Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    TTTT ? fYMATTA T > ATT/V ,7ITN"R 53. 1 O7.
Ordinarily the Attend ADC 3 is Between
Three and Five Thousand.
Horn In IliifTntn In Scoiirc
AiiiiTlcini liiMltulc or Home-
oimtlij for i\iKinl- I
( Inn \oiir.
' A delegation of homeopathic physicians of
this state and Iowa lift for JJuffalo Mon
day afternoon to attend the annual meeting
< > f Ilic American Institute of Homeopathy ,
T.h CM will Uc In resslon In that city for one
wctk , commencing today. The particu
lar purpose of delegations IB to secure
for this city the 1898 mictlnK of th's ' body
Or W. II Hanchctt , chairman of a com
mittee of the N'ibrafika State Homeopathic
society that has In charge the securing of
the meeting , IB In charge of the Nebraska
OekRatlon This consists In addition to him
cf the following ph > lclan Iru O S
Wood , C O Sprngue , I' . C. Morlarty , H W
Council of this city. I ) V. Ilallcy of Lin
coln , 0 II Ntal of Knlln City , K. N. Lcake
of Fremont nnd n P Lang of York. The
Jowa delegation will assist the Nebraska" *
It Is made up of the follow IIIB Drs A I' .
Ilanrhott and I' . J Montgomery of Council
liluffx , George Ho > al of DCS Molina , James
CJIIehrlKt of Iowa City nnd C A. Copmvell of
Cedar Hiplil < * The delegation from this
state Is armed with Utters of Imitation from
the governor of the rtatc , the major of the
city the Tran ml Bl wlppl Exposition aseocl-
nllon , the Iloird of Trade the Commercial
club , the Knlghti of Ak-Par-Hen and mnny
prominent citizens.
Ir Hanchrtt stated before departure that
n strong effort would be made to M-CUIC the
gathering. but tint some dllllculty would
undoubtedly bo encountered from the fact
that as the nicctlnR was bclnk held In on
jastcrn cltv , the eastern doctors would be
In thr majority HP felt , however , that there
VVR9 a good prospect for success He and
other members of the homeopathic school
In thin cltv have been working by corre
spondence for some time with alcw to se
curing tin. support of other sections of the
H Is stated that the national body con
tains on Its rolls the names of some of tin ;
brightest , most scientific and eminent men
In the states and territories of this country
and of Canada Ordinarily the members are
attended by their families , so that the nt-
ttfndaiiLO Is between 3,000 and 5,000 It Is
anticipated that If the rallioads gl\e a one
fare rate to the exposition the meeting
would call to this city from r.,000 to 8,000
phjslclans and members of their families
OH VIIIMJ or iii.rrp TUCT ounminn
JXcculli c Committee ti- ( n Contract
for I'ri'iinrlinj I lie CroiiiKlN.
At a meeting of the executive committee
of the Transmlfslsalppl Exposition associa
tion , held yesterday forenoon , .Manager
Klrkcndall of the Department of Build
ings and Grounds was authorized to clo"o
a contract with Van Court & Wlun for the
grading of the bluff tract , cast of Sherman
avenue The contract Involves the removal
of about 15,000 cubic feet of earth and also
the plowing and leveling , Cash llros bid
] 0 cents a yard for the grading and $075
for the leveling ; Geotgo C Huse , 14 cents and
$325 , and Van Court & Winu , S4 cents and
After eomo discussion It was decided to
allow Homer Moore $50 toward bis expenses
to tbo national convention of music teachers
at New York , the amount to be returned In
ciho Mr. Moore failed to secure the 1S3S
convention for Omaha. Mr. Moore left for
New York last night.
Art for ( lip nxnoNltlon.
A number of the members of the Western
[ Art association met with some of the direc
tors of the
Transmlsblsslppl Exposition as
sociation at the Commercial club rooms jes-
terday afternoon to discuss art matters as
pertaining to the exposition. No conclusions ,
however , were reached and the meeting ad
journed , subject to the call of the chair.
Terrlblo Accident It 1s a terrible acci
dent to bo burned or scalded ; but the palu
ami agony nnd the frlttitful disfigurements
can bo quickly overcome wltuout. leaving a
ecar by using De Wltt'a witcii Hazel Salve
Via OIiJi'nKO , Milwaukee A. St. Paul Il'j
A long list of excursion points to which
round trip tickets will be Bold at greatly re
duced rates The conditions for summer
tourists were never more liberal than those
for this season Tor full Informatlo'n as to
r6utos , rates , limits , selling dates , etc ap
ply at the city ticket olllce , 1604 Farnam Bt
General Western agent.
' 7 Summer I'xcarHlonH
Ilomescckers eouth June 15. Nashville and
return every day , Cliuttanooga In July , To
ronto In July , Buffalo In August , and all the
eummer resorts of tbo east and BDUth. Call
at Wabcsh ofllc ; . 1415 Parnam etrett , or write
G. N. CLAYTON. Agent.
Court ftoli'iiHCN the KiiilorNwn.
Monday In Judge Scott's court a suit
In foreclosure was brought by Mury Tnylor
Hitchcock against Theresa JlcOrnth urn !
othern. Involving $10,000 worth of Omaha
property. Hnttle W. M Hirer nnd Otto
Muurer were made parties to the suit , ns
they were- endorsers upon the paper held
liy Mis IlitchcoLk In lliu suit biought
they were held jointly liable for the P.IJ-
ineiit of the mortgage- with the signer.
Attoiney Shoemaker , who appeared for the
Maiirera , raised n point of demurrer thai
the ( .mint-fern could not be In-Jil lluhk' upon
demand foi the payment of the note unlcu
It WHS lugularly pi on sled for nonpayment
by u notnry Judge Scott utter coiwldeni-
tlon sustained the point and released the
llaurers as nineties.
Ciii-Ntx of M. C. IV rr ,
Ill honor of E C Howe , manager of all of
tinOxnaid beet sugar faelories , and W. 8
I'lmloncr , uionnger of the Norfolk beet
wigur factor } . M O. Peters tjuvo a. dinner
jiMerdiiy at the HciiHmw In the Inteicst of
Ni'bnitku iminufnctureia nnd tin- exposition
Those prtv-cnt wcro : E O. Howe , New
York , W. S. PiirdontT , Noifolk , A D
J'etiM , St LoulB , nnd E Hosewater. 13. E
Jlruce , John 8. Hiiuly , C1 II 1'lcUenn , A. J
VlerlltiB. W C. IveH , Walter S Juidlne
O , C Holmes , W U. llennctl , P. Cava-
ruuiKh , E H Siinigue , Oscar Allen Ail-
flreMse'j wcio ddlvered b > E Hobowater ,
U. ' . ; llruco , E. C , Howe nnd W. S
lluriii-il by niiNfillao Siiliilinr ,
Mrs , Jt-na KrederltKbon of 2JOU Seward
Btreet sustained some scvrto burns on her
onus nnrt fuco jostcrday momlng tta n rc-
euU of the Ignition of Basollnu sulphur ,
vllh which she wus fumlijatltiK the house !
The house vvns wt on lire , but the llimes
\vtro cxtlnguUheil with a nomliml loss ,
, 'J'he accident occurred at about 'J JO o'clock
, blotclirt , b' cklicad , rcil , rough , olljr ,
roolhy Vln , Itclilug calj tcalp , dr > , tliln , and
( tllne h 'r ' , nd UaVy tlfinUhfi pruentiJ by
Ctrricuiu SOAP the mo t cfftcllvo ikln purify.
Ingsnd teautlfjIngeoaplD Uic world n wcllai
tand inccUit for toilet , latli , and nuncry.
I'rrllnilnnr ) llrnrliiK lt < * lnir Ctin
Mi-fore . .JnclKiOnrilnn. .
The preliminary hearing of Henry Saun-
ilers , the nesro charscd with having com
mitted a criminal ansault upon Mrs. Annn
Itaveim , a while woman , on the night of
Tuesday , Juno 15 , was begun In police court
jcaterday morning.
Mrs. Havens , the complaining witness ,
Ilcrthcl D Havens , and the defendant were
the principal witnesses called during the
day Snumlcrs was still on ( he stand when
court adjourned last evening till 2 o'clock
this afternoon.
The testimony given by Mrs. Hnvcns was
substantially as fine gave the story at the
lime of the orrcsthlch was that she had
liccn dragged forcibly by the negro , and Hint
lie afterward ran away when her hlisban 1
put In an appearance Htr testimony was
substantiated by her husband In many of
tlio Important particulars.
Saundcr , the defendant , testified that his
conduct was In fulfillment of an agreement
made between them , and that the huMiand
had full knowledge of what was going on
Ho testified to having met them a number
of times , that the Inst time ho saw them
previous to his arrest they had parted on
friendly terms and tip promised to get some
monev to bring to the Haven't woman His
examination will bo continued this after
lr I'reda Lankton and City I'hjslclan
Spauldlng testified as to the condition of
Mrs Havens at the time the arrest was
made , and Sergeant Her al j added a few-
words to the details of the case.
Hunk Slock for Snlo.
Way below par. See want column. 25
shares Union National bank Block.
Satn'l Hums is offering 10 per cent off
all whlto china this wtik new lot Just
The Young Men's Hepubllcan club of Omsl'a
will meet Thursday night , Juno 24 , at 523
New York Llfo building , for the annual elec
tion of ofllccrs and for the purpose of select
ing delegates to the State league. Charles
E. Winter , President.
11 ll ( Til I it , \ < T > Vcirk , IloMtmi
and New England points are reached In the
moat comfortable manner via the Lake Shore
and Michigan Southern railway The sum
mer train service via this line affords mornIng -
Ing , afternoon and evening trains from Clil-
cjgo nt convenient hours , a compute 8 hcdiilo
of which will be furn'shcd on. application.
Tourists tlcketa to the many cool and de
lightful resorts ot the cast , Including Cliau- lake , are now on sale A handsome
Illustrated Tourist Uook , allowing routes and
rates to tluee polntb , will be sent free on rc-
( jueit. If you contemplate nn eastern trip
this summer the printed matter referred to
will be of Intercut Addrtcs D. r. Hum
phrey. T. 1' . A. , Kansas City , Mo ; or C.
K. Wllbcr , A. G. P. A . Chlcaso.
Tor < lic > AValulsli ,
Commencing Sunday , June 13. the Wobash ,
by lease ot the Grand Trunk ( Great Western
division ) , , will extend Us line from Detroit lo
Buffalo , running Its own trains solid from
Buffalo and New York , St. Loula
to Niagara Tails nnd Buffalo , with
Wagner sleeping cars from Chicago nnd
St Louis to Now York and Boston. AH
trains run via Niagara Tails , with privilege
of stopping over on nil classes of tickets.
Tor tickets and
further Information or a
copy of "To the La'to Kesorts and Hcvond , "
call on any agent of connecting lines , or at
Wnbash office 1415 Farnam street ( Paxton
Hotel block , or write. G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. Agent. Omaha , Neb.
Acvt llniitv.
Commencing Sunday June 13 , the Union Pa.
clfic will Inaugurate Through Tourist Car
Service between Omaha and Portland , Oregon
gen and Washington points via Union Pacific
and Southern Pacific rallvvajs , thereby giv
ing passengers the benefit of two tourist
routes via Ogden to Portland. This route
will take thPin up through the beautiful
Sacramento Valley , disclosing all the notable
features along the Shasta route , from Sacra
Kor ratca , time table and full Information
call at Ctly Ticket Ollice , No. 1302 Parnam
UAMSII llIlOTULMtllOOU M > . 1 ,
firnml I'lciilu nt Illnlr ,
Juno 27. Train leaves Webster street depot
at 9 30 a. m. , returning the same evening.
Tare , COc round trip. Music , games , races ,
lefrcthmenta. Secure tickets at the depot.
Ilnllrnnil llntr * .
Halt faro JIG 10 to Dakota Hot Springs and
return June 25.
You inn ; think It Is hot at Hot Springs
not so , not so
It li delightfully cool there ( Hot Springs
Is 3 500 feet up In the mountains , with air
like crystal , laden with the odor of a million
pines ) . The laigcsf plunge baths In America
are there , supplied with magnetic healing
waters , whore overheated and worn out
human frames are quickly renovated and re
paired. Call at the city office , 1101 Karnam
sticet , 01 Webster depot. It Is only a short
run there. Omaha 3 o'clock p. m. Hot
Springs for breakfast.
I liloll 1'iirlllc
haa been selected by the Nebraska Christian
Endeavor committee aa the OFFICIAL
ROUTE for the Y. P. S. C. E. convention
San Tranclsco , July 7-12.
Special excuralon train , rorslstlng of Pull
man 1'ulaco Sleepers , Pullman To in 1st Sleep
ere , Chair Cars , will leave Omaha Wednes
day , Juno 30 , at 3 30 p. m.
Kor Sleeping Car reservations and full
Information regarding this excursion call at
nnt > i > e Kuroiie.
A pereonall } conducted party cf touchers
and friends this summer Low rates , Kx-
cluslve. Northwestern Line. HOI Farnam St
> ? i.r)0 CAMKOIIM.V
Yin I In- . < < nliIIMC of the AVorlil.
The Rock Island Route will run a special
train of Pullman Standard Sleepers and Pull
man Tourist Cars through to San Francisco
on the following schedule *
LIMVO- Omaha 0 00 p m Tuesday , Juno 21
Leave Llnioln 7M5 p in , Tuesday , June 29.
Leave Full but y 0 45 p m Tuesday , June 21) )
Alliving Colorado Springs next morning at
10 o'clock.
Wednefcday and Thursday , Juno 30 , and
July I , will bo spent at Colorado Springs ,
Manltou and other fccenlc points In Colorado
Saturday and Sunday , July 3 and 4 , the
train will remain nt Salt Lak ? City , leaving
enrly Monday morning and arriving at San
Francisco on the morning of July C
Rrineiubcr thlb will bo the enl ) special
train that will flop over two clajs In Cole
rado. Tor further Information and sleeping
car reservations call at City Ticket Olllce ,
1,123 Faruani street , or address C. A. HuUiur-
fold , G. A. P. I ) , Omaha.
Ill-nidi of I'rt'Nlili'iit Clark Sulil to | | ( .
Iniiro | > limr.
Piesldent S. H H Clark of the Union Pa
cific Is Improving , and on Sunday afternoon
for the llrst time was able to discuss mat
ters In connection with the Shoit Line dif
ficult ) General Manager Dickinson and
General Solicitor Kelly of the Union Pacific
went to New Yoik via St. Louis , The ) dined
with President Clark on Sumtav. and spent
thci rest of the da > In the consideration of
the problems biougut out bj the unimpeded
hostile attitude of the Oiegon Short Line
Thetc ofllcbla learned ino opinion of the
president on the situation , and tlulr actions
at thi > coining conference with the otncern
dlnctort , and olllcUUs of the Short Line will
represent President Clark's pcibonal vlewn
The New York conference 111 open to-
da > but no one cans 10 venture an
opinion on Its probable tetinitiation Whether
tliii I'nton 1'aclfit and the Short Line rail-
wajs can makw .allffadorj tralflc agr cnients
depends ciitlieb on tills mating of tinexecu
tive olllrers of the two lines ,
Don't neglect a i-ousU Drcaute tbt we Uer
l phasant le'ortshe next * t'i-ii roll
rouud It ii a ) dmlop Into a eji.s dllll
culty be > und ropzir Ouu Minute Cou 'j
Cure Is < a y to UKu and will do what Iti
iuniv > Iniplle * ,
Every Member Present for the First Time
Since the Organization ,
Concurrent KcNolutlonM Adopted In-
> lttn 7 ( iriitid liodKLof 13lltN mill
Antlonul ndncalloii ASHU-
j vliitlon to Oiniiliii. , | . |
Tor the first time since the new city council
was organized theie was a full council pres
ent at the regular meeting last night. Mer
cer wna In his seat for tSie first time after
his long Illness nnd ho was accompanied
by his usual supplj of resolutions for elec
tric llghto In the Ninth ward. A big grist of
business wnw dispatched In quick order.
The following concurrent resolution was
Introduced by Ucchcl and unanimously
Resolved , Thnt n cordial Invitation be nnd
hereby li extended to the grand lodge of
the Itcncvolint and Protective Order of
Hlks to hold the no\t annual rmetlng of
the grand lodge nnd reunion of the order
In Omaha In IV'S , nnd that the city cleric
trniiKinlt to said grand lodge through the
duly elected icpresentatlves of ( Jmnhii
lodge , No S'i , a eel tilled copy of this resolu
tion of Invitation.
The Advisory board transmitted the docu
ments relative to the complaints of the po
lice department that the ( ollce judge fal ed to
co-operate In the enforcement of the ordi
nances relative to nuisances and asked the
council to make an Investigation. The com
munication was referred to the committee
on street improvements and thu cltj attor
I'ho petition for repaying Cumlng street ,
which was referred to City Engineer Hose-
water at a previous meeting , was returned
with the Information that It was signed b >
people who vvcro not property owners on the
street , and wad evidently IntcndoJ to secure
the pavement at the expense of the city at
large. The whole matter was placed on
Building Inspector Duller asked the coun
cil to provide him with nil assistant. He
stated that more building was In progress
In the cltv at this tlma than had been done
In the three previous > t'ir.s combined , and
so much of his time was occupied by the
additional duties of a member of the Doird
of Public Works that he was unable to give
It the attention It required. Referred to
public property and buildings.
A concurrent resolution by Karr , entend-
Ing an Invitation to the National Educational
association to hold Its li > ! ) S eonvcntlon In
this cllj was adopted.
A resolution by Dlnglum , provided that
hereafter no petitions for opening , extend
ing or grading streets or change ot grade bo
received unices they arc1 accompanied bv a
cash deposit ot $25 , or a certified check for
that amount , to pay the costs of appraise
ment , and that no flnal report ot the ap-
pralsera should bo received until the re
mainder of the expense Incurred had been
paid The resolution nlso repealed the reso
lution passed In 1S93 , by which a bond wau
lequlred Instead of cash. It was adopted.
Thu committee on street Improvements
returned a favorable report on the recom
mendation of the Boaid ot Park Commis
sioners that thlitccn acres of land north of
Hlvcrvlovv park be condemned and appro
priated for park purposes. The report was
adopted and the ordinance providing for the
condemnation was Introduced and referred
The ordinance providing for macadam on
Thirtieth street , fiom Tort street to the
city limits , was placed on file. So was the
ordinance providing for an , assistant building
A committee report was also adopted by
which the managers of the Charles street
bicycle park wpre ordered to tear down the
fcnco at once. This was the result of a
protest from property ownera When the
park was used as a ball park the lessees
vvcro given permission to use a part of
Charles street , and now the property ownern
demand that the obstruction shall bo re-
mov ed.
An ordinance providing for paving Daven
port street , from Thlrtj-eighth avenue to
Thirty-ninth street was Introduced by Mer
cer and referred
The Union Pacific railroad was granted the
right to construct a spur from Tenth and
Jonea streets west to Twelfth street.
Mr. Bcchel was granted a leave ot absence
to July 10.
Itnilroiid IloiirfMfiMatlv OH Hustling for
nmlrnior ItiiMiuoNN.
The passenger rate situation In the Omaha
ticket market seems to bo much im-
provi d from the railroad standpoint. The
little flurry .Monday caused by a rumor that
the Hock Island had cut the Clnlstlan En
dcavor rate from $22 50 to | JO 50 has en
tirely subsided , and nothing but rcgulai
rates are talked of. All the western toads
are watching each other very closely , and It
IK r > alil that another break like that of Mon-
da > may not be remedied so quickly.
It Is an atmircd faet that there I going
to bo a Urge amount of travel to the Pacific
coast on the Endeavor rates. The tleketa are
not good for we until Tuesday next , but al
ready many delegations are arranging their
entire trips. Tbo Burlington , the Union Pa
cific and the Hock Island arc waging a keen
contest for the business. The Burlington has
secured the Iowa ptate delegation except the
Dca Molnrs local poclsty , which will go via
the Rock Island. The Union Pacific haa
been declared the official route by the Ne
braska state society , but the Omaha local
society has selected the Burlington as Its
official route. The result of these conflicts
between t'tate and local societies , which have
selected different olficlil routes , Is that the
buslnctti Is likely to be pretty well divided.
Beccham's Pills cure sick headache.
I'or I , 'HK tliuii Half HatcH.
Juno 29 , 30. July 1. 2 and 3 , via the Hock
[ bland loute Special train of standaid
ilccpeis and tourlbt earn will leave Omaha
at 0 p in , June 29 , and run to San Fran
cisco without change
Tluough tourlbt earn will also bo attaehc'1
to icgular trains on above dates.
Ilate , Omaha to San Francisco only J22 60
Per fuithcr Information and Bleeping car
re&crvatloiiH call at city tleket office , 1323
Parnam street.
nitli 11181111111(711 Woman anil
IH Wliliuicil.
L B Cole , -112 South Eighteenth street. Is
a victim of a casj of mistaken Identity , ac
cording to t tale which he related to the
pollen jcElciday.
Cole btated that ho wa on his way home
from work Monday night , and when ho
leached Eleventh and Harnoy Btrceta at 0,0
o'clock , ho met a man who was a stiangcr to
him The Individual bcked him by the
shouldei , whirled him about and Htruik him
scvcial times In the face , saying excitedly
In the meanwhile
'The woman whom > oti Insulted la my
wife. "
When Cole picked himself up after this
brief In crvlew ho found that one of hta jaws
was broken and hit * c-jcs were well battered
The etianger who Mrurk him has disap
Cole i > as Hint he Insulted no woman , lln
dcecribr-H Ms spjallant as being of medium
height and drroeed In light clothing
CIIKC f.oi'K Out of Court
In police court Monday afternoon the
ciso of child stealing against Juno K-iwIess
was dismissed. Tills VVIIH the case tiled by
John H anlan on Ma > " 'J , .Mrs. Lawleps
tan au i > with u , ! - > tai-olil girl , Ethil
HrlriMiiuiil , the duughttr of it so'idltr ut
I'\ut ICeogh. Bcanlan uvkid to ha appointed
guaiillun foi the iblld uiul la pi event this
Mr * MwliiU cat pu9itKlon of thu Hit a
cmc nnd took It lo her homo at O'Neill
The father later \\int to O'Neill and KQt
the < hllil In vleu of IhU condition of the
C.IHL II u cane witM dlamlt cd Mrx. J..ilets
was ne'vcr nnoblt-d
"Thc > JH dandur talil Ttios , [ Sewers , ,
hr Crocket 'Irxav , EotfTpii.e ! whllu wilt
tug about Uo tYltt'it I. title Early Riser *
llit famous little p'tls fpr M > rk Leadacbp and
J fcorUcru ot tUe Gtoinacb and liver.
> ' ' art the ( IrralPKt Will * I
Sale 12er lltilll In the Went.
The entire shirt * ! slock of V. Henry
Rothschild & Co. , Nc v York , known as the
Stanley waist , bought by us at one-half
All the fiOc and 7St walnls. Me.
All the $1 00 andlM.CS waists , BOc.
All the $160 and $175 waists , 76c.
All the wrappers left from last week's
great ealo will bo otd Wednesday nt 39c
and 75c. HAYDEN BROS.
Vlll ItOl'lt iNlllllll Il0lll ' .
California $2250 , Juno 29 , 30. July 1 , 2
and 3
Denver $1 00 , June 20 , 30 , July 1 , 2 and 3
Colorado Springs $9 00 , Juno 29 , 80 , July
1 , 'i and 3
Pueblo $0 00 , Juno 29 , 30 , July 1 , 2 and 3.
Salt Iako City $10 CO , Juno 29 , 30 , July 1 ,
2 and 3.
Ogdcn $1C GO , Juno 29 , 30 , July 1 , 2 and 3.
Milwaukee and return $16.75 , July 3 , 4 ,
and n
Minneapolis and return $11.55 , July 4 and
Salt Like City and return $30 00 , July 9 ,
10 , 17 and 18.
Toronto and return $25.15 , July 12 and 13.
Detroit and return $20 GOi July 10 , 11 and
Chattanooga and return $22.85 , July 12 ,
13 and 11
Lake Chautaqlia , N. Y. , and return $24.70 ,
July 10 and 11
Reduced rates to all summer resorts ; call
at city ticket olllce , 1323 Karnam street.
Summer i\ciirNlon llullcllii.
California $2250 , Juno 29 , 30 , July 1. 2 , 3.
Denver $900 , June 29 , 30 , July 1 , 2. 3.
Coloiado Springs $900 , Juno 29 , 30 , July
i n * j
Pueblo $9 00 , Juno 29 , 30 , July 1 , 2 , 3.
Salt Lake City $1C 50 , June 29 , 30. July
1. 2 , 3.
Toronto and return $25 IB , July 12 , 11.
Milwaukee and return $1G 75 , July 3I. . G.
Detroit and retuin $20.BO , BOO ticket
Equally low rates to many other points.
Call or write J. H Rcjnolds. city passenger
agent , 1502 Karnam stiect.
IMtlNfclllllN CU < > I'l | llltU- | .
Mrs E S Dumly , r , rpcc-lved word jes-
tenlny that her daughter , Mis. Luna Dumly
Newman of liayonnc , N. J. , had been pio-
nounccil beyond recovei.v by her iiliyslclinH
Mrs Dundy retmned from the home of her
daughter n few da.\H ngo , the condition of
the patient at Hint tlmo being mch ns to
warrant the belief that she ivvou'd recover
Mr Duni ] > . sr , nnd Mr and Mrs n S
Dund > . jt , left In the afternoon for the bed-
"ido of the diuphter and sister. Miss Hut
Dundy Is still with her sister.
Will Ilr tNslKiiril 'Next Moutli.
The two blcjcle policemen whom the
Tire and Police Board night ordered on
permanent duty from noon to midnight
dallv. to regulate scoichers nnd other
blcvclo rldeis , will not be Delected and as
signed to this duty until the first of next
month. In the meanwhile- Officers Baldwin
and Unrnes will be occ.iblomlly detailed for
the work.
M. X. Davis of Cincinnati Is at the Mll-
J II. Djko of Kansas City Is at the
Stat" .
J. D. Taft of Providence , R. I. , Is at the
J. M. Thompklns of Lincoln Is , at the Hotel
C H Fitzgerald -Kansas City Is at the
P. II. Jackson df Boston Is registered at
the Mlllard.
C. r. Mlley andnvlfe of DCS Molncs arc at
the Mlllard.
John Patrick Icift yesterday for a short
western trip
Lulo Malone of Brownvllle i Is registered
at the Barker.
E T. Graham of Crcston , Neb , is at the
Hotel BiunbWlek.
IK. . Harris Is registered at the Mlllard
from Ashland , O.
"W. M Skinner of Hamilton , O. , Is at the
Hotel Brunswick.
W. H. Cundcv and D Posner of Denver
arc at the Mlllard.
r. II. Barclav of Cambria , Wyo , Is stop
ping at the. Barker.
George McNutt of Kansas City Is ston-
ping at the Mlllard.
G W. McCabe of Chatsworth , 111 , Is stop-
Iilnz at the Mlllard
Peter Younger of Geneva is registered at
the Hotel Brunswick
J. II. Kldd of Red Oak , la. , is stopping
at the Hotel Bruiibwlck.
Mrs V Scott of Lincoln Is In the cltj
and stopping at the Mlllard
J D. Mevrlam ot St. Paul. Minn , Is stop
ping at the Hotel Brunswick.
J W. McBrldo of S > racuse. N. Y. , Is regis
tered at the Hotel Brunswick
Mrs M MeCullange of Coin , la , Is stop
ping at the Hotel Brunswick.
A Shllllnglaw has gone to Chicago to
vlolt friends and relatives for a fortnight.
K.V. . Low cry left last evening for Den
ver , where he will remain on business for a
few days
C E Carleton and wife and Mr A G
Tyerman are Chicago arrivals stopping at
the Barker.
Judge George W. Post of York , chairman
of the republican state central committee , le
In the city.
N. Trimble , West Point , and B A. Ebcr-
solc , Fremont , are Nebraska arrivals stop
ping at the State
General Superintendent P. J. Nichols of
the Union Pacific left last evening on a tour
of Inspection over the eouthcin lines of the
I' . E Lewis of the commissary department
of the Pullman company , who has been In
the city for a short period , left for Chicago
George Barnes , Newton ; David Wlltfan ,
Glenwood ; 0 C Shcaffe'r , Randolph , and Al
It. Neff , Bayard , are icglsteicd at the State
from Iowa
Chailes C. Rosewater left for a brief east
ern trip last evening WIMlo east be will
wltne s the Intercollegiate boat laces at
Rev T. J , Mackay haa gene to Boston In
order to Join his son , who is In college
Later the two will pass the summer at re-
Bortb In Michigan.
Mrs J I ) . Weaver , accompanied by her
daughter. Miss May 'Weaver , left last even
ing for Terre If nil to , Ind , where they will
visit relatives for a 4nonti. !
Rev Thomas Ji/Macka > , rector ot All
Saints' Protestant Episcopal church , leaves
for Boston this afnrnoon. He. will tpeiul
his summer vacation in Nuw England
Herman Rohcn/sw elg , formerly of this cltj
and a dcput ) under ex-Sheriff Drexel , but
now e-ditor and owner ot a paper ut Butte.
City , Mo/a , Ls In Qtndha visiting frlemlrt.
8 B McConico and M. J. Rolen of the
Wagner Palace Cin companj , with head-
quaitors In Now "York City left last night
for Denver after a < short stay in this cjtj
P. H Thurber editor of the American
Grocer of New Yorlt jxisged through the city
vtsterday on bis w ay to llallej , Idaho , where
he will visit his brother , II K Thmhcr , who
Is Intel ctitcd In Home mining pioperty out
Homer Moore left i last evening for New
York Cltj to attend tbo annual convention
of the National Axsoclutlon of Music Toach-
tre He will make an effort to have the
next convention located In Omaha during
the TransmlKslsslppI Exposition jear
Mrs C T Wllklns. wlfo of Cashier Wll-
kins of the Pullman company , accompanied
by htr daughters Misses Grace and Mice
Wllklns , and slater , Mls E. Steven : * , left
Sunday afternoon for Boston They will
spend the season at different summer le-
soita , returning to Omaha about .Septem
ber 10.
Pr A W P Rothcrmal , mining engineer ,
a stopp'ng ' at the Merchant * . It > \ s ho whg
firbt p r dieted with certalut ) that tin1
Raged Top dlstrlcl , Hlack Hll'n , wsu d p eve
-cl | > In go'd The doctor has located man )
, alng properties and ho 63)6 there arc
millions ) tt to be made In the Black Hills
The doctor U on his uaj to the Illlla
NcbrasKans ct the hotels N W Paisans.
Alnt'vorth ; Adam Foeritw end W E Orr
Nlobrara M N ConoverVawie T AcK
c-man. Stanton , JrliM C Watson mil 8 G
Hutchlnson. Nebraska Cl'j , Theo Hcim-n
and Thco P Kcch Fu lrt"n , Thomas II
Bentou , Lincoln , r C Follctt , Hastings.
I.N TIII : iiMtivin : COIHT.
li > Alrmbprn of A err 1'lre
nnd I'oll < , > CommliiNloii.
The answer of the members of the Board
of Flro and Police Commissioners In the
quo warranto proceedings brought In the
supreme court by the members ot the old
board , IIRS been filed at Lincoln. It recites
In detail the legislation by which the pres
ent board wag created and the facts relative
to the .appointment and qualification ot the
The answer sets up ( allegation that the
respondents took no forcible possession of
the office to which they were Appointed , and
that the relaters arc now estopped from
setting up any claim or title to the office.
U Is asserted that H fi Palmer Is e pcclally
estopped for the reason that he has since re
ceived and accepted an appolntmrnt as park
commissioner , and Is now discharging his
duties as a member of the board It Is alco
ui god that P. W Blrkhauscr never legally
quillflcil as a member ot the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners , In that he did
not take thq oath of office , as required by
law It Is asserted that he refused to take
thn oath that he would support the consti
tution of the United Statts and the consti
tution ot the state ot Nebraska , and only
averred that ho would faithfully and fully
discharge the duties ot fire nnd police com-
mls'loner. The respondents submit that this
was not a full qualification according to
the law. /
_ _
Not only piles of the very worst kind can
bo cured by Do Witt's Witch llarel Silve.
but cC7cma , sculds , burns , bruises , bolls , ul
cers and all otacr skin troubles can be tu-
stantly relieved by the same remedy.
AII ) OK Tim uistiors IMIOMIMI > .
AVIH Trj lo SPPIIPP I2in | rtli 1
At the mooting of the evxnitlve committee
of ( ho Commc.clal club vcs'c day C. r Weller
announced that ho hod received letters from
Bishops Newman and Nlnde , In which they
promltod to use all their influence to bring
the national convention of the Kpworth
league to Omaha In 1S91) Mr. Wcllcr said
these vvcro the most Influential bishops In
the church , and theli friendship for Omaha
was a ntrong card In favor of securing the
Congressman Towler'e tariff commlralou
bill was brought up for consideration by the
club , but action was postponed for ono week
A proposition from the proprietor of a
hot water hcHIng plant to move hli business
to this city was read Ho claims to have
$40,000 Invested In the business , and emplovs
forty men. Secretary Utt was Instructed to
communicate with him further.
Samuel IJurna was elected a member ot the
Permits to wed have been l" 3ucd to the
following parties bv the county Judge : .
Name nnd Residence. A
Ole O. Cngeii , Mooiehend , In
I Hilda Moen , Omaha 2 !
Isnel Anderson , Omaha 2' '
Antlnu Nelson. Omaha T
Je = = e 13 Jcannln , Omaha 2f
Marie Tabert , Wiucoma , la 2
Hirry C Cornfoith , Omaha - ' .
Mary Ilynn , Omaha 2
< : t'H I2utniiKlpdilth a Dunlins.
n "ttavmlre was taken with n sudden flt
of dlZ7lnc s last evening while standing In
fiont ot the Mi llt Clothing store , neai
Thirteenth nnd Tarnain streets He foi
apnlnst a dummy which wa ° standing it
fiont , nnd the two engaged in nn Im
promptu wrestling match foi a couple ol
minutes At the end of the first round
Wavmlro KO > an under hold on the dummv
nnd hurled It through one of the windows
lie was the" arrested for malicious de
struction of property.
Cll > MnUcH the Iti
At a "pedal meeting of the Board of
Public Works this afternoon the contract
for supporting the walls of the Klngniar
bulldliiK nt Tenth and Mn = oi ! "treets vva >
let to II. W Barnum for $4W The contract
foi putting in the concrete foundation vvns
awarded to A Schall , t Co , at figure1-
which make the cobt slightly over $700
This is the work rendered necessnrj
to save the Kinsman building from dam
age by reabon of grading the alley In the
lto > 1 < > MnUcN n Cntcli.
Court Ofi'iccr Boyle Monday returned
from a ten dajs' outing at McCook lake ,
South Dakota , where * he and his wife
formed a portion of a pirty of fourteen
cnmpeis , the majority of whom wore resi
dents of Sioux Clt ) . The party had not
only nn enjoyable time , but had great > nort
In pulling the finny inhabitants of the lake
to the Mil face In the ten divs four mem
bers of the party enptuud 3 < n fish , 3.33 . of
which were hooked by Officer Bojlc.
Hop rii'inl Arri'Klcd for StiMillnn' .
J K Graham was arrested Hst evening
while attempting to make way with a bolt
of cloth f lorn the btore of S Alortenson , 401
North Sixteenth Btre t. When searched at
the ctatlon a number of expensive silk
ImndkcrchlefB , which are supposed to have
been stolen , were found upon him Oriham
I' a. confirmed opium fiend , and it Is prob-
ible that ho will bo placed under a physi
cian's care until his nerves are biought tea
a normal condition
i.ocvi , iiitm rnis.
Frank Blosky has been arrested for as
saulting Henry Slater. Both parties live
near Tenth and Howard streets.
City Treasurer Edwards has received $31-
252 GO In cancelled bonds and coupons from
New York These represent the Interest
obligations which were redeemed June 1.
Luke iMalonc of Brownvllle was arraigned
before Judge Hunger yesterday on an
Indictment for selling liquor without a gov
ernment license. He pleaded guilty and wee
fined $10 and ccets
A Andrews , a porter for a downtown es
tablishment , was arrested yesterday for
sweeping refu > o Irani n stoic Into the guttet
FranJc Wlglngton was arrested a few days
ago on a similar charge
The Richardson Diug company has secured
the contiact for furnishing drugs , for the In
dian bcrvl'-o for the next ) ear This Is the
tecoml tlmo the firm haa secured this con
tract , having bid against drug houses In Chi
'Ihonias I1 Burke a blacksmith who as
saulted and cut Robert Smith on the Toil
Crook reservation , had a preliminary exami
nation before Commlbsloner Dundy yester
day ami wan bound over to the federal
grand jury In $1,000 bonds
Chris Sorensen , chaigcd with arsaultlng an
old man , Sorensen , with Intent to do great
bodll ) Injury , wa. ) discharged In police court
Monday afternoon , but was fined $5 and
co.itM on the chargeat assault and Mattery.
Sorcnton was quite badly Injured
Thu municipal court Is now In active opera
tion lite llrfat cagu tried wen that In which
Charles Wnlte sued E I ) Meadlmbcr for the
pcssetslrm of the property occupied by the
defendant as a carriage factor ) The cate
was tried by Judge Maguey and a verdict was
rendered In favor of the plaintiff
Burglais Monday effected an entrance
Into the establishment of L M Leslie 411
South Eleventh street , by breaking the Iron
covering In the front door They broke
open the money drawer , but ceciircd nothing ,
as It was empty No further attempt to
steal anthing was apparent ! ) made
Horace B Sareon , formerly captain In the
Second Infantry at Port Omaha and now on
the retired roll of the United States army Is
dangerously 111 at his home In this city He
has been aflllctcd with an ailment of the
utomich for several months past , and yehtcr-
duy Ills condition was regarded as ciitlcal
Half a dozen officers Mmday swooped
down upon a gang that was iilEpo ing of
the contents of a betr keg at Seventeenth
and Nicholas streets The following were
arrested and charged with disturbing the
peace Tom It ) an , R J Iten K Woods
I'a nlu Lee , Bertha Wilson , G Price , Prank
Mcjers and Joe Hardy
The executive committee of the exprcjltion
atsoclatlon will meet the Board of County
Comtr.Uslonere at the Commercial club roonin
at noo'i today to discuss the question of
vutlng $100.000 of bonds In aid of the expo-
salon and according to the term * of the act
patted by the last leglilature , which au
thorised the t aiibactlon
Djvld Van Etteti was arreuted on the
charge of furgtiy ) C.uoidjy , wss ar
raigned and pleaded not guilty The In
formation Is Av.orn lo by John Planlgan
who alleges ( hat the attorney forged his
name and thai of his nlfe to a promissory
note for $512 CO. dated March 2G , 1SS9 Tnu
case la an outgrowth of a civil suit.
Take tlco , Juno 19 , ' 07 ,
Things Tor f > 5 cents wo ncll
\Vhlto MUCH Duck
Panti. Nobody
wenM 'oin
CooL greou.
Take an umbrella , Take a fan. Take a frozen *
fosfate. Take an ice cream , Take a pair of
You know white linen pants , Take anything1 that is cool
> what tu without being uncomfortable , good without being-
, tnke. expensive , and it doesn't take long for sweltering
humanity to find out where it can be had at the
i They right price. Two weeks ago we had five hundred
incltul . linen crash suits of various kinds and today we
n \vny.
haven't got one. We sold 'em at $2.00 and $2,50
1'eoplo a suit , while other stores were trying1 to get from
cunio $3.50 to $4 75. Result : we sold all of ours in four
carrltiges working1 days and we disappointed hundreds of
them. for people who came to buy some more. We'll have
another lot of 'em in a few days. They may be
Thc o here tomorrow , or even today. In the meantime
lasting- nro we are still selling those sp'cndid navy blue chev
cool iot coats at $1.90 , and those elegant vicuna
cheap. featherweight coats and vests at $2.25 and $2.75.
These are as big values as the crash suits at $2.00
and if other stores ask you $4 oo to $5.00 for the
same quality , don't get excited take things cool.
The Only House
in America
That handles all the high grade pianos-
The Big Stein way ,
4 Knabe
and Fischer.
We also have a very large and fine selected stock
of Smith & Barnes , Vose < SSons , Emerson ,
Ivers & Pond and a dozen or more diffecent
To reduce onr larjjo stock we are still making extremely
low prices. New pianos at $1.'K > . 8117 , 81.)3. $18 , ) , $200 ,
? 215 and S2.15 , up to the price of the best pianos niado.
Manufaetmorfa' ' guarantee with every pjano.
New Pianos for Hayden Bros.
Others maize prices but
A coinrmrison of pianos and values will convince the most skeptical
that our prices are absolutely hclow competition. Wo are
the only authorised agents for
Ivers & Pond , Vose & Sons and Emerson
piano. Depatlinent stores eannot furnish a factory frtmuuitec. Special
prices on Chickorincr , Fibdior and Smith & Barnes pianos
Second hand pianos as knv as $12.
New upright , largest si o. Uaston Rolling Fall Board $115.
105. South Fifteenth Street ) A. C. .MUKLLIJK. THIIBITel. . 102S
They euro every case , NKVKK 1'AIt. ; they dcvcloji tlio HIl/iIN and NKIIVHS , pro
ducing llcsh on tlio body and nut spoiling the stomach , as most inmliclnes will do. We
prepare bpeclally for every catc.Vrlto for particulars. 7UHKISII CAI'SUUi:3 : will
euro any ailment or weakncEs caused by helf-ttbuBo. ando mean It Wo will develop
and strengthen the woiet case or 3UXOAL WEAKNESS or SEXUAL LOSS , make anew
now man of you. or REFUND VOUIl MONEY. Don't be humbiiKBcil , BB HO never
fall to euro. $1 00 box by mall. 1'iala wripper. HAIIN'S I'HAHMACY ,
18th and Tarnam Sta , Omaha N l .
On a red hot
day Hires
stands be2
tween you
tressing effects
fects of the heat. '
cools the blood ,
tonesi the btoni-
nch , invigorates
the body , fully
satisfies the thirst.
A delicious.spark-
ling , temperance
drink of the high
est medicinal value.
> u < it ooir tj
Ttl Cl Itlti r Him Co , Pbl ! .
piekiZf roltfl i
Green Sw a 'J'urtl Soup f
k Tod.iy at .M T
. * - as * - -
The Soft Glow of the Tea Rose
IB acquired by ladlta who use I'oztowi's
rowntit Try it
O < XK > OO-O-oO-O-O-OO < >
Dr. Shcpard's new book ,
illuHtrntc'd piofiii'cly , IB now in
chriiluti' ' n Cull or write tor a
fi co copy.
The work will interest
nnd instruct nil who su/Tor / from
chronic nil month.
ooo-o-o-o-o o-o-o oo < ! )
Lake Michigan and Lake SuperlorlraniporUllon Co ,
Salllnea From CMIooco.
For Marklnao l | uniJ Ditrolt OlertUnil , fiuT ( to , Top.
onto.tto Tue 9A M.WicI OI'M.TIm IM M hut li-U.
lur Cliarletoli. llarlwr siprlngi , I'eujtkejr , ttor
Tue * 9AM Tlmr it A U hut il'M.
tot Xaniucito , lUncuck , Jlouitbton. AiLUnil.
Pululh.etiVvnl VI" M
llluitr t til iMin ) lileu riiallAa fn on npllratlun.
Will lie lieM in Oii.nhu In the rooms cf tha
Y M C A June i'J July 1. 2 , 8 CanillilalFii
clftrlniAihaiuKl Ocrmnii Atlvancfd finiiiin-
liX Ail\oiuivl riijtlti" Ailvaninl Alurliru ur
Anuljtli. deoinclii } ulll utitmtle ut a m ,
JuneOilar luiidlJnto ut B a , re. , July 1.
\\ooillnir > ' I'uclul Cuvin , muiiufai.lure > l ! < /
DerjiuiukiKi't Vvuuilliiir } nhcn urvil aicordliiB1
In ( tin iluim "III 11 ( omul Ulltmlouu ( ur prc-
vcntlnt ; rlnIfB ) , ( rcrlk ur iliuiilnn. | | Ouur-
Hiitrnl ub/tlulrl > iniit urn ) la conluln no tr a > c ,
nil ur bum hriu ll > , fir riuniilr unit liuok < m
IC-aul > , Jbtia \\oodbu.y. . . 121 W. 1M St. , Niw