10 THE OMAHA DAILY inflTS : SUNDAY , JUNE 20 , 1897. Ante Room Echoes The recent annual sefnlon of the supreme loilge. Ancient Order of Unltcil Workmen , no , tlio superior lodge of the Degree of lionor , which were held In Milwaukee , were not marked by many Important changes In the existing lawfl of the bodies , although a ETCit deal nf buslne'a was transacted The witk done wan largely of a negative chardc tjr. Yet there -were a few things of prest Iniportnnro and Interest done. The amount oinletall nock that came up was mountain Itlgh , an U evidenced by the fact that tlio supreme ImlRe was In session cvcn dajs , anil the fiupcilor lodge throe flats The lice gnvc In Its telegraphic rolumrs the results rarh day of the work of the Bffixlon , hut the follow ins mattcra are men tioned nuulii , as they are of Intercut to the thtinandt of Nebraska members They wnc obtained dlnctly from J.V. . Carr , of thU clt > ' , n prominent and active local workman who was a member of the supreme lodio cooimlttfc on laws Mr Carr returned from Mil1aukee last Thursday. Memboit ) of this state were probably modi inte-estrd In the fact that Omaha did not eociiru thi' H'lS meeting of the bodies. Al though the Nebraska delegates. acting under lusti uctloiiA of the Brand lodge of the fltatiN m do n hard effort for the prl/e , they failed StraiiRo to say , the exposition , vvhleh was expected to attract the gathorlnn' , was re- Bpcmfllble- the lo * of them. The deletes were of the opinion tli.it It would bo so jreat ; an attraction thit the bodies could not du thu work laid out before them. Strange , too , to flay , In the face of thin "cntlment the bodies selected Anbury Park , the li\cly Btimmer resort , for the place of holding the next se 3lons. On the third Tuesday In Juno the supreme lodge will mctt and the miperlnr lodge will convene on the preceding ( MomHy In all the proceedings probably the mat ter of the greatest general Intelcsl wnq the withdrawal of the > Ontario grand lodge Jurisdiction fiom the order. The procclure was absolutely necewary Inlevv of tlio action that the grand lodge lisa taken , and the- stand which the supreme lodge assumed In the premises Some time ago the Ontario grand lodge Incorporated under the lawa of the piovltuv. An won as it did this the province statutes re-quired that lt Insurance department Hhould bo iil-solutely separated from the supreme premo ledge In thla country. The On'arlo Brand lodge , therefore , came before the su preme ledge \vlth a proposition that the ! ! nuranco department of the two bodies be ne\cred entirely but that It be allowed to bo connected with the supieme lodge fra ternally The matter was placed In the handy of a special committee for considera tion , which reported adversely to the propo sition Thla icport was unanimously adopted. Hie representatives of the Ontario ginnd loflso thciefore signified the Intention of the grand lodge to withdraw entirely from the fold It Is Allied that this action WES taken with , harmony , no 111 ftfllng being engen dered. The Ontario grand lodge will now proceed to become n distinctly separate order , although it Mill work on the lines of the parent bodv. H takes away a member ship of about 30,000. The representatives oUted that another offei would be made at a tutuio session of the supreme lodge to Jillti again fraternally with the Ardent Oi- ilcr of United Workmen The withdrawal flow not , of course , apply to the othei grand 16dge JurlfidlcttotM that exist In lirlt'sh America. The cta'fllflPd svtcm of n e < = sment re ceived ( iiilto a boost In the session In contrast \\lih assessments. Tlio \ \ the lavl svstom of reports showed that the state Jurisdictions which had adopted the foimer had pie - pcred better than tlmso which adhered to the lalfr , and tlut those jurisdictions wc-i < - better oIT tlnn vl.cn they worked tinder th" letter. Tor IiiGtan"e , California , which bad buo.i showing a decease annually of from Kr ) to 700 under thi > level , i se\vimpnt sjs- tcm. showed an Increase of 1,000 and mor-1 li t jtat under the Classified system All the states which hive a classified ovate-tit , jfi-Vly a do-en , showed net Increases , whlln tlrtW with the level asiessment plan titlll In vojue ; showed smaller Increase ? and in some ca eM 'i decrease At Its session last year the. siipreni * loili ? ? allowed the grand lodge jurl-dlctlons the privilege of changing to the classified as H.-ssmen * sjstem The classified svstem was required In only or ? case. The laws piovrd thai assistance coultl only bo granted IT those Jurisdictions which adopted It At Hi late hcsMon the Nebraska grand lodge de- te-rmlr.M to cling to the level assessment plan , for the reason that Itus considered that the assessments under It weie as low as they could Ii > under any system J. 0 Tale of Lincoln , this htatc. who pre sided over th ? supreme lodge as supreme master vvoikman , and who was elected past lifand master woik-nan , was al o elected supreme premo lecturer for the comlns jear. Not 1110:0 than $3,000 will be allowed him for his iv-nses In his work In the weaker jurlbdlc- tlotis. "Attempts were made to extend the liiaur- * nce- features of the order , especially looking to1 the adoption of an endowment , but all tV-ie wire defeated. i'A ' number of Inquliles wcio received abo.it llio construction that Hhould be placed upo'i the.laws It was decided , however , that the HUPIOIHO ledge would not construe the laws until an actual case wa.s offered for a de cision /I ho Nobiaska delegates made .111 attempt to adjourn the pupreme lodge for two ji-ars 111 , ( he Inte'icsts of economy , but this vvnp lcifnted , a netesslty for a ge-aslon nexi yjVir apparently being felt by the dele.i'itcs , T < hu ioportn showed ( lint the order Is In excellent condition financially and othcrwls" The membership Is at pic'sc-nt figured at 3TO.OOO The following were theofllccis elected J. G Tale of Nebraska , past MI- piemo master woiKman ; William S , Hohson , Texas , supiemo master \\oik- man ; lie-in y P Sessions. South Dakota , supiemo foieman , .1 ( ' Ileikfoid , Massachusptt" , supreme overseer ; M. W. SacKett , 1'ennsylvanli , supieim- receiver ; John J. Acker , New Yoik , supreme lecorder ; Thojnas I ) Neal , Indiana , supreme guide ; Thomas Cnplt , Utah , feupromo watchman : Pr < 0 II. Shields .Missouri .supremo medical examiner ; Joseph fiiape. Marvland , I.ouls Anfenger , Coloiado , and W .1) Hare , Oregon , niipiemo tuistoes. Among oilier committees thei fjupremu master workman nppolniitl the following- Laws , T. A Case , New York , A ( ! Andrenvs , MacsachusettH , A. K , Tujlor , Texas ; ( Inancp. J , W Kinsley , Montana' Joseph 13 Hlggs , Kansas , W , A. Walker , Wisconsin. The most Impoilant matter In the superior ledge proceedings was In eonnectlou with the brnellclnrv department It was detur- mlmul that all brnellclaiy jurisdictions In which the membeiuhlp Is less than r.OO olimilil be consolidated Into one Jutlsdlctlon ! Juiiidlotloiid where the membership la moio than COO nhall remain Hepaiate , as nt pres- Plil. Thlt action wan sanctioned by the aunrumo ledge , On next Wednesday the board of trustees will hold Its annual meeting at ( Irani ! ] H. land. Among other thlnga the body will award the contract for Iho publication of the oltlcal | organ during the coming year. It \ylll alto appoint HIP grand medical am- iner Then arc a largo number of appli cants for this place. One Is fiom Omaha lr Halph. The subordinate and degree of honor lodge nf Clay county will hold their picnic at Clay Center on next Thuisday. Member ford of Kearney will make the prlnrlpa address and a numbe-r of nltnictlons aie being considered It Is expected that tin. ottnndanco will be unusually largo. Thu lodno at Supeilor ha ยง ejected the fol lowing oniccrs. ( ! u > Hcltmnn. M W . John WlUon , I" , John Haidlng. O . Adam Young O ; K S. Soathard , It. , John ItobliliiH if 11. C. Amberson. 11 ; Fred Plleldercr , I W Hernia Ilerlg , O W Protection lodge No. 101. Drgieu of Honor of Norfolk , elected as follows. Tlla M llobb , 0. H , ; Louise Schwartz , I , , H. ; Mary J ) . Ilarrett , C 0 ; Kllzabi'th LIHIP. U.j Anna Koerbcr. 4t. ; Oeorge1 Oonevon , r. and H Sopblo Illand , I W. ; Nellie ) Guthrle , 0. W. Minnie Ilussell , O. Martha Wauhlnglon ledge No , 41 , Degree of Honor of Crab Orchard , last Tucbtiu' elected the following otllrcrtr Mrs , I H JUthbun , C. H , Mrs K. I ) . I.aflln. U II. Mrs. Oondy , C. C ; Mrs. J D. Hramlel , V Mrs. C W. Roberts. . ; Mro D. McnJ. T J. I ) , llramk't , U. ; Ml s Itosa Dojlc , I , W I * . Waldbrldge , O. W. Lait Monday the decree of honor lodg it Clay Center elected : Mrs , Sarah Mitchell 0. If , ; Mrs. Ctrollne Ward , L. H. ; Mrs J. M. Lyons , 0. C. ; O. U. Williams , R. J. E. Wtieeler , K. ; Mrs. LutetU Clark , n. It spotns na nnturnl for wcdtllnK clft Klvers to come ? licro for tliclr presents us It Is for the sun to rise nnel set wo luivo bttllt tin n urn lid ropntatlon for ottr ability lo ftnnlsli the most elegant tin- most nnlauu aitlclos In the way of McdilliiK prosuiit.itlons ooppclully In our sllvorwnr ( liurliiiin's the finest fillver Kooda In tlie world wedding nnd on- KitK't'iiicut rltiKS In the ptuper styles and nt proper ptlcis we furnish and en- sravoi > ddlntatlonory { { to order. C. S. Raymond , JEWELER , Mnll Orders solicited from everywhere. 15th and Douglas. Don't let the cost stand In your way If you want a pln.no tlicn-V * liaidly any cxpunso to It now for we're .selling brand new pianos for ? ii7.00-lM.OO : ( and ? 1K)0 ! ( ) Unit's loss titan tlie wholesale - sale pi lee We Hiinply got them cheap and are giving you the benefit of our jiutchast A cash payment of iflt'.OO to $2.X ) ( ) and a monthly payment of .f8. < > 0 to tf 1T.X ( ( ) will sec-lire for you one of these guaranteed new pianos a dozen makes to select from all of high class and character. , A. HOSPE , Jr. , HuEic and Art 1513 Douglas. Kveu with Ihe best of company theiemre times when , you want to tear fiom home then It Is that jon want the home paper that gives yon ill Ihe news theio Is no other paper n the west that can do this for , \eni as well us The Dally Ileo In every lespeet a newspaper of the highest order for seventy cents a month jon can have It sent to any address in the t'nited States or Canada seven days in the week a letter ovety day leave your oruer with the Circulation dep.irtineiit. Omaha Daily Bee Circulation Department I7tlimil Farnam Bea Building Mrs Florence Williams , U. ; Mrs. D. C. lager , I. W. ; William Grouse , 0. W. ; Miss 07010 Allen , O. Loilgo No. 41 of Crab Orchaid has elected the following officers : K. H. Lallln , M. W. ; I'Yed Kohn. F ; C. C. Warriner , U. ; 1' . Doyle , O : C. W. Hoherto , P. ; J. D. Uramlot , U. ; O. W. Uorsey , I. W. ; V. Kcdmond , 0. W ; J. M. IMitte , 1' . M. W. tlniltrnooiliucii < > \mcrli'ii. . About as niich Interest la being dlsplajed > y the Nebraska mernbtn of the order , who iccp In touch at all with Woodmen affairs n the appointment of a deputj state consul is In Bornn political appointment. And theio are as manv applicants for the ofllco and ns nuch lu-stling Is being made for It as Is dlsplajed In th- > scramble for political The position Is .filled by the appointment , iy Head Consul Noithcott. There are a half dozen or more applicants for It D C Zlnk ) t Grand Island , the present cncunibcnt. Is after it. Aiolhei prominent applicant Is Dr. ' "anlkncr , elected head physician by the late itad camp. D. C. niliott of South Dakota , formerly of thla city , and ono time head olll- ccr of Heacb camp Is also In the lists. And tlie'-o are others. A good many pi eminent local Woodmen are taking a part In the contest Some of the appllcarts arc decidedly unsatisfactory nnd a strong fight Is beiug made upon them , : lead Consul Northcott's appointment , there fore , Is being looked for with considerable ocal Interest The position pajs fairly well , although the salary comes In commissions. I.n.it WeoncRday evening Omaha camp 120 tiad a lively meeting , with six stiong , healthy candidates prepared to ho Inltlitid , and with 10 frnr of the goat nor of the wild beasts ot he fore > sts. Visiting members were present 'rom camp No. 2D21 of Fort ralhoun , who iivlted thu members of the camp to attend their picnic , July 3. There were also present iiembiTS from Hcacli camp No 1131 , Maple camp No. 915 and Nebraska comp No. 4771 Last Thursday evening about 100 members > f Omaha camp No. 120 visited Hnrel ramp at 'ouncll niutTs. the olllccis and forcstcib In iiilforni. Sovcral candidates weio usheicd nto the mvstcrle's of woodcraft , after which refte-aliments were served In vailous courses nteimlngled with tocal nnd instrumental muitlo nnd spee chcfl by members of both camps At n late hour the Omaha Wood men returned homo on their special car. The foi esters of Omaha camp No. 320 havr arranged for an Ice cream social in Mvrtlo all Wednesday evening. A muslcnl pio- ; rim , both vocal and Inutiumental , will br enilcred ns followui -I. inn Solo . Ml s n , nouuio Itecltatlon . Mls K. Wlimns Selection . Harmonln mandolin riul ) Ueellatlon . Miss F. Hoxeus Voo.il Polo . Mls Htlicl Hitehi-oil : Negin Spec'lnltles . niter und llcttor Autulinrp Selection . Pi of. A. Miller Vticil Solo . . . . . . T. Iiio.idhr.rfit Itecltatlon . Ml : Oairli ! lliitlor Selection . Omnbn Canii ) Quartet Selection . linrmonlu Mundolln dull W. 13. C'ady ot thb city will make the principal address at a Fourth of July cult brutlon that will be undei taken by the camp and citizens ot Hlldreth on Saturday , July .1 Tlu releluatlon will conuncneo at 10 o'clock In the morning and continue the icnmltider of the day An e-laboiato piogrnm of games , ei'dieB , music and other thlugs is being arranged. On Thursday , June 10 , the members at [ lOthpnburg and thu towns In that vicinity had a grc-nt tlmo at a picnic held at Gothr e-nbuig The affilr was attendevl by Eomo tOO proplo. A parailo a half-mile In length iMied Ilic ceremonies and led the populace to the grounds. The day wa tpont with ex erclses , t > porla , luncheons and other like things. The Gothenburg baud jilayol and also fiirnlnlie , ] the mu&lo for dancing In the evening The five-mile bicycle rare insulted In a victory for I.lnn Llyod , who won In the fast tlmo of twentfivo minutes. The game of base ball bet men the Farnam and Uothe-nbiirg teams re-stilu > d In a acoro of 22 to 12 In favoi of HIP latter D. C Kink de'- llvered the uddrcs.s of the day. The niembcra of Central City e-njojcd a picnic last Wednesday , The attendance from m-lghboilnt ; points was good. AVoiMlineii f ( lit- The head ofllccra last week took possession of the additional rooms that have been ilttcd for tlu-lr use In the Shocloy block. The additions were made to the apartments oc cupied by Sovereign Clerk Yntea anJ Uls corps of clerks. They comprlso a big vault room an olllcu for ( he clerks and a hand- sornely fmnUhpd private olllce for SoyorclKn Clerk Yates The olllcca will be ) OtteU up qulto elaborately before they will be flu- lolled The vault Is ono of the largest In the- city It li to bo fitted up with $1,000 worth of metallic filing ratea , a contract for which was entered Into laat vveelc. The Im provements will call for the expenditure of several tbouennds of dollars , On last Wednesday Sovereign Clt-rk Yati * pild over to Mn. Daniel Tiedeman. the of- Deer killed by burglars juit a wsek before , the sum of $2,000 .the full nmount of the pol icy held by her on her husbandls llfo. The camps In the vicinity of Cedar Bluffs , which form the Cedar Itluffs Woodmen of the World Plcnlo association , will linvo a basket picnic on July 3 at Scott's lako. Members from Omaha and its neighborhood are expected to attend. A monument over a deceased member will bo unveiled at Columbus this afternoon. The address of the day will be made by C. J. Gailow of that city. Sovereign Physician Hedgers of this city will also make an ad- diess. Topol giove No. 15 , Woodmen's circle , was organized at Wllber with the following of ficers : Miss Marie Tvrz , W. G. ; Mrs. Joseph nock , W. A. ; Mrs. Fannie Clements. C. ; Mrs Joseph IJurke , n , ; Mrs. Fannie Uuzlcka , G. M. ; Mrs Marie Ulrich , A. ; Dr. P. F. Dodson , P ; Mrs. Henry Dhoogo , I. G. ; Mrs. C. F. Swain , 0. G. ; Mrs Thomas Pasek , Mrs. J. A. Safcck and Mrs. Mary Ourecky , M. Mntonle Iloillcs. During the past week the Masonic stnto grand lodge was in annual session In Lin coln. A good deal of business waa transacted , but it was largely of a routine character. Omaha was selected as the place for holding the session of next year. The session was marked by the passage of a committee report , censuring Grand Mastei Phelps of Schuyler for some ot the decisions he had rendered during the past year. Thla Is the first time that any action of this kind has been taken In the history of the Ne braska body. The following are the officers elected for the ensuing jear : J. II. Densmore , Button , grand master ; Frank II , Young , Broken Bow , deputy grand master ; William W. Key- r , Omahn , grand senior warden ; A. W. Krltes , Chadron , grand junior warden ; Chris tian Hartman , Omaha , grand treasurer ; W. It Bow en , Omaha , grand secretary. Blue lodge elections in the state last wvek resulted as folloun : Ailington Hiram lodge No. 52 : M. B. Turner , W. M. ; Joseph Cole , S. W. ; Henry Osturman , J. W.5 W. H. Baker , S. ; J. C. lllackburn , T. Imperial Puilty ledge No. 108 : Dr. Hoff- melater , W. M. ; Harry McClelland , S. W. ; Robert Malcolm , J. W. ; 13. F. Bailey , T ; W. A. Buik , S Crab Orchard Lodge No. 238 : D. H. Uatli- litin , W. M. ; 13. B. Lallin , S. W. ; John Heal. J. W. ; E. F. Werner , S. ; K. W. Starlln , T. Iliuken Bow J. W. Salisbury , W. M. ; J R. Dean , R W. ; 0. II. Htiarp , J. W. ; J , G Lcmlng , T. ; 13. C. Royce , S. Alliance- Lodge No. 1S3 : F. M. Knight W. M. ; L. H. Mealier. S. W. ; J. C. Cornell J. W. ; F 13. Holsieln , T. ; Robert Warder , S Clay Cc-nter G. A. Shlke , W. M. ; J , H Uller , S. W. ; W. B. Smith , J. W. ; 3. R Whci-ler , T. ; C. C , Dlanchard , S. ; T. K rJclHhuiity , T. rullcrlon Ccdai River lodge No. 89F M La Grange , W. M. ; Dr. Kdward Johnson S. W ; C. II Gllmore. J. W. ; T , C. Reid , T. ; : t. K. Wilson , S ; H , R. Knapp , F , H Penney , W , II. Orion , trustees , 13meraon Magnolia lodge : Dr. M. II Evans. W. il ; Fred Blumo. S. W. : Frank Coys , J. W. ; J. II. Ritchie. S , ; Ben Hender son , T. Worshipful Master Rvana appointed tlm follouhiK n. S. Ram , S. D. ; Qua A Ifaenburg , J. D. ; P. O. Paulger , G. A. Iscn- burg , H , P. MoMtnan and Forewt Smith. Ilujiica committee- , Ciole W , II. Buck. W. M. : M. E. Hl llt. S. W , ; S , L. .Mains. J. W. ; W. L , Lovell , B. ; Joseph Kopetzky , T ; M. R. Halght , James Muncey and J. Buck , trustee * . Ashland J. 0. Rnilsbaeik. W. M. ; W. M. nutler. S. W ; O. C. Steele , J. W.r 0. D. Harfoid. T : J. W , Moon , a ; B. I ) . LauKli- lln. S , D ; A. W. Wuvbrlght , J. D. : Charles Miller , S. S. ; R. J , Rofacurrans , J. S. ; Alfred Antrim , T ; C. P , Hacknev. C. Junlata B. J , Hanchctt , W. M. ; W. G Saddler , S. W. ; Geoiga Reynolds , J. W.j T R. McLean , S. ; A. P. Stack , T. The lodge of the Order of the Eastern Star at Springfield lecciitly elected the fol lowing cIllct'iHMi3. . J. G , Tlniberlalco , M. ; Dr. Wallner. P. : S. C. Ilauej , A. M. ; Mrs J C Gelb , S. ; Mrs. J , M. Ward. T. ; Mrs J. L. Wallncr , C. ; Mrs. S. 0. Lovoll , 13 , C AVI th UK * oiniiiiu iiux. The RlkV meeting last Friday night wan largely attended by the antlered herd. The qucrtlon that occupied ( he grcatci portion of the time , ouulele of the Initiation , uus discussing and completing ariaiigomeute for the Minneapolis trip. At the present tlmo U.ero are In the field for grand lodge honors Dutrolt , Denver anl Louisville , but none ol them ate Mid to be- in It with Omaha , because Omaha Is justly entitled to the Brand lodge meeting , for more rojsons than one , This Is the opinion of the Omaha Elks anil of the tfixter lodges throughout tb country. While working under the head "pood ol the order , " mother Lee S , Kstello preitnted No. 39 with a beautiful cut elata vatr. AK lie made the presentation ho nald lit nub- etacce that "It was B rr < * ent given to bin Showing r il orlcntnte-ls something Jlmt few lioiw * onii do o\copt soinl- occassloiiiillxv wo do mid wo'ro nbout tlio ouly Itbtt o out here Hint can carry tlie-so Koeuls lu stock nil llio tinio llttlo oilcntnl rttljs not so little either but rt fair-sized nip- from $10.00 on tip and then , 3 oti lc'n'eivv we * know you you know yotucct oriental Whether you ean tell the ( llffeiiMicc or not some can't there's an hwful lot In knowing you are Belting what you pay for. Omaha Carpet Co 1515 Dodge St. JlehiR innnufaetniliiK opticians em ploying only e.\pert workmen with nil work done under own own supervision we know that when we say our woik will he satisfactory Unit It will be so- Wu make a most tlioioitKli lest of your eyes ono that will delect Ihe slightest defect This test Is free Then we make rlRht here tlie glasses your case do- inands IXX ( ) dlfferont louse- plates with ISO combinations In each enables us to Rrliul 7 0,000 dllTerent lensus-don't you think we can lit your ca.se ? Columbian Optical Co AUTISTIC , sciK.vnnc AMI 1'HACTIUAli Ol'TICIA.NS , OMAIIV. Denver. Hi B. 16th St. Kansas City. In dental woik particularly It Is do- slrable to secure the best jiossiblo we guarantee all our work to bo satisfac tory Now lake crown uork we use only coin golel which Is ' _ ' 2 patts pnio gold and 1 > patts alloy l 2-kaiat-Wo furnish solid gold tops for ? . " .00 Hrldge teeth just what slngets and public speakers should Inive solid and cumfoit- able palnle.ssly ajipllod $5 00 per tooth and attachment Siniill KOHIH \ ( \ , , ijo _ gold and alloy and silver fillings $1.00 an olecttic fan that keeps you cool. BAILEY , THE DENTIST , IS Yenrn . ' 111 Floor I'lixtoii 1IIU. lixiierlonec. * Idtli mill Kuriiuiu. dear , departed \vlfe , eleven > ears ago , aud during nil 'that time , enter his home , day or night , the , llttlo vaac contained a bouquet of choice llovterb. " His lemaik.s wcie so Intensely Inmrcsslve and touching that thcie wero'Epw xlry e\ea In the ledge room. The gift WDM received on behalf of the ledge bj 10\alted Iluler Cronk , who leplled In a moat becoming and sympathetic manner. Drother W. H. Taylor also made some \eiy nppropilato remarks. The little vase will alwajs occupy a prominent place In the lodge room and he guarded as a most sacred gift. Inilciiciiileiit Workmen nf Amt-rlcn. Omaha ledge has Instituted its hot weather meetings , short and spiced with cool refresh ments. The members are now busy In plan ning for their annual outing , which they expect to make one ot the bilghtcst and most enjojablo events of the year. The order Is making a good showing for tha two years of its existence.Work la now being done lu four states , and the head quarters In this city ore hustling to keep up with the business , lletweon 100 aud 200 members are being taken In each week. The Tnlmage lodge last week entertained over 1,200 people at its annual picnic. Km ft-rniil Union of America. At Its last meeting Manner lodge decided to have a picnic next Thursday evening at Ilnnscom park , which all of tlio mcmheis of the order and their friends arc cordially Invited to attend. The men will go to the park after olllco hours. Supper will bo oorved about 6:30. : The committee , with the , assistance of the women. Is making elaborate arrangements and a general good time Is anticipated. On last Tuesday night Howard ledge of Plattsmouth conducted Its work for the first tlmo without iltunls , N. IJ. Howard , D. S. P. , of Omaha , nnd Supreme President F. F. Itooso vvero piesent. Secret Society > ot - i. Clan Gordon No. C3 , Order of Scottish Clans , will hold Its regular annual picnic at Calhoun on July 17. A very extensive pio- grnm of sports and amusements Is being prepared for the day. Special tiains will carry the excursionists to and from the grounds. The local members of the Independent Or der of Poresteus will celebrate the anniver sary of the founding of their order bv attend ing services in a body at the Grace Kaptlst church , Tenth and Arbor streets , tomorrow night. The sermon will be preached by Uev. J. O. Staples , the pastor. Fairbury council No. 8 , Order of the Fra ternal Ceiifcoi , has been organized at Falr- hury , with foity members. The following are thu oilicors S. S.Vcldner , P. P. ; B. L , . Cohcnour , P. ; C. J. Rhodes , V. P. ; Charles Clifton. G. ; W. P. Dickinson. C. ; A. H. Ham moml , S. ; John L. Cramb , T. ; C. T. Wjatt , M. ; W. M. Finncgan , H. At IMgar laat week a lodge of the Sons and Daughteia of Protection was orgmized , with the following officers : S T. Caldwell , P. P. ; Ezra H. Howard , P. ; Mrs. J. C. Gard ner , P. ; J. W. Hodcn , S ; .Mrs. . C. F. Glazier , T. ; Dr. H. H. Miner , C. ; J. C. Gardner , M. ; Mrs. Nathan Ong , I. G. ; Nathan Ong , O G. ; Miss Nctta Drown , O. x * * Review of the Week's Events For the Week Ending June 19. TUIlKUV-Om3ECI3 June11 : Ambjsudors of pon-ors submit to Turkish govern ment schema for frontier line between Turkey anil Gieece , giving to Turkey mountain crests on frontier of Tlicsnaly. but not villages of Thes'-nly. ' June 15 : Sultan Issues liado announcing acce-ptnnce of Dr. Angell as minister from Tnlted States. CUHA Juno 131 ilieport that General Unrcla Is preparing for mi active campaign. June 18 : Te'cgram from Senor 1'alma to Cuban Junta H.IJH prosecuting attorney ban iibkvd for dentil of Gencial Huls Hlvcra ami Colonel Itaculloa. UTII13II LANDS Juno U : Kutlle attempt to ussatulnute. ' Kellx Kaure , president French it-public , whllo passing a plckU In Dots do Uologne , on route to Long Champ1 * Hinall powder-filled bomb eivplodlnrf without doing barm Juno 17 : Premier Canovas of Spain admits tc ponslbrity forllul's death and willing to pay nvldow JW.OX ) If United States government will nor press olllclal claim ; lepoit of dehjier.itu fight on Philippine Island , Spanish losses being over 100 killed and Hounded , Admiral von Tirpetz succeeds Admlr.i von Hollman ut * chief of Gorman Nuval department , linnor.iiy di-gree conferred on Hon. WllfretJ Laurler , premier of Canada , by Cambridge university. June 18 : Report via Washington corrcrpondemt London Chionlc-le tliat GoiiQral Stewart L Woodford , mln- iHter-elect ( &Stialn ; has been Instructed to demand reparation and Indemnity for death of late Dr Ilulz , Und to Intimate ) that If Spain refuses to giant Culm freedom she must bo prepared to yifld to foice ; I'rlnce of Wiv cs presides at banquut to colonial piemlers at Imperial Inatltutn ; Jlexlcan government denleH report e-urre-nt In United States that It hud granteiVcliArter for gambling houseat Tljerarui , Lower California , it-ports from As- Harn that oiitlre , province has been devastated by late earthauuke , courts , Jails and hos pitals collap od. roadways completely demolished and loss of food fauppllvu enormous. - JIOUSIO June 14 : Petition presented , said to Include Gmx,00 ) names , In favor of Cuban recognUlon aa belligerents , SI3NATH June 14 : Hill Introduced for ratification of compict between states of South Dakota and Nebraska respecting boundary beHvveeii them , e-onflrmlng agree ment between commissioners of the two states ) . June 17 : William P , Powell of New Jersey coniirmed as minister to Haytl , and Stephen J. Weeks of Nebraska to be resistor of land olllce at O'Neill , Neb. Il'3 < ilSI.ATIVI3. Juno 14 : Governor Tanner of Hllnola a'sns bill appropriating f 15,000 , for Illinois exhibit at Transmlsslsslppl Exposition. 1'OI.ITIOM , . June 16 : Stewart I * Woodford of New York nominated to be minister to Spain , Julius Goldschmhlt of Wisconsin to be consul general at Herlln , nnd I'ranlt H. Morris of Ohio , auditor Navy department ! annexation treaty signed by representatives of Hawaii and United Status. Juno 17 : 13x-Queen Ulluokalanl Illtd papers In olllce of secretary of Btale protesting against further proceedings toward annexation of Hawaii and reasserting her rights rind the rights of the native Hawallanu to the Island ; 7. U. Houtz appointed to succeed J. E. North aa Internal revenue collector , for district of Ne-brasUa. CMM1MI3IICI.U * AVI ) IMM S I'lllAI , . NOW 13NTEHPHISKS June 1C : Central Michigan Railway company , to connect r.ako .Michigan with coal fields of Ohio and Indiana , witb terminal t Mllnaukeoj railroad connecting Denning , N. M. , with Globe , Ariz. 1JUS1NESS FAILURES June 12. Urackipon , Masxuid , Del jon & Co. , Cincinnati , Wholesale liquor , labilities J75.COO , assets fcwJ.OOO ; the Pajno Shoe company. Holbrook. Mars , VoHsedye Finishing company , Lynn , Mans. , manufacturers hoe machinery und wood working touls , liabilities JTo.OuO , us cti ! unknown. Juno 15 : It. D. Hubbard , Mankato , Minn. , liabilities Jij,415 , a aet JlW.HB-Hubbaid Milling company , liabilities $31fl.CSl. as- B -t J1SJ,7H ( June 18 ; Udell Woodenware company , St. Louis , liabilities JSO.OOO , assets ' OP BUSINESS HEVIVAIJune 15 : Three furnaces In Mahonlng valley , the Dret U Shooman Is In a pickle dres e-d all up In ills Sunday clothes dop washed now "Sprocket" shoes on and then can't take the doR Into the puk moraldon'tmv \ dops wear "Sprockets" the best bleye-le shoe the best walkltiR shoe JUX : ) Isn't much- anil there's a whole lot of style nnd cotufort In every pair wo are sole western n Rent a for them when you sens them you'll < > ay they are the be'.st you ever saw. | , Drexel Shoe Co. , M10 FARNAM STREET. * - Bend for llluatratod Cntnloguo , \Vld do Injun supply dopo' surewld Cox as de ho.ul piNh In do detective-s and de lump of dirt Hawaii almo.V wldln our grasp tings be'glu ter look purly promlsin' fur my dad's "live cent StoocKor cigar" In fact dey has been do leadlti' atliactlon In Omaha evcrslnco 1 lohdt boys dey wux be'lter'n most tou t-out cigars-cause doy aie-dat's no joke -even If do union depot is mos' all de dealers keep do .Stoeckur now ho does my dad. 1404 DOUGLAS. You can always blow up a fltvcrackor sometimes you can certain gasoline stoves even 1C you don't want to but you can't blow up the Insurance gaso line stove no matter how html you try- si two-burner Insurance- with step $11.00 the Inigcr slx.es don't take up much space and don't cost much more the small two-limner gasoline stoves only JU.T5 llunl's lefriAerators $5.10 up ILC boxes Jflt.Uo Tripoli water llltei.sJ.l > i ) . DAYMPD AC i\/ L 1 iTJiJLitVj 1JUILDKRS' HARDWARE HERE. 1514 Farnam St. Struthers at Stnitheis * . the Andiows & Hitchcock nt Hufouard , nnd thfl Yoimsstowl Steel company's at Youn sto\sn , O , resumed operations after being- closed a lonj llnio. CHlMis AM ) C.lbllAI/l'lUii. . I pjyjj g _ June 12 : I-emar shoe factory , Ijcmara , la. , loss on building J.'O.OOO , insur ance ? 30,000. Juno 11 : Home of Frank 1'iestcl , n.ijton , O , chaired bodies of Rosa and AMn'i'l. 'aged C and 2 , found In lulns ; house of HL-KIO named Dunn , HunitnitB , Aik , threu children cremated ; town of -orKcto n , Cal. , started with e\iIo lon of Klnnt pow- dei in SonnberKei's Rencral merchandNo stoio , killing Mrs. William Newell and Iijtitlus exeril besides destioj luff or le\elliN' to ! , iounil all business buildings and shaf-iIi-K Window' panes In all icaldem.es ; In eedliiB stablen of Hlgslns biothers , .Mlssouli. Mont. . cienmtlii live hoises , .inion them Jiilno Url-c , famous we-sturn jm.-ei , nnd fatally jurn- Ing JocKey riocl Strouj-r In at'umpt to ln\c Mtock , Wledeinan , Mich. , UX ) Itiliabun'ils , allro with liiKh wind blowing , -lune IS : The brick buildings at WliltswrlBht. Tux , loaa J3G,000. Insiiiancu $31070 ; sen puton liiuii > d. 1'I OOU AN'U STOHM Juno IT4 Whlilwlnd unroofs public maiU t but d.ng and elnin. agcel thlit > bouses at New Orloins. June IS : Toinado sweeps pnitlons of Lot-sin rounty. Illinois , four pupil" of SUto institution for reMile Minded at IJnroln hilled nnd Pt\eia' houses blown down nndxiiue unioofcd ll\e seriously hui t one piubiblv fitullj , \ , nt LoulsUlle , Ky. , hijuilng uvei il peiaoi.s , but none f it.ill > , stornu In Indlau i and Ken- lucky inlliet conslJoi able dam.iKO , with two falalltlos at Iivlngton , Ky , and nt Kiton. Jnd , ami foui poisons bulled In debris of west wing of 1'araj-on paper mill , on wh'ch loss of $ Ji.OCO Is sustained , toin.ido blows over scvei.il bill dings at Monioo , Neb , and besides other piank- cyclone at Xoifolk canles A 1C l oonaui and Kouis McICim across the stieet both badl > cut and biulscel , and foinu-r Iiitcin.illy injured , xlllnms of Ie/.ona ! and Colombo , near I'atis , rr.ince. and At-nlirs swept by cyclone , twentj ptr-ons kll o < l anil ninety Injuied , besides larse number of hoiues collapsed and othtr < lininge , ev clone at West liurlmni , N. C. , blowing down liuptlst church and 1 'n'o stoiaso wnrohoiiso o ( IStwm cotton mills , Hoods at Calgaiy , Manitoba , siihmciKlng subuibs and llftj fa in I lea ACCIDENTS-Juno 13 : IT. 13. Gullmotte and W. Motion Smith , both well known in Nebraska , drowned in the Hudson off Port Uee. by eapsl/Ing of ontboat in siiall | : three joung women killed by lightning at H.-llalie , O Juno II : Charles A H.ith- bono and 6-yeai-oltl hon of 11. Dunn killed at Portland , Oie. , by collision of tialn wltli handcai ; Stiphen Welch and child il ingerously buuied by lanii ] explosion near Slmipsburg , 1'a. , S. W. IJalliuigur , aged 73. tbiown from \\agon at Wateiloo , Neb , grave Internal Injuries ; spreading rails wreck rnglno near Uldgi-vfllo. I ml , killing Engineer David Kramer and injuring HO vt-ral others ; ditching of train on Sinla Ko railroad near nimo , Mo , kills thire tr.nnpi and one InnKein in June lj Koula ' Scbaub 'killed In u runaway at Ottumwa , la. ; Urlllsli stcamci Sultan foimdeicil near Island of SocoUi , on eastein coast of Aftlci , ten prigiiin.s to Mci-ca diowneJ Juno 17 : Natural history ball of Illinois unUuislty HttiKk bv lightning , causing ilamiige ot til.OOO ; open elmubilelgu over Chicago river wn-dvS Clilrago , .Mllvvaiilicc A : HI I'nul suburban train , --Ix persons Injurtd. June Is- Time niun and ono horeekllleil by explosion of powder In building attached to plant of Hazaid Powder tunipany , ut Uazirdvllle , Conn. . , , , MUIlDii : < S-June 11 : Drunken nepro n unoil Slbley shot nnd killed three women nnd two children In Kempar county. MIssK-lppi ; lle-iman Paul Sclmlz found guilty of murder In lirst degree at Mllford , Pa. Juno II. Joseph Wide phot through body at Fort Laiamle by Fred Hoblg , outcome of a quairel Juno ! < ! Ki.ink liutlcr , noted tnuirlerer , convicted at Sjilne-y , N. SV. . , for minder of Capluln hee Uoll.r. Jum 17 : Tim Hlordan.aloon keeper , arre-Ucel at Cincinnati cliargca with murder of Thomas Klnsella. / SUICinnS-June- : Mis John Alder , wife ol faimei near T-.ilrhiiry , Neb. . tooK thought accounts wt'ic uhoit. n * .ni m * * * ( > < . - . . . . - . . . , - , _ _ . . - - . . . June 15 James McAIeere , foum-r po-itmasl of Thornburg. Neb . airalsm-l It. . I nitcd States court nt Omah.i for using cancele I pusingo sKimps , high olllclnl of M-hlfon , Collins at Meramac HelghtH , - . . of Uoonc la , , proves defaulter to eM-nt of uboirt IO,000 ; Mail Adums Henlt-ncpd to u..n-u . .Hum for live years nt Denver lor .tmbe lement of county funds , attempt. . uoorge H. Jui-Uwii found cullty of perjurvlncas _ _ ho testlllcel lu at Bprlnhlluld , O. June 15 : I * . S. Davis , Santa Cm ? , Cal . nged 75 , formerly m lyor of AVateibury , Conn. , and studied law under AVIlllam II Seward ; Judge J. H. KltAerald , Bt. Mary's Kien promlm nt In democratic state ) jwllllcs and once police Judge if Cincinnati : John W. Hlmvv , Now York , one mesldoiit Ilneklng Valley railroad JiJie 1G : John Moodle. I'uhwinn , H IX , aged 7J. pioneer , also pout master and county commissioner ; Miss Laura Mnrnell , Ntbaslca City , < lled at Viilperalso , Irid uriiool principal George Kustaee Vlarne.H Ban Kianclsco. ono of founders of the 'all , and widely known JouinalUl , JJenJamln I' . H iyder , Wellington , IX C , aged 03 , primdunt Natlomil Deposit Havlngi and Tmat aompiny. held Inllmnte relations with Lincoln and Htunton. Juno 17. Uev. Father Knt-lpp , Woerlfhoefen , Ucrnmii ) UK < ? U ' uus water euro advo ac. Henry I' . Hcott. Colnr ido Springs , rolo. uged ft ; A A Sargent , Nebraska City , Neb. , aged 77. pioneer , located In CU . Mrs. L' . A. Jtlchaplsmi. damn , Neb. , aged 83 , molbe-i of postmaster at Clerks Juno IS : Hon. John .M Francis. Troy , N V , senior proprietor and edltor-ln-rhltf Troy Times und cx-mlnlslei of lh ITnltt-d States to Austria , Greece jiiid 1'ortugal. EiIJJUil.tl.Ul . < " I.I t "MISCI3II.MCOUS. , . * . Juno 13 : National convention Kree Sons of Isr.iel op-ni HCfslon at New York. Ji.n * II : Final ratification of boundary treaty between Great Hrltuln and Venezuela eK- changed at Waslilngton ; Urlilsh Htcami-r Scot , landing on Madnira lelanda. reports sul-1 cldo of Ilarnett I.ancs , better known as ISarney linrnalo. the "diamond king" whllo en route from Capetown for Southampton , leaping overboirtl whllo laboring uniler mental aberration. .luno l.'r Sixth anniul convention of Interstate Sherlffo' association opened at Omaha , I'nion I'acitlc rulliood company withdrawn from Western 1'assujinor nssocia- tlon , giving thlrt > days' notice ; Intcrnatlonnl I'rcrvtrncn's convention opena at Detroit , In-1 ternutlonal 1'ontal congress cloHfn nesslon nt WnHhlngton , supreme lodge Aiuhrit Ordeir j United Workmen closes Hitting at Alllwuukee. Juno Id : Ux-Audltor liuxuna Mooru ar- ' ralgned In district court at Llnco'n , Neb. , pleading not guilty to tharicu of embezstlo- 1 munf Indlamt of I'lne Itldee oeuncy petition government for perrnlsulon to erect a monu. < J mint to .Sioux dead em site eif b ittlu of Wounded Knc . actions In behalf of nortliwe.turn 1 Iowa gmita Bhlpper" to ret-over .500.00'J ' alleRcd cxcesslva frclglit ohurge.- * . thrown out or court by Judue Slilra at Dubuque , maintaining rates published by railroads under re > - aulrurnHnts of IntcrNtata commerce act be considered reasonable until changcx ) by Iritrr * alula Commetrce commltslon , which may bu iietllloneid for reduction of rates. June IK ; W , L. Mny of Nebraska elected president ol Amgrlcaii Flvliorlcit awocUtlon and Omalm u * > frcted tor next meatlni ; In liW-