them This detoctlve agone > Is said lo be the Thlele with head ( | > oih In ChUaio ami St. Louis Young was emploved bj this ngonc > anil dutaltoil upon the work of a npotlcr It U stated alcin that this agency lias Injected ltt > elf Into the suit , and tint ono of the pilneipal men In It has como to this city to help look aftoi Young's Intorfsls This strife between the two UKsuclalloiih was shown somewhat In the pielimlnaiv liarliu ; of 'V.ouiiK. which was begun j es- loiday In police conit It was In ought out in the cros- , examination of Ticket llioKor PMIbln , vvlien ho v\as being questioned bj the defense irgaidlng the value of tin miloaio books On dltoet oxamlnation Phil- bin stated that lit- had given Young $150 to buy books fiom railroad agents Tlio covois were to be returned in himself after the mileage was u.sed. or else Young was to have hecutod the tcbate on the coveis and was to havu tinned over theptocceds ' 1 he ticket agtnt also said that he himself had given books to Young QiisnoN op CONTRACT. The defense tried to show that Rome of the piocicllng3 weie Illegal , and the uforu the book * lou then value , and Young was not Kuilt.v cf getting an > thing bj hiri pietenses It wa,3 nhnwn that the contiact l > etween the puichaser of the ticket and the lallroad company provided that the tianaporlatlon was neil Irinaferable , and was , Iheiefore , vvoitlili o if tumid over to a thlid patly An attempt was also made to fallow that If the covers vvnu tutned Inok by a paitj , one other than the pin dinner , the rebate vas not pild To this , however , Pliilbm eald that sometimes the tailroads paid the ic-bato lo a third paity , and sometimes they did not PhllbinVi testimony wa.i that which has already been published at the time of Young's ar'ret lie bald that Young repre- dOiiltd htmeclf to be J. H York , an agent for a Now Yoik turn , and that on these lopre entalloris Young received the mileage Young left the city with a piomlse to paj , and In the meantime Philb.n discoveud thai he was not York , and tint he was not | connected with the New Yoik firm There fore the arrest was made on Young's luturn to the city The defense showed that Young had paid $200 into Justice coutt , and also Phllbln' refusal to accept the remainder he alleged to be due This wah done for the pnrpn > e of showing that uven Ihough Young made fa'ao lepresen'atlom , ho did not intend to defraud , and In fact nvould not have defrauded iho broker Do'h Phllbln and Captain Ha/e , who made the arrest and who was ( alleil al a wllncos , said that Young stated that the broker would lese nothing tbiougli transactions with A. D. Young. When asked about transictlons with J. I ) . York , ho said that that wa another matter , and refused to talk. Phllbln and Captain Ha/o were the only witnesses for the state , and with their tiHti- inony the state closed. The dofoiide then j moved to dismiss , but before the argument was finished Judge Gordon became ill and adjourned toint The case la to bu taken up again this moinliig. rhloiiKo mill Nortliorn I'nolllo. CHIC\GO , July 1 The Chicago & Not Ill- urn Pacific was turned over to the reorgan- l/ed corporation at mllnlglit last night by the receiver of the federal court , A. L. Hopkins. The company defaulted in the payment of the- interest on bonds amounting to $ JS,000,000 four jears ago and foreclosure proceedings were commenced In consequence last October Iho reorgam/aMon uhiinlUoo bought In the load for JS.Oon.OOO anil the turning over ( if the road Ian nlghl was In accordineo with the terms of that sale. The load will bo managed by its pic otit olficciH and no changes arc- expected at present. Trnilo Iliillroiul I'rupoH ION. SAN PKNCISCO , July 1 At 1L' o'clock thlrt morning the iIi ! ) mlloa of track extend ing from Mojave to iho NoedUw becaino part and parcel of the Atlantic & Pacific lallrcad At the lame tlmo the strip of road running trom llenson to Gnajamas WJH transferred to the Southern Pacific. All of the officers and employes now In tlie service of the Atlantic & Pacific rallwiy will continueto perform their dutlea until otherwise ordeied. Mom : PAST > IILrjtMcn tir.orv. Trnlus from S ( . LiiuN mul KHMMH CKy < > o Into ( > | ii-riillon , ST LOUIS. July L A fast mall service to Mexico has bien arranged and will piob- ably be an accomplished fact bv July I. Il will go from St. Louts over Ihe Mis souri Pacific and Iron Mountain to Tex- arkana , thence- over the Texas & Pacific to Longvknv , Towhere the Interna tional & Great Not them will take olmtgc of It to San Antonio. At the last named point connection will bo made with the Southern Pacific's "Sunset Limited , " and at Kagle Pass Ihe Mexican Intelinllonal will takeIbe mall lo Torroon on Ihe Mexican Ccnttal , which lasi named road will qulcklv dispatch It to tlio City of Mexico Trains tlnil now icach ( inhesion at 3 10 p m will , under the new schedule , mnko that eltv at 1 p. m. The lime of arrival at Houston will bo 11 u m. . two hours and tvvpntj minutes faster than the present schedule. Sin Antonio will bo reached it J p. m. , the present schedule being 7 15 p m. \NSAS CITY. July t.-The Santa KO'H now ftiHt mail horvlce to the' southwest was Inaugmatod at S o'clock this moinlng The train , aside- from the gicat service1 It will glvo to commi'relal Inlet CMS and traveler * , will albo lelivor the mall. Including tlio motning papers of Kansas City all along the line , la > mg thorn down from throe to lx hours o-uller linn heretofore 1h ! moans of couf-o , th.U Moiithweatoin polnls will bo In olortcr louch with the whole countiy The fliist tialn to InlHito the dopaituto which moaiiH si > ninth to Kansas Oil } and till * part of the eoiintrv , was nude up of an imlni1 and I omit r mail tar and ( hilr iai and ( ho prlvalo car of General Supeiinlonil- rnl M V Mmlgo Superintendent Mudgo , iticompinlcd b > Jer'y ' Illack. general pi'sen- ger and ticket iigeiu of the svsteni ; \viij Turner. "Ssslstant gfnonl htipeilntenilent , J P Llndsiv , in charge of mall tianspoiln tl"ii and a niimbrr nl newspaper men madt the tilp 'Iho train left at H a. m mid ai- ilved at Newton , Knn at S o'clock thb nirrnlng without .1 The Wa'-hlngtoi IVvdolllce department has oide od a midnight eidleotlnn of mall hero , ( bo Hist In the hls- tury of Kansas Citv and this mill , together wltlHato malls from the east and north , will liotcjftor go west on the new train. UK : ni MI n vs in : VCIMI > I > INVIU. iillioru I'nollli- I | M a Cn-iit Tn lli-for < - II. DiNVI2It , July --.Since 1 earl > morning special trails loaded with delegates to the Christian Hndeavor convention at San Pran- elseo have been rolling Into the union depot n this ( tt > at Intervals of a few minutes 111) Gulf road began dispatching opcclal ralni around the fitmoiis "loop" In the moiin- .atin at ti a m , and thousands of e\uirclon- Htu I'liulo thi dolightiul irlp Twentv spe- lal tr.iln.s aio sdiediiled to go wiwt over the Denvei .t Illn Giaudo todaj , and tonior- ow lift-two ttalns will bo diTiatihod on that line. Tlio Color.'dn Midland will also handle : t aigo numliPi of extra trains All the tralu = rom the east are behind schedule time , and hnso on the llmllngton have been ilelijed ) > the slight accident at Akion , Cole 1 hepetial dcbllo of the llndeavoreis Is to o-ieh Palt Lake Oil } in time to attoml HC-IV- "es in HIP Tabermclu Sunda > morning Thit , will nerch itato a delaj of twenty-four hourh , and then the Southern Pacific assumes the iMponsiliility nf ( onvcjln , ; tlio tourists to ho end of then jomnev.s Gieat as is tlio ask of toads to the past the task undertaken ) } the Southern Pacific is by all oddti the heaviest and the re.Milt will bo watehod with the llv elicit Intel irt I ) } thetran.spoi tation men. tin : SI-IIIIT itvii.uvv rirsi ivuiis Hi tin1,11 I'li-seii i > > Illinois 1,1-Klslnliiro. CHICUiO. July 1 An ordinance empow ering llie Me-tiopolilan True t Ion company to build more than L' 100 miles of street lail- lonlb In Cook county has been passed by the county board. The loads over which Ihe fianchlse oxlemls cover every point In Cook countv out lde of the city of Chicago vliereit is now or ever likely to become desliableto build a stiec-t iallw.iv lim it is said the way thus been pived for a giganticeonibln itlon of the btne-t rail ways of Chicago wllh eveiy subiiiban line now in existence- One project to bu carried Into offei t by the companv will be tin- carrying of freight from every town and village in the rouniy to the limits of the city after G p m , where It will be bi ought ovei thecilv lines in Ihe big combination The- new company is capltall/ed for $10 nil.- . ) OOi ) and among its rumored hackers aio men tioned J Pi'rpont Morgan. P. A B. Wlde- ner , W. h niklns and Chailes T Yeikc , together with the men hacking the geneial electnc company. Nn money compensation to the county IH piovlde-d for by the ordinance nance- . WILL IIHSTOlti : DIITP.Itr.NTI M.S. \Ki : ooiiic-ll I llt-iK-lu-il 1 tlio Soutli- i-sti-rn Ijl no * . ST. LOUIS , July L The grain rate con feroneo of the transm hsom 1 linen held here has adjourned with the understanding that stepH would be taken at once to icatnro or maintain the established diffeiciitlals on shipments eastbound. VicePiesldeiit Wainei of the Missouri Pacific said "If the Chicago lines will keep rates on Ihp twtabllslicd basis there will bo no reduction whatever bill to make rales the same from Mfeoml river polnls to Chicago and to St. Louis will nut bo htilimlttcil to by St. Louis lines unlef.tlio trunk lines will absoib this dllTcr- ontlil east of St Louis , making the lates , lo the seaboard from Chicago and from St Louis the same " sriri\i : , STMIKI > A s'liinc TII\IN. Lnlli-r \\'HH Purl V\'n > on 11 --liliiin \\lion lh < - SH'ohil | Cnnio VliiiiK. IIHUSII , Cole , July 1 ( On lliwrcl Chicago Clirl-llan HudiMVor Train ) The two dPilloiiH of the Chicago Chllfitliin Kndeavor 'rain rea-hed hero at ' .ISO o'cl > clt thu , morning having been delayed eight hours at Akron. Cole by the wicik vvbldi occmipd at 1 110 o'e'o k till * morning mldvviy b tvvren Iho two towii.i T'IO wicck was bilwptn nor'Ion one of the westbound ChilHtlan I'ndcavoi iipe- olal from Poorla , III. , and a fast fielght bound from Denver to Chicago It was at Hint repotted the flrr > t doctlon of the Chicago cage tiuln was Involved , Inasmuch u It was Immediate ! } following the Peoiia tiiin Tim Injuicd are I'ngiiiier Dave Maguer ofIcConk Neb whii vva J Hfilciiisly hull by three hcalp wounds , a crushed hand and - i ; You Will Entertain in Your Summer Home is extensively used by the American people , who esteem it a pleasure to use an American Water , possessing beyond comparison all the attributes of purity , flavor , and spai kle , that fit it for the table of the epicure. Tt C In addition , it possesses a peculiar power to dissolve and t < drive out Uric Acid , that poisonous product of high living , not found in any other water. IfH Kvery hold and club in America uses Sparkling ' Londonderry. " It lias also bcn in daily use in every hospital m llie lane ! lor many vear * , where it is highly endorsed , and a remedy for Rheumatism , flout , s ; Gravel , Dyspepsia , and all Uric Acid troubles. Sold by all Dealers in Mineral Waters. i'AXTO.N A CiALLAUIlUIl , OMAHA , .NEU. ht-avy u right * on Ills rhoist , pxpwf l to re cover , and rircmnn 0 M Cole of the n\me > town , Rcvrrcly scalded and reeelvcii n bud wound on the clioe-h ind a cru ltr.l arm The only passenger hurt and Tred V Uln8hurn , a Christian Ktidc.ivoiot of Tampli o 111 vvlit ) received a sIlRht wound over the' o > o The tvt * etiKrr train. In ch.irRo of nnslnccr Manner , wa * golns at Kfe.U speed when It crushed Into iho f.m frrlKht ordon 1 to id < > ttack al this point , but had not eirod ! iho main llnr. Tlu > piu-wpnuor struck the fn-K-ht In tlio middle , cruihliiK thrro catlleCIM ilia drbrli of which wcro cattore > d far an 1 w idi > The p.i < .riiKcr riiRlno s il total wnk and Ihe' li.lEfi.iKe1 car was llkculsidrmi < hi > i1 Thn Ilrst rene b of pi seiiKor'vire h.i llv shaken up , many makltiK Ihi-lr p ip.- t > v windows. The pis-scngciy liutue-ll.i .H wet to the rescue'of the her es and c.ittu lliHlmp lollov\i nf ChlMKo bcltiR UUP of tintlm on h.ind with a lanlorn The' Chi. . i n , inv duo In IH-nvcr parly in the IIMIIIUIK VM I nol tt'.ich thcro until noon. Onl "f tin- Ili-i-i-lt ( -r' HiiniN. OlllCAllO. July 1 The. Chicago , N , ih. prn 1'rtcinc railroad was turned over 1,1 MH > re > orKatil7Pd corporation at mldnlehl b > Ho. ce-ive'l1 llopltliid The' companvvlll lu inanaKi'd b.v S II AlnMro , Ito p p < idi-tit and ii'tii'ril Drnllii nr a Hit ) , STAUNTON Va July 1 - \INs M.iry . Julli Ilil.UvIn , principal of the Meirv Halt- win si-mlnaiy and oneof the mos' .lisi . n- KUMird iMuraloi * of > oilni ; vvemie-n in tliei south , elle'd heretodaj. . She \\as .1 , ni ni of Major John \V IVIMH and a mnn'n i > f the illstlt'Ktiiilinl ) l.ild\vln fatnllv nf ( Ins stateSlu > \ of eveutivet itbil iv and of ronnrkalily stlniiK elniM ' r MKXre. . e-irv , nj , , _ { - . „ , „ , , J , , Sh u lc < I foul , ( i well known A nun. m rill w ev iinin mul mi olilim > lr > v tuf tin till in ( Jii.i.lal ij.u.i , lias , n , . ,1 , , r f , v I iiilKiiieiiilriiK Ilo vvies rctuinliiM ft .111 ttli | to en HI in.ilii iir.MiiDi nr NVI , . , niv , 1 .HP . , tn - John l.iiiTlnliiiil. OIKof ituollis , - . li.ii- . .lle-.l . . < n l.lcnlj . this metinlni ; n , IM born Novenil.ei Is IS.'I , m Svvlt/i-il uul Ho inoveil to Nol.ia-k.i1 In Ivii and uvvm 1 4M in n-s nf land SYUCT.SK Ni-li. .Inlv 1 _ tail - I.ihviiiil Hiekman niri-,1 , is > cni- ' of Mis \\lllluii ) ItUmn.1 , dle-.l . of Ri'liriiil pe Ittollltls lie \\lll 1 , , , | , U1 | , 1 ltlM : SIMIINCSSN , b. Julv 1 iH | , m ! ) Uiil topht-r Mi-Null , nm. of thipi nce-r w'tlli-is lu-ie- , ilir-.l this iiiinnliii ; lie cam. ) ' to I'nvviii-o i-onntv ut in curlv dnv mil ti Ic n I'nnii-ilt.iil. Hi1 1 1 mm n | to c..i enintv nlioul tvvi-ntj eji , II.rormeilv owtu-.l . tinw.elor povvurit tills place- HIH SIDINGS .inij i-iKp.--iii T.-IC-- Ki nil 1 e-olom-l .1 ( - ( latch one of tlm . lawyers of Iowa ami a Icadlnu- PIU7PII of D.-s Molin-s , .1I..1 . Mu.ld . > nlv thA moinlni ; . ) ( In ait .liM-is . , . | | , . v , v - > \ told \ , old mid hml I't-i-n a c-olom-l In tinO 10 lluii- died mid Tlihtv-unii ( i > ilo ii-Klmiint dining the vv.ii Ho hail vivo.l . a mitnb- 1 .1 . i.i > ns In the IOVVM b K < sl itiiiii nnd b-'luio In am lii-io from Ohio vwis n ini-inl- i of the . mle In Unit stilt.- . ll ' I'l.-ii | - . ' . t nit. ii- lli-v. a me mlii-i of vailons stall < .niiinis- slons mul In lVi l wn a iloli-miti- < m ( into to tin- Hi-t nillonal lonvintlin of th , n. public .in pulv Hi was rfoiipi il ill .rnev for tinI.It. . bile-Id esiat. In In m , u nv.i- hind lllkiition in Iowa TheImuial will bo he-Id SaUitda.v . HllsllM-SS TrOllllIl-H .if | | lll > . LOflSVIM.i : , Julj 1 TheOlolio . Hid Loan as oci.Ulon vxont to theu ill thin moriiliiK , UnelliiK I'm ' If lln.lbleto c.uo on Inulncss iimlei tinstate - ln\\ a.s constined l ) > the appellate couit 'I he as--e > trf and lia bilities aiee&tiin.Ui'il at $400,000 e-ac II I , O. Cox is president ' 1 heinan.iKeis of tlio othei hiillilhiK and linn associations l siic 1 e-.uds today calculated to Httore cmil ] lenr-c- ,'rtiiiK that tlie inlhiK of tlio mm I uul not afft-ct tlipm. This makes the thud e-oi- poiallnu of this ehar.icte-r lhat has KOIICI under duiliiK the p.i , t two days MiiKOItl : ) , Ind , lul > 1 \lva II Trips- lar Ins been appointoi icceiver for the llul- foul Stone Mill companj I liecnmpiiny OVUK n laiKo amount of money and Hie- ap plication for a meivcr as m.icle In luliilf ot the credltoiH The ( unipl.unt nlle-Ke-s Unt the companj IH about to beioini- insolvent and tint a laipcmoits.iie IH nbnnt to IMI foiecloie.l , whirh will leavetlu > general cicdltorh unpiovldtd toi Tilept.inl Is a valuable one and II IH thought that it mil .iKain be put in opci.itlon N'i\V YOHK , Jills I The receiver of H. S Jaffray .V ; Co. the dry . jobbing eon- ce-in which failed here ( wo ycais nio have iffere'd the cirdlloih 10 pc-r i-ent as a final sctllc'menl of the 20 per cent of the- original hhllitlra ttill ontstapdlnK The oriKinal llabllllics we're$3.10fl ! OOU , of which SO per ec-nt ) alu-Tly bi-c-n paid 'Ihe burs of ho estate made thlw offci through the ; ic- ceivers , and It Is h.ild that Ihc cudllora v\lll accept thelorms. . rlrri ill n ln j . M'COOIC , Xc-b , July 1 ( Special Tcle > - Rram ) 1-Mro entiiely dcatrojcil Ihc linme of J. 1 ! fris\vold ! in the south eastern part ot ilio city at an eaily hour this morning. Ifoiiso and contcn's cie a complete lo a ; llbiiiance , ? "UG No one was at homeat .ho lime and theoilgln of the llie ! 1111- > no\vn. Dnlililo Mnrilcr In V rl.n II.SIIN. HKNTONVILM ; , Aik. Julyl.lame Jur- ! m mul wife , HvliiK .1 fun miles out , WI-IK last nlglit In bid by be-Ill be it on he lienil The deci-.ihi il was a man of ilioiit \ . \ was maiile'il last winte-i , ami wns oi > . of lit- most pioniliient men In the count > b , ni i cainlidate foi in'-essui ' last elee'llnii Tin in s mi ehvv to tlio lei Hobbiij isui ) - )0bt-el lo have Ijee'il tin- motive P'liiples ' , lilnlclios , blackheads , rod. rough , oily , inolhy ki.i , lie lung , sc ilv eilp , dry , Uiinand I illin ; : b ilr , and b ioj bleininliex lirovLiit'-il by C'l iciKV KOAI- , the most i fle-ctivo 'km pin fvm and beautify .ng oip in Iho vioil.las veil as purest mil . .uiti st for toil.'I . , ballian.l . nuisiiry it coM ( hro'tchoul thi world I'OTTRII Dntn - RU I OLl ,3clr t'rnpt , Iloiton , IS / A 'llo T to I'r reul > c > ; lliimori"lntlltit free 11 nintf i In HTrfii1 ! ! tired lUioiiiniitlsiii KihiiUu , ( loin r.iinihni , ' ! mil "II IIIIIH .lli.e-.if.'ii lit tliln FCiiFnn ui a n 11 > - < t tr.niMi-Himii' . HllllliCli - III. ll > ; i- i | I I > II. rilllltnliirillil U'nnillillrs 137 W (21 ( hi N l , li'i linnii-illiu. . i.'llff , ami In MiniCIII.H si n , ) II. .Irl. IIJ Mlnnihili s Ihf lili.U.'H I In i ' | M. If H all\ < - .iixl imu.irul ( Vumillt itlun fr < . , h imivi inti 1. 1 il. Hlh.nJ C NTItMJ.V l. ' rI I II Ui e rloan plmi f. ' ' > IJ in i > l iv up I.mopi in pi in 'I " " | i i I ly iii | , .1. i : . vt\uivii. : .v SK\ , I'n.iiH U lii-n ton V | H | | Oniiilill sluji n I EiOTEL BBU2ISWICH : < eirni-i Illlli mill .IIII-KNIIII Ss | Musi i I.MKAh H'JIl.l ' , IN OlIMIA rnili r i LW in in > i , ' ii > -ui AIIIMJ..III j Lu Si 50 A.MJ j.'oo ri.u i > \ \ Ci llI.l.MI.Kt ! J'l j | > i * l „ BARKER HOTEL. HUM KIJ > in M'IDIS si it 1. 1. TM , llj icuinn Imlim muni I..MI an ] , ii itn onvti.lentvi , luif )1 M ami HIM pti Jjy 'jjl | < uiu til J inital Juvt idfeH to r. faulal i.u , < li > rii PICK 8M I I'll Mm ute-r STATE HOTEL , SelS JO U' Iioujla i \V il llAllll MauaKtr. JO will fuiuibbc-d roomaUuropean ur Amciican I'ljn UAfKS 1 00 TO Jl GO 1'IJH DAY PICIA : i.itvrnsby UM.Y , IIK : or MONTH. oirffi car luiefl connr-ct < > nil tmrlo of c ly , A Hantisomo Complexion la cui'jof tlm ) ; n'atf t cliatmau uuinun can i'UUO.Nl'tt Cuill' 1'OWUKU