0 THE OMAHA DAILY BJE $ : FRIDAY , MAY 7 , 1897. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Oontinnes on Ite Upward Course , Rising Nearly Two More Ocnts. STRENGTH ABROAD AND CHINCH BUGS Ailvnnrc n Mrcriiool IN Crop nntiuiKc Ilpiiir | < N friini MU- niirl u IK ! lvmmn Oilier .Al keln Slnnv I.IKIc CHICAGO. M y C. Whcnt today continued on the upward course It commenced ycslcr- dny nnd closed with a Kfiln of lo per bushel. Slroni ; foreign markets v.cro the principal factor , although clilnch bugs In the southwest also ate holes In the bears' nrmor. Corn cloned unchanged nnd oats Uc higher. 1'rovlslons made n small ad vance. In wheat considerable hesitation was Bhown nt the opening , duo to th6 pptondld weather and rather heavy receipts In the northwest , with reported practical crimplo- tlon of secillnR In that section. Hut the weakness died out nt once. The first trnns- nctlons In July were at from G9V. yester day's nlosliiu quotation , down to CSHc. It uold very sparingly nt < W4c , " ' "I tllcl1 toolt nn upward course , which It pursued xvlth but small reactions until at 12 o'clock 71'Ac was living bid. Thu Uverpool market opened nttfiltS hlKher and In the course of Its litter lliicttintlnnii Kot to ' d above tlie pre vious day'H cloning llgtiri-H. That helped In crentliin the bullishness which the advance to 71'jc represents. St. I.ouls had a grist of chinch him stories from Missouri nnd Kansas and the San -rnnclsco l market was very HtroiiK , notwithstanding rain had fal len In the northern part of the slate. } ' ll ; niaU'S of the crop In that state made It 10.tuO.000 bu. nhort of the previous year s ylald. Uotli this nnd the St. Louis bug Btorlcs bad their effect. Seaboard UIICTKC- rnents , wlilch were reported ill ten boat loads to bet-In with , bad Increased by noon to twenty-five loads. Chicago receipts amounted to 'Wenty-two ' cars. Minneapolis and Duliilh K'Jt "US ears , npnlnHt 330 n week tire and 208 the corresponding day of the year before. Thu Atlantic port clearances of wheat nud Hour were Cunl | to lifi.ono bu. Liverpool closed at from Id to I' ' d higher. Thu advance was Dually brouphl to a standstill by the lack of spot demand line nnd by selling against calls. Ueallxlng was heavy enough to force u decline to l' . c nt the clone. Corn ruled quiet nnd kept within n nar row range. It was Inlluen.'fd some by the strength In wheat , but this factor was par tially offset by the line weather and the Btcady progress of planIng preparations. KxportHvrc again heavy. MJ.OOO bu. July opened a khade lower ut from Sl'40 to 2IT r , Bold nt Slviic. and advanced slowly to 21'jy 2."c. It closed nl 2le asked. In oatH May was Inclined to drag , but the later deliveries were firm. There was a peed demand for July and that and sym pathy with wheat resulted In n slight ad vance. Kxports were IBI.ono bu. July opened a shade lower at IT'ijtC , advanced to 17e. and rested with sellers nt from 174e to 17ric. , ' I'rovlNloiis opened firm on small hog re \'S \ ceipts , ruled ntrniiK for a phort time nn a j moderate amount of buying , but closed with , most of the early advance lout. The Ctidahy Packing company was again the chief sup porter of the market , buying July pork nnd ribs and September lard. At the closn July pork was 2ic ! higher at $ S.tfJ',4 , July lard HHc. higher at JI.G7' , < . nnd July ribs 2"2o 11 f tli Dny on Goiiernl ComiiiodltleH. NK\V YOIIK , Mny . FI.OUU-Heceipts , U.1D7 bbl . ; - ' exrxirts , 17,217 bMs. ; ( Inner anil more uctlve ; Mlnnofota patentB , * < .2Si4:0 ; winter ex. truu , | 3.:5f3.C5. 1 1 ye ( lour , cjulct. COllNMKAI/-Bteiiily. IIVB ateady ; No. 2 western , STc HAHLKY-Hteady nt 2Sc. 1IAIII.KY MAI.T Quiet ; western , 45RS5C. WHKAT HeeelplB , 1SC5 bu. ; exports , 97,993 bu. ; ipjt stroiiKcr. Options openeil higher nnd Were stronir all day on crop dnmiige In thu coutli- west , stroni ; cables , heavy fryelKn liuylnj ; , Iinsetl on bad. Itusslan und Krench crop netvs , anil a large export bualness : cloned l net hlKher ; Heptember , 72 11-lCflTl 1-lGc , Ut 7 < ! lc. COllN-Ilecelpts , 118,160 Im. ; exports , J13M > 0 bvi.i rpot linn ; No. 2. ZSi'.icOinlona opened Bteady and ndvaiu-ed with wheat , closlnu UWHo net hlKher ; May eluded /it fJJioj Beptcinber , SIP-ICliSlUc. closed ut 31Jc. OATH-ltecelpts , 129,700 bu. : exports , 115,074 bu. : jut steady ; No. 2 , 2L'Vic. OpllimH iiulet lint linn , clo ln HCVic advance ; May closet ! nt 22 c * HAV-Qulet : shlpplnB , J3.COfJC.00 ; irooil to choice. S7.OOir7.C4. ii ; Oalveslon , lie ; llucnos Ayrcs , l.UATIIKH Quiet ; hemlock ole , lluenoa Ayjeii. I'JW Oo and i Jltl-n-KU-IlM-elptB. 1.677 pkBs. ; western creamery , 13iil7c , r.in 17c. CUKIMl * Itecelpts , 2,430 pkus. : iiulet ; state Inrvc , VlltflO'ic. ; Unto rinall , lO dlUic ; purl Kklm > , 4Ciji.it ; fid ) tklniB , 2V4Jj3c , KUdH-lteodntx , 8.HSO l > ku. ; quiet ; stulf and IVniniylvunlii , lOUlOHovcitera ; , U01lo ( ; south ern , SHtfllk * . PIIOVIHIONH Ilecf , ntcndy ; family , llO.COff lO.SU ; bet-f hlliiw. til.COIiSl.&O. Cut lilentu , ftflidy : plckleil bellies , tVt'uyO.Uii ' ; pickled shuul. lien. | 5 ; plcklrd hania , J .HU'J..o. I ird , vtrmty ; \vo tini steam , tl.70 ; rullncd , quiet. Poik , ktimdy. Tallow , steady. OII.H-lvtroli'iim , quiet ; I'ennsylvnnla crude , Kteaily ; JuiU' , toe. Hll'I' Slriidy : fair lo extra , 4lff4io. MOIAKSI' S-Ktrndy ; New Orieaaa , open kettle , good In I'holre. 23c. ilirr.VhS I'lit ( run , qnlet ; southern , (10.000 11.CO , northern , fll > .GOjii.SO. Copper , ra y , tui.krrB , til ; exchiiime , K .7".01ICO. Tin , firmer , MralU , J1S.S04 ; 13.30 ; pluteii , quiet , SpelUT , Htcailyt iliiniestli ! , M.10a < .20. l ? ud , firmer nt J3.i7i44j3.32li , occorulliK lo Die metal rxchunKU report , unit clrunt ; HI * 3.12'i ' , according it , broken. Ootliiu MnrUeiH. NK\V YOHK , May C.-cXTTON-Flrm ; net re- celpls , none ; urutn. 1HJ bale * ; exports to tlio continent , 1KO bales ; mlddllnir , 7Kc ; ndddllnir , uplundf , "He : middling KUir 7ic ; sales , i.usl bales. Future * , steady ; tulpti. 4900 bain ; Jan uary , | 6.)0i ! ) Kebruary. J6.9I ; March , | 6.i7 ! : May , J7.31r June , 17.31 : July , 17.38 ; Aunu t , $7.36 ; Hf tember , 17.07 ; October , U.U ; NuvFinter , li. Decrmtier , ( ! . & The market c-prneil dull , but Mvatiy , 1 point lilgher lo 1 point loner , The Urwkn bought In u small way to coter pules in spot cotton. Aklde from thin , thu market lucknl Ji-aturo ilurlny the IIml hour , and at II o'clock wan dull at a net loan of 1 to 2 points , with talrs of 25.000 tales. NKW OIUJJANH. May . COTTON-Qulet ; ordinary. G ti-Ua ; iood. 3 11-lCo ; luw inlddlliii ; . T M6c ; middling , fair , t > Vic. lIlllllt'llllllllH WllVIlt ( ( lllltlttlOIIM. MINNKAl-OUH. May 6. WHKAT Firm ; May. TIKc ; July , 71li/71\o ; tJcplemlHT , CJ > < 4c ; No. I lianl , 79tc ; No. 1 northern , 7'tte ; receipts , 2 : cam. London Ciiliinliil Wool .Snlr . IX5NUON , May 6. At the wool sales today M.VM bait * were ofTrred. cf which I.OVi ) bales wcr withdrawn. TU kclectloa ctxulited chlelly of New South Wnlcs and New Zealand wools. There was another laiec attendance nnd the bid- dine conllnucd enoo. The market was firm nnd nrlcm TV.T * unchnriKrd , thnuich fllghtly against biiyeis. ( lernmny bought medium Kimsy nnd merino. The Ameilcnn buyers Wfre fairly ac tive. Piinla Arenas \ooli were unchanged for best craO'-s nnd Infetlor > tks were nenfly n fnrthltiK down. KollntirltiR nre tlie i-iileg In cle- Inll : New South Wolf * , S.tS Imles ; fcoureil , ll'iiljjl'i Id ; Kteoi-y. 4Hfi9d. Qu . * n > lnnd. 7M bdles ; scoured , 7iUils Vvd Kicny , tiiSd. Vic toria , tOO Ixilen ; SMiured did ; Rr < ny , tfT'JH'l. South Austnilln. 1M bnles ; Rren y. 4HUM. \ \ > > t Auttrnlln , 73 bale * ; Rrenoy , 3V4OM. New 5-enlnnd. 3.407 bales ; ncotired , TUOIitid ; R - Puntn Arenas. 7,7S < bales ; Kreasy OMAHA ( il'.M'HAI , MAIIKKTS. Condlllon of Triiilu nnd ( litntnllciiiN nil nnd I'll n ejI'mdiiuo. . of tales , " ' , * c. lIUTTCIt-Oonimtin to fair. CflSc : choice , lo fnncy roll , llffllo ; teparntcr creamery , ICc ; gnlh- erer ciciitntry , Uc. lilnif out of tenson. fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , arc quoted nt 5WS',4c : lircn and coarse , 4ySc. I.IVK ' cocks SflSc. I'OULTUV-Ilrns. ( CHc ; , PlOKONrt-Uve , 76a 9c ; defld plgt-ons not nanled. HAY Upland , J4.M : midland , J3.0 ; lowland , I.1.00 ; ryu straw , H.M ) ; color ninkes Ihc price on liay ; llKlit lial"s sell the best mlj lop grades brlnR lup prices. IltlOOMroitN I'xtrcmcty slow sale ; new crop , delivered oh track In mutiny ; tholre uri-en self- working cnrpet , per Ib. , ? W2' o ; choice running to hurl. 2U2ic ! ; cfinnnon , H4c. OHKR.V I'iAK'erjbu. ) ' . box , 7'ciff2.3. ? I'll : l'I-ANT-l'cr Hi. . Ic. CCCL'MIIKIlb'-I'er uoz. , 11.00 ; Texas , H-bU. bov , H.W. ASl'AUAOHS I'er doz. . c. Sl'INACII-1'cr tut. box , 11 ; per basket. SOjJ Me ; pelbbl. . . 2.2.-g2.ff > . TO.MATOKH- n-bnpkrt crate , J3.7301.00. WATKIl CltlMSIVr 16-qt. crate , Jl.tO. OM ) Vi-MHTAHMIS-llects , cariots , per bbl. , > l.r,0 ; pnrMilpi ami turnip * , 51.50. IlAl > ISlIIM-I'cr doz. , 2.-.7T30C. unej IM.ANT I'cr doz. . Ji.&o. lHTTt'oIVr : iloz. , 25 Mc. WAX 1JKANS 1'er U-bu. box , Jl.OO ; per bu. , J.1.00. STIHNO UKANS-I'tT ' .S-bu. box. Jl.OO. NH\V ONIONH 1'cr doz. . 10fi20c. I'AIISM'Y I'cr ilnz. , 2.1RSOC. HKll.Ml'DA ONIONU-1'tr crate , J3.DO ; southern , CS-lh. sack. (2.71. LIMA IIKANH-Per Ib. , 3c. 1IKANS llnnil-plckcd mix-y , per bu. , Jl. 0031. 10. ( AIIIIAOI * Pnllfuinln. 2ic ( PIT Ib. CKI.KHV Per iloz. , large California , No. 1 , Mo ; No. 2 , 4Sc. I'OTATOKH New , per bbl. , I4.M : per Ib. , 3Hc ; old native stock , per bu. , 5fZOc ; early Ohio need potatoes , lied river valley , 4"4Wc ; Mln- . ncsola , colly Ohio , 40c. FRUITS. - STRAWHKRRIKS-Oood Block. J3.00. Al'l'KKS Fancy large , J3.POW3.W ; cliolce , J2.DO. TRUIMCAL FRUIT. ORANGlM-Hcedllngs , J2.M5j2.75 : Medltcrra- ncnn BweetB. fnnry. J3.f.O ; choice , J3.23. l.KMO-PMlniiB , fancy , r3.7S0t.UO ; choice , { 3.2.ii3. * > 0 ; choice California. 53. IIANANAS Cholcu large stock , per bunch , J2.P" 2.S3 : medium-sized bunches. J1.COS2.00. I'l.NKAPI'I.US-Per doz. , I1.75JJ2.00. MIHCHU.ANIJOUS. NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , large size , 13c ; llrnzlls , per Ib. , TOc ; nngllsh walnuts. per Ib. , fancy , roft shell , l'f/13c / ; Ktnndards , lOSllc ; lllbertd , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , polished , large , 9M"c ; Jumbo , llHfl2e ; large hickory nuts , J1.23 per bu. ; coconnuts , 4'ic ' each. FIOS Imported fancy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes , 12c ; r. crown , SO-lb. boxes , l.TfTHe. 1IONKY Choice , 13J)15c. CinUR-c'Inrlllcd Juice , per half bbl. , } 2.33 ! per bbl. . J-I.OOiT4.5. MAI'I.IJ SYRUP Five-gal , cans , each. J2.23 ; gal cans. pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , (6.25 ; quart cans , J3.CO. HIUHS , TAI..U3W , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green lildes , Co ; No. 2 green hides , fie ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7V4c ; No. 2 green sailed hides , 6140 ; No. 1 veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2eul calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , SfllOc ; No. 2 dry Hint IiMts , S09c ; No. 1 dry palled hides , BJjUc ; part cured lildes He per Ib. ICES than fully cured. SHEEP PMI.TS Orcen Bailed , each , 23SJCOc ; green Batted , hearings ( short woolcd early skins ) , ennh , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooied early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska bulchcr wool pelts , per Ib. , tic- luul weight , 4/itZc / ; dry Hint , Kat.Ras anil Ne braska Murrlan wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3T < c ; dry Hint Cnlornilo butclier wool pelts , per Ib. , nctunl weight , 4Q5c : dry Hint Colorado Murrlan wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3Tlc ; feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TAMXMV AND GREASE Tallow , No. 1 , 2ic ; lallow. No. 2 , 2c ; grease , white A , 3c ; grease , white II , 2e : grenre. yellow , 2c : grease , dark. 1'lc ; old butter , 2G2'.4o ; beeswax , prime , lDQ22c : rough tallow , Ic. \VOOI Unwashed , fine heavy , 6 < Q"c : fine light. SffDc : imarlerblood , 10W12c : seedy , burry and chaffy , EC9 < " , cottcd nnd broken , coarse. 709c ; cotted and broken , fine , CftSc. Fleece , washed. mcaiutn , lt.4nsc ; fine , 14TlCc ; tub washed , 1CW ISc ; black , fc ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 23c ; dead pulled. 5Cc. HONES In cnrlots , weighed nnd delivered In Chicago. Dry buffalo , per ton. J12.00O14.00 ; dry country , blenched , per ton , JIO.OOi712.00 ; dry coun try , damp and meaty , per ton , J6.00WS.OO. FRESH MEATS. DRKSSIID I1EEF flood native steers. 400 to COO Ib. , 6ic ; good forequartcrs , steers , 6JjC ; good hindquarters , M4t" western steers. G ! c ; fancy heifers , CVic ; good heifers. Cc ; good forequarters heifers , 5e ; good hlndquaitcrs heifers , Sc ; good cows. 6c ; fair cows , 5\ic \ ; common ccws , 3o ; cow fomiuarters. 4Uc ; cow hlndquarteri ! , 7VJc. I1EEF CUTS Tenderloins , 2ucj boneless slrlps , lOc ; strip loins , 7V4c ; rolls. 9c ; btrloln butts , 9c ; shoulder clods , 5Vfcc ; rump butts , Cc ; steer chuck * , 4'.4er cow chucks , S c : boneless chiickB , IVio ; cow plates , 3V4cj bteer plates , S c ; ( lank steak , Cc ; loins. No. 1 , 14c ; loins , No. 2 , 12c ; loins , No. 3 , 9c ; No. 1 short loins , ICc ; No. 2 ( hurt loins , 14c ; No. 3 short loins , 12c ; sirloin ends , 8flOc ; ribs , No. 1. 12c ; ribs. No. 2. lOc ; ribs. No. 3 , 7c ; steer roundB , 7c ; cow rounds , Clic ; cow rounds , shnnk off , 7c ; cow rounds , shank and rump off , "He ; trimmings , 4c ; beef nhanks , 2V4c ; brains , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 12c ; sweetbreails ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 35c ; ox tails , ench , 3c ; livers , per Ib. , 3c : heart ? , per Hi. , "c ; tongues , per Ib. , 12c. MUTTONS Lnml > s , 8c ; sheep. 7c ; market racks , long , 9c ; hotel racks , short , 12c ; legs and saddles , ! > c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breafats and stews , 2Hc ; tongues , each , Cc. FORK Dressed pigs , C'.Jcj dressed hogs , Cc ; tenderloins , 12140 ; loins , C'ic ; spare libs , 4c ; ham fcausuge , hints , Cc ; shoulders , rough , DC , shoulders , skinned , C < 4c ; trimmings , < Vic ; leaf lard , not rendered , C' c : lieads , cleaned , 3c ; hiiout nnd ears , 3o ; backbones , L'c ; check meats , 3o ; neck bones , 2Vic ; pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , Cc ; chitterlings , 5c ; bocks , < c ; hearts , per doz. , 2c ; stomachH , eacli , 3c ; tongues each , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. . luc ; brains , per doz. ' 15c ; pigs' feet , per doz. 30c : livers , eacli 3c. STOCICH AMI ISONDS. Speeliil Ilillllenci-H ! . Slri-iiKTlh to lie ( 'enernl NEW YORK , May C. There was considerable stiength apiuirent In today's maiket , but It was dun rathen to the combined effect of special In- Huenccs on Indtvldua e.tocks than to any develop ments in affairs' 'nltlctlng values generally In the market. The narrowness of tlie market and Itu professional character left It very susceptible to such InlluenccK , and the fact that tlie Hhort Interest bus been largely reduced was shown by the small dimensions of the manipulative move ments to offset the advances. It will be re membered that prices were sold off to some ex- lent yetterdny , on the Hupposlllon that llrltlsh holders of Amerlcanleourltles would relied tie public resentment heretofore manifested over the rejection by the senate of tlie arbitration treaty by offering them for sale. AB nothing of thv kind occurred , the International slocks on the conlrary showing rather exceptional Mrength , It wa natural that there should ho some recovery of yiutcnlny'H losses. Another favoring Inllu- eno was lhat today waB the time eel by the exchange hourrs for deilnltely deciding whether they should make further gold rlilpments , and the fact Hint none were projected wu accepted as an encouraging feature of the general ltua- lion. Many stock movements wer luigely due ti > special Influences nnd their Influence on the general lint WBH only sympathetic. The strengt i ut Chicago Gns wan hucli an Influence , the deal ings In that stock being Inigur than any other on thu lift. It , together with U'culeni Union , Sugar , lliirllngton and St. Paul absorbed about half Iho tola ! rales of the day. The pressure on the ( lould shuies continued very seteie und the. long continued wciiknwu of tliejo coupled \\lth the ubHcneu of liifldc support cnuies Me ulrculutlon of rumors of liquidation of heavy In- lereslv. l.alcr Ihu prlcen of Hie group showeil complete recovery on u reaeburlng statement from nn authoritative fource. There was more or lem rontrictlon manifested In the motemenl of Sugar , which WUH uttrlbuted to a politic ) pur pose In prevent a very manifest response In the ; > rlce to the announcement of the tariff bill. Jmahii declined because nu further dividend is probable thin year. ' Chicago A Alton made a narked decline on the reduction of the quarterly dividend on both the common and pieferml stock from 2 per cent to 174 per cent. Tenne- K-n Coal HiiJ Iron enjoyed an advantage on the announced settlement nf Its controversy with its uhoreiii , The net gain un tlie Mandard shnres in an average wan a larje fraction , The ilc- cline In Mltsourl Paelllu reached i'\ per cent , lie recover } ' being almost complete. lln illyn : Jnlon Has Jumped 2'.i ' percent , and Mctrnpulitan Traclloii 4 \ < vr vent. New Jersey Centiul CHlned 14 per ct-nt , and Delaware & lludton Hi , per rent. Chlnigo & Alton , which wus 1W bid Ian night , nas sold at 1C3 , and clocrd ut IM bid. The decline In Oniulia wan 114 per cent , with rally of a point. The grangers thouoj excrp- llonnl Klrength , advancing from * * to IS , pr cent , the latter Rock Island. Other gains were I ikc Shore , 2 per cent ; New York Central , 1V per cent , and Northern Pacific preferred , I per cent. cent.The Imnd market broadened appreciably , but few Important changes were toured In prlcta. The undertone of the market wan quite Ilnn. ( lovernmcnts were more active and advanced slightly on purcliarrs of (90.0(0. Thn Evening1 Peel's l < ondon financial cable gram eny : "The Mrx-k nuirkttu opened well today , but reacted shaiply on the reported Greek > uHveM and on thu ordering of more troops for the Cape. The former proves to be cxah'b'erule.l , but not no the Inlter. An I have repeatedly cabled jou. the city rt'i : rda ( he Afilran flt- uatlon nrlouilThere - was a rmarl fall In English lull * on realUatton bcfuie the ellle- nunt. llrailllan * were again \ery Hat on fears lhat thn government might not l > e an iueceoful as R d.t' li n In leudng Its rallroadi. intulls of Iho gold movement for the week show that tC * > , OC4) ) wan received from the Ca ) > e , 23.0uO from China , 23.X ( < 0 fiom Australia and 11.000 from Portugal ; that ilT6.UX > In bar cold wun * oU and UuU 1WX > w ut to th continent. Tbc rnrl nnd Dcrlln markets were steady to , IHO following were the closing- quotation * on the leading stocks of the New York exchange todays The totnl Rnlea of stncks today were C1.E16 shares , including the followlnR ! Amerlonn To. lincco , G.fOO ; HurlltiKlnn & tlulncy , 3,700 ; CldcnBo nn.i. 2C.300. l.onlsvllle & Nnplivllle , C.MO ; Mun- liallnll ConsolldntEMl , 4,4)0 ; Mlf.'ollrl 1'aclllc , R.COO ; Omnhn , 7,900 ; Ht. 1'atil. 8,000 ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 3,400 ; 'Western Union , 19.SOO. Jicvr A'lirk 3lomv ,1Inrki < t. NEW YOUK. May C. MONKY ON Kany nt lUOHi per cent ; closed at 1UW 1'cr cent. " IMUMU MKRCANTIU3 l'APBK-3liOI per cent. HTHIIMNO KXC1IANOU SllBhtly Hnner , with nctunl business la Imnkern' lilllH nt ! 4.S7n.S7U for ilcmnnd , nnd J4.SOU for olxty days ; posted rntej" , JI.K'.ifl4.87 nnd } I.S8f4.SS'.4 ; commercial bills. I4.S514. Sll.VHR C SII.VHU llAUS-nio per ounce. MEXICAN lOI.t.AHri-47Hc. OOVEHNMRNT IIONDS-Stionff. STATH llONDK-llllll. HAlIdlOAl ) liONDS-flrm. Closing quotntlons on bonds were as follows : U.S. now -ts.rus. . I ) . , VH. .7a . 1IMIM tr. S. new coup. . . . . do 4H . H74 tils. UH. rag ll'JU Grin Silo . (7.S. TIBcoup l'Jh ? U. II .VS. A. IU. . . . 1114 M U.S. 4B.ra.Il. . . HUH do 7s . U. -iH.coup lli. " < II. .tT. C. ( is . 110 U. S. 2s. rep ( III do IH . 100 PacificOs of 'J3. . . M. . 1C. , t T 1st 4s. Aln. , cl.iBi A Ala..class II KIO ! < Mutual Union Ua , . 107 Ala.clns3 (2 It ) IU K. J. C. ( inn. 'IB. . . . now A la. Currency 100 No. Pacltlo Ists. . . 117W I 'i. Now Con. 4s. . 1003W No. 1'acltlc ' 'nas. saw MiHsonrlll 1111 N. W. Consols . . . . 143 N.C.UH lii'J do S. V. Dob. fls. . HUM lease R. (5Vest , Ihts. . . 7:1 : H. C. nonfiind St. 1 > . C3iia3ls7s. . isaw Tumi , now set Oi. . so St. 1' . C. .V P. W. 53 110 Tciin. nuwuetOa. . Kl.-i SUf. . . ilc t.M.njn. . ' ! . Oil Ti'iin. old Gn ou St.U.VS. P.OctllJ. HIM Va. Centuries 04 W xas 1'iic. Ists. . . dodcferred. . . . . . ' T xas Pao. 'JiH. . . . Atcldsoii'ls so' ) * IT. 1' iHtsof 'sill. . . do'.Ms 44H WcHtSlioro 4.s . Canada So. 'Jiuls. . . O.K. * N. IsU. . . . 11:1 : C. P. iBlaof * U5. . . O. It. AN. 4s . lloNto.i Stock UiiotntluiiN. BOSTON. May 0. Call loans. 334 nor cent : tltno loans. Sum per cent. Co3htr ! prices for Btoclcs. bonds and mlnln aliaru3 : A.T..VS. K Kd. Kloc. Ill 143 American Snirar. . CLMI. KleJ. ufd 7(1 ( Ain.Suiar prd. . . . "Ifi Alchtsori pfd HnyStalu C5as AtchlHon 4s 8(1 ( Hell Tclcnlione. . . New Kinrland ( ia. . 11'J lioHlon , t Alb.liiy. ( ttMi. Kloc. f > s O.T Hoaton& Maine. . . IliO Wls. Cunt. iHts O. . II. .V Q Wls. Cjiit ( is h'ltchburjr Allouez Mlnln ? Co 110 Ccncrat Klcctrlc. . Atlantic 111 Illlnola Stucl Ilostou .V Montana Mexican Central. 171 * Iluttb.t liOHlcn. . . . Old Colony Calumul , t llccll. : . 330 U.S. Ii l.ri Centennial Rubber l.rir.i r.iu Kr.mklm ID' San Ulc o u Kcu'sirn'O ; : l-t Union I'aclllc Oaccola WcMtKnd 105' West End pfd III ! Januirnclc. 114 w. Elec. utd CO Wolvcrlnu. Wls. Cent 1 Sun FrnnulHC IlnliiK QiiotntlonH. SAN FUANCISCO. May 0. Tno omd.il cloai Inirouotntlona for mlutii ; slants toiiy wjrj : u follows : Alia 0 llalo.t Norcrojs. . Hi : Alpli.lCon 8 Jnll.i 4 AnduB 24 Justice 3 Ilelclicr ill ! Kentucky Con 4 llcsl&Uelclier. . . . CU Mexican 4'j llulllon r Occidental Con. . . . 10 Calodonl.1 14 Ophlr. n Challenge Con. . . . : ! 7 Over.nan n ChollaK Kl ( 1'otosl ci ConlUlcnco 12i ( Sar.170 ao Con. C.il. & Va 103 ! Sierra Novacli. . . . 51 Con. Imperial 1 Silver Hill i Crown I'oint 31 Union Con 2t KxclicQiier. . ' ! UlahCon 5 OuukutCuri-lo. . . . 31 Yellow Jacket. . . . so Silver bars. Die : Mexican dollars. 40fa 50c ; drarta.slslit , 10 ; dr.ifts , tjldzraph , l'Jl c , \IMV York .111 ill n K ( tiiotntlotiH. NEW YOUK. May ( ) . Tlio follovvln ; are tlio closlncmlnlnjoH3tittoi'i : : ' : Cliollar. Kl Ontario 7n Ciownl'olnt HO Onlitr. lou Con. Cal. .t Va. . . . 'J'-'O I'lvinontn \a Dead wood 113 QuIckBllv.135 Gould & Curry HI ) ynlckHllvur nrd.,10ilU Halo.tNorcrosj. . 8(1 ( Slurrn Nevada no llomustaku 2 jin ( Standard 105 Iron Silver : i.T Union Con 211 Mexican 41) Yellow Jaeltet . . . . 28 London Sleek ( luotiitloim LONDON. May 0. 1 p. m. cloaiuj : _ Erie 2ds . 28 U Pennsylvania 111. Central . U4 Keadln.- . 0)4 ) Mexican ordinary. 2 ( ) ' { Mox. C3ii. now Is. 0l4 ! St. 1'anl common. . 7 I Atchlsun , N Y. Ccutr.il . 101 L. .t N 44X HAH SI/VEH-2Sd ! per ounce. MONKY l"iGli per cent. Tlie rate of discount In the open market for Hhort bills Is 1 1-1G per cent ; for three months' bills Is 154 per cent. Crci-k mill Turklnli lloiiilH. IXJNDON. Mny C. Forclen peciirltli'S were quoted as follows : Greece , HS4 , unchangcMl at 20.50 ; Turkey , new detente , unchanged at 101. 10 ; Rruup 1 ( A ) , unclianKed nt K > ; Kroup : ( U ) % d nleher nt 31.10 ; KTOU3 \ ( O. ? iit higher nt 19.10 ; Kroup 4 ( U ) , unclmiiKed nt IS.ST'.j. ' A inr I en ll Si'Ciirllli'H 111 I/ondoll. I > ONION , May 6. Tlie marlcet for American securities opened easier , then Improved , but gave way nKnln und elated Etendy , with the demand generally llRbt. The ninrkct wnu Inlluenced by European political advices. Financial > < > ( * * . 1IAI.TIMORE , Mny C. Clearings , } 2,340,427 ; bai- nnces , } K'JCS4. IIOS'I-ON. Mny C. Clearlnss , 1S,24CCCO ; bal anci-s , tS,112S5S. NI5W YOHK , Mny C.-ClcnrlnBS , { 103,132,298 ; balances , tl.9SSC09. I'lllI.AnEM'HIA , May C. Clearings , I7.S77 , . ' 'J ; balnncdi , 7I,37liS57. KT. 1XJU1S , Mny C rierirlnKB , l4CiS,445 ; bal ances , 1641,742. Money , ite.nly at 44/7 / per cent ; exchnime on New Yorlt , 70o bid. CIIIOAOO , May C.-ClearlnK , I14tcscr ; New York exchange , lliiCOc luemlum ; foreign ex change , barely steady ; demand , Jl.tTvi ; for sixty days , ILfcCji. ' l''orHun 1'AHIS , May 0. Three iwr cent rcntc , 103f lOc ; vxchango on I < undon , 2' [ lie , 1IICIII.IN , May 6. Exchange on Ix > ndon , eight days' eight , 20 nniika 30H prg. LONDON , May C.-iH 1 III iiuoteil nt Iluenua Ayres today ut U0.5 ; ut I.Ubon , 11.10 ; nt Home , 103.47 , American raglcs ( ire quoted ut "Cs Id , XCMYork Ur > - liiiiiiln Mnrkcf. NEW YOUIC. Mny 6. The Irregular Inquiry of prtvloim iluyn wan n little more extended nnd for Immediate coniaimiill r. more engage ments for moderate ipiantllleH wrn made. I'nr- churerH were critical ami would only take Kuodx to r < * qull fluents In klKlit. Tin-re wus a Ilku InlcreKt fhown for uulninn t-iu'clnllloH nnd for ilrefB KcoiM nnd Kilka Hume bublnets wan laid out. tilnple cottons wenslow. . Woolen gooil VMTe dellveied freely on former orders. but new business was very light. 1'rlntlng cloths have ugaln touched low water murk with fair talcs ut 2 7-lCe , Snuar .llitrkftx. 1X1NDON. Moy -lliET Ht'ClAH-Aii-ust ( , Os NEW YORK , May C. SI'dAH-llaw. rtronK ; upward tendency ; fair reHnlng 2 13-Ke B.I I . lu.Oliacti ( ) iTl.trlflifal , Mi lent , 3 5-lCt3'ic. | ; i bagn inohin-'es mcnr , ks teit , at 2 D-lCc. He- Iliifd. nrm and lilghrr ; No. C. 4 > ic ; No. 7 , 4 11-lC-c ; mold A , 4 13-lCc ; ctunJnrd A , 4ic ; con. fc.'tloncrB' A , 4 7-lCc ; cut loaf , i 3-lCc ; crude , 33-lCa. no w.H rid , 4 IJ-Kc : Kr&nnlnleJ , 4 U-lCc. cuben , S 13-lCc. California Drlfil Ki-nllH. NEW YOHK , May -CAI.IFOUNIA DIUEO PIll'lTH ritm for dried iiliples ; other dried fruits < iult't und ubout tttuuy ; rvuporaled np. s , Mime , wire truy. 3\c , wood drlpil , prime j3T.e ; prunes , S JjrTe. us to sze ! Lnd oua'lty. uprlcotr , Hoyul , irllc ; Moor I 'ark. 12QI7c : IK-uclie . unpeeled. 010c ; pet-led , llfcHc. t'AUFOHNIA Nt'TS-Qulel ; walnuts CUJ ? 7Hc ; Hlmonds , paper nhellrd , 12i/13c ; ori thfllfd. 8c , I'l-orl.'i . . PKOIHA. May . -COHN-Market utendy ; new No. 1. 23t4c. OATS Market Irregular : No , 2 while , "lc. WIIIHKY Market uteujy ; tlnlihea guwls. tM3 Itecelpti : Corn , C4.7CO bu. ; c > at , JG.400 bu. ; rye , none ; wliliky , none : wheat , 2,400 bu Shipments : corn , 3,0o oku.t nuto , ! b,4io tu whisky. 300 LbU. ; wheat , 1,20 dbu. OMAHA LIVElSiW MARKET Oattlo Receipts Oorifinilo Light and Hogs Falrly'LftBral ' , BEEVES CONTINUE STRONG AND ACTI/E / ScnntjOITorliiKNlJfill Hendll- Klnu I'MprtiroN lloKiSRotv n I.lttlc letter Ciiiiilltltnn tlinii on SOUTH OMAHA , Mny O.-Ilccclpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. Mny C 1.C77 5.S3I 2,749 1 May 5 1,701 G.MO May 4 2,246 8,718 2.0S6 May 3 1 , G 3ATJ 3,423 May 1 1,251 CG70 l.&O April SO ) ,203 6.871 l.Hl April 29 1,2GO 3,393 7.4S9 April 28 3,62o 6634 1,746 April 27 3,923 7,605 1,026 April 26 l.SOl . B.273 6,237 April 24 1,051 , 4,151 216 April 23 , 2,014 C.230 2,259 April 22 2.129 6,051 5,030 2 The oniclnl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. II r s. C. , M. & St. P. lly.- . . 2 O. & St. U Ily . 1 Mo. 1'aclllc llj- . . . . 1 Union rnolllc System. 13 21l C. & N.V. . lly . l l R , 13. & M. V. 11. 11. . 15 20 S. C. & P. Ily . . . . 1 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ily. 12 7 II. & M. II. U. U . , .2G 21 11 O. , U. & Q. Ily . i 2 0 K. C. & St. .1 . 1 O. , 11. I. & P. lly. , K. 1 C. , II. I. & P. lly. , W. . . 4 Total receipts . . . ! 70 'SI 1 The disposition of the day's receipts wns as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huycrs. Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Omaha I'acklnR Co. , , . . . 20 l.iCfi O. II. Hammond Co. . . . . . 471 S27 471 Swift and Company . 410 2,402 712 Cudnhy Packing Co . 507 3,072 1.2SI U. Ileekor and Uogan. . . . 21 J. It. Carey . 70 Huston & Co . . . . . . 11 Krebus & Co . fil Livingston & Sclmllcr. . . . 40 * Plnnklngton P. Co. , Mil waukee , Wls . , . 179 Hntcliklss . t . Oilier buyers . 75 Left over . COO 230 Totals . lf > 92 S.13G 2,719 CATTLE The receipts of cattle today numbered seventy cars , which was tifooiu the same as yesterday's run. The most of the cattle were eornfed beeves , with eiul'.c a .sprinkling of butchers' Block and some few feeders. The. market on beeves was strong r.nil active and offerings met with ready sale at good prices. The- bulk of the cattle here was made up of the kind that sells at $1. 25fT-l.no , while the best hero were only good enough to bring $4.l > 0. About a dozen loads of cows and helfors were among the offerings of killing cattle. but they did not lapt long in the face of the very good demand. The market was strong and active. ' , Stockers and feeders , were In very moder ate supply and sold readily at the same old prices. Representative' sales : NATIVES. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. I. . . .12M $3 > 22.'j.180li'M 1 ! > SO. , , . 1010 II 33 1. . . . 7M ) 3 4. . , ; , 9.454 15 20. . . .1010 4 ! 5 1. . . . 000 3 K 19. . . . OSI 4 i ; > IS. . . .1249 433 2. . . . 910 390 S. . , . 1070 , 4 20 19. . . .1119 440 49. . . .1012 3 CO 4. . ' . .1117 4 20 10. . . .1170 440 1. . . .1010 400- l..l.l 0a > 4 23 15. . . .1315 443 8. . . . D13 400 37. . , . 1134. , 4 23 34. ,1.1111 443 1. . . .1520 400 38. . . . 8SG 4 23 15..12CO 443 1. . . .1SGO 400 4. . . .1112' 4 25 16..l2SS 4 TO 5. . . .1128 400 10. . . .1010 , 430 34. . . .1330 450 .10CC 4 03 10. . . .1153 4 30 G2. . .133 ! 4 .V ) . 942 410 ll..JKU ) ' 4 30 IS. . .1277 4 f.O .1100 410 1..120SC 4 30 18. . .1340 4 SO K. . . . U31 410 1C. . . .1104 , 4 33 SO. . .1215 455 22. . . 9S2 415 ) . : - . . ( 4 35 45. . .ISO ! ) 4 K 14. . . SiS 4 15 1. SCO 4 35 .11CG 4 CO cows. 1. . . .1COO 200 Z.f.MOiO1 2 G5 0..1110 ' 335 1. . . . 040 f , ' . . , .1010 273 2.lliO 335 1. . . . SOO'2 ' 3. . . .1133 ISO C.-I S93 3 4'J ' 1. . . .1150. 2 S3 l..i-.liW 2 SO. 1. . . . 420 3 40 1. . . 9CO 225 1..1130 300 1..1200 343 2 ( . .1033 235 1..10SO 300 1..S10 343 3 ] .1020 245 4. . . .1160 300 10. . . .1157 3 DO 1. . 9SO 250 5. . . .1064 310 4. . . .1177 SCO 1.i .1010 2 GO 1..IOCO 313 2. . . .1103 300 i ! . 990 2 CO 1..1010 220 - 1. . . . SH ) 350 t.i. . .11CO 250 1..1130 323 I,1100 SCO i. . . SOO 250 1..1220 323 10. . . .1037 3 f.O i.i. . .1000 2 50 15. . . . 933 3 30 1/.1330 3 10 i. .1140 250 1..1110 330 . .1101 SCO 47. . 7S2 255 5. . . .1002 335 1. . .1430 SCO 1. -.1200 265 r.1190 333 21. . . .1012 31.0 00. , 7S7 2 CO 1..113C 335 1. . . .1270 400 1. , . MO 2 CO 9. . . . 851 3 33 1. , . 500 1 75 3. . . . 450 3 25 12. . . , 790 3 CO 1. . .IGiO SCO 1. . . . 530 325 1. . . 950 375 1. . .1100 300 17. . . . CM 340 3. . . . CCO 373 4. . . C$2 3 CO 1. . . . 700 2 43 3. . . . C23 3 75 1. . 010 320 1. . . 410 250 1. . . . C90 375 1. , . 7CO 320 1C. . . 573 SCO 4. . . . 700 3 ' 0 4. . . cc ; 320 0. . . 3 CO 2. . . .1070 375 1. . . S3J 2 25 542 3 CO 10. . . . 658 3 ST. 1. . . CCO 325 S10 SCO 19. . . .1095 390 1. , . 4:0 3 23 S35 3 CO 23 , . . .1030 4 CO 1. , . 510 325 1. . . . 740 SCO 23. . . .1043 405 1. . . 400 : i 25 BULLS. 1. , . 40 173 1..1C20 300 1..1720 323 50. , .10.11 230 1. . . .I530 300 1..1COO 323 1. . .1250 233 1. . . . 750 310 1..1SCO 330 1. , . 520 250 1..1S30 310 1..1240 335 1. . .10DU 273 ' 3..11SO 310 I. . . .13V ) 340 1. . .1300 2 M ) 1..1393 3 10 1..13SO 3 DO 1. , .ICM 2 63 1..1250 3 15 1. . . . UJO 3 50 CALVES. , . 370 2 50 1.-110 4 50 195 5 50 . . 300 375 1. . . . 100 D 00 3. . . 133 650 , . 100 400 1. . . . 140 000 C. . . 120 STAGS. 1..11CO 2 ST 11. . . .1313 3 50 I KTOCKUUS AND K12I3DISRS. 1. . 390 300 . MO 3 S3 8. . . .IMG 440 1. . 770 3 2.- 1. . . . 7X ( ) 390 7. . , .1110 440 1. . COO 3 40 1. . . . 420 4 00 2. . . . 693 4 45 1. . SCO 360 1. . . . MO 4 I'O ' 2. . . 615 460 1. . 640 360 IS. . . ; K'i 425 3. . . 4'J3 460 2. . 4i,5 , 350 44. . . . fc27 430 7. . . 411 460 1. . C20 360 1. . . . 720 430 S. . . 6S8 4 CO 1. . 700 360 10. , . KO 4it ) ! 7. . . 694 4 C3 3. . 370 SCO . 971 440 STI2KHS AND STAGS. 15. . .122S 4 23 MILKE11S AND Sl'lUNQHItS. No. i > r HOGS IlecPipts of boss were llbernl today though there were only ninety earn , ns against 102 ytntcnlay nnd 124 on Tuesday , There were however , 2,600 IIOKH carried over from yesterday bo that nil told there were over fc.Ouo head on falo , the largest offerings of any day. with the exception of Tuesday. The market wan a little heller than yester- ilay'H cliiM * . but not to fund ax ycttenlay'H early inarXct. TuKIni ; the Balm an u whole they would wns Etronn. The hogs hold n strong Cc lower thun on Mon- d.'iy , und COc- lower limn one month nr . but StihUSc higher than a iyear ugo. Itrprcceiitntlvo mlw No. Av. Kik. : I'r. " No. Av. rihk. Pr . . . ; . . . . . . . 'SCO'-,1 fs , . .MI S'J 3J7 , . 3 ClT' ' ' lj > CO li-,3 3(5 ( If 283 . . . 3 (111/ ( , A' C7.J , . , 271 3155 61 314 10 3 Wf . - C4 . 291 3C5 12 S37 3 CO CO. . . 2EO 305 IS 40J ICO 3 COS C7 . l'a ! , 3 C3 M 3X1 3 ' ,4- T 74 . 259 3 CS 44 . 341 tO 3MH4- Cfi . 21,5 3 C3 ? } . W2 . . . 55 . 279 3 C5 " . SkS iO CO . 2o 3 IS 240 70 . 01 305 44 . 283 . . . . . . . . ; . . 3t5 < . S7fl W C3 . 205 3 C5 W . 814 10 69 . 2fO 3 C5 W . ICO J40 C ) . 2:4 3C3 75 . -M . . . 3 IS 60 . 242 1C5 ( .6 . S04 SO 69 . " 69 3 . . 3 C5 311 3C2- , to . 2TS 3 15 14 1'CS C6 . 234 3 C3 " . JC8 320 3 f4 . 67 . SCO 3 C3 M . S S C < fe - V 69 . 277 3 C5 CO . 273 C . 30 3f5 132 . 2S5 100 71 . 2C9 3 C5 40 C5 . m 303 15 . JM fO 3 talilll-a 64 . 304 3 C5 M . 291 240 3f2V . Cl . 310 3 C3 49 . 2C8 ICOW atW C5 . 234 3 CS 4J . 303 W 3 C2i4 57 . 294 3 C5 W . W 10 3f2',4 ' 63 . 281 3 W . l' 7 200 3 C3V4 70 . C8 363 57 . K8 160 3C2i ( 74 . 2C5 3 C5 ZS7 10W 365. 4J . 810 3(5 ( 23S W 3 63 43 . S'j | 36. " , * 5 . 158 ICO 3 C5 61 . 2M ) 3 OS fO . 274 ICO 3 13 f.9 . j-72 3D C2 . 272 kO 3 65 60 . 2 < S 363 t . 275 365 K . 294 0 3 CG 48 . 3 CS 60 . 3U1 3(0 ( 72 . m Snii 4 . 315 3 63 CO . jo 3 C7U 60 . 199 363 65 . 245 s C7V4 M . 22.1 365 M Jos 3 67i | 50 . SU5 365 78 233 3 C7 1 W . J49 365 78M 230 36714 51 . 295 365 M JJ4 nail 70 . Z3Z S 83 71 211 3 571 ? CO . 264 363 65 250 3 C7W 73 . 241 3C1 23 . .207 3 C74 ! f8 . 270 3 C3 79 . 23S 3 C7W 7Z . K3 36S rj . 34 3 67U 66 . 291 3 65 60 . W 40 3 C7W 10 . K 365 M . 278 I ? . ! < JM W . 223 to 367V4 CC . 259 365 77 . 247 . 3 7lJ 55 . 2U 363 C9. . . . 257 3674 6S . Sk9 3 63 M . M . 3 67W 60 . 287 3 f5 C7 . , . , JW . . 3 6714 CK..S59 365 . . . .223 | 379 H . 203 ICO IU (0 . , C8 579 BUILDING BUSINESS We are building business on the great and strong power of Low Prices. Money spent with us gets more genuine value , goes farther , lasts longer , gets more style , more quality , and does more actual good service , than it is ever possible to get elsewhere , v Now , you know what to expect , and if we ever fall short of it , just tell us of it , Our aim is to get the trade of every one we can , and we want it by honest means , and to your advantage. ON SALE TODAY ARE A Hue of $5-50 pure wool , indigo blue , Cheviot Sack Suits , strong and reliably sewed and made. As Safe nil Investment as Government Bonds. i Seeing is Free. It won't cost you a penny to look at these suits. You will not ba urged to buy. Your judgment will tell you what to do. THE NATIONAL , Where Your Interests Are Protected , CLOTHIERS , HATTERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS , Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets. Send for samples of our clothing and measuring guides -free ( o you for the asking. CO 314 . . . 3 C. C2 2SO SO 370 62 2S7 . . . 3 CS 134 245 . . . 370 10 237 120 3 CS C3 227 . . . 370 1'IOS ODDS AND 13NDS. 1 070 SO 3 00 7 2-3 3 CO 2 ICO iO 2 M ) . . . . ' . . . . . . . 3 CO 1 4DO . . . 3 40 2 1S3 . . . 3 624 ! 2 245 . . . 3 57i ! 1 4S(1 ( SO 3 CSV4 1 300 . . . 3671,4 1 2V ( ) . . . 3 K\t. \ r 324 . . . 3 CO | C 321 " . . . 3 C24 ! 2 343 . . . SCO ' G 2CS . . . 36314 fi 300 . . . 3 W 2 193 . . . 3 K 3 2.10 . . . 3 60 I 8 323 . . . 3 f.T 2 32T. . . . 3 d ) t 200 . . . 3 C3 1 4M . . . 360 i 4 192 . . . 3 C3 4 230 ICO 360 ' 7 237 . . . 3 C3 2 13.- . . . SCO 7 221 . . . 3C.- , B 380 . . . 3 CO BHI3KI * HecelptH of sheep were liberal nnd the market active at steady prices. Repre sentative sales : No. Av. TV. 2.i western ewe 84 } 2 CO 23 western ewett CO 3 23 1C9 weftcrn ewes 8G 3 f.O ' 43S western yenrllngH Ml 4 12H 1.S5 western iambs ri : 4 f o 100 western lambs , shorn 90 4 75 129 western lambs 79 4 M 2C3 western lambs 79 4 90 CHICAGO MVB STOCK MAIIICI3T. Cut lie HlKhor Tlinn I.nxt AVcfk Strong Sheep Strndy. _ _ CII1CARO , Mny C. Prices for cuttle were stronger throughout the list , with wiles largely an. from lOo to I5c per 100) ) pounds higher than a week ngo. Very few native beef ntoern sold around $4 , nnd sales were largely at from $1.10 to J3.10 , prime heavy beeves celling quickly nt from } .r .13 to $5.23 ; exporters were good buyers nt J4.C5 and upward , nnd fancy fed westerns were salable at from f5 to J3.23. Stackers nn feeders were In good demand , sales running ut from S3.C5 to 51. M. Choice calves sold readily at from J3.23 to } 5.50 , nnd n few extra ones brought $5.GO. Tex.-iB cattle brought form (1.40 to } 4.CO for choice loin. ITIcra for hogs were stronger , nnd on nn aver age So per 100 pounds higher. From t3.,0 to $3.73 was the price paid for heavy packing lotF , anil sales were made all the way up to $1 fnr prime light weights , the bulk of the transactions occurring nt from W.S3 to J3.iu. The lecelpts were choice nnd Inrgely made up of medium weights. In fcheep , trailing was active at steady prices. Sheep were salable ut from $2.f0 to ? 4.75 , with ral 4 chlelly nt from J3.70 to $0.10. Texuns were numerous nnd nctivc nt from $3.70 to $4.10 , und fat western Fhcep were in demand nround $1.13. fximbs sold freely nt from J3.25 to J3.10 for the poorest to $3.33 for the best Hocks , fiprlng lambs brought from $5.10 to $7. necclptu : Cattle , 7.100 head ; hogs , 25.000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head. KftiiNiiH City I.lvc Soi'K- . KANSAS CITY , Jtay C. CATTLK-Ilecclpts. 4. COO heiiil ; muiket ttrong to lOo higher ; Texas steers , $3.00fI4 35 , Texas cows , )2.75fl3..fO ) ; native steers , $3.30ir > .00 ; native cows nnd heifers. $ l.r.0fj > 4.10 ; stackers nnd feeders , $3.2304.70 ; bulls , $2.10 4T3.10. 1IOOS Ilecelpts , 11,000 head ; market steady to strong ; bulk of sales. $3.COJJ3.70 ; heavlcti. $3.60iJ 3.70 ; packers. :3.Clf3.C7l,4 ; mixed. $3.613.72H ; lights. $3.45&3.72V4 ; Yorkers , $3.COff3.72',4 ; Plus , $2.C3B3.C5. SHKIil' Ilecelpts , S.OOO head ; market steady ; lambs , $3.tXJiTj.OO ( ; muttons , $2.0i3'4.0. SI. I.IMllH I.iVCS < OCk. ST. IXt'IS , Mny C. CATT1.U llecelptF , 1,200 head ; market nbout 10c better on email supply ; native steers , $3.755.20 | ; Ktockers nnd feeders , $2.3105.35 ; cows nnd "heifers , Sl.7SRI.COi Texas und Indlnn steers , J3.00fl4.25 ; cows. $2.00 3.00. HOGS Ilecelpts , 5,100 heud ; mniket slendy to strong ; Hlit.l3. | 731(3. ( ! > 0 ; mixed , $3.7in3.Sl ; heavy $3.rOfi3.0. ! SIIBK1' Hecelpts , 3f 0 head ; market strong ; native muttons , $3.10 4.10 ; lambs , $4.00QCOO. \ < MV Ynrk l.lvc Slock. NEW YOHK , Mny C. IlUiVKS Ilecelpts. 117 head ; no trading. Kuropean c.ibUn quote Amor- lean hteers at lOlifollVtc , dresteil weight ; sheep at 10K12c ; rcfrigcrulor beef ut S-i i9Vi.c ; exports , 1)9 ! ) beevi's. HIIHHl' AND I.AMIIS-IlecPlpts , 1.S89 head ; steady ; cllpx-d | lamb ? . $4.7105.40. IIOOS Itccelpls , 2.1C2 head ; market ilnn at J4.30a-4.CO. Stork In Ileeord of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for May G ; Cattle. Ifogg. Sheep. Omaha . . . . . . 1.677 1834 2,741 Chicago . 7,100 25000 11,000 Kansas City . 4 ( KO II ( > 0 k.ooj St. I iuls . 1,210 CW3.POO ) Totals . 14,377 47,334 24,749 St. IIHINinriil | MrirUftH. KT. LOUIS , May B. KI/im Klim Imt slow ; patents , J4.764H 'M. exir.-i frn-y , tl. < 0fl. [ > 0 ; fiincy , * 3.MfT3.M ) ) ; choice , | 3.M 3.33. WHKAT Optncd a clmdi ! hlRlier , advanced with various fluctuations nnd closed Kiiltiu above ycHlrnlny ; NP - K > d. ciiKh. 94c : July , n\t \ ; August. 751Jc hid ; September. 75V.O bid , COHN ( 'lured u fraction hlBhtr ; cash , si lie ; July , J24 i22'iCj Keptember , 24'iC ' bid , OATH-KInn ; caih , lil'.ic ; July , 18'i-o bid. ItVlQnlct. : . 3fic ueked , jIAUM-'r Nominal. IXIIINMCAIAlxiut steady : J1.C081.C5 , IIUAN Hli-ndy ; Hi mill , 5 ! > { | 5 < Jc. KljAXHICKD Quiet ; 73c. on track , TIMOTHY HiO-J2 ; | 002.CO. ' HAY HU-aily ; tlinulhy. ts.toffis.60. HlJTTKIl I jweri crejimery , ISQloc ; ilalry , 7BI3c. ICUGS-Stenily at Fc. POllI.THYChlckt'ns , steady ; hens , Co ; springs , ISfiSSc. Spelter , flriiriit J3.S7H bid. COTTON TIIS-CC. : IIAtHilr l 7 ftl VC. . . . . . PIlOVIHIONH-l'urk. strong and higher ; J9.(0 9.W for * t ndurvl. Laid , higher ; prime , J3.UO , choice , IJ. T1.i4l4.(0. Jliictn and dry mil inputs , llm but unchanged. ItKCKIITS-Kliiur , 7.000 bbls. : wlient , 27.COO bu. : corn , 42.0W Im. ; outs. M.ww bu. HHIPMKNTH Klour , 3,00) bbls. ; wheat. 12,006 bu. ; corn , 37.UW liu.j o < < 10,000 bu. m Cll > .iliirUH * . KANSAS CITY. May C.-WHKAT-null , tllghtly lower ; No. 2 hard , 7SfSOo ; No. 3 , iZtti'-o ; No , 4 , C7',4ftCtc ; No. ifd. i c : Nu. 8 , WH'JM ; No.4 _ _ , tOOUc ; No. 2 sprhif , 77'4 ' 7'Jci No. 3 , CXJIIN UfirUo lower ; No. 2 mixed , sl',4822ic. ! OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , 22Vic. HAY-KIrm' ; chblic tlmolhy , J9.W810.00 ; choice prulrle. J7.00 , IIUTTIJH Harcly steady ; creamery , HOUc ; daily , UUlVc. KUOS Weaker ; freeli , 7jc. ! MnrkflH. NIIW YOHK. Mny 6. < WFiE Options opened strady , unchanged' C points advance un favor- ible culila news , later eared off under European Iciuldittlon. but Meudled illchtly on hortii cover- nif , lltcehm , moderate , dKllvcrlc * were fair. Closed dull and unvliaiiKed to 5 points lower ; salt * , 13.WO basil. Including ; May. H.WHii September , | 7.Coa7C5 ; NoveinUr , J7.70 bid ; D - cember , $7.GMJ7.7. > ; JTnrch , $7.83. Spot Hlo , steady ; No. 7 , Invoice. $8 ; Jobbing$8.10. . Mild , slendy ; Cordova , Jll.M > j3.7. ] ] > . Total warehouse deliveries from the United States , 10,992 bags. In cluding 9,257 lingB from New York ; New York stock today , 342,477 bags ; United States stock , 40G.233 bags ; ulloat for the United States , 252,103 bags. 1IAVHB , Mny C. COWI2E Closed quiet nt ' , if decline ; pales , 8.000 bags. 1IAMI1UHG. May C COl'VEB-D-cMned 24 ! pfff ; sales , 5.000 bags. H1O DK JANKIHO , Mny C. COFPRK Quiet ; No. 7 Hlo , 9.400 rels ; receipts , 11,000 bugs ; cleared for the United States , 2.000 bags ; cleared for Kuropc , 2.000 bass ; stock. 253,000 bag ? . SANTOS , May 6. C.OKK1 * ! ' Strong ; receipt' , 4,000 bags. Liverpool firnlii and 1'rovlMliiiiN. LdVKHl'OOU Mny C. WHHAT KIrm. Spot , No. 1 red , northern spring , Cs 3d. COHN Stonily. Spot. American mixed , new , 2s Mid ; old , 2s lOd. Kutnres , steady ; Mny , 2s CUd ; June , 2s Sd ; July , 2s 9d. KI.oril St. trills funcy , winter , SB Cd. HOI'S At tendon d'aclllc const ) , 10s Sd. 1'IIOVISIONS llnms. short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , Dteaily , . 43 ? . llacon , Cumberland cut. IS to 3) II ) ? . , 2SH Cd ; short ribs , 20 to 24 ll . , 27s Gil ; long clear , heavy. 40 to 43 Ibs. 25 W ; short clear , heavy , 43 to CO Ibs. , 25s. Slioulders. 12 to 14 Ibs. , 2Cs Gd. I.nrd , steady ; prime western , 21s , CHEESE Steady ; American , llncst white , 53s ; American , llnost colored. C3s. TAI.IjOW Fine city. 17s 3d. , OILS Cottonsewl , Liverpool refined , 15s 3d. Turpentine spirits , 21s. Itotln , common , 4a 9d. 'I'olcdo .t TOLEDO , Mny C. WHEAT Higher and nrm ; No. 2 cash nnd Mny , 'J2e. COHN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 24',5c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , ISc. HYK Dull and unchanged. C'jOVEH SEED Steady ; cash , $4.3214. OIIHlghcr nt lie. ' " ' Wool MrU < tM. RT. I > OUIS , May C. AVOOI Firm and un changed , NEW YOHK , May 6. San KriiuclxcnVInat lii iintl > iiN. SAN KRANCISCO , May G. WHEAT Steady ; December , $1.26Ki. _ SUIMII5MU COUIIT SYI.IAHI. Ashland Land and I-lve Stock compan > against Alfred May. Error from Saunilera county. Reversed. Opinion by Judge Nor- val. val.A A verdict will not lie disturbed merely be cause It Is ntralnst the preponderance o the evidence. 2. The question of payment Is a matter o defense , which to be available tlio defend ant Is required to set up In tlie answer unc' establish on the trial. 3. Held , the fourth Instruction stated the correct rule ns to the burden of proof , am was applicable to the Issues made by the pleadings. 4. Hemarks of counsel for plaintiff during the examination of a witness for nn unsuc cessful defendant over proper objections that such -witness had been "fixed" by de fendant's counsel nnd that said counsel Jiat to depend upon "llxlntf witnesses , " In the absence of evidence of such fact , nri. ground * for KcttlnK aside the verdict. Speltz against Sutherland. Krror from Douglas county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice 1'ost. Kvldcneo examined and held sulllclent to sustain thn judgment of the district court. Hard against Hard. Krror from Hlchard- son. county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. I'i'tltlon examined nnd held to state a cause of action for the vacation of a de cree of divorce on account of fraud prac ticed by the successful party. 2. The refusal of the district court to re quire a non-resident plaintiff to give se curity for costs affords no ground for re versal , on petition In error to this court , where on a final trial or hearing the costH of the action aru rightly taxed to the de fendant. Kowlcr against Drown. Krror from Lan caster county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. A formal disclaimer , by one made a party defendant to n pron-cding In rem of any Interest In the subject of thn action Is not a special appearance for the purpose ol challenging the Jurisdiction of the court over his person ; hut Is In substance a de fense requiring the judgment of the court , and amountH to u general appearance , L . Section 018 of the code , viz : "When defendants fondants disclaim having any title or In- tcrrnt In land or other property the nubjccl matter of the action , they shall recover costs , unless for special reasons the. court decides otherwise , " Is declaratory merely of the rule In equity , Hlnco the discretion reserved to Iho court Implies a determina tion from nn Inspection of the pleadlng.s of defendant's right to be dismissed from the action. 3. The service of a formal summons Is not essential In order to give the district court jurlfdlctlon over a defendant In an action In rem , for the purpose of a cross-petition lllt-d by a co-defendant after answer day. I'atten against l.nnu.4.r Neb. , S33. 4. When n rourt of equity has acquired jurisdiction over a cause for any purpose , It may retain It for all purposes and pro ceed to a determination of all Insiieu made by the pleadings. 5. Service by publication or In eiieh man lier as may bu authorized by statute Is sulllclent In proceedings substantially In rum ; but where the purpose of the action Is to determine the personal rights of the parties and to enforce a mere personal ob ligation against the defendant personal service within this staff Is essential to the jurisdiction of this court. Anhcuscr , etc. , company against Peterson , 41 Neb , , Sfl7. lirowno against ' ' "Inlay , Appeal from Doiifjus county. Opinion by Judge Harri son. In nn action .by a purchaser of property at tux sale , who had received a county treasurer's deed for tlie property to have his title to the property qulelt'd , an answerIng - Ing defendant set up tlllo In himself and asked the cancellation of record of thu tux deed and the removal of the cloud created by It from his title. He-Id : That as u con . ' dition of granting to such defendant thu re- rcllef prayed he must pay the taxes justly l'\ chargeable against , the property which had [ } been jald by the l luln'tlff 2. A party by letter to a county treasurer denlred him to make and forward u state ment of taxes due against "lots 5 and C of Hillside. No. 1. corner of Hurt aiid Tnlrtleth streets " Held : That the portion of the above description , "lots 6 and C , Hillside No. 1 , " wns Ita rnoru specific and governing part , und that the treasurer or hl asxlutant relied thereon and did not examine to as [ . certain whether property or such deacrlp. I tlon wan a < t the corner of Kurt and Thirtieth streets , but mudo tlio requested statement a. Written. Gnnrnnteo to CURE KVEtt'K CASE or MONET ? REFUNDED. Our cnro It permanent and not a patching- . Casei treated ten years ago hara never tec n a BJ mplon since. Or describing your case fully we can treat you by mall , and we give the. s'.mestrong guarantee to cure or refund all money. Those who prefer to come hero for treat ment can do BO and wo will pay railroad rare both way * and hotel bills while hero If wo fall to euro. We dial * lengo the world fora cam tbat our Jingle Itcmctly will not euro. Write for full particulars and get tha evidence. We know that > ou arc skeptical. Justly BO lee , as the niOBt eminent physicians have never been i-blo to give more than temporary relief. In our ten years pmctlce. with this Mimic Ilcmedy It ha : becninoit difficult toovereome the prejudice * agalnstnll so-called specltlcs. Uut under uur strong guarantee you should not hesitate to try this remedy. You take nu chance or losing your money. We guarantee to euro or refund every dollar and as wo have a reputation to protect , nlso financial backing of S5OO.OOO , It Is perfectly sate to ail wbo will Iry the treatment. Heretofore > ou I have been puttlnar up and paving out your money foi dltf crent treatmentsand although you are not yet cured ; no one has paid back your money. Do not fait a any more money until you try us. OM , chronic , deep-pealed cases curca in thirty to ninety days. Investigate our financial standing , our reputation as husineBd mm. Write us for names and addiesfces of those we hava eured. vbo uavo given pcniitanlon to refer to them. It eosts you only poslngo toilotlilsi U will save you a world ofsuderlng from mental strain t anil If you are married what nmv your oir prlng suffer through your ownnef-llgenco ! If jour Kymptoiiis are pfmplca unfaco , fforo throat , mucous patched In mouth , rheumatism lo bones and joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling o * general depression , pains In ucad or I > onc9 , you have no time to w&tc. Those who are constantly taking mercury nnd potash should dla- contlnuulU CcustHiit UMM > f these rtrufn will surely bring sorea and eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence sent seate , * In plain cnvel * open. Wo Invitn the must rigid Investigation and will do all In our power to aid you lulu Address , mi Chicago , III. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1030. Oiniiha , COMMISSION GRAIN : PHOYISIJNS : ANO : SfOUJ Uoard of Trade , Dllcct wires to Chicago und New York. Correspondent ! * : John A. Warren & Co. accordlnif to the description as to lots In Hillside. No. 1 , this furnishing him milll- dent nnd complete Information on which to iiroceed and Torwardedthe statement , and the applicant for the statement paid the taxes shown thereon , therehy paying taxes on property which did not belong to him , nnd the taxes which he Intended to pay became delinquent and Ills property was sold for their payment. In an action be tween the purchaser at the tax sale and the owner of the property which Involved- his helntr required to pay tlio taxes on tha property sold , the burden and consequences of the mistaken payment must ho borne by the owner of the property and could not 1m alleged as a mistake of the county treas urer. 3. Held : That the same Is true of a sim ilar , mistake which occurred when the owner of the property was present In the treasurer's olllce , and by his sufTBCstlons or directions caused a mistake , to be made In the dcscrlDtlon of property which ho de sired to redeem from ( talc made for delin quent taxes , whereby he failed to redeem his own , but paid for nnd received a certifi cate of redemption for other property. 4. Tlio value , of an Improvement made by a nurclmser at tax sale. Held : Not properly - erly presented In this action to constitute It a subject of recovery. Hlbbard against Wilson , Krror from Douplas county. Affirmed. Opinion by JudK < > Harrison. KlndliiKH of n Jury on conflicting ovldcnco will not bo disturbed If there Is stidlclent favorable evidence to sustain them. ' . ' . The refusal of an Instruction by which It In Bought to direct the jury that certain evidence 'Which has been Introduced Inci dentally or collaterally Is directly applica ble to the Issues In the cnintv Such ovldcnco not beliifr pertinent or direct In Its bearing on any Ismc. and where UH k'ivlnn would probably mislead the Jury , Is not un error. If. In a Hull upon u quantum merult for services performed , the reasonable value of thn services furnlsheu thn mennura of re covery. 4. Under a quantum merult count fornerv- Ices , rendered under a contract , tha con tract Is admissible to Orovo 4he value of tlio services. The stated ratecof compensation. If any. are competent evidence tending tb > show thn reasonable value. G. In the CUHU at bar , an action of a quan tum merult , the only competent evldeneo of the reasonable v.iltm of services performed was the contract price. The plaintiff In the action offered other proof of the value of the services.'whlfh on ohl ctlon of defend ant was excluded. Held : That thn contract price was the proper measure of damages. n. The evidence examined and held riulll- clent to sustain the verdict. Mnl.'c It 1111 liiterniitloinil Ai CHICAGO , May C.At Itu BCHalon today the National AHBoelatlnn of Hallway fiur- Kcons ) , out of compliment to tlio incmher- riilp In Canada and Mexico , chaiiKCd Itn name to the International AriHoclatlon of Italluay HtirgeonB. The next mi-'etlnir will lie held In May , 1KIH. In Toronto , Dr. George Koss of VlrKi'lla wnu oleeted preflldcnt. Dr. IIiitehliiBon of Montreal , llr t vice preHlilent and Dr. Klordan of Toronto , chulnnun of tha commlttco of arrantrcnicntij. IllllKllH ( i , A. It. ICIfflllllll. aALKSHUItO , III. , May 6. IliiHlnrm of linpnrtanca marked Iho IIIHI day of tlio Mfl state Grand Army of the Ilepuhllo encamp ment. The cileetlon of n department com mander remillcd In the choice of A. K Bchlmpff of I'eorla. On the Hint ballot ho received MS voten to 108 for Jamcx O'Don- nell of ChlcaKO. The rouncll of administra tion WOM t'hoHcn ay follown ! A , 1) . Cadwal- l.'ider , Lincoln ; ] ; . H. llainllton , Qulncy ; O. l'Avery. . I'ontlao ; T. W. Cole , Itocltford : , H. TvlibrttH , ChlfOKo. ( ; iilile > - i.cniiH in tiniiiiiioiiiiir. . TAhLAHAHfl'Kla. ! : . . May a.-Chlpley took the lead In the ballot for United HtatcH senator today. Ilia friend ? wanted another hallo ! after the regular dally one , but the llaney men Joined Iho Call forcc rind effected un udlaurnmcnl , Thu rcHult of the .allot WUH ; C'lilplcy , 30 ; Cull. 33 ; Ituney , IU ; locker , 3 ; Iluford. 1. Oilpluy wus preBcnt jr.d nuked lo lo iiussed when lib nuino wu * sailed.