Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE DAILY B IS : yHTDA.Y , JU1STE fl , 1807.
Wheat at Chicago Closes with a Substan
tial Adv.tnco.
Act nltli ( iron ! Ciinllim I"
VltMV > f lll ! rclUlllllf IJIMITII-
inclit Croi | Ucport Corn
nuil OntM IllKlier.
CHICAOO , June 10. Wheat wns
liut very netvous today , und clowd at a " o
ndvancn. It VVHB iilrnost exclusively o. scalp
cis' market , the pending government crop
rrpoit exeitlslnB Us us"1 * ! effect In restrict-
liiK Hnde. Other markets vvcie ) strong , corn
especially so. Corn udvunccd ? ic , oats ? c
uml provisions closed unchanged to M7'4c ]
Wheat opened with a stronger lone thnn
ptevullul at the close of yesturdujs' eeii-
tljti. July Htaited nt from W/iC to GS-ttc ,
ccmui.ucxl with jesterJiijs' cloying price of
6 ; > ' 'iiOSVic , nnd worked up In a very few niln-
utcs to oie ; , then dropping to CSSc ngsiln.
The propoiui to previ-nt elevutoi proprietors
Iiwm stoilntr ginln owned by themselves In
houses nuieie ) regular by the board ot trade
nnil tliu iiosilblllty of the owners of such refusing -
fusing to apply for the pilvllege of having
thclt clevntots accredited under such u re-
Htilctlon , wiiMcd the ttndeiu to be timid of
Belling July wheat shott. The 5c or so per ,
bushel discount nt which September WHS be-
liiK ti.ided In also causeel a re-luLtuiu-e to
get slioit on thnt delivery. On UIOHC mounds
theliujlng was better thnn the selling nt
thu btart , notwithstanding un opening dc-
e'llni : of Id ut Liverpool und onlj 221 ears of
wheat leporlcd lecciveel ut Minneapolis und
Uiiluth , compared with 35 $ u week ngo nnd
411 the cut responding dny of tliu ieiu ojfore.
Tnotniin'H crop estimates , showing n smaller
liullcnlcd ngtiegnto of Iho growing spring
und u Intel wheat thnn made by privutu
bt.itlMtlehins helped In maintaining thu
Htiengih uf the- market , The sc-abontd clcni-
anccs uf wheat und Hour were much more
libelal than thu day before- . They were
uiunl toKD.OJU bu. , 377OW of , which vvns
wheat. All lore-lgn mat bets tent lower ciuo-
tntlonu except Antweni. vvheic price's Vvere-
rejiorted unchanged. Llveri > eel elOKe-d IVid
lower thtin vesterdny'H latest tiuotntlons ,
1'irls fiuin lOc to lfe lowct and lie-rlln from
1m to I'im ' lovvci. The mnrkct becnmu very
unsettled nftet 11 o'cloik , but uveiiiged
utrong. July advanced to C9'ic und fell back
to oj-j. but bj IJ.15 o'clock had ugaln tul-
\anced to C'V ) < c. In the ; last half lioui
touched cyy and wu bringing CflQCO e nt the
Corn acted HUong after a few 11101110111 * ) of
liesltatlon at the beginning , Uie chief factor
of stioiifjUi being a very bullish 1'rlce Cur-
Jciit lepoit. The vvuithe-i conditions were
Impovoil. ! but not enough HO to relieve the
nnxlety of shorts , who weiu active buyers all
( lay , Kecilpt amounted to i"U3 cnra. July
oponc-d Hhnde hlghci ut 24\iQ"4'Ac , ad
vanced to UiUftJ-'i'/ic. ' and cPjsed ut ZS c bid.
O.ilH wns firm , iirlnciptlly tjccati'vu of the
bctte-r feollng In wheat anil corn. Ciop et > -
tlnuiti-s vvero circulated , predicting u 2 to
3 per cent area reduction nnd the
condition at 92. There were nl o Intlucntlal
features. Thcrtv , w.ts goeKl general biijlnt , '
nil day. Ilecelpts were 2o" eatf. July
opened a almde higher ut 17TiSilSc and uil-
Miiicpel slowly to IS ic. where it closed.
I'lovlslons vvcie steady In nplte of heavy
Foiling of pork und ribs by Kngllsli IIOUM-M.
Thclt ofTerlngB were leadlly nbsotbed and
prices advanced toinuwhnl. ( nidnhy was a
coiiMilcuous buyer. Hog leuelpts vveie much
below the estimate and this fact contrib
uted to the IlrmncsH At the close July pork
was 5c hlL'hci ut $745. July laid a fchade
Iilghcr at &i4i ( i3.GO , ana July ribs G'it7 > < c
lilgher at JI25. *
Estimated receipts Fildny : Wheat , C cars ;
coin . 5W cars ; oats , H03 cars ; hogs , 23.000
I.i-ndlng futures rnnge-d as follows :
Artlcli-s | opjn | Htjii 1 CJ10S3
\ \ he-at-
July. . DS'idH cnn
"ept . aJi O'JM
Dee- . . Utl > i 07JS bli COH be !
, June. 24 24X E4
July. . . ! ! 4M -5H
Sept. . 20M
July. . . . 17K-18 18M 17M-1S 18
fenm. . . . ISJt 18
. July. . . 7 40 7 CO 7 40 7 45 i 7 40
Laret 7 00 7 tO 7 50 7 5ii 7 60
July. . . CO CO 3 17 ! < 3 SO
Sent. ' . . U UU 3 f > 7)n ) J ( it ) 00
Julj. . 4 20 4 2S 4 20 4 2S 4 20
_ .Sept. . . 4 U5 4 M 4 23 4 .10 4 25
Noi 2
Cash quotation * ) were as follows :
I'LOUR Steady : spring patents , } 3 70ii4 00
winter patents , (4 20S4 40 , straits , Jl 00tf4 10 , bJK-
cr , f2 Of(2 t 0.
WHEAT-No 2 sprlnff. 70H@71V4c ; No. S
spilntr. Sc ; No 2 red , 7Jc.
CORN No. 2 UW-S'Jc.
OATB No 2. Hi.,0 f o b ; No 2 white , 2Piy
22 > 4c ; No 3 white , 19 { f22c
RYE No. 2. J3 c ,
RARLBV No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 27B > 3Jc : No.
4 , 272Sc.
I'LAXSEED-No 1. 75V407fk : .
TIMOTHY bEED-1'rlme. 2 70W2 75.
1'ROVISIONS Mc-s pork , per bbl % 17 4SJT7 'a
Lnrd. per 100 Ibs , $3 424i3 45. Short rlby thlea
( lonre ) . (4 15ff4 IS Dry alled shoulders ( boxed )
J5 ( IS32ri : short clear sides ( boxed ) , J4 COJJ4 C2' .
WHISICY-DUtllleis' llnluhcd eoods , per BUI ,
Jl 19
HUOAR-Cut loaf , * S 40 , pranuHtcd , Jl S4
Cuiiilltlon of Trail.ami Queitntluim
on .Stiiiiltuml Pain. } 1'roiliice- .
ErKlS-Ilulk of FUle-s. 7c.
HUTTER-C.immon to fair , CBSc ; choice to
fancy , lOfil c , separator creamery , 15c ; gath
ered creiimci ) , 13c.
VI2AI < Cholec fnt , SO to 120 Ibs , quoted at
Efl'Jc ; Iaiie and ceiarte , 405c.
LIVE I'OULTRY-Hens 6' flCc ; cocks , 3T5c ;
iprlng ehlekens , per Ib , UyiCc.
PIGEONS Live , 76C90c ; dead pigeons not
. .1J Y U'lan'1' | fcoml'llund. . 1450 ; lowlnnd.
1400 ; DC straw , * 4 CO , eolor makes the prlca on
hay , light baleii cell the best , only tori grades
bring top prle s.
IlROOMCORN-Eitremcly slow sale ; new crow
dcllveied on track In country ; choice green self.
working carpet , per Ib , 202V4c ; choice gr en ,
tunning to hurl , 2 T2e4c : common. Hie.
QREEN 1'EAH Per ' 4-hu , bunket , M&COc.
1'JIJ 1MJVNT Per Ib . < 4c.
CllCUMllERS-1'cr doz. , 3 G40c.
' 10 IATOEPir 4 harktt crate , | 1 25.
KADISIIES-1'tr dot , K 15c
LirrriJCE-l'i r do * . lOflllte.
WAX llEANS-Per ' 4-bu , banket , 90c8 l 00.
Hl'RING IIEANS-Per ' 4-bu. box , Me.
NEW ONION8-Per uoz , lOClSc.
1'AllHLlCY-l'er doz , IOO25C7
UNIONS I er bu . SI 50.
LIMA IIEANS-Per Ib . 3c.
HEANS-Hand.plcked navy , per bu . 11.10.
I'AIIIIAOK-Callfornla. Jft-J' c per Ib.
1\JTA'IOES New , per bu , Jl 00 , old native
tck , per bu , ' 5C30e- ,
PALllXiriNIA CHEIlltlES-Per 10-lb box. | 1 Oo
Cl ! 5.
STRA WHERRIES Pnncy , Jl.7'02 DO
111JVCU RASPIIERRIES Per 24 pint case.
II 75
APPLES No uhlpplng stoek.
HOUlHERN PLUMS Per 24-qt. case , 11,73
( JOOSEIlERRIES-Per 21-qt case , II 50O1.75.
bOl'THERN PEACIIES-Per ' 4-bu . 75cCfJl 00 ,
OIIANOES heedllngii , | 325 ; Mediterranean
vveets func ) , 13 W.
LEMONS Me hlnas. fumy. 3M > a3"5 ; choice ,
JSOO&321 , chulev California , | 2 50.
RANANAS Choice lar ti stock , per bunch
| 2 C10TJ2 55 ; medium Blrevl bunches II ECQt ( W.
NUlh Aliuondi , ( .ulliornlu , per Ib , large
( lie , lie ; HrailU , i > er Ib , lOc , English vtulnuu ,
pel | b , func ) , soft phell , 1201V : standards
lOQllc , lllbeitti , per Ib. , lOc ; peeuns. pollehed ,
Urge , DtflVo ; Juiulw , ll lc , large hlcKory nuiu ,
II 2V per bu , . iv > ri. nuU. Ho ench.
I'HIS Imp-tried fancy 4 crown , 20-1U boie < ,
lie , & crown U Ib boxei , Uifllc.
HONEV-Cholcc. 13CI5c.
CIDERClarllled Julie , per half bbl. , J ! : per
W W. 4 000425.
MAPLE HYRl'P rive-gal , cans. each. 12 23 ;
gal cans , pure , per doz , 112 ; Imlf-gul. curs.
IC. 5 ; qunrl cans U 60
DRESSED IlEEl'-Good native tteen. 400 to
COG Its. 7c , good forequarters , ttetr * Cie ; good
) ilndiuurtcr ( > , S c , vvmtern teer > . 4c , fancy
heifers , C c , good hclffis , Co. good foreauarteri
heifers Ce ; , good hlnetquarler * heifer * , ( c , gaoil
covva , Cc , fair cov f , i'tc. cpiiunon covv > , ( o
cow forequartej-i , 4 c , cow hindquarters. 7 HO.
DEEP Cl'TS Tendirlolns ISc. bcurletr nrljin.
] 0x. . nrlp loin * , tc. roll * , Sc , flrloln U * o ;
rhuuleter rlodn , CHc ; rump liuitv , &c , iteer
chuck * , 4ite , COM ehuck * , 4u boneliwi chuck * ,
4 He. con plate * , SUc. Hirer plate * , S\c , flunk
cteaK , C , loins , No. 1. He , loins. No I. He.
loin * . No. J , o ; No. 1 hort lolni , 16c ; No. 2
Ihort laliu. Uc , Ko , I Uiort lota * , Me ; ilrlolu
mSi fOIOc rll.f. No I , 12crlbn. . No. J. fe.
tlf [ , NeZ , 7ei , * teer rounds. 7c ; cow renmeli.
eytc , cow round * , rhnnk oft , 7a ; coir round * .
shsnk dnd rump off , 7HC trlmmlnifs. 3Hc , l > eef
thankt , * Hc. brains , ir dot . 25c , swfetbrends ,
| fr Ib , lOc mttbrci\ds ( efilvf * ) , per Ib 40c ,
klilner tr iloc 3Sc , * x tnll * eseh , Jo. liters ,
per Ib , 2Jc ! , heart * , per Ib , IMc , tongui * . per
Ib . 12o
PORK DreMWl pigs tlic ; drettcd liogs. Be ;
ti mlcrlolnr , H > c loins , S'je , spare rll > s , I'je.
bum snurnRe , lutts , Cc , rhouUlerfi. rough , Cc ,
nhoulileni. fklnned , t'ic , trlmmlnKS. 1'ic ; lent
Inrd , not tendered , tc , heiuln. cleaned , 3c ;
snout nnd ears. 3o , backbones , ! c ; clie-ek mtkts ,
Sc , neck bodes 2147 ; pigs' tall * , 3c , plucks ,
i/ich , tc ; chllUrllnKf , tc , hock * , 4c hearts , per
di r 2r ; tnmArhs inch , So , tongue * , ench , 7ci
kldnes , per dot , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ;
pigs' feet , per doz , lOc , livers , ench , 8c.
HIDES-No. 1 green bl4c. Nl 2 green
hlile , 1'tc , No 1 green silt l hlles Cljc ; No. 2
green rnlled hides.r > Vc , No 1 veal calf , S to 12
lli , 7c ; Nn 2 veal calf , 1 2to 15 Ibs. , 4ii. No 1
dry flint hides , SfllOc ; Vo. 2 dtv nlnt hides , fO
tc , Nn 1 dry salted hide * , Sf ! > cj pnrt cured
hides. 'MC per Ib. less thnn fully eurel.
RHEEP PELTS Ore'n * Blted , ench. 2SJIWc ;
rreen snltcd , rhenrllngs ( rhort wooled eirly
tklnr ) , each , 15o , dry shearlings ( short tvooHd
early kln ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry flint , Kanein
nnd Nelrntkn butcher wool polls , per Ib , ac
tual weight , 4JJtc ; dry Mint. Kansas nnd Ne-
br kn Murrnln weiol pells , per Ib , nitunl
wilght , 304c , dry nint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib , actual weight. 45o , dry flint
Colornelo murrnln wool pell * , per Ib , actual
t. 34c. f et cut off. ns tt Is useless to
buy freight on them
TALI/MV AMD ORE ASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2Jc ;
tallow , No. 2 , tc ; greftse , white A , Sc ; grease ,
while 11 , 2o , grease , yellow , 2c' grease , dark ,
lc , old butter , Sg Vic. bceswnx , prime , ! CG22o ;
rough tallow. Ic . . .
\ \ OOIUnwnshed , fine heavy , 67c ; ttnc light ,
ESPc , qunrterblood , 10iflc fcedy , burry nnd
chnffy , SilSo ; cotted nnd broken , conr e , 74i9c ;
celled nnd broken , flue , CflSc. l-'leecc wnfhed ,
medium , 1601SO , nne , liniOc- tub wni-hed , 1CJ ?
ISc ; blnek , So , bucks , Oc ; tag locks , 23c ; dead
pulled. 5flOc.
RONES In carlol * . weighed and delivered In
Chlcngo ! Drj buffalo , per ton , JI200JJ1400 ; dry
country , bUnclitd per ton , 110 0012 CO dry coun
try , damp nnd meaty , per ion ,
OtitxIilcrN Continue to llu.v nnil Iliir-
iitant St ol < H Take Life * .
NEW YORK. June 10-Toaay showed the
largest volume of trading on the Stock exchange
for the tear thus fm , the total snles of all stocks
behiR UOGGQ shales. Tlic dealings were well
dlstilbutcd throughout the llpt , man ) stocks that
have laid dormant for a long time being called
Intu activity bj the awakened elem md for fe-
curltle'j among the. outside public This demand
was Indicated by tile good commission house
bujlnr Rut there wns also quite extensive
commission house selling of stocks , pointing tu
the piohiblllt ) thnt the continued stead ) life
In prices hat ) Invited the marketing of some
holdings thnt 1mvo been kept bick ( or a lonj ?
tuin In the market. The marked strength ot
the maiket during all the early portion of the
day wns accompanied by more or less desultory
selling to takeprontv , but up to the final hour
of trading all thcte offerings were absorbed
without any mirkpil effect on the market Rut
a heavy realizing movement In the llnal hour
wiped out n large ! part eif the e-uller gain in
most securities and all of It In quite n. number
The heavy liquidation In hu ar was the main
fuetor In breaking the mirke-t , the lolling bclnw
Increased by some disappointment that the
sugar schedule of the tnrllf bill had not passed
the fcnntc when trailing eloped and lo rc-avvnh-
nieil apprehension that It mlnht be chunked In
eonfcienee between the two houses so as to
lessen the protection on refined uugnr. re
sulting vve-ultnefs of bugar was ns effective In
depressing the market In view of the Urge vol
ume of Itu tales as Its aggressive Btrcnglh In
tlw nvornlnB ha < l Iwen In t-ustulnlng It The
lecpoiibeof the London market for Americans
to jesleielaYs laic utrength here also gave n
strong Impetus lo the early advance London
wnt nh-o n buvcr here to a moderate extent
of all the special favorites of that market. Them
was some dl trust felt of this London buylnrf
by pinfefKlonnl traders on the ground thnt It
may be for a uhort turn of tie market and Is
llkelj to eome bick here for salts soon. The
grnnfiirs were uctlvel > traded In all day , bt.
J'nul lending In both volume of transactions
and In extent of the advance , which reached n
point Itb rc.ictlon was also less thnn the others
of the group , which lost prnctlenll ) all their
tain. Rock Island showing a net lota bugor
full from the high point was 2\ per cent , but
a llnnl lallv left Its net loss frietlonal The
coalers were- also notnbly active nnd strong
Nevv Jcrso5 Central advanced 3'4 per eent. Dela
ware A. Hudson. 2'4 per cent and Lackavvamin
anil all tueo Reading stocks over a point , the-
lattei on vnj luavv transaction ; Lackawantui
held the- gain , but the otheil ) reacted , New Jcr-
sej Central nnd Delaware S. HuJ-on gaining -
points net und the Reading stocks a fraction.
Vobicco win. active on manipulation and clusca
practically undiluted The Iron nnd steel eom-
pinlcs were notnbly strong nnd reacted only u
fraction , Illinois bteel advancing 2V4 per centi
Mlnuesoli lion , 2 per cent , and Tennessee Coil
nnd lion , IV. per ecnt The Vanderbllt stocka
all bhoweel stieiiBth , Cnmdn Southern ana
Michigan Centnl Kalnlng lper cent , and the
Nevv oik Central and St. Louis stoek over a
point , other gains In the group being fractional
Northern 1'aclllc preferred was r > nctlve , but
moved very narrowly. Louisville , < ! i Nashville
Kilned 1V4 per cent. Lead preferred advanced s
per cent , Norfolk S. Western. 1& per cent , bt.
1'aul , < L Duiuth. 3 per cent. The new fecurltles of
the St Jo'cph * * Grand Island railroad were
dealt In for the llrst time , the first preferred ,
ranging from 39 down ter 37 > 4 , the second pre
ferred from V , to 11 , nnd the illJt mor gifie
bonds from C'7 lo 03 V , ef tern Union continue i
notably active- , advancing 1'4 per cent , out re
acting a point. The closing was vvcaU , but
Might net gMns were the rule _ . , .
- ! „
bond market
The railway nnel miscellaneous
continues to illspla > pronounced strength on
heavy dealings whlcli Include an extensive va
riety of Issues. Purchases for speculative and
Investment account by domestic and foreign
to the Improving
capitalists gave a decided Impetus
proving tcndeney th-it carried numerous bonds
sulMtHntUll ) above preceding prices The ; mid
dle grade Issues figured quite prominently In
the speculation and regleteied the prtnclp il
gains The aetlUtv of the usually dormant
mortgages Indlcnfwj a decided broadening ten-
deiwy. which Is Indicative of n substantial out-
sldo Interest In the general market. "Iho specu-
latlve Issues generally moved within narrow lim
its , but shared to a moderate extent In the gen
eral Improvement The tales were COSO.OOO The
principal advances were : Wabath llrsts , Detroit
Chle.iRo extension , 3\ per cent , debentures
serlcK , 2H per cent , nnd debenture firsts and seconds -
ends Norfolk & Wettern 4s. 2 pet cent. Mobile
& Ohio 4s , 1 % per eent. Toledo , fat Louis K.
Kunsut City first trust receipts. Ohio & Missis-
slppl cecomls. MUrourl I'nclllc consols Cs mid
Missouri I'aclllc collateral 5s trust receipts , 1V4
pit cent , and Tevns < v Pncinc firsts , Susquehanna -
hanna & . Western generals , Ontario & Western
lefundlng 4s , Commercial Cable 4s , Louisville i
Nafhvlllc unified 4s. Kings County Elevated
llrsts , Kansas Vnctlle first trust receipts , Lrle
gemral 4 , fViloi ulii Coal fs nnd American Spir
its Cs , 1 per crnt Weakness wns apparent In a
few bonds , nnd some fhnrp lotsos ensued. In-
eluding I'lfter ft Delaware Us. 2V per cent , On-
tnilii .v Western consols , , 1 % I > er cent , nnd I < ex-
Ington Avenue firsts. 1 per ecnt. Governments
weto neglected nt the board , but advanced
slhhtl > on bid quotations.
The Evening I'osl's Ixmdon flnnnclnl cable
gram sas : "Tile Block markets eloped llrm
throuRhout the dny , with Americans distinctly
good A very small break slightly Inlluences
this point , there belntf no stock obtainable. A
hopeful feeling prevails nlto , but much depends
on the nsflstanco Nevv York renders. Argen
tine government bonds have had a sharp rise In
anticipation of the renrrancement of the debt.
The Trunk of Cunad l stocks keep firm The
I'arls bouise had a steady opening , but later
Ipciuno dull The Reilln market remained
steacl > . "
The following were the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
. Ontario A.V 14M
Ad.i iHEx . , 14U Ore-con Nav Ill
Alt n T. 11 . U O. S L O.U N. . . . lllk
Am. Kxrtrom . 11- I'aclllo Mall * . ' 8U
ll.illlmnniA.Ohlo. Hit * I'norl l. Ue-o. AH. M
C'unaeln P.tclnc . ll i PlttHburi ! ins
Camilla Southern M ) Pullman I'al vce. . . Id'J
Cenlr/ill'.icllio , . . . II
Ches.A.Ohlo . 17Hi R.O. w
rhlc.uoA. Alton. . ItH elonfd
O. It. , VQ . 71H ( Hock Islinet ,
( 'hlcau'O C l . HD | | St I'lul
COIlROllll'lUHl ( TVS. 101
O. C. C. , V St. L. . . . 1J < St. Paul , V Omiha. fiHM
Colo. Coil A. Iron . St. 1' . Id. O pfl . Ill )
Cotton OilCiTt. . , . Southern I'iclllo. . 10M
107M SuzarKollneiry. . . . l .l
Del. lAck .V\V , , , 14UV4 Tenn. Coil A. Iron , a'l'f
I ) All O. Ufel . iUh loxnu I'.ioirti : . . . uej
East Tenn . , . , , 1 tin Tol. ft O. e'en nfJ ( >
I'.nu . .11 llnlou 1'aelllc. . 7)5
Kort W.ivno . llltl II. a Expr < 9 < ti . SU
f. . Northern i > M. . PJU XV. St. L .v I've. . . 0 4
C.&E 1. nfel . OJ XV. St.L.i.P nfd. 1 < T
RocUtnir Vallov' . . - ' < Wcllst'irso Bic. . . 1(14
Illinois Coiitr.ll. . . ti7 \Ve-sle-ruUiiloii. . . . 81 < t
St. P. A Ouluth . , ID U'liuulhiff b L K. , Ji
It. AT. pfd . -.IH W" . X L K ufd . 2
LukuKrlei t West. 14 Minn. AC S-.LO.IU , lit
ilopfd . , . UJtfi Den .VH. 0 . lt <
LikoShoro . IH'I lien hlutrlo . . . . : ) : ! ' <
LeMdTnis ! . 20 N.ifl Llii oed . 11
l ) Ulsvlllu& N. . . . 4UU Cole KiiHl .Vlrou. 1HK
L , V N. A . 'j elonfd . b7
Mauhutt in Con , , , , fteltt Tel St. L .VK. U. . fit *
etotifd . 1HV
MleliU-uiCcutrit ! > ' > Southen . , , . H
Mo. I'.ioltlo 17)1 ) soutiii-ni pfd. . "KU
Mobllo vOhlo . . . . It ) Tobieeo . . 7 } (
N.ishvlllu Clhat. . . oa Tobu-uo pfd . , 103
N , J. Ce-ntr.ll , . . . 7UV < Am T. A , IX Co. , , 8H
N.A.W. pfil 30 O C. Co
North Am Co. . . . 4'4 A , S R. pfd . 107
N-irlhon. r.u.llla. 13H Ixtitlier pM . OH
N. I'.icllle. pfd. . . . 40VJ Ruil ! > e-r . 11
( I. ! ' . . ! ) .VU m Rubber ufd . BtlV
Norlhivusiorn. . . . . . 109 Am. Si'lrlti . 11 >
iioutd 157 dopfl
N. Y , Ccntril 100 O. U. X N. P'U. . . .
N Y .IN. Kng. . . . 7
Total sales of stocks to lay were 315,315 shares.
Including : American Toluicco , 14 000 ; Atiblmn ,
S ( M , Amerlinn tiuuar. 43.1-0. Rurllngton , 2) ) > s < X ) ;
e'unadlan Bouthem , 4 W-J. L'hlcaKU Gas , 8.3uO ,
Pelnvvare , 4.KO ; Oenenil Electric. J.fco ) , Ixiuls-
vllle . NufhvlUr. 10 200. Manhattan contollJiitf-d ,
4 KO National Irfiul , 4,1O. . North\veitern. 4100 ;
Northern I'aclllo preferred , 13 < UO , 1'uclflo Mall ,
MOO , Reading. lilOCU Rixk Itiland , 14:00 , hi.
I'nul , 1"J MO. Ti-nncfsee Cual and Iron , 7JoO ,
Western Tnlon , 11.2W , Southern Rall uy. S.SOO ,
bouthem Railway preferred , 13,400 , New Jersey
Central , 16,700.
Ne-iv VeirU .vione-y llurkct.
Eaiy at Ifll'l ] wr cent ; latt loan , 1 per ex-nt.
eloilnt ; elfna at 1 per ce-ut
with actual
We-e-ktj Hunk of UiiKluml htate-nu-nt.
LONDON , June 10 The- weekly statement or
the Hank of Engl ind toda ) shovvi the following
ehinges ns compnred with tie previous week :
Totnl reserve , increnfc , 0,000 , circulation , dc-
crea--e. 220.00 , bullion , decrease , 211,071 , other
securities , decrease , 0000 , other deposits , In-
creatc , 183,000 , public deposit ! decreaseJ.1S4 , -
000 ; notes reserve , Increase , 20,000 , government
securities , unch-inged.
The proportion of the U mlc of England's rc-
fcrvc to liabilities , which last week v > ns 5053 per
cent , remains the ame this week.
/The / Itank of England's rate of discount re
mains unchanged at 2 per cent.
Mntemciit uf I In- Hunk of 'France. '
PARIS , June 10 The weekly bank statement
of the Rank of Trance , Issued todny , Ghows the
following changes ns compired with the previous
report : Notes In circulation , decrease , ti4,730OUo
frnncs ; tieasury account current , decrease. 180 W3
francs ; gold In hand , 1,070 000 frnncs , bills ill-i-
counted , ilecrcafc 114 750 000 francs ; silver In
hand decrease , 2 500,000 francs.
Greek mill TnrkiMli IIonilN.
LONDON , June 10 rorelgn securities are re
ported at unchanged prices , with the exception
of Turkish group i ( C ) , which Is % lower at 22.
Financial ! Sote-H.
NEW ORLEANS , June 10 Cleirlnga , * jt > 2 2C7.
RO3TON. June 10 Clearings , JH.12G.GC3 ; bal
ances , $1,855072
NEW YORK , June 10 Clearings , tM.m.SK ) .
balances , Jf47S37.
PHILADELPHIA , June 10 Clearings , $3,750-
330 , balance" , ! 1,352,229.
CINCINNATI , June 10 Money , 214S per cent ;
New York exchange , 75c premium , nominal
Clearings , f2,277CXK )
MUMPHIS. Tenn , June 10 Clearings , J205-
Mfi , balances , JC7.270 Nevv York exchange , sell
ing at ? 1 50 premium.
hT LOUIS. June 10 Clearings , J4,414 358 , bil-
anccs , 1474,415. Money , 467 per cent. New \ork
exchange , 50o premium bid , 75c premium usKed
CHIC'\GO , June 10 Clearings , 111,703 41S , New
York exchange. C5c premium , foreign exchange ,
ttead ) , demand. H S7V4 slxt ) das , 14 SOU. Itc-
nlUIng tales made n lather weak BtiKk market
toda ) , closing prices : City RHlIvvny. 240 , West
Chicago , ICO4 , Btrawbourd , 2fi , South Side U
42 % , North Chlcigo , S2S , Lake Htreet , 1014 ; New
York Illfcult , 4S > T4.
I orclun Kliiiuielnl.
IIERLIN , June 10 Exehange on London , 10
pfgj ? for "thecks
PARIS , June 10 Three percent rentes , 103f
27'4c. Exchange on London , 25f 10V4c.
IXNDON , June 10 The amount of bullion
gone Into the Li. ink ot England on balance today
Is 25,000.
St. LoulH Ciciii-rul Mrtrkct.
ST. LOUIB. June -rLOUR-Dull and un
changed , patents Jl Mill 70 , extra fnney. M I3f
4 40. fancy , J3 50ff3 75. cholec , J3.10S3 10.
AM1EAT I itures , llrmer'at the opening , while
business was comparatively light A better feelIng -
Ing prevailed and the market advanced , closing-
fractions higher than jesterday. Bpot , hlgicri
No. 2 red ensh elevatoMo bid ; track , SS'/WMic ,
July , C'j 4o bid , Augujt , C7T.u nskeil , September.
CSc asked
CORN I'utures ruled stronger iihd higher ,
with u fair r mount of trading Spot , hither ;
No 2 ensh , 22H6'4lic ! , July , 225,0230 ; beptcmber ,
SIV'.C ! bid
OATS I'utures , easier. Spot , nrmcr ; No S
cash 17He bid ; Jul ) , IHo bid ,
UYIT-titFaily , SJc , track.
R A RLE Y Nominal
I1RAN Dull and weak , snckwl , entt trnclc ,
nominally 3Si3Sc and 3-37c for cast side country
KI VXHEKD-htend ) , 72c.
TIMOTHY SEED l'rlme , )2 10fi2.CS
HAY Dull , wenk und lower ; prairie , M 004J >
SOO. tlmolhy. t7.r < ni50
1IIIT1 Ell-Slow , creamery , llOlCVic ; dairy , CCT
KClflB-Hte-ady. 8 c.
1-OULTR Chickens , old hens , nrm nt 6ci
i-pilng , lusy at Wile , dueks , spring , lower ut
SiilDc : gcefe , iiulet ut lOc.
WHIHKY-fl.U. -
Min'AI-S I > ; ad , quiet , 07'4O3 10. Spelter.
steady , 14
PROVIMONS Pork , dull , firmer ; standniJ
mem. Jobbing , J7 608 Ml. Lnnl. firmer , prime
HUum. (3 30 ; chiilre * , JJ 27 li. Itncon ( boxed ) ,
Fhoulderv , 153714 , extra hliurt clear , 15 15. rib : : ,
1535 ; shorts. 15 DO Dry salted melts ( boxe1) ,
fluiulilt m , (4,75 ; extra short clear , 1470 , rlbn ,
} l M , shorts , (4 ! < 0.
REPEll'TS-riour , 3000 bbls. ; IV. he-it , 8,00o
bn : corn K > 000 bu ; can , 31 COO bu
KIIIPMENTS rinur , 11000 bbls ; wheat , 3.CXKI
bu. ; corn , 172000 bu ; oats , iiS.bCK ) bu.
KtiiiHiiN City MnrUe-lH.
KAN8AH CITY , June 10 WHEAT Steady ;
offerlnts I'Khf ' Na , 2 hard , 701 0 , No 3 , C2 { | 6c ;
No. 4. UXf' > c ; No. 2 rprlng , f fl7Cc , No , 3 , ltd
do ; No. 2 red. tOftblc , No. 3 , 7 W7Co ; No. 4 , Kit
CORN Dull and ubout steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
* "
"oAT8- dy : No 2 white , Ulifi c.
RYE No 2 , 2 JiZ9c.
HAY-Sleady ; timothy , 110 CO ; prairie , I7.C-0.
lll'TTER Strong uml fairly active , creamery ,
lOWlOVno , dalr > . kftlOc.
ECSOHllarelvtteiuly at 7c.
RECEIiaS Wheat , 1,600 bu. ; corn , 17500 bu. ;
oaU. 4 COO bu.
BHIl'MENTH Wheat , 3 , COO bu , ; corn , 31,200 bu. ,
emU , D.OOO bu
riillfuruln Ilrlrtl I < Vul < H.
FRUITS Steady , evaporated apples , prime wire
tray , 4 > 464So per lb.i woexl dried , prime , 4 JT
414c , choice , 4'i l lc. fancy , 4HC5c , prunes 2V4U'
tc. as to site und quality , aprlcotu , Itoyal ,
Moor parks , IJCltc , jxachen , unpeeled ,
Sail I'rime-lnco AVhcitt mill Ilurle-y.
SAN KRANCI6CO. June 10 WHUAT-Cloteel
quiet and nrm ; December , < 1 21 bid.
Oattlo Receipts nIOotftinuo Liberal , bat
Hogs Fair O'ff'Considerably ' ,
Ilccf Storm OftorVil Ho " * Come Ul >
to Crude iiiui1 the Triulc In
' '
M.MV-L-'l'loKN Still a
' *
Slilul'e Lemer.
SOUTH OMAHA , Juno lO-Itccelpts for
the Onya Indicated were !
Cattle. HORS Sheep. Horse < > .
Juno 10 . , 3.497 5,527 453
June D . 3.217 G.05S 911
Julio S . 3.C45 7,062 991
Juno 7 . 3.21S 1.3SS 1WU
Juno 5 . J.M7 6i95 ItJS
JU11Q 4 . 3,783 7.I91 4,1 S
JtlllC 3 . 2.Z90 fi.r.Gli 3,0X1
Juno 2 . 3,517 8GSO 1,037
Juno 1 . 2,641 i > U7
May 31 . 1.6S3 3.1M U.W
Miyzn . I.BIO 7S1G 1.S5S .
May 23 . 1.T3G 8,218 1612
May 27 . 1.4CU 0,517 1,192
Tlio olllclnl number fit cars ot stock
broujrht In todny by each ronilvns :
Cuttle. Sticcp.
C. . M. & St. P. Hy . 3 1
Missouri 1'nclllo Hy . 8 4 1
Union Pnt'lllc sj tcm. . . . . . 30 IB 1
C. & N. W. Hy. . . . . . 1
r. n & M. v. u. u . 20 19
C. . St 1' . , M. At O. Hy. . . . 23 12
H. M. 11. It. U . 30 21
C. . H. & Q. Ity. . 3 4
C. , H. 1 , A : 1' . Hy , d.i t. . . 5 5
C. . It. I. > St 1 > . lt > . , west. . 2 2
Totnl receipt- } . , 131 bT
The disposition of tlio day's receipts
ns follows , each , buyer purennslng the num
ber of head Indicated :
Hujers. Cattle. Hog-i. Sheep.
Otn.thn , Packing Co 13 L117 . . . .
G. H. Hammond Co 3lri lU7fi
Swltt and Comptny 250 1,371 C
Cudnhy Packing Co M5 2,121 193
H. Becker K De .m 6S3
VniiRnnt & Co : > 3
J. li C.irey M)3 )
Huston & . Co a )
Kingston & Schnllor 121
Hammond , Kansas City 112
Cudnhy , Knnsas City 234
Other buyers 119
Left over 450 100
Totnli 3S ) G.S02 453
CATTLG Ktccipts ot c.itticvera some
what In excess of the run yesterday , but
there were not ns many beef cattle here , a
considerable projrartlor. or the receipts being
made up of stockcrij nnd feeders. The irmi-
ket as a whole was .slownnd to that extent
at least , unsitlsfactory.
The beef steers on silo did not average
up very well In the matter of quality.
There were some very good and handy little
cattle , but nothing In tlic vuiy of fancy
'i vy cuttle. The trade IIB a whole VVUB
elull. The shippers bought hcnvlly jester-
oYi. Armour being n largo buyer , while
Swift and Company took eighteen cars for
export to Liverpool. Toelay the shipper * did
not seem to care to do mucn , nnd the local
packers ind things pretty much their own
" " . } ; . ° "InK lt > the keenness of tie. ( com-
I > etltion yesterday prices -were pre tt > Btlff aa
compared with other market" , nnd the pick
ers were strongly * iricllned to make up for It
by taking off toddy. 'As a still further bear
nlluence Chicago was reported closing lOc
ovver. The re ult wits that fat cattle had
to so.l lOc lower : , Salesmen were backward
about making the , confession , but In the end
they cut loose atul the cattle were about all
sold by midday. 1 *
The supply of butchers' stock was small ,
only ten or a dopcn loads being offered
and ns the demand wn- good they chaneeel
hands early at steady price- .
Iho stacker and feeler market -was dull ,
heavy , and warmed-up cattle being espe
cially slow Beller ; ! . Generally speaking , the
market was about Ide lower , but In ionic
cases very eleslr.ib'e light cattle sold about
mfii v.n.s } estcrdny. One bunch of fancy
white faces , steers and heifers , brought
f.O In the natives , there were
Hcpresentatlve numbi'r pf w-esterns In the yards.
Wiles :
No. Av. Pr. N < APr. . No AV. Pr.
L.i.S10 J4 < K > J. . . 912 | 4 no 2(1 ( 1110 * tl V
43. . .1QK. 4 n . . .1010 4 30 39 . . .1205 r.o
20 . . .1157 4 . r. . . 119G 4 49 42 . . .1452 . 55
? . . . . ISO 4 ' 27. . . 9SS 4 25 14..1J22 4 10
7. . . . Ml 4 05 21..1115 4 35 13 .1O3D 4 40
, 994 4 20 21..1028 4 35 1 . . .1060 4 40
23. . ,1016 , 4 20 17. . . I3S2
437M 1. . . .1240 440
4. . 1122 4 20 15 . . .114. 4 37W r > . 1100 4 45
22 . . 1025 4 25 22..1123 4 40 22. . . 1204 4 45
L. . . 190 4 25 1..1250 4 4) 24. . . . 9S9 4 10
14. . . . 903 4 15 19 .10SG 4 20 "s"1.101G 4 20
31.,1101 4 25 42.- . , ,10SO 4 30 2r..1333 4 55
5..1070 4 3S 17..1235 4 40 10 . . .1355
10. , . . tl 4 10 I.HOG i la 28. . 10)9 ) 4 35
15 . . S28 2 73 13. . . f-54 2 7 * L. ,1110 2 2'
J. . .1103 3 40 10 . .
.1047 3
CO 1 . , 910 2 f.0
L.L. . . SSO 2 10 1. . . V.O 3 IS. . , 9SG 3 40
L. 1170 3 50 1. . .KM 3 0 G . .1130 3 C5'
2. . . S93 3 75 in. . . 9J7 3 75
L. ,1200 3 00
1.L. 'l2IO 2 25 - . . . . 2 S-i 18 , , , , 10J3 3 23
ivu > j
L. 2 < S 1..1040 3 15 2..1000 3 TO
1 . . 910 2 30 1..1200 3 15 1 . . .1MO SSO
L. 1010 . ! 40 1C , , .1087 3 15
1. . . ,1110 3 r,5
1 . 1040 2 45 . .1100 3 35 10 . . ,1042 3 M
2 . . 9SO
270 , 1103 3 40 1. . . .12CO j r.5
1 .
. 950
2 75 . 1 40 1. . . , mo 3 ( .0
L. .1170 2 S5 2..1165 3 40 3 . . . C7C 3 fiO
2. . .1015 2 5 1100 3 40
. 90 3 70
1 . 1000 3 00 . .KSO 3 4b ,1030
3. .
3 00
' .loro 3 45
L. .1100 2 75
1 . . 930 2 75 1. . .1140 1. ,1270
1 . . 970 90
3 00 I. I1CO 3 OJ
1. .1010
3 10
1 . 12CO j 25 ,1210 , 3 . " 5
3 75
IOCS 3 90 1 1430 4 00
7 0 3 S3 23. . . . 70. ) 3 93 L. . 700 J M
S95 3 00 . 79 , . 3
- 10. . . 700
4 00
3 .
. 533
4 00 , 5M 3 75
533V .1200
1 V ) 3 50 , . 820 3 f5 40
3. . . . C20 3 50 . . 950 3 CS 5 . . SSO 3 SO
1. . . . 6SO 3. 55 . . . " 410 3 75 12. . . 795 50 3 4 85 01
.1700 3 40 1140 2 00 I..1COO 2 HO
. .1J94 2 70
3 10 1. . . . 7fO 3 a
. . 742 J 2j .1030 350
1..UOO - ' W
. . 930 2 25 " 2 75 I .
. .1UO 2 85
1440 2 CO . . . "l400 2 SO 1..I370 3 K
. .1350 2 CO 1 . . .1130 2 5 1 . .1WO 3 IS
. 1400 2 C5 l.J100 2 S5 .17(0 3 25
. .1110 2 70
3. . . . SCO 3 50
1 . IM G 00 .ISO C CO L. 350 3 00
. 115 4 75 ICO G 01 110 C OJ
1. . . . ftSO 3 DO , C75 3 80 4. . . . 717 3 !
1 . . .1(100 ( 4 00 . 700 4 10 L. . . 7.0 4 10
1 . . . 700 4 10 4 . . 822 4 15 1 9FO 4 25
J. . . . 7M 4 25 G. , . 383 4 CO 1n. . . 810 4 00
32 . . , 821) ) 4 20 23 . . 072 4 20 ci 723 4 30
B . . 758 4 30 1. . . ! XK ) 3 50 13 , 713 4 21
G . . . 751 4 30 11.4S. . . C'Jl 4 45 20. , JS7 3 CO
23. . . ' f7 4 (0 ( 4S. , , 508 4 00 37. . JS7M3 4 00
13. . 4 00 8. . .l.MO 4 JO 24. . 9C7 4 a
9. . . ! 704 4 23
No , Av. IT. No Av. Pr.
1 nicer 1130 J2 $5 11 fcdlern. . . 1193 | 3 hS
1 htfer. , . 1400 2 S3 7a feeders. . . 975 4 1C
U heifers. . . . Cf4 3 15 U3 feeders , , . 764 4 .5
4 feeders. . 975 3 W ) 24 feedciu. . . 013 4 40
0 feeders. . . . 7C4 . . . .
I ! Vi ( itchier.
13CQVVB , , 659 2 75 5 fecileis.l ( s e u >
4 Lulls 742 3 24 T 1C2 fftelers , , . . 951 4 1C
U feeders . . . 777 jj" S9 fnde.a . . . 810 4 00
4C feeders . . 7I7 ! t , 61 feeders , , ,781 4 ( X )
41 fee-ders , . , , M > 2 } , t. 13 feeders , , . 7CG 4 to
44 feede-is. . . t5r C5 feeders . . HW ) 4 DO
IJOOS Ilecelpts vvcrp eaialler than a week
ago , the Klcndy f)4l Jn jirlces not beln coh-
eluclvo to large ehlpmentR ,
The market was a t-hado lower a aln today ,
the hogs ulllni ; atl'i > . U 27H aad 13 if ) , vvlilio
jcnlcnlio over haldv'iiiho kales wereat (3 JO ,
win a tjirlnkllne t.Ui.4 ! anil $ J35. in ot.ier
vvoriHi , the IIOKH fot' jkmt 2jc ! lower than ) en-
tertlay , anil close to too lower thun one weerf
fealeFine-n wrrr a lltfle1 Blow to make the con-
evtbkiii , ni that thtwirAde was not particularly
iutl > e > , though the ItlrnUilul was fully ! tu
the offerlagH Ite > iirc | ii'atlve eules ;
No Av. Bh , 1'r. , No. Av. 8h. Pr.
11 273 . . (3 80 13 27'
12 2'6 3 Ktl I I 08 . . . , ,2U > 3271,4
27 289 3 5 1 < 2 < C7 , . . .238 ICO 3 t'tVi
27 . . . . 8 * , i 23 310 3 2JIJ
18 291 71 m 3 2714
19 234 61 2C4 ICO 3 i't-j
13 . . .210 3 25 C2 277 '
18. , 2SI C 3 25 * Ot , 2U 5 3 2714
M 297 to 3 23 C7 US . . . 327H
CO. , 295 ' 325 .61 21)7 ) ICO 3 271 i
19.302 'w 3 25 ' ' " 40 3 27 V ,
f.3 2C3 ICO 3 25 , ! . ! ! ) . . . 3 271 , ,
2U 3 25 fcO 3 27
10 ' ' ' ' ' y *
iw 3 25 ! . . ! . , " ICO 3 : 7'i
(4 * i& ICO 325 U 324 . . . 3 2P. ,
45. , 31G SO 323 77 300 ICO S 271.
48 2 1 3 23 tO 228 . . . S27C.
tO 307 ICO S23 C3 , , .202 ICO 3271v
M OS 240 325 1G tto . . . S27W
67 , . S4 ISO 325 39 255
71 8 ' 3 25 C9 . . .3J1 3 274
C2 307 'kO 3 25 9 310
S7 3.0 0 3 25 70 251
74..21-2 120 325 12 320 SO
ta 279 ICO 3 25 12 328 S 2714
68 307 3 25 i 75 231 330
(3 , 301 125 M 317 3 30
46 312 3 23 t 26 , , .219 3 SO
W , .2U > 3 2S 12 no 3 M
M..329 3 23 10 Zi5 3 : a
63. , 2d ! 3 25 M , V23 3 30
G8 2&5 325 81 24S 3 30
M 308 40 3 23 28 IM 3 30
K. , . 26 ; 11 245 9 iV
65..245 3 27 > 4 C2 , 243 SO 3 30
W 283 SO 327 % M 266 ICO 380
CO U > 1 M ,274 8 SO
Cl 310 67 na . . . S 13
47 Kl a 27S E I U
Cattle Hloi > and Iiimi-r lion * Alno
Pull < HtSluti Stt > uillr. .
CHICAOO , June 10 Trade In cnttlc wan flower
than usunl with common nnd medium grntles In
clined to pell a elmilc louer Hales ner on a
liusls of from H 00 to f 4 15 for tlic poorest imtlvo
ilrcmdit cattle , up to J5 and $530 for choice
to strictly tirlmc liei-xes , wltli most of the trans
actions nt from M M to , f > The Dtockcr and
feeder trade plowed renew til vluor , Fiiles belne
nu.'Jtly nt from U to to Jl 40 , with Knles of elinlrr
411-pound JcnrllllKS nt (450 ntul cliolrc MO to S49
pound ( "lock inttle at J4 CO nnd Jl f2'4 ' Ilulln
w.ld freely nt from 2 40 to $1 for poor to prime ,
while cows nnd bcircrs were nctlxc at from 52 to
1160 Prime llRlit welRhl cnlxcs brotmht C 40
iwi 100 pounds. Texas e'uttlc were fnlil } nctlvc
at nliout former prices.
There wns a seed penernl dcnmnd for IIOR ,
with prices iiMnm-lntr 2Jc per 10O imundJ lower
Hales were Inigeb nt from M 40 tn Jl 47V4 ImK'
telling nt nn extreme rnnno ot from J3 : o to $3 U
nnd iilgs nt from J2 to ! 3 W. Mof t of the offer-
In KB were of RO < X ! quality nnd there wns tlio
u unl penrclty of llB'it ' welRlit hogt
Prlcis for sheep were steadier , under better
dciniind. but too mnn > were lift oxer Injt nlRh-
to ndinlt of nn > Rcncml ndtnncc Bh p sold nt
from I ! HO to J4 75 for Inferior to prime llockn ,
t.ic bulk felllntt nt from J3 SO to M T. Kami
brought from Jl to JIM lnmbs were ubout lOc
hlRhor with pales nt from J.1 M Ho J4 S5 nnd
wooleil Colorndo Hocks fold ut Jl 35 I pr.nfr
Inmbs were more netUe nt from J4 to J5 16 per
100 IMIUIlJj
Hccclptif Cnttle , OCOOlicnd , hogs , 2S.OOO heaiJJ
fheep , 10,000 hend.
I -
St. I.nulH I.H < Stock.
BT I/U'IS. Juno -CATTLU-Hec. . Ipts. . " ,000
hend , phlpimnts. 1,100 liciul MnrKet fiends to
Ftrong for natlxeS etcndj for TexiuiB , eliolce to
extra ixn > rt steers , J' . OOiTi 15 , fnlr rhlpplne
stceis , J4 D04 00 , dre-ssetl beef nnd buUhit- ) '
Ftccri , Jl 00M M , bulk uf snles J4 2J5T4 70 , tteers
under 1IOO pounds , J3 7504 r5 ; bulk ot p-iles ,
} S3riM35 , fleckers nnrt fctdt-rM , J2 71PI 31 , cows
and liclfcrs Jl'IfflW , Toxns nnd Indian steers ,
led , J3COji4f ) , erms , 13 OCO > 4 10 cows nnd hclf-
cra. } S f > 5 < 73 CO
HOGS Hccclpts , 6.000 bend , fhlpmonts , 3.000
henil Mnrkft wenk to 5c lower. llKht , J3 30O
335 , mixed , * 10iff335 , henxj , J3 3i > 8 > 3 40
Slinni' HecelptH , R.OOO head , shipments 4000
hend Mnrkct ftrwly , mtlxe inultuni , J3 IVfJ
425 , culls nnd bucks , 12 W13 S5 , Texas Bhircp ,
J340C4.15 , lambs , J4 WG > K M
KniiNivH CMtj ll\c Stock.
KANSAS CITY , June 10 OATTkn-Uecolpts ,
4000 bend , miirket etead > , TtxnH pti-ers , J3 WfJI
430 , Texns cons. | 240 < i3tK ) , natl\c Ftein , J3 STiitf
4 'JO ; nntUc cows and heifers , Jl 40IM 25 , stackers
nnd feeders , J3 OOiI4 fO , bulls , J2 COflS 40
HOGS Receipts , 13 COO bend mnrkct wenlt to
DC lower bulk of pales f.1 27'Mf3 15 , lunUes
} 330Ji337H , puckers J325T332ii , inKiil , J3 SO ©
335. lights. J315C330 , Workers f3 DOS 3 SO , pigs ,
J2 25t2 fO
SlinLJP Ilecelpts , 2000 head ; mniket steady ,
lambtf , J3C00525 , iniittonx , J2 V < fit 2o
> o"VorU Iil\e Mftolt.
Nn\V "iORK , June 10 ItUUVKS Receipt *
SI7 head Cnblcs quote American steers 1C ©
lie sheep. HWlZVic , rcfrlReintor beef , 8'iGOc
CAL.VI.S llecelpts , 2731 head , nctl\e ntul firm ,
\enl , tt 0000 21 , buttermilk calMs. n 5034 (0
Mtini' AND L.AMIIS Ilecelpts , 6.S20 head ,
Dull , sheep , weak , jenrllngs plead } ; lambs ,
lower ; sheep $3 COO4 35 , jcarllngs , J4 0@5 00
lambs , J5 25C | 25
HOGS Hccclpts , 2,203 held , steady nt $4 C 50
Stoclc In SlK
aiecord of receipts of llestock nt the four
principal markets for Juno 10 :
Cattle. HCRS Bheep
Omaha . 3457 B iJ7 4K
Chicago . 9 r'0 2SOOO 10.UOJ
Kansas City . 400 * 13000 .i.OOO
Bt. Louis . . . 3,000 C.OOO 6.0UO
Totals . 19.9" 52527 17,153
NEW YOU ic < ; INUHAI. aiAiiicKT.
( luotntloiiH f tlic Uny on Gciicrnl
ND\V YORK. Juno 10 rLOUn Receipts , 1C -
149 bhls ; exports , 12,103 bblr. ; fnlrly nctlxc ,
llrm nnd unchnnucd , Mlnnesot l pitents. $1 Wt $
420j MlnncfOta bnkcrs , $33'03f,5 winter extras ,
J3 WpS C5. Rje Hour , more active ; suj > crflne ,
J-J 10 r2 W
CORN MIJAIr-rinn , > ellowsestcrn , 53c.
IlYli-hteaily. No. 2 western. 3Cc.
HAIU.13Y bteadj , wes4crn , 27l4c , malting , 35
liAHI < UY MAI > T Active , western , 43G * c.
WHEAT KrcPlpls , 128,360 bu exports , 2C5-
347 bu Hj t , llrm Options opened nun nnd ad
vanced Irrcsiilarls nil dny on the general cov
ering heavy Fcaboard clearances , fropt com-
plilnts from the northwest nnd fi-nrs of July
manlimlntlon. closed unsettled nt 94Cflc advance ,
No 2 red , June , elosed ut 7Cc , September , CS'W
70ic , , " 0'/4c.
CORN Rf < elpls , 149200 bu. ; exports , 215000
bu. Spot llrm. No 2 , 29 Vic. Options opened lirm
ami were strong all day un Increat-cd fhlpments
nnd bullish crop news , closing 'Jc net higher ,
Juno closed ut i3c. Heptember , SO OJl 0-lCc ,
cloMd 31'lc-
O ATS Receipts , S01 CCO bu ; exports , 240.337 bu.
Spot , llrm ; No 2 , S2c. Options wire- dull but
steady with com , closing pnitly % o net hlBlicr ,
Juno closed at 22c.
HAY Weak , shipping , tOc ; good to choice. CO
HOI'S Dull , stnte , common to choice , U95
crop 3fJ4c ; lS9fi crop , C8r9c , I'aclfio coast , ItW
crop , 34i 4c. U96 crop , WlOc.
HIliS rirm , Hucnoa Ayics , 18 > 4019c ; T io3 ,
lO'tli'llc , C'nllfornla , ICc , Oalvceton , 15c.
I.15ATH13II Stead ) , hemleick BoleDucnos
Av rts , llJfWc
1'ROVlhlONS llecf , steady ; family , | 9 M1..W ;
cxlra mess , J7.008 CO , beef hams , } J4 , packet ,
| S OOJJS 00. Cut meats , linn , pickled bellies , (503
ft5d ) , shoulders. J5 TO , bums. Jl ) 0009 10 l.ird ,
CUFJ , wi-blcrn steam , 3 75ff4 00 , rellned. quiet.
Pork , ciiFler
TAL.I/J\\ ' Quiet ; clt > , 3c : country , 3'ic.
IIIITTKR Hi celpte. T.OflO pkcs . market steady ;
western creamery , 11JI16C , Klglns , Ifc , factor ) ' .
Ilecclpts , 8,7C2 pkgs ; market ftendy
state , large , fc'ic , Blntc , unall , 768c ; part
blllmn. Cficiw. full eklms , ZViO3c
DGOK Steady ; boulhirn , J2 SOU2.70 per thirty
dozen cafe.
OIU ? CotlnnKeed , quiet , prime crude , 20c ;
prime ji'llow , 23V c. Pttrolcum , dull , 1'cnntjl-
\anln erudc , steady , July , h5c bid Rosin , stnulyj
strained , common to ( . ( KKl , Jl.'Oftl.'O Turpentine ,
nrm nt 27'4fT28c.
H1CIJ Stend ) , fair to extra , 4'JfiCc ; Japan ,
4'i4Wc. '
MOUAHSKS Quiet , New Orleans , open kettle ,
U od to ciolcc , 2 @ 2Ac.
MHT/LB 1'lff Iron , qul t. nouthern , tai.vfp
1025 ; northern. JlOOOfflZOO. Copper , eteiuly , lake
brokers' 111 ; exchont'e' , J10 OTt&OlUZ'/i Tin ,
litroiiK , Vtralts J13 fI3"0. platis , eo ) . Ppel-
ter , nrm , J4 1034 30 , llrm , cxchanae , J3 ! 7',4 '
03 32H ; brohers' , 53 12H.
CcilYtM * MnrketM.
NI3\V YORK , June 10 CXHTHD-Optlona
opened vtendy , with prices unchuiiki'd to & points
lower. Kurcjnan cables r unfatlsfactory , re.
Heeling uliiKirlcli e-upy murkels. lluylng In the
local market wns chltlly by room tnidfiB. 13u-
rupean hoiiHjs told Ilrazlllan receipts were
mnderatc Closed ( lull lit unchanged juices to L
points net decline. Halvs , 8,000 bags , Including
t-fptember t J7 35. Hpot coffee. Rln , quiet , mild ,
fttndy. Total uarrltoitMi ilellverlrs from the
lJnllt < l States , 9,78" ) liags. Includlruf 9307 from
New York , Ne-vv York stock today. 373,300 bags ,
Pfntm to < k. 4lf.Si7 big * , unnnt for the
t'nlted BIAtcs. S3tiH , % ) , totfll vKlblo for the
United Btfttrs , 748 SiV l-nxs. RRftln-l M7 , 09 bag *
iMtn.r mid K * 113 lm s In 1W1
HAMIU'RO ' , June 10. COKKUK t'nclmnKeJ
Bale * 6 POO bn
HAVRU , lunr ID tX PKRi-Clo l quiet nnd
unclmnsni to Vif decline Sniff. r.OOO t ) K
RIO , June 10COPTCKNo ! ( 7 Rio ,
tl.ffiO rcls cxclmnsc , 727-3I1 IttCflpIs 4WO
bsF * rlfnrcil fur tha United Stntis , 14 POO t-nc * .
stock. SJ60PO bag *
CANTOS , June 10 COrrKR-QuItt , Rood av
erage Santos , 0.170 rel * Ite-ee-lpts i.OvO bngt ;
stock , 121,000 bags.
aio.M'iiiAr uit > oiiT ov cr.iti2\is.
Stutldtlcn I'rcpnrcil mill IHSIICI ! l j- ( lie
A Krl en 11 u nil Drpnrt input.
WASI1INOTON , June lO.-StntlMlclan Robin-
ton of the Agricultural department this after
noon Ixued the follow Inn ccrrnl eiop repoit ,
Mr 11 } Je , the new statistician , not taking chareo
until after this repot t :
The report of June 1 , consolidated from the returns -
turns of Innnshlp , county and stnle cotreiipond-
ents of the Department of Agriculture , makes
the ncrcncn of winter wheat nt present growing ,
utter Allowances for abandonment * , 91 C per cent
of the men hnrvcMrd last Juir , or W per cent
of the uren so n In the fall of IMd Tills In
round numbers Is 01,56. POO ncres The iwrccnt-
hc of winter wheat aerenKrs UH | > n basli In-
dlrnt d of the pilnclpal winter wheat states lire
an follow n :
Oblo , 7. Mlehlrm , us , Indiana , 94 , Illinois
i M. Mlsmiurl , 90 , Unnv.s. 57. Cnlironiln , IPS In
New lork , Prniisylviuili , Debiwnte , VlrRtnla ,
North CAivIInn , Aluhumn , Texas. AiUnn ns , Ten-
i nrffco nnd Weft Mrclnln. the nita ihown , compared -
| pared with that Imive-sted last ) car , has been
mate-ilnlly lnct a ed
Theecndltlun of winter wheat IJBS fallen Mnce
th report of Jlay 1 , being 7fc 5 per cent , nKnln i
$0 5 per ecnt on that ilnten decline of 1 7 point ?
The < condition of June1 Inft ji-ni wns 719 The
pureonlnKiB of the ptlneliml stnlet. are : Ohio ,
M MIchlRiin , .0 , Inrtlnim , CO , Illluul * , 38 , Mis
souri , 45 , Knnsas , M , California , 73
The perc < ntnpe of spMnR wheat nren for the
entire countiy ns compured with that of UlHJ
bus been Increased , belnit 110 pel icnt of last
year's uureiiKc The total area of fprlnp wheit
sown Is , therefore. In round immbeis 13.000 OCX )
. aeiic. nud the eomblned winter nnd i-urlne urea
| Is 34 Ka.tiOO ncres > r Hio inr cent of that hnr-
x t.ed In 1S % The condition of fpthiR wheat
hnvvii nn n\er.iKc for the- whole country of Si
\xt \ edit , iiK.ilmti ID 9 per cent on Juml 1 1 ( . < K !
j The condition of nil vvheit Is S2 7 pir cen
1 nculi.vt 870 the * amo ilnle lasl ) ji 'ihicond
, lions of rprlnR wheat for the prlhcluil | fprln
whnt sliiten nrc ns follows Mlnnefotn , ? l , \\ls
contln , 10 , Iowa. SO , Neblnskn , 89 , South D.ikotu
18. North Dakota , \\ushlngtoii , 100 , Oreijon
I The preliminary report places the ncre-iRp o
oats at 91 I per cent of last ) ear's area nnd mnke-
thc- condition Ml pei eent nmilnst 98 8 1 ist June
The nciuiKo of rc Is 'n pel ecnt of last Sear
eondltlon of S9 9 per cent
Acitate of btrley Is Si 2 per c < nt of Inft jrar's
condition of ram * June 1 , t > 7 4 pel eent Acrenpe
of ilce10J 1 pel eent , eondltlon or same June
! > t & per cent.
Reiwrts from theconftilur olllcrrs of the t'nlte
btntes In Munltobi nnd western Ontnin Indlcnt
Rood crops < > { lioth winter and n rlnjt Rr.iln T.i
fprlnR nerenec In the Winnipeg vonfiilar dlstrlc
Is nboul 15 | icr cent greater llian lasl > enr
while ciois nrc iibout len daja cnrllcr Reiwrt
from eastern Ontario und Quebec nrc lets fnvora
Inquiries made b > the United States miniate
to Argentina tend to whew that this ycnr's whek
ncreiRo vvlll not exceed Inft ) ear's and ma
be much ICFH
Trult thruuRhout central and wcflern Curop
has been couflilerably Injured by froftsVhca
( -ronlh Is Kencrnlly retarded b ) the back war
season , and In Spain , Italy nnd llun nry li
qunllly Is diterWatvd b ) persistent KUlui Th
condition Is reported as Imprbv InR 111 norlhcr
Kurop- , also In lloumnnln , ItulKnrla nnd pnrl
of ItUHsln , bul not In Poland and the foutln\cst
ern prenlnees The dellclency of tic crop I
I'rnnois now cstlinntixl at from 35,000,000 t
55,000.000 bushels
Dl-nltTH Slum JITaritl > ltl > fit ] Set
VorK , lint I'rlci-n I'nll.
NHW 1OHK , June 10 Tic cotton market wn
moclerntcl ) active todn ) . The eipenlm ; was stenil )
al an advance of I i4 points on better I lvcrpoo
c.ibles , conlllctlnR crop accounts and fears of i
bullish government crop report Speculative sup
port was lacking' , however , anil prlce-i returnoa
to about ) esterday's closing URUTCS before noon
Uhcn the ( jovernment report v\as announced the
m irkct beenme steady nnd nlmost cntlrcl ) dc
pendcd upon the locnl trailers fur further but
incs" . Liquidation set In and prices decllnet
57 points without oppo ltlon The miirke
clc'jpj steady nt n net loss of 85 points wltl
sales of futures at 75,000 biles 1'utures closei
stead ) , January , } C82 , Tebruar ) JCb'p , March
1C DO , June , J7 13 , Jill ) , J7 19 , August , J7 IS. Sep
tember , JG90 , October , JO 78 , November , 5676 , le
cember , JC78. Spot stead ) , mldillliiR , 71115-
inlildllnR uplands , 7 11-igo. inlddllnR KUlf , 7 15 l
receipts , none , exports , continent J 0 biles , sal
2,174 bales , , fplnners , 1.23S bales , stock , 12C 2SG
bales Total toda ) , net receipts , 1,027 bales , ex
ports to Gieat Britain , none , continent , 300 bales
stock , 270112 bales Consolidated : Net receipts
4 435 bdlcs , exports to Greit IJrltaln. 7,240 biilca
IV.ince 305 bales ; eontluent , : < ,305 bales. Totnl
since September ! Net rccclpU C,6CS,7C2 bileu ,
exports to Great Britain , 2851057 bales. Trance ,
GS1 7SG bales , continent , 2,003,836 biles ; onnnncl ,
6.4S1 bales.
bT I.OUIS , Juno 10 COTTON-Qulct nnd un
chanced , mlddllne , 7' c hales , none , receipts
199 biles , shipments , 118 bales , stock , 23,701
MCMPHIS , Tcnn . June 10 COTTON firm
mlddlhiK , 7 i-lCc. Receipts , 4CO biles , shipments ,
4C7 bales , stock , 13237 bales , Kales 4CO bales
IjIvnnPOOL , June 10 COTTON Spot In fair
ilenmml , prices stead ) , Amerlcnn mlddllnR ,
4 5-J2d The snles of the da ) were 10.000 bnlen
of which 1000 were for fpeculutlon nnd cxiiorl
and Included 8,400 American Tutures opened
quiet , with n moderate demand , and closed quiet
nt thedecline , American middling , I < M C
June , 4 5 5464 fi C4d buets , June and July , 4 4 04
CM 5-64d value , Jul ) nnd Autnist , 4 3 C4Cf4 4 64d
sellers August and September , 3 8J Old bin err
September nnd October , 3 57 C,4d sellers , Octtbci
nnd Novemlxr. 3 M Md fellers , Novembci ami
December. 3 41 C4 1 value , Deecmbcr an I Jnnuar )
3 47-B4fi3 4S-64d bujers , Jnnuar ) nnd rcbrunr ) ,
3 47-Clfj'3 48-Wd buers , February nnd March
3 4S-C4d bu > ers. March and April , 3 49 C < d heller *
NEW OHIjUANS , June 10. COTTON fepot
f tend ) , faltu SCO bales , ordinary , C 3-lfc. goon
ordinary , G 9-lCc , low middling , 7c , middling ,
7 7-lOc , Rood middling , 7c , mlddllnff fair 8 3-ldc
Receipts , 474 bales , flock to.ft9 bnlep j'Hitures ,
teud > . sales 24 C < K ) bales , June. J7 1RW7.20 , July ,
57216722 , AUBUft , JS.iiQC ! 3 , heptember , 1C Wit
CC4 , October. JC 4SC 49 , November. 56 5000 51 ,
December J6KfJ653 , January. JG55QC.57 ; Teb
runry , JC D80C CO , March , J6 C1QC C3.
Ne > iv York IJry GooitH HiirUot.
NDW JORK. June 10 The dry Roods market
shows little chance today from the dullncfs of
the week The effect ot the cool June- weather
In dlctlnctl ) depressing ( main toda ) nnd sellcm
haveicfured to attempt to meet the Ideas or
what few bujcrs , nre In. the market , ns to price
and delivery of staple- Roods , either In cottons or
woolens , althouRh In the latter class bu > errt dli-
plu ) more liberal Ideas Jobbeis hnve hnd a very
poor week There- was nn augmented attindanee
of buvcrs today In Jobbing ftores but the market
Is still a quiet one In nil r.epnrimentH , stock
Inking In the near future I > CHK | nn nclilltlona-
contributing factor to t lep esent dullncES ) Sta
ple cottons nre ttxccedlnhly quiet Print cloths
show a stronger market , bills for cxtrns nt Pali
River nt 2 7-lCc plus I IT eent belns refuted by
the mills Odd Rouds arc also held tlrmly. 1'rlnts
are dull tn nearly all grades , i
V -
Pe-iirlu II ii r UeIN ,
PI3ORIA , Juno 10 COIIN Market fteady. No
2 ' J4c.
'OATS Market f.m and Inactive , No. 2 white ,
\ \ HIHiIY Market utea ly , flnlehed goods on the
bael of 51 19 for high vines ,
RBCUIITH Corn , 8,300 bu ; oats , S9.000 1m ;
re. < M bu , whltky , none , wheat , 2500 bu
SHI I'M KNTh Corn , 24 250 bu , eiuts , 57COO bu ;
ry , none , whlvky , 400 bbli. wheat , none.
\Voul Miirlii-lM.
hT I/)1JI8 , June 10 NVOOIj Steady nnd unchanged -
changed , ftralght romtilnir , It'ic , light lineiia
Uiic , heav ) line 7aiOc , medium , WViOl'-c , tub
wnshed. 17 > ij23c.
NIJW "iOUK. June10 WOOIj rinn ; lleece ,
pulled , 15Q22C.
Aine-rli-nn S ' 'iirltlti In I.onilon.
I/3NDON June 10 The market for Ami rlcnn
keeurltles opened generally Btronfcer , aided by
New York bulng Th close was btrong , wltn
thu demand Improving.
tle , quiet 2l4T3Ho , cenfrlfuinl , very strong ,
granulated , 3'it 4e. , whites , 3 IMC&Otto , > cllovv ,
Tlie Woman "Wlio Uses
Washing Powder
finishes her work as
fresh and bright as
j j her house is clean.
1 ' Largest pacUugo greatest economy.
! ! The N. K. Fairbank Company ,
Chicago. St. Louis. New York ,
llostou. Philadelphia.
t stlHHc , seronds , : es'lc MolnMe * . itrnely , rtn-
, trlfuenl * . 4tHit
NEW YORK , June 10 -Pt'ClAR-lUw. Urong ,
i centrlfugs.1 , M left , ) " , < Refined , firm , inoubl
. A , Sc , standnrJ A 4Se , optiffctlonors' A , 4Sci
I cut loftf 5Sr , irunhed , f\c powilcrcd , t'.tcj
I prnnulnlevl , 4\n , cubes , fc
. Crnlii nnil I'rovlMlnim.
LlMilIVH : > U June -WHlAT-Rpot l , dull ;
"No 1 ted northern prli elull , ts Olid , futures.
i dull , June , nut quoted Jul ) , 611 Sii , September ,
ti t , d. Dee-ember , S * 7'4d
CORN-Spol , Henjy ) futures , steady , June ,
2s 7 , d. Jul ) . 2 1AOgilil. . dull , 2s S'til , Sep-i
temlwr , ts 9V4d. December , not quoted
l'HOVlKIONS-llnm short cut , cn ) , 41 <
CHEKHIJ American finest while nnd colored ,
dull. 41 * .
Toledo Murki'tft.
TOLEDO , O , Juno 10-WHEAT-Hlgher , dulli
No 2 cash , V0c , June' , ) a , Jul ) , 70Xc.
IXJRN Active tleart ) No 2. mixed , 25e"
OATS Aetl\e , strndv , N < \ I. mlted. IV
in E Dull Mead ) No 2 cnsh , 3Cc n ked
CUn'ERSEr.D Dull , ttcnd ) ; prime cnvh , SI ! .
4Miirliitintt Alarkrln.
WHEAT quiet , No 2 re < l , Hf8lc
CORN Active and firm No. 2 mixed , 2fra-c.
OATS Active. Nn 2 ml ed , 19tfSOle !
UU KlnrUftn ,
OIL CITY , Pa , , June 10-Ccrllncnte , no Mdn.
Credit tmlances , 87. ! ilt'incnt U9.3tt bbls tuns
101,729 bbla '
A written Gtmrnntro to CUIU ! Af > Y
CASE or niOMiV
. < h je netcr f een Fjmptom ilnee.
Ily dewr blntt } our cfn fully we rin Irrat you bjr null.
llnioney. If Jour pimple * on Hiee ,
florr Iht out. mnroiii pMche'i In iniiulli , i h"it
i1 ! . I'0 ' . . " " . J ° jn" . .
. . . . . . . ,
.n- ' > j B..I I'ui
u e oHhe-.H etrugs li | unrljr brlnitsoirs nnil r ilnr
ulcers In the cn.l. . I'on t lull to wine Thofowhoi'
fer to como hero for trestmcnt can d no and we will
pay nllroad f ro both av-iiaiid hotel bills whllo her *
If we fall to cm * W o chivllf nee tlio world for a car *
timt our Jucintc Ilx-incily will not cure. W rlto ror
full rartleulaio anTgrt Iho evidence Wo know ( hut
you nre fkepllcal. Jutlv ea too. n the mint cmlnrnt
Ph ) elclanii hare jievoi bet n able to Rl e more than tern-
jorarr ijller In our m nj ycnn practice with tUU
Muffle Itcmody It Ims Ivrn nvort il.nicult to over-
coma tlio pi-rJuiIKesaKaliiitallixj-ralle ! < l > i > rcinc9 Uut
undcruuriitroiiit guarantee jou fhuuidnotheiiltato tu
try Hits remedy } oii take no chanro of loMna your
money.V ( tuaranteo to ctuo or refund CTerr dollar
and as wo have n reputation to protect. nUo ifnunclal
liacUnnof snuo.000 , It l perf tly fafe loallvho
will try the treatment. Heretofore jou havn iwi-n
rutthiR up and raying out j-our money for dllferent
treatments and aUhoimb jrouaro not yctcuml nuona
: iu paid back yuur monev Ho not wanto anr aioro
.nonej until jou try u Old.chrniilc.elcrp.irntril
cilica cured In thli t y to lllnrty .Inj B. | nre ll
ttatoour ilnrjicUl ftanilfng our re nutation a bn lnin
iiien. VVrlto us for iianien nnd adilreuscs ol tluw n we
hare curcil of Syilillls | , who have given permUMon to
refertothem It cofU yoiicnly postage to do Una , [ t
lll nava jou a worldof ruCferlnit from mental ntralai
andlf you are married what may ronrorrrnrlnRpuirrr
through j our own -Jlt-eiK-ei I All corrotiwndtnfo
c-cnt M-jilivl In plalncn ifoKWe | Invite the moMrliild
Investigation and will eluntl Inour i > o crtoald ) ou In
Itrlto tia fur our 1OU VIIRQ book anil
nlnnliite prooli of cures. ,
. , 111.
Searles &
Senrles ,
All Private Diseases
: / and Disorders of Met *
Treatment by mall
Consultation Free.
Cured for life.
Catarrh , all Diseases of the Nose. Throat.
Cheat , Stomnch , Liver , Blood , Skin nnd
Kidney DlbenBe" ) , Lost Manhooa , Iljdroccla
Varlcocele , Oonorrh , Qlcct , Syp'illbJ anj
Piles , Fistula nnel Hoctnl Ulcers cureel with
out pain or detention nom uuslncsa.
Brlghfs Disease , Diabetes and kindred
Call on or adflresi with stamp ,
2 o'clock sharp. Carriages free. Pacing
Johnnie , houseless curriajzo , 2 biovulo
races , big lioi-ho tuccs. Admission , 50c
VThealer % ? ?
Tendered te > Ix.wl M I'euk by the
nnelonieil bj I'nltcd founells Itoyal Arcanum
Tha I'unnlept of Tarea Oomedlefl ,
With Kj.cclaUles Will be 1'ro.luced.
I'rlcfB i5o uml 5Cc
TT > / \ * .r Ttf I Olio Day Only.
JZ5J i LJ to Come ly bill and
L. M. CIJAWFORO , Mur. I the Mghtof'1)7.
.SUM AV. , JIIMC lit.
at rail i in rfonnuticc
The Grrnt 14-ltouiiil J'litht uf 1HU7
In elMlni > art of
ixniiiirrr AM > j'rr/.HiM io\s.
rin < t lloor 30c , IMCOII | > , 20c , salary , Ita.
Heats now ' "
I3tli and
American i > lun , ta.fJO pur eliij up
l.uiope-iiii pluii. JI.OO per ilny up.
J. E. MAKlt , X30.V , PI-OBB.
Wlifii lou Vlhlt iliiiiiliu hlop nt
Cnriii-i Kith mill .IIK-UHIIII Six ,
'nder ' new management American I'Jan II DO
O DEr&IERH , I'roprletw ,
ruiirruuvui AMI JOMJS
140 rooms , batn , ( tram heat and all modem
onvenlenoes. JUile * , 11 M und 12 00 per clay.
Table ui.rxvtlltd bn < lal low ralcu to regulai
bcuidcra. DICK (1MITH. (
308-10-12 UouKlas. W. M , BAJlll , Manager.
00 ell furuUlicil rooms European or
American I'luu ,
HATKS 1 00 TO f l.CO PJ3K DAY.
I'ECIA LHAT US by tlio WUiK or 110NTH.
Strict car lines connect to all parta of city.
E7150YD & c6l
Tclcplionc 1030. Oniuha , Neb.
nirect vrlrca to Chicago and New York.
tia A. Warrtn 4 *