THE OMAHA DAILY BEEiJHITKSD | AY , MAY 13 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES Ai1vpflNMiirnln for flicnc eitltinin * nlll I.L- taken tinlll 12 in. for the rrcnliiK nnit milll H l > . m. tar the iiioriilnic Mini Hiimtay edition * . Advrrllncru , liy rciincnllntr n niim- lioriMl olieck , cnii JUMP iiMMirrrH ntl- ilr'cHKnl in a nuinliorcil letter In enre of The lire. AnimrrM no nd 1rcn eil 11 111 lie ilullvorcil on presentation of the clici-k onl- . ItatcN , ll'-Uo a vrnril llrnt limertlnni lo a word thereafter. XotliltiK taken for IPNH 111 nil S.'c for ( Inllrst Inncr- tlnn. Tin-so adverllxcnionlH iiniKt lie run roii ) MAI.IJ HUM * . WANT-LI ) . AN i r.A : wno TAN THINK OK Bomo Klmplo tiling lo pntentT 1'rotrct your I'lrrts , they may brlntf you wcnlth. Writ * .Tonn WcrMcrliurn & Co. . Ucpl. V. 1'nteiil Attorney * , Wanhlnzton , U , C. . for their II. MM prlie bTcr ! unit ft ll t of 200 Im-cnttona nnle l. t A > ? nw KNnnoirnc IIUBTI.INO MIJN CAN flnil rl wlily , profUnMo work with C. F. Adnnts Co. . 121 .So. ir.lh Kl. _ _ illiIL. ! BALnSMnN FOll CIOAIlfi ! $125 MONTHLY nil CSPCIIKCR ; olil e UI > llfhe < l hoii'o ; experiences mini o nryi IndiicemcnU to customer * , u O. Tllslinp Co. , fit. 1/mH. n-Mllt M17 _ 11KN WANTIH * TO I.HAIIN IJAHI1CH TIIAOB at ttio Omnha Ilnrlicr folloRf. flnrst In tlie we/its / complain course , S wi > i > k : terms easy , -ml for cntulosue. 1317-131 ! ) Douglas St. . Omnlin. IJ-M710 Juno 4 * 5 ro noVIHKI.Y SAI.AIIY PAID CIOAU imlosnien : experience unncpcKitHry , permanent ponlflon. W. I * Kline & Co. . St. Loulii. Mo. II M759 Juno 6 IVANTKl ) . HAI.lttMRN. IN BVtntY. TOWN nml city : unliiry "nil rnmmlMlon. Hawks Nurfoiy Co. , Milwaukee , \Vls.lJ MSM 21 WANTII > . MIN TO I.HAIIN Tin : iuiuitu trade ; only clglit wcckH rcnulrcil ! no other city run offer the opportunities of conptnnt practice thnl we furnish ; nil work done fiee ; n\ta \ wiiue-i nnd experience Riven In city Bliops BAturdayH b fnro completing : outfit of tool * cloimted Rrnilunlei ; final examination umlrr re- nnwne.1 Instructor * . Write to most conveni ent nildren for IIUiMrnteJ cataloeue. Moler ByMcm of Itirlier Schools , ChlcnRo. St. Ixnils or Mlnncnpoll * . ll-MSM 15 * _ WAN-inn. A OOOD HAHNHSS MAKI'.Il. Vernier & Ron , C'minclt llluflX II SISSO 15 WANTIMI , AN nxrnninNcnn MAN KI.OOH wnlkor Ib mannBo retail millinery. 151S Dounlns Htreot. 11-813-17 _ WAN-run. A pAiN-rnn Tuoiiotinin.Y FA- inlllnr with palntlnc nnd Mrlnlnir vehicles or machinery. Tim Aiillinan a Taylor Meliy. Co. 8Ai.RSMnN. rott VAII/S SAKIJTY POCKHT. No lonhiff money pli-kpockcts | or otherwise. Safer thiiu a bunk. Oit'iit xc'llur : RCKH ! pruflt * ; Sic for sample nnd particular * . U. f ! . Vail & Co. , York ami Anbury Hts. , Denver Cold. II M948 13 * WANTII : > . ixpinnNcnn ADVKIITIHINO so licitor on high Krnde medium. Olxe references nml experience. C. It. a Co. , 132-131 I/ike St. , Chlcano , 111. H-M041 13 _ BAI.IHMIN WANTUD. pnn CIOAHS ; JM.CO weekly ; rnlary nnd pxpenpes ; rellaljlo houpe ; oxperlenco unneccflsarj'C. . O. Moiffan & Co. , Fort Wayne , 1ml. U HMO 13 * V/ANTKI ) , lMMiiIATii : < Y , HtNOIA ! CUTTnil , who will work as tailor. Yearly employment ; salary $30 to | W ) a month Wire application. Dox C03 , Webster City. la. 1J-M9IS 13 AVAXTIMJ PI3MAM5 1IKI.I * . 100 Oini-l FOR AII. KINPS WORK ; $1 TO $7 week. Canadian ofllce , 1522 Douglas.C . C M7 WANTKD. A FIUBT-CIjASS COOK. IN A smnll family. 21M Douylan gtreot. C M3CO 14 WANTID. A ai ui. ti nousn- wor'i Inquire ! 4I5 Jones St. C 514-12 8AI iSI ADIiS WITH I-ONO HAIll WHO liavo ii'icil Clieroltce Indian hair crower wanted for retail Htoro In city ; Btntc use , helRht and IfiiKth ot hair , li 1 , Hec. C-030 12 * , ixi'ininNcnD who can measure dry Roods ; Inquire before 9 o'clock Thursday mornliiR. lloston Store , Omnlm. . C-938. 12 GOOR OIIIU" FOR On housework In small'famlly ; Koocl'wnjres. Ap ply Immediately , 2M2 1'oppleton nvc. C MM2 \VANTI : D. ROOD ami , GHNKUAL houKO ork at ISIS Douglas St. C M9W15 * iin.\THousKs. IIOUSKa IN AM. , I'AUTS OF THK CITY. THE O. IDnvls Company , 1003 Farnam. D 173 IIOUSrS : UENKWA & CO. , 10S N. 15TII ST D 174 MODKUN HOUSns , C. A. STARR , 923 N.Y. LIFn D-475 cuoicn nousns AND COTTAQIIS ALL OVKH the city , $5 to $ JO. Fidelity. 1702 Farnam St. D 170 IlOUSIIfl , WALLACU IinOVVN I1I-OCK. ICTH nnd Douglas. D 177 HOUSIS , coiTxSons & sTonr.s. AI/L , PAIITS of city. Ilrcnnan , Love Co , 4:0 1'axton block. D-47S MOVINO HOUSiniOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. On ) . Vrfn & KtoraKO Co. , 1413 rarnam. Ti'l. 1553. D 479 IAH i : MST. M'CAOUU , 15T1I & DODOU D 4 SO JIOU8iS , FI ATH , OAHVIN nilOS.lcn FAHNAM D 4S1 HOUSES von HUNT , unnis , TAXTON nwc. D-488 COS IJUU 1IUII.UINO. n isr BTANKOUD CinCLC COTTAOKS 6 IIOOM All mo.tern. Apply " 04 llee bulldlnij. . D 772" ' s-nooji MonnitN FLAT , TO-J BO. ICTH. JK.CO. W. II. JH'IKIo. loom COI , first Nnt'l lunk. DC10 | _ _ TIN-HOOM MO IRN niticic noiisi : . 2414 CaiM BL , $ M.W. W. IJ. Melkle , Ml 1st Nnfl bank. . D-MCC4 , . . - KUJINISHKD : fill homo of ten n ini : l t nf IOI'.IIIOIIH ; West Furmitn. 1'rlcoery ren nnnWo to rlsht imrtlfs. M. .1. Kcnnard & Hon. 310 Mini ill J. j. lirmvn block. D-C67 FOR HINT. MIOOM COTTAOH , ZSTH AND Fnrnam streets. Mlllon Holers S. . Sons. . D-M779 _ _ 1011 HAnNRY ; 10 HOOMS ; BTKAM IinAT. D M7S3 June7 _ Tt ) IIHNT HY Till' IIYHONTinCn CO.- ISO ! South % 5th nvinue , 0 rconm , modern , barn $37 0. : : > ! ! ( "hleiiRO , 7 rooms , modern , barn , $23 ( Ml. 1301 L'npltol nrenue , 9 ronms , inodern. $2300 , 2S2J Clark , 8 roomn ( ncwlv painted ) , $20.00. 318 Noith 21th , 7 r nm . Jl'.OO. 411 North 50th , G rooijio , $ IOQn. 2417 Popillcton a\enue. 6 rooms , $10.00. $ 123 ' North 37lh , 6 rocnwt JS.CO. 1X311 nRNT , iuIANT : PIVIMIOOM STKAM hrnted Hat. Apply Flat 9 , nu > ld llldg. - D.-M905 10-nOOM 11.AT. DOIini AB. NHAll 24TH ; MODern - ern ; slenm hent ; nlio 5-rooms at 316 So. 15th. Inquire Unqulst , 318 S. lllh. D-S17 BIX IIOOM MODIIUN rtiA.TB. 111 ! B. 11TH. D-9ID-18 * roil IUNT. TWO 5 AND D-HOOSI HOI-SKH , modern. :1M und $ tVOO. J. D..lltlc , 210 S. 13lh , Om. Nat. IlunK bide. D-79. IJ roTT niNT7iiou8ial.TOiiiH : : AND riw lllckn' Ittul Uttnto atrncy , : io a Hth t. n rt'IlNIfllllJD HOUSK. DKMtlltTFl'I. 1IOMU West rarnnni St. Price \ery reabonnblo to rlnlit purtles M. J , Kemmrd X. Bon. , 310 ami 311 Drown block -.Mai3 BTKAM lUJATKlJ ROOMS. TRLKPIinNR AND ll o > n\entencr ! rules rcuromtljli ; . 1'undt Itr l. deneo , 2li H 17th Bt. K 703 ruitNisiiiin HOOM8. I'M OUCH-ASST 17-7 I FUIINIHIIED JIOOMS. IIOUSluUPINll. 1112 So. nth. i-74su _ BOirrir UOOMS. IMO CAI-ITOI * Avi7 _ _ I-MMO is HOUBHKiKl'INO. ? fs St. Mary's. II-SCS NEWLY FJUUXlSllini DOOMH. HINIII.i : OP. ensulte ; apply at 1817 I.enu-mvorth St. . 3rJ floor. nooM3 AT T\VO FRONT KOOMS. Nirni.Y FlVnNISHJiU ; lleht houiekivpltiK , ( S. tin fUiU K-M910 U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X AIiaK , BI.EUANTI.Y I'l'UVISllKir'u.iosi . with largt ILOI | . lit Hjutli : : tli tton.MS AND NK'IJ HOOMS , OOOII HOARD , IIATHS _ . . unable. The note , OTO Hnrney K 6I1-M13 ni KHANT nooMs. aiN-ot.r : on i.ssttiTBi [ irlvale bath ; excellent board. 1909 Cnpltot five. MODKIIN ItniCK , KOOMS AND HOAKDj $350 * ck. 614 N. 19th. r MOW 17 * DKSIUAIII.K HOOMS , WITH P.OAIID ; ItKKKR * enccs. 202 N. IStli. T MM4 li roil un.vT-r.M-rii.MNiinn UOOMS SUITi : OK UNFL'IINISIIKO DOOMS : MODIIHN. BIB South 2Sth street. O MSS7 16 roit III.NT STOMKS AM roil IlKNT. Till : 4-STOUY DIUCK 1IUII.UINO nl 116 Farnam St. This building has a fireproof cement basement , complete steam heating fix tures ; water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply at tin < > IIlc of The Hec. I 910 MODKHN 3-STOnY DIllCIC nilll.UlNO ON 13lh street , adjoins alley. Uannctt , CW Drown Hlock. I-MS23 U AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. AORNTS ; $ PKR MONTH AND expenses paid active men If right ; Roods sold by sample only ; namples , also horse and car- rlsRC furnished free. Address Jabber , Dox MOS , Doston , Mass. J 434 THUKR Oil FOtm TiADY CANVASSRUS TO canvass the city with a llsht line of good * ; very liberal commissions ; an honorable and prontalnle business , agents also wanted In every town In the stale. For sample * nnd full particulars address 11. 8. Van Slykc ( ten I RKt. . 2312 N. 27th St. . Omaha. J M921 li * ) TO III3NT. WANTID-WIM. CATID : DUSINISS IIOOM about 20 by CO ft. In ll\e town within 100 miles of Omaha ; Iowa preferred. Address 1C 63. Hec. It S90-15 * TWO ROOMS AND DOAIID OK FOUR DOOMS for llRht housekeeping gentleman and wife ; In or near Kountze Place. 1C 07 , IJee.1C 1C 916-12" STOUACSI PACiriC STOIIAOH AND WAltCIIOUSB CO. . COS-SID Jones. General Storage nnd forwarding. M tS6 OM. VAN & STOTIAOE. 1415 FAHNAM. TRU 1539 WANTED TO IIUY. WANTRD-POnTADI.R FOHOn , ALSO I. ATI in. Address 114 South Thirteenth. N-93.-13 FOR SALE FUIINITUUK. FOII BAM : . FiniNiTunn CHRAP ; of s-nooM house. 3S51 Charles St. , Orchard 1M' ' , , KOH SALE HOUSES , AVAGOXS , ETC. CIIIAP. : riNB DOUDI.D cAnniAac AND harness ; also top buggr. Address K 32. IJee. or Urn. J. M. Cole I'-MCSO II' KOH SAMS MISOHIIAMOUS. HAHDWoon cuuiuiNo. noa AND CIIICICRN fence , cheaper than ' "all wire. " C. 11. Lee,901 , DoUKlua. Q-4S7 FOII BALI : . OLD LUMDRH OF ALL DESCHIP- tlnns , npplv to T. C. Wilson , old fair grounds. Sherman avenue , or Associated Charitiesi S07 Howard street. Tel. 1C45. Q-M89S Mil * TO HAVR YOUIl NRW OH OLD WHRRI rubber tlrcJ , for a good home-made buggy , or first class palntlmr and repalrlntr , sec > > m. 1'fclfter 27th and Lcavenworth. Q 2o9 MZi ciiicicr.N. iioa & LAWN KRNCR : ALL WHIR ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works , 403 S. 14th. Q C66 J-2 OAUi'nTS. DiiAPintins , nucssGOODs. SILKS S" monthly on 10 purchase. Hcnd postal : will . 1C23 - - * * „ . call with samples. E Hlrsh. 3 STOCKS onocnuins. V meat market. 1 < lruB stock. Farms , eastern NctiraKka. Arreage In and around Omaha. Omaha cltr property. * II. K. Ball , 901 N. Y. IA O-75 J7 TWO COMPLETE SETS OF SALOON TIX- tures , Including bar , back bar. pier glasses , screens , bottled Rood < i case. Ice chest and cigar stand Also two billiard tables.'will be sold with or without saloon fixtures. Milton Doo- mile. receiver. North Platte. Neb. Q-SS9-1C AUCTION SALE OF PURE IIRED IIERTORD en tie. nt South Omaha. Neb. . Friday. May 23 nt 1 D m 45 bulls , cows nnd heifers ; time If desired. For catalogue apply to P. M. Woods. I Incoln Nob. . Peter Mouw , owner , Orange City. Iowa. Q M920 16 MISCELLANEOUS. GARDENS & FARMS TO HENT. T. It MS40 \VM I UY AND SHI-t. ItOII KnS AND HN- dnes nnd giiHolIne engines. Omaha Hay Press CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. FRITZ. CLAIRVOYANT. 817 NASSAU 12. IIATIIS , ETC MRS. DR. LKON , ELECTRIC MASSAGK HATH parlors ; restful nnd curative. 417 S. llth , up- itnlrs. T-MSG3 If 1'EUSO.VAL. OMAHA DKNTAL , COULl OH , 12T1I * I'AOIFIC Sis. Teeth Illicit with gold , amalgam , tin- gut ter percha cement and plateH made tor cose of material only. Treth extracted and cleaned free. VIAVI FOR UTRRINE TROUDLU9 , 340-3 DEE UMtf. : physician , conaultntlon or health book free. U 4 9 BATHS , MAS3AQE ; MME. POST , 319J4 S RU1TUHE CURED , PERMANENtLY ; NO pain * no detention from business ; we re'cr to thousands of patients cured. Call or write The O. E. Miller Co. , 932-3 New York Llf * bulldlnsr , Omaha. U MC25 RALDNESS CURED. 326 HOARD OP TRADE. U M 2j Jl * GOOD HOME FOR DAHIES , 3S39 DECATUR. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. . quick money at low rutet ) for cholcu fnrm lands In Iowa , northern iUstouri. eastern Nebraska. W-493 FARM LOANS , 1 TO lu YEAHS ; I-OWEST rn'.is. QarUn Dros , , 1CU Furnum St. W 833 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co , , 1M5 Farnam St. W 49 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV property. W Farnnri Smith & Co. , 1320 Kjrnam. W-HM 6"PKR CENT MONEY ON NED. & IA , FARMS. W. U. Melkle , 1st Nafl J ! ! ; . bids. , Omuhn.W . W 18S ON OMAHA PROPERTY : LOWEST RATES ; building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co. Co.W43J MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drennan , Love & Co. , Paxlon blnclc. \V-4M 5IO.VEY TO LO.-.N OIIATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO , PO DAVS ; FURM- turtplanoa , etc. Duff Clieen , 11. S , Darker 1)11 : . X-5W MONEY TO UOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , hurses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rules In city ; up leiinniil of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pjy the loan off nt any lime or In ni.y amount. OMAHA MORTdAGK LOAN CO. . SM So. ICth St. X I5J IU1SINESS UIIAXCEM. JZuO INVESTED EARNH $50 WEKKLY ; NO stock speculation or gold mine Investment ; > ou ttmtrol capital ; tilth successful > ear ; jmrlluu- lars free. Cha o & Campbell , i : Union Square , New York. Y MIC7 MZ3 AGENTS WANTED. ALL OVER Till. C'Ol'N. ' ry , for the Star Inrundencrnl Ous.Light com- puny , for mantels ( nil ijucmx ) . lamps and nil otier supplies : liberal Inducements to uci'iits : write for paillculan. to the facltry ! t ! liiit 4Cth ttreet New York , V M7W 14 onociHir STOCK : INVOICE i.j . mxxl * ; Nebraska town , population 7,0 0 , J. J. Olbtnn. 611 First National bank. Y J ! M14 Will RENT-SMALL WATER POWER MILL. Can alto handle tfhiln. Address box K , Lin- roln. Ntb. Y-M1-J3 FOIS lULli. THK ELP.OANT PALMER HOUSE Mloiui llxtuns ; urlKliul cokt li.OCOlll sell frr trvo , Arui n chanw t open w.icre they i rr , n * th" huiite U colnti to te reupenrj by Nut Dnran of Omaha. Apply to U C Hi own ot Ura'11'lTV' ' ' Nli. Y Mftjl 13 I * Vril'PAN ANP QERMAN EMPLOYMENT i.tu roi Ucdse. Tclrrhoii * . (71.Mca -Mca j/u POH TO TIlADn , FOII A GOOD RESIDENCE IXXT nrar Farnam or I'nrk nvcnue car line , a nlca 6-room cottkRp. with bftth , city water , nn * cellar , barn , lawn , no-foot lot , everythlnn In peed repair : unlncumbctcJ ; peed nelRhlmrnood , MM Mnnderson street , Unild Hill. Call at above ftddrex. Z M9M U * roil : HIAI : , KSTATB. GRE T HAROAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS In any and e\ery part of the city , north , cast , south and west , ranging from $330 to $3000 or $6.000 nnd upwards. Any terms desired. Demla , Paxton block. RE J75 HOUSES ; LOTS ; FARMS. LANDS. LOANS. Cleo. P. Bemls Renl Eitate Co. . Pnxton lllock. . RE SOI BAP' . ? . 18TU STNIAtt DOIJOR. 45.VC8 feet , 2,700. John N. Prcnicr. opp. P. O , IlK MMS KOUNTZE PLACK HARUAINS , J2C 0 , $3,750 TO J6.600 ; fee photos nt 16th nnd rarnnm ; Morst Dldg. J. J. Qlbson , 14 First Nat. Dank Dldg. RK-COl HAROA1N. ONLY $300.00 FOR LAROR LOT. ON Krnde , nt 2bth avenue nnd Corby stre l. Gnr- vln Uros. , 16H Fnrnnm street. RE M63S FOR SALE-A CHEERnjL. DELIGHTFUL home. The moil desirable residence for the price on West rarnnm St. Eleven rooms , hard wood flnHh , modern In every rcipcct. electric lighters throughout the house ; can llRht entire house from e'ther floor. Speaking tubes nnd call bells , beautiful lawn. Owner leaving the city. I ; t us show you the property. M. J. Kennard & Son Sole Agents. 310 nnd 311 J. J. Drown Dlock. Also bargains In Hanscom Place nnd other per tions of the city. Hi : 66S 12 AS OF OLD WK NOW Ot'FHR HOMES IN beautiful Clllton Hill on ensy terms to men of moderate means who are Retting Rood al < nrles. A. P. Tukey. city hall. RIM7S1 THREE NEW HOUSES-HUY A NRW HOUSE , built on the bails of 1897 prices for loti. labor nnd material , they nro cheaper than property constructed eight or nine > ears ago nt CO cents on the dollar. Therr Is style In houses na well as In excrythliiR else , nnd these arc strictly modem In design ni well as cnulpment nnd the only new houses to be had In the city. FIRST 2424 Maple street , six rooms , hard-oil finish , with pas , steel-clad bath , wnih bowl , clo et nnd sewer , hot nnd cold water , arranged especially to be heated with one stoxe , fifty-foot lot , one-half block from motor. Price. $5,100. SECOND 3003 Chicago street , beautiful cottage now nearly completed. First floor finished In poplar with cherry stain ( a popular new fin ish ) , with pretty reception hall , front and rear Htalrwny , living rooms , etc. . with 4 line porce lain baths , bed rooms finished In natural pop lar , window seats , etc. , cellar under the whole house , subdivided Into furnace , storage nnd laundry roomi , etc. On uxphnlt paved street and fine nelghlwrhood , nnd Is worth $ IWO. Prlco only $1,100. TinRD-102 < i South Twenty-eighth street ( Vlr- Rlnla nxcnue ) , one of the most attractive houses ever built In Omaha ; has four rooms on first floor , finished In hard-oil , larpc pantries , china cloicts , etc. ; thiee larpo rooms above with Immense closeti , It has the latest design In plumbing with combination electric llRht nnd gas fixtures , fine cellar under whole house , plenty of natural shade , a yard nodded front nnd rear , location unexcelled. The street Improvements now contemplated will make thlt a xery choice home. Price $3,700 , $1,000 less than It should sell for. No trouble to show these houses. Terms easy. Investigate at once. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , 1702 Fnrnam Street. O. H. Payne. President. II. II. Harder. Secretary. RE S41 A WELL IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE ; ICO acres very beit farm land ; SO acres In fruit ; southeastern part of Nebraska ; one mile from Missouri rlxer , wheru farm nnd fruit crops never fall. Write Robt. W. Furnas , Rrown- vllle. Nebraska. RE M923 14 WANTED Farm lonn of $2.000. Farm loan of f300. Tenant for forty acres of pasture. Tenant for store In CarthnRC , Mo. lluulncsH property for Farnnm street property. Farm land for store In Carthage. Mo. To buy $2,000 worth of merchandise for cash. To purchase large Iowa , fnrm part cash. To buy $2,500 house and lot for cash. Chicago property for large Iowa farm. New York property for large Iowa farm. f-allfornln property for $ irOCOO Iowa fnrm. Trackage suitable for Implement business. House for farm near Ponca. Fnrm for subuiban place ( place very fine ) . Houop for lot on boulevard 52x300. $8.000 property for cash and smaller house. Ixjt In lledtord place for spot cash. To buy house In Dundee place for cash. To loan out $1,500 nt C per cent. Large bottom farm In lonn , part caih. Omaha for Los AnReles property. Duslne-s property for house nnd cash. Farm for Hanscom place property. Farm for clear lots nnd caxh. Farm for line brick property on 24th St. For Sale Lot on N 24th , $5fW > ( very cheap ) . Lot on boulevard S2x300. 40 acres elope ( line ) . $2,000. sn nciefl close In ( fine ) , $1000. 120 acres close In ( fine ) . $6,000. 20 acres close In $2.00) . 10 acres close In J3.000. 10 acres close In $1,000. 20 close In $4,000. Lot fronting Hanscom park , $2.000. Lot fronting1 Hanscom park , S1.COO 100 acres Hurt county. $ Ji nn acre C3 near Omaha , $5,000. 54 near Omaha. $4.000. Lot near Ilanscom park , $1,2CO. Nlco house , Pierce ami 22d. $1 000. 5.000 In n body In Iowa , $200,000. 320 In lown , fine upland , $25 an acre. I fCO In Iowa , $20 nn ncu . ' SO nenr Lincoln , $1COO ( upland ) . Cattle ranch In Wyoming , $250.000. Iluslness block In Omaha , $250 000. Dusinesa block. Chicago , $200.000. C. F. HARRISON , 912 N. Y. Life. Omaha. RE 936-12' FOR SALE , CHEAP , 0-ROOM COTTAGE AND lot Nineteenth , near Lake St. Address box 373 , Kearney. Neb. RE M947 19 PASTURAGE. HORSES ONLY , HOARD FENCES , SPRING water. A. W. Phelps & Sun. 207 N. Y. Life. LOST. LOST-SET OF TEETH. RETURN TO HER office for reward. Loat 893-12 * ASTHOLOGY. PROP. A. MASERY OF EGY1T , PALMISTRY und astrology , the wonder of the ngc ; past , present nnd fMure told cr no charge ; nt 2026 Hnrncy street , Omaha , Neb. M77S 14 FOII RENT HOTELS. HOTEL FOR RENT OF 30 ROOMS , AMES AVE. and 2Uh St. , opposite exposition Rrourds ; nlmcst new , rent reasonable. Demls , Paxton blk. M649 HOTEL OF 18 ROOMS. FURNISHED ; INQUIRE on premises , 31S S. 12th St , 717 MEDICAL. LADIES , CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no nther. Hend 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Indies , " In letter by return null. At druggists , Chlchestcr Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Dec. M949 13 IMIOTO-ENGHAVI.VG , WE MAKE FINE HALF-TONES , 7.INU ETCH- Inc * . embossing dies , trl-color plate or any thing In up-to-date engraving. We Runrantee time , quality nml uormanshlp. Woman's Weekly , Nineteenth nnd rarnamM913 M913 June 12 FURNITURE PACKED. M. S , VVALKIN. FURNITURE PACKING. UP- holMetlng , r < pa'rlng mat'rrui. feathers renovat ed ; piIccH reduced. Tel , 1331. 2111 Cujnlnf. 60. TYPEWRITERS. LATEST MODEL TYPEWRITERS : SUPPLIED Unlto.1 Typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1612 F riiam > -M623J3t' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 51S N. Y. LIFE. COI AT OMAHA HUH. COLLEGE , 16TH i DOUGLAK Iff. MAM > ! \ W01UC JOHIIER. J. P. HHALY , IKJ CLARK STREET.M867 M867 ' ' ' FINANCIAL. LIFE INS.POLICIES DOUGHT.f. . V. HOLDEN 103 SIDEWALKS. FOR NATURAL STONE WALKS. TEL. 49J OR ncnd postal to A Stutter , 830 Hoard Trade. -M731 Jime5 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. GEORGE ! ' . GELLENDEriC. 11ANJO , MANDO. lln and guitar teacher. U07 Furnam street. PAWMIHOKIillf. H. MAKOWTTZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. M 31. MJ Mrs. A. U. CrnuabjVbfl58Kcrrat > . , Mcinphifl , Tenn.i'paid ' no attention to n small lump nPcr brcnst , bufi iteoon developed ' ' Into a cancer o { vlli4 most mnltg- nant type. The best physicians in New York treated her , and fin ally declared her case liopclesa. As a last resort , S. S. S. was given , and an immediate improvement re sulted ; n few bottles tles cured her completely and , no sign of the dis ease has return ed for ten years. Doolts on Cancer free ; addrcsi Swift Cpeciflo 43o. , Atlanta , Ga. DR. MoGREW 11 T1IH ONLY SPECIALIST WHO TRKATS AIL PRIVATE DISEASES Weakneu & Dliorder ol MEN ONLY SO Yean Eipetience , 9 Vein in Omaha. Rook Free. Consultation and Examination Free. 14lh and Farnam Stin OMAHA NUD. r/it. ii.MNKsjoiinnr aUon nlttunit ( lie IIIHMIIcilijc f ii luillctil In conw , ti > itiirartlclMof fnoil ; will oflrct a iwrnmnrnt atnl upcody ciiri ; , nliMlicr the pnllont ( a iiin.lopitoilrlnki'r urnti iilcnhollc recl ; . llonknf pirtli-iilarii frw , tn lw Iinil or Kuhii . < Co. . IMli .V Ilonaln" " ! " Omnhn. Nrn. GOLOEN SPECIFIC CO. . Prop * ) . Cincinnati. 0. 3j9 * Trlv * W lltfU M llnokon > 1 ri > nlll MaMt. " rt llw1 frti. SUES & CO. , / PATENT SOLICITORS Icnlulldlnjr. ! ) Omnlm Neb Advice nnd l'itcnt : lloak VU.KK ELGIN 'KENWOOD ' Bl- < "VOlea for sale at very low prlros. Hufore nurolmslii/ Invlto you to call and o\amlno our line , Will tnko pleasure In you in ices and shoeing you sinolc. KINCMAN dl Co , . ith ) and 1'nclflcSts. RAILWAY TIME CARD I.ea\ IllUKLINGTON & MO. HIViil.Arrlves : | Onmha [ Union Depot , Idfi & Mason Sts. ) Oinan.i Dcnvci . 4:33pm : .lllk III11 ? , Mont & l UBCt Sna nx. 4:05im : | 4:3oi : > m Denver Ixiren3 | . 4:05pm : 7Wpni. : . . .Lincoln I ocal ( exT iiunilny ) . . , . 7:4.i : > m 2Mpm. . . . Lincoln Local ( ex. 'yunJay.H:3llini : OiimliaICHICAGO. . & Q.IArrlvos Oiimlia lUnlon Dcot 10th & Nason Sts. ' Omaha ri:03pm : Chicago Vestibule i > : 7:5Ciinl..Chicago : & St. Luula.Juxiircsa. . . . -o.tin ll:40am : I'aclllc Junction Local R:10pm : F at alall..r.T. 2tOpm : Lea\c ( CHICAGO. MI L7 j ST. l'AU I * ( Arrives OmaluUnlonDciiot | ' _ , 10th. & Ma nn Sta. | Onialm C:3Cpm. : . Chlcnb'o I/lmlteil S:0".am : 11 : OQ.mi.t.CIilqaBo _ Impress 'tdx"SunJny > . . . 3:5ipm : " OniahaUnlon | Depot , lCtlt ) & Mivaon Sta. | Omaha : * Eastern ISxpreai 3:40pm : CCpin Vcstlbuled Limited * * 5lupm 5.5)1ini St Paul KxpieSh 9:30am SUOam St. Paul Limited : | | > :30am : Slou < City Lwcnl llilUum | b:3.nm : ( Omalia-ChlciiEtr 6pr < .Iul 6:00jni | .MIsEuiTri Vulley , Local 9:30am : I * Kxccpt Sunday. * * U > .copt Slomlay. j 1 f aves IClilGAOO. ill I.r & I'ACIl'ICArrlves | i OiiiaaaUnlqn. | Depot , . IQtb , & j ason SU. | Omah I:40pm Colorado Limited. . . . I > av Tj L7 TrPT7"M7& b7 TArrlves Omaha ] Depot. J5th & Webster Sis. I Oil-ilia l2SOpm..8lb'Jx : City Kxpres3"cx. ( Sun..llo5am S:15am..Sioux : city Accommodation. . . S:0flpni : Ciliipm -.St. . I'nul Limited 910jm ; " " Lenxcsl" F. 13. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Omaha | Depot , 13th & Wcbsifir Sis. | Omaha 3Mpnr..FnsTMall : and Express 7s:00pm 3OCpm.ex. : ( Sat. ) W > o. ix. ( ex. Mon. . . . S:00pm : 7SOnm..Fremont Local ( Sunda > s ( inly. ) . . T:50am : Norfolk r.xprcaa ( ex. dun.j 10:23am : C16jin ; ) St. Paul Express 'J.MCnm I > eav s I K. C. , ST. "j. & C. 11. ( Arrives OmahaJUiIo _ Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omuha s7oam. . . .Kansas City Day Expiess C:10pm IOOfpm..K. : C. Nlgit : Kx ylaU.I . Irana. . 630am U'.ivpa I MISSOURI PACIFIC. JArrlves Omalial Depot , r.tli & Wpbstcr Sts. _ | Omaha ? : COpm . . .Nebraska & Kaunas Limited. . , i:5pm : ! ' 30pm Kansas City Express E:00am 2.11pm Nebraska Local ( ex.Sun. _ ) . . . SOUam : I.e ves | SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha ! BepJt , 15th & Webster Hta. | Onulia Cl5pm : St. I'nul Limited OilOam f.ea\e I SIOUX iTY : & PACIFIC. ( Arrives ' ) niahaUn'.sr. | Depot. Mb & Ma6onSts. _ | Omaha S:40am. St Paulr Passenger..7..U:10pm 7:3nam Slous City Passenger So5pm : 5Mpm St. Paul Limned j " ' Leaves I WAnASH : "n'AIL\\rAy | Airl\es i Omaha ] Union Depot. 10th & MasonSts. _ | Omaha t.'Mjim . . . . . . . . . .Canon Pall . . . . .ll:30ain : fSHTeT ] DrflON PA''IFIC. 'I Arrives OniahaUnion ] Dpot , 10th S : Sliuwn 8ts , | Omaha S:2flam Overland"l.tmtted . . . . i. . 4Hpm SilOpm.nout'co & Stromyb't ; Et ( ex Sun ) . 3Mpm : "iVpin..Qrand Island Kxnrcss ( ex Sun. ) . . SiJOpm ltTm : Fast Mall 10-llOnm TYPOON II LANDS THE PRIZE Wins Koctnoky Dorbj Without Turning a Single Hair. NEVER TOUCHED BY THE OTHER RACERS Six Thmixiiitil Dollnr.H In HnUc.l lit ! > ' tin- Winner Hnco In Run on n Trnclc Thnt IB n i Trlllc Slow. i LOUISVILLE , Kr. , May 12. The twenty- third Kentucky derby lias passed Into his tory and alone wltlt It the winter and spring calculations of the talent. Ornament , the much-touted son of Imp. Order , that game chestnut colt , whoso 2-year-old performances stamped him , and rightly BO , the king of the western turf , lowered his colors this after noon heforo a gamer and a better Without being touched and only a llttlo shak ing up near the \vlro Typhoon II landed the co'voted prize , showing the way the entire distance of one mile and a quarter. ' The chestnut colt was never In distress at any part of the Journey. The flnbh was not of the sensational kind that stirs the spectators and furnishes sensations to these who have nagers on the outcome , for Typhoon's vic tory , well and gamely contested , was won with an easa that clearly proved his su periority over the flvo other colts contestIng - Ing for the honor. It was a good betting race , but Typhoon , though a second choice , carried but little ot the public's money. When they went to the post the ruling odds were : Ornament. 8 to 5 ; Typhoon , 11 to 5 ; Dr. Cattlclt , 4VS : Dr. Shepard , 9 ; Uen Ilrown , 12 , and Goshcn , 1C. After last night's heavy rain It was thought the going would bo unusually bad and that the track would bo nve seconds slow. Hut nature and man had accomplished much. Along the rail It was sticky and In spots were evidences of the recent downpour , but fifteen feet from the rail the track was but three seconds slow. The winner was by Top Gallant out ot Dolly Varden and Is owned by J. C. Cahn of Memphis. The crowd numbered nearly 10,000. IJen Drown was sold by the owner , Joe Furst , to Flelschmann , the Cincinnati mil lionaire horseman , before today's race. Right hundred dollars wna the prlco paid for him , Furst retaining one-half ot his winnings In the Louisville , Oakley and Latonta derbies. Fair fields and lively betting was the order In the flvo purse ovcnts In today's card. SUMMARIES. First race , H\ ! furlongs , Almso won , Flowtow second , Muzarlno third. Time : 1:1S . . Second rnce , flvo furlongs , selling : Morde- cal won , liruln seronil , Florenso third. ' Third rnce , the Kcntuck Derby , for 3-year- olds ( foals of 1801) ) , guaranteed value. Jfi.OOO , of which ? TOO goes to second nnd $ SOO to third one mile nnd a quarter : Typhoon II , 117 ( Garner ) , 11 to 5. won ; Ornament , 117 ( CInyton ) . 8 to 5 and 3 to n , ccond ; Dr. Cntt- Irtt , 117 ( R. Williams ) . Hi to 1 , third. Time : 2 1214. Dr. Shepimrd , Goshcn and Hen Drown also"ran. . Fourth race , four furlongs : Martha II won : Lilian Hell second , May Agnes third. Fifth nice'one mile , selling : Urania won , The Planter second , J. A. Grey third. Time : lWi. : Sixth race , six furlongs. selling : Pete won , Old Center second , White Oak third. Time : 1:1S. : NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , May 12. Track muddy. Results : First race , nlnn-slxteenlhs of a mile : An- nlo Lauretta won , Tamora second , Lady Lenox third. Time : 0.r,9. : Second race , selling , six rurlongs : Whiff won , Glvnwny second , Lndy 13rltunnlo third. Time : U18. Third race , one mile : Paul Knuvnr won , Robert Latta second , Trilby third. Time : IN ! . Fourth race , selling , six furlongs : IDon Fulano won , Aftcrnun Hecond , J ? it Gore third. Time : 1:17. : Fifth race , selling , ' onc-hnlf mile : Tnca won , Glenalby second , MnzepjM third. Time : 0:4GTi. : Sixth race , one mile- Inconstancy won , Augustlna second , Colonel Allen third. Time : ! M7"i. CINCINNATI. May 12. The track nt New port was very heavy. Uesulti : First race , selling , seven furlongs : J H C won , WlmtPrlou second , Miss Howott third. Time : 1:33. : Second rnce , live furlongs : Dr. Stewart won , Bon Jour .wond , Mentor third. Time : 1:07. : 1:07.Third Third race , one mile : Bnauranco won , Lulu second , Sugar Cane third. Time : l.r : > 0. Fourth rnce , live furlongs , selling : Jolly Son won. Swift Dean second. Sir third. Tlmo ; IrtG'i. Fifth race , five and onc-hnlf furlongs , spiling : Albonton won , Masquerade second , Royal Dnnrp third. Time : lOlPi. : OAKLAND , Cal. , May 12. Weather cloudy. Itosults : First nro , sK furlongs : 'Manchester won , Hor.itlo second. Iloltalro third. Time : 1:1C. : . Second race , fix furlongs : Sir Richard won. Sallle Cliquot hecond , Heartsease third. Time : 1:1G : > ; . Third race , live furlongs : Torslda won , Rlsmoro second , Towanda third. Time : 1:0216. : Fourth race , one mile : Fortunntp won , Adam Andrew Hecond , Ullly MrClo.skoy third. Time : 1M21/ . . Fifth race , mile and nn eighth , handicap : Installutor won. Judge Denny second , Lo- bcngula third. Time1:571 : * Sixth race , threo-fnurtha of n mlln. soil ing : Pclxotto won. M ilas second. Yankee Doodle third Time : 1:1814. : DKTRO1T. May 12. Results nt Windsor : First race , pelliiiB1 , live and one-half fur longs : ISlliy Fisher won , King Galons seo- ond. Her Excellency third. Time ; Isioyi. Second race , one-half mile : Flying Hess won , Dick Uryunt second , Isabelle II third. Time : 0:00 : < J. Third rnce , flvo furlongs : Maud Lyles for infajnteandO-hlJdrenL The Fac-simile Signature of AppeafS'- ' Every Wrapper. / JJ If vituIlzcrthoprBscrlp. tlonolnfaniona Trench ploaiclan. will quickly euro J on iif all ner < \oiis or dlsca-ses ol the Kcutrtttlva urpnim , nuch s Lost Mmibnoil , InsomiiU , I'ulnalutliu JkicU.fafiuliml Jnilul ; < in , Nprvnus Debility. I'lmplcs , Uniltnou to Marry , KxliauslliiLIJriilns , Vnrlemrlo HIM ] Constipation. It Btqpnn t losjie-i by clny nr night. 1'icvmia quick. nf ssof ilisclnrgn , which Iliiotctif-rVnil IcndH tuKpermiitorrhccuniMl AFTrn nil tlioliorrorHoflmpotency. t'lU'IIIIIMJJclcauiCiilliaHver , Ilia nun Ar It-H - Kidnoyiondthonrlnaryorsaiiaolullliai.urltles. r.NK utrenstkenaand reBtoreeimull weak orir&ai. The reason flUfTvrir * nr not cured by Doctors H hecnuso ninety per rent nro trnnblrct with Pri tntll . CUriDI 'EUttio only known remedy In euro nlthoutuii deration. WfUlc llinonU els. A written iniiirnnti > oet7PU Bnd money rotorned If six boxes doca net itfect a lierinaouutcure. JLWn bot.sii far { 5-00 , by mail , bend for riiEK circular aiid ti-stlmonlala. Arldrrrt DAVOI , MUUICINU CO. , P.O. ox SWO. Baa I'rtnclaco , CaL Myen-Dlllon Drug Co. , S. K. Oor. IClh a nU Farnam Hto. , Omaha. When In doubt vvtui to use (01 ( Nervous Uebiliiy , Loss U J'owcr. Jmpotcncy , Atrophy , Varicoccle and other weaknesses , from any cauio use Scxlnc I'illj. Hrains checked and full viper quickly reitored , If Btl olr < l. tatti iruotfc * rciull hUtlr. Mailed < orl.W6boiMS.OO. ; Witt 9.1.00 orders we rive A guarantee 14 cvirj or refund tha money. Addity OX.Vni-L DUUQ CO. , Omaha , Ntb , won , Ijlttlo Bon second , Clarn Folcy third Time ! l Hi. Fourth rnco , flvo fnrloncs : Costnoo lo won. Yours Truly second. Iollle Unston third. Tlmo : l.-02 > ; . Fifth rnce , sclllnp , six furlonRs : Out nf Slffht won , Ulimarck second , N'cro thlnl. Time : 1:17 < 4. oAJins or Tim X.VTKIXAI. MA'.UI ) : . Itprnrd of a ln > 'ii IMnjn nil tlio. lln- nionil I'Mrlil. riTTSUt'lia , May 12. Tfinnehlll pitched n. ( rood pamp , hut Suftilcn'n Inexcusable error and Donovan's wild throw to homo from right each cost n run. Klobedani kept the Pirates KtiesnlnR nnd only Rave hits In the sixth and seventh Innings. At tendance , 2,000. Score : nttslmrR . 0 00000100 1 lloston . 0 0100002 0 3 Huso lilts : IMttsburg , < ! noMou. 7. Kr- rors : IMttsburp , 2 ; Itoston , 1. ICarned runs : rittsbursr , 1 ; lioston , 1. Threp-t > n o hit : I.oiiir. Sncrlllco hlto : Paddcn , Klobcdanz , Double play : I/onir to Tcnnoy. First luso on balls : Off TnniiPhlll. l : off Klobpdanz , fi. Struck out : Hy Tnnnehlll , l : by Klobo- danz , 2. Tasked balls Ht-rttcn. Ijntterles : IMttsburff. Tnnnehlll nnd Sui len ; lloston , Klobcdanz and HorRcn. Umpire : Lynch. CHICAGO. S ; CINCINNATI. 1. CHICAGO. 'XIny 12 , The Reds pave n sorry exhibition of mulllnp : and wild throw ing today , Klvlnff the Colts , who played In perfect form , the last panic of tlio scrips very easily. Cnllnhan's neldlnR wnH by long odd * the feature. He covered the pn- tlro Infield , setting everything anywhere near him , several of his ehaneca bring extremely dllllcult. Attendance , 1,000. Score : Chicago . 2 0 2 3 0 0 1 0 S Cincinnati . . . . . . l IJnse hits : Chicago. 10 : Cincinnati , 7. Kr- rors : Chicago , 0 ; Cincinnati , 6. Kiirncd runs : Chicago. 2. Threo-biiFo bit : Ivune. S.iprldce hit : Dahlen. Stolen b.ises : Hey , Miller (2) ) . Struck out : llv Callahnn. 2 : by Khrct , 1. nrst Imso on balls : OIT Callahnn , 3. Hatterles ; Chicago , Cnllahan nnd An- son : Cincinnati. Khrct nnd Schrlvcr. Um- plto : McDonald , WASHINGTON , 4 ; I1AUTIM.OUK , B. WASHINGTON , Mny 12. A hit would have tied the score In the ninth , but It did not come. The Orioles mirrowly escaped a defeat threatened by the weakening ot Pond In the last Inning , when four sttc- cesslvo hits were mndo off him. Maul started in to pitch for the Senators , but his arm gave out and hu was compelled to retire. It Is probable be will never pitch ngaln. He wns succeeded by Swalm. Hof- fcr was hit on the left arm by a pitched ball in the third Inning nnd I'ond took bis place In the fifth. Attendance. 2.DOO. Score ! Washington . 0 000001 03 4 Baltimore . 1 02000020 5 llaso hits : Washington. 12 ; Baltimore , 10. Errors : Washington , l : IJaltlnioro. 1. Earned runs : Washington. 1. Two-base hits : Demont. Horror. Kcoler , O'Hrlen , Hcltz , Wrlgiey. Double plnvs : Ileltz to Doyle : Abbey to Domnnt. First base on balls : Olt Maul. 2 ! off Pond. 1. lilt by py pitcher : HofTcr. Hellly. Struck out : Hy Swalm , 3 : by Pond , 1. Wild pitch : Swalm , 1. Sacrifice hit : Jennings. Dat- terica : Washington , Maul , Swalm nnd Mc- Gulre : naltlmore , HofCer. Pond and Hobln- son. ITnipIro : Hurst. CI.RVBI-AND. 3 ; UnOOKIA'N , 5. CIjBVKLAND. Mav 12. While Wilson wn.M hit hard by the Hrooklyns the Indians could not touch Kennedy when there wi'ro men on bases. That tells the story of to day's came. In the seventh Inning um- plro O'D.iy lined Grlllln K : > and put him out of the game for disputing a decision. Threatening weather kept the attendance. down to SCO. Score : Cleveland . 0 3 Brooklyn . 1 5 rtaso hits : Cleveland , 10 ; Urooklvn , 10. Errors : Cleveland , 2 : Brooklyn. 2. Knrncd runs : Brooklyn. 1. First base on balls : Olt Wilson. 2 ; oft Kennedy. 2. Struck out : 15y Kennedy , 4. Three-base hit : McKcan. Two-base hits : Wallace , Soekaleicls. Swin dle. Sacrifice lilt : Jones. Stolen base : Te- bcau. Double play : Kennedy to Grim to Lachnnce. Batteries : Cleveland , Wilson and Xlmmer : Brooklyn , Kennedy nnd Grim. Umpire : O'Day. ST. LOUIS , 2 ; PHinADrn.PHIA , 3. ST. LOUIS , Mny 12. Tlio Browns and Phillies played two games today. About 2,000 people were In attendance. The Quak ers won the first game by a lucicy bunching of plnys In the second Inning. Hart wna touched for but five scattering hits. The second same was won by the Phillies In the last Inning after a hot struggle. Score : St. Louis . 00200000 0 2 Philadelphia . 02000100 -3 Base hits : St. Louis. 11 : Philadelphia , fi. Errors : St. Louis , 3 ; Philadelphia , 2. Earned runs : St. Louis , 2. Two base bits : Dowd , M. Cross nnd ClcmcntH. Thrco base hit : La Joie. Stolen bases : Douglas. M. Cross nnd L. Cross. Double plays : Cooley and L. Cross. First base on balls : Off Hart , 3 ; off Cross , 3. Hit by pitched ball : La Jole. Struck out : Bv Hart. 1 ; by Carsey , 1. Wild pitch : Hart. Sacrifice nit : Dowd (2) ( ) , M. Cross. L Cross nnd Carney. Batteries : St. Louis , Har.t and JIcFarlund ; Philadel phia , Carsey and Clements. Umpire : Mc- Deimott. Second game. Score : St. Louis . 20000000 2 1 Philadelphia . 00000102 2-C Base lilts : St. Louis , S ; Philadelphia , 14. Errors : St. Louis , 0 ; Philadelphia , 4. Earned runs : St. Louis , 3 ; Philadelphia , 5. Two base bits : Hnrtmnn , Cooley , Delcbanty and Hallman. Sacrifice hits : Dowd , Turner and M. Crow. Stolen bases : Douglas. Dowd , Houseman. Delehanty and L. Cros-s (3) ( ) . Double plays : M. Cross to Houseman to Connor. First on ballu ; Off Wheeler , 3. Struck out : I5y Ksper. 3 ; oy Wheeler. 1. Battetles : St. Louis , Eipor and Murphy : Philadelphia , Wheeler and Boyle. Umpire : McDermott. LOUISVILLE , May 12. No game ; rain. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost , P , C. Baltimore . li ( 13 3 81. : ! Lotllsvlllft . 13 3 4 119.2 Philadelphia . 17 11 C Cl 7 Plttsburg . II 9 5 01.3 Cincinnati . 10 9 7 CG.3 Cleveland . Ifi 8 8 50.0 Now York . 12 ti 0 FiO.D Boston . IP 7 8 40.7 Brooklyn . 1C G 10 37.5 St. Lotlls . Ifi ! > 11 31.3 Chicago . 17 5 12 2U.4 Washington . 11 4 10 2S.G SCOllKH OF THIS WKSTISHX LUAKUK. Wi'iliK-Milny'n WlnniTH Are Di-trolt , OoIiiinliiiN , Miiiiii'iipollM , MlMtmiki'e. DETROIT , Mich. , Jlay 12.-Score : Detroit . 0.1 000100 1-3 Grand Uuplds . 0-2 Base hits : Detroit , n ; Grand KnpldK , 7 , Errors : Detroit , 2 ; Grand Rapids , 0. Bat teries : Detiolt. Egan nnd Trost ; Grand Haplils , Cross and Buckley , COLUMBUS , O. , May 12.-Scoro : Columbus . 05001000 0 0 Indianapolis . 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0-3 Base hits : Columbus , 7 ; Indianapolis. 7 , Errors : Columbus , 2 ; Indianapolis , 3 Bat teries : Columbus , Smith nnd O'Meara ; In- dlnnnpolls , Gonr , Welters nnd Wood , ST. PAUL , Minn , , May 12. Score : St. Paul . 31008000 0--12 Minneapolis . 1 13 Base hits : St. Paul. 11 ; Minneapolis , 14 , Errors : St. Paul , 0 : Minneapolis , : i. Batter ies : St. Paul , McGlll , Plillo nnd Spies ; Min neapolis , Flggemlor , Baker tmd Boyle. MILWAUKEE , JIny ] 2.-Score : Milwaukee . 1 1300010 C Kansas City . 20000010 0-3 Base tills : Milwaukee. 5 ; Kansas City , 7. Errors : Milwaukee. 2 ; Kansas City , 4. Bat teries. Milwaukee , Taylor anil Spear ; Kan sas Cty | , MuFurland nnd Lane. STANDING OF THE TFAM8. Played. Won. Lout. P.O. St. Paul . 17 13 4 7G.5 Columbus . , . 11 ! 12 4 730 Indianapolis . 18 3 7 M.3 Milwaukee . 18 0 9 f.0.0 Minneapolis . 18 9 9 TOO Detroit . 17 8 9 -17.1 Kansas City . 18 8 11 20.3 Giand Jlapids . ID 4 13 235 " \VcMli-rii AnNiii-liitliiii Hcori-H , liimUNGTON. In , , Mny 12. Score ; Burlington . 1 7 Itockford . 0 10000000-1 Bnsn hits : Burlington. 11 : Hockford , 4 , Errots : Burlington , 1 : norkford , 4. But teries : Kit son and Williams ; BulMler ttnd Qulnn. DES MOINISS , May 12-Score : DCS Mollies . 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1- A Dubuqun . . . . . 1 C b o 0 0 0 0 01 BuH/t hits : DOB Molnes. 10 ; DubiKiiu | , 3. Errots : Des Molnex. 3 ; Duburiuc , Z. Bat teries : Muuck and Burke ; Burrcll and Otten. QUINCV , III. , May 12.-Scoro : Qulnpy . , . . , 200302002-9 Cedar Hap'da ' . 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 I7 Bane lilts : Qulnoy , 9 : Cedar Haplds. 19. Errors : Qulncy , 1 ; ( 'eilar linpldn 4 , Hal- terles : Monroe and Trallloy ; Carlali. Con nelly and Fuller. ST , JOSEPH. Mo. , Muy 12. No gurne on account of ruin. RllllK'N , CAMBIMDGE. Mass , , Mny 12-Ilar\nr l , 9 ; University of VlrBlnla , 3. PHILADELPHIA. May 12.-UnlverHlty of Pennsylvania. 11 : L-hliih , 1. ( IrniiUiMl l.'oot . HIHMTH utVurU . DAVJIJ CITY , Neb. , May 12.--Spc-clnl ( ) - Leon Lozler ot Couni.IllurfH ! ) , tint well known uprlnter und nlt-urounn sport , turned n neat lilck here yesterday | I inul been In the city since Friday and yesterday was met by un unknown oport \ > no gave th nanio of Godfrey or Crutxinlioft , who hud ppcurcd a "sucker" to back him In n rnoo against Lozler. About J.M > In mo cy , n gold Match and diamond pin was put up by the mtckpr , who ! said to have bpen n Jewplcr of Clarks. Npb. , tinmrd Combs , ngnlnst money of his own , manipulated by the stake holder nnd again put tip by another party represrntpd to the "sucker" as bplng the sportlnp son of n banker In the city. The rnce was run In the street , the "sucker" acting ns starter. When hn arrived at the outcome ho found that both sprinters and ntakpholder had Jumped Into a c.arrlagu standing conveniently near , In which tbplr ImggaRo had been put nnd were n number of blocks nwny driving rapidly In nenrrh of other suckers ns green as he. The sports of this city did not Invest. so.Mn wom.n'.s iti-.couns IIUOKKX. Ainntpiir AtblctoH li > ( Jood Work nt tinritllxriitii In t'hIt-nto , COL1S151TM , Chicago. Mny 12.-Tho Ama teur Athletic union Indoor championship meeting with the military nnd athletic c r- nlvnl , which was held nt the Coliseum to night , was marked by the wreaking of tlio world's Indoor WO-ynrd record , the world's WO-ynrd hurdle record nnd the tlelng of the world's fifty-yard record. Tlio past nnd the divided honors In the ncord-breaking , J. H. Hush , the Grlnnell sprlnlpr. carrying the colors of the Chicago Atnlotlo associa tion , equaling Wefers' fifty-yard record of llvo nnd three-fifths seconds , Hollander of the Knickerbocker Athletic club easily win ning the GOO-yard racp thn-i- seconds under the Indoor record , while Krnenzlclii , the University of Wisconsin athlete , who also were the Chicago association colors , lowered the world's utM-ynrd hurdle record by ono nnd one-fifth seconds. Thi- finishes In most cases were close and exciting1. In the 300- yard eiprlnt J. H. Hush's performance wan a most creditable one , ho finishing In second place after falling nnd losing ground. Ue- sults : Fifty-yard run : J. A. llush. C. A. A. , first ; C. W. Sturgcs , K. A. C. , second ! B. E. Mul- lln. K. A. C. . third. Tltnns 0:5 : 3-5 , equaling world's record held by Wefers. One mile walk : 11. W. I.ndd. K. A. C. , llrst ; George Pulford , Savannah II. S. , sec ond. Time : 2:29 : 3-5. GOO-yard run : G. G. Hollander. K. A. C. , won ; A. W. Townseud , C. A. A. , second. Time : 1:15 : 2-5 , beating world's Indoor rec ord three seconds. One mile run : IX Hlerlberg , N. J. A. C. , won : A. II. Mlllor , jr. . 11. A. C. . second : Cart H. Green , Purdue A. A. , third. Tlmo : 4:33 : 2-5. 300 yards : A. C. ICrn.onr.leln , C. A. A. , won , .T. Buck , 1C. A. C. . second. Tlmo : 0:3(1 : ( 3-5 , beating piovlous world's record by ono and one-fifth seconds. 300-yard run : 13. A. Jackson , C. A. A. , won : 13. H. Johnson , C. A. A. , second ; W. H. Smith , Central college , Kentucky , third. Tnno : 0:44 : 3-5. 100-yard run : Hollander won by twenty yards , E. Hjertberg , N. J. A. C. , second ; A , II. Miller , Jr. , B. A. C. . third , Tlmoi 2:40. : YOIIXfi'S llllACnil FOR U.Ml'IUr.fl. Prcjililfiit of ( lie \ntlomil II > IIKIIO I ) 'IIM Out \rrvo Toiilo. WASHINGTON , Mny 12. President Nick Young of the National league tonight issued the following circular : To AH League Umpires' Don't be afraid to enforce the rules strictly , it Is your only show of going through tlio season. If you tire the first man out of the game that de serves It. after due caution , you will have no trouble. You must be master of the situ ation , or the players will boss you all over tlio lot. JCcep your head with you , but let the players understand from die word "go" that you are paid to umpire nnd they are paid to play. Somu of them will run you out If they can , but If you are run out It will bo for lack of nerve to enforce the rules. They nro made to be enforced , not arbitrarily , but Justly nnd Hrmly , and you must do It or necessarily glvo way to some one who will. KIllliiiiN Deny tinYV'hlttMviiHlt. . WAHOO , Neb. . May 12. To tlio Ed itor of The Bee ; In the report of yester day's base ball game at Lincoln between the Universities and Wnhoos your corre spondent slates that the University of Ne braska team whitewashed the Kllllnns. Tills Is not true. There nro two base ball teams here , Kllllan Bros. ' Base Ball club , com posed of clerks from Kllllan Bros. ' store , and the regular Wnhoos , or "pickups , " a.s they arc known here. The latter team Is the one the University team beat yesterday. Tlio Kllllans liavo several times beaten the regulars and have twice shui them out. Wo do not wish to detract from the victory won by the University boys , but do not want It understood that they beat the Kll llans. as wo seriously doubt their ability to do so. KILLION BIIOS. ' B. H. C. Per L. L. Winter. t - _ llrrnlc ilic > IlurilliIticoril. . CHICAGO. Mny 12. The world's record for 300 yards over hurdles was broken twlco today In the trial heats at the military and athletic carnival at the Coliseum , P. O'Dcn. of the Chicago Athletic association polng the distance in thirty-eight and two-fifths seconds , nnd Kraennleln of the Chicago Athletic association making It In thirty- seven und t\\o-lifth.s seconds , the former record being thirty-eight nnd four-fifths seconds. Both men nro students of the University of Wisconsin , though carrying Chicago Athletic iibsoclatlon colors in the carnival. . .TnIKItacliiK 1'roNiuM'tN The members of the Omaha Fair nnd Speed association are becoming enthusiastic over the prospects for their June mooting. The entry list will not el OHO until Juno 1 , but Secretary Mount says that more appli cations for entry blanks bnvo already been received than during any previous year. Every mall brings In n hugo stack of let ters , and the Indications am that the races will start with tiie best and field ot horses that has over been hccn In Omaha. Yniiltlon Ili-uts tlutliilviTHlty. . YANKTON , S. D. . Mny 12. ( Speclal Tele gram. ) The State university and Yankton college nines played ball hero today , Tlio match resulted In a victory for Yaukton college thn score being 9 to C. This , game decided which team Bhould enter the Inter- colleglatu contest nt Mitchell next week. nun nil .Six-hay KIII-PN. SPniNGFIELD , Muy 12.-A bill passed the house this morning by n vote of 100 to 7 , which IH dcblgncd to do away with tha six-day bicycle races. lllllllon lllrih 'N COKIIII. BALTLMOUE , May 12. Manager Ilnnlon of the Baltimore club lodayjmvo Pitcher Cogan his unconditional rcleaso. Thomao T. Kcrl and Miss Ollvo C. Bwaloa were married nt 8 o'clock Tuesday evening nt the rculrtenco of Dr. nnd Mrs. Anglln , 2559 UodRO street , Hov. T. J. Mnekny performing the ceremony. The wedding wan a very ( | Ulct ouo , only the relatives and a few Ultimata friends of the contracting parties hPlng pres ent. Mr. ClmrlM Dumly IK : ted as bout man. Mr , und Mrs. Kcrl took the ovonliiK train for Kansas City nml will luturn In about a week to make this city their homo. Mi'l'nrln ud-l COLUMBUS , Neb. , Mny 12. ( Special , ) ( Jcorgo B , McKnrlanil and Mlsa Huttlo C. Uergor were mnrrled at the icsidonco of the brldo's parents In this city last evening , Itor. J. D. Pulls of the Baptist , church officiating. Tlio contracting parties liavo lived In tM city for many yeara and the groom has many ac quaintances In Omaha , Tim lirlilo U a daugh ter of A. Ilergcr of tlila city and has been engaged In teaching for ncvural years past. CliirKf-Woiiilninii , Henry T , Clarke and Mrs , Clark Wood man were married ycRtcrday afternoon at the residence of Mr , and Mra. Ocorgo A , llonc- land In the presence of relatives end a few Immediate frlemU. Hov. T , J , Mnckay per formed the ceremony. Mr , and Mm , Olarko left In the evening for on extended wed ding trip and will return In about a month , runrr MAHKUT. INBTOUMBNTS placed on record Wpdnea- day , Mny 12 , 1S97 : WARRANTY I3I213DS. Antonlu Dnmato mid wlfo to Antonio Bcalzo , und Vt loin 8 , 9 and 10. block 2. .MorrlHon'u add \ VA A fj Hcrry und wlfn to J' J Xelenka , lot 8. block C , Potter & C'H add COO II 1 ] Mil nro nri'l husband to C H Fran- el * , lot C , block 3 , Dlil'ont I'Jnco , . . . 100 ll"nry Hlinonsou nnd wlfn to O 1C KiTHehm-n. lotu H , 12 und 25 , block ( i , liennliiKlon , . . , 1,200 V II Narthrup to J II Conrad , lot 14 , block B , Sulphur HiirJiiKH , 500 J A UllloMppy to JI ll' ' Cllllfxpey , noV4 r ' / , 17.15-10 2 A P Andrrxou to A II Andcrnon , lot y. block 472 Orindvlew. . . , , , . , . . . CO QUIT CLAIM DKISPS. Huutli Omriha H.tvInK" hunk to Houth umithu Ixjuu mid iiullUliiK nxuocia- fion. lot I. bU > "k IK. Houth Omuhii. . 1 1' 1C Coo 1.11 ui.d hUHband to A K I'nr- ) ; cr , iv' lo : \i Ar.lniton add Id ) Total amount ot transfers , , . , . . . , , . ? 3013