I THE OMAHA DAILY 1TBE : TriUSDAT , JUNE 15 , 185)7. ) J , COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MINOIl MIIXTIOV. Julia Walker la In Shrnanduah. Tred Hill Ir In Minnesota on K fishing trip , W. W Loomlx d iKirled for Mluneapolia 1 < t evening. Dcrry boxes , baskets , bee guppllei , Younkerman , Jcslah Danforth has returned from SI- loim Springs. J M , Hart and wife vslll gq to Lake Pr < - ton thlfl week. Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Graeon , 1027 Avenue J , a little girl. Hon John Y Stone and Smith McPherron were In the city > eaterda > . Patronize the popular Kagle laundry , 724 Ilroatlvvay Tel _ 167 Three waRoni. Harl Oreen rcturntil jCKtcrtliy from n iihort visit at hl < homo In Talrbury , Neb. Mr A nhrenstcln and son , Ar'iiur , left for Sioux ntj last evening. They expect to be gene tuo wcekn. L.trgu front room and alcove fumtflhcif ; with or without board ; alno nldc room. 221 South Seventh street. David llu-ilm of Streetflvllle was arrested lact night upon a charge of Intoxication and disturbing the peace. Major Carron yesterday gave Instructions to the pollco ( o clone all niloons promptly at 12 o'clock each night. The order wag un forced lo-H night. The I.ojal Tempeianco army will meet al the homo of Mrs. Kiaucy , 351 Scott street , Tiie di > cvunlng at 3 o'clock. A good at tendance Is desired , us itrruiRi'mi nts nro ta bo maijc for a picnic lh j following Ihurs- day. day.II II N Whitlleeeyvcnt to Nebratski City yes'erda > for the pupo e of gauging a couple of atinmboatH that will ply on the Missouri river during the pre-aent season and while the exposition lasts The work came within the scope of his duties ns Inspector of cus toms at this port. JiuiHB Kettcrmau , a Junk dealer , was ar- rented jesterday for maintaining a nulcanco on lili premises. Keltcrnun had Katlurcd a large ( | iiantl' > of old bones and had con structed a pyiamld that v\ae rerv unslghtl ) nnd noisome He lefu'ed to comply \vlth the request of his neighbors to remove the boncb and the ) appealed to the pollc.1 foi relief C II Vlavl compan > temale remedy. Med ical consultation fr < H > Wednesdaj. Health book ftirnlshe-d " 2C-327-iJS : Merrlam block N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 520. Couche-s In valour , JC 75 , at Durfeo Furni ture companj , 205 nd 207 Urnadway , TI\U novTIII : rim ; THAT , Council Cotivlmli-H < o Coiiiloiuti tin Old CNtcru llot.-l HiitlilliiK. The city council met je ° tcrday morning al 10 o'clock as n committee of the whole foi the purpose of considering several matters that were roferrdd at the meeting on laal Monday night One thing referred was the petition of property owners and residents or Kast Uroadway , asking the council to con demn nnd have torn down the old Weste-m house , a tumble-down arrav of old building ; located at 30I-30S. The councilman , aftei making a thorough Investigation Inside am ] out , decided that the petltioncia were en titled to have their praver granted , that the old pllei wa < a menace to surrounding prop erty and was gcnerallj unlit for any useful purpose , and decided to recommend Its de struction Thy building was built nearly forty jears ago , when the chief portion of the town vvac cast of Main street , and the hotel wag a con spicuous structure and a profitable piece ol property In course of time Its patronage outgrew Its original proportions , and an ad dition was built. It was not long until an other addition was made. It changed handi frequently and a majority of the owncn found It advisable to build additions , until II finally reached Its present proportions. Toi twentj-i jears scarcely a dollar's worth ol repair work has been done upon It.V. . W Illlgcr was Its last owner. It came Into hi * possession during the real estate boom ol 1SSG-7. Bllgcr procured a fine architect' * drawing of the building , and with the aid of numerous affidavits signed by himself anil Bomo other smooth work succeeded In getting an eastern capitalist to loan a large amount of money upon the old structure. The mort gage finally found Its way Into the pos session of H New Hampshire bank , where II IB still held. The building has long beer a -very unsightly pile , and danger from fin has made It a menace to uurroundlng prop crty , causing a heavy advance In Insuranci rates. It will be pulled down at once ant the lot cleared off. Thu council alfio considered the two or dlnanccs that John W Paul has been asking to have passed granting him the right to laj railroad tracks along Indian creek after he had converted the big open ditch Into r closed sewer The two ordinances were con nected , but ono was asking for the right tc lay street car tracks on all of the streets o ; the city In the name of the Council Hlutt ! Traction company. Mr. Paul was not pres ent to advocate his Interests and both or dinances were laid on the table. W. N. Johnson , representing the America : Telegraph and Ixmg Distance Telephone company of Iowa , was before the committee to urge the recommendation of a franchise to open an ofllce and pass through the city The matter had been pretty thoroughly dls- tussed previously and the committee voted to recommend the granting of the franchise A committee , composed of Graham , Sajlei and Casper , was appointed to draw an or dinance and submit It to the council. We want all the good farm loans we cai get ; 6 per cent IntercsC.and a small com mission. No delay for ttho money.V want jour flrc and tornado Insurance 01 farm , town or city property. Best of com panics represented. Lougco & Lougec , 23 Prarl street. The Pusey & Thomas Abstract and Loai company removed from Mcrrlain block t li Pearl street. DcrthlcU Clul. anil UOHNII | | . The Dcrthlck club held Us regular fort nightly meeting last night , nnd conalderci Uosslnl anil his work. The program wa very Interesting It follows : Characterisation of Rossini Van Cleve \V S ItlKilon. Overture to Scmliamide nossln .Mliw Monti Heed nnd Miss Xuln Ilne Qinrtct-T.vrole.se ejhorus ( William Tell ) * > * . . . . . . . . . . . . . KosQln McschuncH Hlmoiig nnd MiillUs , Messrs HIg ilon ami ThlckHtun Tarantella ( Hnlree Mil "lea I ) . . . Hossln Ml i Poane t'liambcrlln. Cujus Anlmnm ( Stub-it Mater ) Hossln I M Tre > nor Tipes of Music glmlcnts , . . . Dudley Hug ! I ) U Stuart Quls cit Homo ( Stnbat Mater ) . Hossln Mi'silninfH Mullls and Simons Overture to Wllllnm Tell . . . Hossln Miss Norn McC'alio and Mlf.s K < e < l Bextct From Lucia What Troni Ven geance . . Ponizett Mesdiimes Wndsworth nnd MullK Messrs Tre-jnor , Hlgdon , Hliniu- ; and Thlcki'tun AnaljBcs , by Van Cluve , Head by I , SI Tro > nor. Itching , IrrllHfil , rcaly , crustrit Scalpi , dry , lulu , and falling IZ Ir c cinieil , purlflrd , nil trautl- Ced by waru tluuipooi Kith CCTIcnBi Soir , and occitlctnl rircu nv > uf CfTtcc irureit of cmolltrnli , Ibcsria TreatmenV vlll produce a cW.-n , ticnllhy tcalp wllb lainrlant , Icttroo hair , vhtn ill cite fall * Fold IhrnBf Host th warli. l"ortn Oara i D Cain. Coir . i Tiopt . llotiou or' Uo * < p 4ucc l.umUM Ilitr , " mailed tit I. flU CIDC ll * > C < * ii IntiMly UN rlnC WILL FORCE IIARDR'S ' HAN ! ) County Gets a Mandamus Against the Kecalcitant Assessor. CALLS ON HIM TO GIVE UP THE TAX BOOKS Writ Mn lo Itrtiirtintili' % Iul > ' 1 , When thp .Mrrllfi if tlic ( ; < uilrer j \\tll Mr IiHitllrcil Into 1) > .linlKo Smith. Yeiterdaj Cily Assessor HarJIu was urvnl with a writ of mandamus from Jl.dfet t-mlth ot the district court. The writ was the result of the resolution pm-d bv the Hoard of County Supervisors Jim befoto ; idonrn- ) mr > nt on Saturday evnnlnj , dlreftiu , } the county attornc ) to take leg-il pioccedinci nynliut the btrcssor to compel him to tuin over to the county auditor the asi i'fmoH book ? , vvhlrh ho hail refused tcdo uiitll tl.i board had alloivvd hh rlntm of | 2,400 Ini making the pri's'-nt year's nss tsmt'nt County Attorney faundero followed thr In- Etructlons of the board and ( lied his pcllUon jeatriday morning The petition is filed In the nameof the county and Auditor J M Matthews. It briefly sols forli that the blank assessment books were turned o.e'i to the * assessor last January to be ! iletV ] out Afrcr i ompleUlng his work , Ilirlui submltie.il the hooka to the City council for Its con sideration as a board of equalization , and the petition alleges , ho now refuses to turn them over to the county auditor , as the law requires Judge Smltti Usiinl the writ ami set the date of hearing for July 1. The writ commands Hanlln to ippeir In torn on that date and jhow cause nliy he should not turn over the books. Hardln jesterdaj iave ; a do'alk'l fit'iounl of hl < ! controver-jy with th-t county boar.I and Is confident that when his side of the OP is shown to the cour * . hn will be bus- talnrd , although he expeva to In * oblige 1 ti relinquish th books "The bills I have put In to the county , " Raid he. "have been uniformly less than the nspcnsnrs' fe i > In other cities In the state the flbc of Council Illuffa I have taker pains to write to the auditors and assessor : In various cities for the purpose of ascer taining the amount of the fees of the cltj assessor In Sioux Cltj he has drawn $3GO ( for the same work I have charged $2,40 $ ( for The same Is true In Dubuque , Burling ton and a number of other cities the size ol Council Bluffs The fees I have asked have been allowed without quibble since ISSH , will the exception of one > ear when the assessoi only asked $1 700. That assessment was si full of errors that It cost the board about $1000 to correct It. Every other year per sonal propertj only Is assessed , and for thli work the allowance has been $1.200 or $1,300 and In the other jcars when both persona and real estate propertj has been assessed the fees have been ; $2,400 Last jcar I pu In a bill for $1,300 for making the persona assessment. The board cut It down to $900 I objected and showed that it could not b < done properly for less During the contro ve sy I also called attention to the fact tha the law requires the county auditor t < furnish me with plats showing the locatlot and giving the owners' names of all the prop crtj In the township , and Intimated that nil lots my bill was allowed I would Insist upor this feature of the law being complied with The board discovered that It would coat abou $3,000 to have these plats made , and we com promised bj : the board restoring $300 of the amount taken from my bill I went ahcac this jear with the understanding that there wns to be no more trouble , pushed the worl along by the employment of three or four at sistants , and completed the assessment li ample time for the use of the city counci sitting as a board of rquall/atlon during tin month of Maj\ When I learned on. Saturda ; that my bill was to be cut squarely In tvv < I took1 advantage of the only recourse I hai and notified the board that I would hold thi books until my bill was allowed. In m ; controversy with the board one of the mem bers intimated that he could get a man whe would do the work for a good deal less thir $1,000 a jear and I could not resist the re tort that I could get men to sit on the boare at 50 cents a elay. I told the members of tin board that if It was necessary to make a gen eral cut in the salaries of the count ] officers I would not object to bear my t-hare but J did object to being the only one ti suffer. The law unfortunately makej no dls Unction between the township nnd city us sessoro. It calls for the pavrncnt nf $2 a ( , a ; for each. If the law VMS literally foi lowed , It would be Impossible to make a clt ; assessment. Instead of one jear , It wouli take two jcars to do tin ; vvoik. UnJcr thi rule generally adopted by the Iowa eitlc there Is only a fair salary for the a'sesso after he paj-s the expends of his assistants H Is absolutely necessaiy for him to kte ] a horse and buggy and hire livery teams ti get over the1 ground In tlm" . "I expect to turn over the books , and be Ileve the matter will be lOriptomUail befon time set for hearing the mandamus case. " WIM , MJT SI'IUMCIjU THU STKU13T Clt > Council Ievlliu > N ( o AiMiroprliiti Mon - > for Ion or Ilronili\ity. The question of whether the new macadan work on Lower Broadway ehould be sprlnklei during the summer was discussed at grca length by the cltj council at the meetlni last night. The matter came before thi council in the form of a proposition fron Contractor Wlckham to guarantj .bo sprink ling of the track during ihe summer if thi city would paj $75 toward the -nst. In tin course of his explanation ha announced tha a number of the teamsters doing the Creates amount of heavy hauling over the ti-e3t ha ( expretaed their willingness to jjn rlhute ti Inn sprinkling fund , , and that eevrr.il of thi South Omaha packing hJuse tea listers h&i offered to contribute $10 each to [ he fund Wlckham explained that while his bond le quired him to keep the itrcct In repair fo a jear It did not require him to sprinkle It He declared If the street was sprinkled a the start and for the first reason It xvoult add many jcars to the life of the macadam A number of the aldtTmtm opposed the ap proprlatlon of any more monej for the < Uree and Wlckham called their attention to thi fact that It was poor business policy to In vest $11.000 In a plcco of work and let It hi terlouely damaged at the start by refusing ti spend $75 additional to preserve It and maki It permanent He announced that the sprlnk ling would coat several hundred dollar during the tearon , but that all of the cos uoulij bo provided for If tlio cltj would pa ; Its share The proposition , however , waa re Jected. i'iioonii > iNfis or TIIH urrv COUNCIL < ; it > I'atlKTH Meet anil TriuiHiivt Con xlilrrilMr IIIXIII-MN | , The pay roll of the Indian Creek work wa presented and allowed The council had Its attention called to th cane brought against O C Pullman to col Icct poll tax which was dismissed by th cltj. The notification was In the form of , cost bill of $1275 , which was ordered paid The council spent t > omc time In dlscusalni the ecttlcmcnt with Contractor WIcKhamJo Iho lower lircadvvay macadam The Join tommittve from the council and countj bean submitted Its report of thu bettlemcnt madi by which the cltj'b portion of the final cot was shown to ba $1995.90 The report wai accepted and placed on flic , and Wlckham'i bond for $2,000 to keep the street in repali for one jear was accepted , In lieu of the II pe'r cent helJ back Countj Audltrr Matthews sent In a com munlcation asking the atalatance of the clt ] in the fight with Aesecsor Hardln Cltj Attorney Hazelton slated that as the matte ; had been taken Into the courts It wai bt'jond the Jurisdiction cf the city. The report of the committee of the wh l < coiicc'nlnv ; ( ho condemnation of the oU Western house and the disposition of Mr Paul's Indian creek ordinances v\&s uubmlttei and approved The question of passing an ordinance re moving thu sidewalk and permitting tin Uulou Pacific Railway company to lay Iti tracks on Tenth avtnue from Sixth street to Main , In compliance with requects of the Fioucer Implement company , McCormlcl Harvester company nnd other * for additional trackERc was dlaeussed at great length. The railroad company already ban the right to laj two tracks on the street , but some of the alderman ffjnd that the ordinance mlghl confer th privilege of laying four tracks This fear was removed by explanations fro it Cltj Atturnov Hazelton and the ordinance was passed all Interested property owncn having astcnted to the change The council extended Its thanks to Superin tendent HV Mother ! of the Iowa School for thu Deaf for his recent entertainment ol the members at the Institution A resolution was Introduced and referred to the Committee on streets and altejs ordering Third street brought to grade fron : riftfnth to Nineteenth streets Cltj nnglnecr Tostevln presented eome changes and amendments to the general rpcclfloatlons for sidewalk construction Tin changes were unimportant , but the city nt- tornej decided the bids called for bj adver tisement to be filed by June 2S could not be based upon the new specifications The allcj In block 11 , Stuuman s second ad- dltlon was ordered brought to grade Residents of Talrvlcw avenue asked to hove the ntrcet brought to permanent grade Thcli peto'ttlon wa ? referred Residents In the vicinity of Cockran part asked the cltj to purchase seventeen feel on South Twentj-second street from Broad' ' way to the park , for the purpose of wldcnlnF the street and making a htndbomc approach to the park. The atrip ot land to be pur chased will cost $125. The matter was re- fcircd to the committee of the whole for in- ve tlgallon. The committee on printing reported Ir favor of awarding a contract to Morchouse & Co for printing 4,000 new city warrants and , after some discussion on the subject ol the general printing contract , the report was approved The water and gas companies were grantei permission to dig up the paving on strceti where * It was necessary to hunt for lost slot cocks. The council then adjourned , to race again next Mondnj night. nn.i , cni.nuu vii : .iiiui.nn DAY MlK'rn of Monx Clt ; llif\o n I'ro- Hi-llMI of Sport * for .Mint * ' - - . SIOUX CITY , Juno 14 ( Spccnl ) On .turn 22 several hundred Brltlsheis and perFoni of English. Irish , Scotch or WoUn parentagi of this and adjoining towns will Join lu ; celebration of Queen Victoria's Jubllco annl versary In this cltj Extensive preparation : are being made for the event The fprenooi will be devoted to oratorical and musiia exercises At noon the celebratoro will luncl at nivsrslde park , where an athletic piograii will be carried out in the aftunnon 1'ollow Ing Is a list of the contests whUU have beei arranged Cricket game , b'twe ° ii pIcKei teams 100-jard foot race , open lo all , 10U jord foot race for men over 15 ; thres-'cg ' ev rice , sack race , 100-jard foot nice for boj under 14 100-jard foot rac fe-i bovs undo 18 , swimming race , fat men s lare 100 jardc foi contestants weighing 225 pounds 01 over boat race , long Jump , hop , ukip and jumr open to all , hop skip and Jump , for men ovc 45 , tug of war between teams repiofcutin different nationalities , pota'o ra-e , qlrlf race Suitable prizes and .souvenirs will b given to the successful contestants in th various events uivi > \ TO iinr.i-s TO INVISTIOATI : Commit leton Sdttu In MtlttitloiiM Cctx to Work. DCS J1OINES , Juno 14 ( Special Tele gram ) The legislative committee on Inves tlgation of stutc Institutipns met here toda ; to plan for Its work. The commutes con slsts of Senator T. D. Healy of Tort Dodgi and Representatives Prank Merrlum of Man Chester and Claude n. Porter of CenUrvillo Senator Healj was elected chairman and Hep rcsentatlve Merrlam sccretarj- . The commit tee will choose an expert accountant nnd : stenographer , and will begin In abou * twi weeks to investigate. Each Institution vvil bo Investigated In detail and the report vvil be the most exhaustive ot the kind e > er ma-li in the state. The committed is In favo of the plan of governing the Institution ; through a single state board , and will proba bly recommend this change In the laws to th next legislature. COMI'L UX OP HIGH AbSCShMCVTfi Den Mo I lies Corporation ) ! In 11 Pl li nltli the Clt } . DCS MOINES , June 14.-Spfclal ( Tele gram. ) The city council , as a boi-I of equal Nation , Is In a fight over the as-iessmen of the city's corporations. The stre1. rail way , gas company , electric light company water company and llko corpo-utlons havi had their assessments Increased by tlio as scssors from 100 to 400 per cent , nnj thi companies demand a reduction to the oh figutes , which were merely nominal and no representative of anything like the taxabl values or the properties. The ccuncil wi : In se'-s'on most of the day wltnout accoin pl'shlng ' anything , and on Wednesday vvil hold another bcsslon , when a large numbc of citizens will appear and Insist that th assessments shall not be reduced. I-IMJ A CUIin KOIl HOC. CHOIiUA ItcNiiItH of nxprrliiK'iitM Coiuliictotl h ; Hallrouil CniuiiniiifM. DUBUQUE , la. , Juno 14 It has beci chow a by experiments' at many places li Iowa , under the supervision ot the frelgh officials of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee . St Paul and Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy rail way companies , that hog cholera cup bi cured. Generally the disease Is not prevalen In the summer , but a large quantity of pee corn has been fed this jear , and new case * are found dally. These companies have 01 file In their offices scoren of letters from hoi raisers throughout tne northwes showlni that their efforts to euro and prevent hoi cholera have been signally successful. Slonx Clt > 'H Inline-UNO Areu. SIOUX CITY , Juno 14. { Special ) - uper intendent Kratz , In his annual report to th Board of Education , makes tbs following in terestlng statement. "But few of our clt' zens appreciate the difficulties which con front the Hoard of Education in Its at tempts to furnish bdiool accommodations t the widely scattered rtaldents of this clt of 'magnificent distances. ' When It Is re called that New Yoik City , with its nearl1 2.000,000 inhabitants , covers less terrltor ; than Sioux Cltj , some idea maj be formed o the dimcultleb to be overcome in placlni schools within the reach of all our children,1 Sioux City comprises tnentj six square miles HonorinUi'Krot * foi-1'iof. ICralr. . SIOUX CITY , June 14 ( Special Telegram Superintendent H. E Kratz of the Slou City schools , has received from Hober Palmer , president of the Society of Science Letteia and Art ot London , a diploma o membership in the organization with th degree of Pellow of the Society ot Science The honor is due > to Prof Kralz's promlnenc In the investigation and promotion of cull t > tudj matters as a part of school work. I'll > I UK' it nitlili-nil to lU'iiONltiirx. SIOUX CITY , June 14 ( Special Tele gram ) Receiver Jonathan W Hrown of th Sioux National bank has rccei.ed from th comptroller of the currency about $100,00 In checks with which he has begun the paj incut to depositors of the 20 , ier ueut ellvl dend ordered bj the comptroller. Ilo > Dronnril Near C'rrBton. CUESTO.V. la , June 14. ( Special Tele gram ) Willie Bogart , aged 12 , was drowne this afternoon in Twelve Mile creel : 1h body was recovered. PI ml n Sack of lloltl' ' . The police last evening vis ted tne > home o the Kustners on Emmet street und uneiirthe a couple of racks of empty bottler , lAhlc ] were burlej In the back j-ani of the reel deuce The bottles were nt llrst eu1 posed t have been taken from NeUon'b ralgon a Thirtieth and t-'iiaiildinu streets , but It wa ater learned that they came- from anothe saloon In the neighborhood The rucks vver te-d In precisely thu same manner as th others found on the Kettner preraltts The' ' were take-n to the police M.itioii and will b' used as evidence In the trial of the Kest ner * If jour bones or Joints ache with rheu matlim or neuralgia , try Pill An emlc pink Made only by Mercer Chemical Co. , Omaha ALL THREE WAST THE HEAD Difficulties in the Vajkof Fusion in Iowa State DEMOCRATS W.Lt"flOMINATt . BOIES Kv-CJov enior Hnij slftnilflril III * Will- ' ItiKnrNH l < > A 'C M C 'ft III * Cntiillilnc ) . In IH'iMiieil > t > i > NNiir > _ l'lniiN itt the Silver Pnrtlfi. HI DBS MOINES , Junil 14. ( Special Tele gram ) The dcmocr'atlc , populist and silver republican state convetilibn Mill be held here Juno 23 ana vvlll name a fusion ticket The occasion Mill be one ot the most remarkable In the polltlail history ot the state The three contentions are expected to bring 2,500 delegates to town. They Mill be called to order at the same hour , 10 a in , In halls In dlflerent parts ot the city In addition la the regular work ot organization each con vention Mill name a committee ot one from each congressional district on conference. Thrso three committees will meet In Joint session and determine the division ot the ticket between the factions The report will be acted on by each convention separately and If any one rejects It new committees Mill be named nml a new conference held. There Mill be small surprise If scrloui dltllcultles arise before an agreement Is cf fectcd. A governor , lieutenant governor , eu premo Judge railroad commissioner , am state superintendent are to be nominated The democrats Insist that they must nami the candidate for governor nnd It will b < Horace Boles. Word reached the city toJa ) that leaves no .doubt he Mill accept , If nom Imxtcd. He hni BO announced to leaders o the party who demanded to know flnallj whether he would accept under nnj clrcum statues He has stated that he would not bi able to make such a campaign as he did It previous vcars , but If the party deemed hl < candldacj neccssar > , ho would accept. Thli leaves no doubt of his nomination by tin democrats , at least. Hut the silver republicans vvunt the noml nee for govcr lor and have been doing some wire pulling to effect a combination to throw it to them Judge \V. A Spurrier of thl" city i * the candidate The populists ala < want It and S H Dasher of Waterloo I : their candidate On the remainder of thi ticket there are candidates In all the camps but for supreme Judge the nomination I generally conceded to Judge L G Klnnc the present democratic member ot the supreme premo court. The managers of the fusion movement an hav lag extreme dlfllculty In keeping tin various elements In line. There has evci been talk of making no reference to thi liquor iiucctlon In the platform. Such i platform would be an unhoird-of thing It Iowa but there are reasons for It. H 1 : argued that the prohibitionists are general ! ; for free silver and that they would comi Into the fusion If the liquor qucctlon wen not touched. To this course there Is stroiu opposition and a fight may result. It li uncertain whether each party will mike i separate platform or all will make the cami declaration , but the ticket will go on thi ballot under the name ot democratic. South Omaha News. ? 53t.Sa3jaja'Zc2j' ' At the meeting of the city council las night the fire and wate ? committee rcportci In favor o ! an ordinance regulating the prlci to be pilcl for fire lydrants , and the price ti be charged for water to. private consumers By a unanimous vote the city attorney wa : Instructed to draft an ordinance regulatlni these charges. Liquor licenses vveri granted to Henr ; Krug , ISC South Twenta-first street ; P. J Frank , Twentieth and S streets ; C. T. Wey rauller , 3J01 Q street ; Krltz Noltlng , Kallvva ; avenue and , . Madlfons street : Welsh . Marti. ) 2411 X street ; George W. Tierney , 406 Nortl Twenty-fourth street. A bad washout on Twentj-third street , be tween L. and M streets , Mas ordered filled. Twcntjeighth street , from H to I street was ordered repaired by the street comnils sloner. as was also H street from Twenty seventh to Twenty-eighth street. A request to vacate the alley In block 2 Maxwell addition , was referred to the com mlttee on streets and alleys. This block I at Twelfth and I streets , and the owner de sires to erect a building In the center of th block. Another gas franchise ordinance MO sprung on the council. After the first read Ing the Judiciary committee reported In favo of Its passage. The rules were suspendei and the ordinance read for the second time The annual appropriation ordinance was In troduccd and referred to the Judiciary com mlttee. An ordinance levvlng a tax upon all rea estate and pers-nal property In the city vvhlcl Is ta\nbl" was read fcr the first time and re fcrred to the Judiciary committee for the pur pose ot filling In the amounts The Judiciary committee reported favorabl ; on the ordinance vacating certain streets am alleys In the northwestern part of the clt : for the sugar beet factory. The South Omah ; Land company agrees to give a bond fo I $10,000 to Indemnify the city against los ' arUIng from damages by reason of said vaca tlon. tlon.A A long ordinance assessing special taxc up against certain propertj to pay for remov Ing garbage was read and referred An , ordinance regulating the speed of bi cycles wa . raid. Illcjcles must be provldei with bells to warn pcdcatrlaus and riding 01 sidewalks Is prohibited. Six in 11 re an houi Is the maximum speed The appraise appointed to Investigati the damages to properly by reason of thi change of grade on Tvventv-seveiith stree from C to F reported that no dimage woulc accrue to the pioperty abutting on thl : street. Building Inspector Deal reported thlrtcer permltn Leaned In May and fees to thi amount of J2S SO collected. During May there were twenty-two birth : and twcntj-flvo deaths in the city , Treasurer Broaduell reported a balance o f37,366 In the treasury at the co e ot but'l ness Mijy 31 George Tierney vvas given permission ti remove his /saloon from 2527 X street t < Twenty-fifth and Q , Property owners asked for a fire hydran at Thirty-ninth and Q streets and cent alonj a. check for $30 to pay for came until tin next levy Is made. Hcferred to the fin and water committee Ma > or Kneor vetoed a resolution order ing crosswalks laid In the .Second ward fo the reason that the street repair fund I ; cVhaunted. The mayor suggested In hi veto that no more crosswalks be orderci laid until the , next lev/lib made. The veti uau sustained. „ There will be duo at the fiscal -agenc ; July 1 the sum of $9,70S on bonds , etc , am Treasurer Droadwell.nqtl/led / the council tha It wruld be necersary . , to borrow $1.200 ti meet the payment , Th.e , finance commlttci will attend to the waiter. H , W Reed sent in a , communication ask Ing tint he be paid ? I2 per month for iiprlnk ling street Intersections , The matter wai sent to the finance committee. City Clerk CarpeUter was given a twi wcskn' vacation Upon motion of Scbultz JSOO was trans fcrred from the occwiiallon tax fund to i number of depleted funds Bids for the laying rt > f permanent side walks will be advertised by the clerk WMS authorized to appoint ap prate era to appraise the , damage caused b ; the vacating of an alley at Twenty-elghtl and iA streets to be lined by the Lawrenci Shot and Lead company Messrs Hector O'N'ell and Christie were appointed as thi appra'etrs. ' Kelly offered a resolution authorizing thi major to appoint a special committee ti Investigate the charges against Cartage Man ter Lenagh as to overcharged and coiduc ot the emploti of the garbage master' department. The mayor appointed , Mei > sr8 Kelly Caldwell and Scbultz uo this com mlttee Complaints ere made that the prlvllegi given livery stable Keepers , allowing then to dump manure In wa.ihouts , kid be'i abused Hereafter no manure will be al lowed dumped In Mishouta In the ntreeti without permlrelon cf the ct ! > engineer , Tralnar offered a resolution aboltililni the office of milk Injector. The mayor al lowed the matter to drift along to % vote and then announced that the whole mitter was out of order The vote w' * a tie and the motion was dtclared lost. A number of bills were ordered paid and the council adjourned until Wednesday evening , June 30. H \\n Hnnnl of Kilurntlon Aitoiiis Itir Coin- nil ttoi-'x Heroin lite * mint Ion * . At a special meeting ot the Hoard ot IMu- cation held last night teachers and Janitors for the coming jear were elected Tori-four of the fifty-six teachers employed Mere reelected - elected * Of the remaining twelve , four nre out on leaves of absence nnd two have re.- signed , leaving lx neither elected or re Jtcled , but subject to timber consideru'ien b } the board. Superintendent Munro anJ the committee on trixcheris could nut unanlmcu * y recommend more at this time. Those elected ateHlph Hlph Sihool W , J Tailor , principal ; Helen S < ? elpv , n < MMant I'rlnclpU , Hi'lllo Moore nnd Mary I. llo 1'rlnclpnlt Marlon A Thompson , Hlih School Annex , Anna \Vell Lowell , KNlp M Hiutmnli , Wp t Side , Klizi Olbb , High- Inml , Until Turner , Albrlgl-t , Martha 12\nti4. Hrovvn IMrk , Mnry Sovkorn , Unvv- tliorne Sl > Aclal Tcncher- Jean Hovd Mullrn , MI- pervL or of music , Jennie Little , < iup.er\l or ot drawliiR. J. A < Heck , supervHot of bjsl- ness course Urndp Teachers Lulu Hell Alice Havens , Clarn Davlf , Hoix ? Hoinby , Mnrv Cnrnahnn , ntlle SaniMiii , Je le Stltt , Mnrj Novacek , Jf sle A. Hobln-ton , Julln Carnev , Kmmi Herman. Anna Tav lor , JInry H Itsrd , Min nie n Uennl Slimline J Lnucr , Norn M Snyder , Mnud i ; Thomn , Murgnrrt O'Tool , Stella M. Cain. Alary Onrst , Al.u tha A. Wlddlf. Hebtoca ( lehon , Sain V Tn > lor , Lillian Hald. Joslo M Ornnllch. SophK Cleveland , Cora Oo npy Cthel McMlilen , Anna Tovvltr nnd Aldor.i Claik. The report further carried the r ° commemla. tlors that > lary 12lgln , Eugenie Chipm.in and Kate U > an be granted leaves of ub encc for one vcar , that salaries be not fixed till a full corps of teachers Is cmplojcd ; that ac tion be token requiring teachers holding low grade certificates to take the examination In December The Janitors elected were W J Wvman , Albright , J II Wvkcr , Brown park , C. A. Allen , Hawthorne , Paul McAukj , High bchool ; Martfn Anderson , High school flic- man , C C Wells High school annex Mrs. Sophie Ilammcrstom Highland , A. N. Van- sant , Lincoln , Kmll Lund , Lowell , S 11 Slier , wood , Wist Side Allen was changed from Lou oil to Haw thorne school , nnd Lund was elected to fill the vacancj nt Lowell The election of a Janitor for the Hlch school anmx mide a place foWell" Bealdcs all of the ol 1 Jan itors there were seventeen tioiv applicants The committee on buildings and giounds decided to have the new fnur-ruom addition to Hiwthorne school heated bj Kteim ai.d a boiler latgo enough to heat the entire school will be purchased The board made a levy of J2SOOO to pay expenses for the coming school year. MllKlC Cl > ( iOKNlp. II E Bodle lies gone to York to visit rcl i- lives for a couple of weeks. Sol Goldstrom has gone to Sioux City tc attend tile wedding ot Mr Uccker and Mis : Welse Sam B Christie his gone to the Ye'low- stone park for a few weeks hunting and flsbing H. M Wlnslow a Columbus business man was here jcfcterdav looking after his prop erty Interests. Last week 142 cars ot feeder cattle were shipped to the country , elghtj-sK cars going to Nebraska points John Jones , a rcoldeut ot Sheely , cimc down here jcsterday and engaged in a fight for which ho vas arrested. Yesterday alter noon Judge Christmann sent Joins up tc the count } Jail for ten dajs , where he will feast on bread and water. The police have been notified that TrancU Foreman , an enlisted man at Tort Crook , de serted jesterday , taking with him some o ! the silverware from the officers' me'fc. De scriptions of the missing soldier end the stolen property have been sent to the police In all the neighboring cities IIAII.HOAI ) 3ICN GHHET T1IC KI.NG. tinM > M < ITCH of AU-Sar- IIcn'.M Court. King Ak-Sar-Ben III held a special ses sion at his Castle last evening , the guests being a great number of the representatives of the local railway world. There were others , but the railroaders had a good safe majority. Their numbers Included men of the rail of various degrees superintendents , general agents , city passenger agents , trav eling freight nnd traveling passenger agents and commercial agents Nearly all of the local llne.5 were represented , the Northwest ern , the Union Pacific , the Missouri Pacific , the Rock Island , the Milwaukee , the Burling ton , the Red Line ; and the Nickel Plate being especially prominent In the quantity and quality cf candidates sent out to learn the m > iterles of the king's court. The railroad men were not allowed to grow hcmesl"k for their common occupa tion , not for a single minute. A handsome oil painting of an express train , which each railroader insisted woa the limited train of hla own road , was exhibited for their edi fication. But there were vefatlbuled express tralnj of a more reil tjpe , and their speed was not limited except when they covered more than 100 miles an hour. There were plenty of agents to solicit buslncbo for their respective routes during the entire evening and It would be difficult to say which was esteemed the mo-t popular route. There was the overland route , the underwater route , the Intermountaln route , the air route , the equestrian , loute and various other routes through which blsck diamond , big live , em pire state and other expret.3 trains spjd along at a high rate of speed Refresh ments were served on the a la carte sys tem and there was afterward an electric light pliced in each coffin. Ay the new 575,000 driveway had not been completed the sixty paesengers took the flairs down to the depot phttorm Lrmlins there they experienced feme dlfllcully In boarding their proper trains The ride was madn over a smooth roadbed ot Sherman gravel part of the wav but Ju t as the pas etngrru were comforubly tented In the li brary car the short line to the Internal re gions wss reached and the heat from there on wa o Intense that nil iia cnKtrs were supplied with d Hit lets niul palm leaf fans It was a. late hour when the Journey wis at an end and the wearied travelers alighted from their train to greet bis ma jesty King Ak-Sar-Bcn III , nnd to drink his very gooJ health. IN IKIMIIt 01' 'I'llKlll INSTUI ( .TOR. Alumnr * lloociilliiii ( < > Dr. mill Mi . noln-rty. The reception tendered to Ir aiil Mrr Doherty by the Alumni a oslitlon of Ilronncll Hall last evening was one ot those cujovablc occasions which linger plc < uuntl > In tic recollection The affair was held lu the I'rlnlty parish house and in spite ot 'he e'Mremo wirmth of the evening the house wai well filled with the mtnj friends of the coupe In whcse honor It was given Kiom S to IV the spicfout rooms were faliiv thronged with gueat' , among whom woiv noticeable nnn > of the more prominent people ple of the cltj The evening was In everj MI > Informal , and wMlo A\\ \ \ who came vvuv made ut home bv the members ot the' aa octa tlon they were allowed to enjoj thcmsclvrt ) In their own manner Light retrVsnmcnts were served through the evening. Mninnl lliixlne'HN The annual business meeting ot the itrown- cll II all Alumni association was held at ihe library at the hall > c tfrda > afteinotni The olllcers fleeted lor the ensuing jtar were President , Mrs John \Vatklns South Omiha , % Ice president , MU > s Kthcl Davenport Kan- BIS Cltj , secretary , Mlt Winifred Beaalcv Council Bluffs , treasurer. MUs Plorencc Tales , Omaha The addrit-s of the retiring president Miss Cteie Abbott of Lincoln , was heard with marked Interest. No honest dealer will try to sell what hn knows the * customer did not order and does not want Substitution thrives for a time but In the long run It goes to the wall. TOUT citooic N ns. : Mrs Griffith arrived at the post lost evening on a visit to her hon , Private Albeit Griffith , who lt > sick In the hospital Sergeant \IcHurnej , company 1" , has nude application for discharge , having completed a three-jear enlistment He Is at present steward In the coiiiolldiibd mess of the cti- liatel men at the pust. In compliance with telegraphic ln truc tlons from the headhunt tcrs of the armv Private Michael J. robecond Itifantr ) , re- cnllsled at this station by the recruiting of ficer , v111 proceed to Port Keogh , Mont , re1- portlng upon arrival to the commanding of ficer for assignment to a company. George W AValworth , late private of com pany D , Seventh lnfantr > , who Is at prvaeii * casually at the post , accomplished quite a feat In climbing three successive times to the peak of the new bteel flagblaft , the tubing at that point being le's than three Inchcn in diameter , for the purpose of adjuet- Ing nnd repairing the pulloj and attaching the halvard Hospital Stevvaul Martin , U S A. , left the post jesterdaj In conformity with ortluro from the adjutant general's office. He has been transfprrcd to New York to report to Captain Charles Richard , assistant surgeon , in the Army building , 39 Whitehall street , for duty at hie office Steward Alartiu has been hospital steward t\nct \ 1SS1 , hiving filled that position at Fort Crook and Port Omaha for over seven jpars. and his numer ous friends hope ho will be pleased with his prospective station , It being considered the best In the army. Both battalions left tin- post at different hours jesterdaj , the Plrst in undress uni form , and the Second in campaign hats , for tactical maneuvers In minor tactics , the commanders , Alajor William M. Van Home ( First ) and Captain Hiram II. Kctchum ( Second end ) , both having sealed Instructions to be opened as Indicated on the envelopes at dif ferent points , meeting on the I'apllltoii road , rapid changes of position to cover a hif-tj retreat or attack , In avoiding Hank move ments. The drill was both Interesting and an exhibition of practical -warfare Lieuten ant Colonel John H. Patterson acted as um pire. The drill occupied all the morning. There has been but one desertion at the post thlb month , Private Francis Foreman , company G. Since hla departure Lieutenant Tredwell W. Moore , Twcnttecoud Infan- trv , hat , missed a valuable set of sterling tableware and as Foreman was employed at Lieutenant Moore's quarters suspicion points to him. Lieutenant Mouic has offered a re ward of $65 for his arrest and conviction This Is additional to the usual reward ot the United States for apprehension and delivery of deserters Foreman wus a bright and un assuming soldier and well liked about the fort and this action has been a surprise to every one. The Investigation shows that acid wab used to detect the holld from the plated ware and the thief has proved himself a master of lilb craft. The remarkable improvement of the Fort Crook base ball nine is commendable and can be alone attributed to the most proficient management of Captain Charles F. Kleffer , medical department , and encouragement In establishing Its proficiency. He has author- Izct ) dally practice , at which all the plavers are required to attend , except when their regular duties Interfere , and there are but few who cannot be interested In their own Improvement under the present management. Both officers and enlisted men showing an aptitude for the national game have en couraged thorn and this has much to do with its evident Improvement Of the eleven games played this season three were lost The club pla > s at Springfield next Saturday and on Sunday at Louisville , Neb. Corporal Huddleston ( captuln ) Is at present endeavorIng - Ing to make arrangements for games with the Originals , Universities and Brewers' as sociation ot Omaha. GOLD DUST. Vfv / Eneny * Largest package treUat economy , THE H. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , Chicago , fat. Loula. New York. Boston. "CUPIDENE" MANHOOD RESTORED Thin ereat Vegetable VJuillzvrihepri : > trli tlonol o ( ainounl'rcncli phjsltUn.wlll quickly cur u > on of nil mr. xoua or dlsia.113ol tbe generative organs , cucli M Jxist Maubrott Insumnia , I'ulngln tboJUcL.beinlnal J.auslnni. , Nervous Deblllt' Vlmpls-a , Untllncss to Harry , hxhaustUu Drains , Varlcmvle ai'J Constipation. It Btopiall JOFSCS by clay or night. I'levcnis qulrl.- nftsol tllschargp , lilcli KnotcbroVnl loads to hpcrro torrbi.u nnd ncrnocacrro all lliohorrnnol Irnpotenry , < IIIIIIiKcleui t tUolivir. Ibt - Itl-l Ut-t-UMt AND r tUncygaridthonrlnaryorBansoIulUmiiurttles. CUIII > FNJ : trensthensandrestorMi mallweakt > rF na. Iho reason fufTen-rn are not cured by Doctors li because ninety per cent re troubled with FrontalII l . CUPIIlBKblillm only tnown rprn - < 1lo cure liUouiun operation. eli A wrU'enuunranteecivrn ami money returned II six IKIIHI doea nut cllect a | > eniiaxn.ijt cure. f"ri-tx | > , by mall , liendloryiitKctrcularani ] tcstlmontala. < JHJi : ICI > ECO.r.O. Jloxiu76.tiaj > iirn-KiioC DKUG CO , 8. E. KTH A ND I'AHNAM STHBBTS OMAHA , NEB , Vihen In doubt what l utc lot Nervous Debility. LOSI c ( Power. Imtx > tencyAtrophrVaricocelean < 4 other vvcaknesves , ircm any cauia uc Senne Pills. Drains checked and full v icor quickly restored. If B'flflcuo iaca lrfatu Itivll Uullr. Mailedforfl (0Cboi J"00 Will $ 'i 00 orders we eiye a puanntee u curcorfcfuod vba ooncy. Addicu A Wonderful Medicine PILLS - , For Bilious and Iserrouadi3onjr3sichua\nnq nd r/iln In the Stomach. Sick Hoadnch > 70ld < < ness. Fullness nad Swelling after menU , Dltzlx ne janaDroiTslnoa5CoM Chills , Kiusblngs of IIc.it , Logs ot Arr'tlte Shortness ot Drotiii , Co * . lUtncsB , Blotches on the Biln , Disturbed Sleep , FrlehtfalDre.ua ; > . < ind nil Nervous nnd Trcratv ling Sensations , Ac. , nhon thc o ij-mpfms ar Caused by constipation , as most ot thorn are , THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEK IN TVENTY MINUTES. This Is no fUtlon. Erery anfTorcr Is earnestly Invited to try one- Ilex of facto nils and they Mill tic ncltiioulcilRcil to be A WONDERFUL MED1K IIHUCII.V.II'S I1 ILLS , taken niidlr ctey\ Trill qiilcUly restore remntro tommpletrt lieattbi flioy promptly remnva obstructions or Irregtu larltlea otlhosystem , Fora. Weak Stomach impaired Digestion' Disordered Liver they act llko mngto a tow dooos will vrorU ton. ders upon the Vital Organs i strongthomne Uio tnuseular system , reMurlng the lour ; loet com * jiloxlon , bringing back tlio Loon edga ot npx | > . tltc , nml nrouslng vrlth tha Itoielind ot Health Iho v\In > lo iilinlcnl ciicruj * ot the human frame. Tlic e nro facts mtmittodby thuusiiiilg , In nil classes ot oooloty , aiidonoot the best Kimrantecs to the Krrrom and Iobllt. tnted Is that Itccclinui'S IMlli li-ixo tlio Lar oM Sale of any I'ntcnt ? IoiJlcllio lu the \Vurhl. Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 , , Boxes 2Jc at Drue Stores , or wilt bo sent by U.9. AROnts. B. 1' . ALLEN' CO , 36V I'nnil St , Vow ort , po t paid , upon receipt ot prlco. Hoot fr.o A. vrlticu Gnnrnutco to Cl lilt Ar < Y CASK or .llOMiV UlUrMSDK"- Our cureu permanent and ret a palchltiRiii treated ten jeat-Mngu have nci rrpcen i\j nit lumeuicr * lljr deM-rltilnir 3 our CBMJ fully wo on tnat j on by mall , anil wo Klvc the panic Mront ? > ruarantretoeuroorri lunii all money. It yourinptoni iirc plmplm on HUT , ( arc throat , iiiucoun putclic" In niiiiuli. ilii-u- mutlnm in bonn and Joint. " , linlr tiillluu nut. eruption * on any part of tbo body tceiinf ? ot Reneiul ilvprcAAloc. niiluo In hcd or l ctic- you avenotlmu to waste. Tlio > c who nro ccmtiuitly t k- lag mercury MII ! potath > .liouM discontinue it i oiutant UMJ or thewi dnipt lll mely bilnn ran s and cjtlntr ulcers In the mil. Don t fall to write TliOHinliupie * frr to come IIDI-O for treatment can do IH > nnd ucwui piyrallroad rare both ai > and hotel blllnnhllo here If we fall to cut c VV o clmllcnpo the trorld for a ca o that our Muulc Etetnvilv lll nut euro VV rlto Cor full particulars anil Krt the evidence We knuv One you arc rkiptlcal , Ju 11j to too a the mum emlnene \ Ujflcian liaTe never been able to clvo inure thantcm * porary roller In our many yeare tn-irtlro wltu this Mnelc Ilt-mcily It lias bc < n most d.lllcutt to over- coma the prcjutlkc nKalnttnll bo-cnHnl i-pc-clllcs lut unilcrourmroiiii ituixinnlco yon nhouul not lit Minn to try this reineil ) ou tak no clmnco of Using your money Wo ( ruarantte to curu or rcfuml crcrv dulUr and as vrf havu * reputation to prott-U alot > lliiMiclal hacklncof SOUtl.OOU , ltl i rlfcll ; Kalutoall who will try the tKatmcnU Heretofore > ou Imri * ooen puttlni ; up ami p-yjInB out jour mono tor illlleient treatment ! ! und Mlliouk-li > ouaro not yitcunxl noone > has paid l > ack > our moncDo not * a to nny morn iuonr ) ur.llljoutry at Oiil.chronic. < lcrn.seated ciioo cured In ( hlrti to ninety iliiju. Invpsti. C&te our nnuiclal standfn r , our rrpufatlon nti hunlnesj Men. VV rite us for name * and uudn-M-s ol tliuje wo hae cured of tiyphllls , uho have cl en iKTrclftflon to refer to them It costs youonly pottaKotodu thlst It will Kare you a world of fullering from mcnul f train i andlf 3ou are marrlrdnhat may your otfrpriiiK rutf er tbrouRli your own naiftf nee t All cunx'pundcncn pnt healed In plain enveioirs. We Invite the moMrl ld Investigation and ulll do all In our power tonid > ou in It. % Vrlte us lor our 1OO puicc K > ° ol ( atitt abiolutc proufn of cnrci. I GQQIC REMEDY CO , , SKsS'it6 Searles & Searlesi Specialists In and PRIVHIE mm > All Private Diseases nd Disorders of Mefl Treatment by mall Consultation Free. SYPHILIS Cured for life. HOME TREATMENT MAB * TOR ALL FORMS OF FEMALE WEAK * NCSS AND IMSHASES OF WOMEN. ' Catarrh , all Diseases , of the Nose. ThroatJ Cheat. Stomach. Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Lost Mannooa , II > Uroccla Vnrlcocelc , Gonorrhea , . Gleet , Syr'illls un4 ALL PRIVATn DISnASCS ' ) F JIGW Piles , Fistula and lUctal Ulcers cured without - out pain or detention nom uuslnesaj Brlght'B Disease , Diabetes and kindred maladlen. Call on or adCresq with stamp. / OH SHIMS 8 mm 9i"It' MANAW'A EMI'IIATIO Sl'fTiSS nVIJHV MOIIT THIS AVKHIC VT S'llB ' , CAMIIIILL & . e'AMi'iniLU IIOI.T itAw- ' hON . Jl'NI3. I.KUAND .t LKhUI ? , J'AS- C'ATCL the IIAIMONUS nnd ot itrs 111 tlielr I'f-Bt relcctlonu from VAUDEVILLE ro > CKUT ivnnv A l'nu ) o . HLTUH'S HAM ) . Admission to tlie Grounds , 10 Cents , in Council Bluffs , CAPITAL , SlOO.QOtt \VU SOLICIT YOUn DUSINRbO. \V13 UKSIUE lOUn COLLHCTIOM , ONU OF THK OLUUBT IIA.MCH IN 6 VKll CENT PAID OK TIMIC DUI' CALL AKD flEB OB Ott WniTE. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS- DWKLLlNtH rilUlT , KAItM ANI > U luiiila ( or tdlo ir I < : . - , : . Uay & lltss , I'turJ llllll roil I.UAHU , SAM ) AND OIIAVKK IIANKH , wlt.i mpulor brick tin ) underi ) mi ; Mine ; uLout Z\i mile ! norlheailcrly ( ruin Ouuiiu lip - p tluon jrcuiuU. uncl twu miles no.ili o Council Hluls , ci .Viltvuuit rlr uml or c / . r < VV. H K U I' Judbon , V29 blill ) avenue LOilncll lllufts I OU LKASi : ONLY UPLAND MiS&OUni rlvrr Irontagp atnl boat landing , near l.iiiost- tlon hruuncli suitable ( or pleunure itiurtv. In Irtcib to tult , plttity l.arJwcKjj timber , abundant Hcitlnrf errli t > with tuilicltnt fuil { < r li > < lriiulla ranm to tloic jur fur fountains un.J nuiHy ; bank vanil nnd rrttel for wulk > und ilrHeu : leuutlfui nniurai pdi > : of i.laii'uux. uilleyi nml blurtii , on c * N W. It Jl ij , mile * win st c until lllurf , and uboui J' , n ! lei Lortliehft from h i Miitlon crouiidn L I' . Jud c h - ion HAM : . AIIOUT w ACUKS OF upland fruit , vcRrtable unJ iiark laiijn , nv. | atu * anil upward at 130 to J-0 per licit uccofd' me to location anil amount , about time Jiill ? noilti of clt ) und aluut mine Horn l.'iponltlon , otiiT laiiUn and Council ( llurn loll , m lev , prlccH L. 1 > . JuJ oi , nue Cc-jncll lilurfk. MOVINOI MOVINd ! When > ou with tu move Ami have everj thing go imoolb. Hngage a vvakon , IBIGC. medium or einulli One Junt ( urge cnoutli ta take It all iighl roe inn In one load the ) take. Try It , tie next inuve you mike rUne , lee , we inuve with treated c re , And prlcn , jou'll tlnil , io always ( lr. et u u