Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Smith , plumber , 2401 Ave. A. Tel. 333.
Berry boxes , baskets , bee stipplles ,
The elty eminetl will meet In regular ses
sion thin evening.
Charles F. Clwso. po * ' nast r at Atlantic.
was In the city Saturday.
Mrs. J. II. Came has returned from a rlalt
with frlenda at St. Louis.
PcHtofllce Inspector Faulkner of Indianap
olis was In the city Saturday.
D. Fsrquhar of Missouri Valley wa In the
city Friday , calling an friends.
Mr. W. L. Bctllson Is confined to his home
by a severe attack of erysipelas.
Mtwi Mae Urewster , who has been vjaltlng
friends here , has rpturnwl to Atlantic.
You will find W. S. Cooptr. the fire Insur
ance man , at his new office. No. 6 Pearl St.
Mls Maude Cousin * went to Lincoln yes
terday to visit her sister. .Mrs. Cadwallader.
There was a large number of visitors In
Falrmotint park yesterday. All of the
motor trains were crowded.
Mrs. E. W Burnham of New York City Is
In the city visiting with her daughter , Mrs.
C. K. Hesse , on Oakland avenue.
Julius Deacon , who has been attending
the dental department of the State univer
sity at Iowa City , haa returned home.
Manawa's opening day drew a fair attend-
anre yesterday. Manager Collins Is deter
mined to make the lake a pleasant place
for amincment , regardless ot the kind of
The original Tennessee Jubilee singers are
engaged to appear in the First Baptist
church this evening. Lovers ot the kind
of muxlc that has plenty of harmony In It
will nntc the fact with pleasure.
There never waa a time when we hav
done KO much family work , and vre never
have done the unrlt no ncll .in this eprlng.
W have made an art of the laundry busi
ness at the "Eagle. " 721 Broadway.
fomplalnt la made that the tlowcr and
brubhery thieves In the western part of the
city are so persistent In their raids that
the park commissioners find It Impossible
to keep blooming plants in the new Cochran
The engagement of Miss Jennie Pool to
Mr. Albert Vandenburg is announced. MissPent
Pont has held a position In the telephone
entire far a long time , and has made enough
warm friends to be showered with congratu
Thomas Hall left yesterday for Harlan. la. ,
where he represents the Central Church of
Christ in the district convention of the
Young People's Society of Christian En
deavor , to bo held there Monday , Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Father Longinus Is conducting a mission
In Harper la. , and Father Eugene of St.
Benedict's college. Atchlsun , Kan. , is tem
porarily In charge of St. Peter's church of
this city Father Longinus will be absent
from the city two weeks longer.
The Ganymede Wheel club members held
their annual picnic at Hawthorne lake yes
terday Between thirty and forty of the
members made the trip awheel and enjoyed
a most delightful day of rest and recreation.
A cumber of guests from Omaha accom
panied them. Lunch was provided at the
\ lake. A number of the boys took a swim
In the chilly waters , and others caught
enough fish to form the basis for a fund of
large fish stories.
A blaze In a small shed on the premises
of William .Moore on First avenue , called
out the fire department about midnight Sat
urday night. The shed was entirely de
stroyed , and but for the prompt action of the
department adjoining bulldlugs would have
been Involved. During the fight Fireman
Sanderson of N * . 3 hose company had his
handa burned and Chief Templeton got into
a place where he was almost suffocated.
Examinations were held at the postofflce
on Saturday of applicants for positions as
letter carriers and clerks. The applicants
examined for carriers were : Edward P
Ericson , 2204 South Eleventh street ; C. J
Scherrer. Mynster Springs : clerks , Mrs. Cora
B. Jones , 810 Avenue E ; M. Valdemar John-
Eon , 1G1S South Eighth street : Peter Beck ,
GOO Main street. This makes the third time
that Mr. Johnson has undergone the exam
ination. ho being successful on both former
occasions. . The examiners were : D R
Witter , W. C. Cnthank and Fred Johnson.
C. B. Viavi company , female remedy. Med
ical consultation free Wednesday. Health
book furnished. 326-327-323 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 520.
Couches in valour , JC.75. at Durfee Furni
ture company , 205 and 207 Broadway.
PletiKfint EntertnliinientN nml Xelch-
linrljVlHltN Anioiitr Ooinl PrtemlN.
AVOCA. la. , June fi. ( Special. ) Mrs. A.
Poland , living three miles and a half south
east of town , celebrated her birthday Thurs
day. Among her friends from town were :
Olesdames G. E. Norton , C. H. Converse , L.
Hart , J. J. Splndler and Beers.
The women Indebted tt , Mrs. J. J. Splndler
for a most pleasing afternoon Friday , the
occasion being the weekly meeting of the
Presbyterian Aid society , are ; Mesdames
Porter. L. C. Hart , C. L. Dunham. Fred
Dunham , A. L. Preston. L. C. Green E ' A
Consigney. George Wright , F. Benjamin' !
S. Hart. R. C. Barton , J. Kasner A F
f"1lr ' ° ' Hct2e ! ' Geor3e Ma' ' . John
Strobble , Freesc , Blackman , Pcasley and
Mrs. Fremont Benjamin went to Mount
Pleasant Friday evening to attend the grad
uating exercises. Miss Zoa Maier being one
of the graduates In music
The strawberry and Ice cream festival
Thursday avsning at the Presbyterian church
proved i success , financially and socially
despite the unfavorable evening.
Miss May A. Hetzel. assisted by her
friends. Misses Bowen , Doherty and Burn-
ham of Omaha , will give a musical entertainment -
ment at the opera house on the evening ol
June 1C. The aim is to Increase "tha plane
fund. " In explanation , "tho piano fund" IE
ft fund started through the efforts of Prof.
Pe-asley and school with the earnest desire
to bo enabled at the
, completion of the now
school house , to place therein a piano worths
the structure.
L. G. Conslgny left JjViday afternoon foi
Nebraska City. , ,
Will Phillips of DflTOIolnw spent Sundaj
rn 7 ° ; . the fiues-t ° i-MI" AJma Rlcharda
J. W , Wilson of CcdaHFalls , la. , ipent Suu
day In Avoea. Ho la traveling In the Inter
esta ot the Midland : Monthly.
The .marriage of Alexander Fitzgerald Ir
vinu and MIa Maud Haztn occurrei
ednesday at thu residence of J. T. Hazen
The Avoca graduates of ' 97 attended ttv
T\alnut school graduating cxerclecs FrUUv
evening , driving over.
Chris Verich , accompanied by Mrs. D W
Rockhold , Misses Ida Rollins and Hattli
King , drove to Oakland Sunday to hear Rev
Mr. Pike.
Mrs. O. Heflln of Harlaii was visiting Mrs
George Wright Saturday.
Mrs. D. F Emmert attended the weddlm
? / . " 'rlend' Mlsa 0 's ' of Atlantic
Wednesday ,
Mrs. Hooper of Flora , HI. , U the guest o
Prof and Mrt. Peasley.
Fifteen year * of connublsj bibs moved Mr
and Mr . Adam Jacobs to celebrate and t
ask neighbors nd friends to Join them las
Tuesday evening- ,
John Porte of Harlsn came over on hi
wheel Sunday morning for a few hours
visit with the boys.
Mrs. E. A. Constgny and Ur . R. S. Hat
will entertain the Presbyterian society Frl
day afternoon , the llth , at the home of "il
ConsignA cordial InvUaUeiuto all i
K llerir nUuuiieur * .
MASON CITY , ! . , June 6. ( Special T U
gram. ) Rasmus Bt-rff of Wlnnebago count
haa disappeared. He has not been seen sine
Thursday He arrived In this county aboc
a year ago and made his home with h !
brother , NeU Berg. Ha had conslderabl
money in the Lake Mills bank , but he ha
tnada no draft for 1U His friends fear su
cld .
Standard , reputable articles are not der <
tta prirvt asked for them. Substitute * offer *
by unscrupulous and irresponsible makers ai
ctwtjy At any figure. Be sure that ca bun
bog U practiced on you wkea you fo to bu ;
Snap Shota Taken at the last Mail
Hnnning at Top Speed.
Anintrnr * nml I'rofe lonii ! fie After
the .itrlftlr Movliitr Cnr * nml
Cet Heitilti Hint Sur-
IIHRH Kspvcliltlon * .
The fast mall on tha Burlington was
"shot" yesterday by about fifty amateur and
professional photographers. A northwest
breeze , dead ahead , a slightly Insufficient
steam pressure and several other minor In
terferences conspired to prevent the train
from making tha promised speed of eighty
miles an hour. The train was going , how
ever , at a comfortably fast speed. The
time as caught by Colonel W. J. Davenport
with a stop watch over a measured portion of
a mile , Indicated that the giant engine. No.
f.35 , was plunging along with the load of
SO.OOO pounds at sixty-nine miles an hour
when It passed the point where the rmal !
army of camera fiends were waiting for it.
The point selected was about three miles
south of the city where the Burlington track
comes Into a straight line after crossing
Mosquito creek. The camera crowd had i'ls-
trlbuted Itself along the track at 'he rotnt
selected and had made all preliminary
preparations before the train came Into
sight. The cameras represented all sorts
of boxes , from the size ot a small Saratoga
trunk In the hands of a professional , who
was bent upon making a picture that would
have a marketable value , as well as Intrinsic
merit , down to the timorous young man who
held a pasteboard snapper , the size of a
Waterbury watch , and regarded it with tp-
prebcnslon. undecided whether It was liable
to explode or turn Itself around and take
a picture of his own anxious face Instead of
the rushing railway train. The cameras
were located on both sides of the track , and
In all sorts of positions. When the train
came in sight the nervous tension of the
crowd and the statuesque positions uncon
sciously assumed , made a picture that was
more interesting than the approaching train.
Each realized that there was only a small
fraction of a second during which the shut
ter must be worked to permit the flash of
light to engrave the picture of the train In
the middle of the sensitive plate. A frac
tion of a second too soon and the picture
would show waving Holds of grain and
grasses ; a fraction too late and the mighty
engine , the object of the greatest Interest
to all , would have passed the confined field
of view and the plate would show nothing
but the rear ends of the common-place mail
When the train came Into near view many
of the photographers were disappointed.
They had hoped that the firemen would have
thrown a few scoops of fresh coal on the
flre , so that dense volumes of black smoke
would bo pouring up from the funnel. They
had hoped that the engineer would pull the
throttle wide open and open the cylinder
cocks and let the pictures show the con
trasts made by the \\hlte sheets of steam
mingling with the dust and the dense black
ot the coal smoke. The engine was work-
ng hot , dry steam that was scarcely dis
cernible a foot above the stack and the
black cylinders did not show the faintest
wreath of steam. But the camera manip
ulators only had a second to lament. The
train came into the field with a roar , but
with a roar not loud enough to drown the
whlr-r-r-r" of the shutters as they opened
and closed as quickly aa skilfull manipula
tion and powerful springs could make them.
From the prolongation of the "whlr-r-r" it
was evident that the train was photographed
.n a good many different positions , and that
some of the nerves operating Uhe cameras
were too tense to relax In time to catch
the train until It had passed the point de
cided upon , while others were too quick and
sent oft the shutters like an electric shock.
Some of the more thouchtful camera owners
who were looking for the humorous side of
the scene had stationed themselves far
enough back to take the crowd , and thejr
pictures will undoubtedly be the most de
sirable of all.
Each of the camera fiends was anxious to
ascertain the result of the trial , and there
was a great rush to have the plates devel
oped. Some were disappointments , but many
were extremely fine. The camera had ar-
rcated the flying train and transfixed it upon
the plates as If It was motionless. The
rpokes In the driving wheels of the engine
were cut sharp and clear on the negatives and
appeared as If the wheels were motionless ,
while the lettering and numbers on the en
gine and cars were without a blur. Instead
of the hissing steam that was coming
through the exhaust pipes and poundlns
through tbo smokestack In harsh puffs sc
rapidly that the eye could not detect them ,
the plates showed a lazy wreath of this
smoke and steam suspended above the pipe ,
In many of the plates there was not a
quaver to show that the train was not as
stationary as the earth and the fences. Al
together the result was very satisfactory U
a majority of the camera people and will
prove equally so to General Agent Davenpori
and the railway men who are ( interested Ii
the test. It Is the first time that a rallwaj
train running at such a high rate of spee-i
has ever been photographed In this part o
the country. _
Second Annual School for Iiixlructloi
iu Siiinll Arum Practice.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . June G. ( Speclal.-
The second annual school of instruction 1 :
small arms practice for the Iowa Natlonn
Guard will open this week and continue fa
two weeks. Details ot four men from eac !
company in the two regiments , will go Int
camp on the state range , which Is situate
midway between this city and Marion. Tuts
day morning the Title practice will begl
and continue for four days , There wl
bu firing from the 200 , 300 , 500 and 600-yar
line each day. There also will be flrln
on the double-quick forward and retreat , th
men either advancing- retreating from on
line to the other , where they stop and fli
either flve or ten shots.
Next Monday like details from the Tblr
and Fourth regiments will arrive here an
go Into carap. devoting the four followin
days to rifle practice.
During the past week Adjutant Genen
H. H. Wright of Des Molnes , together wit
Major Martin of Fort Dodge. Lleutenai
Swlnchart ot Tip ton. Sergeant Pingree i
Cherokee , Sergeant Hunt of Des Moine * an
Sergeant Wright of Dea Molnes , roembei
of the signal and engineering corps. ha\
been here , putting the range In shape far tt
work of the two weeks. .
The school of lustructlon will be undi
the Immediate direction of Colonel Thorai
Cooka of Algona , the inspector general i
traall arms.
Purnchutf StrlktM it Trlephone Wll
ilnil Hr > KnllH Seventy I'Vrt.
OTTUMWA , la. . June 6. ( Special Toll
gram. ) John Walters of Llnevllle. la. , wl
haa been making balloon ascension * ( or tw
yearn , was killed at Centervlllu at S o'cloc
yesterday. Aa he turned up a win
blow the balloon oror against a telesrap
wire , which loosened the fastening ot ti
parachute. After Eolng up about fifteen fei
fanher the parachute fell to the groun
without opening. Walters fell seventy fei
with It anil died In ten mluutej. Ha lean
a wife and two children. ,
EartUiiunUc at Dvciiruh.
DBCORAH. la. . June B. ( Sp.ecial Tel
t gram. ) An unmistakeablo e&rUuioake o
curred here this morning at 5-10 o'clock ,
lasted about half a minute. Bulldlni
trembled and many were awakened fro ;
Graduate * from hlauu IlltiU SuUuu
SLOAN , la. , June 6. tSpeclal. ) The flf :
annual closing exercises of the Sloan Hit
school were held ! at , the Congregation
church. Friday night. The church wu OIL
to overflowing. The floral offerings were
profuse nnd the church was tastefully deco
rated. Miss Mabel Oaks of Stoux City and
Mrs. W. J. Carr of Sloan MHZ solos. Ibe
graduates were as follows Mollle C. Mnore ,
Fannie R. Dobbs , Carrie K. Htintny , Umma
K. MontroM. Carrie M. Barnard , Irwtn A.
GrkTltte. John T. Barnard , Samuel L. Kern
and Willie F. Hunting.
Cholrrn Cnrrle * Oft' Many lion * .
MASON CITY , Ta. , June 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Hog cholera In a very violent form
has broken out In L. M. VanAuken's cele
brated herd at Poland Chinas. Out of a
herd of S63. forty-eight have died and up
ward of ItW are sick. No remedy Is ef
fective. The disease has spread Into neigh
boring herds , and TBotnas Fellows has lost
100 , nnd Jasper Dunn's are fast going. It
Is the flrat appearance of the disease In the
state this year.
CHUN County 1'loneer * 1'lrnlc ,
ATLANTIC. la. , June 6. ( Special. ) The
old settlers held a basket picnic near this
city yetterday and perfected the organization
of an Old Settlers' association , with Hon.
Silas Wilson , president ; W. F. Brenton , J.
R. Kirk and V. 'M. ' Bradshaw. vice presi
dents ; G. W. Franklin , secretary ; Philip
Humerlck. treasurer , interesting papers
were read by Miss Rose May Bell and Mrs.
Julian Phelps. Yearly meetings will be held.
Dan A. Robb left the first of the week for
Lusk. Wyo . where he goes to shear sheep.
Miss Eunice Tracy went to Blair Wednes
day evening for a week's visit with friends.
Miss Clara Gllllland went to Blair Thurs-
ay , where she was called by the serious
'Inesa of her mother.
Claus Anderson and W. R. Wall attended
he unveiling of the Woodmen monument
Tvicss at Blair Sunday.
Sherman Crookshank and his brother re-
urned from Nebraska City Wednesday.
here they have been employed by the gov-
rnment on the rtprip.
Mr. Bevtns and Mr. E. HUelle of Omaha
ere viritlng the family of F. S. Tucker
hU week. Mr. Chides Loralne of Upland ,
"eb. . Is alto visiting Mr. Tucker's family.
The Modern Woodmen of America gave a
iall at th city hall this week , there being
large attendance. Quite a um was made
ver expenses , which Is to be ueed In the
urchase of uniforms for the degree team.
Mr. Knickerbocker from the theological
emlnsry , In Chicago , was present Sunday
venlng and assisted Rev. Mr. Watson with
.he services at St. Mark's church. Services
re held each Sunday and Wednesday even-
The women members of St. Mark's church
met at the home of Mrs. G. J. Hunt Thuro-
"ay and perfected an organization called the
L.adles * guild. Ita objects are to saw , make
armenta , hold noclala. etc. , for the purpose
f raising funds to use to repair the church.
Tbo following members of the Coffee club
if Omaha were entertained by Mrs. D. C.
iass Thursday at her home : Mrs. C. F.
"roslus , Mrs. D. Drew ins , Mrs. C. L. Irkln-
on , Mrs. H. Stone. Mrs. Albert Hall. Mrs.
Ibert Swarged and Mrs. William Spelllng-
Frederick F. Teal , eximinlng physician of
he Knights of the Forest , and C. E. Allen.
ilcrk , were In the city this week , taking ap-
llcatlons and examining applicants for mem-
lershlp In that order. About fifteen have
een secured up to the present time. Prob-
bly several more will be examined next
A magic lantern entertainment was given
t the Christian church Thursday evening
y W. B. fTaylor. late of Alaska , assisted by
Johnson. The views were of life in
Maska mountain scenery. The fees for ad
mission all went for the benefit of the
hurch. to be used In finishing the church
nslde. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Johnson gzve
heir services free , which was very much
ppreciated by the members of the church.
Wednesday night about 10 a man
pplled for lodging at Tucker's hotel and was
assigned to a room. He came down about 7
t'clock In the tnornlns and Jaldhe | would
ako a walk and return aboulTVcloefc
Shortly afterward It was found that he had
one through- the rooms , securing two silver
watches and a razor. One watch belonged
.o William Fielding , a boarder at the hotel ,
nd the other watch and razor belonged to
'ohn McGregory , the blacksmith. The man
as not returned.
The people of Florence had the pleasure of
Istenlng to a delightful musical entertain
ment last Thursday evening at the home of
Captain and Mrs. B. F. Reynolds. The
: paclous rooms were beautifully decorated
with appropriate mottoes , ferns and cut flow-
rs. The musicians and singers were Mrs.
Cotton , Miss Bowen. Mr. Wllkins. Mr. Lum-
bard and Prof. Butler. About fifty persons
were present on Invitation , aud received the
elections given by the singers with beany
and frequent applause.
Guy Anderson has been quite 111 during
the past week.
The Ladles' Aid society met at the home
f Mrs. E. Cone last Thursday atternoon.
Miss Woods and Miss Quln of Omaha were
visitors with friends In Benson last Thurs
Mr. Applebce of Elkhorn has purchased
he house occupied by G. R. Williams , ant !
will move to Benson In the near future.
Miss Laura Larson was taken to the hos
pital last Monday to receive treatment 101
onsllltis. She has been quite sick foi
lome time.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal churcl
will commence at 11 a. m. and 8:15 : p. m.
Epworth league devotional meeting at 7:31
p. m. Rev. Mr , Matthews , pastor.
Benson bos lost some of Its most worth :
residents In the removal of the family o
Mr. G. R. Williams , who moved to theli
'arm at Elkhorn last Monday. They bavi
resided In Benson for a year.
The funeral of Mr. Tredell was held Frida ;
afternoon at bis late home at Irvln tan. Hi
had made many friends , who were atnckei
to hear of his sudden death. A numbe
of persons from this community atten led tb
The Odd Fellows lodge. No. 221. wll
hold memorial services at Mount Hop
cemetery this afternoon at 2 o'clock , and Ii
the evening will attend services in a bed ;
at the Methodist Episcopal church , Rev
Mr. Matthews will preach a special sermo :
for the occasion.
Thu schools cloned for the summer's vaca
tlon last Monday , with special mcmorta
exercises at the hall , they all went to Moun
Hope cemetery to decorate the soldlen
graves. The Board of Education
the "same corps of teachttnr o .
year. ,
A strawberry and Ice cream social at th
hall was given by the members of Utu.-Et
worth league , for the purpose ot ralaln
funds to apply on the church debt , an
proved quite a success , as the social wa
Trell attended. The program consisting (
several musical numbers and recitations we
rendered under the direction ot the commi
The laying of new ties under the track c
the Dun.leo motor line is about complete
and the resulting smoothness adds material !
to the comfort ot the patrons of thld line.
The Dundee school U about to close II
eiiiiian for the summer and an Thursday tl
parents ot the pupils were invited to witnec
an exhibition of the year's work , which hi
been carried on under the management <
MUtes McDunn and Dutti.
The Dun-lee Woman's club celebrated 11
xecond anniveriay on Friday ovenlug by
birthday party given at the home of Mn
Leavitt , which was tastefully decorated fc
the occasion. Several outalda visitors , ii
eluding gentlemen , were Invited.
MIn Elizabeth Palmer , ' 88. BUlr , and MU
Theo. Mcrrla. ' 95 , Santee Agency , are co :
lege gruesta.
Mr. anil Mrs. 'William Hover ot S
Mlchaflx. Xcb. , are the cuesta of Mr. an
Bafen. *
Terrible Accident Ir * u a terrible ace
dent la na burned or scalded ; but the pal
and ssoaysnd tha frtuBlful dfaaeuremenl
can be quickly overcome * without leaving
car by using Da WItt' Witch Hazel Salv
CbrUlitin Emlvavorvrn.
Gcins to San Francisco m July should n
mttmber that the Union Pacific ix 12 hour
barter than any other line to the Pacit
For Y. P. 8. C. E. folder , sleeping ca
reservation ! , or any Information , call ;
city ticket office. 1302 Farnam § U
Iowa's Feminine Freak Combination Seems
About to Split ! , *
_ 1
Her . lMrr nn l tli < - > tnnnsrr Got the
IlettPr E Her nml SliV U
Wroth Tlierirnt nml
Won't I'lnj- ' -
DES MONIES , June 6. ( Special Tele
gram ) The Cherry sisters , who have been
exhibiting themselves at Crocker's Vt'oods
park during the last week , were not able to
end their engagement without a serious fam-
llr quarrel. The sisters have been having
a stormy time In Des Molnes. They declare
that their treatment In the capital city of
their native state has been in many ways
disgraceful. They have been playing to
rough out-of-door audiences. This waa the
last day of their engagement here , and to
satisfy the management of. the park , the sis
ters performed together. The rupture oc
curred Friday night and Saturday morning.
The manager of the sisters claims that It
has been patched up for the present , at
least , but this Is denied by others.
The trouble waa made by Lizzie , the
oldest , who has been objecting very hard
because she doesn't get her share of the
proceeds. Jn short , she alleges that they
are trying to freeze her out entirely Next
year , she threatens , she will go on the road
as an attraction all by herself. Then she
will be the whole thing. The pith of the
difficulty Is this : Lizzie has a pretty good
financial interest In the. concern. She was
most hopeful of the proposition to fool the
money out of the pockets ot the great Amer
ican people when they began their campaign.
For a tlmo she was the chief guard of the
coffers where the gold and silver was heaped
up. Now the others have the keys. She
has been flred.
For a long time , says Lizzie , the others
have been assuming financial control. She
Is the one who does the affecting "wooed
maiden" act In the original and only gypsy
scene. She was more coy. If possible , than
ever , today. Her complaint la that the
manager has been hypnotized by her three
sisters. He asks them for all the advice
about the business. He pays her no atten
tion and no money , except aa they order
him to pay it. She declares they told her
they could give their show without her Just
as well as not , if she wanted to get mad , so
she did get mad.
The three who now have the better of the
scrap refuse to say anything abaut It. They
arc satisfied with matters as they are and
Insist there is "nothing to publish. "
* a
i South Omaha News .
The promoters of the beet sugar factory
have plowed about 130 acres of land In the
northwestern part of the city and sowed It
to flax , to prepare the land for next year's
crop ot beets. It Is expected that several
other tracts of land in that section of the
city will be plowed up' shortly and prepared
for beet culture. ;
Officials of the South Omaha Land company
have gone east. It Is unddrstodd , to confer
with moneyed men with relation to Invest
ments here. A wealthy German , who has
been engaged In the sugar beet , industry lu
Germany was here a short time ago and
looked over the ground with the Intention
of Investing here. It Is understood that he
was considerably Impressed with what he
saw here , and will Invest something like
$100.000 In the enterprise.
To further the InteresUiof the company the
"City-council baa agreed to vacate sucl
streets and. alleys in the fiorthtfcstora arl
ot the city as may benecessary for fac'
tory buildings , etc. Active work on tht
factory buildings will. It Is thought , b (
commenced before long. '
Trutilile with the I'onnilmiiNtf r.
Samuel J. Sweeney was appointed city
poundmaster only a week ago today and yet
in that time he has stirred up more trouble
than all the former poundmaatera put to
gether. Before Sweeney * had held hla offi
cial position twelve hours a complaint had
been filed against him at police headquarters ,
and thlB has been kept up every day since
that time. Yesterday Sweenen or some of
his assistants , rounded up nineteen cows ,
which were being herded In Spring Lake
park , and took them to the pound. The
owner proceeded to a Justice shop and re-
plevined the animals but the case has not
yet been heard.
To the credit of the poundmaster It must
be said that in few Instances has he been
charged with violating any laws or or
dinances. He has used poor Judgment in
any number of coees anil heuce the com
plaints. Only a morning or two ago a bo ;
WEQ leading a cow to pasture when Sweeney
swooped down upon the lad and-led the cow
off to the pound.
Up in the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and 1
streets there came near being a fight the
other day when Sweeney tried to take twc
cows away from an old man who was lead
ing them home. The old man refused to let
go the rope and there wart a scuffle In which
Sweeney came out ahead.
Most of the complainants charge that the
j new poundmaster is brutal and usea abusive
and offensive language towomen and chil
To Celebrate the Fourth.
The committee appointed to solicit sub
Bcriptlona for the celebration , July 4 , re
ports contributions coming In rapidly wit ]
a prospect of raising all the money necea
sary to have a big time on the nation's birth
day. Members of the soliciting commltte
will visit every business house , and ever
citizen who so desires will be permitted t
contribute something. When the amount c
money deemed necessary has been raise
the committee on arrangements will mee
and map out a general program for th
day.Old residents in Sarpy county are takln
quite an Interest in the celebration , an
have held ant ! meeting to consider plan :
etc. This meeting -was held at Papilllon an
waa very well , attended. . Nearly all (
Sarpy countys"old HettlortS will be here I
attend the celebration oniT take part In tl :
formation of an old settler ? ' association.
Thomas Hector , who was chosen chalrma
of the committee on arrangements , has n
celved letters from nearly ail of the vie
presidents appointed at K mt > etlng held son
days ago , and promises'to B present wei
freely made. The managers Intend havir
the coming celebration'eclfpio any formi
celebration , not even excepting the one i
ISO * .
Mr. VnnWtiiUIr'n'Tnfrililui-tnrr. '
Rer. George VanWlniqc , th'e new paste
oC the First Baptist chuipa , preached h
Initial termon to a larifc 'congregation yei
terdiy morning , the topic being "We Ai
Citizens ot No Mean Ccentcy" After tt
lervlcca the pastor asintroduced to tl
members of the church bylta 4uat"ea. FU'
Mr. VinWinkle la a Ncbrzflfca man. bavin
bad a charge at Glbsoh'1 dcahe year.i am
For the part four yeaxs bo , haa been a
tending the university jt Rochester N. 1
The new pastor has a wife ami twa chlldret
who arc at present vif Itinjr In Ohio , but wb
will join him In a short time ,
Ilullillnt ; Smoke Iliiimeii.
Ths Cudahy Facktag company Is preparln
to build two Broclca Uotnieitj- each twelve b
thirty feet end tear DrJ < high. Gradin
for these hoima la novr ( jcfg on and ta .100
as the articel * prepared Contractor Ge-rs
Parka will go ihesd with tha buildings. A
ot the pacbini ; houses havewlthln the pa :
year or two Increued the capacity of the :
amoke house ? , the Urge Increase In th
buslncm demanding It.
Mitvfc City GuM li. |
The city council does not meet again unt
June 11.
A meeting of the Board of Education wl
be held tbla evening- .
The DelleYUU Transfer company's boat , th
"W. J. Bryin. " U now engaged In cirryln
.willows for the B. & II. railway compia ;
the wlllown belnt ? used to protect the tracks
along the river bank.
Physicians report business dull since the
recnt epidemic of mesolcs.
The Board of Equalization "HI niett this
morning to equalize the 1S9T assessment.
The Tanncr-Koutsky psae will be called la
the polios court at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn-
There Is a good demand for riding and
driving horse * here and price * at the hora
market are stiffening up considerably.
Albsrt Delanney of St , Lotil * Is spending
a few days with hU parents. Mr. and Mrs.
A. Delanney. Twenlr-cixth and J streets.
Trnln nf I't-nnnytvnnln Men
I'liviipr * Tlirouitli Omnlin.
A special train , composed of a combination
coach and three Pullman sleepers , arrlve-1
In Omaha last evening at 5 o'clock , bearing
homeward eighty-two members of the Order
ot Railroad Conductors. The conductors and
their wives have been In attendance upon the
biennial convention of tne order , which was
held In Los Angeles. Cal. . last month. The
returning delegates who arrived In the city
yesterday represent the Pennsylvania lines ,
the excursion being known as the "Golden
Gate Tour. " It was given to the employes
au a complimentary trip by the officials ot
the Pennsylvania road. The excursionists
came in over the Burlington last evening ,
after spending two days In thp mountain
town. Their stay In Omaha waslbrlef , being
only an hour and a. half.
By the courtesy ofV. . J. Robinson , general
yardmastcr of the Burlington , also an old
employe of the Pennsylvania lines , the vlslt-
Jng delegates were treated to n motor ride
around the city. A flying trip was maJe to
Hauauom park , and also over the Farnam
street line. The encurvionista were met at
this point by a committee of four railroad
conductors from Creston. la. , and were given
a small ovation In the Iowa town , where
they stopped over for an hour.
The conductors and their wives will make
a three days' stop In Chicago , where exten
sive preparations have been made by the
local lodges of the order to entertain them ,
and they will then continue their Journey to
Philadelphia , where the majority of them
reside. All report a must enjoyable trip
and most courteous treatment all along the
Will Make nil HITnrt tn Cn | > turc An
other IiitiTnutlnnnl ConvtMitliin.
A mass meeting was held by the Epworth
leagues of Omaha , -South Omaha and Council
Dluffa at the Flrat Methodist church yester
day for the purpose of starting a movement
toward securing the national convention of
the society for Omaha in 1S99.
When Rev. Dr. J. B. Maxflcld. who acted
as chairman of the meeting , called for order
shortly after 3 o'clock there were nearly 130
persons present. He outlined the object of
the meeting In a abort address and then In
vited suggestions on the subject. Charles A.
Gcss spoke for a few minutes , stating that
should this city be successful in securing
the biennial convention of the organization ,
that a great number of visitors would be at
tracted to Omaha , and that a determined
effort should be made by the local societies
to bring this about. He suggested that this
end might be accompllsncd by sending a
largo delegation to the next convention of
the league , which takes place In Toronto In
July. Concentrated action by such a dele
gation might bring about the desired result.
Dr. A. H. Hippie , Rer C. N. Dawson and
Rev. Dr. Sanderson spoke along the same
lines ami It was decided to appoint a com
mittee of seven to confer with the Minis
terial union ot the city for the purpose ol
ascertaining what might be done In the
matter. The committee is headed by L. E.
Lucas and George E. iliekle and is ordered
to report progress at tUe next meeting ol
the associated leagues , which will probablj
take place about the middle of the present
Tonic n Free Hide.
Adam Thompson , is in trouble overarlE ' _ _
.whlen he borrowed frOM W. TTD'alley. 433 !
Franklin street , on the night of June :
without the owner's permission. The hors <
and bug-gy belonging- Mr. Dalley atooi
near the corner of Fourteenth and Daven
port streets on the night In question
Thompson , is said to have been Urinklnf
somewhat freely. He untied the horse am
after riding about for a time was passln *
the corner ofi Seventeenth and CafcS streets
when an attache of W. W. Mace's ban
nsnrliy named J. B. Gates prevailed upoi
him to leave the horse and vehicle In hi :
keeping. The horse and bussy were n
the stable several days awaltlns a claim
ant. Thompson waa arrested on a warran
sworn out by Dailey. ,
AVnril GOVN to Port Smith.
John C. Ward , for many years connectec
with the claim department of the Cudah :
Packing ccmpany , lately city salesman foi
the sam-i firm , left last evening- for For
Smith. Ark. , where he tv-lll take up hL
residence Mr Ward has been appointee
to the position of manager of the For
Smith branch of the company , and will als <
hava charge of the large territory adjacen
to Fort Smith. _
Little HOJ-N net I.oHt.
Owen Dillon and Peter MUkel , two Ilttli
tot3 who attended the picnic given by the
Turnverein at Ruser's park yesterday Ii
con.pany with their parents , got mixed U ]
In the crowd and were picked up along thi
road and taken to the police station las
night. The boys live In South Omaha ,
ACUUHVI ! of Theft.
Charles McGovern , a barkeeper In a ives
Cumlng street Baleen , visited the bad land ;
yesterday ami called upon Mny Florls on
South Ninth street. While In the haunc
the FlorH woman allege * that McGovern
I took J1.3B from her. He then attempted
t make hi * escape by running clown Doug
las street. He was enptunsl after a tang
chase by one of the detectives ami looker !
AURORA , Neb. , June 6. { Special Tele
gram. ) C. F. Brown , a B. .t M. employe , and
Miss Edith Scovlll. daughter of D. A. Scovlll ,
lawyer were married at noon today at the
residence of the bride by Rev. Mr. Calfce
ot the Methodist church.
tllrkrr fnck nn >
HURON. S. D. , June . ( Special. ) Mr. A. Rlcker. chief clerk In the surveyor
general's omce. ami Miss Evelyn Miller-
Jackson , a stenographer In the same ofllce ,
were united In marriage last evening at the
home of D. W. Smith and wife , by Rev. C.
B. Clark.
WEST POINT. Nb. , Juno ti.-Special. ( )
Mls WanJa Krauee and Mr. Samuel Becken-
hauer of this city were married Friday
DtinlKli llrothertiooil I'leiito.
The members of the Danish Brotherhood
society gave the llrst picnic of the season
at Pries liiko yesterday. Members and
friends of the society to the number of 300
left Washington hall yesterday mornlnu
shirtly utter J o'clock and by menns ot
wagons and cnrryals arrived at the lake
a couple of hours later The day was spent
In games , dancing and In strolls through
Ihe wood ? , which abound In the vicinity of
Che lake. Refreshments were served In the
arje pavilion nml the excursionist ! ) returned
to th-i * u.- about U o'cluck last night after
a PKuisant _ < layrpent _ afield.
South Dnkotit 11form PretH. "
HURON , S. D. . June C. ( Special. ) Less
than a dozen members attended the State
Reform Press association yesterday
Tlio sessions were held with closed door * .
Editor Valkmer of Mllbnnk realcned the ccc-
rotarjshlp. Father Halre ot Aberdeen wan
admitted to honorary msmbcrshlp. An effort
will bo made to Induce all populist papers
to print matter furnUhed by the bureau ,
which hereafter will be less radical. Pierre
will bo the headquarters.
Iletiirit * from \ ent.IqtKir
PIERRE , S. D. . June fi. ( Special. ) Cod-
Ington county is the first and up to date
the only county In the state which has raaite
a return to the state treasury cf state liquor
enfe under the provisions of the new law
The return amounts to J4S7.5Q , and Is for
portions of a year on two wholesale and
three retail licenses. After July 1. when the
year begins under the new law , the utatu
will undoubtedly derive considerable revenue
from this source.
Private Patrick J. Kearney haa arrived
from Philadelphia , where he re-enlisted for
the regiment.
The regular weekly dances given by the
officers at the post are discontinued , by order
of tbo committee.
Recruit Brown , enlisted In Nashville.
Tenn. , has arrived at the post and will be as.
signed to company F of tne regiment.
The band gives a concert at Maurer's next
Saturday night. They have received new
music recently , which they are practicing
for the occasion under the direction cf Prof.
Emil Heichardt. leader.
There arc at present three vacancies In
the regiment , and should applicants on pro
bation meet ail requirement and be en
listed the regiment will reach Its maximum
strength during the following week , which
Is 525. or with the officers , 503. Many of
the soldiers of the Second Infantry have re-
enlUted at this pov.t ot late.
The field day of June Is announced to take
{ placfrCDn the < " liXh"j,1risi. , . providing the
weather does not-interfere. As. the , p"6rts
differ from those ot previous tournaments
and appropriate prizes will be given the win
ners In addition to the points of merit aa
awarded to companies at previous tourna
ments , a better showing of athletic prowcsa
\ is expected. All possible encouragement has
' been given to Incite the advancement of
I these games. The following Is the program
i * far the tournament to commence at 9 a. m. :
> I Obstacle racs. 220 yards , one man from each
company ; putting the shot ( sixteen pounds tn
" be used ) ; heaving marching order race ; drill
of the manual of arms ; tug of war , Flrat
battalion against the Second battalion ; base
ball game , battalion against the Second
I batalllon. In charge of the tournament ,
Second Lieutenant Peter W. Davidson. In
, charge of the contests , First Sergeant Leon
' I Chapuls , company A. Judges , First Ser-
, | geanta Frederick Schiller of company H ,
I Deuedlct Laudan of company C and Patrick
t J. Byrne of company B. Starters. Principal
i Musician Wilfred O. Thompson of the band.
t Time keepers. C.rporals Carl Blleaener ol
company C and Charlm E. Baker of crm-
pany A. Scorers , Sergeant Andrew O'Kceffe
, ofcompany _ G and Corporal Ell H. Griffiths
I of company C. The obstacle race will be
' over four hurdles , under one and through a
1 i barrel. The shot la to be put from a circle
1 rfeven feet In diameter , each competitor to
be allowed three puts. Including fouls , meas
urements from the nearest edge of the circle.
In the heavy marching order race the men
will be equipped in heavy marching order ,
the distance will be 450 yards , one man from
each company.
/ , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts ,
was 'the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same
that has borne and does now f ° " 6Vef
bear the fac-simile signature of &z&y udc&M wrapper.
This is the origins ! " PITCHER'S ' CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
: e ths kind have , # on 3
IBe you always bought / - _ sf/i. 7 ?
IBS and has the signature of w 7y % wrap
r per. No ono has authority from me to use my name except
he Qsntatir Company of which Ohaa. H. Fletcher ia
r ° res'dent.
: a March 8 , fS97. .
e e e Do Not Be Deceived.
r S , Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the in
gredients of which even he does not know.
gJ "The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Ton.
. . .
.tnt n Cnrclpxn , lint n > 'rr llr Thing
to Uo How to .Vrolit II.
Hundreds ef poisonous Insects , called
"Kerms. " are being drawn Into the body
with every breath. Thsc small creatures
tit once begin to live upon the body nml
cnmo what ts known us dl-rasp. They
must be driven out How much bolter It
Is , though , to kill thcxp poisonous norms as
soon AS they come. And jret There la only
one thing will do this , and that Is a. pure
stimulant , preferably whiskey.
Prof. Austin Flint , of Uellcvuo College ,
says : "The judicious Use of .ileohollo
stimulants Is ono of the striking character
istics of prnuroin In the practice of medi
cine dvirlng the last half century. "
Prof. Henry Mott , Ph. D. K.C.S. , says :
"By a most careful analysis 1 have found
Duffy's pure malt whisker free from adul
terations or foreign substances , and It de
serves to meet wltli great success. "
The well known Dr. U. W. Hutchlnson , of
New York , says. " 1 highly recommend
Dufly's pure malt whiskey and prescribe It
extensively In my practice. "
Rev. H. Mills of Princeton , Iowa , says :
"t have used Duffy's pure malt whiskey with
great beneflt to my wife , who Is a confirmed
Invalid. I know from experience It Is a
pure and moat valuable medicine. I am also
using If In thn case of my son , who la
threnteml with consumption. 1 am a
Presbyterian clergyman and a doctor of dl-
| vlnlty. but t am not afraid to recommend
Duffy's pure malt whiskey as the purest
and most efficient tonic that I know of , and
my experience Is a large one. "
pnnltirnly currs Indigestion , Catarrh of
Stomach , lteart > Ruiti , Sour Stomach ,
and nil kindred SfomarTVoMMrit. . A scientific mm.
btuaUou of tlia brat t-emrtHcs known to medical tkill.
Bnlil by all drucztatj , cr
CM. pjr Uox , THE PIPSM.IA CO.
bend for trcaclrcoliir. CHICAGO
Searles &
Searles ,
Specialist. * in
All Private Disease *
and ni-ordcm of Men
Treatment by mall
Consultation Free.
Cared for life.
Catarrh , all Dlsca cs of the Nose. Throat.
Chest. Stomach. Liver , Blood , akin ana
Kidney Diseases , Lost Mantuon. Ilydroccla
Varlcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Syphilis unil
Piles. Fistula and Rectal L'lcers cured with
out pain or detention nom Duslness.
Height's Disease , Diabetes and kindred
Call on or ad < 5rcss with stamp ,
A.written Guarantee to CERE ANY
OarcaralspermaaratKDdnotap&tcmnirup. Case *
treated u-n years ano bare neTerwen asymptom since.
By deerrlulniryourcaM fully wo c\n treat you by mall ,
and wo tflrotbecainaitroni : guarantee to curcorrernna
allmoney. If your ymptom > arcplmplc n nice ,
juru throne , mucoiifi putchen In mnuth. rlieu-
mutlam hi bones and Joint * , hair lulllnir out ,
crap tion * on any pare of tbo body , teeunir of
Knerol depression , nntna In bead or
TB no tlmo 10 wart * . Tnote wbo are cou tantly tat-
InRmercuryand potash aboulddlreonUnuelt. Constant
uo of tliese drugs will singly brlnff aorrs and eatlnir
ulcers In tbecnd. Don't fail to write , Thee whopn .
fer to coma hero for treatment can do no and wewlil
pay railroad rare both wayaand bet l bills while hero
If wo fall to cure. Wo cballenro tbo world for a case
tbat our 3f ntrlG Rcmeily will not cure. Wrtta for
full partlculara and ffctjuo evidence. We know tbac
yon ara skeptical. Jtutly ao too , aa the moit eminent
pb jBldans bare nercr been able to giro moro tb&n tetn.
relief. In our many years practice wlta tbu
Sorarr Itcmcdy It baa been uioet d.nlrult to avci
como Uio prrjuillcM a ilnjt all co-called ( prctOcs. Dut
under our fitranfc ifuarant < - yon ibouid not bexltata to
try tnla remetly. You take no cbance of lot ln ? ynur
money. Wo iruarantn to cure or refund ercrr dollar
and aa we baraa reputation to protect , also financial
backing of 33OO.OOO , it IB perfectly zafe to all wbo
will try the treatment. lierctoforo you bare oevn
puttlnir up and paylnu out your money for different
treatments and altbouffh you are not yetcured Qoune
i 3 paid back your money. Da nat wuto any aiora
aioncyuctllyoutryna. old , chronic , tfccp-aeateil
CAa a cured la thirty to ulaetjr Aay * . Inrfitl-
Cato our llnmcial standlnff. our reputation aabiulneca
men. Wrlto us for names and addrccses of tbo e we
bare cnml ot brpnim , wbo bare elren permUrton to
refer to them. It coita yon only poctaKetodotbli ; It
will aaro you a. world of auflenni ; from mental traln ;
and If you are married wbat may your onsprlnff miter
tbronsh your own n Ilirence i Alt comupondenco
sent bealcd In plain euTe/oprj. wetnrttathe mmtrtffld
Inreitmilon and will do all Incur powertoaM you In
It.Vrlta u for oar 1 Oo puff XoutL dad
abftulnto proafb orcurei.
, , Chicago , lit.
Concert every afternoon nt ! : : ( > .
Admission to the Grounds , 10 Cents.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . 5100,000
laniln ( or tale ur rent , L'uy ii licit , a I'eurl
KlU ) Uitrlor brick clay unjvrolnc Jinu ;
about 9tt mllfc * r.ortlieaiierly from utnalm Kx-
pitlilun jrturuN. and iw j m.le * r.o.tti or Council
Ulurtx.P Mlkrouri river , anil OK t ; & .V. W.
n. H U 1 ; Judkcn. | T I tilzti ! mtnue , Council
river ( runiaee and boat limiting , near Exposi
tion xrcumlB suitable for pleasure niton * . In
Ifkc.s iu suit , plenty Lardwooj t.mb r : abundant
llonlni ; tyrlr.K * . wuh nuillcknt fall ( cr hjtlrau.lo
ram * in noitKnur ( or fountains anil uppy | ;
bank sand and K ravel ( or walk * and drives :
leuullfui imlur&l paifci at pluteaui. tulltva
and blurts ; on I & N. W. IU n 1 > 4 mllta
ii-jrt.i ( cti.ncll lilula. and about id mlle
l.orthtr.n from kxpCHitlon ground * . I. i . Jud-
en , XI Siath Mvmuc.
upland ( rult. tCKUable and park lands ; llvu
acren and upward at V& to fit per acre , acord-
int to location and amount , about three mile *
noun o ( city and alK.ut came ai.tance itum
Exposition ; other lan'li and Council Ulufta
lots at low ptlMK. U 1' . Judsou. J Sixth av .
nue. Ccuncll Uluffs.
When you wish to move
And huv < ! everything1 so imootb
Engage a wagon. Urge , medium or small I
One Just Urgu enough to lake It nil
Eight rooms In one load they take.
Try It , IJB next more you tuake :
rianoi. too. we mova with greatest cars' ,
And prices , you'll Bnd , ar * always ( air.
You'll find non so careful aa thos * you grtct.
When call at No. f tJouUi Uatn street ,
Welch , Tnuuter Une , TeL