Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    BftE :
Whsit Bewilders the Traders , but Makes .1
Slight Gain ,
\V iiIinr I * the I'rlnrlpnl I'nplor In
HIP SIurKot- Corn mill Ontn IUH < I
u I'otiHIi : itt < ! I'rtM
CHICAGO , April 20- Wheat today outdid
fill of IH recent netlotm. It boiled nnd frorc
alternately ami kc-pt on the Jump HID few
trailers who Imd nerve onoiifch to keep hold
of the niarUe-t. U closcel nt nn advance ol
'iO after tonmliis over u , rniiKei of 2c. The
weather played an Important part In the
quotations of the miikt-t Coin lost HO ,
nnd oatn the name , whllo provisions nd-
vi'Ue-cel ? l//ti'liv.
Wheat Blurted ns It dlel yerterday , with
n general fccllni ? that a rally v.ns about
elne. July opened at nn advanceof from
r to Urf , the flint triuUa bc'iuT ' "t from
TOVjc to "OSo , with one or two tran.sactloiis
fw'hlBh ns T01ic. That was the lilglipot
price p.ild In the first two hours of the DCS-
nloii , but In that time the market rosc and
fell In a manner that wns bewllderlm ; , not
to say ilaiiKOtoitM. One feature of the spcc-
ulntivo market was the Brailual dlHappear-
nnrp of Ihe May ptenilum , which wns about
Ic at the opening ) but before noon vvas
ncaily lust. Thu opining firmness vvas
pattly due ID the ld l weather , frosts heliiK
n ported In Kansas and Nebraska and moie
rain In the not ( Invest , while the Kntjllsh
tnaiUot was holding with moie steadiness
than vvas cNptctcd In view of tin decided
bicnU on IhlM hide yrmuiilrt * . But the nrt-
Vitneo slaitcel fieo rcall/.lnc cales ami the't once started went to tflVjeIn n
huiy The sculping clement In the crowd
Imd l.nnvly dcspited the market and with
tl f business thus reduced. It Ink-s Vfi >
llltit ! to stnrt It lunnlUK AftiT the decline
to ri',4 ' < ' , the iniiket ttiined Thereiovrv
v is Ki.titiml at llrst , but bicime more
liievltiK iilxnit nn hour from the rlo liiit ,
bv vvhli'h Hint , July had rlwn to 71'6e bi n
3'rune hi o advii-oH rcporllnf ? drv weather
e Jiiilmilni ; and tempi tatnic rlslns bid
roinotliliiK to ilo with the "UenKlh lint tie-
. luped and n pilvatr eablc-yiam fiom Ile-i-
ll'i lepoitlntc s'lciiKlh ot that mitk t due
to a continuation of the drouth In llusslu
was aiiotl-ii fai tot Liverpool elosd wilt
nt Hum " -41 ! to l'4d ' ditllne , northwest te-
fipls in .MlniKiipolls and lliiluth were S" > 0
e KI iiKalnst .9)7 ) rt week HBO and 2'H ) List
y , ai rhli.ino receipts were four cat lends
jMlunll" poll i-NportH of wheat and Hour
\v ie nlial to only 7"i 00(1 ( bu. A latt > rep > rt
Jiom Hui Tianelieo plvllitf the signals
icHpntlii the possibility of rain tomori DVV
r me it the market to lake another smld"ti
tumble In the last half houi , July winding
up the day at "O c bid
Coin vvas quiet and e-.ipy with some May
pteucille. The wet , cold weather had a
vtiuiiKliunliiKfleet at llrst , but prle's
winkined enelly to lliiuldutlon , which
Minted em ] iie'dlrti-d we-ither ImprovenK'iit
tomnnow and consequent Increased ic-
riljils. 'Ilie shipping : demand was slow.
3\oitK : | \vetf VWl.tXO bu July opened un-
clianscd nt J"ivsc and slowly sold down to
2r > "ie' , while II elosi d
In o.ilH llqnldalluii of May on a llb rnl
Bcale vvas the cause of the weak market
There. ' was a need demand at the due-line ,
but not enoilKh to absotl ) offerliiKS rind the
innrket was vve.iK throughout Kxporis
wne irO.fKKt bu May opjned unchantred at
IS' ' c , It ilecllned to 17 4c nnd reacted to
] 7"m' , .vheie It eiloscd
1'iuvNlons had a lalhei easy stall , Itio
to the weiiKiiLss 01 \ ird prices , but the
muKct soon htcainn llrm anel remained so
I'l Ices have die lined foi tluei davs and to-
iluy sav. u n itural leactlon. T.n Cudahj- >
lee ) the bnvers At the e lose' July pork w is
7 > ( j' hlslur at JS. Jith lud about fc
higher at $ ll'Vfll-Q , and July ilhs 7'c
l.l-hei . at $1 TO
t'sllnialed rtcelpt.s Vrld.iy. Wheat , 1 ca-s ;
e-otn. LW cais ; oats , 210 cars ; hogs , 2t/00
Ai ill leiT , Op"n | HUli | ijilvv | fln-u | Yi a il v.
Aprll 7 1 Vi ' ODM 71
.M.iv . . 71U otn * 71
Julv 70)11 ) 7C ( ) , . UH
C'oi n
ApU1 Jl't
Miy. . . . JIM
.lulv. . . .
Sept. . . n
M iv. . . . 17W 10)4
.lid ) . . . 1HH 17T *
Sept. . . 1HM IB't
Mav. . . . 8 47' ' S 4.1
July . H 4fl H ( ill Ifl H 55 17k
La ill
Jl.iv . . . 4 ( T5 4 1(1 ( 024 4 10
Jult. . 4 In 4 . ' < > 4 ' - ' ( ) ir
bi-nt . . 4 5 4 i7'ii ! 47W Jj
Sh'l lllbs
Mav . . 4 57K 4 ( ! ' _ ' 4 liK ! CiO
Jnlv. . 4 ( id 4 7(1 10 1 7(1 ( '
Spt. . . 4 70 4 75 b7M 1 70 'n
No. I
Cn h quolatlons were OE follow :
I'LOIJU - Dull , winter pitrntR. $1COJ74 " 0.
bnl.irj } 2'iOjr3. > , strilRhts , } 4 10fi4 2" > , Ejitlnj
Hxclalx , SIT.O , fprlng pntcnty , | 3 ° > Ki20.
WHIAT : - Nn. 2 Fpilns. 70ieil"4e , No 2
roil M ifiS'iyie.
< OICN No 2. J3'iri2'e ,
OA1S No 2. 17il"'lc f. o. 1) . : No 2 white ,
KV.ftmte , Nn 3 white f. o. 1) . 19 . :2'Cc : '
11i iNo : 2. 31"4i' .
IIVIIL15Y-Nominal , Nn 1. f. o li , 31O34'ic :
No 4. f o b. LCe.
I'l.SiiH ) Nil 1 7iJi ( > 77't" '
TIMO1IIY .Sitrj : I'rlint. Ji73jJ10"i.
ritOVIHIONH Miks pol ptr lib ! . . JS4'8rO
Liird , p.r ( 10 < l Ibs , J4 OTi itf4 10 . rlhs MJfs ,
( Inns' ) , ; 4rOi4f5 Diy H.llttil Hhoiililcru ( loxt'cl ) ,
I'iflVic hhnrt clear sliles dinxe 1) ) , 4I Iii'5c
WHISKY IJIMllIirii1 llnisheil Rewds , per fal ,
119.SL'OAIl Cut loaf , J329 , Kramiluted , $4 7C
On the Pro luce uxuhAnco ted iv tli ? butter niir-
ki-t uan llrni , uitiiiiiry. I''aiUc. tlalry. Vf
] 4c. Kt-KH , linn ; flenh , HM < aH > < c. Chi i' e tlnn.
KiHHlnhcLlvo ponllrj. Him , turku H. DC ,
clilc'keiiH , 7O7Hc , iluckH , t
Mnv YMIIIC < ; IMHAI : , . ' ( lAiMvr/rs ,
( liiiilutlniiN of IIIelny mi neni-ral
NBW YOIIK , April SO. ri.OUU-necelptn , 23-
tU ( bbls , cxpnrt. B.112 bb ! ; cjultt and easy ,
vvlntupntentB JIEOiMSo , Minnesota pUcntK ,
M KH M , winter extnm $3 K < m 70 , MlnncfOta
piuktrn , $3 HUH 10 , winter , low grades , 12 60Q
IW , r > o Hour , steady.
11M3 CJulet , No 2 vvei-tern 35\fftCc.
HAItMr-Qulet ft e ding , 2Sc\
HAUl.IJY JitAl.T Dull
\VH15AT hpot veiy quiet ; Nn Z hanl win
ter , 77Ue Oiuliina tinner on but crop news
ami cnvvrliiK , sold nil und < r liquidation , mi
lled In thu nftiinnnii on llrmir Ileilln lablee ,
gund vvtBtrni liUlng and Fining snuthwestirn
inuikrtii. but llnallj brciku bmlly under realiz
ing and climiMl ' ( , u up tn > Aa net Invvtr , No , Z
leil April timed at "SHic , May , idfce , clc , td at
lOUN-Ilictlptii , IRm bu ; expmts , 79,911 bu
Kpnt luhlir , No , IS elevator , No 3 old ,
lliV4c eli'vator. Option * opi ned Meiidy on un.
fuvnrublo irop iievvn , but taseil off later with
vUitat and ruled dull und timed partially Uu
luwtr , Apill tinted at l-J f , May , .Jii-M u
OA'I-S-lteeelntii. 4S 0(0 ( bu expniln , .Z SCt bu
r-jiul. Mi inly. Nn 2 , 2.V. Oiitl'iim ilull ami >
nil duyi tloned Ho Io\\eri May , 2H4 , tlokcd ill
HAV Quiet.
-rirm , Texas dry , lO'.Wllc ' , California ,
HOPS Dull ; li'i crop , 4HG10O.
I'HUVIKIONU lletf , steady , fnmll > . | 30)jj ) ,
lOeio , extra hums , 7 insiS.W , leet hams , ji vmt
II DO. imikitB. JSewiiuoo. e'ut IIIMUS , Him ,
plekled btllles , 3 OMf5 DO Lard , raey ; webtun
fcU'iiin. JI3HJM33 , lellned , ( [ Ukt 1'oik , uteaily
Tallow , steail } .
UlljS t'lillontitil , tteady , pilme ciudiHO'ic. .
pilinu iill.nv. 2 < ( i.4 < io , rttrbltuin , Meads , rum-
sjlvniiiu erude , etiudy. May , & 7i&c bid. llosln ,
teudy. ' 1 urixntliif , tlriu.
MOlvbSis-ijlft. : )
IUlVnit-llri.t Hits , O.tSl pkBs. . steadj. wist-
ru treamtr > , 13Ul7c , lllglna , 17c , factory , kli
Clliisi : : Itccclpts , 2,125 pkgs , quiet ; state
large , ti tflOV , stale' , tiuull lOiflle ; part skims ,
HJC'ic ' ; full kklniii , 2'iOSc.
IUUH iiHilpU. ID'.M pkgs ; quiet , state ntiel
I'l'imnjluoita , 101ilUio ! , kuut.uin , 'A' .
HUflAlt Haw. linn , rellnlng , 2 13 16 ;
ruurlfiignl. Hi test , 3 > c , ittlntd qultt , crushed ,
( lie , poudend , 4V ; kianulated. 4 Vie ,
I\rrii3-Qulrt , No , 7. 7Hc.
MKTALS-IMit Iron eai > > , bOuthrrn. ItOOOiji
11 ( U , HQrllurn , ItOUHiU'W e'npper , iiulu ,
biuktrs , $11(0 exihaiige , (11,25 , 'tin , dull ;
uralts. J13 W. platvs , dull , bpilter , stead ) ut
14 10JI 4 20. Ixad , feutuiclebs txihange. 1325
3 27 ! *
nillforiiln llrlt'il KrultM.
N13W OllK. . .Vprll 29.-C'ALll\H.N'IA nniKD
I'lUJnS rirm for evuporatfil npplia ; other
frultH dull but rteaily. tviipornted apples , choice ,
3l4cfane ; ) 4'.ijl\c ; prunes. S'ifi'c , as lu
flm and quality , Aprlcotn , lujul. kiille ; Moor
jmik. K'tflic ; peaches , impelled , COIOc , pciled ,
110 He.
NUTS Quiet ami unchanged ,
Cotluii MurUft.
NUW YOIIK. April 21 COTTON Spot , flrm ;
mlildllne. 7 IMCc ; mlddllnc , up'ai.d * . 7 It-lCo ;
t-ulf , 7 16-160 ; talcs , 1,175 bale * .
ruturr , rpiltt and Mtfttlri raloi 192,000 bn1
Jnmiary , If 97. IVbnlftrv , J7 , April , numlnnl
Mn ) 4 , 4 ! . June , 17 49. Jul ) , " 4i AucuM , ! 7(4 < i
Beptomli r. $718 , Octot/i-r , $ i,9J , Novfmber. Jf. K
Hcrcn.bcr , $095. $ The f otton mirktt d [ > * nf < l firm
vslth prices 1 to R points higher. Ungllsli rii > w
wl. " about n * M | > * ct < l In View * of our sharp nd
\nrcu Into yesterday tlo < xl fnrctRti bujlni
rniiprd the lictttr f < llnB on the cnll nnd n fub
iiiient | Imtirovcment of 4 to 5 p lints nt 10. IS
l < Ht < > r enbltx were lr ! > s fnvornblc , nnd with lorn
Interests realizing for protlts i eteaily decllnf t
last night's figures resulted At 11 n tn th
mrnket wnn modeiatcly active , r lib prlcer un
t'mnBeil to 1 point net decline. Pales to thn
hour were SSf" ) bnlef. The decline VMS pir
tlnllj checked by fnmll receipts cnl icports o
Urn , active spot mfitl.its In the a ulli.
OMAHA : r.M2lt.VL .MAIlKiriS.
Ceiiiillllnii of Trmlc nml < luon ( ntiN ni
* > tmilc nml Pntie'V I'roituuci
nOff-7imi5 of tnles , SJjfHc.
IlUTTLH-Common to fnlr. C < 4fo ; eholcf ti
fnncr hjll , Iiyi2c , separator crcameri , ICc , gath
ered creamer ) . Ho.
C1AMIJ I'veothlng out of rcnton.
VI3AI < Choice fat , M lo 120 Ibs . nre quoled n
SfJS'tf. latRc nnd , coarse , 4B5c
1.1V1J I'OULTnY lien" , 7c ; cock , Sfllc.
I'KliONS : Live. TCOfOo ; dtart r'scons ' no
HAY llplnnd , M ; midland , $3 DO , lowland
JSOO , rjc ftniAv , $3 CO ; rolnr mnKe the price 01
lui ) , IlKhl bales tell the best ; enl } top grndci
Utnff teip prlcfs.
IIHOOMCOUN IIxtrMnely nlow sale ; new * crop
delivered on track.ln country ; choice green self
worklnn cnipet. per Ib. , 22V4c. choice green
running to hurl , 2f72 > 4c : common. I'Jc.
atinUN 1M3AS I'er 20-lb. box , J200.
1'IU I'LANT-Per Ib , le
CUCUM iitS-l'cr eloz , Jl 2W1 50
CAI'MPUnVnit-lVi crate J3 & 0@4 00.
ASI'AUAOUS-l'ei do ? , tOc
Sl'INACIl-1'er bu. box $1 00 ; per basket , 800
luMATOns IVr 6-biskct crate $4 Cyi)5 ( 00.
WVTI3II CRI3SH l > dr 1C ql cinle , $1.73.
Tt HNIPH-I'cr bill . (1 23
OLD VicilrrAHIiSIJects : , carrots , parsnips ,
pet 1.1)1 . fl ro
HAO1S1U3S 1'cr dor , 2Cc.
iOO 1'LANT 1'tr do ? , $1 50.
J.l.iruil3--l'er do ? . We
MAX llCANS-Pcr 'S bu box Jl 25.
KIUI.NV MEAN'S Per ' 4-box , Jl CO
OMONS 1'ti dtz , 10j:0c. ?
I'AHHLIIY-I'er dor , 2o
1II3HMUDA ONIONS-1'ei crate , 13 DO ; new
Houtliern , 70 Ib racks , J3
SW13I3T l'OTATOiS-rancy Illinois , per bbl. ,
II TO. teed $1 23
OVIONS-tlooil stock , per bu. , $1 :3fl 50.
LIMA llHANS-1'cr 11. . , 3e.
llKANS-Uand-plcked nnv > , per bu , $1000110.
fAHIIAni : Cnllfoinln , 2"c p < r Ib
cni.HtlY-l'er doz , large , California , No. 1 ,
JOt , Nn 2 43c.
l'OIATOis New CallfornHs , 3c per Ih |
IILW Kollthirn , per bbl , fiOO , old native stock ,
per liu 2"ifi30e. enrlj Ohio seed potatoes , Iti-d
i Her v alley , 4jgrOc Minnesota early Ohio , 40e.
SrUAWHiiiHliS-aooil Flnck. 1DO
Al'I'LUS rnnej bilge , 13 008i3 30 , choice , $260.
} 2 2if7S Gi ; Medlterra-
nonn RWtet- " , fane ) , $350 , choice , $2 7 ; < ! f3 00.
I,13MON&-Me-li , fancy , $ ino (373 ( , choice ,
t100ilJ'i choice I'alifornla , } 2 75 fane ) , f J 00
11ANANA8 e'liolce , larcstock , per bunch ,
$2D05i22' , medium led bunchis , $150 200.
I'lNHAl'l'Li : I'cr dor J2 DO.
NUTtJ Almonds , Cnllfurnln , per Ib. , large
size , ISc , Drazlls tier Ib lOc , English wilnutu ,
per Ib , fancy , soft shell , 1213o. stand-mis
lOHllc , lllbcrti per lo lOc ; pecans poll * led ,
lane. 9fdOo , jumbo. IHilJc : lurtu hickory null. .
$1 2" , per Im ; caco.inuts , 4fe" jnc i.
rittS Imported fnncy 4 crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
lie , rt crown DO Ib .boxes , 13fjHc.
itoNin nioice , nwisc.
CIDEIt-Cliullleil juice , per half bbl. 1253 ; per
bbl . J4 OCC4 2- >
MVl'LE SYUl'I' rive-gal , cms , eich , $223 ;
gTl cans puie , per iloz , $12 , half-gal , cans ,
JO 23 , quart cans ( 1 .V )
1IID1.S No 1 green hides , Co , No 2 green
hides r.c * . No 1 fcrcen tailed littles , ? i c , No "
Kretn ha'tcd hides , CVU' . No 1 venl cilf , 8 to 1 !
Ibl "c , No 2 veil c-llf 12 to 15 Ibs 4c , No 1
dr ) Hint hlilcu , C10c. No. 2 dr ) Hint hides
< ii09c , No 1 dr ) mltid hides SQ'ic , part cured
ildes , Vf Per tb le " - thnn full ) cured
KIlElfr PELTSOrcen tiilted , each. 25TOOc ,
preen b.iltod. j-lienrlngs ( short vvooled. emly
tklns ) . eieh , 15c , dr ) gheiitngs ( s lort vvonleil
enrl ) tltln" ) , No 1. e-ich 5c , tn Hint Knnsia
nnd NebrnifKa ha'c.ier v\ool pelta , per Ib , ac
tual weight , 485c , dry Hint , Kansas and Ne
braska Murrain wmil pelts , per Hi , actual
uelght , 2 < J4c ill ) Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib , Tctual vvclght , 4if3o , dry Hint
Colorado Murrain wool pelts per Ib , nctual
welKht , 3Q4c , feet cut off , ns It Is useless to
pij fielght on them
TALI.OW AND OHEASE Tallow , No 1 , 2 c ,
tallow , No 2 , c , erciiBe , while \ , 3c ; grease ,
white It 2c , srcrue. ) ellow. 2o ; gren e , elnik
ITiC , old butter. 2(52'4c ( ; beeswax , prime , ISQI.'c ,
rough tallnw , Ic.
\\OOL , llnwathed , flne heavy , Gff7 < \ tlno light
SlQi'i ; , qunitcrblood , 10j12c , feed ) , burry und
chiff ) , S09c ; cotted nnd broken coarse , 7iij9j ,
cot toil und broken Hue , ( IffSc ricece washed
medium lutilSo , Hue. HOltc ; tub washed , 1 @
IRe , black , fc ; bucl.s , Co ; tag locks , 2 < 3c ijcad
pul'ed , DQCc
HONES In carlots wclgied nnd delivered In
Phle.igo Dry lluffnlo per ton. 112 00314 00 ; dry
country , bleichcd , per ton , $100001200 , dry coun
tiy , damp nnd meity , per ton $000CO
DUEPSED HEEF Good native steers , 400 to
COO'lbs , 7c , good foitquarlirs steers , 6VjC , good
lilndipj.utein , 8'3c , webttrn steers , c'ic ; fane )
heifers. GI C , gooil heifers.Cc . , good forequirteis
liilfcrH , TC , good hindquarters heifers , to , good
cows , Cc , fair cow , DHc , cniuman cons , 5c ,
low foiequartrrs. 4V c ; cow hlndquirlcis , 7V4c
IU3EI' i-l'TS Tcndei loins , 20c boncle s strlira ,
lOc , ptilp tolnt" , 7V.c , rolls , 'ic. sirloin butts , 9c ,
bhoujner clods , D' c ; lump butts , DC , steer
chueks , 4V c , cow chucks 4c. boneless chucks ,
IV.o , tow plates , S'4c , steer idatcs , 3 > Sc. Hank
sttaK , Co. lolii" , No. 1 14c ; loins , No 2 , 12c ,
lolii' . Nn. 3. 9o , No 1 short loins , ICc ; No 2
bhnrt loins , 14c No 2 short loins. 12c. idrloln
ends , io , ribs , No 1 , 12c , ribs , No 2 lOc , rll .
No. 3 7c , steer rounds , Ce , cov/ rounds , 6Vic ,
cnvv rounds , shai.k off , C c ; cow rounds , shanl.
nnd rump off , 7V.c , trimmings , 4e , beef Blanks
2V c brains , per do35o , swtetbrenus , per Ib ,
Ue , fiHcetbrenilw ( cnlve ) , per Ib , 40c , UldncyH ,
pir doz , 4'c , ox tails , each ic , livers , per Ib ,
3" . hearts per Hi , 2c , tongues , pel Ib , Uc.
MLTTON Lambs S'ic ' , sheep , 7Uc ; market
racks. Ions , ! > e' , hotel neks , short , 12c ; legs nnd
PHildlii PC. lamb legs , IOC , brensts nnd stews ,
.le , tonsucp , eac i , 5c
1'OHK Dromeil | > lgs , GV.c ; dressed hogs , S'ic ,
tenderloins. 14o , loins 7c , spare ribs , 6c , ham
PUUEIII.P , butts S'fce. shoulders , rough , 6'4c ,
khoulilers , iklnnul , D\c , trimmings. 4Vic , leaf
bird , not rendered , 5'fcc. hei'ds , cleaned. 3Vie ,
niout and ears , SHc. backbones , 214c chetk
meits. 3Hc ; nick Uines , 3o , pigs' mils , 3' Ci
plucks , each. DC : UiltterllnfcS , Cc , hoeks , 4c ,
hearts pel doi 2' c ; htomaehs , each 3c , tongues ,
each 7c , klilnes per doz. 10o brains , pi r doz ,
Uc ; pigs' ftct , per dos. 20c , livers , each , 2C.
Market Sliimn Ciri-iitor I > lliM' . Tluiii
for MIIII.V IIiilltliH.
NEW \OllK , April 29 The dullness of the
stock market todn ) IIBH not been equaled for
man ) months , hut there WHS HrmnesH manl-
reslel In pi Ices mid nn undercurrent of ftrenntn
Hint refused to > t''ld to fomutr ) dlFcouiaalng
rlrcumEtnnecs , The total trantacttons of the
exchange fell considerably below 100,000 shares ,
imd nnl ) fiue stocks , Chicago Gas , hugar .ind
llurllngton , were dealt In to exited 10.UOO shans ,
I'lio murktt for Amerltuns In Ivnidon alfu was
lull and neKlecteil and even the professional
i.ulcrn fuu nil little tn Interest them flhere Is
an doubt that the initial sui-penelon of trading p.irtly tlui ) tn the uncertainty regarding the
llinnsliiia likely to I * uzfumeil bv the gold ex
ion mnvcment , Experts differ an to bou far
liu gold movement Is due In the premium In
; ; old In Ixmdrm and how far to until ! ut trade
: nmlltlnns 'I lie new announcement tndn ) that
i fuither shipment of gold will be made next
Tuesday to tie amount of J"XMO b > a ItoHton
: IOUFC shows Unit tin' fall In theixchnrigc late
; e > 4 871-j for iltmnnd tterllng was not low vuiuh
ii prevent shipments ulthough It In I' o below
.ha point which cxiliane. * * houses iikreed upon
last wctk us netess.ti ) tu assure tbtiii uulll-
.luit prollt tu make It worth while to ship told.
The illccl on tie stntk market HJB sentlniintal
: u n largo txtent , U Imvlng beeomo u habit
luilng tlmt nf depleted reseivc , to fell stocks
in ever ) annruneen ent of expoit of gold Not- *
.vlthiitaiiillng . the partial nUMUUIon of trading ,
he net itnult nf the day's Hading was an n\u-
h gain of a fraction and the upwai < l mnve-
mnt iif klocks was enl ) Interrupteil by dipics-
don In ipeclnt Mot KB New J titty Ceitial VMIS
,110 of thtte. and It eleellned t'U , pet cent , le'-
oveiln cnl > % pel ee'il The otier i oaleru
lioue.l the most marked declines In rinpathy ,
AtLltin Union VMIH nlsn heuv ) In the turl ) deal-
ngs but more thun iicnvered the lots. llal-
lmoie > If Ohio ragged l'i pel ci nt on tic ln-ne
> f nddltlunal receivers' tirtlllcaies anil rallied
i4 pel itiit c'liliugn el.n lluctuuttil Irregularly
> vrr a large of 17v per rent but iniKil with u
let gain nf "j pu cent 1 ho ver ) favorable
Hatch statement nf the Iliirllinloii showing nn
ncreuee In the tut t-aiilujrii of JJSV.iOO did not
mpnit great strength to the stack , an It hail
letn bought lecentl ) on the supposition that thu
lunaru would amount to 'I he closing
ivas quiet but linn , and u shade off from lop
Tim bond maiket ruled linn nil n oderate deal-
ngs Yurlattomi In the lending speculative
( sues weit * exceedlrgly narruw , and althougi
i neutet variety of the usually Inactive mort-
; agc wtre dealt III than for some time , the
'hungeii ' lacked slgnllleunce. The ugkrtgule sales
\tre $917,000 Clovernmrnt bonds ill phied nn
mprnveil tona nnd gained tllgally an light pur-
ihnnt ! Hie tran ai lions were $4400 ,
The Evening 1'ost'n Londoi ttnanclal cnlilo-
rram tajs : "The ttock iniirkels v\e > re good ti > -
la ) and tie closing was quiet at the bent The
lilef factor wan the report uf a speedy Inter-
enl Ion b ) the powers , to bo followed b ) peace ,
tut nothing wan really known of It , and the re-
lort mainly nrlnea from the inarkid rtrength of
hu foreign bourse. The main features here urn
lie sharp rite In home rails and the recovery of
\Alllrs , the latter being Induced by the fact that
he true ponltlon of the gold Held toinpanlea
iau apparent ! ) now been made. Tie Indian
terllng loan U expected soon. The Hank of
lomrfuy rate U down to 9 Ihe Hank uf I'runce
ins reduced Its pi Ice for Ameilcau eat. It u , but
am unable to give the pnclse quotation. De-
alls of ( he cold movement fur the uevk shew
he ale of D . ( iOO In bars , chiefly for Japan ; Ilia
xpott e > f 6,000 to Hombay , und the receipt of
: i < 0COO from Australia , of 1WCOO from Cape
ami of 10000 from Portugal , The Tnrls nni
tlerlln markets were firm"
The following nct-e the closing quotations or
the lending stocks of the New lotk exchnngi
The totid Fnlcs of stocks toilny were 91323
nhnrcs , Incluillnj- the following : American To
bacco. 4700 , feiiRnr refinery , ll.SOOj IlurllnKton &
Uiilncy. 11,000 , Chlcnfio Oas , r SOO , I/oms\lllo A
NaxiiMlIc , 3,1110 , HetullriK 4100 , St. I'aul. C COO ,
Western Union , S.300 , New Jersey Central , 1,100
: \ iTurk Minify Mnrki-t.
NHW 1OI11C , April St MON1JV ON CAI.I -
Kiisy nt 1'S 1V5 per cent , lust lonn , 1'A inr ecnt ,
clo-til nt 1MI116 PCIcent. .
1'IUMi : AinilCANTIL ! : I'Al'iil-3'i04 per
t > Tini.iNa HXOHANOIJ stoiib. with nLtimi
buelnc H In bnnKtr- ! ' Mils nt fJ STHfH "i7s4 for lie-
innml nnd tl Sr. Jft M'4 fur sixty ilu > s , posit d
i-nti" , J4 R7ft4 ! > 7i4 imd } 4 Wifit 81 ; ccmmcrclnl
Mils. { I Uy.
1IAR Sll.
GOVnitNMlINT 11ONDS Strong.
quotiitlons on bomlserc ns follows :
Ileisto.i btnolv Qiieitiitlons.
BOSTON. Apilljn Call loins Jai nor
cent. Itnio lo IMS. ! jt per cant Clostt : prieoH
rorbtocltH I mlnlnsr a i i
Sun PraiiulHco Mining ( l
SAN \VCI530 April 21) Tno o Hal tl
liiiriiuotitloia to..uliiiuj stojn nilWJ
rollowu :
\IMV Vurk Mining < liio < ntloiiN.
NKW YOUK. ADI II 2 ! ) Tlia following are the
Ioil ilo il Stocli ( tiiolatloiiN.
LONDON. Apill UJ I p m closl u
Can I'.iolllc CJl N V. Cjiitril
Brio St ) I'eansylvant i 6 Hi
KrlulHtHpfd 71)N ! , ' UK
lll.C.Mlll.U. . . . IM ! Me-x. C ni njvv 4s. 70J (
Mexlt-an oi\lln irv. KM ( Atchlton llli
St. I'.uil co union. . 71) ) L. AN 4 s
HAH SII.Viil 28'iil per ounce.
MONKV V4 i 4 l r ti > nt
'Ih' rite of 11 o u t fi r she t .nil t ro months
lillla Is lt ptr cent.
( iri'i'Ic anil TurKlHh IIonilM.
LONDON , April 29 rorelwii seturltlen arc
quoted im fnllows : Grcete , lb4 , ' hlgtier at
JJ'ft ' , TuiKUh new deftnse. nncliaiiKeil nt 101 ,
( -ronp 1 ( \ ) 1 hlRhtr nt C5 ; Rioup 2 ( II ) , s
hlKhcr nt JJ , Kroup 3 ( f1) ) . % higher at 18i troup
4 ( D ) , 'i lilBhtr ut 1S %
Fliiiiiit'Inl .NoU'H.
11OS1X3N , April 29. dealing ) ) , 515,092,661 ; bnl-
antes. J1,782C4. .
IIALTIMORi : April 29 Clearings , J2.222207 !
balnntt-B , JLtOS30.
NI\V YOIIK. Apill 29 Clearings , } 91,6S9,175j
liul.mees , ri,7'jOODO.
I'lIILADKLI'HIA , April 29 Clearlnija , } 9 732-
S ( l , liulmces , 51 , S0t,45l.
CHIC'AOO , April 29 , Clearing * $14,132000 , New
Ynrk pxclmnuH , die preiiiluin h'ori'ljn I'xchangi' ,
btinily , on dtinund , ! 1 67'4 ; tlxty III > H } 4 f6l <
fir IXM'IH. April 21 Clearings , 111.09,1112 , bnl-
nntt-n , ISki,110 ; Money , Di/7 per tint. New
Yolk exchange , C5c bid , " 'c | > ieinlum uskid.
Kori'lK" Kiiiniicliil.
nnilLIN. Aiull 29 Ilxchange on London ,
eli'lit dn > ' Klglit 20 marks 3) > pfgs
1'AKIK. April 29 llirio ptr cent rentes. 102f
9Jo fnr the acccunt , Kxchangc un lxtnd ) ii , 25f
12c for Uittlis.
I/1NTON , Apill 29. Gold t the liniollllt of
fo CW VVUH vvlthdravvn fioin the Hank of Kng-
land tudav fnr t > hlpmtnt tu Japan ( lold Is
iiuntid todn > ut lluenuu Ay res at 197 , Llsl > i n ,
IUU , Home. 103 CO.
KaiiHiiM Clt > llurl.c'lN.
KANSAS IMTY , Aplll 29V Hi : AT Dull ;
nominally steady , No. 2 hard , kofjsic , No , 3 ,
? { | " ; , No 4. f7B72c , Nu 2 itel , KQ'i'c ; No 3 ,
WG'J'm , Nn 4 0j&"c , No. 2 sprlne , WjiOViu ,
No. J , 748T77C.
e'OUN ' SIc Miihu und active , No. 2 mixed ,
! 2fl23c
OATS 8toael > and fairly active ; No. Z white ,
Ri'ic '
IIY1J Nei , 2 32c.
11AY hteadj , choice timothy , 19 DO ; choice
[ iialrle. CDO-i(700 -
HimiJIl Wtak , ci earner ) , 15BlCo , dairy , 9Q )
KCias-flrni. 7'ic.
Toli'ilo Slnrl.flH.
TOLinO : , April 21) ) . WHUAT Active ; No. 2
fBrli , 'J-'ie ' , Ma > , Oi'.e
IX HN Aetlvc , No . ' mixed , ! 4Vic.
OATO Active , No. 2 mixed , cash and May ,
l" ? < e
HVK-Dnll liut teail > . No 2 taeh , ale bid.
( M-OVIW HI3l3lQulet t $4 32'i
April 29 COHN-Mnrket easier , new
N'o . ' 23 > ic
O \TS-Murket quiet. No 2 white , 21Hc ,
WHISKY M-iket steady at tl.19.
Hi-cclpU. Corn , r.7 , tO bu , oats , C9.CDO bu ;
r > e , COO bu ; wheat , l,2ni ( bu Hhlpments ! Corn ,
i,20D bu , , outu. 23,030 bu , ; whisky , C35 bbU.
> Illllll'lllllllM | U'lll'lll
MINNUAl'OLIS. April ! 9 AV III3AT Wrnh ;
Hu > . iGKc ; July. 70Stf"0)Jc ! ; fai i > tember , Cl'.c. '
S'o.urs. 1 hard , 73o ; No. 3 hard , 71 ! c ; rtcelptt , 277
, urs.
NHW YOUK , April 29 WOOIKIrm tt < .ect ,
,6ij21c ; pulled , ! Hl20c
faT. IXJUIH. April -WOOL-Unchanscil. .
Sail KriiiH'Im'K'hfiil ( liiotiidoiiM.
SAN riiANnsco , April 2s.-waiAT-rirm ;
December. II. ISJ. .
J\ *
Light Eeceipts nndiBright Weather Worl
Wonders for Sellers.
' '
ComlltloiiN All f'n'VliVor of Uio Scllcm
Who ( Jet n ( leiodi AiUnnce lle > n *
l'nlt-1 } ' A4tlio u el
A built
SOUTH OMAHA , " April 2D.-Hecclpts fo
ttio days Indicated TV ere :
Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Horses
April 20 1.22S 3,313 2U9I
April 3(2o GC3I
April 3.BJ1 7EG5 1,026
April 1,801 5,273 5,237
April l.OSl 4,151 21G
April 2.0U G.2JO 2,213
April 2,129 5,031 S.G30
April 1.4M 3.4GS 1,579
April 2.V03 7.301 1,869
" " " " ' ' " " " " " '
April 19. . . . . . . . . . . . l,4ro 2,391 2,02Ti
April 17 1 , < M2 3,111 4,378
Apill IB Ir02 4.3S3 4r.2 ( ?
April 1.1 1.U76 6,331 2.5Go 1
The olllclal number of. cars of BtOCi
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's
O & St. li lly 2
Mo. Pnclllc Ilv 3 3
Union 1'nclllc Svstoui. 17 10 23 .
r , 13 & M. V. II. U. . . . -
S. C & 1' . Ilv i. . -3
C. , St. I'M & O. Uy. 4 3
H if M. U. H. H..A. 24 22 4
0. D. K. Q Uy 2 . . .
1C C. & SI J 2 .
C , U. I , & P. Uy. , 13. 1 l 'J. i
Totals 68 43 29
The disposition ot the day's receipts wn ;
ns follows , each buyer-purchasing the mini
bcr of head Indicated : *
Huyc-rs. Cattlo. HOB" . Sheep
Otraha PackltiR Co. . . . 12 1.UJJ
O II. Hammond Co , . . . 100 _ 1
Swift and Compiuy 471 " > J .
Ctldahy I'aeklmCo 37 ! l,23o , W.
H. llcekci and Uegiin. . . . 2S2
J. 1 , . C'niey B1
W. I. Stephens 12
licnlon te Underwood. . . T 7
Histon A ; Co 10 . . .
Hammond , 1C. C 3S. ! . . . .
Cndaln P Co , 1C. C ' {
Hotchklss "
Other blljers 81 ;
Left ov r " "
Totals 1,519 33Sfl 7.4S. ]
CATThi : The sun came out Hits morning
and thu murkct looked up again , i ester-
d iv's slut was out of the. way and In place
of It there vvas a Very Hunt run of cattle ,
only forty-nine loads so that with llpht receipts -
ceipts nnd fair weather the Mlu.itlon was
much more fivorable to sellers.
licet steers of all kinds were more active
and the Hunt offcilngs wcic pretty muca all
taken eaily , pi Ices showing an advance of
31/lOe over jcstcrtlay. The blljers seumeel
to want the cattle this inornliiK nd thej
bought stuff that thcv would not look at
jesterday. The cornfed cattle were not
\erv extra the most of those on sale beliiR
good enough to brln only JlOOfilSI.
Cows and helfois told at steady pi Ices ,
the six to seven loads hero being boon
cleaned up. . ,
Only a few stockers and feeders were
offered on the market , but what there were
sold readily nml.Tullv as lilsli as any time
One bunch of fitfOrt light westerns sold at
$1 73 Keprcbenla.'UVe .t-ales :
tfi units.
S'o. Av Fr Ai. I'l
2 . .1150 J3 01 GSv..HV } t C5
370 16 . 11)1.1 ) 4 3
M loni 3 isj . .m 4 10
20 S3S " , RO 17fl..lnO 4 13
20n ms Cr .Hit , 4 ] " >
.0 .H.'J 11 . . llA -I 15
5 low , 4 ' 0 1 . 111.0 4 13
1212 4 m 22 . . .14G1 4 21
1010 I CO 11 iv illOJ 4 23
0.0 4 00 " 4 23
5 . . .llbO 4 00
2. . 1001 2 D5
1..1190 333 1..14CO 375
1..1910 3 75
1. . , 200 4 CO 1. . . . 180 6 50 2. . . 200 5 75
1. . , .no 5 DO
S43 3 00 11 . . 895 4 15
3 40 111 .1030 4 13
.1200 3 40 11 . . WO 4 15
. 7CO J tl ) 5J. . .1006 4 15
.10CO 3 73 J. . . 190 4 15
, 940 3 SO 2 , . . M5 4 211
. MO 3 05 10 .1016 4 20
. SD7 4 00 . . 977 4 30
i. . . . wo 4 00 13 . . IUO 4 40
2 . . .1010 4 M > 1 . . 8SO 4,40
6. . . fc10 4 00 8 . . 787 4 CO
1. . . . tOO 4 00 1. . . 750 4 DO
t cow nml calf , 128 00
1 cow nnd enlf 29 oo
t eprinser
i pprlnKora 31 D °
I springer 32 w
I cow nnil cnlf 32 00
1 cow anil cult 3500
1 cow nml calf 37 00
1 bull 1710 2 25 25 feeders..1007 4 40
1 bull 11DO 2 DO 2 feeders . . .HDO 4 40
1 eows 1050 2 C5 1 feeder 11 ( O 4 DO
14 feeJcrn..lCJ7 3 90 21 feeders. . . . M2 4 DO
1 feeder 1000 4 W 2 feeders. . , . B03 4 SO
1 steer HU ) 4 10 1 fi-ciler ! M ) 4 DO
1 steer 1400 4 25 U feeders..1090 4 DO
HOOS After the bljr ruim eif tile- two dn > b past
tlio fortj-neven louila received today looked
'Ihe' market opened n little weak , but closes
Btroimer , so thai the market its a whole wua
about s-teidy vvllli Jt-sterduy.
Tliu ireat bulk uf all the hogs sold ut (3 75 , thu
sumo u B > eBterday ,
The iniaket was In n Rood , healthy condition.
Die demand W'li'K ' nctlve , und the trade was
won over with , the pens belntr cleared fully
Representative tales :
8 ! 43 540 J3 70 11 2M . . . J3 75
> 0 . , . .342 $0 370 II JHO . . . 375
[ 9 857 2fl ( 37214 35 251 40 375
[ 5 3G2 ISO 37214 302 100 375
; 291 . . . 3724 63 227 240 375
,4 , 341 , 3 IVfr 27 2SS 0 3 ' <
.273 f 3 72ti D'i 2S8 3 1
SO 3 irjiii' M" * s- 3 73
. . 3 TVA , . 110CC 190 3 75
120 37211 CC . . . , ,278 3 75
ICO 3 ft'S ' 7V 71. . . . 21' ' ) 3 71
68 . . . " 3 71
ICO 3 72 > i'M . . . ! 277 3 7S
. . 3 11 . . 2- 3 75
3 . . 72 2200 3 71
1TO . , , ' ' ' '
fO 3 72H L'l 77CJ . . . ! , 200 3 75
120 3 CJ . . . .244 3 75
' " 3- ' 123 . . . ,246 400 3 75
' ' ' - (0 , . . .2'5 120 3 75
. . . 375 , < 1 t 03C3 to 3 75
60 3 75 l C3 . . . . . .201 fO 376
. . 3 7fifl i 72 539 3 77V ,
. , 3 Ttii > > G5 238 3 SO
3 7/ii / e 02 227
rias-oj > na/AND INIJS. :
3 4CO , , 3 0 I 2 275 3 70
1 400 . . . 3 fOflllll 4 . . . . . 290 3 75
1 370 , . 3 fSl | . . , > | 5 224 3 75
1 300 . . 3 J9j ; 'i
8HEEI' Ile-celptrilofiiilieep were large , nnd the
nnrki-t ctroni ; on deslrublc iinitlorm. Itcjire-
lentntlvei snlesi omji
o. , rf ii , Av. I'r.
03 vvestcrn vvctherfl , , HiU 100 14 20
Jn-n 1'Wf'ir" ' ! . ! .H ek.
Ni\V yOUK April 83 niJRVKS IlccelptB
79 head , nu trndlni. . European cables iiuote
Vmirlcnu Hleirs at fO'illic ' ! diesBt-d vvelehts ,
luep , lO'iifl'J'-ic ' drt' e > d vvclKlit , refrigerator
ifcf , ! i'4fi9'4c ' Exports , 200 licovts C'alvts , rc-
e-lptH , WJ luad , with n weak tendency , vials ,
3 Wilt M
hllEEl' AND I < AMI8-Hccclita ! | 4233 head ,
inlet und weak , t-xcf | > t for Kood stock. un-
ihorn Blicep , * 3W | 417'4 ' , cllppe-d nbteii , SI 50iJ >
C ! % ; urifliorn lambs , 13 2Oi CO cllpiicd lambs ,
4.2JU5 DO.
HOOS llccelj'ts , J.W8 hem ] , Ufcli at 14 13'lf
hloe-lc In Slight.
Kecoril of receipts of Ilv a ntnck at llio fcur
rlnclrial markets for April 29 :
Cattle. H.VK f-'itop
imalm . . . . . . , , i. , 1 " 2S 3i9S 2(9I (
'hlcaRO , . , . , (000 S1CW 140HO
IiuiHiB City < , . . . . . 4.000 9000 S.tlfl
I. Ixiula , 2,000 5000 GOOO
KlIIINIIM ( III ) I.l f Stlll'K.
KANSAS CITV , April 29 CATTI.E-necelptu ,
CKh ) < ad. Market about vtead > ; 'lexua tucr * .
) 1004 10 ; Texan covvg , $2tO { 323 : native tlcus.
310S450 ; native COVVK and lielferi , J1W&410 ,
stt.rl.fM r.nd feed * ! * . U ( iT < M. Intlll , $2.2Sr4 10 ,
HO'JSIloelpm , , O.s ) head Muriel weak nml
* c liner ; bulk of sale * . J3f'03it'4 ' , tifn\lc- > ,
$370f/375 ; pnekcrs , $100 , mixed $31 ff375 ,
llKhts , $16003.70 , Y enters , $3 CSQ3 70 , pigs , $3 COfl
3 70 ,
SHEri1 Hd > lpl , J.tVk ) Iipad. Mnrkel ttrong ]
lamls. JlJJtil.tO , mutton * . $ J101475.
cincAOO iITvia srocic MAHKIT
I'rlpi1 * Arc Mnph I.eiTri'r ontnioi l All
A111 in nln ,
CHICAOO. April 29 Cnttlc enlcs vvfre ( ttncr.
ally moderate nt n decline ot 15 to "Oc , prtmf
beef cattle going nt from $3 f4 to $ ! i 40 , with the
grratcr part of the trading nt from $4 20 to Jl $0
A fen light weight stockers cold nt J..SS , but the
bulk of the feeding cattle brought from J3 75 tc
$4 2 * > , n few pilme lots btlnglnp fiom $440 tc
$4 4"i. Calves wcic active nnd strong , the oesl
selling for $5 40
In hogs there wns n good local nnd fhlpplnc
demand nt n 5c lecllne. nnd offerings err well
taken nt from $360 tn $370 for henvy pvcklnn
lots nnd from $373 to $4 for fnlr In prime dinve ,
choice light weight * selling nt the top Most
of the hogs Kold nt from $ .1 V7'4 ' to $3 52'i '
Trade In sheep wns better then might hnvc
been expected on n rnlnv day. 1'itc'S wer
Mend ) , with nlc nf common to choice fhccr
HI from $3 to $4 M > , nnd prlmo heav ) nntlvc
sheep were fcnrcc nt from W to $ " 25. Western
sheep sold nt from $4 la $4 75. and Tex ins brought
from $413 tn { 430 UimlM uld pietty well nt
from $123 to $3 fO for Infeiloi to prime flocks ,
Colorado Inmhs celling the hlghett nnd westerns
fetching from $4 73 tu S"
Receipts Cnttlo , 6.DOU licul , IIOKB , 31,600 head ;
sheep , 14,009 henil ,
St. I.mils I.It istoi'lf. .
fit' IUIS. . April 29-CATTI.E-llecclptR. 2000
head Market fiend ) ; fancy steers , $3 C0if. > 2" , ,
fnlr to choice- native shipping stocrj , $3iOi500 ,
ste > ckers nnd feeders , $3 238/4 40 , steels under 1 ( Oil
pounds , $17004 DO , tovvi mid heifers , $1 Ii'f4 40.
Texas nnd Indian steels , S3 W&3 Do , rows mm
heifers $2 2ffT3 23
Ion ! < < Itfcrlpls 6/iM hend Market rtend ) ,
light , fM ! > iJ3'0 ; mixed , 1COt3S. | , , henv ) . $3 CO
f390 |
H1IEEI1 Hccelpt , fi Ono head. Market weak ,
nntlvc muttons , S30 473 , lunb" , $4 SOflu 2 * > ,
culls nnd biieks , } 3ttinr.i ) ) . Texas Hheip , $4100
4 90 , si ring Inmbs , $1 Mif7 IK )
St. Ijoilln < < i > iirritl Mlirki-t.
KT IXl'IS , April 2J-PIOI HDull and nom
null ) lower , pntents , $4 7.'iT4 ' id , cxtrn fni'c ) , $4 4
Jf4 DO , fane ) , $1 > 0i19i , , holte } ! 2'.m3.
WHEAT-ruturi-s opentd stlong nnd higher o
Recount of HIP cold vventier and Ihc bullMi ton
of the 1'rlee Current it-port Locnt rt-celpts wer
heav ) , tindlng v\ns light and the market sei
tame- , closed Ic lower with oth"i options abel
Etc id ) , compaied with ) esttida ) Spot , lowei
No J red , cash , elevator , l"e ) , tinck , PTfit c , Ni
i hard cash 74c Mav'Ic ' bid. lul ) , 7Cff6'A.c
COItN rutures dull , pptcuhitlon llnht nm
prlcts stead ) . No 2 tush Jliri22c , Mil ) , 2l'4c
Jul ) , 23'ir ' iisked , Septuinbti 'I'ui.I'ic.
OATS Putines quiet nnd stead ) , No 2 rasl
19'ic ' , Ma ) 19'jc bid , Jul ) , 190.
H\E Ixiwcr at 3lc
HAltl.m Nnmlnal
I'XSE13I ! ) Mind ) nnd unchnnged.
TIMOlin HEED 1'rlnio. $25082(0 (
Hit \N-Dull ami iiulot , sicked , east track
worth nomlniill ) , Mr < t'v
llt'Tiril riim , creamer ) . r.17'lc daily
l'Ort.1 IIY Chlrkens tenns , hens Cc , Fp'ltiRt
14iil"t ? lurkcH , slow nt ( UTc , ducks , 7c.
iea : riim nt si-
HA1 tjulet but llrm , prnlile. $4lOflS50 , tlmo
thv , J'J'-OWISCO
WHISKA $1 ! >
METALS Iud Hrmer ut $1035.110 Bpeltci
higher at $3 17 > & bid
1'HOVIsioNS 1'ork. flimei ; ttnndinl mo"
Jobbing , $ S25iij'i8"i ' I.iid , Ilimti , prime stenm
H92'4 , choice , $4 Union Ib i\ed ) moulders
jii 21 extri fliort tltnr , $517' ' , lib" $3 rO , shorts
! " 3'i ' Di ) salt meats ( boxiil ) shouldeis nm
extra short cleii , $1 , ribs $ ' 121 * . shorts 11 n
HECEH'TS flour 2 OCO bbls , wheat. 12.COT bu.
coin 27.1)00 ) bu , nits , 21 0 0 bu '
SHIl'MENTS riiiur , 2 COO bbls , whtat , 11'tX )
bu , corn , 48,000 bu , oils , 24 000 bu.
NEW YORK , Alirll 21 COITEE Option
opened stind ) tn 1 points nilviiiief 'Ihcte vvn
nothing In foreign adv Ices to inlluenc'tlk m it
ket , whlci ruled dull nil div Europe mill li
a small vvn ) Hecelpts .it Itrizll wcie sni.ille
ind wnichnupc dclherlis lUht , i lostd fiili | | ini
unchanged tn 5 points udv u ce , mlei , C r.O . ) bng *
tncludhnr ijeptttnber. $7 431i7 uO , Dtc-mlir J , 1
5i7(0 ( fcnot colTce Illo , quiet , Nn 7 Imolo
J7C2K. , Jobbing J1-ji ] ( Mill about steadv
Conlova , $12 CflfilS " , snle 13 fOO Ings Marie lib.
fn a ha'-ls of 14c foi good Cucutn Tntnl w.uc
houedellveiles ( rum tic UnltPd t ites 6 Ci2
b ies. Including fi 111 bigs from New "Vork. New
Yolk stock tnilnv 324 2PO bigs. United tntes
stncks C'i7'i01 brfpi , for t t'nlted St Hcs
2JJ 300 hags , total vMble foi the United htulcs
CO. . ) 401 hdfs , ngnln = t 3",7 Of2 li iis last )
IIAVIIE Apill 21 COITEE Closed > tW .t ne
iilvnnce , "lies. 14000 Ings
S V.NTOS , April 21 IXJITEE Quiet ; good nver
age Sintos , 9,700 rels , receipts & COO bag's , stock
4"t. ( X > 0 biR
IIAMlU'nO April 29 COITEE Uncbarg il
Sales 21 MO Ings
HIO TE JANE RO April : < t C")1TEE ) Stcnily
No 7 , Illo , 9200 icls. eiohaime , 7 2"i-2d ! , lecelpts
( j QIH ) bags , cleared 10 000 bags ; for Europe , C,00 (
bags ; ttocks , 23S 000 bigs
Iiliorpool R nil ii nml l'roNOIIH. | .
WVEKPO01 , April 29 WIIEAT-Spot , No 1
leil northern spring , dull nt Cs 4'id
COHN Ameilcnn mixed spot , new , 2s 7d ; May
2s 7rt. lime. 2s Ri&d
rr.Ot'll St. En-its fane ) , winter. Rs fd
HOI'S At Londcn , Pnclllc const , steady nt
I'HOVISION1 * liecf , extra India mess , 2Cs 'id ;
jirlmo mc s , llrm at 4rs Oil Pork prime moss ,
line western DOs , j rime me s medium western ,
41s. Hams , short cut 14 to 1C lb , 43s Cd ISaccn
Cumheiland cut. 2S to ? 0 Ihs 293 , short ribs , 20
to . ' 4 lb = , 28s ; long clear middles , light , S5 tn JS
Ibs , 23s , long clear middles , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs .
26s , short clear middles , clear 41 to TO Ibs 28s
Shoulders , sqi are. 12 to 14 Ib" , 20s Cd Iird ,
spot , dull ; exchange21s 9d
CHEESE American finest white , DCs Amer
ican Hnest colored , fCs 2d
TAMX > W Dull , prime clt ) , 17s 2d.
TUni'ENTINI3 Spirits , firm ) at 21s.
11OSIN Plrm ; cdnmon , 4s 9d
VeYork Ilry CooelH Mnrkct.
NEW 'iOHK. April 29 In consequence of the
nilvnnro In cotton the dr ) goods m irket wns
Hnin-1 nil nrnund , but no advances were made
in the price of goods , though some options that
wer ? out nt the cull of sillers have been de
clnrnd off Men's wear wnolens hnve been
fairly nctlve in sales nnd large ( plantttles nre
going foiward on prior nrdi rs , while a new
demand WPS present fnr moderate to good qual
ities of fpot goods Printing cloths , cpilet nnd
sellers In doubt at * to wle nt present prices.
Anti\cri "Wool Siili'H.
ANTWEHP , Apvll 29 The wnol nuctlo-s
opened hero tcMltt ) with n fnlr attendance Hold
ers feemed generally unwilling to loner the1
prices , In view of the encnuraglng advices from
Hlver Plittc. Two thousand hnlct > were offtreil
nnd .120 sold There has been a partial decline
of & ctntlmcH clnce Pebruary. The details ol
the sales are nH follmvx : lluenos Aies , 3d
biles ut 8W141f per 100 kilos Montevideo , 124
biles at fDtilDOf.
NEW YOIIK. April 29 SUOAIl Haw , ijulet ;
reHnliii' 2 13-lCc ; centrifugal , 1G test , 3'Jc. Ile-
llned , ijulet , crushed , C'.io ; powdered , 4c ; gran
ulntcd , 4'ic. '
LONDON' , April 29. HEET SUGAIl April , 8s
9d ; August , Rs ll > 4il.
Oil IliirUt-lH.
Oil. CITY , I'.i . April 29 Certificate oil closed
nt S314c bid fnr cash Therp was one fale , May
delivery at f4Hc , Credit balances unchanged ,
Huns 112 OC9 bills , shlptmnts , C'l 192 bbln.
HUEMEN , April 29 PETUOLEUM-5 morka D
pfg .
Two I.iiKc VcssrlH Anliiri' .
SHiiOYOAN ) , WH , April 29.-Tlio
ncliooner Wollln Frankfort , to MlhvnuUce ,
went ashore nt u n. m , Klfo Biivcrs took off
the crew of five- , who wcro tlioronghly cx- Vt'ssel unil cnrso will IM ? ti com-
plolo loss. Durlntr llio nlfrlit the thrrr-
maslril ( iPhooncr Ixiokout of Chlcaj-'o VVIIH
; lrlvpn nahoro four inllos nortli of Two Iliv-
L-IH , AVIf , The life biivlni ; crew HiU'ce-eilcel
In respulnir tliei captnlu and his seven B.ill-
f > r The Bchoonc-r will hea lotal loss. John
Burns , a de'ck hanil , wan vvashe-il ovorhoanl
mil elrovvncel from the tfrave-l se-ow Sunrise
about two mlkn north of Milwaukee ,
INBTIUIMENTS placed on rocorej Thtira-
elny , April 29 , IS'17 ;
Samuel IVrsolb and wife to John Hog--
Ian , lot G , block 2. Kllkwood add $3,500
\iina Smith nnd 1111 11,1111 ! to Hyron
Hce-d t'o , HVs lots 3 and 4 , block 9 ,
Ibiiac & S'H add . 2
Daniel Ha > ea and wifeto the Scottish'
Ami'ilcan Mf Co , n 2"i fret or s M
feet , lot 13 , block 0 , Flrat add lo
South Omaha . . 3"
Selina Stcld to GV Cooper , e SO
fceit , lot C , block 312. Omaha . 3,000
\ . 13. Campbell lo J. S. 1'orlclns e t nl ,
trustees , 20 acre * In i-li ne'4
0-14-U . . 2
S.imei to J. J. Hart , 20 acres In V4
no'i , mmu . 3XX ( )
fclrs of llyron Hee-d ct ill to A. U
C.impboll , Hinip . 2
2 H Ilacr and wlfn to II. 1 Jones ,
lots 4 and f ) . block C'J , South Omaha. 7,350
5eo linllilliij ; C'o. to Trank Thompson ,
exeeillor , el nl , loin I , S , C , and 10 ,
block 10 , lotn 10 , 22 , 3J lo . ! ' ) . ) - and
, bloek 11 , lots D , ti. 12 and 15 , block
12 ; lots 10 tl > II , 1C , 11) ) and 20 , block
13 , lots U , 1. , 13 19 and 20. block 14 ,
and oilier loin In Omaha View aild ,
und Omaha View I3t. add . . . . D
V. A. ItoKcra nnel vvlft. to llyron Heed
Co , w 3 feet , lot 1 , block 5 , Itc-cd'H
3d aeld . 1
Ihc-rlff to John Woodford. vv (0 ( feet of
o 170 feet of B 3.1 feet of n'i lot 11 , M Il
ia rd At C'a add . 173
Ipeclul miiHtcr to J. 12 Oxuurel , lot 2 ,
block 2 , Vuneli rc'k Tcir.ico . 300
iiinui to John Woodford , lot 3 , block 9 ,
1'urk Koreat add . K > 3
Total amount of transfers . , , .J15,32
From Openin
. . . .To the present one , our store hag
been crowded and the man ) ' expressions of approval heard
on all sides indicate that the new enterprise has prepared a
place for itself in the consideration of the clothing buyers ol
Om ha.
Our advertisements say practically the same thing to a
prospective purchaser as the salesman does in the store.
Celebrated Hockauum Worsted
Suits at $10.00 a Suit.
The products of this mill are widely known for sterling
qualities , stability of coloring , beauty of design. This
particular suit is an exclusive pattern ot brown plaid , 4 '
made to fit entirely different from the ordinary ready-
to-jump-into c'othes ' , and is worth all we ask for it.
Cor , 14th and Douglas Sis. ,
Reliable One Price ( money back i fyou want it ) Cloth
iers , Hatters and Men's Furnishers.
Snmplcs of Our Clollilni ; FKHE TO YOU
for your name ami l
Onptain Bamford , Lpto of the Guards , as p
Bono of Contention.
* Oil mlil nt Port Mel'liiM-Nim lliini
Aliiiul lij Poi'iiior Oiuiilia
linn's I.n o fur llti'juli :
Omaha people , especially those Interested
in military matteis , will he Mirpriscil to
loam tint Lleuti-naiit Frank IX Uimfoid ,
Kiftli Infantri , U. S. A. , and funnel ly cap
tain of the Omaha ( jiuuds , Is one ot Ihc
central llgureb In a &Gii aim > court-
maitliil. The Tlfth infantry [ 4 at
btatloncd ut Atlanta , Ga , and Uemciiant
.Michatl J. O'Diien lias , piefcned ch.iifies
a anijt Captain Homcju of the same IL-J- ; !
mcnt for lullocthm' , it Is ealil , upon Mis.
L.13rlen'b ( 'ootl name.
AccordiiiK to reports Mrs. O'Hrion PS the
llfo of boclet > at the fo.'t until she learned
to rldo a blejcle , u couple of months .igo
As her hu&baud took llttlo inteiest in the
uport , Lieutenant Ilainfoid often acted as her
oscoit on excursions Into the snnoiimln
countiy The e trips , It is as&crtcd , became
frcquciit and often tlmi-a iiit > couple \ , eio
Kone Trom dawn until dniK. Lieutenant Ham-
ford , it appeals , had become Known about the
fort as the favorite buitor for the hand of
.Mlss > Itomcjii , daughtei of the captain. She
dirt not ride a bicjcle and , of course , did not
enjo > the daily spectacle of Mrs , . O'iiriui
and Lieutenant Uamfoi-d spinning out of the
fort on their \\hccls. A month 01 so ago
the O'Criciis , ignorant of all the gotip , Is
sued ln\Italians for a gciman. Several re
grets , were received from the \\\cs of the
officers and this wab enough to excite cus-
plclon. Captain Komcyn , it appears , had
dicpped the spark this maga/lne of
bcamlalous talk b > repeating to Stephen Den
nett of Atlanta some of the suspicions that
had been bandied about. One evening after
dress parade Lieutenant O'llrien Flopped up
lo Capfaln Homejn on the parade ground and
demanded an explanation , sajing plainly that
Komeyn had not acted llio part of a gen
tleman. Instead of giving any explanation
Captain Komeyn struck the lieutenant a blow
on the face The story was then discussed
publlcR and the court-mai tlal vvas ordoroJ.
Miss Nina Homeyn , daughter of Captain
Homeyn , has asserted ttat .jiuutenant Ham-
ford was engaged to marry her , but this
statement Hamtord denied when on the wit
ness stand.
Lieutenant n-imford is well known In.
pmaha , having served with the Second in-
'anlry at Kort Omaha for n number of yearc
He enlisted in the Second leglment July H ,
891 , and served in the ranks until November
3 , IS'iS , when he was commissioned a second
leutcnant and ordeied to the Fifth Infantry.
Lieutenant Uamford went through the
Trades of private , corporal , sergeant and bcr-
; eaut major rapidly and stood ; the rxamlna-
: lon at Port Loavcnworth for , a commission.
During the time he was a corporal and ncr-
; eant III company R ot the Second Infantiy
10 vvas captain of the Omaha Guards , and
under his instruction the guards advanced
rapidly In the manual. Ho was a. good sol-
ller and vvas well thought of bj lil.s supo lor
olfloers at Kort Omaha , several of whom as
sisted him malerl.illy during his Ktudlcs and
when pit paring to take the examination for
a commission.
Lieutenant Bamford accepted his commis
sion on November 4 , 180.1. and Immediately
resigned as captain of the Omaha Guards
and prepared to move south to join his rugi-
Lieutenant O'Drien vvas an officer In the
Second infantry at the same time Lieutenant
jamford vvas a non-commlsslone I officer In
ho same regiment. O'Hrlcn graduated from
ho West Point Military academy In 1SS1 nnd
served for a HPJO with the Thirteenth In-
antry. In January , 1SD2 , ho was promoted
0 11 ret lliutunant and ordered to Die RLC-
inil Infanlrj for duty A hhort time aftiT-
vard howas transferred to the Fifth Infan-
Captain Komuyn served through the war
starting In as a pilvato In the One Hundred
ind PIHh HIInolB Infantty , ho vvas rapidly
nomoted until ho vvas brovetted a major of
oluntecr infantry March 13 , 1SC3. In lbG7
Japtaln Komcyn vvas appointed lieutenant In
ho Thlrlj-sevonth Infantry , V. S A . and
vas promo'teil to a captaincy July 10 , 1&85 ,
.Sunri'iiM' Ciiurt Sj Until.
Godfroy mrnln t Ke.itilre Hrror from
jiiKO courtj Hrvcru < d and remanili-d ,
3liiiilon by Commission ! r Hyan
In an lutlon for the rciovcry of d mi-
igcp HUHtiilncd by n city bv letiHon of the
'ullurr of ti contractor to fuinlsh H wtlpu-
nled number of trillions of water within
1 llnilKd hpue of tlinr. and liiHtinctlon
ivWch In effect dlieotiA the Jury If they
'ound for plaintiff to rotnni a verdict for
ho Hum of Hiiuh payini nts ( is hud brc-n
nadu to the contractor foi minplyniK bol'-
rs , nn engine , pipe llnr. and machinery
ipon cHtlin.ileH .IB the work pro rrHHol , lull
ironeous In vlow of ( ho fact Unit by the
crniH of the ( onliact tieio hul : In en rci-
) Knlzcd no nueh contingency a the icturn
> f such piivmontH to tin * city , In any event
2 An inidcitaking will be Hlilctly ton-
trned In favor of Hunt leu and tliilr lla-
tlllty vvlll not be extended by < onairiirllori
icy end tin Ir pei Illo agreement Curiln
tnlnst At'/lnson i Neb , 110 , Uian iiBiilnHt
Milton.4ri Nel > , M3
Union I'nclllt Hnllvvny company agalnwt
Jl.irke JJrror from Buffalo county HJ-
irs < d and remanded Opinion by Judge
nvldi-ncfl examined and hi Id not uiilllclint
o HtiHlnln a verdict that the death of plain
Iff'B Intefltntu vvus iiiu td by the
dice of'H scrvnntH
Hoard of Education of Aurora
IOSCH. Krror from Hamilton oounly Hu
erscd. Opinion by Commissioner Uyan
An act of the legislature which IH clearly
mcndatoiy of an existing statute , Is mi-
oiiHtltullonal vvlun sueh arm ndntory act
n no way mcntlonx or deai rlbeu that of
, lilt n It IH amendatory.
2. WJien a ihiit of nn net unconatltu-
onal for the n aeon above Indicate d forms
ho obvlouH Inducement for the IIIIDHUKO
f thu remainder of mich act the entile
ot muLt bo declared unconstitutional.
Telephone I O.I' ' ) . Oni.ili i , NJ'J. '
GfiAlS : IMOYiSIJ.\'S \ ' : A.\J : SFJJS (
„ , lloaid cf TraJ
Dllfct ulieg lo chlc.uo u id NeYork. .
i : ire > Dordenii > : Ju n A.ancn & Co.
isir\cii : . \itutsTin.
Tne > lli } n Cinircns Sli
IMi-lil's Wli
The puller tucceedcel In locating and plac
ing under ancst jeUciday the pcisons who
tolo the blcjcli holoiiglin ; to Oeorge Picket.
The wneel wen stolen about a foitnighl ago
from the bkjclc house In the tear of Tub
lice bulidli.g Tncsdaj evening 1'lckt chanced
to be talking to , i policeman neii the coi
ner of Sixteenth LeTVenvvoith .stucti
and PBliln vvhtel in .1 icp.nir hhop neaibv.
U wa.s found that the wheel had been left
vvitli Die 1 1 ] air man bj a couple of boj
who were found bv thu police jestorday.
Thej aio ncwsoojb and gho llio names ot
IVfi MoiasKj , , ml 1'otn Hock The bojb at
ftVt aFbi'ilrrt that thcv Ind found the wheel
I i a vacnm otoreioom iii'ar ' cvcnteeuth
and I.cavmvorthMic * ' . , but Hnallv admitted
theh < ullt The F.iddlc of thi > machlno hid
In en taken off and bmicd In the rear of the
building H wat , also recovered by the
Tlirnnii from Ills
A ' -.ins i o m idilnc m inufiictuier from
Ft Louis glvlnj ; the n i rue of Taeodore llol-
blellhlli > out diUMig last evening on
South Twentieth snoet , w is thrown fioiu
his vihiflo .ind b ullv At the tlnlo
ol the aicldent llollilill's lout was caught
In the lints of the hanitai and lie was
di.iKged foi some ) distant e bcfoio lie HIIC-
eooiltd In ixtrlt.uliifr himself. He was taken
to the police' station , wheie the city sur-
{ .con attended him.
OiMii'rnll.i Pair anil U'n . r In Ni'-
liriiNlcnlLi \ snndi WlmlN.
WASHINGTON' , Aplll > . Foree.iht for
Friday :
Tor Ncbi.irki Generally fair ; warmer ;
variable winds becoming south
Tor K.ins.ib Waimui , variable winds , be
coming ; .south
Pen Missouri Knlr. except shoneiH In
eihtorn iiortlou ; vvaimei , noith winds be
coming e.ibt.
For low. i Pali ; vvaun.i ; soutb winds
For Soutb Oikota Incii nlng cloudiness ,
with showers ; warmer ; soul'i winds.
For WyomlntV.u mei , fall In eastern
portion ; suutlieily winds.
OMAHA , Apill 21 Om , ib. i itcord of rain
fall and temperature compared with cor-
lespondlng * d ly of the p ist three yeais.
1M17 ISM. ISOi 1S91.
Maxlmiiin temperatme . . fi'i C'J 7ri 7 *
Mlnlinnin tcmpeiaturi ) . . US r.l 57 GI >
Aver.iKC tempiiutiiro . . . IS fS ) CO 72
Halnfall . 00 .K 1.S5 T
Recoiil of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1.
1897 :
Normal for the day . E7
Deficiency for the el ly . 3
Ae'i uninlated de llclcncy clnec Match 1. . 71
Normal rainfall for the day . 12 Inch
Dellolency fcr day . 12 Inch
Total rainfall nlnee March 1 . 7.1 1 Inelie.s
Excess blnco March 1 , 1MI7 . 2filnchcH !
HXCCS.H for eor. period , IVHi . l.ll IncheH
l xccbs for eor. peilod , IXO'i . 1. ! Inch
ItcitiirlN from StnflniiN nt tt i > . in.
Be-entj llftli intilcllnn time.
T Indicates trace nf pretlpltatlon.
Ciiru Hi'll Iliille-llii.
I lutid Mates Department of Agriculture
wenthir bureau corn imd wheat region bul >
Ittln for Hit ( went ) four hours ending at 8 a ,
in , seven ! ) mill i.cildian time , April 29 , 1697 ;
Tlii < vuuther In decidedly eoldir In the VM-xleni
ml central puillonii of the eeun and wheat
nit ami sllUilly wanner In the funtern pur-
kin ( lonil ruins have fallen III Ntbruika , Mlu.
our I mid louu , und light mow en In all either
T Indlcatei Innppraclable rainfall Maximum
or > Hrdiiy Mlnliauiri fur tucnty-fuup
louix , cndlnc 8 u. m , mtiitllft"i meridian
Note The average mastmuin ami inlnlinum
emptratuies nml the average rainfall are mada
ip at each center from theuctual number of
eportB received. 'Ihe "tluto i < r weather" U
biif prevailing ut lime cf eibhcrvatlcm.
, U A. WELSH. Local Fortcait OfUclaU