Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1897, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    STNDAY , MAY 10 , 1807.
0 THE OMAHA DAILY lifcft : .
MlMllt .HK.VTIU.t.
Smith , plum'ocr. 2101 Avc. A. Tfll. 333.
I'asturaRe , L. I1. Jmlson , 92D Cth avenue.
The motor company will run Its cars Intc
Falrmount park thli ) afternoon.
Klder T. W. Williams rct'lrncd yesterdaj
from his week's work at Tabor , la.
Great barf-ftlns In hydrant hose , best values
for the money In town. J. Roller & Co.
All members of St. Alban's lodge. No. 17
KniRhtB of 1'ythlns , arc requested to be present -
ent at the meeting tomorrow evenliiR. llusl
ness of Importance will conic before thi
Wanted A man with general acquaintance
In Council muffs , to canvass fur n v.'cll
known Omaha establishment. Stiito cxperl'
nnre nnd references. Address K 64 , Omaha
Bee. Omnhn
P. S. Ptebhlns of the papscnRer depart
ment of the Union 1'aeine Hallroad com
pany has prepared the ground on the rom
panyV land near the transfer and "Is plant
Ing five aeres of strawberries.
On next Sunday u I'loHw of nearly 200 chll
drcn will ho presented for conflnnatlon a
St. Francin' church. Illshop Cosgrovu o
iMvenpoit will olTlclale. The clans has heei
prepired by Itov. Father Smytlie.
Tlu-re ne\er wafi a time when wo lur'
done so much family work , nnd we neve ;
ha\o 'lone the work sn well H thl" Rprlng
We have made nn nrt of the laundry bust
IICFS nt the "KaKle , " 721 Droadway.
Tile Hlxt'i annlvctn.iry of the dedication ol
Ilro.ihvay MethodlHt church In to bo cele
liratdl at that church tomorrow evening
11 will be a platform nuM'tlng and n mini' '
her of able Kt < calicm will nddrc the as. em
blv. HUhnp C. (5. MeCabo will be prcscn1
and will t-icnk | and sing.
l''or snlc at a bargain if tnken soon , m ;
inn'lern residence , (1 ( 5 Fifth avcn > ' .e. J. H
The Union I'acldc freight offlce at Tontl
BVcnuo and Sixth street has neon , rcnovatei
nnd painted In n very plcaaing manner , mak
liiK It by fir the most attractive r.illroai
In ight oilier In the city. Agent Oussloi
likes things up to date and In thly Instanci
his ambition l. gratified.
C1. W. I'rlcc , the Wagner sleeping cur con
ilurtor under arrest for viciously iifHaultltif
Motor Conductor I ) . 1' . Illlck , pleaded gnlltj
to" the ehaige of aswault and battery he
fore. Justice I'crrler yesterday and was llnci
$2 , " ) nnd ef.nta. The motor people report tin
fart that nn order wan issued yesterday bj
the Wagner company In Chlc-igo dlschargliu
Trie- for Ills conduct.
A team lil'ched to one of the largo vani
belonging to the Omaha Uox factory , tool
filnht .it an electric train on South Mali
Etirct ycateiday nnd became unmanageable
The van was * heavily loaded with boxes foi
bhlpplng agricultural Implement repairs , am
when tin team made a midden turn , the en
tire weight nf the load was thrown on twi
vhuelb and they were crushed to the ground
The drlvur gained control of thu tcjin am
no further damage was done.
. The Enterprise club met with Mrs. I ) . U
Vitter on Turaday afternoon. On account o
threatening weather the attendance wa :
mnall. Gray's Klegy as given piecemeal fo
quotation ; ) by the membpiH and the merit
of the poem wore discussed. Regular lea
neil work was conducted by Miss Kthel Wit
ter. An Interesting paper on'current tvent
Has read by Mre. M. L. Williams in lit
ual ahprlgl'tly manner. Thu club in doin ;
good worlc.
Iluy yuur fly iscrczn doors , window screen
and all kinds of wire screen at 100-10
Umadway. which IH the big double store c
J. Zoller & Co.
Judge Smith yesterday Issued an order t
have Ucrt Duncan placed under arrest nn
brought before him on Monday for sentence
Duncan Is the precocious 8-year-old thlc
who has given the police so much trouble
Ho was arrested nud convicted with anothe
lad , Fred Truax , for breaking lute a cottJs
belonging to the Union Pacific Hallway con
pany and destroying a lot of plumbing t
eci'iire the lead. Sentence was deferred upo
tlm promise of the boy's father to take hit
out of the city. Thirty dajw have passe
and the boy Is still running around th
utreets , hence the order of the court. Judp
Smith stated last evening that If Uunca
would take his boy away from town todn
bo would be permitted to do so , othenvls
lie would send the child to the State Hefon
C. n. Vlavl company , temalo remedy. MCI
leal consultation free Wednesday. Heall
bodk furnished. 32C-327-32S Merriam bloc !
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Sonic SIIKC "ml rrolltnlilc Ilclli-etloi
for I.OV TH of ( iooil ClKiirH.
Why do you smoke ? It won't cure rhei
mat Ism , buy the baby shoes , nor Improi
your bank account. You smoke simply fi
pleasure ; then smoking Is n luxury nothii
else. It is poor economy to buy Infcrl
goods , when by smoking possibly a little le
you can afford to buy something good , tin
\vliy not have the best ? And make yoi
fciuoko what It Is Intended to be , a real plea
uro to you.
Have you ever considered what the populn
Ity of the "Sultana" cigar means ? Innunio
oblo of cigars are being constant
placed on the market , and much money at
energy expended In bringing them to tl
notice of the public. Why Is It that In tl
face of such competition the "Sultana" shou
remain the only standard In this class
cigars , and show such a tremendous ga
from month to month ? It goes without a
Ing that our output Is many times as gre
ns that of any other ono brand sold In t
city. The brand has become a househo
word In every home. This result Is not
be attributed to extraordinary bushier ma
agemcnt , nor Ingenuity In advertising , b
primarily to the Intrinsic merit of the gooe
Our greatest efforts have been centered
having a good cigar produced and the gre ;
est vigilance II.IH hecn used by the manufa
tnrer to include nnno but the most dcslral
Flock ; aside from ( hid , tint advantage of t
foil wrapper around each cigar Is that It i
tains the moisture and nroma of Iho tobac
better than any of other cl ar on the ma
l < ct.
It Is this vigilance nnd the blending
cholco tobiccoes that result In the dellclo
qualities peculiar to the "Sultana" cigar ,
which Moore & Kills feel Justly proud ,
i'iitH fur Mt'inorlnl lny.
All the arrangements have been complel
for the observation of Decoration day. T
memorial day comes this year on Sunda
nnd for this reason the observam-o will n
be on as liberal a scale ns usual. The ( Ira
Army members luive arranged all of the il
tnll for the ceremonies In Falrvlew ceiii
tery. The address will be delivered by Jud
.Smith. There will be no piratic , and
ostentatious display of any character. T
members of the ( Jraiid Army will meet
their hall nt 1 ! o'clock p. m. . and , headed 1
McFadden'H drum corps , will march 10 t
cemetery. They will be met at the Boldlei
lot by Judge Smith and Hev. V. C. Hoc
and Hov. J. 11. Senseney , who will ofllclnl
A commitU'o has been npi > oliitcd to procu
flower * . Hev. Henry Del.oug In chMrini
nnd the othois arc : Theodora Guitar. 14.
Caepw. V. A. Sackctt. F. S. Duvls and Jol
Ward. C. Wallace , N. McFaddeii and Samu
Johnson have been appointed n committee
place the flowers upon the foldlcrri' graves
Fair-view. Wnlnut Mill and the Hoinan Cat
ollc cemeteries.
The soldier organizations have recoi
mended that memorial r-ervlcea be hold In t
of the ehurche > 3 on Sunday evening , ai
each KOldler Is reqiirstrel to attend the churi
of his choice ,
The members of thei Union Veteran Legli
have arranged to hold memorial nervlce
St. John's English Lutheran church , corn
Willow avenue and Sixteenth street , on Su
flay evening nt S o'clexik. Judge Fawcott
Omaha and James McCabe will make tl
addresses of the evening ; , A cordial invlt
lion la extended to all ,
J. 0. W. & Co.'s Clear Title Bo cigar Ju
placed on eale with forty Ilrtt-claaj c\g \
dealers in this city. Try one. At who !
tale , John 0. Woodward & Co.
You arc more certainly liable to find
preat variety of goods at satisfactory prlc
tiul In eatlifactory rondltlon at J. Zoller
Co.'s than any other place In town. Ttl
phone 320 when you want any kluil of gr
c rle > quick. , j
that Have Wade the Time Fly
Swiftly for Many ,
lemlM I'lnlcrliiliKMl In n Moit lion-
liltnlilo .Ainu tier nt I IKI'miilly
llonuin > iirth Nuvcnth
Struct OlluiAltnlrn. .
Mr. and Mre. Charles II. Ilradlcy enter
alncd a number of their friends In a inoes
lcllihtful ; manner at high five at their cot
age home on North Seventh street. A boun
Iful collation and a punch bowl of the In
exhaustible \arlcty aelU d very materially ti
ho pleasure of the guests and all left feel
ng that Mr. nnd Mrs. lirailleyjmd nffoidei
hem nn evening of rare pleasure. Tlioai
iresent were : Mr. and MI-H. W. A. Travis
M" . and Mrs. J. T. TliUl , Mr. and Mrs. Halpl
1. Williams , Mr. and Mrs. H. II. VanUrunt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Smith , Mr. and .Mrs
\ . M. Ilroek , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Vamlevecr
Dr. and Mrs. 0. U. Woodbury , Mr. and Mm
V. W. llrlkmnn , Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dud
cy , Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Jennlngi , Mr. am
Mrs. George 11. Hex , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. U
. .yon and Fay Travis.
The open meeting of the Dcrtblck club
vhlch will be given at thu Drown bulldliif
omorrow evening , will be the musical even
of the week. Tile open cession Is given II
cor-.pllaiico with the many requests tlflr
live come to the members since the clul
\HK organized lost autumn. The program wll
be In charge of Mr. W. L. Tlilckfitun , am
s as follows :
luet-Ovcrtiiro to Wlllmm Toll Tlossln
Misses Nora McCnlie nml Monti lleed.
luirt's Siirlngtlme : : ; ; ; , Vf '
Mrs.V. . II. Wilkelleld.
\Iarchc Hongrol ! < o
Miss Xulii Mpo. ,
lunrlel-Tho Millet's Woejlng. . . . . . . . I'iiii ni
Me Blames W. II. Wnke-lield , Robert Mullls
Messrs. W. S. Hlgelon and C. 13. Altf-lilson
lK- Minstrel Hey Shellej
Mr. J. H. Slmtr.s. , ,
Nocturne , In C major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choplt
\nnlyslH ( li 13. 1'erryl , Mr D. b. Stuiirt
I'erformnnce , Mrs. II. S. Jones ,
leifiiiiva nel Sllcnzto ( Lucia ill J-aIV"
mcrmoor ) JJonizoti
Mrs. .1. G. Wnelsworth.
'olomilsr. Op. W Chopli
Mrs. PoniiUl Mae-rae , Jr.
Quartet-The Lord Is My Shepherd.bclmber
Sleselnmes J. O. Wiulsvyorth. llobert Mill
Us ; Messra. W. II. Waketleld and J. II
SlmmB. , , .
Mrs. I' . J. Montgomery has returned fron
.jtncoin. Neb.
Mrs. 15. C. Lalnson gave a kenslngton 01
Wednesday afternoon at her home , 113 Eas
i'lerco street , In honor of Miss Askln. Thos
.irewent . wjr" : Mcfdames Ilixby , Jone > s , Ue >
\skln , Hobertson , Snow , McKwson , Lunge :
Taylor , Henry , Ilisey , Strock , Hunter , Hoe
Mueller , Hollls nnd Miss Ilex.
Mrs. S. C. Key Is 111 at her homo o
Fourth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs J. T ) . Edmnndson arc ex
pected homo from the California trip till
week. They have written to their friend
here that they have had a most dcllghtfi :
visit , and are very much In love with th
Southern California people and climate.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mc.Micken will leaven
on Monday for a visit to their old home I
Aura , 111.
A reading circle composed entirely of th
resident pupils of St. Francis' academy he
been organized , nnd Is giving n series e
evening reading parties. Each evening
devoted to the works of some popular autho
The last session was devoted to the wort
of Hawthorne.
Mrs. G. M. Dodge and Mrs. W. II. :
Pusoy returned home on Friday In Genen
Doilge-'s private ear No. 034 , attached to tr
Union I'acinc Overland flyer , returning fro :
a pleasant trip through the west.
Mr. Uun Skinner of Sioux City spent Sui
day the guest of friends in this city.
Dr. and Mrs , II. 13. Jennings entertaim
a party of eleven tables at high five t
Thursday evening. The party conslstt
mainly of members of the old dancing clu
ami an exceedingly pleasant f/enlng w ;
spent. The guests were : Mr. and Mr
Bloome-r , Mr. and -Mrs. C. II. Hannon , M
and Mrs. L. Zurmuehlin , Jr. , Mr. and Mr
Joseph W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davi
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Davis , Mr. and Mrs. 1
II. Vanbrunt , Mr. and Mre. A. E. Droc
Mr. and Mrs. Ilalph H. Williams , Mr. at
Mrs. A. n. Nicholas. Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dudley , Mr. and Mr
W. A. Travis , Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dradle
Mr. and Mrs. John I'ugh , Mr. and Mi
Hates , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorham , Mr , ai
Mrs. Jcsfcolyn. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Judso
Mrs. Omar W. Units left last evening f
Chicago , where Mio will visit with h
daughter , Mrs. S. E. Dalles , who will retu
with her mother for a visit here.
Miss Caroline Dodge entertained In
charming manner a chafing dish euppcr i
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. F. Murphy cntcrtalni
at dinner on Sunday Miss Keating and M
Allan Murray Yonge , of government bo
No. 2.
Mr. needier Osborno of Red Oak Is ti
guest of T. O. Motcalf.
Mrs. 13. E. Hart will leave In a few da
for Doaton , where she will visit for soi
Mrs. J. N. Baldwin will go to nosti
shortly , to be present at iMlss Niece's schoi
where Miss GcnovCevc Baldwin will finish
June. Miss Baldwin will enter Vassar ci
lego In the fall.
J. S. Pool , formerly chief clerk to Supe
Intendent Dlmmock , and at present locat
at Melrosc , ' .Minn , , Is In the city for a ehc
Dr. J , H , Cleaver has returned frc
Keokuk , where ho attended the meeting
the grand lodge of the Ancient Order
United Workmen , of which ho Is tnedie
Mrs. S. S. Hust and Mrs. Henry Coop
of Oakland , who have been visiting wl
the family of County Clerk Freeman He
on Mynstcr street , have returned home.
Judge and Mrs , J. 13. F. McOeo gave
very pleasant tea at their home on Wllle
avenue on Friday evening , In honor of Mi
II. G , McGee of Kansas City. The gues
were : Mrs , H. O. McGee , Hev. and Mi
W. S. Ilarns , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Coopi
Mr. ami Mrs. William Olllcer , Mre. Thorn
Olllcer and Mr. nml Mrs. W. H. M. Pupoy.
Mrs. L , . H. Mudgo and son have ! gone
Ulanchard , la. , where ) they will visit durli
the remainder of the month.
I. M. Treynor has gone to Boston to attei
the annual session of the supreme council
thn Hoyal Arcanum.
Mrs. F. H. Orcutt entertained her Sunel !
schcol class on Thursday afternoon nnd eve ;
lug at her homo on Oakland avenue.
J. A. Hoff has gene to Frankfort , Im
to take n position as manager of the shl
ping business of Dalbey & Iloff , music pu
Mrs , E. Reynolds and her mother , Mr
W. liurllett of llrayton. In. , have rented tl
lioi'do , 1C Soulh Eighth street , and will mal
their homo In Council muffs.
Hov. F. L. Hnyden of Kearney , Neb. , hi
formerly ix well known newspaper man
this city , called on his Council Bluffs frlem
Charles Zinimcr and ron of Helena , Man
are guests of the family of George Gcrne
father of Mrs..Imtner. . Mr..lmmi > r leav
In a few days for a trip to Europe and M
Uerner will e > ntertaln his grandson until M
Zlmmer returns.
John O'llourke and wife of Pattonsbur
Mu. . are vloltlng friends In the city.
Miss J. W. Loverett of Horlon , Kan. ,
vliltlug her son. W. J. Leverett , and hi
daughter , Mrs. Snnford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sle-ailinan are vUltli
In Topeka , Kan. , with Mre. Steadman
brother , Mr. fiarrelnon.
Mrs. Frank II r Ins ma Id and Mrs. I ) . J. Rocl
well have returned from a visit to Onawa , I
Mrs. M. A. Warren and daughter of S
Joseph are visiting 13. E. Sayles and faml !
on Third avenue.
Pollened oak ildeboarua this week $3.60 i
Durl < > Kurulturo Co. , 205 and 207 D'way.
VMC A i\ noon CASH.
SerloiiN AlleKniluiin Minlo In .Support
of ( lie Motion ,
Damage tnilts have lost their popularity
around the county court house and n vordjct
for the defendant or nominal damages for the
plaintiff Is the rule that appears to become -
como established. The Jury In the suit of
Mrs. Empson ngalnst the city , In which she
sought to secure $5,000 for Injuries received
from a fall on n defective sidewalk , ac
quainted Judge Smith yesterday morning
with the fact that they had given Mrs. Emp
son a verdict of $1.
The consolidated damage cases ngnlnst the
Milwaukee Hallway company brought by
Mrs. Mary Butler nml W. T. Heath , after
occupying the attention of the court for two
days , was decided by the Jury In exactly
seven minutes from the time they entered
the jury room. The plaintiffs brought their
nctlon to recover damages amounting . to
$9U , which had been caused by water over
flowing upon their farm lands adjacent to
the railway tracks through the alleged negli
gence of the company's employes In permit
ting the ditch to become clogged. On the
ury were savcn men who had gone through
he Hood trial and broke the record for
ung Juries , and they were consequently n
Ittle proud of having nlso nssUtcd In mnk-
ng the record for the shortest time con-
umcd in the Jury room In reaching n vcr-
llct. Juries have given verdicts without
eavlng their scats , but seven minutes is
he shortest time In the hUtory of the county
ourt where a verdict has bciSn reached after
he jury retired.
The twenty-four days' pay , amounting to
IS , that each of the Jurymen received for
ils long and arduous labors In the Hood
lamago case Is beginning to be considered
neager compensation for all of the hard-
hips of the campaign. Yesterday , before the
urors had fully recovered from their grief ,
hey were given a new dose. Attorney Sims
n presenting a motion for a new trial , at-
acked the jury and severely criticised sev-
iral of them , supporting his criticisms with
he. customary nllidavlts. He charges three
of the jurymen with misconduct and speci
fies what It Is.
The motion for n new trial was presented
esterdoy morning and created almost a sen
sation. It was understood that It would be
rguetl during the afternoon and u great deal
oi ! Interest was manifested by attorneys ami
court loungers. During the day , however ,
ho attorneje agreed to n stipulation to llx
ho dnto of the arguments on next Saturday.
Thu attorneya for Dr. Hood ask the verdict
o be set aside and present categorically eighi.
or nlno reasons. They aver that the verdict
s contrary to law ; that H Is contrary to the
nstructlons of the court ; that Its \ contrary
: o the evidence and not sustained thereby ;
.bat it Is contrary to thr > special findings of
the Jury , and grossly Inadequate to the In-
urics and damages found by the jury to have
been sustained by the plaintiff ; that It oliould
)0 set aside on account of the misconduct of
Jurors George T. 1'helps , W. F. Sapp and J.
V. Hereld In discussing in the presence and
icarlng of other members of the jury In the
lury room matters In relation to the plaintiff
Jiid his wife , reflecting upon their charac
ters and reputations. They assert that the
i-erdlct was not the free , deliberate and fair
judgment of the jury , buc was a farced and
unwilling verdict so far as a portion of the
iurymen was concerned.
In support of these charges Attorney Sims
presents a lengthy aiildavlt , In which he de
clares that Juror I'helps several weeks prior
: o the trial declared that Hood was not hurt ;
that ho was a fraud and prosecuting a fake
case , and was not only not entitled to re
cover a cent from the railway company , but
chould bo prosecuted for blackmailing the
company. Ho declares that Juror Pliclpa
stubbornly and persistently sought to force
n verdict for the defendaat railway company
from the moment he entered the jury room
and used all of his powers In this direction.
Mr. Sims swears that N. M. Hubbard , Jr. ,
ono of the attorneys for the defendant , had
been eeen in a private consultation with
Juror Sapp prior to the selection of the jury ,
and that Hubbard was hoard to say In the
presence of a number of well known Council
Bluffs citizens that If Sapp were selected as a
juryman ho could be depended upon to eln
all ho coulel to secure a verdict for the rail
way company.
An order has been made for the attorneys
for the defendant to produce the witnesses
to substantiate his chargc-s , and at the hear
ing some decidedly Interesting proceedings
are anticipated.
TcMtlnioiiliil ( o Mr. SIinniH.
The musical element of Council Bluffs en
joyed a rare treat In the way of music anc
recitation at the testimonial concert tenderee
to Mr. J. II. Simms. The hall was filled b >
people from the best society of the city
eager to attest their appreciation of the abil
ity and services rendered by Mr. Sims dur
ing his long residence here.
The excellent program was carried out am
greatly extended bv repeated encores. Tin
chorus of the Monday Musical club did Itscl
considerable credit In the rendering of twi
selections , "Tho Coraled Caves of Ocean'
and "O , Holy Night. " The latter was par
tlculnrly fine.
Albln Hustcr showed himself master o
his profession In the rendering of a vlolii
solo Do Beriot's First Concerto.
A grand ovation was tendered Mr. Slmms a
ho appeared upon the stage. His selection
"Tho Two Grenadiers , " was well adapted t <
bring out the rich melody of his voice. /
storm of applause showed the appreelatloi
of the audience , which would not bo quletee
until ho had signified his consent to remle
another selection.
"Tho Bugle Song" nnd "Danny Deevor'
were recited by Frank Lea Short In mich ai
artistic and pleasing manner that he wai
obliged to return to the stage several Units
nnd ( hen the disappointed audience acccptci
his graceful bow as'a response to the encon
simply bccnuso they could get nothing more
A sextet composed of Mesdames Wnds
worth and Mullls and the Dudley Buck qmir
let sung "Lucia dl Lammcrmoor" with gooi
success and responded to an encore.
The 6olos by Mrs. G. W. Johnson and Mr
George ) W. Manchester of Omaha , and Mrs
J. G. Wadsworth of this city were warml ;
applauded ami each of them responded to ai
"Tho Hawthorn on the Glade" wns Bimi
by Mrs. J. G. Wadsworth , I. M , Treynor am
J. H. Slmms. It was a beautiful sclectloi
and well rendered.
The Dudley Buck quartet sang the sad fnt
of "Tho Grasshopper" In n humorous bu
artistic style that caused a tremendous hurt )
of applause and an encore to which the ;
responded , They nlso sang the closing nutn
her of the program , "Comrades In Arms , '
with good effect.
Hi-ill KNtnto TraiiNforH.
The following transfers were reported yes
terday from the title and loan olllco of J. W
Seiutre , 101 Pearl street :
John T. Mdwarels and wife to Leonard
Kverett , executor , sw',4 sw'/i 28-76-13 ,
W. d $ 85
Sarah li. I ) . Ilohrer and husband to
Jenu Hanskii , lot 10 , block 10 , Beers'
subd. , w , d. . . 40
Two transfers , aggregating' $1,25
1,000 sacks of flour were unloaded ycstcrda ;
at the great atoro of J. Holler & Co. It has t
bo sold. Somebody must ent It. Nelthc
flour nor prlcca can be beaten.
I In1 \ > MV Cliureli.
The St. John's English Lutheran churcf
will be consecrated today at the 10:30 : a. m
service. Hev. J. A. Clutz , D. D. , of Atchlson
Kan. , will preach morning and evening. The
new church la situated at the eouthe-aiit cor
HIT of Willow avenue and Seventh Ktrect
nnd IB a beautiful structure. All the services
today will ho of a very Interesting nature
The public Is Invited to attend ,
All the Christian Endeavorers of the cltj
will meet In a union gospel and praise ser
vice at the new English Lutheran cliurcl
thin evening at GJD ; o'clock.
There was an Interesting time at the re
ception of St. John's Lutheran church last
night. Addrersea were made by Mayor Car-
i > : n , Revs , Barnes and Cole , Judge. Smith ,
Secretary Wolf and Heva. Kuhn and Groh
of Omaha , Refreshments and sociability
formed a titling close.
1 1
Splits the Head of His Unforlunnto Victim
V/ido / .Open . ,
Out * of tliv llt-sl 'Known Women In
Doailnooil liCHo'd In Hr Apnrt-
. . . nioulM li > "gjtiiu * One Intent
on , Hobbery.
DKADWOOD , S. D. , May 15. ( Special
Telegram. ) One of the most cruel murders
hat ever startled a public was perpetrated
ome time last night In Deoilwood , niul Mre.
3mma Stone , one of the best known and
espectcd women In the city , was the vie-
Im. Mrs. Stone couducta the Keystone rca-
aurant In Deadwood and as It hao always
njoyed a good patronage the dally receipts
vere large. She slept In a room partitioned
oT ( the dining room , and some time In the
early morning hours entrance wan effected
0 It.
She evidently had been await/mod by the
obbcr nml made n short struggle with him ,
t was short , Indeed , tor the weapon which
10 wielded a butcher's cleaver proved tor-
ibly effective. One blow was sufficient.
She had been struck In the right temple and
he blade made a gash from behind the right
ar clear across her face. It proved Instantly
atal ,
The crime was discovered early this morn-
ng by one of the serving1 glrla who went It
awaken her. Suspicion nt once fell upot
Jliarlcs Drown , a former cook of the cstab'
Uhment , a colored man , and ho and a negrc
companion were arrested while trying tc
oavc the country. A pet dog which had beci
ylng be-sldo her was also killed by the mar-
Icrcr. The room has been ransacked fron
op to bottom and everything of value taken
flio prisoners arc now closely guarded , bul
should the evidence of their guilt bo madi
ilaln nothing cnn avert a lynching.
1 r\i' } IIISH OF TIII : UK : Mrnnv
Oo 'H l' | T\vo Ii'oi'l In Ttvi
DII.VN lit I'U'i'rc.
I'lEHHE , S. IX , May 15. ( Special Tile
gram. ) The June rise of the Missouri rive
ms evidently begun , the river having rlaci
about two feet during the- past forty-egh !
loura , now standing at 7.2. Another Ugh
rest visited this region last night , form
ng thin Ice at places. _
llniik lit Klllntt , III. , Swlmil.-il Out o
Sevi'iity-Klvo Dollars.
RED OAK , la. , May 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) This morning ft woman stepped inti
he bank at Elliott , twelve miles north of this
city , and asked to have discounted a note foi
; 200 signed by a man named Sandall am
payable to the Stale , Savings bank of Hei
} ak. The cashier ruused ( and she left , bill
returned In a short time with another note
for $75 with the name of II. II. Reynolds , a
iromlncnt stockman , attached and asked tc
lave ths money ndv.illccil on that. This th :
iank did , bat Immediately afterwards be
came suspicious that"the signature was no !
Kemilne and dispatched a messenger to Key-
lolds' residence tp verify It. He pronounce !
t a forgery and steps were taken to secun
: lie woman , but 'she 'had ' already left , oil' '
when latt heard of by the olllcers was hcadei
toward Hed Oak , driving very rapidly , um
It Is thought that she reached here in timi
to take the afternoon , , train west. She gavi
icr. name as Mrs. Cra'mer and ealel she llvei
lier'e , but no such person Is known.
IfiiilIlcniin < > C SiiiitliwpHtorn low ,
Have ii Ciiitillilnfo.
ATLANTIC , la. . May 15. ( Special Tclt
gram. ) The republicans of 'southwester
Iowa arc determined to briiVg out Hon. Slln
Wilson of tils place for governor. He wa
a prominent legislator from Cats county I
the Twenty-first , T\venty-second and Twentj
Also Stand ird
Piano A Dip Co.
Council IJIuffv , Iowa.
third Renrral assambllcB , Ho Is a staunch
republican n.l wag delegate to the repub
lican national ronvcnllAn last year. At 1C
years of ago he entered and served In the
civil war. N'ow ho is e'-rvlriK his second
term ns president nf the National Assoc'a-
tlon of Ntirsi'iymeii.
South Oiiiiiha News
Tlio city council met In eprclal pssloii last
night to consider protests ngalnst the Kmnt-
t\K of liquor licenses. Mayor Ensor wns ab
sent and President Kelly occupied the chair.
In connection with this matter X. I1. Foil ,
justness manager of Tub Dec , called the nt-
: cntlon of the council to the fact a reo-
ullon had been passed by the council desig
nating The Omaha Kvenlng Uee tin the panor
u which applicants for liquor licenses should
publish their notices. The fact that all of
: ho saloon keepers did i.ot follow the direc
tion of the council In this matter showed very
plainly that these liquor dealers did not ad-
vertlso In good faith.
llarrett offered n resolution to the effect
that liquor dealers who advertised In good
faith In cither The lleo or World-Herald bo
granted their license. The vote stood 5 to 3
and was declared carried by the chairman.
The conncllmon voting against the resolution
worn Hennelt , Caldwell and Vansant.
Licenses were then gnntcd to the follow
ing , after the words "having advertised their
notices lit the paper having the largest cir
culation In Douglas county" luid been ex
punged from the report of the license com-
ulttce ; R H. Krug , lOli North Twenty-fourth ;
R J. Kggor , Twenty-eighth and W ; Otto
Maurcr , ISO North Twenty-fourth ; Oeorgo
Tlerni'.v , 2G18 N ; William Pcvecke , 2G13 X ;
Schllt ? Drawing company , Twenty-fourth and
K ; Annlo Howlcy , Thirty-Ural nn > l Q ; Charles
Uiirr , Albright ; J. II. Hnrvoy , S501 N ; Schlltz
Drowing company , 2T03 Q ; M. Wollstelii , 2GIO
N ; Soulh Omaha Ilrcwlng company , Twenty-
eighth and Q ; J. A. Nelson , 325 Railway nvu-
nuo ; Henry Mica , 31-1 North Twenty-fourth ;
A. Kallsh , Twentieth and Missouri avenue ;
Henry Mies , 2030 N ; llrrlln & Hairy , 2103 N ;
Albert llurch , 022 North Twenty-fourth ; M.
U. iiralnard , Exchange- hotel ; Herman Anger ,
Albright ; Franz Lindner. 2517 N ; 0. I ) . 11111 ,
112 North Twenty-fourth ; John Cnnrcy. Thir
tieth and Q ; J. Novacck , Twentieth and N ;
Hans Lomberg , 2520 Q ; L. Lundecn , 2401 Q ;
Ed Wlnkler , 331 Hallway avenue ; Vaclav
I'lvonka , C3t North Twenty-fourth ; C. U.
LelchscnrlliB , 3121 U ; John Haab , 2401 N ;
Jacob Klein , 2C01 N ; Max Lenz , Twenty-
fourth and A ; llernard Krebs , 4Si : Hallway
avenue ; Charles Molchlors , Twenty-scventli
and L ; E. Illhler , 2SOt 0 ; Mary Wawrzynkle-
wlcz , Thirty-third and L ; Oeorgo Tierney ,
2527 N ; Frank Crawford , 331 North Twenty-
Rlxth ; Halthas Jettcr. Twenty-IUtli and N ;
J. Kuotsky , 101 North Twentieth ; Ella T.
Christ , 2G27 N ; Larson & Larson , 410 North
Twenty-fourth ; Joe Dulllt , Twenty-sixth and
Q ; Matt Hammond , 2G2C N ; Tom Glllecplo ,
Thirty-third and L.
HiiHi of an Oiiiilin Attorney.
An Omaha attorney , whose business runs
principally to collections , has hit upon a
plan whereby a debtor is Induced to call
at his olllce without any suspicion that he
will be confronted with a bill. This at
torney sends the debtor a postal card , re
questing him to call on a "matter of the
utmost importance to you. " After the sig
nature the words "foreign claim agcntra"
was stamped. A dozen or more residents
of this city , who have relatives in the old
country , received these notices the ether day
and hastened to Omaha , expecting that some
relative had departed this life and left them
a legacy. When the domestic claims were
produced and an early settlement urged , the
recipients of the request to c.itl becnme very
angry , nt least > ome of them did. In two
Instances attorneys were appealed to by the
angry debtors , but were Informed by i\\ \ \ !
legal lights that nothing could be done with
the "foreign claim agent. " as he had not
violated any of Undo Sam's laws In send
ing nut his requests to call ,
Criiliiini Ix Kiiilmrriiixeil ,
Mrs. Matilda McNulty. n Third ward widow
with four children , hae caused the nrre t of
John 11. Graham upon the charge of being
the father of her unborn child. Graham \VJP
formerly a resident of this city , but moved
his family to Albion n short time ago. Fri
day he returned , to this city to obtain WHIP
grods he had left behind , and his presence
In the city wss undo known to MM. McNulty.
who at once secured a warrant for his nr-
rest. ( Iralinm wac given a trial before Jus
tice ARIICW and was bound over to the dis
trict court In the sum eif $500. IlcltiR unable
to eccure bonds hefls spnt up to the county
jail. Mis. McNulty was willing to with
draw the legnl proceedings provided Graham
would marry her , but as the defendant has
one wife now hn could not s. n lib way clear
to comply with the request.
Mimic City ( iowslii.
Use Melcher's Instant Headache Cure , lTc. )
New Milrt waist wvts. Godfrey. 2113 N St.
W. H. Mallory of Chieago spent yesterday
In the city , the guest of Walter Wood.
I.ovo feast nml sncr.imcntal service will 1 o
I held at the First Methodist church this morn
ing.J. . L. Denny , one of Schuyler's successful
bnrlnrs * men , was a visitor In the city yen-
Tlu > St. Agnes' Heading circle will give n
social at Illum'a hall Tuesday evening ,
May IS.
Colonel .1. f. Sharp , Eccrctary nf the Union
Stock Yards ccmnaiiy , Is conllned to his homo
by Illness.
Mire Mary Heed took her class of public
school pupils to HaiiMcom park for n picnic
The funeral of little Henry lllomqulflt , who
was burned to death Friday night , will beheld
held today.
The Epworth league will hold a sunrise
prayer meeting at the First Methodist diurch
thli ! murning.
The fifth anniversary of the Hpworth linguo
will be celebrated at the First Methnllst
church this evening.
13. O. Mayfleld and family have returned
from Washington and will remain hero dur
ing the heated term.
Hev. Dr. Wheeler will deliver an address
to the High school graduating class at the
commencement exercises.
D..n Montague , chief clerk at Melcher'u
drug store , left last night for a short visit
with his mother at Wiota , la.
Mrs. H. L. Kennedy , McCook , Is visiting
her parents , .Mr. and Mis. N. G. Ingerfoli ,
Sll North Twcnfy-thlrd street.
M. L. Parker , receiving teller at the South
Omaha National bank , has gone to Fort
Worth , Tex. , on a pleasure trip.
Miss Anna Glasgow will entertain the Mon
day Night club at her home. Twenty-third and
M streets , nc.\t Monday evening.
John W. DeKay , editor of Whltewood
Plain Dealer and HelloFourcue lice , Is In the
city looking after business Interests.
At the meeting of the Grand Army of the
Hcpubllc Monday night , the .Memorial . day
program will be submitted to the members for
"Tho 'Prophecy Concerning Hagar's Child"
Is Dr. Wheeler's morning topic at the First
Presbyterian church loJay. The oivnlng
subject Is "Lost to Sin. "
Assistant Secretary Matthews of the Omaha
Young Men's Christian association will ipeak
to men at 4 o'clock this afternoon nt the
Young Men's Christian association rooms.
Full' In Knxternclirmui ) | South
\VlinN , Itccoinlim : VnHulilo.
WASHINGTON' . M-iy 15.-Foreenst for
Sunday :
For Nebraska Fair In eastern portion ,
possibly showers In western portion ; south
winds , becoming vuMnble.
1 or ; Partly cloudy wentlier niul
possibly showers ; warmer In cuHterti por-
tUn ; south winds.
For Missouri -Fair in the morning , In.
creasing rloudlncss In the afternoon ;
wanner ; south \vlmls.
1-or South Unkotn- Fair In the mornlnir ,
Inri-paslng cloudiness in the afternoon !
"ind"'r ' " l'listor" portion ; brisk souili
For Wyoming Partly cloudy wrntlu-r.
r < s ° lbly oi'c islonal showers ; variable wlnd-s
1'or Iowa Fuir ; warmer ; south winds.
- - - - . . _ _
Humphreys1 No. 10
gives the appetite
A dose of No. 10 win-is lluiippitlto. .
A tlox.o of No. 10 , liofuiv or uftor ent-
iiiKvlIl snvc you Ilio dlstivssausetl ( liy
I'.IPOl1 ( ll l'Slllll. )
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It' , after I'ntliijr , you fiu-1 heavy niul
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A torpid liver is jci'tuly as lrited by Xo.
If you lia < . > smokers' heartburn. No. It )
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A MILLION people lianj ; on Dr.
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" 77" FOR COLDS.
Hr. Hutnphipy.s' nnmcoiuitltli' Matiuul i > f I'ln- '
enw'M nt Nnur III-UKIM | ? mMnllt,1 l'u-o
Suld by ilniKt-'iKls nr M-nt i n in'cpt nf JTi ciiita ,
f,0 iciith or Jl i l llinniilii'i'.v' Mul. I'o. . ( . ' r.
Wlllliiin HIM John His . N'cw Vmli.
UlJl.U.NeiS , l-'UL'H1 , 1-.VU.U A.Nu U..V. , . \
limits for Eulo ur leHit. Day & Hew , 39 Ivarl
lilntB , 710 Willow uvrmiv , ComuMI llliUTs
Si-ntl liniiM.1 "ii North Miiin stii-ct. confuting
of lintel iiml KltrlH'ii furniture , will lie FIII | |
nt nurtlnn. Sntunlny. Mny Id. nt 1 p. in ! ' J.
1'ay. ( iiinilnMrator. II. 11. Inmnn , iiucttinoer.
This is the brave policy on which the Midland flonthly
! ; the great Literary Magazine of the West , has undertaken during
the year 1897 to double its circulation. It makes a large actual
outlay to secure a large future income. Nor could this ex
penditure be better applied than in cheapening a great reference work that \
will prove the
"Guide Philosopher and Friend"
of toilers and thinkers alike in all ranks of society. As often as this worlc is
opened the Midland hopes to be remembered , and that by its bold sacrifice the
set was obtained at a nominal cost which will immediately thereafter revert to
the Publishers prices of $42. and $60. the set. Meanwhile all may be assured that the
Is truly worthy of its name , being
A New , Original , Thoroughly Accurate , Practical and Exhaustive
Work of Reference to all the Words in the English Language ,
with a Full Account of their Origin , Meaning ,
Pronunciation and Use , Treating also Things as
well as Words , and in an Encyclopedic Way.
The Sales
under this
offer by the
are strictly
The MIDLAND'S Special Representative
is now in Council Bluffs.
His address is care of this office.
When this special offer is withdrawn , the price of this great
work will be $42.00 $60.00. The COST is now TRIFLING ; the benefits are
To tlie Special Representative Midland Monthly ,
MAIL Care of The Omaha Daily Bee. ; Council Bluffs.
DEAR Sin ; Please send me sample copy of MIDLAND MONTHLY and
THIS specimen pages of Encyclopaedic Dictionary with particulars of your
special introductory offer.
No , . . .Street