Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    r THE OMAHA DAILY 1JBJS : > 1ONDAYJITNE 28 , 1807.
Bales Are Limited to Ohurcb , School Honso
and Oeinotery Pnrposcji
Vrr < ! < I.fii llolilpm Who \VI li o
I'tiroliiiNf ( InImill MIIN < Aliikc
iMiliiu ( on or llc-
forc Julr 8.
An net passed by the late IcRlslaturo pro
hibits the selling of any school land after
the net becomes a law. which will bo on
July S. This Is a matter ot considerable
Importance , as there Is n largo amount o (
tills land held under lc ie , anil It Is prob
able tlmt ooi ) kaccholder expects to pur
chase the Unil at Rome time. If hi- < lees
no he will liavc to make the purchase before
July S.
Land Commissioner AVolfo hao Riven oon-
Blderablo publicity to the pfft-ctB of this
now law for the guidance of those Inter
ested , and he na > s that If holders of lease
contracts dpslro to purchase mich land or
nny part of It. complete application to pur-
fhaso must bo filed with the county treas
urer not later than UIP close of the day
on July 8.
11 > "complete application to purcbawo" it
1 understood that only holders of lease
contrurts are entitled to pinchuso such
lands Party desiring to purehnsu must file
their lease contract with the county treafl
urer and slRii application for nppralBement
ami sale iif land , and BS BOOH BH the tounty
conimlsslonerH or Mipervlnors ( the apprals-
CIR ) inaki- their return. HHTO slfould be
palil lAaue rental to dote of application to
purchase ; at least one-tenth of the principal ,
Interest on the remainder to the mil of the
jtar , l\o C per cent notes for unpaid prln-
ilpil. All must be done within the time
about mentioned , In order to constltuti ! a
legal fllliifi for purchase.
Some have the Imptcsslon that lease con-
tiatts may be transferred Into pale con
ducts at anv time , anil that the new law
r.fliciB vacant land only Hut this Is not
the case. Absolutely no school land may be
Hold after the ilate mentioned except fet
( htirch. Hehool IIOUBC. or cemetery purposes
IJtlstlni ; sale contracts are not molested
It la proTldcd that nil appraisements must
be- reviewed by the Ho.erd of
hinds and Funds , and If lounil to bo out of
pioportlon to the true \aluc ot the land ,
that board nnu't appoint new appralsem and
the land may then only be solil on the basis
of this new appraisement Commissioners
aie aihlsetl lo talio care to set the pi Ice of
nurli lands at the price for vhlrh they would
be ullllng to sell If they owner ! the land ,
and Commissioner Wolfe feels that It Is a
tluty cltt/cns owe , in protection of the school
fund , to Immediately Inform him of un >
errors In the valuation of huih land If
dislreil , such Information will be treated by
him as confidential , ami be hlfihly apprt-
Current Literature
The Hypnotic nuiKiizlne for June la ilevoted
mainly to accounts of the piartlcn of SUK-
Ktbtivo therapeutics and the cuies wrought
The June number of The Temple , Denver ,
consists ot a study of spiritual belt-con
sciousness , under the title "Know Tlisclf '
This Is the paper delivered by Paul Tjner
at thu recent convention of the internalonal
IJMiie Science association In St. hauls. It
is a clear and coinpiehunbho exposition of
the meaning of bclf-knon ledge and of Its
development from the lowest state of con
sciousness to the highest A stroiiK ple.i Is
made for such reform in our educational
methods as will substitute pjnthesls for
analysis and give all mental and bodily
training n boul of purpose and use.
The Juno number of the Nineteenth Cen
tury opens with an article on "Hritlsh
( Monarch } and Modem Dcmociacy , " byV. .
S Mlly. Other articles appropriate to the
jubilee season are "India Under Queen Vic
toria. " by Sir Alfred Ljalland ; "The
KorthcomliiK Naval Ilex lew , " by H. W.
Wlli-on. William Hugglns rites Interest
ingly on "The New Astronomy , " and Mrs.
J H. Green , willow of the late historian ,
writes of "Woman's Place In the World
of Lettcis. "
The current number of Money contains
an article by Maurice L. Muhlcman dis
cussing the auery : "Is Independent Free
Coinage of Silver Practicable ? "
The color plate In the curient Issue of
The Art Amateur Is a study of La Franco
roses by Jcane McLennan , Following the
"Noto Hook" are Interesting accounts of
exhibits at the Metropolitan mticeum and
the Chicago Art Institute. All the dcpart-
incn'B ' are well sustained.
Intelligence maliea Its appearance tills
month as the continuation of the Meta
physical Magazine , which has been before
the public for the last two years and n
half. In UH now form the magazine Is more
attractive than exer. Among the articles.
tills month nre : "Man and Nature , " by C
Stanlland Wake ; "Moilern Astrology , " by
Alan Leo ; "Pllosophy of the Divine JIan , "
by Iludor Ocnonc ; "Mazdalsin and 'Being'
The Iranian Dualism and Fire Worship , " by
C , II , A. HJcrregaard ; "Hootcrlc Puritan'-
Ism , " by Henrietta Christian Wright.
Aspects of Victoria's reign are a conspicu
ous fcaturo In the Juno Fornlghtly Hex lew ,
Jlr D H Tralll and three others contrib
uting articles touching excnts and aspects
of the reign "Vlndex" writes of "A Plot
Against British Interests in the Levant , "
and Mahan's "Nelson" Is reviewed by Judge
O'Connor Morrl .
Current History , for the first quarter ol
1S97 opens wltli a biographical sketch ot
Queen Victoria , with a portrait of the queen
for the frontispiece. Under the hcail "Lead-
Ing Topics of the Quarter , " are grouped
articles on the eastern crisis. Interna
tional arbitration , Cuba , South Afilca , cur
rency reform and the tariff "International
Affairs , " glvo data concerning Venezuela
Alaska llcrlng sea , th sanitary conference
etc The departments relating to the sepa
rate continents take up national affairs In
A. portrait of Dr. Edward Exerett Hale
occupies the place of honor as frontispiece
to the Juno number of the Hook lluyer. Ir )
Halo also contributes a xcry agreeable sketch
on "Iloblnson Crusoe. " An Interesting paper
en "Carlyle Upon Ills Contemporaries" Is
jiresp'i'ed , drawing upon the philosopher
own writing. Another feature In a chapter
on the x'arled conceptions by artlstH of the
American girl.
The International edition of The Manufac
turer publlHliei ] at Philadelphia , Issued on
the occasion of the International meeting o
tint Philadelphia Commercial Museum , \\lilcl
met recently In the city of brotherly love
Klxes a full report of the proceedings of Out
meeting , together with other Important mat
ters bearing upon the extension of Amerl-
ran trade In the southern republics , also dc
forliHho matter bearing upon Philadelphia
The June Issue of The Outlook Is a epccla
"recreation number dexoteil mainly to out-
of-door topics. It contains nearly 203 pagcb
and about fifty handsome Illustrations. The
kcdlng feature consists of if group of pleas
ant articles brought together under the fancl.
ful title , "Country Itoads and Inland
Waters" The Eoxeral articles of the groui
dfulUlh the potslblllty of taking quiet va
cation outings away from the crowd and at
moderate expense Vacations on foot , In car
riage , by the blrjcle , on horseback. In house
boat , by camping and other equally delight
ful ways are deaeribed by Henry Van D > ke
Krncst Ingert.ol . | , Charles L. Norton , Mar )
Trary Earle. W W. Ellsworth , J. Cleveland
duly and others ,
In the fifth paper of tbo American Hook-
man series by M. A DeWolfe Howe In The
Ilookman for June- the xviltlngs ot N P.
Willis , Fltz-Qrctn M Ueck and J. Hodman
Drake are Interestingly reviewed and many
forgotten episode * In the career of these con
temporaries brought to light.
An Interesting article with striking UHm-
tratlons In the Juno Overland Monthly Is en
titled 'Torrent , McCullotrgh , and Mjwlf , "
by Alice KliiKBbury-Cooley The article ,
\\lios.o x.-rltor took parts in Uie bamo plays
with the tragedians , U full of reminiscence
Another notable paper Is entitled , "The
Sketch Club. " by IN. I * . Murtha , which Is
Illustrated by members of the "Sketch Club. "
A notable * rtlclo on "Muiilc During the
Victorian Agn" open * the Juno Insuc of the
Strand Musical Magazine. The article Is
contribute' ! by Arthur Ucrvey and Is richly
"The Ilelgn of Queen Victoria" Is ably
summarized by Itt Hon. Sir Hlchard Tem-
tle , bar ) , In the June Cotmopolii , the
icreonallty of the queen bcln ? carefully de-
liieated Tcllx Morheles , In this number ,
contributes a charming portrayal of the
character of the Italian ( talesman and agl-
Mor , ( llufeppe Mmlnl , and Henry Norman ,
n his paper on "Tho Globe and the Island , "
ells net only why nngllehmcn luxe acquired
i hatred for ( Irotce , but many other matters
etl to ponder ovet In ttio aftermath ot the
var between Orceco and Turkey. Among ;
ho notable contributors tn the French and
German departments arc Paul Ilourgct , Jean !
Arard , RuReno Muntr , Theodore Darth , Lud-
\li ; O.iliMlou. Max Lcnz And M von Ilrandt.
A forcible arraignment of the pulpit Is
ircsented In an article on "Pulpit I2conom-
C" " In tbo limn IFJUO ot Oun'on's ' Maga
zine , the main contention IiiElctod upon by
ho writer being that many preachers "as-
sumo the role of public teachers before hav-
ng iicrfortned some of the duties of
"indents. " Other articles In this number
arc"Senator Klklns and American
Wages , " "Text of Maqna Charla ; " "Cove-
will nf Magna Charta , " "Arraignment of
) rKanled Charities. " "A French View of
American Industry : " "Itnproxeel Housing for
ho Poor" " "
and "Hecent State Legislation
"Clrclc-Wlso Sit They. " a reproduction
Tom a painting by Iljam Shaw , is an ad
mirable study of faces In the frontispiece ot
The International Studio for June , which
opens with an Illustrated article on "The
iVorks of Mr. Uyam Shaw , " by Oleeson
iVhlle. Anther notable contribution Is on
'Mr. J. W. Water-house's Painting , 'Hylas
and the N > mplis , ' " with three Illustrations.
leMdes the al\va > s Interesting and Instruc-
Ivo Studio Talk , there are a number ot
other articles all superbly lllustnted , malt-
ng a meie perusal ot the pages a source of
teen delight
Solf-Ctilturv for June opens with an Inter
esting account ot "Tho Harly Years of
\brahain Lincoln , " by Prof. Goldwln Smith.
\nother historical paper on "The French
{ evolution. After History , " Is by Prof
William Clark , LL. I ) . Joseph M. Hogets
writes on "The Negro as a Slave and a
I-roeinan , " and H. W. jj. Mochay discusses
The Labor Question. "
In the Globe Quarterly Hex low for June
ho editor , William Henry Theme , In his
isual vigorous style writes on "Cathollu
.Iberallty and " "
iNationallty , "Dctterment of
the Masses , " "Cardinal Gibbons New Hook"
and "Tho Keconcllcr. "
In her "Woman and the Republic A Sur
vey of the Woman Suffrage .Movement In
the United States and a Discussion of the
Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Ad
vocates , " Helen Kcndrlck Johnson has taken
the euilgel against the entire army of Ameri
can suffragists and will In all probability
Foon see it develop Into a ttill-lleilged boom
erang The writer maintains that the tend-
ncy of woman suffrage xxuiiiil bo "to turn
ndlxlduals anil nations backward and not
forward. " She sajs the ballot is desired by
nit a small fraction of tlie women at the
country , and that whercxer It haa been given
the lesults have not been satisfactory. PI1"
contends that the laws , as a rule , are more
'avorablo to women than to men , that in
: lie trades women are encouraged In oxerv
way practicable , and that their demand for
'equal pay for equal work" has tended more
: o i educe the wages of men than to Increase
their own.
In relation to the estate of her husband
she is u preferred creditor If he dies sol
vent she cannot bo deprlxcd of a share of
Ills estate , and he cannot dispose of real
pioperty without her consent. It he dli.
bankrupt neither law nor his will can com
pel the whlow to pay a dollar of his indebt
edness Other aigumcnts , romc quite hoary
and thrtadworn. are ortcrcil , und many that
have been exploded time and time arjaln
On the xxhole , the book will excite a storm
of controversy and for that reason will re-
ceix-e a joyous xxelcomc b > partisans pro and
con. D. Appletou & . Co , New York. Jlc-
One \xho Is fond of adxenture will find
"Mountain Climbing , " In the Out of Door
Library , a xery readable book. U contain
a halt dozen articles by expert and ama
tcur climbers and it Is lavishly llltiiv
tratnl by such artists as Weeks anil Jac
caol. Edward li Wilson writes of the
splendors of Mount Washington In x\ in
ter and the perils ot the ascent when the
mercury Is far below zero and the wind
blows with s > ucli force that a man cannot
bieathe facing It. Edxxln Lord Weeks dt
scribes eexeral ascents In the Alps and
furnishes some excellent sketches The
same combination of dcscrlptlxe and ar-
t'stlc xxork Is seen In A. F. Jaccacl's chap
ter on the ascent of Mount Aetna. H. 1) )
Lynch tells of the climb up Mount Ara
rat. The departure of Prince Louis of Sax-oj
mikes of special Interest the descriptions of
attempts to resell the summit of Mount St
Ellas by William Williams and Mark
n-lckell Kerr. The highest point reached
was 14.000 feet , and the dlfllculllcs met b.x
both parties prove that this mountain xxlli
not bo conquered by the Italian party xx Ith-
out very hard work , Charles Scrlbncr'u
Sons , New York. Megeath's.
"Ilolanyo , " Ople Read's latest novel , Is
gocd story It may not be so good as '
Kentucky Colonel , " but judged by Itself it
is worthy of being read. The faithful dc
llneatlon ot real people by which all of Mr
Head's stories are characterized is prominent
In "IJolanjo" and among the characters an
aexcral unique and refreshing types And
pcrbaj s the fact ot the knowledge of human
nature shown by this \\Tltcr explains his
hold upon the affections of many thousands
Hnlanyo Is the name of a Mississippi toxxn
and the main characters are the toxvn's lead
Ing citizen , Senator Falcom , his marrlcj
daughter , and the leading man of a band of
pla > crs who are blown into the toxxn through
the defection of the boilers of a rlx-er steam
boat There Is the UMial Head murder , the
false accusation , and the final happy illncn
tanglement. The Incidents move rapidly , al
though the local lifeless atmosphere of a
dead commerce Is consistently tustalncd
Way & Williams , Chicago.
"My Lord Duke , " by 13. W. Hornung , de
tails the reception and mishaps In England
of a poorlv educated stockman xxho Is found
to bo the heir to a great English title anil
estate. He brings all the pecullarltlen of
the bush to London and with his huge cow
boy hat and his cage of cats ho Is a remark ,
able pcrsonaee. There Is much humor- the
description ot h's arrival am ) of the. . bcntu-
tlon ho produced In a fashionable London
houw The frankncFs , truth and generosity
of the man xxln one's regard and these trails
are contrasted with the xcnallty , faellllshnesH
and toadyism of fomo very offensive ep cl-
ineun of the Hritlsh aristocracy. The
old btory of the lost heir Is treated hero In
a new xvay and the remarkable feature ot
tlui dtiko from the Australian bush Is that ho
was hunted up and drugged out Into the
light by the man who would otherwise have
Inherited the title and estates Although the
scene never shifts from England the Btory
Is saturated with the Australian llaxor. No
reader of this book can ever forget the
charm of this xxlld , free life under the
Fo'ithern Cross as It Is painted by the home
sick holr , xUio IOIIL.M for a tight of the old
sin op run , the bleating of the flock as It
uniclls the water In the tanks , and the cabin
where the tired herder at night cooks his
clamper and makes hU. bush tea , Charles
Scrlbncr's Sons , New York Megath's.
"Chrs Openings , " by James Macon , Is a
small work designed for readers who are
already chefs plajers , at least Insofar as
being xx ell acquainted with the rudiments
of the game. The book deals mainly with
current and accepted forms of opening and
Iho ideaj undcrljlng them. Horace Cox ,
"Tho Durglar Who Moved 1'aradlae"
was a xcry daring one , and a masterful loxer
Ho takei Corona's heart in the first chapter
of Herbert Ward's sequel to his wlfo'a two
tales of "Paradise" and the remainder ot the
book tells of "Paradise Lwt" and " 1'aradU.c
found. " There ls a remarkable sympathy
shown by Mr. Ward with the preceling
storied und the same charm and delightful
humor which dUtliiKuUhcil "an Old Maid's
ParadUo" and " "
"Ilurglars In Paradise" are
all-perx-aslvo In the last of the trilogy The
sarao characters which endeared themselves
to previous readers are not atsent. oven lo
The Lady of Sholott and Matthexv Launcclot ,
Houghton , Mlttlln S. Co . Boston. Megeath'e.
"Introduction to Iho Study ot Economies "
by Charles Jesse Hullock Ph.D ii designed
as an Introductory text book of economic
science , discussing questions xxlth special ro-
fcrenco to 'American conditions and making
frequent allusions to American experience
The author ta > s that "when many Important
points of economic theory are unsettled , aa Ir.
certainly the case at the present time , the
preparation of a text-book Is not an cuay
Ukk , " and he therefore has concluded it un-
d&ilribl * to Introduce the beginner to many
controx'ersles on fundamental points of theory
presenting his own vlcxxs for Ihte reason ,
often In more dogmatic manner than he
otherwise should do under other circum
stances. In the effects of protective duties
the author bctrajs a manifest Ignorance of
Important fundamental truths vital to the
Intelligent treatment , particularly of the
branches of the subjects largely In contro
versy , and hence his reason's are not only
dogmatically asserted but radically wrong.
Thus his statement that a country cannot ex
port unless It Imports Is made xvllhoiit quali
fication when any person must realize that
a country may perpetually export moro than
It Imports If It borrows or sells Its proper
ties , bonds , stocks , etc , to cox or the defi
ciency , obligating Itself how oxer thereby to
ti perpetually Increasing tribute In ehapo
of Interest , dividends , profits , etc , due to
'orelgn holders of home properties. Sllxcr
Ilurdctt K. Company , New York
The Di'Aiitlful Miss Brooke , " by " / . V. , "
s a. light loxe story with little plot to It.
\ joung Englishman's first loxe- affair and
an up-to-dato American girl's hundredth Is
portrayed. At the end of It all the woman ,
vho has behaved despicably finds herself In
he clutches of too strong an attachment to
et him go the way of the others and so In
ler desperation unfolds to him the story ot
ho only real romance In her life , shocking
ilm by admitting In the recital that she has i
nlwas been fond of kisses and that ( die ban
md plenty of them from all her men friends
nit him. D. Applcton & Co. , New York ,
"Athletic Sports , " another \olumo In The
Out of Door Library opens with an article on
'The I'llsteal Proportions of the Typical
Man , " hy D. A Snrgeant , M. D This article
s cxtcnslxelj Illstrated with cuts and dla-
; rams and contains a great deal of ( statistical
nformatlon concerning muscular dcvelop-
nent. The second article also by Dr. Sar-
g'-ant. Is "Ph > slcal Characteristics of the
Athlete. " The remaining articles nre on golf ,
awn tennis , blc > cling , surf bathing and
country clubs. All nre Illustrated. Charles
Scrlbner's Eons. Nexv York Mogre.ith'u
Stephen Crane's xxork Is certainly uncon
ventional and fresh , and written from a ncxv
) olnt of viexx , and for that there should be
hankfulncGS Despite the tun ninny critics
IBXO had with him he seems to go on bis
way unrulllcd , In steady pursuit of his orlgl-
lal ambition to achlcxo dlstlnctlxeness One
s apt to call Mr. Crane blessed In return
'or the thrills produced by sevenrr.s like
these"A wave of astonishment whirled
nto hla hair" ( after being surprised by mcel-
ng a beautiful girl , who appeared to the
artistic hero's model-Becking n/es ) and 'Vn
the sky was lemon and pink Information ot
the hun's sinking " There are many moro
such qunlnt phraslngs In "The Third
Violet , " as in the author's other work , but
In this there Is still less plot and much more
dialogue. H Is nil Interesting and epheneral.
There Is a striking realism In the co.nxersa-
tlon , combined with a curious abruptness and
skcleton-llko outlining In the rcaving of the
story that go far to keep the book In tbo
reader's hands until It Is finished. The book
may bo summed up as characteristic ot its
author's previous writing. It Is almost plot
less , and It Is chiefly Interesting for Us clever
dialogue. D. Applcton & Co. , New York.
J. n. Llpplncott Company , Philadelphia
"Guavas , the Tinner , " by S. 'Baring Gould.
Paper ; CO cents.
Sllner , Hurdctt & Company , New York-
"Introduction to the Study ot Economics , "
by Charles Jcsso Hullock , I'll. D. Cloth :
$ t 25.
Horace Cox , London"Chess Openings , "
by James Mason. Cloth ; 115 pages.
The Baker & Taylor Compan > , New York
"Shall Wo Continue In Sin ? " by Aithur T.
Plerson. Cloth ; 122 pages.
Way & Williams , Chicago' "Bolanyo , " Q
novel , by Ople Head. Cloth ; $1 25. "Dreims
of Today , " bj Perclxal Pollard. Cloth , $1.00 ;
paper , 75 cents.
Laird & Lee. Chicago. "My Wife's Hus-
uanrt , " by Alice Wilkinson Sparks. Cloth ;
Rand , McNally S , Company , Chicago :
"Tho King of the Mountains , " by Edmund
About. Cloth ; 240 pages.
TO nsrnii.v VIJTUUAVS. .
uiMlxors of ( Itflirlllnn Iti-tucm-
In'rril Ity IFie Gi-iiiTiil < ; < > frniiii'iit.
WASHINGTON. June 27. ( Sreclal. ) Pen
sions granted. Issue of June 9 , 1S97 , were :
Nebraska , Original John C. Whltaker ,
Pa xx nee City. Reissue und Increase Derroxx
Foot , Falrfleld. Original iVtidoxxs , etc.
M.nor of Luther Hnll , Gibbon ; reissue , Susan
T \ anfleet. Atkinson.
loxx.i. Addltlonn' Adam Nlmocks , Idn
Gtove' . Restoration and Increase Henry J.
Mulford. eleml , Uravity : Amos Cripps , Al
bion , Increase .John Gibson , JInxvxell ; Jo-
teph I elglneton , Eldoni ; Alexander II. Ha-
venblll , Cairo ; Orlando S. Harttnan , lies
Molnes ; James H. Rollins , Grlnnell ; Arch
ibald T Lambertbon , Clinton ; Peter Heft ,
I'nderxxood. Reissue Lewis II. Webb , Des
.Molnes ; Henry Lelvlck , Mar > sxl'le. Original
xxldows. e-tc. Special , June H , Sarah J Sip
pel , Knlrtleld , AnastasK iJroxxii , Sioux
City ; minor of Francl * A. Pitt , Waterloo ,
Elizabeth Mulford. Gravity ; Herthu Corel ,
Slater ; Sarah J. Taylor , Tllton ; minors of
\lo = e < Amerlne , Nexxton.
South Dakota : Increase Anson 1C. Mills
liulTalo Gap.
North Dakota : Original xxldoxx- , etc
Minor of Daniel IcKenzIo Dickinson
Colorado : Original Frederick N Miller ,
Elyrla ; Ralph W. S.xlnburn , Denver. In-
ciease Amos Hen on. Denx-er. Original
xxldous , etc. Jemima U. Down , Canon City
lufiio of June 11 :
Nebi.iHka * Increase Pressley Allender ,
Ajr Original xvleloxxs. etc. Reissue , Ruth
Dltzler , Kails City.
Iowa , Original Henry Hemlryx , Eldorn.
Inciease liernnrd Preston Ml. A jr. Bar
tholomew A. Cal'nhan , Keokuk , George
Wiitbon , Vail ; George M. Little , Washing
South Dakota : Rels-me and Increase-
Christian Greener , Ftuilkton. Original xxld-
oxvs , ete Minors of Merritt M. Wilde , Oel-
rlchs ; Orrllla F. Wetmore , Earlvllle
Colorado- Reissue and Increase Wil'Iam
Pnrrly , Hot Sulphur Springs.
IEHUO ot Juno 10 :
Nebraska : Increase Isaac Taylor , Mount
Iowa : Additional Jonn Turner. Monona ;
Ellus KoBtentmdET , Dos Molnos Increme
Kphralm W .lamc.s , Folsorn Reissue Reu
ben Rcubcndull Des Molnes Original xxld-
o\\n , etc Ailella C Humphrey , Denmark.
Colorado : Kcstointlou and Increase Wil
liam House , denil , Drlghton. Increase Jo-
slah Roshong- , Fort Lupton Original xxld-
ox , etc Reissue , Elenona II. Snjder , Pu
IF UO nf June 12 :
Nebrn ki : Original widows , etc Special ,
June ) 17 , Florence 1) ) Adams , Omn'in '
Iowa : Restoiatlon anil additional David
Hradbury. dead , Sax-annnh. Original xvld-
oxxs , tic. Surah E How ell , Fremont ; IMai-
fr.iret \ Hrnlbury. Savannah ; special , Juno
17. Jennie Itovve , Missouri Valley
South Dakota increase Special , June 1C ,
James M. Thomas , Hot Springs ,
Colorado. Original tipecla' , Juno 15 ,
Adolph Rot-so , lAMihlile.
Nebraska : Original-Almond G. Stanard
Iowa IncrenHO Henry Uurghardt. Union ;
Albert Smith , Sioux City : Ell Fr.ulor. Hlv-
ertonj Joseph H. Rookm , Cedar Rapids ; Wil
liam H Uollman , Fnlrlleld. Reissue-John
IT Jacobs. Alirorlu. Orlglna' nldowH. e > te
Mlnoia of Wllllum H. Radellff , Uoones-
Colorado : Original William Anderson ,
NowcaHlle. Additional Jacob Foreman
Vernori ,
Montana- Original wldoxvs , etc. Minors
of Jiunt-H Grady ,
TliriM' ( "mi IliiHliiTM Ar - .Tiilli-il.
Jerry Colllnn , Jlllto .McDonald and Thomas
Delanny , members of a , Sunday can runn
ingngKTetutlon , got Into a llglit oxer the
imjment of a treat last night and all throe
landed In Jail The men were considerably
biulsed up In the mill.
Don't nauseate your stomach xvith Iras and
bltti'r herbs , but regulate > our liver and sick
headache by using those famous Jlttlo pills
haoxxn as De Witt's Little Eatly Risers.
THIS iu.ti/rv MAiticivr.
INSTRUMENT placed on n-cord , Saturday
Juno 26 , 1897 :
W A. Paxton , Jr. , to L. W Hill , n ' 4
" 9 If. nxv 11 , in HO 3. pt e no 10 , sxv
2-1B-12 . . . . . $33000
II. J. Scannell to Union Stock Yards '
company , a tiact In sxv BO 4-1M3 .
11 A Fisher und wife to Thomas
Slinanek , lots 7 and 8 , block SO , South
Omahu . .
12 A Northrup to S. J. Rothxxell , Jot'k , '
block 3 , Hillside add No 1. . . . . . . . . 2O )
aiary AVrlc-ht to James Wright , lot 7 ,
block 2. Drake's add . T. . . . . . . . . . . 500
E I ) Chapman and wlfu to F. C .
Evans , lota 21 and IS , block 2 , Foxsler
Place . . . . . . j
Sheriff to M. O. Goddard , lot 3 , *
Flacks subdlv. . , . , . , 734
Total amount ot transfera . , J19SS $
Securities Market Oontinnos to Mnko a
Goad Hccord (
SlunlIIMint I'iiiiiiro IN Moil trii tloii of
Amount ut Trm > " 'll""M "H
Compar-fil < wUli lluo > nnc-
of I'rlfcft.
NHW YOR1C June 27.-Henry Clews , hcnel
of the banking house of Henry C ens &
Co. , says :
The marked Improvement In the lone of
the securltk'H innr'xet that BI In xxlth the
beginning ot this month continues to be well
BUstnlncd. H has spread aulte genera .x
throughout the list and goes on temll ! >
from day to day without nny Important
cheek frbm selling ami with little 'H-posI- <
lion to realize * iirolltR Someopeiators haxe
doclred o reaction , In order to lay in Blocks ,
nnd have u cil their Inlluenco for that pur
pose , but xxlth little effect , n" > the market
immediately recoxers from the s.lght rcnc-
tlot's caiK-ed by "bull" sales made for this
object . . , . ,
one sign llennt feature ot the market la
the moderation of the amount of transnc-
ilons as coinimred xxlth thebuoxancy of
irlces The Infercncu Is that the buying Is
not stimulated EO much by the operations
of Itii-ul professional operators n by out
side mi ) Ing and by Inxestmont purrhnser ,
the bu.xlng bv the latter of tllvldend-paylng
shuns be'lng quite marked , liulet-il. the ad
vance has come before tnu jirofosoionnls
were quite prepared for It. and they h ivo
to get In us best they may During the ; xxeeK
London has been BO nbsoibed by the Jubilee
as to Imxo been tin nliient factor. It re
main" to be seen hoxv the market will next
week take to the higher range of prices
Hint has been established during the lu
ll Is a gcnerallv understood fart thai the
business feeling- Iho Interior bus reached
i more advane-ed ptngo In the process of re
covery than Is the ease at this center , and
It Is owingto this fact tlmt outride oper
ators haxe col Into the market In advance
of our local operator" . Wall Htieot IUIH yet
to appreciate the extent to ixvhleh IwMn'fs
ilTalrs In the country at lingo have already
iirogicssed toxxard normal conditions While ,
licie , we are 1111 wntehliiK old synnUoms
tml nur lng the timidities begotten of liv-
gone ilangers and xxaltlm ? for promised legls.
Inllon that Is to xxoik xx-onders of one ulndi
or another , the Interior cities are beginning-
to den" with the vnst accumulated wants
of consumption that hnxe remained unsntls-
llod for thu last four years. Wall street sees
In the current rise In prices little more than
the effi-ct of the near approach of the p i -
niKc of the tariff bill ami caut'outly ' as
sumes that , xx hen that eoinethere xylll
be an extensive realizing on the antici
patory ptn chases noxxbelnt ? made Theio
innbn some sue-h renetlon to a limited ex
tent , but It AX 111 be found that there sill
remains a ound bisls for buying- The recovery -
cove-ry of confidence that has alieadx ap
peared In the Interior will receive fresh jm-
iiotu- > from , the nc x tailff and the probabil
ity Is that orders for stocks from other sec
tions will then receive a fresh impetus , cnr-
rx Ini ? up prices to n .still higher .
All Indications xxnrrant the belief that the
1 resent rise Is the beginning of n steady ,
continuous icturn toxxaid ft normal exe-1 of
value * For four x cars tn vestments haxc
been s-ubjee-t to the control of an extraor-
dlnarv concurrence of nlatms , accidents nnl
disturbing political excitement * Those' in
fluences have now about exhnu ted their
force , the paralysis of distrust they have
produced l disapproving , nnd the slrlt |
oC tinde nnd enterprise Is rc umliiK Its
xx anted natural tone ' We arc exchanging
our pp'Mmlstlp ilrenini for hopeful renll-
tle' , and In a fcxx more months the xxbole
rnachlncrj of trades and finance will again
be in active operation The consciousness
rf t'ii ' chance hrts cfime upon the country ,
ami the local specu'nllvb e-ontlngent cannot
de'ny ' much lontrer In relaxing Its mis-
Rlvlnus and allowing- the iccuperntlxe forces
full sxxlng. Tnero , Is this evidence that "the
Htieot" Is axxaki-ning to IIK > appioich of re-
x-lxnl we are cl"p ( Won th ° usual fumnier
contraction of operations , but there Is none
of the closlng-up of account" that usually
comes at this season ; an Indc'flnltp hope
Keeps operators at their posts , and It Ii
far from belnp among the Imposslbi'l-
tles that speculation may remnln active
xxtll Into the "Utumer and prepare the xxay
for a veritable fall boom.
Jt Is xx > orth notlnr that fhf current buylnp
orelers from the interior come largely from
those xx hose Tosltions miikc them familiar
xxlth the current buslne"9 and the prospects
of the railroads and xxho arc Imbued xxlth
the confident expectation of a revival of busl-
ne" w-hlcli has been no confidently tore-
"hndowwl by many prominent ralliontl olll-
clal ° These buxcrs understand better than
we at this center the extent to which the-
fanners have already been benefited by the
rl = p In Urlccs of 'nst year'H croivs of breail-
tufls. r-nd the-v see evidence of larger new
crops at probably a still higher rangeof
prices. All this means not only Improved
earnings for the railroad" , but al"o better
times for the great army of agricultural
consume ! s and for the manufacturers anil
merchants xxho cater for their x\nnt = .
An unmistakable evidence of the improve
ment In business is afforded by the Increas
ing demand upon the local banks for dis
counts. Last Saturday's statement of the
arsoclated lian'.ts shewed nn Inciease In loans
of $1:1000,000-within : the 'a. t four weeks , the
gain being materially due to operations on
Interior account , which astiln shows the ex
pansion of trade In other pections to which
I have already made reference. Country
merchants ai riving- here express surprise at
the absence of the buoxancy of biislnes19
xxh'ch ' has set In among their oxvn people.
Incident to the settlements nbionil of July
interest nnd to nn active demand for trav
elers' credits , there Is a revival of the ex
port movement of pold , and at the moment
of xvrltlnB the xxeck'H shipments np.'oar
likely to aggregate around $6.000,000. Thc" < e
transaction1 ! , hoxxrver , have no effect upon
fho securities market ; first , because their
bearing upon the money maiket is whole-
Home rathe-r than otherwise : next became ,
with a Current supply from our g-olil mines
of about ! VOCO , < X)0 ) jier year , wo can xxcl'
afford to pnrtmlth the metal ; next , because
the treasury Is amply able to meet the dp-
rrand ; nnd nc\t , because the course of our
foreign trade foreshadows a comparative ! )
call ; ' return of the gold we are noxv part-
Inir xx-Ith.
The great spectacular event of Queen Vic
toria's jubilee has not be > en xxlthout its ef
fect upon thci practical Imagination of Wall
street. The population of this country has
grown up to probably In the neighborhood
of 73,000,000 , xxhleh Is about double xxhat it
xxas at ttie termination of the xvar thlrtv-
txxo years ago thus shoxvlng that this Is
a pretty progressive country but there nre
other. " . Let 11 ° Hfo hmx the above .statc'mPnt
compares nxlth the Increase In the Hritlsh
empire At thp commencement of the
queen's relun In 1S17 the number of her sub
jects wns IS'riOOffiO After sixty year * ' pros
perous reign ( xxhleh IIIIB been ce'ubrntml po
prandlv In Ix > niU > n ) her subjects noxv number
Vti.EOO.GOO nnd this Krent find wood uoimm
Is noxv queen nnd empress over one-fourth
of the populated glebe T1 ] ! " exhibit make ?
the strongest argument possible In favor of
the International nihltrntlnn treaty lietxxeen
this country and Orent Hrltnln. Such nn
obligation will unite 420,000,000 of peonle
under nn International compact , eo that this
countrv xvll" pet a full equivalent In thei
undertaking , ecpeolallv HH Its Influpnco eve > i
other natlonB cannot Tall to firadimllv brlnir
tl.t'in Into n Hlmllar happy relationship ,
when the isxvord will be effecluaMy con-
eiucrcd by the lien. , This should bo brought
about In tlmo to start the twentieth ccn-
ttirv'\xlth. nnd iir Jubilee betxvpen the varloun
iiiitlons should tlikrp'ncc that will ecllpre
the notable ono oC this week , making Iho
first year of thf 9 > ming- century the great
jubilee clvlllzntqp | yenr
\VAM > STitnhr "is viitv IICLMSII.
"VVe'i'k OlilHi-M T JI ) StorliH n ( ( hi * HlKli-
( < -f 111'olnt.
NEW YORK , ( June 27. After a week of
buoyancy the y4prh , , market clones nt the
highest prices QfnVie week In ninny xxays
Wall street liuvudiiflng the hixt week had
e-xccptlonal exirtriies At the xveek'K bo-
glnnlni ; enrnesbiaiJil concerted efforts were
m.ulo to xvork rjUbtatlons doxxnxx-unl. J'ric-
tlcully no cffectfiflMis accomplished The
fhort Interest xvap.hpmexxhnt extpnded. and
possibly bear conlldyiice xvns to somi- ex
tent Increased. AIIno t dallv , huwhvcr , ad
vance's hnx'e since1 been 8coied , till at the
close of the xxtiMd market x nines uro on an
avoniKf sho\\lnT' niatorlal pnlnp
Much bad n'xx xvus promised ; none lmn
materialized WP xxe-rp to hnxti. tromemlotiH
gold exports ; xxhut has been shlppeil tuid
xvh'it IIMM been engageil are , compnreil with
proheclt-8 | ) , pmctlcally Insignificant It wns
at Iho close of last week a fashionable pre
diction that before today the shipments and
enticements xxould reach be > end
000. International lmriker euy today that
It now looks lie If the shipment * * xxere prac
tically over This assurance I get from half
a dozen Important quarters Personally ,
hoxxever. I bellovo that relatively nnall con-
llelencc can hn jlxcn ; to ati > fore-castH made
by the great banklni ; houses
They xxere absolutely certain a xxeck ago
that xvo xxould have almort an uvalanclie of
gold en route for Kurope by today , und ,
measured by the success of those predic
tions , their present milder and more cheer
ful assurances are lucking Homexvhut In con
vincing1 quality. Wall street feiitlment
might In nome xxayx be affected by laigo
gold exports , Insofar as uch exports could
be construed ait In any way HUK eutlnir or
rrtlectlng American buElncxu conditions their
effect could not coneeriuentlul or luBthiK
The United Btate-a eloea not oxvo fold to
Europe : International trade balances are all
lit our favor ; If cold. oca abroad frota the.
t'nlted State" , it ROOI Just nK xx-hcnt or pri-
vl lens fan BO as a commodltv swld by
America to Europe , because Europe , re-
qulrlnp it , | obllecd in open market actually
to Imy It frotu Amorlcn , where there la * o
large nn unmortgaged supply that It can bo
pparcd readily.
Wall street hns stopped ixorrylntr over n.
Cuban pcnic. ApprcheiiJlons on this score
have till this week been acute. Wall street
now , hoxxrver , has come to the conclusion
that the national administration In Rlnrptelv
and HKgresslvel > devoted to the mnklntr of
KomT times , and tlmt there xvlll lie no polit
ical Interferences xxlth naturally Improving
Ex-cr flnci the public address In xxlilch
I < ymnn J OIIR-C cnmo out n iinhesltntlngly
asserting that this xxns n time for confidence
and not for doubt that business conditions
really nnd nboolutelv xxcre bettor and bound
to grow more and moro cheerful there has
been plain and positive growth In public
confidence. I know per onally nt least a
score of men of the first consequence In the
InisltiP's xxorld xxho befoio that address hy
Secretary Qngo xvero blue , practically
despondent , thr same men today being not
confident only of business improvement , but
genuinely buoyant.
It Is the contention of Wall street beats
that the enl ) Improvement discernible any-
xvheie tn the country Is on the Nexv York
lroilup < cxchnncc They altoct to bellcx'e
that Wall street activity nnd stock market
nilx-ances are unwarranted , and that liefote
long n natural colhp c must come. 1 hnx-c
bren nt wmio paln to Investlgnti' persona ly
xxhat Is or xxhat Is not the fact In thl par
ticular nnd I nm In receipt of more than n
hundred letters from various farts of thf
countrx , prncllenllx OVPI business com
munity being represented. In which therp Is
xlrlual nereemfiit to thn effect that In every
xx-cll organized business rntrrpri' > p of Im
portance there Is n shoxxlng of some pnln
and that In i-verv huslneFs to n of thp cnun-
tlv IhereIs developing- some lmsn | < * ss bet
terment ; that In manx mnnufiietuiliu ; dis
tricts the Impiovement Is maikeel : that bu l-
ne s men Kcnerall.x throughout tli * cmntix
arc more than hopefu"Rcnulnely confl'lpiil
This represents a ehnngp : It Is n rec
ord different fiom nny tlmt I IUIXP boon ,
hlUcrto nhlo to state In tlu'se dl pulcho"
If uonl feelingof this ort can continue It
Is bound to bp Inllut'titlal SPtillmpnt , nftPr
n'l. Is ( from thp Wnll street standpoint nl
leii't ) the moot Impoittiiit of all factors.
Tin- temper of Wnll street hns bpronic de-
cliledly bullish Shnulil no 'H'rotiraplnB de
velopments Intervene It I" probab'o that HIP
sptcUlitlx-p feplliiR xxlll cioxx fvi'n slroiiRci
during the comingxveik After llghllng
the rlsp In thp market stp.adllx and rather
aggressively for xxceks Onst the talent of
the Stock cxolmniio hns "udelpnlx whipped
over fo the bull side The profelonal spe > c-
ulatris of Wnl' street have been vetx lox\
to rcexipnlzc that anx change's have- conic
! nle > thn business s'tuitlon ' Their thcorx
light along- has been that Block market
buoyancy was a matter of ptote > sslomil ma
nipulation , nnd not by nnx- means a rcllef-
tlon of nny better conditions. Mcnnxv title
the niniket has oteadllv risen. Hire and
thei-p tlie hears have lieen able to brlnp
nlmut i-ompthlpg- n reaction , only to In
cite theoutslilp public to larger and more
coi llilont purchases , for It Is really not to
beya I n a 111 that the public Is In the mar
ket. ami that nKgrp'lvo y.
If the niniket continues to develop and
f current activity can be maintained It
Is iprohahlu that many of the low-priced
stocks will be taken hold of I referred to
this as a iK > lbllltv a week ago , suggest-
IHK that In such an event there would nrob
nhly bp advances In "locks like Oregon Sheri
Line and Missouri , Kansas .t Texas pre
ferred Hoth of the-fx ; sleicks have ; one ut
this ixxcek , and lioth will hnx-o much larwi
advances If themiuUet holds Thenre
rcpreontntlx < > of stocks rather attractive1 ! }
iiumci < us It would bo easy to name n doze-n
sleeks of theort xxhleh arc pretty sure to
have substantial rises If ihe gpneial market
held" In the list would bp Reading flr '
picferred , Atchlson preferred , Southern rail
way preferred Not all of these stocks have
merit of nn Intrinsic ' art , but are so held n"
to be ready to respond to anything like pie
nouncetl huxlng
Seml-olllclnlly II Is promised that Chlctipr
flas xvll' reach ill hv next Wednesday , niu
Reck Islind , ncronllng to trale'is In It !
on Its xxay to 8rt before July i. Some In llea-
tions of transactions on thp Ion *
"Iilp of St. Paul by people rlo"c to Mr Ar
mour. n A SEAWAY
Condition of Triuln niul Quotation *
on Siiili | > nnii rimot l'riiiliie-e- .
nac.S-Hnlk of sale ? . 7iic Hot xxenlher Ir
calf-Ing heaxy lo-tes. Jn some cases ns high nt
the' tn clnhl dozen per c-ise
UUTTIJU Common to fair , 7'ic ' ; choice to
fancy , 10l2o , separator creamery , 15c : gath
eml _ cre.mierj. l.'e
SPDc , laige und courte , 4BOc
L.IV11'Ot'I.TJlY Hens. Tc ; cocki
fl\r \ ' . 'Ji1 ' licns' l'el " ' l2C14c , duckv. Cc.
\uinteii LIVC' ' i deuj PiKcong not
jImVY Up'an'1K ' ' ° 0' mlillnnil J4 SO ; lowland
LO , ' ii f , * , , w > * 4 C0i color makes fie price on
hHn ' ' . 'e" thO beS' ' ° "ly " " ' Bradf'
llIiOOMCOUN' ENtremely Floxv pale ; ncxv crnv
aciixcrml on track In country , choice creen pelf-
worKlnp eariiel. per Ib , 2B2l4c ; choice urcen.
runnlnB to hurl. rwjUr rnrnmon. IHc.
V.H ? ' ' 1" I'KAS I'er H-Lu , b.isKet , DOBCOc.
' 'IIJ I'LANT Per Hi 'Jc
CUCl'JIIICIlS Per eloz , 20 f40c.
HAVlfaH ri1' " " ' ' * ' ° 001-15-
' ( @ !
LKTTl'CK-l'er doz , 10SOc.
WAX IHAMS Per " 4-lm tax. 75c.
PAIISMJY ( -yIJANS-I > er 'i'1 - boxMc -
I'er doz , 20ffi25c.
ONIONS-I'er lh. . 2c.
IjlMA HHAKS-Pcr Ib , 3c.
UHANR Hnnd-plcked navy , per hu. , (1.10
rOTATOlfs-Ncw , pelIm ? . Mc.
AI'IlirOTS l'erensc. _ $1 I5JT1 21.
case ,
SOUTlIIIItN Y'iJAcifKS i'er ' " "
Hbu "Ccffjl 00
Ki : HAfal'HIJHHinS Per 24-plnt c.-ises , J2. .00.
ORANGES Meilltcrrancan mvcctB. 1350 : fat
Michaels. J4 fO.
LEMONS Mcsslnas , J4M6500 ; choice , Callfor-
nln , JI21f4f.O |
HANANAS Choice larse nock per bunch ,
2 OOS2 ! S , meUlum-elzeil bunches 11 5C82 W.
NUTS Almonds , Lulliornla , per Ib , large
tlze , 13c , lliazllB , per Ib . lOc , English xialnum ,
per Ib , fancy , eoft pliell , 12E/nc ( ; mnmlarils
lOBllc , nilierlH , per Ib. . lOc ; pi-cans , polleliej ,
larKC. 9fflOo , jumbo , IKfl c , lar u hlcKory nuts ,
Jl 2 : per bu , cocoanuts. 1'tc each
riOS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxen ,
12e , C cronn , CO Ib. Ixixos , 13SHc.
HONEY Ulmlcc , 13 TlSc.
C1IJEH Clarined Juice , per half bbl , $2.35 ; per
bl M , > 4 00 f4 23.
MAI'MJ riVIlUP-rhe-eal. cans , each. J2 23.
cal cans , pure , per doz , $12 : half-gal , cans ,
( C.25 ; quart cans. $3 SO
DRESSED DEEr-Good natixo eteers , 400 to
COO Ibs. , "c , Kerol foreciuarteis , nctrs , 6'4c , BOOJ
hindquarters , k'iej x\ectein steers , fiHc- , fancy
helfe-rs , CV.c , Rood helfcrc Cc , Rood fuiequarlira
lielfeia , Cc , Bood hlnd'iuarter ' lieir iE , to , good
cow a. Cc. fair cows , 6'ic , common covrs , 60
cow foreijuartern , 4ic ! : cow lilnilnuarlerB TAe
I1EEI' I'lITS Tondirliilns Ifci , lifm lees strips ,
lOc , strip lolnii , So , rolU , blic. flrlnln buttn , S'ici
fhoulder clods , Cc , rump butts , Gc , Meer
chucks Cc , cow chucks , 4c , heineleFB rlnicks ,
4K.e , cow platen , 2c , steer platen , 3'4e , llunlt
ttealc , CPJ loins. No J , 14c. loliiv , No 2 lie.
lolna , No 3 , 9c ; No I hort loins , ICc ; No. 2
tliurt loins. 13o , No. 3 Hiort loins , lie ; rlrloln
enrtB , lOc , rllw. No J , 12e , rlln , Ko. 2 , Ocj
rlbg , No. 3 , 7c ; iteer rounds. 7o. cow rounds ,
Ciic ; cow rounds , shank off 7c- cow rounds.
sliitnk und rump off , "Vic , trimming 2'ic , lieef
slmnks , 2 lie , brains , per eloz. , JDc , Eweetbrcadi ,
per Ib , lOe , sxteetbrcuelB ( I'uhis ) , per Ib 40c ;
kldneos. per doz , 33c , ox tallH. each -e , ll\ers.
per Ib , , 2ic ! ; hearts , per Ib. , I'.ic ; tuncut-3 , per
Ib , 12r >
PO11IC Drescfd P'BS CHo dressed hogs , Cc ;
Irndrrlolns , Idr. I. inn u-tc , rp.iro rlbx 3'ic ,
ham mumce , Lulls , lo , shoulders , rouch , Cc ,
sliouldern , hklnned. C'io , trimmings , ' 4'ic , leaf
lanl , not le-ndercd , Se head * rlcnncd. 3c ,
unout md cure , 3c , liackboneM , I'c ; check meats ,
So , neck bones , J'ic , plus' Inlln Ju ; plucks ,
each Co ; chlttei lings , & < * , hocus , 4c heurts , per
iloz , 2'ic , ftomaehs , cnch U , tonguex , inch , 7c ,
Kldncjn , per doz , lOc , brains , per dolie ,
pigs' feet , per iloz 30e ll\er , each 3c.
HIDES No. 1 gieen hi-io. i > V c , Ut 2 Ere n
hides , 4'ic , No. 1 fcieen tulltil lij.les I'-.c , No 2
( .reen rallid hides , We , No 1 veal c > ilf , S to 12
Ilia. , "c ; No 2 xeal ralf , 1 2tn IS Ilm , 4o No 1
dry Hint hides , USlOc , No 2 dry Jllnl hides. Hi
Of , No. 1 dry fdllrd hldei. fflfo , part curnl
hides o per Ib less than fully curnj
HHEKI * I'EI/TH Oreenilteu , eac1 ! . 21tl'0c ,
green tailed , jhe.irllncs Oliort noolel eirly
eklns ) , fiich , l' > c , diy sliearllngi ( short noolt-d
early skin * ) , Ne > 1 , each. Cc , ihy ( lint. Kansas
und Nebraska butcher wool ptltn , per Ib , ac
tual xtelKht 4jCc ; dry Hint. Kansas and N >
braska Murrain xxool pelts prr Ib , actual
wclKlit. 3Q4c , dry dint Colorado tulchtr xvool
pells , per Ib actual eight , 48Ic dry Hint
Coloi.ido murrain xxool pella , per Ib . actual
weight. 304c fret cut off. as It Is utelevs to
pay freight on 'heir.
TAM/W ANI > ailEABE Tallow. No 1. JvtC ,
tallow , No 2 , 2c. Kreate , uhllo A , So , vrtuue ,
\\hllo li , 2e griane. jellow. 2c- create , dark ,
l c , old butter , 2O2H:0. beeswi * , prime , JCJ22c ,
ruugh tallow , Ic
X.VOOIUnwanbed , fine heaxy 67c ; Hne light ,
fQUc. ijuurterbliiod , 10 < jl2c fetdy , burry und
chaffy , 6&Sc , cotted unj broken coarse , 7fi9c ,
cotle'V and broken. One , < ( ? ! : Tierce xxarhcd ,
medium , 15ft lEc , fine , H0)6c ) tuli Hashed , KfC
! Sc , black , to , bucks , Cc , lug locks , ZflJc ; dead
pulled , CO 60.
lUNi:3-In carlots , xrtlkhed and delivered In
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton. 11200'i/HOO ; dry
country bleached per ton , 110 OjJT12.00 dry coun
try , damp and meaty , per ion , K.Mas 00 ,
I.uiitlon XI on i-j' .MiirUrt ,
IX5NDON , June 27. The market Bhoxx a
si It lit | ncroa o In the money rate xvlth loane
en Monday Mti to 1 per cent ; loans
July nt 1U to t > 4 per cent ; two. three niul I
( our months' ilK ount * nt 1 1'f- < ( nt , niul
- K motitliB' ( line niotipx nt 1 3-1G tn 1'
per crnt There ! I * , hoxxoxcr , xcry llttio
iloliiR , atnl thorr linn been n Kfont ilonl of
Krtimbllnfr nt the lrcl lon not to cloo the
rtt < x-k exchange feu' the nnxnl re-xlcw.
what lltllc lins licon ilon < > 1ms boon mostly
In Ainorlcniii nnd In mlnltm focurltlci.
AnuinR the former Illinois Central tho.x an
nilvnnc-e of 1'i per rent , nml Norfolk &
Western of 1U pe-r cent. On the other Imiul
Northern I'lirlllt * prcfeneil lins fnllen N per
cent Caiinillan Ilalhvn.x.o Imxo fnllen H per
Khnrply , the ( Irnnil Trunk Ounrnuteeil , %
per cent , llrst prefcrreil. ' 4 per cent , nnii
scconil pteferrul , W per cent. The better
feelltiK In the Trnnsvnnl nnii the belief tlmt
mensure * xxlll be tnkcn to tcllcvc the for-
clRti Interests there hnvo Imil n fnvnrnlile
eftect upon South Afrlrnii xcntureM , niul n
fair ninount of liti liu" > s Is bcliiff ilono In
Ihcin nt ndvnnccd prices.
I'vnturrn niul Cloning 1'rlvpH of Snlttr-
ilu > 'i > 'I i-nillnu ; .
CH1CAOO , June " 6 Siptctnber xxhent
omniril ) plncCH loilio In point of nieculntlxc
Interest. July stnrleil out xxltli the usunl
"corner" rente , but before the session \xns
half over September xxn eomtiiamllne the
titteiitlon of iiKiRt of tlie trmlets niul xxns
inneh uHoiiKvint the Uu c Tlnal prices
showcJ v ljo nJxalice In Jill ) uinl I'j'iil'je- ' '
rise In iioptciiibcr. Other markets xxuiu > lul.
und neitlccled. Coin olost-il iinclinnied ; , O.UK
u Mimic hUhur and pi-ox lulons unrlmnucel ( o
T o lower.
Ndlh.iiK el"e xvns befoie the xNleiti of vxhent
tnulcLs at the OienliiK | but the eXi-t-KtovxIHK
"peetei of n .Mill coinoi The usuil ncvxs
OL the ilny h.ul little to ilo x\lth thitlticlua -
llons. Tiailers xxntolicil the Inokei * . xxho
xxeie mippOHPil to be eloini ? the' blelillng eif the-
mull vxln > xxi'io iioillted xilth the iiiiinliiulu-
tlon of Julj. niiel as lhf > bouslit or sold HO
iltei tin * crowd. Julheat "tiutid at a biu-
PI ! | HM : pace , Its llrsl Jump xxnn at a rNe of
tloin ' i' to 'jc pel bti lit > l - -7J's'iii2' ' belllK
Hiuileil at the' outlet. Till * xxii" tolo\\cT.i up
xxllh a fexx U.IMKUIOO bound- ' Hint took tin-
pi lee to 7JHe Tlmt npponitd to be the
height of UH ntnbltion foi n xxlille and dut-
iiit' theicumlmliT of the Ili t liout It In-
dtilged In a ceilp" of ernttlLpiittet - < like a
Imnelfull of llKliti-d llni-iaiKeis Pioin 7.1sc
eloxxn to 72'se' . up HH.iln to 73'4c and back to
? 3c xx ere s-omo of the moio notkealile of Hi
KJtatlons in the Hist luiur. Sepienibe'ixheat
nt tie-illy Po below Jul > xxns stl.uiKely IJPB-
I tot ml feu a tlinu , but tlmt V..IM a conilithm
In xxhicli It ixab nut peiinltteel to lenmln It
opened at CMie' , e-ouuinie'd xxlth lil'-Ke ' , Its clo1-
Illl ? lirk'e the ila > befuK. Aftel toilihlllK
lilNt ; It hunu ; bctxxeen that nnd ClSe , xxith
vciy llttlp doliiK In It foi an hoiu Tlien It
suildtnly i-piaiiK Into aetlvltx. 1'oni rc-pott
from ItU'sla nnd the Danublnn pro\Itn-e' <
Ht.irtcd bu > liiK and so llxelj did the demand
become that July xntfor a time neglected
and September nine to GOr Much of the yep-
tember bujlni ; xx.m supposed to e-ome fioni
tneanie souice as the Jvlj buytiiK The le-
e.e > lits ] at Chicago xvere 21 ciillond * .Mlnne-
iipolls and Duluth rei ot led tne receipt of
? ' ! c-ais , ngalnvt , ! SO the corie" iionillnK elax
of the j CMI before. The xxeek's estuirts eif
xx bent and llemr fleun both coislseie li l"i- (
000 bu , nfMlll'-l 2.TI7.0O ) bu thp xxevlc beforr
and 2M7iOO ( bu a > enr URO Atpentine did
not Khip any xxheat to l uie'pe this \xe-ck A
your itKe > Argentine shipments foi theioiie-
fi'ionillnir xxeek xx re T.v IKKI bu Thn \tiiiit"
of xxheat and Hour for txxenty-four hours
fiom Atlantic pints xxere equal to 210.000
A London cablcKtatn AMIS said to lepoit
LTi per cent HhoitaKe this je-ai , oompaicd
xxith InHt > ear , in the Knfllsh crop anil
claimed that for months the Atlantic
ports of America xvould be L.illtd upon for
2WK.WX ) ) buplu'ls of xx heat nnd Hour pel xxcek.
September malntnined Us adxanct. It did
not net beloxx Ki n , aftei liaxlnsold at
Cfic. It touched fifi c , and closed xxorth
G5TMMc. July , after all Its early bluster ,
closed nt l\c ,
Cern xxas hlo\x , xxltiiln an e-Ktifmely nnt-
loxv raiiKC , xxlth price' a shade easier most
oC the time on the "coin belt" lepoit of ciop
conditions through tlie xxest 'Ihe adxance
hi xxheat xvas a factor latteily Tiade xxas
Mnali , in mnrked contrast to tne actlxltx-
v.hlch ha" prexalied ntailv nil xxei'k l.ocil
lereipla xvere IM ) cais , Seplembci opened
unchanged at 26 . solel betxxuun 2wj 'd1 c and
. ' " < , , clo liiB : at 2Cc.
Oats xxere' dull xxlthln n Uc I.IIIKC. The
fcvllnp ; early xxas xxe.ik on the iinlonilliiK
of a lln" of about roo.OJU bushels by a promi
nent tradei , but the maiket dpxtOoped con
siderable strength latei lu sxmpitliv x\lth
the advance- xxheat. Local receipts
.115 eats Septcmbei opened unchanged at
ISc , sold nt li7Ac , and advanced to ISlin'ic ' ,
xxhcie It e-Ioseel.
A llmltetl tr.ule xxas done In proxHionn.
The fci-lliiK during the e irlj moi nlnii
easy on the larpe re > celpl of IIOKS , but
steadied later asheat continued lo slioxv
sticiiKth. A fair demand < up at the
decline. At the clo--e Septcmlivr i > ork xxas
7' o loxxer at $7.57' ; . ; September linl , un-
( liant-id at $101. and September ilb , 2'X.c
I j\xer at $1 47'i'iT4 ' 50.
Uotltnnted rcce'iits for Mxmday : Wheat ,
ir > CIIB , corn , 42j cars ; oats , 300 cais ; hogs ,
4r , COO head.
futures raiiReel as folloxxs :
Arlicli B I Opan I Hl.'ii I Li ' . I Clo * IVoHt'dy
XX heat-
July . . 73H 72UI _ 7L' < 71T <
' opt. . sin 1140ft
Dec. . . 07' 00 '
June . . Hi'1 ' 24B
July. . . . B
Sept. . 'JO 21 Hi iill so
July. . . . 1H IKU is
Sept. . . . ia IKJfi 17'i is
Julv. . . 7 43 7 SO 7 45 7 47' $ 7 r > n
Sent 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 07K 7 05
Jilv . . 3 110 3 HI 3 00 3 ln 3 ns
bout 4 00 4 05 4 00 4 OJ 4 US
.Hilt 4 41) 4 4'JV ; 4 40 4 4i" 4 47hi
bepl 4 474 4 Del 4 47H 4 50 46 2 h ,
No 2
C.ifh iiiotatlons | xvere ns follow
rijOl'll nun.lnter pntints , J4 20HI 40 ,
btrulKhtx , J10iif410 , tirliiB | il' ' lnls , J4 40fl4 to
pprlnR ratcnts 370J400 , btr.ilghts , $3 40 3 70.
liuKeM , 12 S0 | 300.
\\HIJAT N2. . 72'4c , No. 3 fpiltiK , 13S71C No.
2 led. 775iirWlieJ :
OOHNNo - ' , 25 2VJC.
OATJi No 2. lM < lt',4c ' f. n h j No 2xlllte ,
:2'.5723c. Ni J x\hlte , 20lifi22c- .
KYi : Nil 2. 3IV.C
HAHU3Y Nu 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 2037c ; No.
4. l7c !
rLxxsnin-No i. 79'sfifiOc.
TIMOTHY SinilJ I'rline , ! J 7S
1'ftO VISIONS Me f pork , per Mil. J" riOi(7 C'
Liinl | ier 100 llis . M'i"i Hhoit rllis. H | , | S
( loooe ) , t30fi4ro ! Dry ulted blionWem Iboxed ) ,
14 7S&5 CO .Short cleur fliles ( boxc-d ) , { 4 C2'i { | >
4 71 !
WHISKY maulers' nnlsheil Booils , | icr Kill ,
II li
8UOAHS Cut loaf. < ! iMi uranulaleil , (4 97.
Art1 lcH. IteuuliitH Sluiuiii-iil- )
Flour , bblB. H ( Kill 7,000 , bu 4.Ollll 40 1)1)0 ) )
Coin , bu 3 KI.OOI ) 275 000
O.MK , hn. . . dJIIOOO 131,000
Itjc.bu . . . ' . ' ,0110
llailey , Oil 1K.OIIO 4,000
On the I'rJl u-iKo'i n , ' ! to I iy 1 11 bitter mar
ket xx , IH > . crriiurrv. I''UM'tc. ' cl ilrv. 1ICJ
Ue I.I-'KH llrm : flesh MIUIHVHP iiiill,7't
lAh'nU ' 1.UH poulti ) . Hli-iily , tiiilii > jH , Uul.7c.
chlcHuriH , 7-j ! < ; , Hiilnn' | , 1O < C1 iu. ilucku. 7ui- ; .
M\V VOKIC < ; i.Mi7Ti , M.\IIICIT. :
ItiioliitlniiN of tinliny on ( -i-ne-riil
C'lllllllllllll lll-M ,
NiW YOHK June 2ij riXl'll Iterelpts , 22 , .
O u hlilK , fiporiH , 1C.3CJ hhls , etriniKl ) heM on
tprlniheat i.railfe , an ailuuiri of IMiiJc hi-lni ;
united , MlnniFiito patciila , (4 10i4 | K , Mlnntnita
luiKere , 134S0460 , wlnlir imtents , J4 40 ,4 70 ,
xvlntcr btrnlrhtc , J4 Id , lnler IXII.IB , } 330ifJCO.
llye ( lour , iiulct , mrllnes 2 COWJ 50
l'C > lNMiAIlull : , > cli.uiHiin | , t7c.
KYIJ Mtail > , No. 2 wiMiin. SCc
HAIlI.Ui.Steady , iCii2Ci4c , nialtmir SliJJSo.
llAKI.iY MAI.T Uull , wirtern , 43iCle )
\VIUAT ItecrlplB , to , 476 Im , ixiurtn ] , 141 , .ITS
Im t pot hllniiiir UiitleiiiH opt md eironi ; on
n. tcatv of July liiirt > , cited off nndir realUhm ,
hut liml Mioiul murp life on further COM r-
inir und closed ' .Wlr net hlKlur , Nci 2 ml Juin- .
eloreil lit 77Wc. K-plemher , 70 D-lCi l'J.c ' , cliisca
"VoitN KicilplB , tit ' 3 hu , exports. 32 4S8 hu.
Spot , Him. No S , 2'J'le Ontloiw , ijulct but llrm
.ill munilnc xvlth xiheat , rloMng 'i < - net hlKlur ,
Junu eloi-c-el ul SJHc , heplember , 3fc31'.c ! ' , clobcu
- . 72,100 hu ; exports. 171 C2S Im.
Spot quilt , No. 2 , W'ic. ' Options . hut
Dteaily , lo lnK unchanged , July clofid ut ' c.
IIAHtead > , blilpphiB. tOc. K"1' ' < " rliolct' , CO
lleil'S Ktatc , common In eholce 1W ernp. 3tt
4c , ) ' " > crop , Cfi'Ji' . IMcllIe count , 1S1" , crop , 84C
- . . 14 < - . Iluenw A re ,
lb > irje Texan lie. California , ICc.
eiiiloilnil - . Iliieiiod A > rc ,
1 < '
? | | / - . Il'rce , IfftlSc. l' ' " "
punVIHIoN - r quiet family
oitm iniwi. l7Mfl uO. nan ) * . IHMijJSOi. Pickil ,
UWi'JW ( < ut inentii. htendy. piekled Lelllin.
SMft 76 J.Ukl'd phouUm J5tO Harn IS Wf
M Uml , < | Ulel. i-Heiii Heaniwl 4 10. rHliKil ,
liiilil I'ork , iinlit , merii , U2M ( 7r. ; Miurt clear ,
IjtWllOM fumlly. JV21&1010
TAU-OW-Uull , clt ) , 3l-lC&J'c , eountry ,
OILS I'elroleum. dull , no inurkit , rellneil.
Ni York , JO 10 Itonhi ntead > etmlneil. com
inun to BCKiil , l7 iji)175 'Jurpentlne , Meady ,
1 > Uj"i4jC Cottonn-ed mead } KH'I ' qult-l | irlnie
cruae 20o nominal , prime crude f u h nillli'
ICftlCW , pilme nummcr > lle.w , 23'4fj24c , off
tumintr > ello SJOSSHc , butler gradm , 2Cc ,
prlmi ) white' , 2t > { f.7e !
lliriStead ) , fair to extra , 4',4ijCe , Japan
ilbl.AbSIJS Hlenilj New Orleann. open ket
tle good to choice 22fi o.
MITA1 8 I'l * Iron , ijulet. noutliern , 19 25W
1000 , northern lOt ! < JS CO Coppir. luiiy. brok
en ) . 111 lx.aJ , btronc , lirckiry , J3 25. Tin
platen easy.
I'hlliuli-liilila llarKt. .
rHII.ADKU'HM. June 16. JIUTTI3Il-rirmj
fancy xilern crraincry , He.
IXiOS Hleady ; frt li nearby , llCv fre-ih west
Week Oloso ? with Few Cattle and Many
Hogs on Snlo ,
llliullty IN Only AXCI-IIKC , lm ( t'rlcea
t'nlil Are ririn llimn limp
Hceelpt * for the week xxllh i-onn > nrton- >
O.itt'e. HOBSheep. .
\Vcck ending Juno M . . . U.MHS 42,74.1 8.313
\Vet-k ending June I'l ' . . .13VI 4 MM I0.3W
\Verk ending Juno 12 . . . 10 Ml 33 4 M ! 8,030
\Vik ending Juno f > . . . IS. 75 1 42.011 10..SS ?
The olllilnl number of cnrs of stock
htouKlit In toil > by each lonil xxns.
Cuttle. HOK-S Sheep.
C' . . M. A St P. Hy . 2
11 A St. I. Itj . 4
Mo 1 ' .HI lie It ) . I 2
t'nlon I'rullliSxslem . 2o 21 I
I- ' . , i : * M V. H. U . 2.- ) 39
8 C .1 1' . Itx- . 1
( ' . St P. .M O lt > . 12 7 4
II A. \l II It 11 . 11 3- .
r. . n. .v Q in . is
c , it i A i * ity. ei : t . s
C. , it. i AZ 1 * . ity. , xM-st . i
Total receipts . 77 142 5
The dl-ft'O'ltion of the d IX-'M receipts xxns
UM follow-f , each liu > er puruh.iHliiK the
mimbei of lu'iul Indleuled :
HU.\LM- > Cattle. Hops Slicep.
Om ibu I'ncklng Co . 26S !
(1 It llHniniond Co . 1 ! > 7 1 , 74
S\\lft mid Cotnp.iny . l.Oi'.l l.Wl 21 ! )
I mliiliv 1'nrkllii ; Co . : ! ! 7 3luG 1JO
Hill A : l.rxxlCo . ai
llllMtnn A ; Co . " , ' .1
Ihiuimoml , 1C. C . IT.'i
( Ithi'i Imxeri
I.pft over 150
Totals . 1 mo 9 CII MI2
CATTM3 Moderate lecelpts. as u on a
S.tliud.ixiis tin- situation In tin- Minis
today. Xot only \\IIM the number of eattlo
on mle ilmltud , but the qu.illty tit tlv
time did not nxer.iKe xer > high. not ainKlc
lo ul of Kood Kit vis lielni ; reported In the
> nrds
The demmid for killing cattle xxns good ,
and the market fnlrlj aeti\e nmi fully Hlciidy
on cxerjthlnir could be cntmldrred at
a 1 deniable The killing tattle ftxcre mostly
all sold etuly , both i-tcers and eoxx etulf , and
Hie niniket closed xxlth no new dexelopmentti
of mnterltil interest.
Stockeis and f enters also --old at Just about
steadv prices
IIOUK The ilnj's le-oelpts wore tlic HrKest of
the Nei'h mitt IniKri ttiati iin > une had nntl 1 *
p.itc I IK addition to tlie f r , Mi imlptB tluro
were tin or a diuen load1- hold over from jea *
leid i.\
Tin market openiil x\lth liujtrn hlddlhf ; fujf
ID i | O\M ihut an It XMi * n Satui''ax niul au the
neclptH wen HO In rev. vnletmrn nit Ime ind l
tinmaiket MIIH fall Is n < tl\i > at ( ho die-line. <
Thu mot of the h ( JH udd cailv
H wan .1 (315 miiket UK iiKiln't a ft ftT3 ! "
miiKi't xesterdio A leu irailB sold up to (31 ,
and K"0ltli n 5" 2-H top , a aKHliiKt a Jill
tup jt'-tiT'lnS Taking all the vales the ) \\oiihl
cht \ \ < ui an .txriHKc a lUcltnt of c from } L3-
tinlas's ( i\iniRi > prUc.
It has In i'li aicU < if llhtral receipts nnd
uneven iiiarkt'tN , up one ila > niul do\Mi tile Hex *
llic week opened with liut.ii nllliiK at the low
point of thu month On I'lif-ilas tn ! > marki > t
aiUnncfd a ctioiiK f > e if in lined ahnut ste.nly
on Wnlnculnj niul iidvann-t amithoi : .c on
Tluiit > < 1io I'rlila > H iniukel.TS loner anil Iho
decline nt the clotp of the cck Ill-ought tlio
markPt baik to nt out whirr It was at the l > e-
Klnnlni ; nf the week
SIliii' : T. tie v.ut onlj Ihe Vinils of Hheop
here , and they \\tre mu tly all fi edrrs Good
mutton ehup would prohalil ) have hold at about
bteady price1 ? .
< ; ino\o i.ivi : srooic Miuitirr.
I'V-\v Cnttlo OITeri-il iinil HII M lln-nu
. \IIIIHI i < M iCIIIH. .
CHIOAP.O , June 26. Cattle pens were pr.ictl-
cillj hire todaj , as Is usual on Saturday , and
the murkct HIIB largely n nominal one The few
citlle offend for tale Wtio tnken at jestenlay'B
prices Xntl\c lucf fliirs Hold ut an exlromo
lange of from J3 CO to J5 SO , hut only a email
pencentiiKt ! fold up In f.1 , the hulk of the eattlo
M'lllnt , ' nt from (4 to tl 70 , fiodliiK culllp were In
fair demaiul at from ( J Ito to (420. < * .il\iH weio
Manor and choice lotn .id\uiced , with HaleH nt
from (6 23 to Jo W
There was a larpe supply of hogs ami
pellciB wire ohllKed to take 2'l.c to Co oft
In order to net rid of their consignments Sails
were at ) an extreme rniiKC of 1 1 lOji'l OJ',4 for the
poorest to the hest IIOKS and at (2 2'WI 50 for plgt > ,
thu hulk of the IIOKS M'lllni ; for (1 3T'i.3 45.
The demand for H.utp and lamtJB wan
extnmcly poor ; hprliiK lanihH Mold at (3 3S
4T5 50 , JurKel ) at (4 U ( $ > r 0 , > earltnKU lamb *
Fcilil at J ! ) r.UiM 75 and Infirlor lambs went
around (3 , Kluip tolil at ) . ! T0fi3 C5 , heavy nil-
ti\CB sold \i'ry plow at (3 lr.i3 | 25.
HicelptH. OK ( If. 100 head , hog * , " 0,000 hinJ ;
Bhiep , J.OOO heail
St. l.oulM Mi iMurk. .
ST. rXl'IS. June 2C OA'lTM-llc Iptn. 600
lie. ul , thlpinentu 7(0 htail Marlut sliad ) at
a decline ranging from .re to ? 0i foi natl\nfi
duiltiK the \\eik , enl > KraFH 'IVxans retelxnl
and Hunt rule < asy , HhlppliiK fillers. (4 40jj4 60
hulk of p.ilcs , )0.iiiO"j. ) driM < iil hief anil
hulchrr vtrern , (3Ofi4Hi hulk of calea (3 iiU >
3 10 , FtockviH and foedtrs ( Jri5Tllf ( | > hulk of
Srtles , ( ir.Off'JTO , eowh nnd helfirn ( I 7' . 4 CO ;
hulk of cou , ( J r/ii J 00. hulls , J17ufnoo 'Icxiin
and Indian clt-tro , krnps , J-'Wiii(370 ( , COWB and
hilferf. i2siii(5.
IIOdK-lti-ielptH , COM head. KhlpnifnlH 2(00
head Markit llrm In lOc lowir , IlKht 53 30J ( )
J .U mixed ( 1 Oft 3 2"i , lic.aj , J.I 3lft3 ) 40
SIIiii' : : ItPiillHr 2UO head , tOilpmrntx , 1 WO
head Mm lilt HUiuly , nallvo inuttonH , (3 OOtp
4 f5 eulls and bucks (2 f.li82 03 , Texan ftui.i.
. uu 1 orK I. Me Slnrlc.
Ni\V : VOIIIC , Tune 2C-IliiviS-Itici.ptK. : : : | 911
head , no Ir.idlnK. e.ihlcB chin , i xporlu SSO henl
of cattle and 4 1H uunrtiiH of Ixif. C'aUiB , ic-
ctfptF nolle , no trading
SHiii' : AND I < AMIIS ItPeelplH , 2 ! ) DS head ;
food to tholic lambs , fi lOe hlKlur , HIIKJI Unix
ciiinmun anil medium lunhn , hlimlj , mullum to
Rood simp , ( lOOlfJM ) , iiuilliiiil lothoku lambs.
(4 ( .7'i5/5f.ri.
IlOOS-lticrlpts , 2,010 hiad ; nominally Ktendy
nt (3 Mill 00
% < - \ - Vnrli. MV\llli > tlnrKi > ( .
NI3W OIIK. June 20 1 lie w < ikiloped with
a toieralli | market , parllmlarly for
KIUIIIIIITUI iK'iit cotton Kiioln The warm wiathfr
oC > erlcrda > had a RIXI I < ITi < ( In muilni ; tlimi
Kuodr All Ft > les In prints nnd ilri ffl goo IB MIOMT
Included InltitKt Hlaih | and intlon H mw Irm
inovfmint on the whole than the othi r llnca ,
hut there In it ferllnitliioiiKhout the trade that
a more liberal \kw Is ln-lnx lukrn hy buyi re
nnd ( he Inclination Is tonnrd bujlng In bleaihul
gonds CoarM * loloied lotions lire quiet , hut
denlinH lommnnd rllKitl ) hitlir prltiH 'j ho
print ilrth Hports Kliow an markii
and a inther free one , both at Tall HUlr anil
1'rotldente 'Hie market Is ( ( iiotid at 2UiL Jtlila
for July and Augutt' delherliB me Kiiurally r >
ICllllMIIH t'llj Mlll'l ' ( N ,
KANSAH < 'ITV , June -WIIiAT Very
weak , No 2 hard. CHnv , Inly slilpmont COei
No 3 , CCfC7e , No 4 r/VJjM'ii , No 2 rprlni ; .
C'le , No 2 rul. niw , 71i , No J , C.ry0c , No. .
coriN Ixjw r , No 2 mlxid , 20' ' < if214c. ? !
OATHWink. . No. 2 while , lOe.
HVi : Ni 2 , 2t.e
11AV 1'alrly iitlhn for | [ "nd griddi of new
othera lon ; choice timothy , J8.Wyj.00 ;
prnlrle , 1C tfJi'J ( JO.
hlwiilyi nunnery , 10liOI2Vic , dairy.
65 ( lOc.
ia(18-rirmcr : at Co
TOI.IIDO O June i'CWll FIAT -Market.
opi mil wink , ciiuli , He , July , 7l"iu ; Keptimbir.
tk .e
roilN-Diill nnd uti-ady No 2 mixed , zee , No.
3 , 24c July Zl'ic. t-idtr.ib | < r. Mr hid
OATH guilt , No 2 mlxid , ISlii . July 16'ic ,
HU-Diill : nnd ( tidily , No 2. 3.V
CI/JViu : hiii-l : > ull and ttmi | > , old ( irlme.
14 10 , No 2 in e-1 In in (4
( 'iillfornlii Ililfil I'VullK.
ritl'ITHfteuilj , iviiporuted upplm pilule wire
tru > 4' i pir Hi wood dried prime. 4Hi(44o ,
cholee 4\c . funo C5i | < i jirunts go to 7c pt-r
Ih . u lo rUe und < | uulll > tiprlcotn , m > ul C ( > <
Hi Me > or I'ark , lie , piacheK , unperliil ,
pn led ,
Telephone 1039 , Oiiiulm , Neb. CASl
Dlrtot wlr § to Chlciro and New fork. tukl