Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1897, Image 1

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    It Si ]
Tirat Bloody light of the War Occurs on
Turkish Soil ,
Etcatly and Persietont Firing is Kept Up the
Whole Day Long.
Turks leave Their Dead Lying on the
Picld of Battle.
Trooim Art- leaner for n ( Ji-iirrnl IJn-
uanrciiirnt mill a Ci-fiit llalde IN
i\iu'li'il ; lo IK1'ouulil
\ t.'rj Soon.
( Cup ) right. H97 , by the Ansoclated Press. )
I3LAS30NA ( hcadquiiitcra of Ihe Turkish
army In Macedonia ) , April 17 , 10 p. m. ( De
layed In transmission. ) The cot respondent
of Iho Associated Prais has Just iclurncd
from Knrya , on the Greek frontier , north
of Tyrnavoi , aud three hours' ride fiom bete.
A fierce battle between the Tut Us and
Greeks is now taglng nt Karya. The fight
ing has been in progress all day.
The corrosiKUtdent left the Tuikish head
quarters here on horseback Ibis morning
and at rived at Karya lhr ° o hours later. The
battle was then proceeding , and the corre
spondent was enabled to watch Ihe lighting
fiom a point near the tent of Hamdl Pasha ,
who Is In command of the Sixth army corps ,
the Turkish force there engaged. Hamdl
Pasha , stiroumlod by hfs btaff , was watching
the movements of the opposition forces The
( ombatants were posted on the faces of two
lulls oveilooking a f.mall valley , at a distance
of about a mile.
It appeared that iho Greek force , . which
was evidently composed of regular troops
of Giecco , crossed the frontlir .tl S o'clook
yesterday evening and advanced upon the
valley referred to at an early hour this
morning. The fireekn , later , were engaged
by four battalions of Turkish Infantiy , and
a'ter some sharp fighting were driven batk
toward the frontier. The Gieck force , however -
over , then look up a position on the creU of
several hills , and the combat was tusumed at
10 o'clock/
Among the invadeis are considerable num
bers of Sicilian volunlcers.
At inlervnls of about two hours Iho Greeks
rincvved their attack upon theTu'klsh posi
tion. The Tmk remained calm and stood
on the defensive , though suffoiln , ; consider
able loss.
The number of killed .nud wounded among
the Turks could not be -certuned ! at that
time , but the correspondent saw forty-eight
Turkish wounded btought to the rear , with
Ihe bodies of fixe Tuikish oflicers. Only
the wounded Tiuks and tlio bodies of Ihe
olllcors vvuo being brought fiom theftont
to the- field hospitals , hence the number of
men killed could not be learned. The dead
vvcro left where they fell. At 4 o'clock in
the afternoon , when Ihe cortcspondcnt left
Karya , more Tuikish wounded vvoie being
can led Into camp.
The Greeks appeared to be contenllng
themselves with occupying the position
which Ibe/ had taken upon the crest of
the hills and tmilntululng a heavy lite fiom
It without advancing , but at the snmo tlni"
preventing the Turkish troops front cross
ing the frontier. The TurKc tcturned the
fire of the Gtceku with persistent spirit.
\Vhllo the correspondent of the Associated
press wus at Karya , Hamdl Pasha , the
Tuikish commander , received a dispatch
from IMhem P.ibha , the Turkish com-
mander-ln-chlef , saying that a general ad
vance of thu Turkish forces had been ordctcd
for tomorrow , vvnr between Greece and
Tut key having been declared This news
wild lecclvod by thu Tuikn with cnthusl
aslle sliouls , "Long live wai. "
At Iho sumo time Unit Hiimdl Pasha re
ceived the news of tlie dechuallon of war
ho received news of n firidi attack by a
Gieck force III the direction of Kleulliochorl ,
to Iho north and left of Kaikos.
Dining Iho corirbpondent'8 leluin Journey-
here , ho heard fin ther filing , both rlllo nnd
nrtllltiy This was after nightfall , though
a full moon was shining
F.dlicm Pasha at tills hour Is holding a
council of war nnd II Is expected thai a
gunt buttle will bo fought tomoirow The
Tiiililbli Hoops me eager foi a geneial cm-
gagemtnt. The weather conllnuca very cold.
RISONA , April 18Iho Gicoks. from
all Ihelr positions lit tinKarya dlmlct ,
began the advance lownrd the ftonller at 7
nYlock on Fildiiy evening FlRhllng lasted
o.l llmt nlghl and extended on Saturday
to wltnlii ten miles of the fioutlcr It Is
estimated that 15,000 Gieeks weto engaged.
Iho baltlo Kintlnued with gieat vigor
throughout Fildiy night and Saturday , when
altogether 00,000 were engaged.
On Sunday moiulng the tiring was concen
trated toward the southeast of Mllouni
About noon Hi inlay the Gieeks began to glvo
w iy , afler Iho hottest lighting of the ongge- : |
mnnt. The TuiKs advanced only a little be-
yon J the ft antler Into Greek teultory. Con
sidering the rapidity of the firing and the
Ktoat e\i > < 'iiilttie ) of ammunition tlio number
killed is comparatively small , probably under
200 Altogeltor the behavior of thu Tuikish
troops was hctltr than that of the Gicoks.
Tliolr otflceiH remained coal nnd collected.
Iho In Ing still continues , but It Is expected
to cease at nightfall as the ( loops have been
engaged for thirty hours without food or
It in said that several hands have entered
iV.aii' Thoie is no olllclal news yet
na to ihu iepcrU'd apluieof _ Mciiexa.
TonllU" I'liNlin liiroi-iiicil thr I iivojn
Thill ( ireiiullnil Oiri-uiU-il.
3'-uha , Iliu Tl.rkUh minister of foreign
nffalrs , vltllrd the foreign envoys yesterday
and In torn.oil them that the Turkish frontier
had been crossed on Friday night by fresh
li.ui'V of Greek * , ainuitg whom were a num
ber of Greek regulars. It was this news
which led to the calling of a council of nilu-
1-teii ) and pteclpitatcd thu decision to an
nounce that war hud hiokeit out between
Greece and Turkey. The Greek mlnlaler
here , Prlnco Mavrocordato , wus at the same
limit notified of the iiipturo of diplomatic-
relations between Turkey aud Greece , His
passports will bo handed to him and ho
J will leave Constantinople. At the tame
tlnio , the archives of the Greek legation will
be removed , lu addition , all the Greek mer-
ehanta In Turkey were Informed that they
were given a furtiiight'b notlct * to leave the
Ottoman empire ,
Iti-ijnli-iii fur M , Trli-ouiilH ,
ATHKNS , April IS , \ Kttat congregation
crowded Iho dihedral today , when the
requiem was SIIUK for the late. M , Tdco.ipls ,
The Crown Princess Sophia still remains
at Larlssa.
I'oivrr * Arc \ < iIIU- or thu War ,
Jr HHUS3HL8 , April 18 , The IndvpemU-nco
! ) CRO | today announces that Turkey has
oir.clally declared war against Greece , aud
tbat a notification to tbli effect wai cent
lo the powcu tula
i , VY AM. run ntMI : os TIUTI IIKS
( ir - < -l < M Pool ( Jlnil Tliul HIP Trtinlon of
lln I'nxl 1 > \VI-I-UM In O i-r.
( fVpjrlRht. HO ? lij HIP AforltitPil I'res < )
ATHHNS. April 18 II a in The Tuikleh
batteries at I'rcvesa , on the northern shore
of the entrai.ce of the gulf of Artn where ,
according to the treaty of Ilcrlln , the Turks
had no r'ght ' to erect fortlflcatlors , flrcd on
and sank a Greek steamer , the Macedonia ,
this morning , while she was attempting to
iravo tha gulf of Ambrnc'la. The crow of
the steamer was eavcd by boats from the
shore , but the captain of the Macedonia wen
severely wouided Upon receipt of this
newn , the Greek government sent ordets to
the Greek met in the gulf of Ambracla to
bomlnrl Prrvtna Consequently thn bom-
birdmcnt of Provesa commenced at G o'clock
this morning and continues as this dispatch
Is sent. Prevcsa. which Is In Hplruo and
eighteen inllc-j fiom Arta , Is strongly forti
fied.The Turkish mlnlstct hcic , Asslm Hey ,
has asked for his passports ; they have been
Ininlrd hint and he has left Athens for Con-
htanllnople. The German mlnlstet at Athena ,
Huron von Plcspon , has undertjkcn to pro
tect Turkish lntere lB In Gieece during the
si-veraucp of diplomatic relation * between
the two countries. The Greek minister at
Constantli.cple , Prince Mavrocoidato , has
been recalled.
Throughout the day there were scenes of ex-
trtioidlnaty excitement here. The streets were
crowded with people eagerly dlscii'slng the
oulbr .ik of war and Iho probable outcome
Tlio general feeling was ono of satisfaction
at tlif ullef from the Irritating tciNlon of
the past few weeks , which had giadually
become almost unendurable and which Is
ended at last by overt acts , It Is contended
hJie. on the- part ot Tutkcy The Greeks
hold that there vvaii an attempt upon the
pni I of the- Turkish forces to occupy a utrat-
eglc position near Mount Aualypsls. not far
from Neeros In the neutial rone- , which
led to the ei counter on Friday between the
Gieeks and the Turks Thin. It Is added , was
lined at Constantinople as a reason for order
ing IMhc-m Pa ha , the Turkish commandcr-
In-chlef , to r.fnnme the offensive and led to
the rupture of diplomatic relations between
the ( .onnttlcM. The so-called outrage of Pre
vcsa , this ircrnlng. when the Turkish bat-
I teries there r.ank the Gieek steamer Mace
donia further Justified Greece , In the minds
of the Athenians , In waging war to the death
against Turkey
Tim Greek government thcicfore , Is
waimly conimcndnd for recalling the Greek
minister at Constantinople nnd not waiting
according to Ihe Greek veislon , until Prince
Mavroccrdato handed his pa spoits
It Is btate-d In some quarters thil Asslra
Hey , the Turkish minister to Greece did not
wall for his preeports to be handed to him
but , ho boon as ho leeched the Mini of. 5 00 (
francs telegraphed to him from Constanti
nople , thrcugh the Athenian bank , for tr.-u
ollng expenses , clc. , he hastily left this city.
Little news of a reliable nature has been
receive * ! here or Is allowed to le-ak out regard
Ing what has icnlly tranpplred on Ihe fron
U Is known , however , that the whole fron
tier ot Thesfaly has been blaring with mur-
dcrcus firing since curly thl morning , am
that the Greeks have inptured a fortlflai
position nt llenexe , In Macedonia.
Accoidlng to the general understanding
IITO the Turkish plan of campaign Is a
conceutiatlon of the Tmks near tbo Im
portant Greek frontier town of Tyrnavps
with a view of forcing the mountain passes
leading toward Larlssa One rdport , which
Is generally credited , has It that IMhem
I'asl a , at the head of 12OflO men , has al
ready begun this movomcnt , and rumors
In this respect are flowing , the substance
of them being that the tiattle which ls ex
pected to be foughl al or near Tyrnavos has
already connnuniod.
The Greek plan of campaign , so far as It
is mdcrblood by the Athenians , Is found In
the defence of Larlssa , In the first Instance ,
an atlack upon that place having been an
ticipated and prepared for by occupying ami
taking every possible advantage of all
strategic polntc. The lountry thc-ie ; Is ad
mirably suited for defence , nnd , while this
deft use Is undertaken , the Gtcek fleet Is
icllcd upon to destroy the coast ports of
Kplrus and Macedonia. The Greek belief
In ultimate cueccss IE based on the expecta
tion of a universal thine of the Muceclon-
Inns , and Epliotes , ho soon as the Greeks
succeed In winning a brilliant victory any-
wheic over the Turks
( .itircr. : MM > S nr.itctii : > fr\Nci : .
Ili-lj niiiilxIIIIOIIIUMK ( o li > KlNlaurc
Thai \ AaiIH D.-clar.-i ] .
ATHENS , April 18 A special sitting of
the legislative assembly was held this even
ing. The public galleries were crowded
Amid Intersp excitement M. Delyannls , the
premierarncunccd that the Turkish govern
ment had today notified Giccce of the rup
ture of diplomatic iclatlont on Iho ground of
Ihe aggressive altitude of the Greek govern
ment. In a cool , but deliberate speech , he
rovlevved the letent events , lo show , on Iho
contrary , that Turkey had been the aggressor
ser : Unit he ] troops had attacked the Greeks
and attempted to occupy neutral positions ,
and that her batteries at I'revesu had sunk
the Greek ( ship Macedonia
"Turkey , " said \1 Delyannla , "declares
war agal-st us.Ve accept It "
This statement was received with pro-
longc-d cheers fiom the galleries and Iho
floor of Hie Chamber. The ptemlcr then read
dispatches reciting the events which had
happened on tbo frontier , and , with refer
ence to the reported capture bf Mone\a , ho
said tint the batteries at that Important
posltlin had been biotight Into action , but
ho know nothing as to lf alleged capture.
Ho added thai Iho Tuiks , afler lepealed at
tempts to foteo a passage at Revonl , which
commands the road to Lailnsa , had been
driven back ,
The leader of the opposition , amid re
newed cheers , front all parts of the Chamber
and front Ihe galleiles , eloquently endorsed
the patriotic declat atlon of M. Delyannls.
The government addrcst-cd a note to Assim
Hey , expressing mupiisc at the allegation *
contained in his note to .M Skouct , and point
ing out facts piovlng that Tut key Is the ag-
giessor TIe : government disclaims all IP-
bpo'islbllity for any eveuta that may now
Tito Mettopolltan of Athens has oiderod
pi ay cia In all the churches for the success of
tlm Greek arm ? .
Creel ; * In TurKf > - and TIM-UK In
lircecv * Invlleil to < ii- ( Out ,
AMI DNS , Aptll IS Afslm Hey has
handed to M SKoiucs , the Gicck minister
of foreign affairs , the following uoto. "In
consequence of the aggrefBlvo attitude of
Gieecc , diplomatic relations between thr-
king of the Hellenes and his Imperial ma-
Ji | v , the sultan of Tut key , and their re
spective governmentf , ore hereby broken off.
"The Greek minister nt Constantinople
and Iho Greek consult ! bavo been ordered to
quit Tuikish tenltory. For the tame rea
son the Tutklfti consuls In Greece have bien
recalled to Constantinople.Vlthln a fort
night from the date of this anouncement all
Greek subjects must Icavo Tinklsh territory.
Ottoman subjects now on Greek territory
Imvo been Invited to leave It within the
name period. "
CONSTATINOPLi : , April 18 The- Porto
has handed his pacn ; > oil to Prime Muvro-
cordato , Iho Greek minis' tt lo Turkey , to
gether with a note announcing the bteaklng
off of diplomatic relations between the two
goteriintents , and the recall of Asslm Hey
and the Turkish consuls , It Invitee Prince.
Mavrocordatu nnd all Gieek consuls on Turk
ish territory to quit the confines of the em
pire. giving the Greek subjects fifteen days'
notice. Pilnee Mavroeordato will leave on
Tuceduy by tlio Austrian mall boat
Turku ( 'aiilurt- die l.
has received a from Kdhem I'aslm ,
the Turkish couintauder-ln-chlcf at Elas-
sonu , dated Saturday , saying that In consequence
quence of au Invasion of Turkish territory
by the Gr-cke his lrooi < s have beized the
heights ot Puma * atul Velschko. The fourth
division from Klaesona. under Halda Pasta ,
anJ a full brlgidt uuder Kam IMslia , have en ,
tt-red Greek : tetrjtory ,
Results of the First Conflict * Ara a Little
Mine on Ni-n-roM 11 1-Vlnt to Ilrniv At
tention front .Mllotint Illiu'k-
llOIIMCK III till * I'llNM CIlllllKI *
lliiniln I'dtir Tliiu-n ,
LONDON , April 13. Tlio Hlaasona corre
spondent of the Times says : The p.altlon of
affairs scents to be that the Turkish move on
Nczcros Is n fe.ut to draw attention from
Mllouul , wher" It Is evident IMhem Pasha
| Intendo to advance In force on Larlssa. This
i attempt will lead to Ecvero fighting. The
ic3ulta of c\cn Saturday's fighting arc In
decisive. Accounts of It are biased , accord
ing as they cornc from Gre ° k or Turkish
sources. It appears , however , pretty ccr
tain that the Turks had the advantage. Thr
OreeKs vvero partially successful In their
movement at Karya , which was almd at
cutting of ! the Turkish communications with
Salonlca , where the Greek licet Is expected
nlinoct Immediately. There Is no ne\va yet
of land fighting Horn Uplrtis , as the raiders
I failed to hold , Kranla IMhem Paalm is still
In communlcatlun with Janlna , but the Greek
I lo'cea In Kplrus are believed to be superior
to the Turkish.
| The Times correspondent at Klotaonu further -
' ther says : "I visited the hospital toda/ ;
| ( Sunday ) and found all admirably conducted
1 Hut the ecsne was mot distressing , the
| wounded screaming In their agony and fever
ishly leirlng th" bedding In their delirium.
"In Saturday' bill fighting the Turks had
j the advantage. They were Judiciously ambushed -
! bushed behind the rocks and from their
sheltered positions maintained an Incessant
Today's ( Sunday's ) fighting at Mllounl
pass took place around three outlj Ing block
houses , which were captured , retaken , cap
tured again , and again retaken. The Greek
positions suffered severely from the t > plcndlt
shrapnel practice of the Turkish batteries
at a lange of 3,800 meters. Columns ol
smoke could be seen rising In every direction
from the Greek positions , caused by the
Turkish shell fire The Greeks defended
with the greatest courage , but were not able
to island ngalniit the slow but steady ad
vance of the Turks. As evening came on
three of the Greek outworks surrendered
anil askctl the Turks to cease the shell fire.
The latter now hold the advanced line. ex
cept at ono spot. The principle lighting done
by the Turkish Infantry was at Skumba and
Duniciile , to the right of the pass.
ii Y'l-rmiY is nnsTiiovnn.
Cri-i-l.N lloiulinril Sl.afldlKI mill Cai-
turif II til Five HOIIPH.
ATHENS , April 18. The Greek commander
at Actlum , opposite Prevcsa , telegraphs that
the Greek steamer Macedonia , which was
fired upon this morning by the Turkish bat-
lei Ics while leaving the Gulf of Ambracla ,
did not sink in deep water , but WHS able to
run ashore near Iho entrance- the gulf.
It appears that the bombardment of I're
vesa cnly began at 11 30 a. m , whereas the
Turkish forces there opened a hot fire upon
Actlum at G 30 a m. A column wcu formed
nt the telegraph station , but the building was
converted into a fort and was garrisoned by
500 men. The Turkish fire completely de
stroyed It , several of the garrison being
killed ajul wounded , although the Turkish
aim was often wild.
The Greek commander requested Instruc
tions by telegraph , and Ihe minister of war
ordered him lo bombard Provesa Im
mediately. -
At 10 o'clock n. rn. the Shafldlkl fort fired
a few shots on a Greek gunboat , which re
plied , effectually silencing the Turkish bat-
lery. At 11 o'clock Ihe Greeks began to
attack the Ttirkioh forts outside the entrance
of the gulf , partly to divert the enemy's at
tention and partly In order to prevent the
massacre of the Greeks at Prevesa.
The Greek Ironclad Spctzal has arrived to
assist In bombarding Prevrsa and the gun
boats continue to bombard from inside the
According to the latent telegrams from
Acllum , 2,000 Greeks have crossed the gulf
of Arta from Vonltza lo Salagora and are
now marching on Prevcsa. Various reporls
arc curt cut as to the landing of the Insur
gent bands on the Chalkls peninsula.
Hugles are sounding In various quarters
of thu city. Soldiers are hastening to their
barracks and bodies of troops , hastily
equipped , are being dispatched to the front
amid enthusiastic ovations from the crowds
thai fill the streets. Numerous conferences
have taken place today between the king and
Ihe cabinet , and , as a result of them. Iho
two last classes of 1SOO reserves have been
called out.
A telegram Just received from Actlum
states that the Greek flotilla In the gulf
of Ambracla Is now ( I p , m ) successfully
bombarding the Skafldlkl batlery. Four
guuboals are altacklng Salagora , The firing
opened at long tange about 2 30 p. m. The
fiist shot was sent by the Greek war bhlp
Hasllliis Goorplos , the cruiser Natiarchos
Mlaulls taking up the fire. The Hamldleh
and Pantokaloros balleries relurncd the
fire , but their practice was not good. At 3 25
p m. a shell from the Nauarchos Mlaulls
fell fairly In the Hnmldleh battery.
9 p. in A dispatch Just received here
says that the Sknfidlkl batteries , which
were atlackcd by the Greek war ships sboitly
before 3 o'clock this aflernoon , have been
completely desltoyed. The Greek battery at
Kefallpanaghla co-operated effectively with
the flotilla In the bombardment.
A telegram from Trlkhuln , bent at 8 o'clock
this evening , says that the Gicck brigade
defending Hcveln , has advanced Into Damazl
plain and occupied Vlglia which commands
the plain , after capturing the Turkish bat
tery there.
The Asty says the Greek troops have oc
cupied Ihe. citadel at , and It Is be
lieved the Turks ore bombarding VonlUn.
All Ihe forts except one , which Is the
slrougest. have been destroyed at Prevcsa by
the bombardment of the Greek Meet.
IFIIKS IIAVU TWO riio.Vl'lUlt 1'OhT.S.
nrfH.K iioiii I : IT > iiiinw .NOW i\ci-iit
A nit "nil 'I lion ill.
LONDON , April 18. A dispatch to the
Dally Chronicle froln Athens , dated midnight ,
says the Giceka have captured Meneza after
severe lighting The Turklih losses were
very heavy , the Greek compaiatlvely light
Pho cotretpondent adds "Tho Greek Meet
las destroyed half the fortresses at Pruvcm
and silenced the guns I am assured that the
bombarding will bo continued tomorrow
( Monday ) morning. The latest news received
here tonight Is that the Greeks have captured
and held all the positions except Ana and
Mllounl along the Thcssallan line.
"I have had accew to an Important docu
ment from a European capital showing that
the powers have done nothing for oeveral
weeks , because they have hoped that Greece
would be either financially ruined or t > oundly
beaten by Turkey. If Turkey gets Larlisa
she will icuialu there until Greece evacuates
"It wan Germany that urged Turkey to
declare war. "
i ( iri-i-UM Miirrh 1111 < io > Miii.
SALONIOA , April 18. Greek bands have
landed at Klevetheropoll , west of Tayala , and
are marching on Goysan. Their design la
evidently to cut the railway line to Baonlca. |
Turkish troops have been sent In pursuit ,
and there has been fighting , but tbo result
la not known here.
Aini-rtcaii Gnu * for ,
LONDON , April 18. A dispatch to the
Standard from Constantinople- say that a
battery of American machine guns of the
latest pattern arrived there recently and
was secretly couveytd to the Ylldlz Kiosk.
where it hat been placed in position.
rumen IIATTM : i.v'nmJotr\i IMS * .
Turku Capture tlirJrroU 'lllt ' > Milinii r ,
lull ( ireolvi Go on I'luli'llne. '
(10 ( a. m. ) A fierce bnftlo TARCX ! In the
pass at N'llong. The Greeks , who entered
and descended toward tbo , vallby , encoun
tered four battalions Turkish troops ,
who drove them back npd at the point of
the bayonet rescued thc force garrisoning
the Turkish blockhouse. , hlch the Greeks
had encircled before cntMlnR the pass.
Ncshad Pasha , commanding the Fifth di
vision , occupied Mount Harnla with a great
farce , while Hnlrl Pasha , commcndlni ? the
Sixth division , prepared to enter the
Tehalshan pass , nnd Haldar Pasha , with the
Fourth division , occupied the Mllounl pass.
llcfore dawn Hdhcm Pasha rode out to
direct the disposition of the divisions A
general engagement ensuedij The buttle still
continues alotiR the cctlre > > ass , over 20090
men being engaged The combat turned on
the possession of the Gr ok blockhouse ,
which was most obstinately defended. Sev
eral vigorous attacks were mndc by the
Turks , but finally , about 3 o'clock , by a
magnificent dash , they took the blockhouse
at the point of thebayonet. .
The Greeks are still defending their posi
tions on the summit of the hill. At the pres
ent moment four battalloils of Memlukh
Pasha's division are advancing to the fron
tier positions already taken , The Turks arc
fighting like demons , the Turkish artillery
doing splendid execution under ( ho command
of Ulna Pasha
The correspondent of the Associated Pits' !
says : "I regret to have tr announce the
death of Haflz PaUha. at .Mllounl. The battle
Is still undecided , but the Turku , without
calling U ) > the reserves , have taken almost
the whole pass. It Is Impossible to give de
tails as to lofscs. I saw many group * ol
wounded men , but they were mostly on the
heights Ambulances Imvc been tent to
bring them In. I cannot say wlic-tlur the
Turks Intend to advance on Larlssa. "
ATHENS. April IS 0 p in. In HIP flsut-
Ing on the frontier the Turks have- occupied
Aim nml Mllounl , but they have not suc
ceeded In taking Katu The engagement at
Mllounl pass was of the fiercest character
and the losses were hciw on both Bide ? .
The Greeks captured an entire battcrv from
the Turks. Three Greek officers of hgh |
rank were killed A large body of Greek
troops Is now Inarching against Mcncese , and
brisk filing Is going uu along the \\holo
line as far west as Arta.
Iiitllviitloiis 'I'll.-iI Himilii ) mill Ccrinmi )
I rirt-d DIM-IK ration ofVir. .
LONDON , April IS The Athens conc-
spomlent of the Times says : The key to the
Milounl pass ( s Mcnexa , n position of the
greatest Importance , wrere the Turks arc
strongly entrenched. The latest news to
night ( Sunday , 11 p. m. ) Is that the Turks
btlU hold their ground at that point.
All the volunteers of the foreign legion
and a portion of the garrtsbu stinted for
Vole today. It Is noted that the communica
tion of Asslm Hey to M-Skouzen dees not
specify the particular net of.aggression up.n
which the Tutklah government p'-ofcsscs to
rely. It Is now certain , however , that Kdhcm
Pasha iccclved orders to attvnrtce to Lailssa
611 the 10th Inst. , but theie orders were cc-i-
ctlcd thrc'o hours laten
On the 15th Prince Mdvroconlato vvamed
his government that the porte wao propar-
In" to order an advance , without" pievlous
declaration of war. It Is inferied from these
factSj/ind / alleged In responsible quarters that
two of the greit powcrs have urged Turkey
to begin hostilities and the presence g ( Rus
sian and German officers HvUh the Turkish
troops is uittorly commenlcrl .on"in Athens' . "
* *
War WIIM Onlj Dri'lari'il Win1" Orcc
MmIt ! .Vc'cM-HHar > .
CONSTANTINOPLE , April is. An official
communication to the newspapers btatcs that
the Imperial government has spared no pains
to preserve the peace , but thqt Greece , hav
ing sent troops to Crete In defiance of thn
wish of the- powers , and having begun hos-
til.tlcs on the frontier , has compelled Tur
key to defend her Integrity and to ictallate
by an act of war. The minister of war has
given explicit orders to Hdhera Pasha , In ac
cordance with an imperial decree approving
tha decision of the council and adopting the
plan of operations formulted by the mili
tary commission. The Irdde throws the en
tire reflponslbillty for the war upon Greece.
Bdl em Pasha Is authorized to taKe Imme
diate action , defensive or offensive , In accordance
cordance- with this plan and In the exercl-se
of his bust Judgment. (
co.tsmmts THU < ; IIIJIK.S : iM-muoii.
Crrmaii Olllorr Suj n They Itu > k In
\riiitimi-ut null Stiiiitlim.
CONSTANTINOPLE. April 18. The gen
eral sent by Emperor William to Inspect
the armies on the frontier has returned from
ElasEona. Ho icports favorably as to the
Turkish army , except in the matter of trans
port service. The Greeks h e considers In
ferior In aimament and less capable of btartd-
ing fatlguo and exposure , In the event of
complications In the Haitians he advlbes that
Turkey should act on the defensive against
Servia , Ilulgarla and Montenegro , but on the
offcnslvu against Greece. An Irado lias been
issued , authorising him to oontlnue his In
spection , particularly In the commissary de-
pat tment of the. Tuiklbh army.
Crrrl.Nrc > Iti-pollril from tinIIlHtrlct
of Vloiinl ( ioiloninii.
ELASSONA ( Headquarters of the Turkish
Army in Macedonia ) , April 18 The Firot
division of the troops Is at Dodmlk , the
Second nt Elaesona , the. Fifth at Skompa
and the Sixth at Kuryu ( or > Koskuy ) . The
last two are engaged In defennlve opera
The Greeks who havn Invaded the district
of Mount Godoman have been 'repulsed Ilat-
tallons from the divisions at Aplum and
Karahlfsar are arriving a' I niudt en route
for Hoilnstn and Murdtlla , In order to reInforce -
Inforco the troops In that district.
Hllli- for Uv < ! > jMillo in Aria.
AnTA , April 18. Thu mayor1 of Arta has
distributed rllle-s to all male inhabitants of
the town. The transfer of all publlc edicts
and official records from rta'to Kemlpote
Is now proceeding , Th/ town * Is almost de
serted. At dispatch froiji Trlkhala ca > s that
a sharp fusillade wab IfvarJ this morning be
yond Koutra , which livnow pcetipled by the
Qrecks A band of Insurgenta" has entered
Macedonia and la newt advancing In the dl
rectlon of Koniekcs ,
( ircdi ClIllNllIu | < III1 f ISIllNNIIIIII.
LONDON , April 18 , A tlUjpatch to the
Times from Elassoua , nays that thu Greek
consuls are leaving the town this evening
under escort. There ( s no ne s1 as jet from
Mctzovo , but from Sarkos to Kalaterlno all
the troops are cngago'd except the reserves.
HaH/ Pasha , who was killed at'Mllonl , served
In the Crimean nar and the war of 1877.
I.ONIThflr ( iiuilioiit.
MONTE-VIDEO , April JR The Insurgents
have succeeded In capturing a gunboat. Gen-
cial Artlgas took her to 'Berate ' for the pur
pose , of embarking wjtti an expedition , but
the Argentine official ) retained the vessel ,
ami will retain the gunboat until peace is
restored ,
Orilt-rH < o Stop
LAUISSA. April IJr-When the Crown
Prince Constantine received news of the cap
ture of the Turkish positions between
Nczerca and Hapeanl be wired to the Greek
commanders there to eton flghtlni ; imme
diately ,
Humor Tliat Mrncin IN Caiiliirvil.
COHFU , April 18. Furious lighting has
been In progretg on the 'rontfer today near
Arta , and It Is rumored that the Grecka
tiavo taken Menexa by assault.
Water from tbo Misiisslppi Flooding More
Valuable LantK
Tlioii'.ninl I'frxiint \ \ lie Will
\i-i-il llcllcf for the Nft < Tlilrtj
ln > N II rule mi nt Cr nH - >
! Sii | > | illcM.
Mls . , April IS At ( ! p. m.
the liver was 51.8 feet , n fall of thrcf-tfiiths
In the past twcntv-fotir hours , and a total
of six-tenths since tLe crevasse at Illgri's
lev co.
The Hltuitlon In Madison Par'sh , I/i. , Is
gro lng hourly worse. The flood of water
going through the lllggs break In the levee
Is fast covering the Ion lands and Is flooding
Uayvldal and the greater part of the land
In the southern portion of the parish. The
water has reached Tallulsh , some eighteen
miles west of Delta. The water had risen
tevcn feet in Iho bayou nt Tallulah and
was rising a foot an hour at nooli today.
Delta la about depopulated , only cnoiish
pcmons remaining to look after the houses.
Many of them have two or three- feet of
water In them The backwater is fast cov
ering lands north of Delta , and at Young's
point much land Is altoady covereJ. At
Omega the floods are coming fast , llellcf
boats are running to Davis Island and Kcl-
logg'o section. Planters In Kntill and the
no'th part of Madl on are placing their
stock In reach of bo.tta on the rlvrr front ,
or at Btatloiid on the line of the VMcksburg
& Shrcveport rallioad , eo they can ho
moved In the event of another bleak
In the tipper pot lion of the
pansh , which Is now severely threatened The
Mllllken's Ueud and Duckport levees ai
both caving Iteports f-om Madison par is !
sLate that the water Ijegan rising In lirtishby
baynu at Tallulah at 7 o'clock this morning
and up to about 2 p m It had risen ? ov < u to
el ht feet. About three miles below Tallu
lah the water Is getting over the levees am
is oveiflowing everything two miles below
It will not be up on the higher lands ttntl
tomorrow , as theio ib seven feet of btnk left
In the bayou Rlchland , Lavns lieanl fron
today and reports the water going all over
everything , overflow Ing thr- Kings and ICela
places , aUo the villages of Trinidad and Ash-
vvcyjil , eight miles below Itlchland. The tele
graph line Is dir.Mi some distance below inch-
land and communication was shut off fron
theio up to noon today.
It IB now estimated that not less than
$ .000 peisons will \\unt relief In this county
for the next thh-ty d.iys at least. Lleulcnan
Crowley of the United States army reporter
hero from Washington by the jioon train , hav
ing been detailed to duty here to purchase
and dlstilbuto lellef He Las pone actively
to woik and will purchase meal , meat and
molasses for distribution through the gentle
men named by the governor.
John M. Coulton , one of the leading plant-
tcrr. of Issaquena county , Is in th ? city end
makes thu following statement "I have
Just returned fiom Issaquena county. The
present indications are that the oveiflow will
break all forme" recordo as to duration anil
destruction of property In the line of planta
tion Improvements and lo > s of cattle , leaving
Httlo pivispcct of planting a crop In 1S97. "
' InA K' lt : 'rs Ann VIHYvn.ic. .
More llrrnkx MIIJ- Occur in ( lie Ic\c 'n
lit An ; Hour.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. , April IS. No more
breaks arc reported In the Louisiana levee
district tonight , although the embankments
at Concordla and Ferrlday , In the noithern
part of Concordla palish , aio repotted to
bo very weak and a break may occur at
any hour. The crevassp at Biggs is now a
seething torrent , and the waters are spread
ing rapidly about Madison parlbh. At Covv-
pen the levees Is seeping badly , and al
though a" superhuman effort Is being made
to hold It , many e\peilenccd rivet men.
arc of opinion that a break will occur
sooner or later.
The town of Vldalla Is In a very critical
condition and many of the Inhabitants arc
hastily packing their mo t valuable effects
and are fleeing to Natchez. The wateri , from
the Illggs crevasse aie expected to Inundate
the town by Wednesday.
At Natchez refugees continue to arrive
In largo numbers , while live stock of every
description Is coming Into the city In large
droves Thousands of men line the lower
levees tonight , watching every weak bfiot
and hoping for the bebt.
In the Mississippi delta the situation con
tinues to slowly Improve. This has been a
beautiful day throughout the overflowed sec
tion and the waters are i reeding. Tito
work of relief Is being systematically car
ried on.
The river at Memphis is still falling , a
recession of one-tenth of a foot In the past
twenty -four hours being reported by the
weather bureau tonight.
SonicriiiiilllcK WiiHlivil Out of TlH'lr
llotuoHlid NrMl I'ooil.
KANSAS CITY , Apt 11 18. The flood In the
Missouri river at this point It bteadlly In-
creabliiK , the tise In twenty-four hours end
ing tonight having been nearly six Inches.
At dark the btago of the river was 2X5 feet ,
or a foot and a half above the danger line
Though a largo oica of bottom lands Is under serious damage has been done bo
far A few poor families , numbeilng prob
ably llfty persons , have been washed out
of their homes and are in need of food , but
their wants will probably be met tomorrow by
the local authorities These families ate liv
ing in tents or under hoard sheds that have
been hastily fastened together.
St. Joseph and Leavenworth teport a steady
ilso In the river. At Leavenworth , while
railroad tratllc Is badly crippled , the situa
tion Is no worse , than on Saturday.
AmiTlraii .VIIiilHli-r Will ( Iiini-il ( irc-
i-luii Intrri'Ntx In Turin- ) .
LONDON , April 18. A dispatch lo the
Times from Constantinople bays that the
Greek subjects thcio will probably remain
under the protection of Mr. Terrell , the
American minister. It U believed the hos
tilities will break the deadlock and lead to an
arrangement between Greece and Turkey.
OAI.I-S o. > 1'owiJiis TO INTIU\IM : : .
I'lirlH Ti'iniiH DfiiiuiiilH 'I'll a I ( lie
ll\K I'1 ' .SIopiHMl lit Olli'f.
PARIS , April 18. The Tempi calls upon
the powcrs to Intervene by force of arum
and stop Turkey nnd Greece from further
i\oliniiK-c Will HimIII I't-rii.
LIMA , April IS. In consequence of the decree -
creo suspending the coinage of sols , ex
change , now at 23 , will rise , It Is believed ,
to 24. The proposal of the Pacific Hualgaync
company to least ; the Pacasmayo 'Molu ' has
bt-sn accepted ,
_ _
Mot rnu'iitN of Oi'iMin WNHi'lN April IN.
At New York Arrived New York , from
Southampton ; Phoenicia , from HiimbutK !
Lu Champagne , from Havre ; Prince \Vli-
helm IV , from Paramaribo ; 1'omer.mluii ,
from Glasgow. Sailed Ethiopia , for Gluu-
At Havre Arrived La Dretngne , from
Ntw York.
At Queonstown Sailed Umbrla , from
Liverpool , for -Novv York ,
At Southampton Arrlvcd-Ohlo , front
New York.
At .Movlllo Arrived Parisian , from Port
land and Halifax , for Liverpool , ( filled
Anchorto , from Oloagovv , for New York.
WHOM : viM > \ < : r.o
Suffer Si'\ -
UD ? , by 1'roM l'"H ' 1P Company )
HAVANA ( Via Key Wcst ll IS ( New-
York Wet lit Cablegram SlMa Telegram )
Stories of starvation of flSWi villages of
paclflcos arc now coming In from cve-ry prov
ince. The rainy season has begun and the
condition , of the people Is pitiable. General
Wevlrr has directed that crops In thp mil
itary rene of Sanctt Splrltue bo torn tip.
Ho oidered them planted only a few weeks
ago There la nothing else for the people to
cat. General Weylcr formerly allowed the
paclnoojj of Santa Clara to live outside but
elo-'e to the forts ; now he orders them to
desert their little farms nnd come In and
statvo , leit the- soldiers nrln at the rebels ,
kill ih'tn.
Thp death rate In SHKUI H growing alarm
ingly. Ca es of yellnw fever are said to exist
In several placesIn the Intel lor. There
U no doubt tint n great epidemic of that
d It CARD will scon sweep ovci the Island. The
doctois hrro nay the existing conditions make
It certain. General Weylrr's policy of con
centration and starvation It a * created thise
conditions. The United ? tatia may feel the
effects If the fever gctnis go there In sugar
to ho shipped.
Iho of soldiers from the In
terim1 conilnucs. Many places have been deserted -
sorted by the troops. Theie Is a small but
steady teluin of healthy soldiers to Spain
by every steamer.
No moro milllnty opeiatlons are expected
by tlie Insurgents , whose lime for activity
hns now come tlnco weeks eirller than ex
pected. Word has been received fiom Cas-
tlllo'F camp , siylng tint the Insurgents' olll-
rcrs have received outers lo keep their horses
In good condition for extensive operations
next month This Indicates that It Is
Gomez's Intention to push the fighting with
the beginning of the talny season. The
Kpanlards cannot ) then get around the couu-
trv and the Insuigents can take the offen
The Insmigents are very active now In Ha
vana piovinco. They recently bickcd Verde
Niiova and Colba del \gua , fortlllcd towns
ci\ the Havana railroad They nUo whipped
the Spaniards badly neatIlitano The
steamer Ouanlguainlo has brought here many
wounded from the light at Guane. In Plniii1
del Klo Latet a train brought a lot more
who were shot In the fight at Campo , Florida ,
neat Havana.
The insurgents report that they have
lounded up In thp bwamps south of Ncii-
\apn7 , in this ptovlnce herds of fat cattle ,
and that thev have a good supply of vcge-
inblis. 'Ihey deny thai Colonel Cticivo was
wounded. They bay tint General Gomez
thinks thai the Insurgents are too active In
this province and has inppated his oidcia
that they avoid a fight when possible. Gcn-
etal Weylcr remains In the Held In a com-
fottablo house. In Santa data , paying at
tention to the police odlclJlB for allowing
gambling In the towns. He teems greatly
shocked by his dlsiovciy of a fact which
rvoiybody knew. .Meanwhile , Gcneia
Gomez Is resting ptepaiatoiy to his tainy
scnboii campaign
iti\inv i - \\ni.i. t-\iui ) run
Ciilinii Ijt-inlor HUH lloii-H | ot u I'uriloii
" n * > iC > cliil l'u\or.
HAVANA , April 18. The correspondent ol
the Associated piess went to Cabanas
fortrcts today and saw General Iluls Hlvcra
and Colonel Bacallao. He found Illvera In
a large , dry and well ventilated cell. At the
moment of the v.slt the gcnetol was lying
down , but ho had been able to leave his
bed the day before. His wounds are healing
rapidly , and he Is hoping to bo pardoned as
a bpectal favor of the crown. Colonel
Cacallno Is similarly situated and the two
offlcets have a servant who attends them.
They bavo comfortable beds and good meals
sent In dally fiom a rcfctauiunt near by.
Neither has any special complaint to make.
Colonel Baialhiu als.o Is hoppful of a epcclal
The correspondent today saw Ona Melton
and Alfred Laboide of the Competitor's crew.
They are doing well.
lit Igadlcr General Moncadu has been promoted
meted to be the cccond In command under
the chief of staff of Captain General Weyler.
Hilgadlcr Marato has been appointed chief
of the Remedies brigade. Hoth will seivo
under ! ho immediate orders of General
Wcy lor.
Clilnrxcrnij for fiitui.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Api 11 18 Over COO Chlna-
nun passed through hcie on their way from
Iho Pacific coast to New York on their way
o Cuba.
.Mi'AMjsn cHNsuin rou nruoi'ic.
CoiiiiilniiilN Thai Onlj Tuo PourlH
Miiiirnoil for Doit andllniiircNH. .
SAN rilANCISCO , CnK , April 1R- The
steamer City of Peking at rived today from
Hong Kong and Yokohama with the fol
lowing Oticntal ndviecs
It Is staled that Huu Citing Cheng , who
has Just been relieved of MR post of mln-
Ibtcr to Hitbsla , Germany and Austria , IB to
be ptesldent of the proposed Husso-Chlnese
railways In Manchuria. Ho Is to icsldc In
St. Peteisburg and Iho vice president Is lo
be a Russian
Among the passongeis on the City of Po
king wab Mln Sangho , who la cent by the
Corcan government as n di legato to the
conference of the International Pcstr.l union
at Washington ,
The Japanese papers contain unfavorable
critic-Ism of Kmopean governments for the
failure of tno various coitttB to go Into
Humming In honoi of the Into empress
dowager of Japan. 'Die com IK of Spain and
Ilclglum weie the only ones that extended
this courtesy to Japan. It Is pointed out
that the Imperial couit of Japan never
fallH to go into mouinlng when a mem
ber of a loyal family of another govern- *
mem dlen and the Jupuncho cannot under
stand why the highly clvlllred Euiopcan
governments do not tcclprocato.
riviiii > 'io .VI > IM\U ON TIIH .ST.U.IJ.
TrillIleiiNoii \Vli > I'I-IIIITNN ( 'lilnin >
llncUiMl Out nl Iho I.IIH ! MoiniMil.
LONDON , April 18. A dlspitch to the
Times from Paris eays Hut the nectot of the
wlthdiawal of the Pilnccss Chlmny-Cara-
man , formerly MHS | Ward of Detroit , from
the Folk's , IB found In the fact
that friends of the family hud if solved to
place her rhlldien In the front room of
the theater A crowd of Dclglan friends of
I'rlnccgs Chlmay had arranged to come from
Chailcrol. Ihey were to vlinultuneously
raise the cry of "to the mad house. "
3omo of the llelglun friends of the prince
proposed to provoke a duel with Hlgo , This
challenge * the ihumpion of Pilnccba Chlmay
ncul not of course have accepted Novel-
tlii'liBS the tragic sldo of her adventure ,
the toi respondent of the Times concludes ,
may have been nearer than was generally
HAMOUKO. April 18 A fire , vvbleh IB es-
Imatcd to have caused damage amounting to
Ecvcrai million marks raged all night long
at Harburg , lx miles fiom here , The Maine/
destroyed an oil factory and the vvarchouies
of the Drlnckinan company and Krcidrichi
Fieri and burned down the building * ) of llelu.
eon & Uramniur , shippers
llolicnlolie anil Iliiiiolaui Vl ll ,
PARIS , April IBPrince Hohcnlohe , the
imperial chancellor , yesterday visited M
llanotaux , French tnlnUtor for foreign nf-
falrs , a long eonference resulting. M. Han-
otaux r 'urned ( he vlilt of Prince Holun-
oho In the afteinoon.
Milin-iri- Ml .Sailor < ; m Mnil.
PAHIS , April 18. Junu Tejada , one of the
survivors of the wieck of the Vlllo de Bt ,
Nazalre , bag become a maniac at a result of
exposure while making hit ctcape In a iiaall
Will Bo Duly Protected in Both Greece ami
War in the East Onuses This Country Little
Concern ,
Turkish Minister Makes a Call on tlio Secre
tary of State.
SIIJH lli > Ilnn No rtirllirr Ailvlcen froiu
Iho Seal of U'nr I'rolialilc Mo\e-
of Uu' .M
i-aiican Hiiii
WASHINGTON , April IS. The grave
situation In the cast was the topic of con-
.vcitutlnn In diplomatic and ofllclal circles
! hero today. In diplomatic circles , pnr-
j tlcularly , whcro the possibilities of n general
conflict In Huropc ate always regatded as
moro or less Imminent if any of the powers
become engaged In war , the situation wiia
deeply coisldcrcd. Oplnlnus vary as to the
prabuble duration of the conflict. One promi
nent olllcer of the navy Inclined to the belief
that fighting would c < ntlnne for a short
time , until the powcrs of Utitopc ( mould de
cide that hostilities had proceeded far enough ,
i when they would step In and put an cud
to It.
If any advices wcic received In this city
today fiom the repicsuntatlvcs of the gov
ernment In Turkey or Greece they could not
be obtained tonight. Sherman had
ono dispatch fiom Mr. Terrell at Constanti
nople It wan In the Stnto department
cipher , however , and had not been trans
During the day the secretary had a call
from the Turkish mlnhter. who remained
with him a bhort time. The secretary de
clined to say what luiil transpired between
them U Is customary when a state of war
has been declared , or hostilities exist , for the
minister of the government intctcsted to
notify the government to which lie Is ac
credited of such a condition of affairs , and
picMimably that Is what tool ; the minister
to the sectetary's house
Rectetury Sherman reiterated tonight the
statements ho made last night , that while
tlio government regretted the- existence of
war , Turkey and Greece were so far from
us that it was a mattir that concerned the
U tiled States but little. The strictest neu
trality , ho declaicd , iriu&t be pteBetved.
The secretary had rte fear but that the cltl-
rens of the United Slates would bo amply
protected. Very fovv of them are lu the
cities of Constantinople and Athens.
Mustaplia Dry the Turkish minister , Bald
tonight that he had not received any fur
ther dispatches fiom his government. JIo
Is expecting- word , however , at any time.
as he probably will be kept fully Informed
of what Is taking place. The minister to
night expressed himself ab regretting that
things should have como to the present
pass. Tut key , he declared , Is for pence
peace on honoiablo termn and docs not
sock war with any nation The actions of
the GieekH , he asbuttod , had made .tho
step taken by his gov eminent a perfectly
piopcr one. Greece had acted on the ng-
grcbHivo , and by the actions of her soldiers
bad precipitated the conflict that now
seems Imminent. Her soldiers had Invaded
Crete , which was TurUsh territory , and
had crosbcd the frontleib on the mainland.
He expressed himself as having no doubt
of the outcome and that Turkey would
bo triumphant In the war If It should be
foimally declared.
llaron von Thlclmann , the German am
bassador , cloclaira that the entrusting ot
Turkish subjects in Athena to the protection
of the German minister has no significance
vvlntcveiIt does not meun that there IB
any alliance between the Geiman and Turkish
governments in the prcbeiit hiatus as linn
been Intimated In wuine quarters , but la
simply a friendly act that la customary In
times when diplomatic negollalloiiH between
nations are suspended Ho points out that
during the time that diplomatic negotiations
were Buepcnded between Great Ilrltaln and
Venezuela , R a result of the boundary
trouble- , the citizens of Gicat Ililtuln were
entrusted to the protection of the German
minister. Again , during the war of 1S"77 and
1S78 belvvcen.Hu&sIa and Turkey , the IliiEfllan
Niilijtcta were entrusted to the protccllon of
the German minister , and there were no
alliances between the countries.
Up to this time there has been , < > o far as
could bo learned , no consultation with re
gard to tolnforcliig the fleet of the United
States In Mulltctrancan waters Should the
nriHonro of chips of war of foreign nations bo
required In Turkish or Grecian waters to
protect tholr citl/ens , as n result of thet
Impending conlllet , the United States could
amemblo a fotrnlilablo licet. In the Mediter
ranean tquudioii at this time , the navy de
partment has four ( .hips , the crulcer San
Kranclflco , the flapphlp on the otatlnn , the
tiiplc-scrow crult'er .Mliine.ipolls and the
cruiser Cincinnati , and the nmall gunboat
Dpticroft The Detroit Ib on her way to the
Mcdltcrrincan fiom the China Htallon and
now probably Is Home-where near the lied sea.
Another addition to the fleet will soon , bo
made by the presence of tlio Italelgh , which
Is getting ready to join the European sta
tion Othet ve.-hfls which might bo used for
service In Uuropo If necessary are the Mont-
1'omoiy , Alaihlehead. Alalno and Texas , all
of which art now on the Atlantic coast. The
opinion oxIMw , lionovn , that Iho presence
of any numbei of wai vessels will not bo noc-
" "
; ois TO iMti \ > ri"iTu\A : CLAIMS.
Aniri-ll U Si-ill to Tiirlic > nllli a .SJH- .
da I Mlxxloii to r.-rforia.
CHICAGO , April IS A special to the
Times-Herald from Ann Arbor , .Mich. , sayo :
It has come to bo understood In this city
that the appointment of Dr James II. An-
gell as minister plenipotentiary and envoy
extraordinary to Turkey ban a consider
ably greater slgnlflcanto than usually at
taches to the selection of representatives
from this to foreign governments , if the
Information of his Intimate friends and asso
ciates In the faculty of thn University of
Michigan , of which hn U president , bo cor
rect , Dr. Angell will go to the Turkish cop-
Ital with a special mlmilan to perform , and
that minion , the vigorous prosecution of the
claims for Indemnity brought by American
citizens and American mieslonarlcH against
the ttiltan'E government.
The appointment Ib supposed hero to mean
that I'realdcnt McKtnleyti administration
IntcndH to btlng to a speedy end the
dawdling negotiations that have been drag
ging through many luonthu wlih rcferc-iico
to tlic payment of damages for the destruc
tion of lives and property of American
Orvi-Uv CailiuAll 'Ilii-lr I'un
from Ac/i-ron lo Koiilin ,
LAUISSA ( Headuuurtc-ni of Iliu Gro k
Army in Tliniealy ) , April 18 Tlio Orceka
liavo captured the Turldih poslllong from
Nezeros to Koutra , and the Turks are In
full retreat toward tlio Interior , where thslr
forces are man si HIT. The batteries at Mea-
oxa c ai d flrloj at 11 o'clock tonight.