Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Are Mostly Bullish and Priced
Advance Materially.
\Vhrnt CliiHCH it Cent nml n Half
r nml < Mlir Crnlnn About
H < liiiirli-r Cent l'r
Ui. u I.lttlc.
CHICAGO , April 23 Wheat was apnln
very feverish nnd unsettled today. The
majority of trailers were on the hull aide ,
however , nnd whooped things up to such
Kooel effect thai the market closed nhout
JV4c higher. Itntl crop reports , wnr news
nnd cash business were features nmrklnR
Binlileti and violent lluctuutlons. All other
innikets borrowed moro or less strength
from wheat , corn nnd oatri advancing about
VJc ouch und provision1 ! S' ' f-'c.
In wheat , firm foreign markets helped to
ntart trading at an ndvancc. Shorts were
the best buyers , but there wna a big line
of lonir wheat for Bale at around the openIng -
Ing price , which wns dealt out with n lib
eral hnncj for half nn hour , nnd the effect
of It was to forci the price down lo pur
bushel from the host figure of the early
trading. When that scalping line wns out
of the way the bull * , uimo Into the market
with a rush , but found so little for sale that
the price noon recovered the most of Its pre
vious decline. Liverpool showed no change
In quotations at the opening and rose % d
later. Nexv York reported lm > lng orders
there from the continent this morning , the
llrst for a long time. Ilecelpts were nlno
cirs. English consols weio unchanged ,
which Indicated the unshaken feeling In the
United Kingdom th it the war In Ltirope
would bo confined to the present com
batants That and comptrutlvo heav
iness of the new receipts , Hi" , cnrs ngulnst
342 last > ear , were the bearish factors In
the curly news. May opened at from iHsC
lo 74'ic ngalnst yesterday's close of 73'Ac.
It declined to 73' e und < r the hammering
It received , then recovered to 73c. A re
port that Kansas had Issued an estimate
of the condition for the state , malting the
condition hO , was the ciuse of n strong
Hpttrt aftcrxxard , which put up the prlco
front around TT c for May to 74' c , but
when It was found this w.ts on a parity
with the government report , lln > advantage
was lo-tt. May whent was nt times dllllcult
to trade In. Speculation Is noxv over Into
July , such llttlo speculation ns there Is
The tnarkul became \ery strong near the
close nnd XXOH making Its best prices for
the dnv about fifteen minutes from the
close. Shorts coM-reil liberally on the re
in irkable strength of outMila markets ,
notably St L.OIIIS , nnd on the tone of the
xvur uexvs , Mny llnally selling up to 7" > He and
closing sttong at fiom 74'8c to 75c , Julj
closed lit " 4vsC bid.
Corn xxas firm In the main on a moderate
business , but hnd some Interx.als of weak
ness The predictions of rain today and
tomorroxv rmido offerings .ciitco. Tlie m.u-
kot became ( iitlto strong neiir the close In
sympithy xvlth xvheat Imports were Ilb-
eial , S2000) ) bu May opened unchanged at
2linC and sold botxveen 21Vt < Q2\c ( , closing
ill 2lc bid.
Oils was Ilrm nil day , xvet weather c uis-
Ing most of the strength , although wheat
and corn xveie also Intlurntlil Shorts xscre
free buyers and a good geneml business
was trans ic-teil U\portn weie 127,000 bu
May opened n shade higher at 17Llc , sold
betxvec-n 17'4(17c ' ( ( ( , closing nt 17He bid
1'rovl'ilons were filrly tit in , but dull
Buying aiders xxen > In excess of offerings
all day , but not HtUIIclently so to put spirit
In tiadlug. The market wns Influenced by
the strength of gialn. Pi Ice fluctuitians
weie very nairow. At the close Mny poik
was Tic higher at $ S r > 2' . Mnv lard 2'.c ' {
higher at ? 4 11 and May ilba u shade higher
at $1 TO-iM 72'/4 ' /
Estimated receipts Siturday : Wheat , 2
curs ; coin , 215 cars ; oils , 110 cars ; hogs ,
13 COO head.
The leading futures ranged as folloxxs :
ArtlcleiH.1 O.i'oii I HU'li I I.on. I Close lYe-sdyT
\ \ heat -
April. 7".W 7IM-7- .
liny . 7IH < ! 4 73M 71JH-75
July. . 7 I fcU 74W 74M
Sept. . . Ul'i 71 00
April. . 24
M iy. . . . _ ' ! 24 H J IH
July . . 'S3M Jll 23M-2' ' )
Sept. . . 17M ! i-bM
O Us
Miy. . . . 17M 173H
July. . . . 18 M
Sept. . . . 1'J ID 19' { ID
M.U. . . . B 17 K SS 8 17"- " 8 SJV-j 8 47
July. . . 8 05 s as 8 05 8 57H
May. . . I IS 4 15 4 12K
July. . . 4 2J'4 ' 4 an 4 2. " 4 2.5 4 2Jb
Sum . . 4 .15 1 13 1 J.
May. . I 70 4 70 1 7JH 4 70
July. . . 4 77t I 75 4 77 , 1 73
Sept. 4 HO 4 HJH 1 60 4 8Jh , 4 hO
No. 1
Cash quotations xxere ns folloxvs :
rijOUll Strong , winter pitents , J4 30IJ4 60 , bik
ers $2009) ) , straights , ( I OOiJl 20 , spring spe
cials. II . ' 0.
WHEAT No 2 spring.74r { ? 7Gc , No. 3 spring ,
70fi > 70ic. ! No 2 led. 90T > f94c
COUN No 2 , 21S'21)ic , No 2 jellow , 2lp
OATS-No. 2. 17 < 4c , f o b , No. 2 white , 22c ,
t a b ; No -xhlte , 20fl22Vfcc
KVH-No 2 33I.C.
HAUIjlJV No i , nominal ; No 3 , f. 0. b ,
! 0o. No 4 f o b , 2Sc ,
TIMOTHY r > iiH > 1'rlme. $273
1'ItOVlhlONS Me s pork , per bbl , $ S MffS V
Ijaril. per 100 Ibs. . f4 1" . hhort ribs Bides
( loorc ) il fk'ifl.kS Dry halted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
J3 2oW5 CO , bhort clear sides ( bpxcd ) , $1 S7V4 ®
f , 00
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal ,
Jl 13 S
HUOAHS Cut loaf , 1515 , Branulated , J4 "C.
Onthul'rolnos uxeh viuo tolwtii b itf-r mir-
kct XV.IH Hrm cn-imeiy UiHia ililiy. lift
J4c , irtr8 : tlnn ; ni'sli , BiHSi' I'liivHU Ilrm ,
liuUhic I.tvei poultiv Mtuady , ttirki-yn , He
chlckeiiH , 7e , iluo.tH , (
Quotation * cif tlio > ) ny on General
NEW YOniC , April -ri/UU-Hc-celpta , 1C .
$92 bbls , cxpoits , 3 SIS bbls , market Ilrm and
held higher , .shutting out bujers Hje Hour ,
C.-OUN JIEAtr-Dull
HYIJ Strong ! No. 2 western , 33'5840o. '
UAHMTiY Pinner at JsjrJSWc.
YHEAT-IlcCl lpts , ll.SOO bu : exports , 15.319 bu.
Hpot , Ilrmer , with f.ilr demand , No. 2 red , nom
inal ; No 3 hard winter , Tile' Options ojiendl
atrcng on bad crop nexxH an 1 iiixerlng , was
Imnimrrcd down b ) the bears but reeovrreil
nml was utroiiK later on export business , bull-
Ibh KnimnN crop report mid war nexxs ; closing
lit IVlWnio net adxance , No. 2 red April , closed
at Mo. May , WiiM .i- , closed at SHo.
COUN Heci-lptH. H700 bu , exports , G1.3G4 bu
Spot , tinner ; No. J , 30 .c CJpttons opened
steady and ndxanced later on wet xveathcr und
ndvnnco In xvhfat ; April cloned nt 30'sc , May ,
IJKSiilo , closed nt 30c.
OATS HecelpjH , Sl.COO bu. . exports , CO.SSo bu ,
Hpot. quiet and steady , No 2 , 23c , Options dull ,
but tinner on export demand ; closed at UtfVic
hlghci. May elOFe-d nt 22 > ic
HAY .Steady , thlpplng , MttWc ; good to choice ,
llOl'S-SIendyi state , 1S95 crop , : Vi < 8 c , 18W
crup. CiMOHc ; I'.iclllc coast , ISM crop , 3QGo , ISM
trop. 7ffllc
HlDES-nrm , Huenos Ajres , ISfflOo ; California
nia18o. .
LEATHER- Steady , hemlock sole , nuenot
A > re . :0ii21c
111) ) ruil-ltecctpts 10,04 } pkKD , stead ) . state
and western , 13f(17c ( ; Ulgtns , lie , factory , 89
ClliiSi-Hcrelpts : : : , 1,152 plcim , quiet , ( late ,
UIEO , 0fl2o ; stnto , small , VtiM\tc \ , pint nklms ,
4 { Uo. full skims , 2l ! (3o.
l.anB-ltciclpts , 9.370 pkg ; Ilrm : ntato nnd
I > cnn > lxanla , fHWIOc , wctiern. 9ifflOc , south
ern. t.4i9e- .
ntOVIhlONS-neef , steady ! family , 19 J5O
1000 , extra mess , J7I5jSOO. boi > f b-uns , J9 50O
10 CO. Cut rmats. steady , plckleil bclllm. | 3 OOU
in : pickled shoulders , H7" > { f500 , ple-kled hams ,
I900OH CO , Laird , quiet and steady ; we-ftcrn steam ,
JIJTli ; rcllned , dull , 1'ork , Ilrm ; family , | 37Cj
10 50 Tallow , weak ; city , 3 ! il3 } c , country ,
HIl-K Steady ; fair to extra , 4V UCUo. Japan ,
MOIi\Srti:8 Firm ; New Orlrnns , open kettle ,
poor to choice. SJtfSic.
OII.S-1'ftroleuni. dull ; tJnlli-d closed nt Bio
bid , IVnnsjhiinlii crude , steady ; May , 87V4e bid ;
eftlrn , none. Hosln , quiet ; strained , common to
goad , II 63. Tunicntlnc , bteudy nt 30iCot -
toniftil , prime tumnirr yellow , 23 V , ( flic ; off num.
mrr yellow. n4o ; butter grades ! 7C21 > o , prime
while. KfKlc.
irvTAUS ; rie Iron , itrady ; southern , 110.009
II 00. northern. 110 Will : CO Copper , eaiy ; brok.
ert. Ill K : exchange , nominal. Tin , - > ; ( tralta ,
III IMJU.n , platt > . dull , bpoller , eua > ; domes.
He , | 4 10f4 20 U-ad , weak ; exchange. 3.a
S 90 , broker * , 13 13 4.
KANRAR CITY , April -\VHEAT-M rlc t
lUhlly hlfher but iloxv : No S hard. SlUtmt.a ;
Wo. J , T 3 0a ; No. 4 , TJOTCo ; No. 8 red , io |
No S , Mo ; No. . S03S5s ; No. 2 eprlnr. 91383c ;
No 3 77c
COHN Market nliout active ; mixed , 21H6W40.
OATjllIiirket firm. No 2 white , 2lc ,
IIYI5Nn. . t , J2c
HAY Market WMk , choice timothy , | 9 M ;
choice pralrl" , | ft.SMf700
HUT ! fill Market lower on heavy supply ;
creinK-ry , 1'Clic dairy 9fJ12c.
KOOS Market Mcndy. strictly fresh , 7UGJ&C.
C'linilllloii iif 'I r a il r-n ml ( Inofiitlntis oil
Slnjilc * nnil I'nncj1'rodtnc ,
T Sullhan xxho has been In the produce com
mission buflnens In South Omahn , jestprln } suc
ceeded In the bt-Mress \\hltney A Co of
Omnnn and xvlll continue the same. Quotation * :
IXlOH-llulk of Halm , 8c
llUTTKU-Common to fair. 708c ; choice to
fancy roll , I1012c ; nepamtor creamery , 16c ; Rath
e-red creamery , 14c ,
OAMK Hxcrtiling out of reason.
VEAU Choice fat , W to 120 Ibs. , are quoted nt
SflS'ie ' , large nnd conrte , 405c.
LIVE POU1/THY Hens. 74 Sc ; cocks , 3SJ5C.
PIOKONS Uxe , 7jSf'Ufl. dc-iu pigeons not
xx mi ted
HAY Upland , H M , midland , 13 CO , loxvland ,
1300 , no slraw , | 3'0 , color makes the price on
hiy , llgh bales tell the best , only top grades
bring top prices
ItltOOMCOUN nxtrcmely slow nale ; nexv crop ,
dellvereil on track In country ; choice green elf-
xxorklnc carpet , per Ib , MfSVio , choice green ,
running to hurl , 2f ' 4c , common , IHo.
MtlSHltOOMS Per Ib box. tOSSOc.
Olinnff l'KA-4 Per 20 Ib box , U W ) .
CicUMMiil8 : Per do ? , Jl.M
CAUMri OWKH-Per cratr. { 3503400.
ASPAIlAOUS-Per II. , 110 ,
SPINACH-Per bu. box , Jl DO ; per bipkct , 75c.
TOMATOES-Per 7-bifket crate. WOO
WATER CHESS Per 1C ill. crate , | 1 73
I'll ! PI.ANT-llllnol * . GO-lu boxes , 11.2531 GO.
TiitNIPS-l'er bbl . It 23
OMi VEOETAUl.iS-llcet3 , carrots , parsnips ,
per bbl , : i CO
HAI > lSHiS-Pcr doz , 30o.
I.ET1 L'CK Per doz , 30c
WAX liKANS-Hu boxes , $37 !
hTIHNO HEANS Per bu box. 1250.
ONIONS-Per dor. 15 ji20c.
PAHSI.EY-Per do ? . 2jC.
UiitMUIA ONlONS-Pcr crate , 13 CO , nexv
southern. 70 Ib packs , | 3
; M\VEET POrAloES-l'ancy Illinois , per bbl ,
11 11 ; feed , Jl. 'jfl Co.
ONION.S-Uoud sloclc , per bu. , II 2501 CO.
I-IMA HEANH-Per Ib . 3c.
HEANS-Hand picked nax } , per bu. , | 1 OOS110.
C'AllllAOi-Cnllfornin : , 2150 per It ) .
CHEEKY Per doz. , large , California. No. 1.
Me , No. 2. 45c.
POTATOES Now California ! ! . 3Ho per Ib ;
now -southern , per bbl , W > OfjC W ) , old natlxe
slock , per bu , ZaJpSOc , earlj Ohio eecd polnlocs ,
lied rlxer > allc > , 453COc , Mlnnesola caily Ohio ,
hTUAWIlElUUES-'l.xas. per 21-qt. cases.
| j 01 , Louisiana , 21 plnls 12 735(1 00.
M\IAfIA OHAl'HS-Per keg , 17 W.
APPLES-Pancy large 122 , , choice. | 2 00
TllOPlCAL. nitIT !
OltANnES-Callforuli nivels 130s to 200s , 1175 ,
lnrte sizes , | 32".giGO , seedlings J2 S3Jj2 ! C3. Med-
Iternincan sxvccts , fancy , J3 W , choice , | J COfli
2 7'i
LI2MONS Messlnns fancy , f COQ3 7" ; choice ,
$1 OOlffl 21 choice California , $2 7" > . fancy , | 3 CO
IIANANAS Choice 1-iipe stock , per bunch ,
$200j223 ; medium sired bunches Jl C02 03
NUTS Almonds , California , p r Ib , largo
Kl/e , Uc , Ura7lls , per Ib . lOc , English walnuto.
per Ib , fancy , soft shell , 12'fl2iio. btandanls ,
10lle. fllberls , per Ib lOc , pecans polls led ,
Urge , liflOc , Jumbo. IHjilIc , large hickory nula ,
Jl 2. per bu , cocoanuts , H4o jacn.
1'ltJS Imported fnncj 4 croxvn , 20-lb boxes
12c , 6 ciown CO Ib buses , 13ifl4c.
IION13\ Choice , ntillc Ciarltled Juice , per half bbl , $2 CO , per
bbl , JI 0004 2" .
MAPI..I : SYHUI' rixo gal cans each , | 2 CO.
sal cans pure , pet doz. J12. l.alf sal cans.
JO 23 , quart enns 53 fi
Hides No 1 green hides , Cc ; No 2 green
hides , Cc , No 1 giecn stilted hides 7'4c ' , No 2
tri > en salted hides , OUc , No 1 , enl calf 8 to 1"
Ili3 , 7c , No 2 xenl calf , 12 to 15 Ibs 4c , Xo 1
dry Hint hldctt , WlOc. No 2 drj Hint hides.
Sffio , No 1 dr > tallid hlili-3 ffl > o , part cured
hides. Vie per Ib less tlnn fully cured
HIIHE1' I'EIVIS Gieen jilted , each 23TCOc ,
green Billed , shearings ( i-hort xxooled early
skills ) each , ICc , diy shearings ( s lort wonled
early sltlns ) , No 1 , each " .c , I'rj flint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher xxool pelts , per Ib , ac
tual xxclght , 4HCc , dry Mint , Kan" is and Ne-
lirikka Murrain voul pells , per Ib , aclual
weight , 35f4c , dry Mint Colorado butcher xvool
pellH , per Ib , actuil xxelghl , 4g > jc. ili > flint
Colorado Murnln xvool pells per Ib , aclual
xxcUht , 354c | , feet cut off , ns It Is useless to
pi > fielght on them
T \ LIXY AND OltEASE lilloxx. No 1 , 2-)4c ) ,
tnlloxv , No 2 2c , giei ° i > , xxhlle A , 3c , greace ,
vhlte I ! 2c , grenie , jclloxx , 2a ; greafe , iMik
l io , old butter. 2S2' ' , c , beeswax , prime , 15SJ2Jo ,
rough lalloxx , le
\\OOIj-Unxxaphcil , fine heaxy , C7n ; Mnc llijht ,
SjfOc , cjuirtciblooil , 10ljl2o ! , seedy , burr > and
chaft > , SffOc ; cotted ant broken coarse , 7)9c ) ,
cotleil and broken tine , GUtfc. Fleece xx ashed
medium , IJ PlSc , fine. 14RUc , tub xx isheil , llifi >
ISc , I lack So , bucks , Cc , tag locks , 2f3o , dead
pulled , CijCc
HONES In carlots xxelgied an 1 dellxered In
Chicago : Drj llunfalo per ton } 12 C0311 00 , drx
country , bleached pci ten J10 < K m 00. dry coun
try , damp and meaty , per ton , 56 OOJZS 00
St. InulH ( icnc-i-.H IIiivKetH.
ST. I/5UIS April 23 rLOUR-Xomlnallj un-
clnnged , palcnts f4 Gift ! SO ; extra fancj , | l SOJ ?
1 4T fancy , } 3ffM93. choice. } J 20ff3 .0
WIII3AT Tna opening of the fpecuHtlxc imr- xxns higher , but there xxas llltlo snap to the
ti.ullng and the undeitonc xxas weak. War
nexxs of Impoitance xxns pcarce , Ircal receipts
xxere modcr-ite , but receipts In tic north/isl
xvere fairly heixy ( rep news wjs conflicting
and tin re xxns a fair spcculatlxe demand but
the market xxasery Irrexulir Tluoubhout
the crenter part of the day the lluctuatlons
weie frequent and wild , tlu > market steadllj ad-
xanclng \t the close , which xxns excited at
about the highest point ot flic day , pilces had
made the folloxvln ? adxances oxer yeterdi > :
Mas3 4c , July , 2c , Auiuit , 2140 and oeptem-
ber , 2c. Cifh xvheat again broke tie reeurd ,
No 2 red xvlnter selling at Jl 01 per bu This Is
the highest price reached since 1810 One cir
x/as sold nt that figure by C , T. TajloiCo ,
to the ngcra Milling compnn > The lexxs of
the sale helped malerlally to bolster the market ,
No 2 red , cash elexntor Jl hid ; trick , Jl 02
103 , Ma > , We bid , Jul ) , 77Hc asked , September.
COHN Futures QUlet. but Htiong- , and fractlon-
nllj higher , receipts xxere heixj , and tncre xxns
a good cash demand but hollers xxcrc acklng
higher pi Ices , No 2 rayli , 22'o ' bid , Ma > , 21V4o
bill , luly. 21'5c bid. SeplPinlier. 2' . % 7'2"ii e
OATS rulurcs , dull , deniaml , sloxxnnd prices
a slnde under > esterdny bpot , higher. No S
cash , 19o bid ; May , ISJplOVfiC , July , I9'ic bid
IlYi : Held lit 3lc.
COHN MU\I 11 4W1 41)
11IIAN rirmer ; Ejckcd , cast track xxorth nom
inally , 51052C
riAXSnii-8tendv : at 74c
HAY firm , prairie , JlOOiffSCO , timothy , IS 000
12 ' 0
HUTTnn rirm ; creamery , llffllS c ; dairy ,
IIOOS Slrong at 8c.
MnTAl.S-Ixmit , dull at $3 07Vff3 1215 Ppel-
ler firm ill 13 9.
PHOYISIONS Poik steady ; ntnndanl mess ,
Jobbing $ SI875 ' ! I.anl steady , pilmi. 8t ni ,
} ) , cli Ics J4 07 < 4 1 a"rn lit sed ) sh'ulder , ! S 15
exlra hhort clear , Jl 37'j ' libs , 13 M , s'lorts
S3 C.'i ' Dry palt meats ( boxed ) shoulders aid
extra short clear , S" , ribs ! 5 12 > i , s'lorts , J3 2"i
POUI/TIIY Chickens , rjulet , hens fie , springs
17 TJOc , turkejH. ( , is > , C Uo ; ducks , quiet "c.
HUCnilTH riour 4 POO bbls , wheat , 8.COO bu ,
corn 41 000 bu , oatsi W ) bu.
hllU'MENTH Hour 2Cflrt bblfl ; wheat , 4 COO
1)U ) , corn , 07,000 bu ; oats , 7.WX ) bu
Grain nnil l >
LIVERPOOL. April 23 WHEAT 1 utures.
dull , April , nominal , Ma > Gs 2d , Vid higher ,
June not quoted , lulv C < 2d 'id Inwor
rOUN Spot , quiet , futiin-8 , quiet ; April 2s
7Vid Mnj 2s 7aid , unrhaligid , June , not quoted ,
July , 2s 101 , Hd higher
PI/3UH ht Louis fancy xvlnter , Rs 6d
HOPS At I > indon (1'nclllo const ) , CiffMs
PltOVlfilON ! * Heef , extra India mess CGs M :
prlm meos , 47i f d Pork , prime- mess , fine
xvestern , COs , prime nicha , medium xicetern 4a
llamx. short cut , 14 th 1C Ihs. 43s Gd , short ribs
24 to SO llm , 27s , long clear middles , heav > , 43
to CO IIH ) , 25s Gl , cleir bellies , 12 to II Ibs , 2S
Shoulders , S.IUBIO 10 to 14 Ibs , 20s 4d Ilncon.
short ribs , to to 21 Ibr. , 27s Cd ; long1 clear mid
dles , light 33 In 38 Ibs , 27s , long clear middles
henvv , 40 to 43 Ih * 2Ga hhort deal middles , 43
to W Ibs ' . ' "B laud , f ] > ot , 2ls 91 ,
CHEE.SE-Amcrlcnn , finest white and colored ,
CGs Gd
TAI.IJOW Prime elty , 18s Cd. '
PEAS Canadian , 4 > 2d (
\i-xv Yorlc Ury CJi.oils Iliirkct ,
NEW YOIIK , April 23-With the close of the
week the xolumo of new business affected foots
up a large * amount , that wan 1mrerund largely
by forvviirdlngs on account of prior puri-haees
The tone of thn maikvt thoxxi Incienacd fteadl-
IIOHH Jin it Is rellecloi ! bx agents havlne udxnnced
tlio price of Peppeirll nml Andiosrogjln wide
nhcetlntrs nnd Lurnnla inttun llnnndii < ich 'in
per jard Woolen gnodn of all de crlptlons me
steady und good dellxcrlrs , Piliitlng cloths ,
dull , but steady at i 9-lCo
Cotton VlnrUi-t" .
NEW YOItK April 13 COTTON'-Spot quiet
middling. 77-100. middling uplind * . 7 7-l imil. ; .
dllntf KUlf. 7 IMGo. MiliGK4 bale * rulurei
quiet , sales. 79 CW buli- . January ! M IVImi-
nry , JC93 : April. 17.07 ; May. 17.07. June 17 IS.
July , $7.10 August , I7.1S : September , 1690 ; Oc-
tuber and Navembei , fC SI , Decrmbor ICC
mldilllnE" . 7iic.
Pi-orln > lnrU | ii.
PEOUIA , April -COHN-3teady ; new ro
! | VI- .
OATW ITrm Irrtuular , No. 2 white , S
WHISKY-Market steady at II P.
ItECrilTH-Coni WfOO bun ; oats. 4 OCO but. ;
r > 1 Si bus ; whltky and heat , none.
riHIPME.NTa-l'oin. I'lW bil ; oals. 21 k50 bus ;
rye , COO bin ; xrliliUy , 215 bbli ; xxheut , UCO bus.
Loiiilou tidit-U JlnrUet Hull.
IXDNDON , April 53 ll stock market opened
easier and remained eo throughout the da > on In.
activity of operators. The tona wan dull , with
generally light demand.
Conflict Between Qreeca andTurkoy Causes
Whsat to Bsorn.
Shanof the ( irnlii Niiilil In
oixllunt Connfiom Tliln
C'oiinli } rnllltiKT OH In
Failure .
NHW YOUK. Ajirll 23 U. Q Dun & Co.'s
Wtekly He\lo\\ Iruile tomonow will s.iy.
If either Turkey or Greece hail lieen wholly
burled In the FI-O , markets might hn\e be n
tffecteil lens than bj the outbreak of wnr In
llurope. I.Ike lire In the heart of n , crowded
tlty It rnlxttl the question wiiethtr a Btnernl
conlloKrutlon may flu Ins- out ui It fo this pos
sibility nml not to tno ulnct Inllucnce of either
Turkey or Oreico UK > II the woild s money or
produce nmrkets wns Uuc the excltimcnt In traln
nnd stocks AH the unknown Is mnininel , Anter *
lean ninikcts wen * much more lllmity than Uuro-
| > tan , wliclT- the po'i'lbllltli.s lime liccn dlhClis'C'J
nnd inrlly discounted lor months Ihe uncui--
tnlnty lemalnx and will nlTcct tno muxement of
money nnd staples until It ilmipiiaarD , cicntliiB
a larger demand for Ameilcun products at
Ills-lit i pi Ices causing spiiutill\e bclllnsat
time- ! , bun also moro continuous buying bj for
eign Investors mid not Improhibly InillienclnB
the nttltude of foiflxn powcts on questions 1m-
portint to this country
Wheat rwc tj cents ftum Thursday In Monday
nnd has tetnlned most of the life Since Itinsli
nnd thu IJnnublnn states will be likely to blup
nhtnt Fcnntlly , c-pt-clnl needs and much hlxhci
pilces mn > be possible there , a lnrte shale of
thu ttqulrcminfj of westein Kurope may be
diuwn trom this country , and tl.e chnnue of u
war between the gteat poweis has the monIn -
lluenco Kcatidu aupplles mu not large While
western rcctlpH do nyt > et incicaie nnd In
three weeks hn\e Ireen but 6,041 ( Ml liushels ,
ngalnst 3 533 1W last > ear , Atlnntu cxpoita be
gin to gain slightly , amounting tu 1,1'JI 'J buch-
oH , Hour Included , nfinlnit 1 OS1 7b4 last sear ,
nnd for three weeks ImVe bean 3.S6,170 bushel * .
UBilnst 3,511 OTJ last Jinr Hut the great In-
crenpo 111 corn , on which the prlco ha1 ! scarcely
ndvanced , though Atlantic cxpoits were 41SMJ )
bushels foi the week nnd for three werks 10,2jl -
2" 1 bushels , ngalnst 12 U"J uK ! last senr Alrendy
the cxpoits rot the crop > ear ha\o been 3JVDUIXIO
bushels lirhe-r than Atlantic exports of wheat
ilid Hour , nml mnj soon eteced the total e \ -
ports of win it nnd Hour from both coasts Cot
ton ha.s been nlTe-ctcd hcnicely nt all thoiK'h"
io\crnment ( stlmates tlut thu Hooded dlstilcts
yielded neatl ) ( , UJ IXW buleJ. an Incieised neieage
In other sections Is ( .eneinlly leiioited
The past week , like otheis of late1 , has wit
nessed the stalling of operations b > te\eml Iron
wolks , es | > eclally In black Mints for ttnnl.i ;
and ) ct prices of pig lix > n and unlinlKho I
piolucts are lower , demand not yet uiunllng
the supplj ltewsemer pli , his sold ns lens
JU 0" > at 1'lttsburg and | rej foige nt J" 50 In
lilrmlngiam btecl billets ( ill tu $14 2. nt I'ltts-
burjf nnd angles to 1 cent , but wire rods carnet
bo teeured : n.-t enough nt JJ1 7 IVnIU ale
strong , t.nd n few mure stiuctui il ciders aie
ptndlng I'astetnorks nNo hue orders for
13000 tons of hteel inllf Complaint unit pioof
thnt the demand for the pioducts Is dillclcnt
blinds ninny to the fact that the actu il work In
progiess latgel } on the hea\y orders for bc.\nib
billets , i alls and sheet bars taken when the
pools broke up Is of greater % olumc thin foi
a long time 1/nge siles of copper lire upoiled
nt 1SV5 with production of IS V0 tons In March
\ \ hen the cml of t if btipul tied curtailment has
been i-eac led h > some cotton mills , and felncc the
auction sahs , some bleached Roods hi\c been
Hllhiilly mUancel , but actual busing does not
IncriaEe and print cloths do not Improic.
bales of wool luue b en largelj of forclTn , re
ports btlng swelled bj an Hals of quantities sold
some tlma ago and Imports at Uoston for the
wick were .U COO bilei } "ur the thiee chief
cities hiles weio 34,3d > EOO pounds In three weeks
M 271 , JCO pounds being forelmi. against 13 ' . 100
piunds In 1S3. Including 7 " 1,00) puunds feielsn
Hut m mufacturers are doing vcaicely tin ) thing
and orders for goods lmproeei > little , though
for somewhat better grades of goods
rallurcs for the week ha\u been 218 , In the
fnlled States , OBalntt 1S last jeir , and twent > -
one In Camda , ugaln t forts-four 1 ist scar
\\mivi.v ci MJ noijsu TOTALS.
of IliiMliicNM TraiiNiictlniiH
of ( \Mtnx-llitcil MniiKs.
NEW YOIIK , Apt II 23 The following
table , compiled by liradstrcct's , shows the
total clearances .it the prlncl ' al cities anil
the petcentage ol Increa-o or elecrease , as
comp ired with the corersnondlns ; week last
year :
uivi's winiciv unviKW.
HTi-M During fluV -I > . lime Ili-i > ik
of mi niii-oiiriiuliiHr Nil fun- .
YOUIC. April 23-Urailatreefa to-
irorrow will say ,
Iho change In conditions umlerljlng eenernl
trade , while slight this week , has been In the
direction of Improvement The depret > elon In
Iron and steel continues and Ilessemer pig- and
Hteel billets haxe reacted another 25 cents a
ton The outlook favors nn Increase In labor dls-
lurlunces to resist midsummer vxago reduction
Ihe bituminous conl mining Industry U worrc
lhan the aulhracltixvlth rimon of rtrlkvs
xv ilch promlie to have an unfavorable Intluenec
on other than the lion and rtcel Industrlnv
Trad In xxool Is quieter Thcri ) Is lesn life
In the xvholesala dry goods trade nnd little re
lief has been experienced , notwlt ibtanllng the
large auction rales of cctton gocda last xveek
bu > ers contlnuli s to eupply Immediate need *
The tendency toward more settled weather ban
stimulated retail dtmand , mare particularly nt
the northxxest notably for dry goods hard
xvcro and millinery The general tendency of
Ihu MU lb lr > pl flood to Eubulde has created a
belter feeling , but not cxen the recent ugrlcul
( ural dcpartmrnt c-cncug rtcords all the damage
done , Country roadxvn > s liuve bejfun to Im
proxe , which benellts Interior merchants
The only large cltl > * 9 re | > ortlng un Increase In
the movement of merchandUo are ht Paul ,
Minneapolis , Milwaukee and Kunias C'lty , where
tie distribution of dry goods , pliers hardware
nl building material * ban been more con-
iplcuoiiB At turnout all other large rrntvri
llm re' has been no material gain In Industrial or
commercial linen ,
KxporU of wheat ( flour Included as wheat ) from
both contu of the United Flutes and from St
John * . N. II , thU week , amount to 1 Ml r
huiheli. against C.3l OCO buihels last week , l.m-
fturhcls In the third wetk cf April ISA t 411
C/00 buthcli tn the Ilk * week of UH , 2,7OCC
bushels In U91 and nsfMrcJ | ( with 27WOCO
bushels In tie corrpspon-lnif 1 xteok of I'j3 Et-
l nrts of Indian corn nm 1ml lo 4 7F3 115 bushels
this week , tigaln-t S i2RfW bushels last xxoelc ,
1i" than 1,000 COO bu liel ln the xvpek of ! ,
\rr \ * thnn half ft * ninny In the corrsepon ling
week of I'SS nnd ns calil'rrd xvlt i 1G42000
burhels In tfte third wcck"Af April , 1S14
There nn ? JIG IIU | MC S fnUuies throtnjhout the
IJnllcil Stntea for the weeRc'cmpired ' with 1'S
laot week 240 In tip thloJ week ofprll. . IS O ,
221 In the rorrp'pondlntt period of l 9"i 2H1 In
1RM nnd wllh l In tip like xveclt of April , 1M1
There are txxc-ntj-two bt her ? fallutes reported
from the c iimrtlin Homlnlon this week , compiled
xvlth thlrtx nine list xveCTT" thlrtv-rexcn In th
xxek n , jenr ago nnd twent } two two jeirs
- ! > *
\iitctvr. .
Wnr lit IliiroiiiiT < p rf ' 1 riiiisi < e-lliin.s
In W-iM
NHW YOUK , April 23 Urnilsttt-ct's n-
ntncl il Kovlotoinorrovx xvlll itj
Salutiliy" nml Jlondiy ln t were Kltmnllzcd by
henvj fdllmr niii ] concldtrablo declnies on the
part of tin- foreign houses nnd bv boirlsh nitttil-
fcrlatlons b > the local trnd"is The deilarnllon
of xx ar li twcen Turki"nnd Oreooe wnn the raus" ,
nnd It wns tutsumed tint xvhen the London unit
cimtlnc-ntnl markets rcopcneil nn Tuts lav Bftcr
the Ea t r vacation they would be In moro or
le s panicky condlllons nnd that Atncrl nn stocks
wniild lie throxxrt on Ncxv York In lainquintl -
tlt The results , howexer. xxerp n , Brent dlsnp-
polnlm nt lo the bears Itoth london nnd the
continent took the ncxvs of war calmly and tip-
pirentl > concluded that the dl turlnncc would
be limited to the orlglnnl cumlntnnls or noon
en led ' peculntoriv In Ixindon xvho hnd cold
our Blocks on Ihe opposite their } ' of cour ? made
hasta to coxer their short contrictn. nnd Iho
Iwnl heir crntlmtent nlsoi pureh/ineJ / xvllh haste
ipsultlng In the marked ri-irverj In prices dining
Tuesday and Wedncmlny The exhaustion of the-
Fhoit Interest In Inlcmallrnal stocks caiiTd n
Klccltenlnij In the moxement toxxnrd the mil of
the ilny whlrh wn In a measure coinpeii'ated
for by mnnlpulntlon directed ncalnst the bears
the anthracite slo'Ks Irrrpv Central In
Inr gilnlng cnnsldcralde ground
On Tlmr-dn } , ho'vcxer Ixindon's iVmnnd for
Amtrlcans to cover chnrls fell off entirety and
themaiket there devoted ttftlf to a rl e In the
Knfllr milling1 shares The1 nb ence of further
fon-lcrn supirort Xvllh the clrculitlon of nun is
that the nrei of dlsturbince 111 the continent was
spreading had of rouriH.1 nnl effect on Ihls nnr-
krt and prices jlelded toward the end o ( Ihe
week there belmt nlso monor less ii > newed ac-
tlxlty on the nirt nf Ihe beat traders
The proceeillr'irs ' throughout xxerc pmely pro-
fesslonnl nnd it xxould seem thnt Inrin * Intcresls
femrall > hold nloof fiom the trading until a
more cqullible pet of conlllons | appear.
Tolinoe-n Ali > ll < - IM IH'tllt III to All } "
CoiiMliU'ritlilr lltlc-iil ,
NEW YOHIC , April 23 Undcvlillnp dullness
nnrked thedeillngs In storks Indij fromslirt
to Mills i The tola ! shares Fold fell exeinl
thou ind under 1W 000 and deilers nnd brokers
found their occupation pncllcilly gone To
bacco xvas the only slock dealt In to Iho cxtenl
of 10 COO plnrcs and t'int xvas a Felllmy mnxe-
mint In the rallxxny Hit , outsile the coil
eis , tiie enl > slick xxhlcharled Us prlco lo
thi1 exlcnt of , i point xxns Hurllnulo-i aid Its
net change wns enl > per cent Such n market
offered no Inducrmont , except to the strictly
profe slonil clement , and tu them enl > for n
xer > quick turn on in almost ! r finite ! } fimll
inirRl-i The viho'p ' maiket continued to be
lom'nntel by the w-.r Hltmtlon In Europe , nnd
III" i penlng ad lered closel ) to thu lex el nlre idy
eslalillshel for the dij's tndlns1 In London
The li < H poslllon to trade in slocks seemed to
1) . 1 asod on the expectation that the Turks xveie
SHIP li win Fucce s ultimate ! } and tint Greece
Mincers serxel only to ileli } the endng | of thf
wir w ilch xvould com" In the Intervention of
the powers In the event of Turkish micc03
There xvns a slight actlxlbiho n bhortlj after
mid liy xx hen a rumor was cltculated that the
Turks h id ciptured the town of I irlssa The
falslts of this report xxas iqulcklj nscertnlned
and the momentar > nctlx Ity. cime to an end In
pltc of the Inanition of the ninikct , It Is
probable tint beirs are verj charj of making
my wholesale cnsliuijit 'on ' or of putting out
new llne = The Indications ' point nlso to n
large drcrcise In the evlstlngi short Interest In
tie list few dajs the loqn rate for most Flocks
belnu much reduced except whole manlpul ited
In 1m ; much reduced except xvhero manlpulited
as In the case of the cojlers The moxement
upi > nl of New .Tortes Cantral and Delaware .t
HudFon Is attributed tr > t he bidding up of the
loan rite by Inside Interests qnd the driving of
tie i-horts to cover The features of the narrow
market xveie all found In Ihe specliltlps , where
tieactlxlt ) was1 di-c In nch caFe to a special
cause In Tobieco the decline xxls ilue to the
n ports from the xvest ot the1ho"llllly of labor
irumil/itions to the corapinv's pri > luct. In
American Spirits , It xvis occijiloned b > nn un
fiwi-ible lnten > rctatlcn 6f the failure of the
controlling tnlerect to h .ve K quorum at the
innual meetlns and the consequent lick of n
repirt on bii'lress and 001 dlllon of Ihe com
ptny In others the rctljltysvas woolly ciused
Ij marilpulatlv etnctlcs Leather preferred
show c 1 a lecoxcry from llSLrrlcnt depression on
coxeH"r ( of shorts ThOfinet ( jsult of the div'F
trading , \vis a ceaeral gain cf a fraction , . The
Spirits'errb . f'W-vs a lo etTii1 1'p r f. nt , after
cnntlc tluctuntlfms ard the 0 "per cant bonds of
the company btoUe I points ami rer-overcd l'/i ' per
cent Tcbicco lost a point net on thq diy The
clpMng1 wns weak
TIP I end mnrket dlsplajed a fair decree of
actu 111. with xnlues geiei illy flrm , Ooxcrn
menls licked feaUire but were generally well
hell on dealings of J10.000
ITie Evening Post's London flmnclil cable
grim ba > s : "This was a blink day on Ihe
Mock maiketa. It being a Texvlsli holldiy , and
1 10 tone was rather dull on Greek successes At
the ai preach of the settlement which will bc-
rln In mines tomoirow , Katllrs reacted , closing
at the Imvest of the diy In pplte of the re-
c"nt rrll } Eonio he ivy differences on Katllrs
aie to bo met Hrazlls xxere Mat on account of
the fall In exchnnhP I'cr tie xveek ended } es
leidij about JL800 ( XH of gold has been shipped
ti Ijpan 1 rrncli cxihnngo fell todas to the
unusual ) } low llsuie of 23f 10'4e Careful In-
quli > falls to discover an > exceptional causta II
ipeiallon , but doubtless the hluch pilces of bar
gel 1 here asslsls the movomcnl. Ihere reems
to be as jet no actual 1 rench demand for gold
1 hiPirts nnl Heilln nmtkcts have been dull , tml
closed heavier"
The follmvlng were the closing quotations on
the leading etocka of the New York exchanpe
Nrxx Ycirk 31oiu- >
Eii } at IMll'i percent , lant loan , 1V4 per u.-iit ,
lured at Utiil'i per cent
I'llliti : MEItVA < vntE I'AI'EU-SHCi per
cei t.
SfEHUNO EXCHANOE-Btfady , with actual
liuclnei In bankers' btllj. | | 6$04 ( SV4 for de-
mand nnd 14 f 4JT4 < 6 J for tlxly dn } ,
rates , | l S7@4 S7H nnd II ? 3H 4 S9 ; commercial
bill * , IISi > ,
HMl SILYEIl-llHc per ounce
MEXICAN POILAn4Sc bid : 4SSc naked.
ItAILIlOAl ) HO.VU3 rirm
lli-Nii miiif Hit * CItiiintlu Con-
ill'-loiiM of ( InOiiiintrt. .
The week emtlnff S n in , Aurll 11 , wns slightly
warmer t inn usual In the lowei lake region ,
New Knrlnti'l ' niul oxer the e-nstcin portions of
the Carullnns Itns nlfo wnnncr thin iisuil
throuKhout the IlccKj- mountain iitnl | > lnte-iu re-
Rlonn , nml on the 1'aelllc const , the week belnj ?
ileclJenlly wirm oxer the Interior poitlons of
California , nnil In On Ron amiVt hlitKlii where
tu1 c\eraiie iltuly t mi ratu e exes s mucil fion
' ) ile TetH to 1 ileKrees , helng Kieatesl In not th
em Orcxun , while- the we-ek Is uporteil ns un-
ineceilentcilly warm for tineison Alont ; the
I'lillfoinla coast jml o\or the i-istern slope of
the Hocky mountains , the u\critKc ilillj tcmpe-l-
ntuie foi the \Mck wua fimn 1 ilenree ti > 2 ile-
MCCS nlime Ihu normal In southern New UDK-
Utnl anil the- lower lake rt'tlon the week n\oi-
HSi'il from 3 ilesreea lo li ilesrees jier iln > wnrnur
thai Ufiril , the- excess In the Carolina ! bolnR
xerj sllslit
1 uiuhhout the ccntinlnlloj.i ami Rulf stntcq
unil over the Bieiter iwrtlon of the upper lnl > e
legion , the week wn cooler thin usual , the.
uxcrnjre elallj tcnipcrntuie ili-llclencj ( .eneially
ranslns from 3 ilisieen to G ilctr ra tmoUKhoiit
the districts nanieil , bchiK hie Uest o\ei the
euitial iiortloTn of Illinois nml Indiana , and on
the- central uulf coi't
TheISth ami 19th were exccptlomllj cohl for
the se it-oil o\er the- northern portion of the
upper luKc rtirlon , while thepel In I from the
Hill to the1 lsth was unnsuiilh wiiim on tnc
mirth 1'icllle , the 17th nml l lh heliiff unusually
\\-utu incr n irt.ii rn ami inlJille ltock > mountain
slopt- * ' 1 ho in ixlmum tempeiatmej at Htatlons
In Uai-hinkton mil mil them Orgou nml In east
ern Colorailo were the highest that htue oi-ouin J
iluilii ) ; the pecoml ilecaile of April since the
establishment of w either hiireaii btitlons
Tie line of freezing tempentuie tor the week
extends from wts ern Alontinisruthwuril through
the plateau leRlon to rorthern New flexlco
thcnei nort le istw ml through K insas northern
Missouri the central portions of Illinois In
illani ainl Ohio , anil from wciatein New \oiK to
the routhcin coist of Maine On the IJlh the
tcmperituio fell to 4 ilesrccs nt bault Ste Mnile
Mich being13 ilecrecj below the pie\lju < ml I-
mum lecoiil for tie mlil He ilecule of Apill
Tn > re \ is more than the usual amount of
precipitation o\er the uppci lake iv lon nnil
northern New LiiKl.unl. Incluillni- portions of
eastern r\e\\ \ork nnil northern New .leisej.
There was also more tlnn the usual pieclplta-
tlon In eastern and southern Klcrlda and ovei
p rtlons of eistcrn Ark ins mertein Tennessee
and coutiurn Texit I'oitlous of AIKIIISMS anil
Tennessee i-ecehed ( nm one to nejily two Irches
of rain , extreme eouthcin I'lorlilt mil etsteni
Wisconsin o\e > r two Inchoi ami iiurtlons of the
middle Atlantic states ami New Ilnjrlind
slluhtly o\or one Irch In all other sections
the week a\ erase 1 drier than usu il Kxeept
moilciate showi ra alons the coasts of Otegon ,
\WiplilnBton nnd nort icrn Callfonili there w is
nmctlcall ) no ruin west of the eastern Hocky
mountain slope and theie waa an almost entire
Hhaerce of riln over the Krealci part of Kansis
mil o\ei a eonslilerahle portion of the bouth
Atlantic ptate-s
TircuGhout the centml Mllejs lake reslon ind
KUlf states the w-eU ending April ID has not
been fix 01 able , b Ini ? too cold , with e\ce&sl\e
moisture In most sections
Irt < the Carollnis , e-astcrn Tcnre'see , "outhern
Vlrslnla , and Kenerally throughout N"w Un -
lint the conditions hue been faxoiable , nnd
thr&Jshont the llocky mountain and t'acllle
coact states the week Ins been exceptionally
favorible , both for firm work ami the growth of
lut ! llltle corn has been planteil durliiK the
wick , owlnff to unfaxoiable temprtrituri * condl-
tl ins iNo corn has jet been planted noith of the
Ohio ilxct and but little bus been plinted In
Kentuckx On the Atlintlo coist practlcallj
no corn haj been plinted noith of Maryland and
but little In that stale but considerable progress
Ilia been mtilo In Virginia while In the Cnro-
| lnn.s much of the i arly planted Is up , planting
bilnt , " about completej In hnuth Carolina West-
\.anl pf the Mississippi no corn has been planted
north of Mlfsourt and Kansis nnd plow Ins for
planting IIIM just beiiiii In Nebn-Ka In the
piiuthi-in states corn his been nnfivorably af
fected by low temperature and nceils wanner
\ eather
No linproxeniput In the condition of winter
wheat 1 1 icnirted from Wisconsin ami Illinois
anil In tin list nnmeil much will be plowed tip
Some fuithi * Improxement Is spoiled fiom No-
brapki Mldilifin Indlini and Ohio , but In
Ni briski ns In Illlnol-- and Mlssiurl. much has
been o , * will be plowed up foi other crops In
Kentucky nml Tennessee th" ciop is In line con
illtlon , ami reports from the southern and At
lantic states are Eenerall > f.i\orablc
Si rlnf wheat Feedlnt ? his continued oxer the
couthein poi lion of the aprlmr xvh > it reprlon.
and Home needing lu . been don In the uplands
tf the Dnkotns ami Minnesota In which --tites
the soil Is too xxet and seeding Is much ih-loed
Good pieKiess has bten madiIn Joxvi , ami hied-
Ing Is about ciimpleteil In Ntbratla
Home oils have been soxxn In Houth Dikoti
anil MIchlKnn , nnd seeding Is x\ell ndxancel In
Ni briska I'arther Hotilh , and throughout the
Atlantic coa. t staten srcnti-r proan' s hns lie n
made , the bulk of the clop hiulut' been soixn
Some lottlmIs reported from Ohio and Illi
nois , but the reports Kcnerallj anfnxonblc
the outlook In the yoiithcrn states bolus very
Some c tton hns been plantel In Oklahoma
Bouthenjiti in Mlsixiuil ami In Tinnessce In the
Cirnllnas and gulf ftate plintlnrf has hoin
pushi-il ripldly under favorable conditions
About half tln crop has been idanti-d In Arkan-
fiis , and planting Is neailv completed oxer the
centml jiml southern iioillnns of MHslsslppI
ClKpplnR Is active In Florida an 1 roii liloiabl
rotten his b'-en laid by In OeoiKla In ntithern
Texas planting and Rinixtli ol cotton haxe been
letaideil l cool \ventliT
The outlcxik for an ample pupply of tobicco
plants continues fnxurahl ? the tobacco beds In
ICentuc-kj haxlnt ? exiwrlcnced Improxeinent ilur-
Inu the xvcck ,
Smith DnKntii ( 'n > ) > Hcpnrt ,
HUIION , S n , April 23 Weekly crop bulle
tin No 1 of the Houth Dil nta s ctlon of the
cllnnle anil cron ncrxlce of the Unlteil States
XMither bureau for x rek cnJInK April 19 , 1S17
The- winter of UW 97 set 111 early , the latter
part of Octi bcr belnif unusually coM nnd No
vember's temperaturebelnp const leriblj below
th normal While the i-xtiemifl of cold x\ere
not as great as In sonic former > iars , there was
continuous xvlnter of inoin or less t verity until
after the middle of March The early enown
ctiicht conpMerahle of the iibimdant coin < inp
of lt > Q unR rnereil In the central an I northf rn
counties and although some xvas gattie-rod ilui-
\\\K \ \ open ila > s gf xi Inter there Is no doubt thnt
miiell of It leniRlneil In the Ilclds until thn dlf-
nppeirancc of thepnoxv , xvhlrh iliulng the
third decade of March 1'nr the pamo reason
conBhlcrablc smill Lialn it-malncl In Ihu gt'uk '
all winter In localities It appears that tldi
tame through In Keel condition more or less
generally , but intirh of the le-mulnlng corn WUM
tpolle I or xv as In such conlltlor * xxhen gathered
that Immediate consumption as feed for stock
xvas Impentlve
Through the winter the sroxxs xvere' frcQitrnt
and the xxeathor cold cnouch to proxent tliawlriK
'Iho result that when thuwlnK xxenthfr came
the xxatci fium thu accumulated BIIGW tlllul Iho
stienms lake beds an 1 sloiiRhH , nnl llooded
moro or less the Hit und the loxv lituN rht-M *
conditions wcic greatly auiiiiinte < l the last elu > a
of Match by rilns over thu eieste-rn and rains or
SIIOWH over the xvestrrn jiortlun of the ulnte anil
rains In April Lowlands were llooilcU , llxlni ;
creeks and rivers Hooded the bottom lands ad
jacent thereto n ml "dry runu" became full mid
more with ruslilni- waters Tim rlvem In the
eastern poitlon of the state xvero husher than
Known In many > carn nnd ronelilerablo il'iiii.iKO
was done to bridges , buildings and hay stacks
by the Hood
The month of March averaged unusually cold ,
with moi B thin the iix erase amount of precipi
tation , nnd xvas extrcmrly cold much of the llrst
half The lumiiln ler of the month the Icmper-
auii ) was more t-cnsonablc , but the ground x\a *
too xx ot for vvrle
Ily Apill 5 very llttlo seellntr had been done
anil that only tn higher ( .round having teed
DurliiK the xxeek ending Arrll 12 the temper
ature xvas about normal , xvlth llfjit rains ami
considerable cloudy weather J ow lands con
tinued either tiil > inerjnl or lee xvet to work but
hlghfr Around had b-eu drying nlowlj and per
mlttel ruina vrpillnit nnd plovvlns In thu central
southern and Houthweitcrn counties Iho llrst
half of the xverlc emllne tolay xvns ihuuirj but
the remainder fair with fre-nh lo brli-K and hUh
elrvlng xvlmlii putting moat of thu hl > , h I mil In
tillable condlllm Milch loxv land ccntlniii-s ton
wet to work , but on higher ground feeding of
win nt oats nnd bailey Is quite Kcneial Home-
early gardenliiK has been done aUo , In thu
southern mantles
The toll cinrrully U no moist that with sett-
sonable tcniwraturt | > netd will germinate- and
gnixv rapidly The ground hns not been so thor
oughly ruturnteil xilth molxtiire since the tprlng
of IW ami In this particular the promise of
a fruitful season has never been more Mattering
The buda of trers are besrlnnlnt- swi'll In thf
6outlurn ituil cuutrnl counties anil grass Is start
ing nlcel ) .
.Him Krniii-l ci > Wlieut
HAN FHANCIBCX ) . April tt WHEAT Weaker ,
May , ( I Si'l ; December ,
Arrivals of Cattle TTuusnally Heavy for a
Friday Rum
Itujorn C After HIP CiiHJiIJnrI > unit
Soon Ole-ur tin- rent HORN
l.onu u Iilttlo , CluiliiK
SOUTH OMAHA , April 23.-Uccelrt < for
the days Indicated erc :
Total receipts . . . . 7S 9J 9 2
The disposition of the dny'H receipts was
ns follows , each liujtr purchaMtiff the num
ber of head Indicated.
Huje-ri Cattle. Hops Sheep
Oni ilia Packing Co . 2 . . . .
The O H Hammond Co. 2'J ) 1.25U
Bulft and Company . Ml 2..1I' ) 141
The Cudahy Packing Co. Co7 2.22S 257
1 ! HirKer and Derail. . ' ! .
\V I Sti-phi'tis . . . . 11 .
1III1 A. l.\\ts Co . 72 .
liinton & Undctuood . . . 2JI .
llustrX Co . II .
Kichbs A , Co . S7 .
llliiK.ton . Son . CO .
11 mimoml , K C . . . 373 . . .
HotCltklSM . 3C
Other hujcrs . 100 .
l ft o\er . l,2jj
Totals . 2W5 u\208 w
CATThlJ llccclpts of cattle were tin-
ttsually latBo for u Trlil ty , theio behift
f ovonty-elRht louls reported In , a gain o\er
i \\ci-Kaijo of 125 head.
The mitkct as \\hole was not very pro
ductive of new ot interesting features ,
values on all kinds of cattle belli ? about
While there were finite a ( rood many corn-
fed beo\e. In the yards there was nothliiK
choice ot fanry to put n. hUh top on the
market. Still the most of the cattle wore
, { oed , such ns arc selling at $1 Mid 50. The
pilces paid were the same as prevailed > es-
terday and the market could h xrdly be
quoted othetulsc than steady The cnttlp
were all sold In good season and the yatds
I.esa thin half as many cows nnd heifers
were on sale today as jesterdaj. Still the
traikot was not pittlculaily active and It
was some time before a cle.uanco was
ellectcd Ay was the case with beef steers
the cow stuff sold at about sle uly prices
Stockcis and feeders were In liberal sup
ply , but the demand was good and the mar
ket Ilrm representative sales :
No Ai. I > r. No Av. 1'r No Av IV
1. . . 5M $3 SO 0 . . .10S1 } 4 23 17..1243 4 3" >
1. . . 870 3 TO 20 . S'l ) 4 23 22 . 1110 4 3T
1 . . ' ' 70 1 73 IS . 117S 4 23 IS . Jill
1 . 11M ) 1 SI 2. . . .10-0 4 23 7 . . .1117
4 . .ll'K ) 3 10 0..1270 4 23 7. . . 1210
22 . 13GS 190 I. . . ll'lj 4 25 41 . . 13.1
. . ! " 3 HO DO , . 117" 4 _ ' > 13 . . .lljl
y . .813 300 21. . . . 9JD 423 IS. Ilf3
7 . . 9 0 4 CO 21 . .1017 4 30 1 . .I'.OO
I. . . 1071 4 03 S .1J37 4 30 n. . .l.M
4T . . .1034 4 OT G . . 105S 4 W 4 . . .117. !
4. . . 1332 4 10 17. . . .1041 4 10 ID . . 1173 4 40
11. . 1110 4 11 1 _ > i 1117 4 30 3 1133 4 43
21 . . lf % 4 15 1. . .1J40 4 i ) 20 . .1033 4 41
20 . . .1116 411 1C . llrO 430 K . . .1143 4M
II . . .If'il 420 17 . .10M 430 IO..U04 4 TO
3 . . . tro 4 20 18 . . llMi 4 JO 2 > . . .Ull 4 CO
2) . . 10.11 4 20 2. . .1320 4 JO IS . . .1412 4 53
34 . . .11CO 4 20 ] - ' . .lO'iS 4 35 11 . .UjO 4 70
1 . . .1100 ICO 2 . . . Of. 300 1..1170 331)
1 . . . OU ) 2 00 2 . . . 9S1. 1 00 1 . . .1220 3 40
1 . . 770 2 2 > 1 . . 9,0 1 CO 21 . . . 78 1 3 40
1 10",0 2 J3 G . . IfiO 3 00 1 . .1470 3 40
1 . . 810 2 J3 2 . .1191 10 1 1140 1 40
1 . . .790 233 1. . .10W ill ) 2 .UK ) J 40
1. . . . fW 2 40 1 . . .1191 3 10 3 . . .ICIXj 3 4"i
1. . . . 130 2 CO 1. . . . 730 1 10 1. . .1.10 3 CO
1 . . . rlj ) J 50 fi . . .1110 J 15 3 11S1 3 r.O
2 . . ' 175 2 W 1 , 1J50 3 15 1 1010 3 BQ
1. . . . i'92 ' J M 30 . DSt 1 20 2 I2f "i 3 fO
1 . . . ! HO 2 TO 2 1.210 1 20 1 11SJ 3 O )
1. . . 00 27' 1 . 1230 1 J-i 12C3 3 01
1 . . 713 2 73 1 1210 1 JT , C 81' ' . 3 ( i )
13. . ' 100 3 75 1 . 1140 3 2' 2 9(0 ( 3 CO
1 . MO 273 2 . 11.10 323 2 1"(0 ( 3 f,1
1 101 1. 2 T , S lCh7 3 2- . 1 liCO 3 fi
2 lOV. 2 SO 1 1040 3 23 5 10C | 1 C3
1 15S ) 2 " > 0 10 . KM 3 23 4 . . IMO 3 C3
2 . . S53 i 90 13 . . 1101 3 23 IS S41 3 C3
1 ire 2 90 4 1201 J 23 C 1010 1 t'i
1 Idtfl 1 00 1 1200 J 2 ? 4 1017 1 70
1 1100 3 00 8 1101) ) 3 10 18 . . 813 J 7'i
1 . 10aO 3 00 7 . . 91 J 30 5 . . SOG 3 90
2. . 4fi 2 CO 2 . .410 3 . ! 0 12. . 676 380
1 . COO 3 00 2 . . COO 3 3 > 4 9.7 3 0
4 . . 827 J 15 7 . . 4J7 1 40 32 tO ! J 65
1. . . . S20 3 15 3 , , . tV 1 fl ) 9 . . . 1XJ 3 F6
1. . . . 430 J 23 1. . . . 3JO 3M _ > . . 101"i o .0
1 . 4IM 3 21 1 . . 820 3 CO 5 HI 3 M )
1 . . CJO 3 Kt 2 711 I CO 4 Id 3 63
1 . CCO 3 ij 2. . . . S75 31,3 1..510 415
1. C70 3 23 2. . . . 635 3 7G
HUM. " .
l..ltbO 1 85 1..1200 2 90 2 . .Mi" , 3 20
2 . . .1125 2 CO 1..14JO SCO 2. .1211 3 2 ( >
1 . SSO 2 40 1. . . ICoO J 00 1 . 1510 1 2) )
1..1COO 2 40 1 . . 19CO J CO 1 . 1UX ) 3 2 ,
1 . 830 2 CO 1 . 13SO SCO 1. . 1110 325
1 1320 2 T5 1 UOO 1 00 2 .117" 1 25
1 . fc,0 ( . ' U 15 . 1C17 J ( H ) 1. . 1540 3 30
I 1420 - ' 73 1 I".70 1 10 1 S'O 3 EO
1 1170 2 71 1 17 > 0 J II ) 1 10V ) J JO
1 . 1IW . ' 71 1 K,0 311 1 17.0 1 „ - >
1 135) J SO 1 , 15CO Jl" 1 . .11.0 3 ' .1
1. , ! WO . ' M 1 . , H20 J 11 1 . 1340 I 40
4. 14JO 2 k" 1. . 1410 1 til 1 . . HCO J Co
1 1710 J 10 I. , Ifc.'O 3 LO
1 . 11CO 3 CO 1 , lO'O 1 40 J. . . 1570 3 75
1..1I20 J 00 U . .13JO 3 CO
2 . .280 4 G5 1. . , 90 525 2..2N ) CCO
1 . 540 4 71) 1. . . . 130 5 23 1. . . TX ) C 00
2 . M > 471 1. . UI ) 521 1 . ' 10 OCO
1 . "CO 1 CO 12 . . . fcCI 4 13 1. . .10CO 4 33
1 . . . 2,0 B ( W
1 . . . 700 3 00 1 . HOD 4 19 11 978 4 30
1 ( .30 . 1 23 1 . . . tV > 4 15 20 . , C11 4 35
1 , C40 3 35 3 . . . G3S 4 15 27 , , M7 4 35
1 . . 770 ) CO 12. . . . 3C4 4 15 28 . . . 771 4 33
1 430 3 CO 3 . . SJl 4 15 1 . 1000 4 35
4 . (3.1 3 ' 0 6 . 901 4 15 12 . 1154 4 40
1 , . * wO J . ' ) ' ) 11 . .Ml 424 3 , . , , CIO 440
2 1030 < t71 4 . , 7SO 123 18. . . . 701 440
1 fill i 85 2 . . SOO 4 2i 14 . . C81 4 CO
1 170 4 00 4 . . . C3J 4 25 3 . . 453 4 CO
1 CSO 4 00 153 . . f > SG 4 21 28 , 820 4 CC
1 > S,0 , 4 00 4. . . h70 425 3D . . . 7C5 4 M
1 . . . CSO 4 00 10.10 7 4 25 20 . . . C43 4 C5
2 fc.5 4 CO 17. , . . MO 4 25 1. . . . 420 4 CO
1 C80 4 CD 21 . . .1009 4 30 27 , . CSC 4 70
C ! " . ! 4 10 2 . S90 4 30
HOGH Yesterday they put on a shaxlnK , and
todii } tuok It off , The IIOKS sold all thn xvay
from alt ails' to Co lower , that Is at 1380 , 13 S2 j
und S ti5 , principally , xrhllu jcsterday over half
of all the hoxs brought 13 M
Toda > 's etiHlnK ol hi values initu the market
back ibout xxhero It xvas on Wednesday. * lhe
IIOKS * uld today Cc loxver than a xveek IIRO , CfflOo
loxver than a month IIKU , but 55o higher than
a year ago Heprenentallve sales.
SI1KHP There were plent } of nln > * p hero , but
the market w .s low nml weak. Hcprc-sentnllv *
Rales :
Cntlto Sonroo mill l.oxxrII < m Vary .
Mit'i Arc \Ve-n 1 % .
CHICAGO April II Hrcclpls of entile wrro
Miiall. tmt sulllclent for the limited demand and ,
ales wcro mostly nt loner prices. The bulk
of the beef cnttlo sold nt from II 3' . to I" . , with
llmltcil Mies nt from 13 10 to | i 33 , nn.l a cnr-
loml of fancy heifers brought 13 W Thn Mocker
and feeder trndo xxns ncttxe nt the highest prices
of the soar lor the best feeder * , $485 Imlng bid
In one Instance Canning Fluff wns miner ilull ,
mid a few i > wr cown mild nt from $1 $ CO to $1.75.
but \cry many went below 12.
I.lKht heirs were Mromrer unit largely 5o per
IW-lbs higher , while henxy weights nx erased ,
tic lo cr Ttic bulk of the. hogs brought from
II to II 07W the beat henxy * clllnir nt il 10 nnil
primp nt II 17 < 4 , the nmrkct closed badly , e-spo-
dully for hcaxy hogs
The Mieep nnrkct developed nome wcnkiieini.
Silos wen- made nt from 13 2 < i to 1150 for In
ferior lambs nnil the best Colorado nocks brought
J"i 75 , the bulls of the good lamb * fetching from
JS to JVEi. Shei p unlit nt from $2.95 to $5 S3 for
common to prime lota but hnnlly nn > snloa no-
ourreil nboxo 15,03 1'rlme lambs sold slpxvl } nt
I" 6 , .
Ilccelpts : Cnttle. 2.400 henil ; hogs. 1,800 ticadl
sheep. 7,700 henil
KIIIINII-I ( Mt > I.U c > Stot-U.
KANSV1 CITY , April S3 CATTLE-llecelpts ,
B ( XXI lienl , beM grades stead } , others wi-nlc ;
Texas Kleers , 11 Z'fH 05. Texas cims. 12 WHfl ii ) ;
native Rli-crs. 13 & 0fl ( 00 , nntlxo cows nnil heifers ,
I210SM10 , slockers nnil feeders , I3005J470 , bulls ,
$2 V.54 75
HHOS Ueeelnts. 11,000 henil , market ox | > neil
xxeik , clofpil stenilj , bulk of sales | 17r.5i3 S" ;
hiMXles I373S310. packers. 11 C2Vj T3 S3 mixed ,
J3755M01 lIMils. | 3C3S3SO , "iorKers , 13 75W3 M ) ;
pigs , f1 IKUM 7' .
HIIEEP-llecolpls 2.000 hemlj mirkct steadyj
lambs , $3 2Hlv > M , imiltuns , J2.fil SI
M. I.onU Ilt iStix'k. .
ST 1.O1I14prll ! 3--\TTI.i : llerelpts. I TO *
eftfl , in irkct K'tuialU strong. fuht > expttit
stcirs , JiWiSSi , fall to choke nntl\o flii | > | ilni ;
fKers $4 5"f" > (0 , li n unilci 1.00) l ) uniH 3" 501J
4 nf > . Ftoikirn ninl fteltri $30i > i470 , cows mitl
heifers , f : Iiif4',0 Tiisnn I Indian uteols , $ ! 49
5f4 10. io > nnil helfcrx J2 OOS3 | 7"i
HO(1 > 4 llMelpl ( , OiX ) heail. mnikct slenily to
Ktrnni ; , IlKht J3 SW3 95 , inlxeil , J3 ( OSftM , hcn\ ) ,
(3 rein 4 r.i
Hlinni' Itecppl | SCOO henil inniKet flenilv ;
intlvo tniitlons Jor,05f-iO | , lnml > 9 , t.01iJM ( |
loxas xhtip $3 UOfcl iO hprlDK I llnbt. $ . > U04is uv.
NH\\ " 'iOlSKprll 21 Iiivis ! : : :
1211 henil , thin foi tonl steers , stas ( nnil oxen ,
H S" > { i4 SO , bulls $30flrso ) | Cables quote Amcr-
Ic-in stiers lomflPie , shi cp. IOisiiilJ'i ' , refrlKCi-
ntor bei T ' tTJ c , t xport * . 10 * > bi.e\Lii
Slliii' ANM ) \MI1S Iticnlpti , fir.2 < heart :
ttooil stotk In fair ilimiml nml llrm , nort i gtailes
s1m\ nnileik , imshorii sheep , $ " > OO fJ 3 , clippoil
ihcep $4 71& ] I 8" ,
norm Ilecelpf , 2,417 licml. innrkitenlt at
$4 215T4 TO
Stlll-lc III
UPCOII ! of leielpt't of ll\e stock nt the four
pilnclpnl maiKcts for April ATCnttle
Cnttle Hogs Sheep
Omaha JOI4 G 230 . ! 2o3
Chlc.lBO 2 40i ) l.kOO 7700
Kuiiis Clt > 3000 13000 20O )
bt I uuls 1500 GK ( 8000
Totals 10 ' 114 37,030 19 O'i
Till ; \\OOI * .IIAUKI'T.
Ili-tnll Clollilcrs ItcjMii'l nit IJiui
Inr i > KiiHlcr llii-tliii-MN.
1'OSTON , April 2J The lto ton Commerclnl
Ilulletln will pay tomorrow of the \\ool market :
The mirketi \ ilull , thf only sale of wnsheil
lleece ni r > OOO Iba of Michigan X 1'rlcrs nro
llrmlj heia , however. Inspite of the1 small sales
of ilomcstlu wcol blbenl ilelh cries of foiclsn
wools continue The most notable pale was In
the line of the ncwli iirilMil Cape wool , to cost
2SftlOc Lleaii for LlothlnK ami cnmlilns Au-i
trallnn JIonte\lilio nn 1 AricnthifMinlt hi\o
also been tnken freely nt the oltl lates Thi
mills me nil buss Ilie lan.tbl nonl inourln
plant In New Kaolin 1 Is tunning 110 hours u
veek , tiUht ami day wtelt as the best
1 aster \\c k that the utdll clothlirH ha\e kno\\n
for jears The tales for the wctk lire 4 217 OW
Ilis domestic ami 4 010 000 lln fiirtlgn. against
1 7J3 000 Ib" iloniLHtli anil 7 3"2 ( VO lit foieUn
list eik nml 1 ISO 00) Ibs domeftlc ami fu3 000
Ibs foielcn foi the s imo week last
Col ) i > < > M-irl..i'ls.
NI\V ionic , April 23 cori'ii-ojition
opineil btcail ) . C to ID points lower In sympithy
ltli Ilumpean markets The iiniBe wns ex-
ticmely llklit , with foielKii tinileH luuei I DLI !
buj Inn later steailliil t imukU. Hi-cilplH wi ro
llbei il. iltlherles In the Unltcil States were
llBht Clo-eil flrm , with prices 5 points higher Ire
3 points Iowa. ilcs 7 TOO bars In lulling :
May J7 0"iiJ7 10 f-pot , Illo wciK.N'o 7 , Imolm.
J7 to. No 7 , jobbing $3 , Oonlovu $12 ' 014 CO ;
salts , 2CCO bac Illo No 7 , "pot nt $750 Total
mre'iouce iloHvcrlcs fn > m the Ui lt il hta'es ,
U 231 IPJKS. Inihiillng 10733 IISKS fiom New Ik ;
New irk htcck toilay , 334 WJ bam , United
States tloclt M" > , tli > IMKS , artoit for the United
Stj-tes , 211500 lass , total \lslblc for the Unlteil
MntiH , (2)1315 ( ) bags , ngilnst 372 GDI bat's last
je ir
II VVIin , Apill 21 rorrii2 Cloteil quiet , ' /30 >
JJo net lower siles 22 COO IITRS
SANTOS. April 23 COrri3IJ Santos quiet ;
Kood n\ernRe SintoH , ! ) ! )00 ) rcls , lucclpts , two
ilays. 11 IX ) linRs ,
HAMiiunoprii -corrnn-neciincj % < &
1 pfB. sdes 19 MX ) lnis
HIO tin TANCIHO. Aurll 23 roPITIO-riit ;
No 7 , Illo S4'iOreli , exchanBe , 7 25-32J , receipts.
3 WO IIURS , clenrnl for no Unlleil Stuleu , 10 C0
hap . clcaied for llurope , "iW ) bnga ; stock ,
202 OM bnB .
\ nVorK Mining : ( liiDlnlloim.
NKW YOHK Apill 21 The following urn the
Toli-ilo MnrUctH ,
TOLPOO April 21 WIII3A'I Higher and firm ;
No 2 iiFh , 9lc , May 3..i < -
COKN Active nnl clt-nil ) , No 2 mixed , 2llic ,
OATS Active nnd Btcad > No 2 mixed , ISc
HVi : Dull Nn ! cum , 37c bid
CI > OV13H bUiU Meuily , | rlnu , cull u"il AlTll ,
il 40
C'llllfiil-nill lli-li-tl Prill ( H.
NI\V yoiiK. APIII 23 PAUfouNiA nnirn
rituns llvaporulel apples , Ilrm : cither fiultH ,
ipih-t nnl miclmiiM'il , evaporated upplo , choice ,
1if4Kefancy : ) | , W/tH'ic
CAM ) OltNIA NUTS Quiet to ubout sli-aily ;
walnuts C1X.S7V4e , piipi i thelled almonds , I2@13c ;
coft shelled , 9c
8T I/I'Ifl April ! 3 \ VOOIQulet and a
Fhadn loner , combing 17c , llkht line , 9V > o ; heavy
tine , 709o , medium , ISGIi'ic ' , tub washed , 17O
Ni\V YOltlC , April 23 WOOU-rinn , llcec
IGij'aio ; pulled , 15S20e
SIIKMP lInrl.ctH.
NHW YOHIC. April 23 -SU(3AH-Havv. noml.
nal , fair rclliilni ; cfiitrlfiiKiil. 90 test , 3y4c
hales lute yistinliy , 3W > bugs centrifugal , 9t
teat , 3Vc III llneil , steuily , crushed , 5'c ' , povr >
dercO , f > ic , granulated , 4'/ic. '
| | N Wlit-ul
MINNIIAl'OWB , April 21 WHKAT rirm ;
May , 74e , July , T4'.ft15o , Beptembcr , oSVic ; No ,
1 hard , 78'ic ' , No 1 northern , 7Gt c.
Oin CITY. I'a . April 23No bld for rcrlin-
calp oil Credit b.iliiiui-s unchHiiguil Huns , 38-
423 bbls. , fihlpnuntti , 2,4C'J bbls
l ! Voti-N ,
HOST ON April 23.-Clearlngs , J13)2,101 ! ) ;
aiicis , JlkD2tS.
NK\V YOIIK , April -Clearings , $ ? 3.I2,02 ( |
balancrs , } 0 , < ; 8,2',3
8T IJCIUIH. April -Clearings , t3C2IC7l , bal
ance * , (820213 Monty , Gft7 per cent , New orU
exchange , COo premium bid , 75c premium ashed.
CHICAOO. April -Clrarlnt , * , IZl fl,92Z.
Now York exchange , 40o piemlum rorelKii cx >
changi- , barely steady , demand , II t8'4 ' ; sixty
iluys , | l Hit
I'uri'lKii Fliiiinrliil ,
Iir.r.IN. ) : April 2S nxchanvo on London , cltht
da > ' night , V > marks 2S pfi ;
I'AIIIB , April K Three per cent rental , lOZf
COo for ( ho nctount , exchange on Ixndon , 2if
lfl',40 ' for checks
IXINDON , April -OoM U quoted at Iluenos
Ayres today lit 203 , at Uabon , 49 CO , at Home ,
10T.97. Spanish 4s , CO ] 2 Gold bullion to Ih *
amr.unt of 121 COO was withdrawn from th *
Hunk of England today for uhlpmc'iit to Japan ,
Telephone 1039 , Oinnhn , Nub.
Hoard o ( Trade.
Dltect wires to Chle iiO uni Now York.
Correippadentiii John A. V/arrta A t > -