THE OMAHA DAILY 1JTCTC : AVRDXKftl ) A Y. APKTL , 28. 18S)7. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT , MI.NUIt 31K.\TIOX. Wotnftn' * Chrlstlftu flssoclilct-u relief tom- mltteo will moet Wednesday at 2-30 o'tloik at the resilience of Mrs. W. W. Wallacu' , 37 HliiK street. The niimliet of capes of measles reported to thti health authorities itlll avtrimc' about half a dozen a day. Klfidt new e.ucs weic repotted to the boaid ycsterdi ? . \ tpcclal ia > of the l'tni ) < iylvflnli : Knllnay company bearing 1J. A Koinl and party , came In from the west ye terday alttrnooti and went north via the Sioux City & 1'acinc latt evening. What hai tl'o "Kngle" dtine ? Wo have made an an of tha Inundiy business. Wo give the public Die bent woik that pure water , soap and skill can produce. 721 llroadvvay. Wonted A mnn with Ecnrral fienunlnUnca In CouiiLlI Hluffs , to canvans for a well known Omulia establishment. State cxperl- i mo und icfcrcnccs. Address V Ci , Omaha lire , Omaha. A HUci of eight wolvM war. captured by David McCiuiv In- Gainer tontichlp ne Crescent Citjlie brought the calps to the > rourt hoiifio jestcrday and collected lite bounty. Ml it. Uencc.i C'oyno , v lo h.ia been spend Ing the winter with her JaMghUr , Mrs. Me- Mentiiny , leaves for home lod.ij. Mrs. M Menomy will bo her nuiso on tl. " way , as ho Is In vnry poor health. After a few weeks' visit , they will return ami spend the summer In Denver. The people of 1'nloa mission , which Is loeatcl at tlu corner of Fifteenth street and Vlrsl nvt-nue , have again begun work , and hold mouth gs on Tuesday and Thursday ( vo ilncs of each \ vek. . On .Sund.iy a morn ing and evening srrvlco U held and Sunday Briiool nt 3 o'clock In the afternoon. A wagon of bamboo fmnlturo v.'as un loaded .it the city Jail last evening and will n-innlif Ihcre until Its o'vuer , or riiutotllan. Jonslto Majljgtna , an Omaha peddler , enn an align .1 settlc'iicnt ' with the authorities for his ovci sight In ncglcoll'iR to prm-uie a lueiue before he cttc-mptoJ to sell llie btuff funn lioii'ii to house. ciip lci I.odire , the joung man who accl- dintall > rtrcd u It-eallbcr revolver bullet IMIO hit Iig , was taken to the Woman's t'hri'tlin BE orlntlon ho.iiltal | yesterday nfletno'm Illood pol.sonlng fiom the wound WHS feaicd , nnd It vins deenril advisable to take him tn the hospital , whtic piopcr sur gical care could be given him. W. II. Alierrromble , United Stales conenil nt Nagatakl , Japan , was In th' ' cily jceter- duy , tlie guest of Mi. and Mn O. II. Simons. Kor a number of Dr. fMmons wan a nsidcnt of ( he orient In an odlclal capacity , and vvhlln there ho bccnmc acquainted with AIi Ahorcroinhlf. Thf consul Is on his way lo his homo In New York to spend Ills eunv * nuracatlon. . I/ \V. II. iMnthcas was locked up last night for boisterous conduct nt Dohany's theater. Ho was verj- much under the Influence of llimor , and attempted to enter the theater In defiance of the ii'-hers , nnd after several attempts pot Inside and Into n scat. Ills conduct soon became so offensive that .t attracted Iho attention of .Manager Bovvon and the fellow was thrown out At the doorway he fell Into the aims of a couple of onii-crs. The innrton and Sangcr compiny had nn- othoi' full houbo List night. 'Iho play , "ITcr Sister , " was well put on. The inimical part of the proginm was well received , 'llirlr hand and orchestra aio featjre . The clown pnrndo was veiy This coni- panj makes It a feature of a continuous per formance and the audience gets no chance to gel tired , ns specialties are Intioilucel be tween each act. Tonight they will riesent the great comedy drama , "IJrothar Against Brother. " Several copies of a petition were In cir culation jcstcrday asking Secretary of War Alger to grant to the Port Arthur Dredging company permission to dredge the channel ftom I'ort Arthur to SaMnc 1'ass , Tex. The petition expresses the belief that both of the dredging companies should bo given every encouragement possible Jo go ahead and com plete the work as speedily as possible. C. C. II. Campbell of this city Is largely Interested In onii of the dredging contiacU. The peti tion was numerously slgnel. The United Stntei Civil Service commis sion will hold nn examination In this city on Saturdaj' , June 5 , 1S'J7 , commencing at tl a. m. , of applicants for clerkships and car- ilers' pcflltlon in the i > osti | bervlce. None but citizens of the l'nlti > d Staten will be ( Mimtned. The ago limit Is as follows : Clerks , IS years ; carrleis , over 21 and under 10 All applications must bo filed with IVi > d Johnson , secretary of the board of ex aminers. Council Hluffs , from whom blanks and Instructions may bo obtained. C. B. Vlavl compiny , female remedy. Med ical consultation free Wednesday. Health book furnished. 320-S27-328 Mcrriam block. N. Y. Plumbing companj. Tel. 250. Polished oak sideboards this week J8.CO at Dtirfco Kurnltiire Co. . 20r , nnd 207 B'vvay. Wanted Good domestic ulrl. 1011 Third avenue. AViintM tlif Vlt-ll > .eliediile Secretary Judson of the Business MCII'H npsoolntlon linn taken up with the depart ment nt AVnshliiKton the question of nr- i rniiKliiR tlio nchcdiilo of the fast mall Icav- > UK ChlcnRO for Iho w-e-st. The most ccr- ious objection to the present wchedulo Is the Miort Intelvnl between the nrrlvnl of the fast mall fiom ChlcaKo and Its dcparturo for that city , Thu tlmo IB too short to permit thu answering of a letter till the next day It frequently happens that n pro fessional or Imainrvi mnn received a let ter to which nn Immcdlnto reply Is request ed. The Interval Is entirely too shoit , ns Eomo collections and compilations of data may ho nocoRsary. Tlie prcbont arrange ment accommodates the publishers of Chicago cage dalllcH , as they are sent west on the * fiiht inn.ll , but buMness men have long com plained of an arrangement that discrimi nates against the whole pastern country In the Interest of thu publishers in one city. I'll 11 i > il In ( . ' < ( n ( liioi'iiin. The meetliiK of the HuclneHs Men's associa tion scheduled for laut evening fulled to mnterlullzo. There were not a nulUclect number of the mcmbcra present tn constitute n quorum , I'rosl.lent J. H. Hell und several of the others who never fall to attend a inect- IIIK were present nnd spent some time In discussing In an Itformal way several mat ters that are under consideration. In COMFORT ANO KNOWLEDGE , ( Sent free by Ret aside lor twenty-four hours n bottle or common glues filled with urine. A eoJI- inont or tctillnR Imlloatoa an uulicalthy con- ilitlun of the lUtlnojs. When iirino stalnn linen It la positive ovidcnco of kidney trouble. The frequent doslro to urlimtu or pain In the back. U alsn convincing proof that the kid- nos and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO 1)0. I 1 There Is comfort In tlio Knowledge BO often expressed , that Dr. Kllmvi'B Swamp Hoot , the great kidney remedy , fulfills every wish In relieving pain In the Lack , klducya , liver , bladder nnd every part of tlio urinary pis- aageri. It conccta Inability to hold urine niul Balding pain In patiilng It , or bad ef fects follow Ing use of liquor , vslno or beer , and overcomcH that unpleabanl necessity of compelled to gut up many times dur ing tlio night to urinate. The mild and the exlraoiillrnry effect of Swamp Hoot Is teen realized. It Btuiul.i the highest for its wonderful cures of the mcut distressing cases , If > oii need a inedlclno ) ou should have the beet. Sold by druggists ; price 60 cents and Is $1. You may have a kumplo bottle and pamphlet both bent free by mall. Mention The Omaha Dally Dee and send your ad- dresa to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Ulngliamton , K. la Y , The picprlelors of this paper guarantee of UiU offer. (9 VIEN WILL KNOCK OUT 11ARD1N Has Stumbled On to a Plan to End a Prom ising Controversy , ELECTION OF STREET COMMISSIONER VOID City Council Pull * tu I'ruccc-il In Hie .Miiiinur I'rosorllifil li ) I , vt nnd MiiHt Do Il.i AVorlt Over. Tlio thrco cornered controversy between tliu Sixth wald petitioners , the city council and J , M. Hurdlu , recently elected uttcct commissioner , hns reached an acute tlagc , which awsiiris a di finite and permanent fret- tlcmcnt of the problems Involved. The Indi cations at the meeting o ( the council at * n committee ol the whole on Mond'iy evening piomltbcd the spinning out of the Inquiry for several days. When the meeting of the comtnlttco adjoinncd on Monday evening It was with the understanding that the peti tioners who are asking for the removal of H.irdln were to prcient their cate In the form of regular affidavits , which were to bo tiled In the ofllco tn' the city clerk by tJ o'clock last evening. They were to bo inspected there by the attorneys for llardln , who were then to have two days to prepare and file counter affidavits. City Clerk Phillips was sighing yeuterday over the prospects of hav ing to tnko charge of a mass of legal ver biage that would about fill h'e olllce , for It wa Intimated that each one of the 300 peti tioners and u large number of their friends nnd nc'iuaintancos would tend In affidavits concerning Ilnrdln's cltlzct.shlp. Tlir Binge reached jestciday produced u condition that made1 it unncrcs ary to file any oflldavlls , and Clerk Phillips was mightily relieved when told that there would bo none- tiled Ovid Vien , attcnney for the petitioner ! ) , an nounced that the petition Itself would 1'c wl'hdrnwn , and that It would takei him Just about five mlnutet to hprli'g a surprise upon the council nt the meeting on Thursday night that would not make It necessary to take Into consideration the question of Hardln's cit izenship. It has been discovered that the election Itself was Illegal , and that the coun cil did not elect a street commissioner when the mcmbera concluded n large number of fcctet ballots by casting a majority of them for the favored candidate. The timidity of the ooiincllmen , or perhaps more properly , their anxiety to avoid hurting the feelings of the many candidates who Imagined that they were sure of getting the votes of the various councllinen , led them to follow a com so that was without precedent nnd In violation of the city charter. This action Invalidates - validates the election of the street commis sioner nnd nentes In addition an Interesting problem In connection with the other city oinccis elected at the same time. All of these men with the exception of the street commls'iloncr have hern serving In their ofll- clal capacities and expect to draw their sal aries at the end of the present month. Under tliu law they were clearly not elected , and the old officers whom they displaced can come In and demand their salaries. The attorncjB for the petitioners do not desire to have the full nature of their dis coveries made public In advance of the Tliius- day night meeting , but If the constitutional lawyris In the council will rend a section of the law governing the appointment of officers by tho' council , they will discover that all of their anxiety to conceal their votea and the teapot tempests that have followed since , was In vnln. "All of the officers elected by the council with the possible exception of the dogcatchcr are affected by the Illegality of the proceedings at the meeting on April 5. I/A 1C n MAVAW V M VV RI'.T AWAY. I'roljiililllty nt the \Vnti-r RiimiliiK Out Is ( lultc AlMinrciit. The condition of Iako IManawa Is cxcltlni ; porno apprehension among the people who are looking forward to a pleasant season1- ! sport down there this summer. The recent floods have left It In a somewhat unfinished j condition. Tlio dam across the outlet at the | southwest corner was carried away by the I rush of watom that escaped when the of the river dropped s6vural feet , and a cur-1 | rent with a velocity of eight or ten miles an hour has been porini ? through the outlet for the last woek. Thla swift current lias cut a ivido and deep channel that connects the lake vvlt ! the river , and unless something Is done to prevent it the- lake will be drained when the river reaches its midsummer level. Thn current Is nowso swift , and the channel o deep that the rcconsti iictlon of the dam will be a dllllcult and crstly job. The Hood also caused Mo < = qnlto creek to break through Its banks and Invade thi. fake , and for the past fortnight It hua been pouring In its muddy current The situation on both Bides of the lake Indicates the necessity for the Immcdlnto expenditure of several hundred dollars. The greatest source of anxiety Is to disc-over the means of raising this money. . - In past Reasons no difficulty has been cxpeji lenccd In raising whatever amount was 1' j necessary to piotect and maintain the body of water that Jiao afforded so much pleasure to the people of Council UlulTs and Omaha , but thb conditions at the present time are not so favorable to the development of fat subscription lists. The boat club has boon | ccnlidently looked to to make a liberal approfii prlatlon to defray the cost of reconstructing the dam and turning the direct current of Mosquito creek nut of the lake , but the members have Intimated this season ponl- tlvely that no such appropriation need bo expected. The motor company. Colonel Reed and the Manhattan beach people appear to bo the only Interested parties wlljlng to contribute to the fund , Hxamlnatinns were made yesterday , anil It was ascertained that a fund of not less than a must bo raised to put the lake In good eonriltlon for the summer'fl sport. It vvas felt tint It would be unwieo to expend any money on reconstruct Ins the dam until after the passing of the June rise , for It Is feared that the high water then will be suffi cient to again carrv out Iho dam , Fisher men who were accused last fall of having cut the dam out of pure wantonness , nro now very anxious to sco It replaced , for the mil to lions of fish that were mii > | xib , < l to have come In from the river will encounter no bar rier when they start to go out with the fallIng - Ing water. One of the fishermen stated yes terday that twenty-fire men could bo found willing to contribute from one day to a week working en the dam It the work waa started at once. Colonel Meed ti brushing up the ( irand Pinz.i and getting things in fine shape for the of FODSOII , He is making boveral Improvements that will add to the pleasure and comfort of the visitors this summer. Ho expects that the isoason will open about the mlddlo of Ma > If the weather Is ordinarily warm and by Juno 1 under any circumstances , IIfill nxtiit , . TranHfcrN. The following transfers were reported yes terday from the tltlo nnd loan olllce of J. W. Squirt101 Pearl street : Nathan Hupp nnd wife to Ralph O , Hmlth. c'c ' lot ? . block 1 , Bit ; drove , niul part lot t , Auditor' * subd. of nvv'i Btt'i 12-75-41 , vv. il $ 250 Churli'H Delchlcr and vvlfo to Chilstlan Uosarkvr , mvli ne',4 25-71-12 , vv. tl. . i.ffiO Kale White mid liuslmml to McDowell White , lot 21. block I , Gate's add. , vv. d . 40J Oldoon Miiync nnd vvlfo t ° JIrs Ann Jo Klelblock. lot 9. block 13 , nnd lot 1 , block U , Hlddlc'a subd. , < | , c. U 1 Tour transfer iifc-trregatliiff $2,571 J. G. W i Co.'e Clear Tltlo 5c cigar , Just ia placed on sale with forty first class cigar Is dealers In this city. Try one. At wholesale. John a. Woodward & Co , 13 * iiiiKi'llxllu Work , on It. M. Illrdsall the singing evangelist , who we a with Key. U. W. Allen In holding re vival ecrvlcee In this city three years ago , expected hero the latter part of the present week , and will lake part In the services being held In the KUeman building , under the auspices of the American Sunday School union , The meetings there arc Increasing Interest. Evangelist Speck delivered a jsjrnion last evening. Mr. Speck will continue Breach every oe&log ( or * t least the re m.ilndcr of the week. The meetings arc under the general clmgc of Hev Henry IJcLong , the unlcn's representative for this cltj1. I'rocccilliiKM In ( lif lloinl Cnxis It In probable thnt the proceedings In the district court In the cacc of Dr. C. 0. Hood against the Chicago & Northwestern Hall way company , will reach a conclusion within another week The examination of the witnesses for the plaintiff was about finished lost evening. Next to Dr. Hood himself the greatest Amount of time was consumed In the examination of Lr. ) Clev- cnger of Chicago. Dr. Clevengcr was the witness chiefly relied upon by the plaintiff [ to ' sustain his claims for damages from the Injuries received In the accident In Illinois nearly eight jears ago The defense called Itfl first witness , Dr. Macrae , last evening , although Dr. Clevengcr U jet to bo re called for further cross-examination. George S. Davis telegraphed an order to Munycn for another $200.00 lot of his popu lar remedies this week , AIMI I.OA.V IIACI'I ; : . TlilHfi-ii Nplirnnku ANHin-lntlniiM Itcli- ri'Krtitt'il lit l-'riMininl. Plin.MOMT , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) Thu fifth annual meeting of the NC' braska League of Local Loan and Dillldlng As oclatlonfl met at Masonic hall this even Ing. President C. P. Phelps called Iho league to order and Introduced C. H. May of Fre mont , who delivered an address of welcome. HepresHHtatlvcs of thirteen associations were present. O.V. . Xattingcr and T. J. Fltzmorrls ol Omaha and C. R flentloy of Grand Island weiu elected delegates to the National league nt Detroit. Papers t.pon the various features of the business wore read by J. 12. Arnold of Schuy- ler , C W. CtrlnnliiRcr of Grand Island , C. M. Nattlngcr and B. C Hryson and T. J. Kitz- mnrrla of Omaha , which brought out much spirited discussion. ovnii TIII : HOT S\M > S. I'oii .Novices lullInli'il lij tin * Shrliu'ri lit Lincoln. LINCOLN , Neb. . Apill 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) Scaostrls Temple Mjstlc Shrlncrs hold an oasis tonight , wl.lch vvas largely nttendcd by the Shrlneis from over the Plate. Ten novices made their last trip over the hot san'ls. The new candidates were It , S. nibb nnd Daniel \V. Cook , Beatrice ; ( Uorgo Harpstcr , J. C. Mctzler , Hohort Hellly and Hector Murray , Wyinorc ; N. A. Heath , Hebron ; George C. Mason , McCook ; D. H. Calling , \ork. and Stephen II. Davis , Lin coln. After the trip across the desert there vvas a banquet at the Llndell hotel , at which 132 plates were laid. Among the visitors from abroad who pirtlclpated In the festiv ities were Charles M. Carter of Cincinnati , and John H. Ounn of Saalnm Temple , Olney , III. Hey KllIt'll l > > mi Aiiitr } ' Cow. YORK , Neb. , April 27. ( Special Telegram. ) An Infuriated cow drew the son of Samuel Howorsock of Thayer beneath a wasoti ; yesterday and strangled the life out of him. The boy had gone to get the co.v from tlio pasture , and as the beant was rather wild , ho tied the halter around his waist In order to better hold her. The cow became frightened and j-tartcd to run , dragging the boy off his feet and over tlie rough ground. The lad vvns helpless , and although his sci cants brought assistance , it came too late to save his life. In going around the wagon the cow pulled him In between the wheels and literally crushed him to death. Fnuorul of Mrs. I' > tt > r ( Iiiuilt. BENNINGTON. Ntb , April 27 ( Special ) The funeral of Mrs. Peter Glandt , wife of one of Douglas county's pioneers , who died Sun day , took place from the family residence , eight miles south of hero , this forenoon , an 1 was one of the most largely attended funer als that has ever taken place In this county. Over 400 persons were present. Mr. and Mis. Glandt settled on the farm where Mrc. Glandt died over forty years ago and have lived there ever since. They have reared a family of nine children , who are all grown. The remains were interred In the Allen cemetery. Itiirirliir | H rnnlly FrlKht > * u < > il. TEKAMAII , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) A burglar entered the hotibc of'i M. Nes- blt Monday morning about 3 o'clock. He secured . nothing , co ho was frightened away by Mrs. Ncsblt , who awoke and spoke to him , thinking It wca her husband. The other | members of the family were sleeping In | another part of the house and Mrs. Nesblt awoke none of them , but got up and closed the window by which the burglar made hid exit and returned to bed , v niect n > i-v. Vfslrv. PALLS CITY April 27. ( Special ) Follow ing is the vestry elected for the ensuing j'ear < of the Episcopal church : A. E. Gantt , senior waidcn ; J. C. Wylie , junior warden ; Dr. Burchard , Major Keeling , M. W. Mus- -el.iian , A. P. Jlollebaugh , T. L. Hlrir | > e ! brclch , , John Hutchlnga , tieasuier ; Harry _ CUBlcr , seci clary , v estrymcn. I'lrctil llrlii'oii. HDimON , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) The barns belonging to the Central hotel Look fire about 8 o'clock last night and , although the. fire companies did all they could , the build ings were consumed. All the stock vvas re moved and the damage will not exceed $300. , lloanl I I1HAINAHD , Neb. , April 27. ( Special. ) Tlie new village board met last night and perfected permanent organization. John Sturgen was made chairman ; T , J. Smcrsh , cleik , and A. K. Smith , treasurer. Thla is license board. itnsmnvrs u.vrnii A CO.MI'I.AI.VI- . I'llHl OlIlllllllllH IloilllllllI tllllt AVfltC'l * He DrllllK-il Off Tliclr I.-uulH. East Omaha residents , who were driven from their homes by the recent overflow , nu complaining because no steps are being taken bring about a drainage of the land. Dcsplto the fact that the river has fallen within Its banks , the flood tliut oveispread the Island has not jet abated and , In fact , has slightly Increased , owing to the recent heavy rainfall. The condition Is teverely felt by such of the residents as own property upon the Island and arc unable to occupy It. Those Iho drowncd-out Inhabitants who rented theh * houses nro not trathered , an they have la removed all their possessions and have tl sought drjcr dwelling places , Some of both tln classes , however , Imvo sustained damage by the dying of stock , which caught cold as a tl result of standing In water for hours at u J' time. * The actual owners of fmall property are agitating a echemo to cut a channel to the river at some point In order that the water may be drawn off the island. Some of them have offered the servlcei of themselves and . their teams free , Kn At the present time the water Is being n carried away only by evaporation. j1' ci.osi : Tim I OMOV SHOPS. of o Autliurlllr * Say 'I'll I H HiulH RuiiililliiKr Q In Oiiinlin. Chief of Police Slgwart yesterday afternoon ordered Tom Dcnnlson to close the "policy shops" ho Is running In this city. Dennlson known to have three branch olllccs. Ono In tlie alley near the Mlllard hotel , an other In the alley between Karnain anil Harncy near Fifteenth street , and a third Fourteenth , between Dauglab and Dodge Is streets. The chief of police. Informed Dennl- BOII that If ha did not close up at once ho would be arrested , This action was taken In pursuance of Instructions given by the Hoard of Flro aud _ Police Commissioners to thu chief of police. The orders were determine ! upon at Monday meeting and Included all forms of gambling. The authorities say that Dentil- eon's "policy shops" are tbo only gambling Institution ! ) in thu city of the existence of which they huvo any knowledge. , WITHDRAWS ANTI-PASS BILL i > Senator Henderson Yields id Pressure Brought by His Friends , ANTI-SUNDAY BALL MEASURE IS PASSED HutiMC , llouov T , Will I'mlinlilj P ro ll from UrtMim Infer li\\\ TliroiiRH Hie Si'iintd DHS MOINE3. April 27. ( Special Tele ) The Hcmlcreon measure , lo inako It a crime for n railroad company to Rive era a state editor to rccclvo n pass , was with drawn by Senator Henderson today without dlscmwlon or n vote. Ti-Jincmlous pressure has been brought to Induce him to talte thla course. Members did not want to vote for the measure and lese their pissca and they did not dare \ote ngnltut It. So they per suaded him to withdraw It. The house was In session only a few min utes. The senate amended and passed the anti-Sunday base ball and foot , ball laws and made It strong enough to 1(111 such eports on Sunday In every town In the state. It Is conference. On the military bill the confer ence having failed to sgrco new ones were named. ' The Phelps rcsolutlor to request Iowa con Krcssmen lo vote for the Terry cigarette law- was passed In the face of the explanation the national house hna killed th" mcas- in c. The ccmmlttce report on tl'e IIOIIBO bill for annotating the code was accepted. The amendment to the crimes bill which was adopted two weeks ago , making the dc- errtlon of a vvlfo ; a penitentiary offense , vvas iceonsldercd and ntrlckcn from the law after a fight. In the nftcrnoon the senate passed the oleaic-tto mulct law , which provides n ? 300 fine annually , on the business of selling cigarettes. It will be prohibitive In prac tically every town In the state. ii.vroit is riMi : > iPOMCI : rot it'i I'ajH OIK- Silver Dollnr for I'sl Almslvr l.imiriiilVf. OTTUMWA , Iu. , April 27. ( Special Tele gram ) One of the number arraigned In the police court today in this city was no kss a personage than the honorable major of Ottumwa , T. J. Phillips , who la also super intendent of the White-breast Kuel company , controlling over 1,000 men. Mr. Phillips la a free silver democrat and as such was elected mayor. Hobcrt H. Moore , the editor of the Detrocrat , is a gold democrat , and though he supported Mr. Phillips there his never been good feeling between them. After Mr. Phillips' Induction Into olllce , he began to In&lst upon a lower price from the Domov crat as the official organ for the city printing. The editor of the piper published nu article attacking the mayor. TM } , men met on the street and the major told the editor his oplulon of him. The editor had the major arrcs'ed. Ho pleaded guilty to the charge of using abusive language. The police Judge fined him $1 , which he paiq. t mioTiiniis AT iv\v oviij | A AVOMA.V Suit for Ton Thoiis-UKl Dollars for tllcu ! > < < ! SIOUX CITY , April 27-gpecil ( ! Tele- gram. ) A remarkable law siilt. Involvin the families of two brotjioraj was com menced today in Kossuth county , Iowa John W. Llllibridgo sues his brother. Henry A. , for 110,000 for alienation'of his wife's af fections. The plaintiff states that he Is 23 jeais old and was married In 1S92 to Hattlo 51. Stair of Grundy county and 'that ' they hive two daughters. His oldcr , brother , the 'defendant , lived on n farm about a mile distant and ci jcar ago commenced llirtlng with plaintiff's wife. Plaintiff charges that his brother finally Induced his -wife to leave him and get n divorce , and it now about to desert his own wlfo and family to many the woman whose affections ho had thus won. Both men are rich property owners and well known In northern Iowa. IlKV. C. O. IIROU'.V OO13S TO CIIIO\GO. 111io of ( he Ciillfoi-iilu Sonmlnl SUM II-M Krli mlN In DuliiKiiie. DUnUQUn , Ju. , Apill 27. At a meeting of the Dubuque Congregational association today the case of Kev. C , O. Drown , the principal In the celebrated San Kranclhco scandal , was taken up. A communication from the California church asking the lu- burjue conference to rescind Its action In admitting Dr. Drown to fellowship vaa ta ; bled by a vote of 30 to 1. Dr. re- lowed the eaitsea of his trouble. Ho was given a letter of dismissal from the Dubuque conference and has accepted a call from a Congregational clmich In Chicago. HrlKllTSOII Jlliy IOMC II 1,1'K. DUBUQUE , la. , April 27. ( Special Teie- . gnim. ) Congressman Henderson's local sur geons have advised amputation of his leg above the knee , erysipelas having dcvXopetl some days ago. A report of hlo condition has a been forwarded to a Washington surgeon whose opinion Is awaited. Ho has shown Bomo Improvement the past two daja. Woman I'olsons Horm-lf. CHCSTON , la. , April 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mrs. Minnie Mahloskl ended a drunken dehauch this morning by takhu , ' an ounce of laudanum. She wan 30 years old and leaves a husband. Newspaper men rcscnrd her ft few weeks ago from diovvnlng while under the Influence ! of liquor. renclicr Deiiiitnici-N ( In- unUQUR , In. , April 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hov. H. D. Parsons , Mctlicsllat pastor of Manchester , has denounced the woman minstrels. Including five members of hlo church , who performed for charity thin week , A trustee whoso wife Is among the number naif resigned. KIIIiillilli * MoiMiliu ; n Uunimiiy. DUDUQUE , Iu. , April 27. ( Special Tele gram. ) While walking with her mother today , Louise Welsar , a servant girl at tempted to rtop a runaway team , fell under the wheel and was Inctanlly killed. TIIAI.V IS WIU3CKISU I.TKX IS. One MUM IN ICIIU-il liuil Several I'cr- HOIIH Arc Injured , HOUSTON , TC * . . April'27-TrjTraln ' wreckers last night throw the switch at , Fairbanks , on the Houston & Texas Central , twenty miles north < of here , ami the southbound passenger train ran Into It , causing a jifinashup of the forwaid coaches and derailment of others. The dead are : ' II. S. GOLDORUQ of tffhlst'on. IJadly Injured arc : Dr. K. C. Wlnn of Sheiman , back and leg ; \Valt6r Giles , porter , back Injured , ' Injured1 Mrs. II. 8. Golnberg , Houston , leg and body bruised ; IT , IMill George , head and leg bruised Charle'OlcCartliy ' ; of Wellborn - born ' , leg broken ; Antofi Dlehl of Houston , Dean Tomiiklns of Dallas/ "vV. U Cole of Dallas ] , I ) G. Carter of'Sahld ' D Cornelius Matagorda , M. J Jacobs of Dronham , W. C. Duvall of Houston , Mllbur , all bruised and hurl. _ tu'i'KCJiisu TO in : J ii7tituin : OUT. Iniliorliiiit Iloi'lKliin on .Srlinol ( l MI-K UDU ' MI li n , ' " 111 JuilKfx , .MINNEAPOLIS , April 27. A St. Cloud special to the Journal says : Judges Daxter and Scarlo of the district court have just handed down an Important decision In what known as the Avon school case- , whereby the school district and Its teacher arc en joined from using the school house to give religious Instruction or to teach the Roman Catholic catcchlam. Thtt decision applied to all public schools In the Htatc , and to all re ligious creeds. The practice of teaching the catcchltm Is held to be contrary to the con stitutional guaranty of freedom of conscience , Ill-lit llH Of II I ) ! ! } ' . NEUKASKA CITY , April 27 ( Spe cial ) David Dcasley died this even Inn at the residence of his son-in-law , II V West- brook , aged 80 jears. The deceased was n farmer nnd stock miser , and vvas one of the pioneer residents of the countpi com ing here In 1S64. He was the * father of sixteen children , twelve of whom survive him. him.CAUlSll'HC CAUlSll'HC ! , April ST. Prlnco Louis William August of DadiMi , brother of the grand duke of linden , died toiluj- . UUNUAIl , Neb. April 2C ( Special ) David Deasley , aged " 'J , pas < od away early Sunday morning nt the home of his daugh ter , .Mrs. D. K. Wretbrook. Ho had been sick for thrco weeks , and vras nable > tc take nny nourishment mn t of the time. 5Ir Deasley was one of the pioneer settlors. , having come here In the60s. . He loaves a large family. HERO IS ENSHRINED ( Continued from Second Page. ) tlon books opened In business offices. As a result of this stirring up of public feeling , when half the allotted sixty days had ex pired , on April 27 , the day the corner stone of the monument was laid , the Grant Monument ment association announced that $202SOO.CO had L'ccn raised during the month When the campaign closed on May 'M. 1S)2 ! ) , the amount had reached the neeesfary $350,000. lleforc that jcar was out $401,000 had been subscribed , which added to the earlier sub scriptions of $155,000 , made a total of $559- 000. The balances left In the trust com panies have brought the fund up to $000,000. IN THE OLD TO.MII. Sixteen dajs niter the death , Iho body of General Grant was laid , on August S , 1SS5. In the temporary vault In Hlvnrsldc park. On a little knoll , which vas always the first spot In the vicinity to tell of the approach preach of spilng nnd the last to take on the garb o ! winter , the temporary tomb stands. The first loach of woik done upon It was on Tuesday , July 28 , 1SS5 , five dajs after the death of General Grant. In length thu struc ture la seventeen feet. In width twelve feet four Inches , In helulit twenty-one feet Its j ' one door opens toward t o Hudson river. J i The floor of the tomb Is something moro I than two feet below the biirfaco of the knoll I and Is reached by stone1 steps from the door. I Per the proper placing of the coflln and Its I 1 i steel casing brick piers were built up from I the lloor to above the door level. The tomb I vvas declared finished shortly after noon on Priday , August 7 , and the steel caMng hav ing been set on the i Icrs , ovei > tiling was In readiness for the placing of the coffin In It on the follawing day. Although a constant guard was kept nt this tomb , and the grating kept always locked half a doren jears ago the guardians discovered one day that two names had been scratched on the face of U-o htcel casing lo fie casket. The guard was more strictly kept after that and the vandals were kept aw ay. THUEE SEPARATE COPPINS. During the cloven jears and eight months thnt the bodj of General Grant was In thu temporary tomb , It was enclosed In three , ofllns There was one of copper nnd celir one of polished cedar , and one of stool The two first are n .w scaled In the sarcophagus which Is In the crjpt of the now tomb , the steel . casl.ct having been removed. Its place has been taken by live tons of rolld granite. The first coffin is air tight and is con sidered Indestructible. It Is six feet long and the outer cpko of cedar Is covcied with black cloth The metallic Intel lor Is cop per 1 > , highly poll/shed , und Is one-eighth of uii inch thick The frames and portals aio c' solid silver ; the tup is open the full length Sib covered with a heavy , French plate , beveled gla&s. Over tills glass the lid fits to make the copper coflln complete , and on the lid Is a gold plate , fixed with gold bcrcws , which bears the Inscription"U. . S. Grant , Died July 23 , 1885. " The handles are massive , of a special design , and are of silver. : Within , the codln is lined with tufted silk , light cream In color , with a pil low , on which Is embroidered In white the Initials , "U. S. G. " Tlie second coffin Is solid icdar nnd serves as a strong piotcctor for the first. Inside It Ish lined heavily with lead , outside It Is highly pollched nnd heavily mounted with silver. The steel case , which formed the third covering , which was largo enough to permit Cltl the coffin to lit snugly , was the most remarkable - markablo of the three. U was of flve- elgbths-lnch : metal of the finest quality , flanged nt cvt'ry angle and so heavily riveted and carqfully madu that neither air nor water could find a pin point of entrance wnj- . It was made at Troy , N. Y. The gicatest care was taken In Us consliuctlon. KIt was a perfectly plain steel box , broken only by the double line of rivets , which were driven homo and welded with the understanding : that they were never to be drawn. They weie almost a part of the diKt steel casing itself. NEW .MEMORIAL TOMIJ. One hundred feet above mean high water of the Hudson river , the Giant monument stamK a solid pllo of white granite 150 feet n height. The first teventj'-two feet of this iclght Is n cube of the Gieclan doilc oulcr. which measures ninety feet on all fcidcH. The entrance on the southern side , Is enclosed by a portico made up of a row of recessed ui columns. Above and behind the portico w rises an almost blank wall , which will one | , lay be relieved by the four equestrian tit .tatucs shown usually In plans of the monu-1 ) ) ( inont , and finishes In a parapet which shows | li ; upon Its face tha sculptured figures of peace It and war. , , Above the parapet , there starts abruptly jj cupola , seventy feet In diameter , sur- t ( rnundeil , as n relief , with Ionic colunuia , ' p. . Around the crown of the cupola a line of ' M fusees surmounted with caslcn , coni necta the columned diuni with the pjramldlcal top. The ( lawless granite- of which the tomb consists lo of dotted whitish gray taken from a quarry of uni form grain , and Is eo light In tone that In the strong sunlight It Is hardly distinguish able from marble. Passing up the great steps which extend three quarters of the way across the front of the structure , one' comes first to the doors of the tomb , filling n vparo sKteen feet four and one-half Inches In height and nine feet In width Of bone-dried ash , covered thickly with n com- po'lllon of copper and tin , these doors weigh three and one hMf tons. In each door are three pRiuOs , ornamented with IIS bronze rotettes , the twenty-four on the larger con lial > l being each twice the lire of il man's flAt tnd all riveted to the < < oors with henvj bolts , llejond the doois nftet u clear space c' thlrly-clixht feel. Is a twent > Hvo foot orcnlit ; dliectly over the ervpl ben.nth The Interior of tlie monument tn croBs sbipcd and the four corner arches art- fifty fett above the lloor. On these nri he" tests an open uallrrj with an Innni diameter of foity feel , which Is itpi ronched l < j two circular corner stairways , cadi with fl\tj-l nlno slops. Above the palicry oUend.s tlm paneled dome. 17S fert above the flonr , and | below through the opening can be teen the lower floor , and still lower the rr.vpt with the sarcophagus The pcndeiitlves formed between the cir cular dome nnd the aiilies are deroiat'd In high icllef sculpture , emblematic of the mili tary and civic life of Gencinl Grnni The crjpt Is leached by side stalr- wajs , which lead dliectly Into the passage encircling the space In which teats the sarcophagus This passage - sago Is shut In by square columns which sup port the paneled marble colllni ? . The ar- coplmgus re ts In the confer of the crjpt HO feet lielow the domo. Of all the norplcvJiiR questions which arose In eonnc-ctlon with the now tcmb thu qie.itc'St was that of obtaining suitable inateilal for the saieopluiKiis. The proper quality was found , after long search. In the quarries of Mimtello , WIs. , a porphjiy of flno teUuio. brilliantly icddleh In color Cut from the tolld rock. It is highly polUhod , icflectlng the neat by surfaces as It rests In the crypt. The great block Is ten feet four Inches long , flvo foot blInolie : . wide and four feet eight Indira high and welilis live tons In this immense block a space was hollowcl out Into which the rolllncd IP malm of G.noral Grant wereHvvcrcd Tho'i the ( np stonevvas sot nnd the sarcophagus again became as a nolld block. It Is plain , 'live for the simple on iavcvl Insi-rliitljn at the t laud of the oantono | , "Ulvsus S Grant " Ihu pedi stiil on wlilrli ( lie sinenpliaKUs rests Is a bo.ii.tic of ton fi'i'l ten liahrs. Th" lower online of file foot eight Inclu" Is made In sections above 'vhlch Is , a fhc-lnrh In dented I'onrsc. Still above this aio two hi > avj blocks of marble , on which the sarcophagus dlrcptij ii'U. 'Iho total height of all Is seven and one-half ftet Sonm day the body op Mis Giant will rc- p so beside Hint of her husband ! n a dupll catii of the sarcophagus now in the crjpt of thu tomb. llfCIMillllll to < ! u > PlTMllllMlt. NEW YOHK , April ' 27. The reception of Ihu president and vice president nt the Union League club this even- lug was a fitting culmination of tlie daj's events Pi operations for the event had be-on made In the moht lavish manner. The president uriived nt ! > o'clock. Ilo was proceeded by Vice Piosldont Hobart and the members of the cabinet The preside-ill wab c.'coitcd by Gcmeial Horace Porter and J. Addlson Porter , sec retary to the president Moro than 1 000 Invitations had been Issued , and fully half that number wcie accepted The Invited giuats Included diplomatic corpi , Illshops Porter and Ncwnmii Arch bishop Corrlgan and a host of fcic-lgn and American dignitaries , Manj olllcoia of thu armv and navj were also in attend nice. Supper for the president and liU party waa served at a late hour Ir the alcove. The ether Invited guests partook of a bumptuouy supper In the main dining room , while the members roi aired to the smaller rooms on the third and fourth floors Costly souvenirs of the occasion , cent-lining pictures of the1 gucits of honor , wore distributed. IHniliT ! < > Mrs. Ili-lvlnlry. NEW YOtK : , April 27. A dinner In honor of Mrs. McKInlcy , wlfo of the president , was given tonight , by MIH. Abncr McKInlcy In the banquet hall of thn Windsor hotel. Cov- erajl were laid for thirty guests. While Mrs. Strong , wife of the major , was conversing with Mrs. McKlnley Uio suddenly swooned and fell to the lloor. The doctois snld that the illness vvas duo to a BC-VCIC attack of in digestion. Mis. Strong soon recovered ficm her indisposition lln > ( i' < l ill Ciili-nn , GALENA , 111. , April 27. Tlie noventy-fl'th anniversary of Grant's birthday wan cele brate , ! here under the auspices of the Grant Birthday association. Galena was filled with vlsitcra. The city was gaily decoiated. An Impcolng street parade began the exercises. The oration vvas d ° Ilvered hy Hev. Robert Mc- In'yro of Chicago. II n jo llriuttfli 1'oos HiiMt. Mnj'or rirontcli loft lust nlulit for his old home In Connecticut , vvliiTo bo will lemaln some- ten days , visiting hit aged mother , who Is very 111. lie- will nlso visit bin son , Jnmrs Wallace Ilroateh. who is studjlng Ynlo This Is the tilp the m.ivor hm been contemplating for .some worka , lint bus rcpo.itidly postponed on account of pol itics. The nbsenco of Mityor Hiontc i m.ikoH Piohldcnt IlliiKhnm of the- city council net- tins mayor for the time being. Mayor Ilroateh s.iUl he would lieawuy at kuht ten dnj-.s , und possibly longer It Is t\- pootcd how over , that he vvl'l return hi-foro May 10 , when , hla toim of office c-xplrc.s. \ \ Iff IBDi Di WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE BlB EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORJA , " AND B "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. ncu / ' DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts , In was' the originator of "PITCHER'S ' CASTORIA , " the same coi that has horns and does nowj&fits ' " ° " coir j&fit--s * coiL - - bear thofsc-simile signature of ( a&fflaJM wrapper , . This is the original " PITCHER'S ' CAS10RIA" which has been L used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought , . ' ' * ° nand an ' , $ ? * # IMi C& % % 1MI7 & M and has the 'signature of wrap for dr per. No ono has authority from me to use my name except ' Ho 7'hs Centaur Company of which Chas. H , Fletcher is 'MI tin lat ° resident. an nil 8,1897. mi tin \v Do Not Be Deceived , bola 1 ' ° 7' Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting tin res a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you po ral to ( because he makes a few more pennies on it ) , the ingredients bo no gredients of which even lie does not know. and full "The Kind You Have .Always Bought" di nn HOWl BEARS THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF do to l Hfl . part lilt Oh' till nu Hit cent c-hi Insist Hide on Having mite pr < The Kind That Never Failed TOIL Bid In to . . . up COMPANY. TT HUH T IET. HtW VO * WW. Jin i . . . . ' lilifumalinn luir Is Runfnnlceil tn cure ncuto or tmiauilitr imuiimtlpm In from on to the tin } * , Si IP , rlu jllng IMIIIJI tn nny pntt of the Kul ) M M Oil l > ) n few iloti * A prompt , ' complete. uti 1 I'crnmi.cnl cure for InmcncM , rorrnrim , ftllT tmck nn.t nil | > .iln > In lili. | < niul loin * Clir < ml ( ? ilicun.ntlnii nl.ulon Unnli.\co or tmln In the 1'mk n\t \ fpfo.llty enrol u r U1 ni i fnlli lo ulve n-llcf from one or two < liw ( < , nnd nlmr.'t Invnrlolily cnrci before o o liottle li ' u ed Price IVc Improved lloiiHii patlila Iliniu pan ) put up n Frpnrate cutv tor nit > ill < ajc. Ai all ilriimlfls moitl ) S5 ctiits ( luulu to llrnllh trtr 1'eiootml Icltos to 1 ref Mun > MI , 1 ! > 05 An-b Hud l * lliuldphfn 1'u. nnvrrcil with fr nioillcfil mlviif rnr an ) Onnrnntco to CU E EVElfST or aiOM'S liKrUKDUU. Our euro I ) p. ' ir. ticnt and t.ct | < atchlnff vip. ( Moi iKMod Kn tiumnKo lmi > ni irMino kj inptuii Uncis llj Ui n1bliiKj our cnnc fully mitrr&l you bj n. ll. tnd < Rl o mcc to cure or refund ill inonc' } ' lliuSu who prcfff to come Icrt' for tnnt- m ftt innilo ku utul wo will t > ay iAllrou ffm both trny * ncl'iOll tills nlilla licit ) If wo full to rt.itVvchal. . If-Tiae ll.f vtoilil forr& o thot our Mimic llpmnly will not cutt * VVrlt fur full | > nrtlctilai nntl Kri the fvlilrnrrVrl nwlbt > ouMol.t-tli | lJti'tlytotoo , th nu ) t cinliani | .lijslrl ! u htre ncvt-r btrn lilo to Ktre tnorb tlmn ttniHiinrr | rilltf Inoul trnyt rs piiullfvnllli this JIuulu Iteincily It lit * tctnmnic tlinlrult tominiiino iL3prt > ju > lkiMienlii t nil Ao nllnl pricllicft. Utit tinilei uur rtrontr utifiiitnteorou should not In fItnle Iu try tliln nini ilj. You uko no chtuoi * C lo < lnit jour money. Wo Ru ir.ntro lo uitp or rflwnj ivirjr doMnr nml M wo Imvp n rrpttntlbn to proli-ct , nlv ) ilnsnolnl buikluK of t < l.ll > ( l ( HO. ) it Is pcrliclly fafe to nil who will try tt > trt ilnaMt. llerLtofuroo'i ' LATP IK-CN puttlnir up ntul pil u > < nt your inonry fo < .lltlttont trc ( iTiiiit ( nil MtliouKli you rr li"t j 11 rated no onp Ilia ( UK ! iMtcL.our tnu t > Do not MIM > ! O an > * inoroiiiunev unnl > ou fiy UK UM.thiunlc ilripfeiktFil oan-i ) cured In thlity lo ninety il s. lnv ( . lli'to our nimnflnl standlntr , cur reputation an tu lncr * men * \Villd us fin iiHiMm anil milict. ! < ui of llione vie | IM ( Mrctl , * vho Uavu RUtn i nnl lc'i to rcicr to them. It costs you only | wl K totla IliH , It " 111 M\VC joun HOI Kiel fullellntfln in nirtitiil ttnln i on I If JOUKM nmrrlcU uhil \ * y } our olT pilni ; utfor IhroURh > our own tu ( ill a.ncel If jour n ) inpluiiH nro plinpl on lactv rurc thrunt , nmctns tir.tchun in mouthrhriiinatl m 13 bunca Aitil julnttf. hnlr fnllli out , cmi tlou on nr. ] t nit ol I Mr body. In llnff o. " ifrn. iHl cli | ivi < lon , pnln > In hrad or IHIIICH , joii have lut tlmo to WTt . INtxo uhij nrr con tAntl ) tnlon , ; mercur > intl pitAsli houttl dl * rotitlnuttlt. Ocitlant u o or tho-o aiuffft will f'ircljr lirliik'foil's nml titlutt ulccr < In thi mil. I'on't ' fi.ll to wntc All coireMX'iidiiico ' nt 0ealf * In plain tuvil * 0c | < VVvliitltn the most rvi.l lnvi' t i-nlloa HlUwlll ilt > all tu uur ijontr tu aid j o'l in IU Addufci , REMEDY 60. . MicBgo , III. EVERY WOMAN SoinotliiH-a m-oils n re'll.ihlo nmntl'ly regulating medloluo. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL pILLS , Aropivimpt , sifu ai i ! cei tnlti In rc'iil' The gonu- ItioU'r l'r.U' ) ut > iir.lKii..uit | , . Kentanvwhern. tl.OO Blicrinan i McCciml.t ! Drin ; Co. , 1I1J Dtiilgc Stud OnmniL ' ! - - . * G.W.PangleM.D. . . , . . Till ? GOOD SAMARITAN 25 YEKR'S EXPERIENCE. of ZliHftascft ol' men ant ! oi > Tin ; World's II tn bill DIsjirnMiry of Mrdlcfif ) . I CIMti : Ciittmli of Head , Throat mul Lungs , DlMiitcH ol Kjo niul : , 1'ilH nnd Apoplexy , Ileiirt. llui and Kldnoy DlhC-u-oB , DIuLetei , HllghL'H Dltcatc , ft VitllH DlilK-C , Itlic-immtlsin , bciofulit , DmpM cured vtlthmit lapping , Tniio vviiriim lemovcd , nil chronic Nervous mill 1'rlvnto Dl-eii'-c-s. Tn o'lnw Iln'l middle iiBtd men. Only I'lijtfclnii ' who enn pioiierlj euie SVl'IIILIS without cle-btiojIiiH' teeth und liuncb. No mc-i- ctiij cir poison nilnoinl und Thu only riijhlclun who can loll vUuit alia joii ullhoiit ii6kli'u ( | Uosllin IhiibO nt u dlHtnnro tc-nd for ( juestlon blank No. 1 lor men ; No 2 lor women. All conoHpondc'iice stilctly couUdcntliil , Medicine Bent by oxpie-ss. AddropB all li tiers to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , C55 llioitilnny , COWNTir. IIMirr.S. IA frr Couticil Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , $100.000 \VI3 SOLICIT VOUH \VB nr.siuu YOUII COLLECTIONS. ONI : or THI : OLDHST n AMCM i.v IOWA. i-isii CINT I > AID ON TIMI : nin-osiTS. OALL , AND SIZE UB Oil \VII1TIC , Tinllnriiiini of Iliein nil , BURTON & bANGl R'i FLAYERS Ojii-ratli Hiinil niul Orclui tru 18 IVoplo KlKlit N'lRhlH , Coniint nrlatf Buinlay , Apill " Brother Ae iiist brother. TlHhhovv Hint | ili"iUCH HID | . , iilo New inufk' , ! FOIIRH , new I-IH tliililun .l.iH think < if II , It thinpor I him in ftnj ni hiiiiiu niul hum MIIK I'llrtp I lyiner llnnr KiontK , Kallcr > mul bal cony 10 cpulB B.ilunliiy tiittllni-c , 19 ittiln. rw1 SPECIAL NOTICES ] COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS- | mv i.kUNus , ntuiT , I-AUM AKII UAUUI.M ; In mix for sale or rent. Uuy & HCKB , 9 1'carl ureet. 1'ioiioHiilH for muloh iioiHu1 * , tin'ch COHH nnd mill - U. S. Service , Kosobud Aironr-v. HouolUd , Houtli DaUoln , Alirll r ,"d propoHiH , Indorsed "J'rojioH.iIrt .Miilu.H , etc. , " , m tlio ( .IKO nuiy be. .ind ml- droKsod ( o tlio unilcrHlsriocl at Itoselmd , Houth D.iltotn , will lie iL-c-Klvod lit tlilH iuonoy nn'll uno o'clock p m. of Monday , May 2. lfeD7 , for fiirii'HhlnK ' and dollvoiliu at Ki-hool connected with tills iiKoncy , not later than Ilility C0) ! ) diiiH aftir notk-c of apniovnl of con t met , g mull" * , 'i IIOIHCH , 15 nillcli OOVVH mul 1 bull , In -ordanco with following upccliu atioiiH. viz : Mtilcn iniiHt bo Hound nnd Kcntlo In tnory rcppcct , ll bruktn lobarnii" ) , free from blLinlHhcH. bolvvoon ! > and 7 years old nntliHH tl'an 14 andH lilgli , and vvdKli not lesu tliuu K < > poiuiilH i-iirli llornc'K niiiH bo botvvoen 5 ami yoarw : of < IKO , fico from blomlHbcB , well broken to liarncfH , HOUIII ) and Kontlo In uvory rt.spcc't , to vvt'lKli botivten I''O and l.Ho poiuiilH caoli , well miitihul In gait anil raised In the ttoctlon of country conlleuoim tlio t.ioo ! of delivery Mlloi COVVH miiHt balf JerHoy , K'iitle and Humid In all re- KpcotH , butvvocn ! 1 anil ! > of age , vvululi litui than W Ibx , cacb Hull miiHt Im Jer.scy , between 'i and 4 ycarx of IIKO to vvricb not less ( ban 900 poundH , Hound , uil ( toiitio In eveiy respect , lllddrrrt Htato npccllloally In tlulr bld HID proponed pi Id ) of cneh offerrd for llvoiy under a contract , and all anlinahi dlveied ; under any ( ontra''t will bo nubjcct a rlKliI limpcctloii Tlio tlKlit IH re- xervod tn reject nny and all blilH , or any of any bid , If ( Icciiu'd fur tliu bent IntoieKt of UKHervlce Cerllllid chrrltK Kiicli ' bill miiHt b accompankd by a rrrllflul chock nr draft upon xoine United Htnliii iiojioHltory , or solvent Natlonul Jiank , In vicinity of the rtuldinui of tbu blildcr , inudo payabln to the order of the Commit- xloticr of Affnlr for at kuat I per of thu amount of the iiroposal , which cheek or draft will bo forfeited to the United Slate M In oano any bidder or bld- roci Ivlntf an award Bhall fall tr > promritly exec-uto u contract with good und tmfllolcnt mirclleH. otherwlxo to bo returneil thu bidder. Illds ii ompnnlcd by cuult lieu of a certified cheek ' " 111 not bo con- Blderfd , Kor any additional Information apply tot Chau. K. McCtiesngy , U. t ) . Iiidlun AfwH.