Till ] OMAHA PATTYV HK13 : SATl'KDAY , JUNIS 2 , 1807. I COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT .imoii M Brooke "OeorKo's Own. " Klein , 112 H-way. 1) . r. Hleher has returned from Colfnx , In. Shrlvcr. denllsl , moved to 216 Mcrrlam blk. Mi * J. 0. Smith Is visiting relatives near Lovilaii'l. ' Ilciry hoses , bankets , bco suppllm. Younkerman. Miss Mjrllc Hall of Crc ton Is vIMllnR friends In tbli city. It N Nicholas has gone to Colorado on ft hoilth necking tour Ir IlilIlnRcr and n J. Hutchlnson > lolled Ml sourl Valley jeitcrday. I outs Ualo Is in the city , lie Is now a resident of I.oiilivllle , Ky. Mrs P II. Winer nnd daughter , Kittle , arc visiting In Oulhlo county. Mis T M nilmore of Missouri Valley vlslird frloii'li hero jcstorday. Miss Ana Flvnn and Miss Kthcl King of N' ila ? rc yuests of Mlra Unthank. Miss Hanrhrlt of Omohn will vMl ! Mrs. Jtih ison of Ilanciofl street next week. r-uronbo the popular Eagle laundry , 721 Jlr mlwiv To I IfiV. Thtcc wagons Horn of Mr. and Mrt CailT of Seventh trcc > t a son ; to iMr nnd Mis. K. i : Hart , a daughter Miss Cmlly and Mafctci llowatd AVaiclmm of Omaha are the Bursts of their aunt and miMe , Mr and Mrc Phil Warcham. Citatum Itavlfl , representing one of the bis clgn houses In Now York , Is In Ihn city. with heidquarturs nt I'eregoy & Moore's. If W Minder reported lo tht police yes terday llial R. lawn tnowor which he left In hln d"orvnrd on the previous evening had bcou stolen. County TipaRtirer Aind has rocovirrd n xcluiblc do , ; that was lorentlv stolen from him He found It In possession of a farmer Jiint cnst of the tllj 1 Ila Ilradfrrd has filed her pclltlon in the district cr.url asking for a dlvoree from her huihaml David llradford. Desertion h al- IrKrd lloth nre colored An ngieemeiit wng enteicd Into jcitorday lij whlrh all of the local banka ngleo to ob- PCIVO Moinlnj PS Ihe Pom th ot Jill ) . All of Iho banks will bo closed on lhal < liv. \\llllam runitr , who bioko Into Jill 111 mi rfmt to get n filend out , was llne-d In police- court jcilordny morning A real friend came over fiom Omaha nnd paid hli fine and toi 1 him home \ reception wan tendered to the members nnl tx meirhors ot the Young Men's Clnls- tlan association last evening. Some fine music WBF rendnrcd and the evening wan a very cti- Jovable one lo those present MIJ M 1' Illumaii , htatepiesident of the Woman's Chrlsllnn lempeianco union , will cuiiducl Klovvtr Mission oxciclsos lonior- rou al the Sunday school of the Christian liomi Special music will be rendered. The public Is Invited lo attend Residents In the vicinity of the North Vlist Blroe't bridge are objecting to the closing of that stiuctuiu to all forms of tinfllc The foot passage wn > b have been closed for Bevcril weeks and the mlllng up of Ihe drive-way praellcally clones Ihe olrccl The funeral of Wallet Chane , the lad diowned In Mosquito tieclt , took place jes- tcrdaj morning nt ( Jrnce chinch The pill- bc.uers wele selected fiom umong the fi lends ami pliymates of the boy , and weio Ucrt Hill Cecil Davis. IM Johnson , Albert SJcr- kowslty , C'h tiles Lacy and Paul Ha > llss I M. Trey noi has lelunud from Dos MolnoB after witnessing me cicatlon ot the hybrid democratic state tltkel It was re ported that he had gone to Washington to tnkn another look nl thepostolfico situation , but his friends say the Irlp to Washington Is not neccbbniy , and that the postoffico fight In concluded Representative Pottci came up fiom his home In Oakland and spent n few days in town on business , but found time to tell the friends ot the beet sugar factory cnterptihc thit he was anxious to do all that lay In his power to secure the location of a fac tory hero or at East Omaha during the next year. Ilommoily Puller was arrested jesteidav by an Inforn allen filed In Justice Vicn's court charging him with the larceny of a $750 plpa wrench The vvicnch was slolen fiom the printing office ot Harvey Do Long It Is the third fine within a year tlmt the Puller boy has been ui.der arrest for larceny. He Is also Just iccovcrlng the use of a broken leg Ho had pawned the vvicnch for 75 ccnls. The closing exerclbcs of St. Peter's Cath olic school occurred last evening In Hughes' hall. A very Interesting program was ai- rangcirby the pupils and Ihe hall was packed bj' ihclr 'friends One of Iho features was the rendering of a cantata by the older pupils , but the prcttlesl thing of all was the baby show given by a number of tlnv { llttlo girls , who handled their sweet dollies with a grace and affection that won all hearts. In view of the' fact thai two boys have been killed h ) railway trains within the last BK months vvhtlo Jumping oft and off and numerous other minor accidents of the same nature have occuricd , Major Carson has Issued n peremptory order to all members of the police force lo Immediately place under arrest any boj gelling on or off moving trains elthci on Ihe rallwajs or slreet car Hues TfToro la to be no exccpllon , and parents will not bo permitted to settle with the police by leaving a piomlsc that their boja &hnll not repeat the offense. The commisslonors for Iho Irtsano examined David Toslevlit jealcrday. They decided lo declare him lo be Incurably Insane and to provide for Ills circ. Two or three years ago Tostev In's frleuda engaged Wurrcn Hough of Crcscenl City to toke care of him for n few months for u satisfactory consider ation The tieatmcnl received was GO satis factory to the old man that he hutj practi cally made his homo at Hough'H even since He pleaded so earnestly lo be senl back there lhat the board was willing to entertain n proposition from Mr. Hough , who was present at the cxiniliiatton. Hough has known the old man for many > cars and is nhlo to get along with him without dllll- cully. Ho made the board a proposition to ! take him and provide for all of his wants tor a consideration of $3 a week. The offer was accepted ami the order was made to last Indefinitely. C II Vlnvl compaii ; , temalu remedy. Med ical consultation fioe Wednesday , Health book furnished ? 2G-327-32S Mcrriam block. N , Y. Plumbing company. Tel. C20. ArciiiiiiniM to I'lt-nle at The Omaha Royal Area minis will picnic al Manawa today. They notified Receiver Han- nan at 4 o'clock > e-sturday thai 400 ticket ; had been sold and al least COO membera wnuh ! constitute the parly A special motor tialr will meet them at the Ninth street depot which will take them doun at 2 o'clock alone ono faro for the round trip , They will Li thu II rot largo party to take advantage ol the special 1 ! o'clock excursion ratcj that wll bo made every afternoon with the excep tion of Sunday , when ono faro pajs for tm round trip and admission to tlio pla/a. HiiHlti-t I'Kulifor Jtil ) Tlilril. The people of Downsvlllo and Pleasant II 11 are planning for a big basket picnic to bi held Saturday , July 3 nt Ward's grove , twi miles east of Weston. They have Invltei thu people of Weston , Underwood , Hazel Del and Quick to Join them In a ro > al good time A number of people from this city will aUi IteuJ , llt-nl KNtatt * TruiiHriTN , The following transfers were reported jes tcrday from the tltlo and loan olfico of J , W Squire , 101 Pearl street : JJonry t ) . Fullerton to Antoinette J'llnepliiBlots sa to 43. block 15 , WrlKlit'n ndd. , w. el . ; II. A. Clou nnd vvlfo to K. II. Gllletpey , lota 11 and 12 , block 6 , Oakland , w. d. 1GO J , JloK'itu and wife to It. I ) . Qlllespor , lots IS nnd 1C. b ock G , Oakland , w d 1.CO JuliuB C. Husler , trustee to Verenn liertf , lots 3 and 4 , block 4 , Mlndcn , w , ii . . . U Four transfers , total . . . . . . . W,3l Wo want all the good farm loana we ca got ; C per cent Interest and a small com mission. No delay for the money. W want ) our fire and tornado Insurance o farm , town or city property , Hest of coir panles represented. Lougee & Lougee , 23 J'earl street , _ _ _ _ The beat of home cooking today at Mell od 1st market. 415 Ilroad ay. Ice cream an cake , aflcrnoou and eteMnff. i .1 FATHER SEES HIS SON DROWN Unfortunate Ending cf a IMcasura Trio to Tim ! * r Lake , THEIR BOAT OVERTURNS IN DZEP V/ATER It n MIHIM Ill-line ii mill tlli Two ltd ) H TliroiMi Out mill OIK * of tlio l.mls I'liuN n AVnltrj llrntli. Dclnlli of t drowning accident thai oc curred at Timber I.tkp , n short ilKancr from Cresre-nt Clly , reachol lie-re jeslcrda > . The accldenl occutrci1 on Thursdaj alcr- ( noon. A DinUli fanner named Rnemus Ilar- Er-n Joined n jxirty of fishermen , who had at- ranged to Rpeiid the dt.y at the littlelake. . Hiii'en lives near Weston , nnd the party was made up of his friends and neighbor ? . They rcichrd iht- lake early In the diy Dur- Int ; ihp afternoon Haiiscn took his two buys In an old tub of n bait and paddled nut Into the lake. Thu bojs werel l oth under in je-ars of agennd iir-lthcr of them nur Ihe fattier could snllit tit aniount to anything. After rowing over the lake n whllo the ) found n good place to fish and pit pa ml to tike ad vantage of ( he oppottunll } . in gelling thelt lines out and -shifting their po'ltlonc the- boat VMS o\crtutned and all \.crc thro.vn In'o the hko who.o the- water was vci > deep Itoth ot thebcjs dlhapcarcd. but the fnthci hold to the boit nnd nelred ( me ot his hens ns ho tame to the mil face. The other came up , but lee far awiv lebe leiehed unless Iho father relctt c-d the lialf-f.il uiglcd child wlio-e hcadhe _ was holding above water. Two oilier members of tlic- fishing paitv , the Con ner brothtiw , pi on iv 1 nnother boal and went to the rescue intl savel Iho father and ono son , but th ? other boy was drowned. The bodj was nol tceovcred until late and was taken to Ciciccnt and thciico to the home nc tr Woblon 'Ihe boy rvos 13 ; ears old. He will be burlnl at Weston todij. Itontlsicr Club's llntliico. The Council ululT.s Iloaclsler club's second matinee drew a laige attend nice it Union pule > csterd.ij afternoon and the pcoplo who hud nctepted the club's generous Invitation" wltne-sE-d some fine inccs. The track waa In good condition and the cool , bficing weather made It pCLslble for the noises owned bj the members to do their best work. Three rices veie eaidcd , oneIn class H , one In class C and n special , bill oneof Iho best races of the afternoon was between the horsu- of two Omaha men who refused to pom.il their names to be given. D.ich owned a peed horse and each was anxious to prove to Ihe other that his was the better , b'lt Loth fcired to go on the rac ( Hack to dctiimlne the- matter , lest their omployeis should dis cover that they were owning nud driving fast hoi sea. All of the racea wuo In three heals The first was a mlle liol between Di. Robprt- snn's Jack Gentry , Chuk Pettlt'ii Hurz ) M IJ Wcatherby's Grey Jim and Snap. Robert son's Jack won easily In 5 OS and 3.01. Snap wa.s second and Giey Jim third In Iho second race Lawrence Hoist's Maxcy was the favorite with the grand stind , but A. W. W > man's Charlie Gilbert took the 11 rot two heats In 2 43 and 2 43 % . In the third race W. H Huston's Lady Tier , a brown mare Hint had never been driven on a Irack half a dozen times and handled by an owner who kuew still less about the tricks of the track , won Ihe two last of four heats and the race In 2 30 and 2 32. A. P. Paulk'a Lena Striker was second end and Matt Robinson's Hilly Huston third The Omaha men's mile exhibition trot con cluded Iho program. One horse was a. little wlrey pacer nnd Ihe other was a big , angulai tiottei. The trotter won In 2:31 : , two seconds ends ahead of his opponent. AliIe-H Tool.- the Wnlcli. Officers Murphy and Anderson were given a long chase jeetcrday afternoon by a re port filed by P. D. Burke , a blacksmith , thai ho had been robbed of a valuable gold watch Uuiko left his vest lying on a chair In his shop on Broadway and went on the strcel , leaving Iho shop open and teiiantleos. John Ahlea came along and took a seat In the chair to rest and wait for Burke. Hal ! an hour elapsed and the blacksmith did not show up , and then It occurred to Ahlts lo leach him a lesson. He tool ; the watch and after showing It to several people put It in his pocket and took It to a cigar store sev eral blocks away. When Durke returned the shop was open and vacant. He missed the watch and called upon Iho police lo help find It. The only person found that had seen Ahlcs take it was a deaf and dumb boy , and his description fitted a &neak thief who has had some experlenco with Iho police and who lives near Crescent. This man was In town In Iho vicinity of the shop about the hour the watch was taken and the police learned that ho was on his way home In o farm wagon. The officers made a drive ol about ten miles In the effort to head him off or find him. They returned to town un successful , to learn the true story of the disappearance ot ( lie watch. Cnno seat rockers , 95c , this week , at Dur- fee Purnlture Co , 205 and 207 Broadway. Will Look lit the * Pi-nil. The Frull Grow era' association has madt arrangements to give the newspaper men ai opportunity lo visit some of the big frui farms and vineyards In this vicinity , and 01 : Tuesday morning a number of carriages wil bo placed at their disposal and the ) will bi driven through the garden and vineyard dls trlcts. The fruit growers declare that th ( present ciop of fruits of all kln < ! s exceeds , ir alt respects that of any previous year slnci Council Bluffs has turned Its attention ti horticulture. The ratpberry crop will beglr to bo harvested next week , the blackberrlei are getting rlpo faster than the owners o the farms can gather them and the straw berry crop Is nt Its height. The grape cro [ promises to exceed lhat of any previous year 'Iho quality of all ot the fruit is the bcs ever known , and the total value will bi thoiihiiu's of dollars In excess of lhat of an ; previous jear. A gentleman from New York who has been negotiating through the Mcr chanls' and Manufacturers' association fo the purchase of the old Green packing houa for u new manufacturing plant , will accom pany the party and bo permitted to take i look at the greal fruit Industry that ha grown up within Iho last few years aroum Council Bluffs. AMfUlliiu , I'li-nlu I'lirtli-H. Special excursions to Manawa dally , excep Sunday , at 2 o'clock. Round trip tickets 1 cents. \fiirlj LimcM Illn .Muni' } . Mansol Wicks , ono ot the pioneer citizen of Council Bluffs , now located In Texas , ha been In the cltj for several days vlslllni big eons and daughters. Yesterday ho hai occasion to visit an Omaha oculist and afte receiving the treatment , took out hla walle to pay the bill. Ho had (75 In his wallel and after taking out two } 5 bills attempte to return the remainder to his purse , bu Instead dropped It on the floor of thewaltln room of the physician's office , In the o ( He at the tlmo was a > oung girl and her Ijlln father. When Wlcka moved away from th chair Iq which ho had been sitting tbo git saw the roll of lillla Ijlng beneath It on th floor. She picked It up and asked Wicks I ho had lost an ) thing. Wicks had put on of thu Jo bllld In his pocket , and finding tha this was safe gave a negative reply and lei Iho office. The girl placed the money In Hi hands of Iho ph > slclan Wicks did not mis his inone ) until he leached this side of th river. He then reported to the police tha ho had been robbed , Olllcer Anderson wa rn'iit to Omaha to help Investigate the mallei The money waa obtained uud returned to it owner. Illinium Ae-o - | > ( H ( lie Invitation , 0 , R. Hannan haa received a query froi James R. Branch , secretary of the America Bankers' association , asUlng'lilm if ho wou ! consent to open Ihe discussion fit the D < trolt meeting em the shipments of curreuc by regular n-.all Mr. H&nnan nfter trmo hesitancy accepted the Invitation. Tha as sociation contatna all ot the hading banko of Iho United States and the De-troll meetl.lg Is the regular animal convention. 001,11 niniocit visvvr \ TICKIT. IIuvc siriiitK Olijrrtloni In Sni Pr-il \\tilti- for ( ! oeriuir. . Iis M01NCS , June25 ( Special Tele gram ) --Tho gold standard democrats of Iowa will hold Hull state convention In Ibis city on July 7. and local leaders of Iho parly do- clnre tint there will be a large ntlendnncc and that n ticket will be put In the field On Ihe lallcr polnl however , Ihero Is some qucsllon , and It Is expected there will be tome opposition to this course Three weeks ago n conference was held by leaders of the party , at which the expression was that If the silver -lemciit should name Whllo for governor , the gold democrats would be una ble to support him Ho wao considered the most objectlomble candidate thai Ihe sllvr element could put forward It was con- eodcd b ) ninny that If Bolts should bo nomi nated , ho would be entitled to the support of many sound money dcmocials The nomi nation of White In a convention In whloh Holrs was hardly given any consideration nt all scorns to have been the last straw with many of the gold democrats The ) rognnl Whllo ns a populist , ami sny they will not fmpporl him On Iho olher hand , many of : helr most active members question whether the party will be stleiiclhencd b ) putting n ticket In the field at this lime , nnd Ihe cnnvcnllon Is expected to have a fight over the matter In Mi-i-t AKitln > iWiMlt. . DIJS MOINHS , Juno 23 ( Special Tele gram ) The legislature will meet In extraor dinary session Jul > 1 , when It will determine whether to llinlly adjoin n. Whci. the four months' hpcclal session completed the codl- ficitlon of the laws adjournment was taken till July 1 This was necessary because the constitution of lown icqulrcs thai all law a pass-d at n "poclal session must go Into ef- firl nlnely dn > s after the adjournment of the session. Moro than ninety days was nect'Maiy to get the laws printed , nnd It was decided to gain tlmo by taking a recess till Inly 1 , ! n the belief that ninety dajs aftei that tlmo would bo enough to gel the new code ready. _ IMtO.inCTM > T1UU ! KYPOSITION. To IIIIllIll In IMIII lloluooil llnlTiilo nail .Mil Kara t'allH. ALBANY , N. Y. , Juno 25 Articles of In- coi pot allen of the Pauamcrlcan Exposition compaii ) weio filed hero and In Buffnlo to day. A meeting of the board of directors will bo hold nt the Transportallon club In New York this afternoon to effect an or ganisation. It has been decided to hold this exposition In 1S99 , commencing May 1 , and running for pix months , am ! the site selected Is at La Salle , on the Niagara river , a few minutes' ride ) from Buffalo , as well as Niagara Palls. The Incorpoiators include ox-Governor Roswcll P. Plowcr , Hon. C M Depew. G. B. Thomas , II. Waller Webb , Edgar Van Ellen , Daniel O'Diy , Hon. Wll- Ilim r. Sheehan , New York : John M. Brlnkei , Prederlck C. M. Laulz , J. S Jones , Charles R. fllunllcy. C. H. Hasklns , Buffalo ; Hon. W. Cary Ely , Hurl Van Horn , Niagara Palls ; Henry J. Pierce , Howard H Baker , Hobirt Weed , r. S Mc- Ginw , Richmond C. Hill , Herbert P. Dlssell , Buffalo The company proposes to at once begin work of preparation for the exposition IHfeCII VHGE CH12W OP \o n\lilc-iirc The- ) Intended Acts IIox- tllc l Spain. KEY WEST. Fla. June 25 The crew nnd the Cubans , who were on board the Dauntlcts and who wnro ) cslerday arrested , were todaj dlbchargevl by United States Commissioner Otlo , on Iho ground that there was no evi dence to show that they were a military organisation , or Intending to commit acts hostile to Spain The principal evidence of fered by the prosecution consisted in Ihe finding of about COO casks ot arms nnd am munition on board the Daunlless while It lay nnchoretl off Indian-Key , waiting to be towed by the Wilmington to Jacksonville. The captain of the Dauntless In reply to the questions of the district atlorney declared that the aims on board were taken from a schooner at eca. IIOU&CTAKUb ISSUE WITH SDVATI3. Will t Accept SiiKnr Schedule ol the Upper llrniicli. CHICAGO , June 23. The Post's Washing ton special says : There Is every reason to believe that the senate will back down the rest of the way and accept the house sugar schedule. Chairman Dlnglcy and the othei members of the was and means commltlec make a flat denial of the stalemcnt made when the senate adopted what was then called a compromise schedule that the IIOUGE had agreed lo accept thai compromise. They Inslsl lhat the senate shall swallow the house proposition whole , and In all probability Ibis will be done. I'niiainei-lcaiiM at ' I'lttnlinrf ; . PITTSBURG , Pa . Juno. 23 The Pannmerl- can tourists devoted today to Industrial sight- seelnir In districts ndjicent to I'lttsburfr They vvero bidden a hearty good-bve bv the commercial men Iif Pltlsburg- a bnnruel nt the Dimuesne club tonight There wort about rxw guests. Hanker William U. Tnomp son presided. _ _ Hawaiian Court HUH JiirlNilletlon. SAN ritANOISCO. June 25 The suprcmi court has revet seil Judge Trout of the su perlor couit of this city In the order o Injunction granted to Clrius Sprcckel ngnlnst the Hawaiian Commercial nm Sugar company nml Its board of directors holding that tha Hawaiian court has Jurli diction. _ FORECAST OP TODAY'S Wn.VTIIIJU Partly Cloudy vllh 1\Klit \ Slioneri and SIlKlitl ) AViirincr. WASHINGTON , Juno 23. Porecast fo Saturday : Kor Nebraska Partly cloudy In ensteri portion ; light showers In wetcrn portion slightly wanner : southeast winds Kor South Dakota Partly cloutlv , vvltl occasional ghowors Satutdny afternoon vvnrmcr ; south winds. For lovvit Partly cloudy ; warmer ; vnrla bh wlmlH , becoming- southeasterly , For Missouri and Knntna Light shower Saturday afternoon , northenst windbe / coming1 Koulhenst , Per Wyoming Generally fair ; slight ! warmer ; south winds. I. onil Iteeoril , orncn op THE WEATHER HUREAIJ OMAHA , Juno 21 Omaha record ot rain fall nnd temperature compared with cor responding day ot the past three years- 1SU U9fi. 1S13 181- Maxlmum tcmpernlure . .71 78 77 t Minimum lempernliiro , . 51 Gl G7 ( Average temperature . G4 71 72 ' Hulnfitll . 00 .23 .51 . ( Record of temperature and preclpltatlo nt Omaha for this day and falnco Marc 1. 1S > 37 : Normal for the tiny . ' , Deficiency for the day . . . . . . ] Accumulated deficiency glnco March 1 , . ( Norma lulnfnll foi Hio duy . . . . fit -o ; Deficiency for the tiny . 19 Inc To tul rainfall Hlne-n .M.-ucli 1 . . . 4 'J2 Ineht Dt-flc-lcncy since March 1. 1SU7 , , .3 SO Incite Exc-ess for cor. period , ISOO . ,331lncht Deficiency for cor. period , 1S9" , . , ,4 52 Inche HenurlH from SlnlloiiH nl l < p. in. , BeuMtfifth meridian time. siviMiit roon \rllrlo Itillril tnu.lmlril " MMIIB Til I n KH to fitf > li1r 1. Health nnl comfort in the healed sea on depcnl very largely upon the sort of fuel that Is fed to the dlggsfljc engine , and the plentiful Ignorance d'rvlsyed on the subject not only In daily life , , btft In much of the published Advice. Is Mifflolent to make not only doctors but niiReJ ecp The appetite Is the signal that the dcfilstlvo functions haiiR out to Indicate their own condition , and should be caivfulll headed , sajs a urlter In the ChlciKo tlccord. ft the appetite Is lanRUld or morbid. thontimmca ts very cer tainly In tha same condition In summer the appetite is likely to be smaller , because not o3 much cvercl'o la ppsfjble as In winter , and therefore the body "hns not used up as much material In the jvoy pf nerve and mus cular fore ? , and so motcs smaller dema jjls upon the stomach If , then , In slimmer the appetite Is stenly , though small , It Is unwise to force It or stlmulito It too much , since If the stomach Is obliged to create more nu- rltlvo fluids than the organs and numbers f the body need and use , It Is left nith n \ipcrnulty of matcrlil which It must rid tsclf of In some fashion. Tines superfluous ulces ferment and cause a thousand disturb- nee' . At the same time the aihlcc so fre- ucntly given to avoid m ats in hot weather ml keep the diet low Is equally unwise. Irnts slniplj cooked are extremely easy of Igcstlon nnd eoiitaln In compact turm just ho nutriment the body requires ! . It Is the Ich pr.ivlco and sauces , the giensc and lurch , that the stomach working half-tlmo urliiR Its summer holiday so objects to Inlet lot weather , as dllllcillt of digestion , and renting an amount of heat not demanded by Ii2 body In the warm months , and vvhleli It nust therefore , much against Its will , throjv ft In fevers , Indigestions nnd fluxes. Starch , grease and n superfluity of sugar ro all to be avoided , .Meats , fowl , flsh and ggs , plainly cooked , without saucca , ami rcqucntly cold , are to bo used In nimlcr- llon to give \igor and otrci'gth to resist the rain of excessive heat. Hot bread , pastry , audits , rich fruity puddings and an rxcom of potatoes aie bad. Grnhatn and whole- neat bread , corn bread and the many light ilscults sold in the ehops me googvsubatl- utcs. Toast la good not the soggy , eru't- css , damp slice , barred with two or three corcheil lines , usually scr\cd one under the ionic of toast but a cilsp , thin bit of crusty jread , dellcatclj browned nil over and pe - ectly dry. Vegetable" , and plenty of them t la astonishing ho\v many personn announce , \lth no ulr of apology , thilr dlallke for green cgetables It Is astonishing how many per- ons live contentedly on a diet largely com- ) oscd of potatoes , rice , bread nnd pastrj all starch and then arc astonished when heir digestion given way or they break down with kidney disease. If green vegetables and salads arc not Iked It proves that the stomach Is not la n vholesornc condition and they should be aKen on principle , as medicine and diet. Hv ising them through force of will a liking or them soon grows up , because their use laa given the sjstem a more healthy tone and with health it begins to desire whit Is \liolci3ome One cause of a frequent ills- aslo for vegetables Is the unappetizing way n which they are prepared. Green vcgc- ables must bo alwajs put Into cold water or cooking. Plunged Into hot water they vllt before they ran cook and lose all fresh- icca of flavor. The cooking should be blow , lellberate- ( simmering never swift boiling. To peas beans , corn , aplnach , okra , aspar agua , turnips , parsnips , carrots , a little butter or cream Salt and pepper should be added while hot. Intfced. peas and beano , vhcn nearly done , should have all the water Irulncd off and be returned1 to the pot with gill of cream and a bit of btuter , to stew ently ten minutes before , bclng served. The ; icen things plunged Into , hot water , boiled lard and served watery , tough and half cold , \hlch are RO frcquentlj offered ns vegetables , arc enough to Implan a rooted dislike of hem In any one. Salads should be eaten every day In sum- ner. Not meat salads , which area barbar- sm , but lettuce , cabbpgcV tomatoes , aspara gus , chicory , cress or such , dainty things , In cluding the delicious sal ul the French make of a hotch-potch of cold peas , beans , beets and the like What Is } .novvn aa French dressing , a mixture of oil , vinegar , salt and pepper , Is the best , and < , he oil should out weigh the vinegar by three to one. Mayon naise Is to be used sparingly In summer , save as an occasional sauce for codfish set In a bed of lettuce , or a filling for cold tomatoes nerved whole. Fruit may and should form almost one-half ho summer diet , though , curiously enough , quite a number of people possess the delusion hat fruit Is not wholesome. It should be the first dish at breakfast every warm morning ; Indeed , It Is good winter and summer , foi that matter , but the profusion with which nature produces fruit In ( he hot season points out the time when It Is best eaten. Fresh fruit Is alwajs best , but there arc hundreds of delightful modea of preparing1 It all of them wholesome. Among the best arc fruit Ices , made of strawberries , raspberries , cur rants or peiches. The fruit can bo worked up vvilh gelatine and cream to a moutse , which Is , when frozen , or merely allowed to stand on the Ice , an excellent and wholesome fem of sweets for hot weather. Here Is a tclpo for raspberry flummery and one for peach cream , which are both admirable sum mer decerts. For the raspberry flummcrj soak a small cupful for three hours , and then cups of cold water for three hours , and then add two cups of hot water and stir on the flro until clear. Add a half cup of sugir , and when the whole Is lukewarm stir In a quart of red or white raspberries. Set on the Ice until very cold and eat with cream and sugar , The peach cream 'h made by passing a dozen soft , rips peaches through a sieve and sweetening them with n pint of sugar. DIs- so1v a box of gelatine and when It Is about to j.lly mix In the peaches and a pint ol whipped cream , set on thei Ice and eat when cold. There arc many pleasant , cooling drinks to bo made from fruits Currant shrub Is made by heating a kcttlcful of curiants until the julco flows. Strain through a Jelly bag , let II grow cold , and to every quart of Julco add three-fourths of a pound of sugar and a pint of the best white brandy. Strain and bottle , A llttlo mixed with Ice water makes a re freshing summer drink. Huspberry vlnegii Is equally pleasant and lb non-alcoholic , Upon five < niaits of rlpo raspberries pout enough cider vinegar to cover thr- fruit , which should bo slightly mashed , After standing In the sun for twelve hours , and In a cool place over nlqht , strain and pour the vlncgai over an equal quantity of fruit again. He , pent the process , and at the end of the twenty-four hours strain It once more , and tt each quart of liquid add three pounds ol eugar nnl a pint of water , Let It boll ui once , hklm carefully and bottle whllo hot. Soda lemonade Is an excellent and whole. some drink. 1'eel off In a transparent splra the thin outer skin of a lemon , drop It lull a pitcher , squeeze upon this the Julco of foui laigo lemons , sugar to taste. Add the pltchei half full of crushed Ice , and pour In tvvc bottles of Eodawater. A laspb-erry or two or strawberries. It in K ason , tofscd Into tin pitcher adds flavor to" the drink. It Is much moro delicious beverage If for lemoiii West India limes ari ufed , which arc s ( much more richly at ( $ J > l asantly flavorot than lemons. i Another popular eurnmef , drink Is known t ( " ' ' " corkscrew Bomo as "horse's neckV'rtq some as a screw comforter , " which sounds elaborate but is In reality very eastto concoct , 1'oe from a largo lemon the Mitlr-s outer peel li a very thin spiral , Cell this up the Bides o a long glass and 1111 thu cell with fine crushes Ice. Kmpty upon It VWittlo of ginger all and let It stand a moment before drinking. After tt > iitl < niill l'M M t-r. Considerable Interest ° prevails amoiif women concerning the thrpslng of a natlona flower for America , Several societies havi been formed In the east tor the purpose o selling forth the beauties' of the columbine that flower being In 'tub lead Just now , al though some time ago It- was almost doclde < that golden rod should bo Air rlca's cm blem. Miss Helen Webster of Wclleslcy W. J , Ilolfe , the Shakespearian commentalor and Mr. Sargeanl , ( he well known botanist o Cambridge are leading members of the cast ern societies Interested In a national flower. I" Al ) NNlulii. A pleas-ant Interview Is that Just reportci from Abjsslnla. M. Lagrade , Iho Frencl governor of Obok. has been kissed on ball cheeks by King Menellk. It la a case o "kiss and make up , " and Franco IB con gratulatlng herself that this duplicate kU affair cements the friendly relations betwcPi the two countries , The only drawback I the pleamire Is that tbo Interference of tb other powers , Italy In particular , may prov that the kit-slut was a little previous , If no In valii. , South Oiunlm News. Heal estate In the Third nnd fourth wards took n perceptible upward Jump > c terday. nnd prices on property In the rirst and Second end wards stiffened considerably , the causa of course- being the commencement work on the new packing house of Armour & Co. Properly owners who on Wednesday would have been glad to sell lols In cllher the Third or To.irth wards for $1.000 now demand M.200 nnd even Jl.fiOO Heal csintc agents re port several transactions made yesterday and the boom Is now on In earnest. With the building of n mammoth picking house the demand for live stock will be greatly Increased , and without doubt nddl- tlcns to the stock > nrds will bo n necessity Officialof the company ha\e not made nuj statement to tli'fl effect aa jet , but It In known that additional cattle pens will bo built during the summer to the west of Ihe present pctii and Improvements will be made to the hog yards The big Rheep barn Is about completed , and It la thought that llicte will be no necessity for enlarging the capacity of this structure for some lime As II stands now , the sheep birn will hold 15.000 hhccp nnd should more than this num ber arrive In any one day aecommoditloiia could be furnished In the pens outside. I'uslness men are feeling greally en couraged and predict a most prosperous year for the Magle City. When work on the new pcfltofflce and Ihe heel sugar factory com mence peeplo hcie will be too busy to com plain of hard times , or lo even think of the recent business depression. \ Viitlinun \ii > lit-t Out. Since the change In the managcmcnl at Swift and Company's all but Iwo of the watchmen have been discharged , the Idea being to place } oungcr men In the > poslllona. Manager Price- had an Idea that some of the old watchmen were carelcsj nnd he de cided to test them. One evening not long ago he took n stroll through the plant nnd around the grounds. Any number of watch men saw him. but no one asUed his businc" ) or ordered him off Iho premises. As he wan not known personally to the men. Mr Prlco hought tlilfl neglect should be corrected and ho ne\t morning the watchmen , with one exception , were called up on Iho carpet This one cxocpllon In sllll holding his Job and probably will continue lo do so. He net Mr. Price on Ills lounds and asked In anguago moro forcible than polite- what he , \as doing around there The manager made ilniiclf known and the watchman started to , xcuse himself , but Mr Price told him he was merely doing his duty and that's wlo an exception was made when there waa a general cleaning out of watchmen. lliilclicr AKiiliiNt Saloon Ivri'iHT. R. H. Richardson , a buteher , has been arrrelcd for assaulllng Hans Uemburg , a saloon keeper doing business at Twcnty-sKth and Q streels. Richardson Is employed al Swift's , and when ho saw Officer Deters over at the plint ho suspected whit he wanted and skipped out. He hied himself to Justice Agnow's court and pleaded guilty to assaulting Lcmburg , and was fined $3 and costs. AVIth a receipt for his flue In pocket , Richardson sallied lur'h ' nnd plainly told Officer Deters that the police court warrant was no good , as he could not be tried twlco for the same offense. Deters talked the mailer over with Judge hrlstmann nnd the result was that Richard son was landed In Jail. After being locked up for a time he nnnaged to give bonds In the sum of $200 for his appearance next Tuesday , when he will bo tried Lcmburg was bidly used up , both e > es being blacked and lihi face one mats of bruises. IiiipiiHi * mi Cluirl ( > . Tcnterday afternoon three tramps giving the names of Frank Clark James Conley and Jam s Clark , were found In a box car and arrested The men had been rushing the can and were partially Intoxicated when taken to Jail. They told the Jailor that they had been In the city for the past two dajs begging When enough money had been gotten to gether the trio would repair to n box car and spend It for liquor. Conley professes to have an injured hand , he having that member wrapped In bandages. By representing that ho was unable to work he secured a good many nickels and dimes from - dis posed pertons. CHj CiixNlp. W. S. nabcoclc has returned from a trip to Cheyenne. ZcGoodwin of Alliance Is registered at one of the hotels. D. E. Gllmore , Central City , was a business visitor here jcsterday. G. W. Valentine , Kearney , was a business visitor at the exchange yesterday. G. G. Thompson of Illg Springs Is here for a few days looking after property Interests. The Sabbath school of the First Methodist church will picnic at Sjmllcatc park this afternoon. The shot tower at Twcnty-elghlh nnd A slreels , which was moved down from Omaha , Is being placed on Its foundations. N. D. Mead , manager of the Western Union office , returned yesterday from Ohio , where ho had been to visit his mother who Is dan gerously 111. liurglnrs bioko into the Reed hotel Thurs day night and went through two rooms The first was that of Attorney Powers , who was relieved of an $8 fee , and the eccond was that of Inspector Houston. The occupant awoke , and after nn exciting tusalo the burglars escaped down the back stairway. Frank Trouba , who lives on Thirty-sixth street at the county line was In the cltj last night and reported thai his two children a boy 2 years old nnd a girl nearly 3 , wen missing. Mr. Trouba fears that the ehlldrcn have been stolen , as a neighbor told him thai the children had been uecii riding down tin road In a buggy with a strange man. The police liavo been asked to Investigate. I-AV TiMiMr/rovs UOM * . After Si-icTul TrlulH She CnpturcN n I'ortnne. It matters lltlle to Fay Templeton that In creasing years , too solid flesh and loss o sprlghtllness have retired her from the stage It makes only that difference which come : to nil when a career Is closed too early t < leave the mind content to pursue oilier lines Hut the once pretty soubrctto can bid tin stage farewell and live on the Interest of hci money , relates the Chicago Chronicle. Hoi claims under the will of her last and mos prominent matrimonial venture have bcei sustained by Iho New York courts. She wll .shortly como Into pnbscuslon of the snui sum of $100,000. This Is why she need no gambol ponderously behind the footlighls li Iho vain endeavor to appear as she dd when she made her hit In "Tho Mascotlo. " Too much flesh has been the bane of inon than ono footllght favorite. Some havi adopted a rigorous course of Iralnlng vvhlcl has produced startling results. Hut Fay wai never fond of training. In fact she pro ferrcd to perform her part at catch vs eights For bovcral years she remained In the uunii class and then It was too late. She mlRli do for heavy old women , but as a soubretti her attractions disappeared with her wills line. Too much rotundity of figure made 1 necessary for her to cast about for othei means of enjoying the goods of life. Thai la where shu display ! the business ahllltj which enables her to llvn on the Interest o : her money whllo others of tlu > rotund clasi must train down to earn salaries , Fay 1ms been a wife twice. Of thla facl there la authentic record She wedded once In thu ranki of her profession. It was HUP praul to bo a good bargain on both Hides but lif-roln the ealculpt'cms of the talenl and all outsiders were at fault Among hei ardent admirers waa "Hilly" Weet of inln t'trcl fame. It wan In the heyday of he-i dupremacy as thu leading comic open fcoiibictto of the land that Wett laid aleg ( to her heart and won It. Mayhap t > he knev\ that the end of her ctreei was at hand Dut at any rate he consented , and the ) were wedded. They lived as husband am wife for Just one day. Then Ihcy parted N'obody l.now why , and nobody has beer told. Tbo wifa went oue way and the bus band trimmed his ecu rut In the opposite dl rectlon That was the end of thU matrl mental venture. Mr. West subsequently ob tilncd a divorce. Among those who were attracted by hei pretty face and form v-ae Howell Osborn ono of Gotham'a mcel giddy youths. Yount Oaborn wan born with plenty of money That la , bla mother had millions at hei command and Howell devoted himself. t < the arduotii dutle.1 ot IcIiiK a "ewcll. " Ilcrry Wall wius BUCOCM in thU mode of existence on smaller oapltil than lh t o * Osborn mere , and why ihould not Howell exceed the dolnpa of the king of dudes ? So he not about to cultlvMo the "Hen- rlcttn. " llo of dreenculty of counte nance nnl general Innbllltv to do sn > thing of n useful nature Wall w a fM-orllc wllh prclty ncltea c Oiboin buncd to be Ho succeeded wllh 1'iie , it least. Ho won Well , one- summer when buBliuss was llcht nnd the fat had begun to wrinkle the hitherto glove-flttlnR coslumes of the fair Pay , Howell deputed for tttiropeRtinnge to i elate , Pay took passage on the samp stoimer Mrs Oaboin was mightily wrought up over the escapade nnd when Iho ( ouple iclurned aflrr a cnmpajRii over In Paris ami other Kuropein cities she terminated tilth friendship ns she thought bv tormlnatliu' How ell's pin moncv This was momentarily successful , but It fnllod In the end Mis Osborn. molhcr of Howtll , owner of some $6,000,000 , died She left n pecullu will It bestowed $100 000 on Howcll In tniFt. She also left him J.100.000 which ho night dispose of ns he snw lit , on ono eon- lltlon Ho must not will anv of It to Issue jj any wife who before or nfter the birth of .he child dnnrocf or snug professionally on .he stngo. This wus for IMv's btnelll 'Ihis s the nub uf the controversy In the will ease Htiwell wilt ) faithful lo Ills lovo. Ho yeaiu-'d for her , or she made him do It , oun 01 the other She had never abandoned hln * . She l.ept atlcr him , co It Is said , until lit ! made her his wife That she was his vilfti nnd legally entitled to the bequest the JOUIIE Tellow innilt' her In his will has been tlecldfi by the courts In New York. When the wed ding was solemiil/ed does not appear from the published leports , but tlu- will stands Osborn willed her $100,000 In spllo ot the maternal piohlbltlon He died a trifle ovci n yc.tr ago nnd she has boon known ns his widow ever since The family of the > ount man contested Ihe will nn the- ground thai Ihe terms of the mothers will made the bequest void , llul Ihe Judge thought othci- wise and entered n dccrco sustaining the will Thus Fay Tcmplelon need nol care foi thr too gcnoioils pioportlons ot hei form am Iho fading ot her joulhtul bloom. She eat llvo on the Intelest of her money and tel gossips and 11m envious to go heutc. Shu IE amply prov Ided for. nu.iiY aii'i.Mt : vvi > ijisr n.Y. . A Trrror of ( litI'ncllli * Mope AIn Miulc Hit TuIvInn on Moiiumitilu. "Hln name was Included In the llttk 11s of Nevada dcupendoes tmdc b > Mark 1'vv.ilr In 'Roughing It , ' " said a Nevadi pioneer lot New Yoik Sun man He did nol say "Mail Twain ' by thu way , but "Sim Clemens , ' the name by which nil old Novadint , am _ ottx 'it Jouinij snomrj oqi woii'i SUBIUJOJUI mi\v oiup BJH J ° " 3lu 1 ° Sunicj nv tootioo | had died wlt'i ' their boots on and Illllj Mulll gan was the chaiactei who Just now was the t/ he front. Some of the hostile mix-ups an- shooting mitches In which tint ) omtg liish man hail taken a baud had been i elated am now the narrator had come to the da > of hi. taking oft "Billy Mulligan hirt run a long i-UIng anc lantcd a good whllo toi u mm of hla tempi and practices- ho wa- . tough , out am out " continued the pioneer. ' Hlh neck wa In dinner In the da > s of the Snn Ptaiicisu vigilance s'jmmlttce , nnd he i.tn SOMO mi i OH chancca wllh the law and Ijnrhors ifteiwaid Ho was .1 biavo , desperate man linndj will ; weapons , and would fight at th drcp of tin hat. ' Hut ho pulled thiough ill tiouble mill' the time ramc , which seems ooontr or lule'i to befall aln.oat eveiy di" > pi"irtolur. tlu striln of danger and the effect ot cons.tiiil drlnUing and cxclteme.it got tie be'Uir ol his nones , and Judgment \\hcu a de pctadc gets that way there are two coin Bed that hei nny take quit the country , quit drinking and get to work at nn honist calling , 01 staj and get killed. The last wn what Mulll g.in chcsc , but he kept the business In hit own hands end forced the pact to the cn-1 "It was at Carson CUy ' ! .at the end came to Hilly Mulligan. The cards had gone against him all night. The liquor he hid drunk had made him ugly as no walked out of the Esmeralda saloon one morning Next door was a launchy , and Chlnamm , lion- Ing clothes , lifted his face to the window just as Mulllgun was passing. Without a word the desperado drew a pistol nnd fired thiough the glars , blowing the Chinaman's brains out ; then went on to the hotel where ho was staying , and upstairs to his room In the top story. The door ot his room opened near the head of the stairway , and when the sheriff's officers came to an cat him for killing the Chinaman he stood them off with his revolvers. They knew II meant certain death to some of them to try lo rush up the stairway , and thej fatopped at the foot to consider. John Colemnn. a particular friend of Mulligan , who was with theni , tried to persuade him to surrender. " 'No use , John , ' said Mulligan 'I shan't bo taken alive. This Is my last day and the game'll end right here. You keep away and don't get mixed up In the trouble. ' "Colemau was working along up the stilr- way as he talked , with the object , perhaps , of getting near enough to thu desperado to dkurm him. " 'Stop where jou aic , John , " said Mul ligan ; 'ono step nearer MH ! I'll kill jou.1 "Coleman made another step foi ward and Mulligan fcliot him through the heart He permitted the others to take Iho body away , keeping them covered with his pistols all the time. A crowd gathered In the hotel qnd the public square which It faced , and plans were discussed for capturing Mulligan , but his character for deidly dcspeiatlon wnw such that \olunteers weio seaico. At last It was decided to call out the mllllla com pany and lake Iho desperado In hie stiong hold by regular atsault. "The troops were musteied In double line In the public squnie , facing the hotel , am : waiting thu order lo advance. Through Hit v.lndow of his room In Iho third storj Mulligan could bo seen now ana then as h' walked to and fro between the stairway am the window , keiping watch against a BUT- prlso In cither direction. Then a the faei of Iho desperado appealed once moro at tin window ono of the soldlcis fired with hh rifle , killing him instantly. H was an un expected shot , which undoubledly t > avei : several lives that would almost ceitnlnlj have been sacrificed lu carrying the room bj storm. "Ullly Mulligan was a New Yorker bj birth and was a lyplcal representative of tin old-llmu California 'lough' gambler a tlns which gel Us tone and manners from tlu New York of , the volunteer flrcincn am : Dead Rabbit' day Quick of motion some of them could pick a fly from the wall with the thumb and flnger four thncs out of flvo- slern and short-spoken except where It win part of their game to bo suave , rough-arid' tumble lighten ) , fashionably dressed , will moro of ornaments tliiui southern gamhleii often wear , and distinguished by heavy blatl mustaches they ran their course In Sar Francisco , which was headquarters from which they wont to the new mining com munities to stay whllo thcsu flemished 01 until they were driven out They had theh day most of them wore shot or hanged < > i they died In want. Hero and there stranded In omo out-of-the-way western tommunltj some decrepit mirvlvor is found of the old gambler-desperado class of which I3I11) Mulligan was a shining example , " If on ( In- Trouble * HOKIIII , A big chunjh row l wild to bo brcwlnt nt Moelilinnn Hottom , In Itlley county Kan , A Sunday school social wan jrlver the other night , at which a Kticssliis Kami wan employed to di-ternilno who i-houlil In nurtncrH nt the Mipper titblo A goblet \vm Illled with shelled corn nnd the man BUC.HH- \nu \ nearest lo the number of grains vvm entitled to pltk the be t looking woman while the woman Kuetwlii } ; nearest hrid tin Mtmo choice amoiiK thu men Some of the Christians of thu neighborhood declare thai KINGS STARCH For Puddings , Custards , Oakes and Blanc-Mange , Ilio inrfornnnce ns bnil n n cnm * ot 'Oker. | ItcitMiit for it. ChlcnKo I' it : " 1 never hoard jou * pe k ot jour con. " "No. There arc occndonnlly some little unttors of family history Hint one tlora not Iko to tlUeuts. " "Ho hi-sn't ill firnccil the fAtully name , m ho ? " 1 No fortunately ho tnrt tlrroncj1 cnoiiRh to chaneo hli i&mtbefore \ ho would con sent to run for the legislature. " DR. EDW. E. MALE. Toll * of 11 1'iinllltp 'Mipdtlp tnr IIIIN I > IHIIMN. . Hdward Hvcrcll It.ile. 1) D. I , I. I ) , the celebrated Now England Preacher , Author and Philanthropist wrltoo. N- ° & 6u , c / < & "I am admired b ) a caioful inqulrj among leading phslolaus and pi-rsonal friends who have us"d It ami In whom I liavo the utnicvt confidence , thai Dr Chucol'b Kola Nrrvlnn Tablets ulo Invaluable In insomnia and all nervous dlsc.iM's " I'lftj cents and $1 iei boWrite for testimonial of euros Km oka Chemical i Mfg Co , Ln Cross \ \ \ is A written Guarnutoo lo CtKIJ ANY CASK or iUONbV UJJFI MK2I ) . OtirriirolBKtnnticntiitnliic'titpnlclliiriip QISM ir Uit Ion j tan iiro IIOTH net rr u i n j iniiiom tlnriv. UjffKT llnijjoiir akolullvwc vi tr.ai jlmtiynmll , \voi-hc I lie MIIIO slrort ; i ; nr.intro to , HIVOI M'Hin.i llituio ) . ) ) | | > linili-iin Hue , i. u < - llu mil. iiiueniiH iiiitclie-N In iniiiiili , i In u minium Hi IJOIHS ana 1 .1111. . hulll.illlnir < iui , fr > ii | > tlfinn un Any pail > r tlio toil ) . iitiTin t Rrncial < lcil ev lnr. tuillic In lioml or bonca.iou UTOI n tlmo tomut < > TIIUM- lie niu roimtantly Ink InKintn-uryamlpntaiilifliuiiMdlniiiitlniK-lt Uanrtant u e ot tin to druirn will unrty brlint i-ori t unit < ollnif ulcoialntlioinil. iHmt full to IMIIP TliOmwIioiiiA fir to came licio for iimtinint nn do w. mul uenlll twyraltruuil fnio liolh n > oniil liottl blllawlillo linn K u lull to cine VVo ilmlhiiko iho wi rlil fcir n nii-o that our Klni-lc- IliMiiciljlllnutcuii - . VVrltofDr full patticiilniii nnil i t 1(10 ( nlilinm VVn know ilmt jou niu ki iillcAl , Jiivily KO inn. in | | ,0 muii i-nilii-nt I lijflciarn Imvo nov cr In on ntlo to nlu inuu tlmn ti m > toi-niv nlkf. In our mini } iuim i mcilco with IliK Jiiiiclc lit ine-ily It lint turn niu t il.lllcult In OMI-- coiuetliu pn juillrr-i a-alnkt | nil so cnlUtl I-JHH inc9 llut UIld rllur trollf | | 'HKiint < a jmi flic , uul not lip > nnto to try thl itnuilyou lake no rlmiiLii uf lorliiK Jiur inuiuy. Wo Kiiirantro to cum or ruuml criry ilollnr anil asa liaxou irpitlatlon to iiioltit ulfo ilnanclal ba MllK ot S30O.OOU , It In | uiltctly cafe to all nlm viil try ilio luntincr. ' . lleixlotoro joy Iia\o nrin jnilllnn up and i ojlnjj out youi niomy for 'lilKiont trrntnunlsamtltfioi gh touxie not yitcn-ix ) nuuiie IiAd lakl n\i k lour nioneUo n > t natto nnmor .nom j ui III ) ou trv u l.l. clii nulc. tli-t-i > .nt-ii cd tn iun il lu ( tili-lv lo nUitlin > . MiMslI irate our ilnrjiUiil ilsnafii , ( . 0111 n niuallo-i nsliuklniM men Wiltius foi nnnics nml nililrcMca of ilio o wo lia > c curHl of SliUltt \ , vho lnivu Rlrcn | u'nn ! i-lon to lelcrto tluin it co is vc uonly po-trtiro lode this , It \\lll i > o > oii u oi 1,1 of ftiltei UK fromricntal Ftrnlnt mlir jou nio niaiildl wlmt may your OIM ilnr mnor tliiuuiili > our unii n lllkcn ol .Ml < Miivfpcnikna tnt M nltvl In plain r n i fopi K > Vo ln\ Ito the IIKI-I rlcld ] nLi > llrulluii atul uiEl Jaall In i-lir pouci toa-it j oil In U Willt : itu leu- 'Hit1OO imKQ boulb nuil ulisollltc pruulk f nurn. I 6QOK REMEDY 1-1110 Clltlll-lll , All DlNL-nHL-N Ul AIINITliroiit , Clie-H ( , Moniiiuh , lif mill I.lxcrj 11 } ilrouclLurl - cooiliS > ilillln , < ioiiori-litiL-ii. NERVOUS DEBILITY ' ! , , Jnaii'mc nmnni ; YOUNG , MIDDLE AOCD mid OL.U Jll N. i > i i o borts BPCIS ULXJU1J AND OIV11M , iiininKc. htrofula. lul mars. Tetter , Kczuni uiul Illood 1'olsoii thorough. ly clcnnsid fiom tlio fcjEtcin , ulto VV'taKnciis of Oreans , Iiillammatlon , Ilupluna , riles , I'lBtula , etc. CATARRH Throat. Lurms , Uvei. Djfpcpalu V / \ . \ /\lrt.nt\ti Blia nll jjoucl nml btomach Trou Hen T.ADTFS G'vcn ' cnreful nnil rpcclnl ntlcntlon unuii for ft | | (1(11 | | Irnny | nllnpntl | ( WRITP Y ° ur ttoublca 1C out of clti. Thou- i\j.iu sands uncJ ut homo by coi res-pond' IIIIATMINT HY Omilia Helical and Sur icil Instil ut3 1ltO. > DoilKi' SI . ( liniiliii. Searles & Searlea hl'hLlALISTm Kcrvcus , Uironic anil J'rivale Diseases WEAK f Alirrliuti DIhraKrti * V ! > Ht nli rHof Men 'In * t nn lit In "irtli , "IBiLTs' Cured for llfo nnd the poison thoiouklil ) clcanicd from the hjfliin Spermut irihoa l-einlnnl Wcaluu n Lost Man- liood , NlKht rmb-flotiB DOPHJPI ! racultles , I e- nuiln \Si-iklii-i-H anil nll ililUntv dlsnnlerH pc- cullnr lo cither nx | iiifltl\rly cured 1'II.LH. ri.SIt'LA and Itl.CIAI. I l. < I'ltS in DUO. riCUKS AN'I ) \ AllICO"iii : iwnnancnlly anil t-iiii-i x.-fully cured Me tlio I ni-v , timl unfulllnj ; . STRIuTIMEANDGLEETt i1 , ! : by niw iiiPllnid vllhiut imln or ciittlnB Call on nr nddrtrn "llh i-tiiniii ODflnC 1 > < > sI'1 ' st- Dr. SearUs , canes OMAHA. Mm. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . 5100,000 \VI3 SOLICIT VOUIl UUfllARtiU. \VK UICBIHB VOtn COLI.rX/JIONS. OMS or run OI.IJUHT JIAMCH IN IOWA. B I'KH C'BNT I'/.IO 0.TIJ1H DIII'OfllTfc DALb AND BBS UO OH Wll IT JO. siwvrs. DOII.IM TIII : iTiit : _ .liinit asSnliinlii ) ut an enormous exjicnuethe vvui el fiuiioiiM ( PIllHT ANI I.AhI THIS Bt MMIJU ) I VJ ) UD EB I ! iB ANO TlilllU OWN COMPANY , I'M nil from I heir n-tent trluinphH In Norn York , lioston , 1'lillndi Iphlu mid C'-ilcio ; 1'rlci H .I'o. 2'iu ii ml "no. Huitu now on sals ut Si llerb'drutf Flute- SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFP8 WANTS' / . 'wvv\yv\/\yvrvyvwvvv\v.vv _ .l-IKdH I'UbU , i'AHM ANJJ GAHUKM luniU for tulu ( rvl.t. Ituy . JUn , : j i'cail tlittl MOVINOI MOVINC1I When you v > lth to move And lm\o cveryllilni ; eo rmootli , I-niroii : a wagon , lurKe , medium T mall ) One Juit lurtju inoucli to Uke II all iikht ruonm In one loud tliuy tuke. Try II. the next move > ou nmVv : I'lanoi. too , wu inovo utth create * ! care , And prlcev , you'll nud , atu a I way ( air , YbU'll Illlll nollU KU CUllfUJ Ilk lll < Jtt > OU When cull at No. 8 boutli Muln Mrtet. William Wtkb , TraruUr Unt , 7(1. UC