I I f 10 TTIE OMAITA BAtLY l&fc : SATIMIDAY , JUNE 12 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvrrtlnt-nu-nlH lor tltcnc ! liiinim I T HI ! > tnUtn mull ia in. for tlir nrcnliiK nml until 8 p , m. tor Hie mnrnlnii : nml Sniiiltiy cilllliuiM. AilirrilniTM , liy ri'iiiirniltiK " nnm- lirreil clu-cKt Cnn Inno mmni-rd ml- drrNHCil ! n. nlimliurpil IHIor In cure of The llrp. Aii L-rii mi mlilronnrtl nlll lir ilfll\crvil on iiri-xnitntlon of tin * clionk out } . HnlcN , t ! - ! n oril tint lii or lon | Ic n uorit IlirrPiifIrr , NiitliliiK Inkpii for l < "in limn SSBi- for ttio Ilrnt tliin. TIM-HP ml'rllplticii H > nn t run conni > ! titl\cl > . SITt'VTIONS tt'A VANTKD. I-OSIIION' IN JIIWKMIY BTO11K , cnn Rlvc t-t of iTferi-m.es. tnplvc jtnm' ex- trrrltncf. Adilicub e . 11 Momun , UtchnVId , tieli A-M IS WAVJ'HD.-St.lljK lini.l' . A FT.W iNfnr imc , mrtm.tNO nnil sternly tirulllnlilu work with O Co. & ! < % > Ibth Bl 1 1fi31 CAN aivnoooiJ POSITION TO UWUTPAIUY upoti Imistmcnt of two tu llvp thnuiand mill Invcstnunt well rccurcd , nuutulit"- ! dividend not IC-H llinn 11 per cent. Address M 51. ! ! JJ iSX II WANTKt ) . AN 11)1 : 7 WHO CAN HUNK OP unmo flinplo thing to pitcnf Pmtrot your Idenv thpy limy hrlns you wwilth Wrlln Jnhn W&Mcrburn & To Di-pt V. I'.itenl Alllorni-ys aA'nxliliiKtim. I ) t' . fur their 41,800 prUo offer nnd list of It * ) Inventions wanlrd II M911 WANTED. AGENTS , 420 TO | 21 A WEEK SURE to workers , no capital needed , new goods , new tdnn : fell * at "lilitevery fiimllj needs It II. S Co , box 4l , Cincinnati. Ohio 11 WANTED MAV OF 111 - UNIF ! ! YOU HAVE fifty dnllnrn for necurlt } , lmi tlK te lids , 100 ilollam n inonlli clear Address M 37 I lei WANTii > SAM'.SMIIN IN KVKllY DISTIlle r. new season , snmplcit froinnlary or commis sion , with > -xHi ei fiom stnrt I.llUe llroi Co Chicago U-MO'a 12 * AN INDI CIMIVT : rou YOU TO UAHN the harher trade , FiiUndld rlinnee for men from everjwiare , only two months to cnm. jiletc nnd Join for nil ; wares nnd < > xp.itenet * In clt > Bhoiis Saturdays while learning , tools furnished for praotUi' u i nml new imuiilf ti * outfit presented each Kradunte New cnt.-i- IOKUC Just out , mulled free Molcr * 11 erlier School. 283 S Clark street , Chicago II MOW H" \VAvrr.iJ rm 100 OIHI.S Toil AM. KINO * WOUK TO } T week Cnnndlan olllco , 1 1 Douglas C-MK12 J.ADY AO13NTS TO TAK13 OUDKIIS J'Oll SOAP tiollsli. J J Gibson , CU l-'lrtl Nat'l ll.ink C-MS17 \VANTKD , ixpiuinxcni ) i.nv IIOOK- keeiier , nppl ) liy letter In own Inn.hvi Itltis , slate age. experience and n-fen-nce , none Init practical houokKt-epcru netd nppl > Kalz Nevena Co C-MliO 13 WANTHI ) , Olllt. TO DO OIIN'IJIIAI. IIOHSD work Apply nt once nt 201 Houth Slth Ave C-M9I4 14 roii ' _ nousns. HOUSIIS IN AM. PAUTH OP Tlin CITY. THK O. I\ Davis Company. IMS Farnam. D C33 HOUSES. IJENUWA & CO. . 10S N. 15TU ST. D C31 MODERN HOUSES , C. A. STAIUI.JJJS X Y MFK D C3i CllOICn HOUSES AND COTTAGI Al.ti OVKK the city , JS to J30. fidelity. 1702 rurnnm St D C36 IIOUSKS , WALI ACK. 11ROWN BLOCK. 16TI and DouRlaB D CT7 HOUSES. COTTAOnS & STOllKS. ALL , PARTS of city. Urennun. L.OVO Co , 430 Paxton block D ei39 JIOVINO iiousr.noi.D ooons AND PIANO.S. Om. Vnn & Storage Co , 1415 Pa roam Tel. 15T.J D-C3 ! > LIST. McCAQUC , 15T1I AND DODOi : D-filO iiousns. ri.ATS. QARVIN BROS icw T TD D C41 HOUSES TOR RENT. BriMIS. PAXTON IILK D-C4J BTANPORD CIRCI.H COTTAGnS , 0 ROOMS all modern. Applj 204 Heo Uldff. D CI4 B-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 2709 DOUCII.AS D M7C6 HOUSES J. II. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y UPK D-M178 10-nOOM EI.IMANTI.Y 1'INISHED MODERN In Ick house , No. 2414 Cnss. 430 9-rootn modern hnuso at ' 17 North IQth 41S B-rooni modern Hat , 709 So. ICth. J17 W. Apply to AV. II. Melltlc. room GO ! I t Nat'l Ilk D-M4-.3 FIV13 OR TIIRI317 ROOMS. 815 TARNAM ST. D-87G 1S 10-ROOM FLAT. DOUOIuVS NEAR 2ITI1 , MOI > cm , Etcuin heat. Imiulrc Llnilaulat. 316 S 13th D-817 TOR RENT. 9 ROOM HOUflE , NO. 518 SO 26TI1 nvenuo. modern , and 111 line condition P. D Itrown , 520 So 26th ave D 893 14" S-ROOM COTTAGE , AMES AVE CAR LINE 4S 3 4-room Huts , N. ICth St. , surrounded by ex position grounds , suitable for boarders , 4G 00 S-room houfe 41 h avt. Co HliKTs , one or tvvu families , 4.ri 0 Cnll nt 901 Diiiiglim St , Omaha D M12I A SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. FUR nlslieil or unfurnished 03 South 30th D-M'127 10 i'OK RENT. COTTAGE AND TWO ACRES OK Burden close to pdved BtreetB , JC 00 each F. D. Wend ICth and Douglas. D 9J3 12 rou iii : > Truit.M < ! iin ROOMS. BTEAM HEATED ROOMS TEI.iPHONITJND nil cunvcnltnces rates rensonablc Pundt resi dence. 212 So 17th St E CIS HOO.MS. FINE LAWN AND PORCHES 2009 Harney. E-M4W J2S CHOICE ROOMS. FURNISHED OH UNFUR- nlshcd. board or housekeeping 117 Mason. E-MSM 12 * ruu.Msiiini HOO.MS A.M > IIOAUII. NICE COOL ROOMS , GOOD HOARD : RATES reasonable. Iho Rose , 020 Harney. F C73J30 UKAUTirUL FRONT ALCOVE SUITE AND other rooms after Juno 10 , tit 10. ' ami 104 So :5th ht. J' MSC9 12 * THK ALUANY , SUNNY ROOMS. FINE IX > CA- tlon , with eirellcnt table , traiwlentti accommo dated , Z101 Douglas. r 574 14 > MODKRN IIRICK , ROOMS AND HOARD ; 4360 week 014 N ICth I' MSS3 14 NICELY rURNIHHKD KOUTHEAST PRONT room , m'xleni convenleniri-a , nrhulu family No 70J So. 29th St. r-918-I3 ' ELPGANTI.Y TURNISHED ROOMS FOR light hoiifckeeplngj or rooms - lfi or without iKiard. 207 S. 2Uh st , F M831 I3 > VERY DESIRAIlLi : ROOMS WITH HOARD 8223 rarniim St I' M94J 14 NICELY rtlR.NISHKD 1'RONT ROOMS. WITH hoard. 3)13 ) Douglas r M9'.9 I4 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , WITH OR WITH , out beard ; private family ; rale. > ery moderate , batli , a . Ji04 Davenport St. I' M912 I3 VOH Un > T D.NKUIt.MhllloIi 1 HOOMS , WATER. 8EWKR , 45. COS N. - G7S4 Jy4 IIK.NT STOIIUS AMI O1WIUUS , FOR RENT , 'lilt ! 4-STORY RHICiC IIUILD1NG at 16 rarnam .St. Thl bulldln * lion u llrcuruuf csment banemcru , complete steam heating : U- ture : water on all Moors. Ba , He Aj.ply at tile ottlca of Iho Jlct. I IIW WANTED. AQUMTS ; 475 PER MONTH AND rupeneea paU active men U right ; good sold by uinple onlyjKiiuplu. . also home and car rlate furnlihtd free. AdUrcsa JobUir. Jku 53u llotton. Ma . J C4T WANTED. MKN AND WOMEN AGENTS TO represent the Uankera * Guaranty Fund IJf os 'n. Call or udUrtu Room 404 lice Illds. Omaha. N U J U 819 u YOU 6AI.B CHIUP. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY for patent tire uhrlnker can stt tlrv In one minute , seiu for 48 ; great rtiuni-e for hustlers. It. F. liomhorfVlnJ or hotel. J916 13 * A'ANTBD , AaiNTS TO WORK ON GOOD COM. rnltalon ; no bonanza , but utralght business. J , U. DunJm. Hie N. 8tr t , Uncoln , Neb. J-M94J 1J STOUAOn. PACIFIC STORAGE ANI > WARKIIOUH-ca , DOl SID Joncf. (5enet-\l ( morale nml forwurdinu ; . MOM - 4 OM VAN & STORAGE , im FARNAM. TEU VO \v.\M'iiTo ntv. A. 1'ERER , GREAT WBSTKIIN WHOLESALE nn.litnll Jnnk denier , removed from Itr fouth Ttnlli td 812 Pouitliis street N-M714 A 7 OH 8 ROOM HOUSE CONVEN1EN1 TO HV. moved to I. ) Hi mid Jones M rid. Illy Trust Computi * , . N 9W 13 WANTED. V GOOD MKCONlKllM ) FARM wiK'l with box. AdJro s lllchhnl TMhiitlxt , Gritnn Neb. N-MW15 * llll SU.ill < > H < < n' < , WAHOAS , I3TC. RANGE HOR IS : rou SALE , r-o HEAD Inrge rr\n r hursts , will nrll all or u portion or them Addrefs P McCarthy bherld/in / W > o. 1'--M SO 14 rou HAi.iT "iniArtT CARRIAGE TEAM. imrty coins' to leave elty Apply Slelislir > st r M no SI'ANHOI'H 1X311 SAl.H I OITER A NEW , handsome. Hrstclni > s "tnnhope nt linlf Its cost. Can lie K < .di nt Simpson's CiirtliiKt- World Charles I * Miinilcrsun , P M954 IS roii SAM : MISCIJI.I.v. > notis. HARDuoorfciiimiiNG nou AND CHICKEN fence cheaper than "alt wire" C 11 Lie. 9ul Douglas Q-U > Q FOR SALE , A .SODA rorSTAIN ; GOOD AS new ; made tiy 1'uflfr . ' 'cm of Ilixtmi , no liner In OniHhi , will bo mild for nbout half Its valuo. Dr. Slitpiird , N. Y. Lite nidi ? SECOND HAND ENU1NI.S. ! > TO 100 I ! P. , motors. V to 30 11 1' . Industrial Iron Works. 1S2J Jo roiT SALE , " rREsTi cow. wu NORTH IITII roit WANTED. A itAiinwAnn on . . tock In * * ch n t8 for tock In Jobbln * liousi ; good e > rnlne : making mon jr ; ( rood ir on for tiling , Adclreii II 1W. JJ omci > , fmin'II muff * Z MI I KOH JUM3 IlKAIi IJ9TATI3. KOUNTZH PLACE n.Ml.AINtS. JlSflO. U.7SO TO Sli 600 , M-o p-rotos nt 16th nnd rurnnm. Morse Jlhlg J J. Gibson , 514 First Nat Hank Hid * Hl Cbl jtofsi : . LOTS , rAUM-j. LANDS , LOAN ; ? . Oeo ! Ilctnls Real Estate Co . 1'axton lllock UK CM 41,200 WIM. miY A e-iioo.M HOUSE IN WAI- nut llllt. small monthly pa > mcnt Omaha Real Estu'e and Trust Co . Sll So ISIh St. RE558 TOR HAt.U-A NICIJ 110MK. 4111 PA11NAM ST. , 9 rooiiid ntoilcrn In every respect , line lawn. xcrj' low price. Inquire of o ncr on premises 1U < M I9 13 * ALL , 11KAI. HSTATi : OWNED 11Y THR NII- lir.ukn SaMnci & Kxchange llink nlll be roll nt u \ ry -asonable price.Sm K Totter. jjxiio. NIAT i-n COTTAOU , ONLY i MI north HlKh school , Mry < .lieii | , ll.smi 7-r , full lot , Hnnxcom I'lnci ; , ImrKaln , tl.tM 5-r home , CrelshtiMi HelKhts , caay term" , * 7M MxlSO i ciittntte' C'lillfornla , ncnrMl Jl SOO N cor 17th iitnl Mnrtlin , MtlSS , Miuill house , Jl UOO KitiPiit rt > ldi > nrp lot on 1'irk avenue , faclns park , Jl.WO , n t duuhle. HarKnliiM evcrywluic. Moiu-y to loin Oma 11 SaInKi bank nccotintH tuKen at par for real cntHlo nt ( irescnt vnluei O tl Wnlluif. llrn n llloik l.th ( and Doiulai. IHJ-'OI 12 A nAiioAix-ron SAM ; cnn.\r ON KAHY tirmi lu acre fruit and truck fiirm two mllci from city limits on RIMH ! road , 11 ncrm urapf , I ncrfs orchard 5 ncrt-H iispnraKUM 2 acres pie. plant. 1 ai-roi line alfalfa , balance rkh ( inrdcn lirt.l 2 lliiiwiIN 20 tut of water In each 10- rcom hou u . ' lurns. MOIMKI' hoiifc 2 < .ellaii nnd other oullmlldlnRHltl cell wllli or ullliiiut uop I'nll or ndiliroM 1'olcr llol-on I ) . . Holt I m T . i : . & II V It 11 > I'oUBlas Cnuntj Nth lli-M H Jy-5- I inn a "want nil" for .1 wlf" . Nine thousand answers quiuKly cann\ Just think ! JCIne tlious.uui oiultv } 'iis ) , All anxious to nssuine my name. But \Nhun thot-e U-tturs all wcro lead , Mj huad much smaller sui-nu'd to bi > - Nlnu thousand Inisliands had rciillod Tluit tliuy would Kivo tholr wlvi's to mo -M. H. 1 > . VMOUS. GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT , T. MURRAY. H MS31 J 15 CLAIKVOVAATS. MRS M. FRITZ. 819 N. ICTH ST. H M960Jy3" CONSULT THE ONLY GENUINE LIFE reader , tells names , advice , love , marriage , law , reunites friends ; fee , GOc and up , sat Ixfuctory reidlngs. Hours , 10 30 to 7 1S13 Fnrnam. S-M9C2 ! ! 31 VhSAGO , 11ATIIS. HTC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , MAt-HAOK , steam baths T M123 1C" ains. nn LKON , nLncTiuc MASSAOU HATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 ho llth , up- M83C 12 * VIAVI roil IJIUHIND THOUllLtlS. 346-8 IJlilK' . , physician , conbultatlon or health book free. U C5 ! UATHS , MASSAUC. MMi : . l'O.ST , 311' S 1STII. U C31 Ul'lTUnn CUHI3D rURMANIINTLY. NO p ln , no detention from business , no refer to thousands of patients cured Call or write The O U. Miller Co , 832-3 New York LJfe Illilg , Omaha. II ai631 MISS MAYnn. sunanoN-cninoi'ODisT , manicure. Jt 400 , I'axton block , dlplomi. 1S9C. U M2I9 Jl nxrosiTioN INVHSTMRNTS. TOR I > LIAS- uro anil prollt see L T Juduon's ant ads Council UluffB pasc U M26I NHLLli : 1 * . RYLKY MANICUIli : AND opojlst , 7 yrs with Mls Mayer , 201 Km Inch bk I1LIST SCAM' TnCATMENT. 25C ; SHAMPOO- UiB 2JC-2 weeks Miller's I'arlors. 1514 Duupc- Ini. ' U 432 J24 "ISiV W W IJROWN'S AHTHMA CURi : " positively cures , write for testimonials. Charter U MtSS J2C * ter Oak , Iowa rnrr sAMi'Li : HAxnL-Ln.vr IMLI : cuuu AT hherniaii & JUConnell Drue Co 1513 Uodi | < ; Ht. u.Mi jj juiy * Dl-SK ROOM TO RENT. VERY LIGHT AND centrally located M 25. Hee. I'-MMS BIOMiV TO IOA > _ ItUAI. USTAT13 ANTHONY LOAN & URUST CO. . 315 N. Y. U ; nulck inonuy at low rates for cluike farm lands In Iowa , northuu Missouri , eastern Nebraska. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY propeity. W. Faninm Smith &Co , 1320 rarnam \V-C56 0 PER CENT MONEY ON NEI1 & IA. FARMS. W II. Melkle , Ut Nat'l Ilk bldg , Omaha \V-b57 MONEY TO IXJAN AT IXV RATES THE O , P Davis Co. , 1S05 rarnam St. W CM FARM IJ3ANS , 1 TO 10 YEARS ; LOWEST rates , Gutvln IJroa. , IC1J rarnam St.W W K9 MONEY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrennau , I > ve & Co. , Pamon block. W 6J rilOU 4100 UP. WEAD , 1STH A DOUGI AS W-297-J19 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property Puscy & Thomas , i07 1st. Nat'l ni < bl Ig W l3i ! ON OMAHA PROPERTY. LOWEST UATES ; building loans wanted Pldellty Trust Co. W CGO -MOMCY TO I.OAN CIIATTKI.S , WONKY TO I/AN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowrat rates In city : no removal of goads : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off ut uny tlmo or In any umou.it. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 So , IClh Ht. X-6 3 MONEY TO LOAN-30. CO. W DAYS ; PURNI- turo. pianos , ete. Duff Green. It. 8 , Darker blk X CCS OII.VNCIS. LUMnF.R YARD. WELL nSTAHLISIIED. NK- uraika tovrn 15,000 population ; a snap. J. J , Gibson. 514 rirnl Null bk. Y M7J3 17 4200 INVESTED KARNH 4 0 WKEKLY. NO stock speculation or cold mine Investment , jou control capital ; fifth successful ) ear ; par ticular * free , Chase & Campbell. 12 Union Square , New Turk. Y M770 July 4 WISH TO CORRESPOND WITH PARTY HAV- Int three thuuuind ready cash , looktu.- for "are Invcitment. Address M K , lice. Y78ll FOR BAI.H CHBAP. SHOE STORE IN FRH- nuint. Nebraska , best locution , ch au n-nt P A. Peterson. Fremont. Nebraska. Y M937 14' FOR RENT. rURNIBUED IIOTEU AT NORTH Ucnd , Neb. AUJreM J. w , Hall , North llend. Ntb. Y-MX1 H SNAP-SOUTH OF KOUNTZE PLVCE. S0xl22 feet , price 4700. J. N. rn-n/cr. opposite P. O - TOR SAI.l : GREATEST HAROAIN IN OMAHA In Rill edi-eil resldenca pro Lity , 'J6xl50 feet , frimtlntr east on Park nvenne , with uood cot tage Must Ijo Hol.l . this month J. VV. Hobt-lns. sole ndt. . 1S02 Parnnm St. Jl E-900 THREE NE\V MODERN HOUSES AND LOTb chcip ; will meet any competition Towi fruit land for Omnha propel ty. I'lno 10-acre tract near ttieet ear line , 42.200 Hollies and , lots , barciliM 4450 upward l\irnn In eastern Nebraska nnd Iowa for sale , lloaiuifiil irsldencc lots In "ISimls I'alU , " great bargains HOIIHO and lot St Mary's ave , 42,100. Ej.ultj In KDiil eastern Nebraska form for eanl in Boivl Omaht rcsldLnce piDpi'it * , . . Nice home neiu exposition , way down price , J down , 417 r > 0 ptr month , without Interest HuxIncHs bargain , 40xM feet on 12th St , 42 300 Will trade line 240 acre low.i farm and cash for good Omaha business property Two hotels fur rent , out * ill depot and one at exposition. Houses and stores for rent Hu lne H and residence lots for sale and for lent In every part of city Money to loan on lirst-clas * residence and busl- ne s propertj. Pintniurancc written In "lire proof" cotnpinles Omaha , city mips for ( -nle. I'lrst one published lijl "A. D Jones 1S14 , " ii etch , "llemls' K > 8J nnd 1S.VT' maps 42 each. Goo P llcmls Real Estate Co , thlid lloor Paxton - ton block RE M93S 13 * FI.\.VNCI\I , . r.irn INS.POUCIES COUOHT. w F. HOLUEN. 071 hllOUTHAMJ AM ) Tl I'KWHJTlMi. A. C. VAN SANT'3 SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LITE. CG7 AT OMAHA IlL'S. COU.EOE. ICTH & . DOUGLAS CCS MIHJWAI.IvS. SAWED NATURAL STONE , ARTlriCIAl , brick 'Id ICS'J W. J Wnlahans , 30J S 17th St 113- L'l'IHISTiiUM : ; rURNITIJRE REPAIRINQ AND PAC'KING Couches und cushions , mutticsses made und renovated Prices will pleatt > ou. fete M b. Walkln. 2111 CurnliiE strict , lelephuiic , llll. MOIHCAI. . A PIIYHICIAN , WHO FOR HEVERAI. YEARS has bten n mtmlnrof the Keeley medical staff Is now In chaige of the Ki-oley Institute at Hlalr , Neb. This jilijalclan haa had phcniime- mil siiei-ess In the treatment of opium , mor- phlliA und other drug iiddictlons Addresrt The Keeley Inalltule. Hlalr , Neb , MDIOJjlO' AUCTIO.V. SP1-.C1AI. AUCTION 8AI.E OP HOUSEHOLD poods every Wednesday and Baturday morn. Ings Nebraska Aucllon und Commlralon Co a. v\ , corner Ktli und Dodge streets. _ _ _ M42S PROF. A. MASERY OP EOY1T. PAMII8TRY and astrology , the wonder of ths iige , pat , Pltsent nnd future told or no charge , ut 20'S Hurney Bl. , Omaha , Neb M777 11 * MUSIC , AJIT AMI I.A.\UliAi : . aEORQIJ T , aELLENHECIC. IJANJO. MANDO- llu and guitar leather. ISO ? Farnam street , Tal , MS. MS HIJMMKH IIISOIITS. HOATING , FlhHING , TENTS , 1IOAT8 , HOARD. AdJn Camp Onulia , Lake Qulnnebaug , Tc- Kanmh. Neb. MCS1 30 * UMl'LUVUK.NT AMERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. U2I Dojge , Telephone , 876. -MSC3 Jy3 PAWNllllOICliltS. U. MAUOWms LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 1C ST. 670 LUST. IX > ST. JUNH 10TII , ON I.KAVENWORTII , Park Ave. . Hamey or 33d St. . a real estate value tlon book bound In red morroco. Return to SU New iork IJfe bullJInjr Ix > t-M948 8TRAYED-WKDNKSDAY NIGHT. JUNE TH. one bluek liorae with fi > ur white feet ami one large gray mar * . Addrens T. J , Mahoney. Paxton lllock. I st 9iy LOST. IH CIC COCKER SPANIEL. RETURN to } ( ) rarnam and get reward. I.OJU-MW3 14 TYl'BWUITJJHS. LATEST MODKI. TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES United Tynnwrtter & EuppllM Co. . UlJ arnarr , I BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. An Intrrcslflrijr 'account ' ot the Or-clan hoiiaehecper li ghcn by nn Anurlcan who ll\cd In Orc fce. 'This ' traveler remarko In. clilcntally that drWce noulil tiavp done wfll to ha\o "pcat ionc the conquest of CrelP for the conqucot'ot the kitchen" The Ortek women liavo learned from the Turks to make ilcllclniw sweHrnbats nnd preserves of cit ron and other fruits Quince * nro eaten rtw proof of the strength of the Greek illc'j ( tloa. The confection known as lonUonml. er "Turklah UollRht. " rwcmbllng miirshinallow. la commonly eaten Just beforenftotnnon coffeo. which la nlwija inaile In the TurkUh manner , nnd la therefore Koncrnlly excellent A favorite tllsh la muile of the Rralns of bar ley oojkcd In water until soft ' " ' iiilt 1 ( > with dried curt ants Salad I ? unknown In the country Hven In the brst hotels It If mailo uncatiblo by the rtsliioua taate duo to the wine fioin which the vlnt-Rar U innde. Ou'olilo nf the blR hotels In Athens and a fuw prUato houats there Is ntlther Bto\e nor raiiKo In Orn-i-e All the cooking Is done by optu fires The housewife dotfl not oven ba\o a iwliiKltiB crane to hanK htr poll rn o\er the nre. but sets them on Iron tllpudi. precisely as was done 2,000 jeans HRO. nml crouches In front to tend them , fcrdlni ! I no Hro with fiiroutn trimmed from the grapevines - vines Around the same nre thu family olc-p at nlKht , Hat on the floor , with ruga and blanket , ' , of which oery houscliold lias a Kfod wipply Of furniture the Orcek house has prarll- tally none. Instead of a chair A tan mix Is iMeil In the middle of the top Is a lltmer hole to lift it by. Tor a KUCBI a pillow or folded blanket Is put on top of the box. and a back lan ea lly be iimnagctl b > fctlilns " ntar the wall Ciocl-ery 1" nlmrnt nn uu- knoMi qtiniitlty Almost every hoine huh two or three plates and Rlasscs , "for best nnd plenty of tln > tin coffee pots. l > or cni- r\lni ; water gourds lire commonly used though In some houses there are little wooil'n pitchers , hollowed out of solid blocks of ftood with Infinite labor.Vlnu Is now not often carried In wine skins , .is In the old days , but the cheese of the countiy Is wrappel In sluepakln eases , of which the "skinny side out and the hairy ulde In" 10- xembl s the famous o\cuoat of Hijan O'Ljnn , but do not make one like the chubc anj bttter The Andaman , Islands are used ai a penal tcttlement for Indian and Hut UKIJC coin let- , who. with the exception of aery few of thu aboriginal race scatteied o\tr the group foun thu bulk of the population The greater part of the life con\lets who nre good characters arc "self-supporters' that la , men out on tlcktt of leave In the eeltloimnt These men nre allowed to marry. The coin let women , on the other hand , are alwaja kept under close supeiUslon In the female convict Jail When the "self-supporter" Is troubled \\llh liMiiencal aspirations helslts the female Jail and Informs the o\cifcecr The lattoi IndlvUual orders n parade of those womin of good character who lin\e completed four years In the Ihlapd The would-be hem diet then passes along the tanks with a Ucv ot selecting a likely helpniite As might be expected , > ery eager are the faces and loUng the glances bestowed upon him as he does to While the overseer's head la turned the women engage In every variety ot pantomimic efforts to d cylay their quail ficatlona for the post. Should the ov tracer absent hlneelf foi a moment the cbve'tod bachelor Is aosalled 01 all sides with a View to his conquest. Sucl phrases as. ' "Here , take me ! " "No , me1' "Why , she's got1 red hair ! " "She's cross eyed ! " do not mdKe matters easier1 for him At length , lia\lrig suited himself , he takes by the hand the- woman of his choice am leads her flom the ranks. The couple art then allowed half an hour In which to dls cues mattery after which , If they agree their names are sfent Into the head ofllce A daj or two later Uiey attend at the c&mrnlssiou er's. nnd arc tharo put th.ough an esamina tlon as to the state of their affections am their Inclinations to marry ; but no awkward questions are ever raised concerning poalbk existing husbands or wives bejond the seas And now comes the climax. Supposing satisfactory answers have been given as to their mutual sentiments , the woman is handed over to the man , not to become h > wife for better or wo , e , but for a teven dajs' trial. During these fcevcn da > s slit lives with him , and the relationship of the pair Is that of a mnirled couple At the expiration of the term of approval If both mo agreeable , they return to tin chief commissioner's olllce and are married by that gentleman. If , on the other hand cither of them docs not appiove of the other the man Is left to go Ira way , while the woman returns to her old routine of wcrk In the female Jail. Speaking of the strides In education In Japan In the past twenty-live jcars , the Boston Transcript says : "Go back a qtiarlei of a century and of the children one out ol four was In school ; three out of five are nov there. Indeed , one of thu most notable characteristics of Japanese soclet ) Is the In tense educational trend of the youth , flen cral education has shown a steady inn case during' these years. About one gill 'n ' seven was In school twenty-five years ago , while nenily half are now under Instruction Menu have raised their average in the 'uleival from one in two and one-half to one In cue and one-fourth Two points are to be noticed : (1) ( ) The gills start with a ratio much below that of the. bojs nnd are rtill far in the rear. Nearly four-llfths of the boys attend school less than one-half the girls ; and two or three girls foi every bo > swell the tanks of thu Illlteiacy ; but ( - ) the girls' ratio has Inucased with consider able more rapidity than that of the boys , three times the per cent of gills are now at school who were In 1S71 , It Is less -han twice as great in case of the boys. So far as primary education goes. It Kpe destined soon to become as general among girls BH boys. Beyond this female ed.iea- tlon Is very far from being us geiuT.il as male. Given n chance the girls would crovul the schools as the boys do , but popular tenll- ment Is avcrs-o to higher female education The gratifying advance Indicated abo/o for the gills becomes less significant when It Is remembered that the vast majority of Japan's present generation -1,500,000 girls between C nnd in will never secure any ad vanced education. Of the boys , however , u largo proportion will reap the advantages of higher institutions That the emphasis In the public HCIOOH ! Is disproportionately in favor of bo > H has been shown. In mission bchools It has been distinctly In favor of girls. The Greek church has one' ' school each for bo > n and girls , with two-day schools In all some 2M pupils. Tlifc Roman has two rollegea with 200 boys , three girls' schools with 180 puplU , 41 primary bchoois with 2'JS2 pupils , besides 29 industrial schools. A Now Zualanej woman Is winning fame as a cyclist. Although CO years"of age , she rides 100 miles per day on her bicycle Since she first attained this epecd aho has covered 5,000 miles , i The latest business venture made by a "reduced gentlewoman " was lu the "profea- alon" made fampus by "la grande Trilby" She b oca mo n blanchlsstuso de fin In bet ter days she had often suffered nt the lianda of thu laundreiD of summer resorts , vvherer high prices ; and hasty work went hand In hand nnd succeeded In ruining the clothes and depleting the exchequer of most of the "summer boarders " \vith a little capital , a thorough knowledge of the best methods of doing up fine clothes and a shop In a convenient locality , the plucky woman began operations at a big and bustling summer resort. She "did " up" everything from or gandy ball gowns to duck vachtlne dresses , and after a very Hucce , ful season her \er- diet Is that where there Is aptitude for ouch work , a practical knowledge of details and a talent for organization , the opening Is a very promising one. The reason why a gentlewoman woiild liavo more chance of succeeding than an ordinary. Inexperienced person , Is obvious Mpst people know the annoyance of Retting things back scorched , torn , Iron molded , muddy In color or hope- SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICI10RS Bre llulldlng.Omaha Omaha Neb nd I'atent Book I blue , limp when they should ho stiffer or rrnckln * with etnrch when .artistic uoft- . n pas was desired , not to mention the after j effects of strong powders nnd liquids which are not at first apparent hut soon manifest theiu'elvea b > general and sudden decay. , V woman of refinement would know exactly the way lu which the work should be done and would II nil the lighter part ot It by no means uninteresting or uver-fatlmilng , and j it able to teach by demonstration and to j rule her assistants , would doubtless proven n been nnd blessing In many a ( own which , today writhes under the thralldom ot bad laundries i At Tajal , In the Aroros , the people- seem to have a sympathetic feeling for the Americans The ) haven't changed n particle islnre that memorable da ) In the spring of I | U' ' l when Don rrlitolul failed Into their ! harbor Tlie'i- ' habits are Jtiat the same theli ; ' , sweai words are cxaetlv flu oncs liclr rjiand- f.athnrs hurled utter the- retreating Spaniards and thflr costumes haven't varied an lota. The women , of course , aie the meat at tractive portion of the- population , uml most of them arc icen , rnonor or later , gathered ! i | around the fountains , from vvhlrh they pro- I | cure water for culinary use Their bright i black ejes and glNtenlng white tprth gl\e I \lvacltj to every word ind expresilon. while i short or kilted skim luvuil rounded -Init alcndor ankles nnd theit i.iturally formed feet tin ml Into i'litm > sabots. Rome nre going for vvatir with earthen Jnra laid across thi'ii hcnd * Others aie departing with luads held giaccfully ere < t and well-lllled sc'MicK poised upon thorn Some nre busily engaged wa&hlng In the huge- stone tanks Mary Chulkhur l , even tlrrtth did not stay .thn tide ot hospitality atnlchnrlty , Tha sis- ton ? , who wcret twins , lived In the early part of the twelfth century In that quaintly quiet rrcucb village. One of them died twenty-four hours after the other nnd they left n piece of land to provide funds for ilolei of bread and cheese at K.ister The vlcnr nnd churchwardens undertake the > duty nnd Annually distribute gingerbread cakrn to visitors and bread nnd cheese to residents. Kvery dole U stamped with a rude likeness of the two maids , their names , .and the datra of their birth and death. One of thwo cake * Is quilts a curiosity > rcmlnlno health nnd grace are largely a question of posture It Is cruel , but only Just , to say that the woman wlm Knows how and docs not tnnd erect and sit In her chair with due consideration to the pioper balance of her body Is n rare as one- vvho o fe-ature * nro absolutely regular , ac cording to the American Queen She Is the person who Is envied and nd- mlrcd , and the ( ccret of whose handsome outlines every either woman sets down to a mysteriously perfect corset , a skillful dress maker , or anything but HIP proper reason , vthlch Is that she merely malnlalns her back bone in Itn proper , natural attitude By simply doing this slip can support the nipat unwieldy amount of fli-sh with dignity or can endure' Intense leanness without ex posing n single URly angle Her bust seems never ton large her abdomen does not pro trude her back shcnvs not u single lump her waist la not an Inch too short , her nerk not a shade too thick , and , above nil things , aho IN blessed with good health. "Thu most HUbtle and deceitful hope whichever over existed , and one which wrecks Hit happiness of many a joung girl's life. " writes nvangellst Dwlght 1. Moody In tin Juno Ladles' Home Journal , "In the' com mon delusion that a woman can best leform n man b > marrying him It Is n inystcr > tome mo how people < nn be so blinded to the hun- \VCDDINCI TOILCTTR FROM CARPER'S BAZAR Wedding gowns of white satin Pro alwajs effective , for the material shows to the greatest po lble advantage In the long train and simple style that fashion le- ninmls A partlcularlj smart design ( room the Malson Co < | ticnhelm , Paris , has n long train which Is untrlmmed , but the front of the skirt has two flounces o ! mousse- line de sole headed with thieo ruch-s. and apiajs of oiango bloosoms at legulir In tervals The waist is trimmed with a fichu of moussellno do sole > , which Is pointed at the back and is caught on the should-is Into a bow. Between the folds of tha fichu on the front of the waist Is a full shirred yoke of moussellne de sole , and on the 'eft shoulder is a epia > of orange blonaoms The sleeves are laid I'l three pleats at Ibc top and have u 11101183011110 epaulette , at the wrists are rullles ot the mousscllne The collar Is of ribbon , with losettes and an inside ruche of the moussellne A tulle veil covers the entile gown end is fastened lo the hair under u wreath of oiaiifit ) blossoms v.hlch are close beside the fountains and vvhcso well vvoin sides bear ample evidence of useful service for past generations These are the common people in ordlnarj drefis The better classes aie moio icjally caparisoned , but ate not halt so sensible in their ccotumcs I am writing of the women and particularly of those who have held up the mirror of fashion for the laft forty jcaia Their one peculiar article of drtiJS Is seen now hero outside the Islands , It consists of a full capo of black cloth i caching from neck to feel and completely enveloping the form of the wearer , and , as if that Is not clumsy and cumbersome enough , attached to this cloak Is a hood ot cnoimous dimen sions. It la lined with some stiff substance and often stands up a foot or mere above the head of the wearer and Hares out on either side. It really resembles nothing else so much as It does a lop of an gld-fasbloned "ono-horce shay , " The rose jar , no matter how costly and beautiful , Is a thing of the past The up- to-date woman no longer prlrcs It no a receptacle for dried roses with sentiment attached to them , In Its place has come the TOSS sachet not the ancient form of uiicbet , either , with Us cotton batting and ounce of powder. It Is a dainty thing made of the finest organdie or mull , berlbbonod and adorned with lace. Just as the owner heeu flt. A pretty one shown the other day was of the flnoU of rose flowered organdie , with drawing strings and bows of pale green Mlk The rose leaves of pink , yellow and Icep red that shone through It and filled the loom with their perfume were brought all the way across the continent from Tacotna Another rose bag for most of the new de signs are in tha shape of Imga uaa nf white chiffon , embroidered In butterflies , with a rtifllo ot the chiffon to set off the sides and Bottom. The rcses were picked In Southurn California at Christina. ) time for nn eastern 'rlend Some vvonien are using their pretty landkerchlef ! ) to make design. ! for hgs , for , these precious sachets art ) not put In the chiffonier to waste their beauty there , but are suspended by their long ribbon strings tu the back of an ortlsllc chair. When the ooni Is well heated they emit a delicate per- 'ume , U seems that earrings are to bo revived In England for the stupid reason that these "barbarous baubles" wore worn at the time of Queen Victoria's coronation Thl Is loyal jut hardly consistent Hair was parted lu thu middle , plastered down perfectly flat , irawn down in front of the eara and loojie.l up behind them , leaving a "window" for the ear to petp through , brilliant hrocadcq were worn over hoopskirU , and tow tiring leadgcar ot Jewels and feathers were all worn at the beginning of her majesty's reign , but these will not bo readopted under any circumstanced by any sensible woman. In the middle agra the baeeiiicnt door was not besieged at all hours of tbo day by Im- mrtuuate beggars , for It seems to have been i pleasure Instead of a penalty of the riche o feed the hungry , Pilgrims und travelers VCTO ulwaya sure of a good meal wherever bey might find theinselvra and In the case of the two maids of Dlddeudei ) , Kllza anil Oreds of cases in every community where tottering homes have fallen and Innocent lives have been vvreeked , because some young girl has persisted In marrying n scoumlrtl In the hope of saving him I hu\o never known such n union , -and I have Been hun dreds of them , result in an > thing but sad ness and disaster \Pi \ no joung girl think that she may be able to aciompllsli what n loving mother or sympathetic sisters have been unable to do. Before there Is any contract of marriage there should be con vincing proof that there has been real and Ihoiough regeneration" A brlilo BO fnr defied the fiuperstltlon ns to be married .May 13 lust Slio hod also thirteen tin ) bildcqmilds , had tlilrtce-ii car riages and n thirteen dajs' honeymoon. An other supoistltlous maiden became * engaged on the 13th of a certain month , ami haa fixed on Iho first Vrlday In June aa her wed ding morning Several May brides liavo tes- llflcd to the happiness nf their married liven , anil one woman declared that , although the became engaged on a Friday , ( lied on the unlucky day as the ono set apart In each week for the lovers' walk , got married on Friday , had thirteen guesta at the wedding table , and not up housekeeping In May , oho haa never had a moment's serious un- happlnees In all her eight years of married life. A characteristic story Is told of Mrs Thomas A. Kdhon by a lady who recently visited tbe wife of the "Wizard" at her beautiful country homo It seems that Mi IMIaon , who Is a handsome and charming woman , a delightful companion and a devoted { voted wife ) and mother , does not understand the drat principles of the science to which her husband has duvolcd his life. Klin la an Intelligent ntudent of childhood , education , nursery hygiene ) and klndergarte-n melliods but Hhu long ago gave up trying to under stand her husband's dlecouri.es on copper wire * , cunenU , sympathetic sparks , etc "Ono day , " sa > H the lady who i elates the story , "Mrs Kdlson , with prldo , was showing uonui frlenda about Iho laboratory and ( r > lng ; vaguely to ti-ll them thlngi ; they found her moro at homo In cleaning thet 'muts off Mr if Rdlson's face than in any other phase of laboratory work , but still they wt-ro not pio- liared for her complete astonlshnicnt when a workman came along and lit a gaa jet by Hi clectrlclt > ' Shu had never heard of jwch a llilng before " Now , li not tbat a delicious story ? Any one ought to recognl/e Us veracity , for It Is thu kind of thing that 'only real life has the happy audacity to com pound. A man just outxlde Doston's suburbs Is about to bring nult for divorce agaltuit his wife upon novel grounds They have been married enl ) three months The wlfu lu the case la an attractive woman , but nho was courted und won by her husband largely on account of her luxuriant and beautiful hair Ills compliment * were Khowcrcd upon her hair profusely before and after marriage Now ho hab discovered that all but a few Btraggllng Iliuadu of that hair wt-ro pur chased in a switch It la nald that he madu the discovery about a week ago and hag not te n living with hla wife eluco , HIS HAZARDOUS VOCATION Triomns Wilson of Omaha Taints Ohnrch Spires nnd Tnll Smokestacks , SPENDS SEVERAL YEARS BEFORE THE MAST Once Left llntiulnp : llrnil DimnmiV OmKniiilriMl ! ' < ( from the ( round , lint t : ciiU- Without Injury. 1'coplp In the uptown ofllce buildings who chanced to direct their eyen ton aid the tower of the New York Lite building during the afternoon a few days ago were srece ( lwlth A most unusual sight. High up on thn slen der ( lag pole' which surmounts the tower a man swung In midair. As the strong soulhtrly breeze1 struck his form he circled nround the pole In a manner which tnado olio dl/zy to contemplate The weirk ot painting thu pole ? went sle'ad- lly forward , however , and In Jtmt three hours Thomas Wilson , the artisan performing the work , auneiuncrd that the Job was com plete iioino idea of Hie hazardous under taking may bo gained from the statement that the lop nf the pole Is exactly 283 feet from the ildcvvnlk The Hag polo Is forty- two feet In length In order lo rig the painters < hair nt the top Wilson was obliged 10 i limb the pole unaided except by his strong Itnilw The inpe which afterwards fiippnrte > il him was then passed through the 11 ig pulley and with a pot of red paint and a liruali Wilson's nutllt was compute Wil son uielvrd $15 for his three1 hours work \Vi1 on'n experience In tlu > climbing busl- IKN , ? Is bust told In his own words lle > re frldi-a al 'J225 North Twenty -fifth stiott and Us icgulatly employ oil as a michlnlst In the I'tilon Pacific shops. Ills peculiar sei vices have been frequently calleMl Into use during his three vars' sojourn In this city and bin idvfiiturcw during his thirty ye-niw ot life have been nut of the ordinary. SON OP A UAltBOIl MASTUn. "I was horn In Wntetford , lioland , " said Mr. Wilson' In reply to a question "My fathet was h.nbor muster nt that port for many years 1 was raised amonR boats and the snmll ot the brine and the swash ot the waves among the old doeks became sccon 1 nature to mo 1 can't tenicmber the flist time 1 evei climbed a mast , but It must have been at a pretty early period. When I was 10 veals old I shipped aboard tint schooner "Mobile Bay" as cabin boy I always told my father that I Intended fol lowing the sea for n llvellheiod , and ho figured the sootier J got at It the hot let It \vould bo "Wo had a rough voyage- and I was heart- llj tired of the poky little hooker when vvo reached om Journey's end. This place was Poitland , Ore. , so without excusing mycclt to the captain of the 'Mobile' I took Prcnrh leave Shortly afterward 1 seemed a berth on the United States lluhthouse tender "Manzanlta. " nnd remained with It throe yeuis. Life on board the tender was very pleasant , nnd I cruised In It all along the Pacific coast from Central Ameiica to Alaska , Including the beautiful waters of Puget Sound "Upon le > avlng the 'Manzanlta' I shipped aboard a sailing vessel at Portland feir a trip nround the world I was constantly at s a for a period covering five years. At length I secured a place before the mast on the 'Lord Clyde , ' out of Liverpool , hound for Philadelphia. I arrived In the AnvMlcnn city about a month before the Conemaugh flood. I was out of work at the time the terrible disaster took place , and as I had gained considerable experience In my pen- faring life , In connection with climbing and diving. I secured a position with the Pitts- burg Bridge company to do their high truss painting and construction rigging ENGAGES IN DIVING. "At the time of the flood hundreds of bridges were washed out along the Cono- inaugh. Kisklnltls , Junlata and Susque- hann.a rlveis. In many Instances the bridges were picked up bodily from ttelr abutments nnd deposited In the bottom of the streams. In order to recover these. < I was employed to dive and locate the rpnns and then make fast cables that they might be diagged out upon the banks I was at this business for ncnrlv six months , and had several nairow escapes from he-Ing drowntd by shifting timbers and Iron vvoi'c. ' "My llrst climbing of any magnitude \vca the election of the derricks on the govern ment building at I'lttsburg. Tills was in. . 1890. From Plttsburg I went to Duluth , Minn. , nnd went In the spark arrester busi ness These spark arresters were nn Inven tion of my own , unit were designed to catch the sparks fiom the tops of tall stacks of wootl burning plants. I could make nn ar rester for $ JO , and would get from ? 100 to f50 for putting one in place I was In thin liuslne-33 for about five months , ami caino ne-ar Icslng tny life while engaged In It. "This happened nt CloqitPtto , .Minn. I was working on an Iron smokestack which was ibout 200 feet high I was nearly 150 feet 'rom the ground when the- tackle got nwny 'rom me , and the ropes tunning through the > lockb left me hanging head downward about 100 feet from the ground I viaa rescued by ncans e > f n long ladder. "I'roni Mlnnroqta I went to Chicago and lid comtruellon work In connection with climbing on the Ferris wheel , Madhon street jrldgo and the draw at Ogden nve'iiue From Chicago I came to Omaha. Some of my work hero has been the painting of tli3 smelting works smokestacks , the removal of .he lionwork around the- chimney of the Ilgh school building , the painting of several Steeplers and flag-pole wcrk DOES NOT MINI ) THE WOKK. "The process of placing tackle on smoke stacks and trwera l.s not as dlllleult at III v\ould appear. In working on a tall smoke stack 1 always shin up one of thn guy wires as far an It will carry mo nnd then , place a look attached to a pully upon the upper Ik 1m of the stack. This last Is usually done jy means of a pole In clearing away tl-'n rigging I have a peculiar trip hook which In * ni invention of my own It M released by the pulling of a small string which lcad to thn ground "In climbing churcli spires 11m work la slightly dlffcre-nt I usually work myself up In llio splro from the Inside' as far as porsl- hlo and then bore a hole through the slioith- Ing. A small rope Is run through this anil mada fast to others below The heavy ropa Is made fast Inside , and ! I then nscend from thn outside. By this moans I can generally got within a few feet of tlio lop , and from this point I pin co another tut kin In position around the finale. In clearing away I uao thp trip hook as In the stack work. "Dizzy ? No , I am never affected that ' way I have been In many high plages , but liavu never lost my head torn moment. The work Is dangerous , but I do not mind It. " No man ever found that his vitality wn leaving him without a nlghtuiare Wf "P- , m ' irohonslon Blood Is vitality When you ri Feel weak strengthen your Uhiod Pill Anae- nlo makes rich red blood and re-stores vltul- ty It U composed laigt-ly of conu-nlratcd tent blood and Is the great blood builder. rjffcct * noticed after one wieH's iirfe. Sunn- To snccMO on Friday presages III fortune. To see a shooting star means alj sorts of oed luc.k To pick up an opal argues the acceptance i-ome one's evil fortune If one llnds a plecu of Jewelry It portends he InMlownl of wealth It lu lucky to put on a stocking wrong Ida out or tn put on the left Kho ilrxt. Finding an unopened letter means that ana trill shortly have guod news , To dre-ara of a funeral Is , ulrungo to say , n excellent omen. If you clumo away a black cat you throw way your good luck Bad luck will pursue ) you If you carry the andle of your umbrella down. "They are dandles , " said The . Bowers ot hu Crocket , Texan , Enterprise , while writ- ng about Do vVltt's Little Harly Itlutrs. he famous little pills for sick headache and 1'sorders ' of the etomacli and liver , Examlno the labels and trademarks of pro- irlelary aitlcli-e Initiation * aie coiuiu u. nd in some ) cased the dlfferc-nce betw a hem aud the genuine Is to slight aa to us- ape canlrsK observation. Dewars of dl - - * loncst ehopkve-pcrs and