Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    r THE OMAHA DATLV lij : : . | THUUSO AY , JUNE'24. ' 1897.
Fear of Jnly Manipulation A gain Dominates
the Wheat Pit.
Corn mid Oiila Ar Wfiik mill llcplliic
SIlKlill ) ' I'rot InlntiN Arc blrniiK
on llt'iiv ) * lluyliiK unit Illtc
CHICAGO. June 2S. Whnt was nervoui
todny anil closed unsottleil nt a > ; n advnuce.
Tin- four of July tniinliiulntlon was nyuln
vtry mnrUi'il nntl wns really llio only fen-
tuie to the market. Corn niul ontH were
weak flstorfl today , each closing nt a do-
cllnc. Provisions , on the contrary , were
Birring nnd price ? runjfeil from 7'.4c ' to 2 < k
Wheat linil a 'irons opening. The possl-
Mllty of a winccze In July had been further
Btliruil nil Mnce the close ycstcrdny by n
rciinrt that In addition to the transfer ol
l.Oilu.iXri htl. lout : \vhual , which had hem :
" up" trannao-
explained UK simply "uvcnlnB
tlonp. one or two other houses had similarly
turned over to Armour & Co. loiiu roiv
tracts for lonn July wheat of an t < i\in \
nmotint. Traders weie allowed to ilruv
thi'lr own coticliMlnna from such unusiin
jiroc-crdltiBS and their object was Koncrallj
rirr-epu-il as boding no good to thr shorts
In July wheat ; the courco of prices In the
Ilrxt hour Rhownt that very olearly. JulJ
ononed at fis e , compared with yesterday :
casing prices of ilS'fcc. ' and almost Immeill
airly wild at O'lVic. Then a reaction to KM
ocFitrird. There were Htllt come traders
who were not alfectul by thu fciirM of i
corner and who hail the courapc t < > fci
fchorl on thu bulge. The jnarket. however
was naturally too strong to be affeoled VITJ
long and an eon as the Felling ccasei
Iirlcos relioundtd to tWo The weather wai
threatening further delay to the wlnte
wheat harvest from rain. That was an
other Item In the curly bu',1 Inlluences. Tin
northwestern rccel | > t were only 17'J ears'
iiKiiliiHl : ! 71 a year IIKO. I.ate cables Iron
Liverpool repurted a recovery of the open
Ing VI decline , wlileh was probably eau < ei
liy the uilviitiri' at Chicago. News fron
California was bt-arish. rutting had C'ini there mid the yield and iitmllt :
WLcr both declared satisfactory , one dls
imteh fiom San Kranelsco claiming tin
condition to be fit ) Instead of 73. as Klvei
In the Iat government tepoit. Washlngtoi
elalined to lui islvlni
nnd Ori-gon were al-o
Mill1 promise owing to recent favovabl
weuther. sflnu In fuel IIH to Indicate i
heaxlor yield than they hud ever had lie
fore. Cloning cablegrams reported Pail
( lour and wheat each a shade lower am
Antwerp tmrhanged. ISxpott cIcaranoi-H o
wheat and Hour were equal to 'Jlij.lXX ) bu
The apprehension of a bull deal In Jul ;
lessened toward the end of the HesHon air
with los.i fear of tlust the re uon for It
Htreng'li ueKim to disappear. The markc
Krailually woikvil down to tfSic. : ! but took
Hiiddeti apurl before the close to CD' . c. Th
closing iirlec was O'/iC ' bid.
Corn was rather heavy to b"gln wlt'a , be
oau.-e of the fnvornlilcwenther for the erof
Short1 ! , huwi'vcr. were not very atgiesslv
anil the market wan sluggish until rumor
bt reductions In Height rates were clrcu
late I when the iniukel became riulte 'Aval
September liquidation was prominent , lit
celpts amounted to 474 cars. July opened
fclui'li. lower at SOJc. , f-old a shade higher an
declined to 24c. { where It closed.
Oiils was easy with corn , with the Fum
Bert of o'llng characterixliiff the market , n !
thuuirh on a smaller scale. Shorts were th
Iirinrlp'il buyeif. No Independent feature
of Interest ileveloprd. Local rccPltUH wet
po t'd at ! I8 cars. July opened * / ( lilghe
'tit ' 17Tl.e , advanced to IS'I'1 ' and declined t
17 v ' 17' ' , ! . < . Tliat was the closing price.
In provisions lard led the market. Th
opening was firm on the strong feeling n
the yard" . Small offerings served to mall
tain pi lees until thr 'ast hour , when lieav
prices for Inrd , supposed to be fiom GUI
iihy'c , started everything on the rampogi
.Ai the elo.'v July pnilc was lOc higher i :
W,7 : , ; July ribs 7'4c higher at Jl.42',4.
KHtlmated receipts for Thursday : When
3 cars ; corn , ! wO cars ; oats , 1'40 cars ; hosf
3.C'OO ' head.
I eaillng futures ranged as follows :
Arllcli'H.F Otioii. I llltli. | f7ow.TcTosq. fvost'd
July. . . now osw ;
Sept. . . ( ilSt UHII C 4 ( ! 4
! ) . . COM can UO OOJfi GU
Juno. . . J4H 24I < ® !
July. . . .
Sept. . .
Jnly. . . . IfiM I ? } * 7lfl
Sept. . . . 18 18 17M 17T4-1
July. . . 7 40 7 B5 40 7 no 7 40
7 60 7 US 17 K 7 00 7 47
July. . . S 77W .1 OS 3 77 ! * a ah 3 77
.Sept. . . B7J6 4 05 4 05 U B.'i
July. . . 4 40 4 45 4 40 4 45 4 a.-i
Sept. . . 4 4'Jl 4 50 4 4'Jli 4 tiU 4 4-J
No. 2. ' 'New.
Canh ipiotntloons were n follows :
FI.OU11 ( julet ; winter patents , J4.20JT4.4
etrniBlits , H.00ffl,10 ) ; nidus ppeclnls , Jl.lOiH.J
eprlni ; jiateats , $3.70ftl.OO.
WI1KAT No. 2 Fprlnu. 70 J70'ic ! ; No. S sprln
3 f70u ; Nu. 2 red , 74 > iT70'ic.
COHN No. 2 , 24KO4Xc ; No. 2 yellow , 21 i
OATS No. 2 , ISc f. o. b.j No. 2 white , 22' $
nuo ; No. 3 white , f. o. | b. , 20HT2SUc.
HYK No. 2. 34c.
IIAUMOY-No. 2 , nominal ; Ntt I. I. o. b. . 2S
GKIfi Nu. 4. f. o. b. , 21 > c.
FIwVX8KKI > No. 1 , TlrUflCTc.
TIMOTHY .SKKD-l'rlmc , J2.75.
1'KOVIHIONH Mefs pork per Mil. , 7.t,0f7. , !
J-ard , per 100 Iba. , J3.9003.a2',4. Short ribs , pld
( looFe ) . I4.SO < 94.r.S ; ilry Milted shouldeni ( Imxei
)4,7Sii ! > . ( K ) ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , H.CI'.ifi1 ' ! . '
WHISKY Ulstlllcrb * llnlshcd Koods , per Kii
BlldAltS Cut loaf , J5.M ; feTanuhitcd , J4.97 ,
On the Produce oxchnntro today the butter ma
ketVIIH Una : cri-fuiicry. r.'dcl4Mu | : dairy , t
VHc. kKKx , llrni ; frt'Hh. HHe. Chi-esu. llrm
Whhc. J.ivi ) ponllry. llrm ; lurkrj-H. 0i7 (
clilckuiiH , 7Kc ; nprlnif , IttaiSc : iliickH , 7WSc.
NBW von ic ( ; IMU.VI , JIAUICE
n of tlu * Dny uu
NKW YOIHC. Juno 23.-FLOUIt-llecelp
7,372 bbls. ; exports , 2S.82C bbls. Dull and ea
on wlntii * brands aeuln today , but fairly Mea
on sprlnKH ; winter patents , J4,40 H.75j wlnl
ttralKlits , J4.liofH.10j winter extras , J3.3D83.
ltyi > Hour , easier ; nuperllne , ( : .Uti2.30. )
COHN MIIAI Uimy ; yeliow western. 67c.
11YH Hteuily ; No. S , 30Vic.
1IAHI.I-V : Steady at SSc.
1IAIU.KY MAI.T-Dull ; western. 4Ji54c. |
WHKAT Hei-elpts , ISO.OdO bu. Hpot. steai
Options opened ttendy und advanced , led
CMitlnued nervinimi'ss iimoiiB July rhuits , owl
to mniiltiulutlon leports and wet wciither co
Iiliilnts ; lout udvunce under reallzlnt ; , nuiill cli
uniTs , scant expert Interett , and cloM-d
lilKlirr toljcnet lower ; * No. 2 re-d , June , cloted
VS'.le ; HeplrmlHT , 13 ll-ICbiVV : ; closed , C'J ! c.
IXUN Itecrlpm , 110,034 bu. ; exports , til.fciia I
put , rutry ; No. 2 , 'M\K. Options opened Men
with whi-jit , but was Inlluenceil liy promUl
rrop pnirpirts and Into heavy M-lllni ; ; closed
4THu net lower ; Jumcloted ut 29icj ? Ui-ntemli
W. | 30Vio ; cli , e.I , 8ue.
OATS-llecelpts. 173.300 bu. ; exports , 300 I
Hpol , lower ; No. 2 , 22c , Options dull und ci
with corn , closlm ; unchunccil. September , clci
at :2 > 4U.
HAY Dull ; shlpplne , Wo ; good to choice ,
HOt'K-Steudy ; state , common to choice , ]
crop , 3Ji4o ; U'JS crop , CjjUc ; I'licltln coatt , ]
cri'p. 3 (4e ; 1MIO rroii. 6 < rldc.
llllis-uulet : ; ( lalvt'ston , Ho ; lluenos Ayi
dry. U'vOia ; Texas City , lie ; California. 1C <
I.KATHKU Firm ; hemlock sole , lluenos Ayi
llKlit In heavy welijhts. IMiJOc.
llt'TTnU-UeeelpIs , 1C.03S pkK8. | iUlet | ; wi
ern creamer ) ' . HtlUc ; Klulnt , lie ; factory , V
CHI-K.SI- : > -ltecrlits | , 11 , 28 pkus. ; iUlet ; ft
ItttKe , M GI > Kc : HHI rinnll , , ' , -iC ; part tk.i
4tK > 'nu ; full klms , : i li3c.
1-XK1H llccelpls. I5.1O pkK . ; iiulet ; slate t
r nni > ylvanln , llHfrlie ; wi-ftern. 10'ifMie.
IMIOVISIONB lieef , ijuiel ; family , ' . ' .WO10
litef hams , } 'J4 W2J.C | ( ; packed. tMKUiu.Ui. i
meats , llrm ; pickled belllvs. K W'iiC.Ti ' ; pick
liums , | 9.(0ji9.00 ( , Uird. ftroiiKer ; uestein tei
3t.ll > , nominal ; lellncd , llrmer. I'ork , flea
inets. ! S.tS.7S ; thort clear , iV.OVt/lo.10 ; rum
TA1.UV Quiet ; city , 3l-lCft3ic ; coum
t MCit3He.
O1US fottonneed , steady ; prime crude , i
prime yellow , 33Hil23Kc. Petroleum , dull ; I'nl
clotud with no market ; reiinsylvanla cri
tiudy , July , hio bid. Koiln , steudy ; strati
r < aiinon in Kuod , H.72iOI ! , " ! > . Turpentine , stei
t r ; .7Hi- .
JIICK-Uleudy ; fair to extra , ) ! OCc ; Ju )
Hlradyj N vv Orleans , open ket
t. X1U1W. .
TO MYUIH-OOL , I'lrm ; cotton
ttrku , lie ; main by wteam , 2d.
MiCI'AI I'lf In , " , eaiy ; toulhrrn , | > .
J ( ! A lbr8 , 1 10 (11 ( 1 ? . W , Coiiper. M'ry II
j * . , II ) KI , n. lunge , Jll.iiill M. I.c
, . , . - t/tu a * , U.Ju ; f xilianne : , H. VsilJ
' < " MUM r * * + Hi- 1 1 c r. ijuli-t , 1
nit ttrmrr ; 'pot cloned ut tC.i
UM lout.
H l-itulu iinift'i < \
t > f ! / > < > * l.i. , , n 1 IXM It l > ull and i
> . ni II f\ii tu till * fmry , | 4 , |
t' < ivw. ui f t. i < i : io ri : o.
* nil ilmrKlnK. but wltli July wlimt ll htly
hUhcr ttmn jrttrnlsy's olcw. There n Aery
llttlo cufli rtfmwnrt mid r i wjlntlmi wns dpml.
tht nmrKtt flnnlly cln lriK f r future * n shude
Miilrr ctmpnr l with ) ten3 y : spot , steady
Nn. 2 rctt , cHfh eievalnr , 7 c ; track , TTIj'Oe ; .Inly.
CT'Ac I , Id ; AupuM. wiflMHi' ! Kfpteinlwr , Cf b | , | .
'OllN Fultire * dull ml wenk spmilntlnn be-
inK nlnii.rl nt n ctnn lotlll ; rp < il enny , with llclit
ilFiiiMid ; No. ! rnrli , ttlfft'.tc ; July , Hc bid ;
eptMnli r. IS'jc bid.
OATfl Dull , llrm for futures nnd cnfh.vlth
very little dt-innnd ; No. 2 rash , 17'ic bid ; July ,
ItHn hid ; Srptnnbtr. Iff , M.
UVlV-l > ull ; 31'fcc Md en tinrk.
IIAItt.KY N'umlnnl.
t .
IlllAN Inill , \ unknft ; track , snckeil , worth
nominally. &V ; ; cnrt thtrauntry \ points ,
TIMOTHY SKlID-l'rlin , ' . JJ.tWI2.CO.
HAY Dull , slow nnd unchanged.
IH'TTnit-SIow ; rteahivry , lOVkOUUe ; dairy ,
Mt 1 1 Ho.
KOOHHigher. . 7Uc.
COTTON T11WCrc. , .
MlJTALS-I nd. tlrm ; I3.22'4JJ3.S5. Spelter ,
nomlnnl ; KOOfH.a'- .
l'Oii/nY ; : Chickens , old. tei prInR . firm ,
tif/lHic / ; darks , prlngf , tendy , Cc ; B ! e e , springs ,
steady , 4c.
I'lloVISlONS-t'oik firm ; $ tniul ril mess. Job-
bliiK , } T.30iM.On. I.rrd , lilKher : prime Rtenm.
Jl W : riclcr | , I3.f > 71i llacoa ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
> 3.f,7'4 ; oxtln fhort clear , JI.47',4 ; ribs , I4.97i ( ;
fl , olts. jr 12U.
lIKCKHTS-Klmir. S.ooa 1,1,1s. , ; wheat. T.COOuu.i
rr.rn. K.OCO liu. ; oats , 2. WO lui.
HIIIP.MiNTS-Klour. 4oci ( bbls. ; whent , 4,000
bu. ; corn , 3 , WO tu. ; o.its , t.,000 bn.
OMAHA Gi\iit.M. .1IAIUCI3T3.
Ciiiiiltllon oT Triuli * nnd ( I
mi SliipHnnil I'niicv rriiilnco.
icns-llutk or sales , 7J7ijo.
lltJTTUHCommon to fnir. 7' c ; choice to
fancy , 10f(12c ; uparntor creamery , 15c ; Knth-
i > red rrenmrry , 12i > .
VKAI - Choice fat , 80 to ISO Ibs. , quoted nt
SJf ! o ; latgo nnd course , 48Ec.
MVP. roUI.THY-IIcns. re ; cocks. Jfftc ;
print ; ihltlvens , per Hi. . 12fl4c ; ilucks , Cc.
I'KillONS hive , 7ryiKc ) ; denil pigeons not
IIAY-Uplnnd. J5.iO ( ; mldlnml. 14.50 : lowland.
I4.W ; rye straw , Jt.,0 ; color makes the price on
liny , light bales jell the best , only top grades
brine top prices.
linoo.MOOIt.V Kxtremi'ly Flow SA | > > ; new crop.
delivered on track In ronntry : nholre Kreen cclf-
worklmcnrpei. . per Hi. . 2r2Hc : choice green ,
nmnlns to hurl , 2W iir. pnmmnn , IVtc.
- ' . . .
OHN ] 'iAS-I'er " . .
- , i-bu. bnpket. COSCOc.
PM3 Pl.ANT-l'er lh. . He.
CfCl'MllKllS 1'ir doC0 ? 40c.
TOMATOis-I'ir ; 4-b.-FtU'l crate. Jl.t.Ofll.15. .
HAHISIIis-l'er iloz. , ingnc.
I.HTTtlCiPer iloz , . IOO20c.
WAX llCAN.S-I'er 'n-bu. Imx. 75c.
STIIINO IIHANS-l'er H-liu. box , Me.
PAIISI.KY I'pr iloz. , 20S:5c.
ONIONS Per Hi. Sc.
JIKANS-llnnd-plckr. , ! navy , per bu. , J1.10.
CAHItAOH-Cnllfornln. 2c ,
POTATOnS New , per Int. , Me.
APIlICOTS-Per rnre , Jl.irftl.2S.
C'Al.IKOItNIA iiII-itIllKS : Per 10-lb. box.
ST'llAVrHKHIUBS-nilioV. J2.00.
11I.AC1C ItASPHKltllircS Per 24-plnt case ,
. .
IIUAl'ICUKnuinP Per'4-nt. cni-c , J2.00.
APPI.KS No shlpplnB Flock.
CflUlRNTS-1'cr 24-nt. ente , J2.00f2.25.
UIIICIIHIMH I'er 24-qt. cade , 11.25.
KOUTHIIRN PKAi'HKS-1'rr li-Ini. . 75oflJl 00.
HUD KASl'HmtIUKS-1'er 24-plnt cases. $2.00.
TItOI'ICAI. , rillHTS.
OUANOnS MeiHterinnian sweets , J3.SO ; St ,
Mlc.inels. . Jl CO.
I.1 > : .MONS Messlnns. J4.Wfl5.CO ; choice. Callfor.
nla , i4.2r.9l.uO.
ItANANAS Cltnlro Inrgu stock , per bunch.
> 2.00ii2.25 ; medium tlznl bunclicH ] 1. ! > C@2.00.
NUTS Almundk. Luttli.iiilu , per Ib. , larsi
size , 13c ; IIKI/UH. per Hi. , H > o ; Kngllsh walnuts ,
per Ib , fancy , eoft shell , 12flllc ; standards ,
lili/llc ; IllbeitH , pi-r Ib. . lOc ; pecans , pollbhed ,
larcv , BtjlOi ; ; jumlin , tlWlc ; Inrce hickory nuts ,
tl.2. > lier bu. ; coci-iinutf , 4So ! each.
l-'lt.S Imported I'ancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
12c ; S crown. f.0-lb. boxes. 13314c.
11ONHYChoice. . 15ft lOc.
ClHKU-ciailllcil Julco. per half hbl. . J2.33 ; pei
bMil. . S4.00IT4.2. .
SIAl'I.K SYIIUP Klvr-Rnl. rjns. enth. J2.23
cnl. cans , pure , per iloz. . J12 ; half-ttal. cans ,
JC.2. ; quart cans. 3 TO.
nilKRSKD IllOl-H' Good native steers , 400 tc
COO Ibs. . 7o ; good foivipiarttrs. steers.5iic ; KOOJ
hindquarters , S'.tc ; weHein steers , < l'ic ; fancj
heifers , C' . c ; | ; oed heifers. Cc ; good rore uarten
hilfi'iH. DC ; Rood hindquarters heifers , fee ; fiooi
cows , Cc ; fair cows , 5Vjc ; common cows , 5c
cow foi-oquarters , 4iic ; cow hindquarters. 7'/e. '
IICIJF CUTS IVndrrlolns , ISc ; boneless strips
lOc ; strip loins , Sc ; rolls , ili ; ; Flrlcln butts , Oc
shoulder clods. u'.J.c ; rump butts. 5c ; steel
chucks , 4iej ! cow chuck ? , 4c : boneless chucks
4'ic. cow iilates , 3'J.o ; steer plates , 3c ; Haul.
steal. , Cc ; loins. No. 1. He ; loins , No. 2. lie
loins , No. 3 , Tc ; No. 1 rhort loins , ICc ; No. :
short loins. 13c ; No. 3 rhott loins , lie ; slrloli
CIIIH. ! ffflOc. libs , No. 1 , 12c ; ribs , No. 2 , 9c
ribs , No. 3 , 7c ; steer rounds , 7c ; cow rounds
CHc ; cow rounds , ehnnk off , 7c : cow rounds
fhnnlc nnd rump off , 7' < : c ; trimmings , 3'tc ; bee ;
ehankii , 2'-ic ; brains , per doz. , 2oC , sweetbreads
per Ib. , lOc ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. . 40c
kidneys , per iloz. , 33c ; ox tails , each. 2c ; livers
per Hi. , 214c ; hearts , per Ib. , I'.jc ; tongues , pei
Ib. . 12c.
POIUC Pressed plRS , 5Vi ° * dressed hogs , 5c
tenderloins , lOc ; loins , nHc ; spare ribs. 3',4c
ham snusaKC. butts , 5c ; shoulders , rouRh , 6c
shoulders , skinned. 5Uc ; trimmings. 4Hc ; len
lard , not lendcred , Sc : heads , rlenned , Sc
snout and ears , 3c ; backbones , 2c ; cheek meats
3c ; neck bones , 2'fcc ; pigs' tails , 3u ; plucks
each. 6c ; chltterllnss , Cc ; liocks , 4c. hearts , pc
doz. , 25c ; stomachs , inch. Sc ; tongues , each , 7c
.kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c
pies' feet , prr doz. , 30c ; livers , ench , 3c.
IIIDKS No. 1 sreen lii'ies. b" c ; N ) . 2 Rreei
hides , 4'4c ; No. 1 Kreen saltfd Iil.ies. C'/ic ; No.
Brccn tailed hides , r iic ; No. 1 veal calf. S to I
His. . 7c ; No. 2 % eal cnlf , 1 2to K Ibs. , 4c. No
dry Hint hides , 9010c ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides , fj
9c ; No. 1 dry tailed hides , 6fia ! ; part cum
hides , 'AC per Ib. less than fully cured.
SH 13151' PEIjTS Qreon called , each. SRt Oe
Kreen suited , thenrllnES ( t-liort woole.1 e.irl
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shenrllnps ( short \vooln
curly skins ) . No. 1 , each , Oc ; dry Hint. Kansa
nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Hi. , nc
tual welKht , 4i(3c ; drj- flint , Kansas and Ne
braska Murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actua
welKht. 3 Jc ( ; diy Hint Colorado tutcher woe
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4H5c ; dry Hln
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , uctuj
welKht , 3 < 3tc : led cut off. us It Is useless t
pay freight on < hem
TALLOW AND OnDASE Tallow , No. 1 j c
tallow. No. 2 , 2c ; greafe , white A , 3c ; greasi
white 11. 2c ; grease , yellow , 2cerease. . darfc
lic ; old butter , 202'.ic : beeswax , prime , 16j22c
roiiRh tallow , Ic.
WOOIv Unwashed , fine heavy , 607c ; flno llghi
S9c ; qunrterblopd , 10012c. rcidy , burry an
chaffy , M'c ' : coiled and broken , coarse , 769 ;
cotted and broken , line , CJJSc. Fleece warned
medium , ICfflSc ; Hne. HfflCc' tub washed , 1C )
ISc ; black , tc ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 203c ; dea
pulled , r.fjCo.
HONES In carlots. weighed nnd dellvi-red I
Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , JU.O'rifH.oO ' ; dr
country , blt.iclud. per ten , $1001912.00 dry cour
try , damp and meaty , per ion , JC.003S.OO.
lroiiKT ITi > rnril Slin-ciucnt Still til
KiMitnrf of the
NKW YOIIK , June 23. Today wns another dj
of marked strengtu In the market for Mock
the dealings being large and the buying demar
keen , so that the tendency of prices was strong !
upward. There went ups und downs during tl
day , the latter on profit taklim for the most par
but the clwe or the day's trudlni ; found prlci
geneinlly almvc last night's close. Tnu outsl.
Interest In the market shown a large Increase ur
commission houren report a great arU-Fslon i
orders of u speculative character following tl
solid Investment buying that has been cell
on tor mine time and which today's developmen
Indicate Is ptlll going on. Tiie buying wns u
r , most wholly u result of the conlldence In tl
general iiullook for buMncrs. There wns lltt
news nccompanylni ; the upward movement i
prlc , and , therefore , little to record beyoi
the inero chHiigeH In prices. ( Join ! buying co :
tlnued In Northuesteni , but the price or tl
stuck moved quite narrowly , uffectlng the | irl
of other Mocks by sympathy about as much i
Itself. The KrunuerH were all In keen denial
and allowed a substantial tain on the day , Tl
same was true of all western and Miutliweftf
railroad properties , where the crops promlm *
be iilmmlant and bring Miriness Improvement '
DS , through llion > sections. Sugar and Chicago U
were bolh undei' pressure at different 'llmm ' du
Ing the day and held back the market. Win
theto twi > Mocks came Into harmony with II
market and moved upward th highest prlr
of the day weie rei-oided tor many Mocks , T ;
Mrrngth In the coalers developed after noi
nnd tiic movement In the group became Mroi
ml and UKgrrrMve and Hie dealings quite animate
The rate at which prices rose was an. Indie
tlon that there Is not u large quantity of the
ut Mocks , except Heading , Homing In the marki
led Hhnrp advances In mine or the high-priced I
in , vcMinent stocks were a reature. New York. Iwic
iy ; nwannu & Western lumping 3(7 ( per cent on I
iy. * ales or lOO Miarer The volume of dealings w
large , but Sugar. Chicago Gas. llurllngton. Itea
ry , Ing and Tobacco absorbed half the total salt
Kt. 1'nul at K" , , touehtd tlie highest price sin
Oc ; the pmilo of 1893. Tne Hnnounrement of an a
led illtlonal bhliunent of WVi.KO gold by toniorron
ile. vtiumer inly afTccled the market for u bri
rdJy Hate. The gains In the coalers extended to !
- PIT cent ror Delaware K Hudhon and 1ft ji
cent for Heading tlr l preferred. Busqueham
in , & Wentcin loit B fraction. Tobacco Jumped
per cent to 77 and reacted U4 per cent , wh
If. HIP prfferrfl Mock gained n rlmllar amount a lirld It. Oilier Ruins werei Pullman 2 per cer
Iowa Central , Unke Krlo & Western prcfem
Hay State Cas. Illinois Steel. Irfiul preferr
ConFOllduted Ice and Consolidate Ice preferri
id u point r over Colorado Fuel lost IU per cei
15. , Sugar moved over a range of 1V4' per cent , t
. clo > ed U PCI. cent oft on the day.
IK.ow The bond market i-howed no abatement of t
dc > Ided Mrength that has characterized I
operation fcr tome time. Th speculation w
iiultu broad oiU material gains were establish
In innny liens. The middle trade securllles we
in- largely dealt In and reclHrrtd the extreme li
JU rrmeintmr. which extended to 4H ptr cent
I'eorla , Decatur & Evanivllle flrits. Evanivl
Jll dlvltloo. Th
fSnvrrnmento wri. nestected ( it tli bonrd , but
hid > iuotntlont were tllRhtly higher.
The IJvenlnit PnsfK I/ondon financial cnble-
Krnin ni : "The stock matketn rtrnnln Inactive ,
but strong and hopeful , especially a regnror
Atntrlcans. on the stendy support In New York.
The rrellng In Americans Is very bullish nn 1
something decidedly mlverjr will have to owur
to prevent nt Imst a further moilernt * rlri"
Other markpts weie gooil , notably Kaffirs , which
together wllh Americans nre being quietly
bought by large Investors , The feature Is the
strong demand for Inlla council drafts , COO Inklit ,
belne npplleil ror today. The Paris and llerlln
mftrkctR were quiet. "
The roltonlng wtrc tne closing qnotntlons on
the leading Mocks ot the New York exchange
today :
Total sales of stocks tnilny were 270.3.H ) phnres ,
ticluillnt ! : AiniTlcan Ti.bnerii. 12,000 ; American
lutjnr , 33,200 ; UnrlliiKlon , 22.MO ; O.ilciiKO Oas ,
. < 00 ; Delnwnrc , t lluilfon , 32PO ; I iulsvllle .V :
iiKlivlllp. tl.SCOj .Manhattan. 4,000 ; MlBSonrl I'n-
Illc iircfericd , 4t 0 ; Omaha. 7,71)0 ) ; llenillnic. 12-
00 ; Hock Islaiul , S.MW ; St. 1'nul , 30,000 ; Western
Jnlon. 3,100 ; Koutliein Itallwny preferred , 3SOO (
ew Jersey Ccntial , 4,000.
% York .Mont'.v ) l rl < ( > t.
NI3\V YifUlK , June 23 , MON'KY" ON CAI.l -
3n y n ISil'i per tent. I.nst limn , I per cent ;
ill sid. Ifil'i K-r cint.
l'IUMl-3 MKIU'ANTII.r PAl'KIl 301 par cent.
HTUItMNO KXCIIANOI-3 r'lrm : very dull ,
vltli iictunl InulnrjB In lianlcirs' bills at } 4 , S7j
.S7'A fnr ilonianil nnil ? 4.fri for clxty ilnys.
rated ruti-B , J4.S7 ? 4. ! > 7l , < i and Jl.SSffl.WVj. Com-
mrclal lllls , t4.fC'i.
IIAll SlI.VKK-eoVsC.
Closlnp quotations oil lionils were na follows :
IIAll SH.VKIl-Sleady ; 279-lCd per ounce.
MONKY ! i per cent.
The rntc of iilscount In the open market t
Miort bills IH 15-111 per cent ; ror three month
bills , 15-10 per cc-nt.
Cold lu quoted today at lluenos Ayns at 195.
at Uslion , 4GVi ; nt Home , 104.4'J.
Indln council bills were allotted today
1s V 2i-32d.
Anii-rli'iin Sci'iirlllrM In I.nniloii ,
LONDON , June 23. The market for Amerlci
Fecurltles opened tlrm , yonllnueil go nil day , t
upward movement being aided by New Yo
buying. Ilie tone wn firm and the denial
firi'ck nnil TiirlilNli HiiiulN.
I/3NDON , June 23. Foreign securities we
quoted as follows : Turklrh group 2 ( H ) ,
higher at 38 ; others unchanged ,
Financial .VolcN.
HOSTON , June 23. Clearings , J1C,828CS2 ; b ;
nnccB. J1.7W.3I1.
HAI/riMOHN. Juno 23. Clearings , J2.14fi,3l
balances , J3HS.M.
NKW YOIIK. June 23. Clearings , } 00,322Gi
balances , 3CJSr,16.
PHILADIILPIIIA , June 23. Cleorlnifs , JS,02
tCI , ; balances , } l,2:0..i3j ,
CINCINNATI , June 23. Money , 2Uf6 ? per cei
New York exchange , COfiS : * ! premium. Clcurlni
.Mi.Ml'HIH. Juno 23. Cle.irlnss , | 254,3..0' bi
iincitf , 1123,713. New York cxchunKu fcelllnir
11 ( I premium.
NKW OIlIjRANS , June 23 , Clearings , $747,4
New York exchange , bank , | 1,50 per il.OUO pi
inlurii ; i-ommt-irlal , par ,
KT. rXl'IS. Mo. , June 23. Clearings , 3,4C4,2i
balances , Ji.C3.iiWi. Money , 4J 7 per cent. N (
Ycik exchange , 25 cents premium bid ; 60 cer
pninlum utkeil.
CHICAGO , June 23.-Clcarlngs , n.04C,9
New York exchange , Kc premium. Foreign (
change , firm ; demand , J4.MH : sixty days. J4.SC
Slocks , strong1 and more active ; Honing prlci
Diamond Match , 110 ; Slruwboard Xft ; city Ha
way , 230 ; West Chicago. W.i ; North Chlcui
; I-ake Street , It ; New York Illscult , COT
PAIU8 , June 23. Three per cent rentes , 1
COc. Hi ' . .i ilfniU
\IMV VurU Ir > - finoil
NKW YOHIC , June 23.-The market for t. .
gocHls Is Meady and without change today. Hi
lui ; Is still freer than It has been lieretofo
although not as widely dlvertlded us selli
with. Iluyers are fairly plentiful In the mark
but confined their orders to certain lines of t
gooils und a rew strictly reasonuble rubrics
cotton goods ror tilling In purposes. Staple c
tons ure without reature In any line , HleucI
and brown coeds arc dull In all grades exci
export Koods , which show a slight Improveme
Coarse colored cottons generally lulet ; denl
lets > o than strli t , checks , cheviots and I
like. Print cloths arc qultl , tales or odd KO <
continuing with more freedom. Kitra. ho
ever , are firm , llers holding flxedly to 2Ko
tpota and rcluilne to H future * at thai fliru
Prints fell with crmtr > tililc freedom nnd In nil
Mil linen nl re-ent prrliHV > 1" > K00' ' * ' " fnlr ,
reqneM. drew goods Wrli lew active than men *
wcnr fabrics.
NKW YOIIK. June 23-Thc cotton exchange
will close on flnturdny , July 3 , and MonJay ,
July 6. } i
The cotton market , dlscoiirnfrcd by the failure
of the Liverpool market to rerprn after nn
Kngllsh holiday Flnrc Saturday nt nn ndvnnce to
conform to the ImprtUcMent here , opened quiet
nnd steady today nl-ji.dctllnc of 103 points and
Kradunlly sold off u'ntll the net lo s wns In
dented to 37 points' . ' ' \n addition to the dls-
nppolntlnK tables the average of rrnp ne s. was
quite bearish. Advices frctn Fall Hlver Indi
cated n very nctlve market for print cloths nn
well nit sustained prices nnd reported sales of
4,1.C < 0 pieces jrrtenlnr * The mnrket made a
number nf sm.ill rallies during the day. but the
undertone was weak li the nbsencc of specula-
Ikn , nolwIlhstnndlnK the talk of a revival nf
business thiiiUKliout the country at large. The
market closed quiet nnd stendy nt n net decline
of 7i8 points , rutnrts rinsed qultt nnd steady ,
snlci' , 74.200 bales ; January , } fi.S4 ; February.
lfi.87 ; Match. t < i.Dl ; June. July nnd August. JT.It :
September , J7.02 ; October. U.2 , November. S 78 ;
IX-r-iml'tr , JC.fl. Spit closed quiet ; middling ,
7f-P. ' mid .ling uplands. 7 l3-1Go ; mldll.nK RUlf.
S U-lfic in" ; ricelpts. none ; urons , 53 bnles ; ex
ports to Client Hrltaln , 1.SI1 bnles ; sales , 1.2ni
bnles ; spinners , 711 bnles : Mock. 101,176 bne. ! .
Total today : Net tercliilr , 1,100 bales ; exports to
Orent llrltnln. l.r.ll bales ; rimtlnint , 7.,0 Inles ;
sto.'k , 2I2.C41 bnles. ( "nnsnlldated : Net ri'celpts ,
B3M bnlis experts to < lrnt llrltnln. S W2 bull's ;
I'rnnre , 4J. . bac ! ; continent. 9.2J7 bnles. Total
rlnci' September 1 : Net rveclpt . CM,532 bnles ;
1'xpiuts in Orent llrltnln. 2.H0.07C bales ; Knince ,
M2.f,27 bales ; contlnint , 2.C9S.KS4 bales ; channel ,
.V4S1 lull. c.
MVKIllvoii. June 23.-C\3TTON Spot , good
lUmnnd nnd n fnlr buvlnemt done ; prlies , lilRhpr ;
Anurlrnn mldJIIni' . fair. 49-Itid ; gmnl middling.
4 ! i-2d ; ; American mid ' 1 ng. 4 M2d Inw ml 'dllng.
3'id ; good ordinary. 32-32d ; ordlnnry , 3 21-32d.
The mles of the il.iy were 12.CM bales , of which wen- fur speculation and export nnd In-
rluilcd 2.ifO American. I > * utures opened ipllel
nnd ftenuy , with n moderate deniund nnd cl ised
quiet at the decline ; Amerlrnn inliMllmt. , lunp I , .
M. ( ' . . 4 3-C4JI4 4-Md buyers ; June nnd July ,
.143-ri4d buyers ; July nnd August , 4 3d ! ) buyers ;
[ ,10t links.
MIJMI'IIIS. Tcnn. . June 23. COTION KI m
inlddllnt ; . i'.4e : receipts. M bnles ; FlilptnntK , 791
bales ; Muck. IS Ml lnili'M Fnle . in lr.- |
Ni\V : OIM.RANS , June 23.-rOTTON-Pnot.
firm ; rales. COO bnles ; ordlnnry , Ofi-lCc ; good nr-
dlnaiy. r , 11-lOc ; low mlddlln 7V.c ( ; mid , ' Imr
7NlCr ; good mldilllnn. 7'lie ; fair mldd | , S1
IK - e
1 tniw. ! > . * n . . 1-t . * i. . . - . . " * *
Ti'ntli > ii < > - DocliliMlly -
> Klrnicr.ivltli
Sali-H ur VIM\V Knlr AluKiiltnilc.
HOSTON , June 23.-The American Wool nnd
Cotton Iteporter will say tomoirow of woof
trade ; Sales of very fair magnitude , lomljer-
Ing clicuinstnnces , IWM. ' taken jiluce during the
pnM week. The tendency Is unquestlonab.y
Ilimer , etpeclally In Australian wuohi , whicl ,
have nppreclnte.lkc. \ . Miiiuiractureis have beuii
In the market to a limited ilegrie. Most ot
the attention has Hen KII to loiclgn wool. . .
alt ii.ugh a fair amount of terrllory , Caliromla
and Oregon wools have been ill.-iiuj-c.l . of. Fleeces
remain exceptionally quiet , nnd u falling oif Is
note.l In the sales of .South American cros-s-
bredt * . Sales In Huston for the week iiKgregalo
C.L'.O.IIO pounds , if wUlch 2 1 IS , 5(10 ( were ilo-
mettle nnd 4 , 13H.CCO , pounds foivlgn.
Collvo Mnrki-tN.
NHW YOHIC , June23. ) . COKKKK-Optlons
rpened Flcady. i" , puintt > higher to 5 points lowci ,
ruled quiet \vlth w.i'nk ilndcrtone , following un
satisfactory Kuropcan cables , neavy Hrnzlllan
receipts r.nd continued [ npathy of i-pot buyerh.
Selling was nrrestcif by'fcai that Flioit Interrsi
had been ai'cumulnllng 'too fast , doted steady ,
5 points higher to 5 points net lower. Rale.- ,
13,7M > bags. Including September. 7. Spot col-
fee. Ilfo. dull : No. ' 7 , Invoice , $7.,0 ; Jobbing. J .
Mild , quiet ; CordnVn , < 11.00ffl7.50. Total wnre-
houte deliveries from the United States , 11,071
bags. Including 10.142 .bags from New Yolk ,
New York Mock , ,4.B. HC bags ; United States
stock , .ll.l.MS b.igsjintloilt for the United-States ,
207,100 bags ; total vUlli'.e for t.iu United Stnten.
722f'JiJ biiKS , agnlnFt..34j,2 2 bags last year and
f.HJ.SST , bagS'-fn ISSSi | 0 n . - - .1
SANTOS. June 23. COFFRK-Qulet ; good nv-
crngo Santos. 9.2TO reU. Hecclptsi 0.000 bags ;
slock. ' 210.WO bags.
HAMIll'Iia , June 23. COFFEUUpfgudvnnce. .
Sale" . 2S 000 bags.
HIO. June 23.-COFFEE Weak ; No. 7 HIo.
S.COO lels ; exchange , 7 25-32d. llccclpts , 10,000
bags ; cleared for the United States 2,0 ( > 0 bags ;
for Europe , 4.CCO bags ; block , 210,000 bags.
KANSAS CITY , June 23. WHEAT Old red
dull ; one car new , llrzt of seabon , sold at Sic ;
old hard about Ic lower ; No. 2 hard. 70fl71o ;
No. 3 , 0'f ' , < c ; No. 4 COQCOc ; No. 2 red. 77c bid ;
one car new at Sic ; No. 3 , Cu@CSc ; No , 4 , 60Jl-Oc ;
nu trading In spring.
COHN Market dull , about steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Market ralrly active , steady ; No , :
white , 20c.
HYi : No. 2. 28W200.
HAY Mniket Kteady , demand light ; choice
timothy , J8.SWjd.CO ; prnlrie. JC.JO.
JIUTTEH llarkist Mendy ; receipts Finaller ;
crcnmery , 104Q124e ! ! ; dairy , S10J412',4c.
EOOS Market slow , Gc.
WHEAT Ilccclptr , 5,400 bu.j com , 25.300 bu. ;
oats. C.Ofti bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , C.400 bu. ; corn , 37,000 bu. ;
oats , 3,000 bu.
HAIVTIMOIin. June 23. FI/3UH Dull , un
changed ; receipts , 10.C79 bbl ? . ; exports , 19."i bbls.
WHEAT Very dull ; * pot , 73c ; September ,
fS'/tWC ' ic ; receipts , 1,4(8 ( bu , : exports , M 3CS bu. ;
southern wheat by sample rales , new , C7f(72 % .
COIIN Ea y ; spot , 2SHff2SKc ; September , 23
( J291ic ; fteamer mixed , 27'if(27Sic ; receipts , tS.'M
bu. : exports , 5IS2 bu. ; southern white corn ,
31Vi T32c ; southern yellow , 33c.
OATrt-Stealy ; No. 2 white , 25 Q2Co ; receipts
C..MJO bu.
HYE Dull and cany ; No. 2 western , 3&\ft
3S'c ; receipts , 2,44 bu.
HAV Steady ; choice timothy , JIS.IWH.OO.
CHAIN FHEIOHTS Very quiet ; steamers neg.
Iccted ; unchanged.
PP.ODItJK Hatter , steady , unchanged. Eggs
steady ; rresh , 10.- . Cheese , llrm , unchanged.
\cvr OrliMiiiN MiirUi'tM ,
Qulet ; pork , old , 7c. I-nrd , rellned , tierces , S'Ac
Hexed ments , dr. ' sain shoulders , Gc ; sides , 4c
Hacon , clear ribs , 23c. Hums , choice suga
cured ,
< 'HH HIo , steady to low , fair , J10.MH10.2J
FI/JUH-CJulet ; extra rancy , { 4.10e4.15 ; patents
Iy-FIrm , COc.
HHAN gulet , 45 4fc. ,
HAY Dull ; prime. 12fll3c ; choice. 15 ? 15U.c.
COHN Easier : No. 2 sacked mixed , 31c ; yellow
32c ; white , 22 33c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 , 24'/4 25c. .
It Y15 Steady ; ordinary to good , 3Kff4i c.
Clncliiniitl MnrkclM.
CINCINNATI. June 23. FI.QUH Steady.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red. SOc.
COHN llrnij No. 2 mixed , 2CVtc.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , l Hjf20c.
HYE Quiet ; No. 2. Me.
Ht'UC MEATS-Sleddy , J4.40W4.30. Ilacor
strong. } ri.30ir.ri.M. I ird , active , hlgner , J3.i' " .
WHISKY Steady , JI.1S.
PHODUCK llutter , dull. Uggs , cosy , 1Vt <
(7HKK8K Easy ,
SUOAH Firm. .
Liverpool OnUn , nnil I'rnvlHlniiN ,
IjIVKHPOOI. , iJune 23. WHEAT Futurcj
quiet ; June , nothlnu. .quotert ; July , ns 8'id ; S < T
tember , 5s C'Ad , ' , i > l lowers December , 6s 7UiI
' .id lower. ' t
r'OHN Siot [ , quiet ; futures , quiet ; June nn
July , unchanged. September , ijd lower at 2
I'HOVISIONS Hccf.-txtra India mess , dul
r,3s , M ; prime mets , dull , 4 s. Pork , prime men
llmi weMern. 4."m ; medium western , dull , 42s lit. .
l.ird , prime western , Meady , 15s CJ.
t. pnOHIA , Juno 23"CCDlN Steady ; No. 2 , 21',4 <
. OATS Steady ; XaSnvhUe. 20 > ,4c.
WHISKY Markg yly ; ( Inlthed Roods on th
baMs of J1.19 for WnliJttlneH ,
Hecelpts : CiirnW/JTCw liu. ; oats , 20,010 bu ,
rye' . 'none" ; whlrkySJione ; wheat , "i.MW bii. Shb ;
ments : Corn , 10.WO bu.j ont , 20.bOO bu. ; ry (
none ; whUky , IVTMifaj wheat , 2,200 bu.
Tol/'ilif ' .MnrUMN.
TOI.EDO , June' ' 23-WIlUAT Active , lowci
No. 2 cash nnd Junt3ric ; July , 70'ic.
COHN Dull , lower : No. 2 mixed , 25c.
OATS Active. MPiirty ; No. 2 mixed ,
5. HYK Dull : No. 2'cash , Me.
C'IOVKHSKKD-Dull , tteadyj prime Octobe :
Cnllfornln llrleil I < Vullii ,
P11UIT8 Steady : evainirated apples , prime wlr
tray. 4 Vie per Ib ; wood dried , prim" . 4H6'4io pe
< 3t Ib ; choice , 4iO4c ; rancy , 8c. I'lunes. 3o to !
JC per Ib. , u to flze and quality. Apricots , Hoya
SBllo : Moor 1'ark , 12c , Teaches , unpecled , CQ8i
peeled , HGHc.
ry _
ryy ye I'lilliiilrlplila I'miliiiM- rUot.
e , June 23 HUTTiit-Htead )
ret. creamery , 1c.
t.ill rresh nearby ,
wentvrn lOVic.
In CHKESE Unchanged.
M Nun Friiiii'lNCOVluiit tliKitiilliiim.
Pt It. BAN KHANCIHCO. June 23 WHEAT Clotei
It.ns December , l.22 ; May , | 1. % | very dull.
ils .
Oil , CITY , Pa. . June 23. t'redlt balances , 8'
crrtlflcates , no bids ; hlpmtnl . It , 676 ; runs , 107
51 , | | , 1 1 , -ii \
Arrivals Hold Steady , but Business Takes
on General Decline ,
CitiulltlittiN HITP and KIi Mvlierc Al
( InSellers. . MiiUInu ; Trade
Slow ItonN Active mill
( lunlntloiiN I'nuliiitiKud ' ,
SOUTH OMAHA , June 23.-Ilccclpt3 for
the daya I nil leu ted were :
Oatllc. Hogs. Sneep. Horses.
June 23 I.KS 7.0S7 2,521
June 22 4,1V5 : to Wi
June 21 1,341 1.S33 IS . . . .
June Ul II.M R.345
Jiltii ! IS 1,427 O.Hiy 1,7CU . . . .
Juno 17 2im 7.1'J7 3.111
June 1C 2.SM ! , .i57 2.7S2 . . . .
JtlllO 15 4,344 11MJ ! 2.24S 2
June II S-23 1 , S7 4S ! 24
Juno 12 1,010 0,213 2.S32 14
June 11 2,210 0,273 1.1M . . . .
Juno 10 3,4'Ji 6 , ! > 27 453 . . . .
Juno 9 3.217 B.CTi'J ' 811 Jl
Jtllio K 3,615 7CG2 904 IS
The olllclnl number of cars of slock ;
hroughl In today by ench roiul wits :
Cuttle , Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. lly 2 1
O. & St. I * . Hy 1 1 1
Missouri Pnclllc lly ! )
linlon Pnutllc sy trm . . . . 29 22 1
R , H. .t SI. V. II. U DC 28
S. C.i - P. lly 1
C. , St. P. . .M. ft O. lly. . . . so 9
11. & 'SI. ' H. H. U 51 33
C. , 11. * j Q. Hy 6
K. C. & tit. J 3
O. , H. 1. & P. lly. . east. . . . . .
C. , U. 1. & P. lly. , west 1
Total receipts ITS 106 11
Thu disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , encli buyer purchasing Hie num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyers. Callle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oni.-iha Packing Co IK liiU3
G. H. Hammond Co 447 1,417
Kvvitt uiiil Company l.uis l.Mil IXi
Cuilahy Packing Co Itt7 2iyl
P. U. Armour , Chicago. . . 275
11. Decker .t Degan KM
Vansanl & Co IIS
J. b. Carey S7
l.ohmun & IlotliHchl'ds. . . VM
Hill & Lewis Co im
IK-nton & Underwood , . . . 144
Huston K Co 19
U K. Iltiss 18
Hnmmoncl , Kansas City 202 1,31)1 )
Hammond , country 2S.1
I'udahy. Kansas City. . . . , K ! 7011
ilner buyers IS'J
> eft over 100
Totals 4,740 7,507 2,318 ,
CATTM5 llccelpls of cuttle were again
ilnnl tniiv. ! : J.fi5 : hpnil being reported in ,
us ugalnsl 4,135 yesterday and 2.SH3 a week
, K" . J nu total receipts for the week foot
p 10,0.11 , as agnlnst Tyx > for the correspond-
tig three days of last week.
l > arge receipts and easier markets nt
3thcr points , constituted the weak feature
t the day's trade , and resulted In breaking
allies here about lOc on beef catttle. The
narket was very slow to open , buyers liold-
ng back until late trains were In , und
mill other markets were hciinl from , so
hat the forenoon was well advanced bc-
ore much headway was made. The market
viuut no time very active , out by raldday
big hole was maile in tno reccliits.
The supply of butciiors' Flock was larpe.
lie same us yesterday. Prices on cows and
idlers have been very hlsh at tliLs point
: m\ buyers are very apt to take adv.intnse
,1' lar e runs to pound down values ; and
hey did not overlook the main clrince
uilay. The early bids were so low aa to
ake the brca'li away from seller ? , bill It
Inally re olvi'u Itself Into a good strong
flc decline , on which basis a fair clear-
nice was effected.
Stackers and feeders felt the effects of
hu decline on fnt cattle as well as of the
urge receipts , nnd the result was a lower
narket. Still the rVmaPd was pretty go-1
jnd the deslrcble cattle sold early. Ilepre-
cntutive sales :
linEI' STHKllS.
Jo. Av. rr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
7..1CC1 3 lO 1..11CO ? 3 90 S..1092 f4 10
7. . . . Sll 333 4..1137 3 M ) 1..1320 410
1. . . . Ml 3 M 20..1WIS 390 20..1200 4 1U
1..10'.0 3 rX ) 21..KM 3 SO 13 13 i 4 10
1. . . . 910 3.10 5..1CLM 390 II..11(11 ( 410
9..1208 SCO 19..10.12 395 DO..1101 410
0..1JC6 SCO 21..Hot 3 M IS..1277 415
0..1077 3 00 1..1340 3 35 1C..1103 4 15
4..10CO 3 C5 21..1K.S 395 20..1208 415
0..1231 370 2. . . . 970 3 ! ' 5 1C..1223 415
9..1007 370 4..1(1" 393 19..13M 420'
: . . . .1112 370 15..1167 385 21..1324 420
1 SIX ) 375 IS..1079 3 ! 5 1C..1354 425
8..12:3 375 31 11C7 3 93 11..1270 423
1..1034 373 41..1120 393 1..10.10 425
G. . . . IM 373 2..10M 4 (10 1C..1201 423
3..1292 375 3..MO 400 12..12V ) 423
4 . .1292 375 5..1002 4 00 ir.10bG 425
21. . . . 923 375 30..1144 4 tO 47..1:41 425
17..1SO 375 33..1153 4 CO 22..1213 430
C . .945 3 M > 23..1133 400 28..1231 430
(0. ( . . . 903 3 SO 20. . . . 9S3 400 C..1I93 450
17 . . S40 310 23..1149 405 43..1220 430
IS . . .1150 3H ) 15..1193 405 3S..1134 430
3. . . . SS7 3 ST. 34..1219 405 19..1145 4 M
15..1004 35 21..1074 4 ( f. 36..1223 430
10..1037 3,3 ( 21..IOCS 405 4..U22 4
7..11W 3K 3C..1IM 403 109..1110 43.1
49..1014 315 16. . . . 687 405 22..1212 4 3j
C . .1275 3S5 24..1114 4 05 42..1304 4 3j
3 lOlfi 390 1..1UO 4 P5 . . . .IICO 440
2 Ifl'o 3 ! 0 13..1075 4(15 19..1401 440
" " 390 isiil.mfi 410 40..1239 440
, " . . 390 17..1144 410 19..1M7 4M
t3.1022 : 390 41..1220 4 10
1 SOO 200 1..1020 215 1. . . . 880 325
III 111-111
' " * 7..1191 3 30
, cm > * ' . 1 810 3 00
, " , : n J r(1 1 " 13J.O 3(0 C..10M 333
J'-WslS V".1 B 300 - "
li I ! I !
n -r 3 V ® 3 < 0 C. . . . k " 3 fo
1. ! . . Cr.O 3 ( iO 2. . . . WO 3 40 * . . . . g . Q
j. . . . r. o s 10 ; . . . . p-'o ' 3 4 > 3 , „
1. . . . 720 315 ! St" JK s f,4" 3 C5
' "BSO 3" " : : : :77 : ° aw l : : : : ? sw
" " ' ' ' ' * * " * 4 ° *
i1" SR ssr. & > ' " "
' '
' '
c' . . . . 760 3 40
jjtJJ ljg
11 II 11
{ ' " { MO 375 I..KM sea l.-HjO s 40
1..14K ) 2 W I..HCO 310
1. . . . 210 & >
1-n I 40 22 . 184 II M Ji
l."I iio 475 l' . . . 2kO tW 1. . . . ISO * J5
1" " '
" "
" "
J""l030 3W 1. ' " . ' WO 395 M" 773 415
} : : : : K5g 5"SS : : IS TB:7J : : : : ? JS
* " W. . . . l > 30 4 2SM
2 S40 3 75 169. . . . 09 * 4 W
' } " " MO 3 W U > . ' - ' ' - ' MO 4 ( K ) 15. . . . h4 ! 480
G" WO 3U ) 19..1073 4W S"i ! \
. . . . 4 440
1 9 0 390 4. . . . MO 400 2.
IT. No. Av. I'r.
30 fe lem..l01 13 to
28 fceileru. . . . CkO 3 W
103 fi-filer * . . . . 701 4 00
K heifers. . . . 457 3 30
HOtlS-Hecelpts today were about the tame n
ycMerduy , but 2,107 thort or last
rUYe terday they bought the most or the hog
for > 3"0 and they repented the operation today
Uelnic unchanged. Wlille the lieavy
and the in'xed loads sold ut JJ.20 , wllh u nirlnklln.
at 3.Bi4 , veral food light loads sold up U
' 3'Tlio market was fairly active and un early
ciearunci was effected , practically everythlnt
beliiB eold "d welghtd up In good teuton
Heplttentatlvt ! mle :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bd. Pr.
. SQ4 1COJ315 C4 . 291 . . . J
57 . 2in . . . 320 22 . 258 . . . 320
? . 2M W 320 KO . 313 . . . 320
6 . . . 1 . . . 30 13 . 291 ICO 320
if . 2CO iO 320 10 . 346 . . . 820
41 .823 M 320 5 . 27(1 ( . . . 3 JO
J , S5 < ice 320 f3 . 281 ICO 320
H : : : m w * > 47 . wi 320
C7 . . . . . .276 W 329 1C . 261 40320
69 . VM 240 3S 74 . 271 . . . 3 ZO
IS. . . , , . . .350 W 320 i 6 < . 280 . . . 320
Cl " . ! ! . . . 2W . . . 320 I 60 . 278 160 8 20
. , , . , . tO 320 Cl . 200 . . . 320
Bl . 'J3 120 323 | 19 . 281 2 0 3 JO
73 . 2fc6 tO 320 17 . 317 . . . 320
23 I. . . . .257 , . . 323 I 18 . J20 . . . 320
4& . : . . ! ! > : T ! . . StO (2 . 311 Z4 820
Cg . 2tt 19 310 i tt . W4 H 3 20
SHKKP Only one slnKlc dick of sheep wns
ffeird on the market , the liiilnncu of the 2.f,2l ,
hri-P hole belUB coiifclRHcd direct to pinker ? .
ho mm ket was sltoni ; nnd the demand wood.
teiircfentntlvo sales.
Co Av. I'r.
S culls . : . M J ?
7 native ewes . JJ '
C fprlnK lambs . JW
J spring Inmba . .
lirvn sroc MAIIKKT.
Ciitlli * a 1) Innlinv > rlloKH Ac'Hvo niul
HlKllIT - SIllM'll Hl'Ul'l1.
CHICAGO , June 23. In cattle there was n
fairly active ileiniind early today , but Inter on
luycrs held back , and Ions bcfoie noon prices
weio lOo lower for most lots * nnd In some CIIFOB
3c lower. Common lots sold b.ully. Puleseie
on the bnslH of fi-om I3.EO to J5.20 for common to
irlme nntlxc beef steers , \\ltli the bulk of the
rnnsactions nt from J4.15 to J4.S5 , prime cattle
iclni ; tCHrec. Hutehers' and cannlns stuff hlinrcd
n tne decline und Muckers und feeders fold ut
i low inilKC of prices , sales at from JJ.50 to JS. , 5
leliiK numerous und tome common lols went fur
'rom > 2..iO to J3.26. Texas cattle v.cie dull unit
,0c , lower. , .
In limm the mo.leratp supply , In ciinnpctlon
lesulted in nn advance ot
wltli u irnod deiiKind.
from 2H to r.c. Sales were at an extieme laniii'
or J3.10 to K.50 for common to prime IIOKS. with
the bulk or the IIORS cuiHdiiB the fcales ut from
J3.37Vto J3.43. Heavy piickliiR lots sold nt fiom to J3.S3 and pi line light und mixed lots ut
} 3Tradn In sheep nnd Inmln was better nnd the
icn "l.rliiK lambs ndvi.nced 30c. S : cp ii.lvanm
from IOC to 12' < , c. Sales were on n Jintls of fron.
t2.r,0 , to for common to choice sheep , the
* st telllnu nt from J3.25 to IS. CO. SprlnK Inn Us
3 . and Fhorn Inmlis brought
sold at fiom } to f3.kO
Hecelpts VnUle , 15.010 head ; hops , 33,000 head ;
s icep , 14,000 head. _
.St. LinilK I.lviStui'lt. .
> ts , S.OOO
ST I.OIMS , .lime 2J.-rATTI-E-Keroli
slow. P'ent ' > of
lend , fhliiments , 700 head ;
fcood native stock here , but buyers arc t ry "B t" ,
15 cents lower than offi-ied ; IcMins
t It 10 to for cows , barely steady ror f leers ; choice
native export steeis , * 4.nmi5.10 : native 8hliilnK , |
rtcirs JI4W1.W ; bulklif tales. M..VS4.C.1 . ; , reShei
, , -ef and butcher Fleers , n.l it\.t ; bun"f
salis , 54.20R4.33 ; steers under l.COfl Ibs. . 3.t0ii4..o.
nilk cf pules. J3.i5ff4.15 ; Ktwkers nnd reeders ,
Mfl440 : cows und heifers. $1.KW4.CO. " " ' "f
cows I2.BOC3.W ; Tcxns nnd Indian steers. $2.500- -
4.15 ; cows nnd heifers. J2.0'MT3.CO ' ,
HOaS-HN-elptK , G.fl head ; slilpincntP.
lend : mnrket barely steady on mod uiA weliihts ;
shade better on Unlit IIOKS ; lluht , J3.oOJj3.3j.
mixed , M.K' ' : heavy. J3.(0fi ? 40.
SHEE1' Hecelpls. 2.0CO head ; shipments. 400
icail : nmrkct steady ; native muttons J3.OOiT4.00 ;
culls nnd bucks. J2.00ltf3.25 ; Texas sheep , JJ.OOtf
3.00 ; lambs , J3.SOifiS.CO. _
X'-'vr York I.lvc Stuck. "
NK\V YOIIK. June 23. HBEVIS5 Hecelpts , S75
head ; steers. J4.W'ii3.(0 ; oxen nnd staux. 52.Wift )
I 40 ; bulls , $2.25i(3.f.O ; tows , S1.7.r J3 13 choice fat
cows and bulls , J3.75W4.CXI. London und I.l\erpoul
cables quota American fleers nnd sheep un-
clwiiK'ed ; refrlRcrntor beef s-tcady ; experts , 7 TOO
cnttle ; 4,776 itinrtcrs | ; tomoriow , nonf.
fAl.VlS lleccl | > ts , 4,713 brad : venl ? , J4.00
G.OO : culls. J3.f.O : butteimllk , J2.50a3.(0. (
4.00 ; lambs , poor to extra , J4.3 $ ( . .r'U. '
HOGS Hecelpts. Sk97 head ; market , little
firmer at $3.70j3i3 ! ; choice light IIOBS , J4.
ICniiNMH City lAvu Stock.
KANSAS CITY , June 23.-rrCATTI.K Ilecelptn.
5. iO head ; market about steady ; Texas steers ,
J2.70fH.15 ; Texas cows , J2.45@-3.76 ; native steers ,
J3.5ofj4.SO : native cows nnd heifers. fl.B1fT4.00 ;
stockers nnd feeders. J2.75fi'l.30 ; bulls , X.KCrt.X.
HOGS Hecelpm. 15 , fl head ; inatkct Mealy ;
bulk of sales , 13.2003.25 ; heavies. J3.:03.27 > 4 ;
packers , J3.15i3.26 ; mixed. J3.20fi > 3.27'i , : llshts ,
JSSOflS.IO ; Yorkers , J3.2Cff3.22',4 ' ; pigs , J2.7W3.15.
SHEEP Hecelpts , 3,000 head' market stronB ;
ambs , J3.5005.00 ; muttons , J2.00OT.25.
StovU In
Hecord of receipts or live stock nt the four
principal markets for June 23 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnhn , . 4.533 7.0S7 2 , : > 21
Chicago . 13.WO 33.000 14,000
Kansas City . G.MO 15,000 3 l W
St. Ixiuls . 3,000 0,000 2,000
Totals . . . 27.535 C1.0S7 21,021
Iron n lid Steel Trnilc.
CHICAGO , June 23. The Indiistrlnl World this
week will say ; In the west pl Iron utlll attracts -
tracts the Kreutest attention In the Iron and steel
markets. Huslness has so expanded that local
producers have withdrawn special offers , If liny
were made , and are llrm at cuirent quotations ,
110.25 for No. 2 foundry. The volume of trndc
was lame , tlioURh ims than the previous week ,
when over 70oo tons of pic iron wen1 sold here
to consumers. Southern Iron in stronger In ton
because other miirkets arc relatively hlR.ier than
It has ranRfd here. Steel pipe Is more nctlve ,
nulls arc moving more- freely , structural ma
terial Is llndlnb- wider market , but prices are
NEW YOIIK , June 23.-SUlAH-Hjiw , nrm ;
fair relinlmr. 3c ; crntrlfiiKnl , 6 test , 3V4c. Ilr-
( Ined llrm ; mold A , 6c ; standiird A nnd con
fectioners' A. 4 ic ; cut loaf nnd crushed , 5c ;
powdered nnd cubes , 6c ; granulated. 4 ; c.
NEW OHI.nVNS , June 23.-SlIGAH-Qulet ;
open kettle. 2U63 3-Iftr : centrifugal Kranuluted.
3 > ; < f'Ac ( ' ; white. 3 13-1C 3 15-ICc ; yellows , 3HW
3W ; teeonds , 2W3UC. Molaeses. steady ; centrlfu-
KUlbNDON ! , June 23-HEI'rT St'OAH-Es Cd.
AVonl MnrUetx.
ST ; IJOUIS. June 23. WOOIf-UnclmnRPd ; fnlr
to choice Illinois nnd Missouri wool , ! Cffl7c ;
medium. 13'.4S15c ; llsht line. HHfiHc ; heavy
fllNKY , YOIIK. June 23WOOISteady ; domes
tic lleece , 18fc23o ; imlli'd. 15ii2c.
Full IllviT Print flotli
KAI.I * ItlVEH , Mnas. . June 23. ThR print
cloth market continues active , with Rood de-
miind and fair > uli-s ut 2V4c Sales are mainly
for contracts beginning this week.
Vln Chli-iiKo , Mllirniikt't' A HI. Piml H'y
A IOIIB Hsl of excursion points to which
rounil trip tlckctB will be solil at greatly rc-
diircil rates The conditions for summer
tnnrlBts were never moro liberal than those
for thla Ecason. For full Informatlnii uu la
routes , rates , limits , selling ilatw. etc. , ap
ply at the city ticket office , 1604 Fa mam Bt.
General A\Vtsrii agent.
Telephone 1030. Oinuhn , Neb.
Direct wires to Chicago and New fork.
Correioondents : John A. Warren * Co ,
5oll < l Trtlns. Superb Equipment. IMiJinir Car
a la Carte. Scenery uneqmlled ° .u' ' ? ' ' ' ' =
Write lor advertlilng mailer and full par-
llculcr * to
J. A. 8.RGBD.N. W. P , A. , 218 South Clark St. ,
ChlcaKO , or '
CHAB. S , LUU , Qeneial Pattengcr Ageat.
| > blladclpbU , Pa.
How to Attain It , "
A Wonderful
MrillcM l)0ok , written
( or Men Only. Ono
copy may ho hail free ,
scaled , In plain envoi-
opo , VH application.
64 Niagara SI ,
\Vu euro lidnri'.i. All DlneiiHOfi o (
tlit > IIHI' , Tbriiat , C'ln l , Stoiiineli ,
HimolM and l.Ueii 11 > di'iieelcurl -
eoeele , S > illillu. ( idlioi'vluiea ,
< . ' A "d u its at.
upnvnii 5 iiT.'ntr TTV VUU3 UL.UILU. \ IH1jK , , miimnia
nmonir YOPNU. MlDM ) : AO1C1) K1l.lOI.ll MKN
ION i'i" > s i . * tt epiit
ni nnn ANH ,
UbUUU AINU CSIVilN j.,1,1 , , , , , . , , Btronila. Tut
morn. Ti'ttr. ( l.'ctclnainl | ! U < inl 1'olron tluirt'UKli.
ly clonnteil Iriim the t > ) > tcin , ftlao WcaKncus of
UrKnnv , Ii\lliiiniii.itli.n , liupiuut , 1'llcs , risUila ,
Tluiut. t.init , * . t/lxcr , Uyici | > sli\
LADIES ( llvc' niul rurclnl nltcnllon
WRITF Vul" ' 'ruulilm It'mil of city. Ttmu-
m in i AJ uimiu cltrcil nt IIOIIIL' by roitc. pond-
TIIEATMKNT HY MUt , rVn.ullntlon irff.
Onnlia Medical and Surjlcil Institute
111(15 ( Diiilmil.i Omaliiiili. .
A vrlttcn Cunrnuteo to c ; Ui : ANY
CASK or moMiv aiiit'LMu. ;
Onrciir | gK < rm > nnttn < lnM ( nrntchliiKiip. Cue *
trpslwt ton TfAraago liar < . nevrr cri n * i < 3 mi'tom flnrn.
Hy dppcriblng yuurca tt ( ully we. n treat > ou tiy mull.
mt weplct lie -troliKrtRrftntoncuri | | or rottiuii
allmoncy. If yum-KMnptuintiM , tiliniilr * nil flier ,
aoio lln'Oflt. llii.iim puti'hi'M til iiKiillh. flinll-
iinitUiti In nutici nnd julutf , hall * fiilllntf ( Mil ,
crii , | > tl iid on an7 pait nf tlip tuxly. Irenni ; or
' dcprctnldr , nulnw In licAil or
Renei'nl td aftf. Tlium lo me coiwlantlytak.
Ingtnpmtr > ami potn lltllluullUll clnlltuutlt. I'nnpliint
UHV at there itruRi nlll unrly hilntc tut anil inlliiB-
ulri'rs In Pon't lull ttt MIIIO ThOM Ml\oir , .
fer to ccnio hcto for treatment ean ilo no MU | wowlll
payrnllroail rare bolh wmnantl liutil blllxHlitlu hei
If we fall to einv. We rhallctito the wuilil for u ease
tliat our -tliiElc Ilciueily nlll not our. Write tar
full | > artleuiiui nnd prt the ru < Uici' ) We know that
you ni-a kritleal | , justly bj too. aa the inoi-t eminent
l > lij-hli-lMi lmvc novel hcen al > lc to Kltro niou > tlian { em-
relief. In uur nmny .vejiti praetlep null thli
Sumrr Ito.ticily It has Leon moat il.fllcult to uvrn.
eunmthe | iifj illnAairalnt nil to called rUH-incn. | Hut
unUcrourttronit ( 'iiarantco ) uu nhuuiil not lu ltatn to
try thla rcme < ly. You take nu clinnee of toi > lni ; your
money. Wo KU&ranten to cure or icfunil oery dullar
and n.1 wo linin a leputattcn to inotcct , alKo iliiani'lat
uaeklnK of B..dO.IIDO , It Is i ileclly tmfo In nil who
irlll Uy the tivatitieiit. llcntoforn } ou ttavi. ueen
nutllnK up Hinl ] m\lntr out your money for dttreivnt
trcalnientH ( md allnoufrh 3011 are not yet cured noono
ha * | iahl bailt joulinunpy. . l > u nat waste any moro
moneym.tlljnu try 111 ( Mil.chrxiilr. deep.ernlril
cu > d finvil In Ihlrly to ninety < lny . Invent.
Kutc our lUirnclsl ftundfiKf , our r nutation ai liutlnrm
liicn. Wllte ( IB for naincH and aduiesn'S of these \vo
have curt-it of S\iihllldr x > ho have ilven itcrmltn.loa to
ix'lertn tbiin , II eoyta you enly po U0 | to ilo thu , It
will sava you o woilil of sulTerinpc from mental ttnilni
and If ou are niariieiMrlut may j'our oflrpiln fuller
throuKh jour own n jltteitec ' All eorrcspondencn
r.ent tea led la plain enviMoiH i. We Invite the mortrlitld
InrcMlpraiIon nnd Kill duull In our [ .uvcrlonlil youlii
It. IVrlto in ' "I' > ' " > OU pllo tioolt uilil
ulnntute proofn of cures. ' _ , _ . _
Hhriltui Lu , , chicoBo. 111.
| Y purcliasing goods made
nt the following Nebras
ka f.ictorics. Iryon can
not liiid wlir.t you want ,
coninuniicate with the
manufacturers a.s to
w h a t dealers hniuilo
their uoods.- N'J '
It.VICI.VU l > UtVl > lill KXT1IACTS.
FAIIHI31.I' co.
Syrups , Mnlni-pes , Kiirxliuiii. Ptc. I'rcpfrvcn.
Jellli-s. IlaKliiK I'owiler , l-Jxtnicts. etc. Alee tin
cun n ml Juiianeil ware.
Car loail Biilpmcnls made In our own rffrle *
erator cnrs. niiic Itlubon , Ulltc Kxport , Vlcnnn
njport nnil Faintly Uxport delivered to all part *
ot the ctly.
I > : . \M < : COHMCH ivomcs.
Mnnufncturer of Onlvnnlzril Iron Cornices. ( Inl-
vanlzed Iron SltyllKhtn. Tin , Iroa nnd Wlato
UoolliiB. Aient for Klniieur'B Steel Cellini , ' .
10S-10-12 North Eleventh ptreet.
Iron nnil HraNN I > ' < innilrrn ,
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery. Oen-
trnl repairing a Feclalt > . 3501. 1E03 nnd 1001
Jackton street , Onialin Neb.
Mnnufiicturlnr nnd rcpalrlni ? of al kinds of
machinery , enfiincf. pumpc. elevators , I'rlntlnff '
presses. hnnKers. rhaftliiK nnd coujillnus , 140
and 140S Howard St. , Onmlin.
Mnnufacturers ot Arcliltectiuiil Iron Work.
General Foundry. Mnchlne und llliichhinltli work.
EHKlneers and Conlrnctorn for Fire I'roof Hullil-
Ing" . Olllcc nnd works : U. I' . lly. and Boutli
17th street. Oinnlia.
tl. ! ! . S IITll A : : < . ,
Mnnufuctiircni Idi-nl linind SlilrtH. Overnlln ,
Jiimperti , Lined Duclt CMothlnB. ImporlcrH urn !
iotl > ers Dry OoodH nnd Notions. Hiilirooim. .
1101-1107 llarney St. Factory 1102-110S Howard
.1 , 11. I3VA.VS.
ExcluBlvc cuktnm Mrl tnllon , 101i ! Furnam.
A SI 1-5 It ICAj VlA JVlA WK I .V < J C ( .
Awnliib-u. Tent , Hoiho Covers , Vlaga ami
I'aulliis. Tent > for rent. Hulerroom t < H Houtb
Blxtei-ntli Btieet. Telephone 40C.
U'OUKS , ir. l I-irniilil SI.
DyelnK and cluunliiK of Kurmcnls and K"oila ot
rvery iletcrl | < ilun. Cltunliif of linu fiirnuTila it
U'll.1,1AM l > l < 'l < : iKKKII.
For n eowl mili t.uillal vehicle ot any descrip
tion , for repiilnUnn or rnUlier tires tin new or uM
wheels , thu l > e t plucu In 27tli und Ieuvenwortu
1)111 MMO.M ) AHIIAii : CO.
Cheap , medium priced and tony carriages.
Any thine you wnnt. MTIIIII ] liaml or new.
Heudiiuarlers for ltnlil"T tires , warranted , Ittli
und Ilurney , uppuclte Court lluute.
1'MMI , J-ltl lloilMf.
Full line of Curnutn. liuvdes , 1'haetoni , I'ony
Carts. Wlictla rubber tiled. The bust U tha
M\SIKII on. .
\ VOOI1.M.MVSiii ; : ( HI , WOIIKS ,
ManufacturcrH old proci-HS raw llnneed oil ,
keltic boiled llnrrcd oil , old process Kround " "
st-tnl cuke , K' und und utTtt'iin ! flaxvenl for
ilrUKk-UU. OMAHA. NKli ,
A\VMX iS A.M >
. . niuis , .v < : o. ,
Mnnufactun-ra tenl > , UUIIIIK | . lar | > aulln , coy.
HB vl all klmU. MJK . lianneri und etrvaincra.
7UJ-700 H. Kill HI. . Oinaliu.
O.MAIIA 'l'i.NT AM ) lll'IIIIICIt CO. ,
(8ucci-ifir ( ! Omaha Tent und Awiilnir < "o. )
MunutaclurcTH tcnK , ownliiKi. Jotliem ludlcu *
and Kent" ' inacklntotliui , TcnU tor rcut
faroaia tit. ,