o THIS OMAITA DAILY ] ) "REn TUCKS DAT , APKTL 22 , 181)7. ) creditable exhibit -with nil due speed Chair man Oharlton Hinted yesterday that th < Idea of the committee Is to have the nrl exhibit of the TrannmliilfiMppl nxpoMtlor. n highly creditable collection of represents tlvo norkt of art. The aim would be , he until , to have moro reRird for the qiialltj of the exhibits , rather than to secure a large collection of works of mediocre quality The nrt director , ho Bald , would be selected with the Kroatcflt care , the aim of the committee being to secure a man of the highest class in thW line , or , falling In this , to get along without a director. The question of the general character of tin art building was also disbursed nt the mootIng - Ing of the association Nothing was dceldei upon , hut a HiiKfitstlcm made by T 11 Klin Imll , one of the RUpcrvlsIng architects of th exposition , met with Immediate favor wit the members of the association prison ! Thl Euggcstlon vvns that the nrt building shoilli bo n twin building , or , nt Mr Klmbnll pu It , a Slameso twin building In two part with n connecting court between Accordln to Mr Kfmball'a Idea the front of this twit Imlldlng would be n facade extending en tlrely ncro < v the two buildings and lnter\en Ins court , a distance of about 350 or 40 foot This facadd vvoilM be formed Of classic columns and would form a covered passage way from ono building to the other Th court between the buildings would bo open to the heavens , and would ho lavishly deco rated with reproductions of the best worl of nnclent ami modern sculptors A fcTturo of this court would also be beautiful foun tains The design also contemplated using one of the buildings ( or sculptured and work In block nml white nnd the other for groupIng - Ing of paintings It was estimated tint nboiil 22,000 square feet of floor space would bo ob talned In these buildings It Ins already been decided by the exposl tlon management that the Art building elml Ixi erected In what Is to hu hereafter knowi ns Kounte park and there arc many author Hies to bo satisfied with the plans of this building before the construction of It ma ; bo commenced The agreement with Mr Kountro provides that ho phall approve the building , the understanding with the par ) commission provides tint this board shal erect the building , and hence the plans inns bo approved by that board , the committee of the Western Art association will have something to say about the plan of the build Ing and , lastly , the plan will have to mcc with Iho approval of the executive committee of the exposition. It has been suggested tlia competitive * drawings bo asked on this build Ing and the supervising architects favor this method. If the designs thus submlltot filioulil not pro\e satisfactory the building would then bo designed by the supcrvlslni architects. Will MnkiIt ii Holiday. The members of the parade committee o the Transmlsslsslppl Imposition have re quested the rut-ill stores to close this afternoon , Most of the proprietors ha\o agreed to comply with the request and joii In the exorcises at the grounds. The whole- sain houses and most of the railroad odlccs will close during the afternoon nikx Will riirtlflpatc. The members of the local lodge o Elks will meet at their lodge room this aft ernoon at 1 o'clock to take part In the Transmtsslsslppl Inaugural parade. FKHNCII DUl'OUT A AATIVH Her \ViirrlorN .Sent I'I-INOIIITN to Aii- OtlllT iHllllKl. SAN FRANCISCO , April 21. The bark- ntlne , City of I'ai > eet , just arrived from Tahlta brought news confirming the report that Queen Namao of the Haltea Islands was captured by the French settlers and sent Into exile with her husband and the princi pal chiefs. Mrs S. J. Hutchlnson of the Holiness church of Lee Angeles returned from the deposed queen's Island on the City of I'apect , having been refused permission to do mission work there , OB her mission work differed from that of the established church on thrao ( "lands. She was allower to land nt NouKa Hlva , but was prevents : from attempting to convert the natives. The war which "resulted In Queen Nairuo'o e\lle was brought to a close by a severe bi > onel charge of'Uio French pgalnst the natives whoso ammunition had become exhausted The natives were crowded behind a breast work and , nj-3rly every one was killed The queen afterwords surrendered Besides tlYG > jty" bxlleil with the queen more than 300 warriors wcio taken In a transport to Christ mas Island. As no water could be found there the warriors were taken back to NouKa IIIvo tci await further Instructions The olllcers In charge of the prisoners were di rected to take them to another Island ol the Marquesas group that M Mchtlo hail leased from the French government for the purpose of using It as a cattle range. As BOOH as the natives were put on the Island they began to kill the cattle for food When the City of Pepeet left the Marquesas Llclitle was trying to gel the government to remove the natives and to pay him for the animals killed. 11011111:11 snuvus AS .nm on. One of tinlllur Cut nuiiK : Trli-H nil Important Dnnui iSuit. . KANSAS CITY , April 21 The trial of James F. Kennedy , the reputed leader In the niorp recent train robberies at Uluo Cut , developed the fact-yesterday that the robbers had very Ilttlo fear of the Kansas City au- tliorltlcH , and also that no very great care In exercised In the selection of Jurors In this city. James Glynu , who admits com plicity lu the robbery and who went on the stand yesterday and made a clean breast of the whole affair , testified that twelve days after the robbery he was serving on a Jury hero In the circuit court , and nt that tlmo had $503 of the booty of the robbery In his possession. After the excitement over the robbery had subsided somewhat Kennedy came to the city to get his hare of the plunder. Ho found Fl > un at the court house whcro the self-confcsse-d robber was serv ing as a juror in n damage suit against a street rnihoad company. Involving $15,000 "When the court adjourned the two robbers , according to1 Plynn's testimony , went Into an ante room an 1 divided the booty. riynn's testimony Involving Kennedy as the leader of ttm band was direct and con clusive , and was not aliaken on cross exami nation. Throughout 1'lynn Insisted that the two other robbers cumo to the scene of the hold-up with Kennedy , that they were strati- Born to him , and that he has never seen them since I > I-IIIM of ii liny. ST. PAUL. Minn , April 21. Brigadier General Hlchurd W Johnson , U. S. A. , re tired , died suddenly at his homo In this city tonight of pneumonia KANSAS CITY , April 21 DeWItt C Tay lor llrst lieutenant of Veteran company A Third regiment , and anlil to ha the oldest national guardsman In America , is dead here , aged Si yciirn Taylor joined the Second Michigan volunteer infantry , hut was later transferred to cnmiuny C. Twenty fourth In fantry , which was nralgncd to the Army of the Potomac. In 1SOJ ho was In Genera ! Hancock's command his brigade btlng known as "Tho Old lion Ilrlgado " Taylor was de tailed by General I Uncock ns a scout and continued In that branch of the service until the cloke of the war , winning an enviable- record Ho was born near itatli , Me GiNiV \ Neb . April 21 ( Speelnl Tele gram ) Whllo reluming homa to supper from hln olllco this evening about 7 o'clock' Ur O W Johnston was taken with acute neuralgia of the heart Ha was able to get Into a neighboring residence. He died about 8 o'clock. He was ono of the most prom inent physicians nnd was formerly superin tendent of the State Insane asylum at Haot- ' lues. I The Perfect Pill Perfect In preparation. , . Perfect iu operation. J | Ayor'sOatlmrtio Pills Perfect post-pratidial pill. Perfect for all purposes. THE PILL THAT WILL LINCOLN CHARTER IN COUR1 Old Ootmcil and Excise Board Start Qu Warranto Proceedings. ATTACK THE CITY'S ' NEW BILL OF RIGHTS llolntnrn \ k ( lint theOlllclaN ClioM-i nt Iliv I.allHlrrtlon tinil Ai- ) inlnt < > < l l > j 111 i * fii He llviiin\ < UNCOIN. April 21 ( Special ) The valid Ity of the new Lincoln charter Is to be tested In the courts. Today a petition wa filed by Frank A. Graham , major , Illchan S. Crimea nnd Harvey II. Valll. members o the excise hoard , setting forth that Addlaot S. TIbbcts , Trcd A Miller and John II. Me- Clay 1m o usurped the office and authorlt of the Flro and Pollco Commission vvllhou having been elected to the name The relaters lators ask that the said defendants bo dc clhrcd not entitled to the nald offices , note to net as members of the Fire and Police Hoard , but that they be ousted therefrom nnd that the said Frank A. Graham , Ulch- ard S Gilines nnd Harvey U. Valll bo ol lowed to constitute the board Another petition is filed by "vV 1) Corn- stock , T. M Draper. H. D Hwnn , U. E rinley , A. II Hutton. W. Law lor. liar Porker , J D. Parker , C W. Spears , OV Webster. W A Woodward nnd U T Young members of the old city council , praying that A Stewart , H. H. Darth. II J Wlnnctt IS. A. names. J. Gclsler , K. II Guthrlo and J H Mockctt ho ousted from the city coun cil to which they have been unlawfully elected , nnd that the sold relaters bo al lowed to continue to net as the councilmen - men of the city of Lincoln The petition sets forth that the attorney general , hav ing refused to bring the action , the parties bring It In their own behalf il 1J. Hceso appears as attorney for the plaintiffs In both cases The Intention Is to have the supreme court pass upon the new populist charter Another case filed In the supreme court to day Is that of William C Itean , plaintiff In error , against the State of Nebraska Hcan was convicted of grand larceny In the dis trict court of Cumlng county on February 4 , 1S97 , nnd sentenced to n six-years' term In the penitentiary. Ho charges a number of errors on the part of the trial court. The legislative investigating committee Is still In n state of masterly Inactivity No agreement has been reached as to the ap pointment of a clerk or expert to help carry on the work Senator Heal has not yet ar rived , and the other members of the boanl wired him today to find why ho has not put in his appearance H Is sold by the board that no further work will bo done until Mr. Heal reaches hero. Lieutenant Governor Harris Is Installed In the executive otllco during the absence of Governor Holcomb. Ho goes to Omaha tomorrow morrowto attend the exercises of lajlni ; the corner stone for the Transmlsslsslppl exposition. Auditor J. F. Cornell went to Omaha jcstcrday on business connected with his olllce and Is expected home tomorrow Ho was accompanied by his bookkeeper , J. A. Abbott. The Bank of Hartley. Hartley , Neb , was stricken off the list by the state banking board today , the Institution having gone Into voluntary liquidation Its last statement shows $10,000 capital and $ G,000 In deposits covrnMi-T OK A > OT\iivs COUUT HiiNlmiiil nnd Wlf < > nt Lincoln IJiuler Arririt- for Thin CHUNI- . LINCOLN , April 21. fSpecial ) The stat utes compelling persons to appear on sum mons of a notary public and answer ques tions concerning their property was put In practice yesterday by Frank Hurr. a notarj public of this city. The case was that of W J. Prlco and prances E.h'rlce , who nre Indebted - dobted to the assignee of the H. T. Clark Drug company , nnd who themselves recent ly undo an assignment or disposed of their property. When brought bcforo the notary they refused to answer as to the disposition of their property nnd TV ere placed under arrest. Mrs. Price was allowed to go home ; In the ovenlne , but Mr. Prlco remained in the eiistody of the sheriff all night. This morning he svvoro out a writ of habeas cor pus , which was argued before County Judge Cochran and the writ was granted Price Is out on $200 ball until Friday , wh-n Iho case will como up The matter has attracted eonsiderable attention among local attornevs being the putting into practice of a stat ute heretofore very little used. nvicn 11 OAKY nnsi'i'rn i.ow iMiirns. Vull - > CountsI'linniTH Soil Their rriicliK-tn lit Cooil 1'rolllx. NOUTII LOUP , Neb . April 21. ( Special ) As a sample of what the farmers of this vicinity were able to do last year , S. S Smith , who ralsci ] eleven acres of popcorn , yielding 3,200 pounds to the acre , was of fered a rate per hundred amounting to about $30 per acre The price has ordinarily been lictwucit one-fourth and one-half higher per pound. Ho also raised six. acres of alfalfa , cutting It for the flrnt time on the 5th of June , and three times thereafter These four cuttings aggregated fifty toiib. or an average of over eight tons to the acre , In addition to the moasuiablo yield of alfalfa , two. acres of the plat furnished pasture for cows dur ing a portion of the tlmo and no account of : lie amount ecubinned by them Is included In Lho icckonlng Men hero who sold potatoes ns low ns 15 cents per bushel claim to have uiailo money , Hlnco they had. In many casea , hctween 200 and 300 bushels per acre , making a urotis icturn of between $30 and $45 per aero. Alfalfa HUM Horn iWliitrr KIMcil. SCHUYLBK. Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) There Is a great deal of complaint among farmers who had fields of alfalfa til good condition last year , Homo of the fields being ; wo years' old , that the alfalfa is winter killed Tbo condition of the fields caused so much discour agement tbi-t a great deal of tlm- othj nnd clover seed Is being sown to take the place of It. Many of the fields have so l > oor a stand this spring that they will not ! m letalned ns alfalfa , hay or pasture fields , whllo upon some of them endeavors will bo nmclo to bring them out by reset-ding dither with alfalfa or clover or tlmoth > seed There must have been fiotno unusual condition to cause this winter-killing , as there are many places where blue glass suffered very inueh , there being spots where t was entirely killed , There Is not much ; lmothy or clover land around here , and no complaints are heaid from what there Is I'amirrKXIIIIM | | u Colli'i'lnr , rniUND , Neb. , April 21 ( Special ) An exciting affray occurred at the farm of Sylvester - voster Andiovv , ono mlle southeast of town , esterJay ovcplng. An execution had been Is sued against Andrew and Geoigo T. Halnnr , a local collector , deputized to servo It lalner went to Andtow's faun taking three iFHlslauts with him. Andrew discovered lalner while In the act of driving some swlnu In thn yard nnd assaulted him with a ball bat , striking him thioo or four times > vor the head , and ncaily severing ono of i Li ears. When , the assistants rallied to laliier's rrseuo , a gun pointed In tholr dl- cetlon caused them to retreat In good order , lalner , whllo eoi.Hlderably pounded IH no * eilously Injuiod Andrew has given hlnuclf ip to the authorities , and will have a tiial oday Will Son Allaffa Auuln. HLAIIl. Nob. . April 21. ( Special ) It rained all tlay again jcsterday Only about one-lmlt the small Brain IB jet In on the ilgh land and hardly any on the bottom and Nearly all the alfalfa Is killed. Judge Wnlton , Washington county's alfalfa in- lmslant na.\B ho Is going to BOW U again his uprlns and mix timothy with It He hlnks It Is on account of no much wet weather lo l winter that U was killed. Till.fiiSlilc finiii KnlInur Our I'lkc. STILLA : Net.pni 21. ( special ) -L * t vcnhit ; an Itinerant flt.li peddler cold out a vagouleid of freth fl1 ! on the street Ho nd a largd gar pIe ! lle-c ! to the back of his wagon for nn advertisement He wanted to give It to n small boy to take home , but the boy refused However , when ho sold nil his fish ho left the gir laying on the ground The same bov picked It up nnd carried It home Hh mother , Mrs George , cooked It for supper and during the night she nnd her six children were tnkcn deathly nick A physician : was summoned and the sufferers nro now recovering r ll 'I 1113 Til IA I. OlDlt. . ( iOOIM V.VSON AlU-Ki'il Alf < - Polwoiu-rV CnuIn Conic 1 n nt Pinion % t'\t WopU. PfiNDGH Neb , 'April 21 ( Special ) Ah In loder and mother of Tlskllvvn. Ill , brother and mother of Mrs J Sidney Good- tnanson , deceased , arrived In Pcndcr Tucs- da > afternoon , to be present at the trlnl at Ponca next Tuevsday of Mr. J. Sidney Good manson , who will then be tried for poisoning his wife last September About fifty per sons residing In and near Ponder have been subpoenaed ns witnesses for the trial nnd will leave for Ponca on Monday next The prosecution will bo conducted by x\ttorne > s Mell C Jay of Dikotn City , Judge W F Norrls J J McCarthy nnd J. V PJerson of Ponca and Guy T Graves of Pendcr , while the defense has employed G W Argo of Sioux City , A H Harncs of Ponca and Ira Thomas of Oakland. The case of Joseph Sidney Goodminson va Robert Haccly , administrator of the cstat of Laura A Goodmanson , deceased , before Judge Curry. In the county court yesterday afternoon , was decided In favor of the ad mlnlstrntor. This case was brought by Dr Goodmanson to get possession of the wear Ing apparel nnd pcrsonil effects , Including household furnishings , belonging to Mrs Goodmnnson The evidence disclosed the fact that these articles were alt bought will his wife's money , hence the court rulei that Goodmanson had no right to them. Tuo WcililliiK * at IMitttstiKiutli. \TTSMOUTH , Neb. . April 21. ( Special At high noon today Ml s Mamlo Carmacl wna united In mnrrlago to Dr. Pugh o Omaha The ceremony was performed by Ilov. H. B. Hurge M of the Episcopal churcl at the residence of the bride's stepfather Joseph H. Gray , foreman of the H. & M roundhouse at this point Only the 1m me dnto | friends of the contracting parties wit nc'tsod the ccre-mcny , nnd after a splendh wedding breakfast the bride and groom dc parted for n short honejmoon at the con elusion of which their residence will bo made lu Omaha. St. Lukes Rplscopal church was throngei this evening with a congregation assomblcc to wIMiess the wedding of Charles Vallery and Miss Mecota Clkenbary , two well knovvi > oung people of this county. The churcl was beautifully decorated with choice ( low ers. The- wedding march was played by Miss Uurgess The groom Is a son of Jacob Vallery Jr , and the bride Is the daughter of Heiuy Llkenbary , one of the pioneer farm ers of this county HlHdlct Court at Wn > iio. WAYNE , Neb , April 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) The April term ot the district court Is being held hero this week with moro cases on the docket th.in over before. John Brandt was sentenced to penitentiary for thrco jears on n. charge of statutory assault. Cugeno Mueller was sentenced to ono > car on the charge of shooting with In tent to wound. In the case of Frank Kruger against the Wajne National bank , the charge was usury and a verdict was given for the plaintiff. The trial of C. K. Hash , who fiendishly muidered his wife and three children a few weeks ago , will begin Friday. Dr. Talina i'M * Vlxlt to Xoliraskn. TnCUMSEH , Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) Hov * T. DeWItt Talmago Is making a tour of the wcstein states soliciting corn for tha famine sufferers In India. Ilov. J. H. Wood cock , pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Tecumseh , has the arrangements of Dr. Talmago's soliciting engagements In Nebraska. Ho announces that the reverend gentleman will speak to an Omaha audience on the grave conditions of the sufferers Wednesday , April 28 , nnd on the day fol lowing will speak In Lincoln. Mr. Woodcock went up to Omaha jesterday to arrange the preliminaries ot Dr. Talmago's \islt. Rri-tiiii'M AtMCrt'iiiiiery. . GHCTNA , Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) Gretna's new creamery plant was put In operation Monday morning nnd Is now get ting the product of 150 cows nnd double that number will furnish milk within the next sixty days. The plant Is owned and opera ted by the Wateiloo Creamery company , which now has three plants In Sarpy county. All of them nre paying well and giving the farmers and ilalrjmen entire satisfaction. The product will be shipped to Omaha to .supply the milk and cicam trade tliero. -i iIn. . roslolllcr. LEY CCNTHIl , Neb . April 21. ( Spe cial Telegram ) The United States post- otllcej Inspector arrived In this city and proceeded to check up the ac counts of the retiring . postmaster , T. H Donncll , and found him something over (2.300 ( short In his accounts The bondsmen immediately took charge of the ofTico and C. C McPherson woo bvvorn In aa temporary postmaster , until the commission of W. E. Morgan ai rives. Council today deeded his propel ty to his bondsmen MitNltCiI Hull lit I'laUxinoiitli. PLVTTSMOUTH , Neb , April 21. ( Spe cial. ) Last night White's opera house was filled with a gay crowd of masquoradera vvhoso fantastic costumes presented a scene of kaleidoscopic jeauty and variety. The occasion wan the grand masked ball given under the auspices of the young women of SU Luke's guild , as a relaxatlor from the severities of the Lenten lisclpllne Music was f mulshed by tbo Tuxedo Mandolin club. I'OHITH a Clillllfothc Man. FUEMONT. April 21. ( Special. ) Coroner Martin has received a telegram from Chllll- cothe , O , stating that Dave Powers formerly Ived at that place and left theio about the 1st of Mnreh. The description glve'n leaves Ittlo doubt but that ho Is the snrno person who was killed at Hogcrs on Sunday. The elegram stated thatjiln friends vvcro unable o defray the expenses of bringing his body > ack to Ohio and ho will probably bo burled icro. Start Out with Klir FUI3MONT , April 21. ( Special ) Captain Salon of the American Volunteers began n series of meetings under tbo direction of hat organization lu the Woman's Christian rompcranco union tcmplo this evening. They start out with but live members Iho cap- aln Is hopeful of having man } conversions and placing his corps on n solid footing The storeroom adjoining the Young Men's Chris- Inn association room will bo fitted up for heir Ubc. lid linn StrnlM Pour TCIIIIIN In a Wi'fk. NEHUASKA CITY. April 21. ( Special Tel- gram ) Sheriff Huberlo returned from Joyt , Kan , today having in custody WI1- lulin FU'cher. who Is charged with horse- U'allng Ho confesses to having stolen a earn from Fiod Schrocder of Berlin , ono at Jncoln and two In Kansas In the last t > eve n dn > s. Ho IB 74 years of ago , white haired nil Infirm. Ho waived examination and was bc/und over to the district court. I.llllM ! U .VKIllll SllHM > IllllMl. fiHCLTON. Neb , Am 11 21. ( Special. ) Iho membcis oil Anchor lodge , No. 14 , have .icli again received notlco of suspension rom the grand master workman for dls- obe > lni ; his order and Insubordination and or continued violation of the grand and. BU- iremo lodge law. Both factions are very confident of their ultimate' victory at the meeting of the grand lodge In Omaha next iiouth I'ciiiliT Iloti-l PfiNDEH Neb. , April 21 ( Special ) A hanp < In the manugemcnt of the Peebles lotcl of this city took place today John C. Ward , u popular hotel man , takes posses- Ion , and W E Peebles , the former owner nd builder , relinquishes Iho management , vlileh he 1ms retained since ho sold thor r opt it ) lu December , 1S9C The hotel was ullt In IS'J. . hiiiinrr lit llcc-ntnr. DHCATUR , Neb . April SI. ( Special. ) The -adieu' Alii society of the ' .Methodist Kuls 'opal church served au Easter eupper at the tome of Mr and Mrs , James Ashley last night. A la cvu < > lrclo of friends of th family us well ntj members of the churc attended A hftTictsoW eum was realized from the supper Miss Mnbel Ashley , Oressed a nn Italian flower glfl selling her Easte lilies nnd derpra.tr ; ! eggs , was a charmln picture ot thPTfiTgMng Illntrlp Tonrt ill Ilciiiliixforil. HBMINGKORD , Nob. , April 21 ( Specln ( Telegram ) DWrji/ court convened hero to day with Judge Kinknld on the bench. Th most Important case disposed of wns th Whcatlcy seductjan yvise Whcntloy , wh was formerly juib B. & M stntlon ngcn here , wns aWsttfA six months ngo on warrant swoiW iit by Miss Anna Brolcl charging him wHhj seduction and since the ho has been confined In jail nt Grand Is land. The Jury returned \erdlct of ac qtllttal without leaving the court roon Wheatloy left tllb city Immediately for Alii nesotn , when ) he1 was when arrested Cour will continue In wenslon all week. TECUMSEH , Neb. , April 21 ( Spec-la Telegram ) At the liVmo of Mr nnd Mrs C H. Hnlstcd , this city , nt 8 30 o'clock till evening , occurred the wedding of thel daughter , Miss MyrA Hoisted , and William 55 Henry Theceremony1 was performed b Her. J H , Woodcock of the Methodist churc In the presence of a company of relative and friends. After the ceremony a miniptu ous supper was Indulged In Both the young pcoplo are well known hero , the green being n clerk In Dick McLanahon's drj goods store. Criifloii I , oral > OCH. OHAFTON , Neb , April 21. ( Special ) Ilov. John Glffon ot Clay Center , Kan preached Sunday evening In the Congrega tlonul church. The town board last evening elected h Schaaf street commissioner. Statlotv Agent Uiadlcv and wife left Mon day to spend the summer vacation In th Uockles , .Mr. Ashley of Lincoln taking charg of the station. Criminal I'arxipn'M Son CotIiinanc BEATRICE , Neb , April 21. ( Special ) A young man named Charles Walker , 1 jears of age , was brought up from Blue Springs today and after an examination iva adjudged Insane. He Is n son of the Haim list divine who left the county some month ago to escape serving a sentenceIn the penitentiary , prorounced upon him for has tardy. Ilrolct * Into u Church nt Derndir. DECATUn , Neb , April 21 ( Special ) I was found out last night that the men who broke Into the- Episcopal church last wool nnd committed depredations of a question nblo character were Will Page and Wll Pierce , two well known toughs Warrant. were taken out for their arrest , but the joung men got wind of the news and lied. Kline rat of MI-N. I'nxlon. SHELTON , Neb , April 21 ( Special ) Mrs Paxton was burled at 3 o'clock todaj from the family home. She was the mother of Miss Ella Paxton , who Is and has been teacher for several years In the primary department of the public schools. The schools were all closed at noon out of respect. Mrs. Paxton died at the age of SI ItOltl11 ItlojClt * Oil tilt * SIlllMWlllC. BEATRICE , TAprU' ' 21. ( Special ) A joung man named Bunkworth was nrrcsted a few dajs ngo under an obsolete ordinance for bidding the rldlngl of bicycles upon side walks and certain Streets In the city , but upon final hearing was dismissed by the police Judge this morning. PI nils CIUH.ru 5 > tolcn a Vi-nr V o. STELLA , Neb , April 21. ( Special ) About a jear ago the hubc > t drug store was broken Into and a lot of cigars stolen. No clew was found to the rbbbery until a few da > s ago a farmer 'was 'trimming ' a hedge three miles cast of hor.e Snd found a dozen boxes of cigars hidde i In fhehedge. . 1'roKi-nin for Ilfiitrlue Chiiu , ( ii < iiii BEATRICE , .April 21. ( Special ) The program - gram and outline o .tbo Beatrice Chnutau- qua association assembly of 1897 will ap pear jn a few days and will present a de cidedly attractive line of entertainment. The assembly begins Juno 1C. K for 11 Mtn.strol Show. BDATRICE , April 21. ( Special. ) The Beatrice club Is making arrangements to put on a minstrel show during the month of May. R. S. Bibb and Dick Beatty , the two heavyweights of the club , are slated foi the ends. Cnrroll Co-Opi-ralUf Crfiinn-rj. CARROLL , Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) The co-operative creamery for Carroll Is now an assured thing , required number of shares having been secured The erection of the plant will bo commenced at once IliaHaiti at Ucontiir. DECATUR , Neb , April 21 ( Special ) A heavy fall of rain hero for the last twelve hours mil still raining Vegetation Is on the march and the prospects for farmers was never brighter. JohiiHiui Conn * } HIIN Some Itnla. TECUMSEH. Neb , April 21. ( Special Telegram ) Johnson tounty was visited by a nice fall of rain tonight , which was badly needed The ground Is now In excellent working condition. I'ariiuTM Arc SiMvliiK Hi-i-il. CARROLL Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) Seeding la advancing at n rapid rate and a few dajs moro of good weather will see a largo aereags of wheat In the ground SCHUYLER , Neb , April 21 ( Special ) Six men charged with gambling had theli ) rollmlnary hearing before County Judge . : vorltt , who dismissed the cases against .hem for want of evidence. Ivi-rl-ItaiMor. WEST POINT , Neb , April 21. ( Special. ) Otto Kerl of the firm of Kerl Bros , the cadlng liquor merchants of West Point , was narrlcd lest evening to Miss Kato Itadlcr of this city. Town Hoard CLARKS , Neb. , April 21 ( Special. ) The now town board met la&t night and effected i permanent organization. Ed Johnson was made chairman and A. B. S tea run clerk. six icii.i.nn nv A iAM bMnn tallrotiil I.aliorci-H OVITH iK-Iinc-il \VlllleTlir ; > SlriH. ROSSLAND , U 0. , April 21 As the result uf a landslide near Sheep creek , on the Red Mountain rallroad.i rilx men woio killed and n numbir of o't'hers 'seriously Injured. The lien wera employed/ the railroad , Twelve of them were a ietyi In camp when a huge andslldo 300 feet wldo ( inept over their cunip The deafl affc'- ' PAT DESMOND * 1 1 PAT SULLIVAN. TOM KANE. RBILLY. * ' M'LAUGHLCY. M'FLYNN.j It In not knqvv.il Jyst how many were In ured , but It Isllthpught none ot thorn are atally hurt. _ _ Local lle-nu-i 1'roin llov\ar < l. HOWARD , S jpr/l''rll 21. ( Special ) The seeding of , an unusually largo acreage s progressing nipldly , with favorable veather and the land In tiplcndld condition C L Oleson , cashier of the Seeurltv mnk , has been summoned to Wells Minn. ly the serious Illness of his Bister , Mrs Uumler Local talent , under the direction of Man ger Thompson , presented the cantata of Kieen Esther at the opera hoitfo last night , /Kb Mrs. F. E. Davoll in the title role. Flour MINNEAPOLIS , April 21The North- \eatern Miller Buys. Whllo Lugo uulos of uur were made luat week , the market wan ot very satlafactoiy Mlniieaix > ll * mills oolad orduni for UJ. < > barrola , but the ulc | of It wits Hold In domestic inarkela Juyers were hardly inupared to imy thu qulvulent of the advance In wheat for our The fore It'll luii > lnes done wns e'Hpe- lully disappointing In a general way rice * are about 30 ix'nta per barrel higher han a week ugo. f rnpvf TMinvtVf TIIH TTMTM P SFRliNGTlIENM THh LEULS Louisianians Put Forth Mighty Efforts t < Keep Waters Back , WORK NIGHT AND DAY ON LOWER RIVEF Grout nf < hc I'looil WIMP IJiproloil lo Arrltp Toilajat > IMV Or- ICIIHM 1Iirj lie < l > V T > All x I oil" . NEW ORLEANS , April 21. The showed a rise of 1 1 at ono tlmo jrstordaj nnd the Impression along the Louisiana line In viewof subsequent nil , 1s that tin Hood wa\o came on n fair day , found tin poop I o prepare * ! and passed on. Ncvcrtho less the crest of the HOCK ! wave hag not jo been hero officially , and the river may gc higher The work o ( the past Is as nothlnr to that going on now Planters and farmers laborers ami merchants liavo abandoned everything C'JSQ and nro camping on tin weak spots , nursing them with tender care and holding them against a weight and i mass of water which ls almost Inconceivable More material lo going out now than ovei bcforo and the activity Is superhuman Mile : ot new work of box levees , of plica ot fillci' ' sicks and earth hnvo sprung up In evcrj section Railroads are carrjlnc ; men am material free and no money has been spared by the levee board or the people Still all the new woik la but temporary , onlj calculated to hold the flood from crosslnp the Icveo line , and when the water falls nearly Iho entire sjstem will nee-il substantial repair , if not rebuilding PHOPI2HTY 1) VH \ < JI3I ) 11V I'M.OOI ) Itoporl mi tin * Sulijrrl l > j IturcaiL ol SlntlNtlrn. WASHINGTON. Apill 21 The bureau of statistics of the Treasury department has made the following report on Iho damage caused to agricultural Interests by the Mis sissippi river flood- Slnco iiiilille.itloii on April 12 of n statement relative to the nffrtetilturnl Inter- ostH of the submerged ilisiiicts of tne Mis sissippi valley soulliof Cairo , 111. , the ure a undi > r w iter hns been comtuloi.ibly ex.- tc-iuled This extension ! > nelovv Vlekshurg- , Miss. , hut on the right or Avtst side of tin1 I ! ver , mil Is m ilnlv due to a tircuU 2 000 foot In width at Hl.gs 'J bo outllow oC vvuter it this point h is totall > submerged font p.nldhe s nountles ) of Loiilsltni and p r- tlall > overflowed five others , while u bre.ik at Iji Fourche crossing In the southern t'art of tbf iime tnte bns rotultnl In tbo still- rrer cnro of au iddltlotml area of nenrl > TOO Hquare miles In Uv Fumeheind Tf-rro- lionno p.irlshus In this newly submeiKed region there vs In IS'K ) i total popul.vtlon of S2 Tifi In the jiropoitlon of four colored persons to one1 white The region tontiilnoil at the last census 7.717 farms , with a total nrei of over 1.000.000 aeies , ot which i.0,0i)0 were Im proved Of tills list mentioned area 211,000 arris , or over om-hilf w.is last jear de voted to cotton , over Ol.OOO acre1 * to corn COOO ados to sug-ir i un > , 2 COO arn.s to linv , nnd an Inconsiderable inc iKe to other c-iops Total value of the sp farms , Includ- liiB foneis anil billldlngH , but exoluslve of their mov ible equipment , as in IS'JO close upon $11.000000 , nnd the value of the Imple ments and miehlneo upon them was over JTOO.OOO On Jnntmry I of the present seal they ( Oiunlned live Ux k to the value of 51 TOO.fOO , unil so lately as the 1st of March Inst they wire estimated to have .still on h ind about $ .MKl.OOO worth of the crops of last season The totnl vilue of the farms submeiK d by the blanks In the levees tint hn\o occurred since the 10th Instant with their farm Implements , llvo stoek and crops on hand Is do0 * upon $14000000. 1IANV lllfll I'l.V \TIONS. . niK- iniitnroo ! < I.--M-C lie-low ( ; riciililt - ( ? ! < AVuj- . JACKSON , Miss , April 21 The Green ville correspondent of the Associated press Wires this morning ns follows > At 930 o'clock this morning the drendful alarm cry of "Levee broko" was repeated for the sixth time In the Ya7oo-Mlsslsslppl delta when the huge eighteen-foot levco at Ship- land landing , Isaquena county , suddenly crumbled away , letting in with a mighty lush the torrent of the great river Shlp- and Is on Promised Land plantation , about . ' \\o milts below Lake Providence , La At : ho time ot the bleak backwater from the upper crevasse was already against the e'veo ten 01 twelve Inches deep and many ilgh places around were still uncovered Many fine plantations upon which paitlal crops might have been made must now shaio the- fate of the irst and In all of owcr Isaquena , Sharkcj and Yazoo coun .les where there was a foot of water before hero will now be three feet or moio. lIlMllIK Sll ( l > III St. I.OIllH. ST LOUIS , April 21 Hero , tud it points an the Mlsslssij pi river ns far up as Kcokuk j ilso of several Inches Is shown The vater at Dooniville on the Missouri hab risen 0 2 of n foot , but at Kaunas City lecllno greiter than that Is ictjistered Weather Foreristor Frankcnrte'd today pre - llcted 'hit the river at St Louis will eon- Inuo to rise slo lj about J , i feet being ndlcatod by Fridav ; that the- Missouri will also contlnuo to rl'o alovvl1'ho uppei MlssUeippl will fall slowly no > in of Hanni bal and will probaol > rls-o to the south. C'oailltlon of ( In * IllicrH. WASHINGTON , April 21 The following changes In the rivers have occurred. Risen Ceokuk , 0 1 , St. Louis , 0 2 ; New Orleans , 0 1 fallen Cairo , 07 ; Helena 01 , Kansas City , 3 ; LaCrossc , 01 ; Dubuque , 01 ; Memphis , 11. Above the danger line and rising , at feokuk , 1 G ; New Oilcans 30 Ahovo the danger line and falling , Cairo , fi 1 ; Helena , Ark , 101 ; Arkansas City , 73 , Kansas City , 5 , Dubuque , 12 ; Memphis , .M Station ary , at Vicksburg , 107. Signals nro dls- ilajed on Lake Pepln IllliiolH I'ninuTM riooili-il Out. QUINCY , III , April 21 The Ml38l Hlppl Ivor at this point is steadily rising The teamer Harrison rescued MX families whOH' lomes. north of the city were aunounded bj vatcr At Warsaw , 111. , the MtoilPilppl han assed the elglitce-n-fout mark and i > coplo arc c-avlni ; portions of the dlstiicts protected l iio lev cos AI Kolthsburg , 111 , the river Is t Its highest point for several yrari and ho condition of the bottom anil lalinu lann- rs l pitiful Nnrlh DiiUoln VMH | for Itrllrf. WASHINGTON , April 21 Secretary AI er today received n telegram from the iayor and city eouncll of Grafton , N D , ailing for aid for Hood sufferers In re lioiiBo to this appeal , Secretary Alger telo raphed to Major Sanno at Fort Snelllng linn , the army officer who recently visited 10 vicinity of Grafton and who Is nov t St Paul , to return Immediately to the oodrd districts In North Dakota and ron er all possible lellef ( hi-iip Ilali-H fur ( InIrlxh. . NEW YORK April 21 The executive com iltteo of the 'OS IiUh Centennial at&ocla [ on met In the Hotel Metropolo last night la far ahead of nny blood icincd ) on tbo mirkiit , lor It ilut-j fo miie-h moro. lie * shies rfniovIiiKiinpurltle'B , and timing up Iho run-down y tcm , it < urn any liluml ilibi-- . Ituiattori not Imwduoji-sextnl or nbillnattf , which other so-called blood rcnicdlia fall torcieh It is u real blood leniedy lorieal liluoil dUeaso Mr Asa Hinlth , of ( inencastlo , Ind , ivrltus : "I bailBiichaliadcasuof Sclitlo Itlietimatliin that I became absolutely helpless uiublo to takoniy/oodorhandlu in > 8elf In any way. 1 look uuny intent medicines , but they did not roach my troubla One dozen bottlca nf B. H H. rured mo Bound and well , andlnovv vvelyu 170" I Book * on blood And nkln diseases mailed frso b8wtf : 8p cltlo Company , Atlanta , Oa , | nnd mspped out a program for the pilgrim npo to Ireland nevt jear to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the rising of 179S Recorder John W Goff presided The fare wns fixed at JCO for the round trip , lo le paid In foir Installment" It wns under stood that tl'reo or four Ptennishlps woulo bo neressar > to cirrj the excursionists The first ship will start In Juno , and others will follow soon Other excursions will go from Boston and other feaports , joining Uie main bodj In Ireland m viii > iv > msii. . TIM : PIIOPIJHTV , l" M'lili- > l I ml I'll ( Sir ! Vsiorls Slip lla llcrn Ui-rrainlcil , SAN niANnsCO April 21Ml s Carrie Sinkcy has filed n suit charging that she has been defrauded of a valuable Inheritance by her guardian , Charles S. Cogglns , and his wlfo Marlp CoRglns The frnudo complained of exend over a period of years and form the seq'-l to litigation which was once the tain , of threeftntra Carrie S itmey fell heir to a consi lerablc foilune tl-1 lull the death of Samuel Minl.r > v In 18Si ! She wns an adopted daughter ol ttio deceased , and nt the tlmo of his divuli wus about II yt-ars of age Sankcy dlod In Pennsjlvanla nnd left property lu Hint state , In Illinois ami In California After the death ot Sankey his heirs filed for probate the Avlll which was made shortly the subJect - Ject of a contest The will disinherited the adopted daughter , who was the only heir-at- law and bequeathed the entlro estate to others , who , In Iho nlecuco of a will , would have no right of Inheritance The will was fltst attacked In the courts ot this city by nttornejs leprese'iitlng Iho disinherited daughter. As n result of this contest thu will wna set aside , Miss Snnkoy being de clared entitled to Inherit the entlro estate. Similar contests wore made In Pennsylvania and Illinois , HSO ! resulting lu favor of the daughter , and como five jeara ngo BIO ! found herself possessed of n clear title to the rn- tlro estate From tint tlmo until July , 1S95. elio lived at the homo ot her guardian , Cogglns From birth Miss Sankcy has been of feeble Intelligence Whllo an Inmate of the Cog- glus household she suffcra ! n stroke of patalyuls , vvhleh further impaired her men tal condition The Cogglus are said to have taken advantage of the girl's weak mind to work upon her fears. She was told that she was suffering from heart disease nnd likely to die at any time. It was repres- seiitid that In the event of her death nil her property would go to the holrs of her foster father It was because of this repre sentation , snys Mies Sankey , that she per mitted her money nnd property to fltnnd In the nnmo of Coggins nn her trustee The complaint shows that the property convejed bj Miss Sankey Is now claimed by Cogglns nnd bis wlfo as tholr separate property They have refused to make nny conveyance and Cogglns declines to furnish nny nccountlug of his acts ns guardian Miss Sankey asks the court to declaic the defendants guilty of fiaud She re quests a further order declirlng null and void all Gifts nnd conveyances , and flnilly demands nn accounting and judgment for such amount of money as an accounting shall show to be due. AVIunlilvniu'lnjr In Ni'tv York. NEW YORK , April 21. Wheat opened with Ilttlo excitement today and no special features bejond a cent advance In prices , following a sharp ilso of 2@1d In Liverpool cdblea The latter was puzzling to tbo trade In view ot higher consols , and was attributed partly to bad Curopean crop news May wheat hi this mirkct opened at Sl < 4 cents , and later Bold up to 81 % cents , the prevailing sentiment was bullish. War news was somewhat sensational nnd other market Influences have begun to attract the attention of speculative traders once rrw. Sp"eulatlon In wheat drifted Into narrow channels townid noon with nn easier feelIng - Ing prominent , owing to n setback 1n ciblcs. May sold as low ns 81 % cents , as fresh buyIng - Ing ai rested the decline The war news ap peared to be less and less a factor In the market , giving way to moro legitimate In fluences , such as foreign and milling de mand and the unfavorable/ aspect ot Into crop none. I'ln-w of a Day. DETROIT , April 21 A special to the Journal sa\s : The town of Norwood , Ont. wao nearly destroyed by fire yesterday morn- Inr Loss. $100000 , Insurance , $40,000 BAY ST. LOUIS. Miss , April 21 Flro here this morning destioyed twelve buildIngs - Ings in the business part of the town. In cluding the postofilco Loss estimates ! at ? T5 000. with hut little Insurance N \SIIVILLn , Tcnn , April 21 Tull ihonn , south of this cltj. Is burning , nnd Nish- vllle 111 omen liuvn been sent to tha town on a b | > cclil tinln with a fire eiiRlne The lire started In the opeia hoiibo Wock , and h is aliend > caused an cstlm ited daniagu of i/H'.OOfl ' A high wind Is bloving and the-e Is no hope ot saving the business portion of the town Last leports state that the tire In within four buildings of the depot ind ti'lenriph ollke Full pirtlctlhiPi will bo Kite 'I iill.ihom i IB a Ihrlvlig toun of J.500 Inhabitants on the Nashville , Chat * i- noog i dt. St Louis lallroTd , seventllve mile- , south of Nashville IJiicman SlrlKi-x a I.ltIVlrc. . ST LOUIS , April 21 III the center of the business district Edward Clayton , a lineman for the iM'saourl ' Electric Light and Power company , was burned to death by a livi wire shortly before noon today. Ills nmok- lug boly hung In the air for at least ten minutes In view ot thousands who were at traded to the scene Fruit CronerH Alnrinoil. CHICAGO , April 21 Unseasonably cold weather during the last three days 1ms created the gravaat fears among the fruit if they arc healthy filter the uric acid anil poisons out of the system throtitjh the urine. If they are not acting- right the results arc Hrig-ht'.s Disease , Rheu matism , Neuralgia , Bladder Trouble , Dropsy , etc. can be Your samples of Hobbs bparagus Kidney Pills relieved me of Kidney tiouble vhlcli [ have hud for over thirty yimis und I think they are the Pill anybody should use nho Is troubled with kidney d'sense ' B. F FORD Omaha Ni-b. ra HOLIUS HKMLUY CO. , PnorniKTcms , CaicAOO. 1 All improvomonta that skill and experience can ouyxrost are found In the ' 07 Dotftohablo oprookota , auto matic oiling dovlcos , bearings ground to a perfect circle , ball retainers , the famous Sterling corrugated hub , Insuring a di rect pull on the spokes without bonding , and the Crowning Cchiovement in bloyclo construction , the Sterling Arched Fork Crown , CI CI I Procure catalogue. Qate City Cycle Co. , 424 So. 15th St. OMAHA , NEB. growers In this section ot the country Through Illinois and Indiana and the south ern part of Wisconsin , the cold hns been especially severe and the reports are any thing but ro.VHtirlng Siiimilrnti lo II mr. I1RUMN , April 21 It Is reported hero tonight In well Informed circles that the Russian government has risked permission of the sultan for the Russian Hlack en fleet to pass through the Dardcnollcs Tha Imltlc fleet Is alrend ) to start also , under scaled ordors. Who is Happy ? The hcnlthy mother of n healthy child has a happiness nil her own. IleT'-i isn joy that cannot be told It is peculiar to motherhood. The responsibility for the sod little , sxvcct little , depemhnt rir.itinu ns much n pirt of hcrse-lf as hci own heart bntijM a pleasure that may he cciualed in He.ivcti , but never on e-arlh. The gieatest thing that can be ilonc in this world is to bear nnd rear hcalthv , bnpnj' children. Many vvotiicit do not t'o ' it < lo not reach the full measure of beau tiful , perfect womanhood , because of tin neglect of the health of the organs dis tinctly feminine. Hv cry \vottmn nny be perfectly healthy if she chooses. She need not submit to the humiliating examinations and local treatment of physicians. She need hao no trouble and slight expense. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription will cure nny disease or disorder peculiar to women. It is the invention of a regularly gradu- ted , skilled , cvnert , successful specialist. It has been s > old fbr over aoyears , and ha * n greater sale tlnn nil similar mcdicmca combined. It regulates e\ery feminine function makes \vomati better able to bear children better able to take care of her children. It greatly lessens the pain nnd danger of parturition. No honest druggist will offer you a substitute look out for the one who does. Unsightly pimples. Constipation cmisrs them. Dr Plerce's I'lensint Pellets cure constipation. They cure permanently They arc tiny sugarcoated - coated Koumlcs one " Pellet " i < a gentle liin- live , tuo n mild cnlhirtlc Sometimes druRgf-ts think of their profits rnther tlnn > otir hrillh , and offer something snid lo he "just ns good " Goaragiteed OUR ' 97 COMPLETE MNE OP Tlio acme ot our ycart ot experience. Now Ready For You ! Omaha Agent : A. B. BIIIIJEItH 131(1 and Douglas St. MONARCH CYCLE MPG. CO. , Chicago. New York. London. 1 CHARITY BALL ii TOR THE BENEFIT OF , J At the Millard Hotel Eve , , April 22 , Tiokots for sale at Kit st National banli Coinmurcial Niitionnl bank rosidcnco > fMis. McKonn.i , 115 N. 20th stipot. ROYD'.S New Theater Lf\Jf SU > O , - _ LM.tlUWfOHIM0r. Fhursday Evening , April 22 , s > titoriis Mandolin Orchestra Tiri-cst oiKnnlzitlrn of Hi 1 | n 1 In ixlstcnc- . uilsteil liy \\II.Iint.MINA I-OVVII , Harp. it , anil Oiniiha H l > t voi tl lalrnt TONIGHT At S O'C'ouU ' , i' Grand Concert. Doit'J'tilont in the Wost. 1Kb. tOIION , MISb l'C.\M N. MISillS.IIKIS , mJ LU\l'JViU. \ ' Mil. UUIILK.I'l.inlsl. ' MISS VAN Oil iOV , llc.idu. AT " * L 1 { . M. C. A. AUDITORIUM , Sixteenth : iiU : Douglas Sts. Ociniiiiilii 'lum Hull Hi rnpj Slu-ct , between ith ami JUIlt . uiiilay Vpnl 25 Hie ] 'm { ,31-lia iilaci un uiuuliu I > In iv liypnull fkfp ji 3 ilnj caiiinicp IIIK iriliy In tlio Citiou lorn vvliul < u , ami uwirlvr-i ) him KunJjy iilKht uriii ? l'i" ' iierfurnia i c IKKetH j ami f 9 IIOTIJI-S. I WlKll > ou roinu to O iulm mop at Hie MERCER HOTEL JVl HIH IIPS'l- 2.00 a day house in the West. JM rooms K W p r 'liy U > nmmj Hltli Imtti , U [ x-r iay. .spiel : . ! ratts bj tl in'jnlli WINK I'Ail.Olt , MlMiim.T. BARKER HOTEL" ! iuitTii\'ni : : AMI JOMJS sntnivia , HO rooms tialni ulcjin Ixut ( inl all niiOuii iiivLUlincvii. llutra II M ninl tCO [ or duy. ili'u u uXkLllcU bi .ilal lu inic la rfkUlur M.I | ( | PICIC BMlni. MmiHtcr " " " "STATE HOTEL. ICi 10.12 Uoublan W M 1IAIIK Manager 9 wril furnUioil roonm - iurci ; . .in or American plan IIAIl.h 1 W ANI > Jl itf I Tit DAY n -IAI. HA i ts : ny THUVMIIC : : on MONTI ? , Ircrt car lint a connect to all pain or the city.