1 , * . . r THE OMAIIA DAILY JiEJUtr-SUNDAY MAY 1807. \ Eovlcw of the Campaign for the Indian Supply Depot , OPPOSITION OVERCOME BY HARD WORK CoinhltiMtloii of lorm , Illinois nnil Ncn \orl < Defentcity \ I'erHlntrnt llrTurt of Senntiir Allen unit Niiiiin Jlercer. May 1C-Spcclal.-Oi ( ) April 10 Senator Allen offered an amendmcn to the Indian appropriation bill ptovldln ; that the Rcxrctary ot the Interior stiotiU \\ltliiii sixty ilnjs after the passA o of tin not ratnhllil ) In Omaha n warehouse for In dlan Ruppllt , from which distributor eliotild be nmilo to the Indian tribes of tin writ nml tiortliuost Thl nmcndmcnt hat been previously presented to the coinmlltct on Indian nffulrs nnd , as the Bonntor B.ild ol off'-Hni ; It , it wai ncccptahlf to Senator Pet tlRn iln ( .ImrRp of the bill ) Hardly ha < llin aim ndimiit Ixcn read for the benefit o tlm m ne when Senator Hear of Iowa oh jn i- 1 to itn adoption , demanding that Sioir City be substituted for Omaha. This nctloi prei iiilialnl a running dubatu between Sena torn Oeir and Alkn , Sinator Carter alsi tahiii > a hand In an endeavor to hnvo St I'aul made the bane for a wart-hoime such n , lnis been Liuitotnplalcil by Iho people o Omnha for a Kicat many jeats. Scnuto Oenr r vlowed at length th ( niHantnge pnt.ftilid by Rlimx Olt > ovei Omahn , nnscrt Ing nmong other things , that It was near i larger lioily of Indians than Omnlrn and tha Iln r.illioad fncllltles weic considerably su perlor to any towns In the vvewt outside o ChlrnKO All of thla wns Btrongly combatoi by Sr m lor Allen , who took up the lailront faellitlm of Omnha in contrast with thoei of Slmx City nnd shovvlng geogiaphlcall ; that Omaha was the nntural dlstrlbutlni center for ilint great country lying wt t o Iho Ml sniirl. This was the beRlnnlng of ns stubborn i fight ns has e\er been mndo by a vvesteri town ti > M-ttiio legislation for the eatnbllah governmental Institution , in ment of n Bptidi of eaitor dear sounded the keynnt for the opposition and Now York , Chlcagc and Denser united Ii Kt KoiiiH Sioux City nn effor to defeat the measure. One or tw minor .i-atndmento were made to the A-llfi n n. nilaii-iit In the Bcnute nnd on n vet being takrn It bec.imo a pait of the Iniltni aipioprl.ittoit | bill. nuiisi : iinpusns TO CONCUR. rtom that moment a strongly enticnchc Omaha an opposition bigan nn uttack upon . all port In the IIOIK.O when the bill eamo up offered by oc. of Htilistttutes for Omaha were renreseiil.itives of the towns socking to hav the Indian supply depot at their points , and . this parliamentary way of killing legl was latlon th.it iwvo Omaha Its flut setback 1 Mr Sh.rman. chnlrman of tl'o Indian con mltteo of tlm bouao , was persistent ! } actlv In refusing to concur In the eenite amendmci > and ho was a'-slited I 1\ < m the Kiit.plj depot his activity by Judge Saycrs of Toxas. Halle : IlolUnap. MLOulie. Intoy , nolivcr , Shafrot nnd IMrthold Mercer endeavored to stci the rising tldo by answering the vnrlpn speeches made against tlio amendment , bt bo was nlono and the attempt proved full i After the house refu ed to concur In til Beiiato amendment the subject was referred I a conference committee made up from til two bouses of congress , and upon this con mlttee the efforts of Allen nnd Mercer wei directed to secure a reversal of the house 01 ilcr The ienato "conferees , 1'ettlgrevv an Cockroll , Senator Teller being absent , wei In favor of the amendment. Sherman , a chairman t/f the Indian affairs commlttci with Curtis of Kansas nnd Allen of MIssU slppl nH his associates on the conference con mlltes , began a sjstematlc juggllnB with tl : amendment , and In the light of later event It Is understood Ills opposition was dlrectl traceable to the- largo canning Interests of tl : east , who , seeing In the glowing young Ii diiBtrlcs ot the west possible rivals for tli distribution of these gooilB , strongly oppose the measure. About this time came wet to certain western representatives that Oea had Indicated In a letter to n friend In Com ell Illuffs that his opposition to Omaha vvs duo to a misapprehension of the Import < the removal of the warehouse from Chicago I Omah.i. It was understood that ho als litated tint he was not opposed to Omaha an would not be found perniciously against tl date City. But Gear continued his attac upon Omaha. Ho publicly exortcd Cuit ot Kans.Ts to vote against the amendment I conference and openly lobbied on the llo < of the bcnatc , eastern as well as wester reprcsentatlvca , against the senate ameni mont r.RUl RXPLAINS HIS COUUSK. Askeil for nn explanation an to his coun on the IndUn warohoiiho nt Oimha , Senati Gear ald "I will not be found supportlr legislation championed by Senator Allen , look upon the whole matter as a trap set I Mr Allen for the purpose of catching the r publican patty He has stood nn the floi of the senate and openly charged the rcpul llcan part } with extravagance , and I do in propose to ho fooled by voting money out i the treasur } unlc s I can see my way clean than I do on the Omnha waieliousp project "Is It tine , senator" nuked Tlio Dee toi respondent "that } ou Indicated to friends I Council llliilT.s that } ou would nupport 11 ; effort bring made to secure a warehouse ft the distribution of Indian supplies i Omnha' " "TliPio Is not ono word of truth In an ouch statement , " uld the senator "I ran have wiltteu und 1 recollect that I did writ to n matt by the imtnu of Juilson In Comic Hluffs that I would do anything for tint ell that I ci iiflstently could. That , ho wove could m t he construed Into an agreement i eiippnit Omaha. 1 am for Council Illuffti In caufio It Is In my Btiite , I am for Sioux CII becaiiho that la consistent , but 1 am not ft Omalu " The work done by Allen , Tliurslon nn Mercer upon the members of the confcreui committee Is well known Mr Kcucvvati also added to the committee's Infoimutlon I A logical speech for Omaha , show ing Its ni satitiiKi'H ns a distributing tenter and tl saving that would ensue to tingovernmci by thn purchase of mipplles in Ncbiask lovvn and tha Dakotas fur distribution froi thnl point. Cvcry known reason wns ni vanccd upon the conference tommltlco t. behalf ot the metropollu of Nebraska and tl vote tnl.cn In the conference committee retain the amendment In the hill wns t earnest of the persistent vvoik done by t ) Nebraska lepictientatlves In tongrctuj. Stni and Suthciland vvcro also active In securlt HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urli nnd let It Bland twenty-four houra ; a sen ) ment or settling Indicate.an unliealtl condition of the Kidneys When urli Mains linen It Is positive evidence of kli ney trouble. Too frequent desire to ur nate or pain lu the back Is also convli dug proof that the kldneya and bladdi are out of order. A\ HAT TO no. i There Is comfort In the knowledge i often expressed , that r.r. Kilmer's Swum ; Hoot , the grfat kidney remedy , fulfil uvory wish In relieving pain In the bac kldneja. liver , bladder and every part the mlnary passages , U corrects Inablll to hold urlna and ecaldlng pain In paesl It , or bad effects following use of llqui wlno or brer , and overcomes that unplee ant neco&Mlty of Ulng rompcllhd to get many times during the night to urlna The mild and thu extraordinary effect Svvainp-lloot Is Boon realized. It utanda t hlglutit for IU wonderful cures of the me dlatrestlng cases. If you need a meJIcl you should have the best. Sold by dru BlBte , prlco fifty cents and ono dollar. Y may have a ramplc boltlo and pamphlet be sent frou b ) mall. Mention The Omaha Sund lieu and rend your addrc&s to Dr. Kilmer V Co. , liliiKliamton , N. Y. The proprietors this paper ijuaruutso tbu tiutiulucucoa ot tl offer. votes on the floor for ( he measure , polling tha full strength of the populist party In the lower house for the measure. Senator Gear , as an Incident to the flRbt ior the warehouse , called the attontlon of The Dee correspondent to the fact that all tha populists had voted for the amendment and a few democrats In the lower house , whllo every free silver republican , populist nnd n good many democrats voted for It In the senate , the only republican recorded for It being Senator Chandler of New llamp- hire "and ho dodges around so unlvcr- ally" Bald the senator , "that it Is always irctty hard work to tell where to find him. " The Inaldo history attaching to the ware house matter shows fully tlio work done by ho legislators In charge of the measure In Washington oth Allen nnd Mercer kept constantly advised the Jobbers' and Mnnu- ncturcrs' association of Omaha B to the progress being made , nnd when Senator hurston returned from the south he nt once "tuloraed nil that had been done and waa ound earnestly supporting his friends In be- mlf of the bill 11 WM common rumor at ound the capital that It was a "pop chcmn. " that the republicans did not want t and that It was originated for campaign ffect. The fight , however , was well planned ml Its success Is > ery gratifying INDIAN SUMMKU SCHOOL. An Indian Rummer Instl.ute Is to bo held nt Omuhn from July 12 to 17 of this jear , Thrco Institutes attended by teachers , ma- connected with the rous , farmers and otheis ndlan service gather In Homo of the western owns every season for educational purposes "rqm 210 to 3"0 persnns connected with tnli fealuio of the Indian department will bo In Omaha during the dates nbovo mentioned , Teachers , superintendents nnd otherit from the untlro cast of n line drawn east of v.y- . imliiB , Colorado nnd New Mexico will be and Car- ircBont educators from Hampton Isle hnvo signified their desire to participate The meetings are to be holi , n the program , on the fifth floor of the new city hall build of these people who him ng and the coming 10 do with the education of the wards of tin utlon H looked upon with great Interest la us fol The. proginia a far aa completed lows. "Pducatlon for True Manhood nm Worn inhood. " Mrs 1'hllenn 13. Johnson , as slsliint siipeilntcndint 1/hlloeco Imlliit school , AiItalians Clt > , Knn , I- . I. Al'- > school superintendent Ciovv Creek Indian ' ' ' ! , , " A. H. Vlets , supfrl.v . school Darling' eiulcnt Cheyenne Indian , O T on filiation of Upturned Stuncnts to Ilcser union Schools and Iteservutlon LifeMis - C.ito W. Cannon , supeilntc-mletit 1'onr-a In Him school , White Kaglc. O. T ; Clwrle" ' 1'lerce , supLilntendent Indian school oiielda WIs . John 1'llnn. miperlntcndeii ! liullan'school , White iirtn , Minn. "Itetuimd Students of Hampton Mlm Polsum , Hampton Institute , Hampton , \a "The Day School nnd the Indian Home , SlHtei Heatt Ice SondeiegKi r , Cannon llall "Sloyd. " Miss Jenny Kilcson , Tndlai school , Cat lisle , P.i. "Indian Si heel Employes In Intllm Schools , " Di C H Dlxon , Haskell Instl lute , Lawrence , Kan ; I3lienerpr Klngsley ' . 'heyenm Indian si heel , Darlington , O I. "The Hay School I'loblein. " W. 15. Dew I'ilie lllilge , S. D , "I3dipatloniil | Features of the Miuron i Dipnrtment ; " "Home Features of tin Sehool , " Mrs. Mniy C Williams , sup rln omleiit Indian .school , Sac ami Tos. agency "Class Woik In Sewingnnd Cooking , ' Mrs W. r Caiilield , Indian school , IMeric ' "The Dining Hooin us n Civilizing Facto In Indian Kducntlon. " Miss Kugenl.i 'i llryi e. Sac and 1'ox Indian school , O. T. "The Dormitory us u Civilizing Factor U Indian Kducatloii , " Mrs Louise H I'ilcher t'hoennu Indian school , Darlington , O. T. "Common Sense In tbu School lloom , ' Dr W N. Ilallm.iiui , superintendent Indliu school , Washington , D. C. "School Oinumentatlon , " Supervlt.0 hailes D llnhcstiuvv "UeaillUK Clrclo nnd Other Means fo Soir-Impiovement for the School Hmployes , ' Supervisor II n. 1'oaiid. "Organic Connection Between the Indus tilal nnd Academic1 Training In Indl n Schools , " n C. Tlinyei. Haskell Institute -.awrence Kan ; J. 13 lliinn , Indian school /Morre. / S. D ; V A. Tlmckory , Indian school ? row Creek , S. D. "Logical Development ot the Child Mind , ' Miss Louisa McDermitt , Indian school 1'ipestone , Minn. SHNDINQ MILLIONS AnROAD. A representative of ono of the largcn steamship companies handling nuropeai travel said to The IJce col respondent : "Man ; rich Amei leans are anxious to get over t London us soon as possible , t > o as to malt ariangements for good seats to witness th queen's Jubilee parade. I believe that n Ices than 80.000 American tourists will leav tor Hurope this jcar There were , accord Ing to the customs house figures , 05,000 las year. These 80.000 tourists will spend no losa than $160,000,000 , which amounts t considerable more than the total value o the annual gold and bllver product of th United States. Not every one of the-se SO , 000 touilsts pajs his pro rata of this ? 1CO , 000,000 , of course , but most of them spen more ri\c hundred dollars apiece Is non too high an estimate for prepaiatlon ns ol travelers will testify. Much of the patsag money Is spent In this country , but all th rest , and It amounts to more than $100,000 , 000 , goes to enrich shopkeepers , hotels an rallioads operating In foreign countries. " ts i iiiri3CT lteet Their Olllee'M anil Arrange fo KiillHtiiient. Tlm organization of the cavalry brigade t do escort duty during the exposition vva * * com pletud last evening at the adjourned incctln ; held at the Commercial club rooms. Th meeting v.aa well attended , the room belli ] ciovvdcd with reprebcntatlvo business nm piofesslonal men. The Interest manifested 1 : the business ot the meeting w.ib enthusiast ! and Iho Indications for the organisation o a largo corps were very flattering. The special committee appointed nt th meeting one week before , consisting o Mebsis John L. Webster , Dudley Smith , U Kan ell , Jr. , (1 W. Sues and P. II Mlllai submitted a report coveilug the several mat turs referred to it. Tlio committee recom mended that the organisation adopt the nain of Transmisslssipijl Troopers. This re-coin momlntlon was adopted. On the question of a uniform the commit ton reported that it was not ready to suhml a final report , but Elated that it had ubou agreed to recommend a uniform conslstln ot a black riding coat ornamented with whit cord , white trousers , ul&dc leggings or rid Ing hoots. In the matter of headgear th committee said It was not ready to reporl ft suggestion having been made that u whit hat bu worn , with a wldo brim to bo tunic up at ono side and dccLratedlth u blac feather. The committee stated that b.impl uniforms had been ordered from suppl houses und would be presented at the no\ meeting fur approval and adoption. The question of tlio expense of a unlfon was raised and it was stated that the nn form would not cost to .xceed $15. , The committee recommended names fc filling the vacancies remaining In thu 11 $ of olllcers abov o the rank of cai tain aud the iccummondatlons were adoptei resulting In the following as tlio complct list of linkers Urigudlcr general , John 1 Webster ; colonels , 0. K. Weller and J. I 1'axton of South Omaha ; lieutenant coloneli Dudley Smith and 13 A. Cudahy , majors , 1 M. Ilartletl , 13. W. Hart of Council lllnlfs , 1 Karroll , Jr , and S. A. McWhorter ; chaplah T J. Mackay , surgeon , Dr. K. W Leu , as olstant surgeon , Dr. C. C. WlUon , qiiiirtei mailer , < . W. Sues , commissary , H , 1 Lomlst , Judge advocate , II. II Ilaldrlgo. Ihu commltteu wan liiati ucted to take u the matter of electing captains for the several oral troops and report suitable persons fc these posit Ions. U was the sense of Hi meeting that two troopb should bo organize In South Omaha and two In Council IllulTi thu remaining four troop * to be organized I Omaha , or morn than four to bo organised 1 this city If aulllclent enthusiasm develops. Kor the purpopo of starting tha work ( recruiting membeirs a recruiting comnilttc was appointed with Instruction to coniuimu actlv u work at once. Thla cominltteo cci flats ot Clement Chase , Dudley Smith an H. T Lomlat. The committee trill have heai quarters In Mr Chaso'a atoro In Iho I'axtc block , where applications may bo tiled. U UBS decldi'd t > charge an enlistment ft of $1 and to leave < u xgo limit to the di cretlon of the rt-cruitti-.s committee , It bell : the contensua of opinion that boja over 1 jiMrs , uf good eUe , might bo admlttoj i membership under certain conditions. Alfred Mlllard was elected treasurer of tl organization. Thu inet'tliiK adjourned for one week , vvlu a third meeting will bo held , probably at tl Commercial club room * . WILL ASSIST AMERICANS Action Baaad on the Reports of Consular Officers on the Island. WE THEM SAFE CONDUCT OUT OF CUBA Inn Which the AilinltiUtrntlon In In On Aetloii Ix Ati- tliorlrcil liy ( . 'miKreNN Inland' * Kxliiin-ttcd. WASHINGTON , May 15. In considering ho ways and means of affording relief to uch American citizens In Cuba as nro In real distress owing : to the war , the admlnls- ratloti has hit upon n plan which may be put In operation If It Is sanctioned by the united judgment of the United States consuls nil officers In Cuba , who , being on the ground , are supposed to bo best qualified to udgo of the efficiency of proposed relief ncaaurcs. This plan Is to glvo notice hrougu the American consuls to all Ameri can citizens Iu Cuba that the government vlll undertake to remove them from the Bland to the United States It they BO desire. To do this will require action by congress , not necessarily a specific authorization of the removal , but merely the limitation of the appropriation to the general terms of otic or the relief of Amcrlcin citizens In Cuba V coiirs ? similar to this was adopted with nero or lew benefit In China during the rlot- ng Incident to the Chinese-Japanese war , and during the Armenian troubles. Mr. Tor- 'oll , the United States minister , was author- zed to undertake the conveyance of Ameri can citizens to he coast cities , where they night have sultu Me protection. The iiroposltlr i as to Cuba goes a little urthor than the measures adopted In the case of China or Turkey , In that It content- ilatea | Jio removal of the Americans from the 'stand entirely. Probably the reason for thla s the belief , founded on reports from United Hates Consul General Lee and other Jnltcd States consular officers , that ho war has vo thoroughly ex- minted the agricultural resources ol he Island that It will be n long time be fore It will ho again In condition to main- din Its population , and meanwhile the Atner- cana who nro dependent upon the soil for heir livelihood will suffer LEAVING NOT COMPULSORY. The consequent suffering can bo relieved by the government's furnishing the unfortunates supplies and medicines , but General Leo nhes the A lew that this relief tnu-'t bo con tinued probably for a long time. The pro posed American exodus from Cuba must be uiroly voluntary , and It Is not even pro- wed to present the alternative of denjlng uppllea if destitute Americans rc'use to leave .bo Island. It Is simply purposed to give .hem an opportunity to leave the Island It .ho > bcllove they can better their condltloi n the United States. H Is the belief of Gen. oral Lee that many persons will avail them selves of such an opportunity and It Is possi ble that his view will bo adopted by the ; ) iesldcnt. Kigutes are not obtainable as to the num- jer of American citizens In Cuba who arc in actual dlstr < . & 3 and In need of food or clothing , ns the tcsult of Wejlcr's order jilnglng them Into the tovvna. The State department Is now In corrcspomlencs with : he consuls by telegraph seeking to get this nformatlon as the basU for any message the president may send to congrem on the subject of relief. But so far as officially known to the department , through the re ports of the consuls made up to this time , .ho number of Americans In this condition Is between 150 and 200. In explanation of thh small number , It Is said that most of the Americans , natives , living In Cuba , are em- plojed In the higher branches of trade ot iirofessions and are not In actual want , Most of the sufferers arc citizens holding small parcels of ground upon which they liave depended heretofore for a livelihood , It Is not doubted that there are more of this class in need that are not yet Known to the department , but It Is hoped In the course ol a fevv days to have a fairly accurate census of them The agencies to be used to relieve those people are the United States consuls Iti Cuba , and It can he stated that the Spanlsli overnment , through its minister here , FC Jar from opposing the exorcise of such chari table offices by the consuls , has profebsod iff reartlnc&s to assist In every proper way Ir the distribution of relief , which Is taken tc mean that It will guarantee safe conduct foi the transporting of parties over the Island. it iMioTntrnov TO cmcoiiv Ileason * AVIiy Thrri- Should Ho a Jlntj on tin * l'orel a Article. WASHINGTON' , May 15. ( Special. ) Tin American Chicory company and the Gemmr Chicory company of Omaha have presentee to the finance committee of the ecnato i brief of argument for a duty of at least 1 cent per pound upon chlcoiy root , raw. drlei or umlrled , hut ungrouml. It Is shown tha certain manufacturing Interebls nro endeav oring to hive this piovlslon of the Dlnglej bill Htrlcken out , claiming that the chlcorj described is "law material , " and should nebo bo made to Buffer a tariff Import. The bile answcri. this directly , first showing tha chicory can bo successfully raised in tin United States anil then that "raw or undricc chicory cannot bo Imported , for the rcusoi that its weight , bulk and tendency to de structlon fiom natural causes make tlio 1m portaflon too expensive , uncertain and rlskj to justify the attempt " The dried , but tin ground and unrnasted root has alread' passed through the most expenslv0 s'agc o manufacture , the Kiln drying , which procet : Inrlude-b CO per cent of ( ho entire cost o manufacture. The assertion of lasteru man ufaLtiucrs that the proposed Import duty 01 the ditod chicory loot will compel them l < close their fnctorlc-s , throning labor out o employment , Is denied The Onmha llrmi argue that "chicory can ho rained , harvestei and put tbiough the drying process of mun ufiicturc , Imported and laid down In MM eastern factories at leaot 1 cent PCI poum cheaper than at present it can be thus pro duccd anil partly manufactured In the Unitu States. The proposed Import duty , therefor only equalize' ? matters as between easteri and western manufacturers With the duty It Is a question of fair competition hetwuci thorn Without the duty the western man ufacturers must aso business. WOULD INCIIBASR LAIIOll KMI'LOYKn "Hut If It were true that the propoaei duty would prevent the eastern manufactui era from Importing the dried chicory root the result would not bo restriction of employment ployment of capital and labor Vastly mor labor and inoro pcoplo am Interested I growing the chlcoiy root than In that par of tha manufacturing proccso conducted h the eastern manufacturers \Vbero the cast crn manufacturers at prisent employ on hand theru nro froia fifteen to twenty hand employed In growing the crop. Further uioro , the glowing of the crop In the devul opmcnt of a new Industry , profitable to tli agricultural element In our population which at the present time Is tutltled to th highest consideration. Again , the propose protet'tlvo duty will result In the develop ment of the manufacturing business \\liercb not only will capital bo employed , hut larg numbers of laborers greatly In excess e the Dumber employed at present by the cast urn manufacturers "la the state of Nebraska alone two kiln for drying the ehlcory root are now In opera tion , ono having u capacity of 1GO.OOO pound and the other of 40.000 pounds per day. An other kiln la now In process of constructlo and the erection of otheis Is contomplatci provided the tariff protection bo granted "Again , If It be admitted that the propose duty would prevent importation. It docs IK. follow that tlioeiisU'in numifai'turera uoul go out of business They would bo require simply to extend their manufacturing but Iness to the whole pt crt > s and the complct manufacture of the hoiuc-produccd raw roc Into the fully manufactured chlcor product. " MATniUAL HUASONS GIVKN. Among the material reasons given In favc of the proponed duty , the brief noils out "Dm Ing the year ending Juno 30 , 1S3 16SU,1 M pounds of dried chicory root wci Imported Into the United States free of dut A tariff of 1 cent per pound upon the drlt chicory root thus Imported would liavu pn ducc-d a ri'vcuuo of } IDS-11955 , being { 1H 057.17 wore thau Uio revenue received ft PREVENTING 'CONS ' UMFTION i . _ . . _ . . . . . . - . . .T The Cure of Catarrh the Most Potent Agency To ward Staying the Ravages of This Terrible Dis ease A Few Timely Words from Doctor Shepard - ard How He Regards the Attitude the Health Boards Throughout the Country Are Taking. The hosts x\ho arc BUfforlnB and dying rom lung tlliea.1 have ut last nwnhemed Rf\-nt efforts on the jmrt of the various > oanls of honlth throughout the country o check Its spread Those \vho > m\o the lenlth of the Inhabitants of the grcnt cities indor their cure are m.iklng heroic efforts 0 stnmp out as fnr as they may this dread- ully fatal sickness. The only doctors who abject to what the health boards nro doing xro those who claim that they lia\c a cure or advanced singe * of consumption. Doctor Shop.ird hat from time to time told he ] > eoi > Ie that he h is no euro for consump- lon In Its later stage" ? Doctor Shepard lays1 "I lllMO lll > lllltleiiee It Itll tllC llOC- < II'H Mlll > Claim ( O ( Ml eitllnllmlltlnil ifti-r tinillxt'iiM * IIIIN iv llrni liolil on In- limits , nnil I lime lest iiittleitee lth Hint eliiNN lit iliietnrN ho tr > to frlnlitcn ( In- people Into hello liiur lint entarrli eaiiNe * nil ea es of eoii- Niiiiiiillon. Until MOI-IN of tliii'lnri are , O Nil } tillllIIMti llliltllU < MI. "I recnunlre that < MillMUlllplloll ilm-N lot In-Kin In the IniiKN iiT one In ner- 'ri'l health ailj iniire tlitui HimmliiK 1 Huliteil innli'h In n pull of water n 111 Mlart a lire. 1 Um > n I rom expe- lenee Hint anjtliliiR that rvlll run ! IM\H tinItiHllli Nlreiilftlitlll nllon IK * weeds of I'OliNlliiiplloll to KilliL a ootliold In tin * lllllKi. "I Umm that In n erinMleil elty , tvhere there nre persoilN AX hone limits ire ilecji > IIIK , tin * air Is ilnrliiK enllil , try NpellH. lonileil Mllh purlleleN of lie ileenjeil IIIIIKN , iililoti.Iien the > ire liri'ii til I'll Into tin * elic-st of Him % hose \llnlll > IN run iliitv n. orhere [ here lire liillinaeil Hiiots iiloiiur 'he > reatlilii)7 trnct , tlint mieli needs are > ! ' illxeiiNe anil > ITJ npt to loilue mill nulllpl > anil proiluee eonsiiinptloii. "I KniMt Hint there IN no illKense [ llllt NO III ! I \ CIMllllellKeilN till * H > N- lein UN iloes eillnrih. I kiitm that ! he illNelmrm- from this illsetiNe finiN IIMMI tln > Imilll ; Ntrenurtli xi > that It eeoiueN an enxj jirev to llseane. I CIIOM that tin * nore NION mailu ! > > the MISS TIIJin I EUTX.INGER. louncll UlurTs , C-ured oM'hronlc Catarrh by Dr. Shep.ird atnrrli fiimlMli J iiHt Hie t-oinlltloii Hint IN iieeileil ti > Dillon the neeilH of eniiNiinit Inn lo enter the N > nteni. ' " \\hlle I lime 110tiling In Hirer that i\lll cure emiNnniiif Inn In an itil- neeil Htaure ithlle 1 tun not a , eiui- siiniilleenre flinn tie I UIIIMV that tinrl rhlnay to iiri'tciit the illsease from < eloping : IN to ImpriMe the Kiillly itMfnre NO that the Njstelu nlll refuse to allow It to ilei eloji. the same year from Imported manufactured hlcory and coffee substitutes on the basis of 2 cents per pound for chicory and l'/i cents per pound for coffee substi tutes , the aggregate of which revenue was : he sum of $41,38238. If coffee hiibstltutea Mad been on the 2 cents per pound basis , this revenue would have been increased $11,693.40. 'It thus appears that a duty of 1 cent per pound on dried chicory and 2 cents per [ lound on manufactured chicory and coffee substitutes would have produced In 1S9C $211 47539 , an Increase over the actual reve nue under the Wilson bill la 1890 of $170- 11301 " The iclators also lay down , the propcsl- tion that "a majority of the agricultural atatis of the union , as to soil , climate and natural conditions , arc unequalcd In capaclt ] lo produce chloory. " MKANS .MUCH TO FARMERS. "This proposition has been demotifitratcil licyond reasonable controversy It applies especially to the states of Nebraska , North Dakota , South Dakota , Minnesota , \Viscon- oln , Michigan , Illinois , Iowa , Kentucky , Ten- msse-o and California Such being the case , everything In reason should be done to de \clopo the Industry , especially because It offers to the fanner an opportunity for fur ther diversification of crops and a chance to improve his condition by profitable labor Further It glcs additional employment U meet the demands of large numbers of those who now help to fill the ranks of the tin- employed. 'Tills statement Is concliwlvely Illustrated by the experience of the American Chicory company of Nebraska. During the year 18if nald company had contracts \vlth 239 farmer * 'n I'ebraska for the growing of the chlco j LI op. IJach ono ol said farimrs cmplo > ci ] more or less hired help , hence the total number of persons employed was consider able. This ycur , If the proposed Import duty b laid , the acreage of last year's pro duction will bo doubled and two or mole new factories covering the whole process of manufacture will bo fully built anil equipped The $54,000 paid by the company to the farmers last year will bo In like man , npr Increased , nnd within a very short per iod of time , with proper encouragement. . thcro Is no basis for doubt that the raising of the chicory root will bring to the farm ers of Nebraska alone $500,000 or moru ail' nually. " \ < MM < for the \riny , WASHINGTON , May -Special ( Tele gram , ) Captain John" ! ' . Knight , as.'latant fliiirtormattT , has been lelltved from duty nt Jefferson vlllo , Iml aijd ordered to JeflV.- con Harracks , Mo , relieving Captain John W , Summcrhayes , who la ordered to l-'ort Myer , Va. Va.Plrst Lieutenant Jolui ty Joycs , Ordnance department , will bs relieved from duty at West I'olnt July 31 , 'ufiU ' will then report to the chief of ordnaiiQe'Wiluty Lieutenant Colonel Will ( km Ludlow , engi neer , has bten granted , t reo weeks' leave ot absence , with pcrni ston to go abroad. Dully 'PriMiNiiVy Statement , WASHINGTON , May ' iff Today s fitatC' ment of the condition of tne treasury shows. Available cnfh balanco/$2i9,161,219i gold reserve > serve , $147.651.339. , _ , „ iUliiK f'ln M. NRLSON. Neb. , Mu'y'NsSpecial ( ) -The graduating exercises of the Nelson Hlgl school will take place Thursday evening May 27. The baccalaureate sermon will bi preached Sunday evening , Iho 23d Intl. , b ) Itev. V. U. Shirley , pastor of the Chrlstlat church. The clasj numbers eleven. Tin salutatory will bo delivered by Miss Kit renct Dlsbrovv and the * valodlctoiy by John Iinlcr The other members of the claEa are Carrh Hurton Illlma , Hall , Clarence llobha , Carrli Llnce , Ina Pairlsh , Grace llllcdse. Mary Mar. tin , Cora Kinney , Lkf.alo Hlce. riooil In Dl Joe riood , the young man nrreatei Thur da } night for Hhootlng his luolher-ln law , George Grush. vvaa dlsdiargid In pollc tourt jt'sterday It vva.s dhown that Plnoi lud tired the nliot vvhllo being uBsaulted b ; Crush GriiBh Is Htlll conllneil ut th Chlld'H hoxpltnl. and H sild to bu slow ) Improving The HurK < 'ons hnvo boon unabl to louitu the bullet , but It la thought tha hu will recover , "I UIIIMV thnt If the | irnip onli alive to ( he fm-t that If the ) nt- teiulnl to their throat anil hronehlnl tnhefl anil iilloneil those Nl.llleil lit the treatment of these liartN lo enre them there would lie lint ftM > ease * of roiiNiiiiiitlon. Ail } iloelor Mho linn hail any nlenslxe experleiiuo In treatlnic entnrrhnl tronhlen Is nmire how till" ( Unease exlenils from the throat to the hromihlnl tithes ntul thenee to the luiitt * . eaitslnu ; n form of iMiiiiiiiniitIon Knontt UN eiitnrrhiil eoiiNiiiniilloti. " To show vvhnt can bo done In the way of preventing consumption nothing Is so con- \lncltiB as this Among the hosts thnt Doctor Shrpard evr } > eni treats \ory tn v pel sons who have been under his rare have l > i'on Itnnvvn to develop IUIIR disease Thla H proof beyond qupstlon thnt by curing catarrh the doM-lopment of consumptloii In prevented Grip 011 the Lungs. MH KltniJ 1'IIATT , I'lerco , Xcb , ToMtltk's to the success of the Shrpiml ticntiuont lu tliioatoncd consumption troni ha Grippe. Announcement , In bunging the notice of the Public to my Static Klectiic Mae bine , t do not want it to be millet stood that I use Kid trlclty aa n cure-all H should only ho consld uie'il that the illffcient forms of static elec tricity as admlnlsteied bv me , are as a rule cuiallve In clironle iheumitlain , wasted tmis-cle ami uer\e neivous twitching" , shak ing pals ) , pualjsls , commoted muscle , gen eral wc'.iluiess , neuralgias In nil forms pains. In art Tallin o , lumbago neiv ous head ii'he , numlniesH ami coldness ol puts , noui.islhenlneaknp.ss from l i Grippe- , and many othei phvMcul ailments C. S. SHrjPAUD , M D. IlOMi : TunTMI1NT IIY M VII , . TinN > Ntein < > f treating imtleiitN tvhu live nt a distance has been so peifected that with the aid of Dr Shc-pard'u consultation blank nrd p itlcnt's report sheets the per cent. IKot cuies by mall or home treat ment. Is fully equal to the number of cuies In the olllce. If joii live away fiom the city wrllo for Home Treatment. C. S. Sllii > AIIIl , M. II. , Consulting a nil ANHoelaleN , Ph > Hlclans. ItOOMS 311 , 312 & 313 NEW YORK LIFE HUILDING , OMAHA. XEU. onice Houis 3 to 12 n. m. ; 2 to fi p m Evenings Wodiiesdny.s nnd Satur.l.avs only 0 to S. Sunday , 10 to 12. | CAPTAINlECifls" REMOVED Order to Joiu His Company Will Bo Issued on Monday. LIEUTENANT MERCER SUCCEEDS HIM .oils : ControverHj- er the Control ol the O in nli n anilVlniielniuo Aueney In Iliuleil | > y tU W r nepnrlineiit. WASHINGTON' , May 15 ( Special Tele gram ) Captain William H. Heck , agent nl the Omaha anil Winnebago agency , Ne- biaska , has been onlerod to Join his com pany of the Tenth cavalrj. now stationed at Kort Aivilnlbolnp , Mont , and I'lrst Lieutenant William A. Meicer of tlio Ilightb Infantry , stationed at Kort I ) . A. HussellVyo , Ima been designated to succeed Heck. This trans , fer will be officially made public on Monday ActiiiK Sccretniy of War Mclklejohn was In structed by Sccrelaiy Algcr to make thla transfer In viewof the many criticisms filed with the secretaty of the Interior against the piesent agent MclUcJchii w.s at a loss foi a time to know who to assign to the agency aid caused to have piepaied a lecord ol prmy officers who had been In the Indian agency service. Finally Lieutenant Meicer was selected as being eminently fitted for the place and his transfer was agieed upon Lieutenant Mercer was appointed from the civil list In 18SO Tor several years ho was agent at the Lac Coeur d' O'llellle reserva tion. La I'olnt , Wls. , from which ho vvm re lieved on his own request that ho might Join his regiment , BO SB to pasti examination foi promotion , The transfer of Captain Deck has been on the tapis for some tlmo past , efforts helnp made during Cleveland's administration tc liavo him removed from the age > ncy lie was solid with the Interior department , however , and the cltl7unii of Nebraska who naked foi his removal were told that ho rend bin title clear. The appointment of an army olllcei to this post Instead of a civilian IH carrying out n precedent already established , ami which the president at this tlmo deems In- advlsablo to change. The order for Captalr Heck's removal provides that Llciitenanl Mercer is to report to Washington as soot as possible and that Captain Heck will IK ulleved as soon as ho can transfer his olllce Assistant Secretary of War MelkJMohn Congi essinan I ) . H Mercer and Ilrad D Slaughter of Lincoln left this evening bj boat for Fortress Monroe , from which polni Slaughter will go to Now York by the Oli Dominion line William II. Illlnn of Humphrey , Neb. , am John Sklrvlng , clerk of the district court o Holt county , are In the city. K. W. Ilurdlck of Vermilion , S. n. , IB a the National ; Henry Clarku and wife are a the Ilalelgh , Ii. ColcHon of Omaha U a Willard'tf Thu contract to fumlsh fuel for the publli building ut Ottumwa , la. , WOB today awardei to the Ottumwa Hlectrlc Hallway compan ; at M 90. Senator W V. Allen leaves for Madison N'eb , , tomorrow Nebraska mutters pending in congrrcs being In such condition that In feels nafo In leaving for a fortnight befor the BOtmto becomes Involved In thu tariff die cusslon. wn.u SIM ) A. MKss.uii : ON CDMA I'renlilenl l lleeoiiiinenil rioveriiiueii Itellef for AnierleiuiH. WASHINGTON , Miiy ID. The definite an nouticcmont was made at the capltol toda ; that a message on the Cuban situation wll bo sent to congrem by the president nex Monday. It will deal specifically with tb question of the deprivations to which Anierl can cltlztnd are subjected lu Cuba , and It I mulurbtooil that It will recommend aa appro 'prlatioti ' ( or their relief. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK HICIIVHl ) A. McVtllltV , President. Statement for the Year Ending December 31 , 1896 According to the Standard of the Insurnnoo Dopnrlmont of the State of Now York for 1:0 l''rom nil other OT To I'ollej-liotilor * for ( Miilint liy Death ! ? fJMt.l 111 'Ut 'fit iiolteliiililrrn for Uiidi A ineiitH , 1)1 * lit en tin , do . . tli.s IU , l.'itl It Tor nil other .Vucuimli . . , , , . . 1(1,7 1 , Oil. til ! ? ; iiiu t sr > 7. > 1 1 X nlteil Stutet. lloiulf. nnil other Seeurlllpn . ifl tllfJr > , tl4i : t. Plrit lien l.oiiiiN on llonil nnil . . . 1 1 , tt ) I , < " - > * tll Lunim oil StouKn mill lliiniN , , , , MortHum- . 71 , . " itll-t ; > Tilt llonl r ti te . U'J.TItT.tltlll B CiiMli In llniiKx ami ' 1'riiKt foiiuiiinlrn . I'-.llso.IIIMI ( XI Acerueil luterent , .Net Deferreil I'reiiiluniH , etu . . . . . . II , rtri ; , , > , " , > Oil if'JIll.T I I.I IS IU lle < ervi' fof rollelei nnil other l.liihlltlle.H 'JOr.,01 0.llilil 71 ! $ a .Tna.iu 70 liiMiirnnee mill \iniiiltleHlii force < ! > lS < t | > MiiM ; : l. % I lint o enrefnlly e\ninlneil ( forruoliiK Ntnteinent nnil Iliul the name to ho iMiireet ) Illlhllltlei eillenltlteil h > the lnilu nnee leiillt- | inent. fllllt.r.s A. l'ltit.ltil. : : A mil tor. I'rom tlio Surnlus a Otxldrtul will In' apoi-tlnned u uunt , iuroitT : HP TIIIJ iMMNt : : OOMMITTKI : . Olllee of The Mutual Life IIIMII llllee foniiiiii | ) ofe v York , TO Till ) uoxnitui.i : Titt : noviin or TiirsTiis of TUP MITll. . l.lPi : INSl II VNt'P. rt ll'V > Y tip APVt IUC. The undPrslRtiPil , conunltti-p npi" "Illicit tis > our hnnnrnlilp l > ml > on thp tvvrnty * thlnl day of DoicmturVM , lu rxamlno the annual stMriuom of the comimny. ntul to \urify tlio same , u i > oi Ifutly Tlint , imrtuint to Iho povvor nml nulliinllv tlirrcliy condrrcil tlic 0011111111101' Imvp nt \nrloils ilntiH Intwirn tlui Onto of tlio suM ufcmuo , uul HIP ilato of tlio loporl ill- tendril nt tlio olllco ot the Coiniiany nnh lu\o Inui wnlloil on li > tlio 'lionninr tlm Cnniptiollvr , tlio Auditor unit HIP iM liler ti'M-tlia v\lth trt < v. ro poi llvo n > litntitii ot smli olMecis , nml lm\o rnicfull ) Bono ov or nil tlio HPIIH oontaliii-il In tlio > al < l htnto- nuiit niul Imvu foiiinl tlio snino to IIP coint Tluliavo rxanilnoil iiml conntoit every lertltlinto of Blink , Imiul nnil otliir olilliallon lii-M l > > tlio t'limiiiti ) anil roiiipanM the prlco it wliloh Iho Biimo lire niriloil III * .nM Slntiniont with the niniliil iiiiotnlUum nlut Mini the innic nut iorilln puih qiiotat Imm In fail In imnv on i > n ln > ln\v thorn 'they lni\ii oxinilnoil anil lonntoil Iho lioiulH nnil 11101 IK IKI" on ton ! | > ro | it > In Id 1 > \ tlui O < ni IMH > nnil llnj the tatne to lie us ulnlml They hnvo nliii vutlloil Hie vnluatlotig of the t'tunnitiy s hnMliiK' * of lial L tate nlitl liaoerlltiil the do | > o ltH of in n > > In Iho varltHin luniks Tint titmt iiinimnlo | aii.l Imve oounteil Hiot.mli on h uul lielil b > Iho i-nihli r \ml the I'oinniltloo cottlfj that nil Iho tmnki | iaieiiloriinn | ntn mil ev lilonm of title of over } ilei-i ilptlmi ni'iCKsalj In slu-h exinnln illun have In i n rioel ) Hiihiiillteil to the rommlttee Ii ) the until ollliois ainl their aculstalits unit that the same are iic- curnli' . In K"oil onlei mill well Kept. II And the I'uiiiinlttte fiirthoi > oitlfthnl Iho ImevtmmtK of the rotnpnn > mo of n hlKh onlcr unit that Die sjMrin ami mi ihoil mloptoil liv the iompnnj U recording Us Iraiis.iotlons uiul inline ; foi Iho nii-ets are nitltleJ to eoiiunenilalloii All of which In uspoclfnlh Kiilinilt toil ItdlllMlT OI.M'UANT -T HO11A11T UPlllUriC .IAMI : N" jAiivti : IMIAIIM : n i > U'Ktir : JAMI : noi.DiiN i'iiAiti.irt : it iiiNi : > iitMW : N'i\V : 'iOIllC. Jnnuni ) 23 , 1M7 SINGE ! TS ORGANIZATION m E843 1 UJ U. Has paid to its members while living $258,959,451.53 * Has paid to beneficiaries of deceased 5 members $178,045,743.76 | 2 It holds for the security of its present 9 members $234,744,148.42 9 It has paid to and invested for its .members $671,749,343.71 9 Agents wanted In every county In Iowa and Nel > ra k i. P I'Mmi I M ! Illtt ) . . Mniinnei-N for lo a anil NelnaNl.ii. * II. S. Ainxtiin , SM | > olal llf | resiMinll i' . T ! . II. llnrplij , .1. 1 " . I'alll. . , Speelnl ABenti. 5 OM.MI.V. Nel > . i I'l'.SHV .V. 'rilOMA.S , AneiitM , t/'onnell ItliilTs , lima. O i\IIHUTM roil THU KM'OSITIOX. llnneh of Pour InMi r < t Vpiilleatlons .IiiKt IleeeUeil. Applications for tpace continue to be re ceived with commendable regularity by the Department of Exhibits of the exposition. The latest Is a batch of four application' ? fiom some of the most Important agiicultural implement houses In the countiy. These ap plications were Hied by Lucius WellB of Council muffs , the Iowa member of the Hoard of Directors of the exposition These applications aggregate 1,000 Miuaie feet , di vided oa follows Deere , Wells & Co of Council nil ffs , 800 feet ; Deere d Mansur company of Mollno , lib , 1,200 feet ; Mollnc Wagon con pany of Mollno , Ills , 800 feet ; Parlln , Oiomlorft & Martin of Omaha , 1200 feet. feet.Tho mat r.ci In which application ! ) are com ing In Is regaided with great satisfaction by the manager ot the Department of Ilxhlblta , especially luvlew of the fact that the Trano- mlhslsslppl Exposition Is getting $1 per sipiaro foot for space , whereas the World's fair did not receive an } thing for space , and the lompautlvo showing of applications for space one year before the gatea were opened Is very much In favoi ot the Tianbiulssltsalppl Uxpoaltlon 1'iof U. U Owens of the Nebi.aska State unlvcisity. who has been appointed honoiaiy commissioner of the electrical section of thn t\po.stlnn. ! , was In the city } esterday consulting with the management of thn De partment of Kxhlblts u-gardlng the details of his depaitment The prnfcivior hut ) re ceived letleis ft tun the Wtstliighoiibo con- coin of I'lttbtmrg and from Walker H Co of Cincinnati largo manufacturers , of electrical goods , to the effect that they nlll make ex- iilbils at the exposition 1'iof Owens saM lin Intends to attend the national ( ( invention of electric light engl- iis to bc > held nt Niagara Kalla August 8 , , . . a vli-w of Inducing th it association to meet in Omaha In 189S The pinfefhor says that the meeting of t.nrh conventions will have a very btrong Inlliience in inducing manufacluiers to make exhibits at the expo sition , and with that end In view ho s > .i > : i lie will endeavor to ecuro as many of suili ( Oiivcntlons a pot-ulble Vlco I'leslilunt William Neville has le- tuincd frou. Arkansas , vvhcro ho went to ap pear before the legislature In the Intel cst of the bill pending heforo It for an appropila- tliia for an Arkansas exhibit The Llttlu Hock papers contain very flattering notices of the impression creitcd by Judge Neville on the legislative body. i\uiniis AMI iii < ; nr.R I AV. FallH ( llty hehool llnnril Deehlew nn nn InereiiHt * In alnrleN. PALLS CITY , Neb , May 15. ( Special ) The following teachers have been selected to teach next , year In the public schools' Su perintendent , A. H. Illgelow ; principal , \V. H. Plllsbury ; High school , Miss Marlll Gere , MkH I'Yances Morton , Mlas Carrlo Schloaser , Mies llattlo Stcphcnson , Miss Neltlo WtHt , Miss Grace Saylor , Miss Nettle Snlilon , MlKi Vorna Wagner , Miss Manila Camiroii , Mips Nellie Oilman , Miss Lillian Dorring- ton , -MltvH Maud Leckliis , Ml.ss nil/ahelh Miller - ler , .Miss Anna Taylor Mlfs Thioilora Illch- ards , Miss Josephine riohllng The salary of the superintendent was r.iUid from $1,000 to Jl.'JOO The other High school leathers have their salaries ralsi'il somewhat. Tlio pay roll was raised about $700 more than the present one TnriiH In Mnenln'n Charier. LINCOLN , May 15 ( Special Telegram ) - In the brief tiled In tlio xupTcmo court to day by the attornojH of K. A. Graham , mayor , tlio pica \a \ set up that the new char ter of the city of Lincoln U void because It amends tlio act of IS'Jl , It being also thiliiu'il that the act of IK'l wa also uncon stitutional for the reason that while pur porting to bu an amendment to the act ol 1883 It was not germane to the act It wai Intended to amend. Thus It U contendeil that the Lincoln charter Is not constitutional because It amends an unconstitutional stat ute. for llnil Ini CMlmeiilM. TKCILMSKII , N'eb , May 15 ( Special. ) In the doniago cane of Nathaniel Butherlanil against James T JontA the Jury , In district court hero found for the plaintiff. Damages la the extent ot $000 were allowed. Suther land brought suit against Jones for the rea son that ho ( Sutherland ) bud inadu some poor Investment ! ! In Lincoln real estate and ho said Joucs Induced aud Influenced lilta to do to. TOBACCO COMPANY MUST CO Barred Out of Illinois by Decision o Chicago Judgo. DECLARED AN ILLEGAL CORPORATION Court AHNertft the Stiile HUH 11 HlKlit to IJnforee Ian Neee.N.surj for CoiiNervntloii of I'uli- ! lie. Health. CHICAGO , May 15. Judge Gibbons ren. dercd a decision today declaring the A null- can Tobacco company nn Illegal corporation and piohlbltlug Its audits fiom cairying on its business within tlm eonlines of this stn'e. The decision mistalns the information filed last December by Attorney General Moloney asking tliat the American Tobacco company bo enjoined from selling clgaiettQ ! ) on the premise that It was an Illegal , trust monopoly and conspiracy in the business In question. The defendants filed demurrers , general and special , hut each was overruled In thu cxhaiibllve opinion handed down today. Itep- reHeniutlve.H of the American Tobacco com pany who were In ( oiirt announced that a notice of nppcnl to the United Stales mi- pioinu court will lie given. The announce ment of tlio decision did not reach the street until after the closing hours on the stock ex change The plea of the attorney general alleged that the American Tobiceo company niinn- factuio9 and nells ! ) ! per cent of all the Iiapcr clgauttcH manufactured In the United Stale's and In a combination In restraint ot trade The company llhd a general do- nmrn r , the main eontcntlon being that the state of Illinois IH powerless to restnln n. foreign connotation from whipping any article ) of eominerie fiom ono state to another , or from distributing or helling mich article In the state to which the shipment IH mado. ThiH proposition Judge * Glhhonu disainsru at gie.it length The court wild that admitting the facto alleged as to the buslmus of tlm company and thu manner In which It IH car- iled on to bo true , the iiicHtlim | Is whether 1 It fallH under the ban of outlaw ! y pronounced against Irutt.s by the fedeiul and Hlatu stat- uteti. The court said that a clctio Invortlga- tlon of the dceldloiiH of tlio United States Rispr'iMio court leads to the conclusion tlint the power of self-preservation l.i Inherent In statehood This glv < the utato the power tej pass and enforce any law which 'H ' ncces- caiy and Indlspeimahlo to the prenorvatiua and eoimervutlon of public health. .Henleneeil fur AHNiinlllnif Illx .Son. TKCUMSKH , Neb. , May IB. ( Special ) The Jury made assault and battciy out of the raso of uu > aut ! with Intent to kill In district court hero last night. Charles Oa- btlcl brought the action against Ills father , William Gabriel. La/it .Sunday nlglit thu fJthcr anil son quartelcd over a trivial mat ter and tlm old man's temper gut the heat of him and ho amaultcd hh son with a butcher knife , ( haling him a number ot revere - voro blows on the head. ludgo Stud sen tenced the father to three months In the county Jail and burdened him with the pay ment of the coats In thu cauo. Trout DIIIIIIIKI * IN Very Niniill. NOItTll LOUP , Neb , Ma > ID ( Special ) Notwithstanding thu very low temperature reached on Thursday night , not nearly the dainagn was done by the frrnt a might liava been expected Oulng ( o thu latentta of tha fciiron corn plantlni ; has boon delayed , unit that crop was not bumclently advoncud to bo seilously affected , and the Injury In moatly tonflned to tender vegotihlvi ) and Htnull fruits. Several men saved their strawberries by firing plle of litter und rcfiihc to wind ward and allow Ing the mnokc to drift ever the plants. It In not thought that wild fiultu have been Injured to uny extent , Pull * Dmvn n Kll ht of .HIcH , LOUI' C1TV , Neb , May 16. ( Special Telegram - gram ) Alfred 'WutklnBon , hardware mer chant , full out of his back store door down a High ! of collar stairs tlila afternoon and In thought to have brokcu sororal ribj looj from UU bacUUmo.