10 TUB OMAHA IXA.1LT UBEs SATUKDAT , MAY 22 , 181)7. ) SPECIAL NOTICES AiH crtlMrnirnlfl for ( licnc column" nlll lie tnkon iinlll 11 ! in. for the cvrnltiK nnil until 8 | i. m. fair ( lie niornliiir mill Stiiulny nlltlnnn. Ailvrrtlfit-r * , liy rrtii > llnu n mini- lirrpil clicclf , cnn IIIITC niimriTu nil- IrcMftcil tit n iimiilicreil Ic-ltcr In cnrr eif Tln > HIT. An * " era no mlilrcmiiMl Mill lit ; ilcllvcrcil on iircKvnlntloii tit ilif Hi < < ! ; only. IliiU-n , J I-ttc n word llr t Inncrllnnt In n wtiril Miprrnftcr. lYotliltiK Ink" ' " for | I > HN Ilinii B.-.o for tlie llrnt IIIBIT- < lon. Tln'HiiiiltrrlUcniftitH muni lie run I'oniiTiitlvrl } . SITUATION' * 1VAVni : > . . WANTIU ) I1V A COMPIITnNT liiitrlur ; 1C > ' experience rcleiences fur- nl hcd. Address ! ' . Heo olllec , Counrll llluft * . A M20I 21 WANTKI ) . 1IY YOI'NO MAN OF OOOl ) HAH- Its employed diirlns dny time. pUce to work for bonrd nlid room , llcl of referenda. "It IV lira. A MM3 23 * ALL-UOUNI > , nOOI > IIUTCIir.lt. WANTS HIT- nation ; fourteen yearn' rxperlenc * , KO < ! refer ences , Aililrem V. Hudlk , Hcliu > lor , N l > . A-M310 S3 * WAMT1JU MAI.H HUM' . A PBW UNnitOETlC HUHTLINO MUM CAN find itrnily. prolltnblc work- with C. F. Admm Co. , 62) Kn. IClll HI. - ' _ MKN WANTit > TO I.KAIIN IIAUUKIl TIIAHI3 at tlic Omaha , Ilnrber Collci ! ' , Hurst In tlio vrciii : complete course , R urrks : terms emy ; i-nd for cntalogue. 1317-131J OntiRlns St. . Omnlm. 1I-M710 June 4 " _ WANTKf ) . HALESMKN. IN KVHllY TOWN n d city ; xnlnry nnd rnmniiulon. llnwks Nur ry Co. . Milwaukee.yi . U-MEM 5i _ RAI.hHMRN' roil ciflAHH : JI2" MONTHLY unit cxticnvs ; rid ostnhllnlicd hmifo : experience .inntcomry : Imlncpincnts to cuntnmert C' . C. IMiliop fa. Ht. Louis. IIM2 < 1 31 * WANTKI > , MiN TO LKAHN Tim trade ; mir new method I * thorough constant practice : competent InMructlnni ; tlnnl expert exrimlnfttlrn ; vvnijes nnd eiptrlence Haturdnys In city nlioi > s befi.re compVilnB , mum or t nH Klven rtndentu ! only requlrm two montlis to secure iltmitloii ; write to most convenient ad- ilrr'i fur Illustrated cntnloRiin. Molcr System of llartier Schools , Olilcngn , St. Unit * or Min neapolis. M5S2 ! ! WANTKH. AN At CLKItK POH ClKNnilAL nlllro work ; mul luive inarllciil experience ; stntiIIRP. . naliu-y , pren-nt nnd former occii- pHtlon , othrrwlrn no iltiintlon Klven applica tion , Address I. 27 , llee. It-WV-M WANTHD-A ntlUMAN VLORI8T WHO AKSO KpenkH nmillBli nnd cnn beRln work at once. It linns , 1813 Clinton. 11-517-20 WANTHD. nXPHKIi'-.NrKD CLOTH ING BALES. mnn at the Cnntlni'iital Clothlnu Co. 1 ! .Ilii-il _ WANTII . AGINT.S : JMTO jsr , \vii-ic sum : to ivorkPrs ; no cnpitnl needed , now Roniln ; new plan ; dells nt slKlit ; ei-ery fnmlly nectlH It 11. B , To. , liox 4H. Clnclnnntl. Olilo. II \VANTni ) , HAI-nSMKN , IN 12ViilY niRTUICT ; new penfon : samples free ; Rnlary or commis sion. with expenses from ituit , Luke llroa. Co. , flilcaRO. UM3J7 ! 2- WAXTUU I'KJIALK IIIiLl * . 100 GIULS roil ALL K1N11H WORK ; ; i TO J7 week. Canadian onicc , 152 Douslns.CM74S C-M74S 1VANTKT ) . AN nxrnuiK.vrr.o cooic AND Kood Inundrens nt IS ! So. 19111. C253 OIULS PllOM 14 TO 18 TO INTliOnT'CIJ A new nrtlcle ; no experli'me necr8 ar > * . mothers reiiiiesteil to call with daiiRhturs at 514 First Nail. Imnlc from 2 to 3 p. in. J.'rlitiy. T-231-21 \VANTr.D , A COMI'ETHNT OIHU AT ONCI5. for jreneral liouwwork ; no washlnir , and the btiUagcs 104 Park nvcnue. O'.unoll IMulT.i C-SI312 WANTKH-A GOOD SWONU O1HL. MTlS C. N nielz , 4U So. 38th St. C-316-23 Nl'ItSK OIHLVANT1J1) . MUST IIAV1J IIHF- errnceH. Call nt onct > , 2313 Ilniney. C 314-23 \VANTKO. A MIII > Li\OKD LADY. TO travel for \\holt-role lum c ; rcferencra re quired. Address r. 3J. Ilet- . O MJ20 24 NIJItSM OIRL : NRATV11ITK ; TO COMI5 IN \ < y fie .lay. Call between 10 find .1 o'clock nt 202 North ISth. C 11322 22 I'-OK nF.M'HOU.SI3S. HOUSKS IN ALL PA UTS OP TIIIO CITY. TlfB O. I' . Davis Company , 1003 rnraam. D 473 HOUSES. I1KNKWA & CO. , 1CS N. 15TH ST. D-474 JIODUIIN HOUSES , C. A. STARR. D25 N.T. LIFE D 475 CIIOICIJ HOUSES AND COTTAGKS ALL OVEU the city , } 5 tu JSO. Fldullty. 1702 Farnam Ht. U 476 iiouansvAijjAcn. . DROWN IILOCK. IGTII nnd UoiiRlnp. U 477 i.v .ing , COTTAGES & STOniJS , ALL PAHTS of city. Urcmmn , Love Co. , J30 I'uxton block. D 478 MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANLT PIANOS , Om. Vnn & StoraKO Co. , 1412 rnrnnin. Tel. 1M9. D 473 LAiiai : LIST. ircAGUE , iitii & Donate D 4 SO HOUSES , FLATS , OAUVIN BUOS.161S FARNAM U 1S1 HOUSES FOR RUNT. UDMIS , PAXTON 11LIC D 482 TURKINGTON. COS UUILDINO. D 4 S3 STANFORD CHICLE COTTAGES 6 ROOM _ All modern. Apply 20) lloe building. U 772 8-ltOOM MODERN FLAT , 709 So. 1CTH. $17.60. \V. . Mtllilv. joom tOl , r'lrst Nat'I Hank. Hank.UC10 UC10 TEN-ROOM MODERN 11IUCIC HOUSE. 2JH Vata Bt. . JS'J.OO. W. . MolUI , Ml 1M Nnt'l bank D-MC04 KLKOANTLY 1'UUNISIIKH HOUHIDBMaiiT. . ful home of ten IIIIIIIIH ; best or locations ; \Vci.t Karnnm. 1'ilro v ry rcni-nniihlo to rlijlit parties. M. J , Xcnnimt K. Son. 310 und m j. j. Urown lilorlc. U C 7 C-ROOM IIOlISi : . INQUIH13 ! Tf9 DOUOLAS tr et. J011 HARNEY ; 10 ROOMS ; STEAM HEAT. D-SI7S3 , lune7" 1-OR RENT. ELEGANT FIVE-ROOM STEAM heated ll.it. Apply Flat U , Uavltlgc Ill.lg D-M903 10-IiOOM TJjAT , DOUGLAS. NEAR 2ITH ; MOD- i'ni { steam beat ; nl o 5-rooma nt 31C So. 15th. Inquire Llniulut , 3IB 8 10th. D 917 TWO 8 AND ! > -ROOM HOUSES , MODERN , clone In , J-i.OO and S'-.fo j. D. Xlttle 210 S. ISth , Om. Not. Hunk liMe. D 7 : .22 i'l'RNISIIED HOUSE. IILiniITFUL IOXHT \\'e t 1'n rim in St. I'rlco M'ry reaeonnbla to r I Kill pat lien M. J. Kcnnnrd R. Bon. . 310 and 3lt jlrown block. D MDJ THREIMIOOM HOUSES. 15.00. 1022 N. 2IST. D 19J 23 HOtmES. J , II. .SHERWOOD , IJ N , TTl.iF D-MK8 i'OR RENT. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , 3nd nnd I'nclllc Streets. Apply to J. II. E ' > ann , National Dank of Commerce. D 233-23 BIX-ROOM MODERN FIATS. 1112 S. 11TH. D-M2I7 T5 COMPLETE COTTAOK OF SEVEN ROOMs ! for man nml wife , \\ltliout children , C30 South l ! < h Mreet : no Hl refeiences required. Addrens H , Mllhirihotel. . n-TdSOl 23 I'OR RENT-ELEGANT S-11OOH HOUSE. ALL modern Improvement ! ! , cor , I3rd nnd ChlcaRo. Apply nt ISOU fiirnam St. D-315-23 TWO fi-ROOM. INCLUDINO HATH. STRICTLY flrit-clsss. modern cottnten ; $14 , 1513 N 28th- $15 , SS03 Howaid ; Key nt 2S10 Seward ; exe'ellent. 1)-MSJ I3 iuvr ruuMsiiuii IU/OMS. STEAM HEATED ROOMS. TELEPHONE AND I'UIINISHED ROOMS. J70S DOUGLAS ST. E-742 KOOMS TURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , rool. pleasant location , modern conveniences , near Shulton and Mertlnm hotels. 1427 DoilKe street. K MK4 t3 FURNISHED ROOM3. SINC1LE OR en BUlle. Apply 1SI7 Leavenwnrth street. 3J naar , E MS40 I5 THREE KURNI8HED ROOMS , IIOUSEKEEin Inif. 1111 & Hill. E-M18 U > ROOMS. 1511 HOWARD. E-M281 S NlfU ROOMS TO GENTLEMAN AND WIFE fur llfiht hous ke plni ; ; KAS stoxe ; mndern bou ; ' . | kAlklii | ; ilUtunce ; ovplialt street. 1 , 1 } K-MZ91 ? : i't it.Msiir.n HOUMS A.M HOARD. GOOD IlOARo RATKS RKA- sonable. The Roue. 2020 Harner. M K182 M ELEGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR ENSt'ITE , private bath , excellent board , 1909 Capitol ave. M-I.-JOI ss MODERN IIRICK , ROOMS AND ROARI ) ; $ J.M week. (1 ( N. ISth. P-M217 24 * ROOMS AND HOARD , 17ZI DOf OLAS. F-S71-25 * _ FURNISHED ROOMS , HOUSEKEEI'INO , 2 J Bt Mary's. F-M 27S < Y rt'RNISHED SOUTHEAST FRONT room ; modern convenknctfT board. 705 8. 23th St. r-20 SS I'.LEfJANT PARLOR. ItALK III/1CK FROM new poUolllce. for mnn nnd wife nr two gentlemen. 2vS North 17lh. r MWI I'OH HI3.\TSTOIIiS : AMI I'OR RENT. THE 4-S'JOI'V .Utll'IC 11UILDINCJ at 91 Farnnm SI. This bulldlr.c has u fireproof cement liisement , complete fleam hentlnic IU- lures ; water on nil Hours , ns , etc. Apiilv ul the olllce of The Hee. V 310 WANTED. AGENTS ; Ji'5 PER MONTH AND expenses paid nctUe men It rlRlit ; sowls pold by sample only ; namplct , nlso hnrsc and car llnitP fumlrhed free. Address Jobber , llox M03 , lloston. Mns . J 4M AGENTS EASILY ESTAHLISII RU8INES3 ; 100 I > or cent pront , .novelty tnatrli , lamp , slove and clear Hunter u etul eicrywhcie ; bhyclhts huy nt flht ; umple by mall 15 cents Monon Novelty Co. . room 1020 , S21 Dearborn street , ChlcnRO. J M278 23 LADY AGENTS WANTED , IN EVERY TON In Nebraska , Id tell the Jewell skirt nnd shirt \vall supporter ; ncenW make from $2 In $ f ppr ilny ; every lady buys It ; no competition. Mlis llessle Cameron. Ktnte Agent , 2C13 North 17th street , Omaha. Neb. J M321 23 * H e was a merchant of very good senao , ' But. would paint his ads on peeks or Tance. He found that didn't pay , And tried a better way " He's hnd uds in The Bee evepsince. H. n.v. . \VANTI3n-TO ItlOXT. WANTED. PLEASANT ROOM , WITH HOARD , In strictly private family , convenient locution , by ) ouiiK business man and wltc ; rufeicnces satisfactory. Address L 24 , Uee. K M2S7 23 WANTED , MODERN DETACHED < i OR 10- room house , with barn , vicinity of II.in.scom paik. Address , btatlnc location , L K. llee. K-JI2SO 2i STOHAGK. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , ( CS-910 Jones. General Stoiagc. and forwarding. OM. VAN i STORAGE. HIS FARNAM. TEL. 1553 IVA.Vi'LMl TO HUY. WANTED , A LIGHT ROAD WAGON FOR single 40 In. Shetland pony. Leu fjrocily. Fnr- rauut , la. N M242 23 * WANTED TO HUY. NICE COTTAGE HOME , centrally located , within walking distance of business center , or convenient to car line. Call or addrees , W. C. IJoifk , 219 So. ICtli St. N MSOO 23 SAI.K HOUSES AMI AVAGOXS. FOR SALE , "CLEMMIE C1 STANDARD bred ; record , 2:30 ; perfectly safe for lady to drive. Gem Stablcu. 171S Cuss. P M309 23 * FOR SALIS SIISUKLLAMiOUS. HARDWOOD CRIOD1NU. HOG AND CI11CKEN fence , cheaper than ' "all wlic " C. R. Lee , 001 UoORlas. Q 487 TO HAVE YOUR NEW OR OLD "WHEELS rubber tired ; for a good home-made buguy. or ilrst class paintlnK nnd repairing , > < ec Win. Pfolffer. 27th and Lcavcnworth. Q 2J9 M22 CHICKEN , HOG & LAWN FENCE ; ALL WIRE ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works , -103 S. 14th. Q 650 .T-2 JARPBTS , DRAPERIES , IlUBH.Sl.OUUS , KJJ-.KS $2 monthly on $10 purchase. Send postal ; will call with samples. i3 Ulrsh , 1C2J Kyner Ave. 2 STOCKS OROCERIE3 , 1 MEAT MARKET. 1 druit stock , farms , eastern Nebraska ; acreaso In nnd around Omaha , Omaha city property. H. R. Rail , SOI N. Y. U Q-7SS J7 STANDARD RRED MARE. DELIVERY wagon , harness , high grade bicycle , phiie- ton. good work horse , fresh Jersey cow , buckboard - board ; nil bargains. Frank Hart. Center nnd C3d streets. Q-M2I3 21 FOR BALK. DRY HARDWOOD KINDLING. $1 per load , delivered. Tel. 973. Omaha Ruttor Tub Co. Q M20S 23 * 5W ) WILL HUY A KIMUALL UPRIGHT iiiano , In good condition. Omaha Mot mage Loan Co. , 200 South JCth street. Q-M00 GARDENS & FARMS TO RENT. T. HURRAY. R MSIO OIiAHlVOVAXT. SPECIAL ARRIVAL. FIRST VISIT TO OMAHA of the marvelous full llfo-rcadlnir clairvoyant nnd trance medium. . , . . PROF. CLARENCE E. CHESTER. The occult wonder. Plain , practical , clear- brained Infnrnmtlon. The master mind leads , FEH wJ 'iOc . &OC-AND UP FOR ONE WEEK. Ho tells your name , age , occupation , ndvlsea In business , si > ecuatlon ! , love und all family tumbles , unites the separated , names of friends und enemies. Hatlf-factlon guaranteed or no pay. If you , Imvr been dlmppolnted by incom petent clairvoyants call nnd be convinced of Prof , Chester's ability. No matter what others huvo been , if member he Is exactly as he rep resents himself lo be. Fee , Wu , COc. and up. Hourx , 10 to S dally. PARLORS , 1915 FARNAM. ST. , first lloor. Let ters with slump answered. B J13 2 < JIASSAUK , IIATIIS , 1STC. MADAM SMITH. 1617 HOWARD , MASSAGE , steam baths. T M2SJ JC MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAOH I1ATII parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , np- itulrn. T 197 22' VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUULES. 340-S REE Hldg. ; physician , consultation or health book free. U IS9 IIATHS , MASSAGE ; MME , POST , 319JJ S. I5TII. U-4M RUITURB CURED. PERMANENTLY ; NO pain ; no detention from bislntsf ; we re'er to Ibousands of patlenU cured. Cnll or urlte The O. B. Miller Co. . Ki-l New York Lit * bulldlnr , Omaha. U-MC5 UALDNES3 CURED , CJ LIOAHD OF TRADE. U-MfSS Jl MISS MAYER. SUROEON-CHIROPODlSTi manicure , R. 400 Puxton block , diploma IKS. U-M2 JI8 EXPOSITION INVESTMENTS. FOR PLEASure - ure and pront see U 1 * . Judion'a want ads. Council Rluds page. U M2C4 MRS. LOUIS. TRANCH MEDIUM. AT METRO , polltan hotel. Itlh and Doujilas. Onuiha. U-M324 MUSIC , AHT A.VO LAXUUAUi : . OEORGE I' . QELLENUEOK. 11 AN JO. MANDO- lln und fultur tcachur , UOI Fum m itrteL Te * tl * . tos MO.M2V T4) LOAN 11KAL IJSTATR. ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. , SIS N. V. I * quick money al law rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , nortr-ern .Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W-493 tToANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITi property. W Karnam smith AI Co , 1 2Fsrnnni. ) . W 49i C 1-KH CENT MONEY ON NER. A IA FARMS W II. Melkle. 1st Nnt'l UK. bide. . Omahn.W . W 153 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. P. Davis Co. . 1MB Farnam St. W--496 1'AHM LOANS , I TO ID YEARS ; LOWEST T\- > M. Onr\ln Rros , , 1CI1 Farnam St. W-S33 ON OMAHA PROPERTY ; 1.OWEST RATES ; building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co.V4M \V-4M MONEY TO IXAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , Love & Co. , Paxton MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Pusey & Thomas. 207 1ft Natl Rk bid W-23" FROM $100.00 UP. F. O. WEAD. ICIh & Douglas. \V-297-.I19 $2.PH ) TO LOAN' ON IMPROVED PROPERTY In Omnlm. A II. Deling. 437 Hoard of Trade building. W M325 24 M0.\iv TO I.OATf CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN , 50 , CO , M DAYS ; FURNI- lure , pianos , etc. tHifT Green , R. S , Harder blk. X-5W MONEY TO L.OAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , , etc. , nt lowest rutes In city ; no lemoval of goodx ; slrlclly coiilldentl.il ; you can pay the. loan off nt any time or In nny amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . : oc So. icth s . X-49J IIUSIM2SS C11AXCKS. FOR RENT-SMALL WATER POWER MILL. Can nlso handle grain. Address box B5 , Lin coln. Neb. Y Ul-JS 2 0 INVESTED EARNS * SO WEEKLY ; NO stock speculation or gold mine Investment : you control capital ; fifth succehsful year ; particu lars flee. Chose & Campbell. 12 Union Square , Now York. Y M207 M23 * FOR RENT , NEW GROUND FLOOR ; PHOTO gallery for sale or rent. Address B. II. Stlm on , Pawnee City , Neb. Y S11SO 2J * WANTED. A HARDWARE OR IMPLEMENT stock In exchange for stoulc In a Jobbing h'.uso ; good opening ; Snaking money ; gooil icasons for selling. Address M ICO , llee olllce , Council Ilium. 7. JI101 TO TRADE , HOUSh 9 ROOMS. LARGE LOT. clear of Incuinbrnncc , ln\vn , shade mid fruit trees , northwest part of city , nnd cash for residence property In or near Hantcom Place or West Farnam bt. Cnll or write 401 Knrtmch block. 55 112s3 23 WILL TRADE NO. 2 REMINGTON , NO. SSOO 'or u gent's ivhcL'l ; will pay part cash If nec essary , t , 32 Ik-e 2318 23 FOR SALU It HAL 1SSTATE. SNAP , ON 1ST1I ST. , NEAR DODGE , 45XCO feet , $2,700. John N. Frelizer , opp. P. O. RE MCSS HOUSES , LOTS , I'ARMS. LANDS , LOANS. Geo. P. Uemls Real Estate Co. , Paxton lilock. RE DO. ! GREAT BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any and every part of the city , north , east , south and went , ranging from $ UO to $5.000 or 5S.OOD and upwards. Any terms desired. Bern IB , I'axton block. RE J75 UARGAIN , ONLY $300.00 FOR LARGE I.OT. ON grade , at 2Mb avenue and Corby stre t. Gar- \ln Hros. , 1613 Farnam street , RE MC33 LAROE LOT 'WITH ONE 4-ROOM HOUSE AND une 5-room bouse , one nil , south P. O. , Jl.tW- n bargain , p. D. Wcad. ICth und Douglas. ' RE-20S 23 KOUNTZi : PICE UAIIGAINS. $2COO , $3.7.TO $6,500 ; sec photos at IGth and Farnam ; Jlorne IJldg. J. J. Gibson , 511 First Nat. Dank llldg. RE-IOl 5-R. HOUSE. CITY WATER , AROUT C HLOCKS from U. 1' . Depot , for Immediate sale. $830.00. F. D. Wend , Kill and Douglas. RE 207 23 FOR SALE , LARGE LOT WITH TWO HOUSES cnn tell one or both ; the rent of one | IOII B pay Interest on the whole Investment ; a. bar gain If sold nt once ; terms easy to right party. Address L 20. llee olllce RE 212 2U FINE RESIDENCE. MOST DESIRAIILE LOcation - cation , north of Hnnscom park. S-room house north with all water conv. and full lot , Jl.CCO. Good lot with old house , near Hnnscom narlt for J550. F. D. WEAD , inth and Douglas RE 29S 22 4-ROOM COTTAGE AND LARGE LOT AT half the value. iS12 North 21ft. RE Also ; SIIOHTJIAXI ) ANIJ TVI > U\VU1TIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 61S N. Y. LIFE. uu AT OMAHA BUS. POLLUQC , 16TII & DOUOLAS . W6 \IG1IT SUIIOOL. LATIN , GREEK , ENGLISH ; ALL IIRANCHES of iimthematlcs und bookkeeping taught nt nlBht by graduate of Toronto university , u A \Vclluo < xl , C23 N. 2Ut ttrect.M243 r FOIl HIJXT IIOTHLS. HOTEL FOR RENT OF SO ROOMS , AMES AVE nnd 21th St. , opposite exposition grounds ; almost new. rent reasonable. Hemls , Paxton blk. 51619 FIJHXJTIWK I'ACKUI ) . M. B. WALKIN. FURNITURE PACKING. UP- lioUterlngr , repairing , matlrcva. feathtrs renovat- cd ; prices reduced , Tel. 135J. 2111 Cumlnr. Ml smmvAi.Ks. FOR NATURAL STONE WALKS , TEL. 492 OR cnd postal to A. Btutier. 330 Hoard Trade. M731 Junes * SIDUWAMCS. NATURAL STONU. ARTIFICIAL brick. Tel , 1CS3 W. \Velihon , 8(9 B. 17h ( St 113 TVI'BWHITIIHS. I/A7IT1.MOOKI' / TYPEWRITERS ; SUPPLIES. United Typivvrner f. Supplies Co. , 1CI2 Farnam -MC28 Jrtl KMI'I.OYJIUXT OFFICE. AMBRICAN AND OERMAN KMPIX3YMENT * "c < " 1 bureau. 1524 Dodee. Telephone. 7t MSC3 JyI3 I ASTII ACIS. IIOKSBS ONLY. BOARD FENCES. SPRING vvutcr. A. W. Phelps & Bon. 107 N , Y. Life. : AST11O1.00Y. PROI' . A. MASEH'OP EOYIT. PAUIISTIU nnd astrology. Ihc wondfr of the age ; past , present and future told or no chnrse ; nt M2 Hatney street , Omnha , Neb. M323 IS * IMIOTO-UMIHAVIXI. WP MAKH KINK HAI.P-TONnS , KINO KTOH- Ings , embo > lnc < llo . ttl-cnlor plate or nny- thlntf In up-io-ilnt cnRrnvlnR. We gimrnntec time , quality nnd worman'hlp. Woman Weekly , Nineteenth ana rarnam. rarnam.M945 M945 Juno 12 KI.NAXCIAL. urn INS.POLICIKS IIOUOIIT. w. K. HOLDUN o05 i > Anv.Niiitoicius. n -l. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. If SI. r lit M > SUE5 & CO. , EOLIC110RS I'ntcnt Hook VIIKB RAILWAY ME CARD jilUULINUTON Ac Md HlVill.Arrlves : | . . . . . . (1 I til 1 1 * > . TA * V. & Mason Utm . | Omaha S:3"mm . Dcnyut U\pn'se . : Uam 43pin.nik ; llll'i , Mont A I'UKct Hiul ix. 4Mim : | 4.33'in . Dirnvl r l-'xpre- ; ! . 4:0pn : : 7Win. | . . . Lincoln Local ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . 7(5i > rn Z50jm. . . . Lincoln Local ( ex. Uuntlay.lltOum ) : " Oniiilmltliilon Het. . IQtli & Mason Bt . ' Umiilm ' K:05pm : . Chicago Vcttllnila. . . S:00im : 5Snm ; ( , . ClilcaKO l-\l > rta- > . 4:15pm 7M'pm..ClilenKD : & Ht. Louis ixi > ri' s. . . . S:20atn : llMOam . I'acttlc Junction Locnl . 60pm : ] _ . Fa t .M | L . . . . . . . . . 2 ! > PII ni Ltav en | ClirCAtii5r'iUL"4 STr"l > AUI1iArrlvcs : OmnlmUnlonDei | _ > ot. : oth _ C:3Cpm : . T. Chlrn i Llmlteil . 80um ; llMnm.Cllcnii' : ,1-NptcM ten , jjunJny ) . . 3i.'pin : HlCACfC ) -NOUTIIWsrX. ! . | Arrves" OinnlmUnlun | Depot , 10th & Mivnon St . | Omaha lOM.'uni * . i : < utrrn ixirc | 4 . 3:40pm : i)3pm . Vestlbuleil Limited" . & :4ipm : : , :5'j : | > m..i. . St 1'aul i\prfs : * . 8.iOinn : C:40am : . Bt. 1'nUI Llmltoil . BlWpm - , :30ain : . Slnux City Local . HMupm C:30mn : . Omnlm-ClilcnKO Special . 8 : < X'un : . Missouri Valley Locnl . D:30ain : * n cept Sinulay. ' * Dxttiit Momm > . Lonv-M ICHfCAClo. H. I. & l'ACIl'"IUArrlVM | Omnliaj Union Depot , 10th & Mnson Stu.l Omaha ilAST. 7noim.\tlintlo ; nxnre " ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6S"pm : 7.00pm Nli'ht Cxprein S U.im 4:3Cpm : Chicago Vc timlcil ; Limited. . . . ! COinn 4Mpin..St. : I'aul Veallbuleil Limited. . . . l'pm : ' WEST. _ l:2.prii : Colorado Limited 4C5pm : i : : . " piii..Slomc City Kpiuss ( vx. ijuii..ll.uuiii ) : SlSnm..Sioux City Accommodation. . . . fc.UOp.ii < jlSl-m. . . . .St. I'aul Limited 'JilOain rjTnves i "F. E. & no. VALLIY. ( Arrives Oniolial Depot. 15th & U'elHlfr St . | Omnlia 3COpm ; KnM Mall niid E.\pr < " 6Ci-pm : 3:00pin.cx. : Sat. ) Wyo. ix. ( i"e. Mon. . , . E:00pm : fo.im..rrpinui-l : L.ical ( Sundays nnly ) . . 7:50um Norfolk Kxpresa tcx. riun > iO:2.'tim : C15pm. . . . . . St. Paul Kxpross ViUnn Leaves I K. C. , riT. J. .1 C. 11. ( Arrives OninliaUr.loii | Depot , I0th & MWOII St . | Omali. ' S:0."itim..Kansas : City Day i\piC5j CU'n : ; inOOpm..K. : C. Nlg.it Ex via U. P. Trans. . C:30an : LI VPS I MISSOURI PACIFIC. iArrlvcs pmaha ] Depot. HthS'cbstcr _ Sts. [ Onulia ? :00pm..Nebraska & Kansas Limited. . .12:5pm : ftr.Opm Kansas City Uxprcni 6:00at : S.if.im | Nebraska Locnl ( ex. Bun. ) 8OUan : Leavosl SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Arrlve Oinalial niiot. ' 1.1th & Webster Sts. | _ OmaIi. Cirpm r.'st. Paul Limited JIOnn : Leaver I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. | Airve3 ! OmahalUnkra Depot , lOtli & Mnnon Sta l Ornalir r.:40iim..7.T7..St : Paul pussenger llilOpn 7:50am : Sioux City Passenger S : < Kpn 5Sjpni St. Paul Llmilrrt 9y.i ; Leaves IVAHASH I IIAILWAY ( Anlves OmahnUnloii | Depiit , lOlli & Mason Sts. | Omaha " < ! 30iim . . . . . . .Canon lln 11 11 : SOam Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. 'Anlves OmnlinlUnlon Di'pot , 10th A Mason Stg. | Omahn 8:2 : > lnm Overland "l.lmltrd SiOpm.Ccnt'ce : & Stromsb'ir Kx ( rx Sun ) . SijOpn 1'lCi'm..Grand Island nxnresa < ' * i Sun. ) . . 3:50pm : Fast JInll iO-20Bm \VHK11H IDOLS AUK aiA Tilt * HaklliK of Ilpntlioii ( loil < * it HrltlNl Industry. ' 7 It hcs recently bcdn discovered that then Is In Birmingham. ) n the very center o Christian England , a factory where 13ols are made for heathen nations , says the 1'ot Ury Gazette , Lotfdon : Many attempts havi been made to ob'tain , admission to the fac lory , hut a strict watch is kept upon oulald ers anxious to nrty iijito the eecret chambers where the heathen gods are made , and jour nalists , especially , are prevented from enter ing the works. , A few facts werehowcvor ' , . | , to bo gleanei concerning this' extraordinary Industry , Idols of all kinds are turned out , represent ing the gods of ! all _ heathen nations , from Tokyo to TitKbuctoo. The export trade to heathen countries , Is a fairly largo ono , al though moro gods are sent out to forelgr dealers in curios in the 'bazaars of Cairo , Damascus , Colombo , etc. , for sale to un Guspcutlng travelers , anxious to take homo some mementoes of their stay abroad. The price of gods varies greatly. You may get a Ilinr.ligham-mado one in a London curiosity shop for half a crown , or you may run up the pretty bill of 20 for an espe cially ugly one , "stolen , " according to the dealer , "by a sailor during the Chinese war. ' In the Cairo 1 > azaar , however , the price of a flrst-claes god of this kind may run from 20 to anything. A traveler Informed the writer that there was llttlo difficulty in detecting aged god of natfvo make from one of Birmingham manufacture. The first generally displayed some slight irregularity or cliango of design duo to the native working by hand , while the Birmingham god was as superlatively correct In form as the most Immaculate dandy In dresa. The trade In Idols Is kept such a close secret that It Is dlfllcult to estimate tlio out put , for in the Hoard of Trade returna the i ods would doubtless bo chuacd under the liumlllatlng title of "works of art or curios. " But thcro Is no doubt the trade Is a fairly largo one , and that eomo cttto Birmingham men do very well In the business. Dry AVciitlu-r ( itnlx In Iiiilln. The list of native superstitions which have from tlmo to time Interferred with the Intro duction or operation of telegraph linen In seml-clvlllzcd countries has received a curi ous addition. The agriculturists In the neighborhood of Bushlre , British India , have been suffering from the effects of drouth during the past eighteen months and were brought to the verge of n famine. Kventu- ally they had a large gathering for the pur pose of propitiating the rain gods. The meeting wan adjourned for the purpose of making a raid on the government telegraph ofllco at Bushlre , some of the appliances of which were imagined to be charms used by the olllclals to prevent a fall of rain. They demollslioJ several Instruments. Strange to say , a heavy downpour followed thla wanton net of destruction , confirming the Ignorant peasantry In their miperntltloiiH be lief. The governor turned out the troops and a number of the rioters were captured and punished , but the coollo flection of the Place still think that the demolition of the .elegraph seta was "good medicine. " Ilrni'volrni'p. Harper's Bazar : "What a good , kind lady you are ! " nald the tramp , "All Jny profes sional brothers teljmo " "Go along away from here , " shouted the Irate woman , "I am going , ma'aui , but I want you to mow that my professional brethren appre ciate your beneficences , Only yesterday ono of ( hem told mo that n year ago , when he was starving , lie came to you and you gave him " The lady looked up Inquiringly. " a toothpick , " eald the tramp , A'ashlngton Star : "Bcfoip I married her. " 10 said , thoughtfully , " ! vowed that I would mulsh anybody who brought a tear to her > rlght eyes. " "And you kept your word , of course. " "Not precisely , I didn't take Into consid eration the fact that , like the nut of her sex. she would put In whale afternoonn sym pathizing with the heroine of an emotional play. " Examine the labels and trademarks of pro. irlctary articles. Imitations are commoii , mil In some cases the difference between them and the gcnjiliieilu to slight as to cs- ape careless observation. Beware of dU > - bonest shopkeepers and salesmen. BITS OF FEMININE-GOSSIP. The craro for Illustration In the weeklies and inonUilloa anil recreation nnd fashion Journnlg of Ihc ilay lins crentcil n now occii- pAtlim , that of the photograph Better. The Iihotonraph getter accunmlatcs a collection of raru IlKcncKRes anil rents them out at so much a hcnil , to bo used for Illustrating ar ticles. People \\lio arc known to be nn- pronchablo nro not worth eo iniirli In the field as these who nro suspected of objecting to notoriety. The plctuics of conspicuous coclctyomcn "ho are frequently heard to declare that they would not plvo their pho- toRraphri to nnyhody for ptililleatlon are rated nt | 5 , or perhaps as hljn as $7. Those of women whoso features have appeared otico or twlco In proximity to ijpo brltiR only $2.f > 0 , but all have a value. Only pictures of pro fessionals arc valueless to the photograph Rottei1. They au < a drug In the market , no matter how fair of form and feature or how iltiltiuo or artistic. Thu fact that the sub jects co to the photographer on business and not for dlvcrelon spoils the pictures for the photograph getter. The photograph getter , whether gently born or not , olii or young , f&ir or homely , must ba a diplomatist of no mean pretensions In order to succeed at her task. It Is also es sential thai she should be If not actually In the .swim at least so cl s on the verge thereof that the llttlu ecUljIni ; current ! ; reach her and film obtalnn more than a cuipcrflclal Idea of wh.it Is going on In mld-ctrcam. "I'vo turned In six photographs this week , " said a veteran of the craft the other day ; "all never published bcfoie. How do I get them ? By ulmply going tin my knees to the people and eating whole slices of humble plo. I'vo got this much pride about It , Uioiigh ; I won't try for any photograph short of the $5 not. Other people In the olllce turn In women who are Just on the ragged edge orlio are ilyliiK to get Into society ; but 1 won't do It , and now they know that either my people nro Al of the first water or celebrated for Konin truly unique thing that Is woith writIng - Ing nbout. Do I write much ? Oh. 1 don't wrlto at all. I couldn't , with nil that 'is on In my mini ! . After all , the writing does not signify ; It Is the Illustration that U the main point. Sometimes It Is Just like pulling pee ple's eye teeth to get their photographs , but It you set yourself the task and Just kenp at It you'll succeed. Thore'fl a sort of zest I A BLACK AND WHITE NfiT. COSTUME FROM HARPER'S UAZAR J a , The transparent tulleo , nets and such fabrics are moro and more In fashion as the v season advances. Our fashion cut this week shows a charming costume from la Malson Emma et Marie Welllo of I'arls. H Js described as having an accordion pleated Bkirt of black net , which is made up over an acr-ordlon pleated skirt of white taffeta , trimmed with entre-deux of black lace and forming a Grecian pattern around the bottom of the skirt. At the edge of the skirt is a full ruche of black net. The waist Is of whlto tulle over ° white taffeta , made In blouse effect , with deep points mid cjpo of white cloth cut-work , ' gulpuro pattern , outlined with Jet cabochon ? . Sleeves of Maul ; net have n butterfly bow n at the top and are strapped with Jet bands. Glrillu and collar are or pale yellow taffeta. nbout It , and when you bring down a flno bird that now too high for most people to tackle , there's a peculiar glow of satisfaction at having accomplished your end , The other day I got a man's picture who 1 know has positively refused to bo printed up to this time , on both aides of the water. I got round him somehow. " Miss U K. Commander , the only woman preacher In Wisconsin , who occupies the pul- blt of the Unitarian church nt Ilaraboo , Is making quite a hit with her discourses. She is young and good-looking and draws a full aouso every Sunday morning. She was called o naraboo from Toledo , to take the place of Itov. U. C. Douthlt , who resigned on account of Ill-health. Although the Unitarian church of IJaraboo Is her first regular charge , the las delivered addresses from pulpits In Canada and the United States , JUlbs Cora- nandcr Is of Kngllsh dt cent and a Canadian > y birth , She was raised strictly In the faith of the Church of England ( Episcopal ) and at an early age was confirmed and be came a communicant of the church. Her early education was obtained In London , Ontario , where eho graduated , after talcing the -collegiate course In the Western uni versity , shortly after which she removed with bar family to the United States. MUs Commander waa then much interested In HfTemit church doctrines and after examlna- Ion Joined the Unitarian fold. Hop theo- oglcal studios were pursued at homo under competent Instructors , the Jltadvlllo course being followed , 1'rlncem Made of Denmark , the slstcr-ln- aw of the princess of Wales , has been pro- enteil by an American gentleman , H.V. . Campbell , with a saddle , said to be the finest evor- made In the United States. The seating s of whlto buckskin and U beautifully ein- iroldcrod In colors. The embroidery Is a uprescnlatlon of the flour do Us of Franco nd the \vhlto rose of Denmark. Moro than hlrty hands were employed for thrco months n constructing the caddie. 1'rlnccss Marie s the niece of the late Comto do J'arls and s married to the youngest son of the king f Denmark. The Vienna university has opened Its doors o women under the following conditions : They must bo Austrian subjects and have Ither matriculated at a bo > s' gymnasium or iavo studied four years at a training Echoj ] or teachers. Their course of study for each ubjcct and the number of lectures they at- end must coincide with the requirements fo- men. For women doctoru of medicine no hange has been made In the regulations , IJaroneafl I'ossaner von Khrenthal. having ucceeafully passed her examination Jlurch 2 , s the first woman to receive a degree as octpr of medicine. The rector of the uni versity epoko in most glowing term < * of her | energy and perseverance In particular and " that of women In general. The icetor also epoke of the path she had opened for other nomen to follow and said that the effect of thplr presence In the university could only bo for good. The sending of birthday cards Is as Im portant a feature of the pasteboard cede its wedding Announcements nnd nil Intricate dc- talU connected ulth receptions and visits. This custom of Bending out announcement cards Is a very pretty one , do'plto the fact that It necessitates the choosing of a name In n very short time after the nrrhnl of the llttlo visitor , but that Is after nil a blessing In disguise , shortening ns It docs the period In Yihleh the respective gratulparentu glower at each other. .lust now fashion Is not nt nil particular about the form of the card , but busies her self far more 'wltli the name tobo Inscribed thereon , and this she says shall be , If pos sible , the family name of the grandfather on the mother's sldo for baby No. I In the family , nnd the grandmother's name on the father's sldo for baby , No. 2. One etyle of announcement has the Infant's nama In the center of the card , with the dale of bin plrth In smnllor letters Just beneath , while the n.uno of the mother and father occupy an Inconspicuous place In the lowif lct ( hand corner. Another style shows simply Iho mothrr'a visiting card , while a tiny card bearing the name and birth date of the baby Is attached to It nt the top by a little bow of whlto ribbon. The father's visiting card is enclosed with this one. llelng a prlnrrsn Is not all ono could with If the fairy stories and the latter-day court chronicles are to bo believed. It Is said that Quenn Victoria has always been a lover of pomp and power and thoroughly enjoyed the state and circumstances which In her younger days surrounded her. llor ambitious daughter , now Empress Ftedcrlck , was nlso a lover of ceremony nnd splendor. The duchess of Klfo nicknamed "Her Royal Shyness" never oven attends the drawing rooms and I'rlncom Lou IHO of f/orno despises court functions and lives as far as she can the life of a quiet , country gentlewoman. The former delights In the society of literary and artistic people and one day her royal highness made arrange ments to take a country drive with n dis tinguished llterarj vsomon. When about to start Princess Louise said : "I do not wl b to he treated as a princess. Tray let mo drive with you Just as any other of your lady friends would do. " All ceremony was ac cordingly dropped and the two women ilrovo off tcte-a-teto , stopped at a village through which they passed to make purchases nnd call upon Homo poor people , and her roynl highness confessed to having had an unusually delightful time in thus escaping from her rank. It Is stated by the same writer that the princess Is an excellent housewife. When sin- and the marquis have been spending the sum mer at ono or nirothor of thn house * In the country which they have temporarily rented [ flho would IniEtlo about all the morning lookIng - Ing minutely after Dip household dutlcti , dis cuss the dinner with her cook and Impart a few hints , which hho Is well qualified to do , . - and at dinner take the head of llm lablo and herself curve , In which domestic art , of late i so much out of fashion for women , her loyal highness is an adept. : : On the occasion of the queen's visit to Sheffield , In Yorkshire , on May 21 , Ihero la to he one of the largest gathering * of school children ever witnessed. Tlio duke of Nor folk hau Invited all the children nnd teachers of the public schools to an entertainment In Norfolk park , where they will bo mawud together and eingon the arrival of the queen , ft is expected that thcro will bo over RO.OOO. n The royal procession through the street * lina been planned f > o as to take in the poorer partB of the city. ace i co Woman's day In nctlvo Journalism has been tu a brief ono. There has ( icon no proclamation ot of the fact that woman's day in the Held of cc dally Journalism Is past , but among editors Isof and uoincn-uorkers there la an unspoken con ofbe ' viction that such Is the case , writes Harriet be Holt Calioon In Liiillo'fl Weekly. The news paper changes Its standard now and then. Ono of the changes occurred about eight > ears ago , when It took womcn-workcra Into Its pages. In black-listing the women writ- era because they are women , not lu.-c.iuso they are wrlleru , there Is evidence that the stand ard has changed again. Women are not as adaptable In buslnws llfo as men are. The woman who write * U no exception to this rule. The times called her and aha responded called her because sbo waa a woman , and as audi her views were novel. She played her part In the freak show ; the offered herself us a condiment lo thu great unoatlated ma * of the dully news paper , until as a condiment her tavory quail , tlcu lost their HVor. As a novelty she no longer attracts Men have much to contend with In dully fc Journalism , I''or example , the dally news paper U made by youug mon , Unlike other ] professions , the experience of years does not accentuate the valueof service 1n Jour nalism , The man \\lio U able to earn ten thousand dollars per year In the fifth year of experience Is more than likely to earn two I thousand In the tenth year of his expert- I once. The man who holds his own against I the great onward march of youth Into the I Journalistic field Is the man who h.itt be come a specialist. Ills specialism may bo reminiscence , ho may bo a statistician , a political writer , or an authority on stocks nnd Wall Hired ; certain it Is ho must bo In dividual. Then his advancing yoara are to- ! ornted. Women must also become pppelallsti in order to resist the prejudice aR.ilnst tlmo -and sex. Kxtrcme plumpness would be avoldr-d If tlui lock Ing chair were Riven up. If women were lens lazy they \vould not grow so stout , says n rcrout writer on the subject. No woman cnn -educe- her flesh who lacks cour age. The woman \vbo Is Inclined to hi > stout ran Rain n pound quicker In n day than a slender woman oan In a year. It Is said that when the beautiful cmprrta nf Austria ills- covciod that her waist was growing larger and that her bonntltnlly-moJrlrd chin wan losing Its curve , she , the nntst hortewotn.iu in the world , gave up riding nnd took long walks every day nnd In nil sorts of weather. To grow thin you mtwt exorcise. Walk If you can. but better still , work ; ki-ep \ mind and body busy. Above all , renounce ovorythlnK that comes from the confectioner. 13at moderately of underdone meat , green vegetables , salad * and those fntltrt that ftro slightly acid. Drink but little , bathr regu larly , taking tepid baths. Constant work will do moro to reduce otio'a llcsh than any thing else. _ _ _ There Is a thriving settlement for univer sity women In India. Ono of the most nctlvo workers Is Miss Mary llarhcl Dobson , daugh ter of Austin Uobson , the poet. She , with a band nf fellow workers , has followed the Par sers lo the hills during the plagno , though the hcadcjuaitcra of iho acUlcmvnt la Horn- bay. In an Isstlo of n paper published lit the In terest of iho settlement ono of tlio worker * wrote ; "This city , which In size ranks second only to London nmong tht towns of the Brit ish empire , would , \vc bclluve , afford the greatest scope for \\ork ot this kind. He- sides a largo Mohammedan and Hindu popu lation , It contains a colony of 60,000 I'ar.toe.s. This Influential and i-tillghtcnrd race hail ns yet been almost untouched by missionary effort ; western inlsslona/les may lead thn way , but the trim i ( "formers ot India must eventually bo nntlves ftilly consecrated and highly ininllflcil. It is as n training school for such that this settlement Is lo nnd llu highest nilnslon. For women's work among thorn there is a distinct opening ; the 1'arseo ladies nre free from Mohammedan and Hindu restrictions ; education with them , though paitl.il. Is universal , and they are eager for wcslvin culture nnd Intercourse with Kngllsli women. The missionaries of western India are unanimous In declaring , on the OHO hand , that thcro Ls urgent need among them for nilsblotmry extension on educational linen ; on the other , that women with unlvdratly education , and those alone , can engage In this work with hope of success. "It la hoped that this scheme may develop - volop in moro than 0110 direction. In the districts of Nailk und Malegaon , about 100 miles fiom Ilombay , thorn la pressing need for lady doctors among 2,000,000 native , women , who nro almost entirely without HUMleal ] aid. There It In hoped to establish a medical branch of the settlement na socu as two fully iiualllled lady doctors offer for the \\ork. In future years \vo may there fore sco In every university center In India a band of women representing Iho missionary effort of the universities nt homo , for who can ( ell what Iho reflex Influence on our col leges will be of such organized representa tion of women students In the foreign Held ? " At last the theater hit Is about to be "clrcumweiitcd. " as Ham Weller would have said. A London optician has Invented a Bterentclcscopo which cnnblu ? a person to see a performance on the stage , no matter If a woman wearing nn Eiffel tower , with a cas cade of lace , two or three waterfalls of rib bon , and a wbolo ornithological nnd floral ex hibition on It , does occupy tlio seat In front of blm. The Instrument is a form of binocu lar , by means of which n corrected and highly magnified view of anything at a dis tance may be seen either at the Bides or over the obstruction , even when the looker la looking through thu glasses dliectly at the ob struction , The now opera glaas attains lln object by an arrangement of telescopic lenses in two arms six or eight Inches long , which bring a. reflection of the object alined at to a point In front of the eyes. Ono of the curious fads of the- day Is the use of the hunting trophy as an article of household furniture or decoration. Mankind \ and womankind are both enthusiasts upon , this subject. The man's den , studio or library must contain a piece of some kind the foundation of which was gained In oomo fall or winter hunting trip , while the femi nine boudoir or drawing room also boastn 0110 presented by n masculine admirer. Among Iho sklus figuring most prominently In this way Is that of the elephant. Strangn as It seems , the hide of this ungainly creature can bo and Is used In a do en unique ways. The leg of the elephant forms an odd corner closet. The nklii of " " a "baby" of tlio specie. ! makes an armchair. Anotrcr weird chair Id covered with the skins of small animals such as the red fox , otter , etc. The arms and legs of the seat terminate In the lipnds of thcao tiny beasts , which are placed win-re knobs would occur In the everyday article Ilcars are gicatly In use among those who go In for tills fad. One fashionable house owns Bluffed bear arranged as n speclea of dumb waiter. Hat racks from small legs and fees of deer and kindred creatures are much lu evidence. The Itcvtio dcs Deux Mondcs contains Iho opinion , for Iho greater part adverse , of 100 leading act-man professors on the admission of women to university education. Ono Prof Meyer , backs his approval by citing the cases of twenty-one wnnu-n who Imvo become cm- Inout In mathematics. On tlio other hand I'rof. WUHtenfold , who has taught nearly throe score years , declares his absolute oppo sition to woman's higher education. Sjstcm nnd order have to bo observed pvon In the plague-stricken districts of India and a "choc-king office" has been ratflhllfthcil , in oidcr that 700 or SOO cllUins at India may not , like the babies In " | > ma- rorc , " bo "mixed " up , At n relief work ramp In the 1'unjnb , whom about -10000 persons are ut work , a Inrgo number of liable * are looked after while their mother ! SIS ft.work- I'revlous to this about 700 or SOO babies of all horU were all left In ono iluce , and ( he mothers , anxious In the evenings to reclaim their llttlo ones pre sented a scene which Is butter imagined than described. It wan not possible for -ven mothers to Jind thi'ir own babies ia , | | > - mil the authorities were cnibaiTnmioii not little. The ofllcer in charge , however ias treated the babies on the umbrella and oat principle. Ho has pioyldcd i-itch of ho babies with n string und a ticket In lupllcate , ono being hung around the why's neck and the oilier given to Ihu nattier. The newest handshake l called the "don- ilo twist. " Concerted action Is nocc.irary so hake a successful nnd aitlstlo "doublo wist. " Two persons meet and clasp hands the oidlnary way. Then , still holding lands , thcro Is a pctc-c'ptlblo pause of a few econds and each la appaiently Inspired by midden Impulse to make Iho Krretlng moru ordlal. As though by nn aftci thought iito vo draw each other closer and give each ither'b ham ] a ticjrly srpicoze. A very pnr- cptlblo Interval between thn claim and ehake Imllspem-ahle lo the pioper carrying out the new greeting. It la necestaiy to ifuarc of having a humped note. OSWEiO STARCH. 'or the laundry gives universal satisfaction.