If TTIE OMAHA DAILY J5EE : SATURDAY , JITN33 12 , 1807 Qovcrnment Bcport Makes Wheat Strong at the Opening. STRENGTH , HOWEVER , SOON DISAPPEARS Corn nnil Onta Slinri * In tlip WrnkiiCNn mill Decline About n llnlf Cent 12nt > li I'rovlKlitnn nnil lllulicr. CHICAGO , Juno 11. A momentary show of strength nt the opening of the wheat market today cauwd by the government crop rcjort was followed by a gradual but most decided de line , continued with but alight Interruption to the close. An rarly rise of Ic per bushel was converted In the end to a Tic decline. Corn and oats shared In the weak feeling displayed by wheat , declining $ ic and ! Sc respect ively. Provisions iilono either maintained . their valuu or Improved them. i ork re- / malnlng unchatiKeii. while , ribs advanct-d from 2140 to Co und lard lOc. In wheat , the government crop report , Issued yesterday , was the big factor at the opening , the unexpected bullishness of the Ilpurea creating marked strength at the outset. Kor the first tlmu In years the people who bought wheat on their foreknowledge of a bullish government re port were able on the mornlns after Its publication to well out at a protlt and they Quickly availed themselves of such an uj > - Jortunlty , Jmy wheat , which closed yes terday at from CDc to ffJ'fcc , opened this morning nt CU'NC , and then quickly went to Too. September , the latest trading In which the uay before was at G4Vjc. started lit from C5c to G5'4c. The quantity for Hale at the advance was so overwhelming , .however , that the advance quickly dis appeared and by 11 o'clock had declined to SS4c and September to C3\o. So much lor the estimation of the government re ports belli by the speculators. Trading Is now fairly divided between the July and September deliveries. The government re- Jtort Indicated a crop of winter and spring wheat together about 20O J. < WU bu. heavier than that of the yuar before , but the trade lias about concluded that notwithstanding what the government suggests the In crease ut present promised Is nearer 100.- ( XM.OGO bushels. Hecplpts here weru six oars. Withdrawals from store , 3Gt > bu. Allnneapolls and Dulilth reported receipts of 22 $ curs' , compared \\lth 311 cars a week ngo. Seaboard clearances were very light. A reduction of about 1.5i i.oOi > bu. was the general estimate on the visible supply. Grasshoppers were reported from several points In South Dakota , which had u ten dency to stop the decline for a time and even caused a slight reaction , but the impression that the Inrreased acreage would more than make amends for any InJury - Jury by the Insects was too strong for such reports to have anything but tem porary Inlluence. Closing cables all showed an advance , except Antwerp , which was unchanged. The cash demand here was confined to small lota to country millers. The price continues to work downward , Juiy declining to CSVtc and September to GUic. with ray&c and 63KC the prices ut the close. In corn , warmer , showery weather , the perfect sort for that cereal , started a de cline early and the market ruled weak to the end of the session. There was active rpeculatlve and short selling on the de cline. Receipts were liberal , CM cars. July opened lsc lower at 2ic and declined to 24',4C , where It closed. Oats was easier with corn and on the government report , which suggested a crop of 709.lu.f"iO bu. The amount of business lone was small. Receipts were reported al S3 cars. July opened n shade lower nt ISSiil c , and declined to ISc , which was the closing price. Provisions were quiet but llrm In spite of the weakness of grain. Prices kept within a narrow range. Lard was especlallj well supported , Cudahy being named as the chief buyer. At the close July pork was unchanged nt J7.43 , July lard lOc higher nt C.57&3.GO , and July ribs 2ijc higher at W.27M ; . listlmated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 9 curs ; corn , G20 cars ; oats , 345 cars ; hogs 17.00) head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. I Opan. I HUh. | Lo * . I Closs. lYeVJy. Wheat- July. . . OOK-70 GSiiH oa OP < 3Ji ! opt. . . Dee. . . 03KSH CCH Core- June. . . 24M 24M E4M July . . 2JH Sept. . . 23HSH OatH July. . . 1SH 1SH IB IS 18TS Sept. . . . 17H 17M Pork- July. . . 7 45 7 47K 7 40 7 47K 7 4S 7 03 7 07.4 7 50 7 01 7 55 July. . . 3 52 3 (10 3 B2l < 3 60 3 SO Sept. . . 3 00 a 70 3 GO 3 70 3 CO July. . . I 25 4 27W 4 2S 4 27 > 4 25 Sept. . . 1 T-'hi 4 35 4 30 4 35 4 30 No. J. Cuxli quotations were as follows : FLOl'H Steady ; fprlnff patents , J3.70fll.CO winter patents. J4.20S4.40 ; etrjlghts , J4.COJ/4.W bakers ) . J2.8002.50. WHEAT-No. 2 spring C9H 70Vic ; No. 3 sprlns KO'Oa : No. 2 red. 73fr7Rc , CORN-No. 2. 24il24c. : OATS No. 2. 15c. f. o. b. ; No. ! white , 22U K'.ic. No. 3 white , 20VHJ-20HC. RVE No. 2. Uc. HARLEY No. 2 nominal ; No. S , 27S3lc ; No 4. 27c. FLAXSEED No. 1. 75Hr7fc. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. JJ.7f > Jf2.75. PHOVISIONS JIess-iwrk. i > er bhl. , J7.4137.M Urd , per IM Ib.i. . J3-Uhi3.S : ; uhort ribs , f\At \ ( loose ) . Jl. 1SO4.40 ; dry Halted shoulders ( boxed ) lS.Mflii.2S ; short clear sldea ( boxed ) , Jl. " " 4 e. " , . WHISKY Distillers' llnUhed Roods , per gal. 11.19. riPOAHS Cut loaf. J3.46 ; granulated , JI.S4. Mi\V YOUK tiUMHIAb JIAHKin Qiiotnllonsi nf HIP liny on ( Jciicrn Com mini 1 1 Irs , NKW YORK , June 11. FLOUR Receipts. M , 415 bbln. ; eiports. H.676 bbl . ; quiet and lowc to tell ; patent' , JI.W1JI.S ) ; winter straights , Jl. ] 43I.JO. winter extras. J3.r.fil.C ; winter Io Krades , J2.Ufr2.i5 ; Minnesota | mtcnt . JI.0094 i : ! lnne > Kita bakrrs. $3.1'- ' > 3.i : . Hy < > Hour , dull kU ) > erllnc. JtHH(2.30. CORN MEAI Qulet ; yellow WMt rn , We. IlYIJ ICaiy ; No. : western. SS } e HARLKY-UuIl : wetttrii , : TUc. H.\ltl.iV MALT Noinlnul , W" teni. 43854 WHKAT Ileielptfc , 125.425 bu. Sjiat , weak Oplljnu opened ttriu on tbe government report but met nrtlvc long account i-elllng. pn > mpte hy l > OHrl H crop anl weather ntws. wcaknesx n I.lveriool | and free toiithwestrm helling ; decline all day and clo ert .tfT.c net lower ; June close ot 75'jc. September , CS'st/'TIc ; closed , C9ti' . COIlN Receipt * , I7uK > bu. ; export * , 531 bu HMit. | weak ; No. 2 red , 19UU elevator ; 21 , Kllwit. Optluus up iied ea ) \ weak ull iloy nn iU-r' letter crnp and wath > -r newy and liquids IHn : closed Hlf inet loner. Jun-j rlwrd . .SvpteinberI34C ! ! ; clpiied. S . OATS Jtewlpts. Iti.-'fO lju. ; cxpurtu It5 bu. ; * pot quiet ; No. 2 , SJc. Uptlnm wer Inacflr und weak with corn , clntloc Uo lower. HAY Weak ; shlpylntf. Wu iood to cholee. 0 c : tf. HOPH-Dull ; state , common to choice , Itt crop. 3U4o ; IKW crup , WriM ; Paclflfl coast , 1S53 crr.p. 3U4c ; l&tf crop , HflOo. rf-Finn ; Hue no * , \ > rt. , HHS'3 ' ; ; Teiaj. c ; riillforniu , Kc ; Uahc.ton. Jit. LiATHKIt : Firm ; hemlock sole. Uuenos , PHOVWIONS lleof. uteudy ; family , JJ.Mffl2.FJ ; extra mm , J7.in)1S.t ) < > ; b ef hams. J24 ; packet , ) > l.oou .CO. Cut iiieatu , llrm ; pickle , ! U-lllc . J5.D ) YiW ; shoulders , J5.M ; ham > , t > .OK < ! l.50. Iini. vltady ; wrutern uteam. J3.V ) , namlml ; ratine. ! , tedy. Pork. dull. TALLOW-Quli-t ; city , 3c ; country. Jie Hl'TTKR Rrclpl , 6.KU pks . ; nmrket quiet ; vritrrn crejiilerj , HOUc ; Uglni ! > , Sic ; factory , CHKK8i-Itecelpt : . 4,259 pkji. ; market quletj tnte. Urge , S'ic : state , small. IVIfSc ; part cMim. 3V.c ; full < klm > , : H(73e. KOC1S Recelpti , i.U ) pkBJ. i market quiet : Hmtu nnd Penn > ylvanlJ , HVittUc ; Wfifrn. DUO lie , southern , t2.KKjt.7Q p-T rate. OILS Cottonseed , dull ; prime crude , 20c ; prime jrllow , ! it , Prlrolrum. dull ; Pennsyl vania crude , steady ; July. Sic. Hcwln , cteady ; trained , rommon to coed , Jl. 7001,15 TurpcV.tlne , leady at ! 7HO ! c. KICE St.aJy ; f lr to extra , 4UCtcj Japan , MOLASSKS-Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle , goo. ! to choice. RQic , MtrTAlPlK Iron. qul t ; southern. 19.25 ; northern. J10.COQ12.00. Copp r. steady ; brokers , 111 ; excluBce. JU.g7HOH.KH. Tin , quiet ; ( trail * . JlJ.OJtriS.75 ; plates , ra y. Sptltrr , quiet ; dum tle. ll.tuSI.S'X ' Lead , quiet ; broker * . xch n4 ; , tXHOi.tb. York Dry Guuila A YORK , June 11. Dry coodt Bhowed sltni et tnenai d activity on the part of Irnyen , but a > * t then are only th lfn > . Tht w k lui f > bten an uniatlifuctory cnt In many reeardi. Duyvrv t v b en pr v nUd from opratlns In the roarktt and vmthtr coalition * hare pre- eluiJta purcbMCf of strictly itatonatl * lints. u lt cotton * . qul t ; frtat olotiu ar * laid to It V. tronsrer , Kxtrat , It l reported from Fall Ttlv r. re hard to buy it 1 ; -l c pl M I p r e nt In uture , and in certain odd * wd It l Md there f a refural to quote prices ) at all. Salw of bout lo.f'0 more seed were made Ute yester- \Y at Kail 1tlr r at 17-l c plun 1 per cent , 'he strength of the msrxel I * undoubtedly due o the pr t > ed re.hictlon of wae Printed ; 'id are n > mi > what more active than heretofore , ul the Kaln of fall fancies 19 nut iu fast as was xpected. OMAHA fJHXKHAL MAIUCUTS. Conilltlfin of Trail" nnil Qnotntlnni nn Slniilinnil I'nncr Produce. KQOS-tlulk of sales. Tc. HFTTKR Common to fair , TVfce : choir * to ancy. lOQIJc ; separator creamery , IJc ; eath. red creamery , IJc. VBAtt-Cbolee fat , 80 to IM lb > , . quoted at fic ; large ana coarse , 4S6c. MVB POtJLTRY-IIens. 5H8Sc ; cocks , 38E : prln chickens , per Ih. lie Ptaio.\S-Llve , TifiSOc ; dead pigeons not wanted HAY Upland , UW ; midland. H M ; lowland. 4 < ) : rye Mrnw. J4 s ; color makes the price on my ; lUht bale * tell the best , only top gradM rlnc top prices. HROOMCOHN-Kxtremely flow Mle ; new crop. ellvered on track In country : choice Kreen self- worklnir carpel , per Ib. . ItfJHc ; choice green , unnlng to hurl , 2flJH < - : common , IHc- VEOETAHLKS. ORKKN PEAS-Per "i-lni. basket. MfiOOc. I'lH PLANT-Per Ib. . He. CrcL'MHKRS-Per doz. . 30 IJc. TOMATOISPer : 4-ba ket crate , I1.5J. RAIi.SllE3-Per | doz. . lOeUc. LUTTl'i'K Per doz. . lOflSOc. WAX HEANH-Per ! i-bu. b , ket. McfllLW. HTKINO IlKANS-I'er H-bu. Iwx , 90c. NKW O.SMO.VS-1'cr do * . , IM/lIc. I'AIiai KY-l'er doi. . > 9Kc. ONIONS I er bu. . 11.50. 1.1 MA IJKANS I'er Ib. . 3c HKANS HnnJ-plcked navy , per bu. . J1.10. aMllt.vaK-ralifornln , ! O2'ic per Ib. l"OTATOis New. i > r bu. , H.Wj old native lock , per bu. . UlJMc. UlJMc.FUUITS FUUITS , TAMI-OIINIA CIlCltHIRS-fcr 1Mb. box. U.M ft2.V \ 8TItA\VIKItIUist-Kancy. : J2.M. III.ACK ItASrilKItlRKS I'er : i-plnt case , 1..V ) . Al'IM.KS-No shipping stock. SOUTIIKIIN 1'l.UMS I'er ! 4-jt. case , J1.75 03 V > . OOOSEIIKIUUES Per 31-qt. case. ( I.DOR1.TS. SOITT1IKHN I'KAOIIKS Per H-bu. , TScflJl.O' ' ) . UKU HASl'llRIUCIHS I'er 21-plnt cases , } ! .M. TIlOl'ICAl. FUUITS. O11ANQKS Seedlings , JS.S3 ; Mediterranean weet.H. fancy. U.M. I.KMONS Messlnas. fancy. J15093.73 ; choice , 3.0WVJ.M , choice California. J2.W. II AN AN AS Choice Inreu stock , per bunch , J.OOB5.2J , medium-sized bunches. | 1.5 > J02.04. MISCIL.T ANKOUS. NUTS Almonds , California. per Ib. , large lie , 13c ; llmzlls , per Ib. , lOc ; Ensll li walnuts , p r Ib. , fancy , soft shell. IJtfMc ; standards , OBllc : flllrts. . i > er Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished , arse. ? 8tOc ; Jumbo , liyilc : large hickory nuts , 1.J3 per bu. ; cocoanuts. 44c each. FU S Imported fancy 4 crown , ? Qlb. boxes , Jc ; 5 crown. W-ll > . boxes , 138HC. HONnY-Cholce , 13@15c. ClDEIl-Clarined Juice , per half bbl. . K.Jj ; per bl-bl. . J4.00OI.I3. MAPMi SYnUr-Flve-Bal. cans , each , J2.3 ; ml. cans , pure , per doz. , 112 ; lialf-gal. cans , C.25 ; quart cans , (3 SO. COTTO.V MAHICI3TS. Sonic IiiilliMitliiiiN of Outside HIIMIICNS | , lint Tln-y DII Xot Inut. NEW YORK. June 11. The cotton market opened quiet nnd ea. y , with prices unchanged Lo 4 points lower , and further declined 2R4 ; > olnts. Following the first call business was fairly active for a time , and there was some In dication of new outside speculative Interest. There were occasional rallies produced by cov ering. Certain shorts who were able to secure tiandaome profits w re led to cover by con flicting crop accounts , which had a s-wnevvhat Dulllvh average. Steady cables were disappoint ing as to public accounts from Liverpool , while private cables stated that the English cotton trade placed n bearish construction upon yester day's bureau leiwrt. A number of accounts were liquidated today , the shorts being the buyers. The close was quiet at a net loss-of from 1 to 5 points. Futures closed quiet ; sales , 2,0.0 bales ; January , JS.73. February , J5.S2 ; March , JS.S6 ; June and July. J7.16 ; August , J7.13 ; September , KSO ; October , J4.74 ; November. J5.72 ; December , JS.74. Spot , 7 lt-10c ; middling gulf. 7 I3-16c. re- eclpts. none ; gross. 1.293 baits : exports to Great llrltaln , 547 bales ; to the continent , 190 bales , forwarded. 727 bales ; sales , 1.5S3 bales spinners , 653 bales ; stock , 1J5.KS bales. Weekly : Net re ceipts. 11.US bales ; gross , 10.024 bales ; exports to Great lirluln. 5.S6S bales ; France. 605 bales ; continent. 6Its bales , forwarded , 3,125 bales ; sales. 9.4SO bales ; spinners. 4.2U3 bales. Total today : Net receipts. 7,564 bales ; exports to Great Itrltaln , 7,331 bales ; continent , 4,244 bales ; stock , 2&.C3S bales. Consolidated : Net receipts. I2.29D bales ; exports to Great Urltaln. I4.S17 bales ; France , 05 bales ; continent , iS.30 bales. Total since September 1 : Net receipts. 6.57tJjC9 bales , exports to Great Drltatn. 2.W5.443 bales : France. fco.fJS' ? bales continent , 2.0M.1W bales ; channel , 5,451 bales. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since j September 1. ISM : Galvcston. 1.5IS.OJ5 bales ; New Orleans , 2,061.192 bales ; Mobile. 5 > > J.070 hales ; Savannah. EJ3.f24 bales ; Charleston. 333.973 bales ; ! Wilmington. 234.2S' . bales. Norfolk. 7i.i3.tOl bales : Haltlmore. 5S.S13 bales ; New York. lCs.345 bales ; Hoston , 1J7.5S3 bales ; Newjwrt New. . 5,707 bales ; Philadelphia , 13.CC6 bales : West Point. Vn. , M bales : Hrun.'wlck. US.lCl lialen ; Texas City , 51- 137 bales ; PcnsacoU. 67.B52 bales ; 1'ort Itoyal. 73.622 bales : total. 6.57a.06 bales. NEW ORLEANS. June 11. COTTON Spot , steady ; Bales , 1,150 bales ; ordinary , C 3-lCc ; qooil ordinary , fi 9-lCo ; low middling , 7c : middling , 7 7-16o ; fc-ood middling. 7ict middling , fair , S 3-16c. Futures , steady ; sales , 11.600 bales ; June. J7.2i.-S7.2J ; July. J7.IO bid ; August. J5.SS .W ; September. Ji.C20ti.C3 ; October. J6.46gs.47 ; November. J6.13BC.rj : December. J6.5Hi52 : Jan uary. J5.550 . ; S ; February , JS.S } ? .t > ) ; March , Jd.62ffS.G3. MEMPHIS. Tcnn. . June 11. COTTON null : middling. 7 o-Uc. Receipts. iS bales ; shipment ? . 1.107 bales : stock. 2s.222 bales ; sales , 1W ba"s. ! ST. IX3LMS , June 11. COTTON Dull and un changed ; middling. 7So. Sales , none : receipt * . 2 < 3 ! uile ; shipments. 213 bales ; stock , 2S.730 bales. LIVERPOOL. June ll.-COTTON-Fpot. very quiet ; prices favor buyers ; American middling , 4 5-32d. Pales today were C.OOO bales , of which l.r > 0 weio for speculation and exi > ort nnd In cluded 4WO American. Receipts , 1.0"0 bales ; no American. Futures opened quiet , with a mod erate demand nnd cloked ea y at the decline ; A erlcnn middling. L. M. C. . June. 4 S-6ld buy ers : June nnd July. 4 2-44d buyers ; July nnd Augu&t. 4 l-64rl sellers ; August nnd Septtkmher. 3 Cl-E4d Imyors ; Septembfr nnd October. 3 M-MJ fetfllcrs ; October and No\embcr. 3 4J-G4O3 50-Cld fcellera : November nnd December. 3 -dii3 47-64d sellers ; December and January. 3 45-Cld buyers : January' and February. 3 45-C4d buyers ; Febru ary , and March. 3 45-6483 4C-64d buyers. March and April , 3 45-C4Q3 47-C4d nellcrs. St. Louis Ceneral MnrUet. ST. LOUIS , June 11. FLOfR Dull and un changed : patents , JI.5. . r4.7J. extra fancy , JI.23S1 4.41) ; fancy , J3..WB3.75 ; cholcft , J3.W3.W. WHEAT The goveniment rrport and higher cable * caused a stronger opening In tlie fpecu- lame market , but as there was no support a decline Fi > t ! n nnd final prices wore IfJlUc unde1- yei ti'rd y Sp , , higher ; No. 2 red. easl , , ele vator , S3'e _ ; trnck. I'.jfrSbc ; July , Ci'.q ; August , K\c anked ; September. 67c asked. . CORN Futures dull , weak and lower , n rte- cllno M-ttlng In nfter the openlnu which carried liru-ca down tn fractions below yesterday at the close , jipot. ensUr ; No. 2 , cai-h , 22iiC. July , I2H O'SI-C ; -pteml > er. 23Sc bid. OATS-Futures dull and weak In rympatliy with whfat. S | > ot. easy ; No. 2 , cash , liliu bd | ; July. 17'ic bid. HYE Firm : S2e track. HAHLKV Nominal. 1IIIAN Weak : ackcd. east track , worth niml- nally 5 > Cr > v. and IlfiJTc for east side country piilnls. ri.ANflKKD Steady at 7Sc. TIMOTHY KUKI > I'rtmc. i:0ff2.eo. HAY Dull and iti-udy : prairie , Jl.wgs.OO ; tlm. otliy. j.M ll.-,0. IIL'TTKK Slow ana unchanged ; creamtry. 11 Cll5 io : dairy. 6012 ? . WHISlvY-tl.l ? . / I'Ol'I-TKY-Chlrkens. old fc ni , nnn. 6cj sprlntu , ateudy , 7&llc ; duckK. sprlnfcit , lower , ' ktf9p ; Becse. tprlmts. tteady , lOc. IX)1TXN TIKS-C5J . MfTTA.ia Jja.iJ , better ; i.U > a.l ! . Spelter , Hcjjy ; J4. I'JIOVISJONS I-ork , steady : standard mes * , JLibbln ? . J7.13OS.O ) . l rd. hUher ; prime tteam. JVCVi ; choice , J3.0. llaron ( boxed ) , ( houlderv S.STVii extra short clear. JJ.2J ; rlb , J5.S3 ; shcrts > j.M , Dry salt meats ( boxdl. shoulders > l.75 : extra hort clear , H.70 : rtb , Jl.Srt ; shorts JI.SO * Ilerelptii : Flour. 3.000 bbU. ; Vklical , ll.OW bu. : com. > .P04 tu. ; oats , 4C.IXO bu. Shipments : Flour. , ( * bt > l . iilieat , 1000 bu.- corn. CJ.W bu. ; oals , SIH bu. \otr Orlruii NKW OUL.KANH , June 1L FLOUR Quiet extra fano. II.134.23 ; patrtiu , Jt.SOfli.7V ' COIIN MI7AI-Flrm at J1.70. llIlAN-Quln at 503ic. ! HAY Stefdy ; prim * , 1581 Hie ; choice. BU0 16c. COIlN-Qulet ; No. J Backed , ml d. S3o ; yel. low. 3 c ; white. J3n. OATS -Steady ; No. Z , KCiJ r. HYK Steady ; orjlnsry to gccd , 3H04V4C I'l-orlii Mnrliet * . PKOniA , Jun 11. CORN-Steadjr ; No. t , J4c. OATtf-SteaiJy ; No. J whit * . Jl ) 4r. WltldKY Steady : nnlshed goods on th tails of 11.13 for lilgh wines. KKCKIlTS-Corn. 4S.SOO has. ; cots. IS.SM bus. ; rye. none ; whliky , none ; wheat , I.coC'bus. SIIII'MKNT.Cfirn , ! .t bui. ; oat . R.1SO bu * . ; r > A none , whisky. JTi bLU. , wheat , none. Toledo 3lMrUrr.il. ' TOLOJIXJ. O. . Jcn H. WHEAT Ac lv : No J c ih. 7S\c. Jure. 7SVjc , July. CSHc CORN Dull ) No. 2 mixed. l c. OATS Steady ; No. S tjU < l. tec , HYB-Uower : No , I caia. Hfce. CLOVKH tiBKD Pull ; rrlrre , culi H.IJ. OIU Vnchenged. Wool MnrUrti. ST IXll'IS , June ll.-V.'OOI , Sludy and un. changed straight comMnz , liVjr , tight f.ne $9 lIVic , hnvy fln . 7219 : ; medium. lhG15 < ; . ' tub wa > htd. 17l > ttil < - , NKW YOIIK. June IU-WOOL Steady ' : n c . pulled , OUTLOOK GROWS BRIGHTER Gain in Business Still Continues , bat with Soma Fluctuations , INCREASE IN QUANTITY , N01 IN PRICES Volume * of \ < MT OriK-rx nnil Amount of Von'Vork Hone ShiMr * un ItlKht Stile of the NB\V YOIIK. June 11. II. O. Dun & Co. * * Weekly llevlew of Trade will say : The frnln In business continue * , not without fluctuatlonn and nt the best moderately dKtlnct. It Is -illumines ruther than In prices , thduch In some branches an advance In price * apif rs. but on the Mhul the number nf hitndv vmi < I y > l. thp volimitof new orders and the amount of new work done are ( lowly Increasing. Wheat look ! well and the betl trxjo authority now estimates the Mold at 515G ( > Inuhels. with many rtiile and rnllrim.l returnj to sup port It. The | > rtce rei-overcd Hnc aitvr last week's ( nil ot u/er 4c. because visible supplies are ilimlnlshltiK. but with : ,97 ( . : .7 bushels r cel\ed at ueslern iwlnts In June , Atlantic ex ports have been. Hour Included. 3I.M3 bunhcK aB.ilnft * ,76l. z ; in the fame time laM year. The outco Is steady , and since March has be < - ! ( . - 94G.3O bushels , against I6.llj.4il last year. And yet western lecelpts have kept fairly ahead of the eXHjrts | The annual report of cotton ncrMKc by the Financial Chronicle shows nn Increase of O.M per cent In all the states , and an Increase In every state In spite of the Moods , which , with no more favorable weather than that of last > ear. would mean a crop of nearly MIM.I > ) bales. The market Is 1-18 eaker. ; urtly because some southern cotton mills are trylnR to limit pro duction. Neither cotton nor uuolen mlll.s can expect other than a waltlnc buslnecg with a change oC tarint Impending , but the demand fet bleached Roods Is steady , though moderate for print cloths , sIlKhtly better nt ! .tlc plus i pi-r cnt. and for print goods , though not active. llown : io < xl9 arc dull , thoUKh quotations are Un- chanced. Some larxe wooltn mills are prej > arln < to Increase outiut | , and are bu > lng heavily , sales of won ! at lioston alone havInK rvacheil C.3IO.IOO | x > unds. out of 3.6IS.C" ) sol'j ot all kinds nt the chief markets. Carpet mills at rtilladrlphlti. have just resumed after a. long Idleness and are now rumilm ; full time. A somewhat better reorder demand for woolens l < reported , especially In medium and hlKh priced Rixxls and fancy worsteds , without clian tM In prices. Iron furnaces In blast June 1 reported a weekly output of lV > .3t > ) tons , BBalnst 170.5S May 1. nnd in unsold stocks , exclusive of the ureat steel companies , an Increa.-e of 11.613 tons for the month to 1.050.202 tons. Yet when nn acci dent sent one of the larxe concerns Into the market to buy quickly oO.'M ) to COA11) tons of pt $ the price ron to J5.M for Uessemer nt 1'ltts- burc recedlnB aften\ard to r..7J. with Rry forge hiKher at 5S.:3. The nialn fact that pro duction of pli : ha-s for some months been nrach In excess of the demand of finished products. Failure to form thu rod trust caused wire nails to yield 5c. The general demand for plates anil sheeu was better , nnd for bars much larger east and at Chlcauo , with some larso orders taken ut 1'lttsburt ; . Philadelphia reports de cided Improvement In finished li-un. with fewer concessions , and IMttsbure large structural or der * , while apprehension of labor dltllcultles has Induced much buying during the week. The strike nt I'lttsbure ended without success. Failures for the week have b-en a In the United States , asalnst ! < 0 last year , and thirty In Canada , against twenty-seven last year. AVKIKI.V CI.K.YHIM ; iiocsi : TOTALS. frntc of Iliislni-Ms Triinsni-tliiiis of tinAKHUuIutcil Hunk * . NB\V YOUK. June 11. The following table , compiled by DraJstreefs , shown the total clearances at the principal cities and the percentage of Increase or decrease , as com pared with the corresponding week last year. CITIES. Clearings. | Inc. I Dec. I I New York . . . ; j ; si.23i.6D5i 13.0 Chicago Hostoti T : > , = 74.224 "is ! St. I-ouis Philadelphia 51.024,191 San Francisco 13.13J.SS : Ualtlmore 13.412.0C3 14.S7S.320 ss Cincinnati 13.27tf.7M 7.3 Kansas City , . 9.S2S.SSS 7.0 New Orleans 5.7J3.0S7 15.3 Buffalo . ' 4.103.2SC 6.0 Milwaukee 4.0M.452 K.S Detroit e.os.ts ; 5.3 Louisville B.4I1,5W SS.O Minneapolis 6.MiC. OMAHA 4,570 0 5.1 Providence 4,551. 4 < M S.I Cleveland 3.S71.W1 3.9 Hou.-ton : , 9I03 St. Paul 3.101.4W1 Demer 2.541. SS51 Indianapolis 5.30S.CU7) ) Columbus , O 3.CO.OOJ Hnrtfcrd . Richmond 2.057.S301 1.3 Washington 15.2 . Salt Like 10.S . Scranton 773. IS5 2.1 St. Joseph 1,191.114 1'forlr. l.lll.SiS Memphis 1.S27.S34 Portland. Ore 1,191 , : 4.3 . Rochester i.so.s 2.1.3 New Haven 1.577.S40 3.9 Savannah 1.CIS.SC9 3.S Sjirlnctleld , Mass 1.531,20 " ' Worcester lJS2.1tO "i'.z 1.269. 91 Portland , Me ' ' Atlanta 1.U2.657 'i'l.3 Fort Worth J.340.S10 I 14.1 WBCO 731.2ir " 11.b Syracuse , "siii. DCS Molncs 1.027.CK 6.41. Grand Rnplds 731,770) ) Seattle Cli.STSl 13.0 Lowell 15.C Wilmington , Del W9.C95 . Norfolk 559.0571. Sioux City 9.4 , . Los Angelci 5.M. Tacoma 4.9' ' . Augusta II.Ol. Spokane 26.9 | . Jacksonville SB. 407 | . Lincoln 329.311 | . New Hedford ; Wichita s Hlrmlnglmm Topeka L'xInKton , Ky 309,731' ' . Hlnchamton H3.7WI. o Dayton G3 .277 | Il.iv City. Mich 201,214 , . ii. Fall River S1J.ISI Akron , O I Springfield , O 1M.613I. I Canton. O 170C | j Sioux Falls 51.0411. J Fremont. Neb , 7CJ3SI 20. C . j Hastings , Nrb 04. SO 2S.7U Chattanooga 251.270 ! 40.5 ; . Fargo " . lW/J79i. Nashville 1.175.8191 ( lalveston 3.7& : > .7 l MI.791 ! 3.4' ' . 5 3.72 ; 5.21. 254.7.2l. ll/ 7U.41II 1.0W.S121. Total , United States..jjl . < W. .1S2S16 ; 7.31. Exclusive of New York. . | 426.il7.SlS ; DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal . Toronto . . 8.116.1041 7.5 ! . Halir.ix . . 1,175,343 ] 1.71. Hamilton 671.233 . 2.3 Wlnnlpej ; 737 , 30.2. St , Jolina M7.302I ' Totali ' . . 'it 2l.8S7.25l , 18.6 HI3VI13W OF TIII2 S'J'OCIC MAHKKT. Market I * Active uiiil KtlilliltH u Tcn- tleiu-y to Ilrniulrii. NB\V YORK , June 11. Uradstreet's flnan clal review tomorrow will say : Not only have advance * In quotations been Eten throughout the share list , but the market ha * be n much mon active and exhibits a conitant tendency to broaden. Public participa tion Is Increasing and while American stocks have been thu speculative feature In London there has been a fair amount of foreign buyIng - Ing here. Khort Interest in various icck have been driven to cover and the professional Inter cut mainly ranged on the bull elde The com bined effect of these factors has been to furnish a much better buying power than Walt street halt seen In many months. Evidence U also at fraud that powerful Interests are nupiwrtlng their Individual fi ctaltle > and that bull pools are active tn certain prominent stocks. On Frjda ) the market cloied well up to the highest Us- ures of the movement. The movement which Is now taking place tn Wall tre < t I * In effect & discounting of the presumed favorable effect on business or a speed ) ending of uncertainty about the tariff. The In crvam In the duties embodied In the new sugar clause of the bill over those In the 'orlglna home bill Is considered very favorable to the American Refining company , which , it Is urged , will profit cnc'rinourly from the additional valui given to Its large ilock of raw sugars , eatl main of th amount running from II.004,040 to SIS.000.000. Rugar stock on Friday resa to 123U. The ad vance lu the grander stocks , liowrver. would t-etin to furnish a mc.rc rcuratu Index to the Ken ral tendencies Another featuie wai the nrnetri'iit of tlie coal ( tockb Into a better spec- i.th' * posltltn , IHIAUSTIIKET'S U'lIUKIiV 1IBVII3W. 'H l Ht'IKirtefi llrller than i VrnrAmi. . NKW YOItK. June 11. I3raditr fa to morrow , Juno 12 , > - lll s. Notwlthttandlnr cool , w * weather , which checked th dlitrlbutlon ot tea enable coodi dUappv'Intment at the r < trlc an of dUtrlbutlcn of nurchandUe In the oprlnv and early iumm U slvln * y to hcr fulne for the fall trade Iuiln l Utter than a year n o. The volume t * Urrtr ud tbre are more people employed than prior to tha Uit p > ldtall < a election. The movemnt cf mtrcbandlie la tb * past five moatta has been tllssppolntli Ji ut Jobbers arc nlnjr to rer > rt fair oKl , * * for f H delivery. The encournglnc feawy-tiri annijunced this week are the Improvement In May railroad earnmc nd the advnnc * In t.w-'rtr | of He emer plK ron. Mlthouvn the latter Is lew sbrnltlcant h n some rev > ortt Itrflfite. Manufacturer * of woolens re more hopt'fufrthe outlook fur hlsher prices stlmulnim ; ri oubttlve demahil for t > oth raw and inanufacture.1 produ. . M. < "rvp prospects , tcept In Oregon nnj. JY/ishlnfrton. where rain s needed , continue 'TkViJrable. lint and fort- nc weather , with how r throughout the fruit tales , has had an .excellent effect on cotton nnd corn , whlcl h 5 stimulated demand for mrrchnndlse. This > MkVi purrs movement In- hides nn advance for tea , w.ient. Indian com. it * . coftre. susar and.Wg Iron ; te idlnes < on he part of prints , coal. lumt > er , s > te l billets , wtrolfum. | > ork and fifur. and declines fnr cotton , ard , turpentine and ro Tn , p < inllnf | ; to a , teti- lency to reverse test * m < Milh"s weakness In quo- atlons. Kiports of wheat ( flour Included as wheat ) rom U > tli coasts f the Tnlt I states and from Montreal this week amount to l.s .KS Mi. , eompareil with I.W11' ) bu last week. l.Ul.On 'U. In the week a year RKO. 1.7S1.000 tiu. two ears ao. ZU4l w bu. three years ago. and as omnwted wllh J.eai. tiu. In the like week of ISM. Kxports of Indlnn corn this week amount to 2 3W.29I bu. . compare. ! with 2.3y > . < ? v > ) U last year. l.SK.ff" ) bu. In the week n year go. SR.OCO bu. two yenrs aio , M4.rt bu. three enrs ago , nnd as cmtrusled with 7W.t-fl : bu. In .ie like week ot ISM. Time ar S3 * business failures reported hrouBhntit t"i fnlte l States this week , com- ared with 197 last week SI ! In the week n year en 232 two years ape , 227 three year * line , and contrnste.1 with 30 $ In the llku week of IWi 'here wen3S business failures In the Canadian lomlnlon thl < week , compare. ! with 37 last week. M in the week a year aso and Jl two years STOCKS AMI IIO.M1S. rlt'CK Persist 1 Miivlim 1'jnvnnl In Spite of > > oni < * Protll-TnUliiir. NliW YORK. June 11. The prices of securities odny scored a further step In the proRtv s to- \nnl a hiKher plane which has continued the lomlnant tendency of the market now for over wo wiks. . There was a larne amount nf selllnu o realize profits from time to time by holders atlsfled with their Rains an.l skeptical of the lability and p rniAnence of the higher rnnse > revalllru ; . Hut as has twn the case before. hoUKh even more noticeably , the ofTerliiRS to callie were quickly absorbed with only n tem porary wetback to prices. Closlmr prices toilay w.-w senerally l > low the best of the day. owing o thM protlt taklns. as wa.i tne case yesterday , net cnln belns considerably le. s than the ex- renie advances. The nKKrt-Kate cjf sales was note o lanre as yeittnlny. bclm ; aliout SOO.OX ) . but vns the larcest of the year , except jesterday. The list of transactions also shows many addl- lonal stocks awakened from n dormant state nto active timllns. Tills was. In fnct. to mark- dly the rise as tn sugxeft a manipulation with he purpose of brlnslnp Inactive stocks up to he level of the recently n.lvam-lns und active ecuritl . Tliero was talk on the etchance of a mil pool at work tn certain securities. This > ell < ? f was accentuated by the halt In the ad- nnce of the active leaders nf the recent upward novement. noinbly the grangers. It Is a fa miliar deIce In a bull to deal In one group or ecurltles while sustaining the market by pur- hases of another. Tlio favorites In today's ad- -nnco were the low-priced shares of rcorsanlzed companies. Over 2S.O:0 shares of Northern Pa cific were sold , exceeded only by Susar with ! . ( shares. Northern Pacific common also showed sales of over 12.C > 0 shares. Of Union 'acltlc 22.f * share * were fold. Thlt croup of itoeks had been a favorite with I jndon for some line and the rans'e attained Invited some selling by I > indon to realize. London wa.s al o. how ever. a buyer. Reports from exchnnKc * In other Itles of revived Interest in speculation helped .o Miitaln the market. Sugar's nwewilve strength also gave tone to thu whole market , belnc Induonl by the progrvas made by the uiar schedule. The advance In the anthracite coalers was accelerated by the dlfllcultles In the short Interests , whose needs were aggravated > y the Increase of the loan rate on this group. The top prices of many-clocks were carried be- ow lust night's clo.se lij realizing at one time or another during the 'day. but practically nil show net gains , the notable exceptions being Northwestern , Omatva' an-1 Lail preferred. To- jacco loi-t n | K > lnt.i Cfcdada Sjuthern at one Ime reacted Hi per cent , but gained n fraction let. The stocks of the Iron companies were notably strong on the trade outlook. Net gains were for the most part fractional , hut extended to a point or over ( n Hlinnls Steel. Minnesota Iron (2 ( points ) . Tenntsse&'Coal. ' P.lrminKham di vision firsts iG points ) . , Sy ar iSVs points ) . I-icka- wanna , Canadian Pacific . Lnse ! < M oil (2 ( polntst. Pacltlc Mall and Cnt&V Pacific. Of the low- jrlcevl shares of reorganl tKl compinles Northern Pacific preferred advanMil 2 i per cent ( with a reactlCn of " ) . St. Hjuls c& San Francisco first > referrel 3'fe per cent.Northern Pacific com mon , Kansas & Texns pirfetred and Union Pa.- a point or o\er and the Ittadlng stocks and other stocks of this class a fraction. The bond market continued to broaden from day to day with Incrtiylnc streniftn In the usually dominant morlgu'ee ! ' . The Inquiry for .hese hecurltles Is qollu good , wjth wide varla- Jens bttt , een bid aa l a&ked pr ce . Transao- : lena * noted are several * "b/3lnts above 'previous gales. < wjfh some 4ssiJ < $ 'recoixllh < Exceptional cliangea. Trading ln < the speculative issues quieted 'down somewhat , with fluctuations nar row. The aggregate sales were tl.MS.OOO. The more notftWorthy advanci-s were : Iron Moun- aln btain ] " " ! ! 3s , 7 percent ; Tennessee Coal firsts. Illrmlngliam division Cs , Utah Southern Kencral 7s , fnl. t receipts , 4 per cent , and International t Oreat Northern 3s , 2H per cent. Oovernments tended upward when business ! tended to counter dealings. The EveningPost's London financial cable gram says : "Stocks remained firm today , con- Inued Improvement In Americans being the feature. Interest In that market Is steudlly In creasing nnd I am able to state confidently that many big financial people have laid In stocks In expectation of a rl ; . Whether the nubile will come In goon remains to be seen. 'rices tonight closed under the l > et. Mine- were strong. The announcement of the com mittee headed by Mr. Falrchllds , represemlnB Central Paclfle bonds und shares , has created surprise In view of the existence of the Han- jury shareholders' committee and the recent no tice that Speypr Hros. will soon call for n deposit of bonds. -btainefs circles the new committee Is scarcely taken seriously. The Paris and Herlln markets were firm. " The following wtre the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : Atch'son l'JV < Oregon Nav 18 AdaMs Ex 140 O. S. L..t U. N. . . . 1D4 Alfn.T. n DO Pacino Mall ' 'UK Am.Exprcsi Ill Peorla , Doc. i B . M llaltlmoro Jc Ohio , loy PlttHbutv 164 Canada Pacific 12 Pullman Palaco. . . lb"J4 Canada Southern. . OOM Ueaillns 2 IK Central Pacific. . . . 10 K. 0. W 1'JW Chca. iOlilo 174 do pfd 3til Chlcaco& Alton. . 14S Hock Island G9h C.U.4Q 70S St. Paul 7S Chicazo Gas 8i > 4 | do pfd 135 Consolidated Gas. lilOHSt. , Paul A. Oaiaaa. OS C. C. C. A St. L. . . . .M 'bt. ' P. .t O. pfd 14O Cola Co.il A : Iron. . * s.Southern Paelfle. . I5H Cotton Oil C < x-t. . . . 12 SusarUcnnury. . . . 120 Delawaro&llui. . 10sH Tenn.Coal A. Iron. 2J4 Del. Lick , .t W . . . 150 Texas I'aciflo OV D. A.IS. O.Dfd 33HiTol.iO. Coil. pU. 40 Kne 14U-Unlou Pacific "M Kriopfd Ma PU. d. Kxpran * 38 Fort Wayne 104 | W. St. L. & P.ic. . . . H G , Northern pM. . . 120 W. St. L .V P. nfd , . 14 ! C. , 'c n. I. pfd 93 WtfilsF.ir.ro Ex. . . 104 Hocking Vallov. . 2l < UVsternUnion. . . . H-"i llllnolHCetitr.il. . . 117 ] U'hoellrir i L. E. . Jt St. P. &Duluth. . . . 21) | W. & L B. nfd 2H K.AT.pM ; < OH Mlun. i S-Loan. 1 U LakoKrIo < kWe . lIVi'Den. ' A a. G 10' < ilopfd 031 < .G < > : i. Kteotrlo 33 > LakoSharo 170 iNai'l LtnieeJ 12 Lead Trust ! ! m Colo. Kuel tlrou. 19i Louisvlllo.t-V. . . . 40H do pfd 87 L i N. A 4 Tol. St. U A K. C. . - " " MauhatunCon. . . . R7 ilopM McmphUAC 13 Southern Ok .Mlchliran Conir.il. 09 ioiitiior.i pfd 21)U ) Mo. Paclrtc 17U Tobicco 7H > i Mobilu.VOblo 21) | Tob.-u-no pfd 104 NaBhvllloUhat. . . . lid I Am. T.i C. Co. . . . H8 N. J. Contra ! "OM.C.C.Co . Iti5 North Am. Co 30 I A. S. R. pfd 107 Nirthcn. Pacific. . 14S'l > atlior pfd 58 N , Pacific pfd ltd.Hunter 11 U.P..D.&U f < Uubt > er pfd 69W Nortliwoaturn 10.iH.Am. Sulrlli lO rtoDld 157 i doofd HO N. Y. Central 1O1 O. K. A N. p'd. . . . fi Ontario &W 14 if.C.C. A.til.U l > fd14 The total salin of stocks today were 295.1-03 shares. Including the following : American To bacco , IO.IM ) . American jiggar. 42.400 , Hurllngton , 14C"J ; Chicago ( Jan. JJVH receipts. 11.300 : Dela ware & Hudson , 5.W ; , t < ouUvllle .t Na hvllle , 5.1W ; New York Central. 5. ) ; Om ha , J.4K ) ; Northwestern , ISOOi'-J-Nrtrthern IMclllc , 12.SU' ) ; Southern Hallway preferred , 3,5W ; New Jersey Central , 5,300. ' ' , ' " Xi-w Yurla Myiiry Mnrltel. NBW VORK , " June.llI-MONEV ON CALI * Easy ut IfH'l l > er e9ntf"last loan , 1 per cent ; clotd at IfilU petl trtit. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-JH04 per cent. , , STERLING i.XCIIAN6E Firmer , with actual biudnevs In bankers' UlU * t JI.S7 ( or demand and at JI.55 4O4.W ftr Uty dayn ; posted rates , H.WVj and JI.HJu.kiC , Lcmmerclal bills , J4.U. SILVER CiRTlFIfsAvtes- .C. UAR SILVER Tciif ounce. MEXICAN DOLLARA7ViC. GOVERNMENT HONUK-Slrung. STATE HONDS-DuJli , RAILROAD llONDtflTpns. . Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : on ireneral opecuUtlvtdem ml. closing llrm , with the demand moderate. Ho'tn.t .m ck < iiiotnllDnn. BOSTON. June ll.-C.\u loini. IS'43 n r cent , lima loan * , a l wr c nt Closluf prices for stocks , bonds and nilnln ; nnarat : A.T.AS. F. lSk iWU.lVnt . I American sue.ir. . 1'W IfM. Hlf 9. 111. . . . 113 Am.Suc.-ir ofJ . . 1U7H Oon. KIco. pM . 74 Bay State On * . . . . SH-Atchinoti ptd . a. ' Hell Tplephono. . . 230H Atchlson 4i > . Si ; DoMonAtAlbtny. 211 | Ni w KncUnJ Us. . US DostonAMalno. . . 154 Oen. Klp . fin . 03 C..13. TON Wl < CVnt 04 . 11H4 Fttehlntnr . P4H' ' Alloxioi Mlnlnr CJ 1 Ot-nerM KlbCtrlo. . 3J'i Atlantic . 21) Sun FrnnrNco Mining duotntlon * . SAN FRANCISCO. Juno H.-Tn * oHclal cloi Inpqnonilous lor mluliiff su-'i * to 117vjrj a follows : \ < MV York Mlnlnc Itnotiillonx , NKW YOItK. Juno 11.-The followmz are tha clotlnemlnlnf quotation * : Crown Point. 14 Oimir HO Con. Ual. .V. Va. . . . ir.U Plymouth IM Du.idwood IDS Oulcksllrer 100 OoulilA Curry 31) Oulck.Mllvur nfd. . . SOO Halo JLNorcross. . 711 sicrraNerada. . . . . SO HomoHtalco 290(1 ( Slandard I''o Iron Silver 33 Union Con MS Mexican V5 Yellow Jacket5 OnWrto BSD London Stoi'U flnolntloiln. LONDON.June It. t p. m. cloilnj : Consolsm'.v. . . . . . . ll''iilHL IMul common. . Consols , acc't. 112 13-11 ! N J. Cpiitr.il Can.Paclflo. US' ! Pennsylvania Krte Krle'Jds illh Mcx. Cm. uow4s. 72 * 111.Central 09 L..t N . om Mexican or\llnary. 21) lAlchlton . IIAU SILVEll Steady at 17 > i < l per or. MONKY per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for discount bills l ! l r cent ; for three months' 1,111s. li-lS per cent. Gold la quoted nt Huenos Ayrcs at IM ; Lis bon , 45'4 ; Home , 101.40. Cri-cK anil Turklwli Iloiuln. IXN1KN. June 11. Korclsn pecuritlcs : Turlt- Isa. group - ll { > . ' * lilBher at 37 % : Kroup 3 ( O. 4 higher at K'i : group I (1) ( ) , Vi higher at : i = i : others unchanrjed. KllllllicllllOtvK. . 1IOSTON. June 11. Clearings. I13.4i:67 ; balances - ances , | : .1CO,552. IIALTIMOHK. June 11. Clearings , JI.SCI.OM ; balances. KfJ.GII. NEW YORK. June 11. Cl-arlngs , 1103,779,003 ; balances. S5.7W.3H. PHII.AnKLI'IHA. June 11. Clearings , Wl3.- IM : halanre * . J1.H9.07S. MKMl'HIS. June 11. ClearlnKs , JII3.073 ; bal ances. $41,176. New York exchange t-elllnR at $1.34 premium. CINCINNATI , June 11. Money. 2H96 per cent. New York exchange , nominally 75c premium. Clearings , $ : .1S5HO. ST. ! > OriS. June 11. Cli-arlnss. $3S51.0Stial ; - ances. J-.I1.0S7. Money. 4ce7 per cent. New York exchange , We bid : 75c premium asked. NKW OULBANrf. June 11. Clearlmpt , J1.07S.- 074. New York exchange , bank. 1.DO per Sl.OCO premium , commercial. 23c per $ ! . ( prvmlum. CHICAGO. June ll.-ClearlnKs. $ U.fM.OC > ) . New- York exchange. 65c premium , foreign exchange , steady ; demand. $1.S7 > , ; sixty days , Sl.SC'i. Stocks , dull" some decline resulted from realiz ing ; closing : Diamond Match. HOi , ; City Hall way. ! (0 : West Chicago. 100 ; South Side U 4 : * ; ; North Chicago , 227 ; Lake Street , lift ; Gaa 3s , 101. 1'ori'ljtii Financial. PARIS. June II. Three per cent rentes. 104f Ko for the account. Exchange on London , ! 3f llo for checks. LONDON , June 11. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of Ungland on balance - anco today -was 13.000. ( JOVEIl.VMEXT CHOP rilmndr rnnilltlons PreviiilliiK lit tlie Hi-KliiniiiK of tinWiMk. . WASHINGTON , June 11. The week ending at S a. m. , June 7 , was cooler than usual through out the country , with the exception of the Pa- clllc coast regions , the south Atlantic states and southern Texas , where It was warmer than usual. In the south Atlantic states and In southern Texas the average dally excess ranged from 1 to 2 degrees , but on the Pacific coast It wa * moro marked , the week being decidedly warm over the interior of central and northern Cali fornia , where the excess ranged from fi to 5 degrees rer day. Over mui-h the greater part of the country the average dally temperature for the weeU was more than 3 degrees Iwlow the normal and over thu northern districts , from the Kooky moun tains to the lake region , the deficiency amounted to more than 6 degrees per day. ranging from 3 to 13 degrees In the upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys and upper lake region. Freezing temperatures occurred In the Dakotas and over the northern portions of Minnesota Wisconsin and Michigan , the minimum tem perature Ix-lntf unusually low for the season on several dates In the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region , and the lowest on record for the Ilrst dtx-ade of June at a number of sta- lon- . Unusually low temperatura for the season also occurred In the middle Atlantic states on the M. the minimum at Washington on that date being 4 degrws lower than the previous mini mum record for the Ilrst decade of June Maxi mum temperatures exceeding 90 deim-m occurred In the south Atlantic and east gulf tatt und from western Texas to Arizona. The we-k ending S a. m. . June 7 , was drier : har usual over the lower UVc region. Ohio val ley and over the greater part of the Atlantic coast and ear gulf states. There was aim les < than the usual amount of rain generally through out the Missouri valley , over portions of the upper lake n-glon and upper Mlsslnslppl valley and on the Pacific coast. There was more than the average weekly rainfall - fall from eauern Texas northward over western Arkansas southern Missouri and portions of souuern Illinois , central Indiana , southeastern Michigan , northern New England , and over | * > r- tlons of the Immediate coast from New Jersey to northern Kl.irlda. Portions of the northern und central JlocKy mountain slope , the greater part of Mlnnc-jota. the upp r Michigan Prnlnauia eastern South Dakota and northeastern Nebraska also recrlveil mor than the average rainfall , the fall In southern Minnesota exceeding two Inches The heaviest rains of the week occurred In < vii tral-easti-rn Teiai where , amounts ranging from two to eight Inc.ies over limited arcaa arc re ported. , The week has been unreasonably cool and un favorable to crop Browt.i throughout the central valley * , lake rvKlon , New Kngland and middle Atlantic fetate' . In the southern state * the tem perature condltloMH have been more favorable On thrf north I'acitlc coast rain Is badly needed. In the southern states corn has mule good progreKS during the week , but throughout the central and northern districts ue crop has made but Iowf trrowth. owing to abnormally luw tern- prraturef. Poor stands are reported quite cen trally from the states of the Ohio valley lake region and New Kngland , and In Wisconsin nnd South Dakota the crop has sustained Injury by frost , some being permanently damaged In South Dakota. Tlie reports generally Indicate that cotton lias made but alow growth during the week , and that tha crop , aa a whole , Is backward. Some Im provement , as compared with iu tondltlon In the previous week. Is reported from GeorcU , Ar kansas and Lnultlana. In northern Tolas r v Planting continues and growth has been re tarded by cool weather , but In other sections of the mate the crop has made fair growth , al though damaged to rome extent In localities by heavy rain * . Ilurvntlr.g of wirier wheat Is now general In the > puth m Hates. Some has been cut a far north an southern New Jersey , and harvesting will begin In routhern Kansas in about ten days. The reports affrctlnK this crop ar * generally fa- voruble but only slight Improvement Is reported from Mhsourl and Ohio , while some Injury hua bt-en done by frost \VUconiin. . Abnormally cool weather ha retarded the growth of iprlng wheat , which hai been dam aged to ( torn * extent by frost In the Dakotai and Minnesota. Itain In needed for transplanting tovacco In Tennea ee nnd the state * of the Ohio valley. Most of the Mainland crop has been planto.1. In Connecticut. Virginia and North Carolina the crop l > not doing well , but more favorable re port * are received from Florida , South Carolina and Jllnourl. IMillnilclphlu Prnclii.MMnrlol. . PHILADKLI'IIIA. June -HUTTKH-Hteady ; fancy uritern creamery. H&lMse. KQGS rirm , frteh nearby. IHic ; frech west ern. II011ttC CHEKSB-rirm. _ rullfornln Dried I'rulln. NKW YORK. June -CALIFORNIA DIUI'D I'lll'ITS Firm ; evaporated apples , prim * wire tray. 4 * 041-je per pound ; wood dried , prime , 4'ic ; tbolc * , kf4\c f ncy , ic per pound. .Sun I'riini'lKi'oVlnat nnil llarlc-j- , SAN KIIANCISCO. June ll-WIIKAT-Clo d flnn ; Pererntr. | l-M * > t- IJAKLKY Klrra ; December. Tcxtlli * Tnulr. MANCHKSTER. June 11. Cloths and yarm. rourkct c I > 5 eJ , holiday , _ Whca you buy a proprietary article , look at it before the ileaian wrapi it up , and arsure yourecK that you are getting the right thing. SubitltutloQ U rampinl. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eecaipts Continue Fairly HCATJ- and Rc- qncst Moderatolj Urgent. BUSINESS SLOW AND RATHER WEAK Cnttlr lltij-ern Try to Korop n Ilnluo- tloii but Do Not Sucori'il Yrry \\1I1 | < > KK Ittilc About Sic ml- . i SOUTH OMAHA. Juno 11. Heceliits for the Jayg Indicated were : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Horse. ' . Juno 10 3,497 5 , 7 453 Juno 9 3,21 * Gtc s all ii Jutlo S 3,045 7 , < W2 ! < ? l IS June 7 3.21S 1,3SS l.WH 23 June 5 iS > 9 ? fi.Ifj 2 33 . . . . Juno 1 3.7SJ T.JSl UOS June 3 2.IW 6.MS 3ftM 20 June 2 3,517 b > . 'SO 1.0S7 Juno 1 2.CM 9.M2 MI 19 May 31 1.&SJ 3.12S 1.S23 Miy 29 1,519 7.SI6 1.S5 * 1 May 23 1.338 S.21S 1,612 The olllcin 1 number o f cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hops. Sheep. C. . M. & St. 1 * 1 2 O. & St. U 2 Ml.ifourl Piicltlc Union Pacific system 15 3 C. * N , W 3 K. . U. & M. V 3-3 22 S. C. & P 1 C. . St. P. , 11. & 0 3 S . & M. II 13 21 O. . 11. Q 7 K. C. & St. J 5 1 1 C. . H. I. & P. , CA3t . . C. . 15. I. & P. , west 1 4 Total receipts 92 83 6 The disposition of the ilny's receipts was aa follows , each buyer purchasing : the number of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 0 1.U1S . . . . G. H. Hammond Co. . . . 373 13.1 . . . . Swift nnd Company 717 I.Gil . . . . Cutlnhy Packing Co 204 2.802 . . . . P 1) . Armour , Chicago. . 401 II. llecker & Degan . . . fi J. L. Carey CO I olmun .t Rothschilds. . 113 Hill & Lewis Co 4S Huston & Co 11 Li-lghton & Schallcr 37 Hammond , Kansas City. . . . 173 2T.2 Swift. Kansas City „ -o Cudahy P. Co. , K. C 136 . . . . Ill Swift , from country w Other buyers 123 Left over 200 Totals J -2.435 0 79 GIB CATTLE Less than a hundred cars of cattle were on sale , but the most of them were cornfcd beeves. The market on fat cattle was weak nnd in consequence slow In spite of the fact that outside buyers were operating to some ex tent. The leading , feature of weakness seemed to be the feeling among buyers that beef cattle have been Helling too high here this feeling belni- based upon the fact that cattle forwarded to Chlroiro this week have Fold very little above the Omaha price. \ Ith cattle selling in Chicago at nnly 5c advance over the price offered In Onmhai It was hardly to be expected ths : the buyers would be very bullish , still they wanted the cattle and salesmen were stubborn , so that It was Impossible to pound prices vry much. In the end the cattle were all sold and at prices ' that were very close up to yesterday's figures. Butchers' stock was slow under the influ ence of the market on beef steers , but there were , however , only ten or a dozen loads of cows and heifers and the demand was sufficient to maintain steady price * The offerings were all taken Iri reasonably good Stockers and feeders In first hands were n very small supply but there were plenty In the hands of sV > culators. The market did not show any material change , values remaining about steady at yesterday's de cline. Representative sales : NATIVKS. UKEF HTKERS. No. Av. Pr. Nu. Av. Pr. No. Av 'l > r 35. . . . 1157 $1 30 19..123C Jl 33 G..11W JI40 S3 1141 4 KH 1..IISO'3 73 3..10W 410 16. . . . 935 4 10 7S lout 4 10 21 10S4 4 13 r 1033 420 22..1CS.S 423 10 1013 423 6..1233 4 2 ! 40..1121 425 9..1151 433 3..1226 4 40 35..1216 4 43 54..1140 4 43 21 1337 4 VI 10..12SS 453 3 . . 9'J 3M 47..10C3 411 14. . . .1101 450 13..HOT 440 7..1W3 4 W 19.-.1112 430 25..133 443 7 1037 410 30. . . . 023 430 S 1277 443 ( K..10.-.S 423 C3..111S 450 21..1S2I 4 iO 22..1SiO 4 i'3 2..100) 430 20..1273 4 Co 1S..1115 ' 430 126..1310 440 12..1111 410 G ! tv9'4i : 16 ? 33 413 15 1170 4 ? ) 20. . . . 1171 410 47..1223 423 27..1227 423 21..1149 430 b0..i3l 1474 6L..lU 120 COWS. 1. . . . S10 200 1..1070M 3..1030 290 L. . . W ) 2 W 1..1IOO 300 1..1030 315 4..IW7 333 5..121S 3 2..1133 340 1 12VO 3 S3 1. . . . IM 273 1..1100 240 2..1030 300 I. . . . W ) 325 2..1120 330 1..10W 340 1..1IOO 340 2..110) 350 1..12 * ) SO ) 1. . . . 000 230 1 1030 2M 1. . . . 7W 3W C..lllir s 23 1. . . . ? 20 3 1 SCO 330 S..11C3 3 C3 IS 1034 313 1..1020 345 6.-.1116 543 1..1010 230 2..1103 290 1. . . . SCO 310 1..1120 SCO 1 9iO 2 1..11M : 310 2 1325 SCO 1 SO ) 3 ft ) 1 1040 330 13 ! V ! 370 1..1250 ZOO 7..1157 333 4..1143 373 2 10C3 3 HO 2 1150 333 1..SIO 375 1..1020 303 1..11CO 340 5..IOCS 373 1 1050 303 1..1170 349 10 10SS 373 HKIPEIIS. 1 930 S 63 23 Ua 370 6 SCO 3 SO 2. . . . 7W 2 30 S. . . . 760 2 73 11. . . . 730 3 W j 760 200 1 CM 3W 29. . . . 7i > 6 J M $ 7 370 2. . . . 910 3 7IT 3..SIC 273 1 X 390 1 < n 2 CO 5. . . . 00 353 1 7JO 3 40 S. . . . 923 3 O ) 2J. . . . 731 3 75- 2. . . . 470 330 5. . . . 370 SCO 2. . -.72) X f0 1 CS ) 3 M ! W4 3 63 B. . . . 742 3 V ) 1 60i ) S M 4 C03 3 C3 7 . ' 7 310 20. . . . C07 353 4. . . . 043 370 14..7C1 405 HULLS. 1..1150 300 1..1220 300 1..1270 310 1..13W 325 1..W19 333 l..l'HO S W J 1430 2 W 1..2WO 313 1 I3JO 313 1..I6M 323 1..130 323 1..13W 325 1..1445 323 1..I2JO 250 1..1050 t M 1..1120 270 2 1270 310 1..1320 323 1..1060 S 10 1..12W 325 8..1133 353 STAOS. 1..1020 3 73 CALVEH. L. . . 190 CCO 3. . . . 14J CCO ! < > . . . . H75 425 L. . . 170 573 L. . . 2C 373 I. . . . 313 450 L. . . 110 5 M 1. . . . 200 6 W STOCKEUS AND PKUDKItS. 3. . . . MO 375 L. . . CO 373 L. . . 350 4 W ) 5. . . . 772 4 OKI ! . . . . ISO ICO 16..1111 410 1 J020 4 1 . . . . 913 4 10 2..1005 4 10 L. . . 440 425 4..VJ 123 4. . . . 772 400 ! . . . . 745 40) 1. . . . Sli ) 4 < W 15. . . . SM 423 21. . . . 670 445 06. . . . 7'J1 4 SO 1. . . . IM 340 L. . . 630 375 L. . . 720 373 4. . . . J73 . ,80 L. . . 430 4 O ) 1 770 400 21..SIJ 415 . . . . ) 415 3..1j:0 4 SO 2. . . . Crt 449 HOGS The ttory of today'j uog market Is cmn told light receipts , s < J"d demand , cverylhinE nolj early. The trade opened a little \vrnk that l . buyers were bldJlnic tailer prlcen , but very few liugs cold on the i-oft i > pot. Tlie inaiket uoon linne.l up apniln on.l closed better. T.ie Iiop.1 told the name aa yenterday-that Is. principally at the three price * . J3.25. f.1.17 % und fl.30 , with a top at lJ.32VvIlepreienlatlve ale : . No. Av. Sb. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 70 3 < H . . . 13 25 45 2sO * 0 Jl 27H Us 317 . . . 323 CI S70 . . . 3 27 ( , 76 r33 * 0 3 23 f.7 317 40 327 ! I 54 . . . .3 60 3M 36 SC7 40 3 27JJ I 57 2 < 3 KO 3 23 66 ZM M 3 27' . ; a. . ! yn . . . 3 K . 71 C . . . 327(4 ( M SM ) W J 23 K 2i3 100 3271 , J4 32 . . . S 23 11 247 . . . 3 Z71- ! 45 2v ) M 3 25 72 2 2 120 3 27ij , 61 280 0 J 23 0 2C9 Zrt ) 3 2714 G2 SIC J40 325 M 2 160 327(4 ( 65 63 60 323 M 2T < . . . 3 27/ ( , Kl . . . 323 n < 0 327' J2 S27 . . . 325 M S > I . . . J S7i \a \ 294 HO 3 2S 47 2J * So 3 5 SI 31 . . . 3 2J K 274 . . . 330 U > S16 0 3 S3 0 231 60 330 43 3i2 W SIS a 230 . . . 3 SO K ) S26 . . . 3 2i M > 0 .1 M jj SM . . . J 23 44 2JO . . . 3 l < i 44 25 ! 151 325 63 2IJ M 1 30 W 27S 210 J 23 24i . . . 5X0 i9 2 1 SO J 2' 7S 2J1 M 3SO (3 Sf4 24V 3- " . 70 249 W 3 JO VI KM . . . 3 ? 3 79 249 (0 23) CO 30K . . . I 37lj 72 2IS . . . JW Cl yn V SJIVj 6 ! 24J . . . 330 y > Sun tO 3I7H tl 204 4 SCO 51 .310 M J27j ( S 41 310 S Z76 W J 2754 70 240 . . . JM 70 25 * . . . S 2714 78 Ml . . . 3 SO 6 261 41 1 I7Vj K : W . . . 33 > ) W 247 M S rT.i 23 250 . . . 330 y SIS . . . S7 i 77 210 JM B 30 78 2i2 ID S S7V4 J6 260 . . . S 70 -SSft . . . S li'.i M 5 . . . 3 SO 10 217 . . . S2714 46 359 . . . J 30 S3 0 . . . 3274 i ; 320 . . . 330 M . -Stl CO SS7H i 232 M S 30 64 S7S M t 2714 M ? IS ItX ) S SO U J14 M I 274 71 2C7 f > SO (14 ( .140 . . . 3 27Vj 70 Il'i . . . J Seta ta soi M 32744 ta ; ; 40 s so CS ! Sl M 3 27i K 26S . . . 3 SO 75 2SS W 1 17(4 * . . . SM C2 271 ICO S 27H W 275 . . . 3 * > It KZ . . . 3KH C8 26 M 3 SO 61 SW S27H 110 . . . 3 * t2 281 . . . S 27'.i 44 JOT. . . . 334 JIl NO J J7Vi 7 < 213 43 3 Hit Pl'ds-ODPS AND KN1W. 1 JO . . . JM I S 0 . . . SIS j . . . 3S t 174 . . . 8 4 . . . . . .IS . . . J H 1 ISO . . . Sli Z 310 . . . 3 24 1 JM . . . SM 2 MO . . . 313 I ! 36 . . . 323 S 2t S ti 4 3 . S 23 g SiS . . . 3 2i 8 2 1 . . S IS 6..2M . . . I 2i . . . . . . . . . . . 1 nit 6 W . . . IX t 300 . . . ffiti * tn . . . i M i tjo . . . JN m ISO . . . S 36 L..S70 . . . S W SIHIKP Thr were UT cars of sheep In th yards today , and the market was about ntcndy , ClllfACO I.1VIJ STOCK MAHKKT. nnil Slircp I'alrlArtlvr nn Slt-nily UIIKH Klrnirr. OIIICAao , June 1L The general demand fcf s cattle WAS fairly artlve and prk-es were steady i > a rule. Nntlxe l < ef steers iwlj nt trorri IIW to f.VSO for the poorest to the best , but ' & nn extremely small percentage went above JS , and the bulk of the cattle wire purchased at $ from SIM to I4 ! . Westerns sold at from W.M to 14.W. Keetllnc cattle were scarce , the best lights fetching tl. > and M.SSH. Cows , heifer * \ nnil bull * were active and dry fed lots wern llrmcr. but Kn s y lots were nlwul IPo lower. lal\e. < M iiv M hfr fnr the best , prime lots fetching | i e > i Texas cattle were more plentiful and acilxe. Mrssnnrl fed h'ts sellltiR especially well. The t-est cattle brought 14 7o. ln hi < K trade was < icil\e at flrmfr ptloe * . S lM were nt nn extreme range of from 111 * to J..Cl ! , for commnn to prime hoes , tue butK selling at from JI.I- , to 11474. PU > brought from JJ to JJ.SO. Prices for sheep were steady , nltli n falrlr actUe general demand. Inferior to choice fhrep sold at from t : So to II 'A Hales were lar-Rely at fnmi II to to II IS. with Texans and western * litvdnmlnatlni.Iwimbv fold at from J.t.25 to II.'J and wooled Colomdrts brought 15 SS. while spring lambs were nctl\e at from 13 JO to IS.05. Receipts : f/ittle. S.CIA ) head ; hogs. 18,00 * he d { sheep. 6,010 head. -Vf M , l.oulM Live Stork. ST. 1/JH'IS. June ll.-rATTUI-Uecelpln. J.009 head ; shipments. 2.000 head ; market steady for natives : enjy for Texann ; choice to extra ex- iwn steei . lVWfi3.1S. fair to good native hlp- pln < steers. | 4.MHil ! " > . bulk of sales. ll.4A 4.Co : dre se < l Ix-ef nnd Imtrhers' steers. II.OMM.W ; bulk of saint. 14.101(4 70 , steers under l.OfW tba. , I3.75RI.55 ; bulk of s.lltv , 14 1504.35 : Mockers and feeders. I2.7S 4 SS. bulk of tales. U.MIM.W : cows and helfen. II 7 : > f4 65 , Texan nnd Indian steers. J3.COjM.50. crasser * . JJ.COCfl.10 ; cows and heifers , } 2.:5fl3 fi ) . IKKIS Receipts , t.tVO head ; shlpmentH. 4.00 head : market a shade Inner al j.25i3.u5 ; mixed , J3.1S f3.35 ; heavy. J3O 3.4 ( > . S1IKKP Receipts. 3.CW head ; shlpmcntu , nonet market strong : nutUe muttons , J3.J5fil.irculls ; and bucks. 12 WfrS.IJ ; Texas sScep. 3.40ttl.li ; lambs , I4.25Q4 50. \cw VorK I.lvo SI icU. NKW YORK. Junn ll.-nP.KVKS-Recelpts , RST head : natlxe steerx > l 40ff5.15 ; stags and ox n. U.OOHI.S4 ; bulls. } 2 90ff.3 ; dry COWK. j.OOffS.K > - European cables quote American steers nt 10f lie , dn-jFOd weight ; s.ieep. ll 12'ic ; rtfrlRtrutor bei-f. fmi ! > c. CALVES Receipts , 792 head ; slow and burelr Meady ; veals , J4.006.25 ; buttermilk calves. $3.50 Ir4.5. HHEEP AND LAMH.5 Receipts. M7 hpail ) dull : sheep and yearlings weak ; lambs easier : sheep. U.fWI.lO : yearling * . J3.5nS5.00 ; lambs. ll.r.0ftr ni ; one car , | 6. . 1IOOS Receipts , 2,75 head ; lower nt JI.CO { > 4.W. KittiHn * City Llvo Stork. KANSAS CITY. June -OATTLn Receipts. 4SC ) head' market al out steady ; Texas steen . t3.40fil.25 ; Texas cows. JS.WHIJ DO : mocker * an l . fee ! ers. J3. < iMrl.lO ; native cows and heifers. JJ.15 fll.W ; Mocker * and feeders. J3.25tM.S3 , bull * . JZ.SJ O3.75. HOOS-Recelpts. 14.ft > l head : market steady to Htn-nu. active : bulk of sales. J3.254JJ.30 ; heavies. J3.Kfi3.33 ; packers. J3.W03CO' mixed , Jl.25 3.324 ; IlKht , J3.IOtf3.SO ; Yorkers , J3.27UffJ.30 , pigs , J2. 20 3.23. SHEIIP Receipts. 4.W head : market strong ! Iambs , 13.35(74.23 ; muttons. innt Iliiiriilo Live Slin-K- . KAST HUPKALO. June 11. CATTLE Slow. HOGS Yorkers. J2.0Hr3.G5 ; common to gooJ , J3.t j < ? 3.50 ; pigs. gt < o.l to choice. J3.4&83 65. I.AMIIS Choice to prime. JI.S3&500 ; culls , common - mon to good , S3.5ei.OO. SHEEP Choice to selected wethers , ! 4.25t4.:5 ; culls and common , j.75it3.C3. Stuck In Sl Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets for June H : Cattle. Hoc"Sheep. . Omaha . 3.4 7 5.S27 4U Chicago . 3,000 2"i.00 > 6.000 Kansas City . 4.DC' ) ll.OW 4.000 St. Louts . 3.WO 5,000 3X ( Totals . 13.937 50.827 1J.4JJ CnftVc SlnrUotn. NEW YOhK. June It. COFFEE-Optlons opened Inactive , with prices unchanged to 5 Points advance. European markets , though slightly hlRlier. were ulUKgl'h and without In fluence. Small recclpt-i nt Huropean ports and free deliveries In New York had a steadying In fluence. The market was lifeless all day ; doted Inactive. & points hluher to 5 points net lower. Sales. 230 bass. Including December at J7.4S > v Spot coffee , Hlo. dull ; No. 7. Invoice , J7.7J ; Job- " bine. SS.S3. Mild , barely steady : Cordova , 017.EO ; jjplej. ulinut l.0" ) l > nB No. 7 po at Total waii-housc deliveries from the Untied St it-s. 19.317 IUR. . IneludlnB 1S.6M from New Vnrk. Ne\v Ynrk ptock to-day. 334,671 ba > ; t'nlted States stn.-k. S97.0IO bags ; afloat for tha Tntted States. Sjn.Wi tmits ; totnl visible for the Pulled States. 727.010 K-i n. ainlnst 347,159 bags la. t j-far and 57J.Hi bae * In l'3. IIAVItn. June 11 - < X > I-'KKB Closed dull but steady nt 'if net advani-e. Sales. 7.000 bags. SANTOS. June II. COI'TKK Steady- coed av. fngf Santos. 9.130 lels. llecclpts , 4.COO bacsj elock. 2Jj.O"tO but . HAMP.l-HO. June ll.-C'OFFEn-.ipfK advance.- Sales. 3 C > ) baw. KIO , June It. rOFFBE Steady : No. 7 Illo , * ,630 reis ; cxchanie , 1 IJ-lCd. llecelpti. B.OOO l Bs : cleared fir the I'nlted States. 12.000 baRs : cleared for Kurope. 5.0CO 1-ags ; stock 214,030 L.ac > i. NI3W OP.LRANP. June 11. COFFnC-Steady ; ordlnarj' to fair. 10(401-Uc. ( IviiiiHiiH ( * lly lurUi'tii. KANSAS CITY. June II. WHEAT Somewhat firmer ; No. 2 hard. 'Oc ; No. 3. 3G7c : No. 4 , HK/CSc. latter for choice. No. 2 spring. 70c ; No. 3. dfTKc ; No. 3 red , S2c ; No. 3 , 73S77C' No 4 61fl70 < ! . t'OIlN Very ntak and I40"e lower ; No. 1 mixed. ilfizlV. OATS About steady and rathar slow ; No. I white. 1SO20 ; . HYK N.I. 2. 2SO29C. HAY Steady : choice timothy , J3.0iHJ9.50 ; choice pralrlc. J7.C097.50. IH'TTER Steady ; creamery , 10H31H4C dairy. 810 ? . K."IS Steady ; fre h Kansas nnd Missouri , 7c. P.KCR1 ITS Wheat , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 30,600 bu , oats. IG.Mn bu. SHIPMF.NTS Wheat , 2.400 bu. ; corn , 32.500 bu.j outs , l.l.COfl bu. .Shoo nnil Lfntlier ltt vliw. CHICAGO , June 11. Tile Chicago Show unS Leather Ilevlow of June 12 will fay ; Tlie United iUate * Leather company was a Urge purcliUKer of hlden on Friday and the pack" * are IioMInc sirens views. The blir company several days itso withdrew In outstanding quotations on leather , anil , while ndvance.1 ure not exactly announce. ) . It 1 evMent ( list prices artfirmer. . May native ftt-cr hides have until at 9ic and Jiirin butt branded Meer lillea at Sr ; .Time Texan rleer hides at 9e nnd June Colorado fleer hides at Sc. A Mock of April and May unready Hefts wan * uM nt W&i'.i'V ijuoto native i-tefm at Hie : hea\y Tcia . 9c ; light Tnxaa , iic : Initt brands. Stc : Colorado. 8c ; native cown IlKhl. S'-ic. and ln-nvy. JkCounfr } ' hides era Bcarco and strong. uMth buiTc uti' ' c. Oliirliinntt .tl.'irKrlx. ClNt'INNATI , June ll.PLOLUut ; : nnd un- WIIKAT Steady ; No. : rea , ift : OOUN-Uull ; No. 2 nilxr-.I . , 2J'i < . . OATS Uull ; No. i mlxpd , 2tiiVic , HVi : yulet ; No. 2. Inc. LAUD Pinner. I1ITLK MKATS-HtCddy nt ll.lKjl.30. ( steady nt % ' > . -jQZ.Zf. WHIFKV-Steady at tl.U. HUUAK-Flrni. noftS < juiet ut Si1. CIIKiSK-KasV. LI VfTpnol ( i nil n Mini ITII vlKlnn , LlViRI'O'M. , Juno JI.-PROVIHIONS-Hnmi , ( hurt rut. dull .1' Us. iilicci'lerv , quiet nnd ruty at 27s Tl'ltl'BKTINB Spirit * , llrm nt zln 5d. CORN American mixed , ' ! ( . new llrm at 2 * S'W ; July , llrm at 'if S'August | ; , linn at 2s l\ < \ ; American inlxt-U , ? pt , old , firm at I * Stid. FIXJUH St I ull fancy winter , steady at Cs 3-1. W1IKAT Spot. No. 1 r < * 'l and norlhern jprlnc , itcdtly at it 9d. Iliiltlninrc Jlnrkfln. HAI.TIMORIJune : ll.-KI/M'H-Dull rf- eclpts , 3.1"J hblx. . eiporlo , D.C1Z bldr. WHKAT Unn-llleil ami aiy : | > ot , KpltniU > r. C > > iOc ; i"iuilifrn wUt-Jt by tnrnple , 75j > 0o. Rrrclpti. 1.910 bu. I'ORN'-Weuk ; pot. WiVf ; .Sfptember , W'f bid ; Hmmer ml f-l. ; cvf ! Ii ; you ( hern whlto corn. S2fi33c. Kouthcrn yellow. " > > < ; Jt . -liti > . H.I. 'J bu. OATri ritrttdy ; No. 2 white , ZT < jr4c. : Ilfl3t , bu. NBW kOHK. June II. SL'CAH-Raw. * trnnirt centrifugal v tr i , 3 ; c. Hefinr-d. neatly , muld A. 5r ; iturularO A. 4c ; conftc'lonerr A , 4 > C | cut loaf. 5\r. cru h * d , f,9 c ; ; owdr'rd , 'BCJ raivjldtrd.t ; ciib , 'jft. Niw ORLKANH-June 11 - HUfiAn-Opcn kft. He. quirt at 2C3' ! c : centrifugal , tery uroni- ; granubitftl. 2K 4r. wlillfi * . 2 I11M3yrltr > w , 3Vtr3 ll-ltc. kfronih , 2i/2ic ( Miil.llfts. xlradr ) Iliilfiilo nrtiln IH'PKAlJO , June WIIHAT-No. . I ncrlhtro , old. 7Sc- new , 74'c. X-J. 2 Air.tcr. E4c. fOUN No. i , ne. > ATB-Nf. . 2. Uiic. HVP.-NO j s f. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1039. Omuliii , Nub. COMMISSION- GRAIN ; PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS IIOAlin 01' THADU. Direct wlre > to Chlcajo and N' w York. CcrropondcnU : Joiut A. U'urco It C * >