Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY 15EE : LTIITinSDAY , 'TUNID 24 , 1807.
Orccho and PlayhonEo for the Onro and Use of
Small Children ,
'M llnnnl if MniniKpr * Take
' ! > < < " Stnip
Hint \ \ III Mi' tlxeil IIH a
The Girls' ana UOJ-B' building of the expo-
slllon hai taken on definite ) shape. at least
the romnilttee of the Woman's Hoard ol
JlnnnRrrn , which wns dclpRatcil to rccomtncml
ft plan foi the building has decided upon a
dcslpn which \vlll be euhmlttcd to the execu
tive committee or the woman's board at ltd
meeting Thursday of next week anil will also
bu rumblltcd to 3 meeting of the full board to
b held on the I'rlday and Saturday follow
ing Thu committee having this matter In
charge Is Vlco President Klmhull and IJIrcc-
tors Munroo and Cndany. The committee
wlHlio.i It dlrtlnctly understood that this Is
not to bo called the "Children's liillldiiiK. "
but la to bo known us the Girls' and Hoys'
Tin plan decided upon by the committee
shown a building of man pleasing dcolgn
the Riouml plan beliii ; In the form of tin
letter T. the stem of the Utter forming the
reai portion of the building The main portion
tion ot the structure Is dtslsncd to be IOC
fit-l In wlillh and Ilfty feet In depth Tin
Htun , as at priacnt contemplated , will rut
back fifty feet , but may be cxtemlci ) In
dcllnltcly as the occasion may require The
building Is well proportioned , but no nttemp
. will bo madeat elaborate decoration.
It will be a one-story structure with t
"clear storj" In the center of the malt
portion Thin airaiiKument will Klve plcntj
of room on the flat roof nnd this will bi
utlllred for a mot garden and restaurant
lAcrewi the front of th6 main portion o
the building will extend a broad portico will
tall columns , and from th's entrance wll
be had to a large hall , 50x50 feet , with i
( Uls at one side for speaking , < ? tcrtaln
merits cte. Up under the "elear story" wll
fee n broad balcony commanding a full vlev
of this main room , with stairs leading ti
It from two Hides In each of the four cor
neis of tin1 main portion will be a roon
2Sxl 'cct In K\rc \ Ono of these will be EC
npart for the girls and another for the boja
The mothers will ha\c the use ot the thin
nnd the fouith will bo devoted to an ex
lilblt showing n model nuroeiy ,
The rear portion of the building , the sten
of the T , will bo arranged as a credit
where children will bo taken rare ofhll
their mothers enjoy the beauties of the OK
position This room will bo r > 0\no feet li
size nnd will be lilted with every con
Apniencc for online for the little tots , li
one of the clli foimeil by the "stem1
will bo consti urtrd a shallow pond , wher
the little fellows may wade and paddle t
their hearts' content under the watchful ej
of a vigilant attendant On the opposlt
Dido In the other ell will be a number n
sand piles , whole the little ones may bull
sand houses.
A part of the exterior decoration of th
building will bo n handsome balusti.ulc ex
tending around the cornlco. This will b
surmounted by flguics of chciubs support
Ing staffs , from which will be suspended at
l > rnprl.ite hanncis
Thd o of the woman's hoard who have see
the drawings for the building have expressc
the greatest pleasure at the twuity of th
design and the handsome appearance of th
It Is estimated that the building will cos
about $5.000 and this amount Is to be raise
among the children of the transmls Isslpi
region. Tlio committee appointed to reeon
mend a design for the building was als
delegated to devise a plan for raising th
money wherewith to build It , nnd se\eu
plans will bo suggested to the executive con :
mltteo and board of dlrcitoie at th ? meel
Jngs next week.
COLORADO iincoMiM ! i.vrnitisTii
Governor AilniiiH TiiUon MI-IIH to S
cure an lixlillilt.
The Department of r\lilblts : of the expi
Eltlon hac received a very enthusiastic letU
f ro-n the commercial agent of the departmes
for , George M. Mlschko He writi
that he had an Interview with Qov. Adam
In company with II P. Stcele of Denver , vl ;
president of tl'e exposition for Colorado. 11
goveinor was enthusiastic regarding the ma
tcr nf having Colorado represented at H
TranMiiUsifcflppl Exposition and agreed wll
Mctsis Steel and MischKe that n commltt'
to berve vvl'hout pay should be appointed f (
the purpose of securing county aid and u :
innintfor an exhibit Mr. Stcele rccon
mended tint Mr Mlschko be made becrctui
of Hi IP lommlwlon and that he be sent I
every count } In the state to secure the c <
operation of the couutj commlbslonerH.
Mr Mlschko wiltes that llany A. LC
sta'o commissioner of mluep , has promise
Ills hearty co-operation and sa > s hu wl
piocnro specimens fiom every mine In tt
state Mrs Martha A Shute , secretary i
the State Hoard of Horticulture , has pron
lied to secure an exhibit of the fruits ni :
flow cis of Colorado.
Goveinor Adams Is In correbpondcnco wll
the follov/Ing parties , who will he appoint !
as commissioner for Colorado , provided th :
will accept the appointment II. A. Je
commissioner of mines ; A. C , Campion ,
prominent mine owner and commlssloni
to the Paris exposition. Senator Hentc
Cannon of Montioso , representing the fru
growers of the western s > lope ; Sumtor J. 1
Maxwell of Hiiuldur , leprcsentlng the ogr
cultural districts of the northern countlc
Mrs M. D. Thatcher of Pueblo , presUei
of the Federation of Women's Clubs , repre
senting the women nnd art ,
xiinvKlori Dlrrcldrx ntiil ComiljCom -
At yesterday's meeting of the exposi
tion directory Douglas county we repre
sented by Its five commissioners. There wta
a lengthy conference upon the subject of an
election to obtain the opinion of the elec
tors of the county on the Issuance of $100-
000 of county bonds to aid the exposition , a
law authorizing such an election becoming
effective July D.
There wai aery decided sentiment
against holding a special election , the com
missioners raj Ing that there were no funds
In the county treasury to dcfrjy the ex
penses of ouch an election , and the directory
exprtfloing the opinion thai It could not help
pay the cost of tile election. The pejitl-
molit of the meeting was In favor of sub
mitting the question at the next general
election unless the city nnd the county
olllelala could agree to divide the expend"
of an election. Submission of the proposi
tion would make the money obtained from
thu bonds available Home time In December.
The statement was made by ComtnlMloner
Klcrstcad tliat the proposition would un
doubtedly prevail In Douglas county by a
vote of two to one and this opinion was
rim rod In by the others present.
The matter of Inducing the clt > to assist
the exposition bj voting aid In sonic manner
was discussed Informally and n committee of
the members was appointed to confer with
the city authorities with a view of determin
ing whether there Is auy way in which the
city may lake part In the exposition by
affording financial aid.
Thu bids for the construction of the Ad
ministration arch , which will be one of the
leading features of the Transmlsslsplppl Im
position , were opened by Superintendent
Gcraldlno vcsterday afternoon at 4 .10
o'clock. Manager Klrkcndall of the depart
ment of buildings and gioumls , Secretaiy
Wnkoflclil , Architect Klmball and a large
number of contractors and builders were
present when the bids wcro opened. All
bids , after being rend , were taken undn
advisement and no decision was announced ,
The bills were as follow o :
Murdoch , Campbell & Co. of Chicago ,
$0,000 ; tlmo , ninety davs ; allowance of $ UI
for plaster work and of $192 for piling.
U. C. Strchlow. ? 9.87fi ; time , 120 dava
allowance of $1S5 for plaster work
Ilrlggs & Cushman , M0.9EO ; time , 120 dajs
allowance of $ CuO for plaster and $225 foi
Joseph M Swnzlek , $10,003 ; allowance ol
$1SO for plaster.
A. W. Phelps & Son. $12.077 ; time , 12C
dnjs ; for carpentry woik alone , piling In-
clued , $8.077.
Robert Hutfce , $14,300 ; allowance of $ " > 7f
for plaster and $280 for piling.
Uassctt & Perclval , carpentry , exclusive ol
staff work and plaotcilng , $7,483 ; time , 12 (
Hocheford & Gould , carpentry alone , $8 ,
fiOO ; time , ninety Uajs , allowance of $400 foi
U A. istel. carpentry alone , $8,113 ; tlmo
100 da > s ; allowance of $200 for piling ; bli' '
for enllro building. $ ir.S43 ; time.13r. days
Smith & Eastman , $10,77.r > ; time , 100 days
allow anco of $100 for plaster , and of $20 (
for piling.
A meeting of the committee will be hcli
at exposition hendquarterb at 9 o'clock thii
morning At that time iho above bids wll
be laid before the body , nnd a contract foi
the construction ot the building awarded.
VliiNUii ( o lit * H | ir 'soiitoil.
Governor Shoakloy of Alaska , vice prosldcn
of the exposition for that remote portion o
the republic , wiltes to Secretary Wakoficlt
under date of June 10 , saying that there li
I no legislature In Alaska and no authority foi
; I making an appiopriatlou for exposition pur
: i posca He promises , however , that the no < -
e snrj means will be supplied bj private < oii
t I t'-lbu'lo"S ' and the territory will bo repio
1 f-tmted by a creditable collection of minerih
I i woods , fins and Indian tiophlcs. In conclu
- Bion the governor b.js he will make ver
3 rftoit to liavo Iho teirltory propcily isp'.c
j senUd.
PncUi > K' Houses Milisc-rllio.
At the meeting of the exposition exccutlvi
committee jesterday the following sub
scrlpttona from South Omaha packing house
to exposition stock were announced. Swlf
and company , $2,000 ; Cudahy Packing eom
pany , $2,000 ; Hammond Packing companv
? I,000 , ; Omaha Packing company , $250.
Noli-s of ( liti i\ | > ( ) sli ( > u.
DJ. . Hlcharda of ti' ] cltj , a well know :
3 pouitry fancier , is drafting rules for th
poultry exhibits for the Department of 13\
Helchenberg , Smith d Co. of this cit
have made application for space for an c\
hlblt for the Waltham Watch company an
also space for themselves for the sale c
souvenir Jeweliy ,
The General Hlcctrlc company of Seller
cctudy , N. Y. , las notified the Departmeii
of i\hlblts that It will Increase its spac
by the addition ot 1,000 feet over that al
ready applied for It la anticipated tha
this company will occupy 5,000 square feet
The translation of the exhibit appllcatlo
blanks into foreign languages has been com
pletcd. Mrs Max Adler translated the rule
and other portions Into French and Gei
nun , J. n. Confe rendered the same In Ital
Ian nnd llev Mr. Powell , the Mexican com
II mlssloner for the exposition , translated thci
Into Spanish
( J
The Department of Exhibits has betn notl
fled by the western agent of the White Sta
line of ocean steamers , S Tenney Krone
of Chicago , that his company will erec
a pavilion similar to the one erected by I
at the Worlds fair , being a rtprcHcntatlo
of the upper decks of an ocean liner wit
the Interior lepresontlng the baleen , state
rooms , etc. , and will have on cxhibltlo
minlatiiic models of the ocean racers be
longing to this company.
"I liOKtiii training UiN you' ; vvlth only >
ow Iti'vi'iiiKu 'f ' my ilU'tt'tU" list. Tlint i
Is rostnin Cereal , and 1 Intend to ilrlnlc ,1 ,
iiotliliiK I'NiMluilnjc my cainpalKu on tin- CANNON
National CMrcnlt this season. Its
niv not dcloti-rloiih In any of BALD.
tonn. I iH'lluvc this Is thu only
flblu Ccicul Coffcu. "
The Famous Bicyclist
has A Reason !
Postutn Cereal
Food Coffee
' 'la inude fioin the selected parts of Cereals ( m-nliis that contain the nntnu
phosphates nnd other eli'int'iito nin-did to n-lnilld th n.-nc reim-ix Many tui
do\\u bnilu workers liuvo leaini'd that enlU'o K dolns a VMI U of di-stnietlo
for them , llttlo dic-amud or mull tlu-Jr attLntloiiviib uallc-d to It ,
Ten illl } Mllliliut Mil' ilriiK ( c'lillrc ) nml ( IMI ilajH' u hinf I'liNlui
Ocn-ui Kiiud Ciivc iriu Oie iiiic. Yllo pui > onal e'xjieileiifo denioustrati
u truth It bccoiiii'B llxud.
Jf th" c-j 'k falls to gl\e jc
l'iot Jin tilutk Jn-l ilrh t.en < l tmc
lr tmv it L litd not IBH thu
111" n nu ute-b and made u 'it !
Ho Accepts the Regular Faro of the Otlnr
Prisoners Without Complaint ,
AU < iriic > N Will Ank for NOTT Trlul , ntiil
If Thin IH Denlcil They Will
to the Supreme ,
Joseph S. rinrtlcy , the cx-stnto treasurer ,
convlctoil of ciiilic77ltng 1151.881.45 ot state
funds , now occupies one ot the large cells
In the residence portion of the Douglas
county Jail , usually reserved for boy prls-
oncro. U Is the southeast corner room on
the lower floor , commanding a view south
and past , being the same room occupied by
Henry Dolln before he v > as taken to Lincoln.
The cell 1 removed from the part ot thr
Jail In which thn ordinary prisoners nro liept
and IB separated from It by an Iron door.
Jt U Urge and ucll Mutilated and Is sup
plied ulth a comfortable cot , table and
Hartley Informed the Jailer that ho would
not send out for his meals , but would cit tup
Jail faro , although he roqnmtsil tlm
Inllcr's \Ufo to prepare him a luncheon bo-
meals , the rules of the Jail allowing
the prlsnnns only two mials per day.
The ( "c-stnto treasurer Is n model prisoner ,
taking lilj confinement In a philosophical
sort of a way. It Is said by his frU'iuls lliat
Hartley will bo In the dounty Jail llttlo
inori- than acck. .
Attornejs Malioney and Whcdon were In
close consultation all of Tuesday afternoon
and evunlng , a pan ot the time being spent
with Hartley at the Jail , Hie motion for
a new trial being Iho mailer under con
sideration. This motion Is being prepared
and will bo filed today If It lu
ready , but will be filed by Friday , at the
latest , that being the last ( lay of gtacc. 11
Is probable Hint this motion will not be
argued , but will simply be submitted to tin
In the event that Iho mellon for a new
trial Is overruled , spmuice will be passed
on HIP defendant Saturday ot this week.
A bill ot exceptions for an appeal In the
supreme court has alreidy been prepared In
anticipation of the ruling of Judge Hakcr
on the motion for a new trial , and as soon
! sentence Is pasted , application will bo
made to one of the Judges of Ihe supreme
court for an order suspending thu sunlence
and fixing the amount of Ihe ball bond If
the order Is issued bail All ) bo given and
Hartley will bo release J from confinement ,
pending the action of the supreme court In
his case.
n.covrnsT ,
Christy nml SlnuiNoii Would OiiHt
l.oliruk and M T % T.
The contest over the sent of councilman
from the Fifth ward is in progress In thr
county court. The vote of the entire city
on this olllco Is b Ing counted by a boird ol
experts and thlo work will not bo completed
before today. The official returra of the
election gave L.obeck n majority over Christj
of ninety \otes The count ot the Hist foui
ward" , covering exactly one-halt of the voting
ing districts of the cltj. has decreased thi !
majority thiiteenotts rnd Lobeok still hai
a debatable point on a number of ballots 01
which Ihe voter marked a cross In the blanl
space below the space opposite LobocVi
ii.imc. Lobeck ea > s that this , Indicates tlni
the voter intended to east his vote for him
This point ha's not been decided by thi
court , but the Indications nre that the complete
pleto count will not change the result.
A. cintest over the teat of councilman froir
the Xlnth ward Is also pending In the countj
court , A J Slmpsnn contesting the right ol
G \V. Moicer to the seat. Meicei's majorltv
was found by the official count to bo thirty-
five. When the counting of the billets It
Iho Chrlslle-Lobcck case was commenced
Mr Simpson obtained permission from UK
court to count the vote * cast for counclimai
from the Ninth ward , and this count has beet
progres-lng In another corner of the couri
room at the sarao time the Fifth ward mat'
ter Is being passed upon Tins count is Informal -
formal , but Mr Simpson says it he Is no
convinced that he has good gioum's for sup >
posing that he can overcome Mercer'8 ma
jority , he will dlsnihs his case The couni
of the first four wards , covering one-half tin
voting districts In the city , gave Mercer I
net gain of fifteen votth. In these district"
thirteen ballots wore found which had boci
i ejected because the voter had marked r
cross in the blank space below Simpson' *
name , tha same as In Lobeck's case.
nnt < > f Who Hired Him to Itrllx
< li - , liir > .
Joslah S. Wright , tht old man who \\ni
sentenced by Judge Hakor to bo confined litho
the county Jail for two years for attomptliif
to bribe one of the regular Jury panels K
vote for Dartleyjs acriultlal , Is showing tin
signs of the effect of his close confinement
Ho is confined In one of the large looms ii
the residence portion of the Jail , next to thi
room occupied by Hartley Wright still per
Ehta lu his statement that he does not Itnnv
the name of the man vvno approached hln
on the street , as hu rajH , and hired him
without giving him any money , to go ou
and "persuade" PS many of the regular Jur ;
panel as possible to vote for Hartley's ac
quittal If they were chosen on the Jury. Hi
has been approached in many different vvaji
to Induce him to make a confession of tin
lumo or identity of the guilty party , bu
ho liihlsts , with all the foice he can com
mand , that hu docs not know the man am
never saw him before.
Wright Is visited In the Jail by his agci
wife- , who Is almost piostrated by the ef
feels' of her husband's Incarceration , am
many of Ma old frlcnita have been In to se
him. Several of the latter have tried ti
Induce Wright to tell who his principal wa
In the tiansactlon , hut ho sticks to the ator ,
lid told at first , that ho dots not know. H
has failed considerably since ho was placn
In Jail three weeks ago
Ai.i.r.v ix i MTID sYvrus coim'i
* ' " " < > " ' " ( o I'll li
till' C'il > .
Klngman & Co. have taken their allc ;
trouble Into the United States court. The ;
have filed a petition In which they alleg
that the alley In its present condition I
a nuisance , and as biicli is a great damag
to their property and business , They abl
that n restraining order bo granted to prc
vent the city or the Hoard of Public Woik
from taking further tcpa toward putting th
alloy In condition to turn over to th < > Vur
llngton road They also uek for an orde
to eoinpel thu city to abate the nuisance nil
replace the dirt which was unlawfully takei
from the alley Ia t Sunday.
The petition IH quite long , reciting Hi
whole history of Iho case and Its progres
through thu courts. U ) s charged that tli
'city was in collusion with the lallrnad coin
pany to take possctulon ot the alley fo
private purposes , regardlrea of the right
and claln-fi ot the plaintiff
H.fio to lint
A special Wagner sleeping car and tvv
chair cars were attached to Tuesday's west
bound train on the Ulkhoin for the accom
modatlon of a party of eighty-five echoo
teachers from points In Nebraska and low
bound for the Hot Springs of South Da
kola The party started from Sioux City
and Is under the direction of George Schloc
ser of Sioux Falls and J. H. Gable , travel
Ing pae-senger agent of the Ulkhorn , Tvv
vveekt. will be spent at Hot Springs. Dead
v\ood and other points of Intcieat in th
Illacl , Hills count ) y.
AVlllkll'H SlHTH.
Tut i ck Walsh of McCook has been nr
rested lij United Suites oitlccrs for V.mlni
up ii whole sale liquor Hlgn. He waa engagd
in the who i'H.ile liquor business several > eir
IIKO. Inn of late Iwk enl > i- a fd In vvh'lc
Haunt ; Dt-fi. bill kept the nm fixn In Iron
of 111-i plain of liub-ln bt. Hi Indirales thn
hertlll fight Ihe case
WllllHin Orr and Adam Fonsur of No
brarn vveuurraluned In the I mt 1 S"U
court this moinlni : on un indiclnunt fur dli
poslnc of llquoi to Indians. 'Incy pieade
Dim ii tltn"I'Hccn Ilcforc Stoclt
Thursday , Juno 24 ? w offer choice of any
men's spring and Rummor eulta In the house
at lew than manufacturer's cost. Choice of
any men's suit for 13.75. 16.00 , $7.50 and
$10.00 , sulta that are orth and Bold for
Choice of youths * Tind bo > s' long pnnta
lilts for * 3.23 , $5.00 and $7 (0.
Choice of any boj ' kuec pants suits , also
unlor reefer Bailer amicstco suits for 95c ,
1.75 , $2.75 nnd $375.
Men's all wool cheviot pants for 95c.
Hot weather clothing :
Men's odd coats at S5o to $ S.25.
Men's coats and vests at $1.25 to $5.00.
Children's washable suits at 2.c to 95c.
Children's washable odd knee panta nt lOc.
250 cases straw hats must be closed out at
lOo and 15c straw hnta He.
Straw hats worth up to 25c At lOc and 15c.
50c htraw hats , 25c.
The ordinary dollar grades , 50c.
Itcgular $1 00 and $1 25 kinds , "fie.
Any straw hat in the house worth up to
2.50 at $1 00.
1,000 dozen shlrtfl , fancy laundered , soft
losnms , detached collars , collaret attarhid
and white bodies and fancy fronts to bo
llvlded In two lots , HOC and 7f > c each. These
ire the same ehlrts that others ask $1.00 to
2 00 each.
100 dozen men's fancy ouspenders , 12 > 4c
cnch , worth 25c.
t lot of ladles' fast black and tan cotton
lose , lOc per pair , worth 2flc
Sam'l Hums Is offering 10 per cent off
all white china this week new lot Just
VUrntloit , Scconil AViiril ItcinitillculiK.
Tlio Second Ward Republican club will
ncct nt Kcfsler's hall , Friday , June 25 , S
p. in , , for the purpose of selecting delegated
o the state ccnventlon of Republican League
lubs. W. W HINGHAM , President
The Young Men's Republican club ot Omaha
will meet Thursday night , Juno 24 , at 52.1
N'evv York Llfo building , for the annual elec-
: lon of ofllcers and tor the purpose of select-
ng delegates to the State league. Charles
2. Winter , President.
\ personally conducted party cf teachers
and friends this Glimmer. Low rates. Ux-
luslvo. Northwestern Line. 1101 Farnam St
For tlic AVuliiisli ,
Commeiclng Sunday , Juno 13 , the W.ibash ,
) > lease ot the Ginnd Tiunk ( Gieat Western
ilvlslon ) , , will extend lit line from Detroit le
luffalo , running Its own trains solid from
Huffalo nnd New York , St. Louis
.o NIagaia Palls nnd Buffalo , wltli
Wagner sleeping cars from Chicago and
t. Louis to New York and Boston. All
trains run via Niagara Palls , with privilege
of stopping over on all clauses of tickets
For tickets nnd fuithur Information or c
copy of "To the LaJco Resorts and Hejond , '
call on any a&cnt of connecting lines , or al
Wnbnslx olficc , 1115 Fanum street ( Paxtoi
Hotel block , or write. G. N CLAYTON ,
N-WPAgent , Omaha , Neb.
> MV Home .
Commencing Sunday Juno 13 , the Union Pa.
cilie will Inaugurite Thiough Tom 1st Cai
Service between Omaha nnd Portland , Ore
_ , n and Washington points via Union Paclfli
and Southern Pacific rallwa > s , thereby giv
ing passengers the benefit of two tourls
routes \la Ogden to Portland. This routi
will take them up through the beautlfu
Sacramento Valley , disclosing all the notabh
features along the Shasta route , from Sacra
For ratesytlmo table and full Information
call. at Otly Ticket. Office , No. 1302 Farnan
treet. T
_ _
ciin vi > u\crusi ( s
Via llni-Ic Islnilil llolllc.
California ? 22 50 , June 2D , 30. July 1 , ' .
and 3.
Denver ? > 00 , June 29 , 30. July 1 , 2 and 3
Coloiado Spilngs $9.00 , June 29 , 30 , Jill ;
1 , 2 and 3.
Pueblo $9.00. June 29 , 30 , July 1 2 nnd 3
Salt Lake City $10 50 , June 29 , 30 , July 1
J and 3
Ogdcn $16 JO , June 2 < ) , 30 , July 1. 2 and 3
Milwaukee nnd icturn ? lfi"5F July 3 , 4
jnil 5.
Minneapolis and return $11.55 , July 1 am
Salt Lake City and return $30.00 , July 9
10. 17 and IS.
Toronto and return $25.15 , July 12 and 13
Detroit and return $20.50 , July 10 , 11 am
Chattanooga nnd rctuin $22.85 , July 12
13 and 14.
Lake Chautaqua , N. Y , , and return $24.73
July 10 and 11.
Reduced rates to all summer icsorts ; cal
at city ticket oflco ! , 1323 rainam street.
Half IliitcN. Hot Sprlim : , S. I ) . . Jinit > U5
Via the Hurllngton Route. $1C.40 for the
round trip from Omaha. Tickets good foi
30 days.
No better place to spend the summer thai
Hot Sp'lngs. No quicker way to get then
than the Hurllngton. No lower rates thai
the o of June 25.
Call at the ticket office , 1502 Farnam st.
and get full Infoimatlon. _
HiifTuIo , . % ( Yorlf , llohtoii
and New England points arc reached In th :
incflt comfortable manner via the Lake Shon
and Michigan Southern railway The hummer
mor train scivlcc via this line affords morn
ing , afternoon and evening trains from Chicago
cage at convenient hours , a compute e heduli
of which will be furn'alted on application
Tourists tickets to the many cool and do
llghtful re'soito of the cast , including Cliau
tauquo lake , are now on sale A liandsom
Illustrated Tourist Hook , showing routes am
rates to these points , will he sent free on re
quest , If jou contemplate an eastern tilj
this summer the printed matter referred ti
will bo of Interest. Addrewi II , P. Hum
phrcy , T. P. A , Kansas City , Mo ; or C
K , Wllher , A. G P AV Chicago.
DANISH IlltOTHUIllloon M ) . 1 ,
Cm ml I'lfiilcat Illulr ,
Juno 27. Train leaves Webster stieet depo
at 9-30 a. m. , ictnrilng | the bame evening
Fare , COc round trip. Music , games , races
refreshments , Secure tickets at the depot
Siidiiuerl ICaiMirNloiiN
Homcserkers south June 15. Nashvlllo am
return every diy , Chattanooga In July. To
tonto In July , Iluftalu'ln ' August , and all tin
summer resorts ot tbo east and south. Cal
at Wabash olllei. 14151Farnain street , or writ
Q.N. CLAYTON. Agent.
ii vii.itaau UATUS.
Hallrimil II at I-M.
Hnlf faro $1C 40 to Dakota Hot Springs one
return Juno 25.
You may think Itsls hot at Hot Sprlngs-
not so ; not so.
It is delightfully 'cool there ( Hot Sprlngi
Is 3,500 feet up In tha mountains , with all
Ilka crystal , laden -With the odor of a mlllloi
pines ) . The largest Mungo baths in Amerlc :
ore there , supplied' with magnetic heallni
watcis , where ovirlicated and worn ou
human frames are quickly renovated and re
paired. Call at the city office , 1401 Farnan
street , 01 Webster depot. It Is only a char
run there. Omaha 3 o'clock p. in. Ho
Springs for breakfast.
( Ivor tlu > ItiicMcM by DnjIlKlit.
The nurllnston'd Nebraska Christian Kn
deavor train for San Francisco will leave
Omaha . G.OO p. in
Lincoln . 7.30 p. in
Fairmont . 9.00 p in
Hastings . 10:30 : p. m
Wcdnciday , June 30
Stop-overs will be made at Denver (1 ( hour )
Colorado Springs (8 ( hours ) , LeadvlllG (
hour ) , Gle-nwood Springs (3 hours ) , Salt Laki
Clt > (40 ( hours ) .
Tickets , $ . ' 2.50 ; bcrtlit ( wide enough am
big enough for t.vo ) , fC.SO.
Full informal ion given aiU reservation
made cm air.lleatirn toV I ) Waildell
rh.tlrman rommittiu un ; rai. puitaiion , 150 :
Farnam Kt or to J 13 lleynolds city pas
singer agent , IJurllugtou I'.outt , 1DOJ Far
cam SU
Wo Usad Scissors Before This Time Wo
HBO an Ax-A Brond Ax at That.
The ( Irnuil Up < > f Tlilx Crcnt Snlc
IN .tliirkoil li > ( ! iiNli < * H fluilo In All
i > .AtuttiT llou I , < MV
Thcj Were llffore.
As eoon as this last great rush is over
Mils sale will pnfB Into history holding the
championship record In shoesalulom.
For two days we hare marked and cut
and cut nnd marked until all the price there
Is left ciito no figure at all.
The most marked cut Is on fall and winter
ehoes arctic overshote for Instance , 25c a
lioth men's anil women's , 25c.
Another line of misses' 12 to 2 oxfords ;
the llf < > cut clean out of the price now 4Sc.
\Ve will open again for the end-up rush
tomorrow at S o'clock.
The prices now make the shoe > ou bought
before seem dear.
lint why shouldn't they ?
H may bo jour sl/o Is gone In Just what
> ou want.
The price may bo salesman enough to sell
you the other kind
Tlul'u the reason we cut them again.
A child can buy cheaper than a man , be
cause It doesn't take so much leather
that's all the difference.
2f)0 for children's 3 to 5 oxfords.
IJojs' ranvas oxfords , 3s and 4" , 48c.
A ladles' box calf lace , L. S. & Co'e own
make , $1 98.
I.idlca' htrop and low slippers , 9Sc ; that
were $2.00 ,
We have made this cut without consulting
any other nation on earth.
When we open tomorrow at 8 o'clock It will
bo flrht come , flr t eerved.
Nothing laid aside , none Gent on approval ,
and no mall oidcrs filled
Ilojs' tan bals , 2 % to 5 , $1.25 ; were $2 DO
Sec the window for the new prices on
men's shore.
All Iho men's and bo > ' rubbers , 23c.
All the women's rubbers , lOo.
Our own make misses' lace and button
shoes , $1.25 ; were $2 50
The bilancc of our lease on the flto eroom
for sale any price. We have Ubcd the ax
on that too.
1615 Douglas St.
Cutting for quitting.
Ninth Ward Kepubllcans. There will be a
meeting of the Ninth Ward Hepublknn
club Thursday evening , Juno 24 , at Its club
rooms , Twenty-ninth and Karnam streets
for the purpose of selecting delegates to
the State League of Republican clubs. Meet
ing at 7 30 p. in. Charles S. Iluntlngton ,
president ; J. II. Chapman , secretary.
tjs .r.o CAi.iroitMA tfU'j.nti
VIn ( lie Srciilf Mm ; of tluWorld. .
The Rock Island Hotlte will run a special
train of Pullman Standard Sleepers and Pull
man Tourist Care through to Sau Francisco
on the following schedule :
Leave Omaha 0 00 p m. Tuesday , Juno 21.
Lcive Lincoln 7 15 p. m. Tuesday , Juno 20
Leave Falrbury 9 45 p in. Tuesday , June 29.
Arriving Colorado Springs next morning at
10 o'clock.
Wednesday and Thursday , Juno 30 , and
July 1 , will be spent at Coloiado Springs ,
Manltou and other scenic points In Colorado
Saturday and Sunday , July 3 and 4 , the
train will remain at Salt Like City , leaving
arly Monday morning and arriving at San
Francisco on the morning of July C.
Remember this will be the only tpechl
train that will stop over two dajs In Cole
rado. For further Information and sleeping
car rcseirations call at City Ticket Office ,
1321 rarnam street , or address C. A. Ruther
ford , G. A. P. D. , Omaha.
.iin > ci.s IM.AV Foil Timm OUTINGS.
uf I InniNtrlrt Ileiic-h Will
TaKc u Iti-Ht.
The May term of the district court will
adjourn on Satuida > ot this week , and no
more court will be held until some time irr
Soon after court adjourns Judge Haker
will start on an outing which will Include
a trip through the Yellowstone park , a visit
to Salt Lake City and a. ( icason at Dome
Judge Tawcctt will spend the summer on
his brother's farm In Illinois.
Judge Powell will spend a portion of thr
summer In Kentucky , riding blue grass ,
thoroughbreds and climbing the liillr and
Judge Dickinson will put In a part of
the vacation angling In the beautiful lakes
In northeastern Nebraska and will also take
a trip to Oregon.
Judge Slabaugh sajc he will put in most
of the vacation rusticating In the suburbs
of Omaha , but will take a brief trip to Mln
neapollo In order to more fully appreciate
the beauties of Omaha as n summer resort
Judge Scott Is undecided ns to the man
ner In which he will spend his vacation.
SnniidPrH * llrnrlnn Ilomimoil Tinlny.
There was a very brief hesslon In the
Siunderp criminal n saiilt he il In police
court ypBterdny afternoon. The defcnt-e
cited authorities to supK | > rt an attempt it
Intended to mike to show that through "Mrs
Havens hrr elf bn rhnr.iolci was not of thr
be1- ! , but Judge Gordon refused to nllow this
to be done
Captain Hnzo vvac r-illcd to the stand to
tistlfy regarding the repoit that Hnvf-nn
mode to the police rrgardlng the rase , but
It developed that Havens caw Sergeant He
ir ut , who wns not at hand. Havens hlm-
Fi'lt wns called to the stand utwln nml
through him an ondeivor was made to Pho\v
Hint he had found hH wife In n eonipromls-
Ing position with a mm , but Judge Uoidon
would not allow the ( iiie'.tloiis
Klnn'ly the t > tate pild that a number of
Its wltncfscs vveie not on hand nnd the
cace was there-fa ! t > continued until this
morning ut 10 o'clock.
I'or ICMM Tlinii Half IllllcH ,
Juno 29 , 30. July 1 , 2 nnd 3 ; via the llocU
IMaml route. Special train of htandaid
sleepers and tourist tara will leave Omaha
at U p. m. , Juno 29 , and run to San Fran
cisco without change.
Through tourist cars will alto be attached
to regular trains on above dates
Rate , Omaha to San Francisco only $22.iiO ,
For further Information and bleeping car
reservations call at city ticket olllcc , 1323
rurnain street.
Union I'lii-llln
has been selected by the Ncbraaka Christian
Kmleavor committee is the OFFICIAL
ROUTE for the V. P. P. C. 13. convention ,
San Francisco , July 7 12.
Special excursion tuln , consisting of Pull
man Palace Sleepers , Pullman Tout 1st Sleep-
CIB , Chair Cars , will lenvo Omaha Wednet-
day , June 30 at 3.30 p , m.
For Sleeping Car rcseivatlons and full
Infoimatlon regarding this excursion call at
Highest Honors World's Fair.
'ircCiape ' Creim ofTirtxr Povwur. i
Amrronis , Alum or any olher auu'tt.
40 Years the Standard *
Hoc , Juno S3 , ' 07 ,
Things For 05 rent * wo * o
V. hi to MUCH Duck
Pants. Nobody
wears 'cm
Take an umbrella. Take a fan. Take a frozen
fosfatc. Take an ice cream. Take a pair of
white linen pants. Take anything that is cool
Tou know
what to without being uncomfortable , good without being
take. expensive , and it doesn't take long for sweltering
humanity to And out where it can be had at the
right Two weeks had five hundred
They price. ago we ,
melted linen crash suits of various kinds and today we
haven't got one. We sold 'em at $2.00 and $2.50
Tcoplo a suit , while other stores were trying to get from
c n 1110 $3,50 to $4 75. Result : we sold all uf ours in four
carriages working days and we disappointed hundreds of
them. for peop'c ' who came to buy some more. We'll have
another lot of 'cm in a few days , They may be
The e here tomorrow , or even today. In the meantime
nro we are still selling those sp'cndid ' navy blue cheviot
In "ting-
cool iot coats at $1.90 , and those elegant vicuna
cheap. featherweight coats and vests at $2.25 and $2.75.
These are as big values as the crash suits at $2,00
and if other stores ask you $4 oo to $5.00 for the
same quality , don't get excited take things cool.
> >
The Only House
in America
That handles all the high grade pianos
Chickerhig ,
The Big Steinway ,
and Fischer.
We also have a very large and fine selected stock
of Smith ( S Barnes , Vose < SSoiis , Emerson ,
Ivers < S Pond and a doxen or more different
makes. < $ > &t&t j ? > . , ,
To reduce our hn-jjo stock we .arc still making extremely
low prices. New pianos at ? 1U5. 8141 , $ lo5 , 8185 , S201) ,
8215 and 82.13. up io the price of the beit piuuos imulo.
Manufat'Uiiors' ' with .
guii'antuo every piano.
New "Pianos Bros.
for Rent. Hayden .
_ . . . VlulluMIieyriserlp *
tloncl n famous rrpncn plislcluiiwlll quickly euro > cm of nil mr-
\om or disuses uf tbu tciurutlve urirniu , sueh in Jest Mantic oil.
Insomnia , I'ulm In the Jluck.bimliinl Emissions. Nor\oua Debllltf
rirnpk's , UnlUntss to Warry , LxliaustliiK Jnilii , Vurlcnoile ai"t
Constipation. Itslopinll lovstt hvdnv or nlg.u : I'M-vinls quirk-
nest of disclmrup , w lilcli If not cliwlcrrl Icaila to hpcrmnlorrlia-ii anil
_ _ _ _ _ . _ nil tholiorrnrstif Impotoncr. 'IIl'IlUlMlclcaiibestlieliveT , tlm
„ „ . flpn .
LJt-l-unt. AND ll l t. ujncjg0ni , | thn urinary orBnusof ulllmjiiiiltlcs.
. . . . . . .iK ntrcnpthensun'l restores. . . . - c , t
Tlio reason Riiirpn-rs arc not curc'l l > r Imclors Is IHCJIUBP ninety per rrnt are trnnbloil with
FrontntlllM. rUlTDnNIMsthconlykrowiirenncly to euro willioutiin opr ration. EWOUMlmonl-
als. A vvrlt'cn ( runrnnii-nBlvpn end money returned If six box iloea not ellcct a permunuit cure.
? UX ) a hot , Elx fur jl 03 , t > y mull. Send for enKU circular anil testimonials.
Address UAVOb jnKUICINU CO..I' . O. ox3070Sanrra-iclicoCat. fbrKalclai
Grcun Sju 'J'urtlu Soup
Today at , M turji-'s.
FFICERS off the
Wlhtte Squadron
O'imlia Agents , Om.ilij. liottltng Coiiumnj.
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Co.
Own'l | IO > VTC htt-il htcamfttilp Munlto'j.
Sailings From ChlcaRO.
ForMscklnaa Man. . I. Detroit. ClnHaml lluffnlo.Tnr.
ODtoutc fuc.VA M.VVfd KI'll.Thll Hi MhntdML
ror CharleTulx , llurbor hprlnpn , rtUhkboCOl
Tuet A.Mrimr. 114 M.hat il'M ,
( or } l > uiiiciu > . llnncoit , llautfliton , tliland.
Uuluth.etc V.l JM
IlhiilrulccI ijumiihlru mailed free on anrillritlon ,
.1 I.I. * rri MM JtUrntti l'nt\\nu \ \ Mt ru
ory I mi utf iic > ( hIvep1t > iit > io * > Mlitc , tnui )
by Ahu u uiiftothf r I ti . uml Judlt
cfflloutt / " / irjfjuirftttt amKt
rehloie I/ > -L \ iiullt ) in old or ) ouu , un'
Jit a man for ttutl ) lm ln bt or niHrr ugr
_ l'r T nt JiiNunity * mj ( ! 4)ri uint'juii | i *
fln in time Tholr ur * khovr * lmni illiil Imjirore
tnant arul vnnctn a OUKK where all other a lall In
u liuviuu ( ho ienutiiH AJnik. Tublatt ) 'Jlit * >
rtjd tliouhHixU Hud trill cure joue ptfo i
written kUiiruntHO | u pfTuct euro In trill LUM
ur rrfund the niotiBr 1'rk" 50 tutu * pur inckut * * o
ii i'ttclctij.0 * Ifull trftHtiitfiitl fur 5J' ily timil i
i > 1 u In wraptrfT upon riuelpt of i rlnj. I Irc'ilur tie-
AJAX RUMPH" "o ' ' - ' '
For ala In Oinaba by Juuca Fcr ) tb , 201 N
Kill ntrect.
Kulm f. Co. , Itth and Douxlui Utrtcu ,
rot'NDii : > is j i'oi iiie iiiuiiti 1.1..mum
joiuit ; vtciimn e'lai'i'lcul ' nnd Hiliuliilt
etuclr J'n imrat'ry unit Ojuli tul
beiil 11 , 1S''J MIM I ! \ < M.I-HN.
I'lln . llr.ul ! > nl ll.i
lloirdliii : Bchc'Jlfnr < < lrl A buiiti'til tc'urliuf
Clilcniiu a fuwiulk i m rill ( if l > u iii > Dc.lxl.l-
/ul liomu UMieUitluiit uii'l ' iourn.-
nr ttuiir liliutralwl niialuuui on aiipllcailua.
Ur > . uui'V lieyo IJuliiueli , UculluurtU , 111.
Dr. Shepard's new book ,
illustrated piofiiholy , is now in
oirculiiti n Call or vvrito for a
f i ce copy.
The work will interest
and instruct nil who HiifTor from
chronic uilau'iits.
: ni , : nnml : n : : N. Y. i.ifc niiiK.
< ni\nv.
O < XK > < XX > o OOO OO < >
Private Disoasea
VTeikoni d llUordir at
Himk Vno. Coimnlt--
tioiil'riH ) . Hix7Bflut
14th and 1'arcam Sti.
Tlta Puilon S llurqeis ,
1116 Manager * . IcI.IJJl.
mt ; vvltli
MATIMI : , NAT. , .II-M : ud
Healb em Kale Ki : . V ) nml 7fn.
. 'Hnml Me-
Miit I life prices'H
The Milliard Mill.
. . .
OI.NTK\l.iY I. ' . M1 .H
American plan , tJ & ' l < ' up
I'limpi mi i > HI U on p i il iy in
J , i : , .MUIUI.I. A SIM. I'nifiN ,
Wlirii loll \lxll Oiniiliu ' dljt lit
Cdiiii-r mill uml . | IK < I.HI.n six.
Under nm iiuimbtiiiriu > naiuuii run 11W
AM < > iuv 1.1. . l > . \ \
t ! lJi.Ull.litJ 1'iuiirietor.
J43 rouln La lot tuuiu litul unil uil ino'ltrn
coiiMl.l rteb. Hunt ii uuml / t.'W ; nr day
Tablu ul.Litl la.l . fcj , . ul low rulm to rfjcului
Nk.iUu _ HICK Hlllril Mdiiat
1308-10-12 UouplaoV M. HAHIl , Manager.
100 vvrll fnrnUhtd roomsKiiropeun or
Ann l lean 1'lao.
KAliS $100 TO $150 I'HU DAY.
fil'KCJA LHATHS h ) iho WUUK or MONTH.
ear lluti connect tu til parts ot clty