Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    n THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 15 , 185)7. )
Foreign Drop Damage Report ? Cause an
Advance in Wheat ,
Corn mill Out * Co Ui About n llnll
Cent Knell mill I'rov Itdoim
Hlnc a Dime or
CHICAOO , June 14All grain nnd provl-
filons were Btroni ; toelay on a rather limited
business. Wheat was affected by foreign
crop report of a bullish character and dry
weather vve-st , the market closing nt n4t
% c advance. Corn and oats followed wheat ,
flooring- advances of nbut lie each. 1'rovl-
elonB closed lOijK'iiC ' higher
Wheat opened stioiijr. lintl exhibited on
amount of buoyancy that surprise el even the
bulls The present Is conMdo'cd a critical
period for the crop and new of drouth wn *
prevalent among Iho shortH The real enuso
for the opening strength , however , and foi1
the sharp advance which Etibsociueiitly fol
low e-d vvalo be found In some eases In thn
condition of the n.inublan nnd Indian crops
A London L.iblclo l'rc. lilutil linker contain *
tlio statement that damage to crops In the' '
Uamiblnn countiy was not fully appreciated.
The central India olllclnl report mnde tbu
crop 'M per cent below the nvetage. July
opcnc-d nt Klc , ninltist Situielnv'ii cloilng
jirlco of i > SVfllS7 ( ! < cbut vcrj Illtlo could bu
nbtalncd Until buvcr" bail advunceil tbclr
bltlH Ito OJ c and It lose to < 0e befoio lilt ,
excitement subsided foi a while. In thin
Iltitry shorts weie active buyers. One pe
culiar feature vva-j tin- lack of outside tradIng -
Ing , the- market being almost entirely n local
me I/lvt > ipool wua unaffected at the open
ing by Sntunlny'i strength he-ie , being
ciunteel wlthciut change , anil I'nrls ul a de
cline , with hot , forcingvveiitbci both In
England and rrance Tne quantity of and Hour on ocean pipage decreased
l.UMCOO bushels for the vu-ek The vveek'n
shlpmcnls from all expoitlng c-ountlles to
Ktiiopi' were fiu2JiW ( ( bushels , compared vvllli
X,34itiOO ( bushels the i uricspondlng week of
last jcnr The domestirvisible dec-ro.t ( d
1,781,000 bushels , against a decrease of OJ-
WO bushels the before Chicago re-
t-elplswero tinfe cars Mlnntiipolls and lu-
Ibth rcpoitcd a total of 2')1 ) cars , comp.ned
wllh 2'i9 lust week and f > lG on theCOMC - -
HpondliiK Uay cf the year before. Aflei the
nniKct had reached 7flc foi July bolelcrs
vvrrcmole willing to let go , and renll/lng
Kales c a ir.ulunl ; reaction to 1/rSn
'Jhi-n the market tinned strong again. Out-
Hide markets wire- all exhibiting sticngth ,
nolably St. Louis Offe-rlngs censed mnl-
ihnlv and half an hoin frnm Ihe close July
liacl advanced li > 70'ic Offcilngs became
free after that but prices were well main
tained notwithstanding- was selling at
70''c ' at the close
Corn was active and stiong , helped by the
ndvami- wheat and by some drouth talk
from the wist The Increase ! trade vvim
ale n factor Tin- hot , do weither caused
shot Is to covet freely and pilcc" > . after n.
momentary hesitation at the opening , nd-
vamcel steadily Receipts wererepoiled nl
(7J7 ( c irn Julj oppned unchanged at 21'if
21V. advanced to 2Vlc , nnd i ended to 2 iV c ,
vvbeio It close-d The visible Increased
2,121,111)0 ) bushels
Oats woe ciil | > t und developed no features
of Intel ett 'llnslrungth was , pirtly
through sympathy with wheat and corn and
partly on account of the hot weather The
vlblble supply Inci cased IIJT.OIO bushels a
local Hoi ( cs Inn eased Gi.DOQ bushels Ke-
cclpts amounted to SOI curs Julv opened a
hhade lowei at Ifcc and ndvancc-d to ISK.C-
That avas the closing price.
1'rovlslous e'peiioi1 weak on the unexpect
edly large hog iccelpls pjik csiiecially suf-
fenng 'Ihe m.ukct rallied latei on biivlng
led bj Cudihj , ami a iHJtter genc-ral feeling
cmi-Tel by the' advance In main At the
clo'rJulv poili vva-i about UV o higher at
J'OI'i. ) " 70 , July lard lOc higher at 17i >
( ? ? * nnd July ribs , 12 _ c higher at SI 47H
llstlmatcel receipts Tuesday : Wheat , 1(1 (
cara , corn , ? 10 cars , oats , 400 cars ; hog" ,
20001 hond.
Leading futmos langcd as follows :
riflTh rCoA. TcTo < j faitTj
114 H ll'ifd
Doc. . 07)6 ) (10 U'
July. . . . - . ' I'll
July , IB
bopt. . . . 18HSW 17H.-lb
July. . . 7 4V' 7 7UK 7 42S 7 70 7 62l
bcpt . 7 ( It ) 7 ftfh 7 5JC { 7 aa 7 O'J'n '
July. . a 00 3 77C , 3 00 1 77i < 3 05
bcpt . . 3 70 3 00 a 70 J b74 J 75
July. . . 4 'ID 4 47V , 4 ID 4 474 4 3.-
bept. . . * J7J * 4 55 4 .13 4 35 4 45
C.ish ciuotntlons were nn follows :
1-IX3UH ejulcl. cr.rlntc specluU. J4 40IT4 M
uprlne iiatcnte. } 3 7MM 10 , winter intents. } ( :0'C
440 stllllKhtH. M40ft30. bll.elfl , J2 ' 4l300
VVHUAT No 2 rprns , 71'i72l4c ; No 3 eprlnK
CCWiOe : No 3 red , 75V4O78V4C.
COIIN No 2 , WUiaS'io , No 2 jcllovv , ! 3Jf25c ,
OAT -No 2 ISte.
1AIIUY Ko J. f. o b. , 27V.f31c ; No. 4 , f
o b. ZGlifiSSUc.
n.AXHiiu : NO. i , W&-KC.
TIMOTHY hr.lJD I'rlnie. } ! 70iT2 ( 75.
I'llOVlMONfa I'ork. met-s , jxr hhl. , J7 707.75
Ijiril IK r 100 llin $ J * n Ilncnn. rhort rlhi tldi's
( loos-c ) , | 3 7JV4. Dry caltid sliou'dera ( boxed ) , $1 " 0
C4 SO short clear Hides ( hoxid ) , t ( I > 2'jf4 75
WIIIHICY Ulsllllcra1 tlnlcbcd Roods , per gal
HLTOAH-Cut loaf. Jr > 40 , Kranulalcd , 5 ( SC loJ.iv tlia b mar mn-
kct W.IB Htoily. cioimery llttHijo. d ilrv. 11
l-'c. Lirus , Hlcu < ly. frcBh. Hl < c. WIKHSU. ilull , 7M
hc. Uvo iwiillrj Hlc-iiily ; tinkojs , 7Obc.
ch ekeiiH , Bprbiir , I.iai7o. cliickH 7US < - .
M\V Youic ( ; I :
QnutiiUonx of ( ho Da > uu General
NEW YORK , June- -rLOUH-Hecclpts , 208 , .
80J hblB , cxiiortu , 11,119 bbln. , modirulcly active
and llrmcr , Minnesota palcnln , } 4"1X 4 20 , Mlnnc-
eola bHkem , J3 45tf3 K Hj e Hour , Ble-ad > , super-
line , 12 lOffZ.M.
COHN MEAL rirni , jcllow wentern C7c.
HE Mtad } , No 2 vve tcrn. 3Ci uCVc.
HAHLEV-CJulPl nt 27Hc.
1IAHLEV MALT Dull , wcwtern , 4CC4c. ?
W1IIJV1 lUeclpld , 21S ItiO bu. , exports , 00.4C4
bu , hpot llrm Optlona opened llrm nnd ad
vanced on nervous covering , prompted by small
world'B HhlpnientH nnd freed eleertafeH on piiu-
aKe ! and In visible euppty , ea cd on under realiz-
IliK , but leeoveied fliiuply nn u necond ebon
Kiuru und ilored stroriK" at Uil' e act advance ,
rale's Includid No J red , June 77c. bcptemlier ,
70ff71licclotid nt 71'lc.
< * OltK Iticclptx , 14S VJ ) bu : exports , 34 120 bu t
epot llrmcr. No 2 , 2 ! > % c. Oiilleum opened llrm
cm ICUH favoruhle crop ncv\8. C-IKCI ! off under > . - , but rallied with wheat , clnalnie net
blKher , June cbmed at 2JtC , beplember , 3WM
31 He , cloFeel nt 31'te.
UATK-Itecelptn. 2W bu. . ixportH. IS.SIS 1,11 , ;
rpot linn , No , 2 , 22c. Options were Inartlcc
nil ilii ) . but closed 'iu net hlKher wltii the other
HAV Weak ; shipping , Wo ; coed to chulie , TO
IIOl'.S-Qulet : 1(95 crop { ? ( , 189S crop , CiiOo
Taclllo toiiit , 1893 crop 3O4c , l&M c-op , CfflOc
IIIDIIS rirm. Clalvexlon , He , Texua , ID'M
tin , Callfemila 16c-
liAriliil-Qulet ; hemlock vole , Iluv-nos
A ) red , l$6tlV.
I'HOVlhlONS Ileef. uteady , fancy. J950W10CO ,
extra nirnB. JTWOSCO. lUtf hanm , f4 Wii2VCO
nackcm. SOOii9CO Cut meiitie. llrm. plrlilcd bel-
lieu , > 5 S.1HC 00 ; plckliil thoulder > , r W ; plrkleel
banm , PwyjW I.anl , llrm , we-xerii Kit-am ,
13 MM CO ; r > lined , llrmer. I'ork , ipilet but Ilnni
niei-H lifAjTiiW , uliurt clear , IfGOUlO'S , ( urn-
lly. 9tn4iloro.
TALLOVS blmd > , clly , JHW c ; counlry. 3V4
OILS retroleuni , rennHjhuiila crude , uleadyi
luly We bid Himln , Meadv ; ytrnlncd. common
te > Kood. 1.7 ( > ff 75- Turpenllnculeiuly ; l'7Ufl
! Fr. Cotloiiheed , ntead > : prime- crude , 2 ( > c ,
Prime Hummer ) cllovv. 23HC : oft piumncr yellow
low , ; iebuller ; Kradeii , loii'Wc , prime white ,
Ht'TTim-Ileeclpts. 14 fOO pks . ; fiulet , e t-
rrn creamer ) , HH5c , Elglns , 15o , factor ) , 7U
i'llUnsiV-Heevlpts. 18,800 pkgn , ; utendy ; stair ,
larke , k'.e ; ttutr , unull , 7 % < ibo , part > .WIms , 4tt
SHc. full skims : itiJc- .
r.aOS-Heeelplii. 12700 pkgu , quiet , state nnd
Penimlvnnla ll'tSir.V ' , uejtern , lOHJUlc , niulli-
rrn , J2 tWlt.'O per case.
RH'U-rirmer , fair to extra , 4V tfCo , Japan ,
MOIiASSIJS Hiwielv : New Orleans , open keltle
Kor l to choiceJI(28c ( ,
MirTALS-I'lg Iron Head ) ; soulhern Scotch ,
l92Ji(10W ( ; North Amerlcnn J1000f(1200 Copper -
per , meiuly , brokers , til. exchange , til OOO11 2o.
Tin. llrmer. tralt . tlS70OlSKO. platen. ea
Bpdtrr , llrmer ; domrntlc. 14 85 | 4 S5 Iad. .
Hrmerj exchange , JJ31WS3 ; brokers , lVl
S | , I.iinlM lii-ni-riil Market.
BT IXJI'IS Junr II rLOllH-Pull anil easier ;
putenu , J ) 40R4 10. extra fiicy , II 10M 20 ; fancy ,
tl WO 3 M i holre , J3 10&3 ! 0.
"VVIIEAT 1'ulutes were rlronc nnd better on
blgher foreign cable * and bulllrli crop news ,
clolrif wllli nn sjvorio of } c lo : Sc over hat-
unluy. Hiuit. bbrhrrj No. 2 red , cnth , elevntor ,
M c , truck , Mf irc. July , 711ic ; August , C9Kc ;
Berlei-'ler C9Se bid.
CORN-Btrcnr nd hUn r tor futurM , cioelnf
' /jo to l\o b VA Saturday FP ° t hUhcr No
t oxfh , - ic Jul ) . 2)c bid HfltfmWr , : < V C
OATfl Futures wote ilull nnd ulendy. Bpot ,
cuty. Nu S cnth , 17'e.c. Julv , U'io ajknl.
IlVfHeller - Bt Kimttc.
HRAN Dull , vvenk nnd linchaneeel
riAXSEi:0- | > nt 72'tc
TIMOIIIY snnu rrimc , tzMcnsoo.
HAY Dull nnj slcnd ) i timothy. 16 OOC1I 00
HfTTlil-Slow : , crcnmcry , imitHc ; elnlry , 6
( I12C
KdlW T. < nvfr at 7\C
I'OL LTRY-rhlcKen < . oil btns , firm nt Cc
rprlngs ttead ) al Knlc , iliirkn. eprlngs , easier
HI Se , urerf. fprlngs , sl'nd } at lOc.
corroN TI H4erc. .
MKTAI.S , strong nt J3 101J1 I2H. Spcl-
ter , strcng nt tl W blj
rilOVIHlONs-I'orl. higher Mnmlnrd mrrt
Jobbing , J7 M l $ 25 l irel hlghor , prime slenm ,
H CO choice tl C7U Ilncnn lljfixcd ) , shoulders ,
t1 ! 45 extra short clear , t" > V , ribs , li 4i ; rhorts ,
V CO Dry fnll innls fhouldeis tl * , exlrn
short clear M SO rlb J4 r , fhcrt , t5 M
HECEII'TS-riour , 5000 bblf , when ! , 12000
bu , mrn * 7 dOO bit bltd , 44 O'O ' bu
Hlin'MIJNTriniir 3 tV 0 bbl . wheat , 1.000
bu , corn , 33 000 bu oof ! , 10 ( M ) bu
oM\ii v < Ji\inTi7"irviiicnTS.
Coiiillllon of Tineanil ! ( ( iii > tiillons
on .Sliipltanil Pa tic v I'roitticc.
Efiallulk nf fdle7c. .
DriTMtrainni < ii. to fall 7 > 4r , cliclce to
fauc ) . ] ( i5j2p ! rcpaintor rrcnmcry lie. gnlh-
ereil crenmcrj lie.
r tlioh e fnt SO to KO lb , cnioted nt
Ol'o. ' luigc nnd CIIIIIFI4fffc
' ' .nn , I'Ori.THY-lIen- , copies. 3f5c ,
pilng chickens , pel In . lie
:0'V : < * ' * hc < T J W"1 U'ni1 eonii not
IIAY-rplanrt , J300. mldlfiml , t4 50 , lowland
J400. re strnvv tl . ' 0 ; colnl mnkes Hie price on
ha ) llghl bales tell the bcnl , only top grades
bring top prices
HROOMCOlt.VlUlremely slow sale , new crop.
elellvercd on iraek In counlrj choice green self-
worMnif caipel per II. 2T2'4c ! ' , choice green ,
runiibitr In hurl 2O2Ur rnmmon. I'ic.
GREEN I'EASI'ei Vi-bil. batlcct ,
Pin I'l.ANTI'er Ib Uc
Cl CL'Mlirin Per do. . : otf4"c.
' '
- ' ' , lo
- lOSJIJc.
LIJTTlc i : l-ei dnz 10i20c. ! |
\ \ . ' ! , H -1 > CI ' * l > 11 b "Ucc
S1RINO III.A.NH IVr ' 4-1 u lxj90c. .
' . . . . . ' ' " 100I5C ,
l' er dn ?
ON10Nh-I er bu tl 50
MM V IIIJANSI'er Hi , 3c
HEANS-IlHhd-plcked nnv ) per bu , J1.10
( 'AHIIAOIJ-Cnllfnrnln 2J72'/c ' per Ib
I'OTATOPS-N , per bu , 1100 , old native
ftnck per bu , 2'ijrOc-
CALiroilNIA CHURRIES-rtr 10-lb box , Jl 00
f J * . I
STR VWHERIlIKo-rnncv } 2 00
' ES - 1'cr Z4 pint cns-c ,
AI'l'LIJS Nil uhlpplng slock
hO'THERN ' I'Ll'MS-I'ci 14-eit case , tl 7'
JT. 'i ' *
, , ? VTIlr"N I'lMt'lIE-s-IVr H-hu , 73c ? Jl CO
nci > HASI'lliitHinH-l'cr 24 pint cape * . 2fO
riioi'icAL rittins.
OHANOES .see dlliiKR. 53 23 , McJIterianenn
sweets fancy JJ 50.
. , LJ I0 VM < ' 1'"IU1S 'nnc-j. J5COSJ375 ! choice.
3 OOifTI 25 ; choice C'nllfornla , . ' CO
'iiV'iA ' ' ? ' ' * ' * - ' ' larnc stock per bunch.
} -Oflf2 | 2o , medium sired bunches St 5CH2 00.
NUTS Almcnd , Lalllornlj , per Ib laice
Plze , 13c. Uirulls , per Ib , lOc , EnKllsh walnuts
per Ib , faiicv eoft Phi II ISiZlle flanciardt *
ICjrilc , nil cits pel lh. . lOc , peeana polished
lirie OSlOo Jumbo , HJTlJc , larite hleKory nuts
tl ji Pir bU CuclMllUtl , ( > ; CCI-1 |
rifj1 ? Imp irltil fnnc > 4 crown. 20-lb Loxcu
I2c. o crown _ o II bines 13'ifl4e.
11ON131 riiolce 13J13c
CjllMIH narUled juice , per half bbl. . t2 35 ; per
MVI'LE SV lift'-rive Kal cans , each J2 23
? , ' ! . cnn" ' "re. per dor . $12 , hnlf-cal cans
Tr.i > quart cans * t-j >
HL'EP Good native steers. 400 to
wu IUM , , c. jjooil rurciiuurlcrs ftetrs 5 c , good
iln Irju irtcrs. s tc , vvestein bleers fiVJc , fnnc )
he frrn CHc. good hclteis Gc. good fuieauarlcrs
hclfcra Sc , Rood I ImUiiinrtcrs heifers , Sc , fcood
cows Gc fair cuvvs 3Uc , common cows Bo
cu feiieqiiartin. li.o ( cmv hlnduuarteis. 7VJc
I'M I' ( "t'Ts ' Tcnelerlc Ins l c be nele s stftis |
lOc , ptilp loin ? fc , lolls. 9c , rliloln hulls 6c
fhnuliUr cloils , E'ti ' , rump butts , nc. steel
eiucks 4ic. row chucks , 4- boneless chucks
4' < e cow plnle3'4c. ' . slier plates. 3 c. Hunk
ste-ik. Tc , loln No 1. He , loins .No , 2 Hi
loins No J DC , No 1 short loins , ICc , No
mp o /-.e timmngs 140 beef
shanks , 2'ic. ' brnlns , per < loz 2'c ; sweetbreads
per Ib . lOc nvveetljiends ( inlves ) . per Ib . 40e ,
khliujs. per doz , .r.c ox tnlli each Sc livers ,
RT i"e'C > Ilc1ltPcr ! " l' ' { - tongues , per
I'OKIC Dixrncd p'gs ' 5'ic. ibetied hogs , 5c ,
tenderloin : , lOc , Inlns 6' < c : vpne ribs 3140
nnm DDUFnki- , Lulls , DC.'i&ulJers rough , 5c ,
shouldenskinned. . 5' e , trlmmlnts. 4140 , leaf
lard not lerideled , 5c , hc-Hds , cle ined , 'c ,
snout nnd ears , 3e , backbones , 2c , cl.reknents
3e. neck bones 2'4c. pigs' tails , 3" , plucks
each. Be , chitterlings , EC ; hocks 4c hearts , per
del . 25c ; stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each , 7c ,
kldnejs , per dnz , lot , bialns , per dot , 13o ,
pies feet per elo , tic , livers , each , 3c.
HIDES-No 1 green c. N ) 2 green
hides , 4'ic. No 1 tiecn silted hlui-s C' o. No 2
qreen nailed hides , Vtc. No 1 veal ciilf. 3 to 12
Iba , .c. No 2 veal calf. 1 Slo 13
Ibs . 4o No 1
. . . _ . . . . . . _ .
flrv fl In * Ti til. n n r > in .T n .1 r
nnd Nebraska hulchcr wool pelts , ner Ib . . . .
ttiiil welRht. 45J5C. dry Hint. ICniifcas nnef Ne
hraska Murrain wool peltu , pop Ib nctual
vvelEht. 3 < Cf < c. dij ( lint Coloiado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. nctual weight. 4E5c dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool peltn , per Ib nctual
weight. OT4c feet cut off. ns U la useless to
pay frelKht on Ihem
TALLOW AND OHEASE Tnllow. No 1 ' o
tallow No 2 , 2c. urease. while A. 3c. B'rca > e'
vihlte H 2c , Krease. yellow , 2c- grease dark
ISc , old bullcr 22'ic. ' beeswax , prime ' 35fl22c
roiiBh tallow , Ic
WOOL Itnvvanhed fine heavy rfDJc ; Hne IlKht
SG c. qiiartcrblood , 10 < 812c C"dy , burry and
chatty ffpic. cotted and broken coaiee. 763e.
celled nnd broken , line CfSe. Tleece woKhed
medium , ISfllSc. One , HQlOc lull washed ' ICO-
PUlledlnC5a CcSCl bUCKB < C0 > ' "I IOCk ! < - ! ® ' "
HONES In rarloln welched anil delivered In
ChlcnKo : Dry buffalo , per Ion JI2 OOW14 00 dry
coun'ry , bltachcel per trn , f 10 03M2 CO dry coun
try , damp and meat- per ion. J6 00s 00.
-N UINIIIIIIUiivtnril Tfiuli-ncy and
Show Itt'iiiurUiiliIihtiMMiKtn. .
Ni\V : YOHK , June 14 The upward tendency
wan lehumed todny on the Stock e\changf after
a short-lived helllnc ino\enuiit to realize In
contlnmillnn of Knturdaj'H movement Tnu ihe
was In rpltc or the dulliuvs and heaviness of
Amtrlc.1118 , nloiiB with all oi-ier Ftturlllra on
( he London exilmnse This nezkct was ex
plained tiy the iilireiuiof Ira lern lo pirtlclnitt
In the feetlMtlPs of Queen Vlctorln'n diamond
Jublh-i- New y rh
i.fliored Die iliillnc In Um
lim anil hid up the pi Ices 'the warm , teason-
uhlt wc-ntliir and UH lerluln bentlli
to cropi , K-\\L u fiith Impetus to val
uoi In the iiransei group w iuii ri
inalned practically fte.nlj all ITBI week \t
the top prlciIturllnEtoii ehnwed an ad\aiu <
of H p < i cent Omaha of ity per cint nnd
.Northwettern of 1H per tint Net Kalns wen
idlBily he low Ihe hlsluvl In iho hrunmrii and
In otlie-r bto < kn 'lu ) > declaration of dlvliltniU
on inunlHrH of theVanderhllt group had hceit
ill MM milt rd an had been Iho pihtliiK of tin.
dividend on the iirefuiied Motk of thec'Kvelnna
llnrlnnutl , nilraKO K t > t ] , iulr Tlio common
Mock of tlilx crmpuii ) aftii a tlUht oinnlnn
drclliip made an nnnccounlahle nd\anic of z
per cent In face of the dlUduid lumor nml n
llret week matcment nlmuiiiR a ilrcreii-e In
Bro B earnlntrs of over J24 Cud Itcactlon carried
the price below Hituriliy'N i IHFe Thu locil eas
ktockH all rhowed buojaiuy with no news fortlt
coming In account for It. Ihmm'i rumors havr
linn prevalent for foinn time of a tontoltdullon
of InU'renu UIIIOIIK the compvnlex rontlnuid
In Ihe utocks of iion nnd Hi el com
retleclrd IheImpinvrd outlook foi hunl-
In that indunrj Cnni > plruniis > trenitli
manlfestid bj ihe ( loulds. which advanced over
a point. Th KOOC ! Imjlntr of New JtiBey ecu.
trnl alfci contlnueil lefulllnt ; In marklnir up
that nock 3 polntH after an Inlllal dfcllnu and
foinc Inrgular llucluutlpns The utrcnKtli HI
Ihe low-priced xhuic * lontlnued manifttt In
the advance of the preferred stocks of Northern
I'uclllo nnd Knnta" It Texan and lhn cecomi
jirefern-il Hoih of ht Ixiuh Ai han rrancltco
under t.dn nfcKreKalliiK 10 UO mares of Ihe lust
ntmud Quidn fvatuie nf tin- trading was I hi
numler of fractional lols of tlocks lhal ch.iniM
handu Indicating' Ihe outrldu pure-ianes muile.
through rommlftlon hnures Thetc hales of
odd lots were will dlflrlliutcil thniuglinut Ihe hiigar itevi-loped a urnl HrniKlli us the
lay pro , riin > , l and showed a siani fculn on Hie
ild ) fhliaBo C.IH VVIIH active but Irregnlar
rniiKlnK oveiIt , per c nt nnd clof.-d vvlih n net
Kalti ICPH thin t ml , ' arc Ihe nnlc
worthy exlreme ndvinccs ( "onfolldnled On , 4
inr ti-nt CUM llv | r Oi prtferrc-d and htnrcli
trcind preftned S per cenl , limit Illver ( las
\\Uln.rarso iipre : , 1 jier cent , llrcok
ln Union Cat. 3 per nnt .MUKOT Ix-ml Cotton
Oil preferred Imth Il-hlxr clocks , Ilmoklyti
Itapld Tronrlt IlllncU Mfel Norfolk \\encrn
preferred I'ltlthuri ; e'lnclnmill fhlcogo K. 81
1/ouln preferred riillmin , HI Jobtph & Grand
Uluml preferred u polnl or over , betl < t < i those-
rpnljll ) rrrnilrned ntwve.
Trudlng In bonds wan en nn inorniouri erale.
the mlf npcnKntlni : jilmon 13,000 or ) Dccl.Ieil
calm were made In mon of ths Usue . with Hi
I'nul " tcirliiK ihe uktremu Improvement oO . <
| er rent Tlie inarkit develcjoj crn ld 'nbl < -
rlrrnrlh vvllti purvhapes cf the prvmlnrnt molt-
eukes l.clnir made for rrx-culathe and Invertment
accriint ullli ronfldcrable rimtldence. C ! ivern-
Ti't li lilt n | i chare.1 In the Kenrral Uri'lljtth
llml permeated the tecurlly markit Tlits nevv-
4s coupon were iiuotid ot ii. tinlx l i-rlrr
noted In ( he pr > enl movrmtnt. TrmiKictlcni
wcro conflne-1 lo n block of tV5 WO at U5.
Th Bvcntnx Foct'i London flanocUl
eram > nj "The Acr > l races , whl h will lioEln
tomorrow , and the approach of Ihe queen Ju
bilee nrc shrlnktnR iiuHnenn In the markets
here And bu lnes wM slnRnnnt except In Kaf
fir * American * rallied nnd priced clef d firm
nt the leM The tendency Is to buy on nny
pronounced rtlback In prices Applicant * for
rnemtr hlp In the Central Pacific syndicate nr < -
numerous and Indiientlnl The 1'arta nnd Ilerlln
markets were steady"
The fnllonlnic wire the closing quotations on
the leadlN : stocks of the New York exchange
toda ) !
The totnl vnlcw of ttocks tolny were 210 G13
Kharcr IntluillnK. American Siinnr 13 ( HK ) . llur-
llnRton 17,100 , e'hlcnKn Uni. 19 400 , ImlB\llle
< % . Na h\llle , 4 mo , Mnninttnn e nsolldntnl ,
CCOO U'Fourl I'aclllc , 3000 , New York Central ,
1720U , Nurth\vc tern , r,000 , Nurllicrn 1'nclllc ,
' COO , Northern Pnclflc urcfprrcil , 11.700 , Ilinil-
IngI COO. Itnck If Hncl. 7,300 , St I'nul , 12 & 00 ;
TcnncfFic Conl nnil Iron 4 400 , Ttxn Ac t'nclllc ,
4 COO , Western t nlon i,7M > , Southern Tlnllwny
preferred , 3 200 , New Jersey Central , 17,200.
Nt- A uric MIIIUJMnrkit. .
Hny at Him inr cent Inrt lunn , 1 I er evnt ,
clnsed rtTneil nt 1 iier rent
IMllMi : MiitCANllI.i : rAl'iU-3ffl4 per cent
STMHMNd KxriIANOlJ Dull nnil ( Inn with
netlml lumtncFH In Imnkerx Mils lit J4 S7 for < le-
ninnil unil S4 S'\i4 81 ftr ttxly diya ; rosteil rnt B
JI M'ill ' 4 S7 anil Stt.S cciniineicliil bllN. J4 BJ' *
Hii.vnii rr.HTM ICATHS c
1IAU SIIA'nii-69-4c
Mi\IfAN : nOM.AH ! < 47 > j
8TATI2 11OMW Pull
Closing quotations on bonds u.crc ns rollowi
llONl ) | t C-K CtllOtlltlOIII.
ItOSTON , June 14 CloMne prices for stocks ,
bonds and mining stocks.
Snii rrminlNco llnliiK < luotutlon .
SV.S Pi1\VCISOO Juno 14. Tns oTlelil cloi-
Inirqiiotitloiii for nit lUij siojn tallwjrj .11
Silver birj SDHc Mo-clom etollira 4931'IUjC ,
( IraflB. Blflit , 17 c clrifu , tjlojrapi , L'Ju.
.Vciv YniU Mlnlni ; iMiotntliiiin.
NKVV YOHK. Juno 1 1 Ths fullomnr arj the
nliiT nuofitioiia
Chollir lir , Onfirlo 001) )
Ci own Point . . . . 'JO Onhlr BO
Con. Cnl .1 V.I. . , . I'll ) I'lvmoutn 20
Dc.idwood 113 OulcICMllve-r 109
iiould A , Currv to Oulc'CHilvcr ud. . . 700
fah-ANororo33 ( . 70 blorriNavUi. . . . SO
Humcstiku 2003 SUulird 1-15
Iron Silver a > Union Con 30
Mexican ) ( ) Yellow Jacket . . . . S3
I.nnilcin Sleic-tc tluoliitiniia.
LONDON. Juni14 1 p m closln ?
ConsolB m'v N Y Centnl 10.1
Conpols acot . ll'JH I'eimsylv ml i Al
Can I'.icltlc . (12 ( Ucidliu 11
Mux Cjn now 41. If h
111. Central UU ' "
' " ' " ' ' ' "
Mexican ordinary UO L''N. . . . . . . . . Gi&
< Ll' ml co u nj i
HAH SILVEH Sleady at ! 7feel per ounce.
MONEY Vj per cent.
Thei rate of discount In Ihe open market for
short bills nnd threemonlhs Is IJ-lCffl per cenl
CJold IB eiuoled toiluy at Buenos A } res ut 194 10 ,
at Lisbon nt 47 , nt Home- lit 101 HO
Amerlcnn hfCiirlllcM In Luiiiloii.
LONDON , June14 American tecurltles were
weak at the opening , bul steadier lit the elope
operators belni ; Inactive. The cloe was uteailj
wllh the demand light
nml TurUlKh IloiiilH.
LONDON , .lime 14 Tori-lim ficurllle ore
unclruiKeJ except the- Turkish group 2 points
lower at 3774
Flnaiu-lal .Note-M.
ItOSTON. June 14 Clearings , > 14 014 CM , bal-
nnecB , tl , ' 12,727
IIAl/riMOlli : June14 Clearing * , 1,797OI7 ,
biilnncee , (2VJ.CC ! )
Ni\V YOHK June II CIeirlnK , 72,2S,400 ,
li.lllUHCji , 34 < ; ; I'll
I'lllI.ADinvI'HIA June -Clearings , $6C79 -
9.7 biilunci-x ll,2n.s5 -
riNCINNATI June 14 Money , 2lit)0 ) per cenl.
Nivv ork exchuiiKe ( .5 T7Jo premium , clcnrliiK
(2 ( S,3K)0 )
Mi.Ml'MIS : , Tenn June 14 OlcnrlnKH , t2K ,
081. bulunceH. J71.415 , New York exchange fellIng -
Ing nt ! CO premium
NfJW OHU\NS. : June II Clenrlnei , J726 -
'ST. New lork nchniiKe , bank , $1 W | > er II 000
premium commercial , 2'.o premium per tl.WO
KT Il'IH June14 C'lfiirlngH , ! 4 .01 , 043 , bil
uncm , t ! . ' . ' 4U3. monej , 45i7 per cenl , New 'iork
cxchunBe too premium bid , 75o iiremlum asked
CHK'.UIO. Juno -ClearlngM , J15 375,228 , Nuvv
Yoik exchanK * . 7Sc premium , foiclitn exchange
> lead > , deinnnd , H k' > 't , t\\\y \ dnss. M.lCVi Trad
Itij In clocks WIIH ilull nnd conllncd almost en-
lliel to Win ChlcnEO I'loslnit prices niamonil
Mulch , 13S , btruvvlxiaril , 25Vht Chlcngo , ! 'i ,
NoiDi ChlcaKO , 2.U , Lake Htrcel , 11 , New Yenk
Illbcult , 4SH
I < 'ori-lufii I'lnnne-liil.
I'AHIS , June 14 Three j r cent renles , 104f
LONDON. June 14 llulllon gone Into the Hank
ot KnKlunit on balance toda ) , CCS.OOO ,
ICiuiHiiM rii > Mnri.clH.
KANSAS Cm June- -WIIU VT-Vrry nrmj
No 2 hard , 'Oc. No J. Clifkbo No 4 50j56c ;
No 2 fprlnif "OtTO'ic , No J f48CSc. No. 2 ud ,
tZ < - , No 3 12ffic , No 4 , OHfTOc.
COHN About tead ) , offerings light ; NO. 1
mixed 20fr2l < 4C
OATP-Kalrly ncllve , aboul tleady , No J
hlteINi IHic-
ll13 Stead ) , No { , 290.
IIA .Steady utij unchanged ; timothy , J3 M ,
prairie17 00
Ill'TTUll-Slinds creamery , lOHftK'ic , dalri ,
KilOV'e k al 7c ,
RIJflMITKheal , 3.CCO . bu ; corn. 31,500 bu. ,
( a\v HIK > Ixi.
Hlir.Mi.ST.Wheat : , f.0"0 bu , coin , 24 700 bu.
calx , j.OOO bu
.Nt-n V < irk lr > Gooilx
NBW YOHK. Junu -The dr > g od market
opened vvlib bcller comlltlon * pievallng The
! ( of tfatoiuble toodt In cc ttun prints and
drtffc * goods have btt-a more In accordance with
the Ideas of relUrs Tiie market for iituple guodt
In ul | linen has lien iiulel , ni In fall tlyles
there has been Increased uctlvlt ) Thu staple
cot tin market t > ( till In an untellled rlulp. The
dtinund for bltacl ed rnttcn U for nturlr all
frrcUes ; In wide rherllnM there ID practically
nothing dciliiK Ilrnwn goods for converters nr
qulut lu lieurly v xy Lradc. Ccaiku colored cot-
I tins are quiet In nenrl } all llnc Print cloth *
nre fteiulv todav win , t ) , market much Im
I proved tlnrertnlnlv n to.lhc probable move-
' merits of the mill , in the wnpe curtailment
| qu < - llin had nused tfiV ml\nnces of the last
; llitte dajn. ll | for extras nt ! ' * c "re refilpe-l
liy lellera feir cither t hlrncld or P < " OM
RoAOs , ton , nre cH tlnctrvMrnnKer | thhn hereto
fore The trading In prints bus bcn hell-eil by
the warmer wenther
. . n
TrnilliiK nt Ni-n Vtfrlf IN Sliu-U
Sllnlit CiniiK ! In I'rle-c.
NIJW YOHK June TTtac cotlon market
opened bnrcly rtond ) , wjth nrlccs unclnnged to
3 points lower There was n further decline ot
from 1 to S point ? nnd ( lien the market lurned
to about Satunlto's closing ngure , wllh the
tone finally ftcnilj nt iifl tfnchanged prices lo
2 polntx lo-n Trndlng 4as'iilnek nnd reached
enl ) 37900 bales futuie vT Ue mniket vva fen-
turcbcs nnd almo t tntlrel ) di-mltule of outride
Jpceulntlve Interest IMruics clcncd ijulet nml
elend ) , fale , 37 100 bales , Jnnuar ) , ti > 77 , Teci-
ruur ) K M , Mneh , r M June , 17 Id , Jul ) (710 ,
August > 7 13 September , 1C vs. Oclobcr , 1672 ,
Novcmler , IJ671 , Decemlwr , J6.73. Ppol closed
milct , nilddllnK 7 11 tf > c , middling upland ! ,
7 11 Ibf , mid .ling gulf " 15 ICc nci recelts | no c ,
grop * recclplr 3ui3 bnles , expurls to the urn-
llnenl , 4.644 bnle forwiirded , 2031 bilen , pnUs ,
1 fSO bnfen , rplnneip. C2 ( > Imles Block. 19420
I ales Total todn ) Net receipts 7M bales , e\-
porti to tlrent Hrltnln none , Trnnce none ,
ctntlnenl 40 40S bilec. Block 2,3 VV5 bales Ton-
Folldnlcd Net ncc-liti | > , 10 3I < bales exports to
Clrent llrllaln , M balOT , 1'rnnco COIS Inles , con
tinent , 4.84S bales Total Klncc Bepteiuber 1
Nel receipts , G 797 l')7 ' ) billed , expuits to Client
llrllaln , 2,9W. 475 biles , It-ance CU V29 bntes ,
conllnent , 20724S ! ' bales , channel , 11,4 lmle- .
NIJW OUMJAKH June 14 CO riO.S-s pol.
vcr ) elend ) taliK , 1100 baits , ordinal ) , 03-lBc ,
gc d onllnirj S'i-lGc , low middling , "c mid
dling , 7 7lfcgood middling , 7 .e. middling fair.
S31Cc , nedpts , 1.37 bales , nock to > 'i biles
rutuiit were- plow but stind ) , sale' 10,100
bales , June J7 17 , nominal , Jul ) , 17171)718 A i-
gun , ICSififi VS September } ' wni GO October.
JH 43UC 44 Novcinlxr , $0 4"jG 46. Deeembir J6 41
SH' O , Jnniinr ) ( G51jOD3 , rebniar ) , JC'MiiGEG ,
March. Jf.7i05S ( !
L1V1V.IU'OOI. June -COTTON Spot moder-
ntcl ) ncllvp , prices favor buers , Amerlcnn mid
dling , 4 3 52d The talcs eif thedn ) were i W)0 )
bnbs , of which 2.WO biles were- for speculation
nnd export and Included n 400 bales Amerlcnn ,
receipts SlOO biles , Including 0,100 bales Amer
lcnn Puturti opuud stead ) with n moderate
ilemnml and closed quiet nt the declineAmcilcnn
middling , It. M f , Junv , 4 1-Cld. s-ellers , June
mid Jul ) , 4j4 l-l'4d , value , Jul ) and August ,
4d huers , Augu t nnd fcepte-mber , 3 ro Glif
101-C4d , biier < < , September and October 3 KJ-C4d ,
bu > cr < , Oclober nnd November 3 4-i-Ctd bucrs ,
November and Dcceiuber , 3 4f G4d , bcllcis , De
cember nnd Januan , 3 41-C43 41 f4d bUcrt |
January .and Tebruar ) , 3 41 tillfS 45-fild , bue-rs ,
1'ebiuuo and March 315-111 buers , Minci
nnd April , 3 41-C4il feller'
hi1. lOt is Jiin < 11CO1 1OV Qinot. mid Un ? ,
7 u-lCo , no eiiles reported , itceiplH. 6 bales ; hlilp-
mcnls , G bnles , stock. 23 458 bale * .
Montlil } ' ConiiinrntUf Slnti-iiii-nt ol
IniiiirH nnil i\imrlM :
WASHINGTON , lunc 11 1'nc monthl ) compnr-
nllvo sltilemenl of Imporls nnil exportu Is-meO
by the- bureau of ptwtlBtlcs ot Iho Treasury
department , shows theexporls of cloincsllc incr-
chunill c during Ma ) to have- amounted to
$7b.302OS2. ugnlnst 504 5S7.491 for Ma ) last > enr.
The- Imports of merchandise during Ma ) Inul
iimountetl to J79.321 S27 , of which JJ1..CM 7iO wns
ficeof dul ) . TheIncrciiFO In the lol il Importii
of mcrchundl-e over Mn ) W. was over J--2
l,00.(00 Tor tie eleven months ended Ma ) 31
last theexpurti of domestic - ex
ceeded tho-e for Ihe tame- period laul > cnr
b ) over UCi 000 COO , whileIhe Import * fell ort
during tne same- period over JI4.000000.
Ihe exports of gold duilng last Mn ) amotintea
to } " ,4C8711 , agiilnst $19,103 ' ) IJ for Ma ) ! ! ' < > .
During Die- eleven montlis the Imports exceeded
Ihe e-xports b ) ubout $4S,271.COO 'Hie silver ex
ported during Ma ) amounled to $4 SJi , 4. nnil
during the eleven months the exports of silver
exceeded the- Imports b ) ubout J46COO,000
Collet * MnrlvC'l * .
NDW YORK , .Tun6' ' ; 'H.-COrrun-Optlons
opened slend ) nt unchabned1 prices to o pJlnts
advance but eased off. 'folhlwliitf dl appolntlnB
riiroiKtin advices nnd'ycnvler ' recelpls nt Hlo
md bantos , bteadli-d lri''thc' ' ' nfterneMiu on UK it
covering , iradlng local , cloid Hteud ) , net un
changed lo 10 polntH niH'nnci , il < w. I-.MIO bags.
includlnK June nt $720f7SO | , September , ? . Jr < rj >
,45 hMit | , Hlo , dull , No , 7j ? 7 75 Invoke , $ S A )
iotsblng -ales , HO biuja , Sluiucnlbo , balH 14
iil4'c ' ( , 1OCO bags Central American , private
terms , total warehouse , dellvcrlcH from the.
L'nlled Slates. 10 235 li'it-s. ' Hieluillng U " > 27 from
New York , New York Mf-cl'todn > , 143 7J7 lings.
United States stock. OO.K'J bugs , , nfloit for the
L'nlted Slntei , 2 1 ! ) 000 bilK * . tolal visible toi the
fnlteMl blales. 735 S93 ba > . . ag.iln t JI4.902 bags
la-'t seal nnd CV7 , :2 blips In " 95
HAVim June 14 COrriJtClo.ea flead ) nt
n , ' 4f decline , pales , W ) bags
SANTOS , June 14MX ) ! * ] IJIStcnel ) , good
average Santos 9,71,0 , rtis , Tc cl | > ts , 5,000 IMRS ,
stock , 250 ( JCO Ings. Weekl ) reportCoffee. .
slead ) , goexl average pfr ten kilo * . 9,150 lels ,
recelpls during , week. SUOOO bigs , tblpmenls lethe
the ? I nlted States. SUX ( lbsgs , * tnck. 25 ! > CW bigs
HAMIItma , June 11 COri'lIU Unchanged ,
eale13 000 bags
No 7 , Hlo , 8850 rels , exchange. 71 J 101 , re
celpls. 7,000 bag- ! , cleared for llnt'nlled States.
J.OOO bags ; for Europe , 1 OUO bags , stock , 203 000
lugs. Wcekl ) report : Coffee , linn. Mnmlnnl ,
8 iW rels , receipts during week , 30 WO bags ,
dhlpments lo the Unlled blate , 45000 bags ,
slock , 205 000 bag"
NIJW OliLIJANS , June 14 OOITKU Hlo , or-
dlnar ) lo low fair. J10WH/U25
Cliic'liinnt ! HiirkotH.
CINCINNATI. June14 rLOUH Eas ) , fam-
II ) , { 525.
WII1JAT rirm No 2 red. 8Cc
COHN rirm , No 2 mixed , 2Cc.
OATSi lias ) . No 2 mixed IB'Ac
HYU Slronger ; No 2 37639c
L\H1 > rirmer nt $3fO.
IH'LIC MEATS Culet nt $4 GOS4 70. Uacon ,
llrmer nt 15 4u05 to
WHISKY S-lendy nt $1 19
IH'TTrnt Dull and unch inged
SUOAH-rirm , hard , rellncd , * 353G50.
IX5GS Qulel nnd llrm at 7c
, good to prime Ohio flat , S14
Halt lip < > re Mnrlcetit.
HALTIMOHE , June 14 rLOUH Dull , western
superllne. 12500275 , famllj , tl COffl SO vvlnler
wheat pntentK ; i SOS4 70 , receipts , 3,655 bbls ;
exportu , 2C bbls
WHEAT Dull , bpol , 7Sc bid. September. G9c
nuked , lecelpls , 13,045 bu ; foulhcrn wheat by
i-ample , 7WiSOc ,
COHN rirm , ppot , 2S"lj2Si ! c ; September.
29y c steamer mixed , 27V4O-7I4C , receipts , 12. ! S33
bu , exports 51.429 bu , southern white , 31j > 32c ;
southern yellow , Sic nsked
O\TS libler. No 2 white , 20Vi , 27c , receipts ,
37.100 bu
in E Easy , No. 2 western , 3C < 4G3CBtc , re
ceipts. 37.001 bu
HAY Quiet , choice tlmothv. JH 00 bid
New Orle-iiiiM MarUe-tH.
Quiet , pork , old , 7" c Lard refined , tierce
SHc Hexed menls , elrj fait llOllldcrs , 4 * > , { j5c
Khlef , I'tnC ' Uncon ilinr ribs , eldes , .r\c. Hume
cholcn sugar cured 1S9Hc
PLOUH Quiet , extra fanc > , $4 205T130 , pat
ents , J4 fd 4 81
COflNMIJAIf-PIrm at Jl 70ftl 75
HHAN Quiet Jt nxfi'Z c
HAY Luvver. prime. 1 ijl3c ; choice. 15J11i c.
COHN ( Julet. No 2 packed , mixed , S2J33e ,
lellovv , 33c ; vvhlte3 ! *
OATS Steady. No 2 24 > < , cn23e
HICE hlcadj ordlnnry to ( tool , SSOI'iC ,
Siiiiar llarUt-tH.
NEW YOHK. June 14 faL'OAH-Haw , Hlrons.
eenlrlfugal , % tehl , JHc Heflned llrm : mold
A , to , lunil.ird A , 4'ft.c , eonfectlonei-R1 A l" e ,
cut lonf , S3 e , criiKhcd \c , powdered , S'tc ,
ranulaled , 4c. cuhen.r.c. . ,
NIJW OHLEANH , June14 SUdAIt-Qulet nnd
steady , open kettle- , 2'i'ii'i'i' ' ' cuilrlfilRalu , Kriinn
luted 3T lS4e , vvlilp | 3 n-Kf3 | II ICc , jellovv
I'tJjS'ic , seeemils , .WiC , molaKtes , cenlrlfugul ,
I.ONLON , Juno 14 SL'GAH Hcct , June , Is
I'i'orlii Murl.e-lx.
PEOHIA , III. June H COHN-Stendy ; No. S ,
24c OATH Quiet steady ; Nn J white , 19i4fJ20o
WHISKY Market rtemb. ilnUbtd Boods on Ihe
basis of tl 19 fur hlKUs-wllim
Receipts ; Corn , 1I2.CV ) bu , ontn 40.000 bu ,
rje , none , w'lltky. none , wheat , 2 400 bu bhlp
menu- fern 14100 but o ts. 4J OCO bu , r > e ,
none , vvbUlty 375 bbls ; vvhent none ,
Ltv < -I-IIM > ! Crulu. n il lui eiv iHleiiiN ,
LIVEHPOOL June l AllACON Clear belllcn ,
Hrm 2's
at t
CHEESE American , npe t white nml colored
llrm at 44 „
COHN-Jiilv nrm nt MX' ' ]
HecelptH of wheut fiom Atlantic ports , S3 CCO
quartern , from Pocltlo v/-Ttn 20WO quarters ,
from oilier ports , 3lflli iiijirterti.
Cnliroriilii Krle'il IVullK.
PRUITP Steady evaprtrjlted apples , prime wire *
Iraj IHfllVic per Ib Vtnm ) elrled prime 4 ] c
c icdcc4liii44Cl fanc > J Gc. prunes. 2 { f7c per
Ib n In clze ami iimillly niirl-oiH. Heivaln
lie , Monr I'.irX" 12iil4q puachvs , unpeeled , C0
lOc , peeled , lldHo per fb
Tcile-eld JturUPtM ,
TOLEDO tuneK WHEAT Active ; No. 2
catti. Kc , Juni. i2Hc , July 70 > .r
COHN HKllimi , No 2 ml e1 2'Hc.
O T _ Aclve | , No 2 mlied , 19'iC.
riX > VEHSEiD-Dull , primsOctober. . 4 SO.
OH * I'nchanKed
Oil , CITY. I'n Juno 14 Oil cerllflratcii nn
bids credit balnnret 87c , KhlpmenU , 191970
bids nm , H2 6D2 tblr
LONDON , June 14 Turpenllne fplrlts , 21s 3d.
iiKln : IliiUi-r .Mnrl.i-l.
EIX1IN III , June -nUTTIJH-Klrm. . otter-
Incs , 40 MO Ihe. . rnleg. fJ WO Ibv at He , owners
held foe higher prices.
Wool Mnrl.rtH.
RT LOl'IS Junn 11 WOOtv-Hleddv , choice
KVic , medium 130 16c llchl Hn , 11013 = , heuvV
Out , SUlOc ; tub vU5hc-d.nSj c.
Week Open ? w.tli .1 Remarkably Light Hun
of Cnttlo ,
ciik nt Clilriimi rlinlx it Ui-niiouic
Here In Kimlrr I'rlrci HORN Ainu
Svuroi mill Somcvt hut
l.ovr. .
brought in today by each load was
Total receipts 33 2o 2 1
Tlio disposition oC tlie cl.ay'i receipts
was ns follows , each bujei purchasing llic
: number of lieud Indicated :
Uuvors Cattle. HOKS. Sheep.
1 Oniaim I'ncltltiK Co 7113 . . . .
Thu O. 11. Hammond Co. 1TI ! . . . . 23 ?
lfe.YIfln",11 L'ompanv zr CIS fi
I TheCmlallJ I'ucMili ; Co. 2IS UbU
, J. 1 , Carej 20
| I-p'inan ' .t Uolhschllils . . 70
Other bujcrs 10 . , (
Totals "UD l.GSS 487
CATTLn-Todnj's receipts of c.ittle' . qnlj
twimiv-elKht ciiiR vveiea RICH dl-nppo.nt-
mcnt , as n falilj liberal run had been anile-
l.'ated It lian been .1 OUR time since tin-re
were so few cattle here ami the 5.lids looked
lonesomlu fan thencamo nc-ir belut ;
n.oiebuvcrs tnnn cattle
A.lvlces fiom Chicago Indicated a lOc btc.ik
In cattle values at Hint point , which inuilu
thc market help a llttlu easier ou beeves
in spite of theIlKht ofterinits. irvcrj thltiK
was i-old eiilv In Hie rn.trnlni ; ami tncvatds
° "l > a lew cows , and helfeis vvrro on \le
and ihoj bioiiKht about S itutdav'o prices
One thiee-oad buin-h of heifers "old up teA
A few fcc-ders vvoie ofTeied .Hid they sold
" * IW ° ' " " ° M S lt"Ul ll' JUI cscnt11-
, lies
No Av fr
4t . .113S M 21
1 . . SSO 4 SO
s ) . 1010 4 so
4s . .132J 4 CO
42 1171 4 JO
31 . .111S 4 45
2 . . S'O 3 BO
14 ' 1 % 3 f,0
2 . .10J3 3 70
11 . . lIuO 3 70
1 . . .I 00 3 75
S . . . SCO 3 7 , ,
1 . . 11SO 3 90
10 . . 732 3 C3
47 . . ' ' , ' 3 fj
fci * S0 ( 3 i&
1 . 12" ) 3 JO
1. . . 10 0 J Ti
1..15SO 3 50
4. . . . 1S2 G 00
. . _ . _ . _ . 30 . . 751 425
.G . . .1035 4 00
HOCiS The hog jards were ns vacant as the
cittlcjards , only tvventblx loads bc-lng ie-
ported In. .
Illcnurket was 2'ic lower , the hogs selling
principal ! ) nt J330 , while -nturdaj the bulk
brought J330 i332'i The trade was fulrlj active
tivennd an early clea.nnce was effected
The week opens with the market iitjout where
It wns at the- opening of last week Heprc-
scntnllvo sales :
No Av. Sh. Pr. No Av. Sb Pr.
48 332 240 J3 f , GO 2S8 . . . J 30
10 " 01 . . . 3 a 74 S12 40 330
41 SCO . . . 3 27' 74 239 40 330
54 315 ICO 3 27H tl 2hS . . 3 JO
67 299 SO 330 50 292 SO 330
51 305 . .330 C3 2J4 IbO 330
71 203 80 330 IG 296 . . . 330
H J23 . . . 330 51 203 SO 3 30
21 235 . . . 130 31 2GS . . . 330
12 12G . . . 330 28 259 SO 330
t9 271 SO 330 CS 271 240 330
D7 267 10 330 ' 0 241 . . . 3 S.1 !
G3 253 . . . 330 79 234 . . . 3 32ij
57 JSS . . . 330 22 218 . . . 3 3. ! > i
G2 2CS . .330 CS 252 ICO 3 J.'li
G2 2S1 . . . 330
1 2oO . . 3 23 1 410 SO 3 25
2 2GO SO 325 3 300 . . . 3 2i
3 39. ( 60 J 25 3 303 . . . 3 23
1 370 325 1 420 . . . 3 Z7J4
2 SC3 SO 325 3 210 . , . 3 27Cj
1 400 . . 3 a 2 JC3 . . . J 27
1 380 . . 3 2o 3 ttO . . . 3
4 295 . . . 3 33 8. . . . 193 . . 3 30
4. ' . . . . . 3C5 . . 3 25 4 3i > . . J SO
1 CIO . . . 325 4 235 . . . 330
3 31G . . . 325 1 230 . . . 330
J JCO t > 0 31.5 6 254 . . . 330
1 380 . . 3 i5 2 . . . . .US . . 3 30
3 213 SO 3 25 4 215 . . . 310
D . . . . 2C2 . . . 3 .5 1 TOO . . . 3 30 *
2 . . . .230 . . . 3 25 B Ol ) . . . J 30
2 2bO . . 3 25 2 225 . . . 330
D , . . 291 . , 3 23
SHEEP There were two cars of sheep here ,
bill Ihej were continued direct to packers and
were not oflered for unle , FO thai there was
nothing to make- lent of the market.
Cattle- DliiliLiMvtr iinel HIIKN anil
Slic-t-i | Are ? Aluo I.IMVIT.
CHICAOO , June 14 A vcrj good business In
caltlo was trnntnctc-il , prices rulliiK weak and
sxnernllj about lOo pel HO Ibs lower , vvllli
choicenearlj Blead > . Sales wtie1 1 iriel } nl
from 1435 lo J4 W ) , wllh a falrlj iictlve export
dcinaml around ( I 70 to SI 'xi Common drctted
beef He era sold nt fiom f 3 90 In 51 10 and Inline
lots were i-cnrce and largely nominal at from
(310 lu i ! ) 30 Ihe and fee iler trade
WIIH fnlilv acllve. with thedcniind birifel ) fur
Kood to choice fccdeiti at from ! < 00 til tl Ml
C'ulvcH wen hcncinll ) vvenkcr , with a fair Hip
ply 'lexax cuttle weio plentiful nnd tdlnhtl >
lime.1C. . . : bead of l,4G7-lh ulcers tellliitf lit
TiuiJo In IIOKH ehowed the usual nnlin itlon
nnd the Mippl ) was well taken Prices wcie-
ubout 2' ' c pel 10) Ilia lower , with halen laiKi'U
nl fluiu t.1 45 lo t3 47'tnha beliiK at an ex-
licme rnn u < > ! from } J 11 lei iZK > fur IHJKS and
ut fW" lo n 00 for pl s
In rhccp a liberal run ranted a weaker f 'l-
Int. and lambs were- extremely ilull , with very
lllllo doneup to a late hour. Sheep sold Klnwly
l ) frc'lii J2fO tu Jl fO , the bulk Kolni ; lit fromt
U (0 tu } ! ' - ! , wllh numeroUH f-ulcn at from S3 Oil
to ? 3 25 'IIX.IH hhecp told flub al fnim > 3 00
lo Stdl Uuillis Hild uleiulj lit ( mm (125 tu
tl 72 and spring lambs brought from il ( X ) to
15 G'
HccelpU- Cat 11121.COO head , hogs , 41,03 head ,
the ? ] ' , 18KO head.
Vevv A cirk I.lviS oc-U.
NEW lOHK. June -linEVn'-Hfeelpts two
ilajd , 109 lit.ill tile-em , Him , native feteerH > 4 40
iC 10 , stairu nnd oxen. (3COii4C5 , culls , (300 ®
3(1) ) , elry COVVH Jl iiOljJ 3U , culilm eiucie Amerli4in
bterrn ut lOV.Cull'io ' , theep , ! OHU'12o , refrlgerntor
bce ' . MlSV.i
c'M.Vr.S Hecrlpls , 4 G&3 hi ailenln Jl f.Olj'
Cfll writern cahen , (4 0V/5 ( W
HHiEI' AND LAMIIs-Hecelpla 12'.1 head
Hhctp , stead ) cexid liiuHin , llrmei , othcig sti'iily ,
the p t.1 UiiUl 15. je rllngii , tr > ij(75 , laniliH
(4 7C i C W
Hi C ] He clpts , 11.CIS heed , nc Ive and slightly
llrmer , eiuoted at 14 U'410
KIIIIHIIH ( ' ! ( > LiveSlde'U. .
C.CCo head Muilitt weak to lOo lutvcr , Ter.m
slrcm , } 225455 , Tcxno cows , )2 00jj 15 , native :
tioern. > 3Ujii4.W , native eovvs and hclfira , (150
ill 25. rlexke H find feeders , ( jGOiil'O. bull *
it ( Xiii2 25
HCKiS IterclplH , COOO head , market weak to tc
lowci , bulk of fak-s , 53 25ij-a .10 lulu Us 13 27H
f(3 JM , patl.e-rx 53 : < H'J 27'i mixed (3 i'ffJ 3.4.
llhl , (3 05Q3 30 , e.rxer . * . ( -Ti&J JO pli,8 , (2 40
03 20
BIIKEI' Hecelpts , 5 W ) bead , market tteadyi
] aml/a , (3 60&3 25 , mullons , (3 ,
Stiie-K III .
Ileconl of receipts of live Meek nt the four
principal markets for June 14.Callle.
Callle. HORS hheep
Omaha . . . fc25 107 4k !
Chicago . . . . Jl (01 ( 44 001 Ik Uw
Kanius City . . . . . . 6(00 ( C 10 6 Wl
bt I uU 7,000 2000 5U01
Totals SIkSS IJ.CS ; sTiTT
St. liiiiilM LIviSliii1. . ,
hT. I Ol'IS Juni14 CATTI.i : HicclpU. 7,000
herd sU mentr , 5i"O heid , murktt tl'ady for beit
natlvee and lOo lower en ulhtr gruae < , bckl
trades ot Texan * ntnuly and other Kradcu I'M
loner , choice to fancy export Mecr *
5 15 , fair lo rc-M dhlpplnff teer II OXJ4 0 ,
bulk of inlet , J4 fs-H ( ( U. drr i > p < 1 l-cef nml
butcher t ert Jl W84 fO bulk of inles , 14 ISC'
4 , ileen und r 1 < XK ) lb , U7&tM'j. bulk of
il , J4 net . ntnekfr * and feed r JJ.WV ( | >
4 1\ . bulk : of talc * . U 6SJT4 15 , cons nnd hfltfrs.
> I' Q4SO , bulk n [ pnws ti 41 3 5S. TIXKS ami
Indian Meer , fed , Jl V'fTI (0 ; BrflM JltogsW.
coue and heifers , 12 W J ft ) .
IKXIS-HectlpU. J.OM hfa.l uhlpment * . S NO
bend ni-uktt stead ) , llht , (3.1 3,45 : mixed ,
' heavs ,
Illllirllecelpts. . f oo liend , Fhlpmenls , 20)0 )
bend , market fiend ) for best enl ) , native mut
ton * , JJ2i04r. . culls nnd bucks , > 2 POTJ 00 ,
T.-xns nheop J ! COJ3 lamb ,
in < llntTulo l.lve-
I\ST nri-PALo June II-C
fat steers , JI'-HliCS. coixl tr > choice , SI COM4 W ,
fnlr to Rood t3C5MM , choice- fat heifers I115
(71 40 , fair to peed , (3 6"CM 00 , choice $ ( 1M71 40
fnlr lo Rood mKel bitlcherR1 flock , > 32" > int > 0 ,
Kuoil fat cows , S3 101/1 K , strictly fancy milkers
{ 170M470 , Rooil to fancy iprlnsers , t3fO 4fv.
Cno I to choice veal * , 1525(7671 , henvy fed ami
liuittrmllk J'25ilR s : . <
llixm-Cludcp Yoiker * > 3K ! . mixed
Kind" )1 K. medium welishtR $1 fOU. Co licnvy ,
} l' > r 3fO , roiiRhs t r < fl3X
illKIJI * Nallvo lamb * choice to inline. II n
l no culls ami commons t ! 50312 , ' , fnlr lo
diolcc mixed tdipep. JJ 7504 00. choice In fe-
Icctcd wethprs. 14 OopI ! S cull to common , Jl ! o
If52 , cvport nhcrp J4 001(4 ( jj
Vnn l"rnncliiVli ( - t tjiiiiliHInn * .
SAN Til VNTISIX1 lime 14M III : V -Decent- -
ber. II 2U4. Ma ) Jl S4V ,
M\V : SASH VM ) noon COMIIIN vnov
Coiiitiiiii- Tiil.etlio 1'lni'iof Iho
One Do-lnrcil Illi-Kiil In U Uc < in-ln ,
CIIICAC10. Juno II llio Inter Occm lo
mitlioi Ity for tlio Jt.ttcinrnt that n new door
comblrmtlon lins been fotincsl. H Is a re-
cftitly Incoiporntoil e-onipiny , Icnown as the
Western Door company , % \tth $1,000000 cap
ital , nnil headquarters nt Hock Island , III.
I'rank Adams , /orme-rly / cointiiNsloiier oi
the Maiiiifactureifl' Sath. Door and Hllml as
sociation , but now of ttiO r.irle/-Loetsihir
Matuifacttirliif ; compin > of ltibuque\ , in
one of the Incorporalots 11 Is consbli-icd
one of tlie best posted men In the door trade- ,
nnd ho Is really the oiKnnl/pr of the now
company. Tlio pi in Is to pr.ictle-ull.v form n
door trust ou a new plan , i's the- old trust ,
foi moil In Wisconsin seve-ial jcurs ago has
been forced out of cvLMuiee- the t emits
o * that state I'lic iliwl work of the new
company Is to combine all the flash inul door
fie-turle s nloiiK the Mississippi Most of the
l.iiK' ' fuetorles hn e nlre-ady been secured ,
and not onlv the othets on the.lonte , hut
also all the vvcstein and nortlnveslein fac-
torlc's \\lll be brought Into the compinv by
piiuhast- otherwise
Ono of 'he liK-ciipoin'oti , s'peikltm of the
now combination , snld "The door ImMnfvs
has been run at n loss for over two > c.iis
and miiiv of them liive had to retmln Pic scd
part of the timeto prevent ovctBtcnUltig the
market Hven then there' bus bc-cn too much
: -tock and prices nio lovvoi In pioportlon to
theeost of Inmbei. The object of the tinst
Is not to icslrlct tr. cle Out to put it on a
P.I 51 tin lias's ' Iiiai.ih luni"o.s arc to l > ° opened
lit all IcMdlni ; dl'lllhutlliR nnilieta CMilengo
will lm\e one" will also be outat
Xi-w York , San Tianelseo and S > dne > 01
Melbourne Al-btralla There Is to beu
rpgulai set ot olllccrr and dlrc-otors of the
consolidated f.'itoilcs , and It is ald that
Kicl'rlikVcyheihiiucr , the ) lumber king ,
v 111 l/o president. "
roncnllon of MuMcr I'lilniliiTvi.
NIV YOUK June14 The execitthc- com
mittee of theXutlonul Assoelntlon otlns -
tet I'lumljpis1uis in pcasloii tocluv piellml-
n.m to the llfteeiitli nnnunl convention of
the a'soclatlon , hlch Is to brt-ln hue to-
inuiroThoic of the committee present
today \veie. \V H Dovle. Phllticti-lphla ,
president of tlio , iv oolutlon. T 1 * C'nlloton ,
Ohlc > BO vice ie--ldent AVIIIInm McCou-h ,
I'lilladdphli , t-i-te'tni > , \V i ; Cloodi- , Mil
waukee tu-nMircr , John Yule , Xe\v > oik ,
P. M Muiphy , Chicago , n J Hitnn in ,
IIiutfi > id : I L 11 rirtnan , Han KnmcNco ,
and W 12 l"io-"liv , I'hllndelphl.i , membem
of tlie e\ccull\e rommlttte The ( Oinmlttec *
Is la > liiR out the work for the coiucnllon ,
at which It N expected 500 delegates will
be in attondince.
After la grippe the > = tcm Isetk and
any disease is easily contracted. Try I'lll
Anaemic I'lnk. It rcMoica strciiKth and vi
tality and wards off tkltness. iMudeonlj by
the fiercer Chemical Co , Omrdia.
Tin I li , iiul Ilniiilcur Cnlllilo.
POnTI AND , Oie. June H AVhlle Super
intendent O'lirlen of the Oicson Hnll\uiy
nnd Nu\ln-itlon comp-iny VV.TI lutnrrlnir
from an Inspection tour ovei the load his
pi hate- car ahead of the onglnc tan inio a
handcar near I'.oeistcr Hock , two
miles east of this city , nnil Kllli d rimilc'i
A Itathboiu * . brother of Pest Cnptnln Ititb-
bone of the Oietron Itallw.iy and NmlBatlon
company , nnrl n G-year-old faon of II Dunn ,
section foreman. I
An honest storekeeper will uui try to cou-
vlnr-e bujuis that ho knows what they need
'i ffr than thev do.
ItnlNt * I'uloi. .luck nt Detroit.
DCTHO1T , June 14 A feature of ( lap ; clay
In Deli oil was the- raising of the biff llnir
and union jack , presented to the city of
Detroit by the cievv of the United Stales
crulsci Detroit. The bannerH were hoisted
from the ground In front cif the cltj hall
to the flagstaff on top of the building
shortls ufler noon by gome United States
marines , amid cheur-s of the crowd. Major
Mabury and others made short , appropriate
Huslnees men exhaust their nervous sys
tem by mental work , They Jo = e vitality.
Vitality Is blood. If snffcrlni ? from nervous
disorders , btrcngthcn the blood by using I'lll
Anaemic Pink. It makes rich red blood and
plenty of It. Made only by the Mercer
i bemical Co , Omaha.
Iliiriit-il by n I/iiinii KxplciHlcin.
PITTSIJima , June 14 A lamp explosion
In the residence of Stephen Welch , near
Sharpsburg , early this morning , bet lire to
the hou c und badly burned the four occu
pants. . . The Injured ate : Stephen Welch ,
Mrs. Welch and two chl'dren AVelcb anil
one of the children arc in u critical condition
and may die.
Two Children lliu-noil ( o IH'iilb.
DAYTON , O , June 14 When tlio firemen
extinguished a lire this noon at the homo of
Prank Prcslel , a laborer on Nassau ijtte-et ,
they foilnd the badly e-harred Iwdles of
Itot-n , nged fl , nnd Albert , aged J , The
children had played with matches nnd net
lire to the
When jou buy a proprietary article , look
&t It bofoie the salesman wraps It up , and
sesure youreelf that you are getting the
ight thing. Substitution la ranumnt.
low n I ii N urn li < Coiniiiui ) Ilnrri-il.
ST. PAUU Juno 11. Insurance Cominlf-
sloner Dearth today notified Ihe Iowa In-
turancn compinj that Its IpenncH | Htand can
celed from today and that any IniHlnc'hS
written In this stale hereafter will be held
to be In via utlon of the law.
Cc'iiirulVail < - \MNIIIIII-U ( 'iiiiiniiiiul.
ST. PAUL , Juno H. Urlgudlcr General
Jumex T Wude , the new commander of the
I > eilartmenti of Dakota , arrived In the city
\cMunluy and wa today In Ma otllce at
headcpjui lers.
Cupltiil , Htr.fl.UOO. Fully Pa 111.
Stocks , Grain and Provisions ,
Itooiu 111 IIloiiril of TrniliIlliln. .
( Tel. 1033 )
C. C. CHniFTIU Prealdcnt
n. J. STIUIT vice PrcBident
U , W KUNNUV Secretary
Pavld T. ncals , Treat. No 3C37.
I'P Neal.Vlce I'rcK I'nlciii ' Nndoiiul Haul ;
Chas II. V. Lewis , Cash Capital , GOO,000 ,
KAN8A8 CITY , Mo Airll 24 U3I
Wo hereby certlf ) thai Iho ClirUllf-clrect
CarnmnKlcin Coinpuny linn Ihla da ) cinnii.f l ced
buulncBi with UK by depotltlni ; I'lfty 'llioutand
tollar8 ( JIOOOOWJ In tu > h ,
( Dictated ) CIIAIIM : < 9 II. V LHWIC
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb.
Direct wire * In Chlcaio and New York.
A.Varrta t , C %
Mnjnr llnrrlnoii SIIKRI > NII Hint Cltr
KniilnFK DUIde t p ,
CII1CAOO , June H. Major lUrrlscn has
a pUn for the relief of Chlcngo'H utx-mploycd.
Ho clcclnrcR tint ROtncthliiK nuist bo dons
for the hungry men who dally throng the
city Imll begging for work. In their InterraU
he ha n Biiggoitlon which ho will nuke to
the civil service commlswlonors t once.
The major's Idcn 1 to extend the list ol
1,600 cllglbltfl on the taborc-nt list to 6,000
and give every applicant at len t ton dayi
work a month In rotation He believework. .
Ing the men In nquads or ohlttn will not
violate the law. Laborer * now permanently
omplojcd niURl Miare with tholr cnmrnde * .
Ho Is also confident the plan will Aland be
tween many fHinlllcs and nK'oluto destitu
tion It Is thought that temporarj relief
along the Hues BUKgened will Hum afford
relief to 20000 men women and children In
Ohlcigo At the expiration of every ton
uajo cmplojment will rotati- and althougb
work will come on the ItiMalltne-nt phn Mr
HnrrlROii hellc\e li will bilnK hle lngs lo
many who dceeive It
r.\-llanl > rN Tilul Piislponoil.
KANSAS CITY , June IIAt Independence
Mo , todn ) the casi- dunging lllegil bntiklni
ngilnst J H OIRP pri "Ideal of the defunc
Knns.ii Citv Snvlngs and Sire lVpo lt Innk
\v is ruled , but bj nuiecinent of the attor \
nejs was luntlnurd until November It
tniiiiir t-ittu-v vvlui was locontlj pardonn
finm the pi'iiiu-ntbuv , VVIIB conneetedwltl. .
the same Inbtituiton
Quickly , ThnrouRhljr , Tnrovor Cured
thai cannot . - .
human ftlil \ ou fcit Tin *
Lonettt oorj ilflj noonktiow
Jouropif ftkhiirninuitf m n
in bmtr , tiniul and heart.
mrrioil life icmuttil XITT *
force , will , energy nhnn
fallinc or lo t , nrr rc torn1 In Oils treatmnnt Alt
wtak portion * t > f tlm l > o < l ) inlftra * > il ahil titr ncth-
cncilrituforiuir ti > ul nith i > ii tatmUoui and
proo't Sent pcftloil , frce O\er 2lVH ) nforonce * .
Y purcliusiiifnods ( mnde
lit the folio-whip Nebras
ka f ictorics. If you cannot -
not fhul what you mint ,
conummicntc with the
iii.iinif.icturcrs as to
> v li a t ile.ilers hnndlo
their cooils. a.
oiiTifC iTnin\T\i ! '
Cat laid shipment ! ! imule In oui OHII refrlg- ' IVI
emlor earn llluc lltlibi n iite | Lx | irl. Vienna
IJsporl und r.imll > fxpurt dcllvucd to all part *
of the ctl ) .
. A. coi.i. . i novoiiKV. " "
Iron iiuil ItriiNN r ii > ulrs. .
'lanufncttiicis nml Jill. < ih of Muchlniry Gen-
cril icpililnc .1 tpeclalo 1601 , 1503 nnd H05
IncKson sticil , Dmiha Neb.
Miinufacturlnr nnd tepalilnir of n'l kinds of
miehlnei ) , iri nu , uni1 ! : el.vators prlntlne
pietsci < . hangers Fhaftlni ; nn 1 couplings 140J
nnd 1IOS Ilowanl M Umiiha
! \\TON A. \liTlll\ < ; IKON AX ( MUCH.
Manufactuicis of Auliltcctural Iron Work.
Gcncial I'ounli ) Mi chlm. and Mlack--mlth work.
Kiilnetrs ( and I ontrackrs foi Tire I'mot DutlJ-
IIIKK Olllcc and wurks. U , 1 * 11) . and South
17th Elrcct Oniilia.
.T. II. IJVA > S.
nxcluslvecunoin Pihlit tnllora. 1615 rarnam.
" "
vi1 AM ) i" % VJflM ! " CO.
Awnlnps 'Jcntb , Ilcupe Covcrc , 1'laRs nnd
Puullns. Tents foi nnt bale-room HJ South
Sixteenth btreel. telephone 40C.
'I VIN crrv uvn
\VOHICS , IBISI Knrnii m St.
Dyclntr and cle-anlng of Kirmcnts and goods of
ever ) dctcrlptlon. Cleaning of Hue- garments >
ip"clnlly ,
Per n Rood HUhsinntl vehicle \ of nny descrip
tion , for lepalnlhiK or rubl er llriK on new or old
wheelH , Ihe- best place Is S7lli and lxavenwortu
cvuiti\ co.
Cheap , medium priced nnd ( ony
Any IhbiR ) mi want ttiond liniul or new.
llcad < iuartirs for Kuhlx-r tins , wanunted , 18eh
and llarnc ) , opjioflte Couit Hoube.
A. .1. .SIMPSON.
I 10 ! ) , 1111 Iloclur.
Pull line of Carriages , IutKies , IMmctons , Pony
Carls Wheels rubber Hied The best ls tb *
chornest. "
L -n v e JULHLlNOrON & MO lUVLIIt ( Arrives
cjiiianaftlnlon Ueuot. lul'i & Mason tita. | Omaha
3j.ini. . r . . . Denver I. xi ret " , .
4:3Jpm Ulk III1N Mont A 1'ui.el hnd Cx 4 03pm
4 3opm . Denver Uxprevt . 4.U5piu
7 OSpm . . .Lincoln Ixjcul ( ti. huiulu ) ) . . , , VMijim
2 touin. . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. hunday.H:30ain :
Leaves IC'lilUAaoi HUULiNOTON" CMArrlv a
OmalmlUnlon Ue ut , Kth 4. Mo > or. Blti ' Oinali
D 05pm . C-hleukO VetllDUie . 7. tiara
J.CSam . ClikiiKu ixpresi > . 4.Uum
7 lOpin , . .ChlciiKO bl. Louis Kxprtiu ) . , , . ; (5am
11.40 im . I'acll-c Junction Lucal . lilOpnt
_ . . . . l I'nst Muntic _ _ hunda ) ; . Vjtdput
Leaicu letUC-AljU , MIL. ft Tl. l'AUK | Arrive *
Omaha ] Unlun Depot , lotli & Mubnn His J Omaha
t 30pm . Clilcjuo Lliiilleil . S.OCoin
11 OOain. . .Chicago Kxprcss ( z , buncU ) ) . .
L'eavcH Ic'IIfCACO & OI I\VI5ST N ArrTve71
OmahaUilon | Urpol , loth to Mv.on His | Omaha.
10 4'a-n * . Kaflirn LXIUCM . 3i40prn
< : (5pm. . . . . . . Vetllbuled Lim u.'l * . Diin ; '
[ t'jpm . Bl Taut l.kpns. . ( ,30am
( 40am , . . St , I'aui Limited . t.OSpin
- , 30am . . . .Bioux City i-"ci . II , lupin
e. Oiim . Oniaha-rhlcui.0 BbeeUl . S.Ooara
, . . , MUTourialloy l cnv . o.SOain
* Kxcepl riu nduy. * * lixcepl Monday.
Leaves IClTTl'AtA ) II I. & l'ACll'IArrlv | >
Oniahal Union Deuol. 10th ft Mimon BU | Omaha.
7 mam Atlantic Hxuress ( ex Hunday ) . 6,3'pm
7 0 pm . , Nlk'bt Lzprert 8Uan )
4 ; npm Chlcuko V'rHtiiuilcu Limited , ,1 20pm ,
4.50im | hi I'aul Vettlhuled Limited . ,
1 dun Colnrado Llmllisi. . t.Kpm
Omuha | Dciiv/t , 15th & _ Wtb Ur "BIB , i uin/h *
" *
J 00pm. . . . r l"lldll undnxpr > - < > . . . . , 5&11
3 OKpm. ( " . Eat ) Wo. Ex. ( ex Men . , .OOpni .
7 Mjin Fremont I.i cu | ( MuniUy * ; ' ; > . ,
7.Wum. Norfull. Expiend ( rx Run i. . .lO2 ; :
e.lSpnl , ht. I'aul Exproi
tr C. t > T. J tTTi
OmahojUnlbn Pepot , Dili te Motion Bis j Omaba
5,0'am Karens C lly Pay L'ipitta "f ,10pm
lpOOpmIv _ . NIs . ' . Kx via U 1' 'Jraiui . t.aoani
Uaves I MlBhOLIII rACIl-l Arrlvca'
jmahajpepot , 15th & WcbMer tils. | Omalia
3 Kcbmrkn & Kunuk LlmlTcel. .n.iiimi
9 SCim Kantua CHy Expre-m c Jliam
OmahajLI-epot , 15th i Wtbtler His
Uaver f THIOUX * fTTY t l'ACIFICJArrlvi * '
OniahaUnlonlepol | _ , loib A HOKCII uu | Qi.nlia .
E.lOam . . . .Tat I'aul lusiengcr . .U.lOpnj
; .iflam . blout Citj I'mutnutr . , I Oiom
t Mpm . Bl I'aui Limited . . . . t Mam
OmcthnlUnlpn Depot , 10th ti MOAOH BU | Omaha
4 ? 0iin Canon Itall . . . .7 lliO : ni
Uuvei | lTNrION I'ACIFlf" _
OnmhttlUnion D > pot , lOtj fc MRXOO Ed | Omah
8 Mam Overland Limited 4:4fpni :
i Keal'ce * Blromib'g K fe-t Sun ) : SOpm
( Iraml Island Kxprem i i Sun ) . 3llpc :
.r l Mall. . . . _ , . . , IO.HJ ia
Leaves I C . bT I' MX O. ; . .
Omaha ] 15th an > l vVebtttr I Oman *
1 00pm Hloux City Expren ( rx Hun ) .IfUir
8 50am Sioux CHy Ann ( ex Hun ) , , , t tipn
C.rpm HI 1'uul Limited t.Uat
9 00am Hlouc City Acco ( Hun.lay only ) . .8 tiin
O f./lifti Mlf.liv City Acco. tfUnn . or. ! ; ; . . , f..r.