Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat is Strong the Pint Half of the Daj
. and Then Turns Weak ,
Corn In n Simile Tinnier nntl Ont
l'nlrljKlrm 1'rovlnlotiM WcnUcr ,
irldi .V I " "I
In 1'rlce.
CHICAGO , Mny 12. Wheat bulls had t
BtrotiR Inning toilny , Inntlng about nn hour
nnd then the bears went In nnd were sill
Imttlng In nn Irresolute way ut the close ,
the score stnndlng Uc In tholr fnvor nt the
cnll of time. Crop damage reports cnuseC
the enrly strength nnd realizing ns the prln reason for the decline. Corn was a
Bhmle easier nntl ytc lower In the end. Onti
nlso lost a trllle , but nvcragcd firm. 1'rovl-
slons wcro rnther wcnlccr , but changes Ir
prices wcro In the end very slight.
For a few moments nfter trading started
In the wheat pit the market showed signs
of weakness , not from nny particular cause
outslile of the nlmoit perfect weather , but
from n belief that nome substantial reaction
from the advance of the pant few days was
about due. Tills feeling , although not InkIng -
Ing on the proportions of n general move
ment , was Hiilllclent .to cause July to open
n slmdi ! lower at from 73)4c to 736c ! and to
foroo It down soon nftcr to 7V/ic. Only fern
n short time , however , wus the weakness
nppnrrnt. It was the same old story of crop
disaster , not only at home lint abroad , ami
the Inlying which started on these reports
nnd which Increased In volume as the ses
sion progressed , carried the price Up to 7474C
before 11 o'clock. Damage reports from
California were of the umial gloomy clwr-
nclor , but those from Illinois wcro still
darker. The nren sown lust fall was 1,719,000
iicrcn , nnd of that standing1 , according to
the stnto report , fi20COO acres. The condition
of Ihi ! imall remainder Is si , Indicating
roughly a crop of about 4,000 , 10 1m. , com
pared with a. yield last year of 23,700,000 bu.
from nn ncrongo of 1,910,000. It wns
nald that the Krcnrh crop would show a 20
per cent shortage from last year , which , If
true , would compel that country to export
nt least ( ifl.AOO.fXX ) bu. Chicago rccnlpts wuro
Zf cars , Minneapolis and Duluth received
"fit carloads , compared with 31 it ycnr ago
anil IK2 on the corresponding day of the year
before. Clearances of wheat and flour from
Atlantic ! ports were criuiil to I.ri7,000 bu. New
York reported a good demand for whPitt on
foreign account , lly the lime the price had
reached 74c shorts had about disappeared
and reports of showers In California easily
broke the market to 73T > , c. Thtao reports
were afterward contradicted nnd n recovery
I * to 73)ic ensued. That wns the price asked
at the close.
Corn wns Mrm during a greater part of the
session nnd only eased oft when wheat
weakened. Country houses did most of the
selling. The cash trade was good and did
much to Mteady the mnrk t. Kxports
amounted to r.31,000 bu. July opened a shade
lower nt 2oc , sold to 25H T:3 > fc' and broke
to 2. > Vdc , closing easy t from 25lie to 2. " > Uc.
Oats was strong cnrly on covering nnd
with wheat. The ma-ket yielded later on
realizing , the. selling becoming heavy after
the decline started. The shipping demand ,
HO sharp all week , showed n pause today.
July opened a shade lower nt from ISlfco to
IStfc , sold between IStfGlSc nnd closed nt
jS'/dc ' asked.
Provisions were easier nt the opening on
Jlbernl hog receipts hero and fnither west.
Trading was very dull , but enough support
wns given the market to cnuse a slight re-
° very of the Intltlal decline , except in lard.
ArtlclcB.I Open. | lllzh. | Low. | ci089. | Ye3\lF.
May. . . 745i " * 74
July. . "J
Sept. . . VuH 70M OUW
Mny. . . . S4' ' 24 H
July. , . 2.1HI Sf M
Sept. 20H 2GH
Way , . . . 18 18 18 IB
July. . . . 18 L $ 1R IBM
Sept. . . .
Ports U7ij"J
Mny. . . . 8 fl2 s nn
July. . . 807M C fi7H 8 nr 8 ( ) - > ! {
. Sept. . 807M 8 U5
LaMny. . . . . .1 n'j R Hu
July. . . 4 00 1 Of ) 3 an 4 00
Sent. ' . . 4 10 4 10 4 1)5 ) 4 U7 } 1 10
Mny. . . 4 OR 4 tin 4 < VJW 4 or 4 ns
July. . . 4 us 4 07H 4 1I7M 4 1(7 ( !
Sept. . . 4 U7M 4 70 4 U7ij 4 70 4 70
No. L
Cnrh quotations were ns follows :
rI OUIl Firm : winter patents. M.404TI CO
trnlKhtH. I4.30 ? < . ; Hirlnir speclalK J4.DO ; bprlne
patents. IJ.sojr4.ZO ; luikera , J2.90CJ.SS.
. .J-V.11'5 ' No. Z Fprlni ; , 74Xc ; No. 3 aprlne
700.4c ; No. 2 led , IHXc.
COU.V-.No. 2. 24',4 ' 21 .
ItVlC-No. . - MOSJMc.
I1AIU.BV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , SSJfJSsj No
' ' '
. 'l-'l'.AX.StinD-No.'l. 77 iC79c.
1'KOVISIONS inmH ' . "per "bbl. 8 ' C'HSI )
R.W ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . J3.i2'iTfJ.03j ! ' Bhort' ribs
Flile ( Inope ) . H.COf4.kOj dry suited shoulders
< boxedl , J5.2.- > CIi.W ; eliort clenr sides ( Ixixed )
} 5.0fij. ) I2U. ' '
WI1IHKV Dlfitlllers' flnlHhed foods , per sal
of < he I > ny on Gcnernl
NEW YORK , May IZ.-KLOUn-Hecelpts. 23-
115 bills. ; shipments , 14,445 bbl . ; firm nnd gen
erally liclj nbovo buyers' views ; winter put-
nt , I4.3D04.40 ; Btralslitfi , J4.DOJf4.D5 ; Minnesota
Jl.35O4.DO ; winter extras , } 3.DO3 SO-
f winter iow
COHN MEAly-Hteady ; wenlern. COc.
t E Steady ; No. 2 western. S7c.
IIAUI.KY MAl.T-Uull : c lern , 4JjBle.
? , : Kcrclpl. " ' 10S2" , b.lle . : l'ortii. 70.C77
DU. Ojilloiia n ] > eiied fteudy nnd advanced Bluirply
on ni'tlvo forelRii Imylnir. hlRher cnblea nnd bad
California reportB. nmnll clenrunees and short
und ndvanreil nn rnlus wett , but Ilnnlly broUe
with whrut and closed unclinnKed ; Mny , Mfi )
SO'tP ' , closed ijulct ; Heptcmber , 32f32'Jc , clo nl
OATH Itrrvlpli , 2IC.OTO bit , ; exports , 1IC.BT9
bu.j pot aiilet ; No. 2. 23o. Optlona opened
uteady , but Inter sold off mid clo ed partially
Uo Inwtr ; Mny. ! 2 iO2Jo , cliwed ut 22Jc.
HAY-Kteady ; elilpplnp , MCOc ; KOCH ! to choice
7bt < &c *
HOI'S tjulel ; lntc , common to choice ' 1S95
' >
. . .
HIM ! crop. Ciill c.
IIIlirt-Quli-t : ; llueuoH Ay
0 t llc : ( . nllfornla , IS'.iBlCe. '
LICATIIKR-Qiilet ; hemlock uole. llucnoa
Ayre . ISHSOo und ! 0J22c.
HUTTKlt Heceljiti , 7.12C pkgn. ; steady : western -
ern creamery , l0'16o ; Klglna , 15o ; factor ) ' , k ®
HKnSH-Ri-celptB , 4.S35 pkct. ; nulet ; tate
rBv , SUtflOe ; Rtato .mall , 104fllVio ! ; part skims ,
IfiSo ; full eklms , J5ff3c. !
H ItecclplH , HS pkc , ; itendy ; slate and
and dull : wrttrni utenm , II.HOj iVllnetl. 'etrnily.
I'oilt. quiet ; mem. > { i9.75j hort clear. llt.KO
lO.r.0 ! fmnlly. t9.WtflO.W. Tallow , dull.
OHCottoniieril. . dull , i-rlm - * summer yp | .
law. ! S , tis cj off dimmer yellow , 23ViOJ3Hc.
J'ctroleum , dull ; United , no market ! l'enn y | .
vunla cruile. tleutly ; June. Mo bid. Itculii
dull , Tuipcntlnc , itemly nt 28V4/2SVJc
ItlCli Kalr to extrn , 4iti ( c ; Jnpnn , 41i04'ic ,
MOLAHHUH-HUa.Iyi New Orleiin , , 'ppJn ket
tle. uuoJ lu choice , HJ n c.
muiailTH TO LlVUIll-OOIr-null ana weak ;
cotton by > trniu , ICc ; grain by vteam. 22c.
JIUTALS I'lir Iron , fii y ; HOuthcrii , 15.2541 IOW :
ncrthtrn. fll.OOail.OO. t'opju-r. ttruOy ; brukcru ,
(11 ; exchange. lianxill.OO. Tin. Heady , i > lutf
weak. HiK-lliT. iteady t | 4.16ff4.j. Lead , oulet
but uteiiiiy ; exchange , JJ.3Jj5. 5.
Ciillfornlii Ilrleil Frultii.
FIll'ITS-'Ktroni ' , anil hlKher fur evaiwretril up.
plet ; other fruit * tteuJy ; evaporated apple * .
] irlm < i wire tray , 4c per Ib , ; wood dried , prime ,
4W Uc : prunvi , ZHtf'c , nn to tlia and quullly ;
uprlcuti , HoyHl , llcj Mcor 1'urk , ItCflJc ; peache * .
UiitieeleJ , e&IOo.
N UTS-Quiet and itcady ; walnuli , Hj7Hc.
ColTvc Mnrketn ,
NEW YOI1K. May lt.-4Xl.'FKK-Ol > tloni
opened barely Heady , & to 10 point * lower , fol
lowing caBler fort IK u market * , free receipt * and
iniaU w r h u * dtUYcrlt * ! tuu iwlJ , luc l
tra.len tio-Jsht. Clcnincr from Punton Vrct
vtrry htnvy , ConeMerable nwltclilnjc w dom
Closed barely rleaily K to 10 points lower. Said
& .OCO b K , Inctuillntr Bept mber nt I7.W. Brf
coiTcr , Jtlo , dull nml wtakj No. 7 , Invoice , li
johhlni ; , J5.W. Mild , quiet nml ftMily : Cordovt
III.C081I.7.1. Hnlcii. MK ) bo CM Mnrarnlbo , p. t.
K buft ratio Cnlwilo , p. t. Totnl wnrehoute di
llverlc * from the United Btnlc * . 10,124 , bags. Ir
eluding , 1M bdKii from New Tork ; New Yor
Hock Inlny , 339,327 b K ; United Blatcd utocli
292,514 bnR > : afloat for the United StalCfl , 3:0 ,
W ) bags. Total visible for the United Btalci
"IS. Ml I..IRH ngnln > t 309,194 b iR lad year an
W7.4K bngs In UM.
HAVItB , Mny K. COFFKlV-Cloted aulet o
'iftlf un tort. Baled. 14. W. ) bag * .
HANTOS , May 12. CWKEK-PpotJ Hlo , clul
with nuMhtlon ! ! on the basis of JS for No. 7 Kt
Invoice lots and JS.M for Jobbing pnrknRCft. Ban
tos , aulct : Roo.1 average Snntos , 9,700 rcl . 1U
ci-liiU 9.000 bngni Rtock , 80C.OOO bnR8.
HAMIlL'llO , Mny 12. COWUB 1'rlcei decline
U PfR. Pales. R.'iOO bnus.
1110 IK JANKIUO , Mny 12.-COKKnE-Klenilj
No. 7 KIo , 9.CCO ri-ls ; exchatiKn , 7 25-JM , Ilecelpti
4.0CO biR8 ; elenred for the United States , 11 , W
bag * ; for Kurope , 1,000 bays ; clock , 221 , COO bagi
Comllllnn of Trmlo nnil Quotation * o
Stniilc nnil I'nnny rroilucc.
HOOf ? Hulk of enle , 7',4c.
HlJTTKIl Common to fair , ecsc : choice , I
fnncy roll , Ilf7l2c ; separator creamery , ICoi gcth
erer creamery. He.
OAMIJ Kverythlnr out of feafon.
V1JAI/ Choice fnt , SO to 120 Ibs. , nra quoted n
S 8Wc ! lnrK nnd conme , 4T-V-
LIVB I'OULTIIY Hens. CJiOiJcj cocks , 8G5c.
I'lciKONS Live , 750 0c ; dcnii plgeona no
HAY Upland. 4.SO ; midland , J3.CO ! lonland
$3.00 | rye straw , J3.60 ; color nmkm the prlco 01
hay ; light bales cell the bett , only top gradci
bring top prices.
HHOOMCOIIN Hxtremely slow fnlc ; new crop
delivered on truck In country ; choice green § elf
working cnipet , tit-r Ib. , ! fT24c ! ; choice green ,
pjnr.lng to hurl , 2H,4c ; common , 1H ,
CJUKKN l'KAS-1'cr U-bu. box , 75c.
PHI PLANT Per Ib. , Ic
CUCUMIIKUH Per doz. , 40SCOc ; Texas , M-hu.
box , JI.CO.
ASPAIlAOUK-Pcr doz. . Mf35c.
SPINACH-Pcr basket , CtiSS'lo ' ; per bbl. , | 1.M.
TOMATOH8- C-banket crate , t'.W.
HAUIHIIKS Per "loz. , 202c.
KCa PLANT P r doz. , Jt.DO.
LI3TTIIOK Per doz. . 2SJf30c.
WAX UEANS-Pcr H-bu , box , Jl.OO ; per bu. ,
PAIISNIPS Per bbl , , 7c.
STHINO 1IUANS Per ' .S-bu. box , I.OO.
NK\V ONIONS Per Joz. , 10820c.
PAHSLKY Per doz. , 23O30c.
HintMttUA ONIONS Per crate , 13.50 ; southern ,
C5-lb. snrk. 12.75
LIMA III3ANS Per Ib. , 3c.
HHANS-Hnnd'TlK-ked navy , per bu. , I.IOOI.SO.
CAIIIIAnK-Cnllfornln. 51ic Per Ib.
CKLKHY Per doz. , large California , No , 1 ,
OOe ; No. 2. 45c.
I'OTATOKS New. per bbl. , J4.M ; per Ib. , 3Vie ;
olil nntlve stock , per bu. , 25c ; early Ohio seed
potutots. Red river Vnlley , 43c ; Minnesota , early
Ohio. 40c.
STIlAWnEItniES-Oood tock , J2.80B3.00.
APPLES Fancy large , t3.OOW3.50.
OUAXGKS-HfcilllnKS. S2.7t3.00 ( ; Mcdlterra.
nenn sweets , fancy , JS.fO : cholcp , 13.23.
LKMONS Messlnna. fnncy , i3.73S4.CO ; choice ,
J3.2.i 3.5tl : choice California , 3.
1IANANA8 rholce large Block , per bunch ,
J2.005J2.25 , medium-sized bunches. $1,0032.00.
PINEAPPLES Per doz. , tl.7j2.00.
NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib. , large
elzc , 13c ; llrazlls , per 1U. . lOc ; CnglUh walnuts ,
per Ib , , fnncy , soli shell. 1213c ; standards ,
10(711c ; lIllic-rlK , per Ib. . 10c ; pecans , polished ,
large , OlflOc ; jumbo , HQ12c : large hickory nuts ,
} 1.25 per bu , ; coconnuts. 4'c each.
F1QS Imported fancy I crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
I2c ; B crown , CO-lb. boxes , 13@14c.
HONKY-Cholce , 13810C.
CIDEIl-Clnrllled Juice , per half bbl. , JI.SS ; per
bbl. , J4.00CI.25.
MAPLE SYIJUP-Flve-gnl. cnns , ench , J2.25 ;
gal cnns , pure , per doz. , 112 ; half-gal , cans ,
16.25 ; quart cann , J3.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Co ; No. 3 green
hides , 5c ; No. 1 green salted liklen , 7lic ; No. 1
green fulled hides , CHc ; No. 1 vi-iil cnlf , 8 to 12
Ibs. , 7cj No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lb . 4c ; No. 1
dry Hint hides. S@10c ; l o. 2 aiy Mint hides ,
S09c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. SSJ'Je ; part cured
hides He per Ib. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 23SCOc ;
green snlted , shearings ( elvort wooled early
Fklua ) . each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled
cnrly skins ) , No. 1 , ench , 5c ; dry Hint , Knunas
nnd Nebrn kn butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . nc-
tuul weight , 4iT5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Ne-
brnska Murrlnn wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 3S4e ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , nctual weight , 48Dc : dry Hint
Colorado Murrlnn wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 3ii'4c ; feet cut off , as It is useless to
pay freight on them.
TALIXDW AND O UKASE Tallow , No. 1. 2c ;
tallow , No. 2. 2c ; grease , white A , 3c ; grense ,
white H , 2c ; grease , yellow , 2u : grease , dnrk ,
Hie : old butter , 22 ! c ; beeswax , prime. 13022C :
rough tnllow. Ic.
AVOOI Unwashed , Hne heavy , 6J7c ; fine light.
5J9c ; quiirtcrblood , 10R12c ; seedy , buny nnd
clfaffy , S69c ; cottcd nnd broken , coarse , 7C9c ;
cotted and broken , fine. GftSc. Fleece , wnslied ,
medium , JiT18e : Hue , 1401Cc ; tub washed , 1C0
ISc ; black , la ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2Q3c ; dead
pulled. SjJCc.
HONES In carlots , weighed and delivered In
Chicago. Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.005J14.00 ; dry
lountry , bleached , per ton , S10.OCf712.00 ; dry coun-
Iry , damp and mcnty , per ton. J6.00if8.00.
DIIESSED I1EEF Good native steers. 400 to
300 Ib. , Gftc ; good forcquartcrs , steers , S'/io ; good
liliidqunrterfl , k',4cestern ; tteera , C'/4o ' ; fancy
lielfei-H , C',5c ' : good heifers. 6c ; good forequarters
lielfcrs , Cc ; good hindquarters heifers , Sc ; geode
: o\\ . Cc ; fnlr cows , 6',4c ; common cows , 5c ;
: oiv forequartern. 4V4c ; cow hlndiiuartrrs , 7'/c.
J1EEF CUTS Tenderloins , 2uc ; boneless strips ,
Oc ; strip loins , Sc ; rolls , tic ; sirloin butts , He ;
boulder clods. 5'jc ; rump butts. Cc ; steer
: hucls. 4'ic ; cow chucks. 3c ; boneless chucks.
IVic ; cow plntes. 3Uc ; steer plates , 3ic ; Hank
> tcak , Cc ; loins , No. 1. He ; loins , No. 2 , 12c ;
olna. No. 3. Oc ; No. 1 short loins , ICc ; No. 2
'hort lolniv 14c ; No. 3 short loins , 12c ; sirloin
Jnds , BJJiOc ; ribs. No. 1. 12c ; ribs , No. 2 , lOc ; ribs
Mo. 3. 7c ; steer rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , C' cj
: ow rounds , shank off. 7c ; cow rounds , shnnk
ind rump off , 71Jc ; trimmings , 4e ; beef shanks ,
! Vte ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. ,
2o ; Bweetbrcads ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys ,
ler doz. , 3Ic ; ox tails , ench , 3c ; livers , per Ib. ,
c ; hearts , per Ib. , 2c ; tongues , per Ib. , 12e.
POUIC Dresfcd pigs , C'/io ; dressed hogs , Cc ;
cnderlolns , lie ; loins , Cc ; spare ribs , 4c ; hnm
inusnge , butts , Cc ; shoulders , rough , Cc4
ihouldcrs. tklnned. C'.Sc ; trimmings. HWo ; lenf
nrd , not rendered , tjic : heads , cleaned , 3c ;
] nout und ears , Sc ; backbones. 2e ; cheek
neats. 3c ; neck bones , 2'.4c ; pigs' tails , 3c ;
ilucks , ench , Cc : chlttcrlngs ) , Cc ; hocks , 4c-
icnrti. per doz. , 25c ; BtomachH , cnch. So ; tongues
ach , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc : brains , per doz. ,
so ; pigs' feet , per doz. SOc ; livers , ench 3c.
.iiinliui A Kill n RIvvH Only StrcnKrtli
to the Nc - York Market.
NEW YORK , May 12. Today's mnrket for
locks WHB almost a repetition of yesterday's ,
( hatever strength wan generally manifested not
'Utlustlnir ' very long the close of the London
xchange and the strength reflected from there ,
ifhlcli was , however , less marked Uinn yester-
ay. Jxmdon iilso was again n purchaser of
ecurllles In this market , though not In co large
volume us yesterday. Some purchases were
Iso knld to be for Holland account. The stocks
ought bv .the foreigners were Union Paclllc ,
t. Paul nnd Louisville & Nuelivllle ; a80 Nor-
ullc & Western. Home sale for foreign account
ere also made. The selling movement In Su-
ur und Chicago Gat ; became heavy later In the
ay. Sugar being1 fold on reports of Jenpnrily
j thu sugnr schedule of the amended tariff bill
nd Chicago dun on reports of the unlikelihood
lint expected beneficial legislation could be en-
ctt-cl In Illinois. Tills caused bucli slmrp ile-
llncn In those stocks that tlie depression tnread
y ympatliy through the list. The dullness of
rudliig was In part due to the expected nn-
ouncemeut of further gold tdilpinvnta , but thcsu
ere not forthcomlmc lyond nn Increase of
nly JJO.uoo by a bouse which had already an
ounced J.W.OOO by tomorrows Btenmer. Wluit
vtr rhlpments may be made by Saturday's
learner uru now expected to be small , as wns
irr'liudoweil hut night. There Is. In fact , n
[ > ry light demuml for exchange nnd no encour-
K'emtnl to offer bills ngalmt gold. It Is i-vl-
i-nt Hint a very small iiutmtlty of these would
ri'ak the exchange market below the profitable
jlnt for gold tblpments. What shipments may
i forthcoming on peclal orders from Europe
r cour u lemuln open t" conjecture. The con-
derablo purchases of our securities by London
Xerduy uml to-lay has a lemlency to weaken
frliiince.u Inc-reuva In the exports from
10 port o New York for the week of J1.C04.VUC
micwhat nlt'jct the enormous Imports of last
vek und the- government ircelpts from customs
om duy to day show that this week' * Imports
111 n-ncli nothlnir like Ian week's exports. On
10 other hand. New York exchange on Paris
HIU-B a tendency to harden and the Paris rate
i Ixmdon declined bllghtly ugalu today. Au a
uH of lb upward muvement of stocks today
nl the rubrequent reaction , net rlianees nrc fur
le most part very narrow. Tlie restricted
mracler of the market Is tthonn by the fact
iat Sugar und Cliluugn ( ius nbsoilied over one-
ilnl uf the tola ! dealings and ns these I wo
neks were notably deprived they constitute an
fectlve drag on the market. The foreign pur-
lasvs of ktocku ivcrc eitlmated at from 12.000
i 15.000 liuri' . Tlie decline In Sugar ivacheil
i , with u rally of > k , Chicago Clas fell IK.
it tl > u net lorn wa * only It. Tliere was little
Importance In the movement of railway shares ,
it the reaction In the market curried the list
nerally tu u fraction below last nlnht's close ,
nlon Pacific WHS an exception and advanced
i In 7H on foreign huylmr , Oregon Navigation
eferretl enjoyed u further rite of 2 point * ,
undurd Oil mutilated cvrtlllcntes void today at
The bond market maintained a firm tone Ren-
ally , ulth purclmir * for foreign account again
ited. tialn * of slight fractions MITU generally
ade In the leading livuvs , with the specuUtlvn
m * nhsorbliiK the bulk of the proceeding * . Im-
uvements of a fraction were ( cored In om
active middle grade Hocks. Tranrnctlon * were
,1:5,000. , ( lovernment * were dull , but n harden-
1C tendency was apparent In thv new 4f. The
le * were J32.000.
I'lie KvenliiK Post' * l ondon flnanclal cable-
am ruysi "The ttock market * were quiet toy -
y , with u , reaction In * omn of the rpeculatlve
ack * whlrh hav recently advanced no nharply ,
le tony , however , I * still distinctly tlrm. Amcr-
i | were quiet but nrm , with tome exception-
Ijr Kuod buying- , notably of Central Pacific. ,
wfolk A .Wt t ra kui Uuloa 1'ftcUa. Tb * eloio
w * Meadr , but there wns no burlnrrR. Hrnil
were belter ngnln nnd Knfflrs were good. Thei
wa * n nhnrp rite In Peruvian stock * on n n
ported contract ttfrned by ft French nyndlcat
with tho- , Peruvian rovernmenl for a loan t
about 1ta,000. ) It | g believed that SAtlsfactor
arranirenientR concludeil for mnlntatnln
the Peruvian corporation bonds.
The followlnit were the closing- quotation * o
the lending ( lock * of tha New Tottc exchanc
today :
The totnl snlcu of Blocks today were 125,621
fhnrc.1. Including Amerlcnn Simnr. 2J,300 ! llur
llnKtun. 7,0(0 ( ; ChlcnRO Onu , trust receipts , 23.200
J oiilHMIIn K Nnrhvlllc , 4,300 ! Manhnttnn Con
Bolldntcd , 4,500 ; Itcaillnic , l,400i St. 1'nul. 10.100
Union 1'aclllc. 1,100 ; Western Union , 3MX , ) ; New
Jersey Central , C.CCO.
New York Money Market. "
Eney nt IUOI',4 per cent ; InH lonn nt 1 > ,4 per cen
nnd closed offered at IWfilH per cent.
l'At'EU-3',4l pc :
STEULINO EXCHANGE Steady , with nctua
burInees In bankers' Mils nt N.SUWI.S7 > 4 for de
innml and at J4.MWQ-4.SGU for sixty days. I'oslei
rntes , I4.S7O4.S7V4 nnd J4.6SS4.SU. Commcrcln
kills. JJ.f..U.
UAH StIA'EU COHc per ounce.
Closlne quotations on bonds wera as follows :
Sim Francisco Mining QuotntlonH.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 12-Tno oMeial clo -
inirquotations for mining st33'.ia taiiy WJM ai
Silver bars , OOKc ; Mexican dollara. 49W 50c
drafts , slslu , lOc ; drafts , telecraph , 12 0.
Jion- York Mlnlncr ( liiotntlona.
NEW YORK. May 12. The follbwliir are the
clORlncmlnlnz Quotations :
IIAH 8IIVI3R-27d per oz.
MONBY-MOK per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mnrket for
short blllH Is 1 5-16 per cent ; for three months'
bllltf , 1 per cent.
Grifvlc nnil TiirklNh Iloniln.
IXDNDON. Mny 12. Foreign securities are
group 4 ( I ) ) , ! 4d lowei" nt 19T1.
Ainerleaii SreurltU-H In Lonilon.
LONDON , Mny 12. American securities opened
tasler , but Improved with continued llrmnees.
riio close wna linn with'n moderate demand.
Financial 'Xiitc-N.
IIALTIM011E. Mny 12. Clenrlngu , 12,236,152 ;
jalances , JSOO.D25.
11O3TON. Mny 12. Clearings , JI8OS2D01 ; bnl-
incv * . fl,838.375 ,
NEW YORK , May 12. Clearings. J90,22S,358 ;
jularices , S5,448D3I.
1'IIILADEM'HIA , Mny 12.-CIearinB , 11,400 ,
M ; hulancts , | 1,361,834.
CHICAGO , May I ? , Clearings. JHU392D2. New
fork cxchnnsc , D5c premium. Foreign excbanee ,
itendy ; demnnd , H.17 % ; sixty ctuys , 14.86.
KT. IXJL'IH , MHy 12.-Clennng , | 5D2tCO ( ! ; bal-
inces , IC4S.D41. Money , 4C7 per cent. New
fork exchange , 60a pu-mlum bid ; SOo premium
ForelKn Flriiinelul.
IIERLIN , Mny 12. Exchange on London , eight
lays' sight , :0 maiks ibylg \ \ ,
I'AIUH , May 12. Thico per cent rentes , 103f
To for I ho account , Exchange on Ixindon , 2Sf
Ic for checks.
LONDON , Mny 12. The amount of bullion
aken Into the Dank of Englnnd yeMentay U
low KIWI ted lit Jte.OCO , Instead of CO.o . In-
llan council bills. U t 3-lGd. Gold ut Home ,
OJ.V7 ; IJuenoH Ayres , 20.6.
Liverpool ( irnlii nnil rrovlxloiiH.
orthern tprlng , Cs I'/jd. '
COHN American mixed tpot new , tteady nt
n C'.iil. Futures , cteady ; May , 2s CVid ; June ,
t iVid ; July. d M.
PROVISIONS llncon , dull ; clear bellies. 12 to
I Ilii , Wt ; Cumberland cut. : s to 30 Itm. , 2fs Cd ;
lion rlli . 20 to : s Iha. , : CK Cl : long clear nilil-
le , heavy , 40 to 45 lb . , 25s 6.1 ; clear middles ,
envy , 45 to 4S Urn. , KJ. Khoulders , llrm ; muare ,
i to It Ibs , Ida Cd. Lurd , prime wtfctern , dull at
la 3.1.
CliUBSl'i-Orillnarr , new , Ds.
Cotton MtirUelM.
NEXV YORK , Mny 1 ! . COTTON-8pot. fteady ;
ilddllngi , " % c ; middling gulf , Xc ; middling- -
ind. 7Hc. Bales , Z.S1S bales. Futures , steady ;
lies , t7DOO bales ; January. f& . 9 ; February , IG.M ;
f.MK ) bales ; January , JCt'J ; February. I6.C3 ;
larch , } C. ; < 7 ; May , 17.45 ; June. I7.4i ; July , 17.45 ;
ugu l. I7.S9 ; September. I7.0S ; October , J8.S3 ;
[ ovember. 1C. 2 ; December , If.bS.
NEW ORLEANS , May 15. COTTON-Steady ;
lies , S.5W tialei ; ordinary , 8 D-ICc ; good or-
I nary , < 11-lCc : low middling. 7 Mc ; middling ,
4e ; good middling , 7 3-lCo ; middling fair , Hie
Netv York Dry CiooilH Mnrlu-t.
NE\V YORK , May 12. Mdi'ii wear , merino nnd
Jltui drees goods , knit underuear nnd uUo
rtfo Kllks nnd ntllcs are doing well en au-
nnn faletL The moveint-et of cotton Is fairly
ce from the more fancy styles , but ijuplea
trt slow , The export hlpmentu of cotton good *
) China , Africa , t > uilt I'M trim and other coun-
trim nmountril to 17 sit rkfr " cf the Value ol
17'AOOO , the InrsMt if nny week In the hlntorj
of the country. 1 4 % I jcloths dull but Mcnd >
t 27-160. Fall llRrfrf fecllncs to * H nt thai
rrlc . S jjf
SJ. LonlN > < : < fhtTnl Mnrket.
BT. IX > t > IS , MoyllltrLOOn-Stcftdy and un
changed ; ratentu , 1l.7tt4.M ) ; extra fancy , t4.4 (
C4.DO ; fnncy , 3.SO < j3. ! ; choice , J.25JJ.M.
WHEAT Opened utejllry. excited and Advnncei !
on the MrenRlh of IjlKilitr cubles , crop dnrruiRei
from Frnnce nnd drouth new * from California
l ocnlccclptB werc"henty and the mnrket caneil
off , nucluntcd hndj closed unsettled nnil frnc ,
tlonnlly lower comenml with yesterday , PIHII ,
steady ; No. 2 red co fa elevator , 9te bid ; track ,
97fD7Kc ; August , 77 < J ! September , 7Cic nsked.
CORN-Futures < 1UU liut nrm early ; later cnso l
off nnd closed lower ! than yesterday , Ppol ,
hlKher ; No. 2 cnsh. 27c ; July , 23o nfkcdj September
' '
tember , 2e ( nckeff.f ' '
OATS l.-utures , higher ; spot , steady , ? Jo. !
cnsh. 20c ; July , 19Vic.
UYE Nominal , 34c.
HARLEY Nominal. *
HIIAN Quiet ; i ncked cast track worth nom
inally. 47 ( Rc.
FLAX8EED Steady 7r,0.
T1XIOT1IY SEED-I'rlme , 2.DOJ2.40.
HAY Steady nnd unchanged.
IlUTTER-Qulct ; creamery. HClCHo. I
EOOS Steady , 8c.
WHISKY 11.19.
METAUS Lend , quiet , J.103.15. Speller , nrm ,
S3.D7U bid.
UAOaiNO-DHtTCc. , , -
I'UOVISIONB I > ork,7 ( em1y ; ttnndnril ,
Jobbing , JS.MJJ9.CO. I.nrd , lower ; prlmo stenm , > ; choice , J3.KI { . llncon , Khoulderit , fr .fO ;
extra short clear , JS.37H ; ribsJ.VM ; uliorts ,
> 5.C2'i. Dry snlted tnents ( boxed ) , rhouldem. < o ;
extra ohort clenrs. J5 ! rllm , (5.12(4 ( ; shorts , J5.25.
POULTRY Chickens , old' hens steady , 60 ;
springs easier , 18j20o ; ducks , springs , W.0003.M
per dozen. _ . * .
RECE11TS Flour , 2,00 * wheat , 16,000 bu. !
corn. M.OOO bu ; oats , .Ti.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour/ bhls. : wheat , 28,000
bu. ; corn , 06,000 bu.j-oatn , 17,000 bu. I
Kn.iiKiiN City
KAXRAS CITY , Mny 12. WHEAT-Mnrket
Irr.iqulnrly hlKher , except pott , whlrh Is hnrd to
sell t ftendy prices ; -No. - 2 hard. 81TS2c ; mixed ,
HfiK/ic ; No. 3. 75fiS2c ; No. 4 , 71T76c ; No. 2 red.
BSc : No. 3 , S50Mo ) No. 4 , 83WS8e ; No. 2 fprlnir ,
7S.fiR2i.4c , Inttcr for Chlcnuo whent ; No. 3. 7CJT80J.
COIi : > UrlPk demnnd early , closed weaker ; No.
2 mixed , 2WST22o.
OATS Market n'ctlve ; No. 2 white , 2214(8230. (
RYE-NO. 2 , 30o.
HAY Mnrket rnther weak ; choice timothy , $10 ;
choice prairie , 17.
Ill 1TER Creamery lower on heavy receipts ,
12.ffl3l.4c . ; dalnOWllc. .
ECUS Market steady nnd lower , 7Uc.
Tolcilo MnrUrtx.
TOLEDO , May 12.WWH13AT HlRher ; steady ;
No. 2. cnsh nnd Mny , 91Mc ; July. 79Hc.
COHN Active nnd Bteadv ; No. 2 mlxpcl , 25c.
OATS Dull nnd ptcndy ; No. 2 mixed. 19c.
HYH Dull nnd ftendy ; No. 2 cncli , 2 Vtc.
CI/3VER SEED Dull ; prime cnsh. J1.35 ; Oc
tober. .40 hid.
OILS Unchaned.
PEOIIIA , Mny 12. CORN Firm nnd higher ;
new No. 2 , 24c.
OATH Firm and higher ; No. 2 white. t2c.
WHISKY Mnrket steady ; finished goods , J1.19.
Receipts : Coin , C.3M bu. ; oats , 34,100 bu. ; rye ,
none : whisky , nonci whett , COO bu.
Shipments : Corn , 5.7DO bu. ; onts , 39,700 bu ;
rye , none ; whisky , 215 bbls. ; wheat , none.
NHW YORK. May 12. SUQAR Raw , Hrm ;
fair refining. ST4c ; rcntrlfuiml. ! " test , a -lfr. .
Renned , steady ; granulated , 4 9-16c ; cut loaf ,
6 3-lCc ; powdered , 413-lCe.
Wool MnrkotN.
ST , I/D1TIS. May 12. WOOL Unchanged.
NEW YORK , Mny 12 WOOIVIrm ; neccc ,
18023c ; pulled , ISaZZc. _
San KrniiclNcii AVIiont QimtnlloiiN.
December , J1.28 nfked , .
Oil CMy Mnnkotn.
OIL CITY , Pn..JMnyJ'12. Certincate oil closed
nt S9c bid. No clmngo'ln credit balances. Runs ,
101,787 bbla. ; hlpments.Mll.r:9 bbls.
3InchliilHtH n'otorhilniMl to Conirol
KANSAS CITY , May 12. Accordlnp to one
source there la 'to bo war between the In
ternational Asfioclatloh ot MachlntslE , which
closed Its blcnnal | convention here yester
day , on one side , 'add the Typographical
union and the linotype "engineers" on the
other. Just 'before Jl b final adjournment of
tUo machinists , It IS said , they paspad reso-
lutlonn In secret demanding that those who
had cliargo of typesetting niachliica Kliall be
members of the JntefMtlonal Association of
Machinists. The e'esslpns of thelnachlnlsts
were lield In secret arid the passing- the
resolution was nupposed to have been known
only to the convention. The officers of the
convention afterward denied that such a
step had been taken and It was given oni
that the matter had finally been referred
without action. As the position alleged to
have been taken by the machinists Is strenu
ously opposed by the Typographical union
and the "engineers , " a sharp flghtls antici
pated , If such a measure has really been
adopted. The executive board , which re
mained In session after the convention ad
journcd , finished Its work today.
Aiiii-rloan Tolinec-o Illvlilcml.
NEW YORK , Mny 12. At the annua
meeting of the American Tobacco company
held today In Newnrk , N. J. , the following
directors ) were elected for a term of on.
year : Joslah lirown. Joseph G. Hutlcr , Join
Doerhoeffcr nnd Krnest Schreissen. The nil-
nual report for the year ending December
31 , U9S , showed a balance , or surplus , of
$5,884,548 , against a surplus of JSW ,37i for
the ycnr previous. The net turnings for the
yenr were J3Mii,197 : , und the balance after
dividends und charges , $864,177. Thin amount ,
added to lout ycnr's srrrplus , makes it total
of $5,404,548. nnil deducting- from this n 2
per cent Bcrlpt dividend of $3,5SU,000 on the
common Btock , the $5S84,51S balance of sur
plus Is left.
Defeat the Street Hallway HIIlH ,
SPniNOPlELD , III. , Mny 12. The Hum
phrey bills , extending the franchises of nl
street railways In Illinois fifty years and
Investing- the control of existing lines nnd
new franchises In boards or commissioners
Instead of the aldermen of the various cit
ies , were killed In the legislature todny.
The enacting clause of the llrst bill was
stricken out by a vote of 123 to 29. Similar
action was taken regardlnn the second bill
by a viva voce vote. The Humphrey bills
have been subjected from the start to a
rcdhot light by the civic rcrorm organiza
tions nnd the newspapers , nnd the defeat
of the bills caused widespread rejoicing.
Aiiolriit Orilvr of IIUiomlaiiM.
NEW YOIUC. May 12. The forty-clp/hth
innual national convention of the Ancient
3rdor of Hibernians , Roard of Erin , was con
tinued today. Tim all paramount topic Is
the proposed nmalgumutlon of the two
wlnijH of the order. The conference com
mittee hold a protracted seciet session hist
night nnd resumed Itu sluing early toilny ,
The great majority of the delegates , espe
cially these from Ohio and Pennsylvania ,
nrn until to be pronouncedly In favor of
bridging1 the differences which have iirc-
mlloil during tlie last thirteen years. This
? olcy Is said to have for Its opponents cer
tain New York delegates.
ViHlt ICnilH In a Murder.
MOniOHIA' , Mpy May 12. Two young
ncn , Walter Hifii rwof Moberly , aged
mil Charles MartlnJ aged 17 , living near
ripnlck , this rotinty.fiboth tcionKlng to re-
ipectablo nnd well-linown families , called
ipon two sisters , daughtern of A. D. Tcr-
III. When Hnfa-r left the house Martin
'allowed him. atfa.jvifter u few. words shot
'our times at Tilm-npho ball taking effect In
ho latter's neck , Hager died In a few
notr.ents and Martin catnu to town und
: ave himself iip.TJie deceased wns un-
irmed. It Is notLknbwn what caused the
hooting,4 j
AKiiliiNt Extradition ,
NEW YOIUC , , &Jl2.-On Tuesday next
Jovcrnor Black'TrtlBlve ! a hearing on the
c < | iilsltlon of the governor of Utah for the
xtradltlon of Clarence Harton und Leon
Srnvt'H. formprlyoFTDgden , who uro under
irrcst in Nuw Yerk > xjn n charge of having
olibert thu Utnu L5an and Trust company
if Ogden of J5.XKj rflTlH ' ! application will be
oslstcd by attowiyy'for Harton and Graves
n the ground tiitlrHie arri-st of the young
nen Is u part of a conspiracy Invhlcli the
iank olllclals engaged.
Japan HUN XDexlre for AVnr.
SAN FUANCISCO , May 12. TTio steamer
Australia from Hdnoliilu , May 5 , arrived
oday , On May 5 the Japancro cruiser
'nnlwa arrived from Yokohama wltu
aipaneso Commissioner Ablyama. who is to
nvcstlsate the caees of f.iu rejected Jupan-
so ImiiilKrunts. Commlsslonfr Ablvum.i
tales that his mission Is friendly , If hr
Ir.ds the Huwalmn Kovernment has erred ,
. claim for damages wll ! bo mude. He > di- .
iles that Japan reeks war , und says mi-
otlatlons will be conducted dlplomatlcully ,
.MCII'N Coiiv < * iitlon.
SAVANNAH , Qa. . Mny 12. The Boutlicrn
lafdwure Jobbers' asaoclatlon met hero to-
ay In Its seventh annual convention. About
fly delegates are present from ull over the
ntiro uoutli. Manufacturers of hardware
rom ull sections of the United States are
Iso present by Invitation. President W. 12.
[ cwell of Atlanta culled the meeting to or-
er. The convention will last through
! , 13 and li. .
Arrivals for the Day nt Local Yards Fair i
Volume ,
Common SlntT In Slmv nnil WonU , wit'
lIutehcrN unit Stockorn About
Stcncly lloKN Ittilc n.
Iilttlc StroiiKcr ,
Total receipts 127 SO 1
The disposition of the day's receipts wa
ns follows , cnch buyer purchasing th
number of head Indicated :
lluyers. Cnttle. Hogs. Sheer
Omaha Packing Co - . . . . 1,090
G. II. Hammond Co , 5SO 003 4G
Swift and Company . . . . 4US 1.7E9 71
Cudahy Packing Co 4M 1.C5I BO
U. Hecker and IJcgnn. . . . 410
J. Li. Carey 100
"usy OS
.Swift , country ( ! 7
Hellion & Underwood . ' . . . 102
Huston .t Co a )
Ktcbbs & Co M
L.obcck & Solicitor 23
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C CO
Chicago P. & 1 > . Co. ,
Neb. City 122
Swift , from 1C. C 62
Hammond , 1C. C , . . 19S
Hotchklss 317 . . . . 17
Left over 300
Totals 3,019 MC7 sTsB
CATTLE-Ilecelpts of cattle were liberal
almost as large as yesterday nnd a gooc
deal larger than n week ago.
The market on the more desirable Ulnili
of beef steers was strong nnd fairly nctlvi
and cattle answering to mat dcscrlptloi
were sold In good season. Olio cholco lou <
sold up to $1.70.
The commoner nnd more ordinary grndei
of beef steers have been selling very hlgr
here. In fact right close up to Chicago , am
buyers were not quite HO anxious for then
as they have been. The result was th <
market was slow and weak on that kind o ;
cattle. Still the cattle kept changing hand !
and before midday practically everything
was sold.
Desirable heifers were In good request
and sold freely ut fully steady prices , bin
c.ows Wfo slow and Inclined to drag o
' a rcasomilIy early clearance was
off > t' 1
Stackers nnd feeders were in n little more
liberal supply than has been the case on a
good many days. The weather was dnrl <
° T r.ral" > ; - which is always against the
market , but for ull that good kinds nt least
sales- Ut 8teadyKeprcsentatlvo
fo. Price.
i springer , , | 2C no
[ cow end calf 2000
I cow nml calf 3200
sprlnscr i. , 33 00
1 row und calf , . . , . , 3400
cow und cnir 3' 04
springer 3900
'o. Av , I'r. No. Av. Pr.
feeders..1071 $4 35 78 feeders , , , . Kt } t 4 :
Oecirse Hnrvey ,
bull 1320 2 KO OttlH , tlf.13CO 365
bull , , 1UO 300 DC feeders.11S4 410
'o. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
bull 1300 2W W feeders , . . . SCO 445
calves 310 3 40 114 feeder * , , , . CM 4 45
fecdem , . , , 71C 3 M 121 frederc. , . . C24 4 ( S
1IOQS There waa a fair run of hoi ; * , but the
celptH were llRliU'r tliun yesterday , a > well ns
irliter than a week ago.
Bo fnr as values were concerned , the market
d not show much chance from yeilerday. The
-Ices paid were pnsilbly a little stroniiiT than
le lowi-et time yieterdny , und not iUlle | to
led OB Ilia ben time yexterday , so that It could
> called Just about steady.
Tha irreul bulk uf nil the IIOKH Hold nt the
irro prices , t3.Ci , 3.C74 ! and J3.7ti , the name as
The market was fairly uctlvo and un early
pnrunccu ctTcctcd.
This market In lilKli ns compared with some
her markets. Almost nil tlie hogs sold at
uilfua City yesterday ut 13.CO and l3.C2'j ' , or
l"io ' lower than at- South Omaha. The top at
unras City was only 13 C7V > , which was paid
r only one load , w.ille two-thirds of the ho * *
h'outli Omaha eold ut t .C7'i ' or ubove , with
e lop at J3.721J. lteprrentatvc [ nates :
o. . Av. 8h. I'r. No. Av.
) 136 40 (3 M C9 267
, , , . , , . .331 ICO 3 CO Cd Z :
Jut . , , 3 Ci ' , . . , , , . . { 32
, , . , . . . .262 . . . 3 CS S7 193
28 ICO 3 CS 76 M9
318 tO 3 CS i 73 , . .255
230 tO 3 CS 77 24S
320 ICO 3 CS 78 HCS )
1 813 . . . 3 C5 71 271
277 . , . 3 fG C4 U *
, , . . , , . ,21 . . . 3 C5 CJ 251
3 7 240 3 CS 68..U7
, . . , , . .3W 60 3 CS C3 259
, m w is * | K m
7 ! 70 1M J S M JM . . . S 7M
a m m s M tt } < , . . . s uii
fs : s . . . s cs 70. . . . . . . . : ) 1:0 s r.iii
C ! < 274 200 3 ( A U 273 HO S C7'
ei . : ci 120 .iv , ce 275 . . . 3 t7i'
f.s soi . . . i ( is C4 ; si . . . j ci <
M Ml 50 J 65 CO S3 . . . S tt' '
M 2M . . . I C5 CC 278 . . . 3 67M
II 253 W S W M 156 . , , s 67M
S2 276 . . . 3 CS CS , ,228 SO 3 C7j
IS 2S2 . , , K 72 , , : ; ] . . . 367
12 2.15 . . . S CS 79 237 so J C7M
7C 293 . . . J CS C.l JW 2(0 ( 3 C7M
f,2 272 40 3 CS 73 M ICO 370'
f,7 257 SO S 671/4 110 201 . . . 370
72 250 CO S 67H U 2r. . . . 370
f.9 301 . . . S C7V4 " 229 $0 370
C4 2S1 120 3 C7V4 CO K2 . . . 370
72 22 M Sf74 B7 2CI . . . 370
CO 250 40 3 C7V4 70 : : ,5 40 3 70
CI : r.5 . . . 3 C7i ! 72. . 2M ICO 3 70
C5 2C1 3M 3 67V4 " 5S6 120 370
43 S33 120 SC7H " 0 . . . 370
tS 272 . . . 8 674 ! 72 270 fO 3 70
73 240 40 S C7W
1 rM . . . 2 CO 4 S30 . . . 3 60
1 J-,0 . . . 3(0 ( r. 258 . . . 3 ( , IV
K 2 3 . . . 360 2 175 . . . .1C.2' , !
2 21S . . . 360
BIIKKl1 The mntket In theep did not show nnj
mntcrlnl cliniiRC , values remalnlnt ; nbout Mcndy ,
Repreccntntlvo paler !
No. Av. fr.
14 btlfliH Ill 3 25
(07 wcnlcrn Umlui , shorn 72 4 30
Cnttlo Firm HOMN Loner , M'ltU flnoil
Detnnnil Sheep Illitlier ,
CHICAGO. Mny 12. Trmlo In entile wn quite
nnlmctcd nt tlrm priced for dcslrnhle ofTcrlnsn.
Sales were made at from 13.90 to 14.25 for the
commoner lota of steers adapted to the dressed
beef trnde , white choice to extra cnttlc were
salable at from J Cto * 5.40 , but the bulk of HIP
steers crossed the scales nt from H.(0 to 15.
BnlcB of heavy export caltlo nt from 14.DO to J"
were brisk , Ktockurs nnd feeders Hold tin liln'i '
nt $1.15. Co\va nnd heifers were snlnblc ut
from tl.75 In M.f > 0. Hull ! ) were steady nt from
J2.60 to J ) . Calves fold lately nt from > 4.t,0 te
J5.5. Oratsera told ns Imv ns from 13.10 to 3.15.
while fed loIR sold Inrgcly nrouud II nnd JI.30.
There ? wns n Rood demand for hogs , but pi Ices
ruled nbout 2tic lower. Hogs Fold at nn ex
treme runge of from tS.'iO In J3. ! > 0 , sales being
Inrncly nt (3.SS and I3.DO. rigs sold at from
J2.BO to J3.95. A year ngo the best heavy hoes
sold nt 13.421& nnd prime lights nt 53.T.r .
1'rlcea for sheen ruled tinner to lOc higher
under the influence of a fnlrly nctlve Kpnrrnl
demnnd. Hhecp were wnnteil nt from K to t-.M
for Inferior , up to f4.,0 nnd { 4.75 for choice to
prime Hocks , Tcxnns felling freely nt from
H.fO to (3.90. Kimbs Fold nt from 13.25 to
(5.30. Spring lambs brought from tli to (7 ,
Receipts : Cnttlo. 13.COO hend ; hogs , 13C X1 hend ;
chci'ti. 11,000 bend.
Oiiiiilut Market SliinrM ( lie I.nrKest
Culii Sluee Inri'li 1.
CINCINNATI , Mny 12. ( Ppeclnl TelcKrnm.- )
Tomorrow's 1'rlcc Ctinent will say : A mod
erate Kill 11 Is shown In the aggregate marketings
of hogs , fuckers hiindled 3SO.CKIO for the week
against SS5OW > the pteoedlni ; week and 3CO.COO
last yenr , making a totnl of 3,100,000 since Mnrch
1 , agnlnst 3,015,000 n yenr ngo. 1'romlnent places
compare as follows :
City. 1S97. 1800.
Chicago 1,040,000 1,070.000
Knnsns City R21.000 415,000
Omnhn 2C4 CO ) 191,000
St. Louis 21 ! ' > . (03 ( 22 < ,0 < X >
Indianapolis 13SKO ( ISS.WO
Cincinnati 12&.OW H".IOJ
Mllwnukec 127,000 137.WO
Cleveland 122,000 78,000
Ottumwn M.OOO C9.CW
Cedar lUplds 63,000 40,000
St. Joseph 43.MO 40.000
LoulHVllle 54,000 42.00J
XIMV A'orU Llvo Stock.
NI3W YORK , Mny 12. DKEVKS Reeelpln. 125
head ; active ; stags and oxen. J2.75W4.50 ! bullH ,
J3.10iT3.CO ; dry cows. Jl.SOfff > .85. Cables quote
American Blecrs nt 10fic ; cheep. 104fl3c ! ; re
frigerator beef , 9JnJc ; exports , 5SS beeves nnd
4SiO quarters of beef.
S11KI-U' AND LAMHS Receipts , 10H2 hend ;
slicrp llrm : lambs steady ; clipped sheep. Jl.OOff
4.rt'i ; clipped lambs , I4.7565.1'i ! ; unshorn sheep ,
J4.C005.CO ; unshorn lambs , J5.50475.SO ; spring
Iambs. J7.4007.50.
HOGS Recclpto , O.SOl head ; steady at $1.10 ®
KaiiNiiN City Ilv < ' Stork Mnrkot.
KANSAS CITY , May 12. CATTLK Receipts ,
CC 0 hend ; mnrket steady to strong ; Texas steers ,
J3.15W4.CO ; Texas cows , J2.85W3.50 ; native btecrs ,
J3.65ff5.00 ; nntlvc cows nnd heifers , J2.0W4.00 ;
stockers nnd feeders. J2.00B4.75 ; bulls , J2.005I3.55.
HOGS Receipts. 15,500 head ; mnrket Htcndy to
2Ho hlRher ; bulk of snlen. J3.COtf3.C714 ; heavies ,
13.5083.G7V4 ; packers. J3.rOW3.63 ; mlxeil. J3.47V4/1 /
3.70 ; llRhtB. JS.ISG'S ' O ; Yorkers , J3.C3.70 ; pigs ,
$ L'.7M73.CO. I
SHKI31' Receipts , 4,000 hend ; market strong ;
lambs , J3.50WC.OO ; muttons , iJ2.25 { ? 1.50.
Si. LoiilH Live HCocIf Market.
ST LOUIS , Mny 12. CATTLH Receipts. 4,000
hend ; mnrket nctlve nnd steady to strong on
both natives nnd Texans ; native shipping ttcers. ; cows and heifers , J2.0004.50 ; Texas nnd
Indian steers. J3.OOSr4.25.
HOGH Receipts. 10.0(10 bend ; market wcnlc nnd
lOc lower ; light. J3.crW3.75.
SHKBP Receipts , 4.MO head , market steady ;
natives. J2.70ff4.50 ; Texas , J2.5003.50.
Stock In SlKht.
Record of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for Mny 12 :
Cnttlc. IIoss. Sheep.
Omaha 2-772 5,401 S.SflO
Chicago I3.WH ) 13.000 11,000
Kansas City 6,000 15 WO 4.000
StT Louis T. 4.000 jlO.OOO 4.000
Totals . . . . a.772 43.903 21.SM
NumlH'r Five 1'iitsi lit a Claim fop
SAN FHANCISCO. May 12. Wlillo the
San Francisco police were scouring the world
for the record of the murderer of I'hllopena
Langfcldt there remained unknown to them
a chapter In his life the scene of which
wns lalrl In San Francisco. Joseph Edward
Blanther waa married In San Francisco
March 23 , 1887 , to Irene E. Campbell , by
Rev. Father John B. Cottle , then assistant
rector of St. Mary's church. The fact of
his marriage hero was completely hidden
from the police and would probably have
never been heard of but for a desire of the
widow to obtain the contentsof a certain
tin box which she thinks the police of this
city have In their possession. The first In
timation of the fact came In a letter from
the widow's attorney , J , L. Hudson of Houa-
ton , Tex. It Is highly probable that the police
are mistaken now In the belief that the
woman with whom Rlanther lived while In
Chicago wn Annie Walker. It Is much
more probable that the woman was Irene
Campbell. This woman Is the fifth to claim
wlfehood wltb Illanther.
Divine Heiilerx' Convention.
ST. LOUIS , Mny 12. Perhaps the mont
notable address mndo todny at the second
days' convention of the divine healers , who
are holding a national convention , WHH that
by Mrs. Kva HulliiR of Ilcnver , known as
"Mother Hilling- . " She related many In-
HlanceH of divine healing , among which wan
her own. Other experienced were given In
addresses by Miss Orace Wheaton of Kun-
saw City. Mrs. M. 13. Cramer of San Fran
cisco , Prof , Leroy 'Mooro ' of 1'corla , nnd
I'rof , Charles of Chicago.
Taken the Onilels In Tow.
CIIART..KSTON , B. C. , May 12.-Tho United
States bark Salmon I' . Chase , which re
turned hero In distress , cnroute to Da'tlmore
several days ago , left port today In tow of
thii revenue cutter T. M. Morrlll for Ilnlll-
more. Captain Hamlet decided that ho
could not await the Wlndorn's arrival hero
rend that boat will relieve the .Jlorrlll . off
Wilmington , Twenty-one cadets of the
revenue service on board are required to
bo In Hnltlmore on the 15th lo stand annual
Three More VlellniM of I'olHon ,
PIKI3VILU3 , Ky. , May 12. Three more
persons died tills morning from drinking
liolsoned spring water , They are ; Hdward
Mlnnlx , MIsH Dorcas Alberts and John
ronipklns. TonipUlns' wife und two children
in fatally 111 from the sarno cause. All
> 'ct chemlHts have fallen to learn what
lolfon Is being uied and them IK no clew
; o tha Identity of the guilty partle .
Itnllronit UrlilKfH Wnnheil Atrny.
PAUKKKSIUJHG , W. Va. . May 12.-Huln
'ell In torrents t.cre last night. No trains
vcro run on thu Haltlmoro & Ohio today ,
iwlng to two brldii'eti having been washed
/way at Cairo.
s the boat starch for your lauUdry.
Man of n AVcnltlij- Cotton IMnntrr IK
.In 11 for lllulinnjHoMicr ) - .
ATLANTA , G . , May 12. Krcilcrlck Jack-
< < on Cunningham , a young man of high social
position , la In prison hero charged with high
way rohbcry. Charles A. Stanford , a prosper
ous merchant , lias Identified Cunningham aa
ono of a gang Uml attacked him last Satur
day nlRht. Ho snlil ho had been approached
by the rcbbcru from behind and when they
had attacked him ho had shot the one nearest
him twlco In the arm. The man's compan
ion had idiot Stanford and then run away. Ha
denies thd accutatlon against him , however ,
The news has created a sensation , OR It
Is believed by the police that Cunningham
was the head ot a gang of young men , all
well connected , who have been guilty ot
many highway robberies reported In Iho last
few wt-oks In Atlanta's Kubtirta. Cunning-
ham's father 1s a wealthy cotton planter , llv-
Inlg at Cascade , a few miles outsldo of tut
city. _
I'pliolilH Iiiilctoriiilnntc Srntciivcn.
SPIUXOFIHU ) . Ill , , Mny 12.The stnt
supreme court hns htindcit down a decision
declaring the Indeterminate sentence law la
bu constitutional.
Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored
WenkncM , Nervousness , DoMlltj- ,
jind nil the truln of fTlli
from itnrlr errors or lulor
oicr c ; ttir reiult * ot
overwork , ilcVncitt. fr > r-
' , ry , etc. Full Btror.ith.
vflopmpnt tnil Inn *
cn to eTerj orRMi
land portion of the body.
/Shnplo , nnlurAt m thodi.
Immedlftto ImproTemrnt
orrn. K llnrchnposilble.
2VK ( > tfifrrenccs. llcok ,
explntiAtlun ftnd prout *
mailed ( scaltil ) froc.
& Written Guarantee to CUKK
Our cnro Is pcrm&nent ntid not a patching up. Casf
treated ten years RRO have never teen a svmpton ilnce.
! ) r UPH crtMnK your en jc full j we e n trent you by mall.
mil we Blvo t ho tronB guarantee to uure or refund
all money. These who prefer to conio here for treat
ment can do c.o and wo will pay railroad faro both waya
and hotel bills while hem it w e fall to euro. We ch l-
\Mige the world toroca-o that our SInir c Hcmcdy
will not cure. Write for full pdrticulars and wt the
tvlilcnco. > Vo know that you are skeiitlcal , Justly FO too ,
the most eminent ( ihrclclani havu never been > bla
( o frlve more than temporary relief * In our ten year *
practice with this fflnalo Xlcroeily It hai been most
inmeult to overcome thu i > rcjudlccb agalnit all so-eallrd
cpccinco. Hut under our rtronif iruaranteo you should
hesitate to try this remedy. You tAke no chance or
Rot your money. Wo ouaranteo to euro or refund
every dollar and a wo bavo n rertiutl&n to protect.
l o flnancUl backing of saou.OOO , It is perfectly
rate t < - all who will try the treatment. Heretofore you
hare been putting up and paying out your money foi
different treatment * and although you are not yet cured
no one has paid n&ck your money. Do not waste any
more money until you try us. CM. chronic , deep-seated
cajion cured In thirty to ninety days. Investigate our
financial stoodlnir , our reputation as business mrn.
Write us for names and addiTESca of tboso we have
cured , vrho have given pcruilulon to refer to them.
It costs you only tustaRe to do this > It will sare you a
world of suffering from mental strain i and If you are
married what may your olTiipiInK surfer through your
own negllfreticel If your symptoms are pimples on face ,
sere throat , mucous mtchca In mouth , rheumatism la
bones and jclntg , hair ralllr. , ; out , omptlons on an |
of the body , fccllr.R o : prciieral drprcsrlon , pains la
Eart or tonal * , you have no time to w ute. Those- who
are cotutautl biking mercury and potash should dls *
continue H. Ccn tant ueo of throe drugn will nirely
bring tores and eatlu ; ? ulcers In the end. Don't fall to
write. All coiTet poiidenco tent * cnle ' . in plain cnvel-
opert. Wolnvlto the matt rlpM Invostipatlon anilwlU
do all la our power to aid you In It. Addreai ,
BEiVIESV 0e Chicago , ill.
Searles &
Searles ,
Fpcclallsts lit
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
Treatment by mall
Consultation Preo.
Cured for life ,
Catarrh , all Diseases of the Nose. Throat ,
3hcst , Stomach , Llvtr , lilood. Skin and
ICldney Diseases , Lost Manhood , Hydroeclo
Varlcocele , Gonorrhea. Gleet , Syphilis anil
Piles , Fistula and Uectal Ulcers cured wlth-
m t pain or detention noni business.
Brlcht's Disease , Diabetes and kindred
Call on or address with utamp ,
We cure Cntnrrli , All lIiu' ni-n of
lie OVose , Tin-oat , Client , Stoiiincli ,
mid Llvc-rj Hyilrticolc , Viirl-
SriiliIIlH , < ; < iiioiTli < > en.
TI ITV A"a n)1 ) "B nt-
iinillnu nllincntii
iLUUU AND SKTM ui ' * e , Bore HIIOIB ,
I-mpl | < , Bcrorulu , TU !
ior , Tetter , Eczema und Illooil I'olson thorough.
r clcanfceil from the eyctvin ; nlKo Weaknccu of
rpant , Inllunimatlon , Huptures , I'llca , Klttula.
Throat , LUHBH , Liver ,
und Ol , , Jow'e | anj (
lADIES G'vcn ' careful nnd rpeclal attention
for all their many ailment * .
l/HITR . Your troubles If out of city. Thou-
ritiii. enlulg curcd at homo by coirespond-
THEATMUNT IIY MAII-nnt.xi1fatlnn free.
Onnlia Medical and Surreal Inslitutc ,
1(10. . DoiljiiSt. . , Omuliii. Ncli.
Um 111(41 for unnatursj
Irrlutloui ur tilcrmtlun *
of iniicuus nicmbriiiiM *
I's'.alen , anil not tilrlo-
nt or polionoui.
Mold by ,
or scut In plain "r rt > r ,
by cipreit , pitpilJ , far
11.10. or 3 boltlH , 2.7
Circular tint au
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omilii : , N b.
Hoard of Trade.
f > liect wires to Clilcut-o und New York.
Cnrrcipondentu ; John A. XVarrcn A Co.
lathing , ticbuol Hooks , etc , Ueiiartineiit of
10 Interior. Oltlco of Indian Affairs. Wash-
Kton , U. C. . April 3 , lbH7. Healed I'ropoHultf.
dorsed ; " 1'rojiosaln for Coffee , Hugur ,
othlng , School llouks , etc. , " as the cusu
ay he , und directed to the Commissioner
Indian Affalra , N'n. 77-T& Wouater Hlreii.
cw York City , will bo received until 1
uloclc p. m. , of Tui-Kday , May 25 , 1W7 , for
riilshlng for the Indian Service , Coffee ,
igar , Tea , Hlco , lieanu , liukltig I'owdcr ,
apOracerles , lilankets , Wiit'lcn and Cot-
n Goods , Clothing , Notions , Hals uritl
LPH , Hoots and Hhors , Crocker and Hchool
juka JlliU must bu mude out on govern-
lit blanks , Schedules giving , , | | necesuury
formation for bidders will bu fiirnlifli ! il
ion application to the Indian Olllcu In
nHhlngton ; No. 77-79 Wooster Htreut , New
irk City , or No. 1311 State Street , Chlcuiio ,
Inolu ; the CornnilBsurlta of Uubulstonce ,
H. A. , ut Cheyenne , I < euvenworti ,
i aim , Kt. I.oiila anil St. I'nul ; the 1'out-
tutcrs ut Sioux City , Yunktun , Arkansuu
ty , Culdwell , Topckn , Wichita anil
icson. Hld will be opened ut the hour
d day mentioned , arid thu bidders are In-
cd to be present ut the opening. CortlflKil
iccks All blda must bo accompanied by
r till til checks or drafts upon some United
lies depository or solvent national ban It
r at least llvo jn-r cent of the amount of
B proposal. D. M , BROWNING , Comml * .