THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUKE 0 , 180-T. ANOTHER WEEK OF WEDDINGS Bummer SUte in with a Continued Demand for the Marriage Sarvlco , BEAUTIFUL AND SUCCESSFUL LAWN FETE Clironlflc orrrlntn nn < 1 IlciinrturcH mill the IV"SiMlnl HnppeiiltiK" \Vlilolt tin < SI ii It Up Hie llcciiril of Ji\Vc 'U In June. Tlio Vfck Ju t past broke sll records hith erto furnished by matrimonial event * In Omaha. Oilier weeks bavo done well In beginning the wedded bliss of a reasonable number of fortunate eailplcu , but thla present June la ushered In by A rush of weddings which almost attains the magnitude of an epidemic. All concerned have been kept busy-tho ccunty Judge anil his assistants , who Issue the nece 6iy license , tbo ofuclal- lug clergymen , iho organists , the nnxlous ami happy purr-ills ol the > oung people , the WRKGlsh i lotlvcs and frli-nils who tlo whlto ribbons on mmlcs and pour rlco whcro It docs not belong ( nnd who merit n felon a death theiefor ) , and the contractltiB parties them selves , who die , or ought to be , more deeply interested In the ox cut than anybody elso. 11 lua Indeed been a fruitful week In the reign of Hymen , the limits of whose sway have been notably extended during tlio pnat seven djs. The newly wed have been from tlmo Im memorial the butt of Jests founded on their lately assumed relations , moro or ICES coarse us the mind of the Jc-ster may dictate. Just what thtro Is In the experiences of the honey moon to excite the prurient curiosity of the outsider In not quite clear. At that tlmo , If ever , the turtle dovea should coo In solitude undisturbed by vulgar In trusion. If left to themselves , though they may not wholly succeed In convincing all buholduis , by their blase and Indifferent do- mianor , that marriage la no recent thing with them , at least they will be free to cher ish the harnilcfls delusion that they are BO deceiving their fellow men , and In their un alloyed ImpIr.cES will never notice the cu rious glances of that kindly world which al- nvajs hives a lover. The nacillefilotis humorist ta bad enough , but the puictlcal Joker , sulllclcntly repre hensible at all times , becomes a foul blot upon Immunity on the occasion of n wrddlng , to remove whom violently from the scene of his self-chosen activity would be emphati cally to do Ood's service. Consider for a mo- nmnt his heinous offense. The young people are safely ir.urrled , to the satisfaction of the law and church , nnd aio at the station. They have Hhnkon the loose rice out of their outer clothing and are trying to get used to the few hamlfula of that cereal which has found their uny down tho'backs of their necks and which must stay tlieie until night. They aru accompanied by n ehrleklngly hilarious crowd of friend , but they figure to thcm- Belvcs that quiet and seclusion Is waiting for them on board the train. As they walk sturdily toward the Pullman car , they pass a baggage truck , and on It they espy their trunks not plain nnd unornamented ns they ivouM f.iln have them , but decorated with rosettes and flaunting streamers of white ribbon which are fastened for all time to the suiface with nails which never loose their hold. hold.Tlio Tlio graceful and delicate wedding Joker has been there , and his merry laugh Is heard us lie contemplates the fruits of his labors. IIIH hand Is further displayed In the Interior of the car , where a grinning porter waits , and with profubo obclsancPB ushers the shrink ing couple clown the Interminable aisle to a elite room ostentatiously decked as a brida chamber. Away go their fond and foolish hopes of bo'iiivlrts like nn rtl mauied pair Then , la nothing for It nut > o seclude tlninselves in their long antlcloatod but now doubly Hk Homo private apartment , and either swear or cry , as the Impulse of sex may dictate , cul > braving the poorly restrained ridicule of the ! fellow passengers when they are driven b ; dlto necessity to emerge. If the gay humorist has done his worl thoroughly similar scenes are enacted at the hotels where they stop throughout their bridal tour ; and there Is always the tell tule tiunk. tuinlng up at awkward mo moits to disturb their equanimity and wav ing Its white ribbons defiantly at their pee attempts to appear at ease. Under thcso circumstances , a honeymoon instead of being a period of bliss , become a term of excruciating misery , its expert cuccs. how aver , do not necessarily tend to alienate the affections of husband or wife the one trom tha other , or to destroy the confidence of cither in the Innate decency of munKind ; but It Is moro than an even chance that the practical Joker will find a chilly welcome when he next Invades tbi dovecote and that ho will be made aware of his victims' unalterable couvlctlon th't his particular kind of Jokes are not nearly BO amusing as ( for instance ) the efforts o the man who covers jour doorstep with mui nnd congratulates himself on a brllllan achievement. to Cheer Sick Ildoin. Although a great many people already know , approve and actively assist the loca charity known na the Flow or Mission , there are In the community hundreds of persons full of benevolent instincts and amply able to lend aid to so worthy an object , who cither have never heard of this modest In etltutlon , or are waiting some special Invlta tlon to associate themselves with It. The Emma Flower Mission was organize ! Boveral jears ago. In loving memory of a young girl who passed out of mortal sigh Just as bho stood within the open door of a gracious womanhood , nnd whoso character was as sweet as the flowers aho loved. Every Thursday the flowers of every kind and in al quantities are received , , orlod and dlstrlb uted among the Blck. There Is nothing sec tarian , nothing denominational about It. The Jlowers are given out , as long as they last to all who need them and will berefrenhei by thorn , whether In public Institutions or In Iirlvato houses. This Is the object of the Slower Mission , and Its scope Is not re atrlcted by petty distinctions of church or class , either In rc-coivlna or giving. Any v\ho have flowers and the town Is full of such are asked to glva of tholi abundance to this charity , and will bo more than welcome to assist in the weekly dls trlbutlon. A telephone message addrowed to ( Mrs. George A. Iluuglkud , telephone No 199 , will result 'In ( ho prompt sending of a messenger to these who may find It lucon nronlent to deliver flowers In person , am notice of any who are alck or In distress end who may be cheered by tlio mlnlstra tlons of tbo mission , will be gladly rocolvei at the same place. The perishable nature o cut flowers malcoi It advisable that contrlbu tlons bo sent In so far as possible on Thurs days , the day of distribution. Mr , mill Mm. C'lumtSiiriirlnuil , Mr , and Mrs. Chase entertained a very pleasant surprise party at their home , 214 LeavcnvYorth street , last Tuesday evening Mrs. Kagan and Mrs. a. W. Sutton plannci the details In a very clover manner am the party appeared In a body , much to th lurprlso of the hostess. Progressive high live waa th'e mode of on I Royal makes the food pure , wholcjorao and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure WAI lAKina Fowa eo. , xcw roiu. tertftlnlng. la. ( h frlcnfllr conteit , which lantpil nlKiul two hours , Mr. Chue outdln * anccd his competitors and vsai prtnpntod with the mcn > nrat prize , O. N. "Wilson nd ilr , Wallace drawing to ( Jecldo vrho hould become the proud possessor ol thn ccond prize , which ft-ll to the lot of Mr. Wallace. Mr. D. C. Aycr received the booby prize. Mr * , RaRan won the woman's first prize , while Mrs. Wllllnms roaelved thB second end prize offcrtd , Mr . Ajcr and Mrs. AVIlfon cuttliiB for the booby , which was won by rs Ayer. Mis. Wllllanm , MM. A. II. Hnvvltzer , MM. ulmcr , Mm. Uliaso and .MlM Ollle Button contributed to the musical piofiram.vhlch was one of the InUrcstlng features of the nlng. Painty rcfreshmpnti were servinl nnd a veiy enjoyable evening was apent. Thoie present tvcrc : Messrs. and Mesdames O. N.WlUon , Chs . Don O. AVer , A. 13. Wallace , W. W. Counoran , A. It. . Hawser , John Rasan , Grant , CJ. W. Sutton , sflca Ollle Sutton , Fulmer , L Wallace and "onnoran and Mm. Kulm. Kulm.rSi rSi AHUM K. > TS. A brilliant wedding was celebrated Wctlncs- lay nt the rrsldnicc of Mr. and Mrs. John S. IlrisKH , 473C North Thirty-ninth street , he contracting parties being their daughter , dlss Nannie M. , and Mr. Alexander Uarley "iobcrtson of Cherokee , la. Mr. and Mrs. llrlggs are among the oldest residents of Douglas county nnd their circle of friends and acquaintances Is very largo. Their fair daughter Is the granddaughter of the flrit governor of Iowa , and nt the recent ecmt-centct.nlal celebrated at IJurllnsiin Bho v\aa christened "the granddaughter of Iowa" ! > y the late Ir Charles Henrdsley end the late Judge Murdoch. Mr Ilobertson Is cEsh- ! er of a bank at Cherokee nnd represents arge financial Interest * In western Iowa. Promptly at t o'clock Miss Lottlo Phelps , the organist of the Second Presbyterian church , began the Mcndcl&Eolm wedding inarch , and the procccslon entered the spacious parlors. The bride WBH escorted by 'icr ' father and attended by Miss Agnes Ilob- ? rtgon , n sister of the groom , as bridesmaid. She was radiantly lovely In n gown of rich pearl sntln , trimmed with very old point lace , nnd wore a bridal wreath of southern lowers , Jhofilft of friends In Alabama. Miss Kobettson , the bridesmaid , was charming In whlto organdlo over Persian brocaded silk. Miss llobcitson Is prominent among western educators , having been for some time superintendent of schools nt Cher okee. okee.Mr. Mr. John S. Urlggs. Jr. , the bride's brother , acted as best man , little Miss nilzabcth Seaton carried the ring and Miss Ada 'Maglnn ' was a pretty flower maid. The ceremony was peifoimed by Ilev. Samuel 'M. Ware of tlio Second Presbyterian church. A reception followed the wedding , lasting from 2 until 3:30 : , which was attended by largo numbers of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson took n late afternoon train for St. Louis and Cincinnati and will visit New York and other eastern points before returning to Iowa. They will divide their residence be tween the towns of Cherokee and Washta , In both of which Mr. Ilobcrtson has business connections , and will bo at homo to their friends on Wednesdays In August In Cher okee. Kclly-IliililiiMon. The mairlago of Thomas J. Kelly , the or ganist of the First .Methodist church , to Mlsa May Hoblnson , the leading eoprano so loist of the same church , took place at high noon Tuesday nt the First Methodist church In the presence of a largo company ot friends pf the contracting parties. Prof. J. B. Uutler , the organist ot Trinity cathedral , presided nt the organ. The bride was es- coited by U. W. Brcckenrldge , chairman of the chuich music committee , preceded by the ushers. Messrs. Joe F. Barton , Arthur Hose , John S. Drown and H. S. Anglln , and wore mot at the altar by the groom and Ilov. John McQuold , who performed the marriage cere mony according to the ritual of the Metho dist Episcopal church. After the ceremony at d in the parlors ol the chuich a wedding breakfast was served by oorao of the mcmbcis of the church and congregation and their wives. These present at the reakfast were : Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Uurns , uncle and auni of the groom , Mr. and Jlrs. Charles T Kountre , Mr. and VJrs. J. H. McConnell , Mr and Jlrs. A. T. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. C. AGes Gos , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hreckeni'ldge ' Mr. and Jlrs. Joe F. Barton , George B Mlckle , Mr. and Jlrs. Arthur Hose , Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Godfrey , Mr. and Mrs. Allen B Smith , Ilev. John McQuold , Miss Estello Brown , Dr. A. Hugh Hippie and Dr. II. S Anglln. KcillllVM-IvlllH. Mies Harriet L. Ivlus , only daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. ' B. P. Ivlne of this city , nnd Rev. Albert E. Keables of Ashland , Neb. were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents , 2G12 North Nineteenth ave nue , last Wednesday at 2 o'clock. It was a pretty homo wedding , charming- Its very simplicity. The ceremony was per formed by Dr. Asa Leard , pastor of Knox Presbyterian church. In a parlor embowered with the season's choicest flowers. Only a few relatives and Intimate friends wit nessed the ceremony. The bride , a lovely and gracious young woman , was simply but becomingly attired In a traveling gown ol brown broadcloth and carried the nsua ! bride's bouquet. Rev. Knox Boudc , a close friend of the groom , acted as best man , with Miss Ochlltreo -bridesmaid , while Miss Molllo Rcynolda played Mendelssohn's "Wed ding March. " Ilov. and Mrs. Kcables wll visit numerous eastern points of Interest be fore returning lo Nebraska. I'lillblii-lloivcn. Mr. Philip H. Phllbln and Miss Minnie May Bon en were married last Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's mother at 2756 Davenport street. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Father Barrett of St. Phllomena's cathedral at 8:30 : In the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. Sir. and Mrs. Phil- bin begin housekeeping at once at 502 South Twentj-seventh street , where they will be at homo after Juno 15. IIii nlerJncoliH , Albert Hunter and Miss Franc Jacobs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Jacobs , were married last Wednesday night at the homo of the bride's patents , Twentieth and L streets. South Omaha , by Ilev. Howard Craniblett , pastor of the Christian church. The young couple will commence housekeep ing at once at Twenty-seventh and H streets. Both brldu and groom are well known In South Omaha. Allison McWIJllanis and MUa Minnie Adams were married at the residence of the officiating minister , Rev. Charles W. Sav- Idgo , Tuesday evening , Juno 1. 1111 li > Ciiplil'x DarlH. The marriage of Mr. L. V. I.undergrcn oi Omaha and Miss Brownie Walker of Councl Bluffs will take place about the middle o this month. Mr. John McCumbcr and Miss Gertie Mil ler were married Thursday evening , Juno 3 lit tha homo of the ofllclatlng minister , Ilev , Charles W. Savldgo. The engagement of Louis V. Landergrei of this city and Mba Brownie Walker o' Council Bluffs Is announced. The manlage will take place at the residence of the bride's parents In Council Bluffs Juno 15 They will reside In this city. At the homo of Ralph Kern , 1C14 Bur- detto street , on Tuesday , Juno 1 , Mies Mag gie M. Kern and SJr , Krank B. Uchty and Mr. Nelson 1) . Harsh end Mini Mlnnlo An- del-ton were united Ju wedlock , Mr. Lieut ) la one ot the prosperoui young merchants ot Creston , la. Only relatives of the par ties were present. Rev , Frank Foster of ficiated. Cards are out announcing the marriage oi Mlsa Edna Aurella , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlio of Sioux City , to Mr Louis Becker ot this city. The wedding wll take place In the par lord of Iho Mondamli hotel at Sioux City Wednesday , June 1C , a B p. m. A large number of relatives am ! friendi of tha bridal couple will he In at tendance from this city. , Sliniuruok ami ltu f * . The North Omaha Dramatic club will give an entertainment In Crelghtou theater next Thursday evening for the benefit ot the Church ot the Sacred Heart. The play se lected for production ia "Shamrock and Kobe. " a thrilling and amusing comedy of Irish lite and events la the jvar 1798. This club has made a reputation for Itself for giving very successful and pleasing entertain ments auJ Ita efforti on tills occasion prom ises to b It * best so far. The membf rn have * rn for two months carefully rehearsing their parts and they hope to Rlvo a surprise and c treat to their many friends and pa- rons. The cast of characters follows : 3amey O'Urndy , on Irish llonchnl J. A. Howler Squire Flt7Kcrnld , Hose's Father..J. J. lllley lohn Desmond , nn Outlawed Patriot. . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . .John Ford flhnun Carey , a Spy D J. Hurley Captain Beck , of the King's Yeomanry. . . .John Hensan Lloutcnant Douglas , of the King's Yeo manry .H. K Ford Thornton , of the King's Yeomanry W. 1' . Covvnn lee Fltzgcrnld , the "Hose or Wlcklovv" Julia M. Gannon ' ' "Shamrock" , . Icon O'llourke , Barney's , Margaret Hllcy Desmond , John's Sister. . Frances Gnrrely Iturn Vvip for Unlly ClnirtOi. For weeks the women of the First Unitarian church have been picparlng for the "Festival ot the Seasons , " only to bo rendered des perate by the * weather of the last few days , which has been more suggestive ot Christmas than of lawn fetca. However , n visit was made to the clerk of the weather , who suc ceeded In turning out a very much better article for Friday evening. The fete was given on the spacious and beautiful loxvn surrounding the residence of Mr. Thomas Klmbnll , lim Park Wlldo avenue , and was from all standpoints a magnificent success. The entire yard was surrounded by A wall ot white canvas and as one entered the gate n vision of Fairyland burst on the view. To the left nil was quiet nnd beautiful. The soft green sward , the utatcly trees , Intertwined with graceful festoons teens ot lights , which shed nn effulgence over nil , made a picture of rnre beauty And the groups of guests enjoying the beauties of the grounds gave the scene life. To ( he right all was activity. Closest at hand was the candy pavilion tastefully ndoinrd with red and white , Its shelves loaded with boxes of bonbons nnd candles , presided over by Miss Belle Klmball and her cousin , Mies Klmball , who Is her guest , Kach box of bonbons carried with It n chance for a dainty silver prize. A little further on was the flower stand , daintily decorated with ferns nnd roses , and overhung with a roof of pansles , feme and pink blos soms In the form of an umbrella. Hero Sim. George A. Joslyn was In charge nnd her efforts had made It an unqualified success. Then came the lemonade booth , attended l y Sirs. .Montgomery and Sirs. Walter Clark , decorated with rose-colored draperies and cov ered with vines and flowers. And finally the great dancing platform , where the even ing's entertainment was given. This plat form was well located on n level spot amid the trees and the seats , which weie placed on the rising ground nt the back , gave It the appearance of an amphitheater. While the audience , which numbered over l.GOO , was gathering , It was entertained by the music of the orchestra , led by Sir. Charles Hlggln . The program consisted of scenes appropri ate to the various seasons ot the jear and opened with the driving out of the old year by the new. A grout ) of children with the old jcar at their head danced In and were expelled by old Father Tlmo and ha ! new year band , all tripping the measures of a two step. February , the birthday month of Washing ton , appeared ns a tableau , n group of colonial dames and squires paying their re spects to the Father of Ills Country. SInrch storms were set forth by a stormy street scene between two men who gesticu lated wildly and quarreled In an unknown tongue. They came hack and gave a repre sentation of nn organ grinder and his mon key , which was very amusing when the pseudo menhey became frightened and nearly scalped a hirsute member of the orchestra In a frantic effort to hide. The showers ot April were prettily sym bolized by fourteen little maidens all In white , who marched In pairs , holding their white umbrellas close above them and went through the evolutions of the umbrella drill ending with a pretty curtsy. The maypole dance came next , given by eight young girls and was a very pretty sight aa they gracefully carried out the fig ures , dancing in and out vvedvlng the cay streamers about the pole. ' In June came eight little goddesses ot liberty , who drilled "with flags nnd gave a recitation -patriotic sentiment. July brought a tableau of the lesser god desses doing homage to their queen , the Goddess of Liberty , who bore aloft the stars and stripes. August showed the emancipation of the slaves. Two small boys with faces and hands blacked stood bound with shackles , which August 4 18C3 , loosed from their hands after which the little darkles sang a plantation song and did the double shuflle in a mo t creditable manner. September as a yellow sunflower told the dread tale of the prairie fire through the dry grass of autumn. The entertainment wcs closed with a min uet ns given by our forefathers. Tills mini- glVe" am' ' Was C3pcclall > ' en- After the program was concluded refresh ments of cake. Ice cream and strawberries were served In a space tastefully decoratca with flags and bunting and about a dozen ThS "l.t.Wcro dnced , UIOQ Ul ° Platform. This with , a walk about the grounds , con cluded the evening , which every ono voted a success. Dinner at tileioi > | Cllili. An event of no small Importance took place some three weeks ago which , owing to the native modesty ot the members who took part , has not been duly chronicled. This was the banquet given by Sir. E. V. Lewis rustco of the Novel club , and Mrs. Lewis In honor of that organization. Covers were laid for sixteen and a dinner of twelve courses most beautifully served. The table artistically decorated , wca UKhted by candelabra , whllo a wealth of choice roses added color and prrfume to the room. The chief topic of discussion was the charac ters of this year's novel. "From Start To Mulsh , and Judging from the lively chat ter It was a most Interesting subject , With the coffee was brought to each mem ber a souvenir , designed , drawn and pro- sen ed by Sir. Harry Lavvxie. tomHmaater , containing pen sketches of the prlnclpa characters , the Acropolis at Athens , the Centennial grounds nt Philadelphia and , on the last page , a pror-am of Iho twelve toasts , which were as follows : Clubl" Mr' "Us . ' Hwiry - ay'ea ' : Originator and Origin , " Mr. E V Lewis ; "Tho Trustee , " Mlts Mary 13. BroU War ; The Novel , " Mr. Spencer Otis ; "Tho Bee IHvo ( poem ) , , Mrs. Harry Lavvrlo ; "Tuo Novelettes , " Mr. A. C. Powell ; "Tho Liter ary Merita of Club Productions , " Ilov J p ? ' L1 > V1d"D.r'/ocaro : ana llta Treatment of " Appendicitis , Dr. W. ,1. ChrUtle ; "Tho Unmarried Members. " Sirs. Spencer Otw , The Ladles , " Mr. Harry O'Neill ; "The Gentlemen. " Sirs. Henry S. Jaynca "The Host and Hostess , " Mr. Harry Lawrlc. As the women left Iho table they were each presented with a dozen exquisite roses by Mr. O'Neill , the only unmarried man In the club , Sirs. Spencer Otis , founder of tlio club and "queen bee , " waa presented with a bound volume of the novel , Illustrated by Sir , Lavvrle , as a prize for makins the largest number of conect giiesscu as to the authorship of the various chapters. Thla completes the second year ot the Hovel club and , It Is needless to say , the In terest In It grows with each year , the en- ihvslasm of Its members being apparently limitless. The members of the club are : Messrs , and Mesdames E. V. Lewis , Spencer OWs , Henry S , Jaynes , Harry Lawrio , A. C. Powell Dr. and 'Sire. Christie , Ilev. and Mrs. J , p. D Llwyd , Sir. Harry O'Neill and Miss Mollle Brolllar. Brolllar.'r 'r Hie Crriimln Club. The Ceramic club met last Tuesday after noon and In addition tothe transaction of routine business , extended an Invitation to the women of Council Bluffs to become mem. bers. After the meeting , the membcm and Invited gucts went on Invitation to the homo of Dr. and Mrs. O , H. Simons. In Council DIunV , to see their collection of Japaneoa and Chinese art. Among the women composing the party were ; Meedauies S. O. Lund , S. 0. Wright , C. E. Morrlll. E. II. Perfect. J. C. Morrow , T. M. Orr. E. Mai tin. K. Ilaclurun , 0. I. Gilbert. C. W. Donna. A. Bergman , S. Green , J. Williams , G. M. Turner , A , Patterson , L. Park. A. 0. Davenport , Downs. Coon , Smith cod Maples. Mksca M. Jlutterfleld , L. Me- Cague and Gilbert. Mrs. Simons Is credited with having the finest private collection of Japanese- art In the wort and the members of the Ceramic club were much plta-icd with Its many rare and Interesting treasures. Ura. SUnoiu proved herself a charming nnd iha tlmo pnwcd very pleasantly. Mm. Draper Smith read a psper prepared by MM. W. W. Keytor on Japanese art and there wea muulc by the hoslMSind rccim- tlon by MI B Hkiuineld , Ker which refresh- jnents were SrVfd ofl the daintiest of Japanese warefrj & | 11 fiivMti * dint Are Pnat. Mr , and MrCT\'tlhur C. Smith entertained the Chafing DMi "tihib last week , Mr. nnd Mrfe'vfclarles T Kountzo enter tained the whd jtob last Thursday evening. Mrs. Charlcs OfrSlt pave n luncheon yes terday ntten-.ofttf ( D. . honor of Mrs Horace Q. Hurt. ftji& Mrs. L. H Iv rtyffcavi n kcnslnglon Thurs day nfternoontflhlhonor of her guest. Mrs. L. M. HheemJgp A chlldron's ftinclng party was given at the Mndlson last ovctrlng In honor of uMIss Hcth Vnlll ot Colorado Springs. At the residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. . Robcraon last Tuesday rvfttilng , a charming musical was given by Miss Hobart and her pupils , In honor of Mrs. L. M , Rhccm ot Minne apolis , Sir. W. N. Nation gave n very pleasant birthday party last Tuesday at the Drexel hotel. Sllss Fanny Hjdo Clarke gave an afternoon lea on Thursday. Those present were ! Dora Bnumer , Lolllso Mctz , Hattlo Reed , Grace Hancock , Edna Williams , Ilatllc Gunther , Mlsi Mctz ot West Point. Sir , nnd Sirs. Victor Caldwcll gave a pretty dinner last Wednesday , nt which the guests were : Sirs. Guy Parks , Messrs. and Slcs- dames W. S. Popplcton , Charles Dcliel , J. 11. Rlngvv.llt , Clement Chase and Sir. Sam Cnld- well. Sirs. Montgomery and Miss Eleanor Slont- gomcry ot Council Bluffs gave a gcrman last Tuesday evening , which was led by Sir. Charles H. Wilson of Omaha. A number of others from this sldo of the river were also present. Sllss Lillian Malcolm entertained a num ber of her girl friends at the rcslduico ot her aunt , Sirs. J. J. Derlght , 2203 Howard street , jcsterday afternoon. These present were : Misses May Weaver , Hallle Haidln , Victoria Kllllan , Edith Burgess , Wlnnlfrc-d Everingham , Edna Irey and Lillian Malcolm. In honor ot Sllss Nina Tnlbott of Carroll , la. , who Is visiting Sllra Nettle Haverly , Sir. and Sirs H. O. Clarke entertained a few ot their Intimate friends on Wednesday evening nt their homo In the Benson block , Fifteenth and Harney streets. Music nnd dancing were enjoyed till about 11:30 : , when dainty re freshments were served. A very enjoyable time waa had by all present. Sir. and Mrs. William Ellbert. 1715 Clark street , celebrated the eighth birthday ot their oldest daughter , Minnie , last Wednes day by a very pretty party , at which were present Carrlo Kndrea , Jcosle Stephan , Ella Peterson , Nina Petoreon , Olga Stortz , Hnttle Tulcson , Louisa Schlporlte , Clara Schlporlte , Max Flodo. Alfred Flodo. Alfred Hlelor , Charles Zeller , Geneva Richardson , Geoige Richardson and John Goush. The sixteenth birthday ot Sllss Lucy Par- rlsh , which occurred Slay 31 , was the occa sion of a very pretty party at her residence , 1914 Farnnm street. The following were the guests : SIlssc-iTSIInnle nnd Selma Andres , Nlobe and Gretchen Godfrey , Jessie Nason. Molllo Her , Clara Smith , Minnie Rubonsteln , Bessie Mathewfi , Annie Johnson , Hiizcl and Goldlo Olson , Irene nnd Millie Kesslcr , Wllkc Ward , Hattle flotthelracr and Jean Burner. Miss Hammond entertained a number of her friends Fflday evening at her homo 1124 North Twenty-fourth street. High five music and dahclni ? furnished the amuse ments for a nipat Delightful evening. The loyal prizes wfiro won by Sllss Holland am' Dr. Sinister , while ? ) the consolation prizes vvcro awarded JMissfj Johnson and Sir. Hel- frlch. Those > prcsdnt were : Sllsses Hol land , Johiibon.fcShle : ds , SIcFadden , Wlllard Dunn nnd Hanrmond ; Sir. nnd Mrs. Helfrlch Slessrs. Wlnklainan , McFadden , Hammond Rockwell , Grainllch and Slalster , Sllnnlo June Jlathbws celebrated her eighth blrthdav last Tuesday afternoon 'entcrtalnlng his lltfie frlenftt frgm 1 until C o'clock. A delightful Umrf had singing , speaking nnd playing gafncs.Jafter which a dclldlous lunch was served. Ihose who enjoyed were' Grace Birnott , Lurl Slalder. Lizzie Wilson , Lllllo McNabTO Kfttlifr" Slullcry , Pearl HowanV/ el'FfcjillfVKTr-SIyTfJavBarringBr , Belle WIlson > ttiI\i rSlullery , Lulu McNabb , Grace Cronln , Sllnnle Slathews. The guests were : Blra Kidder , Miss Klmball. Sirs. Hurst , Sirs. Scamands Sirs. Slathews. Sllss Slurray pleasantly entertained In honor ot her ulster. Miss Alice of Platts- mouth , last Friday evening at the homo o : Sirs. J. K. Northrup , C15 North Twentieth street. The evening was spent In music cards and dancing. Mlsa Manila Sullivan ol Plattsmouth delighted her friends with voca music , and the efforts of Sir. Charles Keeper wore also highly appreciated. Those present were : iSIessrH. and Mesdames J. K Nortlmip and J. E. Emery , Mrs. C. H. Collins ; Mltses Slamlo Sullivan , Alice Slurray , Jennie Farr Katlo Tremble , Anna ; Cameron , Bessie Cam eron nnd Loreno Slurray , and 'Slessrs. Wari Parmor , Frank Parmer , Ted Farr , Robert Tremble , Charles Tremble and Charles Keeper. . A very pleasant lawn party was given by Sllss Cowlos at Jier homo , 2S2C Webster street , last Friday evening. The lawn was Illuminated by Japanese lanterns and danc ing 'was enjoyed ' throughout the evening. Refreshments were served and each partici pant was presented with a souvenir , the women each receiving a beautiful rose and the men dainty buttonhole bouquets. Some of these present were : Slesdames Robertson , Hopper and Cowles ; Misses Vera Harden ol Cedar Rapids. Neb. . Worthing. Lllllo Worth- Ing , Blanche Thompson , Anna Larson , Annlo llendrickson. Sai.dberg , Edlo Sand- bcrg , Quamstiom. Hilda Quamstroui , Maud Quamstrom , Mlnnlo Anderson , Jennie Ander son , Ada Berg , Ethel Lynn , Emma Olson , Cllovo , Beatrice Lynn and Cowles , and Mcssro. Will Bcsse of Bloomflcld , Neb. , Rmll Anderson , Lettcqulst , Quamstrom , Nlolson , Ellison , Swnnson , Falconer , Camp ! bell , McMillan , Henry Foley , Schlcbel , Rnpp , Foley and Berqulst. i Sir. and SIis. E C. Ryan threw open their hospitable home on Wednesday evening to entertain the women of the Wisteria club nnd their husbands , this being the closing party of the season , The house was pret tily decorated with roses nnd carnations , and the daintiest icfrcshments were served , everything being in yellow. Cards fur nished the chief amusement of the evening. The first prl/t1 , a handsome urn , was won by Sirs. R. E Welch , while Mrs. J. A. Tog- gart captured the second , a dainty cup and wiuccr ; Sir. SI. 1) . Hiissle took the men's prize , nn umbrella , and Sir. P. Garry , n leather bill book , The consolation prizes went to Sirs. J. J. Hanulghan and Sir. Tag- gart. Sirs. Ryan was assisted by Misses Lulu Garry , Cory Taggart and Agnes Sloran Those present worci Messrs , and SIcsdameR E , A. Walter , T. Jj Foloy. J. J. Hannlghan , T. C. Lange , R. E. Welch , J. Green , J , Burke Taggart , J. McCaffrey , II. G , Slathews , D , Illoloy , SI. Hi Hussle , C. Prlmcau. P. Garry ; Sirs. Traynor , Harry Garry , Lulu Garry , Cornoy Taggact , H , Pohlzon , Agues Sloran , E. C. RyanJ A very delightful-evening of music and entertainment v ihi given last Thursday by the Sunny Home-tWO at the homo of Sir. end Mrs. SI. D. fKaroJ 2518 Patrick avenue. The Sunny Homec.clifbij8 a company of young girls , under the. leadership of Sirs. J. W. Nicholson , banded tofeether to "scatter sun shine everywhere ) ' thVy go , " and they are constant In thi/lr > d llghtful work. Thn members of the qlgJiiflre : Mrs. J. W. Nich olson and T. F. Sturg s of Omaha ; Sirs. W , E , Sluffloy of Waju pton. D. C. , Sliss Slarj Alice Stlmson ot New York City , and Sllsses Slabel ICarr. Laura , Rhoades , Llnnle Carpcn- trr. Mnudo Wright" fina Ogle. Bessie Wright. Blanche Roe , Isawrttoldwln , Charlotte Roe and Edith Snydcy'fif.Draaha , There was a very entortalnlnffWogram given by the girls , consisting of sffYclri $ Instrumental music and recitations , iftcr which refreshments were served to about sixty of the friends who delight to attend and encourage the work In which the baud is Interested. The club haa been busy alt spring sewing and preparing for charity work to be done this fall , end a very generous collection was glvon at , the close of the 'musicals. AVIio Come unit fin. Mlta May "Mount " haa returned from a visit In Chicago. Slra. Scott of Dunkirk. N. Y. , la visiting Mm. Cotto.i Miss Delia Chandler la visiting friends In Kcnosha , Win. Miss Nellie Bennett Is attending a wed ding In St. Louis. Mrs. K. M. Talinage Is flailing her parents In Batavla , N. V , Sllss Carrlo Mlllard has returned from a short visit In Chicago , Mr. and Mr * . Wll I Urn Oyard Melkle leave Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. / ] Make prices that must sell goods , People that need Furniture and Carpets will look to their interests by looking at articles we enumer ate , This is stock reducing season and we give you a substantial in vitation to help us reduce. Wo offer here a large se lection of new and choice pat terns in Axminster Carpets the most beautiful parlor car pets , at the extreme price of $11.5 per yard. Ingrain Carpet The line is now very com plete in both two and three plys. Heavy Union Carpets at 25c , 35c and 45c per yard. yard.All All wool , best makes , 50c , 60c and 65c. Special on Oil Cloth and tor Heavy Oil Cloth , any width , 20c per square yard. Linoleumr 6 feet wide , only 45c per square yard. Never a Sale had in Omaha like Between the Indy who look * well on her wheel nnd tlio one who doesn't depends upon the ttjle " Cycling Suits worn i , Our ' Bicycle Suits Are Right- night In style right In lit materials are light and price right $5.00 BUYS ONE With hat Jacket , skirl , knickerbockers and Icpglngs nil to match. Better ones , of course , for $0.50 , $8.00 and $10.00. LIM3.V SUITS All the new Street Sulto In linen Juat re ceived $3.50 to $10.00. MOTH-IMIOOK HAfiS _ 60c and COc eaves clothing. OLOAK&SUITGO , 1510 Rockland Hotel I'ALMliR LAKH - - COLORADO. A delightful Hummer renort In the Itocliy Uountalna , llrtt class In c\erj' respect. Itatea , ] 111 CO to J1800 per week. Special ratei ti ) fHinl- I lies. Send name for circular anil any Informa- | tlon ileslrcil. > E. A. TUNNULL& CO. , Proprietors. LAKB. COLO. Never a Sale had in Omaha like for New York this evening , to ho gone about two weeks. Mrs. 0. C. Urownlce of Cheyenne la vis- ItltiR friends in Omaha. Mrs. IJarr and her two children are enjoy ing a short visit In Denver. Mrs. ] { . J. Ponfold U visiting her parenla at Brant , Urlo county , N. V. Mrs. Horace d. Hurt of Chicago Is the guest of Mrs. Hdward Cudaliy. Mr , P. T. Hraman and family have taken up their residence In this city. Miss Ida Pundt will leave today for a visit with relatives In St. Loulr , Mrs. duy 1'arka of Dccatur , III. , Is the guest of Mra. W , S. 1'opploton. Mrs. B , Dickinson and Miss Dickinson rt- turncd Wednesday from Now York. Miss Georgia Sharp leaves for Chicago Tuesday for a visit of several weeks. Mrs. Oagood Kastman of Chicago 1s the guest of Mr. und Mrs. Samuel Hums. Mlsa Georgia Valentine will leave this week for a vlalt with her mother In Klchmond , Ind. Ind.Mrs. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Secor of Minneapolis have been visiting Mrs. Hobble at the Madi son. son.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilaan left Thursday for Seattle , Washington , to Bptnd the sum mer. mer.Mr Mr , and Mrs , William Wallace will spend the summer an usual at Okobojl , During their absence from Omaha their residence ( Continued on Fifth Page. ) The World's Ite t Product In Cut ( llu U marked I/ tills trade Cut on evtry pieca of genuine Cut Qlau. Matting- * - RttgS" To close out all Matting Rugs while the season is favorable we cut prices in half , 6x3 feet fine Japanese Rugs price $1,00 to close. . . . 50c 9x6 feet fancy weave inlaid Bingo Japanese Matting Rug price $7.75 reduced to. . . . $3.50 We have a very fine line of China and Japan Matting at 25c per yard. A Look at the In our Drapery Department will convince you that for Lace Curtains , , Portieres , Table Covers , etc. , we are truly headquarters. Hope I'oitlcres $2.75 , $3.50 , $4.50 and ? C.OO each. Nottingham Lnco Curtains 7 ! > c , S5c , $1.00 , ? 1.50 per pair. Fish Nets $1 CO and $2.f > 0 per pair. Heal lltah Point Lace $3.50 , $4.00 , $473 , $000. Ron ! HrusHcls Lace $2.50 , $5.00 , $ i5.00 , $7.60 , $9.50 , Upward. Embioldcred iMuslln Curtains $2.10 , $275 , $350 , $4.00 Curtain Nets by the jnrd 20c , 2Sc , 35c. I5c and 50c. Curtain Muslins by the yard lOc , 12 } c. 25c and 30c. Extia wide , heavily embroldnrcd , COc. Many special things In Parlor Furniture at prices not befoio attainable , some late pur chases that have Just arrived , bought under price , will go out this month at the slightest margin above cost to us. Parlor Suite , upholstered In damask , ma hogany finish , new bbnpe , 5 pieces In suit $30.00. Y. 11 C. A. Bldg. NEW GOODS IN Art Needle Work Dept \ . t , with appllquo paltcrns-CSc. TAIlt.ii : COVnUS In fine nulgarlan > lnen Panama Covers , stumped In new < J eslijna , for Nonltsli embroidery CSc. Linen Ilurlnp Ceners , with colored borders , stamped for fancy studies -51.S3. Asm Linen Covers , in new shapes end combinations S2.DO. Cream Colored Hulgnrlnn Linen Covers , stamped or plain Me up. SOKA PILLOW COViil3-In : nil the ubove tyUs-Oi > c up Henutlful new drnlcns In Fancy I laid Tickings , stamped for outlining , with back and ruflle complete--65c I 11 ' I ' ' Denim Govern 15o up. NEW I'AllHICft For Draperies , V lllowa , Table Covers , etc. nxqulnlte new Hungarian I.lncna , Turkish patterns. lii'-iutlfiil Moral deslRma In New A rt Ticking. ' New Japanese Tinsel Crepes. i New rjgurcd Denims. A IUI-RO llnt > of ni'iv Stninpo I.liirnn , v Hli niuilliiuc iinltcriiN , In colorx , for lon r mill xliort HtllrliuN. hii3 OMl SOUTH SHOW WIXIJOW. t ' * i WHEELS I $60.00 WHEELS $ I ft ift 23 Wheels at Any Price. ft ftft * ft 1515 Howard St. ft MISSDACY leaves today tor Europe on a business trip. While absent hep business will be left In charge of competent help , with in structions to close out the remainder of hep present stock of milllnory , regardless of cost fop cash.