THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : OHJESDAY , AmiT. 20 , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES AilvcrtlnuinrtitN for tin-He column * trill tit ; tnl > ti until 121:10 : | i. in. for the cvi-nliiK IIIK ! until p. in. for the ninriiliiK mill Sunday rdltlotifl. AilvurtlNrr * , ri-iim-MhiK1 it niun- heroil oil colt , oiin Iinvc luiHtrcrd nil- droHNcil ( o a tuiiiiliurcil letter In cure of Tlic lire. Answer * o nililrcNNPil will In * ililv < ! roil on iirenentntlfui of < lii- check only. Ilntc * , 1 l.Uc n iToril Jlrt liincrtliin | lo n Moril lliorrnf Icr. XiitlilnR tnkoii fur li'-in ( linn USe for tli Ilrxl Inner- < lnn. 1'licnc nilvrrtliifiiiL-titH niUHt be run Miii ceiitlvrlj- . THISITUAT10\ \ . IN EXPERIENCED FINISHER WANTS WORK. either In furniture factory or store ; good ref erences. Address J 10 , Ree. A Mk61 WANTKU HY YOUNG MAN , 22 YEARS OF nuo , a | K ) ltlon > of any kind ; wages no object. Aildrcr * J 23. Ilee. A-9H-19 * WANTKII MAM3 HliLl * . WANTED. AN IDEA : WHO CAN THINK OP name simple IhliiK to patent ? Protect your l < ) ea , they may bring you wealth. Writ : John Wcild < itmrn A Co. , Dept. V , Patent Attorney * , Washington , O. C. . for tliclr 11,800 prlio offer nnd n. lint of 200 Inventions wanted. 11 1CJ A. PKW ENERGETIC HUSTMNO MEN CAN find steady , profitable \\orlt with C. F. Adam * Co. , Mi Ho. 16th St. n-l0 IIHN WANTED , YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED to learn barber trade at the Omaha Harbor rolleKo ; fluent equipped InKlltiitlon of Its kind In the went ; complete course right weeks ; trrms reasonable ; cash or Installments ; caller or write for catalogue ; Inspection Invited. 1317-1310 Douitlas St. , Omaha. 1J-612 M4 ! 0 WEEKLY SALARY AND EXPENSES PAID salesmen for clgnra : experience unnecessary ; permanent position. The W. I * Kllno Co. . St. Jxnils , Mo. 11-MKO MB * WANTED , MHN TO LEARN THE RARIIER trade ; only 0 to 8 wr-pks required to pass the pxnmlnatlon which entitles you to work uny- Tvhero : highest grade tools Riven cuch student ; Hltuattons < r It cations guarantied ; txpc t teach- riMj write for our free lllustrnteil catnlosues. Holer' * llarber college , 11th and Franklin Bt. Loul * . Mo. 11-M919 21 * WANTBD. LOCAL AND TIIAVEI.INO HALKS- inen ; Slnr telephone denk ; fells ll.fil ) wherever tih > wn ; cnmnils Ion ; big money nw belna : m > de. L. A. Dllley , Davenport , la. I1-M922 23 * HALKSMEN roll CIGARS ; $125 MONTI IKY and pxperpes ; old established house ; experience unnecessary ; Inducements to cu tonien > . C. C. Illshop Co. . St. Louis. II-MtH M17 * JII2N TO LHARN RARllHR TUAO13 : ONLY 8 wi-oks inquired ; tools given free ; fcltimllon fur nished ; catalogue free. Molrr ISurlwr College , Minneapolis , Minn. U-1M 23 HALEHMAN WANTED FOR CiaAllS ; J33 weekly ; salary and expense- * : experience nn- necpiisary. C. O. Morgun & Co. , VI. Wnvne , Ind. . R M1C3 20 * SALESMEN TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS ; IIM ) ier month and expenses : experience nil- neccfsary. Peerless Cigar Co. . St. I iuls. Mo. IJ-MICt 20 * WANTED. AN Al SALESMAN TO REPRE- rent a leading manufacturer of perfumes nnd art novelties , on strictly commission basis. Must be highly recommended nnd experienced. Address , with referenccB , Uox 112' ) , Amnnlii. CU 11-M100 20' WANTED , A OOOD 11LAPKSM1TH : MUST utiderstanil plow woik. Address M. It. Mat- thlescn , Superior , Neb. 1J-M093 20 AVAX'I'i O FICMAI.K HI'21,1 * . \VANTI3U , MII.L.1NEU TIUMMER AT 1512 Douglas. C-SS8 21 WANTED-OIUIj TOR OUNEIIAI , HOUSEwork - work , small family. 223 ! N. liith.C C 93&-19 * WANTED-A IlEl'-INED nilll. TO I3O 1'L.AIN rcwlnir and second work. In < tulrc at 230S St. Mnry'M ave. , corner 2Uh st. C m 990-20 WANTED. CIIIL roil nilNEItAI , IIOUSE- wurk. KS'So. 29lh St. ( Oeorel.i Ave. ) . . . C 1SI 21 CO ( rT\V\NTED , IALY ) , WHITE , GIVR'AGE , references nnd salary wanti-d In application. Ad.ilri.-iM National Hutcl , I-'allH City. Neb. . , , . . . , , o C-1S4 20 * WANTED. OIIIK l'-0lt GENEUAI , 11OIISK- woiM ; jfarnlly of C. 1009 N. 24th. C Mir.S 20' WANTED , AT ONCE. NUItHl-fomr. , OVKlTis : Herman or D.ino preferred ; lefcmnroH. Ik2 ! Capitol avenue. C JI15C 21 FOR III'JXT IIOU.SKS. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1CC5 Fin num. D 171 HOUSES , IJENI3WA & 15TH ST. D-172 MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. 825 N.Y.LIFE 0-173 _ CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city , JJ to J50. Fidelity , 1702 Farnnm St D-174 _ HOUSES. WALLACE , 1IROWN I1IXJCIC. JCTH juul Douglas. D ITS IIOUS 1CS , COTTAOES & STORES , ALL PARTS of oty | , llrrnnnn , Love Co. , 430 1'uxton block. D 170 1IOVINO HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS , Om.Van & Storage Co. , 1415 Farnnm , Tel. 1U9. D-177 _ LAItQE LIST. M'CAOUE. 15TH & DODOE. D-152 HOUKUS , FLATS. OARVIN IlllOrf.lCIS FARNAM D-17S HOL'HCS FOR RENT. 1IKMIS , I'AXTON 1IL1C. D-173 ; LIST. M'CAdUE , 15TII & DODOE. D-JSO CIIAS E. WILLIAMSON , COI HUE. TEL. 717. D-&IS39 A21 TL'RKINCJTON. C 5 HUE RUILDINO. D 181 10-HOOM MODERN RESIDENCE WITH I1ARN nnd lurue. well Blinded grounds ; llnely located , J35. John W. llobblns , UKcnt , ISW Farnnm St. 1 > 1C3 14-ROOM. MODERN DETACHED HOUSE , walking distance ; 120.00. Gurvln Rros. . 1C13 rnrnnm t. D MCO CHEAP. COS N. 13 ST. l > -728 M9 HOUSES. "COTTAOES , FLATS & STORES ; tl > t. ItollU & Romano , 23 N. Y. Life. D-M7CI-M10 * STANFORD riRCI.n COTTAOES C-ItOOM All mu(3erii. ( Apply 201 Ileo building. D TTi TEN-ROOM MODERN URICK HOUSE , 2414 Cass Hr. . ' J32.SO. R-rnam modern Hat , " 03 So. 16th. J1S.OO , C-room modern Hat , 1I1IA I'acinc. { 13.CO. 'VY. 11. M lkle Room Wl. First Nut'I Hank , D CIS KOU RENT CLEAN. COMFORTARLE FLATS , f loaniv ; poicelaln bath tubs : gaa or electric llKht : Kitchen rnngea , 115.00. Imiulro 13.1 Mai Ilia. -S7G-27 ATTRACTIVK HOUSE. FtTRNISlIEI ) , WOULD mil ( or the ( Uiiimcr. Address J 17 , H e olllce. D 910 Si * FOR RENT. EAST FRONT RESIDENCE WITH burn nnd Urne grounds , 620 Park Ave. ; til lolly modern IlnU nnil Mores In the new Davldge building , opposlto city hall. John W. Robhlim , Agent , 1S02 Furmim St. D-9C8 Fo'lt' rfKNTr 7 Ro6M COTTAaE. MODERN , 5035 Ieiirrmrorlh street. V. D. r.rown , Union 1'a- clllc lldq. IJ-IW-K * ID-ROOM FLAT , nOUOLAH , NEAR ! 1TH : MOD- cm ; steam brut , liujulro Ltndaulut , 316 S. Uth , D Mitt NEW MODERN URICK HOUSE , 8 ROOMS. J3J. 3M N. J3rd. U M9M FOl'll ANli 6-ROOM MODERN FI-\TS , 1112 S , Uth. D-911 ! i' BI'.VEN ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE lawn. 3711 N. Uth. D-153 Sl I'OII Itr.XTl'1HH.M.SIlKI ) HOO.MS. BTUAM HEATED ROOMS , TELEl'HONH AND nil conveniences ; rates reaionuble. 1'undt Rr > t > il.nce , : U S. 17th Bt. E-703 1CI : LY FURNISHED ROOM FOR QENTLE- nmn. private funilly ; references required , mi ) C pttol ave. li-MSCx ) 5 > ritllMSIIED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEl'lNO. 2021 St. Mttiy'n. E-M977 _ _ NICELY FURNISHBD ROOMS , 1310 DOUdLAB. E-M1IS :0 11BSIRARLH FURNISHED ROOMS. 11 - - - - - ---120 ( . - V. . DESIRARU3 FURNISHED ROOM. 1911 DOUG- ( las. " " 1IOOMS A.M ) 1IOA1I1) , KLEQANT PARLOR , FOUR. WITH HATH ; Uu alcove lulte. 1M fiouth J5th St. * - * > } - ! it00MS AM ) IlOAItO. ( ContlnueJ. ) FIRST-CLASS ROOMS WITH HOARD , 1721 Dodge. K m 102-2 ! > * _ _ _ FURNISIIKU ROOMS AND HOARD. 1909 Itol avenue ; Ur. l' * boily'g residence. F M143 DESIRARLE ROOMS WITH HOARD ; RKFKR. enucm. 202 N. 18th. F-M1G6 22 * HOARDERS-NICE PLEASANT ROOM TOR 2 gentlemen. Mt North 23d t. F M16I LARCHnCAtTTHTL , FRONT ROOM ; HOARD ; 3.M up. Oil N , 19th. -F M1C026' FOIl UnXT UXFUHXISIIIOI ) IIOOMH. t CHAMI1KRS FOR RENT. MAN AND WIFE ; city water ; waste iipe. 319 N. Uth street. 0-M3 i : NICE ROOMS ; HOUSEKEEPIXO. 1112 So , lllh. U 912 24 * FOIl IIK.VT STOUKS AM ) OFF1CHS. FOR RENT THR 4-STORY ItRICIv lU'ILDINO nt 916 Fnrnntn St. Thin btilldlns tins n flrc-proof cement baxcmcnt , complete ntcam heatlnv IU > turea. water on all floors ; gas , etc. Apply at tha omen of Th Dec. 1-810 AOI5.NT.S WAXTHU. WANTED AdENTH. 173 PER MONTH AND expcnues palil active men If right ; go" < li sold by sample only ; snmples nlso hortc nnd car riage furnished free. Address Jobber. Ilex f > M1 , Ilontou Mass , J 1S2 AOKNTS EITHER SI3X , FOR THE SALS OF the celebrnteil Hcti Home Turklnh liath P- paratns. llln money to right parties. Only very Rinall capital lequlrrd. L'nll or address : H. H. H. Co. , Omaha , Neb. , 30S So. 15th. J-M771 A20 AGENTS , TO TAKE LARGE TERRITORY FOR u new patient medicine ; n great seller. Ad dress Walter Wyne , Macomb , 111 , J M9JI2-27 * AGENTS , ROTH SEXES , FOR CITY AND utatc ; two rnpld tellers : big commission. Call or address Hawlcy Mfg. Co. . 511 N. S3d street. J M159 20 MOXKV TO LO.VX IIRAIt I3STATI3. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real utatc. Urennan , Love Co. , Paxton bliwfc. W-190 ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. K ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eattcrn Nebnuka. ON OMAHA PROPERTY. I/JWEST RATES ; building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust Co. W 191 WE WILL HAVE J2CO.OOO TO $300.000 TO LOAN In April , May. June nnd July on llrst-class Im proved Omaha properly In sums of 11,000 to JlO.tKW ; want applications nl once ; lowest rates on best loans. Fidelity Trust company. 1OJ Fnrimm St. W 19 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. WANTED. OOOD FARM I/JANS is EASTERN Ncl ) . R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. NB MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. Ill a O. F. Davis Co. . 150S Fnrnam SL W 19 ! FARM I.OANS , 1 TO 10 YEARS ; LOWEST rates. Garvln Hros. , :613 Farnam St.V \V 6.M C PER CENT MONEY ON NEII. & 1A. FARMS , W. II. Melklc , 1st Nat'l Ilk. bldg. , Omahij. TO LOAN CIIATT13I.S. MONEY TO IXDAN. 30 , M. M DAYS ; FU11NI- turj. piano * , etc. Duct Green , room 8 , Uarker Wit. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , nt lowest mtes In clly ; no removal of goods : strlctlr confidential ; you can nny the lorn off nt any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 So. ICtli St. X19S UliSIXKNS FOR SALE3,000 STOCK OF GENERAL MER- chandlse at Prosper , Neb. , tennlnus ot Mis souri Pacific ; first class shape ; established cosh trade. Splendid business chancel no tr.idc. Trimble , Ilhickman & Alexander , whole sale grocers , Hastings , Neb , Y 918 21 Let's paint the town We calculate 111 ' 93 To cplubrnto nnd decorate. Now , don't you see For little fco The want ad'a plea In Dally Jjoe , Will briiiK pome man Who'll help you plan And make your lot A beauty ; iot ? Thi'rc's paint to mix , And fence to Us ; Perhaps you need Some lawn grass seed. Plant trees ? Oh. yes , I rather guess. Don't KVI the dumps ; Smooth down the humps Let's advertise And realize The town's alive And bound to thrive. To buy or sell. And do It well , An ail. you'll find. Will ease your mind. Let's paint the town ! (11. ( U. Wutlucc. ) WANTI3I1 T ( IIUXT. WANTED NINK Oil TEN-ROOM HOUSE , modern , with barn. Address 1503 Cnpltol ave. K M120 2 ST011AGI3. Oil.VAN & STORAGE. 1415 FARNAM , TKL 1533 M-1S3 PACIFIC STOUAOK AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 80S-910 Jones. General storage and fornnrdlnfir. M 1S4 \VAXTHI TO 1IUV. 2D-HAND FURNITURE & STOVES. BROWN'S. IKS S. 14th. N-M847 illi * CASH PAID FOR OLD FEATHER 11KDS. ll G. Doup , 1307 Nicholas St. N M7b7 A20 KOIl SAM2 IIOHS1SS AMD WAfiOXS. FOR SALE CHEAP. * I50 IMPORTKD S1ICT- land pony , very Email , harness nnd cart , the whole outfit for JOO. Inquire of I'hll Aarons , lloston store , 1' in OS9 20 COM1IINATION HOUSE SALE , THIS SI'IHNQ snl of hlBh-clafs herpes to be held nt tha Union Slock yards April 21 , 22. 23 , and 24 , will Include trotters , pacers , sinKle drivers , family hoi > es and matched teams , consigned l > y the best breeders nnd shippers of lown , Ne- hraxka nnd Kansas ; there arc entered con- Hlr < tent rnco horses , such as Klora C. 2:17'i : : I.idy Iris , 2:20'i. : and many others , with and without records , IneludliiK a lone string of youngsters bled In tlio purple ; a lenillnK feature of this sale will 1 > " well broken drivers , actors , family horses nnd matched teams ; write for catalogue. Walworl.vl'roctor Co. , South Omaha , Neb. P-.M147 20 FOIl &AM4 MISCKIJANI300 . HARDWOOD CRII1HINO. HOG AND CHICliEN fence cheaper than "all wire. " C. R. Lee , 601 Douglas. Q 185 CHICKEN. HOO AND LAWN FENCE : ALL wire ; cheaper than wood. Wire Works ,403 Bo. 14th. Q-3 < 6 U2 REST SEED SWEET POTATOES. 11.25 PER bbl. ; all sorts. Address Thco Williams. Omaha Q M15S WEUSHANS STONE FILTER. 309 FOR SALE CHEAP. CHERRY TOP ROLLER donk and typewriter , on closing desk togtithcr or wparatc. E. 12. Zimmerman , deputy county clerk. 2ri" ! ! : ? _ FRESH JERSEY COW. HANDSOME. YOUNG , thoroughbred ; good milker : unblemished ; also several good helfem ; bargains. Frank Hart , 53d and Center streets. Q M923 Z3 FOR BALE-OLD LUMRER OF ALL DESCRIP- turns ; apply to T. C. Wlkion. old fair grounds. Hhmiian avenue , nr Associated C'.iarltles , 607 Howard street. Tel. 1040. Q-mO'JS-m IT IOE FOR SALE , AROl'T 300 TON. INQUIRE 1713 Fort Bt. Q-MD75 20 MISCKl.LAXHOUS. CONTRACTORS AND DRILLERS OF OIL. QAS nnd nrteslan wells. C. H. McCready & Co. , Neodeslm , Kan. R-MS7R A24 GARDENS AND FARMS TO RENT. T. MUR. ray. H M8-40 - < : i : , n.vrii.s , ivrc. .MME. SMITH. 1017 HOWARD , ROOM B ; MASsage - sage and steam baths. T-E9C-21' MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE RATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T M1S3 24 PKHHO.VVL. FOR ENTAL WORK GO TO DR. SEYMOUR ; lowest charges ; work guaranteed ; painless ex traction. 93C N. Still St. U M833 A24 J25.00-RUPTURE CURED TILL .MAY 1ST FOR 125.00 ; no pain ; no detention from bu lnes > ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. Th ? O , E. Miller Co. , t > 32- } New York Life HideOmaha. . U 168 VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROURLES. 5(6-8 ( 11EB Hide ; physician , consultation or health book free , U 187 I1ATI1S. MASSAGE , MME. POSTUft S. UTH. U-183 OMAHA DENTAL COLLEGE , 12TH & PACIFIC Hts. Teeth tilled with gold , amalgam , tin , tut- tapcrcha , cement and plates made for cost of material only. Teeth extracted and cleaned free. U 183 IT 18 IMPOSSIHLE TO TELL THH ICH curtalnx cleaned by us from new ones ; we can ivfer you to the best people ot Omaha ; w0 clean or dye everythlns you wear ; nl o blankets , draperies , portieres , etc. ; remember wo lire ivs | > onilble. Tel. 947 , H. StracBhoofer , Omaha Steam Dye Works , 121 Howard st. U-M127 20 MISS RLANCHE CATHCART , FORMERLY ullh Mrs. Hell of Lincoln and late of Palaoa Heautlful.vUhen to Inform the ladles ot Oinahai that he bus opened Una hair dre hiK parlors , with all Its tranches , at 215 S. 16th t. . Paiton tlk , IJ-M130 20' DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF COCIC- roacliea and waterbug T Drop us a canl and I will call , C , A. AUmanntperger , Council Ilium , la. t' M T8 2 < / OUR TREATMENT FOR LADIES EXCLUSIVE- \f. \ New Hyelen * Institute , 212-Ilt Re Ride. U-1IJ71-M3 * FOR KXCIIANfiE. FOR EXCHANGE , GOOD COTTAGE AND full lot , or good vacant lot , for Omaha Sav ings bank accounts. A. P. Tukey , city hall. Z-MSSO SALOON , ONE OF TUB BEST. J. J. GII1SON , C14 First National bank building. 55 MGi3 WANTED. TO EXCHANGE , OUTSIDE RESIdence - dence property , for Omaha real estate. Ad- dre i J 27 , Hoc. Z M113 20" TO EXCHANGE , FARMS IN DIFFERENT states , for stock of general merchandise , drugs , hardware. Implements , elevator , or mill. Loch box 44 , Exeter , Neb. Z M14S 20 FOIl SAL12 HI3AL HHTATB. KOUNTZE PLACE RARGAINS , $2,500 , J3.7W TO SC.r.CO. Sea photos at ICth and Fnrnam : Morse IJIdir. J. J. Gibson , OH First National Ilk. IJIdff. RE-200 HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS- Geo. P. Uemls Real Estate Co. , Paxton Block. RE 201 FOR PALE , A LARGE AND ELEGANTLY FUR- nlsbcd residence ; the most desirable location on West Kuril am street : will be sold at a reason able price , owner about to locate In another city. Address H C , Uce ofttcu. RE M993 ABSTRACTS. II. II. NEALE , 517 N. Y. LIFE. RE M273 30 * SNAPS ! KK ) , full lot , 50x124 ft , adjoining Ivountze Place. JSSO. S. W. corner 27th nnd Dorcas streets , lOOx 143 'feet. I1.7SO for two houses nt 271G-18 N. 28th street. lot Sx9C * feet. J2.COO , N W. corner 2Sth and Half Howard streets , 114x120 feet. JO.COO , N. W. corner 23th nnd Capitol avenue , lot CGxllS feet ; S-room modern house , Jrfin N. Frenzer , opp. P. O. RE M3S5 FOR SALE MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE ON paved street near llaiiscom park. Apply 2713 Popplcton nve. RE M701 FOR SALE , COTTAGii AND FUL7 , IXT. N. W. corner 43d & Patrick Ave. llelow present casli value for cash. A. P. Tukey , City Hull. RE-MO FOR SALE , A HAROAIN , NORTHWEST CORner - ner of 8th and Leavenworth , C6xl32 feet , with n two-store brick building ; good location for factory or wholesale ; track running to the rear ot the lot. Inquire of the owner on premises. RE M923 23 RAROAIN : ONLY J7M FOR 2101 N. 2STH , A 6-room house and corner lot , Garvln Ilnn. , 1G13 Farnam street. RE M157 LOST. LOST A PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED GLASSES. Return to IMS Douglas nnd receive reward. Lost-915 IXJST. POCKKTROOK , EITHER ON LOCUST street or East Oinuha car , on Sunday after noon. Liberal reward If returned to 1021 Far- num St. Lost-153 IS * FUIIMTUHH I'AOKlSn. SEE M. S. WALKIN FOIl FURNITURE PACKIng - Ing , upholsterlnc nnd repairing ; mattrewes and fcathi'rs renovated ; prices reduced this month. Tel. 133L 2111 Cumins. 203 KMI'LOYMUNT OKKICR , ANY ONE WANTING MALE OR FEMALE help , call Canadian olllce , U22 Douglan ; tele phone SSI. M27 ( 80 KMl'LOV.MH.W OFFICE. AMERICAN AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT bureau. 1521 Dodge. Telephone (76. (76.MSC3 -MSC3 JylS MUSIC , AHT A\I > OEOROU F. GELLENllECK , RANJO , MANDO. lln and guitar teacher , 1807 Farnam ttreet , Tel. 238. jjo ' 90 MODEL | 1M FOWLER COMHINATION TAN- ilem , 175 ; New Midland. 131. Omaha Dlcy. cle Co. ELOCUTION. PHYSICAL TRAINING. MRS. DORWARD. 6J3 N. 19th. M103-A27 * DRESSMAKING , IN FAMILIES. MISB SturOy. 4301 Rurdette. MJ77 SO SKWIXC MACIIIMCS AMI SUPPLIES. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE ccwlntr machine office , 1M ( Can , ave , Tel. 1514. 204 SHOHTHA.Vn AMI TVl'HU'lUTI.VG. A. O. VAN 8ANT-8 SCHOOL. CU N. Y. LIFE. ws AT OMAHA. I3US. COLLEGE , 16T1I & DOUOI AS nu WATCIIMAKKUS. WATCHES CLEANED , 75di"MAIN SPniNO.TtC ! watch cr ) ' tnl. ' . ll > c ; clocks repaired cheap ; spectacles , eyeglasses , WJUlSfi ! WM tested fre ; work warranted. Ashbel rattereon , 1611 Farn'm > ; T , SM MM SIDKW.U-1& . SIDEWAUvS-AIlTiriCIAli STONE. 11IUCK. natural stone. W. J. Wilshans , 309 S. 17th st. ui 621 MB ACCOIIXX VA'T. it. c. nunn , i'uni.ic. ACCOUNTANT , ica Farnam. > H MC42 A16' CIAIIDENEIIS , CAM < KOH YO' Il SHED SWEET pntntoes mill Ret 3 bushels for II ; shipped at II 25 per barrel. Theodore , Williams , R7th and Military avenue , Omaha. "Neb.MSC5 27 MKDIC.U , . LADIES' ' CIIIfHESTEIl'S ENni.lSH I'ENNY- roynl I'llls ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stnmpi for particulars. "Itcllef for ladles. " In letter by return mall. At drugKlsts. Chlcheslcr Chem leal Co. , 1'hlladelphla , 1'a. Mention IJee. -Ml62 20 ASTltOI.OOYi I'llOI'ESSOn A. MASEUT OP EOYIT. PALMIstry - Istry nnd astrolouy. the wonder of tlio SR ! tst. . present and future told or no charcf. at 2020 Harncy St. . Omaha. Neb. MJ01 2J SIASOX WOHK .lOltlll'.H. J. T. HEALY , 1S22 CLAHIC STREET. MS07 Mil' FINANCIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES UOOOHT. W. P. HOLUKN l'A\V.MIIOICiit.S. II. MAROV.'ITZ LOANS MONEY. S N. 1C ST. 210 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICI10HS , L'collulUlliiL' , Umnlia Neb Advlco nnd I'alont Uoalc RAILWAY TIME CARD lA-avca lUUHLINQTON & MO. IIIVUIt.Arrlvs | _ Onmlmlnlon | ! Depot. 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha 8:3Jarn : . . .Denver Express U:3Sam 4:33pm.Llk : ) Hills , Mont & I'liKct Sml Ux. 4 : < K > i > m 4:3Cpm : Denver lij.pres.1 4:0opm : 7Wpm..Lincoln I-ocnl ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . TM.'pm ZiBOpm..Lincoln l.ocnl ( ex. Sunday.ll)0um ) : ; ) Leaves ( CHICAGO. uduTlNfVTON" * " QTJArrlves Oniulml Union Depot , 10th & ilnsonBts-JOmah C:0opm : Chicago Vestibule : : 9:13am : Ctik'UKO Kxpres * 4:15pm 7:6Qpm..ClilciiKO & St , LouU ICxprcss. . . . 8:20am : HMOam Pacific Junction l.ocnl GlOpm : Kant Mull 3COpm Leaves ( CHICAGO , XfTL. & / ST ; rAUI . | Arrlves pmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Milton Sla. | Oinuha 6:3Cpm : Chicago Limited S:0am ll M'am..Chicago ' ISxprcnH ( ex , Sunday ) . . . 3&pm : Lciivea | CiiTcTGO" & NOItTinViST1N7"ArrTv' | OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnaon Sts.j Omaha 10:4oam * K.ihtrrn Kxprcn ) 3:40pm : 4:43pm : Vestlbuled Limited" 04Jpm ; SGipm : St. 1'aul Kxprcss 9:30am : C:40im : St. 1'nul I.lmlteil 9OJpm : 7:30nm : Bloux City Local lllipm ti:3Uptn : Omatm-ChlcuKO Special S:00am : Missouri Vail ? ? I ocal 9:30am : * Except Sunday. ' * Except Monday. leaves ( CHICAGO. 11. I. & I'ACIFICIArrlves OinahalUnion Depot , 10th & MOHOII Sts. | Omaha HAST. 10:40 < im..Atlantic Kxpress ( ex. Sunday ) . . G:3.lpm : 7:00pm : NlKllt Kll > re-B 8l jm 4.rQpm..Chicago : Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . l:3Jpm : 4Mpm..St. t'nul Vcgtlbulcd Limited. . . . 1:3jpm Wt.3T. l40pm ! Colorado Limited 4COpm Leavcw I CTST. 1' . , it. & O. fXrrlves Omaha ) Depot , liithyebater Sla. | Omaha 12:30pm..Sio'Jic : City Express ( ex. Sun..HLiam ) : ! S:15nm..Sioux : City Accommodation. . * . S:00pm 6lSpm : . . .St. 1'nul 'Limited 810.\m ; " Leaves I > ! . E.MO. . VALLKY. | ArrIvea Omnhal Depot , loth & Debater Sts. | Omaha 3:00pm : Fast Mall nnd Kxpress G:00pin : 3Wpm.ox. : Sat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mon. . . . B:00pm : , : EOam..Fremont tucal ( Sundays only ) . , 7r : > 0am Norfolk Kxpress ( ex. Sun. ) 10:25am : C:15pm : St. 1'nul Impress 910ani ; Leaves I It C. , ST. J. & C. II. { Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha S:0."mm : Knnsas Clty Day Kxpress "CslO 10OOpin..K. : C. Night Kx via U. t' . Trans. . 6:30am Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. | Arrlves Omaha ] Depot. 15th & _ Wehster _ Sta. | Omaha " ? :00pm..Nebraska : & "Knnas Limited..ISriS f:30pm : Kansas City Expresa 6:00am : 2il5pm Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) 9:00am Ixcavesj SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrived Omaha | Depot. 15th & Webster Sts. | Omaha. 8Upm. : . . . . St. Paul Limited 9'TOam : Leaven I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OniahaUnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha C:40amT : St. Pnul rassensrer llilOpm 7Siam ( Sioux City Passenger 9:05pm BiSSpm St. Paul Limited 9:20am Leaves I WAHASH RAILWAY ( Arrives OmahaynlonDepot ] , 10th & Mason Sts. [ Omaha 4iSOpin. . . . . . Canon Ball llSOam : Leaves | ONlON lrA"CIFIc ! ; ( Arrives OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnaon Sts. | Omaha 8:2tam : Overland Limited 4:43pni S:30pm.Ucat'c8 : & Stromsb'B Ex ( ex Sun ) . 3DOpm : . .Grand Island Kxpress ( ex Sun. ) . . 3COpm : Fact Mall lOiZOam PUOPOSALH FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES and Transportation. Department of the Interior. Olllce of Indian Affairs , Wash ington , D. C. . April 3 , 1837 Scaled proposals , endorsed : ' 'Proposals for beef ( bids for beef must bo submitted In separate en velopes ) , Hour nnd transportation , etc. , " as the case may be. nnd directed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs , No. 1241 State Htroot , Chicago , III. , will be received until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tuesday , May 4 , 1897. for furnishing for the Indian service , beef , tlour , bacon nnd other articles of subsistence ; also for agricultural Implements , wagons , ImrnesH , hfirdwnrc. medical supplies nnd n long list of miscellaneous articles ; also bids for the transportation of such of the articles , goods nnd f tippj'oi as may not be contracted for , to bo delivered at the nconcles. Smiled proposals , endorsed : "Proposals for coffee , BUgur , clothing , Hcliool books , etc. , " na tlio case may bu. nnd directed tt the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. Nos. 77 and 79 Wooster Htreet , Now York City , will bo re ceived until 1 o'clock n. m. , of Tuesday , May 25 , 1S97 , for furnishing for the Indian Horvlce , coffee , sugar , ten , rice , beans , baking powder , sonp , groceries , blankets , woolen and cotton goods , clothing , notions , huts and caps , boots and nlmoH , crockery and fcliool bookH , Illds must be made out on government blanks. Scliednlus giving nil necessary Information for blddera will bo furnished upon application to the Indian Ofllce In Washington : Nos. 77 and 79 Woo-tor street , Now York City , or No. 1211 Stuto Htreut , Chicago , III , , tlio Commissaries of Subsistence , U. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Leaven- worth , Omaha. St , Louis and St. Paul ; the postmasters a.t Sioux City. Yankton , Ar- fcnnma City. Cnldwoll , iTouokn , Wichita nnd Tuscon , Bids will bo opttnrd nt tlio hour nnd days above stated and blddcm are In vited to bo present nt thq pponlilK- Certified checks. All bids mustrljf ) , accomp.inlPd by certified checks or drafta upon some United Slates depository or * ely it ) national bunk for nt loost 5 per cent of the amount of the proposal , D. M. lirownlng. CommlsHloner. ii iiln A12d22f-M CURE YOURSELF ! Ui * IligU for unnatural dlicbtrgM , faBimniatloni , Iriit tloni or ulceratloni of raucou * cnttintranM. l' lal n , tad not utrln. or. ut lu plainrepa repa * culir Dt on Liiiuitlc CookH IHiiiNi-lf , ST. JO3KPH , SIo. , Ar lf 19-IJx-Hurllng. ' ' ton Conductor Thomua j'Ui'rBlmll , an inmate of tlio Htato lunatic asylum No. 2 , cooked himself to death In a bath tuh at that In stitution last nlKht.Vhllo the patlentB \vc-rc' at Biippcr lie managed to elude his Kuards and escaped to one of the hnth rooms , where ho turned on the hot water , Illlnt , ' the tub , after which lie plunged in and was soon scalded to death. Ills body was thoroughly cooked , the llesh falling- 'ram the bones. 1 * liiltU ) | WALTIIAM , Mngp. , April 19. Cornelius ilartlgan and John jjriggs , who were ar- esled hero under suspicion of complicity n the murder of Joseph Btlcknry. cashier of the bank of Homennvorth , N. H. , were discharged yesterday , their innocence Imv- nff been proved. Deserving Confldcuoc. Tlicro Is no article which so richly deserves the rntlro conlldonce of the community as Urown'a llronchlal Troches. Those Buffering from Asthmatic and llronchlal Dlacatea , t'ou N and Colds , should try 1'rlce 25 cents , STATE SHOOTING TOURNEY Scattor-Qun Exports Gather nt Lincoln for Annual Competition. EXCELLENT SPORT IS ON THE PROGRAM Money N Aililoil ( n Kuril I'viMit mill ( he iti tries I'ridiilsc to MnUr the Potx IVorth SliixilliiK For. LlNCOLX , April 10. ( Special. ) The state shooting tournament opens at Lincoln I'ark tomorrow morning nnd lasts four days. The committee has arrangements completed for a most Biicrossful season of sport. The grounita are well fitted up for the event and every convenience rooms to bo provided. A largo tent has been fitted up nd seated for the convenience of those taking part In the tournament , and an eating 1101180 Is estab lished on the grounds near by. An amphi theater1 has also been erected for tlio benefit of the spectators. It lias been arranged for the street cars to run to the grounds every fifteen minutes during the tournament. A largo number of sportsmen are already hero and more cc-mo In on every train , Among the crack shots who are already hero are : 11. O. Helices , Dayton , O. ; C. AI. Grimm , Clear Lake , la. ; K. A. Leach , Trlpp , S. D.j Clarence Green , .Manhattan , Kan. ; C.V. . Hudd , DCS Molnes , la. ; W. S. Oiler , Has tings , Frank1 Pnrmelce , Omaha ; Jim Donn , Arapahoe ; Hick Llndormnn nud Dan 1) . Dray , Syracuse , and J , A. It. Elliott , the great wing shot , from Kansas City. Tlio program of tomorrow's events In as follows : ISvcnt No. 1 20 Kinplro tnrKPts , $2.50 en trance. LlmK'11 hotel event , $2."i added. Invent No. 2 20 Rmplro tanjota , J2.50 en trance. V , S. I'uriuelee Gun company event , 523 added. ISvent No. .1 20 Kinplro turrets. f2.50 en trance. W. Fred Qulmby event , $2."i added. ISvont No.120 lOtnplrc targets , J2.B1 en trance. Parker Hros , ' event , J25 added. Event No. 5 20 Kinplro targets , $2.iO ! en trance. Jllbbunl , Spencer , Uurtlult & Co. event , J2. > milled. Uvery one contestlns In tills event must USD certain shells ; for srla on the ground. Tuesday afternoon , April 20 : Kvent No. 6 20 Kmplro targets , ? 2.r > 0 en trance. Montgomery , Ward & Co. event , $25 added. Kvpnt No , 7 20 Umpire targets , $2.50 en trance. Winchester Hepeatlng Arms com pany event , $23 a'Mod. Kvent No. S 20 Umpire targets , J2.50 en trance. Hondy & Ledcrers event , J2. > added. livent No. ! l 20 Umpire targets , $2.W ) en- trance. Dupont 1'owder company event , $23 added. Event No. 10 20 Empire targets , $2.50 en trance. Hazard I'owiler company event , $23 added. 'inVJOVrV-KIVE-MHjK ItOAU HACK. .T. .1. MoDormott IlrciikN Hvporil .Unde nt Adu-iiM I.iiNt Snrlnn. BOSTON , Mass. , April 10. The Marathon games , under the auspices of the lloston Athletic association , and patterned after the games at Athens , Greece , In the spring of 189G , were held this afternoon and were witnessed by thousands of people. The games Included a twenty-five mlle road race from Ashland , Mass. , to Boston , and athletic games at Irvlngton oval while the road race was In progress. The winner of the road race was J. J. McDermott of the Pastime Athletic club of New York , who covered the distance In two hours , fifty-five minutes and ten seconds , lowering by ten seconds the time made In the twenty-five mlle race at Athens. Fifteen runners started from Ashland at 12:19 : p. in. Their course lay through Nay- tick , Wellcsley and the Newtons , to the finishing point at Irvlngton oval. Dick Grant , Harvard's famous mile runner , kept with Grey of St. George's Athletic club of New York as far as Wellcsley. At that point McDermott came up , and after a sharp race with Grey to Newton Upper Falls passed the latter , who was forced to drop to the rear. From Newton Upper Falls to thd finish It was McDermott's race , and at the close he led tlio second man by nearly a mile. Tlio first six to finish and who are prize winners were : First. J. J. McDermott. Pastime Athletic club , New York , two hours , llfty-flvo min utes and ten seconds ; second , J , J. Kiernan , St. Bartholomew's academy. New York , three hours , two tnlnutt-x and two seconds ends ; third. F. P. Thell of Jamaica Plain , three hours , six minutes nnd two seconds ; fourth. Hamilton Gray , St. George's acad emy , New York , three hours , eleven mln * tea and thirty-seven seconds ; llfth , H. It. Eggleston. Pastime academy , New York , three hours , seventeen minutes and llfty seconds ; sixth , James Mason , Star Ath letic club , three hours and thlrty-ono min- ottcs. CYCMST AXD I'M/VINCS ' Jill TO RACE. JOIICN , the California Crnclc , to Make tin * Itnce. SAN FIIANOISCO , April 19. Alta N. Jonre , the cyclist , who made some sensa tional rides during the Indoor tournament In th.s city recently , Is to be matched for u mlle run against Flying Jib , the great pacer. The race will be held on the stock farm at Plcasanton on Saturday next and has created unusual Interest among the horsemen. Jones has been training carefully nt Llvcrmoro during the past fortnight and Is In the beat poslbo ! condition. Ho has reduced bla weight eight pounds below that at which ho rode In the pavilion and la endeavoring to get down to 150 pounds stripped. His mentor , Illcbard P. Aylworth , looks to Jones to make a remarkable record on the path this season. He hopes to meet the cracks of the national circuit In the east late In the season at the Important meets nnd with ordinary good fortune In the matter of ac- clJents expects to bo able to make a credlt- tblo showing. Ho Is considered by many the fastest sprinter In the country. Ho reduced the world's indoor quartcr-mllo record to 31 2-5 seconds , which , with a standing start , Is very close to the time made on an out door track. In this race Jones rode com- plately around Orlando Stevens , who Is him- if a crack quarter-mller. In his match with Flying Jib Jones will probably bo al lowed tandem pat Ing , which Is cu&tcmary In races of this character. _ OHOAM/.I3 FOIl SKltV I'HOTKCTIOX. HIINC Hull I'luyorH I'luii to T.nuk After TlH-lr ( Mvii lnti > rt > NH. CINCINNATI , April 19. The Commercial- Tribune says : That there la to bo some kind of an organization next season for the pro tection of the players there Is no longer any doubt , The majority of them In the National and Western leagues are dissatisfied. They liellevo they are being made slaves of by the magnates , hut they reall/.o that under the present state of affairs they are help- fS3. The changing of the contract dates lias been the bono of contention this season. The players claim that the change of contracts , which docs not begin pay until April 15 , and holds them under contract until October 15 , Is a cruel Injustice. A number of reasons for this claim are ad vanced , H la held that while the players are expected to report Just as early In the spring for practice , they are not reimbursed intll one week before the seauou starts. Then , n the fall of the year , after the season Is closed , the revenue of the exhibition games , which formerly went to the players , now goes to the club. Ilelng ohlftcd from one club to another without being cannultud ls not to the playera' liking , and It Is claimed that the alarlc are yearly being reduced. , ! llln > KIKTH at P ALBANY. N. Y. . April 19.-A telegram was received today by n prominent Yule man , stating that It had been definitely de cided ! > y the joint committee from Harvard , Yule and Cornell to rt < new the Juno races at Poughkcepsle. There has been Borne con- iroversy over the mutter , tlio telegram says , Lmt It la now definitely settled. Tommy \VIiltr'i ( 'linllciinc. NI3\V YORK , April 19. I'uglllat Tommy White of Chicago has Issued a challenge to meet any 120-pound man In the world for from $1,000 to $5,000 a side. Amiu < iliilliii Uniplri-N. ST JOSEPH , Mo. , April 19.-Prosldent T. J. Hlckry of the Western association today appointed the following to act us umpires for the conson of 1S37 : M. J. Mclaughlin , Norrts O'Neill. It. U Cnrruthers nnd Otis Alberts. IIVCKVIimiS TAKKS Tim STAIC11. AVItm the Tcnnrimcp Ilorliri Srronill Alitnt Third. MEMPHIS. Tenn. . April 19.-Tho Tennes see Derby , value $3,000 , was won nt Mont gomery park today by A. Cahn's chrstmit colt Buckvldrc , by Belvldro , out of Lu theran Lass. Typhoon II finished second , with Algol third. There were only three starters. The attendance was 8,000. The Derby was the third on the program. Algol opened nt even and was backed to 4 to 5. The small bettors put their faith In lUiek- vldru at C to 1 throughout. Just before the race there was a plutigo on Typhoon , and the betting closed with Typhoon and Algol even tnonny each. Summaries : First race , four furlongs , purse ; Verify won , Oxnard second , Itcbel Jack third. Time : 0:50'i. : Second race , six furlongs : Hoanergoa won. Gaston second , Time Maker third. Time : 1:10. : Third race , Tennessee Derby , ono nnd one- eighth tnllps , guaranteed $ , > .OiW : lUtckvldre , 122 ( U. Williams ) , 6 to 1 , won ; Typhoon II , 122 ( A. Clayton ) , even , second ; Algol , 122 IT. Murphy ) , even , third. Timel:3GVi. : . No place. Fourth race , ono mile , selling : Connie Leo won , Tim Murphy second , Mrs. Brad- shaw third. Time : 1:40. : Fifth race , four and one-half furlongs : Bannockhurn won , Isabcy second , Arugnll third. Time : 0:65 : i. Sixth race , one mile , selling : Metnlre won. Ferris Hnrtman second , Hoynl Choice third. Time : l:44i. : ? WASHINGTON , April 19. Ilcsults at Bennings : First race , five nnd one-half furlongs : Hawarden won , Maud Adams second , Sweet Avon third. Time : 1:10. : Second race , selling , one-half of a jnllo : Percy V won , Previous second , Wild Duck third. Time : 0:51 : 2-3. Third race. Federal stakes , purse $ SOO , 3- yoar-olds , six and one-half furlongs ! Dr. Jim won. HI Daddy second , Miss Lillian third. Time : 1:24 : 4-5. Fourth race , selling , six furlongs : Hnlton won , Kussler second , Mnrslun third. Time : 1:17. : 1:17.Fifth Fifth race , ono mile : Kuddha won , Ara- ilonn second , Parmeslan third. Time : l:42-5. : ( ! CINCINNATI , April 19. llesults at Now- port. First race , six furlongs : Goodlng won , Sierra Gorda second , Peggy third. Time : 1:16. : 1:16.Second Second race , one mile : Kasendylle won , Glitt second , Calculator third. Time : lJ4Vi. : Third race , four furlongs : Flor.i Louise won , Lillian Hitssell second , Vlrgie Cook third. Tlmn : 0:50. : Fourth race , six furlongs : Fiotow won , Winker second , Abe Furst third. Time : l:147i. : Fifth race , flvo furlongs : Astor won , Sklllman second , Hume third. Tlmn : IOH4. : CHICAGO. April la. Forsythe results : First race , three-quarters of a mile : Louis won , Selden second , Ed Overlook third. Time : 1:17. : Second race , three nnd one-half furlongs , 2-year-olds : Durhess of Highland won , Miss Hey second , Little Helen third. Third race , ono mile : Hurry Shannon won , Olivia l > second , Doctor O third. Time : 1:43. : Fourth race , seven-eighths of a mile. Bon Waddcll won. AVhlrlui/ay second , Dorian third. Time : 1:23. Fifth race , live-eighths of a mile : Old- ham won , Slotrfrlod second , Santa Cruz third. Time : 13. SAN FUANC1SCO , April 19.-Inglcsldo summaries : First race , seven furlongs : Manchester won. Blue Bell second. Lady Diamond third. Time : l:2Si. : Second race , six furlongs : Tim Murphy won. Perhaps second , Mollle II third. Time : 1:154. : Third race. Corrlgnn stakes , for 2-year- olds , value $1,300 , live furlongs. Michael won , Itosormonde second. Front do Boeuf third. Time : l:01 : i. Fourth race , mlle nnd one-slxtconth : The Bachelor won , San Murco second , Roy del Tlerra third. Time : 1:50. : Fifth race , six furlonga : Cullento won , Marjorlo second , llefugeo third. Time : l5 i. Sixth race , one mile : Bernardino won , Lodestcr second , Good Times third. Time : GAMES OP THIS NATIO.XAI , LEAGUE. Plilliiilelulilii nefvnta lloston liy n Score of (1 to K. BOSTON , April 19. The Phillies came to Boston today and played the first league game of. the season , defeating the home team by ono run In nn exciting finish. The visitors played better ball than they did last year and deserved to win. About 14- 000 ( persons crowded Into the cramped grounds , several hundred not boliiK ablu to obtain seals , line first lialt of the game was a battle between Orth nnd Nichols. The former was practically Invincible until the last inning , when the local players fell on him and almost tied ! tlio score. NlchoUi was hit safely In the llfth , when thu Quakers were able to score twice , and again In the ninth , when they really won the game. Both pltcfters were well supported , generally. Score : Philadelphia 0 00020013 C Boston 0 00000005 5 Hits : Philadelphia , 12 ; Boston , 8. ICrrors : Philadelphia , 1 ; Boston , 3. Karned runs : Philadelphia , 3 ; Boston , -1. Two-base hit : Tucker. Home run : La Jole. Double play : la Jole to Ortih. First base on balls : Off Orth. 3 ; oft Nichols , 2 , Struck out : By Orth , 3 ; by Nichols , 2. Batteries. Philadel phia , Orth and Clements ; Boston , Nichols and Ganzel. Umpirei Lynch. ICrnu HcNlM HojikliiN. BUFFALO , N. Y. , April 19. After olght- ccn rounds of rapid fighting1 Frank Krno got the decision over Joe Hopkins ( colored ) of Now York nt the Olympic Athletic club tonight. South Omaha News There was a good lobby In attendance at the meeting of the city council last night. All members were present and Mayor Eusor occupied the chair. Mrs. Ellen Tlramy , her attorney and phy sician were present and urged a settlement of her claim for damages caused by an Icy sidewalk. Dr. Slabaugh explained to the council the nature of the Injury and tUatcd that the woman would not have the full use of her limb for a year. No action was taken on the claim. Schultz offered a resolution giving the city ofllclals the privilege of closing their olllcca at 1 o'clock every Saturday afternoon. The resolution carried. Street Commissioner Hess was directed to open a sewer at Twenty-first and N streets. Tlio closing of the sewer has caused a pool of atagnant water , which Is becoming a nuisance , Kelly offered a resolution requesting the mayor lo call a public meeting on Thursday evening to consider the gas ordinance and the ordinance providing for the vacating of land In the northwestern part of the city for the beet sugun factory. Further , Kelly rec ommended that no action bo taken on Ilicsu ordinances until after the public meeting. Barrett thought these ordinances ought to bo referred to the proper committees before a public meeting was held , Mayor Ensor salil that ho did not consider a public meeting necessary , as ho thought the council wan able to lake care of both ot the ordinances without any outside help. When put to a vote Kelly's resolution was lost , and upon motion of Kchultz the gas ordinance went hack to the judiciary commit tee. tee.A sidewalk was ordered laid on the north THE CURSE Of tnnnklnil contnelons blood poison olaiinctl ns Its victim Sir. Frank B , Martin , 5)20 ) ronnsylvnnla Avenue , Wnalilngton , O. O. , nnd the ustinl physician's treatment dlil him not tlio slightest pood. Ills condition rcnclictl that umilorablo stngo which only this tcrriolo dis- can produce. THE CURE After nil else failed , waa fit last fountl In S. S. S. the greatest of nil blooil remedies. Eighteen bof > tlos removed the disease porinniit cully , mid loft Ms skin without a blemish. 8.B. 8. Is guaranteed purely vegetable ; and Is thoonly known euro for this mnit tcrttblo dlf > easo. Hooks froaj ddroas,8wlftSpoclflcCotnpany , AUuiU , Uiu side oC Washington street from Ulghtcouth street to Bollavuo avenue. There Is a bad washout on Twenty-eighth street between H And S streets , which was ordered filled. The sidewalk on the west Bldo of Twenty- sixth street between M and N streets wiu ordered repaired. A sidewalk was ordered laid on the north sldo of O street from Seventeenth to Twen tieth street. 1' . II. Mahoncy furnished a bond In the sum of $3,500 for making the repairs on the Q street viaduct , with T. J. Mabonoy and J. J. Mahoncy ns sureties , which was accepted , Kelly offered a resolution recommending that hereafter all resolutions providing for an expenditure of money be referred lo the proper committee. The Idea is to hnvo a committee ItiNcsttgato nil sidewalk repairs , washouts , etc , , before the work Is ordered. When put to a vote the motion was lost. The IS'JG rules of the council were adopted nnd ordered printed. Adjourned until April 27. AHHCNNOI- City Assessor Samuel P. Brlgham tendered his resignation to the county commissioners yesterday afternoon. Mr. Brlgham has ac cepted a position In the legal department of an oil company , with headquarters at New York City. Ho left last night at (1:30 ( : for thu cast. In tendering his resignation Mr. Brlglmm recommended that Wyllc Deckel bo appointed assessor In his stead. Deckel has bcon serving as ono of Mr. Brlgham'g depu ties. Tlio news of Mr. Drlgham's resignation was not made known until late ycstctc'ay afternoon , but there arc already several can didates for the vacancy. Invent 11 School Sent. Paul iMcAulcy , head janitor at the High school building , and M. Anderson , the fire man at the building , havc > Invented a school seat and desk which can bo adjusted to any height desired. The model Is strong nnd slmplo ot construction , pleasing In I ppear- ancn and will permit of Independent adjust ment of scat or desk for pupils desiring dif ferent heights. There Is no muchluer } to got out of order , as the seal or desk Is raised or lowered by a ratchet. A patent has been , applied for. An EiiMlur HriMikfimt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Watts entertained a number ot friends with an Easter breakfast Sunday morning. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Ell II. Doud , Boonc , la. ; Mr. nnd 'Mrs. ' D. L. Holmes , Mr. and Mrs. U C. Gibson , Mr. audiMrs. J. M. Tanner , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Martin , II. H , Aycr of Omaha nud B. E. Wllcox. MiiKTlc City ( ioiHlii. Harry C. Rae has gotio to Fargo , Q. on a visit. George Powell , Idaho Falls , Idaho , Is a vis itor in the city. Ira F. Burroughs has entered the soldiers' homo at 'Mllford. F. O. Blrney has returned from a business trip to Missouri. The letter carriers donned their summer uniforms yesterday. The Emanon club will glvo a dance at Masonic hall thla evening. Charley Stanley tins gotio to Chicago ( o look after business matters. Mrs. Julia Thompson , Friend , Neb , , is vU- Itlng her slater , Mra. John Clarey. Mr. and Mrs. Ell II. Doud , Boonc , In. , ar In the city , the guests of friends. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wear , Thirty-sixth and T streets. Miss Jean Boyd Mullen entertained the Monday Night club at her home last even ing. ing.Joe Joe Murphy , Armour's cattle buyer on this market , baa returned from a trip to Chi cago. A special meeting of the Sons of Vetcrann will be hold this evening nt the Stockman of lice. Quito a number of South Omaha men will Join tlio Knlghtfl of Ak-Sar-Bcn next Monday night. Tom Wilson has returned to his homo at Ashland after spending a few days with friends hero. Frank Gnwley has been sent up to the county Jail for thirty days for stealing a keg of beer. It Is expected that work on the repairs to the Q street viaduct will commence within a couple of days. The Schlltz Brewing company will erect a two-Btory building at the corner of L street and the boulevard , SIlEH Adah Brewer , Albion , in In the city , the guest of J , W. Cook and family , Twenty- sixth and G streets. Tlio Morry-Go-Hotmd club will give a din ner Tursday evening In honor of Miss Ma- cotnbur of Atlantic , la. Good flshluf ? Is reported In Hardwood lake , quite a number of largo buffalo bolng speared there yesterday. A meeting of the republican city central commltteo has been called for this evenIng - Ing at the olllco of H. G. Murphy. Mrs. L. C. Gibson gave a birthday parly Saturday night In honor of her husband. Plates were laid for twenty guests. Last week's feeder shipments numbered 123 cars , 3,815 head , of which olgbty-ona cars went to Nebraska and forty to Iowa points. Iliiulclln'H Arnluii .Snlvo. The bcu salvo In the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , halt rheum , fever soron , tetter , chapped hands , chilblains. corns and all akin eruptions , and positively cures plica , or no pay required. It Ifl guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prlc ? , 25 cents per bov. For sale by ICulin & Co..jOmaba , Nebraska. Itilirlcvifor .IUIIICM II. HAUIUSHUKG , Pa. , April 19. Jnmea B. Gentry , the murderer of Madgo Yorlio , liaa been granted a reprlovo by the board of pardons. GOLD DUST. Insist on Tlie best Washing Powder made. Best for all cleau- ing , docs the work quickly , cheaply and thoroughly , "largest package greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY , Bt. Loul , New York , Iloaton , FUlladelpbU.