0 TUB OMAHA DAILY IHSTHTrirUHSDAY , APRIL ir , 1H < 7 C01I1IERC1AL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Opens a Little VTcak , bntOloses Strong and Higher. RALLY CAUSED BY GOOD EXPORT BUSINESS OnlN mill Corn Trull MOIIR Aflcr tlio Lender , but Sluma I.lttlc | Vltiiltll'ro\lNloitn u ! 'CT CouU. CHIPAGO , April 11. Wheat was weak nt tJio start today nnd stront ; nt the finish , closing with n HO nilvniiee. A good export business vvas responsible ror the rally. Corn and o.its trailed along tiftur vvhput , lint'did not have MJ milch vltnllty , oats closing unchanged nnil corn a shade lower. Provisions declined 2V4 s to lOc. Wheat speculators were rather afn loss which vvny to turn nt the opcnliiK today. JUijht nt the start the tone was llrm nnd nome of the early trnnnactionB were nt the close last night , the strength bclns elue to tins unexpected uctlon of the Liverpool market , vvlileh was Hd to "id higher , not- \vlthstnnilliis the ill op of lie hero yesterday. This brought n momentnry rush of buying orders nnd for n short time the feeling seemed llrm. Hut the ttanc soon began to suspect manipulation abroad , and the buy ers trot more cautious ! then cnme rumors of the failure of Unrnoy Unrnato , the great Knlllr stoelc operator ot London nnd South Africa , nnd In anticipation of n possible business panic nl road the wptculatlvo fccl- InK1 turned bearish. The reiiorted fnllure1 , liowover vvns not confirmed. 1'e-ilmps the lirlnclpil bcnr factor was the fnlr weather xvest. IlcpoitB of rain day by day have llimlly made even Pome of the beats appre hensive , nnd when nt last thu sun did break through tin * clouds It gave the bears re newed louniRcd. St. Louis vvns n heavy Heller In this market. Northwestern ro- ceItits were much lighter , Minneapolis nnd Dultith getting 2M cnlloails , ngalnst rtH the dny before , 241 u week ngo nnd 319 the cor responding il.iy of la t jenr. Liverpool opened at from 'id to % d per cental higher. rl ho export budm-ps which New York con firmed as having done yesteiday amounted to 400,000 bu. , nril within nn hour nfter the iK'pJnnlng of loilij's nesston fifteen , boat loads of fresh business were tepoite < l. Dn- Itith advised Bales mndo there , jcsterday of 1.150r < H bu nnd of eight boatloads more to day. Wheat , which clo > ed jestcrelay at C7 % fim'Ac ' , opened with nellcrnnd sales nt from CiWO ? , and In the course of half nn hour the price had receded to OC QCGTSc , It started upward from the latter point , nnd tlnough much opposition It forced Its way u very little at a time until It pot to GS'ic Just at the close. July kept about & 0 discount under May until near the end , when It dropped ' { .o below It. The Impiovement In the weather started corn weak , and the mnrket remained In that eondltlon all morning. An Improve ment stnrte'd on the small estimated re ceipts for tomorrow , the rally being helped by the latest stieng-th of wheat und nearly nil the early loss was recovered. Kxpott clearances were reported nt 411,000 bu. May started unchanged nt 23iifT2J'4c , dropped to 2T4C and rallied to 2.TV1C. where It closed. Oats started wcnlc on the cle.ir weather , which was assisted by n disposition among shorts to sell. Later on In the dny sym- pithy with wheat and better bujtng gener ally caused a reaction , and at the close values were Just where they started A peed business was trans.tcted. Exports amounted to "O.fOO bu. May opened a shade lower at lGfj.lG'/c , declined to IGV&c and closed nt IG' c bid. Provisions were dull nnd easier , with busi ness confined to local traders. Tlio opening was lower on the weak hog market , nnd further declines ensued. Some rally oc curred late In the day In njmp-uhy with the gialn markets At the close May pork was lOc lower nt $ S27' . ; May lard 5c lower at $1 IVfN.U'i , nnd May ribs a shade lower at SIGJ-4 Hstlmated recelptp Thursday Wl.cnt , G cars ; coin , 48 cars ; oats , 14S cars ; lions , 25 ( WO head. .The leading futures ranged as follows ! Articles'I Ornu. | High. | Low. | close lYoB'dyT VVhc.it- Aprll. . OS'4" ' tM ' OS < < C7K May. . . July. . ' bOH 07 } ( , Sept. , l0' ! Corn- April. . 2IM 22K May. . . . 2 Hi a July. . . . 26M Sept. . . O-itH May. . . . * 1'1 1'lif ' , 104 July. . . 17W 17K 175 Sept. . . IrM 18't ' Pork- May. . . . R -T fl 1 ! ( J R 20 B 27U 837-n July. . . 8 40 B 40 8 JO 8 J7H B J7H Lartl- May. . . 4 15 4 17W 4 15 4 17 4 90 Julv. . . 4 M 4'J7 > J 4 SB 427H 4 : io Eh'tKIbi May. . . 4 4 57VJ July. . . 4 67t 4 OS No. J. Cash quotations were as follonn : rLOUR-rirm ; w Inter patents , J4.rOSUO win tcr EtinlKhtH , (4 OOifl 20 , t | > rlnt , " bpeclaln , 14(0 , Bprlns patents , (4 004 10 ; Btralghts , | 3 40if3 70 , bakers , 13 00 JM 3a WHEAT No. 2 Fpilne. CSUHCSKe ; No. 2 red , S4 < iftt > 7Uc. CORN-NO. , ZMGX-AC ; NO. 2 jciiow , 21 % Q24e. OATS No. 2. ICVic. No. 2 hlte , f. o. b , 2IVic. No 3 v\hlte , f. o. K. lSVf21c , RYE-NO 2. 32vsw33c. HARLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No 3 , f. o. b , 25 riAX8EEINo I. 74 77'ic. TIMOTHY SEEIJ I'rlme , } 2 CO I'ROVIHIONS I'ork. mess , per bbl , f ? 2Sj > B SO Lard , ir 100 Ibs. , J4 KO * 17 > 4 , Iliu-on. Bhort ribs Pldes ( loose ) J4 f004 71 Dry salted houlders ( bnxc-d ) } 6 2".0K SO short clear sides f.buxed ) . < 75f4.S7'l. AMIISKY Diftlllira' llnlshed goods , per jal. , Stl'aAH Cut loaf , K 51. granulated , tl S3. ' CluolnfluiiH of tilt' ! ) > on Civiieral CoiiioiiKlKleN. NI1\V YORK , April -FLOUR-Rccelpts , 12 , . 5C2 bids. ; expflrtB , 3751 bbls. ; moderately active nnd htuul ) ; clonhiK linn , ulth wheat ; v > lnler pilinlH , J4.404 45 ; Mlnnrwita p itentn. 3 SOffl M lt > Hour , dull ; miperllne , J2 2.4jI'T CX3RN MEAIQulef > ellow western , Wo , ItYIJ Kirm : No. s western , Sffj-SGVic , HARLEY Hlead ) ; vveetcrn , 2CC2CHC , HARI.EY MA1.T-IUI | WHEAT UjiKrtH , 41.422 bu. fipot. active nnd Ktroiujxr ; No. 2 rill , 7SI5 e ; No. 2 hard. 7.'i ? e. O | - tlnns opeue < l ulroiiKi'r on hlKher cables , ili'tllncd fhnrpl ) under better vvmtlier rrporln and nb- HPIICU of cpeculallte deinnnd , but lnll > m mi'ii'd from the lute riF | on on blK' cash liuslnifH und v\nr talk ; cloningHO net hlcier ; ralea Included : No. 2 lid. April cltueil nt 7iVic ; May , 73'4 ' 74 jO , cloKfd at 74 ? c. CO UN Ilccilptn , 43 875 bu ; oporti ) , (9.774 bu , h | > ot fairly uellvc ; No. 2 , 29V ; } llow , 3Ui4c Optlnnx opene-d vteakir In conscqin nco of line VMMllur wi < t , nold off under ll < iuldatlon , but rallied with whtat and cloMd Ku net lower ; April closed utJ'ie ' ; May , : sj2iilc , cloud ut Ml.e. OA18 RecelptB CA 400 till ; cxportx , CO HS2 hu. Hpot , market dull ; No. 2 , 22c. OptloiiK uoix. dull nil day , with an inntr undertone ; clfinlng un rhaniril tii 1'le net lower ; Ma > , 21' ' < iJlSc closet ] ut SHc. HAY IMcy ; shl ) ping , UijCCc ; good to choice , 70n75r. 1101'S-Qukt. llllinim : ; C-nllfornla , ICc. l.nAllinit-Muulj ; lii-inkHk Bole , nuenoa A > roti , lulu to IIP.IV > - welKhtii , 20U210. I'ROVlHlri.NS llwf , nte-iid > ; tut rneatn. Bleady ; fthoulilem , > M > UIS25 | , I ini , Heady , nMlnt-il , { 5. 1'ok. stPail ) , but dull , old iw > . S 75ff9 HI. Tallow , deads ; cty , S\c. out try , 3'tc. ' OILS IViniU'iiiii , ( liiidyi I'uinnjhiuilu crude , ntrad ) , M > kTWc Turpentine , tendj ut Sa'iW ' ! 0o Cottonseed Hi'uillcr ; prime irudv , 2 < U- , fob , mill , UHftlCc , prime t > ummrr jellow , 2 ti:3o , oft rumnur tellon , rj c. Rovln , strained , common to good. II UR1 Cii. RICE-rirm < MOI VhSEH htiaih ; N'evv Orleans , oiK-n kettle , poor ti > chime , ii30e. Ill'TI iil-ltectlitH | 4 C4T pkks ; markit Mp.uly , vcktirn ertumer ) , IJftUo ElKlnn , Uc , fnilory. CllEIISnRtpelptu SOI ? | ilvK , ; marnet fttady. Elate , lame 'JSHJijC. uliito , rmiill. Uttll'Hc ; part vklnu , Cd c ; full tklnm , ZtiCJc , l.l.O.iRreclpU ISO'b liken maiVrt t adj , ftntu and I'miie ) hmilu , l ' , ic , wi-m-in , HUe. kinithcrn SHio Mi : FA US 1'lif Iron , tmiy , noulherii , JlOMUll 00 ; ncrlhtrn , I1 W 1JSO Cuppi-r. dull , brnki-ni , HlS'i , exchange , ill 37(4tfll ( ro Tin buivly Itrudy , Hrnltn. JI3UHI7W plute'3 , quiet. t-iif | . Iff utrady ; domettlc , 14 MM 10 U'ad. clote-d tuny , riilijnyi133.MiSi3 r.1 , , , broKcni , it 90 , Ciitloii .VkurKrtH. NEW YOIIK April -COTTON-Ppot , quiet lul fteadi , inlddllni ; , 7 7-Kc Kuturtn. iteady , uU MSOO bali'n , Janiiurj. ICkS. IVluuur ) , Inf. , April 1708 , May , 7 IT , June IT 10 , July. $7 M. Auirucl 17II , StptrmUr t& 1 , Oftober , JC10. November , t&31 , Drcrmber , > 8.M The market la the local short * hu > Iwe-ii actuatrd by fear * of ioi ( erloujj trouble la tb ilUslidpol v , lltjr wllh the eolton xerianire lo lit clcxfil thre dnyR on ncfotiht of the hclldayf ponlnj ? them to unutunl rlt-k rVivprliiK nns the frnture ol the dny. The mnrkrt finally Slowed nn n.dv nc of 1 to r points , nnd the market ckmed Mendy In ton ? . Th re hnn liffn very little outsldo Inter est. The market In the afternoon was helped by leportu of the dry good * Auction nalp , Tilth 20000 packages nfffrcd , flnd reported lo be ex ceeding expectations , on the average. OMAHA ( ) I.MH.\I. .MAHKHT. Cniiilltliin n ( Trmlinnil ( InntndnnH nn Stnitle nnil I'liney I'roiluce- . A bitter nght 1 * being \ragcil by the dairy In- tPnxt In the Illinois legttlntiirc agnlnst butterlne , Chicago 1'roducc figures that American fanners find sale for ! ,100Ot > 0KiO ( pounds per annum. Thin nt the low price of UHc per pound brings them In J2f,2UWOuO net , Th" farmer , receiving but about 2c ns his p irt of the procredii ot the tmlc of u pound of oleomargarine , would only obtain JI2OuO.MO , where before fie received J2C2 , . Itecplpts of game In the Omnhn markets are very light and hunters claim that while ducks are- plentiful It Is very hard to secure t.icm on account of the high water. A great many creameries started up about April 1 , nnd that fact , together wllh the lilch price of butter , which rcdueed consumption , has brought about a break In the market , OV. . Huttn has loused the room recently vacated by Whitney & Co , at Eleventh and Howard streets , nnd will uxe It ns a pnlcsroom during the fruit reason. He mill retain Ills present location n well.Vhltncy & Co. moved ncrou the IdocU to Tenth utrcct , There Is a rumor In the produce district that Harriett Hros , the well Known Chicago fruit hoti c , will locate n br-inch In Omaha , No one sctmu to know the origin of the rumor or whether It Is true or fultc. Quotations : EC1OS Hulk of nalcs , "lie. I1U1 TER Common lo fair , 7So ! choice to fancy roll , 12@14c ; separator creamery , ISc ; gath ered ereamery , Ifx ; . OAME lllue winged ton I ducks , tl 50 ; green wing , II. 23 ; redheads and mallards , 12.751)3 ) W ; canvosbnckc , J3W : Canada geese , lvi.e , (5 ( laitf ti > j ; small , } 2.t > u03 CO VEAL Choice fat , tO to 120 Ibs , are quoted at EOS'.ic ' : laigc nnd coarse , 4t Jc , LIVE rOULTHY Hens. CffOUo. cocky , tQtc. I'lOEONS Live , 7GjXc ! ) ; dead pigeons , not wanted. HAY Upland , ( I CO ; midland , $3 CO ; lowland , J300 ; rje straw , | 360 ; color makes the price on Imj light bales tiell the best ; only top trades l > rlng top prices. 11ROOMCOHN Extremelv slow pale ; now crop , delivered on track In country ; choice green self- working carpet , per Ib , 24f2'ic : choice green , running to hurl , 282'4e ' ; common , ijjc. VEOETAUI.ES. Southern green vegetables are scirce In thla ami most ot.ier markets. The Hoods and high waters have proven a misfortune lo many who me far nwa > from them ns well ns lo those In the mlctet of them. Hundreds of glowers nnd shippers of early vegetables , who ale licjonil the reach of the rushing waters , arc unable to reach many of the markets Consignments nrc delayed enroute until they ure many times a total loss. Quotations : 1 t'ItNIl'sC.l.er bill. . Jl BO. pcrbbiV1iPfoTA13L'is : 1ccls' carrot9' RAUIHIIES-rcr doz. 30c. L1MTUCE 1'er doz , SOc WAX DEANS Itu. Inixei , J3 CO. I SritINO IlEANH-I'cr 1m box 12 CO. i ONlONS-I'cr doz . 20ff30c. 1'ARSLEY-I'ci doz , 23c. DERMUDA ONIONS-I'tr crnte J4 CO ' ' - llllno18- per bbl- , T d.IV = K'-rancy - - y Iler doz lnrEc. California. No. 1. , : , 4iC. rpTATOES ( Ipod native stock , per bu 'CfiSOc- fiv \n T'1 t1000" , . ed river valley , 430 COc , Minnesota eaily Ohio. 40343c. rilUlTS. , STRAWIJEnRIES-Texas. per 24-nt , cases IJOO. LouMnnn. 24 pints , J2 so ' MALAGA ORAPEh-1'cr keir J7 no CRANllEHHlES-ler cr\le. KO AI'PLES-rnncy. large. $225 , choice , J2 00 TROI'ICAL TRU1T. lo Cal.for- . M 'sccLLANnous. ' MPT- , , - .i TS-Alrnonds. California. Porb. , IarKe * _ _ .h-A@ . l ? .aK . lOBHo : ' nibe - n. f'UI ' ; J2J2' > ° ! Btandards. ildes He per 11 , . loss I an fulj cured SHEElPELTSOrecn baited , each ' 2C060c- green salted shearings wool'cd ( short early . ! ' i C' ,0ry ? n < ? rlngs ( fchort wooled early Kklns ) No. 1. each. 5c. dr } flint , Kan-ns and Nebraska butcher wool pells ner Ib ac tual weight. 4K5o. dry flint , Kansas and'Ne - bratka Mutmln wool pelts , pei | b , actual weight , 304o , dry flint Colorado butcher wool pflts , per Ib , aetual weight , 4G5c : dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib actual weight , 3j4c , feet cut off , as It IB useless to pay freight on them TALLOW AND URCAbE Tallow. Nu. 1. 2VJc ' tallow. No 2 , 2e grease , white A , 3o. grease , white H , 2c. greisp. } cllow. 2c , grease , dark , lic , old butter , 2214c , beeswax , prime , 15if22c- rough tallow , le WOOI * Untv ashed , fine hcnvj , C7o : tine light SJj'Jc , quarterblood , 10012e eeedy , burr } and chaffy , Sif9c , eotted and broken coarse , 7Ju ! ) ; cotted nnd broken fine. CRSc ricece vv ashed medium , IJfilKf. fine , HftlGc. tub washed , ICO ISc , blaek , So ; bucks , Cc , tag locks , 2Q3c ; dead pulled CftCc. HONES -In car lots , weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry llufTnlo per ton. J12Q14. dry country , bleached , per ton , J10C12 ; dry country , damp and meaty , per ton. JCflS. 1'RESH MEATS. DRESSED HEEP Ciood native steers. 400 to COO Ibs , OHet good foreimarters steers , 6'4c ; good hlndiU-\rters | , kc , neMnn fleers , CUc , fancy heifers , G'4c , good lielfers , Cc , good foietiuartem heifers , DC , good hindquarters heifers , $ c ; good cows , ( ! c ; fair cows , fj e , common cows , 6c ; cow foreipiartcis. 4V.c , cow hlndquarterii , 7't" . DEEP CUTS Tenderloins. 20c. bonelecs strips , 9io ( strip loins , 7'io , rolls , Sic ; sirloin butts , 9c ; ElioulJer elods , 5 lie ; rump butts Cc , Merr chucks , 4'ic , cow chucks , 4c , boneless chucks , 4ijc ; cow plates , -S c , uleer platen , 4o , Hank stink GP , loins , No. 1 , 14e. loins , No 2 12o : loins , No 3. Do , No 1 short loins , ICc ; No 2 nhort loins , He. No 3 Bhort loins , Uc : sirloin ends , 7".c ; rlln No. 1 12c , ribs , No. 2 , lOc , ribs , No 3 , fo , slccr rounds , Cc ; cow rounds , C4o ; cow rounds , plmnk tiff. 7c , cow rounds , shank and rump off , 7'/4o , trimmings , 4o beef shanks , 2V4c brains per doz , 3rc ; swpptbrends. pel Ib , 12o ; Bweelbrnnds ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40o ; kldnejs , fiei do45c ; ox tails , lacll , 2c , liters , per Ib , 3e : benrlB per Hi , 2e. tonsueu , pir Hi , 12c. Ml' rrON Lambs , SP ; jparllngn , 7 e ; sleep , 7it ! , market raiks , lone , So ; hotel tucks , short , lie , legs and rnddlrv , 9c ; lamb l gs , lOo ; breasts and steuv , 2e tonsucs , each , Cc ; iilnclis , each , Uc. PORK Dressed pigs , 6'4c ; drpssod buss , B'ie. ( endprlolnn. He , lolre , 7lc ! ; tparc ribs , V o , ham sausage , bultr , Hie. ll0\lllcl , rouuh. 5'jc ; HlioulderB , FKImied , D l < \ tlllinnlliKH , f.e , Iraf lard , not rendcud , 5c ; heads , ele ned 4e ; moiita und cam , 4c ; luckbotip , 3c ; cn k iiieatn. 31tc ; tuck bonea 3o , pigs' lalls , 3Hc plucks , < aeh , Cc ; ehltterllngii , Be ; hork . 4c. hiaits. per doz , 2".c , stomachs , eaeh , 3o : toiiKve i , each. 7o ; kld- in'i . ptr doz , , lUc , brains , pei doz. , ICc ; pies' feet , per doz. , SOc ; livers , each. 8c. C 111 I'll u < > fiiix mill SiiK r AliKiirli Store Tli u n Half tinIle'iilliiKu. . NEW YORK , April 14 The awakened Interest In btoek dialings on the exchange today was up- partnt , rather than real The tolal aUu ran up lo 2:0,000 thin f , but Chicago ( las and Sugar absorb * d 1U.COO nhureH of there , Oilcaro Oau be. Ing the It-.idi-r with mcr C'.COO tlures , und llur- Itngtcm , 8t Paul , New ork Central und Reading weie credited wlt.i nearly M.oeo rhares more. Even lu the matter of bimill dealings the market laekcd breadth man ) Mockii utuall ) on the ac tive list showing mi mien , MUpourl 1'aclllc and l iekawanna bilni ; ixample , 'Ihe livav ) vol- nine of dialings In three t-prcliltlcti was ul- mou v > hell > protipMoiml und oiitiildu Intrrent In the murkrl waw piacllcully nil \\lutr\er buo > - uiic > tlurr might , \u\a \ bern latent Ii lh > market after last nlKlil'a iloi-'e received nn effirtlvo < hrek In the heav ) lliiuldatlon In bugai and Chlcniro ( lua. wnUh brcame manifest from the opening of the miirlet A further n-ductiun in fome grailFU ( if the rc-llncd floiluct teemed to dafli the hrH.-M | of tlio > e who have li-en calculat ing hvav ) innlltB on run imgurs suppurted In anticipation of tie tuiln . The reports were also elriulated of Ihe Illncm of a leading illklal uf the cdiiiiiiui ) Enurimiui ) bice kg of humr l tock \\iro nfTeicd for rale , one lot numbering 2 COO iliarm , und > evrrul 1,000 fhait-n tach The prlco went down b ) jump * under this lieiny bmnbard' Huntlinl linn btiniountcd as Inilde eup ] rt > f I'hleagu ( las was nUo wlthdriiwn , In faev of the l.i ice offerings cf a prominent operator , ithoko ixamplo was follow id by 'many other icUleri' A ftellng of rkppllclsm became eur- irnt rrganllng recent rfports of the ctrtalnt > of 'jMimlili ; Irirltlatlvu action In Hllnols , There WUH 11 period of IIHO\T > during the da > , but the Icrllne uknln ret la nn I ie > np rtl l Intention of n letl lnlUi' commlttre ut bprlnglti-ld In report In favor of llmltliiK by law HIP ebarkv for nn In Cliliugu lo (0 ( eiiti The hPavliusn In tlueu KurKlen uffntcil | he whole market more or IOH , though many ralluio * held firm Rrad- Ing contlnufil to te Munelhlnt ; of a drat ; on the nuurkt-t but support trfineil to IK * forthcoming for tlie ecurltlm of this comiun ) , Tlie horc of Iron ore ( .umpunlra alto rellccled Ihe unsettled cui.dlllon extillng In this lndum > Hiorl itll- ntf wu alto In wldtuce to unlit the decline Thu Irndencj received a decided check at one icrlod Tone wan Importetl to the coaler * by & support ( lleadlnr , th itrtojeh In I Valley , In the Philadelphia market nn.l . Ihe * i > - I parent check to the proposed UclfUthe Inyestl- I gallon of Lehlgh \Sllktfbirre in IVntmylvanln , Tic long htraldeil announcement , officially pro- mulirateil , of a contract for the mle of tinO.WO.- I 000 of S per cent 100 year gold bonds by the New York Central nnd of 112 000,000 of Ihe mme class ' of bonds for Ihe New York & Hnrlfm had a stimulating effect on fie whole market. Prices went to the highest of the day on the rally , and quite generally thowtd net galnr o\cr last night's closing llul prlcni fnllel to hold. There was rome natural reaction In view of the fact that the New York Central refunding plan , with ll paving ; of fixed charges , had Ions ; been dis counted The fact that only fS5.000.000 of the Issue wait to be applied to refunding , while its , . 000,000 wan lo be sold for new conttructlon nfter 1903 , nwnkcned apprehensions that ton much had been allowed to the reduction In fixed charges to rcnult from the refunding. Thin doubt wan re flected In quite n sharp reaction In New York Central , nnd by sjmpnlhj In Onmtm , these being the only Vnndcrbllt properties tn which there . were dealings of any Importnncc. T.ie net re sult of the Irregular fluctuations In Chicago das nnd Sugar wnii n loss of 21 per cent In the former nnd 2 per cent In the latter. The notable gains on the rally were : flurllngton , 1 p'rcenlj Dela ware A Hudson , nnd New Jersey Central , IH per cent ; Manhattan , 1 per cent ! New York Cen tral. U per cent , nnd Omaha , e4 per cent. The final reaction caused loiifcs ns follows : Hurling- ton , Ti per cent- Delaware & Hudson , 1 per cent ! New Jersey Central , 14 per cent ! Mnnhnttan , H per cent ! New York Central. l'i ' per cent ftnd Omaha , IH per cent ; Minnesota Iron miffcrlne a net IOSB of 3 points. rirmnpss characterized the bond rpeculatlon , vvhlrh was rather quiet. The * BM aggregated only $777,000. Governments ruled llrm nnd a ehnitc higher on purchases of } 1 ! 000. The Evening Post's Ix > ndon financial cnblp- Kinm SKJS : "The market , though uncertain nnd IrrcgulHi today , wns better on the whole nnd the exchange decided lo close on Saturday next. C'onscU nnd home rails had the best market. There wns a distinct rise In Amerlcnni. New York Centrals were Ihe feature nnd were bought by Now York principally. Detnlln of the fund- Inn scheme nre expected tomorrow. Those who took a hopeful view of Americans believe that the time In coming when those funding schemes will be properly appreciated nnd will be the occasion of a sharp stimulus to nfTalrs. Kaf firs have lost on forced sales , but the close was materially better and firmer showed a better tone , Torclgncrs were dull , tha feature being a sharp fail In Urazlls Gold wa * < In strong de mand. Of today's movement 310.000 vvns for Japan and r,0tOO for Austria. The 1'arlB nnd Itcrlln markets were firm , but the close was undir the best. " The following were the doling quotations on the leading clocks of the New York exchange today : offered The total Bales of Block today were 230,217 shares , Including the following : American bugar , & 9.500 , Ilurllngton & Qulncy , H.400 , Chicago Ga- < , trust re-cclptH , CC 200 , Delaware & Hudson , 2 DOO ; Manhattan Consolidated , 4 400 ; New York Cen tril. 11,700 , Omaha , 4,800 : Heading , 10,700 , Hock Island 6 200 ; St. 1'aul , 10,300 ; Tennessee Coal Uid Iron , 1,300 ; New Jersey Central , 7,600. Sfc'W Yurie Moiity "Vlnrket. NEW YOUK. April 14 MONEY ON CALL Easier at ll 61h per cent ; last loan , 1V4 per cent ; closed , l'4fflli ' per cent. PRIME MI3UCANTILE PAPER 3J4JJM per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with nctuil business In bankers' bills nt $4 87Vf4 87i ! for demand and nt Jl SCffll SCV4 for sixty dajs ; posted rates , } 4 SCV4. commercial bills , Jt K'/z. ' " HAIl hILVE'll 62c. , GOVERNMENT BONDS Firm. I STATE I1ONDS Dull , | RAILROAD HONDS Firm. Closing quotations on bonas were an follows : Klmine-lnl > IIIIH. DOS ION. April 14 Clearings. 16 C20.779 ; bal- ami" . J1.1S1.C4. : . 1IALT1MORE. April II Clearings , | 2,373C4S ; tialuncctJ , 4202.CCS NEW YORK , April -Clearings , JS2,62J,726 ; Ittlances , | 5.2:7MI. PHILADELPHIA. April -Clearings , 110,01 ! , . 67C. l > alancn , | lW2f < . CHICAGO , April 14 t'learlntii. 112 J92.710 ; New York exchange. 43c premium ; foreign exchange , firm ; demand. 14 HH , for flxty daj , J4 SC'4. ' HT 1/HJIB , April 14-C curnKii. | Jl WJ.432 ; bill , iinces , | (41Sis. Mone ) Bt/7 I r cent ; New \ork exchange , COc premium bid ; 7io premium uked. \Voii ! JlnrKelN. NEW YORK , April -\\OOI-rirmj neece. HOJIC. pulled , 1BO20C. UT. VOVia. April -WOOU-Bteady and un- OMAHA LIVE 'STOCK ' MARKET M I Receipts of Oattlo- Liberal and of Hogs RalHb/-Light. BUSINESS GENERALLY IS SATISFACTORY Acllie De-mil iid for llccf Sloer * ni Uooil , Slonllj' ' rt-lpeM Umlcr UrniU'n Ilu JIcttcr llrc , k Until } . SOUTH OMAHA , April 14.-nccclpts for the days liullcntcil wore : Cntlle. Hops. Sliccp. Horses. April H . 3,220 4.S73 3,433 April 13 . 2.2C3 3,009 2,5(2 April 12. . . . Z.1GS 1.20S 1.6oS April 10 . 1,3 < W 2 724 2.SOJ AprllS . 2,411 2,010 0X0 April 8 . 1,603 4,0-ilT 3,103 April 7 . 3,420 3,475 Z.oDl April 6. . . . . ' . . 1,9')7 3,323 1,719 . . . . April 5 . 1.052 ! ir-2 2.CS1 18 April 3 . 1,401 3.ZGI ROD CO April 2 . , . 1,9 > 9 4,112 1,79 12 April 1 . 1,393 3.2GS 1.33 March 31 . 2,224 3.002 2,439 Tlio oillclnl number of cnrs of slock brought In today by each road vvns : " Cattle. Hog-s. Sheep. O. & St. U Ity . i . . . 1 Missouri Paclllo lly . 3 2 1 U. P. system . i . 37 18 7 C. & N. AV. ny . . , . 4 1 . * 1rj. . & SI. V. U. II . 40 17 0 S. C. & P. Uy.- . 12 2 C. , St. P. , M. & O , Uy , . . . . . . & AI. n. u. n.t . 20 21 C. , H. & Q. lly . C K. C. KL St. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I C. , II. I. & P. lly. , cast. . . . . C. , R. I. & P. Uy. , west. . . l 2 3 Total receipts . 13ft 73 1' ' The disposition of 'the Ony's receipts was ns follows , ench buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Murom. Cattle. HOKS. Sheep Omaha Packing Co . 21 1,111 G. H. Hammond Co . 392 1,158 150 Swift and Company . 1,141 1,107 .50 . Cudahy Packing Co . 4 ( > 2 1,701 115 1 * . D. Armour. Chicago. . . S2ri . II. Becker and Ucgnn . 470 . Vansunt & Co . i. . . M . J. i , Carey . 100 . I.olimun & HotliBClilKlB. . . 3 . Hill & Lewis Co . 04 . Huston & Co . 33 . Krcbbs & Co . 21 . . . . SUrlock . 2.41S Other bujers . 109 . Left o\er . . . . . 60 . . . . Totals . 3,210 5,187 3,431 CATTL.I : ttecelptB of cattle vere llberi today and the largest since Wednesday of lust week , n very large proportion coiwlst- Ing of comfort beeves. The market ns u. whole was In very satisfactory condition. Beef steers were In active demand and the market opened early , the cattle selling freely at Rood , steady prices. In the mut ter of quality , the cattle showed up qul'e well , the great bulk selling Insldo the range , t4.20 < iT4.CO , with a top at $1 KU. By 10 o'clock the most of the cdttle In the yards had changed hands , and an early clearance was effected. Butchers' stock vvns also In good demand and the market nctlvo nt steady prices. The number of feeders In first bands VV.T > comparatively small , and while the demand was not large It \\usrsulllclent to clean up the supply. The prices puid were about the same as prcvallid on jestcrday's mar ket. Ilepresontatlva sales ; NATIVES. BEEF STEERS. inprlniccr. , . . , , 31 ' lions Receipts If , hogs were not BO very liberal , still they wcre''tho lament of nny day since March 30. The'rikelptu , however , did not cut much tlKure In * tlfp market . as the domi ' nant Influences cri'th provision market and the fact that jirlcWfciAvo | been too high tuio aa computed wlthTMher maikcls. balesmtn were ptrjiared for'ftbreak , and were not sur prised when II camej ' The market openetl IWISc lower nnd It held that wa > without ImjfihlUmenl. The great bulk of all the hogs eold ( it * 3 85 , aa agalnet 400 > ftur < liiy. Tlielfi'iuleie fairly ailho cnn. nldcrlni ; the lower lirlci'n , and the most of the hues sold early , ' 'J ' In rulte of the biVaUHhe market hero Is hluh , comparatlxely upcaKtngl The bulk of the hugs sold today at Kamiiis City at > 37Mj3SS , an against 13 65 here. Today's break leaves the market a shad higher than It was on Wednesday of last week and on the cfcrrerpondlng day of last month. One year ago today the average Price paid for hogH on tliU market was 13.49. Rt-p- itBtmutlvu tales ; At Mrs. Benson's Old Stand , 1519 Douglas Street AT AUCTION THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MAX MEYER & BRO , GO , Consisting of $100,000 Worth of WATCHES , DIAMONDS and JEWELRY , Will be sold at Pubic Auction to the highest bidder without reserve or limit , Every article warranted as represented or money refunded. Sale begins WEDNESDAY , APRIL 14. at 10 a. in , 2 p. HI. and 7 pHI , , and will continue until the entire stock is sold. Ladies are especially invited to attend this sale. Mrs Benson's Old Stand , 1519 Douglas Street 0) 279 (0 3 SS C7 SSS 40 3 Si ! r,1 272 tl > 35 49 287 240 385 64 254 80 3 Kr > 70 2'.S SO 3 83 81 262 . . . 3 8 * Co 232 CO 3 fi R8..t..250 ICO 3 85 f2 270 . . . 385 . . . . , . . . : SO 3 85 Cl 27 80 3 83 Ti 244 . . . 3 87W 70 230 . . . 3 83 G4 206 . . . 3 87i,4 10 251 . . . 3 S5 f,7 221 . . . 3 si-i CS 20 . . . 3 85 C8 239 . . . I ) * ? ' ! , Ill 2 < i3 . . . .1 S3 77 240 80 3 87'4 57 304 40 3 & 5 f,1 2 0 SO 38714 41 2ol . . . 283 M 2 < : S . . . 387 04 241 SO 3 fc5 70 239 . . . 3 M 73 2C9 . . . 385 71 248 ICO 3 DO 11 220 . . . 3 SB (0 223 . . . 3 ( K ) 10 2S7 . . . 3 r. 71 2IJ ICO 390 11 214 . . . 383 TIGS-ODDS ANt > HNDS. 1 GOO * 0 3 25 9 200 . . . 3 $0 1 4SO 80 323 1 300 . . . 3 N > 3 135 80 3 DO 2 3d3 . . . 3 80 16 113 . . . 3 CO 1 300 . . . 380 2 37r . . . 350 8 275 . . . 3 82U 1 510 . . . 3 60 6 253 . . . 3 S3. 1 430 . . . 3 70 4 297 . . . 3 85 1 290 . . . 375 C 236 . . . 385 1 4CO . . . 3 75 4 272 . . . 3 J-J 1 . . . . 40 40 375 9 253 . . . 3 S3 4. . . . 312 . . . 375 3 276 . . . 385 2 i.0 : . . . 375 9 303 . . . 385 2. . . . 23- , . . . 376 2 303 . . . 3 ! > 5 B. . . . . . 144 . . . 375 7 194 . . . 3 8r 6 . . .263 . . . 3 W 9 231 . . . A 85 8HI2U1' Tlie market was actlxo and fining , some westerns celling nt $485 , as aRtiln t X4 80 yesterday 13\cr > thliiB changed hands early In the nionilnir. Itiprcscntallvo tnlcu : No. Av 1'r. 2 Cllllt 65 J2 75 TO cillln 75 2 75 23 fccdem 82 4 00 95 fieders 82 400 115 native wethers 101 4 40 COO extern u ethers 96 4 C5 1310cslern jcnrllnKS 85 4 C5 H \cstcr.l } eir Ing ) 8J 4 C3 ire neitern wethers 117 4 S3 ICO western \\cthcrs lit ! 4 83 CHIC tOO I.IVK hTOCIC MAItlCUT. Cuttle mill HOKN u Dime I.oticr Tvltli iiood HOKTH Offerc'il.x \ CHICAGO. April 14 Trade In cattle was only fairly active rnd prices closed CJflOo lower , ex cept for the better class. The bulk , oil the cat tle so'.d at from 14 50 to * 5 00 , with n. few Bales of prime beeves at from. * 5 15 to J3 S3 Stockers and feeders cola clilclly at from f3 CO to Jl 25 , with choice feedlne cattle wanted nt from J4 30 to fl 40 Common ! to Rood canncrs sold at from J200 to J2.75 , while fair to Rood butcher cows mid frcelj at from } 3 00 to ? 3 75 nnd prime to extra heifers at from { 4 00 to J4 DO Hulls fold mostly nt from J2.DO to J3 C5 , calves were stendj nt from K DO to $500 and Texas cattle were unchanged. The lint ? market was lamely lOc lower , with the greater part of the sales at from $4 00 to 1415 Heavy packing lots found purchasers at from (3 85 to ! 4 10 nnd the best hogs brought )4 I1 ; early The offerings were mostly choice. Prices fop sheep were unchanged , with sales on a basis of from 13 25 to ( I DO for common to choice. Westerns sold at from } 4 00 to S5 00. with prime lots at.t5,33. Texaps.wcre v\anted nrouniF$4 7r T.niiYbs were active at from } 3 C5 to (6 10 fop poor to prime , Colorados nelllng at the top Spring lambs brought from $7 00 to J710 Colorado lamba were largely lOc loner , with Fnles at from J6 00 to SC 10 Itecelpts : Cattle , 13,000 head ; hogs , 25000 head , sheep , 15,000 head St. Loul * I,111StorU. . ST. I/OUIS , April 14 CATTMJ-Receipts. 2,500 lead ; market steady for natives ; Texans slow , fancy export steers 1525 ; fair to choice native shipping steers. 14234(500 , steers under 1,000 pounds , (3DO425 , ktocltem and feeders , WOOfT4fO , cows and mixed , Jl 5003 CO , Trxas anil Indians tteern , < 2 D0f4 30 ; cows and heifers , $2 OOJJ3 75. Iioab-Hccelpts. 7,000 head ; mnrket SiplOc lower ; lltht , J3 90S4 00 ; mixed , S370Q400. heavy , (3 COK4 05. Sill : ! : ! * llecelpts , 6,000 head , mirket steady to strong ; native muttons. $3 M(4 73 ; lambs , $4 COfrS 00 , Texas Bhecp , J3 OOO4 DO KMiiNUN C\t-\ IiStock. . KANSAS CITY. April 14 CATTLE ItcrclptB , 8000 hi ail Mnrl < it weak to lOc louer ; Texas Ktccrs , J325R470 , Texas co s , J28083JK ) , nntlve steers , 13 COJJ5 00 , nntlxc cons and lielfcrs , Jl 75 { 14 25 , stockers nnd feeders , $3 25J > 4 75 , bullH , J2 D0ff2 83 HOGS Ilccelpts , 13,0(0 head Market DfTlOc lower , bulk of siles , 13 7DS3 80. henvles , 13 70W 3 CO , packers M CIOT SO , mixed , J3 70S3 85 , llshti , J3COOT71 ; , Yorkers. 13703375 ; plfs , J300Jf3GD 8HKK1' Ilccelpts , C 000 hean Market ttrong , lambs f41Dt(80o ( , latter for fancy spring , mut tons , 13 Kfft 70 N MV Yorlc I.lie' Sluck. NHW YOUK. April 14 lllinVHS 925 head ; fairly active and firm , bt.igs nnd oxn , S27W425 , bulM , } 2CO@3CO , dr > cons , } 3 fD03 40 , cables quote American btccrx at 12c , sluep , 10 > W 13140 , refrigerator beef , S\Q10c , exports , DO.O.'O qunrtcrH of boef. RIIEii AND IjAMtlS-nccclptfl. 9,6.11 head ; Rilet > , D 900 head , quiet , and sllghtl ) i.isler for prlino sheep , unshorn sheep , J4 J3S3 23 , clipped sheep , J4 OOJi1" 71 , southern xhorn lambs , $34jj > BCJii , filliped hlicc ] > , tnWfiuCO IIOGb Itecelpts , 5,4T > 5 head , market firmer at (4 35&4 70. , Stock In Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal marketu for April 14 : Cattle Hogs Sheep. Omaha 3220 4873 3411 Chicago 130i2300 > 13 WO KanmiH city sooo n&j ( roe St. iLouls 2 DO ) 7fOO COm ) Totals 26,7.0 49,873 CO 413 Pull Ill\ < - I'rlut Cli.tli 1lnrKi- ( . TALI. IlIViil. Mass. April 14 Tlio print cloth market Is very dull at 2 'J-lCc. SI. IiiiiilM ( .I'lii-ral VIiirKeln , HT. I.OUIB , April 14 IT OUIl Dull , steaiU and unchangfd , patents , (3DOi(370 ( , < xtru fnney , Jl 33 OS 35. fnncj , 13 I0jr310 , choice , JJ 1D3 25. \V1II3AT The ptculatlVL mirket vuis Blow nnl lull ut the opening and for M > III time afterward , owing to the laclt of nupport loiter the innikrt rullldl nnd after lluctuatlng within tne rnniju of 1 ( cnt , clobed rfiuly to fractions holier than > csteidn > bpot , higher , Nn 2 led cash , tle- \ntor 'J-'c bid , track Ul'/.flWc ' , No 2 hard c.uli , Kflic , May , bi',4c ; July , 73o n Ked ; AUKIIBI , 70'ic ( X3K.N" l ituri-u fipeneil dull and lower , but nil- ltd and clr ed firm hpot steady , No 2 cabh , 'In bid. May. 21Tiu bid , Jul ) , KWo bid , Septem. ber. 24Ho bid. OATS futures dull and slow ; cloning easier. Spot dull and lower , No , 2 each , ISc bid , May , 18'c ' bid , July , IBc bid ltyi-Hll.her at 34c , track. llAHUn Nominal I POUN MiAItl : 40 (1 ( 45. IIHAN Dull nnd uealc , sacked , cast tiaclc , would tell at 4SifDOc , HAY Hiemlj 1.11 1 unchanged ; timothy , } S Mip 13 DO , prairie , J4W5J8IO. lll'TTiH nnnci , enamery , 1301Sio ! ; dairy , SOIDc. IXIQEI IIlBhcr nt 8c. WHIBK1 httndy nt II 19 MIJTAI.S Unil lower at I312',483 17'a ' Spel- er. llrm nt J3 92H COTTON Tlis-IJnc'iangcd. : IIAKHNG-Uncliail i > d. I'ROVIhlONH I'ork. lower ; ttnnilard mess , Job. ilrit , IV.10flh.T5 I ml lower , prime ttcorn , 14 ; choice , H UJ'i ' ] ! aion ( bo\d ) rhoulddx , { 503 ; c-xtra short cleai , I5D7V > , ribs , T'13. n'lorts , 5 22V4 Dry salt meats llwxed ) f houldi-ni. li , extra tliort elrar , J5 , ribs , | 5 13 , ehorts { 5 22V. I'OUI.THY 4Tilckenii , steady ; hens , CflCHo per lound ; xprlnfa. (300 < | 400 i er dozen , turlujn , Irm , SljBllc , ducku , llrm , T'ii'S'ic ' , ecese , dull , { Ne. HCC'iniTH riour. 4 OfO bbls , wheat , 1,000 bu j com. 23 000 bu ; oats , 19.000 bu BIlirMIJNTS Hour , 2 WO Mil * , ; wheat , 17,000 bu. ; turn , ? 2bCO lu , ; outs , 3CKO bu. NEW YOIIK. April 14 COITii : Options were stead ) ; March , unclmiiKCd olhtr month * S to 10 points lower , following tnulir iuri : < pean narketB. llrazlllan markets and small dellvtrlen n this country , market dull In the mornlnif , advanced kharply In the afternoon on uliurt coverlnK und unfavorable late European coble * ; clofed linn , nllli prlrra IGiJID i > olnU net ad vance ; inks , 18 DOO bags , Includlnir April , (6 IK ) , May , 17,00 Spot , tUady at the advance ; No. 7 , Invoice , J7 87W : jobbing. 7 MW Mild , iiulfl and steady ; Cordova I137D01C2& : tulm 10000 IxtK ) ; trot , 17.37V , 2.W ) buns Klo , No. 7 , 1700 < | V 31W. and 300 l.ngfl Maracalbo p , I : ? W bat , * Central American p. I. , total uarthoutu de- llverltx from the t'nltt-J Htatev. 8,734 bauB In- cludlnx 7.H7 ba s from New York ; New York utock today , S36 miaii * : United Htaie * stock , 408,767 LBK < ; oHoat for the United States , % * > , - ROO bnKB ; total visible for the United States , C992S7 bns , nirnlnst 411.07 ? Ings la t > cnr. SANTOS , April -COrPKi : . tend > , RooO avrrngc S no , 8 S30 lels , receipts. 1C.OOO bags ; slock , 476 000 HAMIlUIin , April H-COKrun-UnchnncciI. . sales , 13 WO hags 1110 1)13 JANI3IUO , April 14.-COrrnn-rirm ! No 7 Rio. 7'JOO rels ; exchange , 7 11-lCd ; re- cclnts , 4 000 bags ; cleared fun the United Stales , < > 00) lings , cleared for Kuropp , 2,000 bncs ; stcck , 274 000 liari. iiAVitn. April -corrii3-noKcd stwidy , M higher to % f loner ; talcs , 15CW bngi. Iilvcriiool Crnlii unit I'rnv Ulnim. I.lVKItPOOU Ap 11 H-WlinAT-rulur s uul | . April , nominal ; .Mnj , " Cs 9 < 4d ' ,0 higher , June not quoted , JulJ , Ds 9'4d "id higher CORN Spot , quiet rmurcs , quiet ; April , steady , 2s CVd , May , stend ) . 2n Cd TI OUR ririn , St I/ouls fancy winter , fs 3d. HOI'S At Ixtidon (1'aclllc ( coast ) , C5783i I'UOVISlONh Ileef extra Imlli mpf fCs Id ; prtino nicsK. 47s ftl. J'ork , firm ; prime inn's , line weftcrn , fOs , prime mccs , nudlum uistirn * ' * Hani . short cut , 14 to 16 Ibi , llrm nt 43s 2d 11 icon , long clcir middles , lien\j. 40 to 43 Ibs. , nrm , 2Cs , clear ( jollliu. 12 to 14 Ibs tlrm 2&x Shoulder ? , fquare , 12 to 14 Ibs , firm , 2Cs I-.il < 1 , spot steidj , 22 CIinnsi3 American , finest white nnd colored , DCs Cd TALLOW Prime city , 18s Cd. L.INSIID on.-ir . ( VIIIINIIN Cllv Crnlii a ii it I'rovlMtnnn. KANSAS CITY , April 14 WI1I3AT Market dull nnmlnilly stondj , No 2 hard. 77c ; No 3 7iM)75c ) , No 4 , CSHQC-kj ; No 2 red , 93c , No 3 red , 92c , No 4 red , TOSSOc , No. 2 spring , 77Ifc , No 3 spring , 71Q74C. CORN Spot , about He higher ; mnrket active ; No. 2 mixed , 20'ie21e. ' OATS Matket firm ; trade light ; No. 2 white , nominally , 20f21c. HYi"1-Mnikcl weak ; No S , nominally , Me. HAY Mnrket llrm , unchanged timothy , & 9 00 , prnlrle , IS 00 IJUTTnR Market vvenkcr ; receipts exceed de mand ; creamery , 15l4iT17p dairy , HUGS Market nrm. 7'40'Sc. ' _ - „ „ - MarKc'd. NEW YORK. April H SPGRRiw , dull , fair refining , 2 11-lCc , centrifugal , if test , 3 5-lCc Refined , dull , mold A , 4 ? c standard A , 4l c ; confectioners' A , 4'hiC ' ; cut lo-if , Gi4c ; crushed , GHc ; powdered , 45c , granulated , 4'4c. cubes , 4.c. 4.c.LONDON LONDON , April 14 SUGAR Heet , April , Ss IXDNDON , April 14 All the exchange- ! will bo closed on Good Friday , on Saturday follow ing and on Monday next. IVorlii Market * . PEORIA. April 14 COIJN Steadj. No 2. 22'c. ' OATS Inactive ; No 2 white. 20201c. WHISKY Mnrlttt stc-ui > , finished goods on the basis of $1 19 for high wlnei RECEIPTS Corn , 23 200 bu ; oils , 26 750 bu rje , COO bu . whlsltj. 75 bbls ; wheat , 3000 bu SIIIPMENTS-Corn 5750 bu ; oats , 18150 bu. ; rje , none ; whlskj , COO bbls ; wheat , 1,800 bu X * T - York Dry ( JoodN Mnrlcct. NEW YORK , April 14 As the cotton goods nnrket nt first hands was practically deserted , because of the unusual Interest minlfeslcd In the nuctlon pale , bujers of woolen and silk goods also underwear nnd ho'lery , were on the alert nnd considerable advance business was placed. Printing cloths were quiet but steady at 2 9-lCc. Toll-do MnrkftN. TOLEDO , April 14 WHEAT Higher nnd nrm ; No 2 cash. 91c ; May , 92c CORN Active and cnsy ; No 2 mixed , 23'/5C. ' OVTS rinn ; No 2 mixed , 18c. IH E Dull nnd higher , No 2 cash , 34c. CLOVER bEED Active ; prime cash , (4 30 OIL Unchanged. MliiiicniioIlH Wlient QuotnUoiiH. MINNEAI'DLIS. April 14 WHEAT Hrm : May. C74c ; July , C7Tic. September , CS c , No 1 bird , ' 0\c ; No. 1 northern. CSc. receipts , 201 Oil Cltj OIL CITY. To , , April 14 No quotations for certificate oil ; credit bilanco" . unchanged ; runs , 96,915 bbls , shipments , 99,637 bbls. Snii PrniiolNtMiVlicnt ftuotiiUoiiN. SAN rUANflsrO. April 14 WHEAT Quiet ; May. 122 4 , December , 51 12' , Korolern Pliiniiulnl. PARIS April 14 Three per cent rentes , 102f fie for the account , exchange on London , 23f 12c for checks LONDON , April 14 The amount of bullion withdrawn from the flank of England to1a > wns 375000 and II n amount gone Into the bink was 2" 000panMi 4s CO'id ' Gold Is quoted at IIIIIMIOH A > res today nt 19323 , nt Lisbon , 47 , at Home , 105 47 , I1AHO.N WA\TIJI1 IV SVX F Oiniilia 1'iille'ito Hi * AnKiMl to Arrcnt Htm on Arrival. SAN FRANCISCO , April 14. Charles J , Ainold , alias Haron Hobert von Tiirkholm will probably bo brought back to answer tea a crnrRe of bigamy. A warrant for Ills ar rest has been Issued by1 Judge Allen of Oak land npnn the complaint of his drat wife , whom ho deserted six months ago , and from whom ho lias never been divorced. Tlie Oakland chief of police wired at once to the Omaha chief of police to arrest the bogus baton upon his arrival In that city and to dcialn him until an ofllcpr with rcriulBltlon papers may be unit to fetch him back to California. On liln return a charge of per jury will also be filed against him , based on tlio false afllrmatlon he- made last Satur day regarding Me name when he procured the license tn marry Jcannlc Young. Clil"f of Police Sign art bca received a telegram from the chief of police of San Kianclsco ohklng If the woman In the case , Jcnnnlo Young , the additional wife of Charles J , Arnold , the qllogcd German baron , was rcglHtercil at a prominent hotel In tills rltj. Detectives were at once Edit to all the local hotels , but neither ( ho vvlfo extraor dinary nor any I race of her could he found. The police vvero not asked to arrest either of the pai tics. _ VoorlKTN1 Iti-ailll IIM ! , ! < In .SInlc. TKHIin HAl'TIJ. I ml , April HThn ro- maliiH of ex-Roniitor Daniel W. Voorhcrs luno lieen ! > lnR In Htiitti at tno Tern- Haute IIOUSP , whcie a conntant Htre.un of callon IUIH pTs-snl In review nil dny AmoiiK thosu vNho called to pay the hiHt trihulo wa < x- Secrelary of Iho Nmv I liehardV Thoinp- Ken , Tim Jackson club prov filed tlio vvalch- eis , who stood Ktiard In ciiuidi ! of four , lervlnif nix hoiirH each , The funeral will ho lu Id nt 'J p m lomoriow nt Ht , Btcphon'fl I'plRcopal churcli , from which Mrs , VoorhccH was burled ten y < ar ago HrooUI ) n Out of lr > Doclc. PHl ADnLPHIA , April 14 Ttm United States crnlHor llrooklyn , which HUH Injured In the Ice goreo In the Dulnvvarn In January , WAH successfully lloulnl out of lh dry dock nt I.paguo Itiland Navy yard today It now HIM atanchor In the De'awnro rivrr , wheio the finishing touches will he admin- Isle-red be-fore thu bl thlp Is declare l sea- wcrthy. _ IIINI | | - > IN TriiulilfK of n ln > . NOniHSTOWN , P.I , . April -Tho Long- mead Iron compiny and the roimhohoikui Tube compiny of Connhohocken have gonu Into the blinds of ncehcrH. The falluro IH the largest that has over occurred 111 this county. Tim nubilities will amount tn ahoul 1300,003. The assets will not be o\cr tlDOCOO. rirt * It-i-nril for n Ia > . CHICAGO , Aptll M. Kl-p today destroyed thu Gorman IIOUKU at Kcimlncloii , A num ber of guests on Iho third und fourth lloors had to ho n moved by ladders. Tno vvome-n VVITO rescued In an unconscious condition I/oss , > 3DOO SluUt * L'oiiceHNloiiM I i MILWAUKUi : , April H. A contract for a year between the JUroveru' union and the fflTRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES Y purchasing uoods ntitda nt tlie fIlowhn ) Nebras ka f ictorius. It you emu not find Avhut you want , communicate with the manufacturers n to w Ii a t do.tlcrs hnndlo thuir aoodu. 3 = c = 5 = sssc UAQS. UUULAV AND TWINE. 1IUMIS OMAHA 1IAU CO. Manufacturer ! of all klnJi of cotton and bur- tap bags , cotton flour carki and twine a laity C14-SI6 18 8. llth St. OMAHA IIKUU'I.NU ASSOCIATIO.N. Car load ililpmcnts innde In cur own rcfrit. , .irator cars , li'.ue Ribbon , Elite Exoort. Vlcno Expert and Pamlly Export delivered to all pa.tu of the city. IKON WOltKB 1JAIS X CUXVlilLL , lltu.N WOKK * . Iron nnil ll-ran * Fouudcra. Manufactures tnd Jobbers of Machinery. Oen. yal repairing a rfcialtv. i601. 1COI and 1501 rtckson street , Omaha , Nto. % l.MJUbTKIAI. IHO.WORKS. . llonufucturlng and repalrlne of ail klnrts ot machinery , engines , pumw. eltvutor * . pi-ntlng pre&ies. Imngtrii , shatuns ana couplings 14(8 ( and 1IOS Honnrd St. , Omaha. 1'AA'IO.V & . VIBULIAG HlOft IVOUKS. Manufaeturers at Archlt-cutral Irin Work. General I'oundry. ilachiue and Illackmnltr work , nnslncci-s nnd Contractor * for Fir * Proof nulld- Inits Office and works : U. P. Ry. tnd Bo. ' 7th street. Omahn. SHIUT FACTOHIES. J. .U. UVAAS > .NUllUAS'liblllltT CO.Ml'A \ V. Ulxcluslv * custom ihlrt tailor * . ISW Farnam. WAGONS AND CAHHIAGI . A. J. hMll'SO.V. 1 KID , 1111 DinlKc. rull line of Carrlnpcs , lURKle , Phaetons , Pony Carts. Wheclu rubber tired. CThc best IB the cheapest. > TENTS AND AWNINGS. AMnitlCA.V TK. > T AMI AAV.MNG CO. > wnlnss. Tents , Horse Covers , lrlags and Ptullns Tnntn for rent. Sulesroom 611 South Sixteenth street. Teleohono 40C DYI3 WORKS. SCHOKDSACIC'Jj TW1.V C1TV DYI3 WOUK.S , l. l I-nriiaiii St. Djeliis and cleaning of garments and Koods of every desrrlptlon. cleaning of line gannents a specialty. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 10. ) ! ) . Omuliu , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : SfOIJ ] Uoard of Trade. Dliect wires to Chlcouo and New York. Correspondents : John A. Warren & Co. l.H IIAIM. & JI I.I > C..N M'l.C'Il'H .t cm Iw l\cn ulllMiul Uio Idiontrilco mf < lic iialloiit Inioffu ti a ur arllclm of food , " 111 clfrct a rerinniirnt iml "luuly ciirn , i hftlior tba pnilpiit I B moilrritf ililnVinrun alcoholic wrech. Hook of p.irllciil sis fie . In be hud of Kuhn A < . . ISt'l A P uulu. r t , Omaha. N D. GOIOEN SPECIFIC CO. . Prop's , Cincinnati , 0. f. r II U | i nh on Mnrnitln * H hll. m IIM fft PROPOSALS POP. ritnsn nrci AND Mutton. llraclniinrlcra Dcpartmont of the I'Intto , Ollle'i' Chief CominlsHary of Snb- * lntence , Om ilia , JCrb. , April 10 , 1S07. Soali a proposal . In trlii'lc.ilc , nccoinpnnle'tl Ly written Ktinrantpn bonilH , In duplicate , will bo recelve-il nt thlH olllce , .until 11 o'cloek n. in , ccntrnl slnmliiul time- , May 15 , 1897 , nt which time nnil n'nce ' they will bo opcncit In prrit'iioe of lildderH , for furnlHliliiK Htieli ilimntltlcs of frp.ih bpcf nnd mutton for Issues , as may IIP rebuild ! b > the Subsist \ ence Drpnitment. U , S. Army , ut Omnlin. N brnsk i , Torts Crook , Romnson nr.d Nlo- lir.tr.i , NfliriiHkiv , nnd Torts 1) A. Kiixacll nnd Wnshulclu nnd C'amp Pilot Hutie , Wyo ming , nnd Kort Mcnde > , S. n , dnrlni ; the period < otnine-ficliiR Jul > 1 , iW" , and ndlnif Dcee-mbcr 31 , 1VI7 I'roposms will nlso ba rrcelvcil until 10 o'clock a in. mountain nlandard time , and opcjuil at tlio posts ot Flirts Nlobinra , Itobtnson , J ) . A. Itus ell. WiiBhnklc , Mcndo and Camp Pilot Ilutto. by tlie respertlvc- post < ommlssarles of sued posts , e-ach coinmlisary ricclvlnif pro posals for Ills own post unly. Proposals will also IIP rceelvcd stating tlio prlco at which Urn bidder will deliver fresh bec-f op mutton of the chiinii ler stated in the speci fications and to bo delivered of te-inpurntnra not preate-r than M dcrrien ( Knlirenhelt. Kull Infoi million furnlsliid on nppllentlon hero or to coinmlFcnry at any post author ized to open pioposnls Government reserves serves italit to reject any or nil proposals or nny part of any proposal Unvulopeu coiitnlnlnK prornsiils Htiuuid be marlatt "PropoHals fet Fie-sli H < e f nnd Mutton , " nnd address d to uiuli-i sltrned or commis sary nt post iitithorlzt il to reecho propos iln. THANK i : NYi : , Major find O. 8. Milwaukee bruvvlu eomptinlcs linu finally been slKfied by Krnst Kiirgrnknahu of Ht. I.ouls , secretary of thu National Ifruwers' union The hours of labor remain tno same IIH last jcai ten A slUht iidviiiico wa mndo In ihu vvaies of te-amsUrs , firemen , ollera tind Icemen The nun tain other minor eonecsslons They Ink ml to demand an eight-hour day next > car. AiiiliiiHKiulor H" > 'inllM fur lionilon. NUNS' YOUK , April 14. Colonel John Hay , United Stairs ambassador to tlio court of St. James , nulled for Cn lnml today on tlio steamship .St. Paul , Ho wua accompanied by his vlfo and eldest daughtor. Kx-Hcp- rcBentutlvu Perry llulmoiit v\a oUo ainont ; thu paHuengcrs. Ho Is goliif ; abroad for u stay of scve'ral months. Tlircn llurli'il In n V , Idaho , Al'rll H. A snowslldo at the llaltlinoru mine , near Kctclmm , re sulted In the death of a man nameil Whlto , Tred Till ford and his C-e > ar-old Btep on. They were catiKht In the ulldu while on the nay to their cabin and covered up to a depth of fifty or sixty feet. The body ot White has not ytt bleu reeovercd. ( 'nllH Hull mi Appropriation * . AUSTIN , Te-x. , April H Qovcrnor C'ul- berson threw u liombtnell Into lenlnlutlva clreles today by velolntr a bill uinroprlatlnc r J25 , 0 to buy ( he Ban Jii < Into buttle Kroumlu near Houblon , Tex. , and took occasion to > cull the attention of thu legbdaturu to Ita vvusteful extravucancevnen the stute wuji tn sucli a depressed financial condition.